NCCC206: Nutrition and Management of Feedlot Cattle to Optimize Performance, Carcass Value and Environmental Compatibility (NCT192)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 05/16/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/26/2004
- 05/28/2004
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2003 - 05/01/2004
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2003 - 05/01/2004
Participants:Alfredo DiCostanzo (MN), Kern Hendrix (IN), Jeff Lehmkuhler (WI), Steve Loerch (OH), Dan Loy (IA), Terry Mader (NE) Robbi Pritchard (SD), Steven Rust (MI), Tim Statnton (CO), Allen Trenkle (IA), James Williams (MO), Larry Berger (IL), Jack Riley, Advisor (KS), and Gray Cromwell, CSREES Rep. (KY); Members and addresses are at http://www.ans.iastate.edu/ncr206/members.html
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary:The NCR-206 committee met at the Colorado State Beef Unit beginning at 8:00 a.m. on May 27. Bill Wailes, Animal Sciences Department Head at Colorado State welcomed the group.
Dr. Gray Cromwell, CSREES representative review the organizational structure of the USDA and who was leading the Animal Systems groups in the CSREES. Funding of the NRIs and competitive grants program were discussed. The potential impact of the Supreme Courts Hearing on the Beef Checkoff was briefly reviewed.
Dr. Jack Riley announced that this was his last meeting in his current capacity, as he will be stepping down from the Department Head position as of January 1, 2005. He discussed what he saw as the challenges and opportunities facing the beef industry and the potential role of the NCR-206 committee in influencing the cattle feeding industry. A discussion of the changing demographics of animal science departments and clientele expectations in relation to funding sources followed. Issues such as animal identification, food safety and environmental sustainability will increasingly influence how beef cattle are managed and fed in the future.
In the business meeting, the potential of inviting representatives from, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, Texas A & M, and New Mexico was discussed. It was decided that next year representatives from these institutions will be invited to participate. Larry Berger offered to host the NCR-206 meeting next year. Efforts will be made to hold it in conjunction with the NCR-287 committee. Next year there will be an effort made to summarize the literature on early weaning and its effects on the cow-calf and feedlot industries. This review will be discussed jointly by both committees.
Station reports were given from 10:00 to 2:00 with a 30 minute lunch break. At 3:00 p.m. the group met with the management of the Swift Feedyard near Greeley. They felt that water availability and environmental regulations were major hurdles facing them in the future. We also discussed how they viewed feedlot consultants, University researchers and product suppliers as potential sources of information in making management decisions. They also shared what they considered to be the key nutritional and management challenges in a 100,000 head feedyard.
On Friday May 28, station reports were given from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The meeting adjourned at noon. The members express their appreciation to Tim Stanton for organizing and hosting the meeting.
Accomplishments:<br /> Several stations have demonstrated that ethanol byproduct feeds can replace typical energy and protein sources in feedlot diets while maintaining or enhancing animal performance.<br /> <br /> Several stations have shown that the phosphorus requirements as described in the most recent beef NRC are inflated. As a result the environmental sustainability of feedlots production systems can be enhanced by eliminating phosphorus supplementation of corn based diets.<br /> <br /> Several stations have discovered methods of improving beef quality and safety that will benefit consumers.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- Being able to optimize the value of distillers grains in diets of growing and finishing cattle is a key to the continued expansion of the ethanol industry. The economic and environmental consequences include an improved agricultural economy, cleaner air and lower gasoline prices.
- Phosphorus pollution is a major concern with confined animal feeding. Being able to reduce phosphorus levels in the diet will reduce excretion and accumulation in soils and streams
- Consumers desire high quality, safe beef at a reasonable price. The research of this group is revealing management and nutritional approaches to produce a high quality safe product.
Date of Annual Report: 06/21/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/07/2005
- 06/09/2005
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2004 - 05/01/2005
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2004 - 05/01/2005
Members Present: Larry Berger (IL Host), Kern Hendrix (IN), Steve Loerch (OH), Greg Lardy (ND), Mike Brown (WTA&M), Robbi Pritchard (SDSU), Allen Trenkle (IA), Dan Loy (IA), Jim Williams (MO), Alfredo DiCostanzo (MN), Galen Erickson (NE), Jeff Lehmkuhler (WI), Gary Cromwell (USDA CSREES), Don Reynolds (IA, Adivsor)Brief Summary of Minutes
The NCR-206 committee met at the University of Illinois campus for a joint meeting with the NCR 87 committee at 8:00 am June 8th to discuss possibilities of a joint publication and symposia. Introductions were made with discussions involving weaning management and impacts on post-weaning performance and carcass characteristics pursuing. Mention of a multi-state effort in the northern plains states was shared with the committees investigating weaning management impacts on the production system. Discussions also involved animal identification issues.Dr. Neal Merchen, Department Head of Animal Sciences, greeted the NCR 206 committee and provided an overview of the department.
A tour of the newly constructed beef cattle research facilities at the University of Illinois was next on the agenda. Members were able to view confinement facilities that allowed for studying feed efficiency through the use of the GrowSafe feed intake monitoring system. Facilities for housing cows were also viewed along with the processing facilities and feed storage areas. Discussions also involved the handling of waste given the distance of the farm to urban housing.
Following lunch Dr. Don Reynolds, committee advisor, introduced himself and shared his background with the members. ND and WI presented their station reports.
Beginning at 3:00 pm the business meeting was initiated. Jeff Lehmkuhler accepted the secretarial duties for the committee and offered to host the committee in WI for 2006. Tentative dates for the 2006 meeting will be June 6 & 7. Dr. Cromwell, USDA CSREES, briefed the group next. Dr. Cromwell mentioned position changes with the federal system and overviewed what CSREES oversees. He presented an update on HATCH funds and other budgets for various programs. Discussions then focused on Nutrient Recommendation publication updates and how these will potentially occur in the future. Dr. Berger asked for a review of the minutes and they were approved with corrections. Dr. Berger agreed to submit the report for 2005 and mentioned that he submitted the 2004 report as well. Jeff shared with the group information regarding a national Holstein steer management conference to be held in November. This conference topic idea was introduced at last years committee meeting and NCR 206 will be a co-sponsor of the event. Alfredo DiCostanzo opened the floor up to discussion regarding Midwestern Sectional Meetings for ASAS on possible symposium topics as he is chairing this coming year. Topics mentioned included: animal identification and traceability, economic impacts of animal disease, biosecurity, rendering, and ractopamine. Discussions were then led by Dan Loy regarding updating the website for NCR 206. IA has offered to host this site and continue to maintaining the site. Discussions regarding committee additions occurred regarding extending formal invitations to other states. Larry mentioned that he sent emails to the other states and Oklahoma State University as well as West Texas A&M accepted the invitation. Dr. Reynolds offered to follow-up on formalities for committee additions outside the North Central Region. Station reports then resumed.
