NRSP6: The US Potato Genebank: Acquisition, Classification, Preservation, Evaluation and Distribution of Potato (Solanum) Germplasm
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[07/07/2016] [08/04/2017] [07/10/2018] [12/19/2018] [04/17/2019] [09/23/2020]Date of Annual Report: 07/07/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/14/2016
- 06/14/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Dr. John Bamberg - USDA, ARS (Potato Project)Dr. Benoit Bizimungu - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Dr. Walter De Jong - Cornell University
Dr. David S. Douches - Michigan State University
Gabe Gusmini - PepsiCo
Dr. David G. Holm - Colorado State University
Robert W. Hoopes - Frito Lay (retired)
Max W. Martin - University of Wisconsin (Potato project)
Dr. Richard G Novy - USDA, ARS
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>Meeting minutes, regional reports and genebank reports can be found in this PDF file at this link:</p><br /> <p><a href="http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/tac/NRSP6_TAC_MINUTES_2016_FINAL_PACKAGE.pdf">http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/tac/NRSP6_TAC_MINUTES_2016_FINAL_PACKAGE.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>A. Acquisitions and associated work</p><br /> <p>In 2015, we collected 17 germplasm accessions from Arizona, with the support of K. Williams of the USDA Plant Exploration office at Beltsville. Local cooperators joined the Sturgeon Bay team this year. In particular, we began a research collaboration with Utah colleagues seeking to collect for genetic evidence that ancient Native Americans moved potatoes. We found robust populations in places never previously reported: Near the Grand Canyon for S. jamesii, and at the northwest limit of the range along the Mogollon Rim for S. fendleri. A detailed trip report is available on request and on GRIN. We also sought and received 3 new clones of adapted breeding stocks from cooperators (LUMPERS, CIKLAMEN and RH89-039-16).</p><br /> <p>New collecting partner, anthropologist Lisbeth Louderback, joined genebank collectors John Bamberg, Alfonso del Rio, Charles Fernandez and Ingrid Bamberg at a S. jamesii site near the Grand Canyon, Sept 18, 2015.</p><br /> <p>Two manuscripts were prepared describing the accumulation of genetic diversity resulting from 25 years of intensive collecting in the southwest USA, and the composition of core collections of these species, including the discovery of a "mega population"-- a single location that contains most of the total genetic diversity known in the region.</p><br /> <p>The NRSP-6 web page (http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6) was updated to include all new stocks and screening information. Clients who have ordered from NRSP-6 within the past four years were contacted three times in 2015, informing them of new stocks of true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or other samples. We used email and the website to extend technical instructions of various types.</p><br /> <p>B. Classification</p><br /> <p>Dr. Spooner continued work on monographs that will fully document the taxonomic reduction of the genebank's holdings to about 100 species. Taxonomic status was assessed on all stocks grown. This year we started planning a project to grow a sprig from each accession for a color scan to attach to the GRIN record. A tentative plan to move the PTIS herbarium to UW-Madison has also been made.</p><br /> <p>C. Preservation and Evaluation.</p><br /> <p>About 4,000 individual field plots, greenhouse and screenhouse growouts were done locally and at the HARS research farm at Hancock, WI. </p><br /> <p>1. Propagation: In 2015, 231 accessions were increased as botanical seed populations and 2928 clonally (based on 976 in vitro clones being transferred three times each).</p><br /> <p>2. Germplasm health monitoring: We did 756 PSTV tests, 380 PVX tests, and had Agdia test 105 clones for the six common potato viruses. </p><br /> <p>3. Characterization: We did 1532 germination tests, 26 ploidy evaluations and 33 tetrazolium seed viability assays. We demonstrated that some seedlots that have very low germination by conventional methods are actually highly viable if germination is nursed in vitro.