NCERA_OLD200: Management Strategies to Control Major Soybean Virus Diseases in the North Central Region

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[12/20/2006] [01/28/2008] [12/16/2008] [02/10/2010] [02/16/2011]

Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/30/2006 - 10/31/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 10/01/2006


Bradshaw, Jeff ( Dept. Entomology Iowa State University;

Burris, Joe ( Burris Consulting;

Cardwell, Kitty ( USDA/CSREES;

Damsteegt, Vern ( USDA/ARS Ft. Detrick;

Domier, Leslie ( USDA-ARS Dept. Crop Science Univ. of Illinois;

Eggenberger, Al ( Dept. Plant Path Iowa State University;

Esker, Paul ( Dept. Plant Pathol. Iowa State University;

Grau, Craig ( Dept. Plant Path University of Wisconsin;

Hajimorad, Reza ( Dept. of Entomol & Plant Path University of Tennessee;

Hammond, Ron ( Dept. Entomol. Ohio State University;

Hebenstreit, Sheila (;

Hill, John ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;

Hobbs, Houston ( Dept Crop Sciences University of Illinois;

Hofmann, Al ( Stine Seed ;

Impullitti, Ann ( Dept. Plant Pathol. University of Minnesota;

Jardine, Doug ( Dept. Plant Pathol. Kansas State University;

Lamka, Gregory ( Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed, Inc. ;

Lundeen, Peter ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;

Malvick, Dean ( Dept. Plant Pathol. University of Minnesota;

Mian, Rouf ( USDA/ARS Ohio State University;

Mueller, Daren ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;
Munkvold, Gary ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;

Pedersen, Palle ( Dept.Agronomy Iowa State University;


Smith, Keith ( North Central Soybean Research Program;

Streit, Leon ( Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed, Inc. ;

Tabor, Girma ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;

Tolin, Sue ( ) Dept. Plant Pathology, Virginia Tech;

van de Mortel, Martijn ( Dept. Plant Pathol. Iowa State University;

Whitham, Steve ( Dept. Plant Path. Iowa State University;

Wright, David ( ) Iowa Soybean Promotion Board;

Zhang, Chunquan ( Dept. Plant Path Iowa State University

Brief Summary of Minutes

NCERA-200 met October 30-31 in conjunction with the Sixth North Central Virus Conference at Iowa State University, Ames. The first day was dedicated to a Virus Symposium entitled Seed Transmitted Viruses in Soybean: Perspectives from Epidemiology, Industry. NCERA 200 Vice President, Les Domier, welcomed the group and presented an overview the meeting program.

David Wright, Iowa Soybean Promotion Board and North Central Soybean Research Program, provided perspectives of the soybean industry and commodity boards. He presented an overview of how the NCSRP distributes research funds. He indicated that NCSRP distributes 8% of its funds for virus research and 17% for aphid research. He forecasted that funding for soybean rust will decline and funding will be increased for SCN and SDS. There is support to increase funding for soybean viruses.

Sue Tolin, Dept. Plant Pathology, Physiology & Weed Science; Virginia Polytechnic Institute& State University, delivered a presentation entitled Experiences Testing Seed Transmissibility of SMV and BPMV in Southern Soybean Cultivars. She described how Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) continues to be readily seed transmitted and is present in soybean germplasm. Even so, the incidence of seed coat mottling was not related to seed transmission of SMV. The incidence and severity of seed coat mottling caused by Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) was strain-specific and declined when infection occurred at later growth stages. BPMV had a significant negative effect on seed germination. Transmission of BPMV through seed was not shown conclusively.

Gary Munkvold, Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University discussed Approaches to Assessing the Risks Associated with Seed-borne Viruses in Soybean. He presented an over view of his role in the Seed Science Center and the Center. He reviewed seed transmission for soybean viruses, focusing on Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), BPMV, and SMV. He stressed the importance of understanding seed-borne viruses as they relate to risk of economic loss, phytosanitary regulations, biosecurity, and liability for seed companies. He showed that proper vector management can reduce incidence of mottled seed for both infected and noninfected seeds. Temperature was discussed as a variable important to the presence or absence of SMV seed transmission. The effect of temperature on SMV seed transmission has potential implications on seed testing and epidemiology of yield-limiting viruses. The need for embryo-specific detection methods and the need to determine effects of environment and virus genotype on seed transmission frequency were discussed.

Gregory Lamka, Quality Supply Technical Manager; Pioneer Hi-Bred, Johnston, IA, addressed the group on Industry Practices Concerning Seed Transmitted Viruses in Soybean. He noted that the number one complaint from growers is seed appearance. Seed from virus infected plants can have reduced germination, alterations in oil and protein content, and serve as an inoculum source for coming seasons leading to liability issues. Seed producers need to conform to phytosanitary restrictions in the international movement of seed. Because off-season soybean research nurseries are usually located in tropical environment and often use supplemental light, which attracts insects, field plots are frequently sprayed to reduce insect populations. Similarly in the U.S., breeding populations and small seed lots are rigorously observed and monitored for virus infection. Pioneer Hi-Bred has a small effort for virus resistance. More emphasis is placed on vector control by host genetics and insecticides. Recent changes in management practices, i.e., tillage and planting date, are of concern because of potential alterations in vector-virus relationships.

Anwar Rizvi, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-PHP; Riverdale, MD, presented a talk entitled Seed Transmitted Viruses in Soybean: A Regulatory View. He described the phytosanitary certification requirements for the movement of seed in and out of the U.S. Small seed lots (50 seeds or 10 grams per taxon and maximum of 50 packets) do not require phytosanitary certification. Exempt are genera not listed Federal Seed Act 7 CFR 361. Larger seed lots are inspected visually for diseases and by x-ray for insects. No biochemical or molecular tests are in place for viruses. Region-specific regulations have been implemented for the importation of seed. For example, peanut seeds can not be imported from India because of the prevalence of Peanut stunt virus in India. New initiatives are under development in consultation with the National Plant Board to revise the list of regulated non-quarantine pests and tolerances.

Kitty F. Cardwell, National Program Leader, Plant Pathology, CSREES, USDA; Washington, DC, described the Incorporation of Legume Viruses into the 2007 Pest Information Platform for Extension (PIPE). She demonstrated the National SBR website and described the transition to include the soybean aphid. She explained how the existing model/system could be modified to add viruses and other pathogens. Of virus pathogens of soybean, AMV, BPMV, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) and SMV were considered to be the most important and likely would be added to PIPE. The goal is to establish a baseline of the incidences of the viruses in soybean and Phaseolus beans and other legumes. Inputs, outputs and potential users were discussed. Public sector researchers are expected to be major contributors, but industry representatives stressed importance of including the private sector. Sample management and movement protocols were discussed and are in developmental phases for each target pathogen.

NCERA 200 Business Meeting

Loren Giesler was elected secretary for 2007.

The location, Ames, IA, and dates, October 29  30, 2007, were set for the 2007 meeting.

2007 Symposium: The three officers will constitute a Symposium Committee and elicit potential topics.

See attachment for full Annual Report.


During 2006, the NCERA200 project facilitated the collaboration of scientists in the North Central region in the analysis of soybean-virus-vector bilateral and trilateral interactions. For example, the structure established by NCERA200 allowed M. R. Hajimorad (University of Tennessee) to quickly assemble a large set of AMV isolates that included isolates from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Virginia. The AMV isolates will be used to test and develop diagnostic reagents that will be used by other scientist in the region. In addition, the structure afforded by NCERA200 facilitated writing of a grant that was funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program (described below). As part of the outreach of the project, a symposium on seed transmitted soybean viruses was held in Ames, IA in conjunction with the NCERA200 meeting. The symposium was attended by researchers, members of commodity boards, representatives of soybean seed companies and soybean producers.<br /> <br /> Plans for coming year:<br /> <br /> The date and location of the meeting for 2007 have been set. A committee has been formed to select a topic for a soybean virus-related symposium. Efforts will be made to publicize the symposium among a wider range of potential attendees. The NCERA200 committee will continue to coordinate research on virus and their vectors in the management in the North Central region. Where appropriate, the committee will work to develop consistent information sets for distribution through print and electronic media.<br />


