WERA1002: Managed Grazing Systems for the Intermountain West
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 03/02/2004
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/06/2004
- 01/06/2004
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
Cheyney, Charles (Chad) (ccheyney@uidaho.edu)-University of Idaho;Delaney, Ron (rdelaney@uwyo.edu)-University of Wyoming;
Drake, David (davidd@ext.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Faller, Timothy (timothy.faller@nsdu.noch.edu)-North Dakota State University;
Gerrish, Jim (jrgerrish@shighway.com)-Grazing Consultant;
Gerth, Gary (gary-gerth@ut.nacdnet.org)-Producer and GLCI;
Goodrich, Kerry (Kerry.Goodrich@ut.usda.gov)-NRCS;
Griggs, Tom (tgriggs@ext.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Haskell, John (jhaskell@cc.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Hill, Bob (bobh@ext.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Holbrook, Todd-Rancher;
Jacobs, Jim (jjj@uwyo.edu)-University of Wyoming;
Jensen, Kevin B. (Kevin@cc.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
MacAdam, Jennifer (jenmac@cc.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Merkley, Errol (ejmerk@ubtanet.com)-Producer;
Nyren, Paul E. (grasland@ndsuext.nodak.edu)-North Dakota State University;
Palmer, Matt (mattp@ext.usu.edu)-Utah State University;
Snyder, Don (don.snyder@usu.edu)-University of Utah;
Vest, Grant (gvest@cc.usu.edu)-USDA ARS;
Waldron, Blair (Blair.waldron@usu.edu)-Utah State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Participants included 15 public sector personnel and five stakeholders. Items for the WCC-1002 web site currently under construction should be forwarded to Don Snyder as a PDF or MSWord file or a connecting link. It was suggested that links to other agencies, such as NRCS, also be included on the WCC-1002 web site. There was interest in pursuing travel funding for private sector project members (in the range of $500 per producer), and Jennifer MacAdam will follow up on this. A goal of two stakeholders per state as official participants of the committee was suggested, and these individuals could include representatives of ag business.It was proposed that future programs combine a review of public sector research followed by feedback on research priorities from private sector members, and a program that will address an issue of interest to stakeholders. Recommendations on research priorities made by stakeholders in listening sessions held at Utah State University in 1997 and in the Northeast Region in 1998 were summarized by Jennifer MacAdam preliminary to a similar discussion of research priorities among committee members. Public sector members briefly outlined their current research, and comments were solicited from private sector members. Future managed grazing systems research priorities for the Intermountain West were discussed and prioritized. The issues of greatest interest to the members were divided into two categories: sociological issues and bio-physical issues. Three sociological issues were identified as (in order) changing producer attitudes, follow-up or peer support for change, and the impact of externalities on producers. Five bio-physical issues were identified as (in order) the transferability of plant materials across environments, the question of whether grass-based products were really better, the restoration of cheatgrass infested ranges, the challenges associated with the wildlife-domestic livestock grazing interface, and nutrient management in dairy production. Other concerns of interest were pasture seeding and establishment, the need for recommendations that would work within the constraints of real farms, and the reliability of the quality of beef finished on grass. Protocols for trials of hay and pasture plant species or varieties were reviewed by Tom Griggs, and several details were discussed: Should grazing be based on developmental stage or height? How long should paddocks be grazed? What developmental criteria should be met before newly planted stands are grazed or cut for the first time (e.g., does a grass need to go through one reproductive cycle?).
The program for the next meeting will include brief oral state reports (plus a written report of no more than two pages with the same information written for producers) followed by a producer breakout session and feedback on the research presentations in the morning, and an afternoon presentation that addresses a stakeholder-identified issue. The issue of greatest overall interest was changing producer attitudes, and two speakers were suggested: Mark Brunson from Utah State University and Lori Higgins from the University of Idaho. Although he was not able to be present, Doug Zalesky was elevated to chair of WCC-1002, and Paul Nyren was elected vice-chair. Chad Cheyney opted to continue as secretary. The next meeting will be in Salt Lake City and will be arranged for early January to coincide with a meeting of the BEHAVE advisory board, so members of both can attend the two meetings consecutively. The goal will be for WCC-1002 to meet on a Friday following the BEHAVE meeting. Following the WCC-1002 meeting, Mark Brunson (also a member of the BEHAVE advisory board) agreed to speak at the next WCC-1002 meeting, and Doug Zalesky informed the past chair that he will be unable to serve as chair due to budget constraints. While there was good interaction between the two WCC committees, it was clear the initial interest in merging the committees was not appropriate.
