NCERA_old222: Integrated Pest Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 07/07/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/26/2012
- 03/26/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
NCERA Representatives: Susan Bissonnette (Univ. Illinois); Darrell Deneke (South Dakota State Univ.); Frannie Miller (Kansas State Univ.); Rick Foster (Purdue Univ.); Brian Jensen (Univ. Wisconsin); Joe Kovach (Ohio State Univ.); Joy Landis and Larry Olsen (Michigan State Univ.); Ian MacRae (Univ. Minnesota); Marcia McMullen (North Dakota State Univ.); Daren Mueller (Iowa State Univ.); Jaime Piñero (Lincoln Univ. of Missouri); Bill Wiebold (Univ. Missouri) and Bob Wright and Steve Young (Univ. Nebraska).NC IPM Center: Sue Ratcliffe (Univ. Illinois); Lynnae Jess (Michigan State Univ.); Jean Haley (Univ. of Illinois)
Administrative Advisor: Wendy Wintersteen (Iowa State University)
USDA-NIFA: Marty Draper, Bob Nowierski, Liz Ley, Herb Bolton and Mike Fitzner
Brief Summary of Minutes
1. Iowa State University - A 14-part IPM set of learning materials, along with copies of ISU Extension field guides and other pest-related publications, and an interactive learning module titled Scouting Fields, was sent to 234 high school and community college agricultural educators in 2011.<br /> <br /> 2. Kansas State University The inaugural Nursery WORKS conference was attending by 87 participants from 13 states. Attendees represented the wholesale nursery growers, retail nursery operations, landscaping companies, extension and the nursery and landscape association. Example comments included: We will be reassessing our pre-emergent scheduling, and becoming vigilant about timing; The knowledge gained on tree growth and the hands-on pruning were excellent info that I have taken back and shared with our crews to adjust what we are doing. <br /> <br /> 3. Michigan State University - IPM resources are provided to Michigan grape producers through publication of the Michigan Grape and Wine Newsletter (http://www.grapes.msu.edu/newsletters.htm). It provides producers with timely information for managing grapes, including insect pest and disease management, and vineyard management and has a distribution of approximately 600 people in the Great Lakes region.<br /> <br /> 4. Purdue - One of the newer activities of the program is the production of short (generally 2-5 min) IPM videos, on subjects ranging from emerald ash borer to bacterial blight of soybeans to chickweed management to bed bugs. These videos have been compiled at our YouTube channel located at: http://www.youtube.com/user/PurdueExtensionEntm. There have been over 89,000 views of the videos at the YouTube channel. <br /> <br /> 5. University of Wisconsin - The IPM Toolkit, version 1.0, has been placed on the iTunes app store. The IPM Toolkit was developed to run on mobile devices enabling crop consultants to stay up-to-date as items get posted on the Internet throughout the growing season. The North Central IPM Center (http://www.ncipmc.org/) provided financial support for this project. <br />Publications
Impact Statements
- Michigan State University - 105 participants attended the IPM Academy. Participants reported the following planned behavorial changes: 89% intend to scout for insects and diseases; 61% intend to scout for beneficial insects; 67% intend to only treat for pests when the economic threshold is reached, as applicable
- UNL - Attendees of the UNL Extensions 2012 Crop Production Clinics influence approximately half the crop production acres in Nebraska, or about 10 million acres. 1. 36% reported moderate or greater improvement in knowledge of management practices that will reduce input costs and/or increase yields. 2. 44% reported that they are already using best management practices to reduce pesticide contamination of the environment, and 35% intended to change their behavior based on what they learned.
- University of Illinois - The Plant Clinic identified a new fungal needle drop on Spruce in Illinois, in 2011, published in Plant Disease.
Date of Annual Report: 05/31/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/26/2013
- 03/27/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please view attachment for individual state accomplishment reportsMarch 26th
8:30 a.m. Meeting called to order by Daren Mueller. Patrick Beauzay volunteered to be the recorder for the meeting.
