NC_old1187: The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/30/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/16/2015
- 11/18/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Stephen Anderson, Missouri (MO) - University of MissouriDaniel Gimenez, New Jersey (NJ), Rutgers University
James Harsh, Washington (WA) - Washington State University
Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas (KS) - Kansas State University
Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan (MI), Michigan State University
Daniel G. Strawn, Idaho (D) - University of Idaho
Kang Xia, Virginia (VA) - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Wei Zhang, Michigan (MI) - Michigan State University
Nancy Cavallaro - USDA
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Review and Members of Project Goal for Newly Accepted Proposal
- Provided status of renewed project.
- Discussed project goals.
- Discussed individual project interests that overlap goals.
- Reports on activities for development and use of advanced microscopic molecular analysis in soils
- Each attendee related their research activity in terms of using advanced analytical tools in soil science.
- Discussion of needs to continue knowledge building to integrate new cutting edge tools in soil science.
- Development of Dear colleague letter for INFEWS
- Discussed plans to submit white paper to ASA on Food Energy Water to tell NSF the research funding needs as assessed by agricultural researchers.
- Developed central theme of paper.
- Assigned writing jobs.
- Set timeline and action items.
- Committee leadership
- Dan Strawn is the committee chair.
- Ganga Hettiarachchi is the vice chair and secretary.
- Committee Reports
- Nancy Cavallero discussed USDA NIFA program emphasis areas and provided suggestions for developing projects that are responsive to calls.
<p>Members of this project are applying a wide range of analytical tools to elucidate mechanisms of physical and chemical protection of carbon in soils, colloid transport through soil, removal of soil contaminants, effect of climate change on soil structure, storage and transport of soil water, and deposition of synthetic nanoparticles on the human respiratory system. More detailed description of research outcomes by the different groups is presented below.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Donald Sparks and Ph.D. candidate Audrey Gamble at the University of Delaware have collaborated with scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory to test novel techniques for determining phosphorous (P) speciation in soils. Phosphorous is an environmentally-relevant element as both a nutrient required for crop growth and as a pollutant in eutrophic water supplies. The retention and mobilization of soil P is largely governed by the chemical form of P. Traditional methods to identify soil P forms often rely on chemical extractions which can introduce artifacts during analysis. To increase the fundamental understanding of soil P chemistry, a combination of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption techniques were used to identify P forms without chemical alteration of soil samples. Data indicate the ability of X-ray fluorescence to correlate the presence of P with Ca, Fe, and Al in soils. Combined analysis with X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy can be used to identify mineral and sorbed forms of soil P; however, these techniques are limited in their ability to determine organic P forms. Upcoming technological advancements at Brookhaven National Laboratory will increase the capabilities of these techniques to evaluate P speciation in environmental samples. These studies will enable scientists to recommend robust strategies for more efficient use of phosphorus on crops such that yields can be maximized, but at the same time, minimize phosphorus enrichment of waterways. This will help sustain both agriculture and the environment.</p><br /> <p>At Michigan State University Dr. Wei Zhang has been studying the fate and transport of fine particulate matter (i.e., colloids and engineered nanoparticles), and particulate sorbents for contaminant immobilization in soil and water. An article on arsenic sorption by magnetite nanoparticles was published, which elucidated the fundamental binding mechanisms of arsenate and arsenite on magnetite surface and novel redox transformation of sorbed arsenic upon exposure to oxygen during drying. This research has implications in using magnetite nanoparticles for in-situ groundwater remediation or for drinking water treatment of arsenic contamination. We also published an article on the effect of plant root exudates on the downward transport of smectite clay particles in sand, in comparison with humic acid. We reported that plant root exudates inhibited the transport of smectite clays, which was attributed to amino acid fraction of root exudates. This finding suggest that soil rhizosphere could slow the downward transport of clay and clay-associated contaminants. We have statistically evaluated the relationships between biochar properties and production parameter and feedstock type. The statistical tools reported in this study could be used to produce biochars with desirable properties, therefore facilitating development and adaptation of biochar technology.</p><br /> <p>At Michigan State University Dr. Alexandra Kravchenko continued assessment of micro-scale processes governing soil’s contribution to global cycling of carbon and nitrogen. Specifically, this year her group has conducted a review of the current state of knowledge of the role of pores as the major physical drivers behind processes of soil C sequestration and greenhouse-gas emissions. An in-depth assessment of a variety of mechanisms by which soil pores contribute to these processes and of a range of laboratory techniques that are used will lay the basis for further developments in micro-scale soil research.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Harsh at Washington State University is working on projects to understand the fate of technetium in the subsurface, as well as understanding how biuchar reacts in the environment. In order to understand the fate of Tc-99 as pertechnetate under the Hanford Site, perrhenate was used as an analog and reacted with solutions that simulated leaking radioactive tank wastes. Small amounts of nearly nonexchangeable perrhenate were incorporated into feldspathoid phases sodalite and cancrinite. Further studies showed that incorporation into sodalite is a function of anion size and other ions present in waste tanks, namely nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulfate, and carbonate, outcompete perrhenate for sodalite sites. Perrhenate is likely to be a good analog for pertechnetate under the conditions studied. At WSU, biochar samples were produced from pyrolysis of pine wood, pine bark, and hybrid poplar at six temperatures to determine resulting changes in physical and chemical properties. Product mass decreased with increasing temperature while O/C and H/C ratios decreased. The changes were related to a loss of oxygenated volatiles with phenolic and carboxyl functional groups, which also exposed cavities less than one nm in diameter and increased specific surface area. Increasing temperature thus reduced negative surface charge density and increased hydrophobicity. Absolute values of properties varied with biochar source but relative changes with temperature were similar. Biochars formed at higher temperatures also formed less oxygenated functional groups when oxidized in air at 250C and showed less loss of microporosity.</p><br /> <p>At Virginia Tech, Dr. Kang is conducting research on peptides that specifically bind to montmorillonite (2:1 layersilicate) and kaolinite (1:1 layersilicate), hematite (Fe2O3), alumina (Al2O3), and silica (SiO2). They identified the peptides using the phage display technique. It was demonstrated, using synchrotron-based spectroscopy, that small peptides adsorbed at a titled angle relative to surface of montmorillonite, however, the binding motif of a peptide significantly affects the degree of molecular orientation angle. We found strong evidence of preferential accrual of peptides/proteins over other organic nitrogen compounds associate with soil minerals in three independent undisturbed ecosystems developed across 4000, 20,000, and 60,000-year chronosequences, respectively. The result from this investigation strongly support that peptide/protein-mineral interaction plays an important role in affecting terrestrial N cycle. We have found that the mineral-associated organic C consists of four major species: aromatic-C, phenolic-C, aliphatic-C, carboxylic-C, and O/N-alkyl-C. The mineral-associated organic C speciation composition varied significantly during the soil development for all 3 independent soil chronosequences. The results from this investigation suggest continuous mineral sequestration and stabilization of aliphatic-C and O/N-alkyl-C compounds during soil development, while the aromatic-C compounds associated with soil minerals were continuously transformed into other C species. Bioavailable amino acids and organic C speciation in soils of north-south and west-east transects of continental United States were assessed. This study suggested that precipitation has more impact on modifying amino acid composition and soil organic C speciation than temperature.</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Mainelis’s laboratory at Rutgers University continued investigation of risks associated with nanotechnology-enabled consumer products. As part of this investigation, we analyzed potential release of particles from nanotechnology-enabled clothing, with particular focus on clothing with silver nanoparticles. The TEM as well as various other analytical methods were used to determine the presence and quantity of silver in acquired clothing items. The potential release of particles into the air when clothing is worn was simulated by using a rotary abraser (Taber Industries Inc.) with felt abrading wheels. The experiments were performed in a specially-designed glove-box and the released particles were measured using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (TSI Inc.) and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (TSI Inc.). These measurements were performed with brand new items as well as items that have been washed multiple times to simulate their natural wear and tear. TEM analysis showed the presence of nanoparticles in most items labeled as having silver nanoparticles, but their size and abundance depended on a particular product. The data obtained so far show showed that simulated wear of the items resulted in the release of nano-sized particles as well as submicron and super-micron agglomerates. The mode of the released particles by number was in the 1-2 micron range. This ongoing study is showing that the use of investigated nanotechnology-enabled clothing could result in the release of nanoparticles into the air, potentially leading to particle inhalation exposure. </li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>At the University of Illinois, Dr. Stucki is conducting research on the the effects of redox reactions of iron (Fe) on the physical, chemical, and colloidal properties of soils and constituent clay minerals. Methods being used include Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, GC-MS, and chemical analyses for the oxidation states of Fe, N, and other redox-sensitive elements. During this year we have focused on three specific objectives. (1) Determine the amount of tetrahedral Fe(III) in dioctahedral smectite clay minerals; (2) Measure the Mossbauer recoil-free fraction for structural Fe(II) and Fe(III) in dioctahedral smectites, including its temperature dependence; and (3) Quantify the reduction of nitrate by redox-modified, reversed-charge smectites. The amount of tetrahedral Fe(III) in clay minerals historically has been very difficult to quantify. In collaboration with French colleagues, we have identified specific features in the mid-infrared spectrum and in the Mossbauer spectra that are attributable to tetrahedral Fe(III). These results complement one another and represent the most important advancement made in recent years in providing a reliable strategy for making this determination. Promising UV-Visible features were also identified that seem to be attributable to tetrahedral Fe(III), but these have yet to be fully evaluated. Research into these features is ongoing. The recoil-free fraction in Mossbauer spectroscopy is analogous to the absorption coefficient in the Beer-Lambert Law for UV-Visible spectroscopy, and, if known, makes possible the calculation of the amount of Fe(III) or Fe(II) species in the clay mineral structure from the relative peak areas obtained by curve deconvolution of the Mossbauer spectrum. Until now, the recoil-free fraction has never been measured for smectites, so Mossbauer spectra could only be used for semi-quantitative work. Our work toward this objective is not quite finished, but most of the data has been collected and will be analyzed during this academic year. We hope to have a finished result by this time next year. Our studies have clearly shown that structural Fe(II) in smectites is a powerful reductant for nitrate in the surrounding water, but natural coulombic repulsion between the nitrate and the negatively charged smectite surfaces must first be overcome. We demonstrated that this charge reversal can be achieved by the adsorption of natural polymeric organic cations, after which the nitrate can be completely removed from solution. Reduction products include nitrite and ammonium. Results from tests for gaseous reactions products are not yet available, but are in progress. The distribution of N reactants and products have also been measured in both the solution and solid phases. In summary, the use of advanced chemical and spectroscopic methods, such as Mossbauer and infrared spectroscopy, has made significant progress possible toward the achievement of the stated objectives for this project. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Strawn at the University of Idaho conducts research on several projects that effect production of food, environmental quality, and water quality. Phosphorus loading to surface waters is one of the greatest water impairment issues in the United States, and as a result, confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) are facing increased pressure to accurately manage manure and liquid waste to prevent nutrient transport. In Idaho, many dairies are only a few decades old, and long-term effects of waste management practices on nutrient availability are unknown. Long-term effects such as reaching an ecological phosphorus threshold could occur that will threaten environmental sustainability and the dairy industry. We are researching phosphorus chemistry and reaction processes to anticipate long-term effects so that defensible nutrient-management plans can be developed and implemented. To do this we are using advanced synchrotron spectroscopy, including both K-edge and L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Results provide direct speciation information about P in the manure-amended soils.</p>Publications
<ol><br /> <li>Abdala, D.B., , P.A. Northrup, F.C. Vicentin, and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Residence time and pH effects on the bonding configuration of orthophosphate surface complexes at the goethite/water interface as examined by Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. J. Colloid Inter. Sci. 442: 15–2.</li><br /> <li>Abdala, D.B., P. A. Northrup, Y. Arai and D. L. Sparks. 2015. Surface loading effects on orthophosphate surface complexation at the goethite/water interface as examined by extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. . Colloid Interface. 437: 297–303.</li><br /> <li>Abdala, D.B.,I.R. da Silva, L. Vergutz and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Long-term manure application effects on phosphorus speciation, kinetics and distribution in highly weathered agricultural soils. Chemosphere 119: 504-514.</li><br /> <li>Anderson, S.H. 2015. Shrinkage crack polygon. pp. 1940-1944. In H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi (eds.) Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. Springer, New York, New York.</li><br /> <li>Anderson, S.H., D.J. Heinze, and R.L. Peyton. 2015. Assessment of selected methods for estimating chemical transport parameters from computed tomographic imaging. Procedia Computer Science 61:460-465.</li><br /> <li>Anderson, S.H., J.L. Holmes, and R.L. Peyton. 2015. Tomography-measured spatial distributions of non-aqueous phase liquids in porous media. Procedia Computer Science 61:466-471.</li><br /> <li>Aramrak, S., M. Flury, J.B. Harsh and R.L. Zollars. 2014. Colloid Mobilization and Transport during Capillary Fringe Fluctuations. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 7272-7279.</li><br /> <li>Baffaut, C., F. Ghidey, E.J. Sadler, and S.H. Anderson. 2015. Long-term agro-ecosystem research in the central Mississippi River Basin: SWAT simulation of flow and water quality in the Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed. J. Environ. Qual. 44:84-96.</li><br /> <li>Baker L.L., D.G. Strawn 2014. Temperature effects on synthetic nontronite crystallinity and implications for nontronite formation in Columbia River Basalts. Clays and Clay Minerals, 62:2, 89-101.</li><br /> <li>Baker L.L., R.D. Nickerson, D.G. Strawn 2014. XAFS study of iron-substituted allophane and imogolite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 62: 1, 20-34.</li><br /> <li>Chen, C, R. Kukkadapu and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Influence of coprecipitated organic matter on Fe2+(aq) -catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite: Implications for carbon dynamics. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (18): 10927–10936.</li><br /> <li>Chen, C. and D.L. Sparks. 2015. Multi-elemental scanning transmission X-ray microscopy–near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy assessment of organo–mineral associations in soils from reduced environments. Environmental Chemistry 12(1):64-73.</li><br /> <li>Fischel, M.H.H., J.S. Fischel, B.J. Lafferty and D.L. Sparks. 2015. The influence of environmental conditions on kinetics of arsenite oxidation by manganese-oxides. Geochem Trans16:15.</li><br /> <li>Han, T., Wren, M., DuBois, K., Therkorn, J., and Mainelis, G. (2015). Development of ATP Bioluminescence Method for Rapid Bioaerosol Quantification. Journal of Aerosol Science, 90: 114-123[1].</li><br /> <li>Isaacman, G., N.M. Kreisberg, L.D. Yee, D.R. Worton, A.W.H. Chan, J.A. Moss, S.V. Hering, and A.H. Goldstein, Online derivatization for hourly measurements of gas- and particle-phase semi-volatile oxygenated organic compounds by thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatography (SV-TAG), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4417-4429, doi:10.5194/amt-7-4417-2014, 2014.</li><br /> <li>Jaisi. 2015. Characterizing phosphorus speciation of Chesapeake Bay sediments using chemical extraction, 31P NMR, and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (1): 203–211.</li><br /> <li>Knappenberger, T., M. Flury, E.D. Mattson and J.B. Harsh. 2014. Does Water Content or Flow Rate Control Colloid Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media? Environmental Science & Technology 48: 3791-3799.</li><br /> <li>Kravchenko, A.N., W. C. Negassa, A. K. Guber, and M.L. Rivers. 2015. Protection of soil carbon within macro-aggregates depends on intra-aggregate pore characteristics. Scientific Reports 5.</li><br /> <li>Li, T.Q., Q. Tao, M.J.I. Shohag, MJI, X.E. Yang, D.L. Sparks and Y.C. Liang. 2015. Root cell wall polysaccharides are involved in cadmium hyperaccumulation in Sedum alfredii. Plant Soil 389:387-399.</li><br /> <li>Li, W., S. R. Joshi, G. Hou, D. J. Burdige , D. L. Sparks, and D. P.</li><br /> <li>Milani, N., G.M. Hettiarachchi, D.G. Beak, M. J. McLaughlin, J. K. Kirby, and S. P. Stacey. 2015. Fate of zinc oxide nanoparticles coated onto macronutrient fertilizers in an alkaline calcareous soil. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0126275.</li><br /> <li>Nash, P.R., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and S.H. Anderson. 2015. Corn yield response to managed drainage and polymer-coated urea. Agron. J. 107:435-441.</li><br /> <li>Negassa, W., A. K. Guber, A. N. Kravchenko, T.L. Marsh, B. Hildebrandt, and M. L. Rivers. 2015. Properties of soil pore space regulate pathways of plant residue decomposition and community structure of associated bacteria. PLoS One.</li><br /> <li>O’Brien, R. E., A. Laskin, J. Laskin, C. L. Rubitschun, J. D. Surratt, and A. H. Goldstein, Molecular characterization of Sand N-containing organic constituents in ambient aerosols by negative ion mode high resolution Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: CalNex 2010 field study, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 12,706–12,720,</li><br /> <li>Olsen, T. A., Huang, T. H., Kanissery, R., & Hudson, R. J. (2015). Mercury-Thiourea Complex Ion Chromatography: Advances in System Chemistry and Applications to Environmental Mercury Speciation Analysis. In ACS Symposium Series (Vol. 1210, pp. 101-114).</li><br /> <li>Osborne, L.R., L.L. Baker, D.G. Strawn. 2015. Lead Immobilization and Phosphorus Availability in Phosphate-Amended, Mine-Contaminated Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:183-190.</li><br /> <li>Sadler, E.J., R.N. Lerch, N.R. Kitchen, S.H. Anderson, C. Baffaut, K.A. Sudduth, A.A. Prato, R.J. Kremer, E.D. Vories, D.B. Myers, R. Broz, R.J. Miles, and F.J. Young. 2015. Long-term agro-ecosystem research in the Central Mississippi River Basin: Introduction, establishment, and overview. J. Environ. Qual. 44:3-12.</li><br /> <li>Suliman, W., J.B. Harsh, N.I. Abu-Lail, A.-M. Fortuna, I. Dallmeyer and M. Garcia-Perez. 2016. Influence of feedstock source and pyrolysis temperature on biochar bulk and surface properties. Biomass & Bioenergy 84: 37-48.</li><br /> <li>Todd A. Olsen, Tina H. Huang, Ramdas Kanissery, Robert J. M. Hudson. Chapter 6, pp 115-151. Trace Materials in Air, Soil, and Water. Editor(s): Kendra R. Evans et al. Volume 1210 December 1, 2015. American Chemical Society</li><br /> <li>Wu, Y., W. Li, and D. L. Sparks. 2015. Effect of iron(II) on arsenic sequestration by δ-MnO2: Desorption studies using stirred-flow experiments and x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (22): 13360–13368.</li><br /> <li>Wu, Y., W. Li, and D. L. Sparks. 2015. The effects of iron(II) on the kinetics of arsenic oxidation and sorption on manganese oxides. JCIS 457: 319–328.</li><br /> <li>Zeiger, S.J., J.A. Hubbart, S.H. Anderson, and M.C. Stambaugh. 2015. Quantifying and modeling urban stream temperature: A central US watershed study. Hydrological Processes. 29:.</li><br /> <li>Zhang, Y., B.J. Williams, A.H. Goldstein, K. Docherty, I.M. Ulbrich & J.L. Jimenez, A Technique for Rapid Gas Chromatography Analysis Applied to Ambient Organic Aerosol Measurements from the Thermal Desorption Aerosol Gas Chromatograph (TAG), Aerosol Science and Technology, 48:11, 1166-1182, 2014.</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
- Results from the research were reported in symposia at national meetings, such as the Soil Science Society of America Meetings, and published in journals (reported below). Application of results comes by working with Agricultural Extension agents to transfer knowledge from AES workers to food producers. Several project members are working directly with Agricultural Extension agents to conduct research on soils in an integrated project, thus allowing for direct transfer of research to applications in agriculture. In the coming year, we will create a catalogue of these impacts so that they can be quantified.
