NCAC12: Agricultural Economics
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[12/23/2002] [10/19/2004] [11/11/1111] [12/30/2005] [01/02/2007] [11/11/1111] [02/12/2009] [11/11/1111] [10/27/2011] [12/01/2016] [03/03/2021] [12/10/2023]Date of Annual Report: 12/23/2002
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2001 - 11/01/2002
Brief Summary of Minutes
The agenda included:
*Trends in undergrad enrollment and dept initiatives to increase enrollment
*Sharing information re distance courses being offered at institutions
*A review of multistate research projects
*Report from CSREES and Administrative Adviser
*Reports from NCRCRD and Farm Foundation
*Discussion of opportunities for cross-state sharing of extension programs
*A review of the impacts being made by the programs within the region
*Sharing names of potential graduate students
*Review of opportunities to increase competitive funding for ag economics�
<p>1. There is good cooperation across the region for the Distance Ed Masters in <br />Agribusiness programs at Kansas State and Purdue (as opposed to competing with each other). <br />2. Ag economist from the region had a large impact on the discussions and analysis that went into the development of the new Farm Bill. <br />3. Ag economists from the region are sought out for input (both state and national)on rural economic development issues. <br />4. Michigan State has an exemplary educational program for new legislators and new county commissioners. <br />5. Most states have redirected/redeployed faculty effort in support of Value-Added initiatives in the various states. <br />6. Departments are making much more effective use of the Web in delivering programs and content to clientele. <br />7. The NCRCRD and Kansas State are developing a Distance Ed course in Rural Economic Development.�</p>Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 10/19/2004
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2003 - 11/01/2004
Dan Bernardo (Kansas State University), dbernar@agecon.ksu.eduJ. Bruce Bullock ( University of Missouri) bullockb@missouri.edu
Richard T. Clark(University of Nebraska Lincoln) rclark3@unl.edu
Vernon Eidman (University of Minnesota veidman@apec.umn.edu
Cornelia Flora (North Central Regional Center for Rural Development),cflora@iastate.edu
Steve Hanson (Michigan State University), hansons@msu.edu
Arne Hallam (Iowa State University), ahallam@iastate.edu
Fen Hunt (USDA - CSREES), fhunt@csrees.usda.gov
Andrew M. Isserman (University of Illinois) isserman@uiuc.edu
Steven Kraft (Southern Illinois University), sekraft@siu.edu
David Lambert (North Dakota State University), dlambert@ndsu.nodak.edu
Alan Randall (Ohio State University), randall.3@osu.edu
Lynn Robbins (University of Kentucky), lrobbins@uky.edu
Kenneth Schneeberger, Admin. Advisor (Univ. of Missouri),schneebergerK@missouri.edu
Sally Thompson (Purdue University). sallyt@purdue.edu
Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting took place as part of the national meeting of NAAEA that started off with a workshop on future directions for agricultural economics in the The meeting took place as part of the national meeting of NAAEA that started off with a workshop on directions for agricultural economics in the 21st Century that was organized by the Council on Food, Agriculture, and Resource Economics (C-FARE). Some of the areas identified were the following: Economics of International Agricultural Trade: Global Competitiveness and Profitability; Enhancing Economic Opportunities in Rural Areas; Responding to Consumer Concerns about Food, Health and Safety; Resolving Natural Resource and Environmental Issues; and Assessing Future technologies and Infrastructure (T&I) investments.NCA-12 met on the night of 6 November 2003. The meeting began with reports from the department heads which were present followed by a report from the Committee's Administrator Advisor. State Reports included material on enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs; faculty news related to open positions, new hires, recent retirements, budget for the upcoming year; new departmental initiatives; and other relevant items. The committees Administrative Advisor discussed reporting requirements and the regional committees NCA-12 had to review. Members were asked to volunteer to serve as reviewers for the various committees. Over the following two months, evaluations of the regional committees were obtained and submitted to NIMSS. Steven Kraft was selected as the chair for the next year. Meeting was adjourned.
Committee members shared information relevant to the efficient administration of agricultural economics programs as well as criteria to be used in reviewing regional committees.Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
Nothing to report
<p>Nothing to report</p>Publications
<p>Nothing to report</p>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/30/2005
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2004 - 11/01/2005
J. Bruce Bullock bullockb@missouri.edu, University of Missouri; Steve Hanson hansons@msu.edu, Michigan State University; Arne Hallam ahallam@iastate.edu, Robert Hauser r-hauser@uiuc.edu, University of Illinois; Fen Hunt fhunt@csrees.usda.gov, USDA CSREES; Steven Kraft sekraft@siu.edu, Southern Illinois University; David Lambert dlambert@ndsu.nodak.edu, North Dakota State University; Administrative Advisor Marshall Martin marshallmartin@purdue.edu, Purdue University; Alan Randall randall.3@osu.edu, Ohio State University; Sally Thompson sallyt@purdue.edu, Purdue University; Lynn Robbins lrobbins@uky.edu University of Kentucky; Robert King, rking@umn.edu, University of Minnesota; reported in writing prior to the meeting.Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting took place as part of the national meeting of NAAEA, with the theme of Opportunities in Washington funding and beyond. Presentations and panel discussions addressed the topics of NSF Funding Opportunities and Joint Collaboration, Networking with other Disciplines, How to get Mileage Out of Successes, Collaboration with Natural Scientists, Encouraging Faculty Collaboration, the CFARE Grant Database, USDA/CSREES, Panel on Stakeholders and Partners in Washington, Panel Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges with Non-Traditional Hires, and Developments in High School Economics Curriculum and Opportunities to Participate. On the evening of October 27, Members participated in a reception in the Senate Russell Office Building to honor Senator Cochran and recognize other Washington-based economists.NCA-12 met on the afternoon of October 28. Reports from the department heads present were followed by a report from the Committee's Administrator Advisor. State Reports included material on enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs; faculty news related to open positions, new hires, recent retirements, budget for the upcoming year; new departmental initiatives; and other relevant items. The committees Administrative Advisor discussed reporting requirements and the regional committees NCA-12 had to review. Members were asked to volunteer to serve as reviewers for the various committees. David Lambert was selected as the chair for the next year. Meeting was adjourned.
