NCCC_OLD65: Social Change in the Marketplace: Producers, Retailers, Consumers

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[08/01/2003] [01/23/2004] [09/13/2005] [12/06/2005]

Date of Annual Report: 08/01/2003

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/01/2002 - 11/02/2002
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2002 - 09/01/2003


Holly Bastow-Shoop, North Dakota State University
Missy Bye, University of Minnesota
Mary Lynn Damhorst, Iowa State University
Marsha Dickson, Chair, Kansas State University
Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Laura Jolly, Secretary, University of Tennessee
Hilda Lakner, University of Illinois
Sharron Lennon, The Ohio State University
Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University

David Andrews, Administrative Advisor, The Ohio State University

Brief Summary of Minutes

Attachment sent to NIcole Nelson NCRA Office University of Wisconsin


This project offers potential impacts of strenthening the scientific base of the research program & increasing the effect of research on public policy. Research infrastructure related to social change in the marketplace will be strenghtened by increases in: no.of Federal grants & private/industry partnerships submitted or initiated byparticipants, no. of reviews recieved by participants,external $ support to participants,no. of scientists working in field on Federal project reviews &review panels,no. of manuscripts submitted to journals, no. of scholars whose work is cited in leading research abstracts indices,funding & research productivity on the part of ethnic minority researchers. In addition a profile of successful characteristics of proposals funded will be developed andthe development of model research programs related to social change in the marketplace will be developed.<br /> <br>On Aug. 6 2002 a Foundation Grantsmanship Workshop was conducted at the Foundation Center NYNY. Twelve individuals attended, representing 9 universities. A special topics session proposal was submitted and accepted for the American Marketing Society/ American Collegiate Retail Assoc. Triennial conference in November.A panel entitled, "Program Enhancement via <br /> <br>Business and Industry Partnerships" will be organized by NCR-65 members for all conference participants to attend.


Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 01/23/2004

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/06/2003 - 11/07/2003
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2002 - 11/01/2003


Holly Bastow-Shoop, Chair, North Dakota State Univerisity;
Mary Lynn Damhorst, Iowa State University;
Jana Hawley, University of Missouri;
Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Laura Jolly, Vice Chair, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
Karen LaBat, University of Minnesota;
Hilda Lakner, University of Illinois;
Sharron Lennon, Secretary, The Ohio State University;
Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University;

Marilyn DeLong, Administrative Advisor, University of Minnesota;
Gladys Vaughn, National Program Leader for Human Sciences Research, CSREES representative, USDA

Brief Summary of Minutes

1. Welcome and Introductions

Holly Bastow-Shoop called the meeting to order.

Chair, Bastow-Shoop welcomed Jana Hawley, University of Missouri, and all returning members of NCR-65. Contact information was updated.

2. Approval of minutes from 2002 meeting.

Minutes of of the 2002 were approved as written.

3. Leadership responsibilities for 2003-2006:

Chair- Holly Bastow-Shoop (elected 2001)

Vice Chair - Laura Jolly (elected 2001)

Secretary - Sharron Lennon (elected 2002)

Secretary-Elect - Mary Lynn Damhorst (elected 2003)

4. Reports

Project Update - Holly updated the group on objectives that NCR-65 has made; we still need to meet objectives 3 and 4. Objective 1 was met through the workshop on acquiring federal funding in Kansas City in 2001. Objective 2 was met through the foundation funding workshop in 2002. Objectives 5 and 6 are currently be addressed (data collection is ongoing). To address Objective 3, we might be able to focus on a USDA Challenge GrantBto get 1890s faculty involved in NCR-65 type committees and/or to get funding for some one on one collaboration of 1890s, Hispanic serving, or tribal schools= faculty with someone like David Morrison. Invite people from these three types of schools to apply for a Ascholarship@ to participate and submit proposals. Gladys suggested partnering with one of the human sciences honoraries. Perhaps have a workshop at ITAA to think about generating research partnerships for a one on one with David Morrison.

Grantsmanship Updates

Brenda Sternquist gave an update on the returned surveys from workshop participants. Participants are very time stretched and seem to be pushed into attracting outside funding when they aren=t really well-established (before a developing research stream, or publishing journal articles).

Planning for Next Year to address Objective 3

Discussion followed regarding how to proceed to address Objective 3. One suggestion is to invite participation in NCR-65 from faculty at 1890s, 1994s, and Hispanic serving schools. So need a list of faculty at those schools and what their areas of interest are. Consider U of Hawaii and universities in Puerto Rico. Also go to the Experiment Station Directors to indicate that we want to expand the NCR-65 group, so that we can work on both ends. Need to develop two letters, one to Experiment Station Directors (Marilyn will write), and one to faculty (Karen LaBat will write). Give some information in the letters regarding the issues this group is addressing. Also consider repeating the Morrison Workshop in Portland or to set up to have in Kansas City (Jana volunteered to help logistically and will contact Marsha for contact information). Perhaps develop a handout for ITAA for tomorrow inviting participation in a David Morrison workshop (Laura and Brenda will develop). Kappa Omicron Nu may have monies that may help for co-sponsoring the Morrison workshop (Laura will call Dorothy Mitstifer to see what the possibilities are). If new folks come to NCR-65 next year, perhaps we can develop some of the one on one relationships necessary for grantwriting.