Hajimorad, M.R., Eggenberger, A.L., and Hill, J.H. 2006. Strain-specific P3 of Soybean mosaic virus elicits Rsv1-mediated extreme resistance, but absence of P3 elicitor function alone is insufficient for virulence on Rsv1-genotype soybean. Virology 345:156-166.<br /> <br /> Hill, C.B., G.L. Hartman, R. Esgar, and H.A. Hobbs. 2006. Field evaluation of green stem disorder in soybean cultivars. Crop Science 46:879-885.<br /> <br /> Hill, C.B., Y. Li, and G.L. Hartman. 2006. A single dominant gene for resistance to the soybean aphid in the soybean cultivar Dowling. Crop Science 46:1601-1605.<br /> <br /> Hill, C.B., Y. Li, and G.L. Hartman. 2006. Soybean aphid resistance in soybean Jackson is controlled by a single dominant gene. Crop Science 46:1606-1608.<br /> <br /> Hill, J.H., Koval, N.C., Gaska, J.M., and Grau, C.R. 2006. Identification of field tolerance to Bean pod mottle and Soybean mosaic viruses in soybean. Crop Science. in press.<br /> <br /> Hobbs, H.A., Hill, C.B., Grau, C.R., Koval, N.C., Wang, Y., Pedersen, W.L., Domier, L.L., and Hartman, G.L. 2006. Green stem disorder of soybean. Plant Disease 90:513-518<br /> <br /> Koval, N., Grau, C., and Cullen, E. 2006. Understanding virus potential in commercial soybean fields. Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference Vol 45:115-121.<br /> <br /> Mueller, E.E., and Grau, C.R. 2006. Seasonal progression, symptom development, and yield effects of Alfalfa mosaic virus epidemics on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Disease In press<br /> <br /> Wang, L., Eggenberger, A., Hill, J., and Bogdanove, A.J. 2006. Pseudomonas syringae effector avrB confers soybean cultivar-specific avirulence on Soybean mosaic virus adapted for transgene expression but effector avrPto does not. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 19(3):304-312.<br /> <br /> Wang, R.Y., Kritzman, A., Hershman, D.E. and Ghabrial, S.A. 2006, Aphis glycines as a vector of persistently and nonpersistently transmitted viruses and potential risks for soybean and other crops. Plant Disease 90:920-926.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C.Q., and Ghabrial, S.A. 2006. Development of Bean pod mottle virus-based vectors for stable protein expression and sequence-specific virus-induced gene silencing in soybean. Virology 344:401-411.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. For IMPACTS, please see the complete Annual Report which includes the IMPACTS as well as state reports based on objectives which is located in the summary of minutes section as an attachment.
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Date of Annual Report: 01/28/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/01/2007 - 11/02/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007


"Domier, Leslie ( USDA-ARS Dept. Crop Science, Univ. of Illinois
"Esker, Paul ( Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin
"Grau, Craig ( Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin
"Hajimorad, Reza ( Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee
"Hill, John ( Dept. Plant Pathology, Iowa State University
"Hobbs, Houston ( Dept Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
"Langham, Marie ( Dept. of Plant Crop Science, South Dakota State University
"Phibbs, Anette ( Wisconsin Department of Trade and Consumer Protection, Madison, WI
"Redinbaugh, Margaret ( USDA/ARS, Wooster, Ohio
"Slack, Steven (,,) Director of the Ohio Agricultural Research Station, Wooster, Ohio
"Tolin, Sue ( ) Dept. Plant Pathology, Virginia Tech
"Wright, David ( ) Iowa Soybean Association

Brief Summary of Minutes

NCERA200 met November 1 and 2 at the Concourse Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin. Steven Slack, Administrative Advisor, presented a report and provided guidance to the committee on the impact section as to importance of relating goals and whether they have been advanced, expand on accomplishments and their impact. NCERA200 President, Les Domier, welcomed the group and presented an overview the meeting program.

Marie Langham and Sue Tolin reported on the Legume Integrated Pest Management Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (IPM PIPE). Twenty-seven states with insured legume acreages were requested to collaborate in the Legume IPM PIPE by establishing legume sentinel plots for monitoring and assay of disease in legumes. Legume sentential plots were established to parallel the size and profile of soybean rust plots. A total of 158 legume sentinel plots have been established in 2007. States were divided into Eastern and Western regions with Howard Schwartz coordinating the Western region and Marie Langham coordinating the Eastern region. Additionally, in order to expand monitoring for viral diseases into soybeans, 29 states with already established SBR sentinel plots were requested to complete virus assays in two of their SBR plots.

Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) (Genus: Comovirus; Family: Comoviridae) and Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae) were selected for testing in SBR plots during 2007. Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) (Genus: Cucumovirus; Family: Bromoviridae), Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) (Genus: Alfalfamovirus Family: Bromoviridae), and Beet curly top virus (BCTV) (Genus: Curtovirus Family: Geminiviridae) were selected for testing in legume plots.

State representatives from Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin represented state reports. Information ranged from surveys for soybean viruses to epidemiology and management of soybean viruses.

Surveys were conducted in several states to monitor the occurrence and frequency of several soybean viruses. In general, detection of soybean viruses was relatively low in 2007. A partial explanation of this result is that methods to detect viruses may not be adequate. A critical need is more accurate means to detect viruses in soybean. One target is to develop a reliable and sensitive immunological assay for detection of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV in soybean (Tennessee). Efforts continue to monitor the distribution and frequency of Soybean dwarf virus (Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin).

The nucleotide sequences encoding major and minor coat proteins of 9 SbDV isolates collected from Illinois and Wisconsin soybean fields were determined and compared to those of 12 SbDV isolates from clover from Illinois and Wisconsin. The minor coat proteins, putative aphid transmission determinants, of 4 of 9 soybean isolates contained an NVP amino acid sequence motif compared to only 2 of 12 for clover isolates. In transmission assays using A. glycines, a SbDV isolate with an NVP motif was reproducibly transmitted among two Japanese soybean lines (Itachi and Koganejiro). Transmission of SbDV to Williams 82 by A. glycines has not been detected.

Current management recommendations for BPMV are based upon bean leaf beetle suppression by foliar application of an insecticide at the F0 and F1 generation of the bean leaf beetle. Insecticide seed treatments were tested over three years for efficacy and data suggested seed seed treatment insecticide may substitute and be superior for the F0 foliar application. Studies reveal that integrated management of both BPMV and soybean mosaic virus (SMV) by vector suppression is not possible, probably because of different phenologies of the vectors that transmit the disease (BPMV  beetles; SMV  aphids). The recent introduction of the soybean aphid does not seem to have a large impact on SMV management. For both BPMV and SMV, identification and incorporation of disease resistance appears to be the best disease control tactic.

Virginia reported on pyramiding SMV resistance genes and use of marker assisted selection to stack Rsv1, Rsv 3, and Rsv 4 into the susceptible cultivar Essex, creating one, two or three Rsv1 loci for observing background and epistatic effects. In two and three gene isolines, Rsv1Rsv3, Rsv1Rsv4, and Rsv1Rsv3Rsv4 acted in a complementary manner and conferred a high level of resistance to all strains of SMV tested. However, isolines of Rsv3Rsv4 displayed late susceptibility to some strains of SMV. Research was continued to determine how Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) escapes detection by the Rsv1 gene. A number of mutations in HC-Pro that in conjunction with P3 from virulent strains allow for adaptation of avirulent SMV-N derived chimeras to Rsv1-genotype soybeans. This research will contribute to understanding and prediction of durability of the naturally occurring Rsv1 and Rsv3 disease resistance genes to SMV. ,

Seed transmission of SMV and AMV were studied in Illinois and Wisconsin, respectively. SMV is transmitted differing among soybean germplasm. Full-length infectious clones were constructed and sequenced of SMV 413. The transmission phenotypes of the SMV 413 clones were indistinguishable from the parent virus. Experiments have been initiated to identify viral determinants of seed transmission of SMV. Isolates of AMV differed in the degree of seed transmission in a common soybean variety.

Several states are involved with methods to evaluate soybean germplasm for response to BPMV and SMV in field and greenhouse environments. Criteria are disease symptoms, pod number and seeds/pod and analysis of BPMV titer (Ohio and South Dakota). Using relative antigen content of seed as determined by ELISA and seed coat mottling, virus incidence was shown to be highly correlated with relative antigen content (R2 = 0.77). Field tolerance was identified in several soybean lines (Iowa and Wisconsin).

Preliminary experiments were conducted to determine whether soybean mRNAs could be targeted for degradation by small RNAs produced during degradation of BPMV by soybean innate resistance responses. The accumulation of a subset of these mRNAs was significantly reduced in BPMV-infected plants. In addition, cleavage proximal to regions of BPMV complimentarily was detected in six of 19 downregulated soybean mRNAs. (Illinois). Alternative approaches are necessary to identify resistance genes for which traditional methods have been difficult. One method is the development and utilization of efficient reverse genetic tools. In this approach, the expression of a known gene or gene sequence is altered and the plant appearance resulting from the altered gene expression is investigated. The approach is being investigated for identification of resistance pathways in soybean (Iowa).

