WCC95: Vertebrate Pests of Agriculture, Forestry, and Public Lands

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[01/21/2002] [01/21/2003] [03/24/2005]

Date of Annual Report: 01/21/2002

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/13/2001 - 11/15/2001
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2001 - 09/01/2002


L. Askham Bird Shield Repellent Corporation, Pullman, WA

R. Baker California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA

J. Baroch Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins, CO

K. Fagerstone USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO

D. Freeman Rodent Control Outfitters (RCO), Harrisburg, OR

E. Marshall Lipha Tech, Inc., Milwaukee, WI

D. Nolte USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Olympia, WA

J. OBrien Nevada Division of Agriculture, Reno, NV

T. Salmon University of California, Davis, CA

R. Schmidt Utah State University, Logan, UT

J. Shelgren California EPA, Sacramento, CA

M. Sullins Montana Department of Agriculture, Billings, MT

L. Sullivan University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

J. Thompson HACCO, Inc., Madison, WI
R. Timm Hopland Research and Extension Center, Hopland, CA

D. Virchow University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

D. Whisson University of California, Davis, CA

A. Berentsen UC-Davis, Davis, CA

R. Eng California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA

E. Foster Nevada Department of Agriculture, Reno, NV

P. Gadd Sonoma County Agriculture Commissioner, Santa Rose, CA

J. Green USDA/APHIS/WS, Lakewood, CO

W.P. Gorenzel UC-Davis, Davis, CA

B. Hagen South Dakota Dept. of Agriculture, Pierre, SD

W. Howard UC-Davis, Davis, CA

S. Hygnstrom University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

R. Marsh UC-Davis, Davis, CA

P. Nash USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO

D. Schnabel California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA

G. Ziegltrum Washington Forest Protection Association, Olympia, WA

Brief Summary of Minutes

Printing of Minutes, and Brochure Distribution- Dale Nolte announced the NWRC Olympia Field Station will prepare the minutes. Ray Sterner, NWRC in Fort Collins, will handle printing and mailing of the minutes.

WCC brochure examples were distributed among participants. Kathy Fagerstone offered to provide additional copies to those who wanted them. This information also will be posted on the web-site.

Rex Baker exchanged copies of the WCC-95 brochure with the citrus industry. The citrus industry has indicated that they plan to follow the example provided by the brochure.

Advance Distribution of Meeting Agenda- The agenda was distributed to participants in October of this year.

Committee was to Develop White papers on Wildlife Damager Management Issues

In place of white papers, the forum Working with the Media was presented at this

meeting. No white papers have been prepared.

Organizing meeting changes? Open to discussion? None

Vertebrate Pest Group Forming in the East

Kathy Fagerstone asked whether a Northeast WCC group had been formed. Scott

Hyngstrom provided information on a Northeast Cooperative that had been created, but was unsure whether another WCC had been formed. Dallas Virchow offered to follow up on this issue.

Financial Report

It was agreed during the 2000 WCC-95 for attendance fees to be increased to $35.00. It was also suggested the 2000 and 2001 budget report be published in this years minutes.

Robert Schmidt suggested a plaque be created and presented to Grant Vest to show

appreciation for his past work with WCC. He proposed the plaque be wooden with a ground squirrel attached.

Robert Schmidt related Fee Busbys positive thoughts toward WCC-95. Fee Busby,

representing Utah State University, was not able to attend because of activities (compact planning).

Dallas Virchow stated he preferred that the majority of persons attending the meeting be members.

Robert Schmidt stressed the positive benefits of multiple groups interacting with each other.

The question arose: Can we add participants every year? John Baroch thought it was possible to add members every year. Howdy Howard suggested if we are not adding new members on a regular basis that the group should make that a goal.

Discussion of Forum Topics for 2002 Meeting

John Baroch offered to contact someone who works with wildlife disease to discuss the role of damage management with diseases.

Robert Schmidt suggested veterinarian perception/animal management and human health perception/problems caused.

Robert Schmidt also suggested exotic and invasive species management. Identify

problems, and the need to come up with new management schemes to correct these problems.

Robert Schmidt proposed the new trapping technologies as a possible topic. He

commented that NWRC has taken a primary role in developing these technologies and suggested asking John Shivik to present information on best management practices.

