NCERA_OLD13: Soil Testing and Plant Analysis

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[10/04/2007] [09/08/2008] [04/07/2009] [07/02/2010] [03/31/2011]

Date of Annual Report: 10/04/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/26/2007 - 02/27/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007


Brouder, Sylvie ( - Purdue University; Mallarino, Antonio ( - Iowa State University; Hill, Brian ( - Iowa State University; Mengel, Dave ( - Kansas State University; Martin, Kent ( - Kansas State University; Warncke, Darryl ( - Michigan State University; Dahl, Jon ( - Michigan State University; Nathan, Manjula ( - Missouri State University; Gelderman, Ron ( - South Dakota State University; Peters,John ( - University of Wisconsin; Reid, Keith ( - Ontario; Laboski, Carrie ( - University of Wisconsin

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCERA 013 Committee was held February 26 and 27, 2007 in Bettendorf, Iowa. Seven of the 12 participating states were represented. An ex-officio representative from Ontario also attended. The primary activities have involved evaluation work on new soil buffer pH methods (Mehlich, and Sikora) that do not use hazardous chemicals for use in determining lime requirement, cooperative work (with SERA-17) on evaluating methods for water soluble P in manures, and revision of the NCERA-13 Recommended Procedures Publication" (NCR 221). New chapters on What is a Soil Test? and Soil Test Correlation/Calibration and being planned. A new white paper on Planning, Conducting and Evaluating On-farm Trials is being prepared. A website for the NCERA-13 Committee is being developed and will be hosted by Purdue University. A survey of soil testing will be conducted to determine the procedures used for micronutrients and the data base used for interpreting the test results.

Following the business meeting, the NCERA-13 Committee held the 18th SoilPlant Analysts Workshop, February 27-28. Attendance was 80, composed of soil/plant analysts from commercial and university testing labs, consultants and university research/extension specialists. Fourteen presentations on various aspects of soil testing and plant analyses were presented. Copies of the proceedings are available from Darryl Warncke, Michigan State University ( The next Workshop is being planned for February 2009.