Date of Annual Report: 10/09/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/07/2016
- 11/07/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Anderson, Stephen (andersons@missouri.edu) - University of Missouri;Cavallaro, Nancy (NCAVALLARO@NIFA.USDA.GOV) - USDA/NIFA;
Feng, Yucheng (yfeng@acesag.auburn.edu) - Auburn University;
Gimenez, Daniel (gimenez@envsci.rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;
Hettiarachchi, Ganga (ganga@ksu.edu) - Kansas State University;
Mainelis, Gediminas (mainelis@envsci.rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;
Strawn, Daniel (dgstrawn@uidaho.edu) - University of Idaho;
Zhang, Wei (weizhang@msu.edu) - Michigan State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Review and Members of Project Goal for Newly Accepted Proposal
- Provided status of renewed project.
- Discussed project goals.
- Discussed individual project interests that overlap goals.
- Reports on activities for development and use of advanced microscopic molecular analysis in soils
- Each attendee related their research activity in terms of using advanced analytical tools in soil science.
- Discussion of needs to continue knowledge building to integrate new cutting edge tools in soil science.
- Committee leadership
- Dan Strawn is the committee chair.
- Ganga Hettiarachchi is the vice chair and secretary.
- Discussed review paper for JEQ special issue
- Committee Reports
- Nancy Cavallero discussed USDA NIFA program emphasis areas and provided suggestions for developing projects that are responsive to calls.
<p>Members of this project are applying a wide range of analytical tools to elucidate mechanisms of physical and chemical protection of carbon in soils, colloid transport through soil, removal of soil contaminants, effect of climate change on soil structure, storage and transport of soil water, and deposition of synthetic nanoparticles on the human respiratory system. More detailed description of research outcomes by the different groups is presented below. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Steve Anderson investigated the transport relationships for porous media, and chemical dispersivity, which is an important parameter for estimation of pollutant migration. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of scale on dispersivity for homogeneous media and fractal media. The approach used to estimate scale was transport distance along the column downstream from the applied chemical. Columns containing homogeneous media and fractal media were evaluated for chemical breakthrough using computed tomography (CT) imaging. The advection-dispersion transport equation appeared to be appropriate for estimating the parameters. Some columns showed that dispersivity was potentially a function of distance from the upstream end of the column. These tests indicated that dispersivity through the fractal media was not consistently dependent upon distance. Estimates were obtained for individual CT image scan pixels or selected groups of pixels. Some values determined from a curve fit method or a mean breakthrough slope method were found to be scale dependent. Results from this experiment suggest dispersivity may be dependent upon the sampling fraction rather than the straight-line length solute travels through media.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Dan Strawn at the University of Idaho conducted researching a novel waste water treatment process that will supply unrestricted reuse water, will recycle nutrients, and will sequester carbon in soils to help mitigate greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere. He conducted research on how soil factors affect cadmium uptake by wheat grown in the Inland Pacific Northwest wheat growing regions. He investigated phosphorus loading to surface waters as a result of confined animal feeding operations (CAFO), with emphasis on researching phosphorus chemistry and reaction processes to anticipate long-term effects so that defensible nutrient-management plans can be developed and implemented. In another watershed research project, he conducted experiments on soil P availability and watershed export from a long-term agriculture watershed research site located on the R. J. Cook Agronomy Farm (CAF) on the Palouse landscape in the Northwest Wheat and Range Region. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Don Sparks conducted research to understand the fundamental soil P cycling and bioavailability of in the environment. Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques are used in this study to determine speciation of P in soils from the Mid-Atlantic. This study examines direct soil P speciation (chemical forms) using novel synchrotron-based microspectroscopic techniques. Initial data from μ-XRF and μ-XANES analyses indicate the presence of Ca phosphates, Fe(III) phosphates, Al-sorbed phosphate, and Fe-sorbed phosphate in low pH agricultural soils from the Mid-Atlantic. Mineral forms of P exhibited varying degrees of crystallinity. Calcium phosphates were distinguished from other species by a slight downward shift in the position of the primary fluorescence peak and the presence of a post-edge shoulder. The presence of a pre-edge feature was key in determining the presence of oxidized Fe associated with P. X-ray fluorescence maps were useful for distinguishing Al-oxide sorbed P from Fe-oxide sorbed P. This study emphasizes the importance of pairing analyses of tender-energy and high-energy XRF maps to aid with P speciation. To our knowledge, previous μ-XANES studies have not used this technique and, therefore, have not been able to evaluate co-location of P with Fe or Ca. Phosphorous fluorescence maps demonstrate that P was not uniformly distributed throughout soil samples. A high signal-to-noise ratio often limited data collection in regions with diffuse, low-concentrations of P, and quality XANES spectra were more easily obtained for discrete, P-rich particles. Therefore, some forms of P, such as organic P species, were likely not detected during analysis. Difficulty in distinguishing organic P species may have resulted because P concentration was too low for detection in regions containing organic P. This study demonstrates that μ-XANES analysis offers advantages for speciation of inorganic P compared to IR and NMR techniques, as soils can be measured in situ. Even with varying degrees of self-absorption and signal-to-noise ratios in μ-XANES spectra, important inferences regarding P speciation can be made. With future advances in XAS technology, it is expected that μ-XANES spectral resolution at the P K-edge will improve. This study highlights the potential of μ-XANES analysis for use in environmental and agricultural sciences. A variety of studies can benefit from paired μ-XRF and μ-XANES analysis, such as studies to evaluate changes in P speciation after fertilization or during P transport. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Gediminas Mainelis research was focused on the release of nanoparticles due to the use of nanotechnology-enabled clothing, especially those that are advertised as containing silver. The particle release was simulated using a rotary abrader, and the released particles were measured using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer. The data were analyzed to examine potential user exposures to particles due to the use of clothing items and also to determine if there is a difference in the released particle concentration when the clothing items are new or used (e.g., washed). Our earlier work with nanotechnology-enabled clothing has shown that particles varying in size from tens of nanometers to micrometers would be released into the air during simulated product use. In this phase of the research, we were interested in the morphology and composition of particles in the clothing items versus the morphology and composition of particles in the airborne state. Among the investigated items, one of the products had the Ti concentration as high as ~74 mg/kg. Concentrations of silver varied substantially among the investigated items: from 51 µg/kg to 45 g/kg. The very high silver concentration in this item is consistent with it releasing the highest concentration of particles >1 µm as well as the highest overall particle concentration. Concentrations of metals in washed products changed compared to the new products, but the change was not uniform: for some products, concentrations of some metals increased, while for other products the metals concentrations decreased. In order to examine the morphology and composition of the released particles, particles released from three selected products were captured on TEM grids and filter and examined using TEM and EDX. Nano-sized particles were observed for all three products, which confirmed observations with aerosol instruments. At the same time, agglomerates from all products were also observed, but their appearance was different: one was a seemingly loose cluster of nanoparticles of the same shape and size, the other looked like a bouquet, and the third was a tight cluster of individual particles that were difficult to discern. The collected samples were analyzed for metals. No metals of interest (e.g., Ti, Ag and Zn) were observed on samples collected on TEM grids, most likely due to low mass concentration. On the other hand, Ag was detected in airborne samples collected in the filter. Moreover, this Ag was detected in nanoparticle cluster. In summary, our data so far show that nano-sized particles, including those containing silver, could be released during clothing use. The user may be exposed to those per via inhalation route. </p><br /> <p>At Michigan State University the group of Dr. Wei Zhang has been studying the fate and transport of fine particulate matter (i.e., colloids and engineered nanoparticles), and particulate sorbents for contaminant immobilization in soil and water. Specifically, Dr. Zhang’s group has been investigating soil biochar amendment as a sustainable practice. The work in his lab has shown that manure-derived biochars have the long-term sequestration potential for antibiotics in water. Additionally, Dr. Zhang’s group investigated the transport of biochar nanoparticles through saturated sand at a range of ionic strength, and co-transport of three antibiotics (i.e., lincomycin, oxytetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole). Their results showed that the transport of biochar nanoparticles facilitated the transport of antibiotics in porous media, implying that the mobility of biochar nanoparticles needs to be considered when developing carbon geosorbent-based mitigation strategies for antibiotics. In collaboration with Chinese scientists, their work also showed that the addition of biochars to soils could immobilize semi-volatile and volatile persistent organic pollutants in soils, thus allowing for biodegradation of these pollutants by soil bacteria instead of uptake by plants or volatilization into the atmosphere. Black carbon particles in the sediments could enhance the abiotic reduction of dinitroaniline herbicides by sulfides. Finally, Dr. Zhang’s group published a paper regarding the effect of nano-iron oxide coating on the transport and retention of plant pathogen in porous media, and tested the removal potential of nano-iron oxide coated porous media for plant pathogens from water in greenhouse. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Joseph Stucki is studying the distribution of ferric iron (Fe(III)) between the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets of smectites, which is still an active problem due to the difficulty of identifying and quantifying the tetrahedral ferric iron ([4]Fe(III)). Mössbauer spectroscopy has often been used to address this problem, with the spectra being fitted by a sum of doublets, but the empirical attribution of each doublet has failed to yield a uniform interpretation of the spectra of natural reference Fe(III)-rich smectites, especially with regard to [4]Fe(III), because little consensus exists as to the [4]Fe(III) content of natural samples. In an effort to resolve this problem, the current study was undertaken using a series of synthetic nontronites [Si4-x [4]Fe(III)x] [6]Fe(III)2O10(OH)2Nax with x ranging from 0.43 to 1.3. Mössbauer spectra were obtained at 298, 77, and 4 K. Statistically acceptable deconvolutions of the Mössbauer spectra at 298 and 77 K were used to develop a model of the distribution of tetrahedral substitutions, taking into account: (i) the [4]Fe(III) content; (ii) the three possible tetrahedral cationic environments around [6]Fe(III), i.e., [4Si]-(3[6]Fe(III)), [3Si [4]Fe(III)]-(3[6]Fe(III)), and [2Si 2[4]Fe(III)]-(3[6]Fe(III)); and (iii) the local environment around a [4]Fe(III), i.e., [3Si]-(2[6]Fe(III)) respecting Löwenstein’s Rule. This approach allowed the range of Mössbauer parameters for [6]Fe(III) and [4]Fe(III) to be determined and then applied to spectra of natural Fe(III)-rich smectites. Results revealed the necessity of taking into account the distribution of tetrahedral cations ([4]R(III)) around [6]Fe(III) cations in order to deconvolute the Mössbauer spectra, and also highlighted the influence of sample crystallinity on Mössbauer parameters. </p><br /> <p>Dr. G.M. Hettiarachchi investigated the biogehcistry of carbon and phosphorus in soils and factors that affect their cycling. Her research provided direct evidence in support of newly proposed concepts focused on involvement of a large array of physicochemical mechanisms on soil organic carbon preservation. STXM-NEXAFS analysis provided insight on organo-mineral associations in temperate (Mollisols) and tropical (Oxisols) soils. Her research on phosphorus fertilizer reactions in soils showed that blending ortho-phosphorus P sources with polyphosphates possesses tremendous potential to reduce total P inputs to calcareous soils, simultaneously saving grower capital, conserving a non-renewable resource, and protecting freshwater ecosystems. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Allen Goldstein generated new insights into gas/particle partitioning of organics and secondary aerosol formation in the atmosphere from oxidation of both naturally emitted biogenic volatile organic compounds as well as anthropogenically emitted air pollutants. We published results this year from field studies in California, the Southeastern United States, and the Brazilian Amazon. In these field campaigns and associated laboratory studies we applied novel technologies developed in our laboratory for speciated organic gas and particle measurements. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Jim Harsh pursued the following objectives: 1. Characterize the physical, chemical, biological and morphological properties of particulate matter and their environmental, health and economic impacts over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, including their potential effects on ecological sustainability, food and energy production, climate change, and air, water and soil quality. 2. Upgrade the skills of project participants to do research in heterogeneous environmental systems at the micro- and nano-meter scale. and 3. Integrate modern analytical instruments (e.g., synchrotron-based spectroscopy, diffraction and fluorescence, scanning force methods, conventional and laser-based spectroscopy, chemical analysis, and microtomography) and other techniques, including molecular to macroscopic modeling and measuring approaches to promote their use in the agricultural sciences and assist in the development and acquisition of equipment and expertise relevant to the agricultural science community. In support of the first objective we pursued three projects. The first concerned the role of bacterial biofilms in mineral weathering and the storage of nutrients for plants and microorganisms. Biofilms are known to protect microbes from environmental stresses such as desiccation and toxic contaminants and this study’s aim was to determine if they also played a role in supplying and storing deficient nutrients. An understanding of this system is related to the sustainability of both managed and unmanaged systems. We found that bacteria responded to Fe-deficiency stress by altering biofilms to store more nutrients. In a second study, we examined how the up and down movement of water and air could dislodge fluoranthene, a common industrial contaminant, from soil particles. A moving air-water interface carried fluoranthene particles with it and could serve as a means to remove polyaromatic hydrocarbons from soil and other porous media. A third project examined the chemical and physical properties of biochar, a product of biofuel burning. Using different woods, burning temperatures, and air oxidation, we could produce biochars with more or less tendency to hold water. When added to soil, the more easily wetted biochars increased the water holding capacity of a sandy soil. The second and third objectives were met under all these projects. Four graduate students were trained in the use of modern instruments and applied these to both macroscopic and microscopic scales in heterogeneous media. Modern analytical techniques included nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), synchrotron spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Robert Hudson has been applying advanced instrumental analysis to the understanding of Hg pollution in aquatic ecosystems. The methods developed in this lab combine a novel approach to Hg speciation analysis using Ion Chromatogaphy with ICP-MS. His new method confirms the accuracy of the standard method for quantifying monomethylmercury (MMHg) in samples from aquatic ecosystems. His focus at present is on characterizing a previously unknown Hg species that is highly stable and has low charge. Accurately measuring its concentration will help better understand the chemical nature of the inorganic fraction of Hg, which at present is poorly understood. The findings should have relevance for the toxicity and transport of inorganic Hg in the environment. </p><br /> <p>Dr. Daniel Gimenez conducted research on quantitative parameters of soil structure using fractal techniques. He studied the scaling of soil transport coefficients used in simulation models of the soil-plant atmosphere continuum. He studied geostatistical models for use in describing water transport in agricultural systems.</p>Publications
