NCERA_OLD57: Swine Reproductive Physiology

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[06/21/2005] [07/05/2006] [07/24/2007] [08/11/2008] [06/30/2009]

Date of Annual Report: 06/21/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 05/25/2005 - 05/26/2005
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2004 - 05/01/2005


Miller, David - University of Illinois;
Diekman, Mark - Purdue University;
Anderson, Lloyd - Iowa State University;
Davis, Duane - Kansas State University;
Kirkwood, Roy - Michigan State University;
Lamberson Bill (for Tim Safranski) - University of Missouri;
White, Brett - University of Nebraska;
Guthrie, David - USDA/ARS/BARC/ Beltsville, MD;
Ford, Joe - USDA/ARS/USMARC, Clay Center, NE;
Parrish, John - University of Wisconsin;
Baker, John - Michigan State University;
Mark Mirando (for Deb Hamernik) - USDA/CSREES/PAS

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCR-57 Regional Committee on Swine Reproduction was held in the Department of Animal Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison. The committee chairman, Dr. Brett White, called the meeting to order at 8:15 am, May 25, 2005; the proposed agenda was accepted.

Dr. Dan Schaefer welcomed the group to University of Wisconsin and provided a summary of the programs and activities within his department.

Administrative Advisor, Dr. Baker, reported that the committee was required to change its name to reflect the common USDA committee nomenclature. After a brief discussion, the committee unanimously agreed to adopt the name change from NCR-57 to NCERA-57.

Dr. Mark Mirando, acting for USDA/CSREES/PAS advisor Dr. Deb Hamernik, distributed a handout summarizing personnel changes within the agency and providing details about competitive programs.

Station reports were presented during the morning and afternoon of May 25 and the morning of May 26.

Following station reports on May 25, the committee toured the new Minitube Biotechnology Center. During the business meeting, John Parrish was elected as secretary. The officers for the year are Ford (Chair), Kirkwood (Chair elect) and Parrish (Secretary). The dates and location for the 2006 meeting were discussed and will be finalized in association with Billy Flowers in North Carolina. A steering committee was formed consisting of Drs. Flowers, Guthrie, and Safranski.

Regarding a committee web page, Dr. Parrish requested that members forward to him pig reproduction pictures (eg. AI and farrowing). Also, links to other sites (eg. personal web pages) and details of previous and future symposia should be sent to Dr. Parrish.

Dr. Duane Davis initiated some discussion on the NCERA-57 committee submitting an integrated proposal to NRI. Possible subject areas suggested were sperm assessment and seasonal effects on semen quality (Dr. Guthrie) and some aspect of animal welfare (Dr. Anderson). A steering committee was proposed consisting of Drs. Davis, Parrish, Guthrie, Miller, and Kirkwood.


1. Re-classification as an Education/Extension and Research committee was adopted. The official name is changed from NCR-57 to NCERA-57<br /> <br /> 2. Publications produced by committee members and their associates during the past year are listed<br /> <br /> 3. The dates and location were chosen for the third workshop to be held prior to the 2006 meeting.<br /> <br /> <b>Plans for the Coming Year:</b><br /> 1. Complete the planning of the third workshop to be held in association with the 2006 meeting. The topics and location were chosen to meet the aim of increasing interaction with extension educators. A committee was established to achieve this aim.<br /> <br /> 2. During 2005, continue development of the NCERA-57 web page. This will include a history of the committee.<br /> <br /> 3. Two study areas were identified and a committee struck to formulate and submit for NRI funding at least one proposal integrating teaching, extension and research.<br />