</p><br /> <p>4. Evaluation and Technology: </p><br /> <p>Hybrid technology: With Kemin (IA) cooperators, we created exotic hybrids only possible by embryo culture, and tested novel interspecific families with the ability to self, thereby making populations with full segregation for detecting QTLs for marker-assisted selection mapping.</p><br /> <p>Peru connection: With Peru cooperator J. Arcos and J. Palta of UW, made crosses of various elites for wart, drought, frost, late blight, tuber calcium for Puno, a major center of potato production and breeding in Peru. Puno is also a place with widespread and regular production challenges (especially frost).</p><br /> <p>Heat stress: With ARS cooperators in Parlier, CA, re-screened 2014 selected tolerant clones.</p><br /> <p>Egg-yolk specialty potatoes: With cooperators Curzio C. of Seed Savers, D. & I. Douglass and L. Zotarelli of UF, K. Haynes of ARS Beltsville, R. Lozano UMN, D. Holm of CSU, and T. Wagner of WA, replicated field grow-out of all orange flesh Criolla cultivar prospects we and others selected; continued field evaluation of elites, taste tests, recurrent selection. Although not the classic Colombian form, a red skinned Criolla might have particular appeal in the USA, and Peruvians also consider this combination attractive.</p><br /> <p>Protein: With Simplot cooperator initiated high protein screening project.</p><br /> <p>Genotyping genebank holdings: With Frito Lay initiated GBS of 700 cultivars and breeding stocks and prepared materials for joint work on tuber calcium. With Chinese cooperator initiated GBS of most of the genebank wild species accessions. With MSU and CIP cooperators initiated SNP genotyping of most genebank named cultivars. This promises to be a tremendous tool to show us hot spots of genetic diversity (core collections), which should lead to more efficient collecting, preservation, and evaluation of germplasm.</p><br /> <p>Core collections and other intra-specific groupings: With MSU cooperator screened all species S. demissum pops for late blight and started AFLP characterization. Started screening species S. cardiophyllum, ehrenbergii, commersonii for tuber traits and DNA markers. With ARS cooperator in WA, wrote paper on power of intuitive visual classification to predict groups within species with similar traits.</p><br /> <p>Folate and Nematode: With Oregon State cooperators continued evaluation and selection projects for folate improvement and resistance for Colombia Root Knot Nematode.</p><br /> <p>Remote grow-outs: With UC Davis, conducted remote winter greenhouse tuber grow-out to expand our capacity by using a location that requires less fuel to heat. With potato grower in Hawaii, started winter grow-out tests for advance field evaluation of new (wild x cultivated) species hybrids.</p><br /> <p>Tuber freezing resistance: Discovered first reported significant tuber freezing survival. If we can dissect the physiology and apply it to other germplasm, it might lead to an efficient long-term germplasm storage tool.</p><br /> <p>Field tuber adaptation: We discovered how to make large field tubers of jamesii and related species which typically have only marble-sized tubers, or none at all in Wisconsin fields. This should allow screening for tuber traits that has previously been possible only in labor and resource-intensive winter greenhouse pot propagation.</p><br /> <p>Zebra chip: With USDA/WA cooperator made hybrids between bulbocastanum clones which were found last year to be highly resistant to psyllids and evaluated all verrucosum pops (more breeding friendly), finding two very resistant.</p><br /> <p>Wart: With Canadian cooperator A. Murphy, tested new S. ajanhuiri hybrids in NL.</p><br /> <p>Using S. jamesii: With collaboration of A. Yermishin of Minsk, crossed all available germplasm of S. verrucosum with S. jamesii, identifying best bridge-species mothers and obtaining the first 6 true jamesii hybrids confirmed by SNP analysis in cooperation with D. Douches at MSU.</p><br /> <p>Potato beer. Explored feasibility, achieving high quality product. Began investigation of enhanced nutritional qualities, economic impact, characteristics of optimal germplasm. Potato beer has exceptional flavor and smoothness. Beer is a major food outlet in the US. If potato captured some of that market, we would make a significant impact on sub-optimal potassium intake (for example). With the juice of one potato per bottle, exclusive potato beer consumption in the US would require the entire annual potato crop.