<ol><br /> <li>McDaniel, P, D.G. Strawn. 2016. Anaerobic Processes. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal Editor. CRC Press. </li><br /> <li>Weyers, E., D.G. Strawn, D. Peak, A. Moore, L. Baker, B. Cade Menun. 2016 (in Press Dec/Jan issue). Speciation of phosphorus in manure-amended calcareous soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. </li><br /> <li>Wang, Z.#, Calderón, L.#, Patton, A.#, Sorensen-Allacci, M., Senick, J., Wener, R., Andrews, C.J., and Mainelis, G.* (2016). Evaluation of Real-time Instruments and Gravimetric Method Used to Measure Particulate Matter (PM) in a Green Building, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66 (11) 109-1120, Abstract. </li><br /> <li>Zhang, J.J.*, Lee, K.B., He, L., Seifert, J., Subramaniam, Yang, L., Chen, S., Maguire, P., Mainelis, G., Schwander, S., Tetley, T., Porter, A., Ryan, M., Shaffer, M.,Hu, S., Zhang, K., Gong, J., and Chung, K.F., (2016) Effects of a Nano-Ceria Fuel Additive on Physicochemical Properties of Diesel Exhaust Particle, Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, DOI: 10.1039/c6em00337k. </li><br /> <li>Sagona, J.A.#, Shalat, S.L., Wang, Z., Ramagopal, M., Black, K., Hernandez, M., and Mainelis, G.* (2016). Comparing particulate matter exposure estimates in children from personal sampling equipment and a robotic sampler, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, doi: 10.1038/jes.2016.24. </li><br /> <li>Shah, L.*, Mainelis, G., Ramagopal, M., Black, K., and Shalat, S.L. (2016). Particulate matter concentration measured by a robotic sampler (PIPER) is associated with eczema in preschoolers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(2), 242; doi:10.3390/ijerph13020242. </li><br /> <li>Patton, A.#, Calderón, L.#, Xiong, Y., Wang, Z.#, Senick, J., Sorensen-Allacci, M.A., Plotnik, D., Wener, R., Andrews, C. J., Krogmann, U., and Mainelis, G.* (2016) Airborne Particulate Matter in Multi-family Green Buildings: Measurements from Two Buildings and Summary of Recent Studies, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 144, doi:10.3390/ijerph13010144. </li><br /> <li>Jeon, S., C.S. Krasnow, C.K. Kirby, L.L. Granke, M.K. Hausbeck, and W. Zhang. 2016. Transport and retention of Phytophthora capsici zoospores in saturated porous media. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(17), 9270–9278. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01784. </li><br /> <li>Song, Y., Y. Li, W. Zhang, F. Wang, Y. Bian, L.A. Boughner, and X. Jiang. 2016. Novel biochar-plant tandem approach for remediating hexachlorobenzene contaminated soils: Proof-of-concept and new insight into the rhizosphere. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(27), 5464–5471. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b01035. </li><br /> <li>Gui, W., C. Tian, Q. Sun, S. Li, W. Zhang, J. Tang, and G. Zhu. 2016. Simultaneous determination of organotin pesticides by HPLC-ICP-MS and their sorption, desorption, and transformation in freshwater sediments. Water Research, 95, 185–194. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2016.02.056. </li><br /> <li>Gong, W., X. Liu, S. Xia, B. Liang, and W. Zhang. 2016. Abiotic reduction of trifluralin and pendimethalin by sulfides in black-carbon-amended coastal sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 310, 125-134. DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.02.022.</li><br /> <li>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, B.J. Teppen, S.A. Boyd, J.M. Gonzalez, C.T. Johnston, J. Lehmann, and W. Zhang. 2016. Sorption of lincomycin by manure-derived biochars from water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45(2), 519-527. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2015.06.0320. </li><br /> <li>Stoof, C.R., A.I. Gevaert, C. Baver, B. Hassanpour, V.L. Morales, W. Zhang, D. Martin, S.K. Giri, and T.S. Steenhuis. 2016. Can pore-clogging by ash explain post-fire runoff? International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25(3), 294-305. DOI: 10.1071/WF15037. </li><br /> <li>Kaufhold, S., Stucki, J.W., Finck, N., Steininger, R., Zimina, A., Dohrmann, R., Ufer, K., Pentrak, M., and Pentrakova, L. (2016) Tetrahedral charge and Fe content in dioctahedral smectites. Clay Minerals, 52, 51-65. </li><br /> <li>Karna, R., G.M. Hettiarachchi, M. Newville, C-J Sun, and Q. Ma. 2016. Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Spectroscopy Studies for Redox-Based Remediation of Lead, Zinc, and Cadmium in Mine Waste Materials. J. Environ. Qual. 45:1883-1893. doi: 10.2134/jeq2015.12.0616. </li><br /> <li>Drozd, G.T., Y. Zhao, G. Saliba, B. Frodin, C. Maddox, R.J. Weber, M-C.O. Chang, H. Maldonado, S. Sardar, A.L Robinson, A.H. Goldstein, Time resolved measurements of speciated tailpipe emissions from motor vehicles: trends with emission control technology, cold start effects, and speciation, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04513, 50 (24), 13592–13599, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Lee, S.-H., J. Uin, A. B. Guenther, J. A. de Gouwd, F. Yu, A. B. Nadykto, J. Herb, N. L. Ng, A. Koss, W. H. Brune, K. Baumann, V. P. Kanawade, F. N. Keutsch, A. Nenes, K. Olsen, A. Goldstein, and Q. Ouyang, Isoprene suppression of new particle formation: Potential mechanisms and implications, J. Geophys. Res., 121, Doi:10.1029/2016JD024844, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Thompson, S.L., R.L.N. Yatavelli, H. Stark, J.R. Kimmel, J.E. Krechmer, D.A. Day, W. Hu, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, L. Yee, A.H. Goldstein, M.A.H. Khan, R. Holzinger, N. Kreisberg, F.D. Lopez-Hilfiker, C. Mohr, J.A. Thornton, J.T. Jayne, M. Canagaratna, D.R. Worsnop & J.L. Jimenez, Field intercomparison of the gas/particle partitioning of oxygenated organics during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in 2013, Aerosol Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2016.1254719, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Ma, P. K., Y. Zhao, A.L. Robinson, D.R. Worton, A.H. Goldstein, A.M. Ortega, J.-L. Jimenez, P. Zotter, A.S.H. Prévôt, S. Szidat, and P.L. Hayes, Evaluating the impact of new observational constraints on P-S/IVOC emissions, multi-generation oxidation, and chamber wall losses on SOA modeling for Los Angeles, CA, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2016-957, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Isaacman-VanWertz, G., L.D. Yee, N.M. Kreisberg, R. Wernis, J.A. Moss, S.V. Hering, S.S. de Sá, S.T. Martin, L. Alexander, B.B. Palm, W.W. Hu, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.A. Day, J.L. Jimenez, M. Riva, J.D. Surratt, J. Viegas, A. Manzi, E. Edgerton, K. Baumann, R. Souza, P. Artazo, A.H. Goldstein, Observed ambient gas-particle partitioing of tracers for biogenic oxidation, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01674, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Zhang, Y., B. J. Williams, A.H. Goldstein, K.S. Docherty, and J.L. Jimenez, A technique for rapid source apportionment applied to ambient organic aerosol measurements from a thermal desorption aerosol gas chromatograph (TAG), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5637-5653, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5637-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Su, L., Patton, E. G., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Guenther, A. B., Kaser, L., Yuan, B., Xiong, F., Shepson, P. B., Zhang, L., Miller, D. O., Brune, W. H., Baumann, K., Edgerton, E., Weinheimer, A., Misztal, P. K., Park, J.-H., Goldstein, A. H., Skog, K. M., Keutsch, F. N., and Mak, J. E.: Understanding isoprene photooxidation using observations and modeling over a subtropical forest in the southeastern US, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7725-7741, doi:10.5194/acp-16-7725-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Liu, Y., J. Brito, M.R. Dorris, J.C. Rivera-Rios, R. Seco, K.H. Bates, P. Artaxo, S. Duvoisin Jr., F.N. Keutsch, S. Kim, A.H. Goldstein, A.B. Guenther, A.O. Manzi, R.A. F. Souza, S.R. Springston, T.B. Watson, K.A. McKinney, and S.T. Martin, Isoprene photochemistry over the Amazon rainforest, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 22, 6125-6130, doi:10.1073/pnas.1524136113, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Amador Muñoz, O., P. K. Misztal, R. Weber, D.R. Worton, H. Zhang, G. Drozd, and A.H. Goldstein, Sensitive detection of n-alkanes using a mixed ionization mode proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5315-5329, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5315-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Misztal, P. K., J. C. Avise, T. Karl, K. Scott, H. H. Jonsson, A. B. Guenther, A. H. Goldstein, Evaluation of regional isoprene emission factors and modeled fluxes in California, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9611–9628, doi:10.5194/acp-16-9611-2016, 2016.</li><br /> <li>Hu, W., B.B. Palm, D.A. Day, P. Campuzano-Jost, J.E. Krechmer, Z. Peng, Z., S.S. de Sá, S.T. Martin, M.L. Alexander, K. Baumann, L. Hacker, A. Kiendler-Scharr, A.R. Koss, J.A. de Gouw, A.H. Goldstein, R. Seco, S.J. Sjostedt, J.-H. Park, J.-H., A.B. Guenther, S. Kim, F. Canonaco, A.S.H. Prévôt, W.H. Brune, and J.L. Jimenez, Volatility and lifetime against OH heterogeneous reaction of ambient isoprene-epoxydiols-derived secondary organic aerosol (IEPOX-SOA), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11563-11580, doi:10.5194/acp-16-11563-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Williams, B. J., Y. Zhang, X. Zuo, R.E. Martinez, M.J. Walker, N.M. Kreisberg, A.H. Goldstein, K.S. Docherty, and J.L. Jimenez, Organic and inorganic decomposition products from the thermal desorption of atmospheric particles, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1569-1586, doi:10.5194/amt-9-1569-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Martin, S. T., P. Artaxo, L. A. T. Machado, A. O. Manzi, R. A. F. Souza, C. Schumacher, J. Wang, M. O. Andreae, H. M. J. Barbosa, J. Fan, G. Fisch, A. H. Goldstein, A. Guenther, J. L. Jimenez, U. Pöschl, M. A. Silva Dias, J. N. Smith, and M. Wendisch, Introduction: Observations and modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 4785-4797, doi:10.5194/acp-16-4785-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Nguyen, T. B., G.S. Tyndall, J.D. Crounse, A.P. Teng, K.H. Bates, R.H. Schwantes, M.M. Coggon, L. Zhang, P. Feiner, D.O. Miller, K.M. Skog, J.C. Rivera-Rios, M. Dorris, K.F. Olson, A. Koss, R.J. Wild, S.S. Brown, A.H. Goldstein, J.A. de Gouw, W.H. Brune, F.N. Keutsch, J.H. Seinfeld, and P.O. Wennberg, Atmospheric fates of Criegee intermediates in the ozonolysis of isoprene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI: 10.1039/C6CP00053C, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Glasius, M., and A.H. Goldstein, Recent Discoveries and Future Challenges in Atmospheric Organic Chemistry, Environ. Sci. Technol., 50, 2754−2764, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05105, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Richards-Henderson, N.K., A.H. Goldstein, K.R. Wilson, Sulfur Dioxide Accelerates the Heterogeneous Oxidation Rate of Organic Aerosol by Hydroxyl Radicals , Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (7), pp 3554–3561, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05369, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Chan, A.W.H., N.M. Kreisberg,T. Hohaus, P. Campuzano-Jost, Y. Zhao, D.A. Day, L. Kaser, T. Karl, A. Hansel, A.P. Teng, C.R. Ruehl, D.T. Sueper, J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, J.L. Jimenez, S.V. Hering, and A.H. Goldstein, Speciated measurements of semivolatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds (S/IVOCs) in a pine forest during BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1187-1205, doi:10.5194/acp-16-1187-2016, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Lee, B.H., C. Mohr, F.D. Lopez-Hilfiker, A. Lutz, M. Hallquist, L. Lee, P. Romer, R.C. Cohen, S. Iyer, T. Kurtén, W. Hu, D.A. Day, P. Campuzano-Jost, J.L. Jimenez, L. Xu, N.L. Ng, H. Guo, R.J. Weber, R. J. Wild, S.S. Brown, A. Koss, J. de Gouw, K. Olson, A.H. Goldstein, R. Seco, S. Kim, K. McAvey, P.B. Shepson, T. Starn, K. Baumann, E.S. Edgerton, J. Liu, J.E. Shilling, D.O. Miller, W. Brune, S. Schobesberger, E.L. D'Ambro, and J.A. Thornton, Highly functionalized organic nitrates in the southeast United States: Contribution to secondary organic aerosol and reactive nitrogen budgets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 6, 1516–1521, doi:10.1073/pnas.1508108113, 2016. </li><br /> <li>Suliman, W., J. B. Harsh, N. Abu-Lail, Fortuna, A-M., I. Dallmeyer, and M. Garcia-Perez. 2017. The role of biochar porosity and surface functionality in augmenting hydrologic properties of a sandy soil. Sci. Total Environ. 574:139-147. </li><br /> <li>Grant, M.R., L.S. Tymon, G.L. Helms, L.S. Thomashow, C.K. Keller, J.B. Harsh. 2016. Biofilm adaptation to iron availability in the presence of biotite and consequences for chemical weathering. Geobiology. 14(6):588-598. doi:10.1111/gbi.12187. </li><br /> <li>Chahal, M.K., J.B. Harsh and M. Flury. 2016. Translocation of fluoranthene in porous media by advancing and receding air–water interfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 492:62-70. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.12.012. </li><br /> <li>Suliman, W., J.B. Harsh, N.I. Abu-Lail, A.-M. Fortuna, I. Dallmeyer, and M. Garcia-Perez. 2016. Influence of feedstock source and pyrolysis temperature on biochar bulk and surface properties. Biomass & Bioenergy 84: 37-48. </li><br /> <li>Suliman, W., J.B. Harsh, N.I. Abu-Lail, A.-M. Fortuna, I. Dallmeyer, and M. Garcia-Perez. 2016. Modification of biochar surface by air oxidation: Role of pyrolysis temperature. Biomass & Bioenergy 85:1-11. </li><br /> <li>Akdemir, E., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2016. Influence of agroforestry buffers on soil hydraulic properties relative to row crop management. Soil Science 181:368-376. </li><br /> <li>Chandrasoma, J.M., R.P. Udawatta, S.H. Anderson, A.L. Thompson, and M.A. Abney, 2016. Soil hydraulic properties as influenced by prairie restoration. Geoderma 283;48-56. </li><br /> <li>Ma, Y., Y. Li, S.H. Anderson, X. Zheng, X. Feng, and P, Gao. 2016. Diesel oil infiltration in soils with selected antecedent water content and bulk density. J. Central South Univ. (Springer) 23:1924-1930. </li><br /> <li>Sahin, H., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2016. Water infiltration and soil water content in claypan soils influenced by agroforestry and grass buffers compared to row crop management. Agroforestry Systems 90:839-860. </li><br /> <li>Simmons, L.A., and S.H. Anderson. 2016. Effects of logging activities on selected soil physical and hydraulic properties for a claypan landscape. Geoderma 269:145-152. </li><br /> <li>Udawatta, R.P., C.J. Gantzer, S.H. Anderson, and S. Assouline. 2016. Synchrotron microtomographic quantification of geometrical soil pore characteristics affected by compaction. SOIL 2:211-220. (Published by European Geosciences Union). </li><br /> <li>Zaibon, S., S.H. Anderson, N.R. Kitchen, and S.I. Haruna. 2016. Soil physical and hydraulic properties affected by topsoil thickness in cultivated switchgrass and corn-soybean cropping systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 80:1365-1376. </li><br /> <li>Zeiger, S.J., J.A. Hubbart, S.H. Anderson, and M.C. Stambaugh. 2016. Quantifying and modeling urban stream temperature: A central US watershed study. Hydrological Processes 30:503-514. </li><br /> <li>Adhikari, P., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, and S. Kumar. 2016. Analysis of CT-measured pore characteristics of porous media relative to physical properties. Procedia Computer Science 95:442-449. </li><br /> <li>Adhikari, P., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, and S. Kumar. 2016. Analysis of CT-measured pore characteristics of porous media relative to physical properties. Complex Adaptive Systems Conference Abstracts. 2-4 November, Los Angeles, CA. </li><br /> <li>Fleetwood, M., S.H. Anderson, K.W. Goyne, and X. Xiong. 2016. Wettability of hydrophobic sand as influenced by wetting agent solution. 2016 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 6-9 November, Phoenix, Arizona. </li><br /> <li>Haruna, S.I., S.H. Anderson, N.V. Nkongolo, and T.M. Reinbott. 2016. Soil thermal properties influenced by perennial biofuel and cover crop management. 2016 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 6-9 November, Phoenix, Arizona. </li><br /> <li>Song, E., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, and X. Xiong. 