Planning for New Project Proposal

Needs to be ready to go by the November meeting of 2005, to be submitted for approval by January 2006. So next year 2004 we need a draft of a proposal ready for approval. Hopefully, this would include some of these new people and we could move forward on getting a USDA Challenge grant to develop a course on Grantwriting for the Great Plains Consortium (online course).

Land Grant priorities (Marilyn DeLong)

42 NCR groups (North Central Information Exchange Groups)

40 NC Groups

Cross cutting priorities:\ncra strategic directions

Friday night ACRA panel: Ann Fairhurst, Richard Feinberg, Mary Ann Eastlick, and Marilyn DeLong. Topic is industry support and connections.

Update on NC-222 (Mary Lynn Damhorst)Bwere extended for one year. Project ends in 9/04. Collected a second wave of data in 2002. The group is now writing manuscripts to finish the project.

ESRAB is sponsoring a special topics workshop at ITAA, Sustainable development and Educators for Socially Responsible Businesses.

University updates. Members shared research and program updates from their respective institutions.

Meeting for next year. Tentatively for November 6 and 7, 2004 in Portland, OH.


Provided an opportunity for scholars to develop grantsmanship skills to secure Federal funding.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Helped workshop attendees develop skills necessary to attract private/industry support and initiate partnerships.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Collected data to model processes of research program development through conducting a pre-test and post-test assessment of the workshops.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Examined the state of external funding received by workshop participants to assess outcomes of NCR-65 workshops.<br /> <br><br /> <br><b>Impact:</b><br /> <br><br /> <br>Overall, the work of NCR-65 has resulted in over a million dollars in major competitive grants from a variety of sources such as the National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, USDA Challenge Grant program, and the US Department of Education. These projects address issues such as the formation of a human dimensioning laboratory to aid in development of products such as airline seats, prosthetics, sports equipment, and apparel body sizing; improving the viability of small business enterprises in developing countries; developing web-based instructional modules for teaching consumer services management; developing buyer-supplier relationships through International retailing.<br /> <br><br /> <br>A seed grant from NCR-65 spawned the formation of a research consortium, Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business (ESRAB). This consortium has linked over 30 researchers to focus on research and educational programming to address critical issues related to social responsibility in apparel businesses. This group sponsored workshops at international meetings to foster collaboration. A survey to identify member expertise related to industry needs was conducted. Research projects have been implemented and based on this research, a focused issue of a peer-reviewed international research journal is forthcoming. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Sponsorship of a Federal Grantsmanship workshop involved 21 faculty from 13 states. The workshop focused on successful strategies for developing competitive Federal grant proposals. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Sponsorship of a Foundation Center workshop involved 13 faculty from eight states. The workshop focused on successful strategies for seeking competitive funds from foundations. <br /> <br><br /> <br>Realizing the need for focused research effort, a regional research project NC-222, Impact of Technology on Rural consumers Access to Food and Fiber Products, was launched and continues a productive research agenda. Eleven states participate in this project. Another proposal is forthcoming based on the research interaction from this NC group.<br /> <br><br /> <br><b>Future Objectives/Impact:</b><br /> <br><br /> <br>Grant implementation and management<br /> <br><br /> <br>Increasing the diversity of the group to include a wider range of subject matter expertise and under-represented groups.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Develop a proposal in partnership with colleagues from 1890s, 1994s, and Hispanic-serving institutions to support their faculty members participation in the program.


Impact Statements

  1. see "accomplishments" section
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Date of Annual Report: 09/13/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/07/2004 - 11/07/2004
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2003 - 10/01/2004


Bastow-Shoop, Holly ( Dakota State University; Damhorst, Mary Lynn ( State University; Hawley, Jana ( of Missouri-Columbia; Jasper, Cynthia ( of Wisconsin-Madison; Jolly, Laura ( University of Tennessee; LaBat, Karen ( University of Minnesota; Buckley, Hilda ( University of Illinois; Lennon, Sharron ( Ohio State University; Sternquist, Brenda ( Michigan State University; DeLong, Marilyn ( University of Minnesota; Vaughn, Gladys ( CSREES/USDA

Brief Summary of Minutes


The NCCC-65 project Social Change in the Marketplace: Producers, Retailers, Consumers was created to increase the overall quality, quantity and competitiveness of research related to social change in the marketplace by initiating systematic efforts to strengthen the research infrastructure for scientists in this area of inquiry. <br /> <br /> With respect to Objective 2 of the NCCC-65 proposal (Help Workshop attendees develop skills necessary to attract private/industry support and initiate partnerships) a special topic session,Program Enhancement via Business and Industry Partnerships,was presented at the Triennial meeting of the Academy of Marketing Science and the American Collegiate Retailing Association. The panel was attended by approximately thirty marketing and retailing faculty members from across the US. The intended outcome is to increase the overall quality, quantity and competitiveness of research related to social change in the marketplace and to enhance scholars' ability to successfully acquire funding for research support. The potential impact is that 30 workshop participants will develop partnerships with business/industry.<br /> <br /> Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Businesses (ESRAB) a group initiated and partially funded by NCCC-65 sponsored two special topic workshops at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Environmental Textiles and Teaching Adventures in Social Responsibility. ESRAB linked more than thirty researchers to focus on issues of social responsibility in the marketplace. The intended outcome is to increase knowledge and awareness of research opportunities among scholars who focus on social change in the marketplace. The potential impact is that NCCC65 members will develop ideas for collaborative research and research funding partnerships.<br /> <br /> Plans for the year include identifying projects for collaborating with representatives from 1862 institutions, 1890 institutions and Hispanic serving institutions and contacting human science organizations to partner on NCCC-65 initiatives. Faculty at 1890, 1994, and Hispanic serving institutions will be identified and invited to participate in NCCC-65. A survey to gauge interest in additional grantsmanship workshops will be conducted at the AMS/ACRA and ITAA conferences. Contacts will be made with Kappa Omicron Nu regarding potential funding of NCCC-65 diversity efforts. A renewal proposal will be drafted in 2004 for approval at the November 2005 annual meeting.<br />