Rex Baker suggested inviting the California Director of Agriculture to present the current direction and intent of wildlife damage issues in California.

Theresa Howes said she is developing wildlife damage management classes for

introducing to school systems. Her plan is to make the information interactive on the internet and have students interact with experts. Currently there are three existing programs:Coyotes and bears, Airports, and Urban Deer.

Kathy Fagerstone asked if it was possible for Theresa to present some of the

information today, which Theresa agreed if time permitted.

Another suggestion was to discuss bio-terrorism with wildlife, and potential

of monitoring wildlife species as indicator species. It was suggested that someone from CDC be invited to discuss this topic.

The group concurred with these suggested topics for 2002.

Topic Summary: Wildlife Diseases, New Trapping techniques, Exotic and Invasive Species, and Youth Education.

Desley suggested creating a topic list based on input and asking the

upcoming WCC elected officers to decide which topic was to be pursued based on

availability of potential speakers.

Election of Officers

Dallas Virchow asked for nominations for secretary. Kathy Fagerstone nominated Paul Nash. Howdy Howard seconded the nomination. The group concurred with the nomination of Paul, Howdy motioned for the nomination to be closed and Kathy seconded the motion. The group voted to elect Paul Nash as incoming secretary.

2002 WCC-95 Meeting will be held at Circus Circus. John OBrien will organize the activities.

Larry Sullivan motioned for the meeting to be held on November 19-21, 2002. Rex

Baker seconded the motion. Group voted to hold the meeting at this time.


Robert Schmidt announced 2002 VPC will be held the first week of March. The

preliminary program should be in the mail soon. Bismark, ND, Wildlife Society meeting is putting together a session on blackbirds with proceedings. Wildlife Damage conference, combination of eastern and great plains meetings is being planned for 2003.

Michael Conovers new book, Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts is now available.

Flyers were distributed to the group.

Rex Marsh and Bobby Corrigan have prepared a book on Commensal Rodent Control.

Dallas Virchow reported that there is now a web page for the WCC.

Kathy Fagerstone distributed a list for people to sign if they wanted to participate.

Editors for the Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage book will be Bob Timm,

Dallas Virchow, Jeff Green and Scott Hygnstrom. The book currently has 75 chapters and the editors plan to add 20 new chapters. Authors for 14 of these chapters are being sought, persons from within the meeting volunteered suggestions for potential candidates.


The focus of the meeting was learning to improve communication and working with the media. This effort provides information on identifying resources and improving skills for dissemination of information. A variety of presentations were made that covered a wide range of topic to foster collaborative efforts and keep participants informed on current methods in the field. <br /> <br>To identify and evaluate research and educational needs including damage assessment, integrated management strategies and materials, new target-specific wildlife management practices, studies of relationships between wildlife pests and endangered species, development of new non-lethal approaches to wildlife damage management, and trends in social attitudes affecting the use of technologies. There was discussion on registration issues and ongoing coordination of efforts to maintain pesticide registrations.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Several possibilities for the focus of the meeting next year were suggested, all of which lead toward the objectives of the committee. Which of the suggests that would be used will depend on the availability of speakers.


Impact Statements

  1. Some key issues for study were identified.
  2. The meeting provide an opportunity for interaction between organizations and encouraged ongoing communication.
  3. Participants were kept up to date on current advances by presentations and discussions at the meeting.
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Date of Annual Report: 01/21/2003

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/19/2002 - 11/21/2002
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2002 - 09/01/2003


