S1059: Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Program for Development of Virginia-type Cultivars with High Oleic Trait
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 03/26/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/26/2014
- 03/26/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Roger Crickenberger Assistant Director - NCARS;Allen Harper Director – TAREC;
Mark Simmons Birdsong Peanuts;
Hillary Mehl VT/TAREC- Plant Pathology;
Bob Sutter NC Peanut Growers Association;
Fred Garner Birdsong Peanuts;
Don Baker NC Foundation Seed Producers, Inc.;
Elizabeth Grabau VT – PPWS Department Head;
Mike Jackson J. Leek Associates;
Wayne Nixon Severn Peanut Co.;
Tom Isleib NCSU – Peanut Breeding;
David Jordan NCSU;
John Crumpler VA Farmer;
Bill Foote Director - NC Crop Improvement Assoc.;
Bruce Beahm Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA);
Maria Balota VT/TAREC – Crop Physiologist;
Billy Gwaltney Indika Farms;
Ronnie Clark Severn Peanut Co.;
Billy Barrow Golden Peanut Co.;
Dustin Auman Asst. Director - NC Crop Improvement Assoc.;
Jerry Rogers VCIA;
Daryl Bowman Director - NC Foundation Seed Producers, Inc.;
Tom Hardiman VCIA;
Jack Davis J. Leek Associates
Brief Summary of Minutes
Others present were: Doug Redd, Pamela Copeland, Brenda Kennedy, Franklin Bryant, from the PVQE program, Susan Copeland, Dr. Isleib’s assistant, Phillip Browning and Tara Edwards.At 10:30 a.m., Dr. Maria Balota called the meeting to order. She then turned it over to Dr. Harper to chair the meeting. He asked everyone to introduce themselves. Dr. Harper then asked for administrative comments. Dr. Grabau discussed administrative updates at Virginia Tech. Dr. Crickenberger made administrative comments for North Carolina. Dr. Harper gave administrative comments for TAREC. Dr. Harper asked the committee members if there were any corrections to the minutes from last year’s meeting. Being none, the minutes from last year were approved.
The floor was then turned over to Dr. Balota to discuss PVQE updates on production issues in 2013. Dr. Balota commented on the possibility of having mainly high oleic varieties in tests. She explained that due to technical problems, Scott Montfort was unable to be in on meeting via conference call. She went on to discuss the budget needed to continue running the PVQE program effectively. Bob Sutter made a contribution of $20,000 to this year’s budget. Dr. Balota thanked him and commented that more help would be appreciated.
Dr. Harper gave the floor to Dr. Isleib to discuss NCSU peanut breeding updates. Dr. Isleib thanked his assistant, Susan Copeland, for handling selection of high oleic lines. He discussed the release of two new varieties, Wynne and Sullivan. He will have twenty-three entries for the 2014 PVQE tests that are high oleics. He discussed the high oleic Bailey crosses.
Dr. Harper opened floor for discussion on the transition to High Oleic peanut production in the V-C region. Dr. Isleib explained the risk for seed contamination when high oleic and non-high oleic varieties are grown together. Therefore, Bruce Beahm and Mike Jackson explained the current practices used to maintain seed purity at the J. Leek Associates and other universities. Fred Garner introduced Tara Edwards, who was assigned to show the equipment Birdsong is using to test for high oleic peanuts: a refractometer used at the buying points to evaluate a minimum 10 seeds at one time, and a near infrared (NIR) spectrometer, Seed Meister, that runs 100 seeds from each truck load of peanut. She also demonstrated how these two analyzers work and the demonstration was performed after lunch in the afternoon session. Also after lunch, Daryl Bowman with the NC Foundation Seed Producers, Inc. presented a draft of an additional certification requirement for Wynne high oleic peanut, one of Dr. Isleib 2013 releases. Each cultivar will have its own additional certification requirements. The document was then discussed by the participants. Several suggestions were made relative to the minimum purity of the foundation, registered, and certified seed. Almost unanimously, a minimum standard of 95% of the seed sample for each category to be pure for the high oleic trait was suggested. Acceptable laboratories to perform the testing were proposed J. Leeks Associates for Virginia and North Carolina Crop Improvement for North Carolina. Acceptable equipment discussed includes refractometer, NIR analyzer, and gas chromatograph. A minimum seed sample size was set to 100. It was agreed that suggestions should be included into the document after the meeting and sent again via the PVQE list of Dr. Balota to the PVQE meeting participants. It was considered that this document was a realistic progress towards transition to high oleic peanut production in the V-C region. There were also discussions about how to adopt the transition at the farm level with many suggestions but none was acceptable by both, shellers and farmers. It was believed that practically this transition will have to be approached when future high oleic cultivars with similar yields with Bailey will become available.
Dr. Harper asked if there were any particular items to discuss regarding the PVQE program and, being none, he thanked everyone for coming and adjourned the meeting.
Respectively submitted,
M. Balota
Pam Copeland-recorded for Dr. Maria Balota
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/25/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/25/2015
- 03/25/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/01/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/01/2015
Roger Crickenberger - NCARS Special Projects Manager – NCSU;
Roberto Cantor NCSU;
Beth Grabau Virginia Tech;
Soyon Park Virginia Tech;
Doug Redd VT – TAREC;
Joseph Oakes VT – TAREC;
Jerry Rogers VCIA;
John Crumpler Grower;
Mark Simmons Birdsong Peanuts;
Jeffry Pope Grower;
Maria Balota VT – TAREC;
Bill Foote NCCIA;
Gail Milteer VDACS;
Hillary Mehl VT – TAREC;
Dell Cotton VPGA;
Taylor Slade Grower;
Bob Sutter NCPGA;
Tom Isleib NCSU;
Daryl Bowman NC Foundation Seeds;
Don Baker NC Foundation Seeds;
Tom Hardiman VT – VCIA;
David Langston VT – Tidewater AREC;
Fred Garner Birdsong Peanuts;
Jody Jellison VT – VAES;
Mike Jackson JLA International;
Bruce Beahm VCIA;
Mark Simmons Birdsong Peanuts;
Dawson Rascoe Severn Peanut;
Billy Barrow Golden Peanut Company;
David Jordan NCSU;
Pam Worrell VT – Tidewater AREC;
Susan Copeland NCSU – Peanut Breeding;
Phillips Browning VCIA;
Wilbur Parker JLA – Edenton;
Jimmy Laine Wakefield Peanut Company
Brief Summary of Minutes
The Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation (PVQE) Advisory Committee met at 10:30 a.m. on March 25, 2015, at the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk, Virginia.At 10:30 a.m., Dr. Maria Balota called the meeting to order. She then turned the meeting over to Dr. Roger Crickenberger from N.C. State University who was designated as the chairperson this year. Dr. Crickenberger welcomed everyone and asked that they go around the room for quick introductions. He then asked for the prior meeting minutes to be approve, which they were accepted as distributed.
Dr. Crickenberger then asked for administrative comments. Dr. David Langston, Director at Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC introduced himself as he is new to his position. He welcomed everyone to the facility. Dr. Jody Jellison from Virginia Tech told the committee that they could expect continuing support of the PVQE program and its trials from the VT administration. As for a couple of updates, she mentioned the reorganization of plant sciences and of the growing grad student enrollment, which is currently at 570. Dr. Crickenberger from NCSU spoke of two initiatives with the N.C. legislature. One initiative concerns pushing the stakeholders for commitment on a new building at N.C. State, which would then give the foundation to ask for funds from the legislature. He also spoke about the Department of Agriculture and about efficiency studies.
Dr. Maria Balota spoke next on PVQE updates, production from 2014 and new information for 2015. The PVQE results report for 2014 – Quality Data II – is available for everyone to pick up. Dr. Balota also read over the list of voting members for informational purposes. For the PVQE update, a handout with the PVQE budget was available listing the operational budget items for 9 years along with the amount of support from the different areas. This handout also showed other contributions and acknowledgements along with upcoming needs and purchases. Dr. Balota commented that she was very pleased with the work of the staff and the improving efficiency. She thanked all for the contributions from other areas. On the back of the budget handout, was a summary of yield and crop value for breeding lines in 2014 along with the summary of grading data. Dr. Balota also commented on a new position. Pam Copeland, a former 1500 hour wage employee resigned, giving Dr. Balota an opportunity to move in a different direction with that position. She advertised for a research associate position and hired Joseph Oakes. A portion of Joseph’s salary will be from the PVQE budget for those duties he will be performing that were previously the 1500 hour wage position and the remaining portion of his salary will be from other project funding for additional research he will be conducting. Dr. Balota also talked about the age of the present combine and the need for a second combine as a backup. They had a very good used combine they wanted to purchase for $3500 but due to the fact that it was owned by one of TAREC’s employees family members, they were unable to secure that purchase. They are currently looking for other combines in the area. Being a 2 row combine makes it more difficult to find. Dr. Balota also spoke about being optimistic for even better PVQE testing and results in 2015 from SC, NC and VA trials. As for issues, they are looking at deer fencing needs in some areas of NC and Southampton County. In planting, there was an issue of the vacuum planter not planting the larger size kernels as the tube would stop up and cause skips in some places. Smaller size kernels worked fine but the larger ones were a problem. Doug Redd commented that they are looking to use an older style planter this year for the larger kernel seeds to help eliminate that problem. This led to a discussion on seed sizes and what producers in the area wanted – uniform size seeds.
Next on the agenda was Dr. Tom Isleib with an update on peanut breeding. The handout, Documentation for North Carolina State University Lines Entered in the 2015 PVQE Program, was given out and discussed. Table 1 is the NCSU lines entered in the 2015 PVQE program. Table 2 shows several years of data on different lines. The tables following show performance, disease reactions, and flavor profiles.
Dr. Isleib’s final discussion was on the proposal for the release of peanut breeding line N10046ol for which there was a handout giving the description of the breeding and testing history, agronomic performance, disease reactions/resistance, flavor characteristics, blanching characteristics and oil chemistry/calcium content. NC10046ol is a large-seeded Virginia type peanut breeding line. Slides of the data were shown and explained by Dr. Isleib. Breeding occurred from the winter of 2003 to the summer of 2008. The testing phase began the summer of 2009 until the summer of 2014. The four diseases mostly watched for were early leaf spot, CBR, Sclerotinia and tomato spotted wilt virus. In addition pod brightness and value per acre data were shown. After a discussion of yield, value per acre, disease resistance, flavor, and the growth habits in the field as compared to Sullivan and Bailey, a motion was entered and seconded to support the release of N10046. The committee voting members passed the motion. There was some discussion on the name of the line but at this time, the name has not been decided.
Dr. Crickenberger asked for any further business, and there being none he thanked everyone for participating and adjourned the meeting.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/01/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/30/2016
- 03/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/30/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/29/2017
- 03/29/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018