2016. Effect of repeated application of wetting agents on hydrophobicity of USGA green. 2016 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 6-9 November, Phoenix, Arizona. </li><br /> <li>Chowdhury, S., N. S. Bolan, B. Seshadri, A. Kunhikrishnan, H. Wijesekara, Y. Xu, J. Yang, G.-H. Kim, D. Sparks and Cornelia Rumpel. 2016. Co-composting solid biowastes with alkaline materials to enhance carbon stabilization and revegetation potential. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23:7099–7110. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5411-9 </li><br /> <li>Fan,T.T, Y.-J. Wang, C.-B.. Li, J.-Z.. He, J. Gao, D. Zhou, S. P. Friedman, and D. L. Sparks. 2016. Effect of organic matter on sorption of Zn on soil: Elucidation by Wien effect measurements and EXAFS spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol 50 (6) :2931–2937 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05281 </li><br /> <li>Ming, H., R. Naidu, B. Sarkar, D. T. Lamb, Y. Liu , M. Megharaj, D. Sparks. 2016. Competitive sorption of cadmium and zinc in contrasting soils. Geoderma 268: 60–68. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.01.021 </li><br /> <li>Ono, F.B., E.S.Penido, R.Tappero, D. Sparks and L.R.G. Guilherme. 2016. Bioaccessibility of Cd and Pb in tailings from a zinc smelting in Brazil: Implications for human health. Environ Geochem Health 37:1-14.DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9774-0 </li><br /> <li>Ono, F. B., R. Tappero, R., D. Sparks and L.R.G. Guilherme. 2016. Investigation of arsenic species in tailings and windblown dust from a gold mining area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(1):638-647. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5304-y </li><br /> <li>Pan, W., J. Kan, S. Inamdar, C. Chen and D. Sparks. 2016. Dissimilatory microbial iron reduction release DOC (dissolved organic carbon) from carbon-ferrihydrite association. Soil Biol. Biochem. 103: 232 - 240. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.08.026 DOI </li><br /> <li>Starcher, A.N., W. Li, R. K. Kukkadapu, E. J. Elzinga and D. L. Sparks. 2016. Fe(II) sorption on pyrophyllite: Effect of structural Fe(III) (impurity) in pyrophyllite on nature of layered double hydroxide (LDH) secondary mineral formation. Chem. Geology 439:152-160. I:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.06.017 </li><br /> <li>Wang, X., M. Zhu, L. K Koopal, W. Li, W. Xu, F. Liu, J. Zhang, Q. Liu, X. Feng and D. Sparks. 2016. Effects of crystallite sizes on the structure and magnetism of ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci.: Nano 3:190 - 202. DOI: 10.1039/C5EN00191A </li><br /> <li>Yang J.J., J. Wang ,W.N. Pan, T. Regier, Y.F. Hu, C. Rumpel, N. Bolan, D.L. Sparks. 2016. Retention mechanisms of citric acid in ternary kaolinite-Fe(III)-citrate acid systems using Fe K-edge EXAFS and L3,2-edge XANES spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 6:26127. DOI:10.1038/srep26127 </li><br /> <li>Zhao,H., M. Zhu, W. Li, E. J. Elzinga, M. Villalobos, F. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Feng, and D. L. Sparks. 2016. Redox reactions between Mn(II) and hexagonal birnessite change it’s layer symmetry. Environ. Sci. Technol 50 (4): 1750–1758. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04436 </li><br /> <li>Eck, D.V., Qin, M.M., Hirmas, D.R., Gimenez, D., Brunsell, N.A., 2016. Relating Quantitative Soil Structure Metrics to Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity. Vadose Zone J doi:10.2136/vzj2015.05.0083. </li><br /> <li>Hirmas, D.R., Gimenez, D., Mome, E.A., Patterson, M., Drager, K., Platt, B.F., Eck, D.V., 2016. Quantifying Soil Structure and Porosity Using Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning. pp. 19-35. In: Hartemink, A.E. and B. Minasny, eds., Digital Soil Morphometrics. Progress in Soil Science Series. Springer. </li><br /> <li>Kerry, R., Goovaerts, P., Gimenez, D., Oudemans, P., Muniz, E., 2016. Investigating geostatistical methods to model within-field yield variability of cranberries for potential management zones. Precis Agric 17, 247-273. </li><br /> <li>Mohammed, A.K., Hirmas, D.R., Gimenez, D., Mandel, R.D., Miller, J.R., 2016. A Digital Morphometric Approach for Quantifying Ped Shape. Soil Sci Soc Am J 80, 1604-1618. </li><br /> <li>Muniz, E., Shaw, R.K., Gimenez, D., Williams, C.A., Kenny, L., 2016. Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar to Determine Depth to Compacted Layer in Soils Under Pasture. . pp. 411-421. In: Hartemink, A.E. and B. Minasny, eds., Digital Soil Morphometrics. Progress in Soil Science Series. Springer. </li><br /> <li>Palta, M.M., Ehrenfeld, J.G., Gimenez, D., Groffman, P.M., Subroy, V., 2016. Soil texture and water retention as spatial predictors of denitrification in urban wetlands. Soil Biol Biochem 101, 237-250. </li><br /> <li>Kannepalli, S., P. F. Strom, U. Krogmann, V. Subroy, D. Giménez, and R.Miskewitz. 2016. Characterization of wood mulch and leachate/runoff from three wood recycling facilities in New Jersey, USA. J Environ. Manage. 182: 421-428. </li><br /> <li>Giménez, D. and D. Hirmas. 2016. Macroporosity. In: Lal, R., ed., The Encyclopedia of Soil Science. p. 1388-1391.Vol. 2, 3rd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Revised and expanded from the second edition-2005.</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
- This research provides novel data regarding exposure to manufactured nanoparticle due to the use of nanotechnology-based consumer products. Such data could be used for risk assessment and toxicology studies examining health impacts of nanotechnology.
Date of Annual Report: 01/08/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/24/2017
- 10/24/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Stephen Anderson - Missouri - University of Missouri (MO);Nancy Cavallaro - USDA/NIFA;
Yucheng Feng - Alabama - Auburn University;
Daniel Gimenez - New Jersey - Rutgers University (NJ);
Ganga Hettiarachchi - Kansas - Kansas State University;
Kang Xia - Virginia - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA);
Wei Zhang - Michigan State Universty (MI)
Brief Summary of Minutes
The following is a brief report of several items discussed:
- Nancy Cavallaro gave a synopsis of upcoming grant opportunities.
- The group thought of holding the next meeting in Washington, DC during fall 2018 since there will be no SSSA meeting next fall (meets in San Diego in January 2019). Nancy was supportive of this option and offered to help with meeting room, etc.
- Annual reports
- The report needs to be submitted within 60 days of the annual meeting (Dec. 24, 2017).
- Daniel Strawn is to send out a notice to have everyone submit their reports to Daniel or Ganga Hettiarachchi by Dec. 1.
- The reason the report is critical at this time is this project will be reviewed as a mid-term project in early January 2018. They reviewers will need to see a report from the 2017 meeting.
- Recruitment of new members to the group is also discussed.
- Reports on special activities for development and use of advanced microscopic molecular analysis in soils
- Special Section entitled “Application of Synchrotron Radiation-Based Methods for Environmental Biogeochemistry” in Journal of Environmental Quality Nov-Dec 2017 Issue is mentioned. Organization of this special section and several published manuscripts were from the members of this group.
- The future leadership for the group
- Chair – Ganga Hettiarachchi
- Vice Chair/Secretary- Wei Zhang
<p>Members of this project are applying a wide range of analytical tools to elucidate mechanisms of physical and chemical protection of carbon in soils, cycling and reaction pathways of nutrient elements in soils, colloid transport through soil, removal and in situ stabilization of soil contaminants, effect of climate change on soil structure, storage and transport of soil water, and deposition of synthetic nanoparticles on the human respiratory system. More detailed description of research outcomes by the different groups is presented below. </p><br /> <p>Groundwater vulnerability to pollutant transport through soil and geologic materials is an environmental concern. Dr. Steve Anderson and his group at University of Missouri conducted a study to evaluate selected methods for averaging pixels in computed tomography (CT) images obtained with dynamic chemical transport through several undisturbed core samples. Computed tomography scans of dynamic fluid transport studies allowed spatial estimates of transport pore velocity and dispersivity parameters. Group pixel averaging methods were used to determine these properties. Averaging methods ranged from 0.5 by 0.5 mm resolution to 10 by 10 mm resolution. Results showed that transport parameter estimates varied slightly as a function of which method was selected. These studies showed that the lower resolution images produced more consistent values as well as values approximating estimates determined from the core average experiments. Recommendations for future studies indicate accurate results are obtained with the 2 by 2 mm resolution (compromise between the highest resolution for more data and the lowest resolution for results similar to the core average). Experimental results appeared appropriate for the geomedia used in this study.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Daniel Giménez and his group at Rutgers University continued working on the characterization of soil pore structure obtained with x-ray computed tomography (CT). He and his collaborators tested changes in pore size distributions measured at four scales (local distributions) in samples of four soils, and proposed a method to generate global pore size distributions containing information on pore sizes imaged at the several scales. Global distributions are likely to better represent 'true' pore size distributions of soils. In their study, global size distributions compared well with pore size distributions derived from water retention curves. They also demonstrated for the first time that enrichment of atmospheric CO<sub>2 </sub>could lead to a change in the fractal structure of soils and to a shift in pore size distributions, which has important implications for soil management under climate change. An important component of Dr. Giménez group efforts was dedicated to characterize the shape of soil peds from qualitative descriptions done in the field. The importance of this work is that it could potentially unlock valuable information contained in databases with soil profile descriptions such as those in the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Characterization Database. The group is also documenting changes in infiltration rates on a long-term experiment, designed to test the effect of supplemental irrigation on ecosystem properties.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Allen Goldstein and his group at the University of California, Berkeley generated new insights into gas/particle partitioning of organics and secondary aerosol formation in the atmosphere from oxidation of both naturally emitted biogenic volatile organic compounds as well as anthropogenically emitted air pollutants. The group published results this year from field studies in California, the Southeastern United States, and the Brazilian Amazon. In these field campaigns and associated laboratory studies we applied novel technologies developed in our laboratory for speciated organic gas and particle measurements.</p><br /> <p>Rhizobacterial biofilm development influences terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycles with ramifications for crop and soil health. Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) is a redox-active metabolite produced by rhizobacteria in dryland wheat fields of Washington and Oregon. Dr. James Harsh and his colleagues at the Washington State University compared irrigated and dryland wheat systems inoculated with a PCA-producing (PCA<sup>+</sup>) strain and a PCA-deficient (PCA<sup>‑</sup>) mutant strain of <em>Pseudomonas synxantha</em>. Biofilms in dryland rhizospheres were more robust in PCA+ than in PCA- inoculated rhizospheres, and few biofilms were observed in irrigated rhizospheres. In dryland PCA<sup>+</sup> rhizospheres, the turnover of some <sup>15</sup>N-labelled rhizobacterial biomass was slower than in the other treatments, and incorporation of bacterial <sup>15</sup>N into root cell walls was observed in multiple treatments. These results indicate that PCA promotes the development of biofilms in dryland rhizospheres and likely influences crop nutrition and soil health in dryland wheat fields. They quantified the transport of Escherichia coli pathogenic O157:H7 and nonpathogenic K12 strains in water-saturated Quincy sand (QS) columns amended with oxidized or unoxidized pine wood (PW) or pine bark (PB) biochar produced at either 350 or 600 degrees C. Their results showed that (1) the addition of oxidized biochar into QS columns enhanced the transport of E. coli O157:H7 by 3.1 fold compared to the unoxidized counterparts, likely due to increased negative charge density. (2) The retention of E. coli O157:H7 was 3.3 fold higher than that of E. coli K12 in all biochar-amended sand columns. (3) Increased application rates of unoxidized PW600 biochar from 0 to 20 wt % led to a reduction in the transport of E. coli O157:H7 and K12 from 98 to 10% and from 95 to 70%, respectively. Mixing sand with unoxidized PW350 at a 20 wt % application rate resulted in almost complete retention of the pathogenic E. coli in the subsurface, suggesting that utilizing sand mixed with biochar can act as a biofilter capable of protecting natural aquifers from pathogens. They also examined the potential relationships between porosity and surface functionality of biochar and soil water retention characteristics. Their results indicated that the amount of oxygenated functional groups on the surface of biochars clearly differentiated the biochars in terms of hydrophilicity, with the oxidized biochars being superior, followed by the low-temperature biochars, while the high temperature biochars possessed lowest hydrophilicity. As a result, oxidized biochars exhibited better wettability compared to unoxidized biochars, regardless their feedstock source. Significant correlation occurred between the total acidic functional groups on biochar surface and water contents at different matric potentials. Over a wide range of soil water potentials, oxidized biochar-soil mixtures held more water than the unoxidized biochar-soil mixtures except near saturation (-0.1 to -5 kPa). Soil water contents at different matric potentials were significantly inter-correlated (P < 0.01) and correlated with bulk densities of biochar-amended soil samples.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Phosphorus fertilizer use efficiency is poor (10-30%) in many acid and calcareous soils as a result of fixation reactions between the orthophosphate anion and various forms of Ca, Fe or Al that limit the nutrient’s availability to plants. In response to concern of crop P deficiency, growers tend to apply more than is necessary creating a surplus of P in soil that is not labile but can still erode or leach into nearby waterbodies compromising drinking water quality, recreational activities, and aquatic wildlife. Moreover inclusion of micronutrients in commercial macronutrient fertilizers is a common practice throughout the world and has been driven mainly by product physical characteristics than by considerations of fertilizer efficiency. The cost of conventional micronutrient fertilizers as well as yield loss due to their inefficient utilization is considerable and therefore it is essential to find new application methods that increase the efficiency of micronutrient acquisition. Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi and her group at the Kansas State University have been investigating the mobility, availability and reaction products of phosphorus and micronutrient fertilizers in different soils. The group used synchrotron based x-ray techniques to obtain nutrient speciation to understand/explain P and micronutrient mobility and potential plant availability in soils. Improved understanding of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for the enhanced mobility or availability of different P and micronutrient fertilizers in carefully selected soil types will help to determine under which circumstances certain P and micronutrient fertilizers offer the potential to significantly increase agricultural productivity.