SERA23: Management of Cotton Insects

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[11/09/2006] [01/11/2007] [03/04/2008] [11/11/2008] [03/10/2010]

Date of Annual Report: 11/09/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/31/2006 - 10/31/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 10/01/2006


Brief Summary of Minutes

Megha Parajulee (chair) called the business meeting to order at 1:00PM on 31 October 2006 at the Memphis Marriott East Hotel held in conjunction with the Cotton Incorporated Crop Management Seminar. The minutes of the meeting were recorded by Jeremy Greene (secretary/chair-elect). Twenty-four scientists were in attendance and represented the following organizations: Southern Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, Southern Cooperative Extension Service Directors, Cotton Incorporated, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, Clemson University, University of Tennessee, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State Ag/Extension Center, USDA-ARS (Mississippi, Texas), University of Arkansas, Arkansas State University, Louisiana State University AgCenter, and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.

Parajulee began the meeting with an introduction of the projects prior approval and the overall purpose of the meeting. Jim Harper welcomed the group and the discussion to follow. He requested that the minutes be submitted quickly. The website is available for SERA-IEG 23. Ralph Bagwell welcomed the group from the Extension Directors and noted the benefit of this meeting. It is a recognized meeting of the directors.

Parjulee distributed the agenda and mentioned that the minutes from the last meeting are available online. The minutes from the last meeting were approved and accepted without change. Parajulee continued discussing the purpose of the group meeting  anything of regional importance with cotton insect pest management. The objectives of the meeting were opened up to the group for discussion.

Randy Luttrell talked about the regional research projects of the past and how important they were. Southern regional bulletins were the norm. They served agriculture in the southern region. Others commented on the value of summarizing projects in published form. Roger Leonard discussed the amount of effort involved but agreed that it is certainly worthwhile. John Westbrook commented that many SERA-IEG 23 members have recently contributed to several published or pending books on cotton insects. Megha asked the group for a consensus on what topics should be researched and published. The resistance problem with plant bugs  Jim Robbins. Heliothines (we have far more data on this topic than bugs at this point)  Ralph Bagwell. Luttrell commented on the eradication program  what is life like after eradication? Scott Stewart mentioned that those efforts (publishing research efforts/projects) should be the focus of this group. Randy Luttrell was nominated as chair of an exploratory committee to look into what needs to be done. Leonard suggested that everyone email Luttrell with topics and let the group decide. Luttrell will summarize the comments and suggest a direction. Luttrell mentioned that a survey was done several years back  the consensus then was this meeting might be a waste of time without a change. Luttrell asked about any ongoing southern region publications.

Jim Harper mentioned anti-pesticide groups are using cotton as an example of pesticide abuse and environmental damage. It was suggested that someone needs to head a committee to address this problem with an updated statement or information about how things have changed. Apparently they are using old data for the US. BWEP, Bt cotton, etc. have changed our inputs dramatically. Jim Harper mentioned that a group of scientists presenting updated data/information would have more of an impact than any other group.

Parajulee read the objectives of the project/group and discussed the format of the current meeting agenda. Structured talks are to be at a minimum with ample time for discussions of the topics.

Practical comments on design and analysis of field research data  Megha Parjulee (TX)
Discussion: Luttrell asked how many statistics courses Parajulees students take. His department does not require statistics as part of a graduate student curriculum. Leonard mentioned that LSU does not require it either. Gene Burris asked about spatial information courses.

Sampling and thresholds for bugs: Mid-South perspective  Fred Musser
Discussion: Plant bugs - sampler impacts were very apparent/significant. Sampler is real.

Sampling and thresholds for bugs: Southeast perspective  Jeremy Greene
Discussion: Questions about fiber quality and collaborative work. Impacts on fiber quality are being evaluated.

Cotton arthropod sampling at a landscape level  Randy Luttrell
Discussion: Will be very important in the future. Students need opportunities to study/learn spatial analysis techniques. Data management will continue to be a problem.