Buffer pH: J. Peters (Ch), C. Laboski, D. Mengel, M. Nathan, B. Hill<br /> Waste disposal of SMP buffer is becoming an issue with soil testing labs. Penn State has changed to the modified Mehlich buffer. Wisconsin has switched to the Sikora buffer after evaluating the Mehlich and Sikora buffers. <br /> <br /> The objectives of this committee are to develop guidelines for evaluating alternative buffers and then carry out the evaluations with participating labs.<br /> <br /> Education: (D. Warncke)<br /> The NCERA-013 and the 4-State workshops have been merged. Approximately 75 pre-registered for the workshop to be held February 27-28, 2007 at this location. The actual attendance for the workshop was 80. Following a discussion it was decided that the NCERA-013 workshop will be held every other year with the next one tentatively scheduled for February 2009 at a site to be determined. <br /> <br /> Publication: <br /> The committee discussed the various chapters of Publication 221 (Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region) to determine which ones require revision.<br /> <br /> Ch. 1 Soil Sample Preparation  No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 2 Standard Soil Scoop - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 3 Laboratory Factors Important to Soil Extraction - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 4 pH and Lime Requirement  Revision needed to include new buffer work. A buffer pH subcommittee was established to work with this issue.<br /> <br /> Ch. 5 Nitrate-Nitrogen - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 6 Phoshorus  ICP vs. colorimetric Mehlich P information needs to be added to this chapter. Antonio Mallarino and Doug Beegle will rewrite this chapter.<br /> <br /> Ch. 7 Potassium and Other Basic Cations - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 8 Sulfate-Sulfur  John Peters will review and determine if changes are needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 9 Micronutrients  A survey of states will be conducted by Keith Reid and Darryl Warncke to determine what data (calibrations/recommendations) are currently in place.<br /> <br /> Ch. 10 Boron - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 11 Chlorides - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 12 Soil Organic Matter - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 13 Soil Salinity - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 14 Greenhouse Root Media - No major changes needed.<br /> <br /> Ch. 15 Lab QA/QC  An update from Hoskins and Wolf should be available that can be used in the revised publication. Manjula Nathan has contacted the authors and requested the update which will not be available until sometime later this year.<br /> <br /> Two new chapters were proposed. S. Brouder and D. Mengel (co-chairs), assisted by C. Laboski and A. Malarino<br /> <br /> New Chapter #1  What is a Soil Test? <br /> New Chapter #2  Soil Test Correlation/Calibration <br /> Sylvie Brouder and Dave Mengel will work on these two new chapters.<br /> <br /> The group agreed that a chapter or paper on "What is a Soil Test?" should be prepared and that a chapter or paper on "Soil test correlation /calibration" should be prepared to add to the NCERA 221 publication. The group also discussed the idea of adding a section to each chapter indicating what method each state uses for measuring that parameter and whether the state has calibration data for their test. This would include a brief summary of why a method is used by a particular state. There was also discussion regarding including in each chapter the method(s) each state lab uses. There was no consensus on doing this.<br /> <br /> <br /> Manure: J. Peters (Ch), Keith Reid <br /> The evaluation of several laboratory measurements of water soluble P is ongoing. Initially, two primary methods for analyzing manure water extractable P (WEP) were studied. One developed in PA by Pete Kleinman of the USDA-ARS (with assistance of Andrew Sharpley, Doug Beegle and Ann Wolf) and one developed in Arkansas by Phil Moore. The methods vary in the solids:solution ratio (1:10 for the AK method, 1:200 for the PA method) and in sampling basis (wet weight for AK, dry weight for PA). There were concerns/issues with both methods. Concern with the AK method is that the solids (dry):solution ratio varies and impacts the ability of this test to predict runoff P over a wide range of manures. Concern with the PA method is that it is difficult to take a large enough sample size for manures with high variability (e.g. poultry manures with large wood chips) and get a representative sample. <br /> <br /> A subcommittee of the SERA-17 work group conducted a sample exchange with about 15 labs. Following this study, this group recommended a compromise method of 1:100 (dry wt. basis). One of the problems is that in several states field studies that have been done were based on earlier extraction ratios and a method switch may affect the interpretation of the results. Also, the codes have been written in some cases referencing the original methods. Both groups are working toward the use of the 100:1 method. A paper has been submitted for publication on this work. In addition to trying to determine the correlation between 200:1 or 10:1 numbers with the new 100:1 values, Ann Wolf is working on evaluating the use of oscillating shakers which are commonly available in soil testing laboratories. The MAP program is now accepting WEP data based on the 100:1 method. Eventually, this new method should be added to the manure methods manual.<br /> <br /> No specific activity is planned for this subcommittee in 2007-08.<br /> <br /> Website: S. Brouder (Ch), Manjula Nathan, Antonio Mallarino, Darryl Warncke<br /> It was agreed that the committee needs to get a website up and functioning. Sylvie Brouder volunteered the assistance of a web site specialist at Purdue to work on setting up a NCERA-013 web site. She subsequently received approval from her department chair for this activity. <br /> <br /> <br /> Sensing: D. Mengel (Ch), M. Nathan, R. Gelderman, J. Dahl<br /> This new subcommittee will look at both field level and remote sensing. The committee will interact with researchers involved in this type of work to gather information.<br /> <br /> <br /> White Paper: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating On-farm Trials. Keith Reid will take the lead on this. A draft version has been prepared by Keith and George Rehm, and is awaiting input from Antonio on some work done in Iowa with combine yield monitors. It may end up being split into two or three white papers, dealing with single comparisons, and multi-rate trials.<br /> <br /> NAPT<br /> A general discussion on the NAPT program was held. The program hired a new coordinator (Janice Kotuby-Amacher) in March 2006. Currently there are about 173 labs in the program, which is down from 2006 but close to the long term average. The NAPT oversight committee is working closely with the new coordinator to help run the program. A trial PAP program was run for the past few years which involved double blind samples. The cost of this program ($1250/year) was prohibitive so the program was modified for 2007. Beginning in 2007 states that do not have their own certification program can opt for this revised PAP program. The cost will be the NAPT cost + $200/year. The program will provide an evaluation of the participating labs and approve the labs for soil testing if they meet the criteria specified by the national program.<br /> <br /> One criticism of the NAPT program has been the lack of low pH soils. All NCERA-013 members are strongly encouraged to collect soils to contribute to the program, particularly soils with low pH. Janice can pay for shipping, and for buckets if necessary. Each exchange needs a minimum of 16 x 5 gallon pails of each soil type. To save shipping costs and labor, the soils should be air dried for shipping.<br />