Committee members shared information relevant to the efficient administration of agricultural economics programs as well as criteria to be used in reviewing regional committees.Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/02/2007
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Armbruster, Walter (walt@farmfoundation.org); Barham, Brad (barham@aae.wisc.edu; Hallam, A. (ahallam@iastate.edu); Hauser, Robert (r-hauser@uiuc.edu); Hunt, Fen (fhunt@intranet.reeusda.gov); King, Robert (kingr@umn.edu); Lambert, David (David.Lambert@ndsu.edu); Randall, Alan J. (randall.3@osu.edu); Shane, Richard (richard_shane@sdstate.edu); Thompson, Sarahelen (sallyt@purdue.edu); Martin, Marshall (marshallmartin@purdue.edu)Brief Summary of Minutes
1) Scientists from 150 institutions submitted approximately 25,000 manuscripts to Ag Econ Search in 2006. Also, Ag Econ Search includes over 15 professional journals.<br /> <br /> 2) Agricultural economists in several North Central land grant institutions are collaborating on critical analysis of biofuels.<br /> <br /> 3) "Choices" has been effective means of informing policy makers and business leaders on economic assessment of current food, agricultural, and natural resource issues.Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/12/2009
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached meeting minutes file.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 10/27/2011
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Bohman, Mary E. USDA ERSCapalbo, Susan M. Oregon State University
Clouser, Rodney L. University of Florida
Coupal, Roger H. University of Wyoming
Cramer, Gail L. Louisiana State University
Ellinger, Paul N. University of Illinois
Fletcher, Jerald J. West Virginia University
Foster, Kenneth A. Purdue University
Gustafson, Cole R. North Dakota State University
Halbrook, Steve A. University of Arkansas
Hanson, Steve D. Michigan State University
Lambert, David K. Kansas State University
Lopez, Rigoberto A. University of Connecticut
Martin, Marshall A. Purdue University
Maynard, Leigh J. University of Kentucky
Monson, Michael J. University of Missouri - Columbia
Moss, Charles B. University of Florida
Nichols, John P. Texas A&M University
Olson, Lars J. University of Maryland
Peppers, Faith University of Georgia
Perry, Gregory M. Colorado State University
Ramirez, Octavio A. University of Georgia
Schroeter, John R. Iowa State University
Segarra, Eduardo Texas Tech University
Shoemaker, Robbin National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Tauer, Loren W. Cornell University
Thompson, Gary D. University of Arizona
Turner, Steve C. Mississippi State University
Van Der Sluis, Evert South Dakota State University
Van Tassell, Larry W. University of Nebraska
Woods, Mike D. Oklahoma State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
The NCAC-12 members (Department Heads of Agricultural and Applied Economics Departments in the North Central region) met jointly with their counterparts from across the United States in Washington, DC on September 9th 2011. The meeting was organized by the National Association of Agricultural Administrators (NAAEA) and occurs on a biennial basis. The program was organized by past-chair Octavio Ramirez (Univ of Georgia), chair Steven Hanson (Michigan State Univ), and chair-elect Ken Foster (Purdue Univ). A new chair-elect (Susan Capalbo Oregon State Univ) was installed at the meeting and with Hanson and Foster moving upward in the three year NAAEA leadership cycle. Following site updates from all in attendance, the program consisted of the following topics: Using Social Media in Academic Situations (led by Michael Monson Univ of Missouri), Teaching Loads in Ag ad Applied Economics (led by Gary Thompson), NAAEA Early Career Leadership Award Proposal Discussion (led by John Nichols Texas A&M Univ), NIFA Update (led by Robbin Shoemaker NIFA), USDA-ERS Update (led by Mary Bohman ERS), CFARE Discussion (led by Steven Turner Mississippi State Univ), Crafting Your Message on Controversial Topics (Faith Peppers Univ of Georgia), Cross Institutional Graduate Programs (led by Octavio Ramirez Univ of Georgia), and a Discussion on Challenges and Future for Ag and Resource Economics Department (led by Robert King Univ of Minnesota and AAEA President). NCAC-12 members broke out together in the small group discussion during the last session and shared mechanisms for potential success. They also discussed potential inter-state collaboration opportunities. The program agenda can be found at http://www.aaea.org/sections/naaea/2011NAAEAAgenda.pdf .Ken Foster
Professor and Head of Department
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47905-2056
PH: (765) 494-1116
FAX: (765) 494-9176
email: kfoster@purdue.edu
