NC504: Soybean Rust: A New Pest of Soybean Production

(Rapid Response to Emerging Issue Activity)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[03/19/2003] [03/11/2005] [03/31/2005]

Date of Annual Report: 03/19/2003

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/16/2003 - 02/17/2003
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2003 - 09/01/2003


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 03/11/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 04/12/2004 - 04/14/2004
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2004 - 03/01/2005


Carl Bradley, Morris Bonde. Anne Dorrance, Marty Draper, Glen Hartman, Don Hershman, Seogchan Kang, Jim Kurle, Ian MacLatchy, Monte Miles, M. A. Pastor-Corrales, Matt Royer, John Rupe, Gene Safir, Raymond W. Schneider, Steven Slack, Kent Smith, Erik Stomberg, James R. Steadman, Laura Sweets, Albert Tenuta, & X. B. Yang.

Brief Summary of Minutes

Introduction. Steven Slack provided an overview of the current status of the NC 504.

Secretary election. Dr. Glen Hartman was elected as secretary of NC 504 Committee.

Old business. Minutes of the February 2003 meeting were approved. Accomplishment included: soybean rust extension publications, extension meetings included St. Louis meeting with the American Soybean Association in January 2004.

Discussion of future committee activities.

Risk communication was discussed in terms of how to put survey results through the NPDN web site.

Dr. Jim Steadman made comments on importance of surveying possible presences of soybean rust in Caribbean Islands in collaboration with local plant pathologists. Caribbean Islands is a possible pathway. The existing network has been established and surveys can be carried out with low cost.

The risk of introducing SBR through seed importation from South America was discussed. It was considered that the risk is minimum with the latest information from the visit of Dr. A. Tschanz from Brazil. Information from this visit was presented by Dr. Matt Royer of APHIS. Surveys outside the US also were discussed.

A subcommittee of Monte Miles, XB Yang, and John Rupe with Ray Schneider and Don Hershman as reviewers were to define protocols for surveys of different purposes. Motion was made and passed that the subcommittee would have something back to the group on protocols for surveys.

A motion was passed for another subcommittee (Anne Dorrance, Mary Draper, Albert Tenuta, and Loren Giesler) to developing scouting cards.

Dr. Slack, administration advisor, provided future options to the committee. These included: 1) To write a new proposal for establishment of a new NCR committee; 2) To renew the current committee for another year with a proposal to be submitted no later than September 1, 2004. Proposal for a new soybean rust committee was discussed. Committee unanimously passed to establish a rewrite committee. Objectives for the new committee were discussed and established. 1) To coordinate activities for early detection survey such as development of survey procedures. 2) To conduct risk communication; 3) to develop recommendations for SBR management for the US soybean production region.

Next meeting location was discussed. Porto Rico was suggested for potential meeting location as this island may be a potential area for soybean rust over-wintering.

Dr. Ray Schneider moved to thank Dr. M. Bonde, Dr. R. Frederick, and their staff for their excellent efforts in preparation of this meeting. He commented that the hand-on session in containment facility has put our committee members several years ahead of others in terms of disease identification and management. Committee Chair, X.B. Yang was to write the letter. Resolution was passed unanimously.

Additional Notes from the previous day activities prior to the business meeting
April 13

Dr. Yang, Chair of NC 504, called meeting to order at 8:30 am and made introduction. Dr. Bonde and Dr. Frederick made an introduction to the facility of USDA-ARS-Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit (FDWSRU) and provided details for the visit of Level 3 Plant Pathogen Containment Facility.

Participants were divided into two groups for the visit of the Containment Facility. Group 1 moved to Building 374 (Biosafety Level 3 Plant Pathogen Containment Facility) to learn first hand experience of soybean rust. Group two stayed for discussion and entered Containment Facility after completion of Group Ones visit.

Discussion session was made for both groups. Following presentations were made: 1) Mary Palm, USDA-APHIS, on rust biology; 2) Dr. Matt Royer, USDA-APHIS on APHIS preparation of soybean rust entry; 3) Dr. Reid Frederick, USDA-ARS, on soybean rust research in FDWSRU; 4) Dr. XB Yang, on soybean rust epidemiology and risk assessment update; 5) Dr. Kent Smith, USDA-ARS, on management plan of soybean rust.

The following people participated in this days events.