Warncke, Darryl (ed.). 2007. Proceeds of Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Brouder, Sylvie. 2007. Buildup/Drawdown of soil potassium for Indiana soils. Pages 1-6. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Laboski, C. A. M., J. B. Peters, and M. J. Repking. 2007. Evaluation of modified Mehlich and Sikora buffers for lime recommendations in Wisconsin. Pages 18-28. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Laboski, C.A.M., J.E. Sawyer, D.T. Walters, L.G. Bundy, R.G. Hoeft, G.W. Randall, and T.W. Andraski. 2007. Evaluation of the Illinois soil nitrogen test in the North Central Region. Pages 46-53. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A. P. and J. Prater. 2007. Long-term soil P, yield and P removal in corn-soybean rotations managed with no-tillage. Page 7. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Mengel, D., K. Martin and D. Tucker. 2007. Chloride fertilization and soil testing in Kansas. Pages 31-35. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Nathan, Manjula. 2007. Evaluating soil pH buffers for determining lime requirement in North Central Region. Pages 8-17. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Peters, John. 2007. Testing soil for sulfur: Methodology and need. Pages 54-62. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Reid, Keith. 2007. Nitrogen availability from manure. Pages 81-87. In Darryl Warncke (ed) Eighteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop, Bettendorf, IA.<br /> <br /> Dobermann, A., R. Ferguson, G. Hergert, C. Shapiro, D. Tarkalson, D. Walters, C. Wortmann. 2006. Should we abandon soil testing and yield goals in estimating nitrogen rates for corn? In Proceedings of the 36th North-Central Extension Industry Soil Fertility Conference, November 7-8. Des Moines, IA. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD. <br /> <br /> Nathan, M., Scharf, P. and Y. Sun. 2006. Evaluating Mehlich III extractants for Available Nutrients for Missouri Soils using Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry. In: Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 2005. Agronomy Miscellaneous Publ. #06-01, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri. Pages 101-108.<br /> <br /> Nathan, M., Scharf, P. and Y. Sun. 2006.Comparison of Woodruff Buffer and Modified Mehlich buffer Tests for Determining Lime requirement in Missouri Soils. In: Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 2005. Agronomy Miscellaneous Publ. #06-01, College of agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri. Pages 109-113.<br /> <br /> Nathan, M. V., Scharf, P., and Y. Sun. 2006. Evaluation of Mehlich Buffer as an Alternative to the Woodruff Buffer for Lime Recommendations in Missouri. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Madison, WI. <br /> <br /> Nathan, M. 2005. Reagents and Standards. Chapter 5. In Quality Assurance and Quality Control Model Plan for Soil Testing Laboratories. Soil Science Society and Oregon State University Publication. Pages 14-17.<br />

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 09/08/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 06/22/2008 - 06/25/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


See minutes of meetings.

Brief Summary of Minutes

Annual Report of NCERA 013 Committee, 2008  Soil Testing and Plant Analysis

Past Chair: Achim Doberman
Chair Darryl Warncke 2006-2008
Chair Elect Sylvie Brouder 2006-2008 (Chair beginning Oct.1, 2008 - 2010)
Secretary John Peters 2006-2008 (to be Chair-Elect in 2008  2010)
Secretary Elect. No decision was made on the new secretary

Administrative Advisor: Ken Grafton

The annual meeting of the NCERA 13 group was held June 25, 2008 in conjunction with the joint meeting of the SERA-IEG 6, NEC-17 and NCERA 13 work groups held in Nashville, TN. SERA-IEG 6 and the University of Tennessee hosted the meeting. A joint meeting of these groups is held every four years. A reception for the groups was held on Sunday evening. On Monday John Wilkerson, Interim Dean for Agriculture Research at the University of Tennessee welcomed the groups and gave some opening remarks. The program started with a presentation by Mervalin Morant about activities and programs of the USDA-CSREES. Technical reports during the day included; an Update of NAPT programs and activities, an N management update from Arkansas, Biofuels initiatives in Tennessee, New York research with the Illinois soil N test, Influence of salts on soil pH measurements, Long term P and K trends in relation to nutrient removal, and Switch grass fertility management. On Tuesday the groups toured the Highland Rim Research and Education Center with presentation about ongoing research studies, and the Soil, Plant and Pest Center at the Ellington Agricultural Center near Nashville. On Wednesday the regional groups held their individual business meetings.

Minutes of the NCERA 13 meeting are attached. Representatives of four North Central states and the province of Ontario were in attendance. Reports from the various states indicate that soil sample numbers have been stable to increasing through the spring of 2008. Soil test results serve as the basis for nutrient management plans in the various states.

The buffer pH sub-Committee reported the results of a survey among University soil testing in the region on which buffers are being used to determine lime need of soils. University of Wisconsin has switched to the new Sikora buffer and two are considering it. Interest in the Mehlich buffer has waned due to self-live issues. The Education sub-Committee is planning a Soil-Plant Analysts Workshop to be held next February in conjunction with the next annual meeting. Chapters in NCR Publication 221 were review to determine which ones are in need of revision. Five of the fifteen chapters are in need of revision: pH and Lime Requirement, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Micronutrients, and Lab QA/QC. Once the website is in place individual chapters and other materials can be placed on there as they are completed. A new sub-Committee on Sensing will be looking at field level remote sensing and on-the-go soil sensing. Work is continuing on a draft version of a white paper on Planning, Conducting and Evaluating On-farm Trials.