8:40 a.m. State reports were given. A few states had written reports available at the meeting. Written reports from each state are due to Bryan Jensen by April 10th.
10:30 a.m. BREAK
10:40 a.m. Seth Dibblee, US EPA, provided a presentation updating School IPM in Region 5. A handout of his slide presentation with key points was provided. Seth also gave a brief update from the March 20th, 2013 EPA/IPM Specialty Crop Meeting, and a bed bug and tick update. A summary handout for EPAs IPM for Bedbugs also was provided.
11:30 a.m. NCIPM Center Priorities Discussion: A handout with bullet-point listed priorities was provided. Meeting participants broke into small groups to discuss and rank priorities. Each group provided Daren with their priority rankings.
" Critical needs have these posted somewhere for reference when writing EIPM grants
" Multiple lists lists from different working groups, and a set from NC IPM member states. Stakeholder input is crucial to priority development
" NC IPM list is generalized, whereas state lists may be more specific
" Do we need to whittle the list down a bit?
12:00 p.m. LUNCH
1:00 p.m. Sue Ratcliffe, NC IPM Center Update: handouts provided.
" University Housing IPM (University of Florida publication)
" National Pest Alert Fact Sheets
" Will lose about $100,000 in available mini-grant funds for next year
" NCRIPM RFA to be released April 4th (hopefully)
o Six weeks open, looking at end of June into July to convene a review panel
o Have latest start date possible to get all 3 years of research money (5 years for extension money)
" Keep program grant structure the way it is
1:30 p.m. Daren Mueller, National IPM Meeting update (summary)
" National committees
" Presidents Crop Protection Program recognized impact of having indirect costs taken out
" APLUs supported CPP in general, positive aspect. Retitled CPP to IPM.
" Maintain several programs such as PIPE, and incorporate new programs and outreach
" IPM National Coordinator? This person should have a broad, long experience in Land Grant, some experience in Federal Government, be a good listener and educator on Capitol Hill
" Reorganization not a big issue
" IR-4: look at pesticide testing programs and give a score of Green, Yellow or Red in the context of how IPM would be affected
2:00 p.m. Lynnae, Jess, NC IPM Center Working Groups Update: handout provided.
" Make sure our respective university specialists and others are aware of these working groups
" Final reports should include collaborations that show impact and return on investment
2:15 p.m. Tom Green, IPM Institute and IPM Voice Update: slide presentation
" Focus on marketplace mechanisms to increase IPM
" School IPM outcomes
o Increase in participation, 2008-2012
o Threefold increase in funding to $1.6M , 2008-2012
" Active in corporate sustainability initiatives
" IPM Eco-label program
" NRCS and IPM Working Group investment in 595 programs
o Training to increase NRCS knowledge of IPM
o Recruit and train TSPs certification through National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants
o Sprayer calibration education and outreach
o Monthly working group conference call 1st Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m. central
" Conservation Effects Assessment Program
" PRiME Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine
o $25/year for an account
" IPM Voice promoting advanced IPM
3:00 p.m. EIPM Proposal Group Discussion
" Possible NCR group collaborations NIFA would like to see more of this
" Have a spreadsheet for use as a source for potential collaborations
" Letters of support from all collaborators to document activity and strengthen EIPM grants
3:15 p.m. BREAK
3:30 p.m. Marty Draper and Elizabeth Ley, NIFA Update: slide presentation
" Budgetary issues
o Lost $130M when 2008 Farm Bill expired
o Budget Control Act of 2011
o American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended Farm Bill, but less mandatory funds
o Continuing resolutions funds government at previous FY levels
o 2013 budget closer to knowing funding lines and can make awards
o Presidents budget proposal for FY 2014 due April 8th
o No new Farm Bill in sight, but Congressional committees are working on it