Station reports resumed at 8:00 am on June 9th. Following the completion of the station reports the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey W. Lehmkuhler
The NRC-206 met in conjunction with NCR-87 to discuss areas of mutual interest concerning the impact of early weaning of beef cattle on the beef industry. A coordination of on-going efforts in the North Plains projects (South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana) with other research stations was discussed. The goal is to bring those results together at a National or Midwest American Society of Animal Sciences meeting. The NCR-206 would sponsor the symposium.<br /> <br /> The NCR-206 committee is also co-sponsoring a national Dairy-beef (Holstein) mangement conference in Novemeber in Minnesota. Jeff Lehmkuhler from Wisconsin is the coordinator for that conference. Dairy beef represents over 20% of the steers harvested in ths country. This conference will focus on the unique management required for effecient dairy-beef production.<br /> <br /> The potential impact of a national animal identification and traceability program on the beef cattle industry was also discussed. Each representative from member states shared their role in development of their state's program. With rapidly changing technology, it is difficult to determine the optimum time to sponsor a national meeting to help extension staff implement a program with beef producers. This topic will be discussed again next year as a possible symposium program.Publications
Illinois:<br /> Journal Articles/Abstracts<br /> <br /> Rentfrow, G., M.S. Brewer, T.R. Carr, L.L. Berger, and F.K. McKeith. 2004. The effects of feeding elevated levels of vitamin D3 and E on beef quality. J. Muscle Foods. 15:205-223.<br /> Rincker, C.B., N.A. Pyatt, L.L. Berger, and D.B. Faulkner. 2004. Using DNA marbling marker, expected progeny differences, ultrasound, and live evaluation to predict carcass composition of early-weaned Simmental steers. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):211.<br /> Berger, L.L. and J.R. Sewell. 2004. Protective coatings for the edible covering of bunker silos. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):249.<br /> Berger, L.L., and N.A. Pyatt. 2004. Effects of nutrition and management on carcass value and profitability. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):273.<br /> Pyatt, N.A., L.L. Berger, D.B. Faulkner, and P.M. Walker. 2004. Effect of choice-select spread on carcass value and profitability in early-weaned Simmental steers. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):437.<br /> Pyatt, N.A., L.L. Berger, D.B. Faulkner, and P.M. Walker. 2004. Effect of dressed price on carcass value and profitability in early-weaned Simmental steers. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):437.<br /> <br /> Extension Publications<br /> <br /> Effects of early nutrition on carcass quality. Land OLakes Regional beef meetings in Cedar Rapids, IA, Storm Lake, IA and Sioux Falls, SD, Feb. 24, 25 and 26, 2004.<br /> Soy product utilization in beef feedlot diets. American Soybean Association meetings in Monterrey, and Guadalajara Mexico, July 12-15, 2004.<br /> Effects of nutrition and management on carcass value and profitability. National ASAS Alpharma Beef Symposium, St. Louis, MO, July 27, 2004.<br /> Effects of nutrition on carcass value in feedlot cattle. Elanco Research meeting, San Antonio, TX, Aug. 13, 2004.<br /> Effects on early nutrition on beef carcass quality. Purina/Land O Lakes Beef Management Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, Nov. 18, 2004.<br /> <br /> Iowa:<br /> Publications<br /> Foote, M.R., R.L. Horst, E.J. Huff-Lonergan, A.H. Trenkle, F.C. Parrish, Jr., and D.C. Beitz. 2004. The use of vitamin D3 and its metabolites to improve beef tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. 82:242-249.<br /> <br /> Wertz, A.E., T.J. Knight, A. Trenkle, R. Sonon, R.L. Horst, E.J. Huff-Lonergan, and D.C. Beitz. 2004. Feeding 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 to improve beef tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1410-1418.<br /> <br /> Knight, T.J., Minick, R. Tait, Jr., A. Trenkle, D. Wilson, G. Rouse, D. Strohbehn, J. Reecy, and D. Beitz. 2004. Redesigning beef cattle to have a more healthful fatty acid composition. A.S. Leaflet R1882. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2004.<br /> <br /> Hoffman, M., P. Tsengeg and W. Roush. 2005. Incorporating Condensed Corn Distillers Solubles into an Integrated Pasture and Drylot Finishing System for Feedlot Steers. AS Leaflet R2002. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Doran, B., D. Pingel, D. Loy and A. Trenkle. 2005. Research in Progress: On-Farm Storage of Ethanol Co-Products. AS Leaflet R2003. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Trenkle, A. and K. Barrett. 2005. Response to Implants by Finishing Steers at the Time Changes Were Made in Program-Fed Supplemental Protein. AS Leaflet R2006. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Trenkle, A. and K. Barrett. 2005. Performance of Finishing Steers Program-Fed Supplemental Protein to Reduce Overfeeding Protein. AS Leaflet R2007. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Trenkle, A. and K. Barrett. 2005. Performance of Finishing Steers at the Time the Source and Quantity of Protein are Changed in a Strategy Involving Program-Fed Supplemental Protein. AS Leaflet R2008. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> D. Busby, D. Loy and D. Maxwell. 2005. Management of Optaflexx in Feedlots That Sort Cattle Prior to Market. AS Leaflet R2048. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Carnagy, K., E. Huff-Lonergan, R. Horst, A. Trenkle and D Beitz. 2005. Use of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 to Improve Tenderness of Beef. AS Leaflet R2005. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> Zhang, S., T. Knight, J. Minick, R. Tait, A. Trenkle, D. Wilson, G. Rouse, S. Starohbehn, J. Reecy and D. Beitz. 2005. Association of Genetic Variation to Healthfulness of Beef. AS Leaflet R2009. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2005<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Presentations <br /> Title Date Location<br /> <br /> Feedlot Diet Formulation 6/30/2004 ISU Feedlot Shortcourse, Lewis, IA<br /> <br /> Developing Implant Strategies 7/1/2004 ISU Feedlot Shortcourse, Lewis, IA<br /> <br /> Feedlot Environment and Animal Performance 8/25/2004 SDSU Feedlot Shortcourse, Brookings, SD<br /> <br /> Feeding Strategies to Obtain Predictable Performance 8/30/2004 Michigan Cattle Feedlot Conference, Lansing, MI<br /> <br /> Feedlot Monitoring 8/30/2004 Michigan Cattle Feedlot Conference, Lansing, MI<br /> <br /> Benchmarking Feedlot Performance 11/04/2004 ISU Feedlot Shortcourse, Lewis, IA<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Minnesota:<br /> Extension Publications<br /> TITLE DATE<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Staples, MN 2/10/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Bagley, MN 2/11/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Greenbush, MN 2/12/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Grand Rapids, MN 2/13/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Isle, MN 2/14/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Glenwood, MN 2/17/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Pipestone, MN 2/18/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Watertown, MN 2/19/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Rochester, MN 2/19/2004<br /> Sire selection to target specific markets, Rushford, MN 2/21/2004<br /> Protein supplementation of beef cows (Suplementação para vacas de corte a pasto), Uberlandia, Brazil 3/10/2004<br /> Protein supplementation of growing cattle (Suplementação para recria e terminação de bovines a pasto), Uberlandia, Brazil 3/11/2004<br /> Nutricional and management factors affecting carcass quality (Fatores nutricionais e de manejo que afetam a qualidad de carcaça), Uberlandia, Brazil 3/11/2004<br /> Modification of rumen bacterial populations for enhanced performance and health 9/20/2004<br /> Quality control of feeding and management processes, Crookston, MN 12/6/2004<br /> Quality control of feeding and management processes, Morris, MN 12/7/2004<br /> Quality control of feeding and management processes, Slayton, MN 12/8/2004<br /> Quality control of feeding and management processes, Sleepy Eye, MN 12/9/2004<br /> Quality control of feeding and management processes, Rochester, MN 12/9/2004<br /> <br /> Abstracts<br /> <br /> Dahlen, C.R., N. DiLorenzo, A. DiCostanzo, G. C. Lamb, and L. J. Smith. 