Objective 1: The web site for WCC-1002 will be hosted by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, and Don Snyder has been working with the UAES webmaster to establish the site. Don presented the basic structure of the site, and was given feedback. In the coming year the web site should be developed to the point where participants can begin to uplink publications.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Objective 2: Standard protocols for both irrigated hay and grazing studies were supplied by Glenn Shewmaker and presented at the meeting by Tom Griggs. These protocols are being developed by Glenn for application in the West in collaboration with scientists at the University of Wisconsin. Several suggestions for revision will be made to Glenn, but the draft protocols will provide a good basis for newly established grazing and forage production studies.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Objective 3:<br /> <br>Colorado: Three different grass/legume mixes were established on a center pivot irrigation system that will be evaluated under intensive grazing with yearling cattle. A fourth mix with Italian ryegrass will be established in the spring of 2004. A field day was held on September 4, 2003 in which approximately 25 participants viewed and discussed the established mixes.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Idaho: We conducted two successful grazing schools this past summer. One in Salmon at the Cummings Center and one with the help of a past graduate and continuing student in the Soda Springs area.The success of our Management intensive Grazing (MiG) schools cannot be measured in numbers of participants. Rather it can be measured in a change in philosophy (a change in paradigms if you wish) in how participants think about the industry they are in. Most, if not all, of our students come away knowing that they are in the energy business. That is, their job is to capture solar energy in plants and covert that energy into a saleable product such as pounds of beef or chicken or whatever. We also spent time developing a SARE grant proposal that made the first cut but were unsuccessful in getting it funded during the second round. A lot of time and effort went into this proposal and it needs to be funded through some source of funds so that we can demonstrate the benefits of MiG in an actual setting since all of us tend to be from Missouri and need to be shown in our on backyard that something will indeed work. We are going ahead with at least part of the project proposal at the Cummings Center since we have created a "summer calving" set of cows to better match the energy and grass cycle with the idea that we can cut winter feeding costs and thus lower the cost of production and in turn hopefully increase the bottom line. The thing this project will lack is the ability to track changes in soil fertility, compaction, nutrient cycling, etc. With some 12-13 alumni in Custer County, I have a small nucleus of grazers that ask for advise and encouragement. I have spent some time with them as well as helping with the grazing schools which take approximately 4 days of preparation for the four days of school at a minimum. Word is also spreading and other producers are asking questions and seeking advise.<br /> <br><br /> <br>North Dakota (Nyren): A long term grazing intensity study was initiated at Central Grasslands Research Extension Center (CGREC). The study includes five levels of grazing intensity. These are: No grazing, light, moderate, heavy, and extreme grazing. The goals of this research are to determine the effect of grazing intensity on livestock performance and profitability, and its effect on the sustainability of forage production. Long term (15 years) to date indicate that forage production has decreased on the non-grazed pastures and on the extreme grazed pastures. A simulated drought study was recently imposed on the grazing intensity study to evaluate the impact of both the level of grazing and the effect of drought. A means of controlling the amount of precipitation on the pastures was needed. For this purpose, Paul designed and built small portable, automated, low cost rainout shelters that could be placed on similar ranges on the normal and extreme grazed pastures. The objectives of this study are to evaluate forage production and species composition of native range subjected to simulated drought, average precipitation, and naturally occurring precipitation. The design of an ecosystem model for grassland management in the Missouri Coteau of North Dakota. This study will measure specific eco-physiological features of nine range plants and soil characteristics for the understanding of important plant-soil processes. The expected outcome of this research will capture the general pattern of long term ecosystem dynamics and reveal the ecological complexity of these systems. Paul coordinates two major public range tours of Central Grasslands Research Extension Center each year in which scientists and speakers from various agencies including ND Game and Fish, ND Forest Service, NRCS, etc. make presentations to the public on various range management topics.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Utah (MacAdam): Data were collected for the final year of a three-year-long grazing study of eight grass-legume mixtures under rotational stocking. Preliminary data analyses were completed and data comparing the productivity of the mixtures in the grazing study to the same mixtures in an earlier simulated grazing were presented at the CSSA meeting.<br /> <br>Utah (Snyder): Continued work on enterprise budgets related to data collected by ADVS and PSB scientists.<br /> <br><br /> <br>Wyoming: Among 16 species evaluated near Cheyenne, WY, the wildryes (altai, basin, Russian) maintained dry matter better through the winter than other species. Forage kochia had the best winter forage quality. However, before this species can be further promoted, reliable establishment methods need to be developed. A sterile, high-sugar corn provided sufficient nutritional base to support body weight gain of pregnant beef cows in the fall and early winter. Animals performed better on stockpiled standing corn than on windrowed corn. After 5 years of winter grazing of summer windrowed grass meadows, compared with hay feeding on the same meadow, windrow grazing, properly managed, is a suitable alternative to feeding baled forage to beef cows in winter.Publications
Impact Statements
- Colorado: The impact of this committee on our programs to date has been the contacts made and the future potential for collaborative research, especially with Utah State University scientists.