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Gediminas (Gedi) Mainelis and his group at the Rutgers University continued the investigation of the release of nanoparticles due to the use of nanotechnology-enabled clothing, especially those that are advertised as containing silver. In addition, they started an investigation of resuspension of nanoparticles from surfaces and their agglomerates due to the use nanotechnology sprays in households. In the first project, particle release was simulated using a rotary abrader, and the released particles were measured using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer. The data were analyzed to examine potential user exposures to particles due to the use of clothing items and also to determine if there is a difference in the released particle concentration when the clothing items are new or used (e.g., washed). They also focused on the morphology and composition of particles in the clothing items versus the morphology and composition of particles in the airborne state. They found that particles varying in size from tens of nanometers to micrometers would be released into the air during simulated clothing wear. The acquired material had varying concentrations and composition of metals. For example, one of the products had the Ti concentration as high as ~74 mg/kg. They acquired 11 items that were advertised as containing silver and concentrations of silver varied substantially among the investigated items: from 51 µg/kg to as high 45 g/kg. The very high silver concentration in this item was consistent with it releasing the highest concentration of particles >1 µm as well as the highest overall particle concentration. They also confirmed that particles released from the products are nanoparticles, their agglomerates, and particles from product matrix. Nanoparticle agglomerates contained primary nanoparticles sized 60-100nm. Presence of metals in the released particles was confirmed by collecting particles on a filter and examining them using SEM-EDS. The collected samples were shown to have Ti and Ag particles. The overall airborne silver concentration released from some products reached as high as several micrograms for a cubic meter. Their data from this project show that nano-sized particles, including those containing silver, could be released during clothing use. The user may be exposed to those per via inhalation route. In the second project, various nanosprays were used in a specially-built room where the concentration of background particles is controlled. The silver and zinc-based nanosprays were used in the room, and their concentrations were measured. The sprays were allowed to settle for a day on the floor (either carpet or linoleum) and then a researcher walked on the floor and the resuspended particles were measured. They found that resuspended particles included nanoparticle agglomerates. The mass concentration of resuspended particles was higher closer to the floor compared to concentrations measured at 1.5 m height. This suggests that children playing on the floor would be exposed to higher concentrations of resuspended nanoparticle agglomerates compared to adults.</p><br /> <p>Climate change-induced perturbations in the hydrologic regime are expected to impact biogeochemical processes, including contaminant mobility and cycling. Elevated levels of geogenic and anthropogenic arsenic are found along many coasts around the world, most notably in south and southeast Asia but also in the United States, particularly along the Mid-Atlantic coast. The mechanism by and the extent to which arsenic may be released in contaminated coastal soils due to sea level rise are unknown. Dr. Don Sparks and his group at the University of Delaware showed a series of data from a coastal arsenic contaminated soil exposed to sea and river waters in biogeochemical microcosm reactors across field-validated redox conditions. They found that reducing conditions lead to arsenic release from historically contaminated coastal soils through reductive dissolution of arsenic-bearing mineral oxides in both sea and river water inundations, with less arsenic release from seawater scenarios than river water due to inhibition of oxide dissolution. For the first time, they systematically display gradation of solid phase soil-arsenic speciation across defined redox windows from reducing to oxidizing conditions in natural waters by combining biogeochemical microcosm experiments and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Their results demonstrate the threat of sea level rise stands to impact arsenic release from contaminated coastal soils by changing redox conditions.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Dan Strawn and his group at the University of Idaho conducted researching on a waste water treatment process that will supply unrestricted reuse water, will recycle nutrients, and will sequester carbon in soils to help mitigate greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere. The Strawn’s group conducted research on how soil factors affect cadmium uptake by wheat grown in the Inland Pacific Northwest wheat growing regions. His group also investigated the effects of dissolved organic matter from animal manure on phosphate precipitation on soil minerals using P K-edge and L-edge spectroscopy. The group researched how dissolved organic matter in manure-amended soils affects Cu mobility, and used FTIR and UV/Vis spectroscopy to elucidate speciation of the dissolved organic matter. They conducted experiments on soil P availability and watershed export from a long-term agriculture watershed research site located on the R. J. Cook Agronomy Farm (CAF) on the Palouse landscape in the Northwest Wheat and Range Region. In this project, the group speciated P as inorganic and organic phases.</p><br /> <p>The distribution of ferric iron (Fe(III)) between the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets of smectites is still an active problem due to the difficulty of identifying and quantifying the tetrahedral ferric iron (tetrahedral Fe(III), denoted [4]Fe(III)). Mossbauer spectroscopy has often been used to address this problem, with the spectra being fitted by a sum of doublets, but the empirical attribution of each doublet has failed to yield a uniform interpretation of the spectra of natural reference Fe(III)-rich smectites, especially with regard to [4]Fe(III)), because little consensus exists as to the [4]Fe((III)) content of natural samples. In an effort to resolve this problem, Dr. Joseph Stucki and his group at the University of Illinois conducted a study using a series of synthetic nontronites [4]Si(IV)x Fe(III)(1-x)] (Fe(III)2O10)-Fe2(OH)Nax with x ranging from 0.51 to 1.3. Mossbauer spectra were obtained at 298, 77, and 4 K. Statistically acceptable deconvolutions of the Mossbauer at 298 and 77 K were used to develop a model of the distribution of tetrahedral substitutions, taking into account: (1) the [4]Fe((III) content; (2) the three possible tetrahedral cationic environments around [6]Fe(III), i.e., [4Si]-(3([6])Fe((III))), [3Si [4]Fe(III)]-(3([6])Fe((III))), and [2Si 2[4]Fe((III))]-(3([6])Fe((III))); and (3) the local environment around a [4]Fe((III)), i.e., [3Si]-(2([6])Fe((III))) respecting Lowenstein's Rule. This approach allowed the range of Mossbauer parameters for [6]Fe(III) and [4]Fe(III) to be determined and then applied to spectra of natural Fe(III)-rich smectites. Results revealed the necessity of taking into account the distribution of tetrahedral cations [4]R(III) around [6]Fe(III) cations to deconvolute the Mossbauer spectra, and also highlighted the influence of sample crystallinity on Mossbauer parameters.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Kang Xia and her group at the Virginia Tech investigated the antibacterial activity of Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite mechanistically using municipal wastewater effluents. Bacterial deactivation efficiency (bacteria viability loss) was 92±0.64% when a secondary wastewater effluent was mixed with Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite for 30 min, and further enhanced to 97±0.61% after 4 hours. This deactivation efficiency was similar to that when the same effluent was UV-disinfected before it exited a wastewater treatment plant. Furthermore, 99.6-99.9% of total coliforms, E. coli, and enterococci in a secondary wastewater effluent was deactivated when the water was exposed to Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite for 1 h. Bacterial colony count results coupled with the live/dead fluorescent staining assay observation suggested that Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite deactivated bacteria in wastewater through two possible stages: electrostatic sorption of bacterial cells to the surfaces of Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite, followed by bacterial deactivation due to mineral surface-catalyzed bacterial cell membrane disruption by the surface sorbed Fe<sup>3+</sup>. Freeze-drying the recycled Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite after each usage resulted in 82±0.51% bacterial deactivation efficiency even after its fourth consecutive use. As a follow up this study, a novel method to impregnate Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite in cellulose filter paper was tested and its effectiveness in reducing the levels of harmful microorganisms in water was demonstrated. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging showed that Fe<sup>3+</sup>-saturated montmorillonite was evenly dispersed and coated over the cellulose fiber surface. When it was used to filter water spiked with live Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells at 3.67×10<sup>8</sup> CFU/mL, 99% of E. coli was deactivated. SEM test of E. coli cells trapped on the filter paper indicated dehydration of the cells, resulting in their deactivation. The dielectrophoresis and impedance analysis of E. coli cells passing through the filter paper to filtrate confirmed their non-viability.</p><br /> <p>At Michigan State University the group of Dr. Wei Zhang has been studying the fate and transport of fine particulate matter (i.e., colloids and engineered nanoparticles) and emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), as well as the use of particulate sorbents for contaminant immobilization in soil and water. Specifically, Dr. Zhang’s group has been investigating soil biochar amendment as a sustainable practice. The work in his lab has shown that manure-derived biochars have the long-term sequestration potential for antibiotics in water. His lab characterized the amount and properties of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in 46 biochars, and developed a UV-vis spectrophotometry method to predict the DOC concentrations in biochars. The manuscript on this study is currently under revision. The release of DOC from biochars will likely open up biochar pores and enhance the sequestration of contaminants by biochars, which is very important to development of soil biochar amendment technique. His group also investigated the effect of irrigation methods (i.e., overhead vs soil surface irrigation) on pharmaceutical residues and changes of bacterial community and ARGs in greenhouse lettuce leaves, roots, and soils upon exposure to pharmaceuticals in irrigation water. The level of pharmaceutical residues in lettuce shoots was greater under overhead irrigation than under soil surface irrigation. One manuscript summarizing the results is currently under revision. The pharmaceutical exposure also changed the bacterial community and ARG profiles. A manuscript on these results is under preparation. In collaboration with Chinese scientists, their work also showed that the release of DOC from biochars enhanced the sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants. River sediments inhibited the sorption of 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol by carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide, as modulated by sediment particle size and organic matter. These results have interesting implications to the environmental fate and transport of the hormones. Finally, their work also showed that the aggregation of extracellular DNA (i.e., biological nanoparticles) is influenced by Fe(III) and Al(III) species in water, and revealed the binding mechanisms between DNA and the cations.</p>Publications
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Journal publications</span></strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Acikgoz, S., S.H. Anderson, C.J. Gantzer, A.L. Thompson, and R.J. Miles. 2017. 125 years of soil and crop management on Sanborn Field: Effects on soil physical properties related to soil erodibility. Soil Science 182:172-180.</p><br /> <p>Adams, R.I., D.S. Lymperopoulou, P.K. Misztal. R.D.C. Pessotti, S.W. Behie, Y. Tian, A.H. Goldstein, S.E. Lindow, W.W. Nazaroff, J.W. Taylor, M.F. Traxler, T.D. Bruns, 2017. Microbes and associated soluble and volatile chemicals on periodically wet household surfaces, Microbiome, 5:128, DOI 10.1186/s40168-017-0347-6, 2017. </p><br /> <p>Attanayake, C.P., G.M. Hettiarachchi, Q. Ma, G.M. Pierzynski, M.D. Ransom. 2017. Lead speciation and <em>in vitro</em> bioaccessibility of compost-amended urban garden soils. <em>J. Environ. Qual.</em> Published online 09/07/2017, doi:10.2134/jeq2017.02.0065.</p><br /> <p>Baron, F., S. Petit, M. Pentrak, A. Decarreau, and J.W. Stucki. 2017. Revisiting the nontronite Mössbauer spectra. American Mineralogist, 102, 1501-1515.</p><br /> <p>Bedmar, F.; D. Giménez, J. C. Costa, and P. Daniel. 2017. Persistence of acetochlor, atrazine and s-metolachlor in surface and sub-surface horizons of two Typic Argiudolls under no-tillage. <em>Environ. Toxicol. Chem.</em> <em>36</em>: 3065-3073.</p><br /> <p>Blair, S.L., A.C. MacMillan, G.T. Drozd, A.H. Goldstein, R.K. Chu, L. Paša-Tolić, J.B. Shaw, N. Tolić, P. Lin, J. Laskin, A. Laskin, and S.A. Nizkorodov, Molecular Characterization of Organosulfur Compounds in Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel Secondary Organic Aerosol. 2017. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 119−127, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03304.</p><br /> <p>Caplan, J.S., D. Giménez, V. Subroy, R. J. Heck, S. A. Prior, G. B. Runion, and H. A. Torbert. 2017. Nitrogen mediates the effect of CO<sub>2</sub> on soil pore structure. <em>Glob Change Biol<strong>. </strong>23</em>, 1585–1597.</p><br /> <p>Cássaro, F.AM, A. N. Posadas, D. Giménez, and C. M. P. Vaz. 2017. Pore-size distributions of soils derived using a geometrical approach and multiple resolution micro CT images. <em>Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81</em>:468–476.</p><br /> <p>Chao, Q., C. Q. Chen, C. Shang, and K. Xia*. 2017. Fe<sup>3+</sup>-Saturated Montmorillonite Effectively Deactivates Microorganisms in Wastewater. Sci. Total Environ. (accepted)</p><br /> <p>Chen, Z., W. Zhang, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Gao, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, J.M. Tiedje, D. Zhu, and H. Li. 2017. Bioavailability of soil-sorbed tetracycline to <em>Escherichia coli</em> under unsaturated conditions. <em>Environmental Science & Technology</em>, 51: 6165-6173. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00590.</p><br /> <p>de Sá, S. S., B.B. Palm, P. Campuzano-Jost, D.A. Day, M.K. Newburn, W. Hu, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, L.D. Yee, R. Thalman, J. Brito, S. Carbone, P. Artaxo, A.H. Goldstein, A.O. Manzi, R.A.F. Souza, F. Mei, J.E. Shilling, S.R. Springston, J. Wang, J.D. Surratt, M.L. Alexander, J.L. Jimenez, and S.T. Martin 2017. Influence of urban pollution on the production of organic particulate matter from isoprene epoxydiols in central Amazonia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6611-6629, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-6611-2017.</p><br /> <p>Galkaduwa, M.B., G.M. Hettiarachchi, G.J. Kluitenberg, S.L. Hutchinson, L. Erickson, L. Davis. 2017. Transport and transformation of selenium and other constituents of flue-gas desulfurization wastewater in water-saturated soil materials. <em>J. Environ Qual.</em> 46:384-392. </p><br /> <p>Gao, Y., X. Hu, Z. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, and B. Sun. 2017. Phytoavailability and mechanism of bound PAH residues in filed contaminated soils. <em>Environmental Pollution</em>, 222, 465-476. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.11.076.</p><br /> <p>Gentner, D.R., S.H. Jathar, T.D. Gordon, R. Bahreini, D.A. Day, I. El Haddad, P.L. Hayes, S.M. Pieber, S.M. Platt, J.A. de Gouw, A.H. Goldstein, R.A. Harley, J.L. Jimenez, A.S.H. Prevot, and A.L. Robinson, Review of Urban Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicle Emissions, Environ. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04509, 51, 1074−1093, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Haruna, S.I., S.H. Anderson, N.V. Nkongolo, T. Reinbott, and S. Zaibon. 2017. Soil thermal properties influenced by perennial biofuel and cover crop management. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1147-1156.</p><br /> <p>Hettiyadura, A. P. S., T. Jayarathne, K. Baumann, A.H. Goldstein, J.A. de Gouw, A. Koss, F.N. Keutsch, K. Skog, and E.A. Stone. 2017. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of atmospheric organosulfates in Centreville, Alabama, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1343-1359, doi:10.5194/acp-17-1343-2017.</p><br /> <p>Hirmas, D., and D. Giménez. 2017. A geometric equation for representing morphological field information in horizons with compound structure. <em>Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81</em>:863–867.</p><br /> <p>Hunter, J. F., D. A. Day, R. L. N. Yatavelli, B. B. Palm, A. W. H. Chan, L. Kaser, L. Cappellin, P. L. Hayes, E. S. Cross, A. J. Carrasquillo, P. Campuzano-Jost, H. Stark, Y. Zhao, T. Hohaus, J. N. Smith, A. Hansel, T. Karl, A. H. Goldstein, A. Guenther, D. R. Worsnop, J. A. Thornton, C. L. Heald, J. L. Jimenez, and J. H. Kroll. 2017. Comprehensive characterization of atmospheric organic carbon at a forested site, Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO3018, published online: 4 Sept, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Ippolito, J. C.M. Berry, D.G. Strawn, J.M. Novak, J. Levine, A. Harley. 2017. Heavy Metal Sorption Mechanisms in Biochar Amended Mine Tailings. <em>Journal of Environmental Quality</em> 46:411–419.