</p><br /> <p>D. Distribution</p><br /> <p>Distribution of germplasm is at the heart of our service. In 2015, distributions were typical: 211 domestic orders to clients in 34 states (10,789 units) and 13 foreign orders to 10 other countries (412 units). About 1/3 of the domestic orders are for breeding and genetics, 1/3 for home gardeners, and remainder 1/3 for pathology, physiology, entomology, taxonomy and education.</p><br /> <p>In 2015 we maintained the popular offering of 100 cultivars as tubers by devising and implementing an iron-clad disease control and quarantine program for their production (full details available at our website). We now only offer tubers of wild species by special order.</p><br /> <p>E. Outreach</p><br /> <p>Trip to Peru in March solidified program for cooperative activities in Puno. Met with FAS, INIA, CIP, and NGOs who are interested in participating in comprehensive germplasm evaluation and development on the Altiplano.</p><br /> <p>Hosted NRSP-6 TAC meeting. Chaired Potato CGC and AJPR Editorial Board meetings.</p><br /> <p>Volunteered presentations with published abstracts: Four at PAA in Portland, ME plus one at PAG in San Diego. Invited presentation with published abstract: Society for In Vitro Biology conference on June 3 in Tucson. Accepted full paper in In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plants with M. Martin (UW), J. Abad (APHIS), M. Jenderek and J. Tanner (ARS, CO), D. Donnelly (McGill, Canada), AMK Nassar (Egypt), R. Veilleux (Virginia PI), R. Novy (ARS ID).</p><br /> <p>Badger Common'Tater feature story on the Genebank 67(11) p. 20-25.</p><br /> <p>Hired and managed three undergrad students as summer interns with research projects.</p><br /> <p>Maintained all US potato germplasm records in GRIN.</p><br /> <p>All germplasm documentation, and details about technology, outreach, and staff publications is available at our website: http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/.</p>Publications
<p>Bamberg, J., Moehninsi, R. Navarre, and J. Suriano. 2015. Variation for Tuber Greening in the Diploid Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 92:435-443.</p><br /> <p>Hardigan, M., J Bamberg, C Robin Buell and D Douches. 2015. Taxonomy and genetic differentiation among wild and cultivated germplasm of Solanum sect. Petota. The Plant Genome. 8:1:16.</p><br /> <p>Bamerg, JB, J Suriano, A del Rio, WR Cooper, J Abad and C.Fernandez. 2014. Matryoshka: A New Floral Mutant in Potato. American Journal of Potato Research: 91:500-503.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB, A del Rio, D Douches, and J Coombs. 2014. Assessing SNPs for predicting heterogeneity and screening efficiency in wild potato species. American Journal of Potato Research (submitted 08/20/14).</p><br /> <p>Cooper, WR and JB Bamberg. 2014. Variation in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) oviposition, survival, and development on Solanum bulbocastanum germplasm. American Journal of Potato Research 91:532-537.</p><br /> <p>Zorrilla, C, F Navarro, S Vega, JB Bamberg and JP Palta. 2014. Identification and Selection for Tuber Calcium, Internal Quality and Pitted Scab in Segregating Atlantic x Superior reciprocal tetraploid populations. American Journal of Potato Research 91:673-687.</p><br /> <p>Bethke, P, N Atef, S Kubow, Y Leclerc, X Li, M Haroon, T Molen, JB Bamberg, M Martin and D Donnelly. 2014. History and Origin of Russet Burbank (Netted Gem) a sport of Russet Burbank. American Journal of Potato Research 91:579-593.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB. and AH del Rio. 2014. Selection and Validation of an AFLP Marker Core Collection for the Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 91:368-375</p><br /> <p> </p>Impact Statements
- The ability to efficiently evaluate traits is rapidly improving. We are on the brink of a leap forward in breeding through molecular markers and genetic technology. Potato is an increasingly important world food. Climate is changing, and health issues and their economic impact are increasing in our aging population. Because of these factors, there has never been a more important (or exciting) time to be involved in improving potato through mining the rich deposits of traits in the US Potato Genebank.
