NC_OLD1032: Characterizing active soil organic matter pools controlling soil N availability in maize-based cropping systems (NC218)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 04/12/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/07/2007
- 03/08/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Members:Sylvie Brouder (Purdue University), Dave Clay (South Dakota State University), Ron Gehl (Michigan State University), John Grove (University of Kentucky), Carrie Laboski (University of Wisconsin), Gary Lemme (South Dakota State University), Dave Mengel (Kansas State University), Dan Olk (USDA-ARS), Gyles Randall (University of Minnesota), John Sawyer (Iowa State University), Dan Walters (University of Nebraska).
Administrative Advisor Chair and Acting Secretary
Gary Lemme Dan Olk
Brief Summary of Minutes
2006 MINUTES:The minutes were approved.
G. Lemme discussed recent developments in the funding of agricultural research, including the CREATE 21 proposal. He supplied the Committee with a copy of Appendix D (form SAES-422) from the web site www.wisc.edu/ncra and suggested that Committee members use this form as a guide when writing their state reports for the committees annual report. The committee accepted this suggestion. D. Olk will distribute via email a copy of this form to all Committee members. For the annual report, D. Olk will write a summary of the efforts at securing funding from the National Research Initiative (NRI), and committee members will add any further activities from each of their states. G. Lemme reminded the committee that the Minutes are due 30 days after the meeting, and the annual report is due 60 days after the meeting.
D. Walters reported on the Letter of Intent that the Committee submitted in December 2006 to the Soil Processes Program of NRI. The Letter was not accepted by the NRI, solely due to a typing error during encoding of reviewers recommendations. In reality, all reviewers comments were favorable, which was supposed to lead to an invitation for the Committee to submit a full proposal.
With the onset of the new 5-year research phase, Committee members have not yet begun coordinated research. Therefore State reports consisted of summaries by each Committee member of their related research and interests. This also served to introduce new members and veteran members to each other. Reports were presented by IA, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, NE, SD, WI, and USDA-ARS.
C. Laboski discussed her progress in compiling data from the committees evaluation of the Illinois Soil N Test. Most states have submitted their data, and she has analyzed them. Results are consistent across all states. Committee members offered some suggestions and expressed general satisfaction with the data set. The results will be published in a joint manuscript, to be submitted soon to Agronomy Journal.
G. Randall discussed the lack of progress in developing a Best Management Practice publication for N fertilizer management in the Midwest. With renewed help from Committee members, efforts will resume to finish this publication. Solely a web-based version is planned.
A lengthy discussion centered on the need for a balance of field and laboratory research in the new project phase, due in part to the large turnover in membership and changing interests of the members. The committee confirmed the value and appropriateness of the existing project plan which includes three primary objectives: 1. conduct fundamental work to enhance the current understanding of the role of active N and C pools in N mineralization; 2. conduct field N response trials using a common protocol, with the goal of explaining observed responses through the dynamics of active N and C fractions; and 3. quantify the variation in indigenous soil N supply observed in the field trials across the region as a function of key soil properties, including active C and N pools, climate and cropping system.
The Committee expressed interest in resubmitting the NRI proposal, with several minor modifications to its current version, as a primary means of addressing objective 1, and providing resources to measure active C and N pools at the field trial sites of objectives 2 and 3.
Committee members identified field activities that could begin this field season, without external funding, by adding treatments where possible to already planned field trials, as a means of addressing objectives 2 and 3. Several committee members are currently involved in common protocol trials which could be easily adapted to meet NC 1032s needs. To standardize measurement of N uptake and sample collection needed to measure active C and N pools in 2007, D. Walters will email a sampling protocol to Committee members, followed by a conference call for finalizing the protocol. D. Mengel will contact the committee members likely to conduct field trials to encourage their participation and coordinate field activities.
Specific identified goals are to determine the indigenous N supply at each site as measured by an unfertilized check and to compare the efficiency of preplant N applications to sidedress N applications. Tentative plans are to use one or two hybrids, five to six N rates, and harvest of whole plants at early physiological maturity (gray layer).
None. CSREES advisor was not present.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 07/26/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/03/2010
- 03/04/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Bob Van Veldhuizen representing Mingchu Zhang (University of Alaska), Will Horwath (University of California-Davis), Fabián Fernández (University of Illinois), John Sawyer (Iowa State University), Gyles Randall (University of Minnesota), Ana Wingeyer representing Dan Walters (University of Nebraska), Warren Dick (The Ohio State University), Cheryl Reese (South Dakota State University), Carrie Laboski (University of Wisconsin)Guest: Mike Castellano (Iowa State University)
Administrative Adviser: Sue Blodgett
Brief Summary of Minutes
Chair: Dave Mengel, KSSecretary: Mingchu Zhang, AK
Member at large: Fabián Fernández, IL
Guests: Mike Castellano (Iowa State University), Bob Van Veldhuizen representing Mingchu Zhang (University of Alaska), Ana Wingeyer representing Dan Walters (University of Nebraska)
Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by John Sawyer. He was acting as chair on request of Dave Mengel who was sick and could not attend the meeting.
Fabián Fernández compiled the minutes in the absence of the secretary.
Agenda was approved by Gyles Randall and second by Carrie Laboski.
Minutes of the 2009 meeting were approved by Will Horwath and second by Fabián Fernández.
Will Horwath volunteered to be the new member at large for the committee.
It was decided that the meeting will be held in the same location on March 2 and 3, 2011.
Responsibilities of the officers in the committee were reviewed by John Sawyer:
Each position is held for a year. The member at large becomes the secretary in the second year and the chair in the third year. The member at large is the only position that needs to be filled every year.