The members of NCCC-65 conduct multi-disciplinary research related to social change in the marketplace. This research includes such topics as social change and development, economic development and policy, natural resources and the environment, markets and trade, rural small business, and body image. <br /> <br /> Refereed Journal Articles:<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., Lennon, S. J., Montalto, C. P., Shen, D., & Zhang, L. (2004). Chinese consumer market segments for foreign apparel products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(5), 301-317.<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Zhang, L. (2004). Supplier-retailer relationships in China's distribution channel for foreign brand apparel. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 8(2), 201-220.<br /> <br /> Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2004). Men and Women: A Comparison of Shopping Mall Behavior. Journal of Shopping Center Research. 11, (1), 113-131.<br /> <br /> Jin, B. and B. Sternquist (2004). Shopping is truly a joy. Service Industries Journal. 24 (6) 1-18. <br /> <br /> Johnson, J. S. and Hawley, J. M. (2004). Technology's impact on creative traditions: Pieceful co-existence in quilting. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 22(1/2), p. 69-78.<br /> <br /> Lokken, S. L., Hyllegard, K., Damhorst, M. L., Trautmann, J., Lyons, N., Bastow-Shoop, H., Gregory, S., Lakner, H., Lyons, N., & Manikowske, L. (2004). Rural consumer's attitudes toward the Internet for information search and purchase. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33, 517-535.<br /> <br /> Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2004). Constructing and deconstructing the body malleable through mother-daughter interactions. Sociological Inquiry, 74(2), 180-209.<br /> <br /> Oh, H., Yoon, S., and Hawley, J. M. (Summer 2004). What virtual reality can offer to the furniture industry. Journal of Textiles and Apparel, Technology and Manufacturing. 4(1). Retrieved July 9, 2004, Scholarly works. <br /> <br /> Park, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2004). Television apparel shopping: Impulse buying and parasocial interaction. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 22, 135-144. <br /> <br /> Shen, L., Hawley, J. M. and Dickerson, K.D. (Summer, 2004). E-commerce adoption for supply chain management in U.S. apparel manufacturers. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4(1). Retrieved July 9, 2004, <br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. S. Byun and B. Jin (2004) Dimensionality of price: An asian perspective. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 4 (1), 1-18.<br /> <br /> Stoel, L. and B. Sternquist (2004). Group identification: The influence of group membership on retail hardware cooperative members. Journal of Small Business Management. 42(2) 155-173.<br /> <br /> Zhang, L., & Dickson M.A. (2004). Power theory and the distribution channel for foreign-brand apparel in the Chinese market [in Chinese]. Nankai Business Review, 7(4), 44-50.<br /> <br /> Cosbey, S., Damhorst, M. L., & Farrell-Beck, J. (2003). Women's social role ambivalence as reflected in the diversity of daytime fashions from 1873 through 1912. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 21(3), 101-119 <br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Littrell, M. A. (2003). Measuring quality of life of apparel workers in Mumbai, India: Quantitative and qualitative data. In M. J. Sirgy, D. Rahtz, & A. C. Samli (Eds.) Advances in quality-of-life theory and research. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.<br /> <br /> Jasper, C.R., Goebel, K.P., & Lee, Y. (2003). Business Issues: Identification & Retirement Planning/Strategies Succession. In R.K.Z. Heck, A.N. Puryear, & P.A. Tombline, (Eds.). A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 140-151). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.<br /> <br /> Jin, B., B. Sternquist and A. Koh (2003). Price as hedonic shopping. Family and <br /> Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 31, (X), 1-25. <br /> <br /> Jin, B. and B. Sternquist (2003) The influence of retail environment on price perceptions: An exploratory study of U.S. and Korean students. International Marketing Review. 20 (6), 643-660.<br /> <br /> Johnson, K.P., Lennon, Jasper, C.R., S. Damhorst, M. L., & Lakner, H. (2003). A Test of Rogers Innovation Model: Use of the Internet to Purchase Apparel, Food, Home Furnishings by Rural Consumers. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 21, (4), 185-196.<br /> <br /> Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C. R., & Goebel, K. (2003). A Profile of Succession Planning: Among Family Business Owners. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 14, (2), 1-12.<br /> <br /> Lewis, T. L., & Dickson, M. A. (2003). Upgrading to full-package apparel manufacturing for small businesses in Mexico. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 7(2), 183-162.<br /> <br /> Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2003). Mothers' and daughters: Interpersonal approaches to the body and dieting. Journal of Family Issues, 24(4), 448-487.<br /> <br /> Shen, D., Dickson, M. A., Lennon, S. J., Montalto, C. P., & Zhang, L. (2003). Cultural influences on Chinese consumers' intentions to purchase apparel: Test and extension of the Fishbein Behavioral Intentions Model. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 21(2), 89-99. <br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. S. Z. Chen and Y. Huang (2003) Retail buyer-supplier relationships in china: The supply chain. China Business Review. 30 (5) 34-37.<br /> <br /> Yoh, E., Damhorst, M. L., Sapp, S. G., & Laczniak, R. N. (2003). Consumer adoption of the Internet: The case of apparel shopping. Psychology and Marketing, 20(12), 1095-1118.<br /> <br /> Published Abstracts: <br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Eckman, M. (2004). Social responsibility: The concept as defined by apparel and textile scholars. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Gutter, M.S., Jasper, C.R. & Wang, L. (2004). The Impact of Lifetime Income on Charitable Giving. Consumer Interest Annual, Volume 50.<br /> <br /> Hustvedt, G., & Dickson, M. A. (2004). Faculty international activities and interests: Motivators and barriers to internationalization. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Park, H., & Dickson, M. A. (2004). Developing global perspective through an international sourcing project. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Ybarra, A., & Dickson, M. A. (2004). What role does theory play in forecasting trends for fashionable apparel? ITAA Proceedings. Online publication: <br /> <br /> Cole, L., & Dickson, M. A. (2003). Student activists and apparel: Profile of anti-sweatshop consumers. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> <br /> Decker, J. L., Haar, S. J., & Dickson, M. A. (2003). Caregivers' perceptions of fabric preferences of children with and without Autistic Spectrum Disorders. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Lee, S. H. (2003). Using Internet technology to foster global education among apparel and textile graduate students. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2003). Social Orientation of a Store and Its Impact on Consumers' Perception of Store Image. Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Marketing Science.<br /> <br /> <br /> Johnson, K.K.P., Lennon, S., Damhorst, M.L. & Jasper, C. (2003). Predictors of internet shopping among rural consumers. In N. Owens (Ed). International Textile and Apparel Association Procedeengs [abstract]. Monument, CO.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, P., Hawley, J. M., Dickson, M. A., Littrell, M. A., Kim, Y., Forney, J., Norum, P. Sontag, S., Hiller, K., & Crown, B. (2003). ESRAB Sustainable development and Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Other Publications:<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A. (2004). [Review of the book Sweatshop USA: The American sweatshop in historical and global perspective]. Economic and social security and substandard working conditions. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58(1), 149-151.<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Littrell, M. A. (2004, Spring). Wages plus: How knowledge and self-esteem can improve a woman's quality of life. GA Connections (p. 7). Baltimore, MD: Global Alliance for Workers and Communities.<br /> <br /> Hawley, J. M. (2003). Becoming and E-trepreneur. Invited chapter for Fashion Entrepreneurship. Fairchild Publications. <br /> <br /> Papers presented and Association publications:<br /> <br /> Chen, R. C. & Jolly, L. (2003). The uses of geographic information systems in tourism and service management. Proceedings of the 10th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Studies, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, Portland, OR, August 10, p. 14. <br /> <br /> Chung, J., B. Jin and B. Sternquist (2004) The influence of market orientation on channel relationships: Korean department store buyers' perspective. ACRA Annual Conference, Miami, Florida<br /> <br /> Bolat, S., Anistal, I. & Jolly, L. (2004). Understanding retail institutional change: In search of a wheel of e-tailing. Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association, 83-90.<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. and Y. Huang and Z. Chen. (2004) Market orientation in Chinas supermarket industry: Market myth or maven? China: Markets, Myths and Mavens. WCC 101 Conference, East Lansing, Michigan<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. and Z. Chen and C. Finnegan (2004) Factors affecting Chinese retailers propensity to switch suppliers. China: Markets, Myths and Mavens. WCC 101 Conference, East Lansing, Michigan<br /> <br /> Chung, J. B. Sternquist and Z. Chen (2003) Japanese retail-buyer supplier relationships: Does performance matter? Retailing 2003: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times. New York: AMS/ACRA 10, 340-342 Selected as Best Paper and will be published in Journal of Retailing.<br /> <br /> Dutta, P. and B. Sternquist (2003) Behavioral channel relationships in emerging markets: A concentration on India. Retailing 2003: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times. New York: AMS/ACRA 10, 91-94.<br /> <br /> Huang, Y. and B. Sternquist (2003) Retailers' international expansion: An institutional perspective. Retailing 2003: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times. New York: AMS/ACRA 10, 186-191. <br /> <br /> Niehm, L. and B. Sternquist (2003) Retailers as community influentials: Attributes, network involvement and opinion leadership of rural superpreneurs. International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Savannah, GA. <br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. and S. Byun (2003) Chinese consumer's shopping hedonism: The effect of pricing discontent and negative perception of price. Retailing 2003: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times. New York: AMS/ACRA 10, 287-292.<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. Y. Huang and Z. Chen (2003) Chinese retailer: Market orientation in a transitional economy. Retailing 2003: Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times. New York: AMS/ACRA 10132-135. Selected as Runner Up to Best Paper.<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B., and H. Sung (2003) Effects of Price Perception on Consumer Discontent in China. 12 EAERCD Conference, Paris: European School of Management ESCP-EAP CDROM.<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B., S. Byun and B. Jin (2003) The Dimensionality of Price: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Asian Consumers. 12 EAERCD Conference, Paris: European School of Management ESCP-EAP CDROM EARCD Conference, Paris (July) Selected as one of the five best papers at the conference.<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. Z. Chen and Y. Huang. (2003) China Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Influence of Ownership Type. Marketing to China's Agricultural Sector. Portland Oregon. : WCC-101, 49-58.<br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. Thirty faculty members from multiple institutions in the US attended a special topic session and learned successful strategies for initiating and sustaining industry/business partnerships for program enhancement.
  2. Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Businesses (ESRAB) linked more than thirty researchers resulting in over five funded collaborative projects.
  3. Through its presentations and workshops, NCCC-65 has educated over one hundred researchers on strategies for initiating collaborative research projects and business/industry partnerships related to social change in the marketplace.
  4. NCCC-65 provides members with a forum for exchange of ideas and collaboration, especially in areas related to social change in the marketplace.
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Date of Annual Report: 12/06/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/05/2005 - 11/06/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2004 - 10/01/2005