Date of Annual Report: 08/04/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/13/2017
- 06/13/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Present at Pyle Center:John Bamberg – USPG Project Leader, Sturgeon Bay
Laura Shannon – new potato breeder at University of Minnesota
Dave Spooner – USPG taxonomist, Madison
Shelley Jansky – USPG germplasm enhancement, Madison
Chris Hamilton – NCRA, Madison
Josh Parsons – Frito-Lay, Rhinelander
Bill Barker – CALS, Madison
Jeff Endleman – UW potato breeder, Madison
Max Martin – USPG Project Assistant, Sturgeon Bay
Participating by remote access:
Walter DeJong – NE Tech Rep, Cornell
Peter Bretting – NPGS NPL, Beltsville
Dave Douches – NC Tech Rep, MSU
Craig Yencho – S Tech Rep, NCSU
Dave Holm – W Tech Rep, CSU
Ed Kaleikau – NPL NIFA, Beltsville
Liang-Shiou Lin – NPL NIFA, Beltsville
Rich Novy – USDA/ARS Tech Rep, Aberdeen, ID
USPG Sturgeon Bay staff
Curzio Caravati of Kenosha Potato Project
Ron French -- APHIS/Quarantine, Beltsville
JL Willet – USDA, Peoria
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>Our 2016 annual report can be accessed above as an attachment in the participants section.</p><br /> <p>All germplasm documentation, and details about technology, outreach, and staff publications is available at our website: <a href="http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/">http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/</a></p><br /> <p>TAC meeting final package document can be accessed on our administration web site: <a href="https://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/admin.html">https://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/admin.html</a> </p><br /> <p><strong>PROGRESS AND PRINCIPAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>A. </strong> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Acquisitions and associated work</strong></span></p><br /> <p>In 2016, we collected 26 germplasm accessions from Arizona, with the support of K. Williams of the USDA Plant Exploration office at Beltsville. We found robust populations in places never previously reported. A detailed trip report is available on GRIN. We also sought and received many new breeding stocks from H. DeJong. We began the process of acquiring clones for which PVP has expired.</p><br /> <p>Two manuscripts were published on the dynamics of germplasm acquisition in the genebank. One reported on a mega-population of jamesii that captures over 80% of the known diversity for that species. This would be a one-stop-shopping site for in situ collecting and study. Another manuscript was published that used model species to show the pattern of expected accumulation of diversity in the collection indicates that 100 populations essentially maximized diversity and unique alleles. </p><br /> <p>The NRSP-6 web page (http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6) was updated to include all new stocks and screening information. Clients who have ordered from NRSP-6 within the past four years were contacted three times in 2016, informing them of new stocks of true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or other samples. We used email and the website to extend technical instructions of various types.</p><br /> <p><strong>B. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Classification</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Spooner’s monograph on the species of southern South America is now available and another on the species of northern South America is coming soon. Arrangements have been made to move and incorporate PTIS into the University of Wisconsin herbarium. We began making high quality digital scans of plants of all stocks to accompany the accession records in GRIN.</p><br /> <p><strong>C. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Preservation and Evaluation.</span> </strong> About 3,500 individual field plots, greenhouse and screenhouse growouts were done locally and at the HARS research farm at Hancock, WI. </p><br /> <p>1. Propagation: In 2016, 143 seed increases and 3090 clonally (based on 1030 in vitro clones being transferred 3 times/year).</p><br /> <p>2. Germplasm health monitoring: We tested 698 accessions for PSTV and 310 clones for the six common potato viruses.</p><br /> <p>3. Characterization: We did 1509 germination tests, 34 ploidy evaluations and 31 tetrazolium seed viability assays. We demonstrated that some seedlots that have very low germination by conventional methods are actually highly viable if germination is nursed in vitro.