Publications<br /> <br /> Manuscripts<br /> <br /> Albin, D.M., J.E. Wubben, J.M. Rowlett, K.A. Tappenden, and R.A. Nowak. 2005. Small intestinal transport and barrier function respond differently to acute immune challenge in two porcine breeds. Amer. J. Physiol. (in Press).<br /> <br /> Allan, M.F., E.J. Eisen, and D. Pomp. 2004. The M16 mouse: An outbred animal model of early onset polygenic obesity-induced diabetes (diabesity). Obes. Res. 12:1397-1407.<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L. 2004. Invited Review: Senior Physiologists NewsLloyd L. Anderson. The Physiologist 47:73-74.<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, and C.G. Scanes. 2004. Growth hormone secretion: Molecular and cellular mechanisms and in vivo approaches. Experimental Biol. Med. 229:291-302.<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, M.H. Stromer, J.-S. Lee, K. Jeftinija and A. Glavaski-Joksimovic. 2004. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. Proc.5th Int. Conf. Farm Anim.Endocrinol. Budapest. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. (in press).<br /> <br /> Bahr, J.M. 2004. Female reproduction: Endocrine system. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc.<br /> <br /> Bao, S., D.J. Miller, Z. Ma, M. Wohltmann, G. Eng, S. Ramanadham, K. Moley, and J. Turk. 2004. Male mice that do not express group VIA phospholipase A2 produce spermatozoa with impaired motility and have greatly reduced fertility. J. Biol. Chem. 279:38194-381200.<br /> <br /> Bazer, F.W., T.S. Spencer, and R.D. Geisert. 2005. Female Reproduction: Anatomy and Physiology. In: Encylopedia of Animal Science, W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York. 398-403.<br /> <br /> Belstra, B., W.L. Flowers, M.T. See, and W.J. Croom. 2005. Characterization of collagen degradation marker excretion during postpartum uterine involution in sows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 85:131-145.<br /> <br /> Blomberg, L. and K.A. Zuelke. 2004. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) during porcine embryo development. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. 16:87-92.<br /> <br /> Blomberg, L., E.L. Long, T.S. Sonstegard, C.P. Van Tassel, J.R. Dobrinsky, and K.A. Zuelke. 2005. Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) during elongation of the peri-Implantation porcine trophectoderm (conceptus). Physiol. Genomics 20:188-94. (E-pub Nov 09, 2004).<br /> <br /> Boltz, D.A., M. Nakai, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Avian infectious bronchitis virus: a possible cause of reduced fertility in the rooster. Avian Diseases 48:909-915.<br /> <br /> Boone, W.R., B.B. Keck, J.C. Catlin, K.J. Casey, E.T. Boone, P.S. Dye, R.J. Schuett, T. Tsubota, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Evidence that bears are induced ovulators. Theriogenology 61: 1163-1169.<br /> <br /> Braundmeier A.G., J.M. Demers, R.D. Shanks, and D.J. Miller. 2004. The ability of porcine sperm to bind the zona pellucida is related to litter size after insemination. J. Anim. Sci. 82:452-458.<br /> <br /> Breen, S.M., K.L. Farris, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas and R.V. Knox. 2005. Effect of age and physical or fence-line boar exposure on estus and ovulation response in prepubertal gilts administered PG600. J. Anim. Sci. 83:460-465.<br /> <br /> Burkin, H,, L. Zhao, and D.J. Miller. 2004. CASK is in the mammalian sperm head and is processed during epididymal maturation. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 68:500-506.<br /> <br /> Burkin H.R., A.P. Alves-Vieira, and D.J. Miller. 2004. Localization of zona pellucida receptors on live sperm by fluorophore-conjugated solubilized zona pellucida proteins. Meth. Molecular Biol.: Germ Cell Protocols 253:79-93.<br /> <br /> Cabot, R.A., and R.S. Prather. 2003. Cleavage stage porcine embryos may have differing developmental requirements for karyopherins a2 and a3. Molec. Reprod. Dev. 3:292-301.<br /> <br /> Cabot, R.A., M. Hannink, and R.S. Prather. 2002. CRM1-mediated nuclear export is present during mammalian embryogenesis, but is not required for early cleavage. Biol. Reprod. 67:814-819.<br /> <br /> Caetano, A.R., R.K. Johnson, J.J. Ford, and D. Pomp. 2004. Microarray profiling for differential gene expression in ovaries and ovarian follicles of pigs selected for increased ovulation rate. Genetics 168:1529-1537. <br /> <br /> Casas, E., D.D. Lunstra, and R.T. Stone. 2004. Quantitative trait loci for male reproductive traits in beef cattle. Anim. Genetics 35:451-453.<br /> <br /> Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, Z. Poljak, and R.M. Friendship. 2004. Effect of estrogen formulation and site of deposition on fertility of artificially inseminated sows treated with hCG to induce ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:285-287.<br /> <br /> Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, R.M. Friendship, and Z. Poljak. 2005. Sow and litter performance following farrowing induction with prostaglandin: Effect of adjunct treatments with dexamethasone or oxytocin. J. Swine Health Prod. 13:81-85.<br /> <br /> Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, K. Bennett-Steward, and R.M. Friendship. 2005. Effect of single or double insemination on fertility of sows bred at an induced estrus and ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. (in press).<br /> <br /> Creech, B.L., J.W. Spears, W.L. Flowers, G.M. Hill, K.E. Lloyd, and T.A. Armstrong. 2004. Effect of trace mineral level and source (inorganic vs. chelated) on performance, mineral status and fecal mineral excretion in pigs from weaning through finishing. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2140-2147.<br /> <br /> D'Allaire, S., W.L. Flowers, and G.W. Almond. 2004. Reproductive management and diseases. In: Diseases of Swine, 9th edition. B. Straw (ed.) Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA (in press)<br /> <br /> De Rensis, F., M. Gherpelli, P. Superchi, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2005. Relationship between backfat depth and plasma leptin during lactation and sow reproductive performance after weaning. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> De Young, R.W., L.I. Muller, S. Demarais, H.D. Guthrie, G.H. Welch, T.J. Engelken, and R.A. Gonzales. 2004. Do Odocoileus virginianus males produce Y-chromosome-biased ejaculates? Implications for adaptive sex ratio theories. J. Mammal. 85:768-773.<br /> <br /> Donovan, S.M., J.L. Hartke, M.H. Monaco, and M.B. Wheeler. 2004. Over-expression of IGF-I: Effects on piglet intestinal growth. J. Dairy. Sci 87:(E. Suppl.): E47-E54.<br /> <br /> Echternkamp, S.E. 2005. Fertilization. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 411-413. <br /> <br /> Fischer-Brown, A.E., B.R. Lindsey, F.A. Ireland, D.L. Northey, R.L. Monson, S.G. Clark, M.B. Wheeler, D.J. Kesler, S.J. Lane, K.A. Weigel, and J.J. Rutledge. 2004. Day 14 bovine embryo morphology: evaluation tool and potential marker of viability following in vitro production and in vivo culture. Reprod. Fert. Devel. 16:787-793.<br /> <br /> Flowers, W.L. 2004. Biotechnology: Artificial Insemination. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 130-132.<br /> <br /> Flowers, W.L. 2004. Swine: Reproduction Management. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 831-833.<br /> <br /> Flowers, W.L. 2005. Swine Management Systems: Intensive. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (in press).<br /> <br /> Geisert, R.D. and S.R. Cooper. 2005. Estrous Cycle: Mare, Sow. In: Encylopedia of Animal Science, W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York. 345-348.<br /> <br /> Geisert R.D., J.W. Ross and J.R. Malayer. 2004. Estrogen regulator and/or endocrine disruptor in establishment of pregnancy. Current Topics in Steroid Research 4:69-84.<br /> Geisert R.D., J.W. Ross, M.D. Ashworth, F.J. White, G.A. Johnson and U. DeSilva. 2005. Maternal recognition of pregnancy signal or endocrine disruptor: The two faces of oestrogen during establishment of pregnancy in the pig. Reproduction (Supplement) (in press).<br /> <br /> Gerrits, R.J., J.K. Lunney, L.A. Johnson, V.G. Pursel, R.R. Kraeling, G.A. Rohrer and J.R. Dobrinsky. 2005. Perspectives for artificial insemination and genomics to improve global swine populations. Theriogenology 63:283-299.<br /> <br /> Gibson, S., R.J. Tempelman, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2004. Effect of oxytocin-supplemented semen on fertility of sows bred by intra-uterine insemination. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:182-185.<br /> <br /> Glavaski-Joksimovic, A., E.W. Rowe, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, L.L. Anderson and S. Jeftinija. 2004. Effects of leptin on intracellular calcium concentrations in isolated porcine somatotropes. Neuroendocrinology 80:73-82.<br /> <br /> Guthrie, H.D., R.J. Wall, V.G. Pursel, J.A. Foster-Frey, D.M. Donovan, H.D. Dawson, G.R. Welch and W.G. Garrett. 2005. Follicular expression of a human ²-cell leukaemia/lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) transgene does not decrease atresia or increase ovulation rate in swine. Reprod. Fert. Dev. 17:457466. <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H.D. and G.R. Welch. 2005. Impact of extender and cryopreservation on membrane and morphological integrity in boar sperm. Theriogenology 63: 396-410. <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H.D. and G.R. Welch. 2005. Effects of hypothermic liquid storage and cryopreservation on basal and induced membrane phospholipid disorder and acrosome exocytosis in boar spermatozoa. Reprod. Fert. Dev. 17:467477.<br /> <br /> Hartke, J.L., M.H. Monaco, M.B. Wheeler, and S.M. Donovan. 2005. Effect of a short-term fast on intestinal disaccharidase activity and villus morphology in piglets suckling insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) transgenic sows. J.Animal Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Imakawa, K. and R.K. Christenson. 2004. Regulation of interferon-t gene expression, the maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation. Recent Res. Devel. Biophys. Biochem. 4:49-68.<br /> <br /> Imakawa, K., K. Nagaoka, H. Nojima, Y. Hara, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Changes in immune cell distribution and IL-10 production are regulated through endometrial IP-10 expression in the goat uterus. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 53:54-64.<br /> <br /> Johnson, L.A., D. Rath, J.M. Vazquez, W.M. Maxwell and J.R. Dobrinsky. 2005. Preselection of sex of offspring in swine for production: current status of the process and its application. Theriogenology 63:615-624. <br /> <br /> Kayser, J.P., R.L. Cerny, and J.L. Vallet. 2004. Defining parameters for homology-tolerant database searching. J. Biomolec. Techniq. 15:285-295.<br /> <br /> Kim, K.-S., J.M. Reecy, W.H. Hsu, L.L. Anderson and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. Missense mutations of melanocortin-4 receptor alters adenylyl cyclase activity without affecting ligand-binding and is associated with muscle characteristics in pigs. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 26:75-86.<br /> <br /> Kim, J.G. and J.L. Vallet. 2004. Secreted and placental membrane forms of folate-binding protein occur sequentially during pregnancy in swine. Biol. Reprod. 71:1214-1219.<br /> <br /> Kim, J.G., G.A. Rohrer, J.L. Vallet, R.K. Christenson, and D. Nonneman. 2004. Addition of 14 anchored loci to the porcine chromosome 8 comparative map. Anim. Genet. 35:474-476.<br /> <br /> Kim, J.G., J.L. Vallet, D. Nonneman, and R.K. Christenson. 2004. Molecular cloning and endometrial expression of porcine high density lipoprotein receptor SR-BI during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 222:105-112.<br /> <br /> Kim, J.G., D. Nonneman, J.L. Vallet, G.A. Rohrer, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Linkage mapping of the porcine myelin basic protein gene to chromosome 1. Anim. Genet. 36:163-164.<br /> <br /> Kim, J.G., D. Nonneman, J.L. Vallet, G.A. Rohrer, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Linkage mapping of the porcine chromogranin B (CHGB) gene to chromosome 17. Anim. Genet. 36:168.<br /> <br /> Knox, R.V. and S. Probst-Miller. 2004. Using real-time ultrasound for identification of sources for reproductive failure in weaned sows. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:71-74. <br /> <br /> Knox, R.V., S.M. Breen, K.L. Willenburg, S. Roth, G.M. Miller, K.M. Ruggiero and S.L. Rodriguez-Zas. 2004. Effect of housing system and boar exposure on estrous expression in weaned sows. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3088-3093.<br /> <br /> Kovtun, I.V., G. Welch, H.D. Guthrie, K.L. Hafner and C.T. McMurray. 2004. CAG repeat lengths in X- and Y-bearing sperm indicate that gender bias during transmission of Huntington's disease gene is determined in the embryo. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 9389-9391.<br /> <br /> Lee, J.-S., K. Jeftinija, S. Jeftinija, M.H. Stromer and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Immunocytochemical distribution of somatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. Histochem. Cell Biol. 122:571-577.<br /> <br /> Lee, J.-S., M.S. Mayes, M.H. Stromer, C.G. Scanes, S. Jeftinija, and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Number of secretory vesicles in GH cells of the pituitary remains unchanged after secretion. Experimental Biol. Med. 229:632-639.<br /> <br /> Mason, H.R., D. Grove-Strawser, B.S. Rubin, R.A. Nowak, and J.J. Castellot Jr. 2004. Estrogen induces CCN5 expression in the rat uterus in vivo. Endocrinology 145:976-982. <br /> <br /> Mason, H.R., A.C. Lake, J.E. Wubben, R.A. Nowak, and J.J. Castellot Jr. 2004. The growth arrest-specific gene CCN5 is deficient in human leiomyomas and inhibits the proliferation and motility of cultured human uterine smooth muscle cells. Molec. Human Reprod. 10:181-187.<br /> <br /> Musser, R.E., D.L. Davis, S.S. Dritz, M.D. Tokach, J.L. Nelssen, J.E. Minton, and R.D. Goodband. 2004. Conceptus and maternal responses to increased feed intake during early gestation in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3154-3161.<br /> <br /> Nakai, M., J. van Cleeff, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Stages and duration of spermatogenesis in the domestic ferret. Tissue and cell research 36:439-446.<br /> <br /> Nakai, M., L. Cook, L Pyter, M. Black, J Sibonga, R.T. Turner, E.H. Jeffrey, and J.M. Bahr. 2005. Dietary soy protein and isoflavones: effects on bone and reproductive tract of sexually mature intact sprague  dawley rats. Menopause 12:291-298.<br /> <br /> Nakai, M., M. Black, E.H. Jeffery, and J.M. Bahr. 2005. Dietary soy protein and isoflavones: no effect on the reproductive tract and minimal positive effect on bone resorption in the intact female fischer 344 rat. Food Chem. Tox. (in press).<br /> <br /> Nedambale, T. L., A. Dinnyes, W. Groen, J.R. Dobrinsky, X.C. Tian, and X. Yang. 2004. Comparison on in vitro fertilized bovine embryos cultured in KSOM or SOF and cryopreserved by slow freezing or vitrification. Theriogenology 62:437-449.<br /> <br /> Nonneman, D.J., G.A. Rohrer, T.H. Wise, D.D. Lunstra, and J.J. Ford. 2005. A variant of porcine thyroxine-binding globulin has reduced affinity for thyroxine and is associated with testis size. Biol. Reprod. 72:214-220. <br /> <br /> Nowak, R.A. 2004. Drug therapies for uterine fibroids: a new approach to an old problem. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies 1:237-242.<br /> <br /> Park, K-W., L. Lai, H-T. Cheong, R. Cabot, Q-Y. Sun, G. Wu, E.B. Rucker, D. Durtschi, A. Bonk, M. Samuel, A. Rieke, B.N. Day, C.N. Murphy, B.D. Carter, and R.S. Prather. 2002. Mosaic gene expression in nuclear transfer-derived embryos and the production of cloned transgenic pigs from ear-derived fibroblasts. Biol.Reprod. 66:1001-1005.<br /> <br /> Perez Laspiur, J., J.L. Burton, P.S.D. Weber, R.N. Kirkwood, and N.L. Trottier. 2004. Amino acid transporters in porcine mammary gland during lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 87;3235-3237.<br /> <br /> Pomp, D., M.F. Allan, and S.R. Wesolowski. 2004. Quantitative genomics: Exploring the genetic architecture of complex trait predisposition. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (E. Suppl.):E300-E312.<br /> <br /> Raty, S., E.M. Walters, J. Davis, H.C. Zeringue, D.J. Beebe, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas, and M.B. Wheeler. 2004. Embryonic Development in the Mouse Enhanced by via Microchannel Culture. Lab on a Chip 4:186-190.<br /> <br /> Reeder, A.L., M.O. Ruiz, A. Pessier, L.E. Brown, J.M. Levengood, C.A. Phillips, M.B. Wheeler, R.E. Warner, and V.R. Beasley. 2005. Intersexuality and the cricket frog decline: Historic and geographic trends. Environmental Health Perspectives (in press).<br /> <br /> Scanes, C.G., S. Jeftinija, A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, J. Proudman, C. Arámburo and L.L. Anderson. 2004. The anterior pituitary gland: lessons from livestock. Proc.5th Int. Conf. Farm Anim.Endocrinol. Budapest. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. (in press).<br /> Schulz, L.C. and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Potential endocrine function of the glycolytic enzyme glucose  6- phosphate isomerase during implantation. Gen. Comp. Endo.137:283-287.<br /> <br /> Shi, X., R.J. Belton, Jr., H.R. Burkin, A. Vieira, and D.J. Miller. 2004. A proteomic approach to identify phosphoproteins encoded by cDNA libraries. Anal Biochem. 329:289-292.<br /> <br /> Smith T.K., J.W. Ross, R.D. Geisert, C.R. Krehbiel, U. DeSilva, J.R. Malayer, J.B. Morgan, and F.J. White. 2005. Effects of grazing management and subsequent finishing on gene expression in different adipose tissue depots from steers. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Talbot N.C., Caperna T.J., Powell A.M., Ealy A.D., Blomberg L.A., and Garrett W.M. Isolation and characterization of a bovine visceral endoderm cell line derived from a parthenogenetic blastocyst. (In Press: In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology)<br /> <br /> Vadnais, M.L., R.N. Kirkwood, R.J. Tempelman, D.J. Sprecher, and K. Chou. 2005. Effect of cooling and seminal plasma on the capacitation status of fresh boar sperm as determined using chlortetracycline assay. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 87:121-132.<br /> <br /> Vadnais, M.L., R.N. Kirkwood, D.J. Sprecher, and K. Chou. 2005. Effect of extender, incubation temperature, and added seminal plasma on capacitation of cryopreserved, thawed boar sperm as determined by chlortetracycline staining. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Vallet, J.L., B.A. Freking, K.A. Leymaster, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Allelic variation in the erythropoietin receptor gene is associated with uterine capacity and litter size in swine. Anim. Genet. 36:97-103.<br /> <br /> van Heugten, E., P.R. O'Quinn, D.W. Funderburke, W.L. Flowers, and J.W. Spears. 2004. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma minerals, and fecal mineral excretion in grower-finisher swine fed diets with levels of trace minerals lower than common industry standards. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:237-241.<br /> <br /> Waylan, A.T., J.D. Dunn, B.J. Johnson, J.P. Kayser, and E.K. Sissom. 2004. Effect of flax supplementation and growth promotants on lipoprotein lipase and glycogenin messenger RNA concentrations in finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1868-1875.<br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B., S.G. Clark, and D.J. Beebe. 2004. Developments in in vitro technologies for swine embryo production. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. 16:15-25.<br /> <br /> Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2005. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the sexually maturing precocial bird: studies in male Japanese quail. Toxicol. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Willenburg, K.L., R.V. Knox and R.N. Kirkwood. 2004. Effect of estrogen formulation and its site of deposition on serum PGFM concentrations, uterine contractility, time of ovulation in artificially inseminated weaned sows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 80: 147-156.<br /> <br /> Yen, H.-W., J.J. Ford, D.R. Zimmerman, and R.K. Johnson. 2005. Follicular development and maturation in gilts selected for an index of high ovulation rate and high prenatal survival. J. Anim. Sci. 83:130-135.<br /> <br /> Zeringue, H.C., M.B. Wheeler, and D.J. Beebe. 2004. A Microfluidic Method for Removal of the Zona Pellucida from Mammalian Embryos. Lab on a Chip, 5 (advance web article October 14th, 2004) 108-110.<br /> <br /> Zhu, J, T. King, J. Dobrinsky, L. Harkness, T. Ferrier, W. Bosma, L.L Schreier, H.D. Guthrie, P. DeSousa, and I. Wilmut. 2003. In vitro and in vivo developmental competence of ovulated and in vitro matured porcine oocytes activated by electrical activation. Cloning Stem Cells 5:355-365. <br /> <br /> Zuelke, K.A. and L.A. Blomberg. 2004. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) during porcine embryo elongation. International Embryo Transfer Society Newsletter 22(3):10-14. <br /> <br /> <br /> Abstracts and technical reports<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, E.W. Rowe, S. Jeftinija and C.G. Scanes. 2004. Leptin increases intracellular calcium concentrations in isolated somatotropes. 2004. 86th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 145: (Suppl.) 1:504, Abstract P3-162. (New Orleans)<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, M.H. Stromer, J.-S. Lee, K. Jeftinija and A. Glavaski-Joksimovic. 2004. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. 5th Intl. Conference Farm Anim. Endocrinol. July 4-6, 2004. Published in BASE [Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environment 8:18 (2em trimestre, Special issue)], CRA, Gembloux, France, Abstract K-12. (Budapest, Hungary)<br /> <br /> Anderson, L.L., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes and S. Jeftinija. 2005. Effect of motilin on calcium transient in isolated porcine pituitary cells. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 12-16, 2005. Proc. Soc. Neuroscience, Abstract 433. (Washington, D.C.).<br /> <br /> Bahr, JM, Y Yoshimura, SS Tischkau, H-C Yao, KK Volentine, LR Neitzel, and JA Walsh.2004 The germinal disc of the chicken follicle: site of ovarian control of granulosa cell physiology. 8th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology, Abst. # T23, p.35.<br /> <br /> Banerjee, J., J. Vislisel and C.M. Komar. 2004. Mechanisms involved in the effect of LH on mRNA and protein corresponding to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor in the periovulatory rat ovary. Biology of Reproduction. (Suppl 1) 37th meeting of the Society For The Study Of Reproduction. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.<br /> <br /> Blomberg, L.A., J.R. Dobrinsky and K.A. Zuelke. Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) expression coincides with increased estrogen synthesis in porcine embryos. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction July 31-August 4, 2004 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.<br /> <br /> Blomberg L.A., T.S. Sonstegard, C.P. Van Tassell and K.A. Zuelke. SAGE Analysis of Transitions in the Porcine Conceptus Transcriptome During Trophectoderm Elongation. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development, 17:257, 2005.<br /> <br /> Boltz, DA, CR Zimmerman, and JM Bahr. 2004. Vaccination of roosters against avian infectious bronchitis virus causes a change in seminal plasma proteins. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #164, p. 130.<br /> <br /> Boltz, D and JM Bahr. 2004 Avian infectious bronchitis virus targets the epididymal region of rooster reproductive tract potentially reducing fertility. World Poultry Congress, Abst.# 1538.<br /> <br /> Braundmeier AG and RA Nowak. 2005. Cytokines regulate matrix metalloproteinases in human uterine endometrial stromal cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Breen, S, KM Ruggiero, KL Farris, and RV Knox. 2004. Effect of altering dose of PG600 for improving reproductive performance of prepubertal gilts and weaned sows. J. Anim. Sci. 82: (Suppl.): 59.<br /> <br /> Chen L, R. Belton Jr, LJ Lin, RA Nowak. 2005. Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) up-regulates MMP production by mouse uterine stromal cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Clark, SG, EM Walters, DJ Beebe, MB Wheeler 2004. In vitro fertilization in microfluidic channels enhances monospermic penetration of swine oocytes. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16:251, abstr. 262.<br /> <br /> Dyer SN and RA Nowak. 2005. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) act as signaling molecules in the mitogenic pathway of myometrial and leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> French SJ, A Cruz, X Shi, and DJ Miller. 2005. The role of actin in sperm acrosomal exocytosis. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Grudzien MM, FS Mesquita, RA Nowak. 2005. Time dependent changes in gene expression in leiomyoma smooth muscle cells after treatment with the antifibrotic drug halofuginone. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Guthrie, H.D. The follicular phase in Pigs: Follicle populations, circulating hormones, follicle factors and oocyte. Annual Midwestern section Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Second Billy N. Day Symposium in Reproductive Biology The Follicular Phase in Pigs: Physiology and Potential for Regulation to Benefit Pork Production, March 15-17, 2004.<br /> <br /> Guthrie, H.D., R.J. Wall, V.G. Pursel, D.M. Donovan, G.R. Welch and W.G. Garrett. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction July 31-August 4, 2004 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.<br /> <br /> Jackson, U, M Nakai, D Boltz, and JM Bahr. 2004. Avian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine: too good to be true. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #11, p. 95.<br /> <br /> Knox, RV. 2004. The real impact of boars in breeding programs. Advances in Pork Production, Banff Pork Seminar, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 15: 307-314.<br /> <br /> Knox, RV. 2004. Practicalities and pitfalls of semen evaluation. Advances in Pork Production, Banff Pork Seminar, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 15:315-322.<br /> <br /> Knox, RV. 2004. Real time ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis in swine. National Pork Board, Pork Academy, Des Moines, IA. CD-ROM.<br /> <br /> Knox, R. 2005. Tecnicas practices Suis: Transrectal ultrasound for diagnosing the reproductive status of female pigs. Suis . http://www.suis/<br /> <br /> Knox, R.V. and W.L. Flowers. 2005. Real time ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis in swine. Pork Information Gateway.<br /> <br /> Komar, C. M. 2005. Initiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor expression in the neonatal rat ovary. Submitted for presentation at the 38th meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Quebec, Canada.<br /> <br /> Komar, C.M. and J.J. Rasweiler IV. 2004. Highly polarized ovaries of the long-tongued bat a novel model system for studying ovarian development, long-term oocyte storage, folliculogenesis, and ovulation. Serono Symposium: Xv Ovarian Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.<br /> <br /> Lee, J.-S., M.S. Mayes, M.H. Stromer, B.P. Jena and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Number of secretory vesicles in GH cells of the pituitary remain unchanged after secretion. Iowa Academy of Science 116th Annual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls.<br /> <br /> Lee, J.-S., K. Jeftinija, S. Jeftinija, M.H. Stromer, C.G. Scanes and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Immunocytochemical distribution of somatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, December 4-8, 2004, Convention Center. Molecular Biology of the Cell 15LSuppl.) 1:94a Abstract 518. (Washington, D.C.).<br /> <br /> Lopes, PHC, SA Malusky, AS Lima, DJ Beebe, MB Wheeler. 2004. Mouse embryonic development from one-cell stage to blastocyst utilizing KSOM supplemented with amino acids in a microchannel device. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16:205, abstr. 166.<br /> Malusky, SA, MB Wheeler. 2004. Isolation of Adult Adipose Derived Stem Cells from Transgenic Swine. International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), 2nd Annual Meeting, Abstract 248 page 124.<br /> <br /> Marshall, KM, RD Shanks, WL Hurley, SM Donovan, MB Wheeler. 2004. Effect of increased suckling stimulation on piglet weight gain and daily milk yield of sows transgenic for bovine a-lactalbumin. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16:291, abstr. 342.<br /> <br /> Mesquita FS, JM Robl, P Kasinathan, S Rodriguez-Zas, RA Nowak. 2005. A comparison of the placental gene expression profile in chromatin transfer and in vitro fertilization-derived bovine fetuses during early gestation. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Nakai, M, JK Van Cleeff and JM Bahr. 2004. Stages and duration of spermatogenesis in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius). 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #744, p.263.<br /> <br /> Nakai M, L Chen, RA Nowak. 2005. Tissue distribution of basigin and monocarboxylate transporter I in the adult male mouse: a study using wild type and basigin gene knockout mice. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society.<br /> <br /> Nowak RA, P Low, J Wubben, R Belton Jr. 2005. Halofuginone inhibits proliferation and collagen production by leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Presented at the 2nd NIH International Congress on Advances in Uterine Leiomyoma Research, Abstract #35.<br /> <br /> Nowak RA, D Bunick, M Nakai, JF Couse, KS Korach, L Chen. 2005. Expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) in reproductive tissues of estrogen receptor-± and ² knockout mice. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Pugh, M.L., M.B. Moreira, G.R. Gilbert, and C.R. Youngs. 2004. Influence of prostaglandin F2alpha synthesis inhibitors on pregnancy rate of embryo transfer recipient heifers. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 2:399.<br /> <br /> Rodriguez, K.F., L.A. Blomberg, K.A. Zuelke, J.R Miles, J.E. Alexander and C.E. Farin. 2004. Use of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) for identification of candidate gene associated with gonadotropin-induced oocyte maturation in the mouse. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.<br /> <br /> Rowlett JM, FS Mesquita, RW Johnson, SR Zas, MR Band, RA Nowak. 2005. The effects of immune challenge on circulating cytokines and hypothalamic gene expression in domestic white and Chinese Meishan gilts. Presented at the Swine in Biomedical Research Conference, January 27-29; P. 34 (Abstract IID9).<br /> <br /> Sutovsky P, G Manandhar, DJ Miller, and M Sutovsky. 2005. ZPB/ZPC is the uibiquitinated sperm receptor on porcine zona pellucida. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Tinfo, N.S. and C.M. Komar. 2004. PPAR is not a major player in luteal steroidogenesis in the rat. Biology of Reproduction. Serono Symposium: Xv Ovarian Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.<br /> <br /> Van Cleeff, JK and JM Bahr. 2004. Embryonic implantation in the domestic ferret requires a threshold prolactin concentration. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #260, p.152.<br /> <br /> Vislisel, J. and C. Komar. 2004. PPAR expression in the neonatal rat ovary. Merck Veterinary Summer Scholar Research Program Meeting, Auburn, Alabama.<br /> <br /> Youngs, C.R. and A.E. Freeman. 2005. "Breeding (animal)", in AccessScience@McGraw-Hill, (in press).<br /> <br /> Youngs, C.R., A.M. Powers-Meyer, M.G. Wonderlich And M.B. Moreira. 2004. The effect of cloprostenol or dinoprost, administered at two different sites, on the expression of estrus in postpartum dairy cattle. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 1:60.<br /> <br /> Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2004. Complexin 1 is required for mammalian sperm acrosomal exocytosis. 37th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2004. Complexin 1 is found in mammalian sperm and is necessary for acrosomal exocytosis. 44th Annual Mtg Amer Soc Cell Biol.<br /> <br /> Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2005. Complexin 1 knockout mouse sperm are sub-fertile due to a defect in acrosomal exocytosis. 38th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction.<br /> <br /> Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2005. Complexin 1 is necessary for acrosomal exocytosis. Gordon Conference on Fertilization and Activation of Development.<br /> <br /> Zimmerman, CR, DA Boltz, RE Howell and JM Bahr. 2004. Vaccination with avian infectious bronchitis virus: Cause of reduced fertility in roosters. 37th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #180, p. 134.<br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. Conducted research within committee objectives to identify processes and mechanisms involved in the control of reproduction that will ultimately result in enhanced reproductive efficiency in food animal (swine) production.
  2. In particular, we have made significant progress in understanding the effects of cryo-preservation on boar sperm fertility. This major thrust is essential if the biosecurity advantage of routinely using cryopreserved sperm is to become a feature of the swine industry. Further, committee members have been actively involved in the dissemination of research results.
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Date of Annual Report: 07/05/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 05/16/2006 - 05/17/2006
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2005 - 05/01/2006


