OLD SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 03/11/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/08/2011
- 02/10/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
John Creech -- Mississippi State University;Daryl Bowman -- North Carolina State University;
Fred Allen -- University of Tennessee;
Monty Malone -- Worldwide SoyTechnologies;
Steve Sick -- Syngenta Seeds;
Don Dombek -- University of Arkansas;
Joshua Still -- University of Arkansas;
Rheta Pryor -- University of Arkansas;
Michael Emerson -- University of Arkansas;
Kimberly Rowe -- University of Arkansas;
Debra Ahrent -- University of Arkansas;
Clarence Watson -- Oklahoma State University;
Kathryn Glass -- Auburn University;
Howard Mason -- University of Missouri;
Donald Boquet -- LSU AgCenter;
Rick Mascagni -- LSU AgCenter;
Gene Olson -- University of Kentucky;
Eugene Lacefield -- University of Kentucky;
Kolter Kalberg -- University of Kentucky;
William Bruening -- University of Kentucky;
William Pearce -- University of Kentucky;
Marcelo Carena -- North Dakota State University;
Mike Hughes -- Pioneer Hi-Bred;
Marty Hale -- Terral Seed;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Tuesday, February 8
Evening reception hosted by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Wednesday, February 9
Registration - conducted by SCC-33 treasurer Debra Ahrent, University of Arkansas
The meeting began with Welcome and Announcements, by Clarence Watson, Oklahoma State University who gave an overview of SCC-33 and the current status of Multistate Hatch program as well as future scenarios for funding levels. Mike Hughes, Pioneer Hi-Bred International and Don Dombek, University of Arkansas, 2011 co-chairs welcomed the group and initiated personal introduction from the meeting attendees.
There were 24 meeting attendees (listed above).
Gene Olson, University of Kentucky, presented Forage Variety Testing in Kentucky. Gene gave a detailed presentation on his forage variety testing program covering techniques, equipment and methods for his forage and grazing trials.
Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky, discussed Evaluation for Wheat Varieties for Forage and Straw Yield Potential. Bill discussed the justification and methodology for conducting these specialized small grain variety tests.
Daryl Bowman, North Carolina State University, presented Forage Variety Testing in Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia and conducted an open discussion on the status state forage testing. It was decided to write a white paper advocating the need for forage variety testing by land-grant institutions. Daryl Bowman would spear head this effort with assistance from Don Dombek.
Daryl followed up the forage discussion with a presentations and discussions on Reporting Data Relative to Significance Levels and Horizontal vs. Vertical Blocking of Trials.
Eugene Lacefield, University of Kentucky, led a group discussion entitled Spatial Analyses, and primarily discussed how do you know when a test gets too big in size and what to do about this issue.
Kim Hurst and Michael Emerson, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, gave a presentation on Soybean Cultivar Disease Screening in Arkansas. They gave a program overview and discussed the techniques used for disease screening for the Arkansas soybean variety trials.
Josh Still, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, presented the results from the 2011 Survey of Variety Testing Procedures in the Southern Region. Discussion of posting the detailed results and how to include additional state programs followed. It was agreed that the survey questions will be edited and resubmitted for a later survey with the help of Bill Bruening (small grains) and John Creech (cotton).
Mike Hughes, Pioneer Hybrid International, gave an overview of Pioneer and discussed its research structure and its use and participation in state variety testing programs.
Bill Bruening, gave an update on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm) and discussed the new page, its content and why it was moved from Mississippi State.
Reception and dinner provided by Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Thursday, February 10
Continental breakfast and refreshments provided by Syngenta.
Daryl Bowman, Bill Bruening and Don Dombek discussed Traditional vs. Intensive Management of Wheat. Intensive management was defined by crop input applications. The pros and cons were discussed as well as justification for or against intensive management.
Don Boquet, LSU Ag Center presented Green Plant Malady: Factors Contributing to Green Soybean Plants at Maturity. Don discussed the many factors that may play a role in green plant complex. He discussed the interaction between the plant symptoms and varieties, disease, insects, environment and planting date.
Rick Mascagni, LSU Ag Center discussed Corn Fertility and fertilizer application techniques and his research findings.
James Thomas of Worldwide Soytechnologies received the 2011 Outstanding Service Award for his sustained contributions to variety testing and the SCC-33 organization. Monty Malone accepted the award on his behalf.