Chair: is in charge of moderating the annual meeting, set the agenda, produce the annual report, and write the renewal proposal when applicable.
Secretary: takes minutes, send it to all members for input and modifications, and works with the chair to get the minutes finalized.
Member at large: arranges accommodations for the meeting location.
Dave Mengel will be in charge of writing the project renewal this summer and fall, along with the Secretary, Mingchu Zhang, and the Member-at-Large, Fabian Fernandez. Will Horwath also volunteered to help with the renewal proposal as it will be based on the AFRI/NIFA proposal the committee intends on submitting. Other members of the committee will also be expected to contribute.
Gyles Randall mentioned a concern that the support for travel to this and similar meetings is getting reduced and that that cuts at the universities are reducing the number of faculty. These changes might have a very significant impact on what this and other NC committees look like in the future.
State Reports:
State reports consisted of summaries by each committee member present on research related to committee activities. Reports were presented by CA, WI, MN, NB, AK, IL, OH, SD, IA.
Administrative Advisers report:
Sue Blodgett, Administrative Adviser to the Committee, provided the administrative report. She reminded the committee about due dates for the project renewal, and mentioned that the mid-term review was successful and expected that the renewal should go well since this is an active committee.
September 15: Deadline to submit a request to write a proposal in NIMSS and upload the Issues and Justification section. i) Each project MUST select an Administrator Advisor (AA) prior to submitting a proposal request. Without an AA, the request will not be approved. The NCRA office no longer can assign AA to projects. (Dr. Blodgett agreed to serve as AA) ii) If we wish to retain the same number designation, we need to send a letter of justification to the NCRA at this time as well.
October 15: Deadline to upload the objectives section in NIMSS.
November 15: All participants and their AES office should have submitted completed Appendix E forms into NIMSS.
December 1: Completed proposal is due in NIMSS in its entirety. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the project not being reviewed and renewed this round.
December 15: AA review forms due in NIMSS.
Mid-late December: All proposals are sent to NC regional review committees (NCACs) and multistate research committee (MRC)
Dr. Blodgett reported on her meeting with Agronomy and Entomology Department Head Meetings and talked about some of the remarks Dr. Ray Knighton from NIFA presented to one of these groups. She encouraged the committee to look at the 5 areas of research NIFA is looking at and include some of that language in the renewal document. Dr. Blodgett mentioned that the future focus of NIFA is on bigger grants multi-disciplinary and multi-institution proposals. She also mentioned that the overhead for grants is the same as in the past.
The committee was asked that output statements be written to be more tangible and direct. She mentioned the committee has some very good impacts, but suggested it would be beneficial to translate them into, for example, amount of dollars saved by more efficient use of N, etc. She also suggested including in the renewal proposal that this group is dynamic as it conducts research that is pertinent to changes in technologies (such as new hybrids).
Database development Progress report:
Carrie Laboski mentioned no activity since last year. John Sawyer mentioned that if we accumulate the data we need to have a use goal for the data, otherwise there might not be interest for people to provide data or set up a database structure. It was generally agreed that one possibility would be to create a database to then write a publication on formulas used to calculate different measures of Nitrogen Use Efficiency.
Publication development on residual soil nitrate:
Carrie Laboski and Will Horwath reported no activity since last year.
Discussion for New Project/proposal:
Ana Wingeyer presented the Maize-N model and discussed some of the data that is needed to use the model. After some discussion, the committee decided that it would be beneficial to have development of a database of available data for use with Maize-N as one of the objectives of this committee. Some of the key questions that need to be answered before committee members are likely to participate in this objective are: i) what data exactly do we need to provide; ii). what missing data make the data less useful; and iii). what would be the minimum amount of data or variables needed to make the data set useful. It would be helpful if Ana or Dan Walters could provide a file with a tab including the bare minimum variables needed for the dataset to be useful, and another tab where additional variables that can be useful, can be added. Another important question is what would be the outcome of providing all these data? We need is a clear idea of what the data would be used for and what type of outcome could be expected. Collecting the database for the ISNT with a specific purpose in mind was mentioned as an illustration that when the purpose of collecting a database is clear, people are more excited to contribute information and the possibility of a tangible outcome is more likely.
John Sawyer did a follow-up on last years discussion on different NUE calculations. A discussion followed on whether these calculations can be related to any type of physiological response or mechanisms and what do we really mean by NUE use efficiency. It was proposed that a potential use of generating a database of N studies could be to investigate the various NUE equations. Currently there is confusion because of the lack of uniformity in the way different studies use/interpret the various NUE equations. This committee could produce a publication that could potentially become a reference source to address the fore mentioned problems on consistency. The fact that the database would represent a fairly large geography and the publication would be produced by a substantial number of authors could also give relevance to becoming a reference publication.
The discussion of the committee then turned to focus on additional objectives and the possibility of securing external funding. A main point of discussion was the fact that with increasing rates of N application the release of native N supply is changed, thus the way N utilization is currently calculated using N uptake from a check plot without fertilizer N as the estimate of soil N supply should be modified. With this in mind, the following were proposed as objectives: 1) To determine the amount of N release from the native supply as induced by increasing N fertilizer rates; 2) To further fine-tune fertilizer rates and enhance NUE through N management to improve profitability and environmental protection; 3) To improve our fundamental understanding of soil carbon and soil nitrogen processes.
The committee agreed that the renewal should focus on these objectives and these objectives would serve as the starting point for the pre-proposal to NIFA.