
NCERA_old101: Controlled Environment Technology and Use
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 11/07/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/09/2012
- 09/12/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
George Adamson (Ontario Scientific), Lou Albright (Cornell), Tony Agostino (CSIRO Canberra, Australia), A.J. Both (Rutgers Univ.), Keri Bouchard (Conviron), David Brault (Quebec), Bruce Bugbee (Utah State Univ.), Jason Fatten (Ball Horticultural), Marc Ferguson (Illumitex), Julian Franklin (Rothamsted Research, UK), Gary Gardner (Univ. Minn.), Gene Giacomelli (Univ. Arizona), Richard Gladon (Iowa St. Univ.), Paul Gray (Illumitex), Dennis Greer (Charles Sturt University, Australia), William Healy (Ball Horticultural), Lynn Hummel (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Henry Imberti (Percival Scientific), Ramesh Kanwar (Iowa State Univ.), Bjorn Karlsson (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Rob Kerslake (Kerslake Assoc., Australia), Bruce Kettner (Biochambers), Yoshiaki Kitaya (Osaka University, Japan), Steven Kroft (Conviron), Mark Lefsrud (McGill Univ.), Peter Ling (Ohio State Univ.), Alec Mackenzie (Argus Controls), Gioia Massa (NASA Kennedy), Cary Mitchell (Purdue Univ.), Bill Mukanik (Conviron), Lisa Newman (Pioneer), Derrick Oosterhuis (Univ. of Arkansas), Devin Overly (Apogee Instruments), Nicolas Pelletier (Univ. Laval), Reg Quiring (Conviron), Sharon Reid (Conviron), Mark Romer (McGill Univ.), Erik Runkle (Mich. State Univ.), John Sager (EGC), Carole Saravitz (NCSU Phytotron), Flip Sheridan (Cycloptics), Gary Stutte (QinetiQ-NA-KSC), Garry Taylor (Weiss-Gallencamp), Marc Theroux (Biochambers), Marc van Iersel (Univ. Georgia), Nicole Waterland (West Virginia Univ.), John Wierzchowski (EGC), Dave Wilson (Stanford University), Youbin Zheng (Univ. of Guelph)Brief Summary of Minutes
The NCERA-101 committee met in conjunction with the UK-CEUG (Controlled Environment Users Group) and the ACEWG (Australasian Controlled Environment Working Group) at Downing College, Cambridge, UK. This meeting represents the fourth international gathering of these CE groups. The meeting program and speaker abstracts are available at: http://www.controlledenvironments.org/meetings_past.htmMarc van Iersel called the business meeting to order at 8:20 pm and asked the members for any announcements
" Gary Gardner announced two meetings:
o International Plant Photobiological symposium will be held in early June in Edinburgh, Scotland.
o International plant growth substance meeting will be held at Shanghai in late June.
" Marc van Iersel reminded the group that the meeting on challenges of vertical farming is coming soon. The meeting will be held in Maryland. Gary Stutte informed the group that registration is full but the meeting will be available via webcast.
" Marc van Iersel announced that the ISHS lighting conference, International Symposium on Light in Horticulture 2012, will be held at Wageningen, The Netherlands, October 15-18,2012.
Administrator advisory report (Ramesh Kanwar)
" As far as the project is concern everything is in order and there are no pending issues to resolve.
" Report is due sixty days from today (Nov 10, 2012)
" Possibility the National Science Foundation and the European Union have a collaborative project for exploration.
" As known by many members Ramesh took a year off and went to India.
o He is the Chairman and organizing an International conference. It is the 3rd Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelean and expo. If you like to attend after you get to Delhi he will be able to take care of the accommodations and travel expenses but he will not be able to take care of the expenses from North America to India and vice versa. This will be a wonderful opportunity especially for the Industry people.
o The theme of the conference is Science for Global Development.
o The Date: October 11 - 14, 2012.
o The Location: LPU campus (Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab , India)
o Joint Organizers: Vijnana Bharati, Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (PTU) and Lovely Professional University Phagwara (LPU), in collaboration with Punjab State Council of Science and Technology.
Tony Agostino
" Proposed to have the next international meeting in Canberra, Australia in 2016. He yet needs the support of the host institution but he is getting closer to finalizing the details.
" Tony proposed a three day meeting with one day organized by each society. There will be a common theme around the meeting.
" There will be a post meeting tour of CE facilities in Canberra and possibly a visit to the Plant Accelerator in Adelaide.
" Proposed meeting dates would be September or as an alternative March/April.
" Mark Romer moved to accept the offer and it was second By Richard Gladon. The motion was accepted unanimously.
2011 minutes report
Peter Ling reported that last years meeting minutes are posted in the website and he asked the group for any inputs or comments. Richard Gladon moved to accept the minutes, no opposition to the motion.
Membership Report (Mark Romer)
The membership total remains constant at 152 members representing 106 institutions in 8 countries. (Appendix 1). Of note this year, we report the passing in February of our friend and colleague Dr Lynton Incoll (Univ. of Leeds, UK). Lynton made significant contributions to our group, most notably by directing the preparation and publication of 3 sets of Reporting Guidelines and in his role as the principal organizer of the first International CE meeting in Norwich in Sept 2001. The UK meeting led to subsequent international meetings in Australia (2004) and USA (2008). In 2008, the NCERA-101 group awarded Lynton the Significant Contributor award, an honour he greatly appreciated.
In the past year we have had many new requests to join our group, particularly from industry organizations. The flurry of forum activity on Vertical farming brought many requests as well as the arrival in the marketplace of numerous LED manufacturers who are hunting for a new markets and exposure for their products. Our historical policy has been to allow any interested individual or corporation to join the group. This past year, I have begun insisting that interested parties attend at least one annual meeting before requesting to join. On the flip side, quite a few member companies & individuals do not participate at our meetings some have never attended a meeting or have not attended in more than 5 years. I would like the membership to discuss the issue of criteria for adding and removing members at the next annual meeting in Purdue (March 2013).
The following points will be considered for discussion:
" What criteria are needed for joining NCERA-101.
" Must prospective members attend at least one meeting?
" Should graduate students be added to the roster?
" Do we include any and all industry members who wish to join?
or do we select companies whose products are linked to CE research?
" Should industry members be assigned a liaison within the group to guide them
" Under what criteria should members be removed from the membership list?
(Non-attendance at meetings; No submission of annual reports or funding support)
and after how many years ?