Studies were conducted on soybean accessions resistant to the two known biotypes of the soybean aphid (Ohio). Three plant introductions (PIs) (PI 243540, PI 567301B, and PI 567324) were identified as resistant while six PIs were identified as moderately resistant. PI 243540 displayed strong antibiosis resistance such that SA was unable to survive on this PI in a no-choice test. The other two resistant PIs possessed mainly antixenosis type resistance. PI 243540 and PI 567301B were also resistant to the SA isolate from Illinois.

NCERA 200 Business Meeting: The next NCERA200 meeting is scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2008 in Ames, Iowa. A location will be named later. David Wright was elected secretary. NCERA200 officers for 2008 will be Craig Grau, president, Loren Giesler, vice-president, and David Wright, secretary.
See attachment for full annual report


Accomplishments:<br /> During 2007, the NCERA200 project facilitated the collaboration of scientists in the North Central region in the analysis of soybean-virus-vector bilateral and trilateral interactions. For example, the structure established by NCERA200 allowed M. R. Hajimorad (University of Tennessee) to finalize the assembly of a large set of AMV isolates that included isolates from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Virginia. The AMV isolates will be used to test and develop diagnostic reagents that will be used by other scientist in the region. In addition, the structure afforded by NCERA200 facilitated the exchange of data generated by a grant that was funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program. <br /> <br /> Plans for coming year:<br /> The next NCERA 200 meeting is scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2008 in Ames, Iowa. A location will be named later. The officers of NCERA 200 will plan for a soybean virus symposium. Efforts will be made to publicize the symposium among a wider range of potential attendees. The NCERA 200 committee will continue to coordinate research on virus and their vectors for management of pest and disease in the North Central region. Where appropriate, the committee will work to develop consistent information sets for distribution through print and electronic media.<br />


Bradshaw, J., Rice, M., and Hill, J. 2007. Digital analysis of surface area: effects of shape, resolution, and size. J. Kan. Ent. Soc. 80:339-347..<br /> <br /> Bradshaw, J., Rice, M., and Hill, J. 2007. No-choice preference of Cerotoma trifurcata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to potentially perennial host plants of Bean pod mottle virus (Comoviridae) in Iowa. J. Econ. Ent. 100:808-814.<br /> <br /> Bradshaw, Jeffrey D., Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill. 2007. Seed treatments in soybean: Managing bean beetles. ICM-498:123-124.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bradshaw, Jeffrey D., Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill. 2007. Seed treatments in soybean: Managing bean pod mottle virus. ICM-498:133-134.<br /> <br /> Domier, L. L., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Genetics of seed transmission of Soybean mosaic virus. Phytopathology 97:S29.<br /> <br /> Domier, L. L., Steinlage, T. A., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., Herrera-Rodriguez, G., Haudenshield, J. S., McCoppin, N. K., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Similarities in seed and aphid transmission among Soybean mosaic virus isolates. Plant Disease 91:546-550.<br /> <br /> Eggenberger, A. L., M. R. Hajimorad, and J. H. Hill. 2007. Gain of virulence by an avirulent strain of Soybean mosaic virus on Rsv1-genotype soybean requires concurrent mutations in both P3 and HC-Pro. Phytopathology 97:S31.<br /> <br /> Hill, John H., Grau, Craig, R., and Cullen, Eileen. 2007. Recent study brings good news about the soybean aphid. ICM-498:84.<br /> <br /> Hill, J.H., Koval, N.C., Gaska, J.M., and Grau, C.R. 2007. Identification of field tolerance to Bean pod mottle and Soybean mosaic viruses in soybean. Crop Sci. 47: 212-218<br /> <br /> Kim, K. S., Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Mian, M. A., and Diers, B.W . 2007. Discovery of soybean aphid biotypes. Crop Science (in press).<br /> <br /> Kopisch-Obuch, F.J., Koval, N.C., Mueller, E.M., Paine, C., Grau, C.R., and Diers, B.W. 2007. Inheritance of resistance to Alfalfa mosaic virus in soybean plant introduction PI 153282. Crop Sci. Accepted for publication<br /> <br /> Langham, M., Tolin, S., Sutula, C. Schwartz, H., Wisler, G., Karasev, A., Hershman, D., Gisler, L., Golod, J., Ratcliffe, S., Cardwell, K. 2007. Legume/Virus PIPE - A new tool for disease management in legumes. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 97:S61. <br /> <br /> Li, Y., Hill, C. B., Carlson, S. R., Diers, B. W., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Soybean aphid resistance genes in the soybean cultivars Dowling and Jackson map to linkage group M. Molecular Breeding 19:25-34.<br /> <br /> Lim, H. S., Ko, T. S., Hobbs, H. A., Lambert, K. N., Yu, J. M., McCoppin, N. K., Korban, S. S., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. Soybean mosaic virus helper component-protease alters leaf morphology and reduces seed production in transgenic soybean plants. Phytopathology 97:366-372.<br /> <br /> Mueller, E.E., and Grau, C.R. 2007. Seasonal progression, symptom development, and yield effects of Alfalfa mosaic virus epidemics on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 91:266-272<br /> <br /> Pedersen, P., Grau, C., Cullen, E., Koval, N., and Hill, J.H. 2007. Potential for integrated management of soybean virus disease. Plant Dis. 91:1255-1259.<br /> <br /> Rice, Marlin E., Bradshaw, Jeffrey, D., and Hill, John H. 2007. Revisiting an integrated approach to bean leaf beetle and bean pod mottle virus management. ICM-498:87-88.<br /> <br /> Saghai Maroof, M. A., Jeong, S. C., Gunduz, I., Tucker, D. M., Buss, G. R., and Tolin, S. A. 2008. Pyramiding of Soybean mosaic virus resistance genes by marker-assisted selection. Crop Science (in press).<br /> <br /> Thekkeveetil, T., and Domier, L. L. 2007. Sequence diversity of read through protein of Midwestern isolates of Soybean dwarf virus. Phytopathology 97:S114.<br /> <br /> Thekkeveetil, T., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., Kridelbaugh, D., Donnelly, J., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. First report of Soybean dwarf virus in soybean in northern Illinois. Plant Disease (in press).<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., A. L. Eggenberger, M. R. Hajimorad, S. Tsang, and J. H. Hill. 2007. The N terminal Soybean mosaic virus (CI) is required for SMV virulence and is a symptom determinant on Rsv3 genotype soybean. Phytopathology 97:S129.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., S. Whitham, and J. Hill. 2007. Development of a high throughput Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) based gene expression and VIGS vector for soybean host pathogen interaction study. Phytopathology 97:S129.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. Enhance interaction among scientists in the North Central region who are engaged in fundamental and applied soybean virus research
  2. Establish media for effective dissemination & communication of information about the incidence, identification, and management of soybean virus diseases in the N.C. region. A three-year grant from the N.C. Soybean Research Program entitled Mitigating the effects of soybean virus disease in the North Central States was funded. Investigators on the project are John Hill, Craig Grau, Reza Hajimorad, Said Ghabrial, Marie Langham, Leslie Domier, Glen Hartman, Peg Redinaugh and Vern Damsteegt. Total budget is $180,000. Objectives are to: (1) improve diagnostic capabilities for selected soybean viruses, (2) determine source, movement, and risk of Soybean dwarf virus, and (3) identify sources of tolerance/resistance to important soybean viruses.
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Date of Annual Report: 12/16/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/30/2008 - 10/31/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


Craig Grau, Palle Pedersen, Berlin Nelson, John Hill, Rouf Mian, Ronald B. Hammond, Dechun Wang, Angie Peltier, Les Domier, Emmanuel Byanuhama, W. Allen Miller, Sharon Parker, Al Eggenberger, Kerry Pedley, Sushana Jossey, Bryony Bonning, Gustavo MacIntosh, Sijuin Liu, Gary Munkvold, Jose Pablo Soto-Arias, Matt ONeal, Ajay K. Pandey, and Steve Slack

Industry: David Wright, Karen Simon and Keith Smith, North Central Soybean Research Program and Yongliang Sun and Jamie Baley, Monsanto

Brief Summary of Minutes

The Soybean virus symposium entitled The Role of Climate Change on Virus / Vector Relationships was held October 30, 2008 at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. The keynote speaker was Dr. David Ragsdale, University of Minnesota. Other speakers and titles included: Forrest Nutter, Iowa State University, Temporal and Spatial Spread of Bean Pod Mottle Virus at The Field and County Level in Iowa; Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin, Ecology of Viruses and Vectors in The Agricultural Landscape; Craig Grau, University of Wisconsin-Madison, New Sources of Resistance to Soybean Viruses; Chris Zhang, Iowa State University, Underlying Mechanisms of Susceptibility to Soybean Viruses; and Michelle Graham, Iowa State University; "New Opportunities for Finding Soybean Resistance Genes as a Result of The Soybean Gene Sequencing Project."