Anderson, Lloyd ( - Iowa State University;
Baker, John ( - Michigan State University;
Davis, Duane ( - Kansas State University;
Diekman, Mark ( - Purdue University;
Flowers, William ( - North Carolina State University;
Ford, Joe ( - USDA/ARS/USMARC, Clay Center, NE;
Geisert, Rod ( - Oklahoma State University;
Gutherie, H David ( - USDA/ARS/BARC, Beltsville, MD;
Kirkwood, Roy ( - Michigan State University;
Miller, David ( - University of Illinois;
Safranski, Tim ( - University of Missouri;
White Bret ( - University of Nebraska;

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCERA-57 was called to order at 8 AM on Tuesday May 16 in a conference room of Polk Hall on the North Carolina State University campus by Committee Chair Joe Ford. Committee Advisor, John Baker and eleven committee members were in attendance: Joe Ford chair; Roy Kirkwood chair-elect, Dave Guthrie, Lloyd Anderson, Tim Safranski, Mark Diekman, David Miller, Duane Davis, Rodney Geisert, Bret White, and Billy Flowers. Others present were Brad Belstra IMV International, Charles J. Francisco of Intervet Inc., Gary Hausman USDA-ARS Athens, GA, and Kyle Lovercamp graduate student at North Carolina State. During the meeting officers were elected for 06-07 with Roy Kirkwood as the chair, John Parrish as the chair-elect and Dave Guthrie as the secretary.

Meeting Agenda
May 16, 2006
- Welcome by Dr. Flowers/NC State University Administration
- Report by NCERA-57 Administrative Advisor
- NCERA-57 NRI Proposal on Seasonal Fertility
- Station Reports
- Lunch break
- Station Reports

May 17, 2006
- Business Meeting
- Election of secretary
- Location of 2007 Meeting
- Other business
- Invited presentation - USDA/ARS/Athens
- Station Reports

May 17, 2006 1:30 PM
NCERA-57 Small Litter Size workshop, Sampson Community College Clinton, N.C.

- Welcome and Purpose, W.L. Flowers, North Carolina State University
- Current Reproductive Trends on Swine Farms  John Page, AgriMetrics, Inc.
- Small Litter Size Phenomena on Farms in N.C.  David Bishop, Sampson Community College and President, Reproductive Services
- Breeding Management and Small Litter Sizes  Roy Kirkwood, Michigan State University
- Early Gestation Management and Small Litter Sizes (Fertilization through Day 30)  Rod Geisert, Oklahoma State University
- Late Gestation Management and Small Litter Sizes (Day 40 on)  Steve Ford, University of Wyoming
- Panel Discussion
- Dinner

Billy Flowers thanked IMV International for providing the dinner on Wednesday night and Intervet Inc. for providing for travel to Clinton and the cost of C.D. duplication/production of the proceedings of the workshop.

Officers for 2007 are Roy Kirkwood, chair; John Parrish, chair elect; and Dave Guthrie, secretary.

Debra Hamernik, CSREES National Program Leader, Animal Physiology, and Mark Mirando of CSREES were unable to attend the meeting. Debra sent handouts via email to each committee member.

John Baker indicated that our charter is in force through 2009 so that in our 2008 meeting we will need to designate a writing team for our report and re-chartering. He also mentioned impact statements similar to those that Roy Kirkwood submitted last year. Minutes and station reports must be filed in the NIMSS system by 60 days of the date of the meeting.

Dave Guthrie reported on his progress on the design of the NCERA-57 NRI integrated reproduction grant proposal. After lengthy discussion it became evident that the major issue to be resolved is whether swine producers or universities will allow frozen semen to be shipped back to their production units for insemination after being shipped from boar studs or genetics companies to Beltsville for cryopreservation. Further discussion led to an alternate approach. That would be to recruit swine producers or university swine researchers for this project that would use boar semen frozen at genetics companies. Roy Kirkwood mentioned the possibility of foreign involvement as the European Common market has funds available for collaborative research. Dr. Guthrie will continue planning the project proposal with committee members.

The rest of the morning and afternoon were devoted to presentation and station reports from Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan State, Nebraska, Missouri, Purdue, Kansas State, and USDA, Beltsville. In addition to a brief summary of the Purdue report, our designated historian Mark Diekman summarized some historical data that he had collected and received comments and suggestions from other committee members.

The meeting on May 17 opened with a welcome from Dr. Ken Esbenshade, dean of the North Carolina State School of Agriculture who discussed the organization of the College of Agriculture and his remembrances of the NCR-57 meetings as a graduate student. Some time was also spent on discussion of the relative merits of 9- vs. 12-month appointments in land grant Universities.

The dates and location for the 2007 meeting were discussed. Roy Kirkwood generously offered to host at Michigan State University on May 30 and 31, 2007. A motion to accept this arrangement was moved, seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Discussion of the integrated NRI grant proposal was continued. It was concluded that training and education of undergraduate and graduate students must be established on a sound basis. Another issue raised was the impact that this proposal would have on adding value to rural society. Tim Safranski and Billy Flowers will bring forth additional input on these issues.

A round of applause was given for Billy Flowers as host for the annual meeting and for his great organization of the workshop.

At 9:28 AM a special report was given by Dr. Gary Hausman from the USDA, ARS Russell Laboratory at Athens, GA describing neuro-endocrine regulation of pituitary and adipose tissue function in swine. Then station reports from Iowa State University and USDA, ARS MARC were presented. The annual meeting was adjourned by Joe Ford at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

John Parrish
NCERA-57 Secretary, 2005-2006

John Baker
NCERA-57 Administrative Advisor


<p>Publications produced by committee members and their associates during the past year are listed.</p><br /> <br /> <p>Development of the NCERA-57 webpage was initiated with links to members and reports. </p><br /> <br /> <p>The semi-annual workshop was presented. The workshop was on Small Litter Size in Swine. Both NCERA-57 and industry members presented research, impact and solutions to the problem. Significant interaction between researchers and the stakeholders occurred. </p><br /> <br /> <p>Plans for 2006</p><br /> <br /> <p>Continue development of the NCERA-57 web page. There will be a page for history of the committee including contributions of its members to swine reproductive physiology. </p><br /> <br /> <p>A joint proposal for NRI funding is being developed among the NCERA-57 members entitled, Seasonal infertility in the gilt: relative contributions of the male and female. This remains a major problem in the industry and the grant proposal will focus on research and training of graduate students. </p><br />