Ramesh asked to consider showing the USDA that this is a growing group. Mark understands Ramesh point but agrees with Caroles input that we do not want industries to use our group and web-site as a source of free advertising.
New member introduction
" Nicole Waterland, West Virginia University. Nicole previously attended in 2008 as a graduate student. Works on stress physiology.
" Bjorn Karlsson, University of Wisconsin Madison. Bjorn represents the Biotron.
Web-site report (Carole Saravitz)
" Carole reported that it has been a quiet year for the website.
" For general knowledge the website is:
o Hosted by NC State without commercials or any advertisement on the sides
o Main site is: controlledenvironments.org but also if you type NCR-101 or NCERA-101 will pop-up to the same site
o Space: we have 2100 Mbyte.
o At the bottom it says that NC State hosts the site which is the closest thing to advertisement that we have.
" Some of the things we are doing lately are advertising the current positions. Please remind Carole when the position is filled so she can remove it.
" Upcoming meeting information is also in the website.
" What do we want to do in the future with regards to Biotronics Journals sent by Jonathan? She was going to put a link to access them.
" Carole asked if there are any suggestions of things we would like to see?
o Erik Runkle asked if we track the number of visitors, number of users and number of countries visiting our site. Carole agrees that it is a good idea and asked the group for a good counter. Marc recommended Google analytics.
o Ramesh suggested adding to the site new things happening in this area, new technologies task we will need a volunteer because once the message spreads out it may became a large task.
o Alec Mackenzie asked if Carole has a current list for posting conference information.
o At the moment Carole asks to send an e-mail with a please post with all the complete information of the conference.
o Gary Stutte expressed that he is personally very happy with the website the way it is. It has exactly what he needs and it serves his needs very well.
" Marc van Iersel thanked Carole for her job and the group showed appreciation for her job with the website. Carole acknowledged Mark Romers help.
Future meetings
Marc van Iersel asked Cary Mitchell for the 2013 meeting update, which will be held at Purdue University during the spring break. March 9-12, 2013. Cary mentioned that Roberto Lopez is helping to organize the meeting as well as the University conferences. At the moment they have in the agenda a tour of Dow Agro.
2014 meeting is tentative in Alaska but Meriam Karlsson asked for a back-up plan just in case. Marc van Iersel volunteered to be the back-up if Meriam can not pull it off.
Marc van Iersel asked if anybody is interested in organizing the 2015 meeting, Mark Romer talked about the possibility of having a joint meeting with the AERGC since they expressed interest and they have a lot of common talent with our group and we also share the same ideas and some of the same people. The only challenge is the schedule coordination. Mark say it is natural fit, the meeting attracts 70 to 80 people. Carole think it is a great idea, Marc van Iersel said that we do not need to make a decision at this meeting but it should be discussed at the Purdue meeting. Marc van Iersel asked the members again to consider the organization of the meeting if you are at a location that hasnt held the event for a while.
Report on the past meeting at ISU (Richard Gladon)
There were 73 members attending the meeting. Final financial report showed a total net income of $8761 which will go to the NCERA-101instrument account. The point that Richard makes is that of the net income, which was $6800, was from contributions of our friends, the exhibitors. Richard expressed his gratitude to the exhibitors for the financial contributions that allows the group to enjoy things otherwise not possible.
Gary Gardner suggested using those funds to pay for the attendance of graduate students. Marc van Iersel pointed out that the discussion with regards to the funds in the account could be a very lengthy one and suggested we talk about this subject at the Purdue meeting.
Mark Romer mentioned that the policy for meeting organizers has been to try to break even but also reminded the attendees that portion of the money is used for the Poster competition.
Final comment from Richard is that he will be retiring June 30th 2013 and the Purdue meeting will be his last meeting.
Election of new secretary
Marc van Iersel presented the Nominating Committees recommendation of Meriam Karlsson as the incoming secretary candidate and solicited other nominations from the floor. With no other nomination Gary Stutte motioned to accept the nomination, Gioia Massa seconded, and was accepted unanimously.
Marc van Iersel asked the floor for any new business and since there were no responses to the floor he proceeded with his last duty as a Chair. At 9:18 pm Marc passed the gavel to Peter Ling and congratulated him for becoming the new Chair. Peter thanked Marc for his leadership and hard work and asked the floor for a round of applause.
Bruce Bugbee motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 pm Gary Stutte seconded, and approved by the attendees.
Prepared by Henry Imberti, Secretary, October 14, 2012
At the University of Georgia wireless soil moisture sensors networks have been installed in two commercial nurseries. These sensor networks provide growers with real-time data on substrate water content and environmental conditions in their nursery. In addition, the accompanying software allows growers to automate irrigation based on substrate water content measurements. To date, this automated irrigation has resulted in significant time savings, reduced disease pressure, better plants, and, in one case, a much shorter production cycle. When sensor-controlled irrigation was used to grow a crop of Gardenia jasminoides Heaven Scent, the production period was shortened from the normal 14 months to only 9 months. In addition, no plants were lost due to root diseases, which typically results in losses of 20 30% of the crop (and in some cases 90%). The shorter production cycle and reduced plants losses resulted in an increase in profit of approximately $1/ft2.<br /> <br /> University of Arizona (Dr. Kacira) developed multi-camera based computer vision guided crop sensing and monitoring system for crop diagnostics. The monitoring system uses a color, NIR and thermal camera to acquire and process canopy images ultimately providing both greenhouse aerial and canopy based information in a web based decision support platform to help grower for improved production management. The system is currently being evaluated with experiments. They also have developed a complete computational fluid dynamics model including turbulence model for air flow, porous media model for canopy existence, evapotranspiration model for canopy-greenhouse mass and energy exchange, phase change model for high pressure fogging to evaluate climate uniformity for naturally vented greenhouse equipped with high pressure fogging. The model can be used for providing recommendations for various installations and operational characteristics of high pressure fogging systems in greenhouse for cooling.