L. Askham Bird Shield Repellent Corporation, Pullman, WA
R. Baker California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA
J. Baroch Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins, CO
A. Berentsen Utah State University, Logan, UT
R. Chi Utah State University, Logan, UT
J. Eisemann USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
G. Flores UC-Davis, Davis, CA
D. Freeman Rodent Control Outfitters (RCO), Harrisburg, OR
N. Frey Utah State University, Logan, UT
E. Gibson UC-Davis, Davis, CA
R. Marsh UC-Davis, Davis, CA
E. Marshall LiphaTech, Inc., Milwaukee, WI
P. Nash USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
D. Nolte USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Olympia, WA
J. OBrien Nevada Division of Agriculture, Reno, NV
T. Salmon University of California, Davis, CA
R. Schmidt Utah State University, Logan, UT
D. Schnabel California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA
R. Sterner USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
M. Sullins Montana Department of Agriculture, Billings, MT
L. Sullivan University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
N. Svircev United Agri Products, Randolf, WI
R. Timm Hopland Research and Extension Center, Hopland, CA
D. Virchow University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
G. Witmer USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
G. Ziegltrum Washington Forest Protection Association, Olympia, WA
J. Borham Utah State University, Logan, UT
D. Bryson LiphaTech, Inc., Gridley, CA
G. Connolly USDA/APHIS/WS, Lakewood, CO
T. DeLiberto USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
T. Fox Utah State University, Logan, UT
J. Johnston USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
B. Kimball USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
J. Klika United Agri Products, Randolf, WI
R. McLean USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO
L. Rindlisbacker Utah State University, Logan, UT
L. Smith Utah State University, Logan, UT
M. Smith USDA, Wildlife Services, Reno, NV

Brief Summary of Minutes

Ray Sterner will distribute this years minutes to participants. Some WCC-95 brochures are still available. One copy will be mailed out with each copy of the minutes this year. Dallas Virchow will work with Ray to put the brochure on the web site.

Some discussion of writing white papers occurred. None are currently being written.

Rex Marsh indicated that more participants need to be recruited. Are Berentsen mentioned that students are the basis of future membership in the field of damage management and of WCC-95 and should be encouraged to attend.

Advertising at universities was suggested. The Berryman Institute is starting a chapter at Mississippi State. The Berryman Institute provides assistance with lodging and travel for attendance at the meeting.

It was mentioned that not enough universities are involved and it was suggested that someone from each land-grant university be invited and more recruiting from industry be done as well.

Terry Salmon reminded the group that one of the purposes of WCC meetings is to foster collaborative research and asked if there were more common problems that could be worked on in collaborative efforts.

It was suggested that the format of the meeting might be improved. Earlier meetings did not include outside speakers, but had longer presentations. The suggestion was made that more discussion be incorporated into the agenda for future meetings. An I am going to do section was also suggested to establish more collaborative research efforts. A suggestion was made that abstracts be distributed prior to the meeting, to justify participant attendance in some cases, to be used as the basis for further discussion. It was also mentioned that there is also value obtained from the network of friends and associates that is developed at the meeting. It was suggested that perhaps not so much time needs to be taken for presentations  the VPC provides a venue for presentations. On the other hand, we were reminded that the WCC-95 meeting is a useful setting for presenting preliminary data.

Leonard Askham made the motion that discussions be incorporated into the format of the meeting. The motion was not officially seconded at this time.

A reminder was made that the 2003 agenda needs to include a discussion on the upcoming renewal, including objectives, goals, etc.

The question of whether we need to maintain an official WCC was posed. The response was that it is good to maintain an official status because it elevates pest management in the eyes of organizations such as agricultural extension stations.

It was unofficially decided that open discussions should be incorporated during the second day or at the end of each session.

The possibility of finding a new advisor was discussed. And the following points made. WCC advisors are appointed. Fee Busby has not been able to attend. Suggestions to state directors can be made. The advisor needs to be an experimental station employee. It would be all right to have an advisor from outside the field (like Grant was). We should have a committee to discuss possibilities. Robert Schmidt will coordinate the search committee. Dale Nolte will follow up with Robert.

Last years minutes were reviewed again. Robert Schmidt made the motion to approve the minutes. Monte Sullins seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

The need to update the participant list was expressed. The difference between participants and other attendees was stated to be that participants require official approval. Participant registration was said to expire with the charter.

Topics for next years meeting were suggested. Immunocontraception was suggested. The broader topic of fertility control was then mentioned with the possibility of inviting HSUS or John Turner or others to speak. The topic of new technology was suggested as having a broader appeal that might encourage greater attendance. Another suggestion was to have Agricultural extension or station personnel come and bring concerns and issues (i.e. what are we facing), for a better exposure to the realities of pest management. A further suggestion was made of primary and secondary risks of various control methods.

