S1004: Development and Evaluation of TMDL Planning and Assessment Tools and Processes (S273)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[12/05/2002] [03/02/2004] [09/08/2005] [12/19/2005] [12/05/2006] [02/26/2008]Date of Annual Report: 12/05/2002
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/08/2002
- 09/10/2002
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2001 - 09/01/2002
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2001 - 09/01/2002
Brief Summary of Minutes
Two meetings were held during the first year of the project for organizational purposes and to develop proposals to secure support to accomplish the project objectives. The first organizational meeting was held March 13-14, 2002 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas. The organizational meeting had 63 participants representing 45 different public and private organizations. The objective of the meeting was to further refine the project objectives and work plan, identify opportunities for collaborative activities, and to begin working on proposals to support the project activities.The second S1004 project meeting was held September 8-10, 2002 in Snowbird, Utah. The meeting was attended by 43 people. The meeting consisted of two parts. The first day consisted of a workshop ABCs of TMDLs that was intended to bring committee members and guests up-to-date on TMDL rules and regulations and the technology used in TMDL development. The workshop was attended by 26 individuals. The second two days was a workshop during which participants developed proposals to support the project work. Preliminary proposals were developed on the following topics and proposal teams were assigned to continue proposal development after the meeting:
1. Assessment of model uncertainty due to the modeling ability of modelers. Will target novice users and expert users selected from graduate students currently enrolled in a modeling classes at various universities from across the country.
2. Assessment of strengths and limitations of models currently used for TMDL development. Model behavior needs to be reviewed in selected watersheds for selected parameters. Need to look at model calibration, model sensitivity, and model parameters to input data, as well as, probability of output data.
3. Assessment of models used for nutrient TMDLs with particular emphasis on in-stream processes.
4. Development and calibration of models related to microbial fate and transport. These would include fecal coliform, cryptosporidium, and E. coli. How these microbes interact in the environment needs also to be researched at both the lab and field scale.
5. Assessment of model uncertainty due to model limitations, user skills, parameter uncertainty, and how parameters can be used to assist in uncertainty investigations.
6. Case watershed study proposal to conduct three detailed case studies of different watershed models TMDL development ability. Current economics of loading allocation and the effect of future loading associated with population shifts and growth need to be investigating using current models. Work also needs to target contaminant management policies and effluent trading.
7. Assessment of the use of the reference watershed approach for TMDL development and implementation.
8. Cross-sectional study of how TMDLs are developed and implemented in different states.
9. Quantification of ecological services and how effluent trading may impact these services.
10. Identification of alternative biological/indicators of ecosystem health.
To date, one proposal has been submitted for funding to the USDA-CSREES NRI program. The proposal Assessment of TMDL Models is designed to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of water quality and economic models commonly used for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds. The proposed work will provide environmental policy makers and program analysts with information needed to select the most appropriate TMDL model for a particular TMDL application. The project considers the ability of models to simulate specific pollutants and how water quality and economic models can be coupled and used to evaluate economic and social impacts of alternative TMDL implementation scenarios and policies. Proposal PIs include S1004 economists and engineers from Alabama A&M, Tarleton State University (Texas), Texas A&M, the Universities of Maryland and Minnesota and Virginia Tech.
Objective 1. Develop, improve, and evaluate watershed models and other approaches for TMDL development and implementation.<br /> <br> <br /> <br>Missouri and Arkansas are developing cooperative 319 proposals to address nutrients concerns that may require TMDLs in the upper White River Basin and Table Rock Lake, in Southwest Missouri. Missouri is using and evaluating the SWAT model for development and implementation of a bacteria TMDL in the Shoal Creek Watershed in Missouri. Economic and costs associated with the TMDL implementation at the watershed and landowner scale are being assessed. Nutrients, specifically phosphorus, are investigated as well even though there is no phosphorus impairment.<br /> <br> <br /> <br>Georgia-ARS is working with other ARS project cooperators in Oxford, MS, Temple, Texas and the University of Georgia to evaluate the Ann-AGNPS and SWAT models using data collected on the Little River Watershed. The utility of the models for TMDL development in the Southeast is being evaluated. <br /> <br><br /> <br>The USDA-ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, University Park, PA is evaluating and modifying where appropriate subroutines in nonpoint source models to better predict the transfer of phosphorus (P) from agricultural landscapes to surface water. This involves the development of new process models to: (1) estimate extraction coefficients relating soil test P and overland flow P that are a function of soil type and / or land use, rather than current fixed default values; (2) simulate P loss as a function of manure type (dry / liquid), method of application (surface / injection / incorporation), and impact of soil physical properties influencing overland flow (soil aggregation, infiltration, flow volumes, soil-water holding capacity) to to better describe the effects of manure management on overland flow P via direct release of P from manure; (3) incorporate the effects of field or landscape position relative to the stream channel in determining watershed export of P via variable source area hydrology and channel chemical transport pathways; and (4) address stream channel effects in terms of dilution, channel sedimentation and erosion, sediment P resuspension, and sediment sorption and release of P to improve predicted edge-of-field losses prior to watershed export. In addition, the group is researching land management effects on nutrient and sediment fate and transport through explanatory and predictive models in order to evaluate the impact of land management selection and placement on field, farm, and watershed scale losses of P. <br /> <br><br /> <br>A cooperative project titled A nutrient management decision support system for the Lake Eucha basin was initiated in September 2002 with project cooperators from the University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University. Other Arkansas related projects included: (1) Completion of a USGS funded project to assess GIS data requirements for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds. The GIS data analyzed were soils, land use, and DEM. (2) Initiation of an EPA funded project Development of a decision support system and data needs for the Beaver Lake watershed. This project will support TMDL development in the Beaver Lake watershed. (3) An USGS funded project titled Phosphorus Concentrations and Sediment Phosphorus Flux in Streams and Reservoirs: Effect of Chemical Amendments is in progress. This project is intended to improve the in-stream component of water quality models used in developing phosphorus TMDLs.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Florida is evaluating the FHANTM, EAAMOD, and ACRU2000 models to determine their applicability for TMDL development in the Lake Okeechobee basin. The models are being tested using data from ongoing BMP demonstration projects on beef ranches in south Florida.<br /> <br><br /> <br>The University of Georgia, the USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources are investigating natural background levels of dissolved oxygen in coastal plain streams and rivers. The University of Georgia worked with U.S. EPA ERLs in Georgia and Oregon to develop a conceptual model for prioritizing wetland restoration for sediment reduction. This model will be used to set funding priorities to address sediment TMDL implementation plans in EPA Region IV.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Maryland is calibrating, validating, and testing the SWAT models capabilities in watershed level hydrologic and water quality assessment. Results indicate that the SWAT Model works well for predicting annual loadings. However, SWAT fails to do reasonable simulations for shorter time intervals such as monthly, daily, etc. Uncertainty associated with the SWAT model and a process oriented model, MACRO, is also being evaluated. Results indicate that consideration of the input variability for the sensitive model parameters is very helpful in interpreting the output variability, thus helping to associate uncertainty to model predictions. Watershed scale hydrologic and water quality data in the piedmont physiographic region of Maryland is being collected in order to assess the impact of dairy operations on water quality. This project uses US-EPAs National Monitoring Guidelines and uses both paired watersheds and upstream-downstream monitoring schemes. This project is one of the 11 national watershed water quality monitoring projects and has been in place since 1993. Data includes precipitation, stream flow, nitrogen and phosphorus species, pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity. Pathogen (Fecal Coliform, E.Coli, Salmonella) transport data is also being collected in 42 by 10 feet lysimters. Data from this research is being evaluated for its use in developing pathogen transport component for the SWAT model. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Texas (Tarleton State University) completed a study entitled Application of SWAT and HSPF within BASINS program for the Upper North Bosque River watershed in central Texas. The study evaluated and compared the watershed-scale models, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN), included within BASINS 3.0 system. SWAT and HSPF were calibrated and validated for the baseline condition within the Upper North Bosque River Watershed, an intensive dairy producing region located in central Texas. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Utah State is developing a decision support system for Northwestern Washington to assist in TMDL development, general watershed planning, and management of in-stream flow and fish habitat requirements. This involves development of new models and integration of groundwater quantity and quality, surface water quantity and quality, and fish habitat models. In another project, WinHSPF and the Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) models are being compared on Oostanaula Creek in Tennessee.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Virginia Tech is working to improve the ANSWERS-2000 model. Improvements include new submodels describing microorganism and pesticides transport. This effort also involves modification of existing submodels to better simulate runoff and nutrient losses from urbanizing watersheds. Virginia Tech developed a fecal coliform TMDL using HSPF for Naked Creek and is currently developing 10 other fecal coliform and benthic impairment TMDLs. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Objective 2. Assess potential/likely economic benefits and costs and equity issues associated with TMDL implementation at the watershed and individual landowner scale.<br /> <br><br /> <br>A proposal Assessment of the Ability of TMDL Models to Simulate Agricultural Practices and Impacts was written in collaboration with Objective 1 members. The proposal was submitted to the CSREES NRI competitive grants program. The economic objective under the proposal is to Identify the strength and weaknesses of the use of the HSPF and SWAT models in developing equitable and economically feasible (cost-effective) TMDL implementation plans for the TMDLs developed through objective 1. If the proposal is funded, economists will identify agricultural BMPs and other management actions for reducing loads from point and nonpoint sources of the targeted pollutant identified in the TMDL; estimate costs of pollution control practices; use models from Objective 1 to project load reductions resulting from BMPs and management actions; identify the implementation plans associated with each model that meet the TMDL at minimum overall cost; and compare cost-minimizing implementation plans of alternative NPS pollution models. Economists from Virginia Tech, Minnesota, and Tarleton State University will collaborate on this work.<br /> <br> <br /> <br>Objective 3. Assess the potential ecological benefits/implications of TMDL implementation at watershed level.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Proposals to (1) quantify ecological services and how effluent trading may impact these services and (2) identify alternative biological/indicators of ecosystem health are underdevelopment. Arkansas is heading up this proposal effort<br /> <br><br /> <br>WORK PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR<br /> <br> <br /> <br>Continue existing projects and proposal submission efforts. The next project meeting is scheduled for the fall of 2003 in the Washington, DC area. The purpose of this meeting will be to meet with agency personnel involved in the TMDL program to identify TMDL research needs and funding opportunities.Publications
Dennis, S., I. Chaubey, and B.E. Haggard. 2002. Quantification of land use impact on stream water quality. Discovery 3: 35-39.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Mostaghimi, S., K.M. Brannan, and T.A. Dillaha. 2002. Fecal Coliform TMDL Development: Case Study and Ramifications. Water Resources Update 122 (March 2002): 27-33.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Sharpley, A.N., P.J.A. Kleinman, and R.W. McDowell. 2001. Innovative management of agricultural phosphorus to protect soil and water resources. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 32(7&8): 1071-1100.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Sharpley, A.N., R.W. McDowell, and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2001. Phosphorus loss from land and water: Integrating agricultural and environmental management. Plant and Soil 237:287-307. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Sharpley, A.N., P.J.A. Kleinman, R.W. McDowell, and J.L. Weld. 2001. Assessing site vulnerability to phosphorus loss in an agricultural watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality 30:2026-2036.<br /> <br><br /> <br>McDowell, R.W, A.N. Sharpley, and G.J. Folmar. 2001. Phosphorus export from an agricultural watershed: linking source and transport mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30:1587-1595. <br /> <br><br /> <br>McDowell, R.W., A.N. Sharpley, and A.T. Chalmers. 2002. Land use and flow regime effects on phosphorus chemical dynamics in the fluvial sediment of the Winooski River, Vermont. Ecolog. Eng. 18:477-487.<br /> <br><br /> <br>McDowell, R.W., A.N. Sharpley, D. Beegle, and J.L Weld. 2001. Comparing phosphorus management strategies at the watershed scale. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 56:306-315. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Weld, J. L., A.N. Sharpley, D.B. Beegle, and W.J. Gburek. 2001. Identifying critical sources of phosphorus export from agricultural watersheds. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 59:29-38.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Sohrabi, T.M., A. Shirmohammadi, and H.J. Montas. 2002. Uncertainty in Nonpoint Source Pollution Models and Associated Risks. Environmental Forensics , Vol 3: 179-189.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Stuck, J. D., F. T. Izuno, K. L. Campbell, A. B. Bottcher and R. W. Rice. 2001. Farm-level studies of particulate phosphorus transport in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Transactions of the ASAE 44(5): 1105-1116.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Stuck, J. D., F. T. Izuno, N. Pickering, K. L. Campbell and A. B. Bottcher. 2001. Mathematical modeling of suspended solids and particulate phosphorus transport in farm conveyance systems of the Everglades Agricultural Area. Transactions of the ASAE 44(5): 1117-1126.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Vellidis, G., R. Lowrance, P. Gay, and R.D. Wauchope. 2002. Herbicide transport in a restored riparian forest buffer system. Transactions of the ASAE 45(1):89-97.Impact Statements
- This project is increasing knowledge concerning the appropriateness of various TMDL development tools for application in agricultural watersheds. In addition, existing TMDL development tools are being enhanced and new tools are being developed. This outcome will improve the utility of current models used for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds and will incorporate biotic and economic factors into several models that do not currently include them.