Bastow-Shoop, Holly ( North Dakota State University; Damhorst, Mary Lynn ( Iowa State University; Hawley, Jana ( University of Missouri-Columbia; Hegland, Jane ( Dakota State University Jasper, Cynthia ( University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jolly, Laura ( University of Tennessee; LaBat, Karen ( University of Minnesota; Buckley, Hilda ( University of Illinois; Lennon, Sharron ( Ohio State University; Sternquist, Brenda ( Michigan State University; DeLong, Marilyn ( University of Minnesota; Vaughn, Gladys ( CSREES/USDA

Brief Summary of Minutes

We decided to collect publications, theses, dissertations, grants, and presentations that arose from the work of members of NCR-65 (from 10/01/01 through 9/30/06) in preparation for documenting our impact. Next year's meeting will be in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) meeting. As a result, a pre-conference has been scheduled entitled: "USDA Funding Opportunities for Apparel & Merchandising Scholars." Research directors from USDA will discuss opportunities for research funding pertinent to many ITAA members working in markets and trade, rural small business, and body image areas. The workshop will be coordinated by NCCC65 members (Mary Lynn Damhorst, Iowa State University; Sharron Lennon, Ohio State University; and Laura Jolly, University of Tennessee). For our next major project, we identified a continuing critical regional issue: to increase knowledge and awareness of research and external funding opportunities among scholars who focus on social change in the marketplace. For the meeting in November 2005, we decided on an assignment for each member (or several can work together) will bring a viable and critical idea to share and that has potential for research partnering.


The NCCC-65 project Social Change in the Marketplace: Producers, Retailers, Consumers was created to increase the overall quality, quantity and competitiveness of research related to social change in the marketplace by initiating systematic efforts to strengthen the research infrastructure for scientists in this area of inquiry. <br /> <br /> With respect to Objective 1 of the NCCC065 proposal (Provide an opportunity for scholars to develop grantsmanship skills to secure federal funding) and Objective 4 (Provide information on the development and management of a research program based on external funding), we will hold a pre-conference entitled: "USDA Funding Opportunities for Apparel & Merchandising Scholars" in conjunction with the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) in November 2005. The intended outcome to increase the overall quality, quantity and competitiveness of research related to social change in the marketplace and to enhance scholars' ability to successfully acquire funding for research support. A potential impact is that 50 workshop participants will develop and submit USDA funding proposals. A second potential impact is an increase in the number of scientists working in this field on Federal project reviews and review panels. <br /> <br /> With respect to Objective 2 (Help workshop attendees develop skills necessary to attract private/industry support and initiate partnerships) and Objective 3 (Develop a proposal in partnership with colleagues from 1890 institutions to support their faculty members' participation in the program) of the NCCC-65 proposal, we will bring a viable and critical idea to the 2005 meeting to share that has potential for research partnering. The intended outcome is to increase knowledge and awareness of research and external funding opportunities among scholars who focus on social change in the marketplace. The potential impact is that 10 NCCC-65 members will develop ideas for research and for research funding partnerships.<br /> <br /> With respect to Objective 3, (Develop a proposal in partnership with colleagues from 1890s institutions to support their faculty members' participation in the program) we developed plans for identifying projects for collaborating with representatives from 1862 institutions, 1890 institutions and Hispanic serving institutions and contacting human science organizations to partner on NCCC-65 initiatives. Faculty at 1890, 1994, and Hispanic serving institutions were identified and invited to participate in discussions at the ITAA annual meeting in Portland, OR regarding NCCC-65. In addition, Marilyn DeLong contacted the 1890 schools to encourage participation and met with the 1890s group at NASULGC to generate interest. Karen LaBat created a one-page summary statement outlining NCCC-65 initiatives to use as a communication tool for communicating with potential members. The intended outcome is to increase funding and research productivity in collaboration with ethnic minority researchers. The potential impact is that NCCC65 members and ethnic minority researchers will develop and conduct funded research and collaborative projects. <br /> <br /> Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Businesses (ESRAB) a group initiated and partially funded by NCCC-65 sponsored two special topic workshops at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting, Environmental Textiles and Teaching Adventures in Social Responsibility. ESRAB linked more than thirty researchers to focus on issues of social responsibility in the marketplace. In addition, ESRAB has created a website for communication and will included abstracts and papers, instructional materials, and other items as deemed appropriate by the membership. A white paper "Preparing Students as Agents of Change" is in the final stages. The intended outcome is to increase knowledge and awareness of research opportunities among scholars who focus on social change in the marketplace. The potential impact is that NCCC65 members will develop ideas for collaborative research and research funding partnerships.<br /> <br />