</p><br /> <p>4. Evaluation and Technology: </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Peru connection:</span> With Peru cooperator J. Arcos and J. Palta of UW, we continued to make crosses of various elites for wart, drought, frost, late blight, tuber calcium for Puno, a major center of potato production and breeding in Peru. One of our hybrids is being tested for cultivar release.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Egg-yolk specialty potatoes:</span> We continued evaluation of the best selections, and recurrent breeding. With cooperators at University of Minnesota, we began the process of creating an inbred diploid form of Criolla with exellent color, taste and tuber dormancy.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Genotyping genebank holdings:</span> We received data from Frito genotyping of ~700 cultivars and breeding stocks and began analysis. This promises to be a tremendous tool to show us hot-spots of genetic diversity (core collections), which should lead to more efficient collecting, preservation, and evaluation of germplasm and mining of particular traits.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Seed germination:</span> Diurnal temperature fluctuation effects on germination of recalcitrant seedlots was tested. Some “trickle-germinating” seedlots showed a beneficial burst of germination and increased final germ when exposed to cold nights.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Core collections and other intra-specific groupings:</span> We made high quality digital scans of all ~225 members of boliviense and assessed ability to visually sub-group them.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Remote grow-outs:</span> With U New Mexico cooperator at Farmington, we conducted remote field tuber grow-outs of all jamesii providing tissue for multiple analyses. </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tuber freezing resistance:</span> Confirmed first reported significant tuber freezing survival. If we can dissect the physiology and apply it to other germplasm, it might lead to an efficient long-term germplasm storage tool.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Field tuber adaptation:</span> We continued pursuit of large field tuber lines of jamesii and confirmed hybridity of other related species which are very rich in desirable traits but very difficult to cross with cultivated forms. </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Potato beer:</span> We continued to explore best approach to high quality product, and grew ~600 evaluation plots to identify high potassium materials. We shared samples with cooperators in Peru pursuant to a Peruvian potato beer that would benefit from Peru’s reputation as native home of potato.</p><br /> <p><strong>D. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Distribution</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Distribution of germplasm is at the heart of our service. The volume and types of stocks sent to various consignee categories are summarized in the table below. In 2016, distributions were typical: 221 domestic orders to 115 clients in 37 states and 16 foreign orders to 8 other countries. About 1/3 of the domestic orders are for breeding and genetics, 1/3 for home gardeners, and remainder 1/3 for pathology, physiology, entomology, taxonomy and education.</p><br /> <p>In 2016 we maintained the popular offering of 100 cultivars as tubers by devising and implementing an iron-clad disease control and quarantine program for their production (full details available at our website). We now only offer tubers of wild species by special order.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Units of Germplasm Sent</span></p><br /> <p>Category <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Seed</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">TU</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">IV</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">DNA </span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Plants</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Herb</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Total</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">PIs</span></p><br /> <p>Domestic 7739 2271 2277 1043 945 0 14275 6099</p><br /> <p>Foreign 4203 0 695 0 0 0 4898 4409</p><br /> <p>Total 11942 2271 2972 1043 945 0 19173 10508</p><br /> <p>Types of stocks sent/(number of seeds, tubers or plantlets per standard shipping unit): Seed = True Seeds/(50), TU = Tuber Clones/(3), IV = <em>in vitro</em>/(3), DNA = dried leaf or tuber samples/(1), Plants = Rooted Cuttings/(1), Herb = Herbarium Specimens/(1).</p><br /> <p><strong>E. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Outreach</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Trip to Peru in March solidified program for cooperative activities in Puno. </p><br /> <p>Chaired Potato CGC and AJPR Editorial Board meetings.</p><br /> <p>Volunteered presentations with published abstracts: Four at PAA in Grand Rapids, MI, Invited presentation at CSSA meeting in PHX.</p><br /> <p>Provided Master Gardeners’ training and engagement in potato science with germination testing work days. </p><br /> <p>Hired and managed an undergrad student as summer interns with research projects.</p><br /> <p>Hosted international visitors from Peru, Chile, Japan</p>Publications