Participaent: Erik Stromberg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Laura E Sweets, University of Missouri; Anne Dorrance, Ohio State Univ.; Carl Bradley, North Dakota State University; Bret Cooper, Soybean Genomics & Improvement Lab USDA-ARS; Jim Kurle, University of Minnesota; Greg Shaner, Purdue University, Anette Phibbs, Wisconsin Dept of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection; Don Hershman, University of Kentucky; Martin Draper, South Dakota State Univ; John Rupe, University of Arkansas; Steve Slack (advisor), Ohio State University; R W Schneider, Louisiana State University; Kimberly Campbell Cooper's soybean lab, USDA-ARS; Jim Steadman, University of Nebraska, Kent Smith, USDA-ARS-OPMP, Seogchan Kang, Penn State University; Marcial Pastor-Corrales, Vegetable Lab, USDA- ARS; Cathie Aime, Systematic Botany & Mycology Lab, USDA-ARS; Glen Hartman, USDA, University of Illinois; Monte Miles, USDA, University of Illinois; X.B. Yang, Iowa State University; Albert Tenuta, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food; Ian MacLatchy, Plant Health Risk Assessment, Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Matt Royer, USDA APHIS; Mary Palm, USDA-ARS; Arnold Tschanz, USDA APHIS; Morris Bonde, Ft. Detrick Host, USDA-ARS; Reid Frederick, Ft. Detrick, USDA-ARS



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 03/31/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/02/2005 - 03/03/2005
Period the Report Covers: 02/01/2003 - 03/01/2005


2003 - Lynnae Jess (, chair), Steve Slack (OH, administrative advisor), Carl Bradley (ND), Erick DeWolf (PA), Marty Draper (SD), Loren Giesler (NE), Don Hershman (KY), Boyd Padgett (LSU), Gabe Sciumbato (MS), Gregory Shaner (IN), Laura Sweets (MO), XB Yang (IA) , Glen Hartman, Alemu Mengistu, Monte Miles (all USDA-ARS), Albert Tenuta (Canada)

2004 - Carl Bradley (ND), Morris Bonde (MD). Anne Dorrance (OH), Marty Draper (SD), Glen Hartman (IL), Don Hershman (KY), Seogchan Kang (PA), Jim Kurle (MN), Ian MacLatchy (Canada), Monte Miles (IL), M. A. Pastor-Corrales (MD), Matt Royer (MD), John Rupe (AK), Gene Safir (MI), Raymond W. Schneider (LA), Steven Slack (OH), Kent Smith (MD), Erik Stomberg (VA), James R. Steadman (NE), Laura Sweets (MO), Albert Tenuta (Canada), & X. B. Yang (IA).

2005 - Ray Schneider (LA), Monte Miles (USDA-ARS), Tom Chase (SD), Jim Kurle (MN), Doug Jardine (KS), Ed Sikora (AL), Glen Hartman (IL), X.B. Yang (IA), Stephen Muench (United Soybean Board), Keith Smith (North Central Soybean Research Program), Albert Tenuta (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Canada), Loren Giesler (NE), Gene Safir (MI), Jim Steadman (NE), Carl Bradley (North Dakota), Berlin Nelson (North Dakota), Gabe Sciumbato (Mississippi State), John Rupe (AR), Scott Abney (IN), Gregory Shaner (IN), Erik DeWolf (PA), Arv Gubuski (MD), Erik Stromberg (VA), Dan Phillips (GA), Char Hollingsworth (MN), Laura Sweets (MO), Steve Slack (Administrative Advisor)