The symposium adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

The annual business meeting began at 3:15 p.m. President, Craig Grau welcomed the group and presented an overview of the program.

Dr. Steve Slack, Administrative advisor gave the group an update on deadlines for upcoming reports.

State reports were given by: John Hill, Iowa State University; Craig Grau, University of Wisconsin; M. R. Hajimorad, University of Tennessee; Ben Lockhart, University of Minnesota; Les Domier, University of Illinois; Berlin Nelson, North Dakota University; Ron Hammond, The Ohio State University. Said Ghabrial, University of Kentucky provided a written report was unable to attend the meeting. No other reports were filed after three email requests.

Election of officers: David Wright rotated in as chair and Rouf Mian was unanimously elected as vice chair.

The complete set of minutes as well as the state reports are attached.


The goals of the project are to (1) enhance interaction among scientists in the North Central region who are engaged in fundamental and applied soybean virus research and (2) establish media for effective dissemination and communication of information about the incidence, identification, and management of soybean virus diseases in the North Central region. <br /> <br /> The group is working on several soybean virus diseases including bean pod mottle, soybean mosaic, alfalfa mosaic, and soybean dwarf. Much work is being conducted on bean pod mottle virus with grants from the North Central Soybean Research Program, United Soybean Board and the Iowa Soybean Association. <br /> <br /> A major focus of the soybean virus research at the University of Kentucky (UK) is to utilize the novel bean pod mottle virus (BPMV)-based vector, developed at UK, for gene function studies and expression of valuable proteins in soybean. VIGS is especially useful for plants, such as soybean, that are recalcitrant to transformation. Emphasis is placed on identification of resistance genes to major soybean pathogens and on screening candidate antifungal proteins from diverse sources. <br /> <br /> Iowa State University also has been using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) as a reverse genetics tool to study functions of specific plant genes. Because BPMV has been shown to be an effective VIGS vector for soybean, they have developed a unique DNA-based BPMV vectors to increase the efficiency and utility of VIGS for soybean functional genomics. <br /> <br /> The University of Illinois reports Highly effective VIGS vectors have been developed for soybean based on BPMV, but BPMV rarely invades meristems or developing embryos. In contrast, TSV readily invades both of these tissues. Therefore, a VIGS vector based on [tobacco streak virus] TSV would permit the analysis of gene function in tissue types and developmental stages that would be difficult to affect using BPMV vectors.<br /> <br /> In regard to soybean dwarf virus, researchers at the University of Illinois found that the efficiencies of transmission by A. glycines of SbDV isolates with variant coat protein sequences were compared and found to be very similar. <br /> <br /> Wisconsin reports that there has been an increase in incidence of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) in some of the soybean growing areas of the Northern states in recent years. However, absence of a fast, reliable, sensitive and easy diagnostic assay for AMV is not available. The research team attempted to develop a desirable monoclonal antibody to capable of detecting all AMV strains. Characterization of the produced antibodies showed that all belong to IgM sub-class; a sub-class not user friendly for assay development. None of these antibodies showed any satisfactory result in either of the assays. <br /> <br /> Because of the recent increase in aphid and bean leaf beetle activity in North Dakota, another virus survey was conducted in July and August of 2007. Leaves were collected from 139 soybean fields in southeastern North Dakota and evaluated for presence of soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) using Agdia virus kits. Nineteen fields tested positive for SMV and 8 were positive for BPMV. Repeated testing of leaf samples however, gave variable results with the Agdia kits. <br />


Eggenberger, A. L., Hajimorad, M. R., and Hill, J. H. 2008. Gain of virulence on Rsv1-genotype soybean by an avirulent Soybean Mosaic Virus requires concurrent mutations in both P3 and HC-Pro. MPMI 21:931-936.<br /> <br /> Bradshaw, J. D., Rice, M. E., and Hill, J. H. 2008. Evaluation of management strategies for bean leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and bean pod mottle virus (Comoviridae) in soybeans. J. Econ. Entomol. 101:1211-1227.<br /> <br /> Bradshaw, J., Zhang, C., Hill, J. and Rice, M. 2007. A novel naturally occurring reassortant of bean pod mottle virus (Comoviridae: Comovirus) from a native perennial plant and the molecular characterization of adjacent soybean-field isolates<br /> <br /> Donaldson, J.R., and Gratton, C. 2007. Antagonistic effects of soybean viruses on soybean aphid performance. Environmental Entomology 36:918-925<br /> <br /> Eggenberger, A. L. Hajimorad, M. R. & Hill, J. H. 2008. Gain of virulence on Rsv1-genotype soybean by an avirulent Soybean mosaic virus requires concurrent mutations in both P3 and HC-Pro. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21, 931-936<br /> <br /> Fu, D., Ghabrial, S. A. and Kachroo, A. 2008. GmRAR1 and GmSGT1 are required for basal, R gene-mediated and systemic acquired resistance in soybean. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. (in press) <br /> <br /> Gagarinova, A. G., Babu, M., Poysa, V., Hill, J. H., and Wang, A. 2008. Identification and molecular characterization of two naturally occurring Soybean mosaic virus isolates that are closely related but differ in their ability to overcome Rsv4 resistance. Virus Research. In press.<br /> <br /> Gu, H., Zhang, C. and Ghabrial, S. A. 2007. Novel naturally occurring Bean pod mottle virus reassortants with mixed heterologous RNA1 genomes. Phytopathology 97, 79-86.<br /> <br /> Hajimorad, M. R., Eggenberger, A. L., and Hill, J. H. 2008. Adaptation of Soybean mosaic virus avirulent chimeras containing P3 sequences from virulent strains to Rsv1-genotype soybeans is mediated by mutations in HC-Pro. MPMI 21:937-946.<br /> <br /> Hajimorad, M. R., Eggenberger, A. L., Hill, J. H. & Saghai-Maroof, M. A. 2008. Experimental adaptation of an avirulent Soybean mosaic virus to different soybean genotypes containing Rsv1 is associated with varying mutations in HC-Pro and P3. Proceedings of American Society for Virology, 27th annual meeting, July 12-16, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York P. 95.<br /> <br /> Hajimorad, M. R., Eggenberger, A. L., Malapi-Nelson, M. & Hill, J. H. 2008. Effect of mutations in HC-Pro of Soybean mosaic virus on symptom expression in soybean and the ability to induce disease synergism in mixed infection with Alfalfa mosaic virus. Phytopathology: 98 (supplement) S65 <br /> <br /> Kendell, A., McDonald, M, Bian, W., Bowles, T., Baumgarten, S. C., Shi, J., Stewart, P. L., Bullitt, E., Gore, D., Irving, T. A., Havens, W. M., Ghabrial, S. A. Wall, J. S. and Stubbs, G. 2008. Structure of flexible filamentous plant viruses. J. Virol. 82, 9546-9554.<br /> <br /> Kachroo, A., Fu, D-Qi, Havens, W., Navarre, D., Kachroo, P, and Ghabrial, S. A. 2008. An oleic acid-mediated pathway induces constitutive defense signaling and enhanced resistance to multiple pathogens in soybean. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 21, 564-575. <br /> <br /> Kang, S.T., Mian, M.A.R. and Hammond, R.B. Soybean Aphid Resistance in PI 243540 is Controlled by a Single Dominant Gene. Crop Sci. 48:1744-1748. 2008.<br /> <br /> Kim, K.S., Hill, C.B., Hartman, G.L., Mian, M.A.R., and Diers, B.W. Discovery of Soybean Aphid Biotypes. Crop Sci. 48: 923-928. 2008.<br /> <br /> Kopisch-Obuch, F.J., Koval, N.C., Mueller, E.M., Paine, C., Grau, C.R., and Diers, B.W. 2008. Inheritance of resistance to Alfalfa mosaic virus in soybean plant introduction PI 153282. Crop Sci. 48:933-940.<br /> <br /> Malapi-Nelson, M., Ownley, B., Gwinn, K. & Hajimorad, M. R. (2008). Mixed infection of Alfalfa mosaic virus and Soybean mosaic virus in soybeans results in disease synergism. Phytopathology: 98 (supplement) S97<br /> <br /> Mian, M.A.R., Kang, S.T., Beil, S.E., Hammond, R.B. Genetic linkage mapping of the soybean aphid resistance gene in PI 243540. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117:955-962. 2008.<br /> <br /> Mian M.A.R., Kang, S.T., M.G. Redinbaugh. Microsatellite diversity of soybean genotypes differing in leaf symptoms of bean pod mottle virus. Canadian Journal Plant Science: in press 2009.<br /> <br /> Mian, M.A.R., R.B. Hammond, and S. St. Martin. New plant introductions with resistance to the soybean aphid. Crop Sci. 48: 1055-1061. 2008.<br /> <br /> Stubbs, G., Kendall, A., McDonald, M., Bian, W., Bowles, T., Baumgarten, S., McCullough, I., Shi, J., Stewart, P., Bullitt, E., Gore, D. and Ghabrial, S. 2007. Flexible filamentous virus structures from fiber diffraction. Adv. X-ray Anal. 51, 116-123.<br /> <br /> Redinbaugh. M. G., J E. Molineros, J. Vacha, S. A. Berry, R. B. Hammond, L. V. Madden and A. E. Dorrance. 2008. Bean Pod Mottle Virus Movement in Insect Feeding Resistant Soybeans. Phytopathology. In preparation (2009).<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Yang, C., Whitham, S. A., and Hill, J. H. 2008. Development and use an efficient DNA-based viral gene silencing vector for soybean. MPMI. In press.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Gu, H., and (2007). Molecular characterization of naturally occurring RNA1 Ghabrial, S. A. recombinants of the comovirus Bean pod mottle virus. Phytopathology 97, 1245-1254.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. As a result of the collaboration afforded by the NCERA200 project, several three-year grants were awarded from North Central Soybean Research Program, the United Soybean Board and the Iowa Soybean Association. The proposals Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans (project manager, John Hill), Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for functional genomics of soybean seed development (project manager, Les Domier), Exploring new resistance resources for threatening soybean diseases (project manager, John Hill), Phenotypes associated with partial resistance to BPMV (project manager, Peg Redinbaugh, and Screening for genetic resistance against viruses (project manager, John Hill) were funded.
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Date of Annual Report: 02/10/2010