</p>Abad, M., D.J. Sprecher, P. Ross, R.M. Friendship, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2006. Effect of sperm cryopreservation and supplementing semen doses with seminal plasma on the establishment of a sperm reservoir in gilts. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (in press). </p><br /> <p>Allan, M.F., E.J. Eisen, and D. Pomp. 2005. Genomic mapping of direct and correlated responses to long-term selection for rapid growth rate in mice. Genetics 170:1863-1877. </p><br /> <p>Almond, G.W., W.L. Flowers, L. Batista, and S. DAllaire. 2006. Diseases of the Reproductive System. In: Diseases of Swine, 9th Edition. B.E. Straw, J.J. Zimmerman, S. DAllaire, and D.J. Taylor (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, pp. 113-148.</p><br /> <p Anaway, M.D., A.S. Cupp, M. Uzumcu, and M.K. Skinner. 2005. Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on Male Fertility. Science 308:1466-1469.</p><br /> <p>Anderson, L.L. 2006. EDITORIAL FORWARD for Cell Secretion Review Series  Cell Secretion  finally sees the light. J. Cell. Mol. Med. (In press).</p><br /> <p>Anderson, L.L. 2006. Invited MINIREVIEW titled: Discovery of the porosome: the universal secretory machinery in cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 10:126-131.</p><br /> <p>Anderson, L.L. and B.P. Jena. 2006. Fusion pores in growth-hormone-secreting cells of the pituitary gland: an AFM study. In: FORCE MICROSCOPY: APPLICATIONS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. Edited by B.P. Jena and J.K.H. Hörber. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, [Chapter 4] pp. 49-67.</p><br /> <p>Anderson, L.L., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, K. Jeftinija, L. Pál, C.G. Scanes, and S. Jeftinija. 2005. Effect of motilin on calcium transient in isolated porcine pituitary cells. 35th Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE, November 12-16, 2005. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE Abstract 433. Program 994.1 (Washington, D.C.)</p><br /> <p>Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, M.H. Stromer, J.-S. Lee, K. Jeftinija, and A. Glavaski-Joksimovic. 2005. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology, July 4-6, 2004, Budapest, Hungary. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 29:111-144.</p><br /> <p>Ashworth, M.D., F.J. White, J.W. Ross, J. Hu, U. DeSilva, G.A. Johnson, and R.D. Geisert. 2006. Porcine Endometrial Prostaglandin Synthase Expression During the Estrous Cycle, Early Pregnancy, and Following Endocrine Disruption of Pregnancy. Biol. Reprod. 74:1007-1015.</p><br /> <p>Ashworth, M.D., J.W. Ross, D.T. Allen, D.R. Stein, L.J. Spicer, and R.D. Geisert. 2005. Endocrine disruption of uterine insulin-like growth factor (IGF) expression in the pregnant gilt. Reprod. 130:545-551.</p><br /> <p>Bahr, J.M., M. Dalponte, S.J. Janssen, and M. Nakai. 2006. Ion transporters for fluid resorption in the rooster (Gallus domesticus) epididymal region. Animal Reproduction Science (in press).</p><br /> <p>Banerjee, J., M.J. Long, and C.M. Komar. 2006. Effects of LH on PPAR_ in the rat ovary before and after the gonadotropin surge. Reproduction 131:93-101.</p><br /> <p>Blomberg, L. A. and K. A. Zuelke. 2005. Expression analysis of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) gene in developing porcine conceptuses. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 72 419-429.</p><br /> <p>Bohan, M.M., G. Janda, L. Anderson, A. Trenkle, and D. Beitz. 2005. Effect of dietary macronutrients on appetite-related hormones in blood on body composition of lean and obese rats. FASEB J. 19:A76 (San Diego)</p><br /> <p>Bott, R.C., R.M. McFee, D.T. Clopton, C. Toombs, and A.S. Cupp. 2006. Vascular endothelial growth factor and kinase domain region receptor are involved in both seminiferous cord formation and vascular development during testis morphogenesis in the rat. Biol. Reprod. 75:56-67.</p><br /> <p>Braundmeier A., A. Fazleabas, B.A. Lessey, F. Guo, B.P. Toole, R.A. Nowak. 2006. Extra-cellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) regulates metalloproteinases in the human endometrium. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; 2006 [Epub ahead of print, March 7].</p><br /> <p>Braundmeier A., A. Fazleabas, B.A. Lessey, F. Guo, B.P. Toole, R.A. Nowak. 2006. Extra-cellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) regulates metalloproteinases in the human endometrium. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; 2006 [Epub ahead of print, March 7].</p><br /> <p>Breen, S.M., K.L. Farris, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas and R.V. Knox. 2005. Effect of age and physical or fence-line boar exposure on estrus and ovulation response in prepubertal gilts administered PG600. J Anim. Sci. 83: 460-465.</p><br /> <p>Breen, S.M., S.L. Rodriguez-Zas, and R.V. Knox. 2006. Effect of altering dose of PG600 on reproductive performance responses in prepubertal gilts and weaned sows. Anim Reprod Sci. [Epub ahead of print].</p><br /> <p>Breen, S.M., S.L. Rodriguez-Zas, and R.V. Knox. 2006. Effect of PG600 and adjusted mating times on reproductive performance in weaned sows. Anim Reprod Sci. 93:157-164.</p><br /> <p>Bridges, P.J., C.M. Komar, and J.E. Fortune. 2006. Gonadotropin-induced expression of mRNA for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and secretion of prostaglandins E and F2_ in bovine preovulatory follicles is regulated by the progesterone receptor. Endocrinology (Accepted for publication).</p><br /> <p>Carlin R, Davis D, Weiss M, Schultz B, Troyer D. 2006. Expression of early transcription factors Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog by porcine umbilical cord (PUC) matrix cells. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2006 Feb 6;4(1):8 doi:10.1186/1477-7827-4-8.</p><br /> <p>Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, Z. Poljak, K. Bennett-Steward, and R.M. Friendship. 2005. Effect of single or double insemination on fertility of sows bred at an induced estrus and ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. 13:254-258.</p><br /> <p>Cushman, R.A., M.F. Allan, G.D. Snowder, R.M. Thallman, and S.E. Echternkamp. 2005. Evaluation of ovulation rate and ovarian phenotype in puberal heifers from a cattle population selected for increased ovulation rate. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1839-1844.</p><br /> <p>De Rensis, F., M. Gherpelli, P. Superchi, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2005. Relationship between backfat depth and plasma leptin during lactation and sow reproductive performance after weaning. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 90:95-100.</p><br /> <p>Fischer, K.A., K. Van Leyen, K.W. Lovercamp, G. Manandhar, M. Sutovsky, D. Feng, T. Safranski and P. Sutovsky. 2005. 15-Lipoxygenase is a component of the mammalian sperm cytoplasmic droplet. Reproduction, 130: 213-222.</p><br /> <p>Flowers, W.L. 2005. Biotechnology: Artificial Insemination. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York , pp. 130-132.</p><br /> <p>Flowers, W.L. 2005. Pregnancy detection in swine. P.I.H. Handbook. National Pork Board. 8 pages.</p><br /> <p>Flowers, W.L. 2005. Swine Management Systems: Intensive. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 1-4.</p><br /> <p>Flowers, W.L. 2005. Swine: Reproduction Management. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York , 831-833.</p><br /> <p>Ford, J.J., S.A. McCoard, T.H. Wise, D.D. Lunstra, and G.A. Rohrer. 2006. Genetic variation in sperm production. In: Control of Pig Reproduction VII. C. J. Ashworth and R. R. Kraeling (eds.) Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, U.K., pp. 99-112.</p><br /> <p>Gigli, I., R.A. Cushman, C.M. Wahl, and J.E. Fortune. 2005. Evidence for a role for anti-Müllerian hormone in the suppression of follicle activation in mouse ovaries and bovine ovarian cortex grafted beneath the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 71:480-488.</p><br /> <p>Green, J.A., J.-G. Kim, K.M. Whitworth, C. Agca, R.S. Prather. 2005. The use of microarrays to define functionally-related genes that are differentially expressed in the cycling pig uterus. In: Control of Pig Reproduction VII, Reproduction Supplement 62. Eds C.J.Ashworth and R. Kraeling. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.</p><br /> <p>Guthrie, H. D. 2005. The follicular phase in Pigs: Follicle populations, circulating hormones, follicle factors and oocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (E Suppl.):E79-E89.</p><br /> <p>Guthrie, H. D. and G. R. Welch. 2005. Effects of hypothermic liquid storage and cryopreservation on basal and induced membrane phospholipid disorder and acrosome exocytosis in boar spermatozoa. Reprod. Fertil Dev. 17:467477.</p><br /> <p>Guthrie, H. D., R. J. Wall, V. G. Pursel, J. A. Foster-Frey, D. M. Donovan, H. D. Dawson, G. R. Welch, G. R. and W. G. Garrett. 2005. Follicular expression of a human _-cell leukaemia/lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) transgene does not decrease atresia or increase ovulation rate in swine. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17:457466.</p><br /> <p>Hao, Y., L. Lai, G.-S. Im, Z. Liu, D. Wax, M. Samuel, C.N. Murphy, P. Sutovsky, R.S. Prather. 2006. Developmental competence of porcine parthenogenetic embryos relative to embryonic chromosomal abnormalities. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73:77-82.</p><br /> <p>Herrick, JR, Brad, AM, Krisher, RL. (In Press) Chemical manipulation of glucose metabolism in porcine oocytes: Effects on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation in vitro. Reproduction </p><br /> <p>Herrick, JR, Behboodi, E, Memili, E, Blash, S, Echelard, Y, Krisher, RL (In Press) Metabolism, protein content and in vitro embryonic development of goat cumulus-oocyte complexes matured with physiological concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. Molecular Reproduction and Development 73:256-266. Published Online: 25 Oct 2005. </p><br /> <p>Hilleson-Gayne, C.K., J.A. Clapper. 2005. Effects of decreased estradiol-17² on the serum and anterior pituitary insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) system in pigs. J. Endocrinology 187:369-378.</p><br /> <p>Im, G.-S., B.-S. Yang, L. Lai, Z. Liu, Y. Hao, R.S. Prather. 2005. Fragmentation and development of preimplantation porcine embryos derived by parthenogenetic activation and nuclear transfer. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 71:159-165.</p><br /> <p>Im, G.-S., J.-S. Seo, I.-S. Hwang, D.-H. Kim, S.-W. Kim, B.-C. Yang, B.-S. Yang, L. Lai, R.S. Prather. 2006. Development and apoptosis of pre-implantation porcine nuclear transfer embryos activated with different combination of chemicals. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (accepted 12-13-05).</p><br /> <p>Im, G.-S., M. Samuel, L. Lai, Y. Hao, R.S. Prather. 2006. Development and calcium level changes in pre-implantation porcine nuclear transfer embryos activated with 6-DMAP after fusion. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (accepted 12/2/05). </p><br /> <p>Imakawa, K., M.-S. Kim, F. Matsuda-Minehata, S. Ishida, M. Iizuka, M. Suzuki, K.-T. Chang, S. E. Echternkamp, and R. K. Christenson. 2006. Regulation of the ovine interferon-tau gene by a blastocyst-specific transcription factor, Cdx2. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73:559-567. </p><br /> <p>Jackson, A. L. S. M. Breen, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, and R. V. Knox. 2006. Evaluation of methodology for administration of porcine FSH for use in estrus induction and for increasing ovulation rate in prepubertal gilts. Theriogenology [Epub ahead of print].</p><br /> <p>Jackson, U., D.A. Boltz, M. Nakai, D. Bunick, G. Scherba and J.M.Bahr. 2006 Prepubertal exposure to the avian infectious bronchitis virus induces epididymal stones in the rooster after puberty. J Poultry Sci. (in press).</p><br /> <p>Jahnke, M.M. 2005. Strategies to increase the number of FSH-receptive follicles at the initiation of superovulation in cattle. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, 60 pages.</p><br /> <p>Jiménez-Severiano, H., M.L. Mussard, L.A. Fitzpatrick, M.J. D=Occhio, J.J. Ford, D.D. Lunstra, and J.E. Kinder. 2005. Testicular development of Zebu bulls after chronic treatment with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist. J. Anim. Sci. 83:2111-2122. </p><br /> <p>Kayser, J.G., Kim, R.L. Cerny, and J.L. Vallet. 2006. Global characterization of porcine intrauterine proteins during early pregnancy. Reproduction 131:379-388.</p><br /> <p>Kirkwood, R.N., F. De Rensis, P. Silva, M. Gherpelli, B. Alegre, and J.C. Dominguez. 2006. Effect of cloprostenol treatment at artificial insemination on sow fertility. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (in press).</p><br /> <p>Knox, R.V. 2005. Recruitment and selection of ovarian follicles for determination of ovulation rate in the pig. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 29: 385-397.</p><br /> <p>Komar, C.M. 2005. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and ovarian function - implications for regulating steroidogenesis, differentiation, and tissue remodeling. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 31:41.</p><br /> <p>Lee, J.-S., M.H. Stromer, S. Jeftinija, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, and L.L. Anderson. 2005. Immunocytochemical distribution of somatotrophs, mammotrophs and mammosomatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. 45th Annual Meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY, December 10-14, 2005, Moscone Convention Center. Mol. Biol. Cell 16:Suppl.1:550a-551a. Program 2030 B534 (San Francisco)</p><br /> <p>Liu, Z.H., H. Schatten ,Y. H. Hao, L.X. Lai, D. Wax, M. Samuel, Z.S. Zhong, Q.Y. Sun, R.S. Prather. 2006. The nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) protein is contributed by the donor cell nucleus in cloned porcine embryos. Frontiers in Biosciences 11:1945-1957.</p><br /> <p>Long, J. A. and H. D. Guthrie. 2006. Validation of a rapid, large-scale assay to quantify ATP levels in spermatozoa. Theriogenology 65:1620-1630.</p><br /> <p>Manandhar, G., D. Feng, Y.-J. Yi, L. Lai, T. Ezashi, J. Letko, J. Laurincik, M. Sutovsky, R.S. Prather, H. Schatten, P. Sutovsky. Centrosomal protein Centrin is not detectable during early pre-implantation development but reappears during the late blastocyst stage in porcine embryos. Reproduction (accepted 3-21-06).</p><br /> <p>Mao, J., G.-M. Wu, R.S. Prather, M.F. Smith, T. Cantley, A. Rieke, B.A. Didion, B.N. Day. 2005. Effect of methyl-²-cyclodextrin treatment of pig spermatozoa on in vitro fertilization and embryo development in the absence or present of caffeine. Theriogenology 64:1913-1927.</p><br /> <p>Matsuda-Minehata, F., M. Katsumura, S. Kijima, R.K. Christenson, and K. Imakawa. 2005. Different levels of ovine interferon-_ gene expressions are regulated through the short promoter region including Ets-2 binding site. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 72:7-15.</p><br /> <p>Mesa H., T.J. Safranski, K.M. Cammack, R.L. Weaber, and W.R. Lamberson. 2006. Genetic and Phenotypic relationships of farrowing and weaning survival to birth and placental weights in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 84:32-40.</p><br /> <p>Mesa, H., T.J. Safranski, K.A. Fischer, K.M. Cammack, and W.R. Lamberson, 2005. Selection for placental efficiency in swine: genetic parameters and trends. J. Anim. Sci. 83:983-991.</p><br /> <p>Montagner, M.M., P.B.D. Gonçalves, G.A. Mills, R.K. Christenson, and B.R. White. Freezing swine embryos: Do success rates differ between breeds? Nebraska Swine Report, EC219. pp. 21-25. 2006.</p><br /> <p>Musser, R.E., D.L. Davis, M.D. Tokach, J.L. Nelssen, S.S. Dritz and R.D. Goodband. 2006. Effects of high feed intake during early gestation on sow performance and offspring growth and carcass characteristics Animal Feed Science and Technology 127:187-199. </p><br /> <p>Nakai M., L. Chen and R.A. Nowak. 2006. Tissue distribution of basigin and monocarboxylate transporter I in the adult male mouse: a study using the wild type and basigin gene knockout mice. The Anatomical Record Part A, 2006;288A:527-535.</p><br /> <p>Nakai, M. M. Black, E.H.Jeffery, and J.M.Bahr. 2005. Dietary soy protein and isoflavones: no effect on the reproductive tract and minimal positive effect on bone resorption in the intact female Fischer 344 rat. Food and Chem Tox 43:945-949.</p><br /> <p>Nakai, M., L. Chen, and R.A. Nowak. 2006. Tissue distribution of basigin and monocarboxylate transporter I in the adult male mouse: a study using the wild type and basigin gene knockout mice. The Anatomical Record Part A, 288A:527-535.</p><br /> <p>Roberts, A.J., J. Klindt, and T.G. Jenkins. 2005. Effects of varying energy intake and sire breed on duration of postpartum anestrus, insulin like growth factor-1, and growth hormone in mature crossbred cows. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1705-1714.</p><br /> <p>Roberts, A.J., M.J. Al-Hassan, P.M. Fricke, and S.E. Echternkamp. 2006. Large variation in steroid concentrations and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins exists among individual small antral follicles collected from within cows at various stages of the estrous cycle. J. Anim. Sci. (In press)</p><br /> <p>Rohrer, G.A., T.H. Wise, and J.J. Ford. 2006. Deciphering the pig genome to understand gamete production. In: Control of Pig Reproduction VII. C. J. Ashworth and R. R. Kraeling (eds.) Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, U.K., pp. 293-301.</p><br /> <p>Roski, K., W.L. Flowers, G.B. Rampacek, D.L. Gregor, M. Swanson, and H.D. Hafs. 2004. Ovulatory and reproductive characteristics of sows treated with an intravaginal GnRH agonist gel. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (suppl. 1), 369.</p><br /> <p>Ross, J.W., T.K. Smith, C.R. Krehbiel, J.R. Malayer, U. DeSilva, J.B. Morgan, F.J. White, M.J. Hersom, G.W. Horn, and R.D. Geisert. 2005. Effects of grazing management and subsequent finishing on gene expression in different adipose tissue depots in beef steers. J. Anim Sci. 83:1914-1923.</p><br /> <p>Scanes, C.G., S. Jeftinija, A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, J. Proudman, C. Arámburo, and L.L. Anderson. 2005. The anterior pituitary gland: lessons from livestock. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology, July 4-6, 2004, Budapest, Hungary. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 29:23-33.</p><br /> <p>Schatten, H., R.S. Prather, Q.-Y. Sun. 2005. The significance of mitochondria for embryo development in cloned farm animals. Mitochondrion 5:303-321. </p><br /> <p>Seguin, M.J., R.M. Friendship, R.N. Kirkwood, A.J. Zanella, and T.M. Widowski. 2006. Effect of boar presence on agonistic behaviour, shoulder scratches and stress response of sows at mixing. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1227-1237.</p><br /> <p>Sutovsky, P., G. Manandhar, J. Laurincik, J. Letko, J.N. Caamano, B.N. Day, L. Lai, R.S. Prather, K. Sharpe-Timms, R. Zimmer, and M. Sutovsky. 2005. Expression and proteasomal degradation of the Major Vault Protein (MVP) in the mammalian oocyte and zygote. Reproduction 129: 269-282.</p><br /> <p>Tinfo, N.S. and C.M. Komar. 2006. A role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor _ in cell survival, not steroid production, in luteal tissue from the rat. Exp. Biol. Med (Submitted for publication).</p><br /> <p>Vadnais, M.L., R.N. Kirkwood, D.J. Sprecher, and K. Chou. 2005. Effect of egg yolk freezing extender, incubation temperature, and addition of seminal plasma on capacitation of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa determined using chlortetracycline assay. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 90:347-354.</p><br /> <p>Vallet, J.L., B.A. Freking, K.A. Leymaster, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Allelic variation in the secreted folate binding protein gene is associated with uterine capacity in swine. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1860-1867.</p><br /> <p>Vieira, A. and D.J. Miller. 2006. Species-specificity in animal fertilization. Mol Reprod Dev. Accepted.</p><br /> <p>Vizcarra, J.A. and J.J. Ford. 2006. Validation of the sperm mobility assay in boars and stallions. Theriogenology (In press).</p><br /> <p>Waylan, A.T., J.P. Kayser, D.P. Gnad, J.J. Higgins, J.D. Starkey, E.K. Sissom, J.C. Woodworth, and B.J. Johnson. 2005. Effects of L-carnitine on fetal growth and the IGF system in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1824-1831.</p><br /> <p>White, F.J., J.W. Ross, M.M. Joyce, R.D. Geisert, R.C. Burghardt, and G.A. Johnson. 2005. Steroid regulation of cell specific osteopontin expression in the pregnant porcine uterus. Biol. Reprod. 73:1294-1301. </p><br /> <p>Whitworth, K.W., C. Agca, J-G. Kim, R.V. Patel, G.K. Springer, N. Bivens, L.J. Forrester, N. Mathialagan, J.A. Green, R.S. Prather. 2005. Transcriptional profiling of pig embryogenesis by using a 15K member unigene set specific for the pig. Biol. Reprod. 72:1437-1451</p><br /> <p>Wilhelms, K.W., K.F. Fitzpatrick, C.G. Scanes, and L.L. Anderson. 2006. In ovo exposure to a triazine herbicide: effects on circulating reproductive hormones and gonadal histology in young Japanese quail. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (In press).</p><br /> <p>Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson, and C.G. Scanes. 2005. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the sexually maturing precocial bird: studies in male Japanese quail. Toxicol. Sci. 86:152-160.</p><br /> <p>Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson, and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Effects of atrazine on sexual maturation in female Japanese quail induced by photostimulation or exogenous gonadotropin. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25:233-240.</p><br /> <p>Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson, and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Lack of effects of atrazine on ovarian and circulating concentrations of estradiol and on estrogen-responsive tissues in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Chemosphere (In press).</p><br /> <p>Yen, J.T., J.J. Ford, and J. Klindt. 2005. Effect of supplemental copper proteinate on reproductive performance of first- and second-parity sows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 85:205-210.</p><br /> <p>Yong, H.Y., Y. Hao, L. Lai, R. Li, C.N. Murphy, A. Rieke, D. Wax, M. Samuel, R.S. Prather. 2006. Production of a transgenic piglet by a new sperm injection technique. Mol. Reprod. & Dev. 73:595-599.</p><br /> <p></p><br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. Conducted research within committee objectives to identify processes and mechanisms involved in the control of reproduction that will ultimately result in enhanced reproductive efficiency in food animal (swine) production.
  2. Sperm binding to zona pellucida in vitro was shown to predict boar fertility if used in along with other routinely-measured sperm characteristics.
  3. A rapid assay for sperm ATP was developed and demonstrated to work as a large-scale assay. Inter- and intra-assay CV were 1.9% and 1.3% respectively. The assay will be useful to determine causes of subfertility in boars and reduced fertility of frozen semen from some boars.
  4. Exposure of pregnant gilts to endocrine disruption by exogenous estrogen causes conceptus loss due to changes in endometrial gene expression of osteopontin (OPN), neuromedin B (NB), CD24 antigen (CD24) and aldose reductase (AR). This has implications for human exposure to endocrine disruptors used in agriculture.
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Date of Annual Report: 07/24/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 05/30/2007 - 05/31/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2007