The Business Meeting was called to order by Don Dombek. Bruening motioned that last year's meeting minutes be accepted as posted on the website. The motion passed. Rick Mascagni, LSU was elected public 2012 co-chair. Marty Hale was elected industry co-chair. Marty was not present to accept or decline the position. In the event that Marty cannot serve as the industry rep, and alternative co-chair will be determined. Debra Ahrent presented the SCC-33 treasurers report. Future meeting sites were briefly discussed. It was also decided that SCC-33 would promote the 2012 meeting as an all inclusive meeting to include all variety testing programs in the country. The plan is to conduct a National Variety Testing Meeting in 2012, to foster new ideas, better meeting attendance and discussion.
During the current reporting period, SCC-33 sucessfully established a new web site (<a HREF= "http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm">http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm</a>)hosted by the University of Kentucky. The new site has been updated and additional archival information has been posted to the site.<br /> <br />Publications
The SCC-33 web site (<a HREF= "http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm">http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm</a>) contains linkages to the variety testing websites of many of the participating states where users may obtain state variety testing results and/or publications.Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/08/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/08/2012
- 02/10/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Bill Bruening -- University of Kentucky;Debra Ahrent -- University of Arkansas;
Dustin Harrell -- LSU Ag Center;
Howard Mason -- University of Missouri;
Kathryn Glass -- Auburn University;
Fred Allen -- University of Tennessee;
Bob Williams -- University of Tennessee;
Rocky Lemus -- Mississippi State University;
Joshua White -- Mississippi State University;
Monty Malone -- Bayer Crop Science;
Marty Hale, Terral Seed;
Rick Mascagni -- LSU AgCenter;
Brian Henry -- U. of Illinios;
Don Dombeck -- U. of Arkansas;
Cindy Arnevik -- Monsanto;
Darrin Joos -- University of Illinois;
Ralph Esgar -- U. of Illinois;
Marcelo Carena -- North Dakota State;
Daryl Bowman -- North Carolina State;
William Pearce -- U. or Kentucky;
Claire Venard -- U. or Kentucky;
Jessica Cole -- U. or Kentucky;
Zack Martin -- U. or Kentucky;
Chuck Wilson -- University of Arkansas;
Steve Sick -- Syngenta Seeds;
Joshua Still -- University of Arkansas;
Rheta Pryor -- University of Arkansas;
Richard Bond -- University of Arkansas;
Jerry Johnson -- Colorado State;
Adam Roth -- U. of Wisconsin-Madison;
Harry Behl -- Virginia Tech;
Anton Coy -- University of Georgia;
Clarence Watson -- University of Arkansas;
Brief Summary of Minutes
The 2012 Annual Meeting of SCC-33 and the University Crop Testing Alliance (UCTA) was March 8-10, at the Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA. Rick Mascsgni, Louisiana State University, and Marty Hale, Terral Seed Co., served as co-chairs for the meeting. Debra Ahrent of the University of Arkansas handled pre-registration and registration.An informal meet and greet reception was held from 6-8 pm on March 8, 2012 in the Grand Chapel Room at the Hilton. The event was well attended and facilitated early registration and provided an excellent opportunity to network with other attendees.
Thursday Match 9, 2012 (Prytania Room)
8:00 Welcome / Introductions, Rick Mascagni, LSU Ag Center
8:30 Overview of SCC-33, History, function of multistate information exchange group - Clarence Watson, Univ. of Arkansas
9:00 Overview of UCTA, History, function, goals - Darin Joos, Univ. of Illinois
9:30 Rice Variety Testing in Arkansas - Chuck Wilson, Jr. and Karen Moldenhauer, Univ. of Arkansas
10:00 Rice Variety Testing in Louisiana - Dustin Harrell, LSU AgCenter
10:15 Break
10:45 Overview of the Forage Testing Program at Mississippi State University - Joshua White and Rocky Lemus, Mississippi State Univ.
11:10 Forage Variety Testing in North Carolina - Daryl Bowman, North Carolina State Univ.