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/10/2009 - 11/11/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


More than 70 people attended the symposium proving the importance of the subject matters and the excellence of the speakers. The attendees included:

David Wright, NCSRP,

John Hill, Iowa State University,


Matthew Moslov, Iowa State University,

Rouf Mian, USDA-ARS, OSU,

Jon Allen, Pioneer,

Curt Hill, University of Illinois,

Jing Jin, Iowa State University,

Yan Meng, Iowa State University,

Vijayapalani, Iowa State University,

Chunhing Yang, Iowa State University,

Sehiza Grosic, Iowa State University,

Tobias Link, Iowa State University,

Reza Hajimorad, Virginia Tech,

Alice Hui, Iowa State University,

Dehui Xi, Iowa State University,

Congfeng Song, Iowa State University,

Chris Zhang, Iowa State University,

Bing Yang, Iowa State University,

Roger Wise, USDA-ARS/ISU,

Rishi Sumit, Iowa State University,

William Rutter, Iowa State University,

Jason Pierce, Iowa State University,

Steve Whitham, Iowa State University,

Naeinder Pal, Iowa State University,

Nick Lauter, Iowa State University,

Yi-Hsiang Chou, Iowa State University,

Junhui Zhou, Iowa State University,

David Hessel, Iowa State University, dhessel@iastate.eud

Tom Peterson, Iowa State University,

Qing Ji, Iowa State University,

Al Eggenberger, Iowa State University,

Sead Sabanadzovic, Mississippi State U.,

Ioannis Tzanetakis, Univ. of Arkansas,

Houston Hobbs, University of Illinois,

Les Domier, USDA-ARS/Uof Illinois,

Jian Zhony Liu, Iowa State University,

Saghai Maroof, Virginia Tech, smaroof@vtedu

Madan Bhattacharyya, Iowa State University,

Brian Freeman, USDA-ARS, ISU,

Michelle Graham, USDA-ARS, ISU,

Lori Lincoln, USDA-ARS, ISU,

Gustavo MacIntosh, Iowa State University,

Allen Miller, Iowa State University,

David Grant, USDA-ARS, ISU,

Aoedra Kachroo, Univ of Kentucky,

Sue Tolin, Virginia Tech,

Gwyn Beattie, Iowa State University,

Steven Slack, Ohio State University, OARDC@OSU.EDU

Andrew Bent, University of Wisconsin,

Brief Summary of Minutes

The soybean virus symposium titled Mechanisms of Resistance to Soybean Viruses was held on October 10, 2009 from 10 AM to 5 PM. The symposium started with opening remarks from Drs. David Wright (NCERA President, 2009) and John Hill. John Hill told the group that David Wright received the prestigious Henry Wallace Distinguished Award from Iowa State University in 2009. There were a total of four talks presented: (1) Mechanisms of Resistance of Plants to Pathogens: Are common mechanisms or case-by-case mechanisms more relevant? Presenter: Andrew Bent, University of Wisconsin, (2) Driving Innate Immunity: Emerging perspectives on the role of the ER, nucleus, and chloroplasts Presenter: S. Dinesh-Kumar, Yale University, (3) Rsv1/soybean mosaic virus research Presenters: Saghai Maroof, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Raza Hajimorad, Univ. of Tennessee, (4) Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) for gene function studies in plants - presenter: S. Dinesh-Kumar, Yale University.

The symposium was adjourned at 5 PM after a15 minutes open discussion and comments at the end.

The annual business meeting started at 8:30 AM on October 11.
Attendees: David Wright (NCSRP), Rouf Mian (USDA-ARS, Ohio), Aoedra Kachroo (University of Kentucky), Sue Tolin (Virginia Tech), Saghai Maroof (Virginia Tech), Reza Hajimorad (University of Tennessee), Sead Sabanadzovic (Mississippi State), Ioannis Tzanetakis (Arkansas), Al Eggenberger (Iowa State University), Feng Qu (Ohio State University), Steven Slack (Ohio State University), John Hill (Iowa State University), Houston Hobbs (University of Illinois), Curt Hill (University of Illinois), Les Domier (USDA-ARS, Illinois), Steve Whitham (Iowa State University)

President, David Wright, welcomed the group and presented a brief overview of the program. The minutes from the 2008 annual meeting were discussed and approved unanimously.

Dr. Steve Slack welcomed the group and requested that every one should review the existing participant list for his/her own institute and update the list to reflect the current situation.

The state reports were presented by one or more representatives as follows:

Iowa: by John Hill and Steve Whitham; Illinois report by Les Domier; Arkansas by Ioannis Tzanetakis; Mississippi by Sead Sabanadzovic; Tennessee by Reza Hajimorad; Kentucky by Aardra Kachroo; Virginia by Sue Tolin; and Ohio by Rouf Mian and Feng Qu. Please see reports from states below.

Dr. Wright requested that every state send the electronic copy of their report to him and Rouf by the end of November. He also requested other state representatives who were not present at the meeting to send their report electronically so that those can be included in the annual report.

Nomination for the post of secretary for was sought. Rouf Mian nominated Reza Hajimorad for the post and John Hill seconded. No other nomination was made and Dr. Hajimorad was unanimously selected as the secretary for 2010.

Following the tradition, Rouf Mian, Secretary for 2009, became the President for 2010. Drs. Slack, Rouf Mian and others in the meeting expressed their thanks to Dr. Wright for his outstanding job as the 2009 President.

The following items for 2010 were discussed:

1. Nov 9-10 or Nov 16-17 was proposed as possible dates for the NCERA 200 Symposium for 2010. One of the two dates will be confirmed later after learning from all participants.

2. Tentative organizing committee for 2010: Drs. John Hill, David Wright, Reza Hajimorad, and Rouf Mian

3. Tentative proposal writing committee: Drs. Les Domier, David Wright, Steve Whitham, Reza Hajimorad, Sue Tolin, and Rouf Mian

State Reports 2009:

Investigators: Leslie L. Domier, Glen L. Hartman, Curtis B. Hill, Houston A. Hobbs, Nancy K. McCoppin, Thanuja Thekke Veetil, Sushma Jossey

Virus distribution and incidence:
Houston Hobbs worked with scouts of Asian soybean rust sentinel plots in Illinois to collect samples that were used to estimate the incidence of soybean-infecting viruses in Illinois. In 2008, Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) was the most prevalent virus and was detected in 10 of 28 sentinel plots. In 2009, commercial soybean fields in seven counties in southern Illinois were assayed for virus infection. BPMV was detected in four of seven counties and Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV) was detected in one, Fayette County in south central Illinois. With this finding, SbDV has been detected in commercial soybean fields in nine Illinois counties.