<p>Cooper, R., and JB Bamberg. 2016. Variation in susceptibility to potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), among Solanum verrucosum germplasm accessions. American Journal of Potato Research 93:386-391.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB, A. H. del Rio, D. Kinder, L. Louderback, B.Pavlik, and C.Fernandez. 2016. Core Collections of potato (Solanum) species native to the USA. American Journal of Potato Research 93:564-571.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB and A. H. del Rio. 2016. Accumulation of genetic diversity in the US Potato Genebank. American Journal of Potato Research 93:430-435.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, J.B., Martin, M.W., Abad, J., Jenderek, M.M., Tanner, J., Donnelly, D.J., Nassar, AM.K., Veilleux, R.E., Novy, R.G. 2016. In vitro technology at the US Potato Genebank. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plants 52:213-225.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB, AH del Rio and RA Navarre. 2016. Intuitive Visual Impressions (Cogs) for Identifying Clusters of Diversity within Potato Species. American Journal of Potato Research 93:350-359.</p><br /> <p>Jansky, S.H., Charkowski, A.O., Douches, D.S., Gusmini, G., Richael, C., Bethke, P.C., Spooner, D.M., Novy, R.G., De Jong, H., De Jong, W.S., Bamberg, J.B., Thompson, A.L., Bizimungu, B., Holm, D.G, Brown, C.R., Haynes, K.G., Sathuvalli, V.R. et al. 2016. Reinventing potato as a diploid inbred line-based crop. Crop Science 56:1-11.</p><br /> <p>Chung, Y.S., Palta, J., Bamberg, J., Jansky, S. 2016. Potential molecular markers associated with tuber calcium content in wild potato germplasm. Crop Science. 56(2):576-584.</p><br /> <p>Bruce R. Robinson, Vidyasagar Sathuvalli, John Bamberg, and Aymeric Goyer. 2015. Exploring Folate Diversity in Wild and Primitive Potatoes for Modern Crop Improvement. Genes (Basel). 2015 Dec 8;6(4):1300-14.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, J., Moehninsi, R. Navarre, and J. Suriano. 2015. Variation for Tuber Greening in the Diploid Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 92:435-443.</p><br /> <p>Hardigan, M., J Bamberg, C Robin Buell and D Douches. 2015. Taxonomy and genetic differentiation among wild and cultivated germplasm of Solanum sect. Petota. The Plant Genome. 8:1:16.</p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB, A del Rio, J Coombs and D Douches. 2015. Assessing SNPs versus RAPDs for predicting heterogeneity in wild potato species. American Journal of Potato Research 92:276-283.</p>Impact Statements
- About 50% of the four-fold advance in potato yields have been due to genetic improvement and about 1% of annual value of all crops may be credited to exotic germplasm. Pro-rated, this calculates to a total of $10-25 million benefit from germplasm per year for potatoes in the USA, although it is probably considerably more in light of the fact that potato uses exotic stocks in breeding more than any other major crop.
Date of Annual Report: 07/10/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/29/2018
- 05/31/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
David Baltensperger (by phone - Texas A&M)Peter Bretting (NPL - USDA, ARS)
Larry Chandler (USDA, ARS)
Greg Cuomo (University of Minnesota)
Tim Cupka (AgReliant Genetics, LLC)
Randi Johnson (USDA, NIFA)
Ed Kaleikau (NPL - USDA, NIFA)
Bob Stougaard (University of Georgia)
Bill Tracy (University of Wisconsin)
Eric Young (North Carolina State University)
Gan-Yuan Zhong (USDA, ARS)
John Bamberg (USDA, ARS - USPG Project Leader)
Bill Barker (North Central Lead AA - University of Wisconsin)
Joseph Coombs (North Central Tech Rep - Michigan State Univ.)
Ronald French (USDA, APHIS)
Joyce Loper (Western AA - Oregon State University)
Josh Parsons (Industry Tech Rep - Frito-Lay)
Sagar Sathuvalli (Western Tech Rep - Oregon State University)
Phil Simon (USDA, ARS)
JL Willett (USDA, ARS - Midwest Area Director)
Craig Yencho (Southern Tech Rep - North Carolina State Univ.)