<br /> <br /> As previously reported in 2010, Maryland is leading a Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI) Grant to investigate Precision Irrigation and Nutrient Management for Nursery, Greenhouse and Green Roof Systems, using Wireless Sensor Networks. The SCRI-MINDS project is a 5-year project funded by USDA-NIFA and brings together scientists, engineers and economists from five universities (Maryland, Carnegie Mellon, Georgia, Colorado State and Cornell) and two companies (Decagon Devices and Antir Software), to develop and deploy smart sensor networks for specialty crop growers, and provide producers with real-time information to make better irrigation decisions every day. Full activity reports for years 1 and 2 can be accessed from http://smart-farms.net/impacts.<br /> <br /> McGill University, located in Quebec, Canada, has been researching in two target areas with the first focusing on identifying the potential of greenhouse heating using wood pellets and the second investigating light emitting diodes for plant production. Projects were completed in both areas with the construction and testing of a wood pellet furnace and a full greenhouse scale LED supplemental lighting experiment on hydroponic tomato.<br /> <br /> Research has continued at the University of Arkansas to study the effects of high temperature and drought stress on reproductive development in cotton in controlled environment conditions. These studies have shown the extreme sensitivity of pollen tube growth to high temperature, and the manner in which the cotton flower is buffered from water deficit compared to the adjacent leaves. These results have helped explained the yield losses and yield variability experienced by Arkansas farmers.<br /> <br /> <br /> The USDA-ARS in Toledo, Ohio released the Virtual Grower 3.0 software to be compatible with Mac, Linux, and 64-bit processors; it includes plant scheduling, and dual heating systems. Over 12,000 copies have been distributed since the original release of the software. <br /> <br /> <br /> The University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada filed a patent for rapid production of plants for green roof installation and erosion control, suggests that Aqueous ozone can be applied directly to plants (tomato) in drip irrigation , has evidence to suggest that liverwort control can be achieved using aqueous ozone in irrigation solution and developed a green roof research website (http://www.ces.uoguelph.ca/greenroof/)<br /> <br /> <br /> Kennedy Space Center reports a small plant growth chamber called VEGGIE, for growing vegetables on the International Space Station is being built by ORBITEC, Madison, WI and is scheduled for a space flight demonstration beginning in Aug 2013. KSC and ORBITEC will team up to conduct a verification experiment to grow lettuce on the International Space Station.<br /> <br /> <br /> Cornell University has continued a series of workshops and student internships to train potential employees, managers, and owners of Controlled Environment Agriculture facilities. Three workshops have been presented to secondary school teachers, six to the general public, three for current greenhouse operators, and three for students. Two students completed internships in hydroponics during the summer of 2012. Cornell University has also continued to field test (beta test) controller in a commercial greenhouse that implements the daily light integral control algorithm patented by Cornell. Control suitability will continue to be monitored and quantified during the coming year. Lastly, the Cornell CEA website (www.cornellcea.com) has been significantly updated and continues to receive positive responses from users.<br /> <br /> <br /> Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station continues to work through operating and maintenance challenges associated with their landfill gas fired microturbine installation at the 1-acre NJ EcoComplex Research and Demonstration Greenhouse. A doctoral student is developing an operational decision support system to manage the electricity generated: use onsite (supplemental lighting for greenhouse tomatoes), export to the utility grid (additional income), or a combination of the two.Publications
Adams, C., J. Frantz, and B. Bugbee. 2012. Macro- and micro-nutrient release characteristics of three polymer-coated fertilizer technologies: theory and measurement. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. In press.<br /> <br /> Albright, L.D. 2012. Vertical Greenhouses. Presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the AERGC, Toronto, Canada.<br /> <br /> Andiru, G., C.C. Pasian, J.M. Frantz, and M.L. Jones. 2012. Greenhouse production of impatiens wallerana using a controlled release fertilizer produces quality finished plants with enhanced garden performance. J. Hort. Sci. & Biotech. In press.<br /> <br /> Andiru, G., C. Pasian, J. Frantz, and M. Jones. 2011. How much water and nitrogen is wasted when a hose is used? OFA Bulletin. 930:17-18.<br /> <br /> Astacio, M.G. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Concentrated exogenous abscisic acid drenches reduce root hydraulic conductance and cause wilting in tomato. HortScience 46:1640-1645.<br /> <br /> Astacio, M.G. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Determining the effects of abscisic acid drenches on evapotranspiration and leaf gas exchange of tomato. HortScience 46:1512-1517.<br /> <br /> Astacio M.G. and M. van Iersel. 2011. Unexplained wilting of tomatoes after exposure to large doses of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA). Proceedings of the SNA research conference 56:28-34.<br /> <br /> Barnes, J., B. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2012. Nutrient disorders of Evolution mealy-cup sage. HortTechnology. 22:502-508.<br /> <br /> Barnes, J., B. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2011. Characterization of nutrient disorders of Lilium longiflorum Nellie White and Lilium hybrid Brunello. Acta Hort. 900:205-211.<br /> <br /> Barnes, J., B.E. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2011. Characterization of nutrient disorders of Primula acaulis Danova Rose. Acta Hort. 891:77-83.<br /> <br /> Barnes, J., B.E. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2011. Characterization of nutrient disorders of Pericallis x hybrida Jester Pure Blue. Acta Hort. 891:67-75<br /> <br /> Bartzanas, T., M. Kacira, H. Zhu, S. Karmakar, E. Tamimi, N. Katsoulas, I. Lee, C. Kittas. 2012. Computational fluid dynamics applications to improve crop production systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (In Press).<br /> <br /> Bayer, A., M. Chappell, J. Ruter, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Managing growth of Hibiscus acetosella by controlling substrate moisture with sensor controlled irrigation. Proceedings of the 2011 meeting of the IPPS Southern Region meeting.