o Sequestration
§ Called for government wide cut of $917B over 10 years
§ 3.5% government wide, but not assessed on mandatory program entitlements
§ Cuts focused on discretionary spending
§ Final impact to NIFA and programs = 15% budget reduction
o AFRI funded at $277M (senate)
o Debt ceiling still pending May 19th or later
o PCAST Reports
" CRIS to REEport Conversion
o Builds on and replaces CRIS web forms
o Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), a standard format for all Federal research granting agencies
o Eliminates need for AD-419, enables data exchange, easier data retrieval, user friendly
o Enter REEport through NIFA reporting portal
§ PDs will need an account
§ Need to have an account by the time you need to submit reports
§ Current CRIS forms blacked out on April 15th
" EIPM-CS Update
o Available funds will be reduced
o Panel and awards will proceed as quickly as possible
o Targeting no lapse between current and future awards
o Not all programs may receive awards
o Cannot (and should not) award low priority ranking
o Duplication is a big issue for Congress right now
§ New title at least add a new year
§ Avoid carryover and budget accordingly
§ Sidestep apparent duplication with staggered objectives
" New Coordination Grant application considerations
o 3 years of budget and budget narrative
o Key personnel must match summary (abstract) information
o Key personnel can be PDs, CoPDs, and collaborators
o COIs (conflict of interest) for key personnel organize alphabetically by last name
o Avoid duplicate funding of the same work if also using carryover of existing awards
o Ensure Current & Pending is accurate for all key personnel
§ Accurate dates include month and year
§ Exisiting award in CURRENT
§ New proposals in PENDING
§ CSREES should not be on the forms any longer
o Considerations for CURRENT Coordination awards
§ Monitor spending, use a no-cost extension if necessary (AOR notifies NIFA, need a 30-day heads-up)
§ If using a no-cost extension, progress reports will be due
§ If all funds expended, final report due within 90 days after the project period ends (overdue after 90 days)
§ Provide clear impacts good for NIFA success stories
" Funding Status of Current NC awards
o Check with Elizabeth Ley to see your status
o Region has to draw down by August 31st, 2013
o Figure out a way to spend the money
§ Not on equipment in last 6 months of award
o Contact Marty Draper if you need to reallocate money within your budget
4:45 p.m. Wendy Wintersteen, Administrative Update
" PCAST report takes a negative view of Land Grant Universities
" Inaccuracies regarding formula funding
" Ongoing battle with USDA/President
" Millions of dollars could be lost at each institution
" We need to have really good impact statements for the annual report
5:00 p.m. End of days meeting activities
March 27th
8:30 a.m. Initial discussion
" 1-3 impact statements per state to Wendy for inclusion in annual report
o Send reports to Bryan
o NIMSS system requires succinct listing of 5 impacts brief but meaningful. Wendy gave a few examples from 2011.
" Include accomplishments and publications in State Reports
" State Reports, links, etc. due to Bryan by April 10th
" Full group report due in 90 days
8:45 a.m. Steve Young, Discussion of Technology and IPM: slide presentation, handout provided
" Technology Center for IPM
o Provide Extension and Research information, Education and Outreach
o Ag physical technology and engineering information
o Central repository for apps
o Regional approach, with potential to expand to a national level
o Present and long-term issues
o Data access and data-generated products
o Compiling pubs, worksheets, videos and other products into a highly interactive electronic products use the best technology to promote our IPM products
o Bring together biology and engineering
o Physical pest recognition technology, smart sprayers, other similar technologies
o Are we duplicating efforts across our institutions?
o Portal for state resources
o Can we integrate with other agencies such as USDA-APHIS?
o Should we expand next years meeting to include engineers and researchers?