Last years budget was presented. Leonard Askham made the motion to accept the budget and John OBrien seconded the motion. It was voted to accept the budget.

Three individuals, Leonard Askham, Terry Salmon, and John Eisemann were nominated as the incoming secretary for next year. Ballots were distributed for voting by those present, and Terry Salmon was elected.

A brief update on the next VPC to be held in California was given.

A special thank you was given to John OBrien and John Baroch for their efforts in organizing the meeting.

The absence of Howdy Howard was acknowledged with the hope that he would be able to be in attendance next year.

Robert Schmidt and Are Berentsen will be teaching a long-distance class on wildlife damage management through the internet. [See the research update section for instructions on accessing information on the web]


The main topic of the meeting was wildlife diseases, which is a topic of increased concern in the field of wildlife damage management. The meeting also brought together participants with expertise in different aspects of wildlife damage and from different organizations, including state government, federal governement, industry, and academics. A lot of discussion on current research and occured, which allowed the participants to keep abreast of changes and establish possible collaborative efforts.


Impact Statements

  1. Key issues were discussed and evaluated.
  2. Communication and teaching efforts were discussed and improved.
  3. Many ideas were exchanged and reports on suggestions from the previous year were given.
  4. Interactions between participants from different institutions were established and developed.
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Date of Annual Report: 03/24/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/02/2003 - 11/04/2003
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2004 - 10/04/2005


Rex Baker ROMAB Enterprises, Inc. Corona, CA
Are Berentsen Utah State University Logan, UT
John Eisemann National Wildlife Research Center Fort Collins, CO
Douglas Freeman Rodent Control Outfitters, Inc. Harrisburg, OR
Walter E. Howard University of California Davis, CA
Victor Kowalski UCC San Diego County San Diego, CA
Michael Kropp Bell Laboratories, Inc. Sacramento,
Stephanie Lawrence University of California Davis, CA
Rex Marsh University of California Davis, CA
Bruce Menzel USDA CSREES Washington, DC
Paul Nash National Wildlife Research Center Fort Collins, CO
John OBrien Nevada Department of Agriculture Reno, NV
Jeannette OHare National Wildlife Research Center Fort Collins, CO
Mike Smith USDA Wildlife Services Reno, NV
Monty Sullins Montana Dept. of Agriculture Billings, MT
Larry Sullivan University of Arizona Tuscon, AZ
Nick Svircev HACCO Inc. Randolph, WI
Judith Thompson HACCO Inc. Randolph, WI
Robert Timm UC Hopland R&E Center Hopland, CA
Stephen Vantassel University of Nebraska  Lincoln Lincoln, NE

Brief Summary of Minutes

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting:

Business Meeting
Business meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m. November 3, 2004. The first order of business was to accept the minutes from the 2003 WCC-95 meeting. They were unanimously accepted as written.

Date and Location of the 2005 meeting:
The date and location for the 2005 WCC-95 meeting was determined to be November 8-10, 2005 and will be held at the Circus Circus Hotel in Reno, Nevada. The meeting will start at 1:00 p.m. on November 8, 2005 and end at 12:00 p.m. on November 10, 2005.

Budget report
John Eisemann provided the budget report because John OBrien was not available. Because of the low number of participants at the meeting, the registration fee for this year was increased to $45.00.

Balance from 2003 meeting $ 396.09
Income from the 2004 meeting (19 people @ $45 each) 855.00
Circus Circus Hotel Expenses for the 2004 meeting <1423.33>
Reimbursement from the VPC* 328.38
TOTAL $ 156.14

* John OBrien reserved the meeting room at Circus Circus for three days: Tuesday, November 2, 2004; Wednesday, November 3, 2004; and Thursday, November 4, 2004. The WCC-95 meeting did not begin until 1:00 p.m. on November 2. The Verterbrate Pest Council met in the Circus Circus facilities during the morning of November 2 and subsequently reimbursed the WCC-95 $328.38 for the use of the room.

At the beginning of the meeting 22 people were in attendance. Seventeen people remained throughout the entire meeting. This is down significantly from the previous five or more years. A discussion occurred focusing on how to increase attendance. The following suggestions were offered: announce the meeting and general program earlier in the year; solicit more active participation from the Berryman Institute (invite Dr. Michael Conover to participate in the meeting next year); announce the meeting in the following venues (NWCO Newsletter, The Probe, Newsletters of local and regional chapters and Wildlife Damage Management Working Group of the Wildlife Society, contact university chapters of the Wildlife Society and Society for Range Management); and inform University Cooperative Research Units of the meeting

Officer Elections
Nominations  Jeanette OHare and Are Berentsen  Are declined nomination due to uncertainty about being able to attend meetings for the next three consecutive years
Election - Jeanette OHare was unanimously elected by verbal vote.

Review of last years action items
1. Reauthorization of WCC-95 Charter - Thanks to Paul Nash and Terry Salmon, the WCC-95 charter has been officially reauthorized. David Thawley is the groups advisor. Each yearly meeting must be officially authorized through David Thawley. This allows extension agents to receive travel funds to attend the meeting.
2. Zinc phosphide use survey - No one was sure if this had been completed. Kathy Fagerstone and Judy Thompson were not in attendance to make their report. John Eisemann will follow up with Kathy Fagerstone.
3. Internet based Collaborative Tools. Terry Salmon set this service up shortly up after the 2004 meeting. (http://collaborate.ucanr.org)

1) A top priority for next year is to increase the participation at the 2005 meeting. Some of suggestions for this include:
a. Update the Collaborative Tools mailing list by adding contact information for people attending previous meetings.
b. Obtain university based agricultural extension office contact information from Dr. Bruce Menzel (CSREES). This information will be used to expand the audience contacted for the next meeting.
c. When the 2005 meeting is announced, include a better description of the agenda and presentation topics. Also, encourage student participation and presentations. Apply to the NRI for student travel funds.
d. Reduce the registration fee for students to $20.00. This suggestion was put forth for a formal vote by Robert Timm. It passed unanimously.
2) Follow up with Kathleen Fagerstone about the status of the zinc phosphide survey.


The 2004 WCC-95 meeting did not have a particular emphasis as has occurred at past meetings. Past meetings were structured so that particular topics were covered in some detail. Past topics included the potential Federal T&E listing of the prairie dog, media outreach activities, and wildlife disease. Participant comments from the past meetings emphasized the lack of time they felt the meeting provided for one-to-one or small group interaction. The meeting this year reduced the emphasis on formal presentations and provided significantly more discussion time. The result was more discussions of potential collaboration and/or assistance on current issues faces by participants.<br /> <br /> One area of emphasis pertained to the reissue of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Potential Risks of Nine Rodenticides to Birds and Nontarget Mammals: A Comparative Approach. A presentation was made concerning the contents of the document and methods used to assess ecological risk and the potential impact the U. S. EPAs reregistration efforts could have on agricultural uses of rodenticides. Ideas were discussed as to how to comment most effectively on the EPA document.<br /> <br /> One focus of the business meeting was increasing numbers of participants at the 2005 meeting. It was decided that the topic for the 2005 meeting would be the Human Dimensions of Wildlife Damage Management. It was felt by all participants that discussions on how to foster positive public sentiment towards wildlife damage management are critical in the face of growing anti wildlife management attitudes. It was thought that a good approach for the next meeting would be to invite Michael Conover (Berryman Institute) to be a guest speaker. It was also felt that including the Berryman Institute in the meeting we may be able to draw more students to the meeting. This would address a second goal of including younger participants in the WCC-95 meetings. To encourage student participation we agreed to lower the student registration fee and announce the meeting at more universities and university based extension offices.<br /> <br /> Dr. Steven Vantassel from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln introduced himself at the meeting as the new webmaster for the primary internet outlet for wildlife damage management, The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management (http://wildlifedamage.unl.edu). As a group, meeting participants provided critiques and suggestions for improving the website appearance and content. The group agreed to assist with upgrading the content of the website.<br /> <br /> Formal updates or project reports were provided by participants on 17 topics at the meeting. In addition, time was spent where each participant provided a brief summary of there current research or outreach activities and solicited help or discussion from meeting participants. This format has proven successful at past meetings in generating collaborative efforts for rodenticide research.<br />


No publications were produced from the WCC-095 during the past year.

Impact Statements

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