Roy Kirkwood [] Michigan;
John Parrish [] Wisconsin;
Matt Wilson [] West Virginia;
Lloyd L Anderson [] Iowa;
Timothy J. Safranski [] Missouri;
Joe Ford [] USDA-MARC;
David Miller [] Illinois;
Duane Davis [] Kansas;
Mark Diekman [] Indiana;
Brett White [] Nebraska;
John Baker [] Michigan;

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCERA-57 was called to order by John Baker, Committee Advisor, at 8:26 AM on Wednesday May 30. John introduced Jeff Armstrong, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Jeff welcomed us to campus and invited a discussion about the college and USDA/HATCH issues. In particular, USDA would not have new funds but would redistribute them differently in the future. There was also discussion about how to deal with animal facilities long-term at a College of Agriculture. This included the impact of AAALAC accreditation on operation of animal facilities. Finally Jeff indicated the college was doing well with many new hires.

Jeff then introduced Karen Plaut, head of Animal Sciences. She explained the Animal Science Department structure and how it worked. In particular, the reproduction area focuses on dairy but many model species are utilized. There are approximately 300 undergraduates and 100, 2 year, Ag-Tech students with approximately 40 staff. There is an increasing emphasis on transitioning classes to include companion animals as seen in other Animal Science departments across the country.

John Baker next went over NCERA-57. Currently, Roy Kirkwood is president, John Parrish is vice-president and Dave Guthrie is the secretary. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by John Parrish and sent to Dave Guthrie who could not attend this year. The renewal process was then reviewed. The rewrite of the committee will need to be done by assigning a writing committee to prepare draft and issues for the 2008 meeting. The committee should be assigned in Jan 2008 with a report at the May 2008 meeting. The rewrite should focus on the success of the symposiums, NRI proposal. It was also mentioned that everyone should look at the NIMMS site and our own website for information on the committee. John Parrish also asked each member to submit some impact statements for use in the NIMMS report.

Deb Hamernik, the CSREES representative could not attend and her report was emailed to all committee members.

Roy Kirkwood next addressed the meeting logistics.

Duane Davis went over the NRI Integrated Project Proposal that was submitted by he and Dave Guthrie entitledSeasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and educational goals to enhance the profitability and sustainability of the swine industry discussing the criticisms of the reviewers. It was decided that some of the members would agree to test of the teaching material at their university and participate in the rewrite. Duane will be heading up the teaching section and we hoped that Dave Guthrie would again head the research section.

The station reports then began and continued until 3:15 PM when we traveled to the Diagnostic Center Population and Animal Health building for a tour. We were welcomed at the building by Steve Bolin who gave us a most interesting tour.

Great discussion of many topics occurred at dinner.

The business meeting was called to order on Thursday May 31 by John Baker who found the gavel and used it to open the business meeting. The committee welcomed Matt Wilson as the representative from West Virginia. It was then mentioned the pointer was missing and Mark Diekman will ensure it is present at the meeting next year.

The tentative dates for the next meeting are June 25-26, 2008 at Purdue University. On Wednesday morning we would have station reports and then travel to JBS United, Sheridan Indiana, for a symposium. Station reports and the business meeting will then be on Thursday. Tim Safranski, Mark Diekman, Joe Ford and Matt Wilson will serve as the program committee. Although several topics were suggested, the program committee will discuss topics in consultation with JBS United. The late nature of the meeting was due to an early date for SSR and Mark Diekman's previous commitments.

Matt Wilson was elected by unanimous vote to be the new secretary (was that a surprise!).

John Parrish reminded everyone of the website for the committee and asked if station reports could be distributed on the website with a password protection. It was decided that we would do this so a record of station reports could be kept for future members and be located all in one spot. A password was discussed but will be distributed only to members of the committee.

A further discussion of the NRI proposal was then conducted. It was suggested the focus stay the same but with some changes to the teaching section which will be addressed via email discussion among the members.

A big thanks was then extended to Roy Kirkwood for hosting the meeting and making all the arrangements, following which we returned to station reports.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM with the passing of the gavel to John Parrish. Thanks to John Parrish for recording the minutes for me.

Respectively submitted
Dave Guthrie, Secretary, NCERA-57


1. A CSREES NRI integrated research proposal was submitted in November of 2006 entitled Seasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and Educational Goals to Enhance the Profitability and Sustainability of the Swine Industry. The proposal was not funded in 2007 and the co- principal investigators Dave Guthrie and Duane Davis with the help of other committee members will revise the proposal and re-submit for funding in 2008. <br /> <br /> 2. John Parrish is commended for making great progress in the development of the website for the committee /ncera57/index.html<br /> <br /> 3. Planning was started was started for the 2008 symposium with Tim Safranski, Mark Diekman, Joe Ford and Matt Wilson serving as the program committee. The tentative plan is to travel to JBS United, Sheridan Indiana, for the symposium on Wednesday. Station reports and the business meeting will then be on Thursday. The topics and title of the symposium will be developed by the program committee in consultation with JBS United. <br /> <br /> 4. Collaborations:<br /> Scientists at University of Nebraska, Lincoln and USDA-MARC have established a collaboration to examine the association between polymorphisms within the promoter for the GNRH gene and FSH production in swine. This research could lead to genetic tests for fertility as well as new methods for improvement of sperm production and litter size in swine.<br /> <br /> Dave Guthrie and Joe Ford will continue a collaboration on the genetics of the genetics of post-thaw sperm survival in swine. During the past four years we have investigated 12 boar sire lines at the USDA Meat Animal Research Center which were shipped to Beltsville for analysis of viability after cryopreservation. Two of these lines have maintained significantly greater post-thaw survival than the others. The MARC group has developed sets genetic markers spanning the entire genome have been genotyped on all sires of the BX population, a large group of sows born in 2004 and 1008 gilts born in 2005. The set of markers includes over 100 microsatellite markers and approximately 200 SNP markers. We will continue this work to link the trait of sperm cryosurvival to microsatellite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms.<br />


Almond, G.W., Flowers, W.L. Batista, L. and D'Allaire, S., 2006. Diseases of the reproductive system. In: Diseases of Swine, 9th edition. B. Straw. J. Zimmerman, S. DAllaire, and D. Taylor (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, pp. 113-148.<br /> <br /> Wilhelms, K.W., G.A. Kraus, J.D. Schroeder, J.W. Kim, S.A. Cutler, M.A. Rasmussen, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Evaluation of corn-furan fatty acid putative endocrine disruptors on reproductive performance in adult female chickens. Poult. Sci. 85:1795-1797.<br /> <br /> Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, R.V. Carsia, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Lack of effects of atrazine on estrogen-responsive organs and circulating hormone concentrations in sexually immature female Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Chemosphere 65:674-681.<br /> <br /> Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. 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Metabolism, protein content and in vitro embryonic development of goat cumulus-oocyte complexes matured with physiological concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73:256-266. Published Online: 25 Oct 2005.<br /> <br /> Herrick, JR, Brad, AM, Krisher, R. Chemical manipulation of glucose metabolism in porcine oocytes: effects on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation in vitro. Reprod. 131: 289-298.<br /> <br /> Krisher, RL, Brad, AM, Herrick, JR, Sparman, ML, Swain, JE. A comparative analysis of metabolism and viability in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 98:7296. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2006.10.006<br /> <br /> Herrick, JR, Bond, JB, Magarey, GM, Bateman, HL, Krisher, RL, Dunford, SA, Swanson, WF. Toward a feline optimized culture medium: impact of ions, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, and serum on development and metabolism of in vitro fertilization-derived feline embryos relative to embryos grown in vivo. Biol Reprod published 31 January 2007; 10.1095/biolreprod.106.058065<br /> <br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. Mechanisms of Protein Secretion: Cellular protein transport and secretion is fundamental to the very existence of an organism, regulating important physiological functions such as reproduction, digestion, energy production, growth, neurotransmission, hormone release, water and ion transport, all required for the survival and maintenance of homeostasis within an organism. Only in the last 20 years, the general molecular mechanism of the process has come to light, following discovery of key proteins involved in ER-Golgi transport, and discovery of the porosome - the universal secretion machinery in cells.
  2. In vitro pig embryo production/development: Apoptosis has been demonstrated to occur during preimplantation development both in vivo and in vitro and it is believed to contribute to early embryonic loss. Nuclei of different donor cells support the development to various degrees and confirm previous reports using non-differentiated cells as nuclear donors increase the efficiency of nuclear transfer in the pig. Treatment of oocytes with cycloheximide followed by electroporation is an effective activator of porcine embryonic development. Porcine oocytes can be successfully matured in defined maturation media without gonadotropins, when the media contains fetuin, recombumin and EGF.
  3. Development of the pituitary secreting cells of the young pig: Fluorescence immunocytochemistry revealed specific spatial distribution patterns of somatotrophs, mammotrophs, and mammosomatotrophs. Results of these studies strongly suggest regional specificity of cellular transformation or interconversion to facilitate growth hormone and prolactin secretion as the need for endocrine regulation during the period of rapid growth in the young pig.
  4. Assisted reproductive technology to improve fertility: The committee has demonstrated improvements in the protocols for the use of exogenous gonadotrophins in swine breeding. These improvements allow for the maintenance of fertility of multiparous sows and 10 to 15% increases in farrowing rates of primiparous sows. Using single inseminations of fewer sperm it is possible to reduce the labor costs associated with animal breeding as well as reducing semen costs by 50 to 75%. It was shown that it is possible to mix unfamiliar sows into groups for gestation from 3-weeks after insemination with no detriment sow fertility.
  5. Boar sperm shape associated with semen quality: Analysis of sperm nuclear shape using Fourier Harmonic Analysis was shown to detect changes in sperm shape associated with reduced fertility associated with not only different males but also for individual ejaculates within a male that had reduced fertility Fourier harmonic analysis of sperm nuclear shape was applied to porcine sperm and shown to detect shape changes due to sperm storage at 16°C.
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Date of Annual Report: 08/11/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 06/25/2008 - 06/26/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


John Parrish [] Wisconsin;
Dave Guthrie [] USDA-BARC;
Matt Wilson [] West Virginia;
Lloyd L Anderson [] Iowa ;
Timothy J. Safranski [] Missouri;
Joe Ford [] USDA-MARC ;
Rebecca Krisher [] Illinois;
Duane Davis [] Kansas ;
Mark Diekman [] Indiana ;
Brett White [] Nebraska ;
John Baker [] Michigan;

Brief Summary of Minutes

The annual meeting of the NCERA-57 was called to order by Mark Diekman, local host, at 8:15 AM on Wednesday June 25th. Mark introduced Chuck Hibberd, Associate Dean & Director of Cooperative Extension Service. Chuck welcomed us to campus and gave us a brief update on the Purdue University Extension Service and how he was working towards a focus on Transformation Extension Programs. The goal is to raise the bar from level 1 one-on-one contacts to level 4 transformational extension programs.