Two members of NCAC-12 are in leadership positions with the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators and as such much of the activity has been cross-pollinated in the past two years. The organization coordinated a Track Session at the Agricultural and Applied Economic Association annual meeting in Pittsburgh in July 2011 that focused on cross-institutional collaboration. Speakers were John Nichols (Texas A&M), Tom Hertel (Purdue), Trent Teegerstrom (Arizona), and Bruce McPheron (Penn State). The session exposed leaders in the profession to opportunities, benefits, and challenges of cross-institutional collaboration in research, teaching, and extension.<br /> The organization has proposed an early career leadership award to the AAEA that would encourage young professionals in the profession to develop their skills and develop a pipeline of future NAAEA and NCAC-12 membership.<br /> 31 Ag and Applied Economics administrators discussed and formed strategy around the following: use of social media, teaching loads for faculty, crafting a message on controversial issues, shared graduate programs, and survival strategies for Ag and Applied Economics Departments.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/01/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016
Brief Summary of Minutes
The Administrative Advisor tried unsuccessfully during the summer of 2016 to organize a meeting of NCAC12. Some department heads were not interesting in meeting, others had various time conflicts, and still others were interested in organizing a meeting in 2017. Efforts will be made to organize an NCAC12 meeting in 2017.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/03/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2020 - 02/01/2021
Brief Summary of Minutes
The NCAC 12 multistate agricultural department heads held a virtual Zoom meeting on Thursday, February 25 from 10:00 - 3:00 pm.
The meeting was organized by Marshall Martin, the out-going Administrative Adviser.
Those in attendance included: Jayson Lusk, Joshua Rosenbloom, Joe Parcell, Barry Barnett, Sean Fox, Larry Van Tassell, and Marshall Martin.
The meeting was divided into four, one-hour sessions. The topics discussed and the host leader for each topic are listed below. Jayson Lusk has been selected as the Administrative Adviser to replace Marshall Martin. There was interest in following up on several of the topics including sharing of graduate course offerings, curriculum reform, better aligning graduate programs with job market expectations and demands, and diversity and inclusion in faculty hires and student recruitment.
Jayson Lusk
- Dealing with Covid-19. What have we learned in our teaching, research, and Extension programs? How might we adjust our programs in the year(s) ahead?
- Implications for student recruitment and retention, graduate student job market, study abroad, etc.
Joshua Rosenbloom
- Graduate education and curriculum. For many of us, our programs have changed relatively little for 30 years. What changes should we consider for graduate student recruitment, career development, course content, funding of graduate programs, etc?
Joe Parcell
- Opportunities for sharing graduate courses across our programs. With budget constraints, and the increased access to Zoom/virtual communications, are there opportunities to more efficiently offer some specialized graduate courses across the system?
Barry Barnett
- Recruiting and success of underrepresented students, faculty, and staff. What can we learn from each other about successful efforts to increase the diversity and inclusiveness of our departments and programs?
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/10/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2023 - 09/30/2024
Amy Ando, Sean Fox, Terry Hurley, Harvey James, Sarah Low, and Joshua RosenbloomBrief Summary of Minutes
The NCAC 12 multistate agricultural department heads held an in-person meeting on Monday, October 23, 2023, in Washington, DC, at Kirwan’s on the Wharf over dinner. This year, the NCAC 12 multistate meeting was part of the Oct. 23-24 biennial meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association’s CHAIRS section meeting, held Oct. 23-24. The CHAIRS meeting program is available at: https://www.aaea.org/membership/sections/chairs/section-activities
The meeting was organized by Sarah Low, the new Administrative Adviser. Jayson Lusk, the previous Administrative Advisor, is no longer a member of the NCAC 12.
Those in attendance included: Amy Ando, Sean Fox, Terry Hurley, Harvey James, Sarah Low, and Joshua Rosenbloom.
The meeting focused on the organization of NCAC 12 and the group’s upcoming review assignments. NCAC has been assigned 5 midterm reviews and one project renewal. James volunteered to review the NCCC 65 midterm, Indicators of Social Change. Other reviews will be assigned in December, before the NC deadline.
Topics discussed with the broader CHAIRS group and included STEM designation for agricultural economics; graduate and undergraduate student recruitment; and health and wellness for faculty, staff, students, and a presentation of preliminary wellness survey results from the University of Florida. The CHAIRS had visits from several USDA leaders on the 23rd, in the ERS conference room, South Building, Washington DC. On Tuesday the 24th, the CHAIRS group went to the Hill to visit with staff from the house and senate ag committees and members’ home districts. Sarah Low will organize the next biennial meeting of the CHAIRS section in DC, to also include an in-person NCAC 12 meeting.