Cotton arthropod sampling in relation to insecticide evaluation and IRM strategies  Roger Leonard (Roger had Carlos Blanco, Randy Luttrell, Jeff Gore make comments on IRM techniques and results)

Bt Resistance Monitoring Program  Carlos Blanco
Discussion: Blanco stated that he has not detected resistance on tobacco budworm or bollworm. Luttrell stated that there is much variability in bollworm to Cry1Ac.

Resistance in plant bugs  Jeff Gore
Discussion: Traditional insecticides for plant bugs are rapidly loosing effectiveness.

End of Program

Final Discussion: Jeff Gore suggested that we might consider publications in combination with scientists in other disciplines to address changes in production practices and how those production practices have changed ecology and pest interactions. Luttrell mentioned that might exist as an intended effort in some earlier Heliothis work. Gus Lorenz mentioned that fall armyworms could be the topic of research/publications.

New Business: Election of new Secretary/Chair-Elect  Fred Musser is new Secretary/Chair-Elect after nomination by Gus Lorenz.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM.



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Date of Annual Report: 01/11/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/11/2007 - 01/11/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 10/01/2007


Angus Catcho - MSU -;
David Kerns - U Arizona -;
Don Cook - MSU;
Fred Musser - MSU -;
Gus Lorenz - U Arkansas -;
Jack Bacheler - NCSU -;
James Harper - NCSU -;
Jeff Gore - USDA-ARS -;
Jeremy Greene Clemson;
John Ruberson U Georgia;
John Westbrook TAMU;
Juan D. Lopez USDA-ARS;
Megha Parajulee TAMU;
Mike Toews U Georgia;
Phillip Roberts - U Georgia -;
Ralph Bagwell LSU AgCenter;
Randy Luttrell - U Arkansas -;
Robert Pfannenstiel USDA-ARS;
Roger Leonard LSU AgCenter;
Roy Parker TAMU;
Ryan Jackson USDA-ARS;
Scott Akin U Arkansas CES;
Scott Armstrong - USDA-ARS -;
Scott Stewart - U Tenn -;
Steve Micinski - LSU AgCenter -;
William Moar - Auburn -

Brief Summary of Minutes

January 11, 2007, 6:00 PM at the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, LA.
Held in conjunction with the Beltwide Cotton Conferences.

Jeremy Greene, chair of SERA-IEG 23, presided over the meeting.

In attendance were 26 scientists representing 10 universities and USDA-ARS.

James Harper, David Boethel and Ralph Bagwell were recognized as experiment station and extension directors that have authorized this meeting.

Old Business
Randy Luttrell reported on ideas submitted to him regarding potential focus areas for this IEG group:
Armyworm biology, ecology and management in cotton suggested by Gus Lorenz
Influences of production practices on cotton insects suggested by Jeff Gore
Pyrethroid resistance of heliothines suggested by Fred Musser
Randy emphasized the web site that is available to the group for posting information such as publications and literature reviews. Randy encouraged us to use this resource more.

New Business
Fred Musser brought information regarding the next annual meeting to be held in conjunction with a branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). The southeastern branch annual meeting was chosen to be the site of the next SERA-IEG 23 meeting. It will be held in Jacksonville, FL on March 2-5, 2008. We will hold a symposium at that meeting with the title Managing Cotton Insects.

Since the current officers of Jeremy Greene (chair) and Fred Musser (sec/chair-elect) only assumed their duties after the last meeting in November, 2006, both officers will remain in their positions until the 2008 annual meeting.

Attendance sheets were passed around for everyone to sign. Attendees are listed below.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.


Fred Musser
Secretary/ Chair-elect



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Date of Annual Report: 03/04/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/04/2008 - 03/04/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


Fred Musser MSU;
Jack Bacheler NCSU;
Jack Reed MSU;
James Harper NCSU;
Jeff Gore MSU;
Jeremy Greene Clemson;
John Adamczyk USDA-ARS;
Kelly Tindall U Missouri;
Pat OLeary Cotton Inc.;
Phillip Roberts U Georgia;
Roger Leonard LSU AgCenter;
Ron Smith Auburn U;
Ryan Jackson USDA-ARS;
Shoil Greenberg USDA-ARS;
Scott Akin U Arkansas CES;
Tina Gray Teague ASU-UAAES;

Brief Summary of Minutes

March 4, 2008, 11:30 AM at the Wyndham Jacksonville Riverwalk Hotel in Jacksonville, FL in conjunction with the Southeastern Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America.