Mark then introduced Alan Grant, Department Head of Animal Science. Alan spoke about recent trends in animal agriculture in Indiana and the Governors goals for increasing animal agriculture in Indiana. He indicated that in the face of a 30% decrease in pig numbers in the last 17 years, the number of feeder pigs had increased 1000% indicating a shift in the nature of the swine industry in the state. He also indicated that over the same time period the undergraduate enrollment in Animal Science had increased from ~200 in 1990 to ~600 undergraduate students in 2008. Discussion ensued about the demographics and interests of those students and that similar trends have been observed at other stations.

John Baker, Associate Director of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and Administrative Advisor to NCERA-57, addressed the need to begin the process of rewriting the NCERA-57 project. He indicated that he could give editorial rights to three individuals. We codified the previously discussed concept that John Parrish would chair the rewrite committee and that Matt Wilson and Dave Guthrie would fill out the committee. John distributed a handout containing pertinent information for the rewrite effort and the deadlines for the various components of the renewal. He emphasized the need for impact statements and commended our project for their success, including the submission and planned resubmission of an integrated grant proposal to USDA- NRICGP and the biennial symposium.

Station reports then began. Duane Davis spoke about the online lab class that he has been developing at Kansas State to replace their wet lab for online students. He indicated that aspects of this would fit into the teaching component of the integrated project resubmission. One of his significant questions was how to best use modules for on and off campus. Station reports continued until about 11 at which time we travelled to JBS United in Sheridan, IN for the symposium organized by the regional project on Sow Longevity.

The business meeting was called to order on June 26th. David Miller was unanimously elected the next Secretary for NCERA-57. West Virginia University was selected as the host institution for the next annual meeting and dates were discussed. If acceptable, the group settled on the 24th and 25th of June, 2009 with June 23rd serving as a travel day.

Plans for the next symposium were initiated and a tentative topic of gilt development from prenatal to mating was arrived at. John Parrish asked that all members send him brief impact statements that he could use to initiate the renewal process. Finally, the regional committee thanked Mark Diekman and Purdue University for graciously hosting the annual meeting and letters of thanks will be sent to Mark and to JBS United for hosting and supporting the biennial symposium.

Dave Guthrie spoke briefly about the grant resubmission. He indicated that the two main issues were the proposed dose of the synchronization compound and the need for teaching and economic analyses. He also indicated that he would again be soliciting letters of support.

Station reports then resumed with reports from Bret White, Lloyd Anderson, Tim Safranski, John Parrish, Joe Ford and Rebecca Krisher.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 and the gavel was virtually passed from John Parrish to Dave Guthrie.

Respectfully submitted Matthew Wilson, Secretary, NCERA-57


1. The NCERA-57 committe, with leadership from Dave Guthrie and Duane Davis, revised the integrated proposal entitled Seasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and Educational Goals to Enhance the Profitability and Sustainability of the Swine Industry that was not funded in 2007, unfortunately it was not submitted in time for the 2007 grant cycle. Work continues to proceed relative to additional refinement of the proposal and it should be resubmitted in 2008.<br /> <br /> 2. The committee organized and hosted its biennial symposium entitled Sow Longevity. The focus of the symposium was to extend the efforts of the committee and others to extension faculty, producers and individuals affiliated with the swine industry. Greater that 60 attendees pack the conference room at JBS United for what was an excellent series of presentations and discussion. The slides presented will be put together on to CDs that will be distributed to the committee, extension agents and interested individuals. The presentations should also be available via the website that John Parrish continues to develop to serve as a repository of information and tools for and from the committee.<br /> <br /> 3. A topic was identified for the next symposium that will focus on animal management from the prenatal period through breeding.<br />