NCCC65 Members' List of Publications 2004-2005<br /> <br /> Refereed Journal Articles<br /> <br /> 2005 Publications<br /> <br /> Bye, E. & LaBat, K. (2005). An integrated strategy for teaching clothing design studios. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 97(4), 60-65.<br /> <br /> Bye, E. & LaBat, K. (2005). An analysis of apparel industry fit sessions. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology Management, 4(3), 1-5.<br /> <br /> Hawley, J. M. (2005). The commercialization of Old Order Amish quilts: Enduring and changing cultural meanings. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 23(2), 102-114. <br /> <br /> Hu, H. & Jasper, C. R. (2005). Social Cues in the Store Environment and their Impact on Store Image. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management.<br /> <br /> Jang, N., Dickerson, K. G. and Hawley, J. M. (2005, May). Apparel product development: Measures of apparel product success and failure. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(2).<br /> <br /> Johnson, K.K.P., Yoo, J.J., Rhee, J., Lennon, S., Jasper, C.R., & Damhorst, M.L. (2005). Multi-Channel Shopping: Channel Use Among Rural Consumers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management.<br /> <br /> Jung, H.J., & Jasper, C.R. (2005). The Relationships between Womens Sastisfaction of their Lower Body Parts and Their Overall Weight Satisfaction: A Study of Women in their Twenties to their Fifties. Journal of Fashion Business, 9, (3), 1-7.<br /> <br /> LaBat, K., DeLong, M., Gahring, S. (2005). A longitudinal study of sun-protective attitudes and behaviors. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33(3), 240-254.<br /> <br /> Nelson, N., LaBat, K., & Williams, G. (2005). More than just a hobby:<br /> Women textile artists in Ireland. Women's Studies International Forum, 28(4), 328-342.<br /> <br /> Ogle, J. P., Lee, H. H., & Damhorst, M. L. (2005). Perceptions of body malleability: Linkages with body-related feelings and behaviors among undergraduate women and men. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 34(1), 35-56. <br /> <br /> Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2005). Critical reflections on the body and related socio-cultural discourses at the midlife transition: An interpretive study of women's experiences. Journal of Adult Development, 12(1), 1-18.<br /> <br /> Oh, H., & Jasper, C.R. (2005). Processing of Apparel Advertisements: Applications and Extension of Elaboration Likelihood Model. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 23.<br /> <br /> Park J. H., Lennon, S. J., & Stoel, L. (2005). Online product presentation: Effects on mood, perceived risk, and purchase intention. Psychology and Marketing, 12(9), 695-719.<br /> <br /> Schofield, N. & LaBat, K. (2005). Defining and testing the assumptions used in current apparel grading practice. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 23(3), 135-150.<br /> <br /> Schofield, N. & LaBat, K. (2005). Exploring the relationships of grading, sizing and anthropometric data. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 23(1), 13-27 .<br /> <br /> Shen, L., Hawley, J. M. and Dickerson, K.D. (2005). E-commerce adoption for supply chain management in U.S. apparel manufacturers. Journal of Supply Chain Management. ICFAI PRESS. Reprinted with permission from Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 4(1). Retrieved July 9, 2004, ®<br /> <br /> Worthy, S., Trautmann, J., Miller, B.R., Hyllegard, K., Lakner, H., Damhorst, M., Bastow-Shoop, H., Lyons, N., & Manikowske, L. (2005). Rural consumers' online shopping intentions for home furnishings and furniture products. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences.<br /> <br /> 2004 Publications<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., Lennon, S. J., Montalto, C. P., Shen, D., & Zhang, L. (2004). Chinese consumer market segments for foreign apparel products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(5), 301-317.<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Zhang, L. (2004). Supplier-retailer relationships in China's distribution channel for foreign brand apparel. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 8(2), 201-220.<br /> <br /> Gregory, S.R., Jasper, C.R., Lokken, S., & Damhorst, M.L. (2004). Rural Consumers Uses of the Internet for Search and Acquisitions of Food and Travel Services. Journal of Travel and Tourism, 18, (1).<br /> <br /> Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2004). Men and Women: A Comparison of Shopping Mall Behavior. Journal of Shopping Center Research. 11, (1), 113-131.<br /> <br /> Jin, B. and B. Sternquist (2004). Shopping is truly a joy. Service Industries Journal. 24 (6) 1-18. <br /> <br /> Johnson, J. S. and Hawley, J. M. (2004). Technology's impact on creative traditions: Pieceful co-existence in quilting. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 22(1/2), p. 69-78. <br /> <br /> Nelson, Nancy J., & Hegland, Jane E. (2004). Cross-dressing and cyber-shopping: The Internet as consumption tool and community. Published on Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Website:<br /> <br /> Oh, H., Yoon, S., and Hawley, J. M. (Summer 2004). What virtual reality can offer to the furniture industry. Journal of Textiles and Apparel, Technology and Manufacturing. 4(1). Retrieved July 9, 2004, Scholarly works. <br /> <br /> Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2004). Constructing and deconstructing the body malleable through mother-daughter interactions. Sociological Inquiry, 74(2), 180-209.<br /> <br /> Park, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2004). Television apparel shopping: Impulse buying and parasocial interaction. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 22, 135-144. <br /> <br /> Shen, L., Hawley, J. M. and Dickerson, K.D. (Summer, 2004). E-commerce adoption for supply chain management in U.S. apparel manufacturers. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4(1). Retrieved July 9, 2004, <br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. S. Byun and B. Jin (2004) Dimensionality of price: An asian perspective. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 4 (1), 1-18.<br /> <br /> Stoel, L. and B. Sternquist (2004). Group identification: The influence of group membership on retail hardware cooperative members. Journal of Small Business Management. 42(2) 155-173.