Prior to the business meeting, a symposium was held entitled Managing Cotton Insects- Hot Topics in IPM. Twelve papers were presented covering at-plant decisions, insecticide resistance, Bt technology, plant bug management and stink bug management. Many of the talks presented data gathered from ongoing multi-state research projects.

Jeremy Greene, chair of SERA-IEG 23, moderated the symposium and presided over the business meeting.

In attendance at the business meeting were 16 scientists representing 9 universities, Cotton Inc. and USDA-ARS.

James Harper, on behalf of the experiment station and extension directors, thanked the group for organizing the symposium and encouraged the group to continue this level of collaboration. He also encouraged us to keep the web site up to date as it is used by numerous administrators.

Old Business
Jeremy Greene encouraged more use of the web site as it is there for our benefit.
The focus areas proposed at the last meeting were mentioned. While collaborative work is being done on these areas (Beltwide research on pyrethroid resistance, armyworm symposium organized for the southeastern branch meeting), no one suggested a role for this group in these areas at this time.

New Business
Jeremy Greene announced that in an email election held prior to the meeting, Jeff Gore was selected as the new secretary/chair elect for the group. Fred Musser becomes the chair for the next meeting.

The time and place for the next meeting was discussed. After much discussion, Phillip Roberts moved to meet with the Cotton Management Seminar (Oct/Nov) on even years and at the southeastern branch or the southwestern branch meeting of ESA (Feb/Mar) on even years. This was seconded by Jeff Gore and approved. Therefore our next meeting will be held in conjunction with the Cotton Management Seminar scheduled for Memphis, TN in October or November, 2008.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.

Attendance sheets were passed around for everyone to sign. Attendees are listed below.

Fred Musser
Secretary/ Chair-elect



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Date of Annual Report: 11/11/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/11/2008 - 11/11/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


Jeff Gore - MSU -;
Gordon Snodgrass -USDA-ARS -;
Jesus Esquivel - USDA-ARS -;
Fred Musser - MSU -;
O.P. Perera - USDA-ARS -;
David Kerns - TX Agrilife Ext. -;
Carol Pinnell-Alison - LSU AgCenter -;
Tina Gray Teague - UAAES-ASU -;
Jack Bacheler - NCSU -;
Angus Catchot - MSU -;
Rogers Leonard - LSU-AgCenter -;
Glenn Studebaker - UA -;
Scott Stewart - UT -;
Gus Lorenz - UA -;
Scott Akin - UA-M -;
Glynn Tillman - USDA-ARS -;
Ron Smith - AU -;
Kelly Tindall - MU -;
Ryan Jackson - USDA-ARS -;
Ralph Bagwell - LSU AgCenter -;
Clint Allen - USDA-ARS -;
Pat OLeary - Cotton Incorporated -;
Bob Nichols - Cotton Incorporated -;

Brief Summary of Minutes

SERA-IEG 23 (Cotton Insects) 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes, November 11, 2008
Tunica, MS

The meeting was held at Harrahs Casino in Tunica, MS in conjunction with Cotton Incorporateds Crop Management Seminar. The meeting was preceded by a series of presentations. A list of titles and presenters is included on the last page.

Fred Musser, chair of SERA-IEG 23, presided over the meeting.

24 scientists representing 8 Universities, USDA-ARS, and Cotton Incorporated

Old business was not discussed.

Jack Bacheler gave an update on the filling of positions at NCSU. The position vacated by John Van Duyn has been advertised and interviews will occur sometime after the first of the year.

James Harper could not attend the meeting due to conflicts with interviews for other Entomology positions at NCSU.

Ralph Bagwell gave an update on behalf of the Experiment Station and Extension Service directors. He indicated that Dr. Harper will be retiring and stepping down after serving 12 years as the Experiment Station Representative. Dr. George Kennedy will become the new head of the Dept of Entomology at NCSU effective January 1, 2009.