</p><br /> <p>Isaacman-VanWertz, G., P. Massoli, R.E. O’Brien, J.B. Nowak, M.R. Canagaratna, J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, L. Su, D.A. Knopf, P.K. Misztal, C. Arata, A.H. Goldstein, and J. H. Kroll, Using advanced mass spectrometry techniques to fully characterize atmospheric organic carbon: current capabilities and remaining gaps, Faraday Discussions, DOI: 10.1039/c7fd00021a, 2017.</p><br /> <p>LeMonte, J.J., J.W. Stuckey, J.Z. Sanchez, R.V. Tappero, J. Rinklebe and D.L. Sparks. 2017. Sea level rise induced arsenic release from historically contaminated coastal soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51(11): 5913−5922. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06152</p><br /> <p>Lerch, R.N., C.H. Lin, K.W. Goyne, R.J. Kremer, and S.H. Anderson. 2017. Vegetative buffer strips for reducing herbicide transport in runoff: effects of buffer width, vegetation, and season. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 53:667-683.</p><br /> <p>Liang, X., D.G. Strawn, J. Chen, J. Marshall. 2017. Variation in cadmium accumulation in spring wheat cultivars: uptake and redistribution to grain. Plant and Soil. 421:219–231.</p><br /> <p>Ma, P. K., Y. Zhao, A.L. Robinson, D.R. Worton, A.H. Goldstein, A.M. Ortega, J.-L. Jimenez, P. Zotter, A.S.H. Prévôt, S. Szidat, and P.L. Hayes, Evaluating the impact of new observational constraints on P-S/IVOC emissions, multi-generation oxidation, and chamber wall losses on SOA modeling for Los Angeles, CA, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9237-9259, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-9237-2017, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Madsen, R.B., Zhang, H., Biller, B., Goldstein, A.H., Glasius, M. 2017. Characterizing semi-volatile organic compounds of bio-crude from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass, Energy and Fuels, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00160.</p><br /> <p>Martin, S. T., P. Artaxo, L. Machado, A. O. Manzi, R. A. F. Souza, C. Schumacher, J. Wang, T. Biscaro, J. Brito, A. Calheiros, K. Jardine, A. Medeiros, B. Portela, S. S. d. Sá, K. Adachi, A. C. Aiken, R. Albrecht, L. Alexander, M. O. Andreae, H. M. J. Barbosa, P. Buseck, D. Chand, J. M. Comstock, D. A. Day, M. Dubey, J. Fan, J. Fast, G. Fisch, E. Fortner, S. Giangrande, M. Gilles, A. H. Goldstein, A. Guenther, J. Hubbe, M. Jensen, J. L. Jimenez, F. N. Keutsch, S. Kim, C. Kuang, A. Laskin, K. McKinney, F. Mei, M. Miller, R. Nascimento, T. Pauliquevis, M. Pekour, J. Peres, T. Petäjä, C. Pöhlker, U. Pöschl, L. Rizzo, B. Schmid, J. E. Shilling, M. A. S. Dias, J. N. Smith, J. M. Tomlinson, J. Tóta, and M. Wendisch. 2017. The Green Ocean Amazon Experiment (GoAmazon2014/5) observes pollution affecting gases, aerosols, clouds, and rainfall over the rain forest. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 98, 981-997, doi:10.1175/bams-d-15-00221.1.</p><br /> <p>Ott, M.R., D.S. Page-Dumroese, D.G. Strawn, J.M. Tirocke. Using organic amendments to restore soil physical and chemical properties of a mine site in northeastern Oregon, USA. Transactions of the ASABE 2017; 0: 0.</p><br /> <p>Pye, H. O. T., B.N. Murphy, L. Xu, N.L. Ng, A.G. Carlton, H. Guo, R. Weber, P. Vasilakos, K.W. Appel, S.H. Budisulistiorini, J.D. Surratt, A. Nenes, A., W. Hu, J.L. Jimenez, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, P. K. Misztal, and A. H. Goldstein. 2017. On the implications of aerosol liquid water and phase separation for organic aerosol mass, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 343-369, doi:10.5194/acp-17-343-2017.</p><br /> <p>Qin, C., F. Kang, W. Zhang, W. Shou, and Y. Gao. 2017. Environmentally-relevant concentrations of Al(III) and Fe(III) cations induce aggregation of free DNA by complexation with phosphate group. <em>Water Research</em>, 123, 58-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.06.043.</p><br /> <p>Romer, P.S., K.C. Duffey, P.J. Wooldridge, E. Edgerton, K. Baumann, P.A. Feiner, D.O. Miller, W.H. Brune, A.R. Koss, J.A. de Gouw, P.K. Misztal, A.H. Goldstein, and R. C. Cohen, Effects of temperature-dependent NOx emissions on continental ozone production, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2017-881, in review, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Saliba, G., R. Saleh, Y. Zhao, A.A. Presto, A.T. Lambe, B. Frodin, S. Sardar, H. Maldonado, C. Maddox, A.A. May, G.T. Drozd, A.H. Goldstein, L.M. Russell, F.P. Hagen, and A.L. Robinson. 2017. A comparison of gasoline direct injection (GDI) and port fuel injection (PFI) vehicle emissions: emission certification standards, cold start, secondary organic aerosol formation potential, and potential climate impacts, Environ. Sci. Technol., Article ASAP, 10.1021/acs.est.6b06509. </p><br /> <p>Sanchez, D., D. Jeong, R. Seco, I. Wrangham., J.H. Park, W.H. Brune, A. Koss., J..Gilman, J. de Gouw, P. Misztal, A. Goldstein, K. Baumann, P.O. Wennberg, F.N. Keutsch, A. Guenther, S. Kim. 2017. Intercomparison of OH concentrations and OH reactivity measurements in a high isoprene and low NO environment during the Southern Oxidants and Aerosol Study (SOAS), Atmospheric Environment, Available online.</p><br /> <p>Shrivastava, M., C.D. Cappa, J. Fan, A.H. Goldstein, A.B. Guenther, J.L. Jimenez, C. Kuang, A. Laskin, S.T. Martin, N.L. Ng, T. Petaja, J. R. Pierce, P.J. Rasch, P. Roldin, J.H. Seinfeld, J. Shilling, J.N. Smith, J.A. Thornton, R. Volkamer, J. Wang, D.R. Worsnop, R.A. Zaveri, A. Zelenyuk, Q. Zhang. 2017. Recent advances in understanding secondary organic aerosol: implications for global climate forcing, Reviews of Geophysics, 10.1002/2016RG000540, accepted manuscript online.</p><br /> <p>Starcher, A., E. J. Elzinga and D. L. Sparks. 2017. Formation of a mixed Fe(II)-Zn-Al layered hydroxide: Effects of Zn co-sorption on Fe(II) layered hydroxide formation and kinetics. Chem. Geol 464: 46–56.</p><br /> <p>Suliman, W., J. B. Harsh, N. Abu-Lail, Fortuna, A-M., I. Dallmeyer, and M. Garcia-Perez. 2017. The role of biochar porosity and surface functionality in augmenting hydrologic properties of a sandy soil. <em>Sci. Total Environ</em>. 574:139-147. </p><br /> <p>Suliman, W., J.B. Harsh, A.M. Fortuna, M. Garcia-Perez and N.I. Abu-Lail. 2017. Quantitative effects of biochar oxidation and pyrolysis temperature on the transport of pathogenic and nonpathogenic escherichia coli in biochar-amended sand columns. Environmental Science & Technology 51: 5071-5081. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b04535.</p><br /> <p>Sun, W., M. Li, W. Zhang, J. Wei, B. Chen, and C. Wang. 2017. Sediments inhibit adsorption of 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol to carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide. <em>Environmental Science: Nano</em>, 4, 1900-1910. DOI: 10.1039/C7EN00416H.</p><br /> <p>Uehling, J., A. Gryganskyi, K. Hameed, T. Tschaplinski, P. K. Misztal, S. Wu, A. Desirò, N. Vande Pol, Z. Du, A. Zienkiewicz, K. Zienkiewicz, E. Morin, E. Tisserant, R. Splivallo, M. Hainaut, B. Henrissat, R. Ohm, A. Kuo, J. Yan, A. Lipzen, M. Nolan, K. LaButti, K. Barry, A. H. Goldstein, J. Labbé, C. Schadt, G. Tuskan, I. Grigoriev, F. Martin, R. Vilgalys and G. Bonito. 2017. Comparative genomics of Mortierella elongata and its bacterial endosymbiont Mycoavidus cysteinexigens, Environmental Microbiology, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13669.</p><br /> <p>Vaughan, A.R., J.D. Lee, M.D. Shaw, P. Misztal, S. Metzger, M. Vieno, B. Davidson, T. Karl, L. Carpenter, A.C. Lewis, R. Purvis, A. Goldstein, and C.N. Hewitt, VOC emission rates over London and South East England obtained by airborne eddy covariance, Faraday Discussions, doi: 10.1039/C7FD00002B, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Vega, M. A., H. V. Kulkarni, N. Mladenov, K. Johannesson, G. M. Hettiarachchi, P. Bhattacharya, N. Kumar, J. Weeks, M. Galkaduwa and S. Datta. 2017. Biogeochemical Controls on the Release and Accumulation of Mn and As in Shallow Aquifers, West Bengal, India. <em>Front. Environ. Sci.</em>, 5:29. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00029. </p><br /> <p>Wang, B., W. Zhang, H. Li, H. Fu, X. Qu, and D. Zhu. 2017. Micropore clogging by leachable pyrogenic organic carbon: A new perspective on sorption irreversibility and kinetics of hydrophobic organic contaminants to black carbon. <em>Environmental Pollution</em>, 220, 1349–1358. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.100.</p><br /> <p>Weyers, E., D.G. Strawn, D. Peak, A.L. Baker. 2017. Inhibition of phosphorus sorption on calcite by dairy manure-sourced DOC. <em>Chemosphere </em>184:99-105.</p><br /> <p>Worton, D.R., M. Decker, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, A.W.H. Chan, K.R. Wilson and A.H. Goldstein, Improved molecular level identification of organic compounds using comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography, dual ionization energies and high resolution mass spectrometry, Analyst, 10.1039/C7AN00625J, 142, 2395–2403, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Yu, H., A. Guenther, D. Gu, C. Warneke, J. DeGouw, C. Geron, A. Goldstein, M. Graus, T. Karl, L. Kaser, P. Misztal, and B. Yuan, Airborne measurements of isoprene and monoterpene emissions from southeastern U.S. forests, Science of The Total Environment, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.262, 595, 149–158, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Zaibon, S., S.H. Anderson, A.L. Thompson, N.R. Kitchen, C.J. Gantzer, and S.I. Haruna. 2017. Soil water infiltration affected by topsoil thickness in row crop and switchgrass production systems. Geoderma 286:46-53.</p><br /> <p>Zhao, Y., R. Saleh, G. Saliba, A.A. Presto, T.D. Gordon, G.T. Drozd, A.H. Goldstein, N.M. Donahue, and A.L. Robinson, Reducing secondary organic aerosol formation from gasoline vehicle exhaust, <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em>, Early Online Edition, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1620911114, 2017.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Abstracts/presentations</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2017. Effects of management practices on soil hydraulic properties for claypan landscapes. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. October 22-25, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Chen, Z., G.D. Bhalsod, Y. Shen, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2017. Physicochemical controls on bioavailability of antibiotics to bacteria and plant. International Workshop of Soil Physics and the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water, August 3-5, Shenyang, China.</p><br /> <p>Fleetwood, M., S.H. Anderson, K. Goyne, M. Jiang, and X. Jiang. 2017. Evaluation of surface tension and infiltration of wetting agents. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 22-25 October, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>He, J., Y. Zhang, H. Li, J. Yeom, and W. Zhang. 2017. ZnO nanowires effectively degrade cefalexin in water under ultraviolet light. EDAR 2017, 4<sup>th</sup> International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, August 13-17, Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Hettiarachchi, G.M., M. B. Galkaduwa, G. J. Kluitenberg, and S. L. Hutchinson. 2017. Poorly crystalline iron oxides minimize arsenic mobility in a water-saturated soil column system designed for flue-gas desulfurization wastewater treatment. The 14<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. July 16-20, Zurich, Switzerland.</p><br /> <p>Jeon, S., C.S. Krasnow, G.D. Bhalsod, H. Blair, M.K. Hausbeck, and W. Zhang. 2016. Pathogen filtration in recycled irrigation water to control plant disease outbreaks in greenhouse. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Li, Y., J.B. Sallach, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Uptake of pharmaceuticals by radish from soil. EDAR 2017, 4<sup>th</sup> International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, August 13-17Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Li, Y., J.B. Sallach, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Insight into distributions of pharmaceuticals in soil-water-radish systems. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, October 22-25, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, and W. Zhang. 2016. Black carbon facilitated transport of lincomycin, oxytetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole in saturated sand. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, and W. Zhang. 2017. Black carbon nanoparticles facilitated transport of lincomycin, oxytetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole in saturated sand. EDAR 2017, 4<sup>th</sup> International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, August 13-17, Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, and W. Zhang. 2016. Black carbon facilitated transport of lincomycin, oxytetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole in saturated sand. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Mainelis, G., L. Calderón, L. Yang, and K.B. Lee. 2017. Nanoparticle Release from Nanotechnology-enabled Clothing Products, <em>Platform presentation at the Nanotech 2017 Conference and Expo. </em>May 14-17, 2017, Washington, District of Columbia.</p><br /> <p>Rankoth, L.M., R.P. Udawatta, C.J. Gantzer, S. Jose, S.H. Anderson, and C. Weerasekara. 2017. Cover crop influence on soil water dynamics under corn-soybean rotation. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 22-25 October, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., G.D. Bhalsod, X. Guo, L. Yang, S. Jeon, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2017. Distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in surface and overhead irrigated greenhouse lettuce. ASM Conference on Innovative Microbial Ecology for Mitigation of Antibiotic Resistance and Bacterial Diseases, March 22-25, Crystal City, Virginia.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., G.D. Bhalsod, X. Guo, S. Jeon, T. Stedtfeld, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2017. Antibiotic stress changed microbial community and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in surface and overhead irrigated greenhouse lettuce. EDAR 2017, 4<sup>th</sup> International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, August 13-17, Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J. and G. M. Hettiarachchi. 2016. Fixing Phosphorus: Considering Cation Complexing Co-Applicants to Maintain Phosphorus Lability in Calcareous Soils. 2016. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM], Nov. 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J. and G. M. Hettiarachchi. 2017. In Search of a Solution to Pollution: Improving Phosphorus Fertilizer Use Efficiency through Simple Formulation Alterations. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 22-25 October, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J. and G. M. Hettiarachchi. 2017. Fixing Phosphorus: Considering Cation Complexing Co-Applicants to Maintain Phosphorus Lability in an Acid Soil. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 22-25 October, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Wickramarathne, N., R. Lerch, F. Liu, R.P. Udawatta, and S.H. Anderson. 2017. Groundwater nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in a claypan watershed under crop management. 2017 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 22-25 October, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., H. Li, S.A. Boyd, and D. Zhu. 2016. Biochar technology in the nexus of food, energy, water, and soil Systems. 2016 China-US Joint Annual Symposium on “International Nexus of Food, Energy, Water, and Soil”, October 26-29, Yixing, China.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., C.-H. Liu, and T.S. Steenhuis. 2016. Versatility of the Langmuir equation is rooted in its theoretical and empirical nature. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., G.D. Bhalsod, Y.-H. Chuang, S. Jeon, W.J. Gui, and H. Li. 2016. Assessing and managing impact of pharmaceuticals in irrigation water on fresh produce safety. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., Y. Shen, G.D. Bhalsod, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, and H. Li. 2017. Pharmaceutical residues, antibiotic resistance genes, and bacterial communities in lettuce under overhead and surface Irrigation. ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, October 22-25, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., C.-H. Liu, G.D. Bhalsod, Y. Shen, W.J. Gui, Y.-H. Chuang, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, B.J. Teppen, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2017. Proliferation and mitigation of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in soil, water and plant systems. EDAR 2017, 4<sup>th</sup> International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, August 13-17, Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p><strong>Reports</strong></p><br /> <p>Goldstein, A.H., A. Robinson, J. Kroll, G. Drozd, Y. Zhao, G. Saliba, R. Saleh, A. Presto, Investigating Semi-Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles, Final Report, California Air Resources Board Award No. 12-318, February 20, 2017.</p><br /> <p><strong>Scholarships</strong></p><br /> <p>Weeks, Joseph (Jay) at Kansas State University, 2017 International Plant Nutrient Institute (IPNI) Scholar Award.</p>Impact Statements
- One M.S. student and four Ph.D. students graduated during this report period.
