NCCC52: Family Economics Coordinating Committee
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 10/14/2022
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
Griesdorn, Tim (griesdor@uiwtx.edu) University of the Incarnate WordGutter, Michael (msgutter@ufl.edu) Florida - University of Florida
Kiss, Elizabeth (dekiss4@ksu.edu) Kansas - Kansas State University
Saboe-Wounded Head, Lorna M (lorna.woundedhead@sdstate.edu) South Dakota - South Dakota State University
Serido, Joyce (jserido@umn.edu) Minnesota - University of Minnesota
Brief Summary of Minutes
The annual meeting of NCCC52: Family Economics Coordinating Committee was held September 30, 2022. Discussion items included: review of goals, activities, and outcomes as well as plans for the coming year. Priorities for 2022-2023 are to: 1) complete the census of 1862 and 1890 land-grant institutions to identify those scientists currently engaged in family economics-related research, teaching, and/or extension activities; and 2) organize a research sessions at a major conference related to family and consumer economics for the purposes of communicating impacts of family economics research and educating professionals on issues relevant to improving family economic well-being and the sustainability of family and community systems.
<p>Through project members' involvement across the field of family economics, the project has contributed to the following: 1) Identification of critical/key research and education issues in family economics, 2) Amplified dissemination of research results of existing multistate projects through the exchange of ideas, information and data, and 3) Generate interest in family economics through the celebration of the field’s history at land grant institutions and its impact.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/10/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
Tim Griesdorn, University of the Incarnate Word; Elizabeth Kiss, Kansas State University; Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head, South Dakota State University, Joyce Serido, University of Minnesota; Cynthia Jasper, University of WisconsinBrief Summary of Minutes
The annual meeting of NCCC52: Family Economics Coordinating Committee was held December 12, 2022. Discussion items included: review of goals, activities, and outcomes as well as plans for the coming year. Priorities for 2022-2023 are to: 1) complete the census of 1862 and 1890 land-grant institutions to identify those scientists currently engaged in family economics-related research, teaching, and/or extension activities; and 2) organize a research sessions at a major conference related to family and consumer economics for the purposes of communicating impacts of family economics research and educating professionals on issues relevant to improving family economic well-being and the sustainability of family and community systems. When priority 1) is complete, the committee will host a webinar to connect the scientists identified to share the value of multi-state collaboration.
<p>Outputs: Census of 1862 and 1890 land-grant institutions to identify those scientists currently engaged in family economics-related research, teaching, and/or extension activities is nearing completion.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/26/2024
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2024 - 09/30/2025
Elizabeth Kiss – Kansas State UniversityLorna Saboe-Wounded Head – South Dakota State University
Tim Griesdorn – University of the Incarnate Word
Cynthia Jasper - University of Wisconsin
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Tasks to sunset NCCC052
- Write an end of project report (5 year).
- State report for the year.
- Annual report due 60 days after the meeting.
- Conference presentations
- AAFCS – Proposal due Nov. 1st
- Lorna Wounded Head will submit.
- ACCI – Proposal due Nov. 11th
- Elizabeth Kiss will submit
- Discussed the value of the Coordinating Committee and the difficulty in recruiting and retaining members.
- AAFCS – Proposal due Nov. 1st