- Idaho: County faculty in Valley County are cooperating with NRCS, the Valley Soil and Water Conservation District and Valley County Weed Control to develop pasture renovation trials and assist land owners with pasture renovation using a drill purchased with grand funds. In Ada and Canyon Counties Extension Educator co-teach pasture management short courses for new grazers and provide individual consolation with clientele interested in pasture management or redevelopment.
- Idaho: In Elmore, Gooding, Nez Perce, Valley and Idaho Counties, county faculty provide extensive individualize consultation to assist operators, and small landowner in identifying management practices appropriate for their operations, as well as hold at least one class, seminar or field day annually. Two 4-day hands-on grazing workshops were presented during 2003.
- North Dakota (Faller): Interaction with this committee has widened my horizons as I continue my work on multi-species grazing to control the invasive plant leafy spurge. I have made 12 presentations in the last 12 months on this topic.
- North Dakota (Nyren): Distribution of 50,000 copies of Central Grasslands
- Impact 6: Utah (Griggs) As a new member in 2004, impact to date has been the opportunity to share ideas with research, extension, and producer counterparts regarding most effective ways to deliver relevant educational materials.
- Impact 7: Utah(Snyder): Producers and others will be able to access a variety of pasture publications via the new web-site that is being established. Three papers with Layne Coppock in the College of Natural Resources dealing with drought and adoption of forage enhancing technologies, with emphasis on irrigated pastures, are in preparation. The data analysis included a very large LP model.
- Impact 8: Wyoming: Farmers and ranchers are beginning to see that there are forage resources that, with appropriate management, can be grazed through the winter, reducing reliance on stored forage and lowering cost of their operations.
- Plans for 2004 Web site development should be completed early in 2004, after which participants can begin to uplink appropriate media. Both the hay and pasture protocols should be completed in 2004. Utah and Colorado have discussed joint forage evaluations. Members will continue to jointly participate in field days and workshops. Plans are to expand stakeholder participation in 2005.
Date of Annual Report: 02/23/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/07/2005
- 01/07/2005
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
Brief Summary of Minutes
Accomplishments<br /> 1. Don Snyder was to develop a web page for the committee but later was told that Utah State could not host such a web site. Paul Nyren is now developing the web site that will be located on the NDSU server.<br /> <br /> 2. Dr. Mark Brunson and Ms. Carrie Kennedy attended the meeting and Dr. Brunson gave an hour long talk on reasons and barriers to the adaptation of new technologies. Following Marks talk there was a lengthy discussion on the topic and what we can do to assist in the adaptation of change.<br /> 3. Dr. Roy Roth, Colorado State Univ.and Dr. Jimmie Richardson, North Dakota State Univ. Gave a presentation on Processes Based Management . The committee voted unanimously to write a letter of support for this multi-state research proposal.<br /> 4. Glenn Shewmaker has developed a draft Protocol for regional testing of grazing-related forage species. Since Glenn was unable to attend the meeting no further action was taken on this item.<br /> <br />Publications
Impact Statements
- North Dakota State University, Central Grasslands Research Extension Center received a SARE grant for a two year project to demonstrate Best Management Practices on a model farm, to work one-on-one with producers to establish rangeland monitoring programs on their ranches and work with the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative to incorporate rangeland monitoring in the producer mentoring program. This project will have extensive producer participation.
- In the belief that the taxpayer are the stakeholders in the Land Grant system the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center has developed an annual report that is widely distributed across the region as an insert in several local news papers and in a trade paper the Western Livestock Reporter. Fourth Thousand copies of the report are distributed in this manner.