Date of Annual Report: 03/10/2019
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/07/2019
- 01/07/2019
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018
Stephen Anderson, Missouri - University of Missouri (MO)Daniel Strawn, Idaho- University of Idaho (ID)
Yucheng Feng, Alabama-Auburn University (AL)
Gediminas Mainelis, New Jersey - Rutgers University (NJ)
Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas - Kansas State University (KS)
Kang Xia, Virginia – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VA)
Don Sparks, Delaware- University of Delaware (DE)
Joseph Stucki, Illinois – University of Illinois (IL)
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NC1187's 2018 annual report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/31/2020
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/11/2019
- 11/11/2019
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
Annual Meeting Attendees:Stephen Anderson Missouri - University of Missouri (MO)
Yucheng Feng Alabama-Auburn University (AL)
Ganga Hettiarachchi Kansas - Kansas State University (KS)
Don Sparks Delaware- University of Delaware (DE)
Daniel Strawn Idaho- University of Idaho (ID)
Wei Zhang MI – Michigan State University (MI)
Kang Xia- Virginia Tech (VA)
Alexandra Kravchenko- Michigan State University (MI)
Yuji Arai- University of Illinois (IL)
Allen Goldstein- the University of California, Berkeley (CA)
Gedi Mainelis- Rutgers University (NJ)
Daniel Gimenez- Rutgers University (NJ)
Paul Schwab- Texas A&M University (TX)
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Introductions: Meeting was started with introductions
- Most of the meeting was dedicated to discuss about the new proposal and new directions. Also, the attendees talked about various venues to showcase NC1187 efforts (ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings; AGU)
- Annual report requirements: Ganga Hettiarachchi reminded the new report requirements and the formatting changes. The report needs to be submitted within 60 days of the Annual Meeting. Ganga Hettiarachchi will send out a request to the group to submit their state reports to compile the Annual Report.
- State research reports: each attending member gave a brief report on their research activities in 2019 as well as on-going and future research plans. Ganga Hettiarachchi is to send out a notice to have everyone submit their reports to her by mid-February.
- Discuss venues for 2020 Annual Meeting: The group decided to meet again at the 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Other business: potential collaborations and collaborative work
The group decided to organize a symposium or a topical session for the 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA meeting to showcase NC1187 group activities. Wei Zhang is chairing the Environmental Quality Division in 2020, and the group decided that this community would be more appropriate for this session.
- The leadership for the group- the group agrees to continue as is.
- Chair – Ganga Hettiarachchi
- Vice Chair/Secretary- Wei Zhang
<p>Members of this project are applying a wide range of analytical tools to elucidate mechanisms of physical and chemical protection of carbon in soils, redox cycling of iron, cycling, reaction pathways and plant uptake of nutrients and contaminants in soils, micro-scale hot-spots of greenhouse gas production within soil pore structure, colloid transport through soil, removal and in situ stabilization of soil contaminants, effect of climate change on soil structure, storage and transport of soil water and contaminant mobility, testing a few different wastewater treatment processes that will supply unrestricted reuse water, will recycle nutrients, and will sequester carbon in soils to help mitigate greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere, and time-resolved simultaneous measurement of atmospheric aerosols. More detailed description of research outcomes by the group is presented below.</p><br /> <p>Understanding variability of porous media is important for initiating land management strategies. Objectives of study were to determine variability of computed tomography (CT)-measured pore characteristics and physical properties of porous media and combine these into principal components (PCs). Core samples were collected from three sites: silvopasture with vegetative buffers (SPBF), watersheds with vegetative buffers (PW), and crop management and prairie management (MP). Soil bulk density (<em>BD</em>), saturated hydraulic conductivity (<em>K<sub>s</sub></em>) and CT-measured pore characteristics were analyzed under buffers and management practices at SPBF; buffer and crop management practices at PW; and native prairie, restored prairie, conservation program, and crop rotation at the MP location. Measured data sets were combined by location for correlation analysis, descriptive statistics, variability analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis. Coefficients of variation (CV) showed numbers of pores, macroporosity, mesoporosity and <em>K<sub>s</sub></em> were most variable (CV > 0.35), whereas circularity, <em>BD</em> and silt content were least variable (CV < 0.15). The PCA grouped ten pore characteristics and physical properties into three PCs: porosity, water transport and texture. Redundancy analysis showed the soil porosity PC and pore numbers as the most dominant properties at all locations. Results indicate that establishment of vegetative buffers improves porosity.</p><br /> <p>Contaminated soils along the world’s coasts are at risk as global temperatures continue to increase and sea levels subsequently rise. As increased urbanization along the coastline continues, it is becoming more important to understand the effects of sea level rise (SLR) on local hydrology, chemistry, and the fate and transport of sorbed contaminants in soils. Arsenic (As) is of the utmost importance not only due to its carcinogenic nature, but also because of its sensitivity to redox potential, which, unlike other toxic trace metals, becomes increasingly mobile under reduced conditions. To assess the effects of SLR on coastal arsenic contamination, Dr. Sparks team at the University of Delaware utilized model systems in the laboratory to simulate SLR and flooding conditions in the environment. </p><br /> <p>Sorption isotherms and pH envelopes of arsenate on goethite or ferrihydrite were carried out to observe arsenic sorption behavior on common iron (Fe) oxides in artificial river water (ARW), artificial seawater (ASW), or a 50/50 mix of the two waters (50/50). Completion of sorption isotherms at pH 6 revealed greater arsenate sorption on goethite in ASW, compared to ARW and 50/50, at the majority of the initial arsenate concentrations and especially at high concentrations. Arsenate sorption on ferrihydrite revealed about equal sorption in both ARW and ASW at all initial arsenate concentrations. The high surface area of ferrihydrite plays a much more significant role in sorption compared to ionic composition of the background media. The pH envelopes between arsenate and goethite or ferrihydrite were completed from pH 3 to 9 in ARW, ASW, and/or 50/50 and had an initial arsenate concentration of 1.67 mM As(V). Both mineral systems revealed similar trends in each water type, displaying a decrease in arsenate sorption to the mineral surface as pH increases in ARW and/or 50/50. Both mineral systems displayed an increase in arsenate sorption at high pH, >8, in ASW compared to ARW and/or 50/50. This is most likely due to the sorption of cations in ASW to the mineral surface that alleviate some of the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged surface and the arsenate oxyanion. Recently, solid phase samples from the pH envelope experiment were analyzed via X-ray absorption spectroscopy to determine the bonding environment surrounding As in each of the water types; these data are still being processed. Further experiments are being conducted, including determining the point of zero charge (PZC) before and after arsenate sorption in the pH envelopes to observe how significantly PZC affects sorption at high pH.</p><br /> <p>Additionally, experiments were conducted by the Spark’s group to further assess the effect of SLR and flooding on arsenic contamination by utilizing a microcosm setup and a model system. The system consisted of an As(V)-ferrihydrite coprecipitate in either ARW or ASW and was subjected to a redox gradient from about +200 to -300 mV. It was found that once iron-reducing conditions were achieved, at 0 mV and below, more of the As-ferrihydrite coprecipitate was transformed to magnetite, a mixed valence Fe(II/III) mineral, in ARW compared to ASW. Solid phase samples were also recently analyzed via X-ray absorption spectroscopy to probe the arsenic bonding environment. It is hypothesized that As is being assimilated into the magnetite structure as the mineral transforms from ferrihydrite to magnetite. Arsenic mobility is closely linked with the Fe cycle. Thus, understanding how both elements behave in fresh river water and seawater is imperative to management strategies and remediation plans in SLR impacted regions.</p><br /> <p>Research was conducted on Fe(II) sorption and redox mechanisms with phyllosilicates and dissolved silicate in flooded soil environments. Of particular interest was how dissolved silicon (Si) affects green rust formation as well as transformations after air-oxidation. Silicon is ubiquitous in natural waters and can accumulate on high surface area Fe (hydr)oxides to high total Si contents but this has never been studied during green rust formation. The results showed that even very high concentrations of Si did not prevent formation of green rusts. Silicon only inhibited green rust crystal growth when the Si/Fe molar ratio was 0.5 which can be found in high silicon groundwater environments. The effect of Si was more pronounced on mineral transformations by air-oxidation. When Si was more abundant than a 0.1 Si/Fe molar ratio, Fe did not recrystallize well and Fe(III)hydroxides were short-range ordered.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Zhang’s team at Michigan State university investigated the internalization of silver nanoparticles through plant leaf stomata and the uptake of silver nanoparticles by radish in soils with and without biochar amendment (0%, 0.1% and 1% biochar by weight). They also studied the Salmonella survival, bacterial microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes on lettuce shoots under soil surface irrigation with antibiotics-contaminated water using culture-dependent isolation method, metagenomics and high throughput qPCR.</p><br /> <p>Similar studies were conducted by Drs. Schwab, Strawn, and Hettiarachchi groups to understand plant uptake of inorganic contaminants. Schwab’s team at Texas A&M investigated the effect of in situ soil treatments on the phytoavailability of As. Strawn’s team at the University of Idaho studied how soil factors affect cadmium uptake by wheat grown in the Inland Pacific Northwest wheat growing regions. While Hettiarachchi group at Kansas State University (Borlaug Fellow from Ecuador) studied how soil inorganic and organic solids affecting Cd availability in soils collected from Ecuadorian cacao production systems.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Mainelis group at the Rutgers University (Cook Collge) continued the investigation into the potential exposures to nanoparticles due to the use of nanotechnology-enabled consumer sprays. In this part of the project, they investigated resuspension rates of particles resulting from the use of nanotechnology-enabled consumer nanosprays and then deposited on surfaces. Specifically, they investigated the effect of surface type, resuspension force, and sampling height on resuspension rate. They selected three Ag-based, three Zn-based and one Cu-based consumer sprays. The products were applied in a 5 x 9 x 8 ft3 chamber with controlled background particle concentration. After spraying for 5 min, the spray was allowed to settle for at least 24 hr before the resuspension experiments were performed. The resuspension of deposited particles was investigated as a function of flooring type (e.g., carpet and vinyl), resuspension force (e.g., walking by an adult and motion of a robotic sampler that simulated a child), and sampling height. Particle deposition was measured in terms of floor mass loading. Button Samplers (SKC Inc.) with 25-mm PTFE filters were used to collect sprays and resuspended particle mass at 0.3 m and 1.1 m heights, and in the experimenter's breathing zone (e.g., 1.5 m for adult and 0.3 m for simulated child). The resuspension rates were calculated for all investigated variables. Resuspension rates ranged from 10^-4 to 10^-1 h^-1, depending on the product, floor type, and sampling height. Resuspension rates were 30% to 320% higher for particles resuspended from carpet compared to vinyl, 3% to 195% higher when particles were measured at 0.3 m height than at 1.1 m height, and 19% to 243% higher when particles were resuspended by a walking adult compared to a moving robot. High particle concentrations observed at 0.3 m height showed that young children playing on the carpet could be exposed to high levels of particles resuspended by adults walking nearby. The observed results suggest that factors affecting particle resuspension, e.g., surface roughness, walking pace, and resuspension forces due to walking should be examined closely in future studies.</p><br /> <p>One of the biggest challenges for improving agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability is accurate prediction of the amount of P that will be transported to surface waters in a particular system. The P loading problems to surface waters occur because nutrient management plans do not correctly account for P loading potential of soils and availability of P for offsite transport. The core of the problem is that the soil tests were designed to monitor P availability for plant nutrient management. Research has shown that on some soils, P availability tests values are correlated with the amount of dissolved reactive P (DRP) transported off-site, which is the phase that directly contributes to eutrophication. However, it is commonly observed that test P is not correlated to total offsite P loading to surface waters. Total P loading includes DRP, particulate and organic P. Although the latter two phases are not directly available for uptake by algae, the P associated with these phases can mineralize, desorb or dissolve, thereby releasing P to the solution phase and contributing to environmentally-available P. The extent to which this occurs is not known, and requires knowledge of P speciation of the organic and suspended particles. A few members of NC1187, investigate speciation of soil P, transport of soil solution and particulate P, and recovery of P for use as fertilizers for waste waters. Results will provide new knowledge that will lead to improved water quality and better nutrient use efficiency in agriculture.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Strawn’s team at the University of Idaho conducted research on a wastewater treatment process that will supply unrestricted reuse water, will recycle nutrients, and will sequester carbon in soils to help mitigate greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere. The team conducted experiments on soil P availability and watershed export from a long-term agriculture watershed research site located on the R. J. Cook Agronomy Farm (CAF) on the Palouse landscape in the Northwest Wheat and Range Region. In this project, the team speciated P as inorganic and organic phases. They also conducted research to understand distribution, speciation, and availability of phosphorus in a forested landscape in Lake Tahoe National Forest in California.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Yiji Arai’s team at the University of Illinois studies the impact of extreme weather conditions on the loss of particulate P and dissolved reactive P(DRP) which will be assessed to manage the nutrient budget in agricultural systems. They plan to collect tile waters and surface runoff at study site in east-central Illinois with various cropping systems and agricultural management. This will be done during high flow events (e.g., typically March through May in the Midwest), where they can obtain liters of water for this in-depth chemical analysis using novel techniques (e.g., 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), P K-edge XANES). The team is also planning to conduct another study dealing with the effects of drought condition on particulate P which will also start at the same study site. The team will conduct laboratory incubation study of OM oxidation and the kinetic samples will be tested for physicochemical properties (e.g., CEC, pH, mineralogy, aggregate stability, particle size, mineralogy, %OC). The samples will also be fractionated for total inorganic and organic P. The inorganic and organic P speciation will be conducted using P-31 NMR and P K-edge XANES analysis.</p><br /> <p>At Kansas State University, Dr. Hettiarachchi’s team and their colleagues from College of Engineering (Drs. Prathap Parameswaran and Stacy Hutchinson) are working on testing the hypothesis that innovative wastewater treatment technologies can produce potable water from different sources (municipal or livestock wastewaters such as swine wastewater), while recovering nutrients and producing soil amendments for crop production and protecting the environment. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) and Microbial Reverse Electrodialysis Cells are new technologies that can operate sequentially and remove harmful substances from wastewater to produce clean water for reuse. These processes also produce nutrient-rich co-products, allowing balanced/tailored nitrogen and phosphorus applications. Inclusion of new resource/reuse technologies will make agriculture production more sustainable, economical, and environmentally-friendly by reducing food and water quality deterioration from land application of livestock wastewaters and increasing water availability. In 2019, they focused on using calcium oxide for complete removal of P and S. Current work also includes optimizing solubility and release rate of recovered nutrient products (RNPs) rich in P.</p><br /> <p>Additionally, Hettiarachchi’s team continued to investigate the new fertilizer enhancement products and formulations that will enable P and micronutrients to diffuse and/or furnish more plant-available nutrients. The group used synchrotron-based x-ray techniques to obtain nutrient reaction products (speciation) to better understand P or micronutrient mobility and potential plant availability in soils. Improved understanding of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for the enhanced mobility or availability of different P and micronutrient fertilizers in carefully selected soil types will help to determine under which circumstances certain P, and micronutrient fertilizers offer the potential to increase agricultural productivity significantly. Our work shows that the studied commercially available fertilizer enhancement products (co-polymers or humic substances) do not improve the phosphorus or the micronutrient mobility or lability in soils consistently.</p><br /> <p>In 2019, many of our group members were also focused on increasing communication of science through organizing symposiums at various scientific meetings. In general, the symposiums focused on improving our knowledge on fate and risks of nutrients or contaminants in soil, water and food crops, and contribute to better strategies for protecting ecosystem and human health. Examples are: Strawn co-organized and co-convened a special symposium (Soil Chemistry division) at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2019 annual meeting entitled “Paradigm shifts in soil chemistry” (<a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19223">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19223</a>) to bring attention to the continuously evolving field of soil chemistry as new methodologies and analytical capabilities expand our understanding and challenge current theories. Hettiarachchi co-organized and co-convened three topical sessions at the same meeting. Those were “Coupling and Feedbacks of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Soil and Ecosystems: “Missing Gaps and Future Directions” (<a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19345">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19345</a>); “Soil Chemistry and Human Health” (<a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19294">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19294</a>); “Advances of in Situ Sensors: Measuring Soil Chemical Properties and Processes” (<a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19292">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2019am/meetingapp.cgi/Session/19292</a>).</p>Publications
