NCERA_OLD103: Specialized Soil Amendments and Products, Growth Stimulants and Soil Fertility Management Programs (NCERA-103)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/01/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/15/2007
- 11/15/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Ferguson, Richard - University of NebraskaFranzen, David - North Dakota State University
Lentz, Ed - The Ohio State University
Sawyer, John - Iowa State University
Kaiser, Dan - University of Minnesota
Warncke, Darryl - Michigan State University
Camberato, James - Purdue University
Fernandez, Fabian - University of Illinois
Scharf, Peter - University of Missouri
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/03/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/12/2008
- 11/12/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Fernandez, Fabian (fernande@uiuc.edu) - University of Illinois; Camberato, James (jcambera@purdue.edu) - Purdue; Sawyer, James (jsawyer@iastate.edu - Iowa State University; Warncke, Darryl (warncke@msu.edu) - Michigan State University; Kaiser, Daniel (dekaiser@umn.edu) - University of Minnesota; Scharf, Peter (ScharfP@missouri.edu) - University of Minnesota; Ferguson, Richard (rferguson1@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska; Franzen, Dave (David.Franzen@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University; Lentz, Edwin (lentz.38@osu.edu) - Ohio State University; Mullen, Robert - Ohio State University; Diedrick, Keith - Ohio State University; Ruiz Diaz, Dorivar - Kansas State University; Boring, Tim - Michigan State University; Rector, Natalie - Michigan State UniversityBrief Summary of Minutes
Minutes from 2007 were approved - D. Warncke motioned approval, J. Sawyer second. Motion passed.IA-Sawyer received inquiries about a long list of products this season- Avail, Carbon Boost-Carbon Power, Accomplish, X-Tra Power, Folic acid, Humic acid, Quickroots, N-Pact, Nutri-Plant AG, Vitazyme, MegaGro, Bio-Forge (U of I and TX field studies have been conducted), Pro Act, Torque IF, CoRon, Super Bio, Super Soil Builder, Advanced Microbial Solutions (a company), BTN+, Nutrisphere-N (NSN), Volagro Nutrecology Products (company) with the following products- Actiwave-Axilo Briz-Calbit-Feature Pro-MC extra- Megafol-Radifarm-Retrosol-Viva-Brextl-Benefit PZ- Kendal-Sweet.
Also, foliar manganese when using Roundup. BTN+ has a class-action lawsuit against it (AGP product).
ND N-Pact/Wetsol/tractor exhaust soil deliver system/NSN/Ganix-products/Accomplish/GP urea-formaldehyde, Accomplish, N-Sure (Tesserando-Kerley). Will have experimental results to share with N-Pact, Wetsol, Accomplish, GP, N-Sure.
OH-County agents can do research on these products (Farm Focus)
There was a lot of winter activity, but as spring work broke, the calls decreased
NSN work for Robert Mullen frustrated by his name backing seemingly positive results in ads, when real results showed no differences. One location showed response. Worked with Avail. GP, TAPPS (Exactrix system).
Purdue- CoRon, Avail, Nutrisphere-N, Dow (Instinct) and GP product-calcium/magnesium ratio lime, pelletized lime,
KS- Avail, pelletized lime, humic acid. Avail work assigned to county agents, fall 2008. Provided protocol that is statistically valid.
MN- Avail, Jumpstart, foliars Coron, NSN. Hydrahume (Helena). Soygreen EDDHA-positive results.
MI- Foliar-CORON types- Pacer, foliar micronutrients, Avail, NSN, biological from Brazil, GP-N-Fusion, Floratine marketed to turfgrass. ESN and GP in sugar beets.
SD- A number of products were examined or received inquiries from industry/growers. Nutrisphere-N (NSN), Nitramin/N-Fusion (GP) slow release, Jump Start, Avail, Quick Roots, Ocean Trace, Trisert, N-Pact, CoRoN, Accolade.
SDSU work- 2 years work with NSN; 2 years work with Nitramin/N-Fusion; 1 year with Avail; Quick Roots- 2008; Ocean Trace (AG-USA markets as a foliar micronutrient source- soybean and wheat in 2007; Trisert-2008.
IL- Avail, NSN, rock phosphate, Dow product (Instinct). OH, MO also did work on Instinct- one replication as dictated by DOW. (OH had more than one rep).
MO- Sea-90 sea salt. Avail, Agri-cal. Has ENS data. Started CORON foliar/broadcast urea. Agrotain, NSN and urea, calcium ammonium nitrate. Others with NSN studies Lloyd Murdock (KY), Glenn Harris (GA), Rick Norman (Arkansas) with respect to NSN.
NE- CoRoN or similar products- coal-based product out of PA. ESN and N-Fusion some benefits.
There was considerable discussion on whether the 103 committee should expand its mission to include fertilizer enhancers, N extenders, nitrogen transformation inhibitors (urease, nitrification and denitrification). The discussion suggested that most were in favor of such an expansion, since many in the group are already evaluating these kinds of products and discussion of these products has routinely emerged in our state reports during the past several years.
The committee recommended that the chair request a program and mission expansion after reviewing our current mission and program statements and asking Dr. Beyrouty to consider our suggestion.
The committee will then vote via email to authorize the chair to move forward to investigate including fertilizer enhancers , extenders, nitrogen transformation inhibitors and slow release products in our mission statement and purpose.
Website maintenance- Purdue is cleared to put website there. This would compliment IA compendium. Richard and Dave would put together an outline of materials to put on the site.
Minutes submitted by Dave Franzen, recording secretary and 2008-09 NCERA-103 chair.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/29/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/16/2011
- 11/17/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2011