WCC109: Seafood Marketing and the Management of Marine and Aquacultural Resources
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 05/29/2002
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/10/2002
- 03/12/2002
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2001 - 03/01/2002
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2001 - 03/01/2002
Gates, John (jgates@uri.edu)- University of Rhode Island;Sutinen, John (jsutinen@uri.edu) - University of Rhode Island;
Keithly, Walter (walterk@unix1.sncc.lsu,edu) Lousiana State University;
Fong, Quentin (qfond@sfos.usf.edu) - University of Alaska;
Anderson, James (jla@uri.edu) - University of Rhode Island; Knapp, Gunnar (afgpk@uaa.alaska.edu) - University of Alaska; Wessells, Cathy (crw@uri.edu) University of Rhode Island; Chan-Halbrendt, CAtherine (chanhalb@hawaii.edu)- University of Hawaii-Manoa; Sylvia, Gil (Gil.Sylvia@hmsc.orst.edu)- Oregon State University;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting was held at the University of Rhode Island to 1) discuss past year‘s activities of individual researchers, 2) assess status of last year‘s conference and proposed Association of Fisheries Economists, 3) tour experimental economics policy lab, 4) attend Boston Seafood Show, and 4) make plans for future meetings and activities.Research summaries and discussions demonstrated that researchers are actively engaged in varied activities related to WCC‘s 109‘s three objectives.
The group was impressed with Rhode Islands Experimental Policy Laboratory and discussed potential for interactive policy simulated fishery managment and marketing games.
The group decided to strongly support the establishment of the North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE-which WCC 109 proposed the previous year) and developed a set of alternative by-laws to be finalized by a committee composed of ten members (six from WCC 109) and to be put to a final vote together with an election of officers at next year‘s NAAFE conference.
The proceedings of the first NAAFE forum sponsored by WCC 109 should be completed and mailed out by the end of April 2002.
The group finalized the selection of a location and date for next year‘s NAAFE conference (Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, College of William and Mary, May 2003). The organizers of the Conference will be made ex-offico members of NAAFE to coordinate activities.
WCC 109 members believe that NAAFE‘s proposed mission:
"The purpose of the North American Association of Fisheries Economists (hereinafter referred to as NAAFE) shall be faciliate communication among North American fisheries and aquaculture economists in industry, academia, government and other areas; to promote dialogue between economists and others interested in fisheries and aquaculture; and to advance fisheries and aquaculture economics and its useful applications."
is too general to mmet the specific objective of WCC 109 (seafood marketing and relationship to managment of fisheries and aquaculture resources). The WCC 109 members voted to extend for one more year (pending approval of the Western Regional Directors) WCC109 in order to develop an interstate research proposal consistent with existing WCC 109 objectives.