o Should this overall idea go into a grant for this cycle? (Would need letters of support)
10:00 a.m. BREAK
10:15 a.m. Jean Haley, Evaluation Resources for IPM Coordinators: slide presentation
" The following are key points as they pertain to our EIPM grants
o IRB Compliance
o Use Logic Models when developing evaluations
o Budget - rule of thumb is 10% for evaluation
o Personnel who will do what
§ Need to demonstrate that we can do what we propose for evaluations and measuring outcomes
" Jean can do some pro bono reviewing of proposed evaluation methods
" We can also list Jean as key personnel for conducting evaluation
o Need to write her time into the budget
o She will need to look at evaluation language as it is/will be written in the grant
o Jean is going on vacation April 13th
" Jean also presented some Survey 101 information to assist us in developing evaluation questions
" Jean is willing to do another presentation at next years meeting
12:00 p.m. LUNCH
1:00 p.m. Business Meeting
" Midterm review
o Bryan tasked with sending out objectives list - Daren, Rick and Jan will help Bryan.
o Discussion on what our group priorities should be
§ Daren will review and send out a list
§ Highlight in State Reports
o Some objectives, such as Technology and Impediments to IPM overarch other objectives
" Approval of Minutes from last years meeting
o Motion for approval by Rick
o Seconded by Frannie
o Motion passed unanimously
" New Officers
o Bryan will continue from now until the end of next years meeting
o Frannie is the new Chair-Elect
o Bryan and Frannie should be part of the stakeholder panel and give them an update/presentation on our group
" Location for 2014: possible locations discussed
o Bob suggested piggyback with the ESA NCB meeting in Des Moines, IA
o Madison is also a good, central location
o Week of March 24, 2014?
o Bryan Jensen sent a Doodle poll to the group at http://www.doodle.com/wfzs5nks4fuim6su
2:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned
please see Summary of Minutes attachment for individual state accomplishment reports.Publications
Iowa State University Publications<br /> Sisson, A., Hodgson, E., Jesse, L., Mueller, D. and Rice, M. 2012. Identifying moths in black light and pheromone traps in the Midwest. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0022.<br /> <br /> Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Hodgson, E., Schaefer, K., Licht, M., and McGrath, C. 2012. Mid-Season Soybean Scouting. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0007.<br /> <br /> Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Hodgson, E., Schaefer, K., Licht, M., and McGrath, C. 2012. Late Season Soybean Scouting. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0008.<br /> <br /> Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Hodgson, E., Schaefer, K., Licht, M., and McGrath, C. 2012. Early Season Corn Scouting. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0017.<br /> <br /> Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Hodgson, E., Schaefer, K., Licht, M., and McGrath, C. 2012. Mid-Season Corn Scouting. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0018.<br /> <br /> Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Hodgson, E., Schaefer, K., Licht, M., and McGrath, C. 2012. Late Season Corn Scouting. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0019.<br /> <br /> Robertson, A., Mueller, D., and Bestor, N. 2012. Scouting for Gosss Wilt of Corn. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 0021.<br /> <br /> Hodgson, E., Sisson, A., Mueller, D., Jesse, L., Saalau-Rojas, E., and Duster, A. Field Crop Insects. Iowa State University Extension: CSI 014. January 2012. <br /> <br /> Leandro, L.F., Robertson, A.E., Mueller, D.S., and X.B. Yang. 2012. Comparison of environmental conditions during epidemic and non-epidemic years of soybean sudden death syndrome in Iowa. Plant Health Progress. Accepted November 2012.<br /> <br /> Peltier, A.J., Bradley, C.A., Chilvers, M.I., Malvick, D.K., Mueller, D.S., Wise, K.A., Esker, P.D. 2012. Biology, yield loss, and control of Sclerotinia stem rot of soybean. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 3(2):B1-B7<br /> <br /> Mueller, D., Brueland, B., Sisson, A. 2012. Iowa State University Partners with Pioneer Hi-Bred International to Deliver Integrated Pest Management Educational Material. Agronomy Society of America Conference. Cincinnati, OH. October 21-24, 2012.<br /> <br /> Mueller, D. and Sisson, A. 2012. Partnering with ScoutPro for Developing Field Scouting Applications. 7th National IPM Symposium. Memphis, TN. March 27-29, 2012<br /> <br /> Sisson, A. and Mueller, D. 2012. Integrated Pest Management Teaching Resources and Scouting Competition. 7th National IPM Symposium. Memphis, TN. March 27-29, 2012<br /> <br /> University of MN publications<br /> Extension<br /> MacRae, I. 2012. Aphid Alert 2012. A weekly blog reporting on the trap results of the Aphid Alert II network which monitored the presence of aphid vectors of viral diseases in potato. Available at: aphidalert.blogspot.com.<br /> MacRae, I., J. Knodel, B. Potter, J. Wiersma. 2012. Update on Aster Leafhoppers in Wheat. Minnesota Crop News. May 8, 2012. <br /> MacRae, I., J. Wiersma, J. Knodel, and B. Potter. 2012. Not all yellows are created equal (or, more correctly, not all yellows have an equal creation&). Minnesota Crop News, May 18, 2012. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/efans/cropnews/2012/05/not-all-yellows-are-created-eq.html<br /> MacRae, I., R. Koch. 2012. Aphid Alert 2012. Minnesota Crop News, July 02, 2012. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/efans/cropnews/2012/07/aphid-alert-2012---ian-macrae.html<br /> MacRae, I. 2012. Spider mites in soybeans. Minnesota Crop News, July 8, 2012. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/efans/cropnews/2012/07/spider-mites-in-soybeans.html<br /> MacRae, I. 2012. Scouting for Potato Insects A Handbook & Field Guide. Prepared for RDO Inc. Scouting School, Park Rapids, MN, June 11, 2012.Potter, B.D. and K.R. Ostlie. 2012. Performance Problems with Bt-Rootworm Corn. http://swroc.cfans.umn.edu/ResearchandOutreach/PestManagement/index.htm<br /> Ostlie, K.R. and B.D. Potter. 2012(revised). Managing Two-Spotted Spider Mites on Soybeans. http://www.soybeans.umn.edu/crop/insects/spider_mites.htm<br /> Ostlie, K.R. and B.D. Potter. 2012. Managing Two-Spotted Spider Mites on Corn. http://www.soybeans.umn.edu/crop/insects/spider_mites.htm<br /> Potter, B.D. IPM Stuff electronic newsletter (1997-2012) http://swroc.cfans.umn.edu/ResearchandOutreach/PestManagement/index.htm<br /> Peer Reviewed <br /> Hesler, L.S., M.V. Chiozza, M.E. ONeal, G.C. MacIntosh, K.J. Tillman, D.I Chasndrasena, N.A. Tinsley, S.R. Cianzio, A.J. Costamagna, E. Cullen, C.D. DiFonzo, B.D. Potter, D.W. Ragsdale, K.Steffey, K.J. Koehler. (Approved with revisions1/07/13). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.<br /> Reynolds, G.J., Windels, C.E., MacRae, I.V., Laguette, S. 2012. Remote Sensing for Assessing Rhizoctonia Crown and Root Rot Severity in Sugar Beet. Plant Disease 96(4): 497-505 (first appeared as: First Look, Volume 0, Number ja (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-10-0831)<br /> Presentations - Scientific<br /> MacRae, I., B. Potter, F. Breitenbach, & K. Ostlie. 2012. Perceived risk or economic return what drives soybean management decisions? 7th Int. IPM Sypm., Memphis, TN, Mar. 27-29.<br /> <br /> North Dakota State University Publications<br /> <br /> Two NDSU Extension publications on IPM were updated and re-published:<br /> Knodel, J.J., and M. McMullen. 2012. IPM Basics Integrated Pest Management in North Dakota Agriculture. NDSU Ext. Serv., PP863 (Revised).<br /> <br /> Knodel J.J., L.D. Charlet, and J. Gavloski. 2010. Integrated Pest Management of Sunflower Insect Pests in the Northern Plains. NDSU Ext. Serv. E-1457, Feb. 2010. <br /> <br /> Professional IPM publications include:<br /> Gulya, T. and McMullen, M. 2012. New Virulent Races of Downy Mildew: What was new in 2011. 2012 Sunflower Research Forum, Fargo, ND. http://www.sunflowernsa.com/uploads/resources/626/new-virulent-races-of-downy-mildew---gulya.pdf<br /> <br /> Gulya, T., Kandel, H., McMullen, M., Knodel, J., Berglund, D., Mathew, F., Lamey, H.A., Nowatski, J., and Markell, S. 2013. Prevalence and incidence of sunflower downy mildew in North Dakota between 2001 and 2011. Plant Health Progress (in press).<br /> <br /> McMullen, M., Bergstrom, G., De Wolf, E., Dill-Macky, R., Hershman, D., Shaner, G., and Van Sanford, D. 2012. A unified effort to fight an enemy of wheat and barley: Fusarium head blight. Feature Article, Plant Disease 96: 1712-1278.<br /> <br /> McMullen, M., Bergstrom, G., Cummings, J., Jochum, C., Yuen, G., Bleakley, B.H., Murthy, N.K.S., and Ruden, K. 2012. Uniform tests of biological control agents for management of FHB and DON, 2012. Page 21 in: S. Canty, A. Clark, A. Anderson-Scully and D. Van Snaford (eds). Proc. 2012 National Fusarium Head Blight forum, Dec. 4-6, 2012. Orlando, FL. East Lansing, MI/ Lexington, KY.<br /> <br /> McMullen, M., Friskop, A., Jordahl, J., Meyer, S., Bergstrom, G., Bradley, C.A., Dill-Macky, R., Smith, M., Wiersma, J., Halley, S., Arens, A., Milus, G., Ruden, K., and Schatz, B. 2012. Uniform fungicide trial results for management of FHB and DON, 2012. Page 19-20 in: S. Canty, A. Clark, A. Anderson-Scully and D. Van Snaford (eds). Proc. 2012 National Fusarium Head Blight forum, Dec. 4-6, 2012. Orlando, FL. East Lansing, MI/ Lexington, KY.<br /> <br /> Willyerd, K.T., Li, C., Madden, L., Bradley, C.A., Bergstrom, G.A., Sweets, L., McMullen, M.P., Ransom, J., Grybauskas, A., Osborne, L.E., Wegulo, S., Hershman, D.E., Wise, K.A., Bockus, W.W., Groth, D., Dill-Macky, R., Milus, E.A., Esker, P., Waxman, K., Adee, E.A., Ebelhar, S., Young, B.G., and Paul, P.A. 2012. Efficacy and Stability of Integrating Fungicide and Cultivar Resistance to Manage Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol in Wheat. Plant Disease 96: 957-967.<br /> <br /> IPM Professional Presentations & Posters delivered in 2012:<br /> McMullen, M. 2012. Moderator of Symposium Session on Fusarium Head Blight. 7th International IPM Symposium, March 27-29, 2012, Memphis, TN.<br /> <br /> Knodel, J., McMullen, M., Markell, S., Ashley, R., Endres, G., Waldstein, D., Larson, C., and Nelson, D. 2012. Integrated pest management survey for insect and disease pests of oilseed crops in North Dakota. 7th International IPM Symposium, March 27-29, 2012, Memphis, TN. (abstract & poster).<br /> <br /> LeBoldus, J.M., A. Bergdahl, J. Knodel and J. Zeleznik. 2013. Dutch Elm Disease in North Dakota: A New Look. NDSU Ext. Serv., PP1635.<br /> Knodel, J.J., J.D. Zeleznik, J.S. Walker, G.M. Fauske and P.B. Beauzay. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer: Biology and Integrated Pest Management in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Serv., E1634.<br /> Knodel, J.J., P.B. Beauzay and C. Elhard. 2012. Integrated Pest Management of Japanese Beetle in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Serv., E1631.<br /> Knodel, J.J., P.B. Beauzay and G.A.S.M. Ganehiarachichi. 2011. Taking the Bite Out of Bed Bugs. NDSU Ext. Serv. E1538, Feb. 2011.<br /> Zuk, A., J.J. Knodel and R. Smith. 2011. Home Lawn Problems and Solutions for North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Serv. H1553, Aug. 2<br />Impact Statements
- Meeting participants were asked to write down impacts of the NCERA-222 meeting that was held March 26-27, 2013. The text boxes provides a summaryof their comments. The two reasons most cited by participants were that they were able to gain insight from other states about IPM programming and they increased or improved their level of collaboration with other state IPM coordinators.
- Comment categories Count Gained insight from other states about IPM programming 9 Increased/improved level of collaboration with other state IPM coordinators 8 Learned about effective evaluation for EIPM projects 5 Promote a program or programming idea 4 Learned about a new idea for IPM programming 3 Received guidance/assistance with preparing EIPM proposals 2 Priorities developed by this committee will facilitate future research and extension proposals benefiting the NC region. 1
- Original Text " I learned about how to do an effective evaluation for the EIPM projects. Good resources were provided for follow up. " I also learned about new technology to explore in our IPM Program " I was able to get insight from other states regarding their programming efforts so I can revise/review my programming efforts " The impact for me is to have conversations with Steve Young and Vince Davis about possible collaborations. We were able to get next steps in moving programs along.
- " Being able to talk with other NCERA-222 members about specific EIPM collaborations w/in the region and aspects of evaluation review w/regard to the current EIPM proposal. " Discussion around technology center for IPM was beneficial and should be pursued further. " Priorities developed by this committee will facilitate future research and extension proposals benefiting the NC region. " Attending this meeting was beneficial because I learned information about how other states are using new technologies to create apps and other innovative programming
- " Discussed collaborations w/Ohio. " Learned that Purdue is ahead of most states on the development of apps and use of technology. " Learned important tips from NIFA about EIPM proposal success. " I found out some of the new apps and YouTube, etc that have been completed by other states. Also learned a lot in the discussion on technology - hadnt thought about working with ag engineers and other groups on "new" technologies.
- " I learned several difficulties that can block app development in its later stages. I am just starting the process and hearing about other experiences is invaluable - makes my effort more successful. " was able to solidify multistate collaboration for the new EIPM grant by face to face interaction " was able to get clear picture of federal budget situation and questions. " received training in evaluation planning and implementation " Discussing proposal idea w/Darrel & that similar research is being conducted in other regions on [UAVS?]
- " Pitched technology center for IPM to group & made plans for conference in 2013 to further idea. " Found out there was interest among IPM coordinators in educating youth in high schools. " Reasons why this meeting was important: o New contacts o New info on how the group works. Why it exists, and how we can work together to strengthen our individual programs o Great info and assistance in preparing our EIPM grants § evaluation § help (Jean) with evaluation " Better understanding of the evaluation process " The exchange of ideas for IPM programming that I hadnt thought of - i.e. bed bugs
- earn what other states are doing in terms of IPM " Increase collaborations with 1862 university " Opportunity to determine if the focus of my extension programming is adequate. " Bring the name of Lincoln University to the spotlight (IPM program is still being developed). " Reinforce and convey the idea that IPM for small farms is very important, including the use of culturally-sensitive approaches to deliver information.
Date of Annual Report: 06/30/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/26/2014
- 03/27/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached "Copy of Minutes" file for NCERA222's full annual report and meeting minutes.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/19/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/23/2015
- 03/23/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached copy of minutes file below for NCERA222's annual report for 2014. The minutes include accomplshments, impact statements and publications.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/06/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/22/2016
- 03/23/2016
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2015 - 03/01/2016
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2015 - 03/01/2016
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCERA222's 2015/2016 full annual report and meeting minutes.