- Participants in extension workshops, classes and consultations significantly changed their perspective and understanding of ecosystem principles leading to improved management of irrigated pastures. Improved understanding resulted in increased economic sustainability, through improved productivity, reduced purchased and fossil fuel inputs and reduced potential for undesirable impacts on land and water resources.
- In Valley County, as a result of no-till planting demonstrations, the cooperator has selected an appropriate herbicide to suppress growth before no-till drilling, and now intends to do all of his future pasture and alfalfa planting with a no-till drill, reducing the use of fossil fuel and lowering the risk of significant erosion.
- Pre- and post- testing at the Lost Rivers Grazing Academy (LRGA)indicates that all 36 participants increased their understanding of pasture ecosystems and management. All participants indicated that they had learned things at the LRGA that they intended to implement on their farm or ranch in the next 6 months. Several individuals who have attended the LRGA have reported greatly improved harvesting efficiency from implementing the principles that they learned.
- One operator from the Mackay area had been contemplating haying 86 acres of poorly irrigated ground. As a result of what he learned at the LRGA, he decided to graze the area instead. This resulted in an increased additional $600 in net profit over what had been anticipated from haying the land.
- Another operator, from the Salmon area, reported that he was unable to borrow funds to put up hay on his ranch in 2003. He decided to implement what he had learned at the LRGA. By stock piling feed as standing feed during the summer and rationing it out during the winter, he determined that it saved him $10,000 to $15,000 in 2003 and permitted him to stay in business and actually flourish. During 2004 he stockpiled forage again, and he may not have to feed any hay during the winter of 2004-05.
Date of Annual Report: 08/16/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/16/2006
- 06/16/2006
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2005 - 06/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2005 - 06/01/2006
Brief Summary of Minutes
Objective 1. This objective is still in the development stage and has yet to be completely implemented.<br /> <br /> Objective 2. This objective was completed at the 2006 meeting in Salmon, Idaho and has yet to have a major impact on programs. The accomplishments are:<br /> <br /> Utah<br /> o Jennifer MacAdam has established a field study in the Intermountain West to determine the value of numerous cool-season grasses, warm-season grasses, legumes and forbs in extraction of moisture and utilization of nitrogen from a deep soil profile to reduce the likelihood of nitrate leaching to groundwater in irrigated pastures.<br /> Colorado<br /> o Currently working on revising the Intermountain Grass and Legume Forage Production Manual@ for western Colorado. Revision should be out in the spring of 2007.<br /> o Obtained grant to start work on an integrated crop/livestock production system using kura clover as a living mulch in annual no-till cropping systems.<br /> o Working with the city of Parker on converting irrigated crop land to dryland species that will include grasses for grazing.<br /> North Dakota<br /> o The CGREC received a grant from SARE and the North Dakota Natural Resources Trust to establish an extension rangeland specialist to work one-on-one with producers on establishing rangeland monitoring sites on their ranches.<br /> o The NDSU Ag. Experiment Station received a $95,500 to establish grass and grass-legume plots at 6 locations throughout central and western North Dakota. These plots will be used to study the use of these grasses and grass legume mixtures for biomass for ethanol production.<br /> <br /> Objective 3. This objective has had the most impact on state programs as is indicated on the following accomplishments:<br /> <br /> Utah<br /> o Jennifer MacAdam and Tom Griggs organized a symposium for Division C-6, Forage and Grazinglands, at the Crop Science Society of America meeting in November 2005 entitled Beyond the Plant: Biodiversity Impacts on the Grazing Animal, that explored the emerging issue of the impact of plant diversity on ruminants.<br /> o Jennifer MacAdam presented a poster at the XX International Grassland Congress in Dublin, Ireland and attended a satellite meeting in Cork, Ireland on the Utilization of Grazed Grass in Temperate Animal Systems.<br /> o Jennifer MacAdam and a graduate student attended a workshop at The Land Institute in May of 2005, where there is interest in breeding perennial grains by crossing annuals and perennials, and fertilization with biologically fixed nitrogen. Parallels with forage systems were discussed with the staff and workshop attendees.<br /> Idaho<br /> o The Lost River Grazing Academy was presented twice at the Nancy M. Cummings Research Extension and Education Center near Salmon. This 4-day, hands-on short course provides operators and interested agency personnel an introduction to the principles of management-intensive grazing of irrigated pastures.