2004. Effects of feeding a polyclonal antibody preparation against Streptococcus bovis or Fusobacterium necrophorum on performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):270.<br /> <br /> R. Wasson, J. E. Larson, D. R. Brown, A. DiCostanzo, J. D. Arthington, and G. C. Lamb. 2004. Cow and calf performance in a management system including twinning and early weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):59.<br /> <br /> Gill, R.K., D.l. Roeber, and A. DiCostanzo. 2004. Impact of feeding distillers grains to dairy-beef steers on beef color, tenderness, and sensory traits. Plains Nutr. Conf. TAMU Pub. No. AREC 04-14. p 99.<br /> <br /> Proceedings: <br /> DiLorenzo A, C.R. Dahlen, and A. DiCostanzo. 2004. Modification of rumen bacterial populations for enhanced performance and health. In Proc. 65th MN Nutr. Conf. pp 172-185.<br /> <br /> DiCostanzo, A. and S. Steffen. 2004. Quality control of feeding and management processes. MN Cattle Feeder Day Rep. B-497.<br /> <br /> DiCostanzo, A. 2004. Sire selection to target specific markets. MN Cow-Calf Day Rep. pp 16-24.<br /> <br /> Invited Seminars:<br /> <br /> DiCostanzo, A. 2004. Suplementação para vacas de corte a pasto. Proc. VIII Curso Novos Enfoques Na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. CONAPEC, Jr. (UNESP-Botucatu). Uberlândia-Minas Gerais. pp 189-194. <br /> <br /> DiCostanzo, A. 2004. Suplementação para recria e terminação de bovines a pasto. Proc. VIII Curso Novos Enfoques Na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. CONAPEC, Jr. (UNESP-Botucatu). Uberlândia-Minas Gerais. pp 199-210. <br /> <br /> DiCostanzo, A. 2004. Fatores nutricionais e de manejo que afetam a qualidad de carcaça. Proc. VIII Curso Novos Enfoques Na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. CONAPEC, Jr. (UNESP-Botucatu). Uberlândia-Minas Gerais. pp 231-241. <br /> <br /> Other (Research reports):<br /> <br /> Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson, T.W. Marston, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, T.W. Geary, D.J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, F.N. Schrick, J.D. Arseneau, R. Wasson, D.R. Brown, and A. DiCostanzo. 2004. Estrus synchronization of suckled beef cows using GnRH, prostaglandin F2± (PG), and progesterone (CIDR): A multi-location study. MN Beef Cow-Calf Day Rep. pp 33-37.<br /> <br /> Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, T.W. Geary, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, D.J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, D.G. Landblom, R. Wasson, D.R. Brown, and A. DiCostanzo. 2004. Estrus synchronization of replacement beef heifers using GnRH, prostaglandin F2± (PG), and progesterone (CIDR): A multi-location study. MN Beef Cow-Calf Day Rep. pp<br /> 33-37.<br /> <br /> <br /> Michigan:<br /> B. Extension Presentations <br /> Title Location Date<br /> Technologies to determine the value of feeder cattle. Dekalb, IL January 19<br /> Technologies to determine the value of feeder cattle. Lansing, MI January 20<br /> Technologies to determine the value of feeder cattle. B.Green,OH January 21<br /> Technologies to determine the value of feeder cattle. Wyoming,ON January 22<br /> Beef cattle production and feeding management. E. Lansing,MI March 18<br /> <br /> An overview of custom cattle feeding. E. Lansing,MI August 30<br /> Wrap-up and evaluation of custom cattle feeding E. Lansing,MI August 31 workshop. <br /> Evaluation of energy digestibility of corn hybrids Dewitt, MI December 16<br /> for growing/finishing beef cattle<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> C. Publications<br /> <br /> Romanov, M.N., R.V. Bato, M.T. Yokoyama, and S.R. Rust. 2004. PCR detection and 16S rRNA sequence-based phylogeny of a novel Propionibacterium acidipropionici applicable for enhanced fermentation of high moisture corn. J. Appl. Microb. 97:38-47. <br /> <br /> Ungerfeld, E.M., S.R. Rust, and R. Burnett. 2003. Attempts to inhibit ruminal methanogenesis by blocking pyruvate oxidative decarboxylation. Can. J. Microb. 49:650-654.<br /> <br /> Ungerfeld, E. M, S.R. Rust, D.R. Boone, and Y. Liu. 2004. Effects of several inhibitors on pure cultures of ruminal methanogens. J. Appl. Micro. 97: 520-526. <br /> <br /> Missouri:<br /> B. Extension Presentations<br /> The use of corn distillers dried grains as a creep feed. In-service training for area extension specialists. Columbia, MO March, 2004<br /> <br /> The development of rations using corn distillers dried grains as a protein and energy source. Livestock producers. Marshall, MO. November, 2004.<br /> <br /> The use of corn distillers dried grains as a creep feed. Missouri Corn Growers Board of Directors. May, 2004<br /> <br /> <br /> Nebraska:<br /> <br /> Adams, J. R., T. B. Farran, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. N. Macken, and C. B. Wilson. 2004. Effect of organic matter addition to the pen surface and pen cleaning frequency on nitrogen balance in open feedlots. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2153-2163.<br /> Block, H. C., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein. 2004. Review: Re-evaluation of phosphorus requirements and phosphorus retention of feedlot cattle. Prof. Anim. Scient. 20:319-329.<br /> <br /> Feeding direct fed microbials to reduce the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle; World Buiatrics Congress 7/14/04<br /> Vaccination to reduce the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle; World Buiatrics Congress 7/14/04<br /> <br /> C. Publications<br /> <br /> Potter, A. A., S. Klashinsky, Y. Li, E. Frey, H. Townsend, D. Rogan, G. Erickson, S. Hinkley, T. Klopfenstein, R. A. Moxley, D. R. Smith, and B. B. Finlay. 2004. Decreased Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Cattle Following Vaccination with Type III Secreted Proteins. Vaccine 22:362-369.<br /> <br /> Using byproducts in beef operations; Dawson County Cattlemens, Nebraska 3/4/04<br /> Coproduct use in feedlot diets and Optaflexx, a new feed additive; Feedlot Facts Seminar, Nebraska 3/2/04<br /> Feeding grain sorghum to beef cattle; 2004 Sorghum Growers Conference; Nebraska 1/12/04<br /> <br /> C. Publications<br /> <br /> Macken, C.N., G.E. Erickson, T.J. Klopfenstein, C.T. Milton, and R.A. Stock. 2004. Effects of dry, wet, and rehydrated corn bran and corn processing method in beef finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3543-3548.<br /> Macken, C.N., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2004. Effects of concentration and composition of wet corn gluten feed in steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2718-2723.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ohio:<br /> Weaning Management Research. Lancaster, OH 01/29/2004<br /> Five State Beef Initiative in OH, Indianapolis, IN 02/25/2004<br /> Environmental Impact of Nutrition and Management, Coshocton, OH 09/23/2004<br /> Weaning Management Research. Hillsboro, OH 01/28/2004<br /> <br /> C. Publications<br /> <br /> Schoonmaker, J. P., Cecava, M. J., Fluharty, F. L., Zerby, H. N., Loerch, S. C. 2004. Effect of source and amount of energy, and rate of growth in the growing phase on performance and carcass characteristics of early- and normal- weaned steers. J. Anim. Sci. 82:273-282. <br /> <br /> Schoonmaker, J. P., Fluharty, F. L., Loerch, S. C. 2004. Effect of source and amount of energy and rate of growth in the growing phase on adipocyte cellularity and lipogenic enzyme activity in the intra muscular and subcutaneous fat depots of Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 82:137-148.<br /> <br /> South Dakota:<br /> Walsh, T. A. 2004. The Influence of Calcium Metabolism on Beef Tenderness. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings.<br /> <br /> Bruns, K. W., R. H. Pritchard, and D. L. Boggs. 2004. The relationships among bodyweight, body composition, and intramuscular fat content in steers. Journal of Animal Science. 82:1315-1322.<br /> <br /> Bruns, K. W., R. H. Pritchard, and D. L. Boggs. 2004. The effect of stage of growth and implant exposure on performance and carcass composition in steers. Journal of Animal Science. 