Brief Summary of Minutes


NC504 was established to identify information needs, and to coordinate research, education and extension activities across states and regions. The objectives of this project were the following:<br /> 1. Develop survey procedures<br /> 2. Develop educational materials for soybean rust identification<br /> 3. Identify potential impact of soybean rust to soybean<br /> 4. Identify and evaluate tactics for soybean rust control, and communicate results with the user community<br /> 5. Identify and prioritize information and research needs<br /> <br /> The primary accomplishment of the NC504 committee was diagnostic training for soybean research and extension pathologists, which then led to the detection of soybean rust in Louisiana by Dr. Ray Schneider. A PowerPoint presentation on these activities can be found at: (add link)<br /> Education of soybean pathologists at NC504  St. Louis meeting, February, 2003<br /> Education of soybean pathologists at NC504  Ft. Detrick, April 2004. Training at Ft. Detrick was imperative to the success in detecting soybean rust by Dr. Ray Schneider on a research farm in Louisiana.<br /> <br /> The next phase was to develop tools for training and education. A grant was received by the NC504 community through USDA-CSREES Smith-Lever Special Needs funds to develop the following:<br /> 1. Soybean Rust Identification Card  this card depicts the primary diagnostic symptoms and signs of the soybean rust fungus on soybeans, and contrasts these with other soybean foliar diseases in a 4-color brochure. USDA-APHIS paid for printing 500,000 cards and NCSRP paid for printing of an additional 275,000. These were distributed at soybean rust training sessions throughout the US during December, 2004-March, 2005. This effort was led by Dr. Loren Giesler, (University of Nebraska) and Dr. Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University). All but 22,000 have been distributed (March 2005) <br /> 2. Preserved soybean rust infected leaves  these leaves were collected and embedded in a resin in South Africa from a protocol developed by R. Schneider in Louisiana before soybean rust arrived in the US. Both resin and personnel were sent to South Africa to make these leaf mounts. <br /> 3. Soybean Rust Fungicide Guidelines Bulletin. Without US data, only guidelines can be provided based on both the USDA Efficacy trials run by Dr. Monte Miles (USDA-ARS, Univ. of Illinois) and company data used to submit requests for Section 18 emergency exemptions. This 50+ page manual was edited by Dr. Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University), Dr. Martin Draper (South Dakota State University) and Dr. Don Hershman (University of Kentucky). Contributions and comments came from more than 20 Land Grant Universities and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. Topics covered include: economic importance and general biology of the soybean rust fungus, risk assessment in making fungicide decisions, fungicide basics, fungicide use strategies for soybean rust management, fungicide application basics, using skip rows to facilitate late-season fungicide applications, pesticide basics and information charts, as well as reference articles and links to more information.<br /> 4. A fungicide decision making chart was developed as a framework that each state could adapt to its specific growing conditions, maturity groups, and other soybean diseases that require fungicide applications. This has been utilized by many states and adapted to each region.<br /> 5. A List serve was created for communication among soybean pathologists. This has been very beneficial because ideas about management, fungicide availability, and wording of fungicide labels are constantly changing. Dr. Don Hershman at the University of Kentucky is the host of the list serve.<br /> 6. Continue to train ourselves via Ft. Detrick and Brazil trips. Trips to Brazil sponsored both USDA and industry took place mainly during February 2005. This allowed University Extension Specialists to observe epidemics, to gain experience in field identification of the disease, to learn about how the disease is managed there, to critique fungicide efficacy trials, and to learn about different disease rating systems that are used in a country that now has 3 years of experience with soybean rust.<br /> 7. Extension specialists conducted many training sessions during 2005 for education of certified crop consultants, county extension educators, and soybean producers.<br /> <br /> From 17 of the 18 member states in NC504, representing 55,037,600 soybean production acres, a total of 61 train the trainer type sessions were held with approximately 3,926 in attendance. Train the trainer type sessions were primarily focused at county/parish extension educators and certified crop advisors. In addition, many of the extension faculty also directly gave presentations to producers, 655 producer meeting with approximately 72,026 in total attendance. <br /> <br /> Eleven of the eighteen states have developed websites for soybean rust as it directly impacts their state. PowerPoint presentations are available at many of these websites for trainers to download and all states have a task force which will respond to soybean rust. In addition to the Extension specialists, USDA personnel (M. Miles) gave 31 talks to 12,000 producers. A regional teleconference was held on June 29, 2004 to 100 locations in 11 of the 12 north central states.<br />