<br /> o Ada, Owahee and Canyon County extension educators, with the help of local NRCS personnel presented a 12-hour pasture short course and tour. The program was designed to introduce new rural landowners to land use planning, inventory of resources, soil sustainability, water sustainability, plant sustainability and management and animal sustainability and management.<br /> o Extension educators from Nez Perez, Latah, Clearwater and Idaho counties organized and conducted a workshop and tour addressing pasture management issues. <br /> o A survey of 100 past participants in the lost River Grazing Academy was conducted to examine changes in their attitudes and grazing practices. The survey obtaining approximately a 50% response rate and the data is presently in the process of analysis.<br /> North Dakota<br /> o The Central Grasslands Research Extension Center (CGREC) published an annual report that was distributed to 35,000 residents of the State of North Dakota through an insert in several of the daily newspapers and a 1000+ mailing list.<br /> o The CGREC conducted a day long workshop on identifying indicators of rangeland health. The workshop used a wide variety of learning mediums including time in the field identifying indicator on the ground.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- o Following the 2004 meeting discussion on grazing protocols Jennifer McAdams and Tom Griggs has made presentations to nearly 400 producers. Of these some 60 to 80 individuals have implemented one or more improvements in pasture and grazing management.
- o The Lost River Grazing Academy utilizing some information from the 2004 discussion has presented a 4-day, hands-on short course provides operators and interested agency personnel an introduction to the principles of management-intensive grazing of irrigated pastures.
- o Utilizing information presented in 2005 by Dr. Mark Brunson and Ms. Carrie Kennedy on reasons and barriers to the adaptation of new technologies. A grant was developed and submitted to SARE for a rangeland Extension Specialist to work one-on-one with producers to set up rangeland monitoring on private land. This grant was funded for $92,000 in 2005.
- o Discussion at the 2005 meeting by Dr. Jimmy Richardson and Dr. Roy Roth has led to the development of a research project at NDSUs Central Grasslands Res. Ext. Center led by Dr. Kevin Sedivec on rangeland management systems and their impact on soil hydrology and morphology.
Date of Annual Report: 09/18/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/20/2007
- 07/20/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Brief Summary of Minutes
Accomplishments 2006-07:<br /> Objective #1<br /> Committee members completed compiling information from their personal files on related to expertise and publications related to sustainable grazing management and have submitted and published on the projects web page. <br /> <br /> Objective #2<br /> -The committee developed and finalized a protocol for use of in evaluating grazing related forage species and varieties. The protocol has been published on the committees web page.<br /> <br /> Colorado<br /> -Work is underway with a study of living mulches utilizing Kura clover. Preliminary results indicate that this system can reduce runoff and erosion as well as can be grazed. Work needs to continue on how to properly suppress the clover during the crop production phase.<br /> -Irrigation water is becoming more limited in eastern Colorado as urban areas increase. A grants was obtain and a project inicated to study limited irrigation practices in perennial and annual crop production, including pastures.<br /> -An organic dairy in eastern Coloration is likely to fund a project to evaluate establishment and of perennial forage for using in organic pasture production. Planting of the trial is anticipated to begin in the August of 2007<br /> <br /> Utah<br /> -Tom Griggs worked on the Assessment of Dietary Energy Availability in Utah Forage Crops via Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. The project looked at a wide range of forages to evaluate approaches to determining digestibility and energy density<br /> Jennifer MacAdam began green house studies to screen C3 and C4 plants for root growth and density and determination of water and nitrogen uptake. Results of the greenhouse study will be used to develop large scale studies to evaluate the use of promising mixtures on livestock performance.<br /> -RL Miller began a replicated field study to look at the impact of management intensive grazing practices on water infiltration bulk density and nutrient cycling and loss in grazed vs. mechanically harvested plots.<br /> BL Waldron, et all is evaluating improved germplasm developed by ARS in research and large scale plots. Materials are being subjected to livestock grazing and evaluated on the basis of livestock performance and palatability. Results will be used in further germplasam development<br /> <br /> Idaho<br /> -Work was continued on collection of data in the west for development of reliable equations for the predication of herbage mass from pasture height, measured with pasture sticks, plate meters and visual appraisal. <br /> -Work continued on development of a pasture monitoring guide and score sheet similar to the one used in Missouri to assist western irrigated pasture operators in evaluation the condition of their pastures and identifying practices that would lead to more productive and sustainable pastures.