<br /> <br /> Worthy, S. L., Hyllegard, K., Damhorst, M. L., Trautmann, J., Lyons, N., Bastow-Shoop, H., Gregory, S., Lakner, H., Lyons, N., & Manikowske, L. (2004). Rural consumer's attitudes toward the Internet for information search and purchase. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33, 81-99.<br /> <br /> Zhang, L., & Dickson M.A. (2004). Power theory and the distribution channel for foreign-brand apparel in the Chinese market [in Chinese]. Nankai Business Review, 7(4), 44-50.<br /> <br /> Books<br /> <br /> Damhorst, M. L., Miller, K. A.,& Michelman, S. O. (Eds.). (2005). The meanings of dress (2nd ed.). New York: Fairchild Publications.<br /> <br /> Articles in Books (invited)<br /> <br /> Damhorst, M. L. (2004). Casual business dress. In V. Steele (Ed. in chief), Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion (pp. 236-238). Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale.<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A. (invited paper, in press). Identifying and profiling ethical fashion consumers. In D. Shaw et al. (Eds.), The ethical consumer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.<br /> <br /> Heck, R.K.Z., Danes, S.M., Fitzgerald, M.A., Haynes, G.W., Jasper, C.R., Schrank, H., & Stafford, K. (2005). The Family's Dynamic Role within Family Business Entrepreneurship. Book Chapter for Part B - Conceptual Frameworks and Theoretical Issues. Family Business Research Handbook. Elgar.<br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E. (2005). Drag queens, transvestites, transsexuals: Stepping across the accepted boundaries of gender. In M. L. Damhorst, K.A. Miller, & S.O. Michelman, Meanings of dress (2nd edition), (pp. 180-192). NY: Fairchild.<br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E. (2004). Ball dress. In V. Steele (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Volume 1 (pp. 112-114). Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribners Sons/Thomson Gale.<br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E. (2004). Evening dress. In V. Steele (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Volume 1 (pp. 428-430). Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons/Thomson Gale.<br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E. (2004). Fashion education. In V. Steele (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Volume 2 (pp. 41-43). Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons/Thomson Gale.<br /> <br /> Jasper, C.R. (2005). Retailing and Older Consumers, In Schulz, R. (Editor). The Encyclopedia of Aging. New York: Springer Publishing Company.<br /> <br /> Proceedings (Refereed Presentations)<br /> <br /> Carpenter, J. M. and Hawley, J. M. (March, 2005). Examining the effect of the browser and purchaser's preferences for online shopping. Annual meeting of Marketing Theory & Practice. <br /> <br /> Chung, J., B. Jin and B. Sternquist (2004) The influence of market orientation on channel relationships: Korean department store buyers' perspective. ACRA Annual Conference, Miami, Florida<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Eckman, M. (November, 2005). Social responsibility: The concept as defined by apparel and textile scholars. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Dickerson, K. G., Hawley, J. M., Norum, P., Simmons, K. P., Oh, H., Wilson, L., Stevens, S. (2005) Special Topics. "The Birth, Care, and Feeding of An Advisory Board." ITAA. Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Hawley, J. M. (July 22, 2005). Affiliate networking and its impact relationship marketing strategies. Paper presented at the International conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change. University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. <br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E., and Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. (2005). Embodying the feminine: Perspectives of male-to-female cross-dressers. Senses & Sentiments of Dress: A Symposium Recognizing the Career of Regents Professor Joanne B. Eicher, Ph.D. St. Paul, MN.<br /> <br /> Hegland, Jane E., & Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. (2005). Embodying the feminine: Perspectives of male-to-female cross-dressers. Senses & Sentiments Symposium; St. Paul, MN; September.<br /> <br /> Hustvedt, G., & Dickson, M. A. (November, 2005). Faculty international activities and interests: Motivators and barriers to internationalization. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Kozar, J. M., & Damhorst, M. L. (November, 2005). The effects of media images on the self-perceptions of older women. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Alexandria, VA). Online publication: <br /> <br /> Kwon, Y. J., & Damhorst, M. L. (November, 2005). Decoding postmodern dress: A model. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Alexandria, VA). Online publication:<br /> <br /> Lee, H.-H., Damhorst, M. L., Campbell, J. R., Parsons, J., & Loker, S. (November, 2005). Consumer satisfaction with a mass customized Internet apparel shopping site. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Alexandria, VA). Online publication:<br /> <br /> Nelson, Nancy J., & Hegland, Jane E. (2004). Cross-dressing and cyber-shopping: The Internet as consumption tool and community. Association of Consumer Research on Gender, Marketing, & Consumer Behavior Conference; Madison, WI; June.<br /> <br /> Park, H., & Dickson, M. A. (November, 2005). Developing global perspective through an international sourcing project. ITAA Proceedings. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Rucker, M. , Ulasewicz, C., Hawley, J. M., Norum, P., Steinbring, Y., (November, 2005). Cant Stop Shopping: An ESRAB Panel on Over-consumption. ITAA, Annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. and Y. Huang and Z. Chen. (2004) Market orientation in Chinas supermarket industry: Market myth or maven? China: Markets, Myths and Mavens. WCC 101 Conference, East Lansing, Michigan<br /> <br /> Sternquist, B. and Z. Chen and C. Finnegan (2004) Factors affecting Chinese retailer's propensity to switch suppliers. China: Markets, Myths and Mavens. WCC 101 Conference, East Lansing, Michigan<br /> <br /> Ybarra, A., & Dickson, M. A. (November, 2005). What role does theory play in forecasting trends for fashionable apparel? ITAA Proceedings. Online publication: <br /> <br /> Ha, Y., Kwon, W-S., & Lennon, S. J. Online visual merchandising: A cross-national approach. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004. <br /> <br /> Hawley, J. and Jang, N,. (2004, November). McDonaldization of McFashion. Paper submitted for the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Johnson, K. K. P., Yoo, J-J., Rhee, J., & Lennon, S. J. "Multichannel shoppers: Retail channel usage among rural consumers." Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004.<br /> <br /> Kim, H., & Lennon, S. J. "The effect of website attractiveness on store image and shopping behaviors." Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004. <br /> <br /> Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J. "Consumer response to product unavailability in online shopping." Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004. <br /> <br /> Kim, J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2004). Effects of perceived apparel merchandise quality on consumer's perception of value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Portland, OR)<br /> <br /> Kwon, Y. J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2004). Fashion and the concept of taste. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Portland, OR)<br /> <br /> Lee, H. H., Damhorst, M. L., Campbell, J. R., Parsons, J. L., Loker, S. (2004). Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction with a mass customized Internet apparel shopping site. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Poster presented at annual meeting, Portland, OR)<br /> <br /> Lennon, S., Johnson, K. K. P., Jolly, L., Damhorst, M.L., & Jasper, C. (2004). Online apparel shopping among rural consumers: Changes in shopping adoption. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, Portland, OR)<br /> <br /> Lennon, S. J., Johnson, K. K. P., Jolly, L. D., Damhorst, M. L., Jasper, C., & Kim, M. "Online apparel shopping among rural consumers: Changes in apparel online shopping adoption." Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004. <br /> <br /> Oh, H., Yoon, S. and Hawley, J. M. (November, 2004). Application of 3-D Virtual Reality in Testing Consumer Decision-Making Processes. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting: Portland, OR. Online publication:<br /> <br /> Stoel, L., Park, J-H., & Lennon, S. J. "Cognitive vs. affective responses: The effects of 3-D presentation online." Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting, Portland, OR, November 2004. <br /> <br /> Wilson, L. and Hawley, J. M. (November, 2004). Organized chaos: A collaborative online project. Paper submitted for the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. Online publication:<br /> <br /> DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS:<br /> <br /> Boorady, Lynn. (2005). Using digital animation to teach patternmaking. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia. Major Professor: Jana M. Hawley<br /> <br /> Hall, C. L. (2004). The middle-class African American home: Its objects and their meanings. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Major Professor: Mary Lynn Damhorst. <br /> <br /> Kim, J. (2004). Effects of perceived merchandise quality and service quality on consumer shopping behavior in the Internet apparel retailing environment. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Major Professor: Mary Lynn Damhorst. <br /> <br /> Kozar, J. M. (2004). Relationship of attitudes toward advertising images and self-perceptions of older women. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Major Professor: Mary Lynn Damhorst. <br /> <br /> Kwon, Wi-Suk (2005, Summer). A model of reciprocal effects of multi-channel retailers' offline and online brand images: Application to multi-channel specialty apparel retailing. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.<br /> <br /> Lee, H.-H. (2004). Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction with a mass customized Internet apparel shopping site. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Major Professor: Mary Lynn Damhorst. <br /> <br /> <br /> OTHER PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS <br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A. (2004). [Review of the book Sweatshop USA: The American sweatshop in historical and global perspective]. Economic and social security and substandard working conditions. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58(1), 149-151.<br /> <br /> Dickson, M. A., & Littrell, M. A. (2004, Spring). Wages plus: How knowledge and self-esteem can improve a womans quality of life. GA Connections (p. 7). Baltimore, MD: Global Alliance for Workers and Communities.<br /> <br /> Damhorst, M. L., Farrell-Beck, J., & Parsons, J. L. (2004). Shaping the body and society with clothing: Classroom learning experience. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Available at [abstract] (Paper presented at annual <br /> meeting, Portland, OR)<br /> <br /> Encyclopedia Entries<br /> <br /> Bye, E. & LaBat, K. (2005). High Tech Fashion, Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons Reference Books, edited by Valerie Steele, Vol. II, pp. 205-209.<br /> <br /> Hawley, J. M. , Sullivan, P. and Kim, Y. (2005). Recycled Textiles. In V. Steele (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Fashion. New York: Scribner and Sons.<br /> <br /> LaBat, K. (2005). Fasteners, Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons Reference Books, edited by Valerie Steele, Vol. I, pp. 71-72. <br /> <br /> LaBat, K. (2005). Bicycle Clothing, Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons Reference Books, edited by Valerie Steele, Vol. I, pp. 154-155.<br /> <br /> Pitimaneeyakul, U. & LaBat, K. (2005). Asia, Southeastern Mainland: History of Dress, Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons Reference Books, edited by Valerie Steele, Vol. I, pp. 97-101.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. A potential impact is that 50 workshop participants will develop and submit USDA funding proposals.
  2. A second potential impact is an increase in the number of scientists working in this field on Federal project reviews and review panels.
  3. The potential impact is that NCCC65 members and ethnic minority researchers will develop and conduct funded research and collaborative projects.
  4. The potential impact is that NCCC65 members will develop ideas for collaborative research and research funding partnerships.
  5. Improved visibility of research and collaborative opportunities related to social change in the marketplace among researchers at 1890, 1994, and Hispanic serving institutions.
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