2004. 82 Accepted for publication.<br /> <br /> McCarthick, J. W., R. H. Pritchard, S. M. Hold, J. A. Clapper, and M. D. Vukovich. 2004. Effects of an anabolic implant and transport on metabolic status and muscle traits of feedlot steers. Pages 20-26 in SD Beef Report. Beef 2004-04. South Dakota Agri. Exp. Sta., Brookings.<br /> <br /> Holt, S. M. and R. H. Pritchard. 2004. Composition and nutritive value of corn co-products from dry milling ethanol plants. Pages 1-7 in SD Beef Report. Beef 2004-01. South Dakota Agri. Exp. Sta., Brookings.<br /> <br /> Bruns, K. W. and R. H. Pritchard. 2004. The effect of stage of growth and implant exposure on performance and carcass composition in steers. Pages 60-69 in SD Beef Report. Beef 2004-12. South Dakota Agri. Exp. Sta., Brookings.<br /> <br /> Bruns, K. W. and R. H. Pritchard. 2004. Impact of castration time and method on carcass and palatability traits in steers. Pages 55-59 in SD Beef Report. Beef 2004-11. South Dakota Agri. Exp. Sta., Brookings. <br /> <br /> Holt, S.M, R. H. Pritchard, and T. A. Wittig. 2004. Impact of relocation and weaning stress on the feedlot performance of steer calves during the receiving period. Pages 70-75 in SD Beef Report. Beef 2004-13. South Dakota Agri. Exp. Sta., Brookings.<br /> <br /> Symposia Proceedings - Invited Papers - Presentations<br /> Pritchard, R. H. 2004. Growth promotant options in the feedlot have changed. 39th Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Seattle, WA.<br /> <br /> Pritchard, R. H. 2004. Carcass value as a consequence of the growth curve. 39th Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Seattle, WA.<br /> <br /> Symposia Invited Presentations<br /> Pritchard, R. H. 2004. Research Update. Plains Nutrition Council, San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> Industry Publications<br /> Pritchard, R. H. 2004. Strategic use of implants to optimize production efficiencies and carcass value. Fort Dodge Animal Health Feedlot Nutritionist/Veterinarian Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ.<br /> <br /> Pritchard, R. H. 2004. Cattle feeding in changing times - what rules still apply? Land OLakes, Inc. Ft. Dodge, IA.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Wisconsin:<br /> B. Extension Presentations Feedlot Related<br /> <br /> Title Date<br /> Management, Nutrition, and Market Prices - Clark County 1/04<br /> Utilizing Forages in the Feedlot - Calumet County 1/04<br /> From Co-products to Implants. - Tri-State Beef Days 1/04<br /> WI Beef Industry Post-BSE - United Cooperative Beaver Dam 2/04<br /> BSE Fast Tracking Animal ID - Juneau County 3/04<br /> Utilizing Forage in the Feedlot Ozaukee County 3/04<br /> Update on Implant Use Ozaukee County 3/04<br /> Distillers Grains and Holstein Steers Ozaukee County 3/04<br /> Update on Implant Use Sheboygan County 3/04<br /> Distillers Grains and Holstein Steers Sheboygan County 3/04<br /> Introduction to Grid Pricing Sheboygan County 3/04<br /> BSE Fast Tracking Animal ID Portage County 3/04<br /> Wisconsin Beef Industry Update Richland County Beef <br /> Producers Annual Meeting 4/04<br /> Ultrasound Demonstration Trempeleleau County/Western<br /> WI Beef Producers 4/04<br /> BSE Fast Tracking Animal ID Intervet Veterinarian<br /> Continuing Education Baraboo, WI 5/04<br /> BSE Fast Tracking Animal ID Southwest Wisconsin<br /> Veterinarians Platteville, WI 5/04<br /> Premise ID & Animal Identification Lodi Veterinary Clinic 9/04<br /> Ultrasound Demonstration Lancaster Cow-calf field day 9/04<br /> Premise and Animal ID, World Beef Expo, Milwaukee, WI 9/04<br /> Utilizing Corn Silage in Feedlot Rations Monroe County 12/04<br /> Utilizing Corn Silage in Feedlot Rations Dodge County 12/04<br /> Utilizing Corn Silage in Feedlot Rations Eau Claire County 12/04<br /> <br /> C. Publications / Abstracts<br /> Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, D.J. Undersander. 2004. Supplemental Phosphorus Removal for Finishing Holstein Steers: Final Results. University of Wisconsin-Madison Beef Cattle Research Report.<br /> Lehmkuhler, J., A. Crooks, and D. Undersander. 2004. Targeted supplementation of grazing Holstein steers with dried distillers grains in combination with monensin. University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Animal Sciences Beef Cattle Research Report.<br /> Lehmkuhler, J., A. Crooks, and T. Woods. 2004. Feeding brown mid-rib sorghum sudan grass or alfalfa baleage to mid-gestation beef cows demonstration trial. University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Animal Sciences Beef Cattle Research Report.<br /> Lehmkuhler, J.W., S.C. Arp, and D.M. Schaefer. 2004. Feedlot cattle responses to reduced levels of degradable protein. J. Anim. Sci. 81:(Suppl 1) T183 (Abstr.).<br /> Lehmkuhler, J.W., D.M. Schaefer, S.C. Arp, and A.M. Brokman. 2004. Phase feeding and comparison of Jersey and Holstein Steers. J. Anim. Sci. Midwestern Sectional Meeting: 279(Abstr.)<br /> Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, and D.J. Undersander. 2004. Effects of supplemental phosphorus for finishing yearling Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. National Meeting .<br />Impact Statements
- The members of NCR-206 have defined the impact of different levels and forms of distillers grains on the feedlot cattle efficiency and carcass merit
- The members of the NCR-206 have shown that the phosphorus requirement of feedlot cattle is considereably below the NRC requirement which can greatly reduce pollution problems around large feedlots.
- The members of the NCR-206 tht crude protein level in the diet and managment of the manure pack in pens can greatly affect the amount of nitrogen which is released into the atmosphere.
Date of Annual Report: 12/08/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/06/2006
- 06/07/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Members present: Steve Loerch (OH), Terry Mader (NE), Jeff Lemkuhler (WI), Steve Rust (MI), Gary Cromwell, CSREES Rep. (KY), John Wagner (CO), Robbi Pritchard (SD), Dan Loy (IA), Alfredo DiConstanzo (MN), Scott Lake (IN), Mike Brown (TX), Vern Anderson (ND), Clint Krehbiehl (OK), Chris Reinhardt (KS), Larry Berger (IL), Don Reynolds, Advisor (IA).Brief Summary of Minutes
The NCCC-206 (formerly NCR-206) committee met at the University of Wisconsin Department of Animal Science beginning at 8:00 a.m. on June 6, 2006. Dan Schaeffer, UW Animal Sciences Department Chair welcomed the group.Chris Reinhardt (KS) was elected secretary for the 2006 meeting and will therefore host the 2007 meeting in Manhattan, KS.
Dr. Schaeffer indicated that there are relatively few Animal Science graduates enrolling in UW vet school (4 in the latest class). The lack of packing capacity in the state continues to hinder growth of both the swine and cattle feeding industries. Within the university, professors will soon be required to cover tuition costs of ~$8,000 annually for graduate students. This may lead to a reduction of graduate students employed by the department, potentially displaced by post-docs.
Don Reynolds, DVM, new Administrative Advisor for the committee, suggested that the future of federal funding for USDA-production research programs is somewhat flat and his primary emphasis has been on maintaining current levels of support.
Gary Cromwell indicated that the Midterm NIMSS review ratings of Good, Good, Excellent, and Good for the areas of Progress Report, Coordination linkages, Information exchange, and Attendance/Participation was well above average in comparison to other projects and committees.
Dr Randy Shaver, UW Extension Dairy Nutritionist discussed various difficulties with nutritional analysis of corn silage. Starch content is important to total energy value of corn silage, but starch digestibility is affected by kernel processing and endosperm properties. There is also ongoing debate within the analytical lab industry as to the appropriate length of time to incubate for in vitro NDF digestibilities. The labs would prefer 24h, much of the research values were calculated at 30h (which more closely approximates rumen retention time), and 48h is preferred to calculate maintenance intake.
He confirmed that distillers grains are being used at roughly 10% of DM to avoid milk fat suppression due to excessive free fat. If the industry moves to more degermed distillers grains, the levels could rise to 25-30% of DM.