<br /> <br /> Bayer, A. J.M. Ruter, M. Chappell, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Growth of Hibiscus acetosella Panama red' in response to sensor controlled irrigation in two outdoor nursery settings. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Blanchard, M.G., E.S. Runkle, and J.M. Frantz. 2011. Energy-efficient greenhouse production of Petunia and Tagetes by manipulation of temperature and photosynthetic daily light integral. Acta Hort. 893:857-864.<br /> <br /> Blanchard, M.G., E.S. Runkle, A.J. Both, and H. Shimizu. 2012. Greenhouse energy curtains influence shoot-tip temperature of new guinea impatiens. HortScience 47(4):483-488.<br /> <br /> Boscheri, G., M. Kacira, L. Patterson, G. Giacomelli, P. Sadler, R. Furfaro, C. Lobascio, M. Lamantea, L. Grizzaffi. 2012. Modified energy cascade model adapted for a multicrop lunar greenhouse prototype. Advances in Space Research, 50: 941-951.<br /> <br /> Both, A.J., R. Hansen, and M. Kacira. 2012. Hydroponics give growers control. Article is part of the Water Wisely series in Greenhouse Grower Magazine. May issue.<br /> <br /> Both, A.J. 2011. Horticultural engineering. In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net].<br /> <br /> Both, A.J., T.O. Manning, A. Martin, D.R. Specca, and E. Reiss. 2011. Operating a 250 kW landfill gas fired microturbine at a 0.4 hectare research and demonstration greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae. 893:397-404.<br /> <br /> Both, A.J. 2011. Efficient use of natural resources in greenhouses. Keynote speech at the GreenSys2011 symposium, June 5-10, Halkidiki, Greece.<br /> <br /> Chappell, M., M. van Iersel, S. Dove, J. Ruter, P. Thomas, A. Bayer, L. OMeara, P. Alem, R. Ferrarezi, J. Kim. 2011. Monitoring Environmental Conditions and Substrate Water Content to Increase Efficiency of Irrigation in Nurseries. 2011 Irrigation Association: Innovations in Irrigation Conference. (in press).<br /> <br /> Chappell, M., M. van Iersel, E. Lichtenberg, J. Majsztrik, P. Thomas, J. Ruter and S. Wells. (2012). Benefits of Precision Irrigation of Gardenia augusta Heaven Scent": Reducing Shrinkage, Shortening the Cropping Cycle, and Economic Impact. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 57:321-323.<br /> <br /> Chappell, M.R., M.W. van Iersel, J. Ruter, A. Bayer, L. OMeara, S. Dove, P. Thomas, P. Alem, and R. Ferrarezi. 2011. Monitoring environmental conditions and substrate water content to increase efficiency of irrigation in nurseries. 2011 Irrigation Show and Innovations in Irrigation Education Conference. San Diego, CA.<br /> <br /> Crane, T.C., C. Kubota, J.L. West, M.A. Kroggel, B.C. Wertheim, and C.A. Thomson. 2011. Increasing the vegetable intake dose is associated with a rise in plasma carotenoids without modifying oxidative stress or inflammation in overweight or obese postmenopausal women. J. Nutrition.141:1827-1833.<br /> <br /> Crespo, J. M. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Performance of a soil moisture sensor-based landscape irrigation controller for automated irrigation of container-grown plants. HortScience 46:889-894.<br /> <br /> Crowe, B., S. Attalah, S. Agrawal, P. Waller, R. Ryan, J. Van Wagenen, A. Chavis, J. Kyndt, M. Kacira, K. L. Ogden, M. Huesemann. 2012. A comparison of Nannochloropsis salina growth performance in two outdoor pond designs: conventional raceways versus the ARID pond with superior temperature management. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2012, Article ID 920608, 9 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/920608.<br /> <br /> Davis, K.I., C.E. Niedziela Jr., M.R. Reddy, B.E. Whipker, and J.M. Frantz. 2011. Nutrient disorder symptomology and foliar concentrations of Clerodendrum thomsoniae. J. Plant Nutrition. 34:1079-1086.<br /> <br /> De Villiers, D.S., L.D. Albright and R, Tuck. 2012. Next generation, energy-efficient, uniform supplemental lighting for closed-systems plant production. Acta Horticulturae 952:463-470.<br /> <br /> Dion, L.M., M. Lefsrud, V. Orsat. 2011. Review of CO2 recovery methods from the exhaust gas of biomass heating systems for safe enrichment in greenhouses Generating usable and safe CO2 for enrichment of greenhouses from the exhaust gas of a biomass heating system. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35(2011):3422-3432.<br /> <br /> Downey, P.J., L.H. Levine, M.E. Musgrave, M. McKeon-Bennett, and S. Moane. 2012. Effect of hypergravity and phytohormone on isoflavonoid accumulation in soybean (Glycine max L.) callus. Microgravity Sci. Technol. DOI 10.1007/s12217-012-9322-9<br /> <br /> Fitz-Rodríguez, E., M. Kacira, F. Villarreal-Guerrero, G. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, R. Linker, and A. Arbel. 2012. Neural network predictive control in a naturally ventilated and fog cooled greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 952:45-52.<br /> <br /> Frantz, J.M. 2011. Elevating carbon dioxide in a commercial greenhouse reduced overall fuel carbon consumption and production cost when used in combination with cool temperatures for lettuce production. HortTechnology. 21:647-651.<br /> <br /> Frantz, J.M., S. Khandahar, S. Leisner. 2011. Silicon differentially influences copper toxicity response in silicon-accumulator and non-accumulator species. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 136:329-338.<br /> <br /> Frantz, J.M. 2011. Virtual Grower 3: A powerful decision support tool for greenhouse systems. Greenhouse Product News (GPN), October, 2011, pp. 22-28. <br /> <br /> M.S. Fulleringer, M. Lefsrud. 2011. Carbon dioxide enrichment of a greenhouse using biomass combustion. ASABE, Aug 8-10, 2011. Louisville, KT<br /> <br /> Ghimire, S.R., P. A. Richardson, P. Kong, J. Hu, J. D. Lea-Cox, D. S. Ross, G. W. Moorman and C. X. Hong. 2011. Distribution and diversity of Phytophthora species in nursery irrigation reservoir adopting water recycling system during winter months. J. Phytopathology 159:713-719. <br /> <br /> Giacomelli, G., G. Boscheri, R. Furfaro, M. Kacira, C. Lobascio, L. Patterson, P. Sadler, M. Pirolli, R. Remiddi, D. Story, M. Thangavelu, M. Catalina. 2012. Bio-regenerative Life Support System Development for Lunar/Mars Habitats. 42nd Int. Conf. on Environmental Systems, July 15-19, San Diego, California. <br /> <br /> Gonias, E., D.M., Oosterhuis, and A.C. Bibi. 2010. Light interception and radiation use efficiency of okra and normal leaf cotton isolines. J Agric Sci. 72:217-222<br /> <br /> Graham, T., P. Zhang, and M.A. Dixon. 2012. Closing in on upper limits for root zone aqueous ozone application in mineral wool hydroponic tomato culture. Sci Hortic-Amsterdam 143: 151156 <br /> <br /> Graham, T., P. Zhang, E. Woyzbun, and M. Dixon. 2011. Response of hydroponic tomato to daily applications of aqueous ozone via drip irrigation. Sci. Hort. 129:464-471<br /> <br /> Graham, T., and M.A. Dixon. 