1. The pH Buffer subCommittee evaluated the new Sikora buffer for determining lime requirement against the Mehlich, SMP and Woodruff buffers. Results with the Sikora buffer compared favorably with the SMP and Woodruff buffers. Lime requirement equations developed with using the Sikora buffer were most highly correlated with the actual lime needs. Since the Sikora buffer contains no chemicals of environmental concern and disposal, and has good self-life several labs are considering switching. The Mehlich buffer works well, but has a short self-life. <br /> <br /> 2. NCERA 13 representatives are cooperating with the NAPT Coordinator (Janice Kotuby-Amacher) to collect and provide soils for use in the NAPT soil sample exchange program. <br /> <br /> 3. A draft of a white paper on "Planning, Conducting and Evaluating On-farm Trials" has been completed by Keith Ried and George Rehm. <br /> <br /> 4. A new sub-Committee on "Sensing" was created to gather information about field level remote sensing and on-the-go soil sensors" and establish the state of the art. <br /> <br /> 5. A. Mallarino, Iowa State University, has shown that moist soil testing gives K test results that better relate to K responses in the field. Although this test may be superior, it is more time intensive than dry soil methods used in most soil testing labs. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


Impact Statements

  1. Based on studies done by NCERA 13, the University of Wisconsin and commercial soil testing labs in Wisconsin are now using the new environmental friendly Sikora buffer that provides improved determination of lime need. This provides farmers with more economically effective lime recommendations that can save them money of lime or improve yields and income. Use of the Sikora buffer eliminates use of chemicals of environmental concern.
  2. Completion of the QA/QC for soil testing document provides a reference guide for soil testing labs in establishing good QA/QC programs, practices and documents. This will assist the labs in improving the quality of their results.
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Date of Annual Report: 04/07/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/23/2009 - 02/24/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


Representatives/Participants Present at Feb., 2009 Meeting
Brouder, Sylvie - - Purdue University
Volenec, Jeff - - Purdue University
Gelderman, Ron - - South Dakota State University
Laboski, Carrie - - University of Wisconsin
Mallarino, Antonio - - Iowa State University
Nathan, Manjula - - University of Missouri
Warncke, Darryl - - Michigan State University
Dahl, Jon - - Michigan State University

Representatives/Participants not Present.

Franzen, David - - North Dakota State University
Peters, John - - University of Wisconsin
Mengel, David - - Kansas State University
Reid, Keith - - OMFRA
Hill, Brian - - Kansas State University
Kaiser, Dan - - University of Minnesota
Ferdandez, Fabian -
Joern, Brad - -Purdue University

Administrative Advisor:
Grafton, Ken - - North Dakato State University

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCERA 13 was held February 24 in Bettendorf, Iowa. The 19th Soil-Plant Analysts Workshop organized by NCERA 13 was held the two half days after the annual meeting. Twelve speakers presented information on topics related to soil testing and plant analysis to 71 attendees. The NCERA 13 working group is in a transition period with several changes in membership. New members are coming on-board in Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana and a change will soon occur in Michigan. Ohio and Nebraska have no representative. Consensus of the groups was to support the effort to prepare a national unified U.S. soil testing manual. Several chapters of bulletin NCR 221, "Recommended soil testing procedures for the North Central Region are planned to be revised and placed on the NCERA 13 website. Work on the website will be coordinated between Manjula Nathan at the University of Missouri and Kelly Delp at Purdue University. A draft of a white paper on On-Farm Trials has been prepared and needs to be finalized. The Committee discuss ways of engaging and involving representatives of commercial labs and industry.


Held a the "19th Soil-Plant Analysts Workshop" for Soil/Plant Analysis Testing Lab personnel, Consulting Agronomists and University Educators. <br /> - A proceedings of the presentations was printed and distributed to the participants and is available for purchase from the NCERA 13. <br /> - Participants gained information on how better to conduct appropriate tests, interpret test results and/or manage inputs.


Warncke, D. (ed.) 2009. Nineteenth Soil/Plant Analysts Workshop Proceedings, 64 pages, North Central Extension & Research Activity on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis (NCERA 13, Bettendorf, IA<br /> <br /> Schindler, F.V., A.R. Guidry, D.R. German, R.H. Gelderman, and J.R. Gerwing. 2009. Assessing extractable soil phosphorus methods in estimating phosphorus concentrations in surface run-off from Calcic Hapludolls. Soil Use and Management 25:11-20.<br /> online at<br /> <br /> <br /> Fernández, F.G., S.M. Brouder, C.A. Beyrouty, J.J. Volenec, and R. Hoyum.<br /> 2008. Assessment of plant available potassium for no-till, rainfed soybean.<br /> Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:1085-1095.<br /> <br /> Gelderman, R.H. 2008. Maximum Fertilizer Material to Apply with Seed [Online]. Available at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD<br /> <br /> Nathan, Manjula and Brad Freesenburg. 2008. Soil Testing for Lawns. MU Extension Guide G 6954. Revised Aug. 2008<br /> <br /> Nathan, Manjula. 2008. Soils, Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Management. In: Master Gardener Core Manual. Published by MU Extension, University of Missouri<br /> <br /> Nathan, M.., Sun, Y., and D. Dunn. 2009. Nutrient removal Values for Major Agronomic Crops in Missouri. Report for 2008. In: Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 2008. Agronomy Miscellaneous Publ. #09-01, College of agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri. P 96- 105.<br /> <br /> Nathan, M., Sun, Y., and D. Dunn. 2008. Summary of soil fertility status in Missouri by county, soil region and cropping systems. Progress Report-2007. In: Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 2007. Agronomy Miscellaneous Publ. #08-01. College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri. p. 115-127.<br /> <br /> Reitsma,K.D, R. Gelderman, P. Skiles, K. Alverson, J. Hemenway, H.J. Woodard, T.E. Schumacher, D. Malo, and D.E. Clay. 2008. Nitrogen Best Management Practices for Corn in South Dakota. Plant Science Dept., FS 941 South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD<br /> online at<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 07/02/2010