Publications from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, Urbana location, University of Illinois from 2003 to 2005<br /> <br /> General Information<br /> <br /> Hartman, G.L., M.R. Miles, and R.D. Frederick. 2004. Soybean Rust: Historical Significance and U.S. Perspective, pp. 245-250 La Hora Del Empowerment. XII Congresso de Aapresid.<br /> Miles, M. R., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2003. Management strategies for the control of soybean rust. Pages 13-22 in: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference, Dec. 3-4, 2003 Iowa State University Extension, Ames, Iowa.<br /> Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Epidemiology and spread of soybean rust. In Proceedings of the Thirty-third Soybean Seed Research Conference 2003: American Seed Trade Association Pub. No. 33.<br /> Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Managing soybean rust: Host resistance and chemical control. In Proceedings of the Thirty-third Soybean Seed Research Conference 2003: American Seed Trade Association Pub. No. 33.<br /> Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Soybean rust: Is the U.S. crop at risk? [Online].\<br /> <br /> Fungicides<br /> Miles, M. R., Blaine, A., Tingle, C., Lancos, D., Draper, M., Giesler, L., Hartman, G. L., and Pedersen, W. 2004. Evaluation of fungicide application methods in post flowering soybeans to support recommendations for control of soybean rust, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, preliminary report. Pages 230-1 in: Documentos 228: Abstracts of contributed papers and posters VII World Soybean Research Conference, F. Moscardi, et al., eds. Embrapa Soybean, Londrina.<br /> Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2005. Fungicides for the management of soybean rust. In Proceedings: 2005 Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference. Urbana: University of Illinois Extension.<br /> Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., Levy, C., and Morel, W. 2003. Current status of soybean rust control by fungicides. Pesticide Outlook 14:197-200.<br /> Miles, M. R., Levy, C., and Hartman, G. L. 2004. Summary of the USDA fungicide efficacy trials to control soybean rust in Zimbabwe 2003-2004. [Online].<br /> Miles, M. R., Morel, W., and Hartman, G. L. 2003. Summary of the USDA fungicide efficacy trials to control soybean rust in Paraguay 2002-2003. [Online].<br /> Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Steinlage, T. A., and Hartman, G. L. 2004. Summary of the USDA fungicide efficacy trials to control soybean rust in Paraguay 2003-2004. [Online].<br /> Miles, M.R., G.L. Hartman, C. Levy, and W. Morel. 2003. Current Status of soybean rust control by fungicides. Pesticide Outlook 14:197-200.<br /> <br /> Host Resistance <br /> Hartman, G. L., Miles, M. R., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Soybean Rust: Will Resistance Work? Pages 7-13 in: Proceedings of the 15 the Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference, Dec 3-4, 2003 Iowa State University Extension, Ames, Iowa.<br /> Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Yorinori, J. T., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Preliminary report of Glycine max germplasm screened for reaction to soybean rust. In Proceedings: Latin American Congress of Plant Pathology. South Padre Island, TX.<br /> Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Yorinori, J. T., Ma, Z.-H., Poonpolgul, S., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2004. Preliminary report of Asian soybean rust reaction on soybean accessions planted in Brazil, China, Paraguay and Thailand with seedling reactions from greenhouse screens in the United States. Page 162 in: Documentos 228: Abstracts of contributed papers and posters VII World Soybean Research Conference, F. Moscardi, et al., eds. Embrapa Soybean, Londrina.<br /> Zhang, Z. D., Ma, Z. H., Wang, Y. X., Yang, X. B., Hartman, G. L., Miles, M. R., and Frederick, R. D. 2003. Screening soybean germplasm against soybean rust in China. In Proceedings: 15th International Plant Protection Congress.<br /> <br /> Pathogen<br /> Hartman, G. L., Bonde, M. R., Miles, M. R., and Frederick, R. D. 2004. Variation of Phakopsora pachyrhizi isolates on soybean. Pages 440-446 in: Proceedings of VII World Soybean Research Conference, F. Moscardi, et al., eds. Embrapa Soybean, Londrina.<br /> <br /> <br /> Soybean Rust Extension Publications, 2004<br /> <br /> OHIO<br /> Dorrance, A. 2004. Soybean Rust - What are the risks for 2004? C.O.R.N. 2004-03.<br /> Dorrance, A. 2004. Update on soybean rust. C.O.R.N. 2004-09.<br /> Dorrance, A. 2004. Opportunities to learn about soybean rust. C.O.R.N. 2004-18.<br /> Dorrance, A. 2004. Quadris and Warrior for 2004 ???? C.O.R.N. 2004-27.<br /> Dorrance, A. 2004. Soybean rust has been found in the US, but will it survive. C.O.RN. 2004-39.<br /> Dorrance, A. Soybean rust - the rumors abound.. C.O.RN. 2004-40.<br /> Dorrance, A. Soybean rust update - December 20th. C.O.R.N. 2004-41.<br /> <br /> Wisconsin<br /> Grau, C.R. 2004. Soybean Rust.<br /> Hudelson, Brian, and Bryan Jensen. Soybean Rust. University of Wisconsin-Extension, XGT1002.<br /> Koval, N.C., and Grau, C.R. 2005. Soybean rust management in Wisconsin. Proceedings of the 2005 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol. 44:323-331.<br /> <br /> Nebraska<br /> Giesler, L. 2004. Soybean rust is on our southern horizon -- are we ready for it? Crop Watch Newsletter, April 23 [Online].<br /> Giesler, L. 2005. Potential impact of soybean rust in Nebraska. Crop Watch Newsletter, March 11 [Online].<br /> Giesler, L. 2005. Soybean rust is on the horizon: Be prepared to scout, assess and plan for management. Crop Watch Newsletter, March 11 [Online].<br /> Giesler, L. 2005. Timing critical to fungicide treatments for rust. Crop Watch Newsletter, March 11 [Online].<br /> Giesler, L.J. and Tenuta, A. 2004. Soybean Viruses and Rust, pp. 82-84, In Proceedings 2004 Ontario Southwest Agricultural Conference. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.