2012. Liverwort Control: An Ancillary Role for Ozone-based Irrigation Water Treatment Systems? HortScience 47(3): 361367 <br /> <br /> Harris, P., D.E. Longer, D.M., Oosterhuis, and D. Loka. 2011. Comparison of growth medium for container grown plants. Discovery Journal 12:19-25.<br /> <br /> Hernández, R. and C. Kubota. 2012. Tomato seedling growth and morphological responses to supplemental LED lighting red:blue ratios under varied daily solar light integrals. Acta Horticulturae (in press).<br /> <br /> Hong, C.X., P. A. Richardson, W. Hao, S. R. Ghimire, P. Kong, G. W. Moorman, J. D. Lea-Cox and D. S. Ross. 2012. Phytophthora aquimorbida sp. nov. and Phytophthora taxon aquatilis recovered from irrigation reservoirs and a stream in Virginia, USA. Mycologia. Doi:10.3852/11-055.<br /> <br /> Hummerick, M.E., J. Garland, and R. Wheeler. 2011. A hazard analysis critical control point plan applied to the Lada vegetable production units ((PU) to ensure the safety of space grown vegetables. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, AIAA-2011-5277, 41st ICES meeting, Portland, Oregon.<br /> <br /> Hummerick, M.P., J. Gates, B-T. Nguyen, G.D. Massa and R.M. Wheeler. The effect of plant cultivar, growth media, harvest method and post harvest treatment on the microbiology of edible crops. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, AIAA 2012-3506, 42nd ICES, San Diego, CA.<br /> <br /> Islam, S., M. Lefsrud. 2011. Every little drop counts: Reducing water dependency through rainwater harvesting. Quebec Farmers Advocate. August 2011<br /> <br /> Jeong, K.Y., P.V. Nelson, J. Frantz, and W. Brinton. 2011. Impact of composted dairy manure on pH management and physical properties of soilless substrate. Acta Hort. 891:173-180.<br /> <br /> Jeong, K.Y., B.E. Whipker, I. McCall, C.C. Gunter, and J. Frantz. 2011. Characterization of nutrient disorders of pot rose Karina Parade. Acta Hort. 891:125-133.<br /> <br /> Kacira, M., G. Giacomelli, R.L. Patterson, R. Furfaro, P.D. Sadler, G. Boscheri, C. Lobascio, M. Lamantea, R.M. Wheeler, and S. Rossignoli. 2012. System dynamics and performance factors of UA-CEAC lunar greenhouse prototype bioregenerative life support system. ActaHorticulturae, 952: 575-582.<br /> <br /> Kacira, M. 2012. Advanced monitoring and control of greenhouse system for optimized resource use efficiency. Agronomy Week Conference, Faculty of Agronomy, University of San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, February 2012. (Keynote Lecture)<br /> <br /> Kacira, M. 2012. Engineering CEA systems for sustainable production. Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center (ALARC), Maricopa, AZ, June 2012.<br /> <br /> Kacira, M. 2012. Greenhouse environmental control. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.<br /> <br /> Kacira, M. 2012. Greenhouse structures and design. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.Kacira, M. 20112.Sensor and control basics: Data acquisition and instrumentation in Controlled environment agriculture. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.<br /> <br /> Kacira, M. 2012. Solar PV system integrated off-grid greenhouse. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.<br /> <br /> Kaplan, F., W. Zhao, J.T. Richards, R.M. Wheeler, C.L. Guy and L.H. Levine. 2012. Transcriptional and metabolic insights into the differential physiological responses of Arabidopsis to optimal and supraoptimal atmospheric CO2. PLOS ONE 7(8):e43583.<br /> <br /> Kim, J, M.W. van Iersel and S.E. Burnett. 2011. Estimating daily water use of two petunia cultivars based on plant and environmental factors. HortScience 46:1287-1293. <br /> <br /> Kim, J. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Slowly-developing drought stress increases photosynthetic acclimation of Catharanthus roseus. Physiologia Plantarum 143:166-177.<br /> <br /> Kim, J., A. Malladi, and M.W. van Iersel, M.W. 2011. Abscisic acid-related gene expression and physiological responses of petunia at different substrate water contents. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, in press.<br /> <br /> Kim, J., A. Malladi, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Physiological responses of petunia to different levels of drought stress. Proceedings of the SNA research conference 56:46-51.<br /> <br /> Kim, J., A. Malladi, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Gene expression and physiological responses of petunia at specific substrate water contents. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Kim, J., A. Malladi, and M.W. van Iersel, M.W. 2011. Abscisic acid-related gene expression and physiological responses of petunia at different substrate water contents. Annual meeting of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, Chicago, IL.<br /> <br /> Kim, J., B. Belayneh and J. D. Lea-Cox. 2012. Estimating daily water use of snapdragon in a hydroponic production system. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 57:336-340. <br /> <br /> Kong, P., J. D. Lea-Cox and C. X. Hong. 2012. Effct of electrical conductivity on survival of Phytophthora alni, P. kernoviae and P. ramorum in a simulated aquatic environment. Plant Pathology Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2012.02614.x.<br /> <br /> Kong, P., J. D. Lea-Cox, G. W Moorman and C. X. Hong. 2012. Survival of Phytophthora alni, P. kernoviae and P. ramorum in a simulated aquatic environment at different levels of pH. FEMS Microbiology Letters 332: 5460.<br /> Kong, P., Lea-Cox, J. D., Moorman, G. W., and Hong, C. X. 2011. Survival of three quarantine pathogens in a simulated aquatic system at different levels of pH. Phytopathology 101:S93.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kroggel, M., W. Lovichit, C. Kubota, and C. Thomson. 2012. Greenhouse baby leaf production of lettuce and Komatsuna in semi-arid climate: seasonal effects on yield and quality. Acta Horticulturae 952:827-834.<br /> <br /> Krug, B.A., B.E. Whipker, W.C. Fonteno, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2011. Incidence of boron deficiency in bedding plants caused by drought stress or abscicic acid application. Acta Hort. 891:141-147.<br /> <br /> Krug, B.A., B.E. Whipker, I. McCall, and J. Frantz. 2011. Boron distribution and the effect of lime on boron uptake by pansy, petunia, and gerbera plants. Acta Hort. 891:135-140.<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Environmental control technologies to improve greenhouse product quality. Acta Horticulture 952:843-851.<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Use of grafted vegetable seedlings in North America and Europe - Can Japan take advantage of this growing international business opportunity? Farming Mechanization 5:17-22. (in Japanese)<br /> <br /> Kubota, C., P. Chia, Z. Yang, and Q. Li. 2012. Applications of far-red light emitting diodes in plant production under controlled environments. Acta Horticulturae 952:59-66.<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Grafting with vegetable plants. In: C.A. Beyl and R.N. Trigiano (eds.) Plant Propagation Concepts and Exercises, 2nd Edition. CRC Press (in press)<br /> <br /> Kubota, C., A. De Gelder, and M. Peet. 2012. Greenhouse tomato production. In: E. Heuvelink (ed.) Tomatoes, 2nd Edition. CABI Publishing (in press).