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/17/2009 - 11/18/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010


Brad Joern - Purdue University (;
Antonio Mallarino - Iowa State University ( 515-294-6200;
Brian Hill - Iowa State University ( 515-294-6757;
Fabian Fernadez - University of Illinois ( 217-333-4426;
Darryl Warnke - Michigan State University ( 517-355-0271, x1270;
Jon Dahl - Michigan State University ( 517-355-0218;
Daniel Kaiser - University of Minnesota ( 612-624-3482;
Manjula Nathan - University of Missouri ( 573-882-2350;
Dave Franzen - North Dakota State University ( 201-799-2565;
Robert Mullen - Ohio State University ( 330-263-3785;
Ron Gelderman - South Dakota State University ( 605-688-4770;
Carrie Laboski - University of Wisconsin ( 608-263-2795;
Keith Reid - OMAFRA ( 519-271-9269

Brief Summary of Minutes

Member/State Reports

Indiana - Although Indiana does not have a state-supported soil testing laboratory, hundreds of thousands of soil samples from Indiana are analyzed by commercial soil test laboratories each year. An informal telephone survey was conducted with two of the largest soil testing laboratories in Indiana. Both laboratories reported double digit increases in the number of soil samples analyzed in 2008 compared to 2007 with similar increases in 2007 compared to 2006. The increased number of soil samples analyzed in 2007 and 2008 was likely due to the rapid increase in fertilizer costs during this time period. In 2009, the number of soil samples analyzed was similar to the number of samples analyzed in 2008. The lack of increase in the number of soil samples analyzed was attributed to an unusually wet spring and fall in 2009. Both laboratory managers expressed a strong desire to be more actively involved in NCERA013 in the future. These managers were concerned that the NCERA013 meeting occurs during the busiest time of the year for commercial soil testing laboratories and suggested that we meet informally to discuss how to more actively engage commercial soil testing laboratories in NCERA013 in the future.

Iowa - The number of soil samples received at the ISU Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory decreased significantly mainly due to bad weather that limited soil sampling in both spring and fall seasons. From July 2008 until June 2009 the lab processed about 15,000 soil samples, of which 5,000 samples were submitted by homeowners or farmers while the others were submitted by researchers or field demonstration programs. We also determined nutrients on about 15,000 pre-extracted soil or plant tissue samples through agreements with researchers, however, and analyzed about 2,300 plant tissue samples, and analyzed 250 limestone samples. During this period the lab also completed work initiated as part of the Extraction subcommittee objectives to study effects of rewetting soil samples and pretreatment with octanol on K extraction by the ammonium-acetate acetate test. The study was summarized in an MS Thesis by Brian Hill (Lab Manager). The octanol pretreatment resulted in no significant correlation between extracted K and corn or soybean yield response to K, while rewetting resulted in correlations intermediate between standard tests based dried samples (worst) or field-moist samples (best). An important soil testing development in the state was that based on research conducted in Iowa and other NCERA-13 committee members, the Iowa Soil Test Certification program accepted the Sikora buffer-pH method as an alternative to the currently used SMP buffer method. These methods provide similar buffer-pH values but Sikora does not include hazardous chemicals. At the present time we are implementing the Sikora method in our lab as our standard buffer-pH method. The University continues having serious budget problems, which resulted in a hiring freeze and planned furloughs. However, the Dean authorized the hiring of a candidate for our new Environmental Soils position, which will start in January. This is the only position that may be filled of four Soils positions lost during the last five years due to retirements or deaths (soil classification & survey, soil microbiology, soil chemistry, and soil fertility).

Michigan - Tough budgetary decisions are being made by the State government, Universities and the K-12 educational system. Michigan State University (MSU) is looking to consolidate or eliminate programs and merge departments throughout all Colleges including the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR). Significant cuts are being made to the Experiment Station and Extension. Cuts to Extension may be as much as 44%. Some of the cuts may be moderated by stimulus funds this fiscal year and the effects may be worst in the following years. The Extension Service will be undergoing reorganization and restructuring which likely will result in reduction in the numbers of county offices and conversion to a regional office system. There is movement across MSU and in the CANR to make all positions 9 month appointments. It is unclear how this will work for those with Extension appointments. The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences now has two open soil fertility positions as Darryl Warncke retired September 1. We hope to begin a search soon for candidates for one of those positions. In the Soil and Plant Nutrient (SPN) Lab the number of soil samples increased slightly this past year. Total number of routine samples was near 15,000 this past year with approximately 2,000 or so of those coming from homeowners. About 600 PSNT samples were run. Only 75 stalk nitrate samples have been received this fall with about 90% of those being below the optimum, many having values below 100 ppm. The reorganization of Extension will likely impact the flow of soil samples to the MSU SPN Lab since most of them now come in via County Extension offices. We are looking at the possible use of self-mailers for soil samples. A web based program for interpretation of homeowners soil test reports hopefully will be finished in the near future.