New Business:
Dan Loy offered to consolidate the 2 websites he is currently maintaining onto that housed within the Iowa Beef Center and allow the second website to expire. Dan will revise the website to include links to all participating station beef reports. To do this he needs accurate website links from each member of the group.
Larry Berger volunteered to write a letter, representing the committee, to Austin Lewis within the next couple weeks for the committee to review and approve, recommending a new Beef NRC publication be created. He also recommended suggesting that the Cow-calf committee do likewise. Gary Cromwell agreed to carry that suggestion to the Cow-calf committee meeting. Robbi Pritchard suggested some type of sub-committee be formed to, on an on-going basis, track research needs and make research recommendations in order to continually build the database needed to improve the future NRC recommendations. It was suggested that Dan Fox may still have on file suggestions for future research forwarded following release of the 1996 Beef NRC. It was also suggested that if the totality of FASS spoke with a unified voice re: issues like up-to-date nutrient requirements and feedstuff nutrient values, USDA may see fit to provide special funding status for such projects. Larry Berger volunteered to contact Mike Galyean, Cal Ferrell, and Terry Klopfenstein about research needs for future NRC guidelines.
NCCC-206 co-sponsored the recent 2005 Holstein Beef Management Conference in Rochester, MN. Jeff Lemkuhler estimated that 300 - 400 people attended the conference from 22 states and Canadian provinces and 1,000 - 1,500 proceedings from the conference were sold. The publication has recouped its cost and it was discussed that the proceedings could be housed electronically on the NCCC-206 website for public access. There was also discussion about a possible 3-year rotation of the conference, held in conjunction with the 4-State Dairy committee. Other pertinent issues suggested to be discussed at future Holstein Beef Symposia should include the following: economic, environmental, and housing and facility issues of small/mid-sized production units for edification of lenders and economic development personnel; and natural, organic, and niche marketing of Holstein beef. It was suggested that some of the most pertinent information from the Rochester conference could be presented by members of the group at local meetings throughout the region. Jeff Lemkuhler suggested that a smaller committee be formed to plan and administer subsequent symposia. It was suggested that a planning meeting be held at the OSU Grain Processing Symposium in November in Tulsa.
Clint Krehbiehl announced the OSU Grain Processing Symposium and handed out the proposed agenda and requested comments and suggestions from the committee. The conference will be held in Tulsa November 15-17.
With the goal of broadening the personnel background of the NCCC-206 to provide a national perspective, it was decided that the following persons would be invited to the next committee meeting: Nathan Elam (NM), Carl Hunt (ID), Jon Beckett (CA), and Glenn Duff (AZ).
Don Reynolds asked for the group to consider whether to continue as a committee or to become a project.
Jeff Lemkuhler requested a $10 registration fee to cover incidental costs of hosting the meeting.
Station reports were given from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday and again from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon on Wednesday.
Discussion arose on the topic of the impact of various weaning strategies (conventional weaning and shipment vs. pre-weaning nose attachments vs. preconditioning vs. fenceline weaning) on subsequent feedlot health and behavior, such as walking and vocalization.
Also pertaining to feedlot health, Clint Krehbiel discussed work at OSU with a device which measures NO and CO2 in calves at arrival and when pulled for treatment to improve disease diagnosis.
There was some debate as to whether body fat or body condition contributes to immunity, as postulated by Spurlock of ISU.
The question of whether there is sound evidence to support the NCBA recommendation of banding vs. knife castration was couched. The question centered on the stress incurred in the short term by knife castration vs. the stress simply being delayed with banding, compounded by the potential for systemic clostridial infection from the necrotic scrotum.
Notes from the planning meeting held at Midwest ASAS meetings in Des Moines will be requested from Jeff Lemkuhler.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7, 2006. The members expressed their appreciation to Jeff Lemkuhler for hosting and organizing the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. Reinhardt
NCCC-206 co-sponsored the recent 2005 Holstein Beef Management Conference in Rochester, MN. Jeff Lemkuhler estimated that 300 - 400 people attended the conference from 22 states and Canadian provinces and 1,000 - 1,500 proceedings from the conference were sold. The publication has recouped its cost and it was discussed that the proceedings could be housed electronically on the NCCC-206 website for public access.Publications
None reported by group. There was a misunderstanding that NCCC groups were required to report this as part of their annual report. Don Reynolds (Admin. Advisor).Impact Statements
- NCCC-206 co-sponsored the recent 2005 Holstein Beef Management Conference in Rochester, MN. Jeff Lemkuhler estimated that 300 - 400 people attended the conference from 22 states and Canadian provinces and 1,000 - 1,500 proceedings from the conference were sold. The publication has recouped its cost and it was discussed that the proceedings could be housed electronically on the NCCC-206 website for public access.
Date of Annual Report: 11/12/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/04/2007
- 06/06/2007
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2006 - 05/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2006 - 05/01/2007
Members Present: Chris Richards (OK), Chris Reinhardt (KS Host), John Wagner (CO), Larry Berger (IL), Steve Loerch (OH), Greg Lardy (ND), Erik Loe (SDSU), Dan Loy (IA), Jim Williams (MO), Alfredo DiCostanzo (MN), Jeff Lehmkuhler (WI), Gary Cromwell (USDA CSREES), Don Reynolds (IA, Adivsor)Brief Summary of Minutes
At 7:00 pm the evening of June, 4th, 2007 members of the committee met in Call Hall on the Kansas State University Campus in Manhattan, KS. After a barbeque dinner, members were welcomed by Dr. Ken Odde, Kansas State Animal Sciences and Industry Department head. The primary objective of the evening meeting was to identify objectives for a new proposal if the committee was to continue. A discussion followed about the differences between a NCC versus NCR committee. It was determined that, unless new information was provided from Don Reynolds the following day, the group would remain a NCC. The following discussion focused on the creation of the objectives for a new proposal. The title developed for the new proposal was Nutrition and Management of Feedlot Cattle to Optimize Performance, Carcass Value, and Environmental Sustainability. The following objectives were created for the proposal:1. To enhance the utilization of alternative feedstuffs available as a result of increased bio-fuel production
2. To enhance quality and safety of beef through emerging pre-harvest technologies and management strategies
3. To enhance the environmental sustainability of the feedlot industry through nutritional and management applications
4. To enhance the health and well being of feedlot cattle improvement efficiency of beef production
Following completion of the objectives the meeting was adjourned until Tuesday morning.
On Tuesday morning members met at 8:00 am in Weber Hall. The morning began with a discussion of next years meeting. It was determined that Oklahoma State University would host the next meeting on May 20-22, 2008 in Stillwater, OK.
Don Reynolds commented on the NCCC-206 midterm reports. He noted that the report indicated good productivity, activity, coordination, and participation. The group then asked Dr. Reynolds to addresses the difference between NCR and NCC committees, which he did. He also noted that Sept 15, 2007 is deadline for objectives, statement of issues and justification. Once the Sept 15th materials are submitted, notice will go out to experiment station directors to notify if others want to join. All current members need to apply through their Experiment Station using appendix E. The complete report is to be submitted by Dec. 1, 2007. The report will be placed in the NIMS system.
Following the comments, there was a unanimous vote to remain a NCCC. A writing committee was formed with Alfredo DiCostanzo (chair), Greg Lardy, and Steve Loerch. Dr. Reynolds commended that the new objectives proposed included bio-renewable fuels, food safety, and environmental implications.
Garry Cromwell went over handouts on the Department of Agriculture structure and information on CSREES. He also discussed travel reductions for advisors, reorganization potential under new farm bill for combining ARS and CSREES into REES (Research, Education, and Extension Service) and new NRC nutrient requirements published. Larry Berger noted that in discussions with NRC Nutrient Requirement committee that $100,000 from industry groups would be required to be proposed before a new committee will be appointed.