<br /> Giesler, L.J. and Jarvi, K.J. New and Emerging Disease and Insect Pest Problems, pp. 5-8, In Proceedings 2004 Soybean Management Field Days. Nebraska Cooperative Extension. <br /> Giesler, L.J. 2004. Soybean Disease Update, pp. 137-141, In Proceedings 2004 Crop Protection Clinics. Nebraska Cooperative Extension.<br /> Ziems, A.D., Chaky, J.L., Giesler, L.J., Harveson, R.M., Watkins, J.E. and Fleer, J. 2004. Crop Destroying and Yield Limiting Rust Diseases, pp. 148-154, In Proceedings 2004 Crop Protection Clinics. Nebraska Cooperative Extension.<br /> Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2004. Bacterial Diseases of Soybean. G04-1544. Nebraska Cooperative Extension. <br /> Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2004. Brown Spot of Soybean. G04-1545-A. Nebraska Cooperative Extension.<br /> <br /> KENTUCKY<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2004. Australasian Soybean Rust, and Exotic Pest Threat. On-line publication PPFS-AG-S 21.<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2005. Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Considerations: Some Thoughts on Brazil vs. U.S Situation. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1048.<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2005. Soybean Rust: Information Savvy Needed. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1046<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2004. Asian Soybean Rust is Here: Whats Next? Kentucky Pest News, ussue 1042.<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2004. Could Soybean Rust be Imported Into the U.S. with Seed, Bulk Grain, or Meal? Kentucky Pest News, issue 1029.<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2004. Soybean Rust Update. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1027.<br /> Hershman, D. E. 2004. Soybean Rust Update. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1012<br /> Vincelli, P and D. E. Hershman. 2005. Biosecurity Concerns with Soybean Rust. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1047<br /> Johnson, D. 2005. Implications of Soybean Rust Control Measures on Insect Populations. Kentucky Pest News, issue 1045.<br /> Developed soybean rust website ( 10,856 hits since 03/09/04/<br /> <br /> MISSOURI<br /> Bradley, K. W., L. E. Sweets, J. Li, and J. D. Wait. 2005. Influence of glyphosate-fungicide combinations on weed control, spray penetration, and yield in glyphosate resistant soybean. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Abstr. 45: 6-7.<br /> <br /> IOWA<br /> Robertson, A and Tylka, G.T. 2004. Asian soybean rust confirmed in the continental United States. p. 129-130. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-492 (22), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Robertson, A and Yang, X.B. 2004. Triage identification Guide for Asian Soybean Rust and Look-alike Diseases. Pm-1985, Iowa State University Extension, 2 pp <br /> Robertson, A and Tylka, G.T. 2004. Common Soybean Leaf Diseases and Asian Soybean Rust. Pm-1989, Iowa State University Extension, 2 pp <br /> Yang, X.B. 2004. Soybean rust update. p.18-19. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-492 (3), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Yang, X.B. and Pivonia, S. 2004. Assessing the risk of soybean rust for the 2004 season. p.60-61 . Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-492 (10), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Yang, X.B., Del Ponte, E.M. and Dias, A.P. 2004. Knowing the risk of soybean rust by comparison with Brazil. p. 135-136. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-492 (22), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Yang, X.B. and Del Ponte, E.M. 2005. Stage of detection and number of sprays for controlling soybean rust. p. 9-10. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-494 (2), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> <br /> 2005<br /> Robertson, A. 2005. Understanding the fungicides that will kill Asian soybean rust. p. 27-28. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-494 (3), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Robertson, A. 2005. Using fungicides effectively. p. 29. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-494 (3), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Robertson, A. 2005. Asian soybean rust and common soybean leaf diseases. p. 33-35. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-494 (3), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> Yang, X.B. and Kim, K-S. 2005. How to read spore forecasting maps. p. 17-19. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter IC-494 (3), Iowa State University, Ames, IA<br /> <br /> Sweets, Laura E., J. Allen Wrather and Simeon Wright. 2004. Soybean Rust. MU Guide G4422, University of Missouri Extension. 6 pages.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. The cost of a single fungicide application will range from 10 to 20 dollars per acre and up to three applications may be needed in some regions of the U.S. Providing guidelines for the timing of this application and a coordinated warning system for application timing has evolved with many members in this group. This will allow producers to have the maximum potential for return on their investment of treatment. In addition, educational efforts of this group will also keep producers from applyi
  2. Educated 87,952 producers, county extension educators, certified crop consultants on detection, identification, and management of soybean rust directly by soybean extension specialists throughout the Midwest. This does not include the multiplier effect from county extension educators and crop consultants who then take presentations from soybean specialist and then deliver that material in state.
  3. Developed and disseminated training tools for educating growers on detection and identification of Asian soybean rust through the preserved soybean infected leaves as well as the soybean rust identification card.
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