Identification and characterization of Soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus:
A new soybean infecting virus, Soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus (SYMMV), was identified in Korea. SYMMV initially induces bright yellow mosaic symptoms on leaves followed by stunting and reduced growth of older leaves. SYMMV is most similar to, but distinct from the Carmovirus Cowpea mottle virus, which is widespread in West Africa, and is transmitted by beetles and through seed. To determine whether SYMMV is present in the United States, quantitative RT-PCR assays were designed and used to assay soybean plants from Illinois and Mississippi for SYMMV infection. SYMMV was detected in six of ten 100-leaf pools from a research field in Stoneville, Mississippi that contained 19 soybean germplasm lines (including five from Korea). The nucleotide sequence of the 4009 nt genomic RNA of the Mississippi isolate of SYMMV (FJ707484) was 96% identical to the Korean SYMMV isolate. Because of the sampling techniques used, it was not possible to associate SYMMV-positive plants with disease symptoms.

Evaluation of Commercial Varieties for Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) Resistance:
SMV is one of the most damaging soybean-infecting viruses worldwide. To provide soybean growers information about the responses of commercial soybean varieties to SMV infection, Houston Hobbs rated about 375 varieties for their responses to SMV infection in 2009. In the first two rounds of screening, seedlings were inoculated at the unifoliate stage with SMV G1 and varieties with symptoms were eliminated. In the final round of screening, 4-6 plants of each cultivar were inoculated with SMV G1 and screened for virus infection by ELISA. Seven soybean cultivars (Beck 376 NL, Merschman Truman 938LL, Merschman Wilson 1037LL, Merschman Miami 949LL, Nutech 3378L, Horizon 36-66L, and UniSouth Genetics USG 5601T) were identified as resistant to SMV G1. This is an increase over last year when just one of 350 varieties was resistant to SMV G1. The responses of all varieties were posted on the Varietal Information Program for Soybeans (VIPS) website (

Functional genomics of soybean seed development:
In collaboration with Said Ghabrial at the University of Kentucky, Sushma Jossey, Ajay Singh, and Nancy McCoppin constructed a series of potential vectors for virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) based on Tobacco streak virus (TSV). Multicloning sites (MCSs) were inserted into full-length clones of RNA2 at three locations downstream of the 2B gene, a duplicated subgenomic promoter and MCS into the intergenic region of RNA3, and Thosea asigna virus CHYSEL sequence and MCSs into RNA3 upstream of the 3A coding region and upstream and downstream of the coat protein (3B) coding region. Soybean seedlings were biolistically inoculated with cDNAs of wild-type and modified viruses. All of the modified clones were infectious. All but one containing a deletion in the 2B gene produced symptoms indistinguishable from the unmodified virus. Sequencing representing a portion of the phytoene desaturase gene and a complete green fluorescent protein gene were inserted into the modified viruses. The modified viruses tested so far have not retained inserted sequences in systemic leaves. To attempt to stabilize the inserts, alternative insertion locations are being evaluated and a full-length clone of RNA1 from a divergent TSV isolate from Kentucky is being substituted for the cognate Illinois RNA1 clone.

A source of resistance to Asian soybean aphids:
Asian soybean aphids (Aphis glycines) are major insect pests of soybean. Previously Curt Hill, Brian Diers, and Glen Hartman identified and mapped two dominant genes, Rag1 and Rag2, from "Dowling" and "Jackson", respectively, that confer resistance to soybean aphids. Plant introduction (PI) 200538 also shows strong resistance to soybean aphids. To determine the inheritance of resistance and to map gene(s) controlling resistance in PI 200538, F2 populations were developed from crosses between PI 200538 and three susceptible genotypes ("Ina", LD02-4485 and "Williams 82") and assayed for segregation of resistance and microsatellite markers. In all three crosses, resistance to soybean aphids segregated as a single dominant gene in a 3:1 genetic ratio. Segregation among F2:3 families from the crosses confirmed the dominant resistance gene hypothesis. The gene mapped to soybean linkage group F, flanked by the microsatellite markers Satt510, Soyhsp176, Satt114, and Sct_033, located in the same region as Rag2. Since the resistance gene in PI 200538 also gave resistance to soybean aphid biotypes 1 and 2, it is possible that the gene is Rag2 and not a new aphid resistance gene. Therefore, PI 200538 may be an additional source of Rag2.

Genetics of SMV seed transmission:
Seed-borne infections are the primary sources of inoculum for SMV infections in the Midwest. To identify regions of the soybean genome that permit SMV to be transmitted efficiently through seed, populations of recombinant inbred (RI) lines were generated and phenotyped in replicated trials for transmission of SMV through seed. Seed transmission rates of SMV ranged from 0 to 43% among the lines. Nancy McCoppin scored 120 microsatellite markers in 250 soybean RI lines to map soybean genes involved in seed transmission of SMV and seed-coat mottling. She also scored seeds from each population for the color of mottling, the percent of mottled seed and the degree to which seed coats were mottled. Next, the molecular and phenotypic data will be combined and analyzed.

Sources of resistance to Tobacco streak virus:
In soybean, TSV can cause significant yield losses and induces symptoms ranging from mild mosaic to bud blight, pod necrosis and plant death depending on the virus strain, host genotype and plant age at the time of infection. TSV also is transmitted through seed at rates ranging from 0 to >90% depending on the soybean line and virus isolate. To identify sources of resistance to TSV, Houston Hobbs is analyzing Ancestral and Diverse Sets of the USDA soybean germplasm collection for their responses to TSV infection. The Ancestral Set contains 95 lines that represented 99% of the genetic variability of public soybean cultivars as of the 1980's. To date, 92 of 95 Ancestral Set lines have been tested and are susceptible to TSV. The Diverse Set, which contains 3000 soybean lines, was assembled by Dr. R. Nelson, Curator of the Soybean Germplasm Collection, and represents genetic diversity not necessarily covered by the Ancestral Set. From the first 1000 lines in the Diverse Set, nine soybean lines were identified that appeared to be resistant to infection by an Illinois soybean isolate of TSV after multiple rounds of inoculation of plants from each line. Additional testing of the lines will be necessary to verify resistance and determine whether resistance, if verified, is general or specific to this isolate of TSV. Tanner, a minor contributor to the genetic diversity of modern soybean lines, was earlier shown in our research to be resistant to TSV.

Soybean dwarf virus diversity:
SbDV is obligately transmitted by colonizing aphids in a persistent manner. Thanuja Thekke Veetil analyzed the amino acid sequence diversity of readthrough proteins (RTPs) of 24 dwarfing isolates of SbDV from Wisconsin and Illinois. The RTP, a minor component of viral capsids, has a significant role in specificity of aphid transmission of members of the Luteoviridae. Among the isolates, nucleotide sequence identities ranged from 95 to 100%. The predicted amino acid sequences differed at 56 positions in the 54-kDa readthrough domain compared to only five positions in the 22-kDa core coat protein. Phylogenetic analysis of both predicted amino acid and nucleotide sequences showed three distinct clusters of SbDV isolates.


