NECC2103: High tunnel specialty crop production
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 10/18/2022
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
Bekkerman, Anton (anton.bekkerman@unh.edu) – University of New Hampshire; Black, Brent (brent.black@usu.edu) – Utah State University; Di Gioia, Francesco (fxd92@psu.edu) – Pennsylvania State University; Gao, Zhifeng (zfgao@ufl.edu) – University of Florida; Gu, Sanjun (sgu@ncat.edu) – North Carolina A&T State University; Guan, Wenjing (guan40@purdue.edu) – Purdue University, Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene (H.Hatterman.Valenti@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University; Hoskins, Bruce (hoskins@maine.edu) – University of Maine; Maynard, Elizabeth (emaynard@purdue.edu) – Purdue University; Reid, Judson (jer11@cornell.edu) – Cornell University; Scheufele, Susan (sscheufele@umext.umass.edu) – University of Massachusetts; Sideman, Rebecca (becky.sideman@unh.edu) – University of New Hampshire; Skinner, Margaret (mskinner@uvm.edu) – University of Vermont; Sullivan, Cheryl (cfrank@uvm.edu) – University of Vermont; Wallingford, Anna (anna.wallingford@unh.edu) – University of New Hampshire; Wszelaki, Annette (annettew@utk.edu) – Tennessee Cooperative Extension; Zhao, Xin (zxin@ufl.edu) – University of FloridaBrief Summary of Minutes
Agenda and links to state reports are here:
Recordings of our project meetings are also available here:
Day 2 – 1 July 2022: https://media.unh.edu/media/NECC+2103+Meeting+7.1.22/1_azdthpnp
Day 1 – 29 June 2022: https://media.unh.edu/media/NECC+2103+Meeting+6.29.22/1_pzo9p8ly
Brief summary of minutes of annual meeting:
Project participants came together for two half-days via zoom; and followed the agenda linked above.
We discussed overall objectives of this new coordinating committee, and also discussed the implications of becoming a research project. The overall consensus of the group is that we should spend some time coalescing as a coordinating committee, and re-assess after a few years of collaborative information exchange.
Seventeen participants representing 12 states attended the meeting, and each state gave a report of outreach and research activities relating to high tunnel specialty crop production happening in their state. This served as introduction among members, and all participants also shared new high tunnel resources and publications developed, ongoing and planned research, and identified research questions of interest.
The group compiled a list of research questions of interest, and identified some topics of broad interest (e.g. irrigation strategies, nutrient management, mitigating consequences of continuous production, pest management and participatory research). Lastly, we elected officers responsible for planning subsequent annual meetings (X. Zhao – secretary, F. Di Gioia – chair-elect, and R. Sideman – chair).
<p>We held our first annual meeting, in which research and extension professionals from over 12 states came together to share data and research results. We established a team to plan future meetings, and initiated conversations about potential multistate collaborations.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Participants compiled a list of high tunnel-related publications, research projects, and collaborative activities in the form of state reports as a first step in coordinating efforts.
Date of Annual Report: 04/15/2024
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2023 - 09/30/2024
Di Gioia, Francesco (fxd92@psu.edu) – Pennsylvania State University; Guan,Wenjing (guan40@purdue.edu) – Purdue University, Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene (H.Hatterman.Valenti@ndsu.edu) –North Dakota State University; Wszelaki, Annette (annettew@utk.edu) – Tennessee Cooperative Extension; Zhao, Xin (zxin@ufl.edu) –University of Florida; Scheufele, Susan(sscheufele@umext.umass.edu) – University of Massachusetts; Sideman, Rebecca (becky.sideman@unh.edu) –University of New Hampshire; Wallingford, Anna (anna.wallingford@unh.edu) – University of New Hampshire; Jett, Lewis (Lewis.Jett@mail.wvu.edu) – West Virgina State University; Kleinhenz, Matt (kleinhenz.1@osu.edu) – The Ohio State University; Bruce, Analena (analena.bruce@unh.edu) – University of New HampshireBrief Summary of Minutes
Agenda and meeting minutes and links to state reports are here:
Link to official project here:
Link to research topics brainstorm from our last meeting here:
State report template is here:
The group had an open discussion of research questions of interest, barriers to conducting research, and possible ways to overcome those barriers. We made a plan to continue to meet quarterly online, and to continue in-person meetings, likely at the same time and place next year. We concluded by electing a new officer to fill out the slate of officers who will plan future meetings (A Wallingford – secretary, X. Zhao – chair elect, and F. Di Gioia – chair).