Ralph Bagwell also gave an update about the current status of Cotton 3D funds that will be rolled over into other IPM funds and be awarded on a competitive basis. The Directors have indicated to USDA that they are not happy with this change in the current Farm Bill. They expressed that the funds will be made available to 1890 Institutions. The directors have expressed their support of inclusion of 1890 Institutions, but are more concerned about the inclusion of cotton 3D funds in a wide open national competition. They are concerned that this change would result in a loss of identity of the cotton 3D support if the support is subsumed into the IPM pool. They are also concerned that these changes will result in an overall dilution of funds in the southern region if the same amounts go to each region, while other regions will not experience the same dilution.

Pat OLeary encouraged everyone in attendance to let their concerns be heard about this change.

New Business

Fred Musser proposed to the group that the SERA-IEG 23 compile a bibliography of all publications relating to cotton insects that have been published over the last 5 years. Angus Catchot agreed that this was a good idea. O.P. Perera volunteered to take the lead in formulating the bibliography and Pat OLeary offered to help. It was agreed that the bibliography should be broken down by publication type (e.g. refereed, Beltwide, Abstracts, AMTs, etc.). O.P. Perera will send email the group with more details.

A suggestion was also made by several in attendance to encourage the National Cotton Council to make the Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences available through open access on their website.

Roger Leonard gave an update on organizations drafting letters to USDA and Legislators about 3D funds.

Roger Leonard also gave an update about the proposed creation of a new journal by Marlin Rice, Kevin Steffey, and Bill Hutchison titled Journal of IPM. The idea has been proposed to the Plant Management Network. The focus of the journal would be applied/extension based and include any type of research that changes state recommendations (i.e. thresholds, sampling, efficacy, etc.). Roger polled the group about interest in being involved with the journal. Gus Lorenz was in favor and suggested a vote. Scott Stewart moved that the SERA-IEG 23 group give their support to the proposed journal. Gus Lorenz seconded the motion. All in attendance were in favor, none were opposed. Gordon Snodgrass indicated he would like more information.

Election of new Secretary/Chair-Elect:

Several in attendance nominated Ryan Jackson. Gus Lorenz made the motion that Ryan Jackson serve as the next Secretary/Chair-Elect. Angus Catchot seconded the motion. The motion passed with a majority vote and Ryan Jackson agreed to serve as Secretary/Chair-Elect.

The schedule for the next meeting was discussed. The next meeting will be held in conjunction with either the Southeastern Branch or Southwestern Branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America in 2010. Jesus Esquivel indicated that the 2010 Southwestern Branch meeting would be held in Mexico. No decision was made.

Gus Lorenz proposed the development of an ESA Handbook similar to the ESA publications for small grains and soybean. Scott Stewart supported it and Gus volunteered to write a proposal. Jack Bacheler suggested he get help from Peter Ellsworth. Scott Stewart made the motion that the SERA-IEG 23 will support this. Angus Catchot seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gus Lorenz will Chair the committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15

The attendees are listed below.


Jeff Gore
Secretary/ Chair-Elect

SERA-IEG 23 Symposium In conjunction with the Crop Management Seminar

November 11, 2008

Grand Casino and Resort

Tunica, MS

Current Research of Major Cotton Pests

Moderator: Fred Musser

1:30 - Overwintering strategies of tarnished plant bug. Gordon Snodgrass, USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS

1:50 - Impact of pre-flower stress on late season pest management. Tina Teague, Arkansas State Univ., Jonesboro, AR.

2:10 - Landscape movement of tarnished plant bug. Ankit Kumar, Mississippi State Univ., Miss. State, MS

2:30 - Tarnished plant bug genetics. O. P. Perera, USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS

2:50 - Break

3:10 - Biologically-based pest management: Strategically exploiting interactions between stink bug behavior and biology and the landscape. Glynn Tillman, USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA

3:30 - Stink bugs as disease vectors. Jesus Esquivel, USDA-ARS, College Station, TX

3:50 - Bollworm resistance modeling. Clint Allen, Mississippi State Univ., Miss. State, MS

4:10 - Fall armyworm biology. Ryan Jackson, USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS

4:30 - Business meeting



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Date of Annual Report: 03/10/2010

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/09/2010 - 03/09/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010


Ryan Jackson;
Angus Catchot;
Jeff Gore;
Roger Leonard;
Phillip Roberts;
Glenn Studebaker;
Scott Akin;
Gus Lorenz
Scott Stewart;
Don Cook;
John Ruberson;
Jarrod Hardke;
Jack Bacheler;
Clint Allen;
Randy Luttrell;
Michael Toews;
Charles Suh;
Pat O'Leary;
Tina Gray Teague;
James Harper

Brief Summary of Minutes

Meeting was opened by Dr. Jeff Gore, Chair. Dr. Jim Harper was asked for comments from directors of experiment station. Dr. Harper indicated that the 5-year period for this group ended in 2010. A report would need to be filed on behalf of the group to extend for another 5 years. Dr. Rogers Leonard was asked to provide some information regarding the IEG. Dr. Leonard asked about the value of the meeting, and indicated that the southern directors had established this IEG to discuss common research opportunities for individuals across state lines. Historically, the meeting had a simple topic of importance across the cotton belt (boll weevil), and reports were given to provoke discussion and research ideas. Five years ago, the decision was made to extend the IEG and to have symposia in conjunction with either the Southeastern Branch meeting or the Southwestern Branch meeting.

Dr. Gore asked if there was a need to continue the group before going any further or if the group needed to generate some new interest. Dr. Jack Bacheler asked about formal procedures for continuing the group. Dr. Harper indicated that a formal proposal would be required along with the completion of a few procedural steps to renew the IEG. Dr. Gore brought up the lack of participation in the IEG.

Dr. John Ruberson indicated that symposia were easy to do at the Southeastern Branch meeting. Dr. Leonard suggested that the experiment station directors wanted to ensure that monies were spent wisely for the meeting. Dr. Harper indicated that directors only provided funding for multi-state projects and that the southern region department heads met to ensure that the group was meeting its proposed objectives.

Dr. Scott Stewart indicated that the potential existed for interaction with other individuals across the cotton belt, but this had not been the case for years. Dr. Gore asked if there was any benefit for the directors from continuing this IEG. Dr. Harper suggested that the only benefit was for the IEG group itself. Dr. Don Cook suggested that the primary issue was that there was no common insect problem across the cotton belt and that insect issues were more regionalized. Dr. Stewart cited the lack of participation. Dr. Phillip Roberts indicated that there was value to hearing about other issues. There may not be other avenues for interaction among group members in the future. He asked about the process of starting an IEG at a later date. Dr. Harper indicated that starting an IEG was a simple process, taking about a year to establish. The group would need to develop a proposal with objectives. Multi-state projects take more effort than an IEG.

Dr. Gore asked for a motion to vote on the continuation of the IEG. Dr. Catchot stated that he did not know the purpose for the IEG. Dr. Tina Teague suggested that it had great value when boll weevil was the topic and a problem across the belt. Dr. Catchot suggested that it might be a good idea to continue the IEG in order to further applied research and extension entomology. Dr. Charles Suh indicated that the meeting was used to establish collaboration and discuss research plans in the past, but that this was not the case any longer. Dr. Gus Lorenz suggested that the IEG could be the venue to replace the Cotton Pest Management Seminar without industry sponsorship in an effort to free up discussion from the group. Drs. Leonard and Lorenz discussed tagging this meeting onto the Beltwide Cotton Conf. in order to increase participation from others in the cotton belt. Dr. Leonard proposed that a committee be formed to investigate other possibilities in order to generate more information so that a decision could be made at a later date. Dr. Harper indicated that the group would need to decide within the next couple of months. Dr. Lorenz suggested using the IEG to discuss beltwide issues such as thrips, armyworms, and/or the sucking bug complex. Dr. Randy Luttrell suggested that no reason to continue the group had been established during the discussion. Dr. Luttrell motioned that the group end the IEG and suggested that if the need arose within the next year or so to start another, then do so. Dr. Roberts seconded the motion. The motion was passed with a unanimous vote of the participants. Dr. Gore adjourned the meeting.



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