The goals of the project are to (1) enhance interaction among scientists in the North Central region who are engaged in fundamental and applied soybean virus research and (2) establish media for effective dissemination and communication of information about the incidence, identification, and management of soybean virus diseases in the North Central region. <p><br /> <br /> The main accomplishments are: Screening for genetic resistance against viruses, Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for functional genomics of soybean seed development, Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans were funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program and the United Soybean Board and Exploring new resistance resources for threatening soybean diseases funded by the Iowa Soybean Association. <p><br /> <br /> The group is working on several soybean virus diseases including bean pod mottle, soybean mosaic, alfalfa mosaic, and soybean dwarf. Much work is being conducted on bean pod mottle virus with grants from the North Central Soybean Research Program, United Soybean Board and the Iowa Soybean Association. <p><br /> <br /> A major focus of the soybean virus research at the University of Kentucky (UK) is to utilize the novel bean pod mottle virus (BPMV)-based vector, developed at UK, for gene function studies and expression of valuable proteins in soybean. VIGS is especially useful for plants, such as soybean, that are recalcitrant to transformation. Emphasis is placed on identification of resistance genes to major soybean pathogens and on screening candidate antifungal proteins from diverse sources. <p><br /> <br /> Iowa State University also has been using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) as a reverse genetics tool to study functions of specific plant genes. Because BPMV has been shown to be an effective VIGS vector for soybean, they have developed a unique DNA-based BPMV vectors to increase the efficiency and utility of VIGS for soybean functional genomics. <p><br /> <br /> The University of Illinois reports Highly effective VIGS vectors have been developed for soybean based on BPMV, but BPMV rarely invades meristems or developing embryos. In contrast, TSV readily invades both of these tissues. Therefore, a VIGS vector based on [tobacco streak virus] TSV would permit the analysis of gene function in tissue types and developmental stages that would be difficult to affect using BPMV vectors. <p><br /> <br /> In regard to soybean dwarf virus, researchers at the University of Illinois found that the efficiencies of transmission by A. glycines of SbDV isolates with variant coat protein sequences were compared and found to be very similar. <p><br /> <br /> Wisconsin reports that there has been an increase in incidence of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) in some of the soybean growing areas of the Northern states in recent years. However, absence of a fast, reliable, sensitive and easy diagnostic assay for AMV is not available. The research team attempted to develop a desirable monoclonal antibody to capable of detecting all AMV strains. Characterization of the produced antibodies showed that all belong to IgM sub-class; a sub-class not user friendly for assay development. None of these antibodies showed any satisfactory result in either of the assays. <p><br /> <br /> Because of the recent increase in aphid and bean leaf beetle activity in North Dakota, another virus survey was conducted in July and August of 2007. Leaves were collected from 139 soybean fields in southeastern North Dakota and evaluated for presence of soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) using Agdia virus kits. Nineteen fields tested positive for SMV and 8 were positive for BPMV. Repeated testing of leaf samples however, gave variable results with the Agdia kits. <br />


Hill, C. B., Kim, K. S., Crull, L., Diers, B. W., and Hartman, G.L. 2009. Inheritance of resistance to the soybean aphid in soybean PI200538. Crop Sci. 49:1193-1200.<br /> <br /> Kim, K. S., Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Mian, M. A. R., and Diers, B. W. 2008. Discovery of soybean aphid biotypes. Crop Sc. 48:923-928.<br /> <br /> Li, S. Moon, J. S. Lee, S. H., and Domier, L. L. 2009. First report of Soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus in Soybean in North America. Plant Dis. 93: 1214.<br /> <br /> Li, Y., Zou, J., Li, M., Bilgin, D. D., Vodkin, L. O., Hartman, G. L., and Clough, S. J. 2008. Soybean defense responses to the soybean aphid. New Phytol. 79:185-195.<br /> <br /> Nam, M., Kim, S. M., Domier, L. L. Koh, S., Moon, J. K., Choi, H. S., Kim, H. G., Moon, J. S., and Lee, S. H. 2009. Nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of a newly identified member of the genus Carmovirus, soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus, from soybean. Arch. Virol. 154: 1679-1684.<br /> <br /> Nelson, B. D. and Domier, L. L. 2009. First report of Soybean mosaic virus on soybean in North Dakota. Plant Dis. 93: 760.<br /> <br /> Veetil, T. T., Hobbs, H. A., and Domier, L. L. 2009. Sequence diversity of readthrough proteins of Soybean dwarf virus isolates from the Midwestern United States. Arch. Virol. 154: 861-866.<br /> <br /> Wille, B. D. and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Evaluation of artificial diets for rearing Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Econ. Entomol. 101:1228-1232.<br /> <br /> Wille, B. D. and Hartman, G. L. 2009. Two species of symbiotic bacteria present in the soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Environ. Entomol.38:110-115.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Yang, C., Whitham, S. A., and Hill, J. H. 2009. Development and use of an efficient DNA-based viral gene silencing vector for soybean. MPMI. 22:123-131.<br /> <br /> Meyer, J. D. F., Silva, D. C. G., Yang, C., Pedley, K. F., Zhang, C., van de Mortel, M., Hill, J . H., Shoemaker, R. C, Abdelnoor, R. V., Whitham, S. A., and Graham, M. 2009. Identification and analysis of candidate genes for Rpp4-mediated resistance to Asian soybean rust in Soybean (Glycine max (L.,) Merr.). Plant Physiol. 150:295-307.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Yang., C., Graham, M., Whitham, S.A., and Hill, J. H. 2009. Functional genomics of soybeans comes of age: Development and application of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans. Proceedings of the IX World Soybean Research Conference, August 2009, Beijing, China.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Yang, C., Hill, J. H., and Whitham, S. 2009. Functional analysis of defense gene networks in soybean using virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) vectors. Abstract W302. Plant and Animal Genomes XVII Conference. <br /><br /> <br /> Meyer, J. D. F., Silva, D. C. G., van de Mortel, M., Pedley, K. F., Hill, J. H., Shoemaker, R. C., Abdelnoor, R. V., Whitham, S. A., and Graham, M. A. 2009. Identification and analysis of candidate genes for Rpp4 mediated resistance to Asian soybean rust in soybean (Glycine max). Abstract W474. Plant and Animal Genomes XVII Conference.<br /><br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Yang, C., Graham, M. A., Whitham, S. A., and Hill, J. H. 2009. Functional genomics of major legume crops: development and application of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for beans. The 9th International Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB) Congress. October 25-30, 2009, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.<br /> <br /> Hajiimorad, M. R., Wen, R., Eggenberger, A. L., Hill, J. H., and Saghai Maroof, A. 2009. Experimental evolution of an avirulent Soybean mosaic virus toward virulence on Rsv1-soybeans imitates mutations through selected natural evolution. Phytopathology99: S50<br /> <br /> Fu D-Q, Ghabrial S, Kachroo A. (2009) GmRAR1 and GmSGT1 are required for basal, R gene-mediated and systemic acquired resistance in soybean. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 22:86-95<br /> <br /> Kachroo A, Fu D-Q, Havens W, Navarre DA, Kachroo P, Ghabrial SA. (2008) An oleic acid-mediated pathway induces constitutive defense signaling and enhanced resistance to multiple pathogens in soybean. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:564-575<br /> <br /> Mian MAR, ST Kang, MG Redinbaugh. 2009. Microsatellite diversity of soybean genotypes differing in leaf symptoms of bean pod mottle virus. Canadian Journal Plant Science: 89: 359-67<br /> <br /> Redinbaugh. M. G., J E. Molineros, J. Vacha, S. A. Berry, R. B. Hammond, L. V. <br /> Madden and A. E. Dorrance. 2009. Bean Pod Mottle Virus Movement in Insect <br /> Feeding Resistant Soybeans. Plant Disease (in revision).<br /> <br /> Malapi-Nelson, M., Wen, R.-H., Ownley, B. H. & Hajimorad, M. R. (2009). Co-infection of Soybean mosaic virus and Alfalfa mosaic virus results in disease synergism and alteration in accumulation level of both viruses. Plant Disease 93: 1259-1264.<br /> <br /> Hajimorad, M. R., Wen, R.-H., Eggenberger, A. L., Hill, J. H. & Saghai Maroof, M. A. (2009). Experimental evolution of an avirulent Soybean mosaic virus toward virulence on Rsv1-resistant soybeans imitates mutations selected through natural evolution. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Aug 1-5. Phytopathology 99: S50.<br /> <br /> Tzanetakis, I., Wen, R.-H., Newman, M. & M. R. Hajimorad (2009). Soybean vein necrosis virus; a new threat to soybean production in Southeastern United States. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Aug 1-5. Phytopathology 99: S131.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Hajimorad, M. R., Eggenberger, A. L., Tsang, S., Whitham, S. A. & Hill, J. H. (2009). Cytoplasmic inclusion of Soybean mosaic virus serves as avirulence determinant on Rsv3-genotype soybean and a symptom determinant. Virology 391, 240-248. <br /> <br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. As a result of the collaboration afforded by the NCERA200 project, several three-year grants were awarded from North Central Soybean Research Program, the United Soybean Board and the Iowa Soybean Association.
  2. The proposals Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans (project manager, John Hill), Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for functional genomics of soybean seed development (project manager, Les Domier), Exploring new resistance resources for threatening soybean diseases (project manager, John Hill), Phenotypes associated with partial resistance to BPMV (project manager, Peg Redinbaugh, and Screening for genetic resistance against viruses (project manager, John Hill) were funded.
  3. Many high-quality studies were conducted and published in reputable journals (please see the list of publications).
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Date of Annual Report: 02/16/2011

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/09/2010 - 11/09/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010