Minnesota - No report on lab volume from Roger of the U of M soil testing lab. Currently most samples and questions coming to extension that are lab related are from homeowners and people outside of production agriculture. The soils department at the University if facing budget cuts. No position eliminations are eminent since there are open positions in the department. Currently have one less soil fertility faculty after the retirement of Gary Malzer and Gyles Randall is on phased retirement. Also, the department is down to a part time soil micro-biologist and a few others will be retiring soon. Lab volume from private labs is up from the past few years. Major labs in the state are Agvise, MVTL, Midwest labs amongst a few others. No major changes noted to soil test procedures from the state certification committee.

Missouri - Division of Plant Sciences was able to get three faculty positions released under the Compete Missouri Program at the University of Missouri. The Division has completed interviews for the Rice Research faculty position at the Delta Research Center, and offer has been made and awaiting acceptance from the candidate. The Turf Pathology faculty position at Columbia campus was advertized and candidates are being interviewed at this time. Search is in the process for a Small Grains Research and Extension faculty position located in Columbia campus. The budget situation remains tight and President Foresee has requested that we continue with restrictions on spending to manage with the anticipated 5% additional cut from State funding for the coming fiscal year.
The soil test numbers remained somewhat the same like last year. The excess rain we had during the fall had delayed harvesting crops this year resulting in a less busy fall than the normal fall season. The labs did more research samples and special tests. Both labs together analyzed a total of 32,158 soil samples. Labs tested 18541 samples for field crops, 4854 lawn and garden, 436 commercial horticulture and 7059 research samples. In addition the MU Soil and Plant Testing Lab analyzed 903 special tests, 1427 plant, 80 water, 41 greenhouse media, and 206 compost samples and 203 manure samples this year. The labs budget remains sound and stable.

A field calibration study is conducted to evaluate the Sikora, Mehlich and Woodruff buffers before adopting the best buffer test method suitable for Missouri soils. The soil fertility working group at MU is still working on revising MU soil test recommendations and the nutrient removal values currently being used are being revised. We have the big task of re-writing the soil test database program to implement all the changes that are being proposed. Finding a source for funding this project is a big challenge. This year we did a project to evaluate the nitrogen management practices and loss of N due to the excess rains in fall and spring in corn by measuring NO3 and NH4 in the soil profile at spring and by doing end of season stalk Nitrate-N test. We used the information collected to educate the producers.

The NRCS is requiring labs to be certified in soil and manure testing in order to be eligible to participate in the nutrient management plans for the state. So Mu lab has joined the Manure Testing Certification Program managed by the Minnesota Department Agriculture.

Illinois - In Illinois projects are being conducted to study sulfur response in corn; phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) placement and tillage interactions on availability of these nutrients for corn and soybean; and nitrogen (N) application time, source, and placement efficiency in terms of corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions.

The 23rd edition of the Illinois Agronomy Handbook published in 2002 underwent a very substantial revision and update. The new 24th edition was published in the fall of 2009. A completely new chapter on N management that reflects the new approach of including economics to determine the most appropriate rate of application was added.

The University of Illinois is once again working closely with the Illinois Soil Testing Association. This link was weakened after the passing of Dr. Ted Peck and a period of transition in the soil fertility faculty at the University of Illinois. The association met in the summer of 2009 and plans are underway for a meeting in the winter of 2010.