<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Plant factory Challenges and opportunities. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Plant lighting basics and applications. 12th Greenhouse Crop Production and Engineering Design Short Course, Tucson, AZ, April 9-13, 2012.<br /> <br /> Kubota, C. 2012. Use of grafted vegetable seedlings in North America and Europe - Can Japan take advantage of this growing international business opportunity? Special seminar of Plant Factory Association of Japan, Kashiwanoha, Japan, July 6th, 2012.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D. 2012. Using Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Irrigation Scheduling. Chapter 12. In: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges of Agricultural Water Management. M. Kumar (Ed.) InTech Press. Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 233-258. (Open Access at http://www.intechopen.com) <br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D, B. Belayneh, J. Kim and J. C. Majsztrik. 2012. The Value of Weather Data for Daily Nursery Management Decisions. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 57:87-93.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D., A. G. Ristvey, D.S. Ross and G. Kantor. 2011. Wireless Sensor Networks to Precisely Monitor Substrate Moisture and Electrical Conductivity Dynamics in a Cut-Flower Greenhouse Operation. Acta Hort. 893:1057-1063.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D., F. R. Arguedas-Rodriguez, A. G. Ristvey and D.S. Ross. 2011. Relating Real-time Substrate Matric Potential Measurements to Plant Water Use, for Precision Irrigation. Acta Hort. 891: 201-208.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D. 2011. Smart Irrigation Strategies: Growers get high-tech help with irrigation frequency and leaching reduction. Nursery Management Pro. April 2011. pp. 16-20.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J.D. 2011. Measuring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Water in Soil and Soilless Substrates, to Enable Precise Scheduling of Irrigation Applications. AGRI-SENSING 2011: International Symposium on Sensing in Agriculture in Memory of Dahlia Greidinger. Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. 20 -24th February, 2011. Haifa, Israel. http://agri-sensing.technion.ac.il/AbstractBook.html <br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D. and J. C. Majsztrik. 2011. Considering the Value of Real-Time Sensor Information. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Waikoloa, HI. HortScience 46(9): S210.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J.D. 2011. Project Management and Outreach Using Web-Based Tools. SCRI Project Directors Workshop. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. 25 Sept., 2011. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J.D. 2011. Project Design with the End in Mind. Graduate Student Workshop. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. 26 Sept., 2011. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J.D. 2011. Visualizing and Interpreting Large Sensor Datasets for Daily Specialty Crop Management Decisions. Computer Applications in Horticulture Workshop. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. 26 Sept., 2011. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J.D. 2011. What is the Big Picture with Water and its Availability? How Can You Cope with the Future Water Needs? 2011 Pest Management Conference. Carroll community College, Westminster, MD. 1 Dec. 2011.<br /> Lea-Cox, J. D., T. Rhodus, L. Brewer and M. Neff, 2011. American Society for Horticultural Science: Center for Horticultural Impact Statements. <http://ashsmedia.org><br /> <br /> Lea-Cox, J. D., G.A. Kantor, Bauerle, W.L., M. van Iersel, C. Campbell, T. Bauerle, D.S. Ross, A. Ristvey, D. Parker, D. King, R. Bauer, S. Cohan, P.A. Thomas, J.M. Ruter, M. Chappell, S. Kampf, M.A. Lefsky, L. Bissey, and T. Martin. Increasing the Efficiency of Irrigation Water Applications with Smart Sensor Technology. American Society for Horticultural Science: Center for Horticultural Impact Statements. <http://ashsmedia.org/?p=62><br /> <br /> Lefsrud, M., V. Orsat, L.M. Dion, F. Filion, J. Bouchard, A. Glover, Q. T. Nguyen. 2011. Enrichissement des serres en CO2 à partir du chauffage au bois. CRAAQ Forum recherche et innovation en serriculture 2011, 9 Novembre 2011, Montreal, QC. <br /> <br /> Lefsrud, M. 2011. Biofuel presentation to John Abbott Student Group. October 21, 2011. John Abbott. <br /> <br /> <br /> Levine, LH, J.L. Coutts, J.T. Richards, P.E. Hintze, and C.A. Clausen 2012. Review on transforming TiO2 into a visible-light- responsive catalyst for water and air purification. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, AIAA 2012-3629, 42nd ICES, San Diego, CA. <br /> <br /> Linker, R., M. Kacira, A. Arbel. 2011. Robust climate control of a greenhouse equipped with variable-speed fans and a variable-pressure fogging system. Biosystems Engineering, 110(2): 153-167.<br /> <br /> Loka, D., D.M. Oosterhuis, and G. Ritchie. 2011. Water stress in cotton. pp. 37-72. In D.M. Oosterhuis (ed.) Stress Physiology in Cotton. Publ. Cotton Foundation, Memphis, TN. <br /> <br /> Loka, D. and D.M. Oosterhuis. 2011. The effect of water-deficit stress on the biochemistry of the cotton flower. CD-ROM Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7, 2011. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.<br /> <br /> Loka, D. and D.M. Oosterhuis. 2011. Effect of 1-MCP on the cotton flower under water-deficit. . CD-ROM Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7, 2011. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.<br /> <br /> Loka, D. and D.M. Oosterhuis. 2011. Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the cotton flower under water-deficit. pp. 66-69. In: D.M. Oosterhuis (Ed.) Summaries of Arkansas Cotton Research 2010. Univ. Arkansas Agric. Exp. Sta., Research Series 589.<br /> <br /> Majsztrik, J. C., A. G. Ristvey and J. D Lea-Cox. 2012. An In-Depth look at Fertilizer and Irrigation Practices in Marylands Ornamental Nursery Industry. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 57:35-42.<br /> <br /> Majsztrik, J., J. D. Lea-Cox, D. S. Ross and A. G. Ristvey. 2011. Modeling Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Water Dynamics in the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Waikoloa, HI. HortScience 46(9): S160-161.<br /> <br /> Majsztrik, J., J. D. Lea-Cox, D. S. Ross and A. G. Ristvey. 2011. An In-Depth Analysis of Water and Nutrient Management in the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry in Maryland. 108th Annual American Society for Horticulture Science Conference. Waikoloa, HI. HortScience 46(9): S220-221.<br /> <br /> Majsztrik, J., J. D. Lea-Cox, D. S. Ross and A. G. Ristvey. 2011. Sustainable Nursery Production: Choosing the Management Practices that Fit Your Nursery. Advanced Nutrient Management Twilight Session. Baltimore County Extension Office. Cockeysville MD. 7 Sept., 2011.