Sagirkaya H, Misirlioglu M, Kaya A, First NL, Parrish JJ, Memili E. Developmental potential of bovine oocytes cultured in different maturation and<br /> culture conditions. Anim Reprod Sci. 2007 Oct;101(3-4):225-40.<br /> <br /> <br /> Jerde TJ, Mellon WS, Bjorling DE, Checura CM, Owusu-Ofori K, Parrish JJ,<br /> Nakada SY. Stretch induction of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human urothelial cells is calcium- and protein kinase C zeta-dependent. Mol Pharmacol. 2008 Jan;73(1):18-26.<br /> <br /> <br /> Siddiqui MA, Bhattacharjee J, Das ZC, Islam MM, Islam MA, Haque MA, Parrish<br /> JJ, Shamsuddin M. Crossbred bull selection for bigger scrotum and shorter age at puberty with potentials for better quality semen. Reprod Domest Anim. 2008 Feb;43(1):74-9.<br /> <br /> <br /> K.L. Willenburg, K.J. Rozenboom and J.J. Parrish. The relationship between sperm nuclear shape and boar fertility using fourier harmonics. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 86, E-Supplement 2, 2008. p 525.<br /> <br /> <br /> J. A. Sterle and J. J. Parrish. Changes that have occurred in animal science teaching. Journal of Animal Science, 2008. Volume 86, E-Supplement 2, p 345.<br /> <br /> <br /> J. J. Parrish. The use of podcasts in the classroom. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 86, E-Supplement 2, 2008. p 346.<br /> <br /> <br /> J.J. Parrish, C. Mueller, E. Ludwig and J. L. Susko-Parrish. Day length does not affect live sperm nuclear shape in the stallion. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2008 20:192.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lefric Enwall and John Parrish. Effect of scrotal insulation on bull sperm in vitro fertility, nuclear shape and apoptotic markers. Journal of Andrology Supplement, Proceedings of the American Society of Andrology 33rd Annual meeting. 2008. p 47.<br /> <br /> <br /> Antelman, J., G. Manandhar, Y.-J. Yi, R. Li, K. Whitworth, J.A. Green, R.S. Prather, P. Sutovsky. 2008. Expression of mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) during porcine gametogenesis and preimplantation embryo development. J. Cellular Physiology. (accepted 6-3-08).<br /> <br /> <br /> Bonk, A.J., H.-T. Cheong, R. Li, L. Lai, Y. Hao, Z. Liu, M. Samuel, E.A. Fergason, K.M. Whitworth, C.N. Murphy, E. Antoniou, R.S. Prather. 2007. Correlation of developmental differences to the methylation profiles of nuclear transfer donor cells. Epigenetics 2:3, 179-186.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bonk, A.J., R. Li, L. Lai, Y. Hao, Z. Liu, M. Samuel, E.A. Fergason, K.M. Whitworth, C.N. Murphy, E. Antoniou, R.S. Prather. 2008. Aberrant DNA methylation in porcine in vitro-, parthenogenetic-, and somatic cell nuclear transfer-produced embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 75:250-264. <br /> <br /> <br /> Caamaño, J.N., A. Rodriguez, A. Salas, M. Muñoz, C. Diez, R.S. Prather, E. Goméz. 2008. Flow cytometric cell cycle analysis of cultured brown bear fibroblasts. Cell Biology International (accepted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Hao, Y., C. Murphy, L. Spate, D. Wax, Z. Zhong, M. Samuel, N. Mathialagan, H. Schatten, R.S. Prather. 2008. Osteopontin improves in vitro development of porcine embryos and decreases apoptosis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 75:291-298. <br /> <br /> <br /> Im, G.-S., M. Samuel, L. Lai, Y. Hao, R.S. Prather. 2007. Development and calcium level changes in pre-implantation porcine nuclear transfer embryos activated with 6-DMAP after fusion. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:1158-1164.<br /> <br /> <br /> Isom, S.C., R.S. Prather, E.B. Rucker III. 2007. Heat stress-induced apoptosis in porcine in vitro fertilized and parthenogenetic preimplantation-stage embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:574-581.<br /> <br /> <br /> Jiang, L., P. Jobst, L. Lai, M. Samuel, D. Ayers, R.S. Prather, X.C. Tian. 2007. Expression of growth-regulating imprinted genes in deceased and surviving cloned pigs. Cloning and Stem Cells 9:97-106.<br /> <br /> <br /> Jiang, L., L. Lai, M. Samuel, R.S. Prather, X. Yang, X.C. Tian. 2008. Expression of X-linked genes in deceased neonates and surviving cloned female pigs. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 75:265-273.<br /> <br /> <br /> Klassen, H., K. Warfvinge, P.H. Schwartz, J.F. Kiilgaard, N. Shamie, C. Zhang, M. Samuel, E. Scherfig, R.S. Prather, M.J. Young. 2008. Isolation of multiple progenitor cell types from GFP-transgenic pigs and transplantation to the retina of allorecipients. Cloning & Stem Cells (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Li, R., K. Whitworth, L. Lai, D. Wax, L. Spate, C.N. Murphy, A. Rieke, S.C. Isom, Y. Hao, Z. Zhong, M. Katayama, H. Schatten, R.S. Prather. 2007. Concentration and composition of free amino acids and osmolalities of porcine oviductal and uterine fluid and their effects on development of porcine parthenogenetic and IVF embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:1228-1235.<br /> <br /> <br /> Liu, Z., T. Jiangtian, Z. Zhong, W. Zhenkun, S. Jun, Y. Zhi, G. Li, M. Haikun, K. Qingran, S. Shuang, L. Yutian, W. Hongbin, R.S. Prather. 2008. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic pig produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Chinese Science Bulletin. 53:1035-1039.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lorson, M.A., L. Spate, K. Wells, R.S. Prather, C.L. Lorson. 2008. The identification and characterization of the porcine (sus scrofa) survival motor neuron (SMN1) gene. Developmental Dynamics (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Lovercamp, KW, TJ Safranski, KA Fischer, G Manandhar, M Sutovsky, WO Herring and P Sutovsky. 2007. High resolution light microscopic evaluation of boar semen quality sperm cytoplasmic droplet retention in relationship with boar fertility parameters. Archives of Andrology, 53: 219-228.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lovercamp KW, Safranski TJ, Fischer KA, Manandhar G, Sutovsky M, Herring W, Sutovsky P. 2007. Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase and ubiquitin as fertility markers in boars. Theriogenology, Theriogenology, 67: 704-718.<br /> <br /> <br /> Martin, L.M., C. Besch-Williford, L. Lai, H.-T. Cheong, G.-S. Im, K.-W. Park, C. Murphy, D. Keisler, M. Ellersieck, H. Schatten, J.A. Green, R.S. Prather. 2007. Morphologic and histologic comparisons between in vivo and nuclear transfer derived porcine embryos. <br /> Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:952-960.<br /> <br /> <br /> McHughes, C.E., G.K. Springer, L. Spate, R. Li, R. Woods, M. Green, S.W. Korte, C.N. Murphy, J.A. Green, R.S. Prather. 2008. Identification and quantification of differentially represented transcripts in preimplantation bovine embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (accepted 3-13-08).<br /> <br /> <br /> Rogers, C.S., Y. Hao, T. Rokhlina, M. Samuel, D.A. Stoltz, Y. Li, E. Petroff, D.W. Vermeer, A.C. Kabel, Z. Yan, L. Spate, D. Wax, C.N. Murphy, A. Rieke, K. Whitworth, M.L. Linville, S.W. Korte, J.F. Engelhardt, M.J. Welsh, R.S. Prather. 2008. Production of CFTR null and ?F508 heterozygous pigs by AAV-mediated gene targeting and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Journal of Clinical Investigation 118:1571-1577.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ross, J.W., M.D. Ashworth, F.J. White, G.A. Johnson, P.J. Ayoubi, U. E. DeSilva, K.M. Whitworth, J.A. Green, R.S. Prather, R.D. Geisert. 2007. Identification and analysis of molecular markers following endocrine disruption of pregnancy in the pig. <br /> Endocrinology 148:4761-4773.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wu, A.C.H., P. Sutovsky, G. Manandhar, W. Xu, M. Katayama, B.N. Day, Q.-W. Park, R.S. Prather, R. Oko. 2007. PAWP, A sperm specific WW-domain binding protein involved in pronuclear development during mammalian fertilization. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:12,164-12,175. <br /> <br /> <br /> Yi, Y.J., G. Manandhar, M. Sutovsky, R. Li, V. Jonakova, R. Oko, C.S. Park, R.S. Prather, P. Sutovsky. 2007. Ubiquitin C-Terminal hydrolase-activity is involved in sperm acrosomal function and anti-polyspermy defense. Biol. Reprod. 77:780-793.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhong, Z., L. Spate, Y. Hao, R. Li, L. Lai, M. Katayama, D. Wax, K Whitworth, Q.-Y. Sun, R.S. Prather, H. Schatten. 2007. Remodeling of centrosomes in intraspecies and interspecies nuclear transfer porcine embryos. Cell Cycle 6:1510-1521.<br /> <br /> <br /> Baltes-Breitwisch, M.M., R.C. Bott, D.M. Larson, J.M. Martin, and A.S. Cupp. 2008. Male biostimulation prior to a short melengesterol acetate (MGA) synchronization protocol increased timed AI conception rates in multiparous cows. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Bass, B.E., R.A. Cederberg, G.A. Mills, C.M. Clay, and B.R. White. 2008. Responsiveness of GnRH receptor and gonadotropin subunit genes to GnRH in lines of swine divergent for ovulation rate. Biol. Reprod. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Bott, R.C., D.T. Clopton, and A.S. Cupp. 2008. A proposed role for VEGF isoforms in sex-specific vasculature development in the gonad. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (In Press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Bott, R.C., D.T. Clopton, R.M. McFee, and AS Cupp. 2008. Kinase Domain Receptor (Kdr) expression is present in sex specific vascular patterns in the developing gonads: Role for VEGF in regulation of testis specific vasculature and spermatogenesis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Cederberg, R.A., E.A. McDonald, C. Lee, R.A. Friedrich, A.R. Cropp, and B.R. White. 2008. Activity of the porcine GnRH receptor gene in aT3-1 cells is partially conferred by a distal swine upstream promoter enhancing region (SUPER) and two proximal steroidogenic factor-1 binding sites. Endocrinology (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Cherrington, B.D., T.A. Farmerie, B.E. Bass, R.A. Cederberg, C.M. Clay, and B.R. White. 2008. Emergence of a new regulatory element in the proximal promoter of the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor in Chinese Meishan swine. Biol. Reprod. (Accepted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, A.J. Roberts, and R.N. Funston. 2007. Altered reproductive response in beef heifers fed soybeans during pubertal development. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Martin, J.L., A.S. Cupp, R.J. Rasby, Z.C. Hall, and R.N. Funston. 2007. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2298-2303.<br /> <br /> <br /> Martin, J.L., D.T. Clopton, H.L. Stroh, A.S. Cupp, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effects of soybeans or dried distillers grains in beef heifer development diets on reproductive performance and granulosa VEGF isoform expression. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> McDonald, E.A., R.A. Cederberg, J.E. Smith, and B.R. White. 2008. Divergent activity of the porcine GnRH receptor gene promoter in aT3-1 cells is partially conferred by nuclear factor (NF)-kB, specificity protein (Sp)1-like, and GATA4 elements. Endocrinology (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Montagner, M.M, A.R. Cropp, J.J. Swanson, R.A. Cederberg, Paulo B.D. Goncalves, and B.R. White. 2008. Role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone on mouse preimplantation embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (In Preparation).<br /> <br /> <br /> Pohlmann, R.M., R.A. Ten Broeck, R.M. McFee, D.T. Clopton, R.C. Bott, R.A. Longfellow, T.G. Rozell, and A.S. Cupp. 2008. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signal transduction blocks follicle progression to the pre-antral stage but does not necessarily affect vascular development in perinatal rat ovaries. Endocrinology (Submitted). <br /> <br /> <br /> Silva, C., J.R. Wood, L. Salvador, I. Kostetskii, C.J. Williams, and J.F. Strauss III. 2008. Expression profile of male germ cell-associated genes in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures treated with all-trans retinoic acid and testosterone. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (In Press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Ten Broeck, R.A., R.M. Pohlmann, R.A. Longfellow, M.M. Baltes, D.T. Clopton, and A.S. Cupp. 2008. Neutralization of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor inhibitory isoforms is a more effective mechanism than treatment with angiogenic isoforms to stimulate vascular development and follicle progression in the perinatal rat ovary. Endocrinology (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Wang, H., M. Ogawa, J.R. Wood, M.S. Bartolomei, M.D. Sammel, J.P. Kusanovic, S.W. Walsh, R. Romero, and J.F. Strauss III. 2008. Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms combine to control MMP1 expression and its association with preterm premature rupture of membranes. Hum. Mol. Genet. 17:1087-1096.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wood, J.R., D.A. Dumesic, D.H. Abbott, and J.F. Strauss III. 2007. Molecular abnormalities in oocytes from women with polycystic ovary syndrome revealed by microarray analysis. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab, 92:705-713.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhang, Z., R. Jaimez, X. Shen, D. Gude, H. Tang, J.R. Wood, E. Goldberg, and J.F. Strauss III. 2008. Autoregulation of SPAG16 expression: A single gene encoding an axoneme structural protein and a transcription factor that activates the axoneme protein promoter. Nucleic Acids Res. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Albin DM, Wubben JE, Rowlett JM, Tappenden KA, Nowak RA. 2007. Small intestinal transport and barrier function respond differently to acute immune challenge in two porcine breeds. Journal of Animal Science, 85:2517-2523.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bahr JM 2008 Are scientific societies serving the needs of graduate and postdoctoral students. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20:19-22.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bahr JM. The chicken as a model organism. In: Source Book of Models for Biomedical Research, M. Conn (ed). Humana Press, pp. 161-167, 2008. <br /> <br /> <br /> Barua A, Abramowicz J, Bahr JM, Bitterman P, Dirks A, Holub KA, Bradaric MJ, Edassery SL, and Luborsky JL. 2007. Detection of ovarian tumors in chicken by ultrasonography: a step towards early diagnosis in humans? J of Ultrasound and Medicine 26:909-919. <br /> <br /> <br /> Barua A, Edassery SL, Bitterman P, Abramowicz JS, Dirks AL, Bahr JM, Hales DB, Bradaric MJ, Luborsky JL 2008 Prevalence of anti-tumor antibodies in laying hen model of human ovarian cancer. International J. of Gynecol. Cancer. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Belton Jr. RB, Chen L, Mesquita FS, Nowak RA. 2008. Basigin-2 is a cell surface receptor for soluble basigin ligand. J Biol Chem [Epub April 22, 2008].<br /> <br /> <br /> Bleck GT, MB Wheeler, LB Hansen, H Chester-Jones, and DJ Miller. 2008. Lactose synthase components in milk: Levels of a-lactalbumin and b1,4galactosyltransferase in milk of cows from several breeds at various stages of lactation. Reprod Domestic Animals. In Press.<br /> <br /> <br /> Boltz CR, Boltz DA, Bunick D, Scherba G, Bahr JM. 2007. Vaccination against the avian infectious bronchitis virus affects sperm concentration, sperm quality, and blood testosterone concentrations in cockerels. British Poultry Science 48;617-624. <br /> <br /> <br /> Braundmeier AG, WG Breed, and DJ Miller. 2008. Spermatozoa from a marsupisal, the Brushtail Possum, contain b1,4-galactosyltransferase. Reprod Fertilit Develop. 20:402-407.<br /> <br /> <br /> Chen L, Nakai M, Belton Jr. R J, and Nowak RA. 2007. Expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer and matrix metalloproteinases during mouse embryonic development. Reproduction 133:405-414.<br /> <br /> <br /> Collins ED, WL Flowers, RD Shanks, and DJ Miller. 2008. Porcine sperm-zona binding ability as an indicator of fertility. Anim Reprod Sci. 104:69-82. <br /> <br /> <br /> Hales DB, Zhuge Y, Lagman JAJ, Ansenberger K, Mahon C, Barua A, Luborsky J, Bahr JM 2008 Cyclooxygenases expression and distribution in the normal ovary and their role in ovarian cancer in the domestic hen (Gallus Domesticus). Endocrine (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Herrick, J.R., Bond, J.B., Magarey, G.M., Bateman, H.L., Krisher, R.L., Dunford, S.A., Swanson, W.F. (2007) Toward a feline-optimized culture medium: impact of ions, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, and serum on development and metabolism of in iitro fertilization-derived feline embryos relative to embryos grown in vivo. Biol. Reprod. 76:858-870. <br /> <br /> <br /> Krisher, R.L., Brad, A.M., Herrick, J.R., Sparman, M.L., Swain, J.E. (2007) A comparative analysis of metabolism and viability in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation. Animal Reproduction Science. 98:72-96.<br /> <br /> <br /> Landers EA, HR Burkin, G Bleck, L Lesley Howell-Skalla, and DJ Miller. 2008. Porcine b1,4galactosyltransferase-I sequence, mapping, and expression. Reprod Domestic Animals. In Press.<br /> <br /> <br /> Miles, J.R., Blomberg, L.A., Krisher, R.L., Everts, R.E., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Tassell, C.P., Zuelke, K.A. (2008) Comparative transcriptome analysis of in vivo- and in vitro-produced porcine blastocysts by small amplified RNA-serial analysis of gene expression (SAR-SAGE). Molecular Reproduction and Development. 75:976-988.<br /> <br /> <br /> Paris, M.C.J., Mastromonaco, G.F., Paris, D.B.B.P., Krisher, R.L. (2007) A perspective on the role of emerging technologies for the propogation of companion animals, non-domestic and endangered species. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 19(6), iii-vii.<br /> <br /> <br /> Stammer K, Edessary SL, Barua A, Bitterman P, Bahr JM, Hales DB, Luborsky JL 2008 Selenium binding protein 1 expression in ovaries and ovarian tumors in the laying hen, a spontaneous model of human ovarian cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 109(Apr):115-121. <br /> <br /> <br /> Stevenson, J.S., Tenhouse, D.E., Krisher, R.L., Lamb, G.C., Larson, J.E., Dahlen, C.R., Pursley, J.R., Bello, N.M., Fricke, P.M., Wiltbank, M.C., Brusveen, D.J., Burkhart, M., Youngquist, R.S., Garverick, H.A. 2008. Detection of anovulation by heatmount detectors and transrectal ultrasonography before treatment with progesterone in a timed insemination protocol. Journal of Dairy Science. (Accepted)<br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B. 2007. Agricultural applications for transgenic livestock. Trends in Biotechnology 25:204- 210.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B. Lima, A.S., VanEtten, T., Mello, M.R.B., 2007. Transgenic animals for biomedicine and agriculture. In, Bovine Theriogenology, de la Sota, R.L. and Bo, G.A., Eds. 36 pgs. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B., D. Kim, E. Monaco, W.L. Hurley 2007. Application of robotic and microfluidic technologies to stem cell culture and analysis. Tsukuba Meeting for Animal Biotechnology (TMAB)  Progress in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology, January 12-12, 2007 Tsukuba City, Japan, Pgs. 31-32.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B., Davidson, T.R., Malusky, S.A., Ferguson, C.E., Lima, A.S., Mello, M. B. 2007. Production of transgenic livestock: Technology and applications. In: Biotécnicas Aplicadas à Reprodução Animal, eds. P.B. Goncalves & J. Figuriedo, (new edition in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B., Mello, M.R.B., Lima, A.S., VanEtten, T. 2007. Modification of the domestic animal genome. In, Bovine Theriogenology, de la Sota, R.L. and Bo, G.A., Eds., 45 pgs. (in press). <br /> <br /> <br /> Wheeler, M.B., Walters, E.M. Beebe, D. J. 2007. Toward culture of single gametes: The development of microfluidic platforms for assisted reproduction. Theriogenology 68S:S178-S189.<br /> <br /> <br /> Woodard, J., A. Hilldore, , M. B. Wheeler, S. Clark, S. Lan, R. Jamison, and A. J. Wagoner Johnson, 2007. The mechanical properties and osteoconductivity of hydroxyapatite bone scaffolds with multi-scale porosity. Biomaterials 28:4554.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhao H, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2008. Complexin I deficient sperm are subfertile due to defects in the acrosome reaction. Submitted.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhao L*, H Burkin*, X Shi, L Li, K Reim, and DJ Miller. 2007. Complexin I is required for mammalian sperm acrosomal exocytosis. (*Both authors contributed equally to the paper). Dev Biol 309:236-244.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhao L, X Shi, L Li, and DJ Miller. 2007. Dynamin 2 associates with complexins and is found in the acrosomal region of mammalian sperm (cover feature). Mol Reprod Dev 74:750-757. <br /> <br /> <br /> Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, M.J. Seguin, T. Widowski, A. Farzan, A.J. Zanella and R.M. Friendship. 2008. Influence of stage of gestation at grouping and presence of boars on farrowing rate and litter size of group-housed sows. J. Swine Health Prod. 16:81-85.<br /> <br /> <br /> Straw, B.E., R.O. Bates and G. May. 2008. Influence of method of administration of prostaglandin on farrowing and relationship between gestation length and piglet performance. J. Swine Health Prod. 16:138-143. <br /> <br /> <br /> Zak, L.J., G.R. Foxcroft, F.X. Aherne and R.N. Kirkwood. 2008. Role of luteinizing hormone in primiparous sow responses to split weaning. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Manjarin, R., G. Cassar, D.J. Sprecher, R.M. Friendship, J.C. Dominguez and R.N. Kirkwood. 2008. Effect of eCG or eCG plus hCG on estrus expression and ovulation in prepubertal gilts. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Manjarin, R., J.C. Dominguez, M.J. Castro, B. Vallado, S. Rodriguez, D.J. Sprecher, G. Cassar, R.M. Friendship and R.N. Kirkwood. Effect of prior FSH treatment on the estrus and ovulation responses to eCG in prepubertal gilts. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Manjarin, R., J.C. Dominguez, M.J. Castro, D.J. Sprecher, G. Cassar, R.M. Friendship and R.N. Kirkwood. 2008. Effect of hCG treatment on the estrus and ovulation responses to FSH in prepubertal gilts. Reprod. Dom. Anim. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Pelland, C, G. Cassar, R.N. Kirkwood and R.M. Friendship. 2008. Fertility following intrauterine insemination with a reduced number of spermatozoa in sows with synchronized ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Cassar G, R.N. Kirkwood and R.M. Friendship. Low sow reproductive performance related to estrus detection and timing of insemination. The Pig Journal (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Lee, K, Fodor, WL, Machaty, Z. 2007. Dynamics of lamin A/C in porcine nuclear transfer embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:1221-1227.<br /> <br /> <br /> Magnani, L, Cabot, R. 2007. Developmental arrest is induced when the chromatin remodeling protein SMARCA2 in overexpressed in cleavage stage porcine embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74(10), pages 1262-1272.<br /> <br /> <br /> Magnani, L, Cabot, R. (In Press) In vitro and in vivo derived porcine embryos possess similar, but not identical, patterns of Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 mRNA expression during cleavage development. Molecular Reproduction and Development.<br /> <br /> <br /> Magnani, L, Lee, K, Fodor, W, Machaty, Z, Cabot, R. 2007. Developmental capacity of porcine nuclear transfer embryos correlate with levels of chromatin remodeling transcripts in donor cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development 75(5):766-76.<br /> <br /> <br /> Nanassy, L, Lee, K, Javor, A, Machaty, Z. 2008. Effects of activation methods and culture conditions on development of parthenogenetic porcine embryos. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 104:264274.<br /> <br /> <br /> Nanassy, L, Javor, A, Machaty, Z. 2007. Changes in MPF and MAPK activities in porcine oocytes activated by different methods. Theriogenology 68:146-152.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sega, MF, Lee, K, Machaty, Z, Cabot, R. 2007. Pronuclear stage porcine embryos do not possess a strict asymmetric distribution of lysine 9 dimethylation of histone H3 based solely on parental origin. Molecular Reproduction and Development 74(1):2-7.<br /> <br /> <br /> Vajta, G, Zhang, Y, Machaty, Z. 2007. Somatic cell nuclear transfer in pig: recent achievements and future possibilities. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 19:403423.<br /> <br /> <br /> Alexander, L.J., Juneja, B., Shiroma, D., Nonneman, D., Snelling, W., Fahrenkrug, S.C. 2007. Comparative and physical mapping of 111 previously reported and 105 new porcine microsatellites. Animal Genetics 38(6):584-594.<br /> <br /> <br /> Archibong, A.E., Ramesh, A., Niaz, M.S., Brooks, C.M., Roberson, S.I., Lunstra, D.D. 2008. Effects of Benzo(a)pyrene on Intra-testicular Function in F-344 Rats. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 5(1):32-40.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bischoff, S.R., Tsai, S., Hardison, N., York, A., Freking, B.A., Nonneman, D., Rohrer, G., Piedrahita, J.A. 2008. Identification of SNPs and INDELS in swine transcribed sequence using short oligonucleotide microarrays. BMC Genomics 9:252.<br /> <br /> <br /> Casas, E., Lunstra, D.D., Cundiff, L.V., Ford, J.J. 2007. Growth and pubertal development of F1 bulls from Hereford, Angus, Norwegian Red, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and Wagyu sires. Journal of Animal Science 85(11):2904-2909.<br /> <br /> <br /> Chitko-McKown, C.G., Leonard, J.C., Moscatello, D., Miller, L.C., Freking, B.A. 2008. Development of cell lines from the sheep used to construct the CHORI-243 ovine BAC library. Animal Biotechnology 19(2):84-88.<br /> <br /> <br /> Cushman, R.A., Allan, M.F., Thallman, R.M., Cundiff, L.V. 2007. Characterization of biological types of cattle (Cycle VII): Influence of postpartum interval and estrous cycle length on fertility. Journal of Animal Science 85(9):2156-2162.<br /> <br /> <br /> Echternkamp, S.E., Thallman, R.M., Cushman, R.A., Allan, M.F., Gregory, K.E. 2007. Increased calf production in cattle selected for twin ovulations. Journal of Animal Science 85(12):3239-3248.<br /> <br /> <br /> Echternkamp, S.E., Cushman, R.A., Allan, M.F., Thallman, R.M., Gregory, K.E. 2007. Effects of ovulation rate and fetal number on fertility in twin-producing cattle. Journal of Animal Science 85(12):3228-3238.<br /> <br /> <br /> Freking, B.A., Leymaster, K.A., Vallet, J.L., Christenson, R.K. 2007. Number of fetuses and conceptus growth throughout gestation in lines of pigs selected for ovulation rate or uterine capacity. Journal of Animal Science 85(9):2093-2103.<br /> <br /> <br /> Humphray, S.J., Scott, C.E., Clark, R., Marron, B., Bender, C., Camm, N., Davis, J., Jenks, A., Noon, A., Patel, M., Sehra, H., Yang, F., Rogatcheva, M.B., Milan, D., Chardon, P., Rohrer, G., Nonneman, D., de Jong, P., Meyers, S.N., Archibald, A., Beever, J.E., Schook, L.B., Rogers, J. 2007. A high utility integrated map of the pig genome. Genome Biology 8(7):R139.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kuehn, L.A., Rohrer, G.A., Nonneman, D.J., Thallman, R.M., Leymaster, K.A. 2007. Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with ultrasonic backfat depth in a segregating Meishan x White Composite population. Journal of Animal Science 85(5):1111-1119.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lents, C., Heidorn, N., Barb, C., Ford, J. 2008. Central and peripheral administration of kisspeptin activates gonadotropin but not somatotropin secretion in prepubertal gilts. Reproduction 135(6):879-887.<br /> <br /> <br /> Macdonald, G.J., Wise, T.H., Sluss, P.M., Ford, J.J. 2007. Breed differences in clearance of porcine FSH in hypophysectomized rats. Animal Reproduction Science 102(3-4):328-334.<br /> <br /> <br /> Miles, J.R., Blomberg, L.A., Krisher, R.L., Everts, R.E., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Tassell, C.P., Zuelke, K.A. 2008. Comparative transcriptome analysis of in vivo- and in vitro-produced porcine blastocysts by small amplified RNA-serial analysis of gene expression (SAR-SAGE). Molecular Reproduction and Development 75(6):976-988.<br /> <br /> <br /> Rohrer, G.A., Freking, B.A., Nonneman, D. 2007. Single nucleotide polymorphisms for pig identification and parentage exclusion. Animal Genetics 38(3):253-258.<br /> <br /> <br /> Smith, T.L., Merry, S.T., Harris, D.L., Ford, J.J., Ike, J., Archibong, A.E., Ramesh, A. 2007. Species-specific testicular and hepatic microsomal metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene, an ubiquitous toxicant and endocrine disruptor. Toxicology in Vitro 21(4):753-758.<br /> <br /> <br /> Vallet, J.L., Freking, B.A., Miles, J.R., Nienaber, J.A., Brown-Brandl, T.M. 2006. Factors affecting litter size in pigs. National Swine Improvement Federation (31):15-21.<br /> <br /> <br /> Vallet, J.L., Freking, B.A. 2007. Differences in placental structure during gestation associated with large and small pig fetuses. Journal of Animal Science 85(12):3267-3275.<br /> <br /> <br /> A.E. Brazle, B. J. Johnson, S. K. Webel, T. J. Rathbun, and D. L. Davis. 2008.<br /> Omega-3 fatty acids in the gravid pig uterus as affected by maternal supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids. J. Anim. Sci. (in revision).<br /> <br /> <br /> Musser, R. E., S.S. Dritz., D.L. Davis, M.D. Tokach, J.L. Nelssen, R.D. Goodband, and K.Q. Owen. 2007. Effects of L-carnitine in the Gestating Sow Diet on Fetal Muscle Development and Carcass Characteristics of the Offspring. J. Appl. Agric. Res. 31:105-111.<br /> <br /> <br /> Blomberg, L, Hashizume, K, Viebahn, C. 2008. Blastocyst elongation, trophoblastic differentiation, and embryonic pattern formation. Reproduction. 135:181-195.<br /> <br /> <br /> Blomberg, L. A., Schreier, L. L. and Talbot, N. C. 2008. Expression analysis of pluripotency factors in the undifferentiated porcine inner cell mass and epiblast during in vitro culture. (in press, accepted by Mol. Reprod. Dev. 75:450-463.<br /> <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H. D., Long, J. A., and Welch, G. R. (accepted). Mitochondrial function and reactive oxygen species action in relation to boar sperm motility. Theriogenology (VIth International conference on boar semen preservation, Guelph, Ontario. August 12-15, 2007). <br /> <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H. D. and Welch, G. R. 2008. Determination of high mitochondrial membrane potential with the mitochondrial probe 5, 5', 6, 6'-tetrachloro-1, 1', 3, 3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolyl-carbocyanine iodide (JC-1) and for using fluorescence-activated flow cytometry. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 477: Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress I., D. Armstrong, ed. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.<br /> <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H. D. and Welch, G. R. (submitted). Effect of increasing the cooling time before boar semen freezing on fertility after a single fixed time insemination. <br /> <br /> <br /> Guthrie, H. D. Woods III, L. C., Long, J. A. and Welch, G. R. 2008. Effects of osmolality of a TRIS free base NaCl medium on testicular striped bass (Morone saxatilis) sperm energy status. Theriogenology. 69:1007-1012.<br /> <br /> <br /> Miles, J. R., Freking BA, Blomberg, L. A., Vallet, J. L., Zuelke, K. A. 2008. Conceptus development during blastocyst elongation in lines of pigs selected for increased uterine capacity or ovulation rate. J Anim Sci. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18469062<br /> <br /> <br /> Miles, J. R., Blomberg, L. A., Krisher, R. L., Everts, R. E., Sonstegard, T. S., Van Tassell, C. P. and Zuelke, K. A. 2008. Comparative transcriptome analysis of in vivo and in vitro produced porcine blastocysts by small amplified RNA serial analysis of gene expression (SAR-SAGE). Mol Reprod Dev. 75: 976-988.<br /> <br /> <br /> Talbot, N. C., Blomberg, L. A. The Pursuit of ES Cell Lines of Domesticated Ungulates. Stem Cell Rev. (in press)<br /> <br /> <br /> Talbot, N. C., Blomberg, L. A., Mahmood, A., Caperna, T. J. and Garrett, W. M. 2007. Isolation and characterization of porcine visceral endoderm cell lines from in vivo 11-day blastocysts. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 43:72-86.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wilson, ME, Anderson, LL. (In Press) Mechanistic aspects of foetal development relating to postnatal health and metabolism in pigs. In: Managing Prenatal Development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. Edited by P. Greenwood and A. Bell. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria pp. 1-48.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bobe, G, Ametaj, BN, Young, JW, Anderson, LL, Beitz, DC. 2007. Exogenous glucagon effects on health and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows with mild fatty liver. Animal Reproduction Science 102:194-207.<br /> <br /> <br /> Scanes, CG, Glavaski-Joksimovic, A, Johannsen, SA, Anderson, LL. 2007. Sub-populations of somatotropes with differing intracellular calcium concentration responses to secretagogues. Neuroendocrinology 85:221-231. (Cover illustration).<br /> <br /> <br /> Anderson, LL. (In Press) EDITORIAL FORWARD for Cell Secretion Review SeriesCell Secretion: an orchestra involving intracellular protein transport, the universal secretory machinery-porosome, and secretory vesicle swelling-induced content release. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.<br /> <br /> <br /> Molina, JR, Benoit, AM, Lkhagvadorj, S, Anderson, LL. (In Press) Hypothalamic deafferentation in prepuberal beef heifers: effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol benzoate on luteinizing hormone secretion. Livestock Science.<br /> <br /> <br /> Benoit, AM, Molina, JR, Lkhagvadorj, S, Anderson, LL. (In Press) Prolactin secretion after hypothalamic deafferentation in beef calves: response to haloperidol, a-methyl-r-tyrosine, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ovariectomy. Animal Reproduction Science.<br /> <br /> <br /> Anderson, LL. 2008. Invited BOOK REVIEW entitled: Force Microscopy: Applications in Biology and Medicine. [Edited by] Bhanu P. Jena and J.K. Heinrich Hörber. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ; 2006, 300 pages. ISBN-13978-0-471-39628-4. Microscopy and Microanalysis 14:205-206.<br /> <br /> <br /> ANDERSON, LL, DAY, BN, FORD, SP. 2007. Robert M. Melampy: First President of SSR.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dekkers, JCM, Cai, W, Lkhagvadorj, S, Couture, O, Tuggle, CK, Nettleson, D, Anderson, LL. 2008. Genetic aspects of Residual Feed Intake in Pigs. 41st Annual Meeting of ASAS Midwestern Section-ADSA Midwest Branch Meeting, March 17-19, 2008, Polk County Convention Center, Des Moines, IA, No. 46, p. 15.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lee, J, Stromer, MH, Jeftinija, S, Jeftinija, K, Scanes, CG, Anderson, LL. 2007. Immunocytochemical patterns of somatotrophs, mammotrophs, and mammosomatotrophs in the porcine anterior pituitary. 10th International Pituitary Congress, June 5-7, 2007, The Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Abstract P61, pp. 51-52. (Chicago)<br /> <br /> <br /> Bohan, MM, Anderson, LL, Trenkle, AH, Beitz, DC. 2007. Nutrient regulation of plasma ghrelin concentration in lean and overweight male humans. Experimental Biology FASEB<br />