Two surveys were conducted to determine the general fertility of soils in Illinois and to assess the perception of producers and others linked to crop production on the current soil fertility recommendations from the University. A soil fertility survey was conducted in 2007 and 2008 and results were summarized during 2009. Soil samples were collected from the 0-8 and 8-18 cm depths at random corn fields prior to crop harvest. Most of the 598 fields sampled in 52 counties (out of 102 counties in Illinois) were collected by volunteers conducting the annual European Corn Borer Survey that has taken place for more than 60 years in Illinois. Samples were analyzed for P, K, pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and organic matter (OM). Perception on current soil fertility recommendations was assessed during the Corn and Soybean Classic Conference series in which 833 responses from an audience of approximately 1,100 participants was obtained using the TurningPoint audience response system. The soil survey showed that 17 and 43% of the fields were below the mean critical level of 19 mg P kg-1 and 140 mg K kg-1, respectively. Fifty eight and 30% of the fields were above the mean soil test level of 33 mg P kg-1 and 190 mg K kg-1 at which additional fertilization is not recommended, respectively. Mean soil pH was adequate at 6.7. Mean Ca (2226 mg Ca kg-1) and Mg (366 mg Mg kg-1) levels indicate no need for application of these nutrients. Mean organic matter (OM) was 3.3%. Comparison with an earlier survey conducted approximately 40-years prior indicated that current P and pH levels are higher, but K levels are approximately the same. Phosphorus, K, and OM levels were stratified with surface to subsurface ratio of 2.4:1, 1.5:1, and 1.2:1, respectively. This stratification is an indication that most soils are under conservation or reduced tillage. The lack of stratification in pH possibly indicates that soil acidity in the plow layer can be corrected even when soils are not intensively tilled. In contrast to what was found through the soil survey, the audience survey showed most people agree that current P and K recommendations are adequate (55% of the responses) and most producers are testing their soils frequently (every 4 years). It was also interesting to notice that during the survey (January 2009, when fertilizer prices were very high) 53% of the producers agreed that they would reduce P and K application for the 2009 crop, but 38% would make no changes. This audience likely represents the more progressive sector of Illinois farmers, and while it is not possible to make inferences from this survey to understand the results from the soil survey, the surveys illustrate the need to continue to educate fertilizer users on the benefits of following sound crop-nutrient management practices. Currently, this information is being used in teaching efforts by extension specialists and educators in Illinois.

North Dakota - North Dakota State University operates a state laboratory on campus in Fargo, ND. The role of the laboratory is to serve as a center for research samples for soil and water analysis, and to analyze farm and home samples as requested. The laboratory has three full-time employees who manage the soil laboratory, the soil and water quality laboratory and serve as accounting respectively. The busy fall and spring sampling seasons are supplemented with part-time help. The soil laboratory analyzes between 16,000 and 18,000 samples each year. About 2/3 of this total come from outside the University, and include farmers, agribusinesses, environmental businesses and others. The NDSU laboratories currently send their check samples to Robert Miller's laboratory due to their long-term relationship.

Within the state, other significant laboratories include Agvise, Northwood; and laboratories operated by Bob Bahm, Minot and Pat Feist, Minnewaukan. Agvise is by far the largest laboratory in the state and last year moved into their new building which was built when their previous building was destroyed by a tornado, which was built a few years previously when the original building was destroyed by fire. All of the laboratories in the state work well with NDSU.

Soil sampling has been a challenge over the last two years, but consultants who soil sample as part of their service are set up to take samples over challenging conditions. Soil sample number is expected to remain at current or slightly elevated levels this year.

South Dakota - Fall 2009 sample numbers are lower than normal because of the late harvest and wet soil conditions. If snows stay away, harvest and soil sampling will proceed into winter. The long term soil sample trend has been downward presumably because of increased private lab competition. Revenues have fallen as well.

An ICP (Varian) has just been ordered for the laboratory to analyze microwave plant digests and DTPA micronutrients as well as NH4Ac extractable cations. New laboratory facilities will be built (same building, 3rd floor). Projected move-in date is June 2010.

The Lab has changed to the Sikora Buffer test from SMP on July 1, 2009 using the same SMP calibrations.

The SDSU agronomy farm (160 acres) is now a research park. Replacement is not yet certain. The SD crop improvement association has recently purchased 160 acres about 8 miles west of campus to use for agronomic research.

Crop Report
The 2009 growing conditions were cool and moist with little moisture stress across the state. Wheat yields were very good although scab was prevalent. Soybean yields were 40 - 55 bu/a and statewide corn yields are estimated to average 150 bu/a. Grain moisture levels are relatively high which is delaying harvest as are wet soil conditions.

Nutrient Report
Late season N deficiency was apparent in many corn fields presumably because of yield potentials higher than expected yield goals. However, leaf firing did not reach 1 to 2 leaves below the ear leaf on most fields.

The first search for Dean of Agriculture resulted in no suitable candidates. The new search is near the interview stage. Peter Sexton (Univ. of Maine) has been on board since July 1. He is in a revamped position (Alternate Crop Systems) and is working in the cover crop area. Soils positions now number six compared to twelve about 10 years ago.

Ontario - A combination of high fertilizer prices and aggressive marketing of soil testing resulted in a 14% increase in soil samples analyzed from 2007 to 2008, bringing the total just above the number for 2005. Wet weather in the fall of 2008 limited the amount of sampling that could actually be completed, or the numbers would certainly have been higher. Tissue sample numbers have been stable, while the number of manure analyses has been increasing steadily, up 25% from 2005 to 2008.

There is some research being carried out on N & P availability from manure, and on P sorption characteristics of various soil types. Most of the nutrient research is funded from an environmental perspective, but includes an agronomic component which can be used to improve the profitability of nutrient application by Ontario farmers.