<br /> <br /> Majsztrik, J., J. D. Lea-Cox, D. S. Ross and A. G. Ristvey. 2011. Sustainable Nursery Production: Choosing the Management Practices that Fit Your Nursery. Advanced Nutrient Management Twilight Session. Wye Research and Education Center. Queenstown MD. 14 Sept., 2011.<br /> <br /> Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, M.L. Alvarez, and G. Cardineau. 2012. Effect of high electrical conductivity of hydroponic nutrient solution on vaccine protein content in transgenic tomato. HortTechnology. 22:362-367.<br /> <br /> Mattos, E., R. Hunt, M. van Iersel, M. Cabrera and K.C. Das. 2011. Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in different growth stages of Chlorella sorokiniana. 1st International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. Saint Louis, MO.<br /> <br /> Mattson, N.S. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Application of the 4R nutrient stewardship concept to horticultural crops: Applying nutrients at the right time. HortTechnology 21:667-673.<br /> <br /> Mishra, S., S.A. Heckathorn, J.M. Frantz. 2011. Elevated CO2 affects plant responses to variation in boron availability. Plant & Soil. 350:117-130.<br /> <br /> Mitchell, C.A., A.J. Both, C.M. Bourget, J.F. Burr, C. Kubota, R.G. 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Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7, 2011. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.<br /> <br /> Patterson, R. L., G.A. Giacomelli, M. Kacira, P.D. Sadler, R.M. Wheeler, , and. 2012. Description, operation and production of the South Pole food growth chamber. ActaHorticulturae, 952:589-596.<br /> <br /> Peter, A., P.A. Thomas, and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Growth of petunia as affected by substrate moisture content and fertilizer rate. Proceedings of the SNA research conference 56:167-172.<br /> <br /> Peter A., R. Soranz Ferrarezi, P.A. Thomas , M. van Iersel. 2011. In situ measurements of the electrical conductivity of substrates: the relationship between bulk EC, pore water EC, and substrate water content. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Peter A., P.A. Thomas, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Growth of petunia as affected by substrate moisture content and fertilizer rate. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Pettigrew, W.T. and D.M. Oosterhuis. 2011. Cotton adaptation to climate change. NCA Gov. publ. DC. <br /> <br /> Pratt, T.G., M.W. van Iersel, M. Higginson, and Q. Xue. 2011. Remote sensing of soil moisture with RF polarimetry. ASABE Paper No. 1100017. St. Joseph, MI, p. 4948-4958.<br /> <br /> Ristvey, A. G. and J. D. Lea-Cox. 2011. Grower Nutrient Management Plan Certification Training (Two-day training and plan-writing sessions). University of Maryland Extension and Maryland Department of Agriculture Wye REC, Queenstown, MD; MDA Headquarters, Annapolis, MD. 14 June, 2011 and 26 July, 2011. <br /> <br /> Rothrock, M.J. Jr., J.M. Frantz, and S. Burnett. 2012. Effect of volumetric water content and clover (Trifolium incarnatum) on the survival of Eschericia coli (O157:H7) in a soil matrix. 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How does timing, duration, and severity of heat stress influence pollen-pistil interactions in angiosperms? Chapter. Plant Signaling & Behavior. pp. 930-933. Landes BioScience <br /> <br /> Snider, J.L., D.M. Oosterhuis, D.A. Loka, and E.M. Kawakami. 2011. High temperature limits in vivo pollen tube growth rates by altering diurnal carbohydrate balance in field-grown Gossypium hirsutum pistils. J. Plant Physiology 168:1168-1175.<br /> <br /> <br /> Snider, J.L., D.M. Oosterhuis, and E.M. Kawakami. 2011. Gnotypic thermotolerance is associated with elevated pre-stress antioxidant enzyme activity in cotton leaves and pistils.. CD-ROM Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Atlanta, GA, Jan 4-7, 2011. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.<br /> <br /> Starry, O., J. D. Lea-Cox, A. G. Ristvey and S. Cohan. 2011. Utilizing Sensor Networks to Assess Stormwater Retention by Greenroofs. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Louisville, KY. Paper #1111202. 7p.<br /> <br /> Starry, O., A. G. Ristvey, S. Cohan and J. D. Lea-Cox 2011. Green Roof Workshop. Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE). University of Maryland, College Park. 10 Feb., 2011.<br /> <br /> Stasiak, M, D Gidzinski, M Jordan, M Dixon. 2012. Crop selection for advanced life support systems in the ESA MELiSSA program: Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum). Advances in Space Research. 49: 16841690<br /> <br /> Striemer, G.M., D. L. Story, A. Akoglu and M. Kacira. 2011. A node and network level self-recovering distributed wireless sensor architecture for real-time crop monitoring in greenhouses. Transactions of ASABE, 54(4): 1521-1527. <br /> <br /> Stutte, G.W., G. Newsham, R.C. Morrow and R.M. Wheeler. 2011. Operational evaluation of VEGGIE food production system in the habitat demonstration unit. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics, AIAA-2011-5262-575, 41st ICES Mtg., Portland, Oregon.<br /> <br /> Stutte, G.W., G. Newsham, R.C. Morrow, and R.M. Wheeler. 2011. Concept for sustained plant production on ISS using VEGGIE capillary mat rooting system. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics AIAA-2011-5263-523, 41st ICES, Portland, Oregon.<br /> <br /> Soranz Ferrarezi, R. and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Monitoring and controlling subirrigation with soil moisture sensors: a case study with hibiscus. Proceedings of the SNA research conference 56:187-191.<br /> <br /> Soranz Ferrarezi R., M. van Iersel, and R. Tezteslaf. 2011. Soil moisture sensors for monitoring and controlling subirrigation: a case study with hibiscus. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> Tamimi, E. and M. Kacira. 2012. Analysis of climate uniformity in a naturally vented greenhouse equipped with high pressure fogging system using computational fluid dynamics. CIGR2012 International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain, July 8-11.<br /> <br /> Thomas, P.A., M. Chappell, J.M. Ruter, S. 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Chappell, P. Thomas, J. Ruter, and S. Wells. 2011. Substrate water content dynamics in nurseries: real-time monitoring can improve irrigation practices. Proceedings of the SNA research conference 56:173-179.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M. 2011. Publish or perish: trials, tribulations, and triumphs. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. New irrigation technologies. Moving nursery producers toward sustainability. University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center Quincy, FL (recorded PowerPoint).<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. ABA research at the University of Georgia: water use, physiology and gene expression. Valent BioSciences, Long Grove, IL.