<p><strong><em>Published written works</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Akula, P., D. Little, A.P. Schwab. 2019. Thermodynamic evaluation of smectite treated with Hydrogen Ion Stabilizer. J. Matl. Civ. Engg. (in press)</p><br /> <p>Anderson, S.H., and R.P. Udawatta. 2019. Agroforestry: A system for improving soil health. pp. 317-334. <em>In</em> M.R. Mosquera-Losada and R. Prabhu (eds.) Agroforestry for Sustainable Agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, United Kingdom.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2019. Biomass and buffer management practice effects on soil hydraulic properties compared to grain crops for claypan landscapes. Agroforestry Systems 93:1609-1625.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, K.S. Veum, and L.M. Rankoth. 2019. Effects of conservation practices on soil quality compared to a corn/soybean rotation on a claypan soil. J. Environ. Qual. 48:1694-1702.</p><br /> <p>Cercioglu, M., S.H. Anderson. R.P. Udawatta, and S.M. Alagele. 2019. Effect of cover crop management on soil hydraulic properties. Geoderma 343:247-253.</p><br /> <p>Chuang, Y.-H., C.-H. Liu, J.B. Sallach, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Mechanistic study on uptake and transport of pharmaceuticals in lettuce from water. Environment International, 131, 104976. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.104976.</p><br /> <p>Coelho, M. J. A., D. R. Diaz, G. M. Hettiarachchi, F. D. Hansel, P. S. Pavinato. 2019. Soil phosphorus fractions and legacy in a corn-soybean rotation on Mollisols in Kansas, USA, Geoderma Regional, 18: e00228.</p><br /> <p>Jeon, S., C.S. Krasnow, G.D. Bhalsod, B.R. Harlan, M.K. Hausbeck, S.I. Safferman, and W. Zhang. 2019. Rapid sand filtration of recycled irrigation water controlled Pythium root rot of poinsettia in greenhouse. HortTechnology, 29(5), 578–589. DOI: 10.21273/HORTTECH04226-18.</p><br /> <p>He, J., D. Wang, W. Zhang, and D. Zhou. 2019. Deposition and release of carboxylated graphene in saturated porous media: Effect of transient solution chemistry. Chemosphere, 235, 643-650. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.06.187.</p><br /> <p>He, J., Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, G. Rhodes, J. Yeom, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2019. Photocatalytic degradation of cephalexin by ZnO nanowires under simulated sunlight: Kinetics, influencing factors, and mechanisms. Environment International, 132, 105105. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105105.</p><br /> <p>Li, Y., J.B. Sallach, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Insight into the distribution of pharmaceuticals in soil-water-plant systems. Water Research, 152, 38-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2018.12.039.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., W. Chu, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, J. Mao, J. Lehmann, and W. Zhang. 2019. Quantification and characterization of dissolved organic carbon from biochars. Geoderma, 335, 161-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.08.019.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, J.M. Gonzalez, C.T. Johnston, J. Lehmann, and W. Zhang. 2019. Long-term sorption of lincomycin to biochars: The intertwined roles of pore diffusion and dissolved organic carbon. Water Research, 161, 108-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.006.</p><br /> <p>Norkaew, S., R.J. Miles, D.K. Brandt, and S.H. Anderson. 2019. Effects of 130 years of selected cropping management systems on soil health properties for Sanborn Field. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 83:1479-1490.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., R.D. Stedtfeld, X. Guo, G.D. Bhalsod, S. Jeon, J.M. Tiedje, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2019. Pharmaceutical exposure changed antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial communities in soil-surface- and overhead-irrigated greenhouse lettuce. Environment International, 131, 105031. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105031.</p><br /> <p>Song, E., X. Pan, R.J. Kremer, K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, and X. Xiong. 2019. Influence of repeated application of wetting agents on soil water repellency and microbial community. Sustainability 11(16): 4505, pp 1-13. Special Issue: Sustainability of Microbial Ecosystems and Aquatic Microbial Diversity.</p><br /> <p>Wang, D., N.B. Saleh, W. Sun, C.M. Park, C. Shen, N. Aich, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, W. Zhang, Y. Jin, and C. Su. 2019. Next-generation multifunctional carbon-metal nanohybrids for energy and environmental applications. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(13), 7265-7287. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01453.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J., Jr. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2019. A Review of the Latest in Phosphorus Fertilizer Technology: Possibilities and Pragmatism. J. Environ. Qual. 48:1300-1313.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J., Jr. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2020. Source and Formulation Matter: New Insights into Phosphorus Fertilizer Fate and Transport in Mildly Calcareous Soils. Soil Sci. J. Am. (Accepted)</p><br /> <p>Zaibon, S., S.H. Anderson, K.S. Veum, and S.I. Haruna. 2019. Soil thermal properties affected by topsoil thickness in switchgrass and row crop management systems. Geoderma 350:93-100.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations:</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Acikgoz, Handan Sahin, S.H. Anderson, and R. Udawatta. 2019. Water infiltration in claypan soils influenced by agroforestry and grass buffers for row crop management systems. 10th International Soil Congress, 17-19 June, 2019, Ankara, Turkey.</p><br /> <p>Acikgoz, Sebahattin, S.H. Anderson, C.J. Gantzer., A.L. Thompson, and R.J. Miles. 2019. Long-term soil and crop management effects on soil physical properties related to soil erodibility. 10th International Soil Congress, 17-19 June, 2019, Ankara, Turkey.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, K.S. Veum, and L. Rankoth. 2019. Effects of conservation management practices on soil quality parameters compared to row crop management. Book of Abstracts p. 206. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, 20-22 May 2019, Montpellier, France.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, K.S. Veum, and L.M. Rankoth. 2019. Effects of selected conservation management practices on soil quality compared to crop management for claypan soils. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, M.G. Mohammed, and R.P. Udawatta. 2019. Landscape patterns of evapotranspiration for conservation management practices compared to crop management using Python-based GIS. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p>Alagele, S.M., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2019. Agroforestry, grass, biomass crop, and row-crop management effects on soil water dynamics for claypan landscapes. 2019 Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting Abstracts. 6-9 January, San Diego, California.</p><br /> <p>Alasmary, Z., G.M. Hettiarachchi, K. L. Roozeboom, L.C. Davis, L.E. Erickson. 2019. Phytostabilization of a Contaminated Shooting Range Soil Using Biofuel Crop and Soil Amendments. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Almutari, M., G.M. Hettiarachchi, Mary B Kirkham, A. Fritz, D.M. Daiz, S.L. Hutchinson, and L. Erickson. Agronomic Biofortification of Wheat with Zn through Co-Addition of Organic C with Zn Fertilizers. SSSA International Annual Soils Meeting. Jan 6-9, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Alvarado, T., P Schwab, A.P. Lee, B. Tomlin. 2019 Selection of internal standards for ICP-MS analysis of as in soils. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio.</p><br /> <p>Betts, A.R., Evers, A., Fischel, M., Tappero, R. and Sparks, D.L. (2019). Silicon coprecipitation with green rust: Effects on formation and air-oxidation. Oral presentation. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Tx.</p><br /> <p>Betts, A.R. (2019). Clay mineral influences on the formation of ferrous layered double hydroxides (LDH) in flooded soil environments. Oral presentation. Newark, DE.</p><br /> <p>Cercioglu, M., S.H. Anderson, R. Udawatta, and S.M. Alagele. 2019. Soil hydraulic properties affected by cover crop management practices. p. 107. Soil and Water Conservation Society International Conference Abstracts, 28-31 July, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.</p><br /> <p>Chuang, Y.-H., C.-H. Liu, R. Hammerschmidt, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Relation of plant physiological processes and compound physicochemical properties to lettuce uptake of pharmaceuticals. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13.</p><br /> <p>Coelho, M.J.A., D.A. Ruiz Diaz, G.M. Hettiarachchi and P.S. Pavinato. 2019. Changes in Soil Phosphorus Lability Promoted by Fertilizer Placement after a 10-Year Corn-Soybean Rotation. SSSA International Annual Soils Meeting. Jan 6-9, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Diggins, D.C., S.H. Anderson, S.M. Alagele, and R.P. Udawatta. 2019. Cover crop and biofuel effects on hydraulic properties for claypan soils. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p>Ding, Y. P. Schwab, M. A. Armienta, and Deng, Y. Phase transformation and crystallinity change of iron oxide nanoparticles and their retention of As, Cu, and Zn in simulated acid mine drainage neutralization by calcite and dolomite. 55th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Illinois, USA. June 11-14, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Galkaduwa, M.B. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2019. Diffusion, Extractability, and Reaction Products of Zinc Fertilizers in a Mildly Calcareous Soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Gamage, K.H.H., G.M. Hettiarachchi, P. Parameswaran, and S. Hutchinson. 2019. Characterization, Transformations and Reaction Pathways of Phosphorus Based Recovered Nutrient Products from Wastewaters in Soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Gunathilaka, G., J. He, H. Li, W. Zhang, and E. Ryser. 2019. Fate of silver nanoparticles in lettuce wash water as impacted by chlorine and organic matter. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 25-29.</p><br /> <p>Gunathilaka, G., J. He, H. Li, W. Zhang, and E. Ryser. 2019. Behavior of silver nanoparticles under various wash water conditions for leafy green processing. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY,</p><br /> <p>He, J., Y. Li, H. Qi, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2019. Biochar mediated the uptake of silver nanoparticles and ions by radish (Raphanus sativus). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13</p><br /> <p>He, R., Zhang. J., and Mainelis, G. 2019. Resuspension of Particles Deposited from Consumer Nanosprays: the Effect of Surface Type, Resuspending Force, and Sampling Height, Platform presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Aerosol Research, October 13-18, 2019, Portland, OR.</p><br /> <p>He, J., L. Zhang, S.Y. He, E. Ryser, H. Li, and W. Zhang. 2019. Role of stomata in foliar sorption of silver nanoparticles by Arabidopsis thaliana. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 25-29.</p><br /> <p>Hettiarachchi, G.M. 2019. Sensors in Soil Chemistry: Opportunities and Challenges. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Hettiarachchi, G.M., C. P. Attanayake, P. P. Defoe, J. Weeks, S. Martin, W.L. Hargrove, and C. Sobin. Manipulation of bioavailability of contaminants in urban garden and yard soils. International Conference of Biogeochemistry Trace Elements. May 5-9, Nanjing, China.</p><br /> <p>Hettiarachchi, G.M. and J.J. Weeks. 2019. Manipulating Reaction Pathways to Optimize Fertilizer P Availability. SSSA International Annual Soils Meeting. Jan 6-9, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Iqbal, A., M. Arshad, R. Karthikeyan, T.J. Gentry, J. Rashid, I. Ahmed, A.P. Schwab. 2019. Diesel degrading bacterial endophytes with plant growth promoting potential isolated from a petroleum storage facility. 3 Biotech. 9:35. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-018-1561-z">https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-018-1561-z</a></p><br /> <p>Jeon, S., C. Krasnow, G. Bhalsod, B. Harlan, M. Hausbeck, S. Safferman, and W. Zhang. 2019. International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses (GreenSys 2019), Angers, France, June 16-20.</p><br /> <p>Lee, A. and A.P. Schwab. 2019. Phytoremediation of arsenic and the immobilization of lead in soil: The impacts of apatite particle size. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio.</p><br /> <p>Limon, V., J.A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, M. Smith, C. Speights, B. Barton, M. Lashley, J. Tomberlin, J. Mowrer, and A. P. Schwab. 2018. Effect of mass mortality events on water exractable soil nutrients. Environmental Society of America. New Orleans.</p><br /> <p>Liu, C.-H., Y.-H. Chuang, H. Li, S.A. Boyd, B.J. Teppen, and W. Zhang. Sorption of lincomycin by biochars produced from agricultural and urban wastes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13.</p><br /> <p>Pandey, A., A.P. Schwab, D.W. Ming, B. Sutter, J. Gruener, D. Little. 2019. Characterizing binder-stabilized composites synthesized from a Martian soil simulant for extraterrestrial construction. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio.</p><br /> <p>Pandey, A., A.P. Schwab, D.W. Ming, B. Sutter, J. Gruener, D. Little. Chemical, mineralogical, and engineering properties of composites of Martian and lunar simulants as extraterrestrial construction materials. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio.</p><br /> <p>Pandey, A., A.P., B. Birgisson, S. Banerjee, D. Ming. 2019. Extraterrestrial construction with 3D printing: material selection and testing. 2018-2019 International Soils Meeting. San Diego, California.</p><br /> <p>Rhodes, G., Y.-H. Chuang, W. Zhang, S.A. Boyd, and H. Li. 2019. Uptake of cephalexin from water to three vegetables. SSSA International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 6-9.</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, J.Z., Tappero, R., and Sparks D.L. 2019. The impact of redox potential and salinity on arsenic cycling and mobility in iron oxide systems. Oral presentation. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Schwab, A.P., A. Pandey, B. Birgisson, S. Banerjee, D. Ming. 2019. Rapid 3D printing for construction of extraterrestrial buildings with indigenous materials. 2018-2019 International Soils Meeting. San Diego, California.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., W. Zhang, H. Li, and E.T. Ryser. 2019. Uptake and accumulation of antibiotics and associated impact on bacterial microbiome and salmonella survival in greenhouse lettuce. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., Z. Chen, H. Li, E.T. Ryser, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, and W. Zhang. 2019. Microbiome and antibiotic resistome in soil and plant systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13.</p><br /> <p>Shen, Y., W. Zhang, Hui Li, and E. Ryser. 2019. Antibiotic resistance genes, microbiomes, and Salmonella survival in lettuce exposed to antibiotics via soil surface irrigation. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 25-29.</p><br /> <p>Singh, N. J.K. Dhaliwal, S.Katuwal, S. Kumar, L.W. de Jonge, R.P. Udawatta, and S.H. Anderson. 2019. Near-surface soil hydrological properties measured using computed tomography and classical approaches under grazed pasture and croplands. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p>Singh, N., S. Katuwal, S. Kumar, L.W. de Jonge, R.P. Udawatta, and S.H. Anderson. 2019. Use of high-resolution CT scanning to characterize soil pore network as influenced by long-term application of cattle manure and synthetic fertilizers. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p>Tahtouh, J., R. Mohtar, A. Assi, A.P. Schwab, A. Jantrania, Y. Deng, C. Munster. 2019. Impact of brackish groundwater and treated wastewater on soil chemical and mineralogical properties. Sci. Total Environ. 647:99-109</p><br /> <p>Udawatta, R.P., L.M. Rankoth, C.J. Gantzer, S. Jose, and S.H. Anderson. 2019. Cover crops and soil water dynamics of claypan soils with corn-soybean rotation. 2019 Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting Abstracts. 6-9 January, San Diego, California.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2019. Should Greater Emphasis be Placed on Phosphorus Fertilizer Source Selection to Build Better P Management Systems? ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Welch, S., G.M. Hettiarachchi, N. Bello, and P.D. Alderman. 2019. Current Needs and Transitional Concepts Related to Soil Sensors. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov. 10-13, San Antonio, TX.</p><br /> <p>Yi,Y., A.P. Schwab, K. Sung. 2019. Effects of soil amendments on the quality of soil remediated by thermal desorption. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., Y. Shen, Z. Chen, R.D. Stedtfeld, J.M. Tiedje, and H. Li. 2019. Antibiotic resistance in soil, water and plant systems. International Workshop on Organic Pollutants in Agro-Environments, Nanjing, China, October 12-15.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., H. Li, M.K. Hausbeck, and J.M. Tiedje. 2019. Emerging trends on biocolloids in agroecosystems. The Second International Conference on All Material Fluxes in River Eco-systems (AMFR 2019), Beijing, China, October 11-13.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, W., J. He, L. Zhang, S. Y. He, E.T. Ryser, and H. Li. 2019. Stomata facilitated sorption of silver nanoparticles by Arabidopsis thaliana. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12.</p><br /> <p>Zuber, S.M., K.S. Veum, R. Myers, N.R. Kitchen, and S.H. Anderson. 2019. On-farm soil health indicators across Missouri. 2019 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts. 10-13 November, San Antonio, Texas.</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Theses and Dissertations</strong></p><br /> <p>Betts, A.R<em>. </em>2019. <em>Clay mineral influences on the formation of ferrous layered double hydroxides (LDH) in flooded soil environments.</em> University of Delaware, PhD dissertation.</p><br /> <p>Weeks, J.J. 2019. <em>Improving environmental health: Investigations into soil lead and phosphorus fate and transport.</em> Kansas State University, PhD dissertation.</p><br /> <p> </p>Impact Statements
- The group members took active participation in various educational, training and extension activities. Some of those are: MSU Multicultural Apprenticeship Program, Training high school students on laboratory research, hands on experience on testing soil P levels to share information on responsible P management and excessive soil P on water quality at the KSU Kids Field Day, City of Austin Soil Kitchen event as part of KSU Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB)