W3185: Biological Control in Pest Management Systems of Plants
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/17/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/03/2012
- 10/05/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Casagrande, Richard, University of Rhode IslandCollier, Tim (tcollier@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming
Cristofaro, Massimo ENEA- C.R. Casaccia
Daane, Kent (kdaane@ucanr.edu) - University of California
Dudley, Tom University of California, Santa Barbara
Evans, Edward (Ted) (ewevans@biology.usu.edu) - Utah State University
Gaskin, John (john.gaskin@ars.usda.gov) - USDA, ARS
Goolsby, John USDA, ARS
Grevstad, Fritzi Oregon State University
Grogan, Kelly University of Florida
Hoelmer, Kim USDA, ARS, EBCL, Montpellier, FRANCE
Johnson, Marshall (mwjohnson@ucanr.edu) - University of California, Riverside
Krugner, Rodrigo USDA, ARS, Parlier, CA
Lambert, Adam University of California, Santa Barbara
LeBeck, Lynn (exdir@anbp.org) - Assoc. Natural Biocontrol Producers
Lopez, Vanessa University of California, Riverside
McClay, Alec McClay Ecoscience, Canada
McEvoy, Peter (mcevoyp@science.oregonstate.edu) - Oregon State University
Messing, Russell (messing@hawaii.edu) - University of Hawaii
Miller, Ross (rmiller@uog.edu) - University of Guam
Moran, Patrick USDA, ARS, Albany
Morgan, David California Dept. Food & Agriculture
Nechols, Jim (jnechols@oznet.ksu.edu) - Kansas State University
Northfield, Tobin University of Wisconsin
Norton, Andrew (Andrew.norton@colostate.edu) - Colorado State University
Nowierski, Robert USDA, NIFA
Pickett, Charles (cpickett@cdfa.ca.gov) - California Dept. Food & Agriculture
Pitcairn, Michael (mpitcairn@cdfa.ca.gov) - California Dept. Food & Agriculture
Rector, Brian USDA, ARS
Roltsch, Bill (wroltsch@cdfa.ca.gov) - California Dept. Food & Agriculture
Sforza, Rene USDA, ARS, EBCL
Simmons, Gregory USDA, APHIS
Smith, Lincoln (link.smith@ars.usda.gov) - USDA ARS, Albany, CA
Thompson, David (dathomps@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University
Tichenor, Robert USDA APHIS PPQ
Wright, Mark (markwrig@hawaii.edu) - University of Hawaii
Brief Summary of Minutes
Program and Minutes for W3185Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 3-5, 2012
Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012
Registration, social time (3:00 - 6:00)
Room check-in available after 4:00 pm
Dinner (6:00 - 7:00 pm)
Social (7:00 - 10:00 pm)
Thursday Oct. 4, 2012
Breakfast (7:30 - 8:30)
General Session (9:00 - 12:00)
9:00 W-3185 announcements, western AES issues - David Thompson (NMSU)
" W3185 went through the approval process this year with no problems. Welcome to another 5 years!
" The Western Reg. Ag. Exp. Station office has a new person working on Impact Statements. She will be contacting members for photos etc. in the next few weeks.
" Quite a few people have yet to re-apply for official membership.
9:10 Coordination of invasive species efforts at the national level and funding opportunities from NIFA - Bob Nowierski (USDA-NIFA)
" Started with an overview of the EDRR system (early detection / rapid response)
" Overview of the USDA-NIFA current and future grant programs, as well as the AFRI program. Good places to look for funding will be the Plant Health/Production section and the Food Security sub-program.
9:30 Permitting of first-time releases of biocontrol organisms: NEPA, ESA, TAG reviews and Permitting Policy - Bob Tichenor (USDA-APHIS-PPQ Permitting Branch)
10:00 An overview of key biological control programs in the Northeast - Dick Casagrande (University of Rhode Island)
10:20 Break
10:40 Adoption of biological control by citrus growers - Kelly Grogan, University of Florida
11:00 European Biological Control Laboratory projects - Kim Hoelmer & René Sforza (USDA-ARS-EBCL)
11:20 Field evaluation of the grassfly Dicraeus sabroskyi (Dipt. Chloropidae), a potential candidate for biocontrol of medusahead - René Sforza (USDA-ARS-EBCL)
11:30 Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and international permitting regulations - Kim Hoelmer (USDA-ARS-EBCL) & open discussion
" Discussion of ABS issues. IOBC Global website has a ppt file on ABS from the Korea Intl. Ent. Meeting this past summer.
Lunch (12:00 - 1:00 pm)
Biological Control of insects (1:30 - 4:30 pm)
1:30 Coevolution and the effects of climate change on interacting species - Tobin Northfield (U of Wisconsin)
2:10 Spring weather and cereal leaf beetle parasitism - Ted Evans (Utah State University)
2:30 Impact of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in the Mid-Atlantic States and the Prospects for Biological Control - Kim Hoelmer (USDA-ARS-EBCL)
2:50 Break
3:10 Goldspotted oak borer biological control: progress and future directions - Vanessa Lopez (UC Riverside)
3:30 Glassy-winged sharpshooter - David Morgan (CDFA)
3:50 Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers (ANBP) today and the status of the commercial insectary industry - Lynn LeBeck (UC Berkeley)
4:10 Revisiting Release Strategies in Biological Control: an Analysis of Agent Releases Made in Oregon - Fritzi Grevstad (Oregon State University), Eric Coombs and Peter McEvoy
Future Plans (4:30 - 5:30 pm)
Tim Collier, 2013 meeting at Jackson Hole, WY
" Tim gave a presentation overview of the venue for the 2013 meeting in Wyoming. We will be at the Wort Hotel. Other hotels are in the area if needed. He might organize a side trip if there is sufficient interest. Dates are Oct. 1-3, 2013.
Mark Wright, 2014 meeting at Molokai, HI
" Mark discussed the Hawaii 2014 meeting briefly, but will have more information to present next year.
Election of officers (Member-at-Large for 2015).
" After discussion by the attendees, Jeff Littlefield was contacted via email/phone and agreed to be the Member-at-Large and Chair the meeting in 2015. He had previously indicated interest, but was not in attendance at this meeting.
Selection of 2015 meeting location
" Bozeman, MT (see above).
Discussion of forming a non-profit organization to maintain fiscal records and help for the W3185
Chair Link Smith proposed 3 ways of dealing with finances in the future. Because hotels can require a deposit a year advance of a meeting, and the Chair (or entity signing a contract) can be fiscally liable for un-booked rooms), it would be advantageous to have some form of policy in place. His 3 options were:
1. Form a non-profit
2. Have a larger society sponsor us
3. Or do nothing&status quo.
" After much discussion of the pros and cons, forming a non-profit gained momentum. A motion was made by Greg Simmons (USDA-APHIS) to form a committee and go forward with structuring a non-profit. Andrew Norton (Colo. State) seconded the motion. A vote showed a unanimous approval to go ahead. (21 yes). Motion was carried.
" Volunteers to help with this included: Andrew Norton, Greg Simmonds, Tim Collier (U. Wyoming), and Mark Wright (U. Hawaii).
" It was suggested to check some of the ESA Branches for samples of By-Laws.
Dinner (6:00 - 7:00 pm)
Social (7:00 - 10:00 pm)
Friday Oct. 5, 2012
Breakfast (7:30 - 8:30)
BC of weeds (9:00 - 12:00)
9:00 Update on CABI activities - Hariet Hinz (CABI) [via WebEx]
9:20 Extreme differences in population structure and genetic diversity for invasive knotweed species in western North America: Implications for biological control - John F. Gaskin (USDA-ARS), M. Schwarzländer, F. Grevstad, M. Haverhals, R. Bouchier, T. Miller
9:40 Advances in Biological Control of Arundo donax - John A. Goolsby (USDA-ARS), Patrick Moran, Alex Racelis, Don Thomas, Beto Perez de Leon, Alan Kirk, Guy Mercadier, Massimo Cristofaro, Kenneth Summy, Mike Grusak and Maricela Martinez Jimenez
10:00 (10 min) Update on biological control of waterhyacinth and development of biological control of arundo in Northern California - Patrick J. Moran (USDA-ARS) and Michael J. Pitcairn
10:10 Break (11 am check-out time)
10:30 Should plant-mediated indirect interactions among herbivores be considered in weed biological control programs? - Jim Nechols (Kansas State University)
10:50 Wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella) cryptic biotypes with divergent host ranges: Implication for using Eriophyidae for biological control of invasive grasses - Brian Rector (USDA-ARS)
11:10 Galling fly, Parafreutreta regalis, and mining moth, Digitivalva delaireae, proposed for biological control of Cape-ivy: status update and efficacy evaluations - John C. Herr, Chris Mehelis, Angelica Reddy, and Patrick Moran (USDA-ARS)
11: 30 Assessing risk to a crop, safflower, by the yellow starthistle rosette weevil - Massimo Cristofaro (ENEA- C.R. Casaccia), Alessio De Biase, Lincoln Smith
12:00 Group Photo
Lunch (12:00 - 1:00 pm)
[Hotel check-out by 11:00 am]
<br /> ACCOMPLISHMENTS <br /> <br /> Goal A: Import and Establish Effective Natural Enemies<br /> <br /> Objective 1. Survey indigenous natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Surveys for natural enemies of arthropod and weed pests were conducted either in the native home of the pest or within the country of invasion. Several of these surveys are highlighted.<br /> <br /> Surveys were conducted for the presence of natural enemies on Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius in California. Other California surveys included looking for mealybug natural enemies in Californias San Joaquin Valley and Coastal wine grapes, and surveys of resident olive fruit fly natural enemies on the orchard floor and in the canopy. Results show that when the olive fly larvae drop to the orchard floor to pupate, they are easy prey for foraging ants. In addition, a released natural enemy, Psyttalia lounsburyi, has established in coastal CA areas. Populations of light brown apple moth were surveyed for resident natural enemies in the San Francisco Bay area. Egg and larval parasitoids and generalist predators were found. Another survey focused on predators feeding on the lettuce aphid.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Conduct foreign exploration and ecological studies in native range of pest.<br /> <br /> Several institutions in the western US conducted foreign exploration and importation of natural enemies for both new and established arthropod and weed pests this past year. Work included looking for biocontrol agents for the following species: Foreign exploration for natural enemies of cattle fever ticks, Rhipicephalus microplus and R. annulatus is in the planning stages. The arundo scale, Rhizaspidiotus donacis has established in Texas and populations are expanding at the release sites. The arundo wasp, Tetramesa romana is now established along the entire length of the Rio Grande from Del Rio to Brownsville. Molecular characterization shows that multiple genotypes from Spain and France have established. A parasitic wasp was received from Europe for the olive psyllid. This Psyllaphaegus sp. is being maintained in quarantine at UC Berkeley. In 2012, galls of A. acroptilonica and J. ivannikovi as well as of two biological control candidates, the tephritid flies Urophora xanthippe and U. kasachstanica for Russian knapweed, were collected in Uzbekistan and shipped to the quarantine facility at Montana State University, Bozeman. Many of these exploratory trips are only partially successful. Species sent to quarantine facilities must survive the trip and reproduce. Subsequent cultures will then be used for non-target host testing and evaluation for potential release. (See Objective No. 4). <br /> <br /> An accomplishment related to successful foreign exploration goals, was the finalized refurbishment of the University of Guam Biological Control Laboratory and associated laboratories on the UOG campus. Recertification by USDA-APHIS was obtained in September 2012, and biological control related activities recommenced in early October 2012. The facility includes two restricted access rooms reserved for the introduction of permitted exotic biological control agents, with temperature and light control as well as containment features required by USDA. The remainder of the facility includes a non-secured rearing room with light and temperature control and ample laboratory bench space. The renovations included other improvements to render the entire facility more resistant to the numerous typhoons and earthquakes that regularly occur on Guam.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Determine systematics and biogeography of pests and natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Systematics studies generate both molecular and morphological data that are essential to distinguishing between biotypes of both pests and natural enemies. These data also provide information about species biogeography, which ultimately helps select the best biological control species. <br /> <br /> Cales noacki (Aphelinidae) is an imported parasitoid of the wooly whitefly on citrus and the red-banded whitefly on avocado. A previously unknown cryptic species was identified using molecular markers in a highly localized area in a citrus grove on the UCR campus. Identification of the new species complex, which may have different biology and environmental preference, has tremendous potential to isolate new populations of Cales that may better control whitefly in the drier interior desert regions of California where control is currently limited. With collaborators in Argentina, research continues on parasites of the imported fire ant in South America and of the little fire ant (in the Caribbean and Central America). A trip in 2013 will focus on populations of Orasema minutissima, which is attacking little fire ant in Trinidad for comparison with the Caribbean populations. This latter species is a promising control agent for invasive populations of the LRF in the Pacific. More than 1000 specimens of Aphelinidae, Trichogrammatidae and other Chalcidoidea were curated and added to the Entomology Research Museum (UC-Riverside) collection of parasitic Hymenoptera. A National Science Foundation grant is in progress to study the species of Coccophaginae, which are a diverse group of parasitoids attacking whiteflies and armored scales. Extensive work has been done on European grapevine moth biogeography, based on molecular studies and scientists are currently analyzing the data to determine where California populations originated. Morphological studies of Aceria mites extracted from Russian knapweed plants used in open-field experiments in Iran in 2011 revealed that at least three different Aceria species are associated with Acroptilon repens. The goal is to characterize the different mite species by morphological and molecular means, and to assess which plant parts are attacked by which mite species. Preliminary results indicate that the flower heads are colonized by two mite species, but that the species which morphologically corresponds with the original description of Aceria acroptiloni makes up some 95-100 % of all mites found in flower heads. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 4. Determine environmental safety of exotic candidates prior to release.<br /> <br /> Many non-target studies and host-specificity tests are underway. Examples follow.<br /> <br /> Non target studies on the olive fruit fly parasitoid, Psyttalia ponerophaga, are being completed. <br /> <br /> The rust, Puccinia spegazzinii, was found to occur on M. micrantha throughout the native range of the plant and a variety of pathotypes were tested for efficacy in M. micrantha control as well as for host-plant specificity. While none of the other test plants became infected with the rust or showed any reaction to the inoculation with rust basidiospores, M. micrantha plants inoculated were always fully infected. Host specificity testing of the crown moth Oporopsamma wertheimsteini against rush skeletonweed continued in 2012. Scientists performed no-choice tests on 27 plant species, including rush skeletonweed controls. Fifty four plant species plus several cultivars and three C. juncea biotypes have thus far been tested. A petition to release the gall mite Aceria drabae against hoarycress was submitted to TAG in March of 2012. Host specificity tests for Larinus filiformis against yellow starthistle and French broom were conducted. Host range studies with R. pilosa and R. brondelii against toadflax were continued. Between 2006 and 2012, 90 plant species or populations were included in gall induction tests with R. brondelii, of which 55 were native North American species. Results indicate that R. brondelii appears to be slightly more specific than R. pilosa.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 5. Release, establish and redistribute natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Many releases and redistributions of natural enemies (tens of thousands) were carried out against pests in 2012. Pest species include (but were not limited to): Dalmation toadflax, diffuse and spotted knapweed, purple loosestrife, rush skeletonweed, Russian thistle, St. Johnswort, poison hemlock, Canada thistle, yellow starthistle, field bindweed, tansy ragwort, common mullein, Russian knapweed, water hyacinth, olive fruit fly, vine mealybug, spider and broad mites, and arundo scale. Most of these projects required collecting or rearing the natural enemies and releasing them at many sites, followed by evaluating their establishment. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 6. Evaluate natural enemy efficacy and study ecological/physiological basis for interactions.<br /> <br /> Researchers in Oregon have developed new ways to diagnose and exploit vulnerable phases of weed and pest life cycles by combining factorial experiments and structured population models. These methods take us beyond traditional reliance on trial and error in selection natural enemies for biological control of invasive species. They have also shown how contrasting outbreaks of insect pests and biological control organisms can be fruitful for understanding, predicting, and managing population growth, movement, spatial spread, and impacts of insect species with eruptive dynamics. A spatial distribution study was started to characterize the within-site population distribution of Bradyrrhoa adults and larvae (in skeletonweed) in relation to host density. We hope to delineate the population build-up of the moth, plant size preference and potential impact on skeletonweed. Fields of small grains (wheat, barley, and oats) in northern Utah were sampled weekly throughout the growing season to assess rates of parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) by the parasitoid Tetrastichus julius (Eulophidae). The efficacy of introduced ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) in spreading through North America from sites of initial establishment was examined: differences in body size among species accounted for much of the variability in the rate of spread, likely as associated with both increased fecundity and increased dispersal capability with larger body size. Lab and field studies were conducted on the efficacy of Habrobracon gelechiae as a parasitoid of light brown apple moth and oblique banded leafroller.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Goal B: Conserve Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control of Target Pests.<br /> <br /> Objective 7. Characterize and identify pest and natural enemy communities and their interactions.<br /> <br /> Evaluating effect of adult body size on reproduction in the lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata, showed that temporal patterns for several reproductive fitness parameters, including size of individual lady beetle eggs and clutch size, varied as adult females aged. Results demonstrate for the first time in Coleoptera that changes in both egg size and number occur as a function of female age. They also provide quantitative evidence of the importance of adult body size for reproductive success and, thus, for biological control. Stands of squarrose knapweed in Utah were sampled over the growing season to evaluate effectiveness of seed-feeding insects (Urophora quadrifasciata and Larinus minutus) that now occur broadly throughout the region. A three-year field study examined the bottom-up and top-down factors affecting Bemisia tabaci populations in cotton. Census data and field-based life table studies have demonstrated that pest populations are mainly regulated by top-down forces, primarily generalist arthropod predators, and levels of this biological control are not mediated by plant quality. Studies were completed on use of alyssum and other floral plant species to retain or attract aphid predators, particular syrphid species found in Californias coastal lettuce fields as a control of the lettuce aphid.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 8. Identify and assess factors potentially disruptive to biological control.<br /> <br /> Predation pressure and microclimate limitations were assessed for D. carinulata survival on Tamarix at multiple locations in Montana. Field studies were continued to study the selectivity of several new insecticides for whitefly control. Results confirmed the selectivity of spirotetramat, rynaxypyr and cyazypyr for whitefly; natural enemies were largely unaffected. A series of controlled laboratory studies are underway to measure potential impacts of transgenic Bt crops on a range of natural enemy species (Chrysoperla, Coleomagilla, Geocoris, Orius, Cotesia). Protocols involve tri-trophic exposure scenarios in which the prey or host are fed on Bt crops and then exposed to predators or parasitoids. To control for prey or host quality mediated effects, Bt resistance and susceptible prey and hosts are being employed. Results have uniformly shown neutral effects of Bt proteins on these natural enemies. The effects of predatory mites on population growth of the eriophyid mite, Aceria salsolae, on Russian thistle were studied.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 9. Implement and evaluate habitat modification, horticultural practices, and pest suppression tactics to conserve natural enemy activity.<br /> <br /> Efforts were made to develop an IPM approach to control T. marianae on eggplant in Guam. Lab experiments determined the optimal combination of petroleum spray oil (Volck® oil spray) with release of Neoseiulus californicus. Additional studies evaluated the viability of the predatory mites on Guam. The combination of N. californicus with petroleum spray oils produced significant control of T. marianae and did not affect the survival of N. californicus. The release of N. californicus at 200 individuals per plant reduced populations of T. marianae more than did other release rates. In addition, N. californicus was able to survive and become established after being released on Guam. Large plot field studies were conducted in 2012 to develop baseline data for incorporating the density and activity of natural enemies into action thresholds for managing Bemisia tabaci in cotton. Different rates of a known broad-spectrum insecticide were used to manipulate predator: prey ratios and attempt to determine the levels of these ratios needed to either suppress pest populations or require the need for remedial insecticidal control. Studies included the proximity of vineyards to natural riparian or oak ecosystems on the number and species diversity of beneficial arthropods, particularly spiders, and the resultant numbers of leafhopper pests. This study included an invasive spider, and posed the question of whether this good predator was a beneficial or disruptive natural enemy in the vineyard ecosystem.<br /> <br /> <br /> Goal C: Augment Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control Efficacy.<br /> <br /> Objective 10. Assess biological characteristics of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> The effect of temperature on development, survival and reproduction of Arytinnis hakani on French broom was measured. The pea aphid facultative intracellular bacterial symbiont, Hamiltonella defensa, confers defense against its specialized parasitoid wasp natural enemies, but these defenses may be overcome by superparasitism (oviposition of 2 or more eggs). We found that wasps discriminate among symbiont-infected and uninfected aphids, and preferentially lay 2 or more eggs in infected aphids. In spring 2012, new field sites were identified in Uzbekistan and in Iran to further assess the ecological host range of the fruit attacking moth Ananarsia eleagnella. At each of these field sites, fruits from test plant species and from Russian olive were collected in late summer/autumn; any lepidopteran larvae found in the fruits will be reared to adulthood and sent to taxonomists for identification. <br /> <br /> Objective 11. Develop procedures for rearing, storing, quality control and release of natural enemies, and conduct experimental releases to assess feasibility.<br /> <br /> A second attempt was made at the quarantine rearing of Ceutorhynchus assimilis (root galling weevil of Lepidium draba) from France on USA L. draba. A first attempt at quarantine rearing of Amblypalpis tamaricella was made from Kazakhstan on USA Tamarix spp. Adult mating and oviposition took place on plants during summer 2012, with some gall formation on a subset of exposed plants. Methods for mass rearing of the arundo wasp have been developed and recently published in a book on mass rearing of beneficial organisms. A laboratory study was conducted to assess the effect of adult food availability on two species of lady beetles, Coleomegilla maculata and Hippodamia convergens. The number of eggs laid per oviposition bout fluctuated in direct response to adult food availability in both species. Egg size, which could influence offspring fitness, responded to food availability for adult females, but only in H. convergens. <br /> <br /> The use of cold storage for parasitoids of the olive fruit fly was investigated in order to provide material during key periods of the season, when olives and rearing become difficult.<br /> <br /> Objective 12. Implement augmentation programs and evaluate efficacy of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Goal D: Evaluate Environmental and Economic Impacts and Raise Public Awareness of Biological Control.<br /> <br /> Objective 13. Evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of biological control agents.<br /> <br /> Studies to document the impact of Arundo donax on water use are on-going. The potentially adverse effect of the introduction and establishment of the exotic ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, on the rare native species Coccinella novemnotata was examined: diminished body size of individuals of the native species in recent years in western states could reflect competitive effects of the introduced species. Experimental studies and demonstration projects over the past 15 years have clearly shown the significant impact of biological control in managing the key pests of cotton in the western U.S. Comprehensive IPM systems have been developed and deployed that utilize the fundamentals tactics of biological control, host plant resistances, sampling and decision aids, prescriptive application of selective insecticides and various cultural methods. This IPM program has been widely adopted and implemented in Arizona, California and other parts of the world. In Arizona it has contributed to unprecedented reductions in the use of all insecticides for cotton pest management. Since 1996, when the program was introduced, insecticide use has dropped nearly 90% and producers have enjoyed over US$380 million in savings from pest loss and insecticide costs. Over the past several years no insecticides have been applied by about 25% of cotton producers in the region; in 2011, 29% of growers did not spray<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 14. Develop and implement outreach activities for biological control programs.<br /> <br /> In 2012 approximately 30 quarantine personnel from the CNMI, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia were trained in the importance of natural enemies in regulating populations of invasive insect pests in Micronesia, with special recognition of the potential impact of Hemiptera and ants if not intercepted or detected at or shortly after introduction to the islands. This activity was the 10th of its kind hosted by the University of Guam and sponsored jointly by the Secretariat of the Pacific Commission, the Guam Department of Agriculture and USDA-APHIS.<br /> <br /> A series of one-page Extension Circulars developed to highlight the identification, biology and biological control potential of some common arthropod predators in the cotton system (spiders, big-eyed bugs, assassin bugs, Collops beetles) were translated into Spanish and distributed to growers, pest control advisors, county extension personnel and other industry representatives in AZ and Mexico in 2012. They were also posted on the Arizona Crop Information Site (http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/). Work is underway on an Extension bulletin on natural enemies in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas field crops. The USDA-ARS Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Unit in Albany, CA hosted visits by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Invasive Species Leadership Team in September 2012, and by two scientists from the SENASA of Argentina. Intensive training in biological control methods and information on current EIW projects were provided.<br />Publications
PUBLICATIONS ISSUED AND MANUSCRIPTS APPROVED <br /> <br /> Acebes, A.L., Messing, R.H. 2012. Comparative susceptibility to hyperparasitism of Binodoxys communis and Aphidius colemani, primary aphid parasitoids introduced to Hawaii. Biological Control http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.09.003.<br /> <br /> Albuquerque, G. S., Tauber, C. A., & Tauber, M. J. 2012. Green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): predatory life-styles. Pages 593-631. In A. R. Panizzi and J. R. P. Parra (eds.), Insect Bioecology and Nutrition for Integrated Pest Management. CRC Press.<br /> <br /> Andreas, J., E. M. Coombs, J. Milan, G. L. Piper, and M. Schwarzlaender. 2012. Biological control, pp. 1-7. In E. Peachey, D. Ball, A. Hulting, T. Miller, D. Morishita, and P. Hutchinson (eds.), Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook. Ext. Serv., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis.<br /> <br /> Asiimwe, P., L. Brown, T. Vandervoet, P. Ellsworth, & S. Naranjo. 2011. Big-eyed bugs have a big appetite for pests. Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 8/2011. (Spanish version 6/2012)<br /> <br /> Brown, L., T. Vandervoet, P. Ellsworth & S. Naranjo. 2011. Assassin bugs top the food web. Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 8/2011. (Spanish version 6/2012)<br /> <br /> Callaway, R.M., Schaffner, U., Thelen, G.C., Khamraev, A., Juginisov, T. and Maron, J.L. 2012. Impact of Acroptilon repens on co-occurring native plants is greater in the invaders non-native range. Biological Invasions. Online first, DOI 10.1007/s10530-011-0145-1<br /> <br /> Caspi-Fluger, A., N. Mozes-Daube, M. Inbar, N. Katzir, V. Portnoy, E. Belausov, M.S. Hunter, and E. Zchori-Fein 2012. Horizontal transmission of the insect symbiont Rickettsia is plant-mediated. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 279: 1791-1796<br /> <br /> Cheng, Ling Lan, James R. Nechols, David C. Margolies, James F. Campbell, Ping Shih Yang, Chien Chung Chen and Chiu Tung Lu. 2012 . Efficacy of Mallada basalis (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) on two species of papaya mites, Tetranychus kanzawai and Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae), at different predator: prey release ratios. J. Asia-Pacific Entomology 15: 142-146. <br /> <br /> Cheng, Ling Lan, James R. Nechols, David C. Margolies, James F. Campbell, Ping Shih Yang, Chiu Tung Lu Chien and Chung Chen. 2012. Effect of temperature on prey consumption rate of the green lacewing Mallada basalis Walker (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to two species of pest mites, Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida and Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae). Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 61: 158-164. <br /> <br /> D. Piesik, A. Wenda-Piesik, M. Ligor, B. Buszewski, and K.J. Delaney. 2012. Dock leaf beetle, Gastrophysa viridula Deg., herbivory on mossy sorrel, Rumex confertus Willd.: Induced plant volatiles and beetle orientation responses. Journal of Agricultural Science 4, 97-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v4n1p97 <br /> <br /> Daane, K. M., R. P. P. Almeida, V. A. Bell, M. Botton, M. Fallahzadeh, M. Mani, J. L. Miano, R. Sforza, V. M. Walton, and T. Zaveizo. 2012. Biology and management of mealybugs in vineyards, pp. 271-308. In N. J. Bostanian, R. Isaacs, and C. Vincent (eds.) Arthropod Management in Vineyards. Springer, the Netherlands. <br /> <br /> Daane, K. M., X.-G. Wang, M. W. Johnson, and M. L. Cooper. Low temperature storage effects on two olive fruit fly parasitoids. BioControl (Accepted 7 August 2012, BICO-D-12-00059R2). 32 pp.<br /> <br /> Dauer, J. T., P. B. McEvoy, and J. V. Sickle. 2012. Controlling a plant invader by targeted disruption of its life cycle. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:322-330.<br /> <br /> Deas, J. B. and M.S. Hunter 2012. Mothers modify eggs into shields to protect offspring from parasitism. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 279: 847 853.<br /> <br /> Ellsworth, P. C., A. Mostafa, L. Brown & S. Naranjo. 2011. Soft-bodied Collops likes soft bodies. Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 6/2011. (Spanish version 7/2012)<br /> <br /> Ellsworth, P. C., L. Brown, A. Fournier, X. C. Li, J. Palumbo & S. Naranjo. 2011. Keeping cotton green! Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 7/2011. (Spanish version 7/2012)<br /> <br /> Ellsworth, P. C., L. T. Brown & S. Naranjo. 2012. Being selective, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 7/2012. (Spanish version 7/2012)<br /> <br /> Gardner, J., Wright, M.G., Kuhar, T.P., Pitcher, S.A. & Hoffmann, M.P. 2012. Dispersal of Trichogramma ostriniae in field corn. Biocontrol Science and Technology 22: 1221-1233<br /> <br /> Gaskin, J.F., Schwarzländer, M., Williams III, L., Gerber, E., and Hinz H.L. 2012. Minimal genetic diversity in the facultatively outcrossing perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) invasion. Biological Invasions 14: 1797-1807. <br /> <br /> Gontijo, Lessando M., James R. Nechols, David C. Margolies and Raymond A. Cloyd. 2012. Plant architecture and prey distribution influence foraging behavior of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Exper. Appl. Acarol. 56(1): 23-32. <br /> <br /> Hagler, J. R., F. Blackmer, R. Krugner, R. L. Groves, J. G. Morse, and M. W. Johnson. 2012. Gut content examination of the citrus predator assemblage for the presence of Homalodisca vitripennis remains. BioControl, DOI 10.1007/s10526-012-9489-4. 9 pp.<br /> <br /> Haviland, D. R., Beede, R. H., and Daane, K. M. 2012. Seasonal phenology of Ferrisia gilli (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in commercial pistachios. Journal of Economic Entomology 105(5): 1681-1687.<br /> <br /> Hemptinne, J.-L., A. Magro, E.W. Evans, and A.F.G. Dixon. 2012. Body size and the rate of spread of invasive ladybird beetles in North America. Biological Invasions 14: 595-605.<br /> <br /> Hinz, H.L., Schwarzländer, M., McKenney, J.L., Cripps, M.G., Harmon, B., and W.J. Price. 2012. Biogeographical comparison of the invasive Lepidium draba in its native, expanded and introduced ranges. Biological Invasions 14: 1999-2016.<br /> <br /> Hodek, I. and E.W. Evans. 2012. Food relationships. Pp. 141-274 in Ecology and Behaviour of the Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae). (eds. I. Hodek, H. F. van Emden, and A. Honek). Wiley-Blackwell.<br /> <br /> Kim, J. and Heraty, J. 2012. A phylogenetic analysis of the genera of Aphelininae (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), with a generic key and descriptions of new taxa. Systematic Entomology 37, 497549.<br /> <br /> Kondo, T., Quintero Q, E. M., Campuzano, M., Wyckhuys, K. A. G., Heraty, J.M. 2012. First report of Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a parasitoid of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera Psyllidae) in the Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Boletín del Museo de Entomología de la Universidad del Valle 13: 48-51.<br /> <br /> Krugner, R., J. R. Hagler, R. L. Groves, M. W. Johnson, M. S. Sisterson, and J. G. Morse. Plant water stress effects on the net dispersal rate of the insect vector, Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), and movement of its egg parasitoid, Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Environmental Entomology (Accepted 31 July 2012, MS EN-12-133 Version 2). 35 pp.<br /> <br /> Littlefield J., J. Kashefi, A. deMeij, and J. Birdsall. 2012. A petition for the field release of the gall mite Aceria drabae (Acari: Eriophyidae) for the biological control of hoarycress in North America. TAG Petition 012-03. 77 pp. <br /> <br /> Losey, J., J. Perlman, J. Kopko, S. Ramsey, L. Hesler, E. Evans, L. Allee, and R. Smyth. 2012. Potential causes and consequences of decreased body size in field populations of Coccinella novemnotata. Biological Control 61: 98-103.<br /> <br /> McEvoy, P. B., F. S. Grevstad, and S. S. Schooler. 2012a. Insect Invasions: Lessons from Biological Control of Weeds. Pages 395-428 in P. Barbosa, D. K. Letourneau, and A. A. Agrawal, editors. Insect Outbreaks Revisited. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.<br /> <br /> McEvoy, P. B., K. M. Higgs, E. M. Coombs, E. Karaçetin, and L. Ann Starcevich. 2012b. Evolving while invading: rapid adaptive evolution in juvenile development time for a biological control organism colonizing a high-elevation environment. Evolutionary Applications 5:524-536.<br /> <br /> Messing, R. H. 2012. The coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) invades Hawaii: preliminary investigations on trap response and alternate hosts. Insects 3: 640-652. <br /> <br /> Messing, R. H., K. S. Pike and R. G. Foottit. 2012. Invasive Aphids in Hawaii. Honolulu, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, 261 pp.<br /> <br /> Moran, P. J. 2012. Influence of biological control damage on efficacy of penoxsulam and two other herbicides on waterhyacinth. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:32-38.<br /> <br /> Moran, P. J. 2012. Influence of biological control damage on efficacy of penoxsulam and two other herbicides on water hyacinth. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 50:32-38.<br /> <br /> Mostafa, A., L. Brown, P. Ellsworth, V. Barlow & S. Naranjo. 2011. Untangling the web&Spiders in Arizona fields! Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. 7/2011. (Spanish version 6/2012)<br /> <br /> Murtaugh, P. A., S. C. Emerson, P. B. McEvoy, and K. M. Higgs. 2012. The statistical analysis of insect phenology. Environmental Entomology 41:355-361.<br /> <br /> Nelson, E. H., Hogg, B. A., Mills, N. J., and Daane, K. M. 2012. Syrphid flies suppress lettuce aphids. BioControl 57:819826. <br /> <br /> Oliver, K.M., K. Noge, E.M. Huang, J.M. Campos, J.X. Becerra, and M.S. Hunter 2012. Parasitic wasp responses to symbiont-based defense in aphids. BMC Biology 10: 11-20. <br /> <br /> Penz, T, S. Schmitz-Esser, S.E. Kelly, B.N. Cass, A. Müller, T. Woyke, S. A. Malfatti, M.S. Hunter and M. Horn 2012. Comparative genomics suggests an independent evolution of cytoplasmic incompatibility in Cardinium hertigii. PLoS Genetics 8: e1003012<br /> <br /> Reddy, G. V. P. 2012. Recent trends in the olfactory responses of insect natural enemies to plant volatiles, In: Biocommunication of Plants, G. Witzany and F. Baluska (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 281301.<br /> <br /> Reddy, G.V.P., and J. R. Bautista. 2012. Interaction between the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus and petroleum spray oil for control of Tetranychus marianae on eggplant, Biocontrol Science and Technology 22: 12111220.<br /> <br /> Rogers H, J. Hille Ris Lambers, R. Miller R, J. J. Tewksbury. 2012. Natural experiment Demonstrates Top-Down Control of Spiders by Birds on a Landscape Level. PLoS ONE 7(9): e43446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043446.<br /> <br /> Rugman-Jones, P.F., Hoddle, M.S., Amrich, R., Heraty, J.M., Stouthamer-Ingel, C.E., Stouthamer, R.S. 2012. Phylogeographic structure, outbreeding depression, and reluctant virgin oviposition in the bean thrips, Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in California. Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 698-709.<br /> <br /> Segoli, M., and J. A. Rosenheim. 2012. Modeling the consequences of agricultural intensification on pest damage. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 150:38-44.<br /> <br /> Shelton, A. M., S. E. Naranjo, J. Romeis & R. L. Hellmich. 2012. Errors in logic and statistics plague a meta-analysis (response to Andow et al. 2012). Environ. Entomol. 41: 1047-1049.<br /> <br /> Sisterson, M. S., Ledbetter, C., Higbee, B., Groves, R., Chen, J., and Daane, K. M. 2012. Management of almond leaf scorch disease: long term data on yield, tree vitality, and disease progress. Plant Disease 96(7): 1037-1044.<br /> <br /> Sivakoff, F. J., J. A. Rosenheim, and J. Hagler. 2012. Relative dispersal ability of a key agricultural pest and its predators in an annual agroecosystem. Biological Control 63:296-303.<br /> <br /> Smith, L. 2012. Host plant oviposition preference of Ceratapion basicorne (Coleoptera: Apionidae), a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle. Biological Control Science and Technology 22(4): 407-418.<br /> <br /> Stoeva, A. V. Harizanova, E. de Lillo, M. Cristofaro, L. Smith. 2012. Laboratory and field experimental evaluation of host plant specificity of Aceria solstitialis, a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle. Exp. and Appl. Acarol. 56: 4355.<br /> <br /> Szqcs, M., Eigenbrode, S.D., Schwarzländer, M. and Schaffner, U. 2012. Hybrid vigour in the biological control agent Longitarsus jacobaeae. Evolutionary Applications 5:489-497.<br /> <br /> Szqcs, M., Schaffner, U., Price, W.J. and Schwarzländer, M. 2012. Post-introduction evolution in the biological control agent Longitarsus jacobaeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Evolutionary Applications (DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2012.00264.x).<br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A., G. S. Albuquerque and Tauber, M. J. 2012. The Neotropical genus Titanochrysa (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae): larval descriptions, biological notes, a new species, and taxonomic changes. Zootaxa 2514: 1-16. <br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A., G. S. Albuquerque and M. J. Tauber. 2012. Three new Brazilian species of Chrysopodes (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 105: 638-663. <br /> <br /> Tian, J. C., H. L. Collins, J. Romeis, S. E. Naranjo, R. L. Helmich & A. M. Shelton. 2012. Using field-evolved resistance to Cry1F maize in a lepidopteran pest to demonstrate no adverse effects of Cry1F on one if its major predators. Transgenic Res. 21:1303-1310.<br /> <br /> Vargas, German A. 2012. Patterns of reproductive allocation in aphidophagous lady beetles and their response to various levels of resource availability. Ph.D. Dissertation. Kansas State University, Manhattan.<br /> <br /> Vargas, German, J.P. Michaud and James R. Nechols. 2012. Maternal effects shape dynamic trajectories of reproductive allocation in the ladybird Coleomegilla maculata. Bull. Entomol. Res. 102(5): 558-565.<br /> <br /> Vorsino, A. E, A. M. Wieczorek, M. G. Wright & R. H. Messing. 2012. An analysis of heterosis and outbreeding depression among lab-reared populations of the parasitoid Diachasmimorpha tryoni (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae); Potential implications for augmentative releases. Biological Control 61: 26-31.<br /> <br /> Vorsino, A. E, A. M. Wieczorek, M. G. Wright & R. H. Messing. 2012. Using evolutionary tools to facilitate the prediction and prevention of host-based differentiation in biological control: a review and perspective. Annals of Applied Biology 160: 204-216. <br /> <br /> Walton, V.M., Daane, K. M., and Addison P. 2012. Biological control of arthropods and its application in vineyards, pp. 91-118. In N. J. Bostanian, R. Isaacs, and C. Vincent (eds.) Arthropod Management in Vineyards. Springer, the Netherlands.<br /> <br /> Wang, X.-G., Levy, K., Mills, N. J., and Daane, K. M. 2012. Light brown apple moth in California: a diversity of host plants and indigenous parasitoids. Environmental Entomology 41(1): 81-90.<br /> <br /> Wolf, V.C., Gassmann, A. and Müller, C. 2012. Choice behaviour and performance of Cassida stigmatica on various chemotypes of Tanacetum vulgare and implications for biocontrol. Entomologica Experimentalis et Applicata 144: 78-85.<br /> <br /> Wolf, V.C., Gassmann, A., Clasen, B.M., Smith, A.G. and Müller, C. 2012. Genetic and chemical variation of Tanacetum vulgare in plants of native and invasive origin. Biological Control 61: 240-245.<br /> <br /> Yokoyama, V. Y., Wang, X. G., Aldana, A., Cáceres, C. E., Yokoyama-Hatch, H., Rendón, P. A., Johnson, M. W., and Daane, K. M. 2012. Performance of Psyttalia humilis (Hymenoptera: Bracondidae) reared from irradiated host on olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in California. Environmental Entomology 41(3): 497-507.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Green muscardine fungus, Metarhizium majus, appears to be effective in controlling the coconut rhinoceros beetle on Guam and is spreading throughout the island. This will help in reducing mortality and cosmetic damage to palms of various species on Guam.
- Ongoing surveillance conducted at the Guam International Airport suggests that the ant Lepisiota fraunfeldii has been successfully eradicated from Guam.
- Because Hippodamia convergens serves as a keystone biological control agent of grain aphids in the Great Plains, knowing how larval and adult food influence development and fecundity may allow better predictions of synchrony of offspring with grain aphid pests in the spring and, thus, the degree of natural biological control that might be expected. Comparisons of how different lady beetle species respond to adult food availability with respect to reproductive fitness is helpful in planning rearing programs and also in planning augmentative releases of different lady beetle species.
- Redistribution activities carried out in 2012 have led to the enhancement of biological control agent distributions against 13 noxious weeds throughout Washington State.
- Intensive deployment of Mecinus janthinus has retarded Dalmatian toadflax invasiveness, facilitated the restoration of many previously infested sites for animal foraging, and led to the re-establishment of desired native plant species. New populations of Bangasternus fausti and Aceria malherbae have been discovered and are being used as insectary sites for further redistribution of these bioagents in WA.
- Landowner utilization of chemical and physical management methods has been diminished by greater than 30% in WA because of the proliferation of biocontrol adoption.
- Property owners/managers in Washington State realized an estimated cost savings of $250Kin herbicide expenditures in 2012 brought about by the implementation of weed biocontrol during the current economic crisis.
- Cooperative linkages were maintained or established with AES, USDA-ARS, US BLM, USFS, USNPS, USFWS, The Spokane Tribe of Indians, and multiple state agencies charged with noxious weed management in the western United States.
- New agents are being investigated or released for the biological control of Russian knapweed, hoarycress, invasive hawkweeds, and rush skeletonweed. In addition Montana is supporting efforts to screen agents at CABI Europe for ox-eye daisy and common tansy. Target weeds selected either have no biological control agents currently available or the agents already established are not effective over the range of the target weed.
- Chalcidoidea are economically and biologically one of the most important groups of insects, and yet very little is known of their taxonomy (identification) or relationships. Research is identifying new potential biological control agents for use against pestiferous leafminers on citrus, whitefly on citrus, aphids on wheat and other crops, and for wasps attacking pestiferous ants. New research on cryptic species complexes (morphologically identical but reproductively and biologically distinct species) using molecular markers has tremendous potential for the identification of new biological control agents.
- Research is providing a better understanding of the wasp parasitoids attacking several pest groups in California including the Citrus Peelminer, Citrus Leafminer, sharpshooter parasitoids and the Asian Citrus psyllid. Identification keys and other products will help other researchers to better understand the impact of these groups, and identify gaps that aid in targeting new biological control agents.
- Conservation of natural enemies is a key component in our cotton management systems and our research has provided methods for quantifying the impact of biological control and developing IPM systems that maximize the effects of natural enemies in pest population control and regulation. An IPM program founded on natural enemy conservation has reduced insecticide use in Arizona cotton more than 90% and saved producers more than $400M in the last 16 years.
- Evaluation of the lethal and sublethal effects of insecticides and transgenic plants on key natural enemies through both field and laboratory studies have aided the development of pest management strategies that minimize disruption of biological control.
- Kona coffee growers are using Beauveria bassiana extensively in spite of the relatively low efficacy of the applications. However, combined with cultural practices, specifically sanitation in plantations, growers are able to achieve high levels of coffee berry borer suppression (up to 95% reported).
- Augmentative releases of Trichogramma pretiosum targeting Heliothis zea in corn provided slightly higher parasitism of eggs than relying on extant populations in the field. Corn seed production units continue to use Trichogramma augmentative releases at certain times of year for H. zea suppression; growers indicate that they reduce insecticide applications by more than 50% during augmentative release periods.
- The effectiveness of Eurytoma erythrinae (parasitoid of Erythrina gall wasp, Quadrastichus erythrinae) was monitored throughout 2012, on indigenous Erythrina trees, and on introduced species used in landscapes. The parasitoid has established statewide (Hawaii), and is providing effective suppression of Erythrina gall wasp attacking foliage. Attacks on inflorescences still continue to be severe. A larger proportion of tress have been able to set seed in the past season than in previous years.
- Biological control of the Erythrina gall wasp appears to be effective, but it may be necessary to release a second parasitoid (a Eulophid species currently in quarantine) that has a preference for galls on inflorescences to complement the impacts of E. erythrinae. Biological control of Erythrina gall wasp has curtailed mortality of landscape coral trees. This has reduced the need for expensive imidacloprid injection treatments by close to 100%.
- The behavioral interactions between herbivore pest and specialized natural enemies may be influenced by intracellular bacterial symbionts.
- More than 1000 specimens of Aphelinidae, Trichogrammatidae and other Chalcidoidea were curated and added to the Entomology Research Museum (UC-Riverside) collection of parasitic Hymenoptera
- Longitarsus jacobaeae have significantly decreased tansy ragwort density by 75-97% at some sites in Montana. Several agents have recently been established or released, e.g. Russian knapweed and orange hawkweed. The findings contribute to evaluation and enhancement of the effectiveness of biological control agents introduced against weeds (e.g., seed-feeding and root-boring insects as biocontrol agents of squarrose knapweed) and insect pests (e.g., Tetrastichus julius as a parasitoid of the cereal leaf beetle, and Coccinella septempunctata and native North American lady beetles as predators of aphids and co-occurring pests such as the alfalfa weevil and cereal leaf beetle).
Date of Annual Report: 01/21/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/01/2013
- 10/03/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Baker, Lars (email) - Wyoming Weed and Pest;Bean, Dan (dan.bean@state.co.us) Colorado Department of Agriculture;
Collier, Tim (tcollier@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Cristofaro, Massimo (massimo.cristofaro.cas@enea.it) - ENEA C.R. Casaccia;
Delfosse, Ernest (delfosse@msu.edu) Michigan State University;
Evans, Edward (Ted) (ewevans@biology.usu.edu) - Utah State University;
Foster, Aaron (afoster@tcweed.org) - Wyoming Weed and Pest;
Gaffke, Alexander (alexander.gaffke@gmail.com) - Montana State University;
Grevstad, Fritzi (Fritizi.Grevstad@science.oregonstate.edu) - Oregon State University;
Jabbour, Randa (rjabbour@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Johnson, Marshall (mwjohnson@ucanr.edu) - University of California, Riverside;
LeBeck, Lynn (exdir@anbp.org) - Assoc. Natural Biocontrol Producers;
Littlefield, Jeff (jeffreyl@montana.edu) - Montana State University;
McEvoy, Peter (mcevoyp@science.oregonstate.edu) - Oregon State University;
Messing, Russell (messing@hawaii.edu) - University of Hawaii;
Miller, Ross (rmiller@uog.edu) - University of Guam;
Miller, John (jpm@cns.montana.edu) Montana State University;
Morgan, David (dmorgan@cdfa.ca.gov) - California Dept. Food & Agriculture;
Nechols, Jim (jnechols@oznet.ksu.edu) - Kansas State University;
Norton, Andrew (Andrew.norton@colostate.edu) - Colorado State University;
Novak, Steve (snovak@boisestate.edu) Boise State University;
Pickett, Charles (cpickett@cdfa.ca.gov) - California Dept. Food & Agriculture;
Pieropan, Nancy (nancy@fcwp.org) - Wyoming Weed and Pest;
Reddy, Gadi (gadi.reddy@montana.edu) - University of Montana;
Sforza, Rene (rsforza@ars-ebcl.org) - USDA, ARS, EBCL;
Shelton, Tony (ams5@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;
Sing, Sharlene (ssing@fs.fed.us) USDA APHIS/Montana State University
Snyder, Bill (wesnyder@wsu.edu) - Washington State University
Thompson, David (dathomps@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University;
Brief Summary of Minutes
AGENDA and MINUTESW-3185 Meeting, The Wort Hotel, Jackson, WY, Oct. 1-3, 2013
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013
Hotel check-in (4:00 pm )
Registration and hors doeuvres (4:00 - 7:00). Clymer Room. (Please bring a check payable to the University of Wyoming, amt. $140). Beverages available in the Silver Dollar Bar.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013
Breakfast (7:30 - 9:00). Jackson Room.
Agency/Cooperator/Working Group Updates (9:00 - 10:00). Jackson Room.
9:00-9:10 Welcome Tim Collier (University of Wyoming). Introductions around the room.
9:10-9:20 W-3185 Announcements, USDA and AES issues Dave Thompson (NMSU).
Thompson started by mentioning that the W3185 is still considered a great work group. Some of our regular members still need to officially join he will send out the current Participation List to have members check and see if their name is still lacking. Some have applied, but it is common for the paperwork to get stuck at various levels.
Impact Statements are still a priority for all of the working groups. It would be great if the W3185 could do a few of the expanded articles highlighting a success story we have many!
As of Oct. 1, the government is still on a Continuing Resolution (and he government is, in fact, shut down). Federal funds could be cut another 8%, which might result in additional belt-tightening at the Ag. Exp. Station level. Some programs that might also suffer would be Special Crops etc., a few could be eliminated.
9:20-9:30 Spreading the word on biological control: the 15th anniversary of the website on natural enemies in North America. Tony Shelton (Cornell University).
9:30-9:40 U.S. Forest Service Biological Control of Invasive Plants (BCIP) call for proposals. Richard Reardon (USFS). CANCELLED DUE TO GOV. SHUTDOWN.
9:40-10:00 CABI Update. Hariet Hinz (CABI). Hariet send a presentation with audio file.
10:00-10:20 EBCL Update on Biological Control of Arthropods and Weeds. Rene Sforza. (European Biological Control Laboratory).
10:20-10:40 Break
Arthropod Biological Control (10:40 12:00). Jackson Room.
10:40-11:00 CDFA: Update on Biocontrol Activities and New Invasive Pests. Charlie Pickett (California Dept. of Food and Agriculture).
11:00-11:20 "Use of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi for the control of wheat stem saw fly and wireworms on wheat and flea beetles on canola." G.V. Reddy. (Montana State University).
11:20-11:40 "Micronesian Update Life and Death on a Small Island." Ross Miller (University of Guam).
11:40-12:00 Managing natural enemy biodiversity to improve biological control. Bill Synder (Washington State University).
Lunch (12:00 - 1:20 pm). Jackson Room.
Weed Biological Control (1:20 - 3:20). Jackson Room.
1:20-1:40 Biological Control of Russian Knapweed and Whitetop. Jeff Littlefield (Montana State University).
1:40-2:00 Adding Precision to Tamarix Biological Control using Diorhabda carinulata and its Aggregation Pheromone. Alexander Gafke (Montana State University).
2:00-2:20 Geographic origins of Medusahead. Stephen Novak (Boise State University).
2:20-2:40 A Brief History of Weed Biological Control in Wyoming. Lars Baker (Wyoming Weed and Pest, Fremont County).
2:40-3:00 Break
3:00-3:20 Open-field tests in Eurasia: between science, regulation, and politics. -Massimo Cristofaro (Biotechnology and Biological Control Agency, Rome, Italy)
3:20-3:40 Break (due to another Federal employee absence).
3:40-4:00 Biological Control and the Decline of Tamarisk in Western Colorado." Dan Bean (Colorado Department of Agriculture).
W-3185 Business and Future Plans (4:00 - ?)
1. Russell Messing, 2014 meeting on Oahu, Hawaii
Messing gave a ppt talk and report for Secretary, Mark Wright (Univ. of Hawaii), who will be Chair for 2014. Prices (room rates) for hotels in Hawaii have skyrocketed. Sleeping rooms for a decent hotel approach $200 per night and over, which is limiting factor for per diems and travel in general. Several hotels were highlighted on Oahu and discussion focused on cost. The group consensus was to hear more from Mark Wright via email and vote on options electronically.
2. Jeff Littlefield, 2015 meeting in Montana
Jeff showcased 4 different hotel/lodge options for the 2015 meeting in Montana. As usual with this group, we often pick spots where a bit of driving is required. Four locations were described and Jeff will give more details on each at the 2014 meeting.
3. Election of officers (Chair, vice-chair, Secretary)
Mark Wright, University of Hawaii, will move to the Chair position for 2014; Jeff Littlefield moves to Secretary; and the new Member-at-Large will be Dan Bean, Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Dinner on your own
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013
Breakfast (7:30 9:00). Jackson Room.
Conceptual Issues in Biological Control (9:00 11:00). Jackson Room.
9:00-9:20 Cereal leaf beetle parasitism: escape in space? Ted Evans (Utah State University)
9:20-9:40 Biological control and Bt plants: can they play together in the sandbox? Tony Shelton (Cornell University).
9:40-10:00 Interpreting physiological host-specificity testing in the context of ecological host range. Ernest (Del) DelFosse (Michigan State University).
10:00-10:20 Rapid evolution of biocontrol insects in response to climate change." Peter McEvoy (Oregon State University).
10:20-10:40 Open discussion about Climate Change & Other Conceptual Issues in Biological Control.
10:40-11:00 Break
Teaching and Outreach in Biological Control (11:00 - 12:00). Jackson Room.
11:00-11:20 Teaching and Outreach Needs in Biological Control. - Jim Nechols (Kansas State University).
11:20-11:40 Pest-management Decision Making: a Comparison of Farmer and Scientist "mental models" and the Implications for Outreach. Randa Jabbour (University of Wyoming).
11:40-12:00 Open discussion about Outreach and Teaching in Biological Control
Lunch (12:00 - 1:00 pm). Jackson Room.
<br /> <br /> ACCOMPLISHMENTS <br /> <br /> Goal A: Import and Establish Effective Natural Enemies<br /> <br /> Objective 1. Survey indigenous natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Surveys for natural enemies of arthropod and weed pests were conducted either in the native home of the pest or within the country of invasion. Several of these surveys are highlighted.<br /> <br /> A survey of natural enemies of Diatraea spp. was conducted in El Salvador, Central America on host plants which included corn, sorghum, sugarcane and rice. Larvae of Diatraea spp. were field collected and reared on artificial diet until either adult moths or parasitoids emerged. Parasitism was mostly by tachinid flies, which were identified as Palpozenillia spp. and Billea spp. Parasitism of D. lineolata was much higher on corn than on sorghum. D. saccharalis had higher parasitism on sugarcane than on sorghum or rice. Host plant was an important factor in the level of parasitism of both Diatraea spp. Foreign exploration for classical biological control agents was conducted in the native range of the cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus microplus in India and the Philippines. R. microplus, used in host exposures, are still in the process of being dissected to look for natural enemies. Surveys were conducted for presence of natural enemies on Genista monspessulana in California.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Conduct foreign exploration and ecological studies in native range of pest.<br /> <br /> Several institutions in the western US conducted foreign exploration and importation of natural enemies for both new and established arthropod and weed pests this past year. <br /> <br /> Field studies were completed in Europe to determine the interaction of biogeographical factors and their influence on growth of Arundo donax. Human disturbance from mowing and irrigation was found to significantly affect the impact of key natural enemies, especially the arundo scale. The areas along the Rio Grande where A. donax is invasive is largely undisturbed, therefore the arundo scale should not be adversely affected. Field surveys were conducted in Brazil in organic fruit orchards, pastures, and adjoining forested regions for green lacewings. Significant progress was made in establishing fundamental knowledge of regional chrysopid fauna and in establishing plans for further field sampling throughout the seasons. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate host specificity of Larinus filiformis for yellow starthistle, and Larinus latus for Scotch thistle. Foreign exploration continued for natural enemies of the invasive light brown apple moth, spotted winged drosophila, olive psyllid, and the Asian citrus psyllid.<br /> <br /> Many of these exploratory trips are only partially successful. Species sent to quarantine facilities must survive the trip and reproduce. Subsequent cultures will then be used for non-target host testing and evaluation for potential release. (See Objective No. 4). <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Determine systematics and biogeography of pests and natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Systematics studies generate both molecular and morphological data that are essential to distinguishing between biotypes of both pests and natural enemies. These data also provide information about species biogeography, which ultimately helps select the best biological control species. <br /> <br /> Genetic work was conducted to determine genotypes of Diatraea lineolata and D. saccharalis and their parasitoids found on corn, sugarcane, sorghum and rice collected in El Salvador. The purpose is to determine if cryptic species of moths or their parasitoids are present, and if there may be existing host plant strains/biotypes. Two genetic techniques are being employed, the mitochondrial CO1 barcode region of DNA and AFLPs. The leaf beetle, Diorhabda carinata, which feeds on saltcedar, was observed for the first time in Kansas. Recorded in August 2013 in southwestern Kansas, beetles may have dispersed naturally from Oklahoma. Specimens appear to have hybrid genital characteristics from D. elongata, which matches the morphological profiles of populations from Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. Russian olive microsatellites were developed, but research is needed to implement these on a collection of native and invasive samples to determine origins and population structure of this invasion. Morphological and molecular studies with A. acroptiloni were continued in 2013. Mite species found on A. repens, mites extracted from Russian knapweed, and from test plants used in host-range tests were sent to Russia for identification. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 4. Determine environmental safety of exotic candidates prior to release.<br /> <br /> Many non-target studies and host-specificity tests are underway. Examples follow.<br /> <br /> Host specificity testing continued for the Chondrilla crown moth, O. wertheimsteini. Fifty seven plant species plus several cultivars and three C. juncea biotypes were tested. Feeding and larval development was observed in two species, Krigia biflora and Microseris lindleyi, and three introduced species: Scorzonia lacinata, Sonchus arvensis, and Tragopogon dubius, but was very marginal when compared with that of the C. juncea controls. To further delineate this attraction to potential hosts, the use of plant volatiles as attraction or ovipositional cues will also be investigated. The mite Aceria drabae was recommended for release against hoarycress by TAG in May 2013. An application for its field release was submitted to the USDA-APHIS-PPQ and an environmental assessment is being drafted. Mikania micrantha is a neotropical invasive weed that can smother both agro-forestry and natural forest ecosystems, and many crops within forest zones of Asia and the Pacific Region. Current control methods utilize slashing and herbicides, but are expensive, ineffective, not sustainable, and can be environmentally damaging. The rust, Puccinia spegazzinii, was found to occur on M. micrantha throughout the native range of the plant and a variety of pathotypes were tested for efficacy in M. micrantha control as well as for host-plant specificity. Permits were obtained to receive P. spegazzinii from Fiji and have locations have been identified for its release and subsequent monitoring on Guam. Host range testing of the arundo leafminer, Lasioptera donacis is underway at the USDA-ARS European Biological Control Laboratory. Host plant specificity tests were conducted in quarantine for Larinus filiformis for yellow starthistle, Arytinnis hakani for French broom, and Mecinus janthiniformis for Dalmatian toadflax.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 5. Release, establish and redistribute natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Many releases and redistributions of natural enemies (tens of thousands) were carried out against pests in 2013. Pest species include (but were not limited to): Russian knapweed (redistributed to nine locations in Montana, an insectary site at MSU, as well as consignments to Wyoming Weed and Pest, University of Wyoming and USDA-APHIS-CPHST Fort Collins, CO); Hawkweed (A total of 355 A. subterminalis galls were placed at three release sites in Lincoln County, MT. Releases were made in late June 2013 just prior to adults emerging); rush skeletonweed (Two collections of the root moth B. gilveolella were made in July 2013 and consigned to California and British Columbia); spider and broad mites (Neoseiulus californicus was imported and released for the control of spider and broad mites on Guam. Monitoring of N. californicus is currently being carried out to evaluate the mites ability to disperse naturally); coconut rhinoceros beetle (using two pathogens specific to Dynastinae: Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus (OrNV) and Metarhizium majus, commonly referred to as green muscardine fungus); cycad aulacaspis scale, CAS (A screen house culture of CAS devoid of predators was established so that parasitoids can be reared. Shipments of parasitoids from the US mainland will be used to infest beetle-free CAS populations with hopes to build up populations sufficient for field release); Arundo donax (The arundo wasp has widely established and spread throughout south Texas and northern Mexico. Extensive dispersal north into the Nueces and Brazos watersheds was documented. The arundo scale is now established at 9 locations along the Rio Grande); water hyacinth (An inundative rearing and release program is needed for the introduced planthopper, Megamelus scutellaris, for biological control of water hyacinth in the Sacramento Delta and the San Joaquin River watershed in California); Aphis gossypii (the braconid aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis against Aphis gossypii on taro crops in Hawaii. After temporary establishment and reproduction for several generations, it appears to have gone extinct. Hyperparasitism is a possible cause for this failure; however, the newly established B. communis was less susceptible to hypers than the previously established A. colemani, which continues to provide partial aphid control); Bactrocera latifrons (the braconid parasitoid Diachasmimorpha kraussii, was shown to be well established and surviving in the field at relatively low numbers).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 6. Evaluate natural enemy efficacy and study ecological/physiological basis for interactions.<br /> <br /> Fields of small grains were sampled in northern Utah to assess parasitism rates of cereal leaf beetle by the parasitoid Tetrastichus julis. Results from years with varying weather revealed greater change with warm vs. cool springs in the life cycle of the beetle than of the wasp. A sampling grid was used to determine population densities of the moth, Bradyrrhoa gilveolella, and the weed it feeds on, rush skeletonweed. In 2013 the adult moth emergence period had increased over a longer time period compared to 2011 and adults can now be observed from June into October. The impact of the arundo wasp is being measured at 29 locations along the Rio Grande from Del Rio to Brownsville, TX. White boards which measure visibility into the stand at 2m are being used to document impact. In a greenhouse study, nitrogen fertilization was found to decrease generation time of the arundo wasp, a finding which has implications for mass-rearing. A field test was conducted in central Turkey for testing damage induced by the grass fly, Dicraeus sabroskyi on medusahead seed production. Preliminary observations show the fly only on medusahead but it is not clear if this species impacts seed production. A laboratory test was conducted in Thessaloniki (Greece) for testing the specificity of the smut (U. phrygica) against native and North American medusahead. A new biocontrol agent for Russian knapweed was released in Wyoming at new sites, and monitoring where another Russian knapweed insect (J. ivannikovi) was released previously. The latter showed that while densities of the biocontrol agent increased three-fold in 2013, knapweed densities have remained high. Field studies were continued of yellow thistle and seedhead insect population dynamics at Briones Regional Park. Long-term monitoring began of Mecinus janthiniformis and Dalmatian toadflax at Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreational Area.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Goal B: Conserve Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control of Target Pests.<br /> <br /> Objective 7. Characterize and identify pest and natural enemy communities and their interactions.<br /> <br /> Squarrose knapweed in Utah was sampled over the growing season to evaluate effectiveness of seed-feeding insects that now occur broadly throughout the region. Dissection of seedheads from large-scale spatial sampling will enable assessment of the degree to which the two biocontrol agents complement each other in suppressing weed reproduction. Populations of Chrysoperla rufilabris were obtained from Georgia and Texas and are being compared with a population from Kansas to determine environmental factors underlying diapause of this species, and how diapause responses vary geographically.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 8. Identify and assess factors potentially disruptive to biological control.<br /> <br /> Parasitism of A. acroptilonica (which feeds on Russian knapweed) was evident at a primary release site and at new releases as well, but it did not prevent the wasp from significantly expanding. Gall numbers increased from an estimated 120,000 in 2012 to several million galls in 2013, but many were later consumed by livestock. Surveys continued for invasive ants on Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and Rota in the Mariana Islands during 2013. This activity is part of an ongoing project on surveillance of Wasmannia auropunctata and Solenopsis invicta on Guam and the CNMI. A related study will describe attendance behavior of Guams invasive ants towards aphids, scales and mealybugs commonly encountered in the Marianas, and the effects on biocontrol against hemipteran plant pests. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 9. Implement and evaluate habitat modification, horticultural practices, and pest suppression tactics to conserve natural enemy activity.<br /> <br /> The spider mite, Tetranychus marianae, a pest of vegetable crops and perennials, is widespread in the Pacific islands. T. marianae has become a serious pest affecting eggplant. An IPM approach to control of T. marianae was started using a combination of spray oil with Neoseiulus californicus for its management. Combining N. californicus with spray oils controlled T. marianae without affecting N. californicus. The release of N. californicus at 200 individuals per plant appeared to be the optimal release rate. Seven low risk pesticides (spinosad, malathion, azadirachtin, Morinda citrifolia extracts, petroleum oil, mixed rosemary oil, perppermit oil, thyme oil and clove oil), and Beauveria bassiana were tested against C. formicarius on Guam. Azadirachtin and spinosad showed the greatest effectiveness, and are candidates to replace synthetic neurotoxins in C. formicarius for control. <br /> <br /> Goal C: Augment Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control Efficacy.<br /> <br /> Objective 10. Assess biological characteristics of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Scientists at the EBCL-ARS lab in France discovered the association of Arthrinium fungus with a natural enemy of giant reed. The fungus was identified using molecular techniques, taking spores directly from the flys ovipositor. An experiment showed that flies reared on plants inoculated with the fungus completed development successfully; whereas, uninfected plants failed to produce any flies. The fungus seems to be important for larval survival in the plant and may also be involved in damage to the plant. This basic knowledge about the fly and the fungus will allow scientists to perform host-range testing necessary to get permission to release it in Texas. It may also lead to artificial diets for the fly.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 11. Develop procedures for rearing, storing, quality control and release of natural enemies, and conduct experimental releases to assess feasibility.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 12. Implement augmentation programs and evaluate efficacy of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> <br /> Goal D: Evaluate Environmental and Economic Impacts and Raise Public Awareness of Biological Control.<br /> <br /> Objective 13. Evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of biological control agents.<br /> <br /> Seasonal patterns of abundance of the native ladybird beetle Coccinella novemnotata were examined in montane foothills above agricultural crops, to evaluate the potentially adverse effect of the introduction and establishment of the exotic ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, on the abundance of this native species (a species that has largely disappeared from eastern North America). Water use studies using eddy covariance equipment is planned for Eagle Pass, TX to document the change in water use of Arundo donax over time as natural enemies spread into this area. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 14. Develop and implement outreach activities for biological control programs.<br /> <br /> Approximately 30 quarantine personnel from the CNMI, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia were trained in the importance of natural enemies in regulating populations of invasive insect pests in Micronesia, with special recognition of the potential impact of Hemiptera and ants if not intercepted or detected at or shortly after introduction to the islands. Regulations for importing natural enemies and prohibiting the entry of potential pests were discussed, along with methods for inspection and enforcement of regulations. <br /> <br />Publications
PUBLICATIONS ISSUED AND MANUSCRIPTS APPROVED <br /> <br /> Acebes, A. L. & R. H. Messing. 2013. Comparative susceptibility to hyperparasitism of Binodoxys communis and Aphidius colemani, primary aphid parasitoids introduced to Hawaii. Biological Control 65: 286-292.<br /> <br /> Beck, J. J., L. Smith and N. Baig. 2013. An Overview of Plant Volatile Metabolomics, Sample Treatment and Reporting Considerations with Emphasis on Mechanical Damage and Biological Control of Weeds. Phytochemical Analysis. <br /> <br /> Benelli, G, G. Giunti, R. H. Messing & M. G. Wright. 2013. Visual and olfactory female-borne cues evoke male courtship in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, doi: 10.1007/s10905-013-9386-4.<br /> <br /> Bokonon-Ganta, A., G. McQuate, R. Messing & E. Jang. 2013. Release and establishment of the parasitoid, Diachasmimorpha kraussii against the tephritid fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons in Hawaii. Journal of Insect Science 13(5): 1-15.<br /> <br /> Cristofaro M., De Biase A. and Smith L., 2013. Field release of a prospective biological control agent of weeds, Ceratapion basicorne, to evaluate potential risk to a nontarget crop. Biological Control, 64, 3: 305-314<br /> <br /> Cristofaro, M., A. De Biase, and L. Smith. 2013. Field release of a prospective biological control agent of weeds, Ceratapion basicorne, to evaluate potential risk to a nontarget crop. Biological Control 64: 305-314.<br /> <br /> Evans, E.W., N.R. Carlile, M.B. Innes, and N. Pitigala. 2013. Warm springs reduce parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle through phenological mismatch. Journal of Applied Entomology 137: 383-391<br /> <br /> Gaskin J.F., M Schwarzländer, C.L. Kinter, J.F. Smith, SJ Novak. 2013. Propagule pressure, genetic structure and geographic origins of Chondrilla juncea (Asteraceae); an apomictic invader on three continents. American Journal of Botany 100:1871-1882.<br /> <br /> Gaskin J.F., M. Schwarzländer, H. L. Hinz, L. Williams III, E Gerber, BG Rector, and D-YZhang. 2013. Genetic identity and diversity of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) in its native and invaded ranges. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6:268-280.<br /> <br /> Gaskin J.F., R.A. Hufbauer, S.M. Bogdanowicz. 2013. Microsatellite markers for Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia; Elaeagnaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences. 1(9): 1300013<br /> <br /> Gaskin,, J.F., Schwarzländer, M., Hinz, H.L., Williams, L., Gerber, E., Rector, B.G., Zhang, D.Y. 2013. Genetic identity and diversity of perennial pepperweed in its native and invaded ranges. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (2): 268-280.<br /> <br /> Goolsby, J.A, E. Cortes Mendoza, P.J. Moran, J.J. Adamczyk, Ma. Marcos Garcia, and A.A. Kirk. 2013. Evaluation of Spanish Arundo scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Leonardi) (Hemiptera; Diaspididae) survival and fecundity on three New World genotypes of Arundo donax (Poaceae; Arundinoideae). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 23: 499-506.<br /> <br /> Goolsby, John, A., Elena Cortes Mendoza, Patrick Moran, John Adamczyk, Mariangeles Marcos Garcia, and Alan Kirk. 2013. Evaluation of Spanish Arundo scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Leonardi) (Hemiptera; Diaspididae) survival and fecundity on three New World genotypes of Arundo donax (Poaceae; Arundinoideae). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 23: 499-506.<br /> <br /> Goolsby, John, A., John A., Racelis, Alex E., Goolsby, Julia B., Kirk, Alan A., Cristofaro, Massimo, Grusak, M. and Perez de Leon, Adalberto. 2013. Evaluation of biogeographical factors in the native range to improve the success of biological control agents in the introduced range. Biological Control and Technology. 23:1213-1230.<br /> <br /> Hulme, P.E., Pyaek, P., Jaroaík, V., Pergl, J., Schaffner, U., Vilà, M., 2013. Bias and error in current knowledge of plant invasion impacts. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 212-218.<br /> <br /> Kirichenko, N., Péré, C., Baranchikov, Y., Schaffner, U., Kenis, M., 2013. Do alien plants escape from natural enemies of congeneric residents? Yes but not from all. Biological Invasions (DOI 10.1007/s10530-013-0436-9).<br /> <br /> Marler, T.E., R.H. Miller, and A. Moore. 2013. Vertical stratification of predation on Aulacaspis yasumatsui infesting Cycas micronesica seedlings. Hort. Sci. 48(1): 60-62.<br /> <br /> Moran, P. J., Goolsby, J. A., Racelis, A. E., Cohen, A. C., Ciomperlik, M. A., Summy, K. R., Sands, D. P. A., and Kirk, A. A. 2013. Mass-rearing of the stem-galling wasp Tetramesa romana, a biological control agent of the invasive weed Arundo donax. In: Mass-Rearing of Beneficial Organisms (Morales-Ramos J. A., Shapiro-Ilan D. and Rojas G., Eds.), Elsevier, San Diego, CA, pp. 163-201.<br /> <br /> Parepa, M., Schaffner, U., Bossdorf, O., 2013. Help from underground: soil biota facilitate knotweed invasion. Ecosphere 4: 31.<br /> <br /> Racelis, A. E. and J. A. Goolsby. 2013. Rapid assessment of above-ground biomass of giant reed using visibility estimates. Subtropical Plant Science 64:61-66. <br /> <br /> Racelis, Alex E., Moran, Patrick J., Goolsby, John A. 2013. Topping of Arundo donax as a pre-treatment to biological control. Journal of Subtropical Plant Science 64: 54-60.<br /> <br /> Smith, L. and J. J. Beck. 2013. Effect of mechanical damage on emission of volatile organic compounds from plant leaves and implications for evaluation of host plant specificity of prospective biological control agents of weeds. Biocontrol Science and Technology DOI:10.1080/09583157.2013.807908<br /> <br /> Summy, K.R., Lieman, J., Gandy, Y.P., Mamachen, A, Mamachen, A., Goolsby, J.A., and Moran, P. J. 2013. Effects of leaf excision and sample storage methods on spectral reflectance by foliage of giant reed, Arundo donax. Subtropical Plant Science. 63: 54-64.<br /> <br /> Sun Y, Collins AR, Schaffner U., Müller-Schärer H., 2013. Dissecting impact of plant invaders: do invaders behave differently in the new range? Ecology 94:2124-2130.<br /> <br /> Tarin, D. Manhart, J. Pepper, A., Goolsby, J., Moran, P. Contreras Arquieta, B., and Kirk, A. 2013. Microsatellite markers indicate multiple origins of Arundo donax L. in North America. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6: 328-338.<br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A. and M. J. Tauber. 2013. An unusual chrysopid larva: identification, description, and taxonomic implications. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 106: 729-740.<br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A., F. Sosa, and G. S. Albuquerque. 2013. Two common and problematic leucochrysine species Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia (Schneider) and L. (Leucochrysa) pretiosa (Banks) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae): redescriptions and synonymies. ZooKeys 310: 57-101.<br /> <br /> Toaevski I., Caldara, R., Jovi J., Baviera, C., Hernandez-Vera, G., Gassmann, A., Emerson, B.C. 2013. Revision of Mecinus heydenii species complex (Curculionidae): integrative taxonomy reveals multiple species exhibiting host specialization. Zoologica Scripta (doi:10.1111/zsc.12037).<br /> <br /> Toaevski I., Jovi J., Krsti, O., Gassmann A. 2013. PCR-RFLP-based method for reliable discrimination of cryptic species within Mecinus janthinus species complex (Mecinini, Curculionidae) introduced in North America for biological control of invasive toadflaxes. BioControl, DOI: 10.1007/s10526-013-9506-2.<br /> <br /> Vargas, German, J.P. Michaud and James R. Nechols. 2013. Trajectories of reproductive effort in Coleomegilla maculata and Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) respond to variation in both income and capital. Environ. Entomol. 42: 341-353.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Research from this past year will kickstart an augmentative biological control program of D. saccharalis on sugarcane in El Salvador, currently under development by the Compania Azucarera Salvadorena (CASSA).
- Significant population increases of two agents for the control of Russian knapweed, during 2013 will allow for larger and more regional redistribution efforts in 2014.
- Diorhabda beetles will have a significant impact on the reduction of saltcedar in riparian areas of Western Kansas, similar to what has been recorded in other High Plains areas where these biological control agents have been established for longer periods.
- An understanding of factors controlling diapause induction in Chrysoperla rufilabris will allow better predictions of the seasonal occurrence and population growth of this natural predator of several soft-bodied pests.
- While the reasons behind the lack of virulence of fungal strains imported from New Zealand is still unclear, green muscardine fungus, Metarhizium majus, appears effective in controlling coconut rhinoceros beetle on Guam and is spreading throughout the island. This will help in reducing mortality and cosmetic damage to palms of various species on Guam.
- Redistribution activities carried out in 2013 have led to the enhancement of biological control agent distributions against 13 noxious weeds throughout Washington State.
- Ongoing surveillance conducted at the Guam International Airport suggests that the ant Lepisiota fraunfeldii has been successfully eradicated from Guam. Little fire ant (LFA), Wasmannia auropunctata has been detected at several sites on Guam and appears associated with dramatic decreases in the diversity of several invertebrate species in heavily infested areas. LFAs attendance behavior appears to enhance populations of scales, mealybugs, whiteflies and aphids.
- Drosophila suzukii continues to pose serious problems to fruit production on the mainland U.S. and in Europe; several laboratories are exploring the possibility of importing classical biological control agents (parasitoids) from Asia. However, it was demonstrated that a larval parasitoid is already available within the U.S. (in Hawaii). Drosophila suzukii has been established in Hawaii for over 30 years but is not considered a pest in any fruit production systems.
- In a greenhouse study, nitrogen fertilization was found to decrease generation time of the arundo wasp, a finding which has implications for mass-rearing.
- A new species, the root-gall forming weevil C. assimilis, has been observed to be able to cause major reductions in the growth and vigor of hoary cress, L. draba. Should it prove host specific enough, we are therefore convinced that it could be an effective agent.
- The gall midge Jaapiella ivannikovi and the gall wasp Aulacidea acroptilonica, have established in North America. In particular, J. ivannikovi has successfully overwintered at a number of release sites in different states of the USA, and first cases of population outbreaks have been observed in Colorado. While the reduction in size and seed output of attacked shoots is as significant as in the native range, the overall impact of both agents largely depends on the population densities the can build up in the introduced range. Clearly, the mite species Aceria acroptiloni is a promising biological control candidate with a very narrow host-range. In contrast to the two gall-forming agents released, A. acroptiloni not only reduces seed output of infested shoots to almost zero, but also significantly impacts above-ground biomass.
- The primary goal of a biological control project is to slow down the spread of Russian olive into semi-natural and natural areas by introducing biological control agents that reduce the reproductive output of Russian olive, but do not kill the planted trees. The new results from host-range and impact studies conducted with the mite Aceria angustifoliae support previous findings, suggesting that this mite is very specific and has significant impact on seed production. Field investigations with the fruit-attacking moth Ananarsia eleagnella suggest that this biological control candidate has a narrow host range under field conditions, certainly narrower than what one would predict from artificial no-choice tests with cut fruits in petri dishes.
- As a result of the extensive no-choice and multiple-choice tests carried out between 2006 and 2013, R. pilosa has been approved for release as a biological control agent for yellow toadflax in Canada and the United States. Rhinusa brondelii from L. genistifolia also appears to be a promising species which could be released in areas where Dalmatian toadflax remains uncontrolled.
Date of Annual Report: 02/10/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/27/2014
- 10/29/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Anderson, Aaron (aaron.g.anderson@colostate@colostate.edu) – Colorado State University;Bautista, Renato (Renato.c.bautista@hawaii.gov) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
Chun, Stacy (staceychun_spepper@hawaii.edu) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
Collier, Tim (tcollier@uwyo.edu) – University of Wyoming;
Delfosse, Ernest (delfosse@msu.edu) – Michigan State University;
Evans, Edward (Ted) (ewevans@biology.esu.edu) – Utah State University;
Follett, Peter, (peter.follett@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Hilo, Hawaii;
Gaskin, Joh, (john.gaskin@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS;
Haverhals, Marijka (marijka@uidaho.edu) – University of Idaho;
Hedstrom, Chris (hedstroc@onidiorst.edu) – Oregon Dept. of Agriculture;
Hinz, Hariet (h.hinz@cabi.org) – CABI;
Kaneshige, Craig (?) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
King, Cynthia (Cynthia.b.king@hawaii.gov) – Hawaii Department of Land and Nat. Resources;
Ko, Mann (?) – Department of Agriculture;
Krugner Rodrigo (kruger@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Parlier, CA;
Lambert, Adam (lambert@msi.ucsb.edu) – UC-Santa Barbara;
Littlefield, Jeff (jeffreyl@montana.edu) – Montana State University;
Matsunaga, Janis (Janis.N.Matsunaga@hawaii.gov) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
McEvoy, Peter (mcevoyp@science.oregonstate.edu) – Oregon State University;
Messing, Russell (messing@hawaii.edu) – University of Hawaii;
Miller, Ross (rmiller@uog.edu) – University of Guam;
Miller, John (jpm@cns.montana.edu) – Montana State University;
Mills, Nick (nmills@berkeley.edu) – UC-Berkeley;
Morgan, David (dmorgan@cdfa.ca.gov) – California Department Food & Agriculture;
Naranjo, Steve (steve.naranjo@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Arizona;
Nechols, Jim (jnechols@oznet.ksu.edu) – Kansas State University;
Norton, Andrew (Andrew.norton@colostate.edu) – Colorado State University;
Novak, Steve (snovak@boisestate.edu) – Boise State University;
Ode, Paul (paul.ode@colostate) – Colorado State University;
Oishi, Darcy (?) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
Ramadan, Mohsen (moshen.m.ramadan@hawwaii.gov) – Hawaii Department of Agriculture;
Schwarzlaender, Mark (markschw@uidaho.edu) – University of Idaho;
Sforza, Rene (rsforza@ars-ebcl.org) – USDA, ARS, EBCL;
Shearer, Peter (peter.shearer@oregonstate.edu) – Oregon State University;
Smith, Lincoln (link.smith@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-EBCL;
Spafford, Helen (hspaffor@hawaii.edu) – University of Hawaii;
Thompson, David (dathomps@nmsu.edu) – New Mexico State University;
Tichenor, Robert (robert.h.tichenor@aphis.usda.gov) – USDA-APHIS-PPQ;
Wager-Page, Shirley (Shirley.a.wager-Page@aphis.usda.gov) – USDA-APHIS-PPQ;
Wright, Mark (markwrig@hawaii.edu) – University of Hawaii;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Goal A: Import and Establish Effective Natural Enemies<br /> <br /> Objective 1. Survey indigenous natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Surveys for natural enemies of arthropod and weed pests were conducted either in the native home of the pest or within the country of invasion. Examples follow. <br /> <br /> Collections were made for the introduction into California of Peristenus digoneutis for biocontrol of Lygus in strawberry fields. Explorations and collections were conducted in French Brittany. Peristenus digoneutis, a parasitoid of Lygus, was sent as cocoons to USDA-ARS, Newark, DE. After emergence in quarantine, the P. digoneutis adults were sent for rearing at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry. Mite-infested Russian olive branches were collected in Armenia and hand-carried to the quarantine at the CABI Centre in Switzerland. Mite-infested leaves were pinned to leaves of ten test plant species and to Russian olive. While A. angustifoliae was not detected on any of the test plants, mites were found on all inoculated Russian olive shoots. In August/September, surveys were made near the Amurdarya river in the border region of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Particular emphasis was put on assessing the natural enemy complex associated with the fruits of Russian olive. Any adult insect will be collected and stored in a deep-freezer until no further insects hatch, and then sent to taxonomists for identification. A survey was carried out in 2014 in France, Denmark and Sweden to locate and collect western and northern populations of Rhinusa pilosa against Linaria vulgaris (toadflax). A total of 20 galls were collected at one location in central Denmark. The development stage of these galls strongly suggests differences in ecological properties of the northern R. pilosa populations and their potential suitability for more northern areas in North America. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Conduct foreign exploration and ecological studies in native range of pest.<br /> <br /> Several institutions in the western US conducted foreign exploration and importation of natural enemies for both new and established arthropod and weed pests this past year. Many of these exploratory trips are only partially successful. Species sent to quarantine facilities must survive the trip and reproduce. Subsequent cultures will then be used for non-target host testing and evaluation for potential release. (See Objectives 1 and 4). <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Determine systematics and biogeography of pests and natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Systematics studies generate both molecular and morphological data that are essential to distinguishing between biotypes of both pests and natural enemies. These data also provide information about species biogeography, which ultimately helps select the best biological control species. <br /> Using DNA tools it was determined that Bohemian knotweed was the most common taxon of Japanese, giant, and the hybrid Bohemian knotweeds (Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis and F. bohemica) which have invaded the western US and Canada. This result is in contrast to earlier reports of F. bohemica being uncommon or non-existent in the US. The abundance and genetic diversity of Bohemian knotweed make it a priority for control in North America. To understand how natural enemies (in this case, lacewing larvae) defend themselves against their own natural enemies, the occurrence and diversity of larval debris-carrying in chrysopid taxa worldwide was assessed. The results show a strong pattern of generic level variation in morphological modifications for debris carrying; each genus has its own, usually distinct, set of features underlying its debris carrying behavior or its nakedness. Higher taxonomic levels show significant variation that is consistent with repeated evolution and loss of larval debris carrying. This comparative study will help biocontrol practitioners select appropriate natural enemies for use in specific ecosystems. From 2005-2008 releases of the northern tamarisk beetle, Diorhabda carinulata, were made in northcentral Kansas but without success. A closely related species, the larger tamarisk beetle, Diorhabda carinata, was observed in southwestern Kansas. This population appears to have hybridized with another species, Diorhabda elongata, both of which occur in northwestern Oklahoma. It is likely that D. carinata/elongata migrated northward into southwestern Kansas following a corridor along the Cimarron River in Oklahoma. In 2014, this population expanded its range in Kansas and is now confirmed in six additional counties. Field-collected tamarisk beetles were released in Cheyenne and Trego counties. A one-year survey of egg parasitoids of adventive Lepidoptera on Oahu was conducted. The egg parasitoid guild composition was compared with previous, briefer, surveys of egg parasitoids.<br /> <br /> Objective 4. Determine environmental safety of exotic candidates prior to release.<br /> <br /> Many non-target studies and host-specificity tests are underway. Examples follow.<br /> <br /> Host specificity testing continued for the Chondrilla crown moth, Oporopsamma wertheimsteini against rush skeletonweed. Two collections of pupae were made in Armenia. No-choice tests are being conducted in Montana and choice cage tests in Bulgaria. Several shipments of the gall mite Aceria drabae were received at the Montana State University quarantine lab from Eastern Europe in 2014, for use against hoarycress. Mites were dead in most of these shipments but a rearing colony was established from two collections. Results of host-specificity tests conducted so far with the seed feeding weevil C. turbatus show that it is the most specific agent investigated. However, because it only reduces seed output of L. draba, it will not contribute to the control of existing stands, but rather reduce the spread of L. draba. The new species, the root-gall forming weevil C. assimilis has been observed to be able to cause major reductions in the growth and vigor of L. draba. Both biocontrol agents of Rhaponcticum repens, i.e. the gall midge Jaapiella ivannikovi and the gall wasp Aulacidea acroptilonica, have established in North America. Both species have successfully overwintered at a number of release sites in different states of the USA. The mite species Aceria acroptiloni is a promising biological control candidate with a very narrow host-range. With approximately 50% of the test plants tested under quarantine conditions, it is expected that two more successful seasons should suffice to complete the host-specificity studies with A. acroptiloni. An important biological control project is to slow down the spread of Russian olive into semi-natural and natural areas by introducing biocontrol agents that reduce the reproductive output of Russian olive, but do not kill the planted trees. Results from host-range and impact studies conducted with the mite Aceria angustifoliae support previous findings, suggesting that this mite is very specific and has significant impact on seed production. Field investigations with Ananarsia eleagnella suggest that this biological control candidate has a narrow host range, but the design of the choice oviposition experiments under field-cage conditions need to be optimized. Molecular work with Rhinusa spp. and Mecinus spp. has confirmed the complex relationship of most toadflax insects with their host plants in Europe and the need to test Rhinusa spp. and Mecinus spp. from L. vulgaris and L. genistifolia separately. Rhinusa pilosa has been recommended for field release for yellow toadflax in the United States by TAG, and was approved for release in Canada in spring 2014. Foreign exploration for natural enemies of French broom in its native range has identified a weevil, Lepidapion argentatum as a potential biocontrol agent. It has two modes of reproducing on G. monspessulana: the female either lays eggs in pods, where larvae feed on developing seeds, or in stems, where larvae develop inside induced galls. In order to evaluate the specificity of this weevil, no-choice tests were performed on growing stems of 17 species, closely related to French broom. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 5. Release, establish and redistribute natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Many releases and redistributions of natural enemies (tens of thousands) were carried out against pests in 2014. <br /> <br /> The yellow toadflax root-galling weevil Rhinusa linarieae was imported from established populations in British Columbia. This agent is being maintained in lab culture with field releases planned for late spring 2015. This group also mass-reared the yellow toadflax stem weevil Mecinus janthinus. Continued monitoring of these species following field release will allow us to determine if their impact on yellow toadflax populations is sufficient to reduce herbicide applications for this weed pest and to promote a healthy plant community. In Wyoming, a major focus in 2014 was biological control of Russian knapweed using two relatively new agents, a gall wasp and a gall fly. Activities included making releases and checking previous release sites for establishment of both species, and continuing population monitoring for the gall fly. Releases of the gall wasp were conducted at five sites in five Wyoming counties. Whole plants and plant parts of Mikania micrantha were collected from original release sites in Fiji near Suva where the rust, Puccinia spegazzinii, had been originally released and established after importation from Ecuador via Switzerland. Infested plants and plant parts were hand carried to Guam, and attempts were made to infest local M. micrantha with the rust under high temperature and humidity conditions similar to those encountered in the field in Fiji. Only a few Guam plants were successfully infested, and the infestation died after these plants were moved to an outside propagation area. Lab bioassays indicate that the Guam genotype of coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB) is resistant to all available strains of Oryctes nudivirus (OrNV). Work is currently underway to try and find OrNV, which is pathogenic for Guam CRB. Green muscardine fungus (GMF), Metarhizium majus, produced by the Philippine Coconut Authority, has been released on Guam, and has spread by auto-dissemination to all parts of the island. In cooperation with colleagues at UC Berkeley, the EBCL reared and shipped more than 16,000 Psyttalia lounsburyi wasps to California for field release in support of biological control of olive fruit fly in California olives.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 6. Evaluate natural enemy efficacy and study ecological/physiological basis for interactions.<br /> <br /> The coccinelid, Rhyzobius lophanthae, introduced to Guam in 2005, continues to be ubiquitous and control Cycad Aulacaspis Scale (CAS) on mature plants. But it does not protect seedlings. An Arrhenophagus sp., was discovered infesting male CAS. This is considered to be a fortuitous introduction. Because this parasitoid only attacks male scales, minimal impact on the CAS population was expected. However, 2 years after initial detection, these parasitoids are numerous and there appears to be a significant reduction in the severity of the scale infestation. Additional introductions of CAS natural enemies are being investigated to complement predation by R. lophanthae. The chrysopid, Pseudomallada, is considered a valuable source of biocontrol agents for use in European agriculture. A study evaluated the seasonal cycles of three US species and compared them with information from a variety of European species. Results indicate that the US species can be reared and may be useful for biological control in certain situations. The establishment and effectiveness of Aceria malherbae has been reported to vary across western North America, with genetic variation of field bindweed as a possible contributing factor. Four field bindweed populations, collected from Montana, California, Oregon, and New Mexico, were exposed to A. malherbae to determine if growth parameters conducive or detrimental to the development of the mite. When grown in a common environment, plant height, stem length, and number of branches and leaves significantly varied among bindweed populations although biomass did not differ. Galling by A. malherbae was lower on plants from New Mexico than Oregon. Field studies assessed the relationship between habitat characteristics and plant cover of bindweed infestations and the presence and abundance of A. malherbae. Multidimensional scaling of site characteristics indicated a spatial relationship, though no habitat relationship, among established A. malherbae populations. In within-field studies, a significant positive relationship was observed between percent grass cover and mite abundance and a negative relationship between field bindweed and mite abundance. Fields of small grains (wheat, barley, and oats) in northern Utah were sampled weekly throughout the growing season to determine the phenology of rates of parasitism of the cereal leaf beetle by the parasitoid Tetrastichus julis (Eulophidae) in relation to cereal leaf beetle larval phenology. Evaluation of biocontrol of erythrina gall wasps (Quadrastichus erythrinae) continued. Significant positive impacts of parasitoid (Eurytoma erythrinae) on foliage recovery in the trees was demonstrated.<br /> <br /> <br /> Goal B: Conserve Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control of Target Pests.<br /> <br /> Objective 7. Characterize and identify pest and natural enemy communities and their interactions.<br /> <br /> Geographic populations of Chrysoperla rufilabris, from KS, TX, and GA were evaluated at different temperatures and photoperiods to determine environmental factors that induce reproductive diapause, and to assess whether geographic differences exist. Results suggest that C. rufilabris adults do not respond to constant daylengths at 25 degrees C as the percentage diapause was similar under long and short photoperiods. However, subjecting the insects to a decrease in daylength during late-larval or adult stages induced a higher percentage of diapause compared to fixed photoperiods. Rearing lacewings under a lower temperature (20 degrees C) increased the incidence of diapause in those experiencing a decrease in photoperiod, and the largest percentage of adults entered reproductive diapause if they experienced both a decrease in temperature and photoperiod. A strict symbiosis between Lasioptera donacis and a fungus, which has already been demonstrated in other Lasioptera species, was hypothesized. Evidence of a close association of the leaf sheath miner with one particular fungal taxa and the characterization of this taxa was carried out by the genetic Unit at EBCL. Field, nursery trials and laboratory bioassays were conducted to better understand the relationship between the plant (A. donax), the midge (L. donacis) and A. arundinis, and to obtain the crucial biological information to evaluate the host range of L. donacis. The evolutionary history of Anagyrus sp. pseudococci was explored within the context of the applied use in a biocontrol program against the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus, an invasive insect found in California. As A. pseudococci are natively found throughout the Mediterranean basin, parasitoid ecotypes from France, Spain, and Portugal were chosen to compare parasitism success. Parameters used to determine efficiency as a biocontrol agent were parasitoid egg load, host handling time, host encounters, and parasitoid effectiveness was measured with host encapsulation rate. There was no difference in the first three measures, although host encapsulation rate did significantly differ between ecotypes. This suggests a lower co-evolutionary host-parasitoid relationship for certain ecotypes than other, as more distantly co-evolved parasitoids are more effective at parasitizing hosts.<br /> <br /> Objective 8. Identify and assess factors potentially disruptive to biological control.<br /> <br /> Surveys continued for invasive ants on the islands of Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and Rota in the Mariana Islands during 2014. This activity is part of an ongoing project on the surveillance of Wasmannia auropunctata and Solenopsis invicta. A related study seeks to describe attendance behavior of Guam’s invasive ants towards aphids, scales and mealybugs commonly encountered in the Marianas, and the effects this might have on biological control agents against hemipteran plant pests. A series of controlled laboratory studies were completed to measure potential impacts of transgenic Bt crops on a range of natural enemy species (Chrysoperla, Geocoris, Orius, Zelus, Cotesia). Protocols involve tri-trophic exposure scenarios in which the prey or host are fed on Bt crops and then exposed to predators or parasitoids. To control for prey or host quality mediated effects, Bt resistance and susceptible prey and hosts were employed. Results have uniformly shown neutral effects of Bt proteins on multiple biological parameters of these natural enemies. Grazing at some field sites significantly decrease the number of Jaapiella and Aulacidea gall. Parasitism of Aulacidea was as low in 2014, although additional parasitoid species were observed. No parasitism of Jaapiella was observed in 2014. The disruptive effects of insecticide application on biocontrol of the cereal leaf beetle were identified from when insecticides are commonly applied during the growing season in relation to the phenology of parasitoid and its parasitism by T. julis. Degree day models were developed to describe the phenology of the beetle and wasp populations and guide growers on when during the growing season to apply insecticides (if needed) to minimize disruption of biological control. <br /> <br /> Factors that modulate the expression of cannibalism by Geocoris pallens (“big-eyed bugs”) were studied. Cannibalism appears to be a key factor disrupting the ability of G. pallens to control Lygus hesperus and Tetranychus spp. spider mites in cotton. The possibility that a pathogen is spreading through Geocoris pallens populations, and may be responsible for significant declines in Geocoris population densities is being studied. It was determined that the endosymbiont Wolbachia is not a pathogen, but rather increases the reproductive success of the parasitoid wasp Anagrus sophiae. The reproductive success of Anagrus erythroneurae and Anagrus daanei, two major parasitoids of leafhoppers in grape vineyards, is sometimes constrained by their finite supply of mature eggs (“egg limitation”). Furthermore, in many cases, the longevity of these Anagrus spp. is limited in the field by lack of access to floral nectar.<br /> <br /> Objective 9. Implement and evaluate habitat modification, horticultural practices, and pest suppression tactics to conserve natural enemy activity.<br /> <br /> Large plot field studies were conducted to validate biological control based thresholds for managing Bemisia tabaci in cotton. In 2014, studies expanded to commercial growers in AZ and Mexico. An extensive education and outreach effort accompanied the research program to train growers and PCAs on natural enemy identification and use of the new thresholds. Analyses are underway. Landscape-scale census studies are being used to understand the source-sink relationships of predator communities among cotton and surrounding crops. To determine the effects of sub-lethal herbicide applications on gall induction and development of Aceria malherbae (against bindweed), a bioassay was conducted with four herbicides, each having different modes of action. Atrazine, glyphosate, imazapic, and picloram were applied at 25% of their recommended dosages on plants infested and not infested with A. malherbae. Sub-lethal herbicide applications had an adverse effect on plant stem height, total stem length, numbers of leaves or branches, or on above- ground or below-ground biomass; whereas A. malherbae did not. Synergistic impacts of herbicide applications and A. malherbae on growth parameters of field bindweed were not observed. Pre- and post-spray gall counts were not significantly different indicating that gall induction and development was not altered by these sub-lethal dosages. A study on the effect of intercropping cover crops such as sunn hemp with corn to encourage natural enemies of Thysanoptera and Helicoverpa zea, was conducted and compared to conservation biocontrol with augmentative releases of Trichogramma pretiosum. The study showed that sunn hemp intercropping increased Trichogramma parasitism of H. zea eggs significantly, but the impact on the pest and corn yield was lower than using augmentative releases of Trichogramma. Abundance was enhanced by intercropping with sunn hemp.<br /> <br /> Goal C: Augment Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control Efficacy.<br /> <br /> Objective 10. Assess biological characteristics of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> Objective 11. Develop procedures for rearing, storing, quality control and release of natural enemies, and conduct experimental releases to assess feasibility.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 12. Implement augmentation programs and evaluate efficacy of natural enemies.<br /> <br /> Results have been reported under other objectives. <br /> <br /> <br /> Goal D: Evaluate Environmental and Economic Impacts and Raise Public Awareness of Biological Control.<br /> <br /> Objective 13. Evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of biological control agents.<br /> <br /> A synthesis on the economic evaluation of biological control was completed for the Annual Review of Entomology. The focus was to assess the economics of arthropod biological control by arthropod natural enemies in managed plant systems. Analytical approaches useful for valuing biological control were examined, the authors updated the record of progress in economic evaluation of classical and augmentative biological control, and then focused on the economics of conservation biological control, which has received the least attention and for which methodology and concepts are still developing. They provided a conceptual transect that highlights the methods that can be brought to bear on valuing biological control along the spectrum from individual growers to society as a whole and close with a call to arms that highlights the constraints, challenges, and opportunities for assessing the economics of biological control to advance IPM.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 14. Develop and implement outreach activities for biological control programs.<br /> <br /> In March 2014 approximately 30 quarantine personnel from the CNMI, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, and Guam were trained in the importance of natural enemies in regulating populations of invasive insect pests in Micronesia, with special recognition of the potential impact of Hemiptera and ants if not intercepted or detected at or shortly after introduction to the islands. Regulations for importing natural enemies and prohibiting the entry of potential pests were discussed, along with methods for inspection and enforcement of regulations. This activity was the 12th of its kind hosted by the University of Guam and sponsored jointly by the Secretariat of the Pacific Commission, the Guam Department of Agriculture, and USDA-APHIS. A series of brief one-page Extension Circulars were developed to highlight the importance and application of biological control in the cotton system (many of which were also translated into Spanish). They were distributed widely to growers, pest control advisor, county extension personnel and other industry representatives in AZ and Mexico in 2013 and 2014. They were also posted on the Arizona Crop Information Site (http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/). Work was completed on an extensive Extension bulletin on natural enemies in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas field crops<br />Publications
Asadi, G., Ghorbani, R., Cristofaro, C., Chetverikov, P., Petanovi?, R, Vidovi?, B. and Schaffner, U. 2014. The impact of the flower mite Aceria acroptiloni on the invasive plant Russian knapweed, Rhaponticum repens, in its native range. BioControl 59(3), 367–375.<br /> <br /> Asiimwe, P., S. E. Naranjo & P. C. Ellsworth. 2014. Effects of irrigation regime on interactions between Lygus hesperus, insecticides and predators in cotton. Environ. Entomol. 43:263-273.<br /> <br /> Augé M., Le Bourgeois T., Liégeois M., & RFH Sforza 2014. Cows and insects helping out to control the weediness of leafy spurge in France. pp173-180. Proceedings of the XIV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, pp 159-166.<br /> <br /> Benelli, G. Daane, K. M., Canale, A., Niu, C.Y., Messing, R. H., Vargas, R. I. 2014. Sexual communication and related behaviours in Tephritidae – current knowledge and potential applications for Integrated Pest Management. Journal of Pest Science 87:385-405. DOI 10.1007/s10340-014-0577-3<br /> <br /> Benelli, G. G., C. Stefanini, G. Giunti, S. Geri, R. H. Messing & A. Canale. 2014. Associative learning for danger avoidance nullifies innate positive chemotaxis to host olfactory stimuli in a parasitic wasp. Naturewissenschaften 101: 753–757. <br /> <br /> Benelli, G. G., G. Giunti, A. Canale & R. H. Messing. 2014. Lek dynamics and cues evoking mating behavior in tephritid flies infesting soft fruits: implications for behavior-based control tools. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 49: 363-373.<br /> <br /> Benelli, G. G., N. G. Kavallieratos, E. Donati, M. Mencattelli, G. Bonsignori, C. Stefanini, A. Canale & R. H. Messing. 2014. May the wild male loose? Male wing fanning performance and mating success in wild and mass-reared strains of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck. BioControl 59:487–500.<br /> <br /> Benelli, G. G., R. H. Messing, G. Giunti, N. G. Kavallieratos & A. Canale. 2014. Cues triggering mating and host-seeking behaviour in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera, Braconidae): implications for biological control. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(6): 2005-2022. <br /> <br /> Berner, D.K., Lagopodi, A.L., Kashefi J., Mukhina Z., Kolomiets T., Pankratova L., Kassanelly D., Cavin C., Smallwood E. 2014. Field assessment, in Greece and Russia, of the facultative saprophytic fungus, Colletotrichum salsolae, for biological control of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus). Biological Control. 76: 114-123.<br /> <br /> Brown, L., A. Mostafa, T. Vandervoet, A. Fournier, P. Ellsworth & S. Naranjo. 2014. Minute bug with enormous impacts on insect pests. Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. <br /> <br /> Brown, L.M., P.C. Ellsworth, G.R. Hughes, S. Bundy, P. Porter, V.M. Barlow, S.E. Naranjo, D. Kerns, A. Mostafa & A. Fournier. 2013. Natural enemies of the Southwest: A field guide to the arthropod natural enemies of southwestern field crops. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br /> <br /> Chaskopoulou A., Thrasyvoulou A., Goras G., Tananaki C., Latham M. D., Kashefi J., Pereira R.M., Koehler P.G. 2014 Nontarget effects of aerial mosquito adulticiding with waterbased unsynergized pyrethroids on honey bees and other beneficial insects in an agricultural ecosystem of north Greece. Journal of Medical Entomology. 51(3):720-724.<br /> <br /> Cristofaro, M., Goolsby, J., Thomas, D., Vacek, A., Salinas, C., Perez de Leon, A., Summy, R.,Racelis, A., Kirk, A., Mercadier, G., Bon, M.C., Guermache, F., De Simone, D., Di Cristina, F., Yang, C., Gaskin, J., Ciomperlik, M., Roland, T., Pepper, A., Tarin, D., Lacewell, R., Jiménez, M., Vaughn, T., Rubio, A. and Strickman, D. 2014. Biological studies and field observations in Europe of Lasioptera donacis a potential biological control agent of giant reed, Arundo donax , an invasive weed of the Rio Grande Basin of Texas and Mexico. In: Proceedings of XIV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds.<br /> <br /> Duay, J.A.M., R.H. Miller, G.C. Wall, K.S. Pike, and R.G. Foottit. 2014. Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel and Pentalonia caladii van der Goot (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and their relationship to banana bunchy top virus in Micronesia. Pacific Science 68(3), 359-364.<br /> <br /> Evans, E. W., N. R. Carlile, M. B. Innes, and N. Pitigala. 2014. Infestation of grain fields and degree-day phenology of the cereal leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Utah: long-term patterns. Journal of Economic Entomology 107, 240-249.<br /> <br /> Fleischer, S.J., W. D. Hutchison, S. E. Naranjo. 2014. Sustainable Management of Insect-Resistant Crops. pp 115-127 in Plant Biotechnology - Experience and Future Prospects, A. Ricroch, S. Chopra, S. Fleischer (eds.), Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York.<br /> <br /> Gaskin, J. F., M. Schwarzländer, F. S. Grevstad, M. A. Haverhals, R. S. Bourchier, and T. W. Miller. 2014. Extreme differences in population structure and genetic diversity for three invasive congeners: knotweeds in western North America. Biological Invasions 16:2127-2136.<br /> <br /> Gassmann, A., De Clerck-Floate, R., Sing, S., Toševski, I., Mitrovi?, M. and Krsti?, O. 2014. Biology and host specificity of Rhinusa pilosa, a recommended biological control agent of Linaria vulgaris. BioControl 59(4), 459-485.<br /> <br /> Goolsby, G, D. Thomas, A. Perez de Leon, A. Kirk, M.C. Bon, J. Kashefi, M. Cristofaro, P. Moran, Yang, J. Gaskin, P. Gowda, M. Grusak, M. Ciomperlik, T. Roland, R. Summy, A. Racelis, D. Henne, A. Pepper, R. Lacewell, E. Rister, B. M. Martínez Jiménez, M. Marcos, E. Cortés Mendoza, L. Gilbert, T. Vaughn, A. Rubio, D. Strickman. 2014. Update on biological control of giant reed (Arundo donax) in the Rio Grande Basin of Texas and Mexico. Entomological Society of America – Southwestern Branch Meetings, February 23-25, 2013 Las Cruces, NM. Abstract. <br /> <br /> Hinz, H.L. and Alecu, D. 2014. Biology and field host range of Ceutorhynchus cardariae, a potential biological control agent for Lepidium draba. Journal of Applied Entomology. Published online July<br /> <br /> Hogg, B. N., and Daane, K. M. 2014. The roles of top and intermediate predators in herbivore suppression: contrasting results from the field and laboratory. Ecological Entomology 39(2): 149-158. DOI: 10.1111/een.12079 <br /> <br /> Hogg, B. N., Wang, X.-G., Mills, N. J., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Resident spiders as predators of the recently introduced light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 151: 65-74. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12168<br /> <br /> Impson, F.A.C, C.A. Kleinjan and J.H. Hoffmann (Eds). University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2014. p. 15. Oral presentation droit qui s’appliquent à tous. Colloque de la Société Entomologique de France – L’entomologie en France : son utilité publique, Paris 15-16 Mémoires de la SEF, 2014 : 111-117. <br /> <br /> Kajita, Y., J.J. Obrycki, J.J. Sloggett, E.W. Evans, and K.F. Haynes. 2014. Do defensive chemicals facilitate intraguild predation and influence invasion success in ladybird beetles? Journal of Chemical Ecology 40: 1212-1219.<br /> <br /> Knape, J., Daane, K. M., and de Valpine, P. 2014. Estimation of stage duration distributions and mortality under repeated cohort censuses. Biometrics 70: 346-355. DOI: 10.1111/biom.12138<br /> <br /> Konigsberg, Evelyn Rivka. 2014. Factors involved in the success and establishment of the field bindweed gall mite Aceria malherbae Nuzzaci. MS Thesis Montana State University. 88 pp.<br /> <br /> Kumar, R., J.C. Tian, S.E. Naranjo & A.M. Shelton. 2014. Effects of Bt cotton on Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and its predator, Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). J. Econ. Entomol. 107: 927-932.<br /> <br /> Luo, S., S E. Naranjo, K. Wu. 2014. Biological control of cotton pests in China. Biol. Control 68: 6-14.<br /> <br /> Marcari, V.; Causse, S.; Hoelmer, K.; Coutinot, D.; De Biase, A.; Bon, M. 2014. Development of microsatellite markers for Peristenus digoneutis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a key natural enemy of tarnished plant bugs. Conservation Genetics Resources 6(2): 421-423.<br /> <br /> Meissle, M, S. E. Naranjo, C. Kohl, J. Riedel & J. Romeis. 2014 Does the growing of Bt maize change populations or ecological functions of non-target animals compared to the growing of conventional non-GM maize? A systematic review protocol. Environ. Evidence 3:7 (doi:10.1186/2047-2382-3-7)<br /> <br /> Milbrath, Lindsey R. and James R. Nechols. 2014. Plant-mediated interactions: considerations for agent selection in weed biological control programs. Biological Control 72: 80-90. <br /> <br /> Miller, R.H., J.A. Duay, K.S. Pike, E. Maw, and R.G. Foottit. 2014. Review and key to the aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Micronesia. Pacific Science. 68(4), 479-492.<br /> <br /> Naranjo, S.E. 2014. Effects of GM Crops on Non-target Organisms. pp 129-142 in Plant Biotechnology - Experience and Future Prospects, A. Ricroch, S. Chopra, S. Fleischer (eds.), Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York.<br /> <br /> Reddy, G.V.P., and R.H. Miller. 2014. Field evaluation of petroleum spray oil and carbaryl against the red spider mite (Acari: Tetranichidae) on eggplant. Florida Entomologist 97(1): 108-113.<br /> <br /> Romeis, J., M. Meissle, S. E. Naranjo, Y. Li, F. Bigler. 2014. The end of a myth – Bt maize does not harm green lacewings. Frontiers Plant Sci. 5:391 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00391)<br /> <br /> Silva, P. G., da, and Daane, K. M. 2014. Life history parameters of Acrosternum hilare (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), a stink bug injurious to pistachios in California. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(1): 166-173. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EC13272<br /> <br /> Sime, K. R., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Rapid, non-discriminatory oviposition behaviors are favored in mealybug parasitoids when Argentine ants are present. Environmental Entomologist 43: 995-1002. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EN13192<br /> Stewart, T. J., Wang, X.-G., Molinar, A., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Factors limiting peach as a potential host for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 107(5): 1771-1779. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EC14197<br /> <br /> Su, H.H, J.C. Tian, S. E. Naranjo, J. Romeis, R.L. Hellmich & A.M. Shelton. 2014. Bt plants expressing Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab and Cry1F do not harm the assassin bug, Zelus renardii (Kolenati (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). J. Appl. Entomol. (in press)<br /> <br /> Suckling M. & Sforza R.F.H. 2014. What Magnitude are Non-Target Impacts from Weed Biocontrol ? PLoS ONE. 9(1): 1-12.<br /> <br /> Sun, Y., Müller-Schärer, H. and Schaffner, U. 2014. Plant neighbours rather than soil biota determine impact of an alien plant invader. Functional Ecology 28(6), 1545–1555. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12295.<br /> <br /> Tangtrakulwanich, K., G.V.P. Reddy, S. Wu, J.H. Miller, V.L. Ophus, and J. Prewett. 2014. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes, and low risk insecticides against wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6:1–<br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A. 2014. Apochrysinae (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): new larval description and subfamilial comparisons. Zootaxa 3835 (2): 198-208. <br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A. 2014. Nothochrysinae (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): new larval description and generic synonymy, with a consideration of generic relationships. Psyche 2014 (839261): 1-10. <br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A. and S. L. Winterton. 2014. Third instar of the myrmecophilous Italochrysa insignis (Walker) from Australia (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Belonopterygini). Zootaxa 3811 (1): 95-106 <br /> <br /> Tauber, C. A., M. J. Tauber, and G. S. Albuquerque. 2014. Debris-carrying in larval Chrysopidae: Unraveling its evolutionary history. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 107: 295-314. <br /> <br /> Tian, J.C., L.P. Long, X.P. Wang, S.E. Naranjo, J. Romeis, R.L. Hellmich, P. Wang & A.M. Shelton. 2014. Using resistant prey demonstrates that Bt plants producing Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab and Cry1F have no negative effects on Geocoris punctipes and Orius insidiosus. Environ. Entomol. 43: 242-251.<br /> <br /> Tian, J.C., X.P. Wang, L.P. Long, J. Romeis, S.E. Naranjo, R.L. Hellmich & A.M. Shelton. 2014. Eliminating host-mediated effects demonstrates Bt maize producing Cry1F has no adverse effects on the parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris. Transgenic Res. 23: 257-264.<br /> <br /> Toševski, I., Caldara, R., Jovi? J., Baviera, C., Hernandez-Vera, G., Gassmann, A. and Emerson, B.C. 2014. Revision of Mecinus heydenii species complex (Curculionidae): integrative taxonomy reveals multiple species exhibiting host specialization. Zoologica Scripta 43, 34–51.<br /> <br /> Triapitsyn, S. V., Jones, J. M., Pickett, C. H., Buffington, M. L., and Daane. K. M. 2014. Description of the male of Psyllaephagus euphyllurae (Masi) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the olive psylla, Euphyllura olivina (Costa) (Hemiptera, Liviidae), with notes on its reproductive traits and hyperparasitoids. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 46:4092 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/jear.2014.4092<br /> <br /> Vandervoet, T., P.C. Ellsworth, L. Brown & S. E. Naranjo. 2014. Making whitefly and natural enemy counts! Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. <br /> <br /> Vandervoet, T., P.C. Ellsworth, S. E. Naranjo, L. Brown & A. Fournier. 2014. Save money the easy was with bio-control. Field Crop IPM Shorts, Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson. <br /> <br /> Vargas, German, J.P. Michaud, James R. Nechols and Carlos Moreno. 2014. Age-specific maternal effects interact with larval food supply to modulate life history in Coleomegilla maculata. Ecol. Entomol. 39: 39-46. <br /> <br /> Vorsino, A., A. M Wieczorek, M. G. Wright & R. H. Messing. 2014. Genetic analysis of an introduced biological control agent reveals temporal and geographic change, with little evidence of a host mediated shift. Biological Control 77: 41-50. <br /> <br /> Wang, X.-G., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Cannibalism of parasitoid-attacked conspecifics in a non-carnivorous caterpillar. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 151: 112-121. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12174<br /> <br /> Wang, X.-G., Tomajian, S., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Brood guarding of parasitoids potentially reduce cannibalism of paralyzed conspecific by a caterpillar host. Journal of Insect Behavior. 27(6):826-837. DOI 10.1007/s10905-014-9474-0<br /> <br /> Wang, X.-G., Wallis, C. M., and Daane, K. M. 2014. Tri-trophic movement of carotenoid pigments from host plant to the parasitoid of a caterpillar. Journal of Insect Physiology. 61: 58–65 doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2014.01.001<br /> <br /> Wiman, N. G., Walton, V. M., Dalton, D. T., Anfora G, Burrack, H. J., Chiu J. C., Daane, K. M., Grassi, A., Miller, B., Tochen, S., Wang, X-G, and Ioriatti, C. 2014 Integrating temperature-dependent life table data into a matrix projection model for Drosophila suzukii population estimation. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106909. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106909.<br /> <br /> Wright, M.G. 2014. Biological control of invasive insect pests. In: Integrated Pest Management – Current concepts and ecological perspective. Ed. Abrol, D.P. Publisher: Elsevier Academic Press. pp. 267-281.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Impact Statements
- The level of competence of APHIS-PPQ workers, port inspectors, and customs officials within Micronesia is gradually being raised as more personnel are trained in annual PPQ workshops. Increased participation by Guam Customs officers appears to reflect heightened awareness of the threat to Guam posed by invasive species and the increased cargo and human traffic resulting from the ongoing military buildup.
- Entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes were evaluated against the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus. These treatments were effective in reducing the damage caused by C. cinctus and yield levels were significantly increased the plots treated with biologicals versus control plots.
- Conservation of natural enemies is a key component in cotton management systems and research has provided methods for quantifying and deploying biological control for developing IPM systems that maximize the effects of natural enemies in pest population control and regulation.
- An extensive Extension outreach program has educated growers and pest control advisors in AZ and Mexico on the value and utility of biological control for pest suppression in cotton. A synthesis was completed to document the economic value of biological control in managed plant system, including novel focus on conservation biological control. This work should help to increase the visibility and merit of biological control to multiple stakeholders included those who make funding decisions to spur needed innovations in IPM.
- Approximately 26,000 Aulacidea acroptilonica were redistributed to field sites in CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, OR, and WY to combact Russian knapweed. The gall wasp is now established and increasing in population at least eight sites in Montana. The gall midge Jaapiella ivannokovi is also well established in Montana with populations ranging up to 1.3 million galls at some establishments.
- New agents are being investigated for the biological control of Russian knapweed, hoarycress, invasive hawkweeds, and rush skeletonweed. The target weeds have either no biological control agents currently available or the agents already established are not effective over the range of the target weed. In addition, a better understanding of biological control and its implementation will be achieved by monitoring the impacts associated with these biological control agents. In particular the habitat specificity of these arthropods may delineate their potential range or effectiveness.
- Degree-day models can be used to assist growers in determining when best during a given spring to sample for cereal leaf beetle eggs and young larvae to assess the likelihood of subsequent need for insecticide application to individual fields. In those cases where insecticide application to a particular field is warranted, the degree day models can also assist growers in selecting when during the growing season to apply the insecticide so as to minimize adverse effect on biological control (i.e., to minimize inadvertent killing of wasps along with their hosts).
- It is expected that Diorhabda beetles will have a significant impact on the reduction of saltcedar in riparian areas of Western Kansas similar to what has been recorded in other High Plains areas where these biological control agents have been established for longer periods.
- An understanding of factors controlling diapause induction in Chrysoperla rufilabris will allow better predictions of the seasonal occurrence and population growth of this natural predator of several soft-bodied pests.
Date of Annual Report: 02/15/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/27/2015
- 10/28/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Augé, Matthew Biotechnology and Biocontrol Agency, ItalyBean, Dan Colorado Dept. Agriculture
Blubaugh, Carmen Washington State University
Brusven, Paul Nez Perce Biological Control Center
Collier, Timothy University of Wyoming
Coombs, Eric Oregon Dept. Agriculture
Cristofaro, Massimo Biotechnology and Biocontrol Agency, Italy
Daane, Kent University of California Berkeley
Delfosse, Ernest Michigan State University
deMeij, Ann Montana State University
Evans, Ted Utah State University
Gaffke, Alex Montana State University
Gaskin, John USDA-ARS
Grevstad, Fritzi Oregon State University
Hinz, Hariet CABI
Hoover, Charlotte Montana State University
Jabbour, Randa University of Wyoming
Johnson, Marshall University of California- Riverside
LeBeck, Lynn Assoc. Natural Biocontrol Producers
Leppla, Norman University of Florida
Littlefield, Jeffrey Montana State University
Marini, Francesca Biotechnology and Biocontrol Agency, Italy
McEvoy, Peter Oregon State University
Messing, Russell University of Hawaii
Miller, Ross University of Guam
Morgan, David California Dept. Agriculture
Nechols, James Kansas State University
Norton, Andrew Colorado State University
Nowierski, Robert USDA-NIFA
Pitcairn, Mike California Dept. Agriculture
Portman, Scott Montana State University
Randall, Carol United States Forest Service
Reddy, G.V.P. Montana State U.
Runyon, Justin United States Forest Service
Schmidt, Jason University of Georgia
Schram, Christy Ravalli Co. Weed Montana
Sforza, René USDA-ARS, EBCL
Shearer, Peter Oregon State University
Sing, Sharlene United States Forest Service
Smith, Lincoln USDA-ARS, EBCL
Sutherland, David Nez Perce Biological Control Center
Thompson, David New Mexico State University
West, Natalie USDA-ARS
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p><strong>Goal A: </strong><strong>Import and Establish Effective Natural Enemies</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 1</em></strong><strong><em>. Survey indigenous natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Surveys for natural enemies of arthropod and weed pests were conducted either in the native home of the pest or within the country of invasion. Select projects are highlighted.</p><br /> <p>Parts of Europe and Asia were surveyed for natural enemies of the following insect pests; <em>Anoplophora</em> spp., <em>Halyomorpha halys</em>, <em>Bactrocera oleae</em>, <em>Euphyllura olivine</em>, and of weeds <em>Arundo donax</em>, <em>Centaurea solstitialis, Lepidium draba, Genisa monspessulana, Tamarix </em>spp<em>., Vincetoxicum sp., Taeniatherum caput-medusae, </em>and <em>Ventenata dubia. </em>Indigenous natural enemy surveys have been conducted for two invasive pests, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), and the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), <em>Diaphorina citri</em> in southern California. BMSB is a highly polyphagous and destructive pest native to China. <em>D. citri</em> vectors a bacterium that causes a lethal and incurable citrus disease, huanglongbing. In quarantine at UC Riverside, native stink bug egg parasitoids have been studied to determine their preferences for BMSB eggs when compared to eggs produced by native California stink bugs. Life table and videography studies assessing natural enemy impacts on cohorts of ACP nymphs have determined that generalist predators (especially lacewing and syrphid fly larvae) are important biocontrol agents and approx. 60% of predation events happen at night. These have been recorded with infrared videography.</p><br /> <p>Aphidiid parasitoids of aphids on Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and Rota were surveyed. <em>Diaeretialla rapae</em> and <em>Aphidius colemani </em>had previously been released on Guam, Saipan, and Palau in 1998, but had not been recovered since then. <em>Lysephlebis testaceipes </em>had been released 20 years before, and only recovered in 1998 on Guam and Rota. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 2.</em></strong><strong><em> Conduct foreign exploration and ecological studies in native range of pest.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Several institutions in the western US conducted foreign exploration and importation of natural enemies for both new and established arthropod and weed pests this past year. Many of these exploratory trips are only partially successful. Species sent to quarantine facilities must survive the trip and reproduce. Subsequent cultures will then be used for non-target host testing and evaluation for potential release. </p><br /> <p>The following species were collected in 2015; parasitoids <em>Psyllaephagus euphyllura </em>and <em>P. pulchellus</em> for biological control of <em>Euphyllura olivine</em>; egg parasitoids of <em>Coptosoma scutellata</em> in Italy; adults of the French broom weevil, <em>Lepidapion argentatum</em> in France; larvae of <em>Cryptocephalus</em> sp. in Uzbekistan for control of <em>Tamarix sp.</em>; root gall weevil, <em>Ceutorhynchus assimilis, </em>in France for biocontrol of<em> Lepidium draba; </em>seed weevils in Turkey targeted for biological control of <em>Taeniatherum; </em>and foreign exploration efforts for natural enemies of <em>D. citri</em> have been completed in Pakistan. A grant was received to import the rust, <em>Puccinia spegazzinii, </em>from Fiji for use against <em>Mikania micrantha</em> on Guam. A technician was hired to grow <em>Mikania</em> plants under shade-cloth conditions on Guam, and permits for importation are being acquired </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 3</em></strong><strong>. </strong><strong><em>Determine systematics and biogeography of pests and natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Systematics studies generate both molecular and morphological data that are essential to distinguishing between biotypes of both pests and natural enemies. These data also provide information about species biogeography, which ultimately helps select the best biological control species. </p><br /> <p>Research continues on the parasites of the imported fire ant in South America and of the Little Red Fire Ant in the Caribbean and Central America. Methods are using both standard Sanger-sequencing approaches as well as novel anchored enrichment approaches to look at relationships and species identification across the entire genus. Results support an ancestral association with the ant genus <em>Pheidole</em>, followed by an ancient shift to the New World and diversification onto a wider variety of ant hosts, including <em>Solenopsis</em>, <em>Wasmanni</em>a and other myrmicine ant hosts.</p><br /> <p>A study of the taxonomy and relationships of the leafminer parasitoid tribe <em>Cirrospilini </em>(Eulophidae), which include important parasitoids of the Citrus leafminer and the Citrus Peelmine, is ongoing. These wasps are niche generalists and attack a broad spectrum of insects mining leaves.</p><br /> <p>An introduced parasitoid (<em>Closterocerus</em>) attacking the new invasive eucalyptus gall former was discovered. No parasitoid releases have been made against the gall-former, and it is hypothesized that the wasp was imported along with the newly established pest.</p><br /> <p>An NSF grant to revise the classification of the entire superfamily Chalcidoidea will tackle molecular, morphological and bioinformatic approaches to resolve the relationships of the superfamily. The project will disseminate information on the group through electronic resources and a new book that outlines the classification and biology of the group. Members of this superfamily are among the most important natural and introduced control agents of other pest insects, and this will form a foundation for all future studies on the group.</p><br /> <p>Phylogenetic analysis was conducted on species of the egg parasitoids (mainly <em>Trissolcus </em>and<em> Telenomus</em>) of <em>Halyomorpha haly</em>s and its close relatives.</p><br /> <p>Surveys were carried out in Kansas where previously known populations of the larger tamarisk beetle, <em>Diorhabda carinata</em>, had occurred in 2014. Tamarisk beetles were located in only one county. The date of recovery was the earliest recorded emergence date for any <em>Diorhabda</em> species in the U.S. However, the other locations, which comprised nineteen sites in eleven counties, had no populations at any time during the surveys. The low or absent populations of tamarisk beetles in Kansas matches what was observed all over the Midwest. Factors for these data possibly include unseasonably early heavy rains that caused widespread flooding where overwintering adults and pupae resided, relatively high humidity which is detrimental to the beetles, and a greater abundance of predators early in the season.</p><br /> <p>Collaborative projects continued on New World green lacewings. Emphasis was on three regions of South America and also Hawaii; primary pest targets were aphids, scales, mealybugs, and other soft-bodied arthropods. Significant progress was made in establishing reliable taxonomic information for making identifications of adults and larvae in the large chrysopid tribes Chrysopini and Leucochrysini. The results will help future work on the biology, mass production, and use of these predators in biological and integrated pest control programs.</p><br /> <p>Invasion pathways of the African coffee berry borer (<em>Hypothenemus hampeii</em>) were examined using phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses, which suggest a likely route of invasion from Kenya to Uganda to Latin America to Hawaii</p><br /> <p>A combined morphological, molecular and biological study has shown that the shoot-mining weevil species (which attacks <em>Linaria</em> spp.) presently named <em>M. janthinus</em> is actually composed of two cryptic species, <em>M. janthiniformis</em> sp. n., which is associated with <em>L</em>. <em>genistifolia</em> and <em>L. dalmatica</em> in southeastern Europe and <em>M. janthinus</em>, which is associated with <em>L. vulgaris</em> in most of Europe.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 4</em></strong><strong>. </strong><strong><em>Determine environmental safety of exotic candidates prior to release.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Many non-target studies and host-specificity tests are underway. Examples follow.</p><br /> <p>Host specificity tests in laboratory for <em>Lepidapion argentatum</em> for <em>Genista monspessulana</em>. Field experiments to evaluate host specificity of <em>Larinus filiformis</em> for <em>Centaurea solstitialis </em>in Turkey.</p><br /> <p><em>Argentatum lepidapion</em>, was imported into quarantine for studies of its safety and efficacy as a biocontrol agent against French broom. Studies on the effect of long-wave UV light on population development of the mite <em>Aceria salsolae</em> on Russian thistle were completed to examine host range under realistic light conditions in quarantine. UV light did not reduce the ability of the mite to develop populations on two nontarget plants. Host range and host specificity testing for three natural enemies of ACP nymphs collected from Pakistan has been completed for <em>Tamarixia radiate</em>. <em>T. radiata</em> and <em>D. aligarhensis</em> have received release permits.</p><br /> <p>Host specificity testing of <em>Oporopsamma wertheimsteini</em> for rush skeletonweed control continued. Newly hatch larvae were transferred to: <em>Chondrilla juncea</em>, <em>Grindelia squarrosa, Krigia biflora, Krigia montana, Leucanthemum vulgare, Lygodesmia juncea</em>, and <em>Solidago </em>prob. <em>missouriensis</em>. Larvae only developed on the rush skeletonweed controls which had high mortality of smaller plant due to <em>Oporopsamma </em>feeding. CABI continued conducting supplemental host-specificity tests, as recommended by the USDA, for the gall-forming weevil <em>Ceutorhynchus cardariae. </em>Mite-infested Russian olive branches were collected in Iran and moved to quarantine at the CABI Centre in Switzerland. Mite-infested leaves were pinned to leaves of test plant species and to Russian olive, including six North American species of the family <em>Eleagnaecae</em> and <em>Rhamnaceae</em>. None of the test plants were attacked by <em>A. angustifoliae</em>.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 5. </em></strong><strong><em>Release, establish and redistribute natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Many releases and redistributions of natural enemies (tens of thousands) were carried out against pests in 2015. Examples include:</p><br /> <p>Shipments to US cooperators of <em>Tetramesa romana</em> and <em>Rhizaspidiotus donacis</em> for biological control of <em>Arundo donax</em>; and shipments to US cooperators of <em>Psyttalia lounsburyi</em> for biological control of <em>Bactrocera oleae</em>. The specific egg parasitoid, <em>Aprostocetus fukutai</em>, was released in Italy to control <em>Anoplophora chinensis</em>.</p><br /> <p>After four seasons, the establishment of the planthopper <em>Megamelus scutellaris</em> on water hyacinth was confirmed. This is the first site in the western U.S., in Folsom, California.The arundo wasp (<em>Tetramesa romana</em>) and arundo armored scale (<em>Rhizaspidiotus donacis</em>) were released for biocontrol of arundo at six new sites in northern California. In cooperation with the CDFA, approx. 2,000,000 <em>T. radiata</em> have been released in urban areas and organic citrus orchards for biocontrol of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Approximately 80,000 <em>D. aligarhensis</em> were released in similar areas. Agents of <em>Rhaponticum repens</em> were released at four sites in Wyoming; two sites each for <em>Aulacidea acroptilonica</em> and <em>Jaapiella ivannikovi</em>, respectively. Establishment of<em> A. acroptilonica</em> from previous releases was confirmed at four of five release sites.</p><br /> <p>The coconut rhino beetles invading Guam (2007), Hawaii (2013), Papua New Guinea (2015), and Solomon Islands (2015) are genetically different from other populations of this pest and are resistant to <em>Oryctes nudivirus</em>, the biocontrol agent of choice for this species. For these reasons, they are being referred to as the "the Guam Biotype". <em>Metarhizium majus</em> was introduced from the Philippines. This entomopathogenic fungus has spread throughout Guam, but surveys indicate that less than 20% mortality is being realized.</p><br /> <p>Approximately 15,350 <em>Aulacidea acroptilonica</em> adults were reared from galls on Russian knapweed collected at an established field site or at the MSU insectary. Adults were released at field sites in Montana. Over 1,000 <em>Jaapiella</em> galls were collected and sent to Beaverhead and Hill Counties. Several hundred galls were collected for the Whitehall High School insectary.</p><br /> <p>A consignment of 100 adults of <em>Bradyrrhoa gilveolella</em> was made to California to use against rush skeletonweed. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 6. </em></strong> <strong><em>Evaluate natural enemy efficacy and study ecological/physiological basis for interactions.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>A program has been identifying parasitoids for a survey of citrus leafminer in southern California and developing a pictorial identification key to species. Assistance in identification of parasitoids of armored scales on imported and local avocados and citrus for projects was also provided.</p><br /> <p>The rate of parasitism by <em>A. fukutai</em> of <em>A. chinensis</em> eggs was assessed for 8 sites of an infestation in Italy. An experiment measured the interaction between a root-galling weevil, <em>Ceutorhynchus assimilis</em>, and a soil pathogen, <em>Rhizoctonia</em> sp., attacking the invasive weed, <em>Lepidium draba</em>. Microbial species associated with the giant reed leaf sheath midge,<em> Lasioptera donacis</em> were identified. </p><br /> <p>Assessment of parasitoid dispersal and parasitism of cereal leaf beetle by the host-specific wasp in newly planted wheat fields in northern Utah demonstrated that the parasitoid has very strong ability to match its host in dispersal over long distances across a disturbed agricultural landscape, and that colonization lag is of little importance for the success of biocontrol associated with this pest-parasitoid interaction<em>.</em></p><br /> <p>The efficacy of the psyllid <em>Arytinnis hakani</em> on French broom was evaluated in quarantine. Three generations of feeding and reproduction killed 80% of large potted plants and reduced plant size by over 50%, but one generation of feeding only killed 20% of plants.</p><br /> <p>The first year of studies to compare field population size and greenhouse cage oviposition and development by three previously-released agents of yellow starthistle on invasive western U.S. accessions in comparison to a Greek accession was completed. The agents being examined include the flower- and seedhead-feeding weevil <em>Eustenopus villosus</em>, the flower-galling fly <em>Urophora sirunaseva</em>, and the seedhead-feeding fly <em>Chaetorellia succinea</em>.</p><br /> <p>Studies of long-term establishment of the weevil <em>M. janthiniformis</em> on Dalmatian toadflax were continued in the U.S. These studies include damage and agent population size assessment on this weed, as well as determination of plant biodiversity in release plots.</p><br /> <p>Long-term surveys of aphelinids attacking <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> in cotton were conducted from 1996-2010 during which a classical biological control program was underway. Several native aphelinid species were largely or completely displaced by exotic <em>Eretmocerus </em>sp. (Ethiopia) and<em> Encarsia sophia</em> in the early 2000’s and <em>E. sophia</em> has become the dominant parasitoid in cotton after many years of predominance by <em>Eretmocerus</em>.</p><br /> <p>Lifetable studies and videography work evaluating natural enemy impacts against ACP are ongoing. More than 6,000 h of video has been digitally recorded and is being analyzed to determine the identity and impact of natural enemies visiting ACP cohorts on citrus plants.</p><br /> <p>Monitoring effectiveness of the <em>Erythrina</em> gall wasp parasitoid continues. </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Goal B:</strong> <strong>Conserve Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control of Target Pests.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 7. </strong><strong><em>Characterize and identify pest and natural enemy communities and their interactions.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Research on the citrus peelminer and citrus leafminer has involved assistance with the identification of parasitoids from field studies in California and central Mexico.</p><br /> <p>The occurrence and abundance of indigenous early larval parasitoids (<em>Spathius erythrocephalus</em> and/or <em>Trigonoderus princeps</em>) on <em>A. chinensis</em> larvae in Italy was assessed.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 8. </em></strong><strong><em>Identify and assess factors potentially disruptive to biological control.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Overwintering survival of <em>Abrostola asclepiadis</em>, a candidate for biocontrol of <em>Vincetoxicum</em> spp. was measured. Abundance of <em>A. chinensis</em> and <em>A. fukutai</em> was compared among years (2015 versus previous years) in study plots of a zone subjected to substantial efforts of eradication of the pest.</p><br /> <p>A series of controlled laboratory studies were completed to measure potential impacts of transgenic Bt crops on several natural enemy species (<em>Zelus,</em><em> Amblyseius </em>). Protocols involve tri-trophic exposure scenarios in which prey or host are fed on Bt crops and then exposed to predators or parasitoids. To control for prey or host quality mediated effects, Bt resistance and non-susceptible prey and hosts were employed. Results have uniformly shown neutral effects of Bt proteins on multiple biological parameters of these natural enemies.</p><br /> <p>Argentine ants have developed disruptive mutualisms with <em>D. citri</em> nymphs. Nymphs provide honeydew which the ants collect and in turn they provide protection from natural enemies, especially parasitoids. It has been determined that biocontrol of increases significantly if the mean number of ants ascending a citrus tree trunk in a 2 min observation period is less than 10. Reducing ant densities is possible by deploying sucrose baits laced with very small amounts of pesticide.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 9. </em></strong><strong><em>Implement and evaluate habitat modification, horticultural practices, and pest suppression tactics to conserve natural enemy activity.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Analyses are underway to develop and validate economic thresholds for <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> that account for the abundance of key predatory arthropods. Experimental data was collected in 2011-2012, controlled validation studies were completed in 2013 and validation studies were expanded to commercial growers in AZ and Mexico in 2015.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Goal C:</strong><strong> Augment Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control Efficacy.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 10. </em></strong><strong><em>Assess biological characteristics of natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The survival rate during diapause/hibernation of <em>A. fukutai</em> larvae was determined in host eggs in potted living host trees, and in natural climatic conditions (outdoor cages).</p><br /> <p>A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the ability of larvae of the green lacewing, <em>Chrysoperla rufilabris</em>, to use tactile and olfactory cues to find aphid prey. Tests with washed and unwashed leaves, and with and without aphids present, did not reveal any differences in time taken for predators to locate leaves with aphids or putative cues when foraging at a distance of ca. 10 cm starting at the base of soybean seedlings. In addition, when given a choice of leaves with and without aphids or possible semiochemicals, larvae accessed both treated and control leaves equally, suggesting that these lacewing larvae may only be able to detect prey cues within a very short range.<strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 11. </em></strong><strong><em>Develop procedures for rearing, storing, quality control and release of natural enemies, and conduct experimental releases to assess feasibility.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Results have been reported under other objectives, but a few specific examples from 2015 follow.</p><br /> <p>Experiments were conducted to increase efficiency of mass-rearing the parasitoid<em> Psyttalia lounsburyi</em> for biological control of <em>Bactrocera oleae</em>.</p><br /> <p>Experiments were conducted using only the collar zone of potted <em>Acer pseudoplatanus</em> (with thick bark) as oviposition sites for <em>Anoplophora chinensis</em> to increase survival of <em>A. fukutai</em> larvae during diapause</p><br /> <p>The effects of cold storage on locally collected and now mass-reared <em>Trichogramma pretiosum</em> for bulking wasps for augmentative release was investigated. <strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 12. </em></strong><strong><em>Implement augmentation programs and evaluate efficacy of natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Results have been reported under other objectives, but a few specific examples from 2015 follow.</p><br /> <p>Field tests were conducted using sentinel trees infested with eggs of <em>A. chinensis</em> to attract and capture wild <em>A. fukutai</em> in Italy in sites subjected to eradication of the pest, and thus show evidence of the persistence of residual populations of the host<em>,</em> and efficacy of the egg parasitoid in low host density populations.</p><br /> <p>Effectiveness of the Erythrina gall wasp parasitoid continues to be monitored.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Goal D:</strong><strong> Evaluate Environmental and Economic Impacts and Raise Public Awareness of Biological Control.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 13. </em></strong><strong><em>Evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of biological control agents.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Follow-up assessments of introductions in the 1990s of biological control agents against leafy spurge in the foothills of northern Utah on elk winter range revealed that the weed is now reduced to only 4% of its former abundance while other forbs and grasses have increased several fold in abundance, thereby resulting in much more favorable habitat for wildlife.</p><br /> <p>Ongoing monitoring of a population of<em> Jaapiella ivannikovi</em>, a gall-forming biological control agent for <em>Rhaponticum</em> (<em>Acroptilon repens</em>), has allowed the assessment of two measures of impact on the target weed: the percentage of <em>Rhaponticum</em> shoots galled, and the density of <em>Rhaponticum</em> shoots. In 2015, the percentage of shoots attacked had reached about 14%. Shoot density has increased. Impacts of<em> J. ivannikovi</em> are still relatively low. <strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 14. </em></strong><strong><em>Develop and implement outreach activities for biological control programs.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>For <em>A. ventenata</em>, a smartphone app and a website, for identifying the target weed and geo-referencing new invaded locations, were designed and will be available in early 2016 for U.S. farmers.</p><br /> <p>In order to disseminate information for the public about Asian Citrus Psyllid biocontrol, active outreach programs have been developed that involve talks at meetings of Master Gardeners, CAPCA, PAPA, California Horticultural Clubs and a variety of professional society meetings (e.g., Entomological Society of America). Regular contriubtions to trade magazines like CAPCA Adviser and Citrograph also help. Two websites are maintained where research summaries are posted.</p><br /> <p>Two outreach presentations were given about impacts of biological control, one focused on <em>Rhaponticum </em>(=<em>Acroptilon</em>)<em> repens</em> and another on <em>Linaria dalmatica</em>. </p><br /> <p>From March 23-27, 2015 approximately 30 quarantine personnel from the CNMI, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, and Guam were trained in the importance of natural enemies in regulating populations of invasive insect pests in Micronesia, with special recognition of the potential impact of Hemiptera and ants if not intercepted or detected at or shortly after introduction to the islands. Regulations for importing natural enemies and prohibiting the entry of potential pests were discussed, along with methods for inspection and enforcement of regulations. This activity was the 13<sup>th</sup> of its kind hosted by the University of Guam and sponsored jointly by the Secretariat of the Pacific Commission, the Guam Department of Agriculture, and USDA-APHIS.</p>Publications
<p>Anderson, J. M., S. A. Willden, D. L. Wright, and E. W. Evans. 2015. Long term outcomes of population suppression of leafy spurge by insects in the mountain foothills of northern Utah. <em>American Midland Naturalist </em>174: 1-13.</p><br /> <p>Andreazza, F., and J. A. Rosenheim. 2015. Absence of transgenerational phenotypic plasticity in fecundity in the parasitoid <em>Anagrus erythroneurae</em> (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). <em>Journal of Insect Science </em>15(1):138. (DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev122).</p><br /> <p>Beck, J. J., N. Porter, D. Cook, W. S. Gee, C. M. Griffith, A. D. Rands, T. V. Truong, L. Smith and I. San Román. 2015. In-field volatile analysis employing a hand-held portable gc-ms: emission profiles differentiate damaged and undamaged yellow starthistle flower heads. Phytochemical Analysis 26: 395-403.</p><br /> <p>Bistline, A., and M. S. Hoddle. Biology of <em>Psyllaphycus diaphorinae</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a hyperparasitoid of <em>Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and <em>Tamarixia radiata</em> (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. Doi: 10.1093/aesa/sav113. </p><br /> <p>Bistline-East, A., R. Pandey, M. Kececi, and M. S. Hoddle. 2015. Host range testing of <em>Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for use in classical biological control of <em>Diaphorina citri</em> (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov020 11 pages.</p><br /> <p>Bon M. C., K. A. Hoelmer, C. H. Pickett, A. A. Kirk, H. Yurong, R. Mahmood, and K.M. Daane. 2015. Populations of <em>Bactrocera oleae</em> (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its parasitoids in Himalayan Asia . Annals of the Entomological Society of America 2015, 1-11. Doi:10.1093/aesa/sav114.</p><br /> <p>Burks, R. A., Heraty, J. M., Pinto, J. D., Grimaldi, D. 2015a. Small but not ephemeral: newly discovered species of Aphelinidae and Trichogrammatidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Eocene amber. Systematic Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/syen.12124.</p><br /> <p>Burks, R. A., Mottern, J., Heraty, J. M. 2015. Revision of the <em>Orasema festiva</em> species group (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae). Zootaxa 3972 (4): 521–534.</p><br /> <p>Burks, R. A., Mottern, J. L., Pownall, N. G., Waterworth, R. and Paine, T. 2015b. First record of <em>Closterocerus chamaeleon</em>, parasitoid of the Eucalyptus Gall Wasp <em>Ophelimus maskelli</em> (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae), in the New World. Zookeys 504: 149-152.</p><br /> <p>Chapman, E. G., R. H. Messing, J. D. Harwood. 2015. Determining the origin of the coffee berry borer invasion of Hawaii. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 108 (4): 585-592.</p><br /> <p>De Biase, A., E. Colonnelli, S. Belvedere, A. La Marca, M. Cristofaro and L. Smith. 2015. Genetic and morphological studies of <em>Trichosirocalus</em> species introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand for the biological control of thistles. Bulletin of Entomological Research. doi:10.1017/S000748531500084X.</p><br /> <p>De Biase, A., E. Colonnelli, S. Belvedere, A. La Marca, M. Cristofaro and L. Smith. 2015. Genetic and morphological studies of <em>Trichosirocalus</em> species introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand for the biological control of thistles. Bulletin of Entomological Research. doi:10.1017/S000748531500084X.</p><br /> <p>Eckegaray, E., R. A. Cloyd and J. R. Nechols. 2015. Rove beetle, <em>Dalotia coriaria</em> (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) predation on the fungus gnat, <em>Bradysia</em> sp. nr. <em>coprophila</em> (Diptera: Sciaridae). J. Entomological Science. 50: 225-237.</p><br /> <p>Evans, E. W. 2015. Rapid but limited aggregation of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in response to sugar availability in the field. <em>Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae</em> 79: 65-71.</p><br /> <p>Evans, E. W., V. L. J. Bolshakova and N. R. Carlile. 2015. Parasitoid dispersal and colonization lag in disturbed habitats: biological control of cereal leaf beetle metapopulations. <em>Journal of Applied Entomology</em> 139: 529-538.</p><br /> <p>Giunti, G., G. G. Benelli, A. Canale, R. H. Messing, E. Donati, C. Stefanini & J. P. Michaud. 2015. Parasitoid learning: current knowledge and implications for biological control. Biological Control, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10499644/90/supp/C">90</a>: 208–219. </p><br /> <p>Herron-Sweet, C. R., J. L. Littlefield, E. A. Lehnhoff, L. A. Burkle, and J. M. Mangold. 2015. Native parasitoids associated with the biological control agents of <em>Centaurea stoebe</em> in Montana, USA. Biological Control 86:20-27.</p><br /> <p>Hinz, H. L. and D. Alecu. 2015. Biology and field host range of <em>Ceutorhynchus cardariae</em>, a potential biological control agent for <em>Lepidium draba. Journal of Applied Entomology 139 (3): 168-178.</em></p><br /> <p>Hoddle, M. S., K. Warner, J. Steggall, and K. M. Jetter. 2015. Classical biological control of invasive legacy crop pests: new technologies offer opportunities to revisit old pest problems in perennial tree crops. Insects 6: 13-37.</p><br /> <p>Khan, M., H. Khan, and J. R. Ruberson. 2015. Lethal and behavioral effects of selected novel pesticides on adults of <em>Trichogramma pretiosum</em> (Trichogrammatidae: Hymenoptera). Pest Management Science 71: 1640-1648.</p><br /> <p>Littlefield, J. L., K. Keever, and J. Birdsall. 2015. The Montana action Plan for the Biological Control of Invasive Plants. Montana Biological Control Working Group January 2015. 42 p.</p><br /> <p>Manandhar, R. & Wright, M. G. 2015. Effects of interplanting flowering plants on the biological control of corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Sweet Corn. Journal of Economic Entomology (In press: DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov306).</p><br /> <p>Manandhar, R., Wright, M. G. 2015. Enhancing biological control of corn earworm, <em>Helicoverpa zea</em> and thrips through habitat management and inundative release of <em>Trichogramma pretiosum</em> in corn cropping systems. Biological Control 89: 84-90.</p><br /> <p>Mehelis, C. N., J. Balciunas, A, M. Reddy, V. D.Westhuizen, S. Neser, P. J. Moran 2015. Biology and host range of <em>Digitivalva delaireae</em> (Lepidoptera:Glyphipterigidae), a candidate agent for biological control of Cape-ivy (<em>Delairea odorata</em>) in California and Oregon. Environmental Entomology 44: 260-276.</p><br /> <p>Moran, P. J. 2015. Effect of water deficit on generation time and reproduction of the gall wasp <em>Tetramesa romana</em>, a biological control agent of giant reed (<em>Arundo donax</em>). Biocontrol Science and Technology 25: 859-872.</p><br /> <p>Naranjo, S. E., Ellsworth, P. C., Frisvold, G. B. 2015. Economic value of biological control in integrated pest management of managed plant systems. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 60: 621-645.</p><br /> <p>Obrycki, J. J., M. J. Tauber and C. A. Tauber. 2015. Thermal requirements for development of predatory insects: Contributions of Alois Honěk, including data on three Nearctic species. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 79: 105-111.</p><br /> <p>Reddy, A. N., C. N. Mehelis. 2015. Pre-release efficacy assessment of the leaf-mining moth <em>Digitivalva delaireae</em> (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterigidae), a potential biological control agent for Cape-ivy, <em>Delairea odorata</em> (Asteraceae), in western North America. Biological Control 90: 67-74.</p><br /> <p>Segoli, M., and J. A. Rosenheim. 2015. The effect of body size on the oviposition success of a minute insect parasitoid in nature. Ecological Entomology 40:483-485.</p><br /> <p>Smith L. and J. J. Beck. 2015. Duration of emission of volatile organic compounds from mechanically damaged plant leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 188: 19-28.</p><br /> <p>Su, H. H, Tian, J. C., Naranjo, S. E., Romeis, J., Hellmich, R. L., Shelton, A. M. 2015. Bacillus thuringiensis plants expressing Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab and Cry1F are not toxic to the assassin bug, <em>Zelus renardii</em>. Journal of Applied Entomology 139: 23-30.</p><br /> <p>Talamas E. J, M.V. Herlihy, C. Dieckhoff , K. A. Hoelmer, M. L. Buffington, M-C. Bon, and D. C. Weber. 2015. <em>Trissolcus japonicus </em>(Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) emerges in North America. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 119–128. doi: 10.3897/JHR.43.4661</p><br /> <p>Tauber, C. A. and F. Sosa. 2015. Rediscovery of <em>Nuvol umbrosus</em> Navás (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae, Leucochrysini): a redescription and discussion. ZooKeys 519: 141-153. </p><br /> <p>Toševski, I., Caldara, R., Jović J., Hernandez-Vera, G., Baviera, C<strong>., </strong>Gassmann, A. and Emerson, B.C. 2015. Host associated genetic divergence and taxonomy in the <em>Rhinusa</em> <em>pilosa</em> Gyllenhal species complex: an integrative approach. Systematic Entomology 40, 268-287. </p>Impact Statements
- The biological control project designed to slow down the spread of Russian olive into semi-natural and natural areas by introducing biological control agents that reduce the reproductive output of Russian olive, but do not kill the planted trees, is progressing. The new results from host-range and impact studies conducted with the mite Aceria angustifoliae support previous findings, suggesting that this mite is very specific and has significant impact on seed production. It is therefore envisaged to compile a petition for field release of this biological control candidate in 2016.
Date of Annual Report: 01/24/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/05/2016
- 10/07/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Barosh, Theresa Colorado State UniversityBean, Dan Colorado Dept. Agriculture
Bitume, Ellyn Colorado State University
Brusven, Paul Nez Perce Biological Control Center
Burfitt, Clinton Oregon Dept. Agriculture
Clark, Amy Colorado State University
Collier, Timothy University of Wyoming
Cristofaro, Massimo Biotechnology and Biocontrol Agency, Italy
Daane, Kent University of California - Berkeley
Delfosse, Ernest Michigan State University
Dudley, Tom UC Santa Barbara
Evans, Ted Utah State University
Gaffke, Alex Montana State University
Hansen, Rich USDA-APHIS
Hardin, Janet Colorado State University
Hoddle, Mark University of California- Riverside
Jabbour, Randa University of Wyoming
Johnson, Marshall University of California- Riverside
Kaltenbach, John Colorado Dept. Agriculture
LeBeck, Lynn Assoc. Natural Biocontrol Producers
Littlefield, Jeffrey Montana State University
Louden, Nina Colorado Dept. Agriculture
McClay, Alec McClay Ecoscience, Alberta, CANADA
McEvoy, Peter Oregon State University
Messing, Russell University of Hawaii
Miller, Jill USDA-ARS
Miller, Ross University of Guam
Mills, Nick University of California Berkeley
Moran, Patrick USDA, ARS, Albany, CA
Morgan, David California Dept. Agriculture
Naranjo, Steve USDA-ARS-AZ
Nechols, James Kansas State University
Norton, Andrew Colorado State University
Novak, Steve Boise State University
Ode, Paul Colorado State University
Pickett, Charlie California Dept. Agriculture
Pitcairn, Mike California Dept. Agriculture
Price, Joel Colorado Dept. Agriculture
Racette, Mike Colorado Dept. Agriculture
Reddy, G.V.P. Montana State U.
Rodriquez, Dawn US Army
Rosen, Karen Colorado Dept. Agriculture
Sforza, René USDA-ARS, EBCL
Smith, Lincoln USDA-ARS-EBCL
Stahlke, Amanda Univ. of Idaho
Schwarzlander, Mark Univ. of Idaho
Thompson, David New Mexico State University
Tichenor, Robert USDA-APHIS-PPQ
Vyas, Dhaval Colorado State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p><strong>ACCOMPLISHMENTS </strong>These are only a selection of 2016 results. This group works on over 140 different species of arthropod and weed pests. </p><br /> <p><strong>Goal A: </strong><strong>Import and Establish Effective Natural Enemies</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 1</em></strong><strong><em>. Survey indigenous natural enemies.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Surveys for natural enemies of arthropod and weed pests were conducted either in the native home of the pest or within the country of invasion. Select projects are highlighted.</p><br /> <p>Parts of Europe and Asia were surveyed for natural enemies of the following insect pests; water hyacinth weevil <em>Neochetina eichhorniae; </em>invasive insects (<em>Bagrada hilaris</em>,<em> Lygus </em>spp. and <em>Rhipicephalus annulatus</em>) and invasive weeds (<em>Arundo donax</em>, <em>Salsola tragus</em>, <em>Taeniatherum caput-medusae</em>).</p><br /> <p>Indigenous natural enemy surveys have been conducted for species of Reduviidae in southern California. A study that uses integrative approaches (molecular, morphometric, morphological) to delimiting species in this difficult genus is underway. Aphidiid parasitoids of aphids on Guam, Saipan, and Rota were surveyed. Collections of the aphids <em>Pentalonia nigronervosa</em> and <em>P. caladii</em> from banana and comb ginger, respectively, and of <em>Aphis gossypii</em> from curcurbits and other hosts revealed the presence of <em>Lysephlebis testaceipes</em> and <em>Lipolexis oregmae</em> on Guam. Surveys continued in southwestern Kansas in 2016 to locate populations of the larger tamarisk beetle, <em>Diorhabda carinata</em>, which had occurred in relatively high numbers in 2014. However, following heavy rainfall and flooding in 2015, tamarisk beetles were rarely found (low numbers in only one county. In 2016, no beetles were recovered, suggesting that populations are either very low, or no longer present. Surveys were conducted to determine native and adventive natural enemies of French broom in California. Surveys were conducted for possible natural enemies of bagrada bug, <em>Bagrada hilaris</em>, a new exotic pest of cole crops in California.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 2.</em></strong><strong><em> Conduct foreign exploration and ecological studies in native range of pest.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Several institutions in the western US conducted foreign exploration and importation of natural enemies for both new and established arthropod and weed pests this past year. Many of these exploratory trips are only partially successful. Species sent to quarantine facilities must survive the trip and reproduce. Subsequent cultures will then be used for non-target host testing and evaluation for potential release.</p><br /> <p>The following species were collected in 2016; biotypes of the water hyacinth weevil <em>Neochetina eichhorniae</em> were collected by collaborators and shipped to the USDA ARS Albany quarantine facility; foreign exploration was conducted in the Eastern Hemisphere for prospective biological control agents of invasive insects (<em>Bagrada hilaris</em>,<em> Lygus </em>spp. and <em>Rhipicephalus annulatus</em>) and invasive weeds (<em>Arundo donax</em>, <em>Salsola tragus</em>, <em>Taeniatherum caput-medusae</em>). Guam imported the rust, <em>Puccinia spegazzinii, </em>from Fiji in April 2016 for use against <em>Mikania micrantha</em> on Guam. The rust was transferred to <em>Mikania</em> plants of Guam origin in a quarantine laboratory, which have been transferred to an outside shade-cloth nursery where attempts are being made to transfer <em>P. spegazzinii</em> to additional plants prior to releasing the rust island-wide. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 3</em></strong><strong>. </strong><strong><em>Determine systematics and biogeography of pests and natural enemies.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Systematics studies generate both molecular and morphological data that are essential to distinguishing between biotypes of both pests and natural enemies. These data also provide information about species biogeography, which ultimately helps select the best biological control species.</p><br /> <p>A large group of US and international scientist to is studing the routes of invasion of the pest <em>Drosophila suzukii</em>. Evidence was found for 3 separate introductions from native range regions into the introduced range. From Japan to Hawaii, from southeastern China into the western US (mixed also with Hawaiian sources) and from northeastern China into Western Europe (mixed also with US sources). This information is crucial to exploring for biological control agents from the native range. Integrative taxonomy using molecular genetics and morphological analysis distinguished the presence of 9 species of <em>Trissolcus</em> parasitoids reared from eggs of <em>Halyomorpha halys</em> collected in East Asia. Molecular genetic analysis showed that <em>Bagrada hilaris </em>in North America probably originated from Pakistan. Molecular genetic techniques showed that wheat stem sawfly (<em>Cephus cinctus</em>) is native to North America, not an invasive alien. Furthermore, there are three genetically distinct populations which indicate local adaptation to wheat which may be a cause of increasing sawfly problems in the southern Great Plains.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 4</em></strong><strong>. </strong><strong><em>Determine environmental safety of exotic candidates prior to release.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Many non-target studies and host-specificity tests are underway. Examples follow.<strong> </strong></p><br /> <p>Host specificity testing of three biotypes of the water hyacinth weevil <em>Neochetina eichhorniae</em> ; the seed-feeding weevil <em>C. turbatus </em>against<em> L. draba; </em>three native North American species <em>Stanleya pinnata, Braya alpina</em> and <em>Lepidium alyssoides; </em>the eriophyid mite, <em>Aculops medusae</em>, which is host specific to medusahead (<em>Taeniatherum caput-medusae</em>); the prospective biological control agents (<em>Cryptonevra</em> sp., <em>Lasioptera</em> <em>donacis</em>, <em>Rhizaspidiotus donacis</em> and <em>Lepidapion argentatum</em>) for host specificity testing for the target weeds (<em>Arundo donax</em>, <em>Genista monspessulana</em>); olfactory preferences of the psyllid, <em>Arytinnis hakani</em>, for target and non-target weeds were evaluated under laboratory conditions to assess the ecological risks associated with a potential release of this biological control agent in North America; and host specificity testing of <em>Oporopsamma wertheimsteini </em>against rush skeletonweed.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 5. </em></strong><strong><em>Release, establish and redistribute natural enemies.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Many releases and redistributions of natural enemies (tens of thousands) were carried out against pests in 2016. Examples include follow. </p><br /> <p>Approximately 15,350 <em>Aulacidea acroptilonica</em> were redistributed to field sites in CO, ID, MT, OR, and WY. The gall wasp is now established and increasing in population in at least ten sites in Montana. The gall midge <em>Jaapiella ivannokovi</em> is also well established in Montana with populations dispersing at some establishments. In fall 2016 field releases of <em>Rhinusa linariae</em> onto <em>Linaria vulgaris</em> (yellow toadflax) made in spring 2015 have established at a site in Colorado. This is the first report of establishment for this biological control agent in the United States. The shoot tip-galling fly <em>Parafreutreta regalis</em> was released as the first biological control agent in the world targeting invasive Cape-ivy (<em>Delairea odorata</em>), a major invasive vine along the California and southern Oregon coast (also invasive in Hawaii). The fly was released at seven sites in northern California, and galls were observed at two sites. The planthopper <em>Megamelus scutellaris</em> targeting water hyacinth was released at one new site, in the San Joaquin River watershed near the Merced River. Establishment of the arundo armored scale (<em>Rhizaspidiotus donacis</em>) was confirmed for the first time in California by isolation of reproductive females from arundo rhizomes at two sites in California. Approximately 36,000 <em>Aulacidea acroptilonica</em> adults were reared from galls on Russian knapweed collected at an established field sites in Montana. This is the first time that gall collections were made from redistribution releases. The gall wasp is now established and increasing in population at least eight sites in Montana and recoveries have also been made at 10 additional sites visited in 2016. The gall midge, <em>Jaapiella ivannikov</em>i, was also redistributed in 2016. Over 751 galls were sent to cooperators. Previous <em>Aulacidea subterminalis</em> releases were monitored for hawkweed plant density using a modified SIMP sampling protocol. No infested plants were observed at any of the releases.Two batches of the parasitoid <em>Coccobius fulvus</em> were field collected in Florida. These were shipped to Guam and directly released into the field on scale infested <em>Cycas micronesic</em>a plants at Ritidian Point in northern Guam. The parasitoid has not yet been recovered from the initial release site.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 6. </em></strong> <strong><em>Evaluate natural enemy efficacy and study ecological/physiological basis for interactions.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>The second year of studies to compare field population size and greenhouse cage oviposition by three previously-released agents of yellow starthistle on invasive western U.S. accessions in comparison to accessions from Greece, France and Spain was completed. The agents under study include the flower- and seedhead-feeding weevil <em>Eustenopus villosus</em>, the flower-galling tephritid fly <em>Urophora sirunaseva</em>, and the seedhead-feeding tephritid fly <em>Chaetorellia succinea</em>. Studies of long-term establishment of the weevil <em>Mecinus janthiniformis</em> on Dalmatian toadflax continued at the southernmost site in California. 2016 results indicated dispersal of the weevil up to 0.5 km from release sites to ‘control’ sites, indicating strong recovery of the weevil population since a fire in 2013 and new releases in 2014. Studies were conducted in California on the abundance of previously-released biocontrol agents of water hyacinth, specifically the weevils <em>Neochetina bruchi</em> and <em>Neochetina eichhorniae</em>, the moth <em>Niphograpta albigutallis</em>, and the planthopper <em>Megamelus scutellaris</em>. The weevil <em>N. bruchi</em> was found throughout the Delta but densities varied spatially and seasonally from less than one per plant to up to 20-25 per plant. The efficacy of the psyllid <em>Arytinnis hakani</em> on French broom was tested in quarantine over multiple generations of the psyllid. After three psyllid generations, over 80% of plants that received psyllids died, and the height of surviving psyllid-addition plants was reduced by over 60% compared to controls. The gall forming mite <em>Aceria genistae</em> was discovered in Washington State in 2005, subsequently dispersed to Oregon and was recently discovered in California. Populations of Dalmatian Toadflax in northern Utah were sampled to determine the percentage of stems attacked by the introduced, stem-mining weevil <em>Mecinus janthiniformis</em>, and to characterize the phenology of adult weevils as they occur on the host plant to feed, mate and lay eggs in spring and summer. From these field studies, a degree-day model was developed to predict, by using physiological time, when during the growing season populations of adult females and males peak in their numbers on the host plant. </p><br /> <p><strong>Goal B:</strong> <strong>Conserve Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control of Target Pests.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 7. </strong><strong><em>Characterize and identify pest and natural enemy communities and their interactions.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>A new project is using molecular diet analysis to document the impacts of predatory insects, and also of wild birds, on herbivorous pests of <em>Brassica</em> crops. Other work is characterizing dung-beetle biodiversity of west coast organic farms, some of which integrate livestock into their farming operations; dung beetles appear to suppress human pathogens in the animal feces they consume. Squarrose knapweed populations in Utah were sampled to determine infestation rates of seed heads by two introduced seed-feeding insects, the fly <em>Urophora quadrifasciata</em> and the weevil <em>Larinus minutus. </em>Results showed that across the large expanse of west central Utah infested by the weed, the fly persists well in infesting seed heads even with its vulnerability to intraguild predation from the weevil. The stink bug complex (<em>Euschistus servus, Chinavia hilaris, Nezara viridula</em>) was surveyed in the southeastern United States. Maize, peanut, cotton, and soybean were sampled. In each sample we identified (to species and life stage) and counted all stink bugs, Geocoris spp., and fire ants.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 8. </em></strong><strong><em>Identify and assess factors potentially disruptive to biological control.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Research has documented that organic potato farms, where fewer insecticide sprays lead to higher densities of predatory bugs, experience stronger biological control of two-spotted spider mites.</p><br /> <p>Surveys of invasive ants on the islands of Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and Rota in the Mariana Islands continued during 2016. This activity is part of an ongoing USDA-APHIS-CAPS funded project on the surveillance of <em>Wasmannia auropunctata</em> and <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> on Guam and the CNMI. A related study seeks to describe attendance behavior of Guam’s invasive ants towards aphids, scales and mealybugs commonly encountered in the Marianas, and the effects this might have on biological control agents against hemipteran plant pests. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 9. </em></strong><strong><em>Implement and evaluate habitat modification, horticultural practices, and pest suppression tactics to conserve natural enemy activity.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>A series of projects are documenting the importance of hedgerows and other natural habitats on organic mixed-vegetable farms, as refuges for pest-eating predatory insects and wild birds. Other work is examining the timing of potato psyllid movement from non-crop host plants to potato, so that insecticide sprays can be carefully timed to best prevent psyllid establishment in potato fields; in turn, reduced spray frequency will help conserve natural enemies.</p><br /> <p><strong>Goal C:</strong><strong> Augment Natural Enemies to Increase Biological Control Efficacy.</strong><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 10. </em></strong><strong><em>Assess biological characteristics of natural enemies.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Reduviidae are successful predators in part because of the toxicity of their saliva. The current knowledge of saliva across Heteroptera was summarized.</p><br /> <p>A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine the relationship between photoperiod and diapause induction in a Manhattan Kansas population of the green lacewing, <em>Chrysopa oculata</em>, and to compare photoperiodic response patterns with a <em>C. oculata</em> population from 1986. Preliminary results indicate that the critical photoperiod has not changed in 30 years. However, short photoperiods did not induce 100% diapause, which differs from 1986. It is possible that selection is acting on diapause responses in the shorter daylength range only, and that change are associated with mean higher temperatures. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 11. </em></strong><strong><em>Develop procedures for rearing, storing, quality control and release of natural enemies, and conduct experimental releases to assess feasibility.</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p>Results have been reported under other objectives, but a few specific examples from 2016 follow. In 2016, studies worked to augment populations of <em>Puccinia punctiformis</em>, Canada thistle rust, on populations of Canada thistle in Colorado. Lab studies determined that inoculation of thistle plants results in reductions in weed performance even if there are no visible symptoms of infection. These results indicate that this fungal pathogen is likely having a greater impact on weed performance than previously recognized. Methods to mass-rear the parasitoid,<em> Psyttalia lounsburyi</em>, were improved and over 22,000 adults were shipped during to California in 2016 for release to control olive fruit fly (<em>Bactrocera oleae</em>).</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 12. </em></strong><strong><em>Implement augmentation programs and evaluate efficacy of natural enemies.</em></strong> </p><br /> <p>Results have been reported under other objectives.</p><br /> <p><strong>Goal D:</strong><strong> Evaluate Environmental and Economic Impacts and Raise Public Awareness of Biological Control.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 13. </em></strong><strong><em>Evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of biological control agents.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Ongoing monitoring of a population of<em> Jaapiella ivannikovi</em>, a gall-forming biological control agent for <em>Rhaponticum</em> (<em>Acroptilon repens</em>), has allowed the assessment of two measures of impact on the target weed: the percentage of <em>Rhaponticum</em> shoots galled, and the density of <em>Rhaponticum</em> shoots. In 2016, the percentage of shoots attacked had reached about 30%. Shoot density has stayed about the same. Impacts of<em> J. ivannikovi</em> are still relatively low.</p><br /> <p>In 2016 a project continued to compile information on insect biocontrol agent importations, introductions, establishment events and impacts on target and non-target species. The results of this project were communicated to biological control experts and will be made available to the general public following peer review.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 14. </em></strong><strong><em>Develop and implement outreach activities for biological control programs.</em></strong></p><br /> <p>An outreach presentation was given about impacts of biological control of <em>Rhaponticum repens</em>. From March 21-25, 2016 approximately 30 quarantine personnel from the CNMI, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, and Guam were trained in the importance of natural enemies in regulating populations of invasive insect pests in Micronesia, with special recognition of the potential impact of Hemiptera and ants if not intercepted or detected at or shortly after introduction to the islands. Regulations for importing natural enemies and prohibiting the entry of potential pests were discussed, along with methods for inspection and enforcement of regulations. This activity was the 15<sup>th</sup> of its kind hosted by the University of Guam and sponsored jointly by the Secretariat of the Pacific Commission, the Guam Department of Agriculture, and USDA-APHIS.</p>Publications
<p><strong>PUBLICATIONS ISSUED AND MANUSCRIPTS APPROVED - 2016</strong> </p><br /> <p>Amarasekare, K.G., Shearer, P.W., and Mills, N.J. (2016) Testing the selectivity of pesticide effects on natural enemies in laboratory bioassays. Biological Control 102: 7-16.</p><br /> <p>Amoah, B., J. Anderson, D. Erram, J. Gomez, A. Harris, J. Kivett, K. Ruang-Rit, Y. Wang, L. Murray, and J. Nechols. 2016. Plant spatial distribution and predator-prey ratio affect biological control of the twospotted spider mite <em>Tetranychus urticae</em> (Acari: Tetranychidae) by the predatory mite <em>Phytoseiulus persimilis </em>(Acari: Phytoseiidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 26(4): 548-561.</p><br /> <p>Andersen, J.C., Bourchier, R.S., Grevstad, F.S., Van Driesche, R., Mills, N.J. (2016) Development and verification of SNP arrays to monitor hybridization between two host-associated strains of knotweed psyllid, <em>Aphalara itadori</em>. Biological Control 93: 49-55.</p><br /> <p>Antwi F.B. and G.V.P. Reddy. 2016. Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes and sprayable polymer gel against crucifer flea beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on canola. <em>Journal of Economic Entomology</em> 109: doi: 10.1093/jee/tow140.</p><br /> <p>Asiimwe,<em> P.</em>, P. C. Ellsworth & S. E. Naranjo. 2016. Natural Enemy impacts on immature <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> do not vary with plant quality in cotton. Ecol. Entomol. 41: 642-652.</p><br /> <p>Augé M., Bon M-C., Hardion L., Le Bourgeois T., & RFH Sforza 2016. Genetic characterization of a red color morph of <em>Euphorbia esula</em> subsp<em>. esula</em> (Euphorbiaceae) in the floodplains of Saône (Eastern France). <em>Botany</em>, 10.1139/cjb-2016-0067</p><br /> <p>Beers, E.H., Mills, N.J., Shearer, P.W., Horton, D.R., Milickzy, E.R., and Amarasekare, K.G. (2016) Non-target effects of orchard pesticides on natural enemies: Lessons from the field and laboratory. Biological Control 102: 44-52.</p><br /> <p>Bistline, A., and M.S. Hoddle. 2016. Biology of <em>Psyllaphycus diaphorinae</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a hyperparasitoid of <em>Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and <em>Tamarixia radiata</em> (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 109: 22-28.</p><br /> <p>Bon, M.C., Hoelmer, K.A., Pickett, C.H., Kirk, A.A., He, Y.R., Mahmood, R., and Daane, K.M. (2016) Populations of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Its Parasitoids in Himalayan Asia. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 109: 81-91.</p><br /> <p>Boyer, S, WE Snyder and SD Wratten. 2016. Editorial: Molecular and isotopic approaches to food webs in agroecosystems. <em>Food Webs</em> 9:1-3.</p><br /> <p>Castillo Carrillo, CI, AS Jensen and WE Snyder. 2016. Checklist of the Psylloidea (Hemiptera) of the Pacific Northwest. <em>Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington </em>118:498-509.</p><br /> <p>Castillo Carrillo, CI, J Funderburk and WE Snyder. 2016. Thrips collected from <em>Solanum dulcamara</em> (Solanales: Solanaceae) in Washington and Idaho. <em>Florida Entomologist</em> 99:306-307.</p><br /> <p>Castillo Carrillo, CI, Z Fu, AS Jensen and WE Snyder. 2016. Arthropod pests and predators associated with bittersweet nightshade, a non-crop host of the potato psyllid. <em>Environmental Entomology</em> 45:873-882.</p><br /> <p>Charles, J.J., Paine, T.D. 2016. Fitness effects of food resources on the polyphagous aphid parasitoid, <em>Aphidius colemani</em> Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae). PLoS ONE. 14p. <a href="http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0147551">doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147551</a>.</p><br /> <p><em>Chartocerus</em> sp. (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae) and <em>Pachyneuron crassiculme</em> (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) are obligate hyperparasitoids of <em>Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis</em> (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and possibly <em>Tamarixia radiata</em> (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Florida Entomologist 97: 562-566.</p><br /> <p>Coelho Jr A, Rugman-Jones PF, Reigada C , Stouthamer R , Parra JPC. 2016. Laboratory performance predicts the success of field releases in inbred lines of the egg parasitoid <em>Trichogramma pretiosum</em>. PlosOne DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146153. </p><br /> <p>Cooperband M, Stouthamer R, Carrillo D, Eskalen A, Thibault T, Cossé A, Castrillo L, Vandenberg J, Rugman-Jones P. 2016. Biology of two members of the <em>Euwallacea fornicatus</em> species complex, recently invasive in the USA, reared on an ambrosia beetle artificial diet. <em>Agricultural and Forest Entomology</em> 18: 223-237.</p><br /> <p>Daane, K.M., Wang, X.-G., Biondi, A., Miller, B., Miller, J.C., Riedl, H., Shearer, P.W., Guerrieri, E., Giorgini, M., Buffington, M., van Achterberg, K., Song, Y., Kang, T., Yi, H., Jung, C., Lee, D.W., Chung, B.K., Hoelmer, K.A., and Walton, V.M. (2016) First exploration of parasitoids of <em>Drosophila suzukii</em> in South Korea as potential classical biological agents. Journal of Pest Science 89: 823-835.</p><br /> <p>De Biase, A., Colonelli, E., Belvedere, S., La Marca, A., Cristofaro, M., Smith, L. 2016. Genetic and morphological studies of <em>Trichosirocalus</em> species introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand for the biological control of thistles. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 106(1): 99-113. </p><br /> <p>Deletre, E., Schatz, B., Bourguet, D., Chandre, F., Williams III, L.H., Ratnadass, A., Martin, T. 2016. Prospects for repellent in pest control: current developments and future challenges. Chemoecology. 26:1-16.</p><br /> <p>Desurmont, G.A., Zemanova, M.A. and Turlings, T.C.J. 2016. The Gastropod Menace: slugs on <em>Brassica</em> plants affect caterpillar survival through consumption and interference with parasitoid attraction. Journal of chemical ecology 42(3): 183-192.</p><br /> <p>Dowell, R.V., R.J. Gill, D.R. Jeske, and M.S. Hoddle. 2016. Exotic terrestrial macro-invertebrate invaders in California from 1700 to 2010: An analysis of records. CA Acad. Sci. Series 4 63(3): 63-157.</p><br /> <p>Eigenbrode, SD, ANE Birch, S Lindzey, R Meadow, and WE Snyder. 2016. A mechanistic framework to improve understanding and applications of push-pull systems in pest management. <em>Journal of Applied Ecology</em> 53:202–212.</p><br /> <p>Evans, E.W. 2016. Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and classical biological control. <em>Applied Entomology and Zoology </em>51: 173-184.</p><br /> <p>Forero, D. and Weirauch, C. 2016. Resin-enabled maternal care is an old evolutionary strategy in New World resin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). In press, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Early View DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12454. </p><br /> <p>Forthman, M. and Weirauch, C. 2016. Phylogenetics and biogeography of the endemic Madagascan millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). Submitted to Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 100:219-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.03.011.</p><br /> <p>Forthman, M., Chlond, D. and Weirauch, C. 2016. Taxonomic monograph of the endemic millipede assassin bug fauna of Madagascar (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 400: 1-152.</p><br /> <p>Giunti, G., G. G. Benelli, R. H. Messing, A. Canale. 2016. Early adult learning affects host preferences in the tephritid parasitoid <em>Psyttalia concolor</em> (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Journal of Pest Science, 1-9. </p><br /> <p>Goolsby, J.A., Moran, P. J., Racelis, A. E., Summy, K. R., Martinez-Jimenez, M., Lacewell, R. D., Perez de Leon, A., and Kirk, A. A. 2016. Impact of <em>Tetramesa</em> <em>romana</em> on <em>Arundo donax</em> along the Rio Grande River in Texas. <em>Biocontrol Science and Technology</em> 26: 47-60.</p><br /> <p>Goolsby, J.A., Moran, P. J., Racelis, A. E., Summy, K. R., Martinez-Jimenez, M., Lacewell, R. D., Perez de Leon, A., and Kirk, A. A. 2016. Impact of <em>Tetramesa</em> <em>romana</em> on <em>Arundo donax</em> along the Rio Grande River in Texas. Biocontrol Science and Technology 26(1): 47-60. </p><br /> <p>Gordon, E. and Weirauch, C. 2016. Efficient methods of gathering natural history data reveals prey conservatism of termite assassin clades (Reduviidae: Salyavatinae & Sphaeridopinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94: 65-73.</p><br /> <p>Gordon, E., McFrederick, Q., and Weirauch, C. 2016. Phylogenetic evidence for ancient and persistent environmental symbiont reacquisition in Largidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Applied and Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1128/AEM.02114-16</p><br /> <p>Guo, Y.Y., Tian, J.C., Shi, W.P., Dong, X.H., Romeis, J., Naranjo, S.E., Hellmich, R.L., Shelton, A.M. 2016. The interaction of two-spotted spider mites, <em>Tetranychus urticae</em> Koch, with Cry protein production and predation by <em>Amblyseius andersoni</em> (Chant) in Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab cotton and Cry1F maize. Transgenic Res. 25:33-44. </p><br /> <p>Harvey JA, Ode PJ, Malcicka M, Gols R. 2016. Short-term seasonal habitat facilitation by an insect herbivore. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 447-454.</p><br /> <p>Haye T, Girod P, Cuthbertson, Wang XG, Daane KM, Hoelmer KA, Baroffio C, Zhang J, Desneux, N (2016) Current SWD IPM tactics and their practical implementation in fruit crops across different regions around the world. 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- The biological control project designed to slow down the spread of Russian olive into semi-natural and natural areas by introducing biological control agents that reduce the reproductive output of Russian olive, but do not kill the planted trees, is progressing. The new results from host-range and impact studies conducted with the mite Aceria angustifoliae support previous findings, suggesting that this mite is very specific and has significant impact on seed production. It is therefore envisaged to compile a petition for field release of this biological control candidate in 2016.