11:30 Glyphosate Tolerance Among Wheat Varieties - Bill Bruening, Univ. of Kentucky
12:00pm Lunch
1:30 The Future of Herbicide Tolerant Traits in Soybeans and Implications on Yield Testing Programs; Evaluating Multiple Trait and Herbicide Combinations - Cindy Arnevik, Monsanto
2:00 Corn Testing - Different Versions of the Same Hybrid How do we Handle This? - Panel Discussion: Steve Sick (Syngenta Seeds), Daryl Bowman (NCSU), and Rick Mascagni (LSU Ag Center)
3:00 Break
3:30 Effect of Plant Spacing on Corn Grain Yield - Daryl Bowman (NCSU) and Don Dombek (Univ. of Arkansas)
4:00 Animal Control in Research Plots - Open discussion: Rick Mascagni (LSU Ag Center)
4:30 Reporting Data - Harry Behl (Virginia Tech), Marcelo Carena (North Dakota State Univ.), Daryl Bowman, and Rick Mascagni
5:30 Adjourn
Friday 2/10/12 (Prytania Room):
7-8:00am Beakfast
8:00 Incomplete Block Design - Fred Allen, Univ. of Tennessee
8:30 Proc Trend Analyses on Your PC - Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
9:00 TFPlan - A New Version of a Randomization Software -Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
9:30 Dixon's Outlier Procedure - Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
10:00 New Online National Variety Testing Survey - Josh Still (Univ. of Arkansas) and Jessica Cole (Univ. of Kentucky)
10:30 SCC-33 Business meeting
-- 2011 SCC-33 meeting minutes were approved.
-- Awards: The 2009 SCC-33 Outstanding Service Award was presented to Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky. Bill has twice served as chair of SCC-33 and helped to organize meetngs, including the first joint meeting of SCC-33 and the University Crop Testing Alliance (UCTA) in 2010.;
-- The Group thanked Rick Mascagni and Marty Hale for the excellent meeting ar rangements.
-- Fred Allen, University of Tennessee, and Monte Malone, Bayer Crop Science, were elected as co-chairs for 2012-13.
-- Fred and Monte will survey the group to determine the best meeting time and place for next year.
10:45 Adjourn
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/22/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/05/2013
- 02/07/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Rheta Pryor rpryor@uark.edu;Joshua Still jas20@uark.edu;
Richard Bond rbond@uark.edu;
Darin Joos joos@illinois.edu;
Clarence Watson cwatson1@uark.edu;
Bob Uniatowski bobuni@udel.edu;
Steve Sick steve.sick@nutechseed.com;
Rick Mascagni hmascagni@agcenter.lsu.edu;
Kathy Glass glasskm@auburn.edu;
Anton Coy coy@uga.edu;
Ronnie Schnell Ronnie.schnell@ag.tamu.edu;
Fred Allen allenf@utk.edu;
Bob Williams jwilli31@utk.edu;
Monty Malone monty.malone@bayer.com;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Monday, Feb. 4, 2013
Meet and Greet/Registration in Hotel 5:00 - 7:00Monday
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013 Hilton Ponce Hotel
8:00 Welcome & Introductions -- Monty Malone & Fred Allen, 2013 Co-Chairs
8:30 Clarence Watson, Arkansas AES(Admin. Advisor) -- SCC 33 Update
9:00 Bob Williams, University of Tennessee -- TN Standardized County Variety Testing Program
9:30 Steve Nichols, U.S. Agronomics, Bayer Crop Sciences -- OVT and Internal Variety Testing- a Bayer CropScience Perspective
10:00 Ronnie Schnell, Texas A&M -- Texas A&M AgriLife Research Crop Testing Program
10:30 Break
11:15 Rick Mascagni, Louisana State University -- Influence of Planting Date on Corn Yield Performance and Seed
Quality for Seven Corn Hybrids Produced on Mississippi River Alluvial Soils
12:00 Lunch At the Hotel: Sponsored by SCC-33 & Bayer CropScience
1:30 Sylvia Cianzo, Iowa State University -- Overview of Iowa State's Soybean Breeding Program in PR
2:00 Fred Allen, University of Tennessee -- Choosing Corn and Soybean Varieties Best Suited for Irrigation in TN
2:30 Group Open Discussion -- How Do You Determine When to Split Out "New Trait Technologies"
Into Separate Tests vs. Including Them With Other Technologies?
3:00 Break
3:30 Request from Larry Heatherly and Panel Discussion (Fred Allen and Monty Malone)-- Uniform Soybean Variety Names Across OVT Tests
4:30 Business Meeting
New Chairs:
Industry: Steve Sick
University: Ronald Schnell
Location -- Steve Sick and Ronnie Schnell will work together to identify the next meeting location as soon as possible
The 2013 Industry Service Award was presented to Monty Malone
5:14 Adjourn
Wednesday, Feb.6, 2013: Tour of Bayer CropScience Continous Nursery-Sabana Grande, PR
8:30 Depart Hotel-Carpool or Caravan
9:00 Arrive at Sabana Grande
Bayer CropScience Continuous Nursery
9:30 Victor Torres, Bayer CropScience Welcome & Station Overview
Soybean Traits Introgression Manager
10:00 Field Tour of Site
12:00 Lunch-Grilling on the "Deck" Provided by Continuous Nursery Staff-Bayer CropScience
Thursday, Feb.7, 2013: Tours of Monsanto Multi-Season Program Site-Juana Diaz, PR
8:00 Depart Hotel-Carpool or Caravan
8:30 Arrive at Juana Diaz - Monsanto MultiSeason Program Site
9:00 Juan Santiago, Monsanto Safety and Site Presentation
Site Manager
9:30 Field Tour of Site
12:00 Adjourn
For further information available on <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm"> SCC-33 website<br /> </a>.<br /> <br /> <br />Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/05/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/10/2014
- 02/12/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Rheta Pryor rpryor@uark.edu;Joshua Still jas20@uark.edu;
Richard Bond rbond@uark.edu;
Darin Joos joos@illinois.edu;
Clarence Watson cwatson1@uark.edu;
Steve Sick steve.sick@nutechseed.com;
Rick Mascagni hmascagni@agcenter.lsu.edu;
Kathy Glass glasskm@auburn.edu;
Anton Coy coy@uga.edu;
Ronnie Schnell Ronnie.schnell@ag.tamu.edu;
Fred Allen allenf@utk.edu;
Monty Malone monty.malone@bayer.com;
Stephen Guy sguy@wsu.edu;
Jeff Edwards jeff.edwards@okstate.edu;
Brad Stancil bstanci@clemson.edu;
Carrie Brinton carrie_brinton@ncsu.edu;
Robert Calhoun robert.calhoun@okstate.edu;
Grover Shannon ShannonG@missouri.edu;
Debra Ahrent dahrent@uark.edu;
John D. Gassett gassett@uga.edu;
Richard Roeder rroeder@uark.edu;
Chris McKone mckonec@almaco.com;
Lingxiao Zhang lzhang@chromatininc.com;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Monday, Feb. 10, 2014Meet and Greet/Registration in Hotel Lobby 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014 Holiday Inn Riverwalk
8:00 am Welcome and Introductions - Steve Sick and Ronnie Schnell (2014 Co-Chairs)
8:30 am Oklahoma Wheat Variety Testing: It's two crops in one! - Dr. Jeff Edwards, Oklahoma state Uiversity
9:00 am Sorghum Ratoon Cropping - Dr. Rick Mascagni, Louisiana State University
9:30 am - Grain Legume Variety Evaluation on the Palouse: 20 years of Pulse Crop Extension - Stephen Guy, Washington State University
10:00-10:30 am- Break
10:30 am -Overview of the Georgia Statewide Variety Testing Program John D. Gassett
11:00 am - Can Publicly Developed Soybean Varieties Compete Dr. Grover Shannon
11:30 am - Survey of Variety Testing Procedures in the Southern Region Joshua Still
12:00 – 1:00 pm - Lunch Provided- Sky Line Atrium
1:00 pm - Update: Texas Corn Producers - David Gibson
1:30 pm - ALMACO - New Research Equipment Technologies- Chris McKone
2:30 pm - Data Management for Variety Testing Programs -Dr. Ronnie Schnell
3:00 – 3:30 pm -Break
3:30 pm - Choosing Testing Locations Based on Genetic Variance Expression - Dr. Fred Allen
4:00 pm - Variety Testing Using Spatial Analysis
4:30 pm - Business Meeting
Presiding: 2014 Industry and University chairs (respectively):
Steve Sick, NuTech Seed
Ronnie Schnell, Texas A+M University
Glass (Auburn University) received the 2014 variety testing service award.
All presenters agreed to allow their presentations to be put on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm ) .
Darin Joos with the University of Illinois is hosting UCTA meeting this summer. The location is yet TBD.
• Comment was made to get more northern interaction in the SCC-33 meeting.
o Email invitation was sent to all universities in the directory
Nominations were made for the 2015 chairs: Monty Malone with Bayer Crop Science and Dr. Fred Allen with the University of Tennessee were nominated. Both accepted the nomination and will chair the 2015 meeting.
Monte and Fred will work together to identify the 2015 meeting location as soon as possible.