Curzio Caravati (Seed Savers)
Jeff Endelman (University of Wisconsin)
Max Martin (USPG Project Manager - University of Wisconsin)
Cathleen McCluskey (University of Wisconsin)
Jesse Schartner (USDA, ARS - USPG)
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">A. Acquisitions and associated work</span></p><br /> <p>In 2017, we collected 17 germplasm accessions from an expedition to Colorado and New Mexico with the support of K. Williams of the USDA Plant Exploration office at Beltsville. We found potatoes in new places at the northeast extreme of the range. Some were extremely robust populations (below left) but some places (below right) were extremely stressed (although these small dead plants often had one mature tuber and fruit). A detailed trip report is available on GRIN, attached to every new accession record. We also sought and received 19 new clonal breeding stocks and cultivars from various donors. We continued the process of acquiring clones for which PVP has expired.</p><br /> <p>The NRSP-6 web page (http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6) was updated to include all new stocks and screening information. Clients who have ordered from NRSP-6 within the past four years were contacted three times in 2017, informing them of new stocks of true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or other samples. We used email and the website to extend technical instructions of various types. </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">B. Classification</span></p><br /> <p>Dr. Spooner continued work on a monograph of species of northern South America. The PTIS herbarium was moved to the University of Wisconsin (see... https://news.wisc.edu/valuable-potato-specimens-transferred-to-wisconsin-state-herbarium/). We continued making high quality digital images of plants, including tubers, of the species microdontum and boliviense to attach to accession records in GRIN. We continued research on crafting core collections within species stoloniferum and bolviense. </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">C. Preservation and Evaluation</span></p><br /> <p>Nearly two acres of individual field plots for numerous evaluation experiments were grown at the UW Ag Research Station at Hancock, Wisconsin. Four large screenhouses at Sturgeon Bay were used for other such experiments grown in pots. </p><br /> <p>1. Propagation: In 2017, we hand-pollinated 167 families of 20 plants each in the greenhouse for seed increase and performed 3,150 in vitro transfers to maintain fresh propagules of clonal stocks. Alternate methods of emasculation were systematically tested (at left).</p><br /> <p>2. Germplasm health monitoring: We did 589 tests for PSTV and 217 more for the six common potato viruses. </p><br /> <p>3. Characterization: We did 1,567 replicated germination tests, 25 ploidy evaluations and 21 tetrazolium seed viability assays. These statistics do not include the hundreds of assays performed researching ways to improve the efficiency of seed germination and ploidy determinations. </p><br /> <p>4. Evaluation and Technology:</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Peru connection:</span> With Peru cooperators and J. Palta of University of Wisconsin, we continue research and breeding for wart, drought, frost, late blight, tuber calcium. L. Palomino, INIA breeder (at right), holds one of our named selections being released in the Cusco region. We also continued strong collaboration on projects with colleagues in the NGO CITE-papa, and our sister genebank, CIP, in Lima.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Egg-yolk specialty potatoes:</span> We continued evaluation of the best selections, and recurrent breeding. With cooperators at University of Minnesota, we began the process of creating an inbred diploid form of Criolla with excellent color, taste and tuber dormancy.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Genotyping genebank holdings:</span> We cooperated with CIP colleagues to GBS genotype multiple individuals from ten populations to assess heterogeneity and effects of seed increase. Similar markers are being generated on 50 individuals of microdontum with PepsiCo-FritoLay to look for markers associated with Dickeya resistance and other traits. With Oregon cooperators, we identified SolCap SNPs associated with high folate. </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Somaclonal and other variants:</span> We produced 14 somaclonal variants to see if this technique, which uses tissue culture technology and expertise already established at the genebank, can improve elite selections for various traits. Finding and using novel diversity is our primary mission. The unique extreme fasciation in the jamesii accession found in 2017 are the kind of opportunities we look for.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Remote grow-outs:</span> With New Mexico State University cooperators at Farmington, we again conducted remote field tuber grow-outs providing tissue for multiple analyses (below right).</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tuber freezing:</span> We are wrapping up data collection on the first reported significant tuber freezing tolerance in potato. If we can dissect the physiology and apply it to other germplasm, it might lead to an efficient long-term germplasm storage tool, or other uses in the industry. We reported this finding at the annual meeting of the Potato Association of America.