Steve Slack, Administrative Advisor- Ohio
Rouf Mian- Ohio
David Wright- North Central Soybean Research Program
John Hill- Iowa
Al Eggenberger- Iowa
Steve Whitham- Iowa
Ioannas Tzanetakis- Arkansas
Feng Qu- Ohio
Lucy Stewart- Ohio
Les Domier- Illinois
Sushma Jossey- Illinois
Houston Hobbs- Illinois
Anna Whitfield- guest from Kansas

Brief Summary of Minutes

The NCERA-200 meeting was held November 9, 2010 in Ames, Iowa beginning at 8:30 AM. A symposium on Virus vector interactions and mechanisms of virus transmission was presented in the morning with introduction by Rouf Mian (USDA-ARS) and David Wright (North Central Soybean Research Association). The committee very much appreciates the support of the North Central Soybean Research Association for paying the cost of the room rental, the symposium and the included lunch. Topics and speakers were: Beetle transmission of plant viruses&is spit involved? by Rose Gergerich, Emeritus Professor, University of Arkansas, Aphid-luteovirus interaction and blocking luteovirus transmission by Bryony Bonning (Iowa State University), Transmission of tospoviruses by thrips by Anna Whitfield (Kansas State University), How will the insect ecology affect plant viruses: What have we learned from soybean aphids? by Matt ONeal (Iowa State University), and Expression and function of the overlapping Potyviridae open reading frame: pipo by Allen Miller (Iowa State University).

The annual business meeting:

After lunch, the annual business meeting was called to order by chairman Rouf Mian with the following attendees:

Steve Slack, Administrative Advisor- Ohio
Rouf Mian- Ohio
David Wright- North Central Soybean Research Program
John Hill- Iowa
Al Eggenberger- Iowa
Steve Whitham- Iowa
Ioannas Tzanetakis- Arkansas
Feng Qu- Ohio
Lucy Stewart- Ohio
Les Domier- Illinois
Sushma Jossey- Illinois
Houston Hobbs- Illinois
Anna Whitfield- guest from Kansas

Comments from Steve Slack included discussion of the project rewrite which is in process. It must be submitted by December 1, 2010. He encouraged individuals to insure that they are signed up on the committee through submission of Appendix E. He believes the symposium is a good function and suggested that the committee can provide a good medium through which a cooperative CAPS grant might be submitted in the future.

Reza Hajimorad (Tennessee) will be the next president and Feng Qu (Ohio) will be secretary. Reza will appoint a program committee to plan the next symposium and meeting.

State reports were given by John Hill (Iowa), Ioannas Tzanetakis (Arkansas), Les Domier (Illinois), Al Eggenberger (substituting for Reza Hajimorad, Tennessee), and Rouf Mian (Ohio). Discussion was centered upon the threat that the emerging Soybean vein necrosis virus might be in the future and potential for a cooperative effort to screen for resistance. David Wright (NCSRP) suggested a proposal to the United Soybean Board concerning this virus might be appropriate.

Participants agreed that the next meeting should be held in Ames on November 9-10, 2011 in Ames, Iowa with an alternate date of November 14-15.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Complete set of minutes and state reports are attached.



Agindotan, B. O., Ahonsi, M. O., Domier, L. L., Gray, M. E., and Bradley, C. A. 2010. Application of sequence-independent amplification (SIA) for the RNA viruses in bioenergy crops. Journal of Virological Methods 169:119-128.<br /> <br /> Damsteegt, V. D., Stone, A. L., Kuhlmann, M., Gildow, F. E., Domier, L. L., Sherman, D. J., Tian, B., and Schneider, W. L. 2010. Acquisition and transmissibility of United States Soybean dwarf virus isolates by the soybean aphid Aphis glycines. Plant Disease Submitted for publication.<br /> <br /> Domier, L. L., Hobbs, H. A., McCoppin, N. K., Bowen, C. R., Steinlage, T. A., Chang, S., Wang, Y., and Hartman, G. L. 2010. Multiple loci condition seed transmission of Soybean mosaic virus in soybean. Phytopathology Accepted for publication.<br /> <br /> Hill, C. B., Crull, L., Herman, T. K., Voegtlin, D. J., and Hartman, G. L. 2010. A new soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) biotype identified. J. Econ. Entomol. 103:509-515. <br /> <br /> Hobbs, H. A., Herman, T. K., Slaminko, T. L., Wang, Y., Nguyen, B. T., McCoppin, N. K., Domier, L. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2010. Occurrences of soybean viruses, fungal diseases, and pests in Illinois soybean rust sentinel plots. Plant Health Prog. doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0827-01-BR.<br /> <br /> Kim, K. S., Bellendir, S., Hudson, K. A., Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Hyten, D. L., Hudson, M. E., and Diers, B. W. 2010. Fine mapping the soybean aphid resistance gene Rag1 in soybean. Theoret. Appl. Genet. 120:1063-1071.<br /> <br /> Kim, K. S., Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Hyten, D. L., Hudson, M. E., and Diers, B. W. 2010. Fine mapping of the soybean aphid-resistance gene Rag2 in soybean PI 200538. Theoret. Appl. Genet. 121:599-610.<br /> <br /> Lim, H. S., Vaira, A. M., Domier, L. L., Lee, S. C., Kim, H. G., and Hammond, J. 2010. Efficiency of VIGS and gene expression in a novel bipartite potexvirus vector delivery system as a function of strength of TGB1 silencing suppression. Virology 402:149-163.<br /> <br /> Lim, H. S., Vaira, A. M., Reinsel, M. D., Baer, H., Bailey, B. A., Domier, L. L., and Hammond, J. 2010. Pathogenicity of Alternanthera mosaic virus is affected by determinants in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and by reduced efficacy of silencing suppression in a movement-competent TGB1. J. Gen. Virol. 91:277-287.<br /> <br /> Zhang, C., Bradshaw, J. D., Whitham, S. A., and Hill, J. H. 2010. The development of an efficient multipurpose Bean pod mottle virus viral vector set for foreign gene expression and RNA silencing. Plant Physiol. 153:52-65.<br /> <br /> Pandey, A. K., Yang, C., Zhang, C., Graham, M., Horstman, H. D., Lee, Y., Zabotina, O. A., Hill, J. H., Pedley, K. F., and Whitham, S. A. 2010. Functional analysis of the Asian soybean rust resistance pathway mediated by Rpp2. MPMI. In press.<br /> <br /> Hill, J. H. 2010. Bean pod mottle virus. Plant Mangement Network/USB<br /> <br /> Pandey, A. K., Yang, C., Zhang, C., Pedley, K. F., Graham, M., Hill, J. H., and Whitham, S. A. 2010. Identification of soybean genes that contributes to Rpp2-mediated defense against Asian soybean rust using VIGS. Phytopathology 100:S96.<br /> <br /> Wen, R., He, B., and Hajimorad, M. R. 2010. Mutational analysis of the putative pipo of Soybean mosaic virus with emphasis on symptom expression and virus accumulation. Phytopathology 100:S135.<br /> <br /> Leandro, L., and Silva, V. Optimization of inoculation methods with Fusarium virguliforme for virus-induced gene silencing studies on soybean sudden death syndrome. Phytopathology 100:S187.<br /> <br /> Juvale, P. S., Eggenberger, A., Zhang, C., Hill, J., Whitham, S., Mitchum M., and Baum T. J. 2010. Using BPMV and SMV vector systems to explore soybean cyst nematode-plant interactions. Phytopathology 100:S187.<br /> <br /> Redinbaugh. M. G., J E. Molineros, J. Vacha, S. A. Berry, R. B. Hammond, L. V. <br /> Madden and A. E. Dorrance. 2009. Bean Pod Mottle Virus Movement in Insect <br /> Feeding Resistant Soybeans. Plant Disease 94:265-250.<br /> <br /> Mian MAR, ST Kang, MG Redinbaugh. 2009. Microsatellite diversity of soybean genotypes differing in partial resistance to bean pod mottle virus. Canadian J. Plant Science 89: 359-67. <br /> <br /> Wen, R.-H., and M. R. Hajimorad. 2010. Mutational analysis of the putative pipo of soybean mosaic virus suggests disruption of PIPO protein impedes movement. Virology 400: 1-7.<br /> <br /> Wen, R., He, B., and Hajimorad, M. R. 2010. Mutational analysis of the putative pipo of Soybean mosaic virus with emphasis on symptom expression and virus accumulation. Phytopathology 100:S135.<br /> <br /> Fajolu, O. L., Wen, R.-H., and Hajimorad, M. R. 2010. Occurrence of Alfalfa mosaic virus in soybean in Tennessee. Plant Disease 94: 1505.<br />

Impact Statements

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