5:00 pm Adjourn
Further information available on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm)Publications
Further information available on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm)Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/01/2015
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/02/2015
- 02/04/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/01/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/01/2015
Joshua Still jas20@uark.edu;Richard Bond rbond@uark.edu;
Darin Joos joos@illinois.edu;
Clarence Watson cwatson1@uark.edu;
Rick Mascagni hmascagni@agcenter.lsu.edu;
Kathy Glass glasskm@auburn.edu;
Fred Allen allenf@utk.edu;
Monty Malone monty.malone@bayer.com ;
Stephen Guy sguy@wsu.edu;
Brad Stancil bstanci@clemson.edu;
Carrie Brinton carrie_brinton@ncsu.edu;
Robert Calhoun robert.calhoun@okstate.edu;
Debra Ahrent dahrent@uark.edu;
John D. Gassett gassett@uga.edu;
Chris McKone mckonec@almaco.com;
Reuben Moore reubenm@mafes.msstate.edu;
Brad Burgess brad.burges@msstate.edu ;
Anna Sprinzl anna.sprinzl@haldrup.net;
Jeff Stone jeff.stone@haldrup.net;
Charlie Faggard charles.faggard@bayer.com;
Josh Mayfield josh.mayfield@bayer.com;
Sally Sauer sally.sauer@colostate.edu;
Allen Wilson alen@junipersys.com;
Todd Vincent vincentt@almaco.com;
Steve Sick steve.sick@nutechseed.com;
Matt Knori matt.knorri@okstate.edu;
Mark Antle mea5@psu.edu;
Jim Breining jab94@psu.edu;
Hanna Wells hlw5004@psu.edu;
Scott Harkcom wsh1@psu.edu;
Bill Boone web17@psu.edu;
Phil DeVillez pld@purdue.edu;
Marty Hale mhale@terralseed.com;
Don Dombek ddombek@uark.edu;
Barry Brecke bjbe@ufl.edu;
Keith Ames kaames@Illinois.edu;
Bill Bruening Bruening@email.uky.edu;
Cam Kenimer ckenimer@uky.edu;
Ron Curd rcurd@uky.edu;
William Schelp schelpw@missouri.edu;
Elizabeth Rucker egrucker@vt.edu
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting2015 National Variety Testing Information Exchange Group Annual Meeting
February 2 - 4, 2015
Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa, Destin FL
Monday, February 2
5:00 – 7:00 pm - Registration/Meet and Greet
Tuesday, February 3
8:00am - Welcome and Introductions - Monty Malone & Fred Allen
8:30am - History of SCC 33 Coordinating Committee & Status of Project Renewal - Dr. Clarence Watson, Admin. Advisor
9:00am - Value of Disease Ratings in Variety Testing Programs (University view) - Bill Bruening
9:30am - Value of Disease Ratings in Variety Testing Programs (Company view)- Monty Malone
10:00 – 10:30am Break
10:30am Does Yield Ranking of Corn Hybrids in a Variety Test Depend on Plant Population - Fred Allen
11:00am Examples of Equipment & Procedure Innovations in Variety Testing Programs - Carrie Brinton
11:45 – 1:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm - HarvestMaster Update - Allen Wilson
2:15pm ALMACO – New research Equipment Technologies - Todd Vincent
3:00 – 3:30 pm - Break
3:30pm - HALDRUP Field Research Equipment - Anna Sprinzl
4:15pm - Variety Testing Fee Protocols - Bill Bruening
4:45 - Adjourn
Wednesday, February 4
8:00am - MAFES Variety Testing - Reuben Moore
8:15am - Variety Mixes vs. Component Varieties - Stephen Guy
8:45am - Consistency in reporting Variety Names In Different Stat’s Yield Test Reports - Charlie Faggard
9:00am - Business Meeting:
Presiding: 2015 Industry and University Co-Chairs (respectively):
Monty Malone, Bayer CropScience;
Fred Allen, University of Tennessee
Monty Malone (Bayer CropScience) received the 2015 SCC-33 Service Award
Debbie Ahrent (University of Arkansas) received an award for her years of service as Secretary/Treasurer for the SCC-33 group.
Presentations, by permission, will be added to the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm ) .
Darin Joos with the University of Illinois stated the 2015 UCTA meeting will be held the second week of August. Colorado or Michigan State will host.
Nominations for the 2016 SCC-33 co-chairs: John Gassett (University of Georgia), Darin Joos (University of Illinois), and Todd Vincent (ALMACO) were nominated and elected by acclamation.
Darin Joos will serve as Liaison to the UCTA.
The new chairmen will begin working on the 2016 agenda and meeting location as soon as possible.