Dr. Cromwell reminded the group that they have 60 days to put in report of meeting which includes the minutes, accomplishments, impacts, and publications. Dr. Reynolds commented on what should be in reports. He suggested that participants bold impacts.
Jeff Lehmkuhler volunteered to properly format his report according to the guidelines and distribute a copy to committee members so that all can provide the properly formatted material to Chris Reinhardt by the end of June. For next years meeting, Chris Richards, in March will send out a copy of this years report and list of required information prior to next years meeting because he will be required to put it into the 2007 report.
The remaining portion of the morning consisted of station reports and discussion from members and lunch on site. The afternoon began with a tour and discussion of Kansas State University Feedlot facilities and research lead by Dr. Jim Drouillard. After the tour, station reports and discussion continued back on campus. At 5:00 pm Dr. Larry Corah, of Certified Angus Beef, gave a presentation on The role of feedlot management in marbling deposition. Dr. Corah then hosted a steak dinner and round table discussion on carcass quality to end the days events.
Wednesday morning began with the remaining experiment station reports. Following the reports Dr. Brad Johnson gave a presentation titled Current trends in satellite cell research. After a brief discussion, the annual meeting was adjourned.
Sincerely Submitted
Chris Richards
The NCCC-206 met to discuss areas of mutual interest concerning the impact of the ethanol industry on the beef industry. <br /> Discussions at the 2006 meeting led to a multi-state collaborative project between Colorado and Kansas resulting in a publication.<br /> A tour of the KSU Beef Cattle Research Center resulted in discussions of the feeding of glycerine, a by-product of biodiesel production, to feedlot cattle.<br /> <br /> The group resolved to continue to independently and collectively evaluate the use of by-products from the production of bio-fuels (ethanol and biodiesel) in finishing cattle diets, and the potential impacts of feeding these by-products on carcass traits and the environmental impact of cattle feeding.<br />Publications
OKLAHOMA<br /> Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters: <br /> Cranston, J. J., J. D. Rivera, M. L. Galyean, C. E. Markham, L. J. McBeth, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2006. The effects of whole cottonseed and cottonseed products on performance and carcass characteristics by finishing beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2186-2199.<br /> Krehbiel, C. R., J. J. Cranston, and M. P. McCurdy. 2006. An upper limit for caloric density of finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 84(E. Suppl.):E34E49.<br /> Beauchemin, K. A., C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Newbold. 2006. Feed enzymes and direct-fed microbials in ruminant nutrition. In: R. Mosenthin, J. Zentek, and T. Zehrowska (ed). Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals. Elsevier Limited, Philadelphia, PA. ISBN 0444512322.<br /> Baublits, R.T., A.H. Brown, Jr., F.W. Pohlman, D.C. Rule, Z.B. Johnson, D.O. Onks, C.M. Murrieta, C.J. Richards, H.D. Loveday, B.A. Sandelin, and R.B. Pugh. 2006. Fatty acid and sensory characteristics of beef from three biological types of cattle grazing cool-season forages supplemented with soyhulls. Meat Sci. 72:100-107. <br /> Baublits, R.T., F.W. Pohlman, A.H. Brown, Jr., D.C. Rule, Z.B. Johnson, D.O. Onks, C.M. Murrieta, B.A. Sandelin, C.J. Richards, H.D. Loveday, and R.B. Pugh. 2006. Comparison of fatty acid and sensory profiles of beef from forage-fed cattle with retail United States Department of Agriculture Choice and Select beef. J. Muscle Foods. 17:311-329.<br /> Huntington, G.B., C.J. Richards, and D.L. Harmon. 2006. Sites, rates and limits of starch digestion and glucose metabolism in growing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 84:E14-E24.<br /> <br /> Proceedings and Technical Reports:<br /> Burciaga-Robles, L. O., D. L. Step, B. P. Holland, M. McCurdy, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2006. Effect of castration upon arrival on health and performance of high risk calves during a 44 day receiving period. The AABP Proceedings. 39:234-235.<br /> Holland, B. P., D. L. Step, C. B. Roller, G. McMillen, M. Montelongo, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, M. P. McCurdy, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2006. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide and carbon dioxide in the breath of calves upon arrival and during a 42 day receiving period. The AABP Proceedings. 39:237-238.<br /> Roller, C. B., B. P. Holland, G. McMillen, C. R. Krehbiel, D. L. Step, K. Namjou, and P. J. McCann. 2006. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide in newly received steers using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security, and Environmental Analysis, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC), TuD5.<br /> <br /> Abstracts:<br /> Burciaga-Robles, L. O., D. L. Step, B. P. Holland, M. Montelongo, A. W. Confer, J. N. Gilliam, C. L. Goad, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2006. Effects of an intratracheal challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica on intake and nitrogen balance in fed or fasted steers. 2006. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 111. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.<br /> Cranston, J. J., E. P. Cuesta-Alonso, C. R. Krehbiel, S. E. Gilliland, and M. P. McCurdy. 2006. Effects of Bio-MOS" supplementation on the performance, health, and fecal microbiology of receiving calves. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 113. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.<br /> Crawford, G. I., M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. R. Krehbiel, and G. A. Nunnery. 2006. Effect of roughage level and calcium magnesium carbonate on ruminal metabolism and extent of digestion in steers. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):495.<br /> R.L. Mills, J.C. Waller, J. Dowlen, and C.J. Richards. 2006. Starch and digestible fiber supplementation to orchardgrass hay based programmed gain heifer diets. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):155.<br /> Vasudevan Pillai, A., X. Guo, D. M. Kupfer, C. R. Krehbiel, Y.A.M.S. Wickramasinghe, P. Ayoubi, B. A. Roe, and U. DeSilva. 2006. Differential expression analysis of adipogenesis in cattle. International Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, January 2006. http://www.intl-pag.org/14/abstracts/PAG14_P710.html.<br /> <br /> Experiment Station Publications:<br /> Burciaga-Robles, L.O., D.L. Step, B.P. Holland, M.P. McCurdy, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2006. Effect of Calf Sex at Arrival on Health and Performance of High Risk Calves During a 44-Day Receiving Period. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/2006rr/003.htm.<br /> Burciaga-Robles, L.O., D.L. Step, B.P. Holland, M. Montelongo, A.W. Confer, J.N. Gilliam, C.L. Goad and C.R. Krehbiel. 2006. Effects of an Intratracheal Mannheimia haemolytica Challenge on Intake and Nitrogen Balance in Fed or Fasted Steers. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/2006rr/005.htm.<br /> Richards, C.J. 2006. Distillers grains growing supply and usage in finishing diets. Oklahoma Cowman Magazine. July 2006.<br /> <br /> IOWA<br /> Koknaroglu, H., D.D. Loy, M.P. Hoffman. Dry matter prediction of steers and heifers in the feedlot: Effect of initial weight on dry matter intake. J. Anim. Sci. 84, Suppl. 2:184. (Abstr. 228).<br /> Loy, Dan. 2007. By-product utilization in Grazed Cattle. In Veterinary Clinics of North America: Cow/calf nutrition. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA. <br /> Koknaroglu, H., D.D. Loy and M.P. Hoffman. 2005. Effect housing, initial weigh and season on feedlot performance of steers in Iowa. South African J. of Ani. Sci. 35(4):282.<br /> Busby, D., S. Shouse, M. Honeyman, D. Loy, J. Harmon and D. Maxwell. 2006. Beef Cattle Feeding in a Deep Bedded Hoop Barn: A preliminary study. Iowa State University Animal Industry Rep., ASL-R2066.<br /> Busby, D., D. Loy and D. Maxwell. 2006. Management of Optaflexx in Feedlots that sort cattle prior to market. Iowa State University Animal Industry Rep., ASL-R2074.