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. Water issues in the greenhouse industry. Annual Meeting of the National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association, Saint Louis, MO. <br /> <br /> van Iersel, M., S. Burnett, J. Lea-Cox, and P. Thomas. 2011. Improving irrigation with sensors. Greenhouse Management 31(9): 56-59.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. Sustainable Greenhouse production in a changing world. Sixth JKUAT scientific, technological and industrialization conference. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja, Kenya.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M. 2011. Publish or perish: trials, tribulations, and triumphs. 2011 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Waikoloa, HI.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. New irrigation technologies. Moving nursery producers toward sustainability. University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center Quincy, FL (recorded PowerPoint).<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. ABA research at the University of Georgia: water use, physiology and gene expression. Valent BioSciences, Long Grove, IL.<br /> <br /> van Iersel, M.W. 2011. Water issues in the greenhouse industry. Annual Meeting of the National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association, Saint Louis, MO.<br /> <br /> Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, C. Kubota, G.A. Giacomelli, R. Linker and A. Arbel. 2012. Comparison of three evapotranspiration models for a greenhouse cooling strategy with natural ventilation and variable high pressure fogging. Scientia Horticulturae. 134:210-221.<br /> <br /> Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodriguez, R. Linker, C. Kubota, G. Giacomelli, A. Arbel. 2012. Simulated performance of a greenhouse cooling control strategy with natural ventilation and fog cooling. Biosystems Engineering. 111:217-228.<br /> <br /> Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, G. Giacomelli, R. Linker, C. Kubota, and A. Arbel. 2012. Simulation of fixed and variable fogging rates in a naturally ventilated greenhouse: Water and energy savings and stability of climate. Acta Horticulturae 952:37-44.<br /> <br /> Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, G. A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota. 2012. A climate control strategy for naturally ventilated greenhouse with variable high pressure fogging: Evaluating energy and water savings, climate uniformity. CIGR2012 International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain, July 8-11.<br /> <br /> Waller, P., R. Ryan, M. Kacira, P. Li. 2012. Algae raceway integrated design (ARID) for optimal temperature management. Biomass and Bioenergy. (In Press) <br /> <br /> Wheeler, R.M., C.A. Wehkamp, M.S. Stasiak, M.A. Dixon, and V.Y. Rygalov. 2011. Plants survive rapid decompression: Implications for bioregenerative life support. Adv. Space Res. 47:1600-1607.<br /> <br /> Wehkamp, CA, M Stasiak, J Lawson, N Yorio, G Stutte, J Richards, RM Wheeler and M Dixon. 2012. Radish (Raphanus sativa L. cv. Cherry Bomb II) Growth, Net Carbon Exchange Rate, and Transpiration at Decreased Atmospheric Pressure and/or Oxygen. Gravitational and Space Biology. 26: 3-16<br /> <br /> Wells. S., M. Chappell, J. Ruter, P. Thomas, and M. van Iersel. 2011. Monitoring substrate water content in nurseries: More efficient irrigation and reducing leaching and runoff. ASABE Paper No. : 1111254. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, p. 183-190.<br /> <br /> Yang, Z.-C.*, C. Kubota*, P.-L. Chia, and M. Kacira. 2012. Effect of end-of-day far-red light from a movable LED fixture on squash rootstock hypocotyl elongation. Scientia Horticulturae 136:81-86. [*equally contributing to the work].<br /> <br /> Zinati, G.M., J. Dighton, and A.J. Both. 2011. Fertilizer, irrigation and natural ericaceous root and soil inoculum (NERS): Effects on container-grown ericaceous nursery crop biomass, tissue nutrient concentration, and leachate nutrient quality. HortScience 46(5):799-807.<br /> <br /> Zheng Y, Carmichael J, Vinson K, Thompson C, Wang L and Dixon M. 2012. Sensor-Based Automated Irrigation System Can Save Water in Pot-in-Pot Acer rubrum Caliper Tree Production. American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. July 31-August 3, 2012. InterContinental Hotel, Miami, Florida, USA. <br /> <br /> Zheng Y, Carmichael J, Thompson C, Vinson K, Wang L and Dixon M. 2012. Automated Irrigation for Acer rubrum Caliper Tree Production. Landscape Ontario Growers Group Short Course, Feb 8, 2012. Royal Canadian Legion, Guelph. (Invited).<br /> <br /> Zheng Y, Vinson K, Wang K and Dixon M. 2012. Plants Responses to Irrigation Water Acidification. Landscape Ontario Growers Group Short Course, Feb 8, 2012. Royal Canadian Legion, Guelph. (Invited).<br /> <br /> Zheng Y and Dixon M. 2011. Lessons Learned in Sustainable/Organic Production. Canadian Greenhouse Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 4-6 October, 2011. (Invited).<br /> <br /> Zheng Y and Dixon. 2011. Alternative Growing Substrate Research in Canada. International Symposium on Responsible Peatland Management and Growing Media Production. Québec City, Canada, 13-17 June, 2011.Impact Statements
- The NCERA-101 group held its annual meeting in Cambridge, UK, and met with the UK and Australasian controlled environment groups.
- The NCERA-101 group collaborated with UK and Australasian controlled environment groups on developing guidelines for reporting environmental conditions in greenhouses. A draft version of the guidelines has been completed and we hope to finalize the guidelines in the coming year.
- The NCERA-101 group collaborated with Carnegie Mellon University on organizing a very successful NSF-funded workshop on Challenges in Vertical Farming (http://www.challengesinverticalfarming.org/)
Date of Annual Report: 06/11/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/09/2013
- 03/12/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please click on attached "Copy of Minutes" file for NCERA101's 2012/2013 annual report.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 10/24/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/12/2014
- 04/15/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached "Copy of Minutes" file for NCERA101's annual report.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 10/06/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/08/2015
- 07/11/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 07/07/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 07/07/2005
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached "Copy of Minutes" file for NCERA101's 2014/2015 annual report.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/17/2016
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/19/2016
- 09/22/2016
Period the Report Covers: 07/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 07/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCERA101's full 2015/2016 annual report.