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">D. Distribution</span></p><br /> <p>Distribution of germplasm is at the heart of our service. The volume and types of stocks sent to various consignee categories are summarized in the table below. In 2017, total distributions were up about 25% over historic averages: 229 domestic orders to clients in 35 states and 17 foreign orders to 9 other countries. About 1/3 of the domestic orders are for public breeders and geneticists, 1/3 for pathology, physiology, entomology, taxonomy and education, and the remaining 1/3 for private germplasm users.</p><br /> <p>In 2017 we maintained the popular offering of 100 cultivars as tubers by devising and implementing an iron-clad disease control and quarantine program for their production (full details available at our website). We now only offer tubers of wild species by special order.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Units of Germplasm Sent</span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Category</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Seed</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">TU</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">IV</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">DNA</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Plants</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Total</span></p><br /> <p>Domestic 4,200 2,993 1,597 920 1,173 10,883</p><br /> <p>Foreign 933 0 285 0 0 1,218</p><br /> <p>Total 5,133 2,993 1,882 920 1,173 12,101</p><br /> <p>Types of stocks sent/(number of seeds, tubers or plantlets per standard shipping unit): Seed = True Seeds/(50), TU = Tuber Clones/(3), IV = in vitro/(3), DNA = dried leaf or tuber samples/(1), Plants = Rooted Cuttings/(1), Herb = Herbarium Specimens/(1).</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">E. Outreach</span></p><br /> <p>We made a trip to Peru in November to solidify our cooperative programs in Puno, Cusco, and Lima. Bamberg chaired the Potato CGC and served as Editor in Chief of AJPR. We hosted visitors from Kenya, Ukraine, Brazil, Uganda, Peru, and University of Minnesota. Staff member A. del Rio was invited to be on the organizing committee of the Latin American Potato Association Meeting in Cusco, Peru in May, 2018. We have been asked to host the National Plant Germplasm Coordinating Committee meeting in May 2018. We volunteered presentations with published abstracts: Two at PAA in Fargo, invited presentation at CSSA meeting in Phoenix and were invited to write a book chapter on nutritional opportunities in new potato outlets.</p><br /> <p>We hired and managed two undergrad students as summer interns with research projects. One of these projects (systematic assessment of ploidy estimation techniques) has already been presented at a national germplasm meeting.</p><br /> <p>All germplasm documentation, and details about technology, outreach, and staff publications are available at our website: http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/.</p>Publications
<p>Bamberg, JB, CJ Fernandez, and AH del Rio. 2017. Extra soil fertilization of mother plants increases botanical seed yield but not long-term germination in wild Solanum (potato) species. American Journal of Potato Research 94:583-587.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>del Rio A.H., Obregon C., Bamberg J.B., Petrick J., Bula R., de la Calle F. (2017) Validation of high-quality potato seed production protocol under controlled conditions (CETS System) in cultivated potato species (Solanum tuberosum L.) ALAP Journal 21(2): 71-78.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Bamberg, JB, del Rio, A, Jansky, J and Ellis, D. 2017. Ensuring the genetic diversity of potatoes. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Vol.1 (Ed. Prof. Gefu Wang-Pruski). In Press.</p>Impact Statements
- All these advances would not have been possible using germplasm in the common breeding pool--they needed to be accessed from exotic germplasm. And that exotic germplasm is only available in the USA from NRSP6. The use of NRSP6 germplasm by stakeholders has been very robust in the past, increasing knowledge and breeding products that have had a great positive impact on the crop.
Date of Annual Report: 12/19/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 12/19/2018
- 12/19/2018
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 12/01/2018
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 12/01/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached file for NRSP6's 2018 annual report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/17/2019
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/14/2019
- 03/14/2019
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2018 - 03/01/2019
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2018 - 03/01/2019
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached file for NRSP6's 2018 annual report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/23/2020
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/18/2020
- 08/18/2020
Period the Report Covers: 09/01/2019 - 08/01/2020
Period the Report Covers: 09/01/2019 - 08/01/2020
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting minutes attached below. Annual report attached as Publications document.