Date of Annual Report: 03/02/2004
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/11/2003
- 11/13/2003
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2002 - 12/01/2003
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2002 - 12/01/2003
Wes Rosenthal (Texas A&M), Mike Hirschi (U. of Illinois), Chris Obropta (Rutgers University), Bill Painter (USEPA), U. Sunday Tim (Iowa State), Phil Barnes (Kansas State), Claire Baffaut (FAPRI Univ. of Missouri), Joe Taraba (Univ. of Kentucky), Gary Hawkins (U. of Georgia), Bethany Neilson (Utah State), Aisha Sexton (U. of Maryland), Ali Sadeghi (USDA/ARS, Beltsville), Monty Dozier (Texas A&M), Ali Saleh (TIAER/Tarleton State Univ.), Gene Yagow (Virginia Tech), Brian Benham (Virginia Tech), Jon Bartholic (Michigan State)Brief Summary of Minutes
PROGRESS AND PRINCIPAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR REPORTING PERIOD:<br /> <br><br /> <br>One meeting was held during the reporting period for the project for organizational purposes and to discuss and develop proposals to secure support to accomplish project objectives. The meeting was originally scheduled for September 18 ? 20, 2003 in Beltsville, Maryland. However, due to Hurricane Isabel, the meeting was rescheduled for November 11 ? 13, 2003 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Meeting was held in conjunction with the 2003 ASAE TMDL conference. <br /> <br><br /> <br>The meeting began on Tuesday with a roundtable discussion on state-led activities related to TMDLs and modeling. Reports by states were given and are outlined, along with other state activities related to S-1004, in the individual objectives section.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Bill Painter of USEPA and Jane Frankenberger led a discussion of needs identified in EPA?s report entitled, ?The Twenty Needs Report: How Research Can Improve the TMDL Program?, and other needs of the TMDL program. The group identified major areas in the Twenty Needs Report the S-1004 could fit into. These include:<br /> <br>· Synthesis papers on the ?state of the science? in key areas are extremely valuable to agency personnel. Useful areas where S-1004 has great strengths include how to do uncertainty analyses (of both biophysical and economic models), estimating the uncertainty of simulations with current models. The audience for such a publication would be modelers and agency people who review models. Technical writers could be hired to put the publication in clear language. It was brought up that Limno-Tech has done something like this for the Water Environment Research Foundation. The Livestock Poultry Environmental Stewardship publication, CD-ROM, and outreach program was brought up as a comparison, since that effort received such widespread buy-in.<br /> <br>· Some topics where synthesis papers would be useful include the following:<br /> <br>o Critical conditions for TMDLs. Related to stream biology, how do we calculate critical flow?<br /> <br>o How do people do allocations? What decision rules? How is cost brought in?<br /> <br>o Experience with 3rd party TMDLs (when someone other than EPA, state, or their contractors do it.)<br /> <br>o Experiences with implementation. How many states have something they call implementation? What do they look like? EPA needs good examples of success stories.<br /> <br>o TMDL pre-emption strategies (a watershed plan is developed and the water meets standards, so no TMDL is required.)<br /> <br>o How are states using their monitoring to assess whether they are meeting water quality standards? How can modeling be combined with monitoring to make better decisions on impairments?<br /> <br>Needs particularly relevant to our research committee are:<br /> <br>Improve modeling [includes model support, training, and others]<br /> <br>o Improve uncertainty analysis and statistical techniques for TMDLs.<br /> <br>o Improve the science base concerning all stressors (pollutants and pollution). [Note that pollution includes habitat degradation, flow alteration, channelization, and loss of riparian zone. Specifically, drainage ditch dredging is a concern in Indiana and Illinois. Can we improve research, to better restore and protect those waters?]<br /> <br>o Improve guidance for allocation development and methods to translate allocations into implementable control actions. Improve information on BMP, restoration or other management practice effectiveness, and the related processes of system recovery. [This is the great need that ARS is addressing through the Conservation Effects Assessment Program, CEAP. More research is needed.]<br /> <br>o Make monitoring more program-relevant and results-relevant. [There are many research needs around monitoring. Making the state strategy more useful for modeling, improved methods, thinking about how we can use monitoring of one stream for other decisions.<br /> <br>Nutrient criteria: The EPA-developed proposed criteria are ?water under the bridge? at this point, therefore, it would not be useful to continue to discuss them. Researchers should instead get involved at the regional level and particularly at the state level in developing criteria in their individual state. Note that criteria can be different for different parts of the state. Economic impact cannot be used in setting criteria. Economics can only go into the use designation. (Nutrient criteria are set for the aquatic life use, so in order not to meet them, you?d need to not have an aquatic life designated use.) Many questions followed about nutrient standards. Participants were directed to Bill Painter?s Clean Water Act Training, http://www.epa.gov/watertrain/cwa and ?The Clean Water Act: An Owner?s Manual?, available at http://www.rivernetwork.org for more information. <br /> <br><br /> <br>To date, one regionally-based proposal has been submitted for funding to the USDA-CSREES NRI program. The proposal ?Assessment of TMDL Models? is designed to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of water quality and economic models commonly used for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds. The proposed work will provide environmental policy makers and program analysts with information needed to select the most appropriate TMDL model for a particular TMDL application. The project considers the ability of models to simulate specific pollutants and how water quality and economic models can be coupled and used to evaluate economic and social impacts of alternative TMDL implementation scenarios and policies. Proposal PIs include S1004 economists and engineers from Alabama A&M, Tarleton State University (Texas), Texas A&M, the Universities of Maryland and Minnesota, and Virginia Tech.Publications
PROCEEDINGS AND PUBLISHED PAPERS/PRESENTATIONS<br /> <br><br /> <br>Benham, Brian, Kevin Brannan, Theo Dillaha, Saied Mostaghimi, and Gene Yagow. 2002. TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads) ? Terms and Definitions. ABC?s of TMDLs Series. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication No. 442-550. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 8 p.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Brannan et al., 2003. TMDL Case Studies. In: TMDL: Approaches and Challenges. PennWell Corp.<br /> <br>Wagner, R.C., T. Dillaha, E. Yagow, S. Mostaghimi, B. Benham, K. Brannan, J. Wynn, R. Zeckoski. 2003. Sensitivity of the Reference Watershed Approach in Benthic TMDLs. In: Proc. of the Second Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations. ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich.<br /> <br>Burcher, C.L. and C.D. Heatwole. 2003. Spatially explicit watershed ?zone of influence? based on runoff travel time hydrologic modeling using GIS. Presented at the North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, May 2003, Athens Georgia.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Burgholzer, R. and C.D. Heatwole. 2003. Map-based Modeling of Upland Hydrology in a Vector GIS. Presented at the Virginia GIS and Remote Sensing Research Symposium, Blacksburg, Mar. 28, <br /> <br>2003. Virginia Tech Office of GIS, Blacksburg, Va.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Heatwole, C.D. and M. Caiado. 2002. Limitations of GIS elevation data for watershed modeling. Presented at the Virginia Water Research Symposium 2002, Nov 6-7, 2002, Richmond. Va. Water Resources Research Center.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., D.P. Ames, D.K. Stevens. March 2002. Application of Bayesian Decision Networks to Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis. ASAE Watershed Management to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations Conference Proceedings. Fort Worth, TX.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Mishra, A., A. Sachan, and C.D. Heatwole. 2003. Analysis and Comparison of Various Methods to Determine Channel Slope in a DEM. Presented at the Virginia GIS and Remote Sensing Research Symposium, Blacksburg, Mar. 28, 2003. Virginia Tech Office of GIS, Blacksburg.<br /> <br>University.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., J.S. Horsburgh, D.K. Stevens, M.R. Matassa, and J.N. Brogdon. November 2003. EPRI?s Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) vs. USEPA?s Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS). ASAE Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations II Conference Proceedings. Albuquerque, NM.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Stevens, D.K., J.S. Horsburgh, B.T. Neilson, and B. Lunt. November 2002. GIS-based Watershed Data Viewer and Water Quality Data Analyst. WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Specialty Conference Proceedings. Phoenix, AZ.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Virginia TMDL Program, Water and the Future of Kansas: The Challenge of Abundant Clean Water Conference, Manhattan, KS, March 10-12, 2003 (presentation)<br /> <br><br /> <br>Yagow, G., S. Mostaghimi, T. Dillaha, K. Brannan, J. Wynn, R. Zeckoski, and B. Benham. 2003. Linville Creek TMDL for a Benthic Impairment. In: Proc. of the Second Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations. ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Zeckoski, R., S. Mostaghimi, K. Brannan, B. Benham, T. Dillaha, C. Heatwole, S. Shah, R. Wagner, M. L. Wolfe, J. Wynn, and G. Yagow. 2003. A program for generating fecal coliform inputs to HSPF. In: Proc. 2nd Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations. Albuquerque, NM. ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich.<br /> <br><br /> <br><br /> <br>JOURNAL ARTICLES<br /> <br><br /> <br>Ames, D.P., B.T. Neilson, D.K. Stevens, U.L. Lall. 2002. ?Using Bayesian networks to model watershed management decisions: an East Canyon Creek case study.? Hydroinformatics. Accepted for publication, November, 2002.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., S.C. Chapra. Jan. 2003. ?Integration of Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling for TMDL Development.? Water Resources Impact. 5(1), 9-11. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., D.K. Stevens. 2002. ?Issues Related to the Success of the TMDL Program.? Water Resources Update. 122:55-61.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Rosa, J. A., A. G. Smajstrla, K. L. Campbell and S. J. Locascio. 2002. Evaluation of a computer model to simulate water table response to subirrigation. Brasilian Journal of Agricultural Research 37(12):1743-1750.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Rosa, J. A., A. G. Smajstrla and K. L. Campbell. 2002. Development and testing of a computer model to simulate water table response to subirrigation. Irriga, Botucatu 7(2):64-75.<br /> <br><br /> <br>THESES AND DISSERTATIONS AND GRADUATE WORK<br /> <br><br /> <br>Habersack, Matt; Virginia Tech, Ph.D (T. A. Dillaha): Research Problem: Characterization wildlife bacterial loadings to streams in Southwestern Virginia. The goal of this research is to model and predict the loadings and fate of fecal coliform (FC) and Escherichia coli (EC) bacteria from raccoons (Procyon lotor), muskrats(Ondatra zibethicus), and beavers(Castor canadensis) in streams in Southwest Virginia for TMDL development purposes. This will be accomplished by:<br /> <br>1. Quantifying fecal production rates and spatial distribution of fecal deposits<br /> <br>2. FC and EC concentrations of scat<br /> <br>3. In-situ die-off rates for bacteria isolates originating from the three species investigated<br /> <br><br /> <br>Hendricks, G. S. 2003. Performance evaluation of two hydrologic/water quality models on beef pastures at Buck Island Ranch. Masters Thesis. Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville. 124 p.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Henry, Leigh-Anne; MS, Virginia Tech (T.A. Dillaha): Research Question: How do fecal indicator bacteria partition between sediment-attached and free phases. Research objectives<br /> <br>1. Investigate the accuracy and reliability of different methods used to differentiate between free and soil-adsorbed bacteria.<br /> <br>a. Identify candidate methods.<br /> <br>b. Evaluate the accuracy and precision of identified methods using bacterial samples of known composition to determine each of the tests? accuracy and repeatability. <br /> <br>c. Select the best methods for different bacteria and sample matrices.<br /> <br>2. Use the selected methods to develop isotherm equations describing the partitioning between free and soil-attached bacteria for E. coli bacteria.<br /> <br>3. Determine the applicability of these isotherm equations using runoff samples obtained from a rainfall simulator experiment.<br /> <br>Wagner, Rachel; MS, Virginia Tech (T. A. Dillaha): Research Question: How do the different methods of developing and implementing benthic TMDLs differ in terms of the stressor reductions required to eliminate the benthic impairment? Methods being investigated include:<br /> <br>1. Alternative reference watersheds with the GWLF model (Stroubles Creek TMDL).<br /> <br>2. Regression model approach without reference watershed.<br /> <br>3. Reference watershed with different water quality models (SWAT and GWLF).<br /> <br>4. Reference watershed approach using SWAT and GWLF with three different reference watersheds to investigate the sensitivity of the method to reference watershed selection.<br /> <br>5. Quantify the land use/watershed changes required for TMDL implementation using GWLF and SWAT. <br /> <br><br /> <br><br /> <br><br /> <br>BOOK CHAPTERS/SECTIONS<br /> <br><br /> <br>Campbell, K. L. 2003. Everglades. In Stewart, B. A. and T. A. Howell (eds.). Encyclopedia of Water Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, NY. pp. 275-277.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T. and R. Kinerson. 2003. ?The Role of Models? and portion of ?Tools for Developing and Implementing Watershed Plans and TMDLs.? Jarrell, W.M. Water Quality Monitoring for Watershed Planning and TMDLs. YSI Incorporated. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., D.K. Stevens, J.S. Horsburgh. 2003. ?TMDL Development Process?, TMDL Process and Implementation, In Review.<br /> <br><br /> <br><br /> <br>OTHER PUBLICATIONS<br /> <br><br /> <br>Capece, J. C., K. L. Campbell, D. A. Graetz, K. M Portier, P. J. Bohlen, M. Siddo, M. Fidler and G. S. Hendricks. 2003. Optimization of best management practices for beef cattle ranching in the Lake Okeechobee basin ? Part 2. Project No. WM796 Final Report to Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. 264 p.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Neilson, B.T., J.S. Horsburgh, D.K. Stevens, M.R. Matassa, J.N. Brogdon, and A. Spackman. December 2003. Comparison of Complex Watershed Models? Predictive Capabilities: EPRI?s Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) vs. USEPA?s Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS). Final Project Report. Utah StateImpact Statements
- This project is increasing knowledge concerning the appropriateness of various TMDL development tools for application in agricultural watersheds
- The utility of current models used for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds is being improved.
- Biotic and economic factors are being incorporated into several models that do not currently include them.
- Stakeholders will continue to benefit from water quality improvements and landowners and taxpayers will benefit from the development of TMDL implementation plans that are more economically feasible.
Date of Annual Report: 09/08/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/09/2005
- 03/10/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2003 - 09/01/2004
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2003 - 09/01/2004
Barnes, Phil, Kansas State University;Bartholic, Jon, Michigan State University;
Beasley, David, NC State;
Benham, Brian, Virginia Tech;
Chaubey, Indrajeet, University of Arkansas;
Dharmasri, Cecil, Syngenta Crop Protection;
Fletcher, Jerry, West Virginia University;
Frankenberger, Jane, Purdue University;
Hirschi, Mike, University of Illinois;
Mote, C. Roland, University of Tennessee;
Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, University of Florida;
ONeill, Mike, CSREES;
Rosenthal, Wes, Tex Ag. Expt. Stn.-Temple;
Saleh, Ali, Texas Inst for Appl Env Res;
Shirmohammadi, Adel, University of Maryland;
Shock, Clint, Oregon State University;
Srivastava, Puneet, Auburn University;
Stoecker, Art, Oklahoma State University;
Tim, U. Sunday, Iowa State University;
Vellidis, George, University of Georgia;
Wilson, Bruce, University of Minnesota;
Wolfe, Mary Leigh, Virginia Tech;
Yagow, Gene, Virginia Tech;
Zeckoski, Rebecca, Virginia Tech
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/19/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/11/2005
- 10/12/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2004 - 09/01/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2004 - 09/01/2005
Name (alphabetical) University/Agency Email1. Arabi, Mazdak Purdue University marabi@purdue.edu
2. Baffaut, Claire University of Missouri BaffautC@missouri.edu
3. Barnes, Phil Kansas State U. lbarnes@ksu.edu
4. Bartholic, Jon Michigan State bartholi@msu.edu
5. Bengston, Richard Louisiana State Univ bengtson@bae.lsu.edu
6. Benham, Brian Virginia Tech Benham@vt.edu
7. Bosch, Darrell Virginia Tech bosch@vt.edu
8. Bosch, David ARS Tifton dbosch@tifton.usda.gov
9. Chaubey, Indrajeet Univ. of Arkansas chaubey@uark.edu
10. Dharmasi, Cecil Syngenta cecil.dharmasri@syngenta.com
11. Dozier, Monty Texas A&M m-dozier@tamu.edu
12. Frankenberger, Jane Purdue University frankenb@purdue.edu
13. Kaleita, Amy Iowa State Univ kaleita@iastate.edu
14. Mankin, Kyle Kansas State U. kmankin@ksu.edu
15. Mote, C.R. Univ. Tennessee cmote@utk.edu
16. Munoz-Carpena, Rafael U. Florida carpena@ufl.edu
17. Norton, Douglas US EPA Norton.Douglas@epamail.epa.gov
18. ONeill, Michael USDA CSREES moneill@csrees.usda.gov
19. Obropta, Chris Rutgers University obropta@envsci.rutgers.edu
20. Ogg, Clay US EPA Ogg.Clay@epamail.epa.gov
21. Osei, Edward Texas Inst. For Appl. Env. Research
22. Rosenthal, Wes Blackland Research Ctr rosentha@brc.tamus.edu
23. Sadeghi, Ali ARS sadeghiA@ba.ars.usda.gov
24. Saleh, Ali Texas Inst. For Appl. Env. Research saleh@tiaer.tarleton.edu
25. Selim, H. Magdi Louisiana State mselim@agcenter.lsu.edu
26. Shirmohammadi, Adel Univ. of Maryland ashirmo@umd.edu
27. Srivastava, Puneet Auburn University srivapu@auburn.edu
28. Stoeker, Art Oklahoma State astoker@okstate.edu
29. Wilson, Bruce Univ of Minnesota wilson@umn.edu
30. Wolfe, Mary Leigh Virginia Tech mlwolfe@vt.edu
31. Yagow, Gene Virginia Tech eyagow@vt.edu
32. Zeckoski, Becky Virginia Tech rwinfrey@vt.edu
Dov Weitman USEPA
Mark Weltz USDA ARS
Doug Norton US EPA
Brief Summary of Minutes
Committee members were active in researching TMDL planning and assessment tools and processes, as evidenced by numerous publications, workshops, and research projects detailed below. One of the most important results of this committee is a collection of papers that is being developed on the topic of tools used in the assessment and implementation of TMDLs. This collection of refereed papers will synthesize current research for a broader audience. Publication in Transactions of the ASAE, which is expected in 2006, will ensure a wide distribution of the results of this important work. <br /> <br /> The annual meeting was held in Beltsville MD on October 11-12, 2005. Speakers from USDA ARS, USEPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, and USDA CSREES provided useful information in defining the need and uses of assessment tools for watershed and water quality planning. Meeting attendance was good, with 32 participants from around the U.S. Discussions were held on four topics of importance in TMDL tool development and assessment: (1) Biological Indicators, (2) Model Uncertainty, (3) Use and Misuse of Models, and (4) Sediment Modeling. Results are provided in the attached meeting minutes. <br /> <br /> The Web page for the S-1004 committee at http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/s1004/includes meeting minutes, annual reports, and links to the s1004 listserver, which is the committees primary communication method ( http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/s1004/members/listserv-info.html). <br /> <br /> Individual State reports are below. <br /> <br /> Maryland (Submitted by Adel Shirmohammadi): We have performed an extensive sensitivity analysis on SWATs parameters using data from a small agricultural watershed (850 acres) in the piedmont region of Maryland. We have also performed an extensive calibration and validation of the model with 9 years of hydrologic and water quality data for the same watershed. Our current activities concentrate on performing risk associated with parameter uncertainty and subsequent effect on model output. This aspect of our activity uses Latin Hypercube Sampling technique with constrained Monte Carlo approach to develop output probability distribution with respect to parameter uncertainty reflected by different distribution functions such as log normal, normal, and beta distributions. In this context we have also evaluated the SWAT models capability in simulating the NRCS approved BMPs and associated risk with model outcome for each BMP impact. In other words, the level of certainty in pollutant reduction capability of a given BMP has been evaluated. We have been collecting and analyzing hydrologic and water quality data in a small watershed (850 acres) located in the piedmont region of Maryland. There are three major dairy operators in this watershed, thus application of animal waste to the land is a common practice. Land use is comprised of dairy, beef, alfalfa, corn silage/corn grain, and soybeans. Soils are diverse, but the dominant soil series is the Penn silt loam series. Monitoring was performed using US-EPAs National Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Design consisting of both paired watershed and upstream-downstream monitoring design. Data has been collected since 1994 and the watershed was designated as one of the national watershed water quality monitoring projects in 1995. Data collected from this watershed has been instrumental in the evaluation of the SWAT model and its output uncertainty due to input variability. <br /> <br /> On small plot size (20 x 40) lysimeters, we have also been collecting data on pathogen (E.Coli, and Salmonella) transport through both bare and grassed covered surfaces. Sampling has been performed such that to evaluate the effective width of Vegetated Filters in order to keep the pathogens out of our streams and water bodies. This project is a cooperative project with USDA-ARS scientists from Environmental Quality Lab and the Animal Pathogen Lab. A transport modeling component is also associated with this project. Data obtained in this project may be helpful in development and testing of bacteria sub-component in SWAT model.<br /> <br /> Impact:<br /> <br /> 1) Our monitoring in small watershed in the Monocacy Basin resulted in the motivation of land owners (e.g., farmers) to apply for several cost-shared BMP programs through USDA-NRCS. Three slurry storage systems (2 slurry storage tanks each with a capacity of about 520,000 gallons and 220, 000 gallon, respectively) and a concrete lined slurry storage basin were implemented using EQUIP program under USDA-NRCS. Additionally, 20 acres of riparian zone (40 feet on each side of the stream) was implemented using funds from CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) of USDA-NRCS. These BMPs have helped and will help to reduce the sediment and nutrient loadings to the Warner Creek that drains to Monocacy River.<br /> <br /> 2) Our monitoring program has provided educational benefits to both farmers in the watershed and the neighboring farms, students from the University of Maryland, scientists from both University of Maryland and many international countries such as Sweden, Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Romania, etc& Our findings had also been published in refereed journals and been presented in many national and international conferences, thus having wide educational benefits.<br /> <br /> 3) Our monitoring and modeling efforts have helped to asses the strength and weaknesses of a widely used model such as SWAT for simulating hydrologic and Water Quality response of watersheds. We believe that our efforts will help the users of SWAT model in the development of TMDL plans for their watersheds. Certainly, our work on the development of uncertainty for model outputs due to uncertainty in model inputs is gaining lots of attention as was addressed in the 3rd. TMDL conference in Atlanta, Georgia. This has also led us to submit a multi-state proposal on the development of uncertainty for Margin of Safety (MOS) in TMDL development the recent NRI watershed Processes Grants.<br /> <br /> Texas (Submitted by Wes Rosenthal and Ali Saleh): A web-based tool has been developed for EPA Region 6 personnel. It combines GIS layers (elevation, topo maps, digital ortho photos, wetland inventory) and allows the user in ARCView to determine hydrologic flows around wetlands. The software will help EPA personnel to evaluate flows around wetlands and determine if they are jurisdictional. The software will help EPA save thousands of travel dollars to sites in Texas and Louisiana to determine if they fall under their jurisdiction. The tool can be applied to determine if BMPs will affect wetlands in TMDL watersheds.<br /> <br /> Models such as SWAT and APEX are only capable of simulating a limited number of BMP scenarios individually. In this study, the SWAPP (SWAT/APEX Programs) program is developed to facilitate the simultaneous use of these two models. The SWAT (version 2000) and APEX (version 2110) models were utilized within the SWAPP program. The SWAT alone (SWAT-A) and the combined SWAT and APEX models within the SWAPP program were calibrated and verified against the historical measured data collected within the UNBR watershed. The results obtained from three sites within the UNBR watershed show that the pattern (model efficiencies) and average monthly values of flow and loadings predicted by the SWAPP were generally similar and in some cases closer to the measured values as compared to the SWAT-A. By using the SWAPP program one is able to simulate management scenarios at the field level, such as multicropping or filter strips by utilizing APEX , whereas SWAT alone currently has limited capability to simulate those practices. In addition, the SWAPP could be used to convert SWAT data files, generated from Geographical Information Sytem (GIS) layers, to APEX data files format. <br /> <br /> Virginia: (Submitted by Brian Benham): The Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies at Virginia Tech (http://tmdl.bse.vt.edu) continued its commitment to improve the quality and effectiveness of watershed planning processes, including TMDLs and expand the professional expertise needed for their development, evaluation, and implementation by publishing two journal articles, a book chapter, and two Virginia Cooperative Extension publications, and by conducting 5 bacterial and biological (benthic) impairment TMDL studies for the state of Virginia, presenting several papers and workshops at professional meetings, and developing and releasing the Bacteria Source Load Calculator software. <br /> Impact:<br /> Several of the TMDL studies conducted by the Center this past year presented opportunities to develop or improve approaches used for TMDL development. <br /> <br /> Beaver Creek in Rockingham County, VA. Issues: significant historical change in pollution contributors and consideration of spatial variation in water quality.<br /> Careful investigation of the biological impairment showed that it was caused by a fishery no longer in operation. We prepared a detailed analysis of the fisherys contribution to the impairment and worked with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to remove this segment from the impaired waters list after 4 unimpaired benthic samples were recorded. Beaver Creek was rather unique in that it contained a spring contributing about 5/6 of the total flow at the watershed outlet. The flow from the spring entered the main channel downstream of the impaired monitoring station. The spring flow contributed almost no bacteria to the creek. We realized that this meant a TMDL developed for the watershed outlet would not bring the monitoring station located above the confluence into compliance with bacteria water quality standards, and developed two TMDLs one for the area upstream of the spring confluence, and one for the watershed outlet. This should allow water quality standards to be met at both the monitoring station and the watershed outlet.<br /> <br /> North River in Rockingham and Augusta Counties, VA. Issue: previously approved bacteria and benthic TMDLs already exist for the majority of the watershed.<br /> Investigation of the previously developed benthic TMDLs showed that the pollutant reductions called for in these TMDLs are adequate to address the benthic impairment in the main channel of the North River. We completed a stressor analysis that supports the reclassification of this segment to category 4A impaired, but not needing a TMDL because one or more TMDLs for the identified pollutants have already been completed and approved by EPA.<br /> Three-quarters of the North River watershed had previously developed bacteria TMDLs in place. Many of these upstream areas did not have flow gaging stations and thus were not calibrated for hydrology, and several of the previously developed TMDLs were developed under an older, less restrictive standard. We developed methods to appropriately represent the areas of the watershed with previously developed TMDLs in each stage of modeling (hydrology calibration, water quality calibration, and allocation). These methods allowed us to appropriately represent the entire watershed while targeting our current TMDL development efforts on the portion of the watershed without a previously developed TMDL in place.<br /> <br /> The Bacteria Source Load Calculator (BSLC) was developed and released by the Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies to assist TMDL developers when generating bacterial loadings to watersheds from livestock, human, and wildlife sources. The BSLC is useful for anyone faced with developing a TMDL for a water body impaired by bacteria (pathogens). The calculator generates input files for NPS and direct NPS bacterial loads required by the HSPF model. The calculator requires user inputs of animal numbers, land use, and stream access on a sub-watershed level. Default production rates are provided but can be changed by the user. This software greatly speeds up the process of generating fecal coliform inputs to HSPF (or similar models) and allows the user to easily make changes to sub-watershed level inputs to produce new bacteria source input files. The BSLC is written in Visual Basic for Applications and is based on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which allows for widespread compatibility with potential users. The BSLC reduces the time, and cost, needed to develop bacteria impairment TMDLs. The flexibility the BLSC provides enables the user to perform more accurate bacteria load source characterizations.<br /> <br /> Georgia: USDA-ARS, SEWRL (Submitted by David Bosch): The Ann-AGNPS and SWAT watershed models were tested using data collected on the Little River Watershed. The utility of the models for TMDL development in the Southeast was evaluated. To date, comparisons between observed and simulated streamflow data indicate the models provide reasonable hydrologic accuracy for the region. The simulations also indicate a need for improved representation of riparian buffers in the models. Impact: These comparisons help to provide credibility to many TMDL plans being developed within many states throughout the Southeastern Coastal Plain region.<br /> <br /> USEPA (Submitted by Clay Ogg): A paper was published about new modeling breakthroughs which may be helping states overcome the technical barriers which in the past prevented them from tracking the performance of TMDL and other watershed programs. The barriers stem from the large number (over 20,000) of impaired watersheds, and the costs of developing models for each watershed, as well as the costs of monitoring streams to measure performance. Breakthroughs result from the ability of very fast computers to do site-specific modeling of fields, for thirty years of storm events, and the aggregation of the pollutant loadings to thousands of watersheds.<br /> <br /> Arkansas (Submitted by Indrajeet Chaubey): A decision support system was developed for the Beaver Lake watershed located in northwest Arkansas. The Beaver Lake is a multi-use reservoir and supplies drinking water to more than 300,000 residents in northwest Arkansas. The DSS can be used to make watershed management decisions to protect long term quality of the lake while ensuring economic development in the watershed. In addition, development of two other DSS in Eucha-Spavinaw watershed and in LAnguille watershed is currently in progress. Help was provided to the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission to perform watershed modeling for identifying hot spots for flow, sediment, nutrients and pesticides in priority watersheds. The ANRC is using the modeling results to target implementation of BMPs in the watershed. In addition, the ANRC has also used the modeling results to identify priority watersheds for 2004-2008. Three training sessions for using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model have been have been attended by more than 60 people from various state and local agencies in Arkansas. At least six field days and educational tours of experimental watersheds have been conducted to educate stakeholder on linkages among farm level activities and their impact on watershed scale water quality. More than 300 people have attended these field trips.<br /> <br /> Florida and North Carolina (submitted by Rafael Muñoz-Carpena and John Parsons): A new procedure for designing vegetative buffer strips (VFS) as best management practices for sediment runoff control within the TMDL process has been proposed. This procedure is based of one of the computer models included in the project proposal, VFSMOD-W. The objective of the design procedure is to obtain the optimal filter length to filter a given percentage of the maximum runoff sediment event (defined by the TMDL) generated for a certain design storm (defined in terms of return period). The procedure considers several design parameters specific to the application location: i) design storms (usually 1, 2, 5 and 10 year return periods) for the area; ii) soil types present in the area; iii) disturbed land conditions including crops and practices; iv) vegeative filter types recommended for the area; v) field and filter slopes. A new release of the model was produced this semester that incorporates this new feature and updated documentation. (http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/vfsmod). In a further cooperation with colleagues at USDA-ARS-Beltsville, the model is being evaluated as a tool to optimize buffer-grass criteria as part of national P-Index evaluations (Sadegui et al, 2005).<br /> The model is currently being developed and tested to include surface phosphorus runoff filtration from disturbed mining areas of Central Florida where P loading can result in TMDL surface water impairments. The Central Florida region of Polk County provides over 75% of the US phosphate needs and approximately 25% of the worlds supply. During 2001, 22.1 million metric tons of phosphate rock were extracted from 4,522 acres of land in this region. Years of mining have left vast tracks of land in need of restoration to minimize the potential for phosphorous pollution from this enriched lands into water bodies. Recently, public attention has been directed to possible links between high phosphorous loads in the Peace River that transverses the region and appearance of red tide blooms in FL Gulf region. New field research (2004-2006) has been initiated in the area to further develop and test VFSMOD-W.<br /> FHANTM and ACRU2000 evaluation is continuing in order to determine these models' applicability for TMDL development in the Lake Okeechobee basin. The models are being tested using data from ongoing BMP demonstration projects on beef ranches in south Florida. FHANTM was calibrated using runoff and water quality data from a 16-pasture research study conducted from 1998 through 2003. Data from 1998-2001 were used in the calibration phase. Data from the same pastures for 2002-2003 were used as an independent verification of the model's performance in predicting runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from the pastures. Statistical analyses of the model results indicated that FHANTM v2.0 is sufficient for use on site-specific applications on the basis of annual runoff for all four pastures simulated and for annual phosphorus loads on two pastures. It is also sufficient for site-specific use on one pasture for annual nitrogen loads. In terms of the remaining pastures for monthly runoff, annual and monthly phosphorus loads, and annual and monthly nitrogen loads, the model is mainly sufficient for screening purposes. Management activities performed on the pastures could not be represented adequately with the model. The ACRU2000 model has potential to better represent management activities and spatial differences that may have caused some of the simulation difficulties with FHANTM. Modification of ACRU2000 to implement the changes needed to improve its performance on these sandy, flat, high-water-table pastures is currently nearing completion. Measurement of pasture runoff and water quality data are continuing in support of this model evaluation research and to evaluate additional BMPs on another ranch to provide larger watershed-scale research data for use in continuing model evaluation on a larger ranch scale.<br /> <br /> Tennessee (provided by Daniel Yoder): Aided by researchers at Tennessee, the USDA-NRCS has completed implementation of the RUSLE2 soil erosion model in its 2500+ field offices throughout the U.S. and its territories and protectorates. This model is being used an estimated 2000-5000 times a day in these field offices for conservation planning as well as for estimating the impact of management practices on soil health through the NRCS Soil Conditioning Index, which has been packaged in the RUSLE2 interface. While many of these calculations are not directly linked to TMDL estimates, they have been used in some TMDL analyses. For example, the Wisconsin DNR has completed several TMDL analyses using previously-calculated RUSLE2 results as to determine the sediment contribution from various land areas in their watersheds.<br /> <br /> In addition, RUSLE2 is now available as a stand-alone dll, or program that can be called by other programs. It is currently being used in this way by University of Wisconsin researchers and Extension personnel working with the SNAP nutrient management model, as well as by the Manure Management Planner model developed at Purdue. These models make use of erosion estimates provided by RUSLE2, as well as the access RUSLE2 has to the extensive management database developed by USDA-NRCS, which contains some 10,000 management, field operation, and vegetation descriptions. The intention of USDA-NRCS and USDA-ARS is to use RUSLE2 in this way in the next version of AnnAGNPS, which would be used on a watershed basis. <br /> <br /> Alabama (Includes Auburn and Alabama A&M, submitted by M.S. Kang, T. Tsegaye, W. Tadesse, I. Abdi, and D. Spencer): <br /> The Auburn group initiated a couple of TMDL related project in Alabama. The first project involves identifying hydrologically-active areas (HAA) in a cattle-grazing pasture in the Sand Mountain Region of north Alabama. With this project we hope to address phosphorus and pathogen related problems associated with land-applied poultry litter to the pasture field. The goal is to minimize the water quality impacts from land application of poultry litter. The second project involves development of a comprehensive best management practice (BMP) database for Alabama and implementation of this database as an add-on tool for the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. Once fully developed, the add-on tool can be used to evaluate the effect of various BMPs on streams of Alabama and other southern states. <br /> Impacts of the S-1004 Project<br /> 1. The runoff-contributing area project will help minimize water quality impact of land-applied poultry litter in the Sand Mountain region of Alabama.<br /> 2. The BMP database and the add-on tool will help model reduction in pollutant loads from various BMPs and will help optimize BMPs implementation in Alabama and other southern states.<br /> The Alabama A&M group monitored the water quality of streams in the Flint River watersheds in northern Alabama for the past two years as a part of the ongoing TMDL related research. The water quality indicator variables of interest included total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), coliform bacteria (CF), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, pH, and chlorophyll. A study of sediment transport modeling using the AGNPS model has been completed for the Flint River watershed. The watershed was subdivided into 400 m x 400 m grid cell, which are basic operational resolution for the AGNPS model. The runoff and sediment estimates for different rainfall events were computed for each cell. Results also showed that model simulation were improved when composite runoff curve number was generated using the land use/cover data obtained from the satellite image. Further analysis was carried out for estimation of concentration of non-point source pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The model was also effectively used to prioritize several sub-watersheds in the Flint River for the potential severity of water quality problems, to pinpoint critical areas within a watershed which contribute pollutants, and to evaluate the effects of best management practices (BMP). The GIS representation of model input and output also facilitated examination of a wider range of alternatives than would be possible by using a standard method. <br /> <br /> Kansas (Submitted by Philip Barnes): We have completed two long term monitoring during the past year. The first project included data collected during the period from 1997 through 2004 on the Big Blue River watershed drainage into Tuttle Creek Reservoir near Manhattan, Kansas. The States of Kansas and Nebraska have signed a compact that addresses both water quantity and quality issues. Because the water in Tuttle Creek Reservoir is used as a drinking water supply in Kansas it must meet the water use quality standards for Kansas. During this monitoring period the inflow and reservoir have not met the standard for the herbicides atrazine and alachlor. Twenty one locations were monitored for flow and herbicide concentrations during this seven year period. With this data daily loading data was calculated to assess sources of the herbicide pollution. The final report titled Joint State Atrazine Big Blue River Monitoring Project, (A Cooperative Joint State Monitoring Project Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act, EPA Assistance Agreement No. CP997369), show herbicide contamination throughout the watershed. But the largest loading occurred in a four county region along the state line. The predominant crop using these herbicides grown in this region is grain sorghum. During 2005, this watershed received an EPA Targeted Watershed Grant. The project is a collaborative effort between the two states to address multi-jurisdictional water quality problems of excessive sediment runoff, nutrients, herbicides and bacteria. It will demonstrate a process for achieving water quality goals in a large agricultural watershed by targeting and implementing best management practices in critical sub-watersheds. EPA grants funds will be used to implement existing watershed management plans, install no-till systems, establish riparian buffer strips and other conservation measures, and enhance educational efforts. Market-based incentives will be used to encourage and support landowner adoption of best management practices.<br /> <br /> The second project included data collected during the period 2002 through 2004 on the Fall River watershed. This data was collected in part for a Kansas Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) Development for the Fall River/Verdigris Basin (EPA Assistance Agreement NPS K3-023). This study examined the effects of headwater impoundments on water quality, stream fluvial geomorphology, and aquatic diversity. Three final reports present information on a paired watershed study to address these issues. The reports include (1) Impact of Watershed Development for the Fall River Watershed Water Quality Assessment by Philip Barnes with Kansas State University; (2) Fall River Watershed Joint District No. 21 Fluvial geomorphology Report by Brock Emmert with The Watershed Institute in Topeka, Kansas; and (3) Effects of Headwater Impoundments on Intermittent Streams in the Flint Hills, Kansas by Nate Davis with Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks in Pratt, Kansas. <br /> <br /> Impact:<br /> <br /> 1) Monitoring of the Big Blue Watershed has reduced the area of concern to four counties upstream of Tuttle Creek Reservoir. Implementation of practices in these counties should reduce loading of sediments, nutrients, bacteria and herbicides to meet TMDL requirements for Kansas drinking water.<br /> <br /> 2) Monitoring of the Fall River Watershed indicates that watershed dams can be effective in reducing sediment, nutrient, and bacterial contamination of water below these structures. But these structures can have a dramatic impact on the channel geomorphology below a structure and can reduce the aquatic diversity in the stream below these structures.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- The utility of current models used for TMDL development in agricultural watersheds is being improved, and biotic and economic factors are being incorporated into several models that do not currently include them.
- Methods for modeling key TMDL parameters, including sediments, biological indicators, and dissolved oxygen are being synthesized to aid decision-makers in improving TMDLs.
- Work of S1004 participants is increasing knowledge concerning the appropriateness of various TMDL development tools for application in agricultural watersheds.
- S1004 project participants served in organizational roles and participated in the ASAE 2005 TMDL Conference Third Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Loads).
Date of Annual Report: 12/05/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/27/2006
- 09/28/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Brief Summary of Minutes
Committee members were active in researching TMDL planning and assessment tools and processes, as evidenced by numerous publications, workshops, and research projects detailed below. One of the most important results of this committee is a collection of papers that was developed on the topic of tools used in the assessment and implementation of TMDLs. These seven papers were published as a collection in a regular issue of the Transactions of ASABE. These papers encompass a collective effort of a multidisciplinary panel of experts to evaluate the current status of TMDL modeling technology available for the most common waterbody impairment factors, along with issues of proper model use, uncertainty of modeling results, and economic tools to optimize the selection and application of these tools for TMDL development. Each of these topics is developed in individual papers within this collection. The review indicates that the status of TMDL modeling tools for the most common stream impairments is inconsistent. Research must continue to advance our understanding of many of the processes leading to stream impairment, and to address many of the existing model limitations. Reviews of case studies within this collection of papers show that users must be better trained to improve the application of TMDL models. In some cases, lack of adequate data sets limits model development and application. Existing computer models are considered capable of simulating sediment and nutrients, lacking for dissolved oxygen, and grossly insufficient for biological indicators. Quantification of modeling uncertainty and communication to end users as well as economic optimization of the results are suggested as indispensable components to improve the success of the TMDL program.<br /> <br /> Often, multi-state research committees are nothing more than a collection of researchers working on individual projects in their own state. The S-1004 committee offers an alternative to this status quo by working together and sharing knowledge that can help move us forward as a country in addressing critical water quality issues. The seven papers were written by a group of 42 authors (scientists, engineers, economists, regulators/managers, consultants) from 18 institutions (University, State and Federal Agencies, Industry) located in 16 states (VA, MO, KS, MD, GA, IL, TX, MN, AL, NJ, AK, IN, DC, OK, CA, FL). These papers will provide a foundation for new research efforts and multi-state collaboration.<br /> <br /> The annual meeting was held in Minneapolis MN on September 27-28, 2006. The emphasis of the meeting was on the activities of the state representatives, the requirement of individuals to present impacts of their work and a proposal by the group to synthesize the Conservation Effects Assessment Projects (CEAP) for a National Facilitation 406 Project. The meeting provided researchers to share ideas and discuss opportunities to collaboration on new research projects. An additional focus of the meeting was the need to better document the impact of our work. This discussion included the committee sharing ideas on how better to integrate research, education and extension activities.<br /> <br /> The Web page for the S-1004 committee at http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/s1004/includes meeting minutes, annual reports, and links to the s1004 listserver, which is the committees primary communication method ( http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/s1004/members/listserv-info.html). <br /> Individual State reports are included below. <br /> <br /> Texas:<br /> The S1004 activities in Texas include several projects that addressed TMDLs for contaminants such as atrazine, e. coli, N and P. To date, 64 TMDLs on 35 waterbodies have been adopted and 61 on 34 waterbodies have been approved. Included in the body of work is a EPA Success Story. This was a project that addressed problems in a drinking water reservoir.<br /> <br /> Aquilla Reservoir is an important source of drinking water and recreation but was found to have excessive levels of the herbicide atrazine beginning in 1997. Project partners initiated efforts to reduce agricultural atrazine sourcesand to a lesser extent, urban sourcesin the watershed. As a result of technical assistance to corn and sorghum producers, using agricultural best management practices (BMPs), and educating urban residents, atrazine concentrations in Aquilla Reservoir declined by 60 percent. The waterbody now meets atrazine concentration standards, and in 2004 the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) recommended that Aquilla Reservoir be removed from the state's 303(d) list of impaired waters for 2004.<br /> <br /> Virginia: (Submitted by Brian Benham): <br /> The Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies at Virginia Tech (http://tmdl.bse.vt.edu) continued its commitment to improve the quality and effectiveness of watershed planning processes, including TMDLs. Although the Centers TMDL development and implementation activities to date have focused on Virginias needs, the body of knowledge produced has been used in TMDLs developed across the nation including California, Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Iowa. During the current reporting period, the Center conducted investigations that compared a more time-efficient, digital-based method (digital elevation models coupled with regional hydraulic geometry curves) with a traditional field-based topographic survey method to generate stream channel geometries needed as inputs to watershed-scale water quality models (Staley et al., 2006). Results showed that the more efficient digital-based method is capable of accurately predicting simulated hydrology (discharge). In another investigation, we developed an automated calibration procedure for watershed-scale water quality models (Kim et al., 2006). Results showed that, with respect to common goodness-of-fit measures, software-assisted multi-objective function calibration procedures out-performed traditional trial-and-error manual calibration methods. The procedures developed here and refined with subsequent research will lead to more efficient and objective model calibration methods and more accurate TMDLs for watersheds in Virginia and the nation. The goal of the research reported here is to develop techniques and approaches that will improve the efficiency of TMDL development and implementation. The watershed-scale models often used to develop TMDLs and TMDL implementation plans require estimates of stream channel geometry to accurately predict pollutant loads. Research results showed that when comparing daily average instream flow, using more efficient digital-based methods to generate stream channel geometries is as accurate as more time-intensive field-based methods. Results further showed that, with respect to common goodness-of-fit measures, automated calibration procedures out-performed traditional trial-and-error manual calibration methods. The magnitude of benefits of these research results to watershed management depends on the complexity of the watershed being modeled. Conservative estimates place the time savings that could accrue from several person-days to person-weeks depending on watershed complexity. For TMDL projects that typically take less than a year, savings of days to weeks is significant.<br /> <br /> Virginia Tech faculty and graduate students were lead authors on six (6) refereed journal articles and coauthor on two (2) others. <br /> <br /> In cooperation with the Virginia Departments of Conservation and Recreation and Environmental Quality, the Center completed three (3) TMDL implementation plans addressing eleven TMDLs. <br /> <br /> The Center worked on several TMDL studies during the reporting period. These studies investigated biological (aquatic life and bacterial) impairments in several water bodies throughout Virginia.<br /> <br /> The faculty, students and staff at the Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies have been actively disseminating the results of the various research efforts at several professional meetings.<br /> <br /> In addition to the TMDL studies, the Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies, under an agreement with the EPA, reviewed some 40 TMDL implementation efforts from around the country. The product of this effort was a report focusing what the successes and challenges faced when implementing TMDLs to improve water quality. <br /> The Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies is the leader in the development and Implementation of TMDLs for the state of Virginia, as a result personnel from the center are active in outreach. Several presentations have bee made to clientele throughout the state.<br /> <br /> The Center for TMDL and Watershed Studies is active in promoting student research. Currently two (2) students are actively pursuing their degrees by conducting research on TMDL related topics.<br /> <br /> Michigan: (Submitted by Jon Bartholic)<br /> Over the past year, MSU has been conducting several activities to develop the High Impact Targeting (HIT) system over the past year. It is a system created to address sediment loading. Sediment loadings continue to pose a major threat to water quality throughout the nations waterways, and in particular the Great Lakes region. With a new system developed by the MSU Institute of Water Research (IWR) high-risk sediment loading areas may now be targeted down to the field level. The new web-accessible system HIT, estimates sediment loadings to Great Lakes Basin rivers and streams based on estimates of erosion and sediment transport from agricultural lands. HIT utilizes sophisticated geospatial models to estimate sediment loadings with a high degree of resolution. The Institutes approach can be used on 8 and 12 digit watersheds in the Great Lakes Basin, and then zoomed down to the field level for precise identification of high-risk areas. <br /> IWR can freely provide this information over the web through the HIT system, providing useful tools and data to anyone concerned with sediment-based threats to water quality. Users could easily access HIT and target high-risk areas to focus conservation efforts on fields that yield the greatest environmental benefits. Users could also use the HIT system to rank sub-watersheds according to sediment delivery rates and compare the effects of BMPs between sub-watersheds (as illustrated below).<br /> This information could be used by soil conservation district managers to reduce pollution of nearby streams or by Army Corps of Engineers staff wanting to reduce the cost of dredging operations. In Michigan, county drain commissioners could use this information to avoid costly clogging of drains. <br /> Case Study: Using the HIT Approach in the Lower Maumee River Watershed <br /> to Target Highest-Risk Areas for Maximum Environmental Benefit<br /> IWR recently implemented the HIT approach to estimate sediment loadings for sub-watersheds in the Lower Maumee River Watershed in northern Ohio. In comparing the impact of conservation tillage practices in the Garret Creek sub-watershed (labeled 7 in the map above) with the Wolf River sub-watershed (labeled 39 above), it is clear that focusing on the Garret with its higher rate of sediment delivery will have a greater positive environmental impact. In the Garret Creek watershed, if no till is implemented on the worst 10% of contributing areas, HIT estimates that sediment loadings will reduce by 368 tons compared to 84 tons in the Wolf Creek watershed. This type of data can empower a conservation district manager, the Army Corps of Engineers, or a drain commissioner to truly focus for effect. <br /> HIT Challenges and Future System Development<br /> Although the HIT system is limited by lack of resolution in the inputs to the system the IWR continues to move forward with support efforts to reduce sediment loadings across the Great Lakes Basin. The Institute works closely with the Army Corps of Engineers, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and state agencies (principally the Michigan Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Quality) in this important work to restore and protect water quality. <br /> Georgia: (Submitted by David Bosch): <br /> The University of Georgia (UGA) has worked on several TMDL related projects in the past year among these are investigations into the feasibility of a phosphorus trading project, and an investigation of uncertainty related to parameter estimation in the SWAT model.<br /> <br /> In order to determine the feasibility of a phosphorus trading program for the watershed draining the Allatoona Lake Watershed UGA has been actively conducting research into phosphorus loadings to Allatoona Lake, and in the watershed. Extensive research was conducted to determine runoff from cattle and poultry production, and various methods for mitigation of the loads from these sources. This research gave insight into the intensity of loadings from the various sources in the watershed and a framework for a future trading project.<br /> <br /> In order to investigate the uncertainty of parameter estimation for the SWAT watershed model, the model was tested using data collected on the Little River Watershed K, a 16.9 km2 tributary of the Little River Experimental Watershed. These comparisons help to provide credibility to many TMDL plans being developed within many states throughout the Southeastern Coastal Plain region.<br /> <br /> Arkansas (Submitted by Indrajeet Chaubey, University of Arkansas): <br /> The Univesity of Arkansas has conducted research, obtained external funding, published journal articles, and made presentations related to TMDLs over the past year. One research project that was particularly successful was the development of a decision support system for three watersheds in Arkansas: Beaver Lake, Eucha-Spavinaw, and LAnguille River watershed. The Beaver lake is a multi-use reservoir and supplies drinking water to more than 300,000 residents in northwest Arkansas. The DSS is being used by the Beaver Water District and the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission to make watershed management decisions to protect long term quality of the lake while ensuring economic development in the watershed. Similarly, stakeholders in other watersheds are using the DSS for making sound environmental decisions.<br /> <br /> The water conservation technology developed in the LAnguille River watershed has been disseminated to at least 300 farmer and country extension agents through a series of demonstrations and farm meetings. These technologies are increasingly being used in the watershed and are expected to result in a 25% reduction in groundwater withdrawal in this area. <br /> <br /> The University of Arkansas also helped the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission perform watershed modeling for identifying hot spots for flow, sediment, nutrients and pesticides in priority watersheds. The ANRC is using the modeling results to target implementation of BMPs in the watershed. In addition, the ANRC has also used the modeling results to identify priority watersheds for 2004-2008. <br /> <br /> Three training sessions for using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model have been organized by Dr. Chaubeys team. These training sessions have been attended by various state and local agencies in Arkansas. More than 50 people have attended these workshops.<br /> <br /> Florida (submitted by R. Muñoz-Carpena, University of Florida)<br /> The State of Florida is very pro-active in the development and implementation of modeling tools to support the TMDL/BMP process. This support extends not only to the development and testing of existing and new models but in efforts to catalog available data and tools to support not only the model development, but also ultimately the allocation of resources to the BMP program.<br /> <br /> The University of Florida (UF) has been involved in many such efforts pertaining the S-1004 project during the last reporting period.<br /> · Evaluation of TMDL models. In cooperation with Drs. Shirmohammadi (U. of Maryland) and Vellidis (U. of Georgia), we have helped to lead a collection of papers to evaluate the current status of TMDL models. This collection, as presented elsewhere in this report has recently been published in a special section of Transactions of ASABE, 49(4).<br /> · A multidisciplinary team of researchers is currently working on the application of object-oriented modeling to water quality problems that could ultimately lead into a new generation of models for use not only in Florida but elsewhere. Several in-house models (ACRU-2000, QnD, VFSmod) and external models (South Florida Water Management Districts RSM/WQ, and USGS FTLOADDS) are being evaluated to add the new water quality components. Phosphorus transport in wetland/lowland conditions is being used to test this approach.<br /> · In a parallel effort ecological components (tress, grasses, fish, alligators, palms, etc.) are being added to these models to enhance their use to evaluate biological TMDLs and other environmental restoration scenarios.<br /> · One of the most widely accepted watershed models in Florida for TMDL evaluation, WAM, is being extended to incorporate vegetation/crop components through the incorporation of DSSAT, as well as new hydrological scenarios like plastic mulched bedded horticultural crops.<br /> · New optimization techniques to improve model calibration are being applied to existing models. A global multi-coordinate-search (MCS) algorithm combined with a refinement Nelder-Simplex step is being added to VFSmod to provide automatic model calibration against measured field data.<br /> · Climate variability (ENSO) models are being combined with hydrological and water quality models to refine model predictions over longer time frames.<br /> · A number of hydrological/water quality data collection efforts are under way in at the University of Florida to support and evaluate water quality and TMDL tools. These efforts expand the different dominant agro-ecological scenarios of Florida (subtropical flatlands, P enriched wetlands, tidal floodplains, etc.).<br /> · The UF is participating in a statewide effort to define minimum dataset requirements for BMP evaluation.<br /> <br /> Tennessee: <br /> In the past year researchers at Tennessee aided the USDA-NRCS with completed implementation of the RUSLE2 soil erosion model in its 2500+ field offices throughout the U.S. and its territories and protectorates. This model is being used an estimated 4000-7000 times a day in these field offices for conservation planning as well as for planning under the Conservation Security Program, which links federal assistance to efforts made to improve soil quality. RUSLE2 has also been modified for use by the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources and others involved with regulating erosion and sediment control on construction sites. This included several new approaches, including a thorough analysis of the available literature on erosion and sediment control on construction sites, and better representations within RUSLE2 of erosion-control practices. These enhancements will allow RULSE2 to be used for on-site planning and regulation, as well as for inclusion in TMDL plan development for affected watersheds.<br /> <br /> In addition, RUSLE2 is now available as a stand-alone dll, or program that can be called by other programs. It is currently being used in this way by University of Wisconsin researchers and Extension personnel working with the SNAP nutrient management model, as well as by the Manure Management Planner model developed at Purdue. These models make use of erosion estimates provided by RUSLE2, as well as the access RUSLE2 has to the extensive management database developed by USDA-NRCS, which contains some 10,000 management, field operation, and vegetation descriptions. The intention of USDA-NRCS and USDA-ARS is to use RUSLE2 in this way in the next version of AnnAGNPS, which would be used on a watershed basis. <br /> Alabama (Submitted by Puneet Srivastava, Auburn University): <br /> During the past year researchers at Auburn University have been conducting TMDL related projects in Alabama. Two of these projects are described herein. The first project involves identifying hydrologically-active areas (HAA) in a cattle-grazing pasture in the Sand Mountain Region of north Alabama. With this project we hope to address phosphorus and pathogen related problems associated with land-applied poultry litter to the pasture field. The goal is to minimize the water quality impacts from land application of poultry litter. The second project involves development of a comprehensive best management practice (BMP) database for Alabama and implementation of this database as an add-on tool for the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. Once fully developed, the add-on tool can be used to evaluate the effect of various BMPs on streams of Alabama and other southern states. <br /> The work that has been done at Auburn associated with the S-1004 project has yielded several impacts. First, the runoff-contributing area project will help minimize water quality impact of land-applied poultry litter in the Sand Mountain region of Alabama. Second, the BMP database and the add-on tool will help model reduction in pollutant loads from various BMPs and will help optimize BMPs implementation in Alabama and other southern states. Finally, the members of the S-1004 project served in lead roles in several national and international organizations and presented the findings in many regional, national, and international conferences.<br /> <br /> Kansas (Submitted by Philip Barnes): <br /> Researchers from Kansas State University have completed three years monitoring for our USDA Sources and Abatement of Fecal Bacteria in a High Priority TMDL Watershed (KS9797) Project during the past year. Fecal coliform bacteria stream quality was evaluated (Berryton data) using SWAT/Microbial sub-model for land application of manure in different management conditions (manure application date/rate, field-edge filter condition, and pasture condition). The model was calibrated (Auburn data) and validated (Rock Creek data) using measured daily flow and bacteria concentration data. Results showed satisfactory coefficient of determination and model efficiency (2004 data). Fecal coliform concentration at the watershed outlet was dependent upon several factors, including animal units in feedlots, pasture stocking rate, and daily rainfall amount that contributed to surface runoff. Frequency curves showed bacteria concentrations exceeded secondary contact limit (2135 cfu/100mL) in less than 10% of events for Auburn and no events for Rock Creek. Methods and required databases to model source-specific bacteria (human, livestock, and wildlife) have been created. <br /> <br /> Livestock producers in Upper Wakarusa watershed were engaged through meetings, presentations, posters/demos, media articles, and farm visits. Implemented BMP demonstrations were placed on 3 farmer-cooperators sites. Management of additional feeding sites was initiated during 2006 so that this watershed could be considered for TMDL delisting in the near future. In addition to these Kansas extension activities this bacterial modeling work was presented in a new Environmental Engineering Seminar Series at KSU.<br /> Impact: This projects activities have increased the awareness of bacteria issues within the Upper Wakarusa watershed through meetings related to watershed restoration and protection strategies (WRAPS) implementation, presentations targeted to livestock producers, posters/demos targeted to livestock producers, media articles targeted to livestock producers, and farm visits with livestock producers. Implemented BMP demonstrations were placed on 3 farmer-cooperators sites.<br /> <br /> Missouri (Submitted by Claire Baffaut): <br /> There were several S-1004 related activities carried out over the past year at the University of Missouri. Two of these studies are described below. <br /> <br /> A study funded by both the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and USEPA led to the development of a bacteria TMDL for Little Sac River in Missouri. The final TMDL report can be found at www.fapri.missouri.edu.<br /> <br /> As part of a project funded by the Missouri Department of Natural resources, a database of weather files formatted for the SWAT model was developed. It includes one station per county. The stations were selected based on the duration of the available data, the amount of missing data, and the location of the station. We are communicating with the SWAT developers in Texas to make this available to all. As part of the same project, a database of management scenarios is being developed. While some scenarios are available for Swat2000, most of them will be formatted for swat2005.<br /> <br /> Louisiana (Submitted by Richard Bengtson):<br /> The S-1004 related activities conducted in Louisiana this focus primarily on one study. This study was funded in part by the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ). The objective was to quantify measures for implementation of best management practices (BMPs) that reduce in-stream total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) into Bayou Wikoff sub-watershed. Bayou Wikoff sub-watershed is located in St. Landry and Acadia Parishes and comprises a total area of 4.70 square miles and elevation between 114 ft and 177 ft. The sub-watershed is representative of the type of soil, land use and land morphology that exists within the upper portion of the Bayou Plaquemine Brule watershed. The reach of Bayou Wikoff is approximately 4.9 miles in length and the flow is from northeast to southwest. <br /> <br /> The sites selected for the study included a pristine site, two pastures sites, and two sugarcane sites. The so-called pristine site is approximately 5-acres of a minimum input tree nursery and serves as a control area. A 14-acre tract was selected as standard practice of sugarcane burning prior to harvest and an adjacent area was selected for implementation of a mulch treatment or no-burn BMP. For both treatments; burn and no-burn, a combine harvester was used. The first pasture site was an 11-acre site which is best regarded as minimum input and involved continuous grazing at high stocking rates, supplemental feeding and minimum tillage. The second site was a 10-acre corrugated pasture consisting of a deferred rotational grazing system wherein duration, intensity, and frequency of grazing was managed to enhance nutrient cycling. This management system facilitates uniform manure distribution and rate of decomposition, restricts fertilizer inputs, minimizes soil compaction, and maintains vegetative cover. Forages in these treatment areas consisted of perennial summer grasses and winter over seeded ryegrass. All sites were equipped with ISCO auto-water samplers and solar panels. Water flow was measured using H-type flumes and rain gauges were installed at several of the sites. Effluent sampling was triggered by rainfall amounts that produced runoff events. <br /> <br /> Based on two years of experimental data, an average reduction of the concentration of the total solids in the effluent of 40% was achieved in the rotational grazing system rather than the continuous high stocking rate system. The DEQ goal of 30% reduction in TMDL should be achievable if rotational grazing, with appropriate stocking rates and fertility management, is adopted. Furthermore, based on data from the pristine site and the pasture sites, there is strong evidence that the presence of soil surface with grass cover throughout the year minimized sediment losses and erosion. For sugarcane, we found strong evidence that reduction in total and suspended solids from the edge of field of the fallow and first year sugarcane would significantly reduce in-stream concentrations and thus achieve TMDL goals. Finally, the use of AnnAGNPS model to predict suspended solids, P and N effluent concentrations at edge of field from our pristine site is recommended provided that the appropriate parameter for the curve number (SCS-CN) is selected. The model was least successful in describing P concentrations in the effluent.<br /> <br /> Minnesota:<br /> <br /> During the past year researchers at the University of Minnesota have been conducting TMDL related projects. These projects have focused on 1) assessment of stream health via measurable, localized characteristics and 2) the geomorphic characteristics of drainage ditches in Southern <br /> Minnesota, 3) UMs Watershed Assessment Tool for Environmental Modelling (WATER), and 4) UMs Weather Inputs for Nonpoint Data Simulations (WINDS) Model. The first project is based on the hypothesis that Site-specific relationships will collapse to single dimensionless curve when normalized by reference reach values and prediction intervals will allow classification for TMDL assessment of these reaches. The characterization included such parameters as location, landowner information, weather conditions, stream morphology, watershed features, channel features, sediment sources, bank stability measurements, and longitudinal profiles. This work is ongoing and results are preliminary.<br /> <br /> The second project is investigating the geomorphic characteristics of drainage ditches in Southern Minnesota. There are approximately 27,000 miles of drainage ditches in Minnesota and the health and maintenance of these channels represent a challenge to the agricultural community of the state. This effort is investigating the potential for erosion and channel degradation and remedies for these. <br /> <br /> UM is actively working to improve both their WATER and WINDS models both of which are tools that can be used by watershed modelers to improve their own modeling efforts.<br /> <br /> Iowa:<br /> Researchers at Iowa State University have been actively conducting research related to the S-1004 project over the past year and have created two products that will aid the TMDL community. These products include a document that provides an assessment, calibration, and evaluation of water quality models for estimating urban and agricultural pollutant discharge from Iowa watersheds. <br /> <br /> The second project created watershed portals and web-based decision support systems for watershed planning and the TMDL program. This was done via web-enabled SWAT modeling capabilities. It is anticipated that this product will improve knowledge and decision making ability of local and state resource officials in terms of environmental issues; increase awareness of watershed modeling and management techniques that enhance the ability of local and state officials to effect environmental change; increase the number of waterbodies that are restored through development of TMDLs and restoration plans; and increase the use of databases and web-based tools for developing effective solutions to W Q problems.<br /> <br /> New Jersey (submitted by Chris Obropta):<br /> TMDL development and implementation has been a focus area for Dr. Christopher Obropta and the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program for the last few years. Dr. Obropta chairs a state-wide TMDL Advisory Panel. The Panel functions at the Rutgers EcoComplex and provides technical assistance to support the NJDEP in the development of TMDLs. Although the Panel is hosted by Rutgers University, this multidisciplinary panel has included scientists and engineers from Rutgers University, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rowan University and Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. The Panel reviews both technical approaches submitted by NJDEP and proposals solicited by the Department for related research, and offers formal recommendations to the Department. The Panel works closely with the NJDEP to provide them latest advances in TMDL development and implementation.<br /> <br /> During this past year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006), the Panel reviewed and formally commented on seven different technical approaches for various nutrient and fecal coliform TMDL studies. In addition, the Panel reviewed and commented on thirteen proposals for Lake Characterization Plan grants. These Lake Characterization Plans are to be completed for specific eutrophic lakes in New Jersey for which a TMDL has been approved by the USEPA. <br /> <br /> Rutgers University is also focusing on research in water quality trading as a TMDL implementation tool. Rutgers University is the recipient of funding from the USEPA Targeted Watershed Grant Program to develop a water quality trading program to implement the phosphorus TMDL for the non-tidal Passaic River watershed. Successful water quality trading in the non-tidal Passaic River watershed will meet and exceed water quality goals faster and more cost-effectively than the traditional regulatory approach. The potential for point to point trading of phosphorus between WWTPs will be investigated, in addition to opportunities for trading with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Rutgers University and Cornell University faculty, with expertise in water quality modeling, wastewater treatment, environmental policy, and environmental economics, will work together with USEPA, NJDEP, the Passaic River Basin Alliance, local municipalities, and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to design, implement, and evaluate a phosphorus trading program for the non-tidal Passaic River basin. The project design phase has been running since September 2005, and the implementation and evaluation phases will extend through August 2008. <br /> <br /> The potential beneficiaries of the Passaic trading project extend beyond local stakeholders and residents who will enjoy improved water quality at lower costs. All of New Jersey stands to gain from this project because this is the first trading project in the State that will implement a TMDL. Thus, a successful trading program will serve as a model for other watersheds subject to TMDL constraints. In addition, the Passaic trading project is unique in that a university team is spearheading the design. The Rutgers/Cornell team is a neutral party working to develop a solution that will be based on solid data and research and will provide benefits to all the stakeholders.<br /> <br /> Furthermore, Rutgers has received an EPA People, Prosperity and Planet (P3) grant for an undergraduate student team to design a point-to-nonpoint source water quality trading program for phosphorus. A combination of Bioresource Engineering students and industrial engineering students are currently working closely on this effort. The end result is expected to be a water quality trading program that will provide opportunities for the municipal wastewater treatment plant to purchase phosphorus credits from local farms to come into compliance with water quality standards. This has been a great opportunity to integrate research, education and extension. <br />Publications
Al-Yahyai, R., B. Schaffer, F. S. Davies, and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2006. Characterization of soil-water retention of a very gravelly-loam soil varied with determination method. Soil Science 171(2):85-93. DOI:10.1097/01.ss.0000187372.53896.9d<br /> <br /> Benham, B.L., J.H. Cunningham, K.M. Brannan, S. Mostaghimi, T.A. Dillaha, J. Pease and E.P. Smith. 2005. Development of survey-like assessment tools to assess agricultural best Management practice performance potential. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 60(5): 251-259. <br /> <br /> Benham, B.L., C. Baffaut, R.W. Zeckoski, K.R. Mankin, Y.A. Pachepsky, A.M. Sadeghi, K.M. Brannan, M.L. Soupir, and M.J. Habersack. 2006. Modeling bacteria fate and transport in watersheds to support TMDLs. Trans. ASABE. 49(4): 987-1002. <br /> <br /> Borah, D., G. Yagow, A. Saleh, P. L. Barnes, W. Rosenthal, E. C. Krug, and L. M. Hauck. 2006. Sediment and nutrient modeling for TMDL development and implementation. Trans. ASABE. 49(4):967-986. <br /> <br /> Bosch, D.J., C. Ogg, E. Osei, and A.L. Stoecker. Economic models for TMDL assessment and implementation. Trans. ASABE. 49(4): 1051-1065.<br /> <br /> Ekka, S.A., B.E. Haggard, M.D. Matlock, and I. Chaubey. 2006. Dissolved phosphorus concentrations and sediment interactions in effluent dominated Ozark streams. Ecological Engineering 26:375-391.<br /> <br /> Kang, Moon S., S. W. Park, and K.H. Yoo. 2006. Application of Grey Model and Artificial Neural Networks to Flood Forecasting. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 42(2):473-486. April. 2006.<br /> <br /> Kang, Moon S., S.W. Park, J.J. Lee, and K.H. Yoo. 2006. Applying SWAT for TMDL programs to a small watershed containing rice paddy fields. Agricultural Water Management. 79(1):72-92.<br /> <br /> Koelsch, R. K., J. C. Lorimor, and K. R. Mankin. 2006. Vegetative treatment systems for open lot runoff: Review of literature. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(1): 141-153.<br /> <br /> Mankin, K. R., P. L. Barnes, J. P. Harner, P. K. Kalita, and J. D. Boyer. 2006. Field evaluation of vegetative filter effectiveness and runoff quality from unstocked feedlots. J. Soil and Water Conservation 61(4): 209-216.<br /> <br /> Migliaccio, K.W., I. Chaubey, and B.E. Haggard. 2006. Evaluation of landscape and instream modeling to predict watershed nutrient yields. Environmental Modeling and Software doi:10.1016.j.envsoft.2006.06.010.<br /> <br /> Mishra, A., B.L. Benham, and S. Mostaghimi. 2006. Sediment and nutrient transport from agricultural lands fertilized with animal manures. Water Air Soil Pollut. 175(1): 61-76. <br /> <br /> Muñoz-Carpena, R., G. Vellidis, A. Shirmohammadi and W.W. Wallender. 2006. Evaluation of modeling tools for TMDL development and implementation. Trans. of ASABE 49(4):961-965 [PDF. 390 Kb]<br /> <br /> Muñoz-Carpena, R. , A. Ritter and Y.C. Li. 2005. Dynamic factor analysis of groundwater quality trends in an agricultural area adjacent to Everglades National Park. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 80(1-2):49-7. DOI:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2005.07.003<br /> <br /> Muñoz-Carpena, R., M.D. Dukes, Y.C. Li and W. Klassen. 2005. Field comparison of tensiometer and granular matrix sensor automatic drip irrigation on tomato. HortTechnology 15(3):584590<br /> <br /> Muñoz-Carpena. R., C.M. Regalado, A. Ritter, J. Alvarez-Benedí, A.R. Socorro. 2005. TDR estimation of saline solutes concentration in a volcanic soil. Geoderma 124(3-4):399-413 (doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2004.06.002).<br /> <br /> Muñoz-Carpena, R . and J.E. Parsons. 2004. A design procedure for vegetative filter strips using VFSMOD-W. Trans. of ASAE 47(5):1933-1941.<br /> <br /> Regalado, C.M., A. Ritter, J. Álvarez-Benedí and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2005. A simplified method to estimate wetting front suction and soil sorptivity with the Philip-Dunne falling-head permeameter, Vadose Zone Journal 4(2): 291-299. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2004.0103<br /> <br /> Ritter,A. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2006. Dynamic factor modeling of ground and surface water levels in an agricultural area adjacent to Everglades National Park. J. of Hydrology 317(3-4):340-354. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.05.025<br /> <br /> Ritter, A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, C.M. Regalado, M. Javaux, M. Vanclooster. 2005. TDR and inverse modeling characterization of solute transport properties in an agricultural volcanic soil. Vadose Zone Journal 4(2):300-309. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2004.0094<br /> <br /> Ritter, A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, C.M. Regalado, M. Vanclooster and S. Lambot. 2004. Analysis of alternative measurement strategies for the inverse optimization of the hydraulic properties of a volcanic soil. Journal of Hydrology 295 (1-4):124-139.<br /> <br /> Sen, S., B.E. Haggard, I. Chaubey, K.R. Brye, T.A. Costello, and M.D. Matlock. 2006. Sediment phosphorus release at Beaver Reservoir, northwest Arkansas, 2002-3. Air, Soil, and Water Pollution DOI 10.1007/s11270-006-9412-y<br /> <br /> Sen, S., P, Srivastava, K. Yoo, M. S. Kang, and J. N. Shaw. 2006. Characterizing hydrologically active areas for effective management of phosphorus loss in surface runoff. ASABE Paper No. 062202. ASABE Annual International Conference, Portland, Oregon, 9 - 12 July 2006.<br /> <br /> Shirmohammadi, A., I. Chaubey, R.D. Harmel, D.D. Bosch, R. Muñoz-Carpena, C. Dharmasri, A. Sexton, M. Arabi, M.L. Wolfe, J. Frankenberger, C. Graff and T.M. Sohrabi. 2006. Uncertainty in TMDL models. Trans. of ASABE 49(4):1033-1049<br /> <br /> Srivastava, P., J.N. McNair, and T.E. Johnson. 2006. Comparison of mechanistic and neural network approaches for stream flow modeling in an agricultural watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 42(2):545-563.<br /> <br /> Staley, N.A., T. Bright, R.W. Zeckoski, B.L. Benham, and K.M. Brannan. 2006. Comparison of HSPF outputs using FTABLES generated with field survey and digital data. J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc. 42(5): 1153-1162.<br /> <br /> Vellidis, G., P. Barnes, D. D. Bosch, and A. M. Cathey. 2006. Mathematical simulation tools for developing dissolved oxygen TMDLs. Trans. of the ASABE 49(4):1003-1022.<br /> <br /> Yagow, G., B. Wilson, P. Srivastava, and C. Obropta. 2006. Use of biological indicators for TMDL development and implementation. Trans. ASABE 49(4): 10231032.<br /> <br /> <br />Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/26/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/05/2007
- 09/06/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
SEE ATTACHED MINUTESBrief Summary of Minutes