<br /> Powers, Wendy, Dan Loy, Allen Trenkle and Rachel Martin. 2006. Use of Distillers grains in Feedlot Diets: Impact on Phosphorous Excretion. IBC-29.<br /> Dahlke, Garland, Dan Loy and Wendy Powers. 2006. Feedlot Cattle Phosphorous and Nitrogen Excretion Calculation. IBC Computer Program.<br /> Lawrence, John, Shawn Shouse, William Edwards, Dan Loy, Joe Lally and Rachel Martin. 2006. Beef Systems Manual revised 2006. 32 pp.<br /> Trenkle, A. With increasing availability of distillers grains will phosphorus be a problem for Iowa livestock producers? 2006. ASL-R2124. Animal Industry Report AS-652, ISU Ext. Serv., Ames, IA.<br /> Trenkle, A. Evaluation of rumen boluses as an electronic identification system for cattle in an automated data collection system. 2006. ASL-R2073. Animal Industry Report AS-652, ISU Ext. Serv., Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Michigan<br /> Refereed Journal Articles:<br /> Schlegel, M.L., W.G. Bergen, A.L. Schroeder, M.J. VandeHaar, and S.R. Rust. 2006. Use of somatotropin for increased skeletal and lean tissue growth of Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci.84:1176:1187. <br /> Ungerfeld, E.M., Rust, S.R., Burnett, R.J. 2006. Effects of butyrate precursors on electron relocation when methanogenesis is inhibited in ruminal mixed cultures. Letters Appl. Microbiology 42:567-572. <br /> <br /> Conference Proceedings:<br /> Mader, T and Rust, S.R. 2006. High Moisture Grain: Harvesting, Processing and Storage. Cattle Grain Processing Symposium,Tulsa, OK, November 15-17.<br /> Helman, E.E., C.S. Quinlan, N.L. Berry, C.S. Abney, C.P. Allison, S.R. Rust, W.N. Osburn, and M.E. Doumit. 2006. Qualitative characteristics of beef value cuts from Holstein and Angus cattle. Proc. Reciprocal Meat Conf. 59:13.<br /> Rust, S.R. 2006. Research report form Michigan State University. Annual Report for NCR 206. June 5.<br /> Newsletter Articles:<br /> Rust, S. 2006. Distillers grains: a challenge and opportunity for the beef industry. Cattle Call. Vol. 11., Issue 1. p. 1-2.<br /> Ritchie, H. S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Cattle Call. Vol. 11., Issue 1. p. 5-7.<br /> Ritchie, H. S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Cattle Call. Vol. 11., Issue 2. p. 6-7.<br /> Ritchie, H. S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Cattle Call. Vol. 11., Issue 3. p. 6-7.<br /> Ritchie, H. S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Research Round-up. Cattle Call. Vol. 11., Issue 4. pp. 6-7.<br /> Rust, S. 2006. Breakeven Purchase Prices for Various Cattle Classes. Cattle Call. Vol.11. Issue 4. pp. 4-6.<br /> Rust, S. and J. Hilker. 2006. Why are Michigan farms getting bigger? Cattle Call. Vol.11. Issue 4. p. 5.<br /> Rust, S.R. 2005. Usage of corn distillers grains in Michigan. Anim. Sci Staff Paper # 522.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Spring 2006. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #526, File 19.113.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Summer 2006. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #529, File 19.113.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Fall 2006. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #5531, File 19.113.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef Cattle Research Update. Winter 2006. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #532, File 19.113.<br /> Trade Publications:<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. January issue. Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 32.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. Calving Special issue. Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 58.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. February issue. Vol. 69, No. 3, p. 52.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. March issue. Vol. 69, No. 4, p. 56.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. April issue. Vol. 68, No. 5, p. 38.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. June/July issue. Vol. 68, No. 7, p. 36.<br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. August issue. Vol. 69, No. 8, p. 43. <br /> Ritchie, H. D. and S. R. Rust. 2006. Research on the Record. Canadian Cattlemen. Fall issue. Vol. 68, No. 11 p. 38.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Feedlot focus. The Michigan Cattleman. Vol. 22. No. 1, Spring 2006, p. 41. <br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Feedlot focus. The Michigan Cattleman. Vol. 21, No. 2, Summer 2006, p. 34.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Feedlot focus. The Michigan Cattleman. Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall 2006, p. 7.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Feedlot focus. The Michigan Cattleman. Vol. 21, No. 4, Winter 2006, p. 41.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Research notes. Montana Beef Questions and Answers. Vol. 11. No. 2. February, 2006. p. 6.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Fall beef cattle research update. Cattle Today. October 7, 2006. p. 11.<br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef cattle research update. Red Poll Beef Journal. Summer. p. 13. <br /> Ritchie, H., S. Rust, and D. Buskirk. 2006. Beef markets: short- and long-term outlook for cattle, beef. Red Poll Beef Journal. Fall-Winter. p. 23. <br /> Rust, S. 2006. Distillers grains offer feeding challenge, option. Published in: http//ww/beefdaily.com/default.cfm?fromNewsLetter=Articles/Article&ID=26369, January 19, 2006.<br /> Schlegel, M.L., W.G. Bergen, A.L. Schroeder, M.J. VandeHaar, and S.R. Rust. 2006. Using bST for muscle growth in Holstein steers. Published in: http//ww/beefdaily.com/page.cfm?PageID=&PassLevel=&menu=&AppContinue=Articl& April 20, 2006.<br /> <br /> ILLINOIS<br /> Research Publications<br /> Rincker, C.B., N.A. Pyatt, L.L. Berger, and D.B. Faulkner. 2006. Relationship among GeneSTAR marbling marker, intramuscular fat deposition and expected progeny differences in early weaned Simmental steers. J. Anim. Sci. 84:686-693 <br /> Rincker, C.B., N.A. Pyatt, L.L. Berger, D.B. Faulkner and P.M. Walker. 2006. Predicting carcass composition in early-weaned Simmental steers using a combination of real-time ultrasound, live evaluation, carcass expected progeny differences and GeneSTAR marbling marker. Professional Animal Scientist 22: 144-152.<br /> Abstracts<br /> Koevering, Mt., A.L. Schroeder, G.J. Vogel, W. J. Platter, A.A. Aguilar, D. M<owrey, S.B. Laudert, G.E. Erickson, R. Prirchard, M. Gaylean, and L. Van Berger. 2006. The effect of Optaflex dose and feeding duration on growth performance. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl1):20.<br /> Van Koevering, Mt., A.L. Schroeder, G.J. Vogel, W. J. Platter, A.A. Aguilar, D. M<owrey, S.B. Laudert, G.E. Erickson, R. Prirchard, M. Gaylean, and L. Berger. 2006. The effect of Optaflex dose and feeding duration on carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl1):20. <br /> Homm, J., L. Berger, L. Forster, and T. Nash. 2006. Optimizing the length of feeding a high distillers dried grains with solubles-soy hull diet to feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl 1):41.<br /> Homm, J., L. Berger and T. Nash. 2006. Determining the corn replacement value of wet brewers grains for feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl 1)<br /> <br /> COLORADO<br /> Effects of trace mineral supplementation, source, and growth implants on immune response of growing and finishing feedlot steers. Prof. Anim. Scientist 23(1):29. <br /> Effects of bunk scoring on feedlot steer intake. Southeast Colorado Research Center, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. WSASAS (In Press). <br /> Effect of feeding frequency on feedlot steer performance. Southeast Colorado Research Center, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. WSASAS (In Press). <br /> A meta-analysis evaluation of feeding MGA® to feedlot heifers implanted with TBA. Southeast Colorado Research Center, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. WSASAS (In Press). <br /> <br /> MISSOURI<br /> Lacaster, P.A., J.B. Corners, L.N. Thompson, M.R. Ellersieck, and J.E. Williams. 2007. Effects of distillers grains with solubles as a protein source in creep feed. 1. Suckling calf and dam performance. PAS. 23:83.<br /> Lancaster, P. A., J.B. Corners, L.N. Thompson, M.R. Ellersieck, J.E. Wiliams, <br /> 2007. Effects of distillers grains with solubles as a protein source in a creep feed. II. Subsequent performance, carcass measurements, and plasma parameters. PAS.23:91.