The Lake Simcoe Protection Act has been passed by the Ontario Legislature, which will enable actions to protect and improve the water quality in Lake Simcoe (the largest lake in Ontario aside from the Great Lakes, and only about an hour north of Toronto). The next step is the finalization of a Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, complete with a phosphorus reduction strategy, which must be completed by March, 2010. This is raising lots of questions about quantifying actual P losses from agricultural fields, and predicting reductions based on BMP implementation.

The Land Resource Science department at the University of Guelph will be merging with Environmental Biology, which will require a move across campus. It remains to be seen whether this move is positive or negative.

Crop conditions in Ontario this year have been only fair, with cooler temperatures than normal and uneven distribution of rainfall. This has resulted in late harvest of corn and soybeans, and high moisture contents in the grain. This has reduced the amount of winter wheat planted this fall, and will also reduce the amount of fall soil sampling unless December is warmer and drier than normal.

Wisconsin - The University of Wisconsin-Madison operates two soil testing labs: the Soil and Forage Analysis Lab (SFAL) in Marshfield and the Soil and Plant Analysis Lab in Madison (SPAL). The SFAL continues to assist the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (WDATCP) soil testing lab certification program. A new soil test summary website ( was built this year so that the public could query county average soil test results from WDATCP certified labs. The website has been used by various agencies that are interested in track soil test phosphorus trends as one measure of the effectiveness of nutrient management planning.


Opening<br /> " Private labs taking more of the sample load from state labs, state labs turning more into research labs.<br /> " Renewal - September 2010<br /> <br /> Website Committee: Sylvie Brouder was working with Manjula Nelson on the website, but has since moved on and Brad has taken her place on the committee. Commitments have been made by Purdue to host the website, but there is not commitment from a programmer to set up the website. Brad agreed to help if the website only needs to be posted. Manjula stated that the committee members need to have input on what needs to be posted on the website and that we could use the SERA-6 website as an example to set up our website. It was agreed that we need to put together a mission statement and list the activities for the group on the website and use it to post copies of meeting minutes. Brad mentioned that we should duplicate some of the contents from the NIMSS website as part of the initial website. It was mentioned that we should have something in place for the next renewal. <br /> <br /> Proficiency testing - (Antonio Mallarino and Keith Reid), NAPT is alive and well and is looking for a new coordinator. Janice is moving on and will continue until a new coordinator is in place. Utah State has been doing the contract lab part and is willing to carry it on. There was a discussion about the PAP (performance assessment program) and that NAPT is the only approved provider for the program from NRCS. Bob Miller is working for a private proficiency testing company and has been advertising it as a less expensive program. His program differs in that there are 3 exchanges a year 3 soils repeated 4 times, but there is no oversight committee of the ALP program. There have been discussions from labs on the NAPT program that samples are not reflective of samples in their lab. However the group mentioned that it may be good for every lab to evaluate samples they are not use to and to have the same sample sent to a number of labs across the state instead of regional samples only. <br /> <br /> Previously members considered developing a white paper about the NAPT program. It was recommended that we should have a way to show that there is a level playing field for proficiency testing programs. Brad asked if a similar program was needed for manure. The consensus was that manure analysis proficiency testing is more problematic. However, the Minnesota department of Agriculture already has a program in place for manure proficiency testing that some labs are currently using. There was some agreement in that the NAPT coordinator needs to be able to choose which samples are sent where and that soils should not have to be around the agronomic optimum level or from soils within the state. The idea of creating associate labs came up so that these labs could better communicate and contribute samples to the program, Antonio thought that it would overcomplicate things and that NAPT is not an approval process; but rather it is a way for labs to compare their performance with their peers. Some states currently post certifications for specific labs based on NAPT. Daryl suggested that it may be a good idea to use the CSA news to post articles on what is going on with the NAPT program.<br /> <br /> Outreach activities that were identified for the NAPT program<br /> 1) Identify labs within regions that are not involved with NAPT. 153 labs enrolled now.<br /> 2) Should have an NAPT lite - provide labs with previously run samples to check on performance based on other labs. <br />


Vitko, L.F.; C.A.M. Laboski; and T.W. Andraski. 2009. Effects of sampling time, soil moisture content, and extractant on soil test potassium levels. pp. 124-132. In Proceedings of the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference. Vol 25. Des Moines, IA 18-19 Nov. 2009. Available online at<br /> <br /> Laboski, C.A.M. 2009. 2009 - The summer of plant analysis: What did we learn? pp. 119-123. In Proceedings of the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference. Vol 25. Des Moines, IA 18-19 Nov. 2009. Available online at<br />

Impact Statements

  1. Based on studies done by the NCERA013 committee, the Sikora buffer method is gaining more widespread adoption by commercial soil testing laboratories across the region for making lime recommendations. The Sikora buffer is less expensive and eliminates chromium (VI) and p-nitrophenol in the waste than the standard SMP buffer method.
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Date of Annual Report: 03/31/2011

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/21/2011 - 02/22/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see attached meeting minutes file.



Impact Statements

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