Impact Statements

  1. Modules have been developed and will be distributed that help institutions transition from wet laboratories to online laboratories for courses in animal reproduction, including swine reproduction.
  2. Artificial insemination in swine with frozen semen has been problematic. The committe has better defined the window of opportunity for utilizing frozen semen for fixed-time AI. Efforts continue to develop better cryopreservation methodologies for AI.
  3. Members of the committee have describe the genetic variation that exists in the GnRH promoter amongst lines of pigs with differing ovulation rates. Potential exists then to exploit this new understanding to improve reproductive efficiency.
  4. The secretion of proteins is a basic function required of almost every cell in the body and contributes to the regulation of all of endocrinology. Details of the basic mechanisms of cellular secretion of proteins have been extended by members of the committee and will help elucidate a vast array of endocrine mechanisms.
  5. Fourier harmonic analysis has been refined to better describe fertility of a semen sample. Specifically, two components of the fourier harmonics allow a very high level of predictability as to whether a particular boar will have acceptable or unacceptable fertility.
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Date of Annual Report: 06/30/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 06/24/2009 - 06/25/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


Brief Summary of Minutes

Matt Wilson, local host, called the annual meeting of the NCERA-57 to order at 8:00 AM on Wednesday June 24th. Matt introduced Bill Vinson, Associate Dean for Research, Davis College of Agriculture and Associate Director of the West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiments Station. Dean Vinson discussed the value of multi-state projects and cooperative research. He also discussed the merits of Formula Funds and Competitive Funds.

Matt then introduced Paul Lewis, Director of the Division of Animal and Nutritional Sciences. Dr. Lewis highlighted some interesting information about the Division. It is composed of 22 faculty and about 500 undergraduate students, including 200 in Animal and Nutritional Sciences, 80 in Biochemistry and 130 in Human Nutrition and Foods. The Division has about 60 graduate students. Among animal industries, the poultry industry is strongest in West Virginia.

John Baker, Associate Director of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and Administrative Advisor to NCERA-57, congratulated the NCERA057 group on its success in the renewal, which was chaired by John Parrish and included Matt Wilson and Dave Guthrie. The new project begins on Oct 1, 2009. The minutes submitted to NIMS will need to include a final Termination Report in 2009.

Adele Turzillo and Mark Mirando from CSREES were present by conference call. Adele reviewed the progress on the transition from CSREES to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, which will be led by a presidentially appointed director and will raise the profile of agricultural science. Authorities administered by CSREES will be transferred to NIFA by Oct 1. Adele noted that CSREES received none of the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment money. She also noted that the NRI has been combined with the IFAFS program into the AFRI program, the new core competitive grants funding program. There has not been any congressional action on the AFRI budget for 2010.

Following the agenda, Station Reports were given. Lloyd Anderson announced this would be his last meeting and Jason Ross will be the new representative. Lloyd gave his first report to this group in 1961. The Nebraska, MARC, Illinois, and South Dakota reports followed. After lunch on campus, we toured the University Farms.

The business meeting was called to order on June 25th at 8:15 AM. Jeremy Miles was unanimously elected the Secretary, Dave Miller will move up to Vice Chair and Matt Wilson will move up to Chair. The University of Illinois was selected as the host institution for the next annual meeting. The first choice for dates will be May 25th and 26th (Tuesday and Wednesday). At that meeting, we will organize and present a symposium tentatively titled Gilt Development and will discuss gilt development from the pre-natal stage to weaning of the first litter. Several industry partners and speakers were discussed. A Symposium Organizing Committee was appointed that included Tim Safranski, Jason Ross and Dave Miller.

Finally, the committee thanked Matt Wilson and West Virginia University for graciously hosting the annual meeting. The committee also thanked John Parrish for chairing the writing committee that produced the successful renewal. It was moved and seconded to adjourn the formal business meeting and station reports resumed.

After reports from Missouri, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, Duane Davis and Dave Guthrie reviewed the grant that was in final preparation for submission as an Integrated proposal to AFRI.

The meeting was concluded at 12:15 and the gavel was virtually passed from Dave Guthrie to Matt Wilson.


1. The project was re-classified as an Education/Extension and Research committee. The official names was changed from NCR-57 to NCERA-57<br /> <br /> 2. A web site was developed that included the considerable history of this committee. This site is maintained by John Parrish and is at<br /> <br /> 3. Dave Guthrie and Duane Davis led the submission of an integrated proposal entitled Seasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and Educational Goals to Enhance the Profitability and Sustainability of the Swine Industry to the NRI/AFRI programs. <br /> <br /> 4. The committee prepared a different symposium/workshop every two years. The topics were: 1) Small Litter Size, 2) Sow Longevity and it is planning a symposium entitled Gilt Development for 2010. The goal of these symposia is be to bring together experts from academia, including those within and outside of NCERA057 and industry representatives to review progress and problems in areas of current importance to swine reproduction.<br />


Impact Statements

  1. NCERA057 scientists developed teaching modules that will help institutions transition from wet laboratories to online laboratories for courses in animal reproduction, including swine reproduction.
  2. NCERA057 scientists developed a better understanding of the effects of cryopreservation on boar sperm. They also discovered heritable genetic differences in post-thaw sperm survival.
  3. NCERA057 scientists found that measuring sperm binding to the zona pellucida was a useful supplement to routinely measured sperm characteristics (sperm motility and morphology) when attempting to predict fertility.
  4. NCERA057 scientists discovered that exposure of pregnant gilts to endocrine disrupters (estrogenic) causes conceptus loss.
  5. NCERA057 scientists discovered that the variation in DNA sequence in the GnRH receptor promoter amongst control, ovulation-rate selected and Meishan pigs may help describe variation in the reproductive efficiency of these breeds/lines.
  6. NCERA057 scientists refined Fourier harmonic analysis of boar sperm shape to better describe fertility of a semen sample. They demonstrated that extremely warm temperature and high heat index altered sperm morphology, as detected by this analysis.
  7. NCERA057 scientists discovered that specific glycans (sugars) in the oviduct bind sperm to form a reservoir. These glycans may alter sperm function to allow sperm to survive extended periods of time.
  8. NCERA057 scientists contributed to a better understanding of how a cellular structure known as the porosome functions. This transient structure allows secretion of proteins such as hormones and neurotransmitters from cells.
  9. NCERA057 scientists have refined systems for in vitro production of pig embryos and nuclear transfer.
  10. NCERA057 scientists have developed methods using exogenous gonadotropins to improve farrowing rates of primiparous sows and maintain fertility of multiparous sows.
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