<br /> Williams, J.E., F. Farias, J.M. Wilson, M.S. Kerley, 2006. Optimal level of corn Distillers grains in a no roughage diet for pre-conditioned calves. J. Anim. Sci. 89 Supp 1):218.<br /> <br /> KANSAS<br /> Refereed Journal Articles<br /> Winterholler, S. J., G. L. Parsons, C. D. Reinhardt, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, D. A. Yates, R. S. Swingle, and B. J. Johnson. 2007. Response to ractopamine-HCl is similar in yearling steers across different days on feed. J. Anim. Sci. 2007 85: 413-419.<br /> Wagner, J.J., NE Davis, and C.D. Reinhardt. 2007. A meta-analysis evaluation of feeding melengestrol acetate to feedlot heifers implanted with estradiol and/or trenbolone acetate. Prof. Anim. Sci. (accepted)<br /> Quinn, M. J., C. D. Reinhardt, E. R. Loe, B. E. Depenbusch, M. E. Corrigan,<br /> M. L. May and J. S. Drouillard. 2007. The effects of ractopamine-HCl (Optaflexx) on performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of finishing feedlot heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted)<br /> Sissom, E. K., C. D. Reinhardt, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, D. A. Yates, R. S. Swingle, and B. J. Johnson. 2007. Response to ractopamine-HCl in heifers is altered by implant strategy across days on feed. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted)<br /> Abstracts<br /> J. O. Wallace, W. F. Miller, B. J. Johnson, C. D. Reinhardt. 2007. Limit-feeding a high-concentrate diet may alter nutrient absorption. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 85 (supp. 1)<br /> <br /> TEXAS<br /> Brown, M. S., C. H. Ponce, and R. Pulikanti. 2006. Adaptation of beef cattle to high-concentrate diets: performance and ruminal metabolism. Journal of Animal Science 84(E. Suppl.):E25-E33.<br /> Schmidt, T. B., M. S. Brown, R. L. Larson, S. B. Kleiboecker, K. C. Olson, D. Keisler, J. Carroll, and E. P. Berg. 2006. Effect of dietary lipoic acid on metabolic hormones and acute-phase proteins during challenge with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research 67:1192-1198.<br /> Garcia, L. G., T. E. Lawrence, T. H. Montgomery, D. B. Parker, and M. S. Brown. 2006. Research Note: The prediction of fat percentage in the Longissimus dorsi muscle in fed beef using nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Muscle Food 17:375-380.<br /> Curley, Jr., K. O., J. Lyons, M. S. Brown, T. E. Lawrence, J. A. Carroll, R. C. Vann, S. T. Willard, T. H. Welsh, Jr., and R. D. Randel. 2006. Influence of breed type and temperament on anatomic and endocrinologic parameters of the bovine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Journal of Animal Science 84(Suppl. 1):353(Abstract).<br /> Vann, R. C., R. D. Randel, T. H. Welsh, Jr., S. T. Willard, J. A. Carroll, M. S. Brown, and T. E. Lawrence. 2006. Influence of breed type and temperament on feedlot growth and carcass characteristics of beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 84(Suppl. 1):396(Abstract).<br /> Silva, J. C., M. S. Brown, E. M. Cochran, E. Lauterbach, C. E. Smith, Sr., L. D. Mitchell, C. K. Larson, and T. Ward. 2006. Effect of zinc source and level on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of finishing beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 84(Suppl. 1):230(Abstract).<br /> Ponce, C. H., M. S. Brown, C. E. Smith, Sr., and L. D. Mitchell. 2006. Effects of grain processing methods on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of finishing beef steers. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo, TX (Abstract).<br /> Silva, J. C., M. S. Brown, E. M. Cochran, E. Lauterbach, C. E. Smith, Sr., L. D. Mitchell, C. K. Larson, and T. Ward. 2006. Effect of zinc source and level on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of finishing beef steers. Proc. Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo, TX (Abstract).<br /> <br /> MINNESOTA<br /> Abstracts<br /> Gill, R.K., D.L. VanOverbeke, and A. DiCostanzo. 2006. Impacts of beef cattle diets containing corn or sorghum distillers grains on beef color, fatty acid profiles, and sensory attributes. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):114.<br /> Blanch, M., S. Calsamiglia, N DiLorenzo, and A. DiCostanzo. 2006. Effects of feeding a polyclonal antibody preparation against Streptococcus bovis on rumen fermentation of heifers switched from a high forage to a high concentrate diet. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):128.<br /> Pacheco, R.D.L., D.D. Millen, N.DiLorenzo, and A. DiCostanzo. 2006. In vitro evaluation of various energy supplements for tropical and temperate forages. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):23.<br /> Refereed Publications<br /> Larson, J.E., G. C. Lamb, J. S. Stevenson, S. K. Johnson, M. L. Day, T. W. Geary, D. J. Kesler, J. M. DeJarnette, F. N. Schrick, A. DiCostanzo, and J. D. Arseneau. 2006. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows for detected estrus and artificial insemination and timed artificial insemination using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2 , and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 332-342.<br /> DiLorenzo, N., F. Diez-Gonzalez, and A. DiCostanzo. 2006. Effects of feeding polyclonal antibody preparations on ruminal bacteria populations and rumen pH of steers fed high-grain diets. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2178-2185.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- 1. Producers may eliminate supplemental vitamin A from finishing diets without adversely affecting performance, and subsequent carcass quality is actually improved.
- 2. Early weaning of beef calves improves carcass quality.
- 3. Field peas may replace up to 30% of the corn and a combination of distillers grains and soyhulls may replace all of the corn in beef finishing diets without adversely affecting performance or carcass traits.
- 4. Vaccination of calves before marketing and marketing in larger lots increases the price received for beef calves.
Date of Annual Report: 06/27/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/21/2008
- 05/23/2008
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2007 - 05/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2007 - 05/01/2008
Alfredo DiCostanzo, Greg Lardy, Dan Loy, Terry Mader, Chris Reinhardt, Chris Richards, Steven Rust, Dan Schaefer, and John Wagner. Guests: Britt Hicks, Dan Shike (representing University of Illinois in place of Larry Berger), and Clint KrehbielBrief Summary of Minutes
Please see attachment for meeting minutes, annual report, and publications list (by state).Accomplishments
Impact Statements
- Insulation value of hair coats that have become wet loose their insulation value, thereby altering calves lower critical temperature.
- In situations where high sulfates exist in drinking water, altering dietary cation-anion balance does not alleviate reduced performance.
- Production of all natural finished cattle requires substantial ($98.50/hd, estimated at current prices) premiums to be competitive with traditional systems. This increases with increased feed cost.
- Diets containing distillers grains and hay with no corn grain can be fed to finish cattle, but gains and efficiencies are reduced.
- Feeding stored wet distillers grains to finishing cattle results in more efficient and rapid weight gains than fresh wet distillers gains when fed with soybean hulls, corn silage and supplement.
- Economic analysis of calf-fed vs. long yearling production results in yearlings profitability increasing $4-6 with each $1/bu increase in corn price.
- Flax seed can replace up to 8 percent of the corn and linseed meal in growing and finishing diets without affecting performance.
- Rapidly backgrounding calves has no impact on future feedlot performance, carcass characteristics or consumer acceptability.
- Feeding low vitamin A diets does not impede growth or improve carcass characteristics.
- Feeding a medium concentrate diet for 28 days increases growth efficiency and decreases morbidity compared to immediately adapting calves to a finishing diet.
- Calves subjected to bovine respiratory disease challenges have increased removal amino acids from the blood by the liver to support an acute phase protein response.
- Feeding high-tannin sorghum results in increased rate of discoloration and TBARS accumulation in meat aerobically displayed.