<br /> <br /> North Dakota<br /> -The Grazing Intensity Trial, begun in 1988 continues. This project has generated over 2000000 data entries and has created a valuable set of background data upon which other studies have built upon.<br /> -CGREC is working w with NDSU animal scientists to evaluate winter swath grazing of several species of forages, which has the potential for lowering winter feeding cost for producers<br /> -CGREC works with School of Natural Resources and NDSU to examining the effect of grazing practices on soil structure and hydrology.<br /> <br /> Objective #3<br /> Idaho<br /> -The Lost Rivers Grazing Academy continues to be present twice a year at Salmon, ID. This 4-day, hands-on workshop recently won a national award from the national Association of County Agricultural Agents in the Search for Excellences. Poster presentations were made at the National GLCI meeting in St Louis and at ________________ in Ireland. The program is instructed by a combination of extension agents, specialist and private consults. Approximately 40 individuals per year attend the program.<br /> -Glenn Shewmaker in cooperation extension specialists from Utah, Oregon and Washington developed syllabus and materials for an in-depth pasture workshop directed at professionals form extension, government, NRCS, conservation districts and industry. The workshop was presented in Prineville OR in May of 2007 and will be presented in September of 2007 at Salmon, ID.<br /> <br /> North Dakota<br /> -CGREC received a grant to provide one on one training to producers in ranch land monitoring .<br /> -CGREC hosted a tour for the facility for University administrators.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- Objective #1 - 2007 -the committee consolidated their various reference materials and posted them to the committee website
- Objective #2 - 2007 -the protocol for evaluation of grazing materials was completed and posted to the committee website
- Objective #3 - 2007 -the Lost River Grazing Academy has been presented to 60 operators and educational professionals during the last 3 years. Virtually all of the operators report that they have successfully implemented practices and principles that were covered in the Academy resulting in increased production and profitability. Several operators have reported significant improvement in their financial condition.
- Objective #3 - 2007 The WSARE funded intensive-grass workshop has been presented to approximately 100 extension, NRCS, soil conservation districts, and industry personnel who regularly consult with pasture operators.
- Objective #2 - 2006 - Discussion at the 2005 meeting by Dr. Jimmy Richardson and Dr. Roy Roth has led to the development of a research project at NDSUs Central Grasslands Res. Ext. Center led by Dr. Kevin Sedivec on rangeland management systems and their impact on soil hydrology and morphology.
- Objective #3 - 2006 " Following the 2004 meeting discussion on grazing protocols Jennifer McAdams and Tom Griggs has made presentations to nearly 400 producers. Of these some 60 to 80 individuals have implemented one or more improvements in pasture and grazing management.
- Objective #3 - 2006 - The Lost River Grazing Academy utilizing some information from the 2004 discussion has presented a 4-day, hands-on short course provides operators and interested agency personnel an introduction to the principles of management-intensive grazing of irrigated pastures.
- Objective #3 - 2006 -Utilizing information presented in 2005 by Dr. Mark Brunson and Ms. Carrie Kennedy on reasons and barriers to the adaptation of new technologies. A grant was developed and submitted to SARE for a rangeland Extension Specialist to work one-on-one with producers to set up rangeland monitoring on private land. This grant was funded for $92,000 in 2005.
- Objective #2 - 2005 North Dakota State University, Central Grasslands Research Extension Center received a SARE grant for a two year project to demonstrate Best Management Practices on a model farm, to work one-on-one with producers to establish rangeland monitoring programs on their ranches and work with the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative to incorporate rangeland monitoring in the producer mentoring program. This project will have extensive producer participation.
- Objective #3 - 2005 In the belief that the taxpayer are the stakeholders in the Land Grant system the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center has developed an annual report that is widely distributed across the region as an insert in several local news papers and in a trade paper the Western Livestock Reporter. Fourth Thousand copies of the report are distributed in this manner.
- Objective #3 - 2005 Participants in extension workshops, classes and consultations significantly changed their perspective and understanding of ecosystem principles leading to improved management of irrigated pastures. Improved understanding resulted in increased economic sustainability, through improved productivity, reduced purchased and fossil fuel inputs and reduced potential for undesirable impacts on land and water resources.
- Objective #3 - 2005 In Valley County, as a result of no-till planting demonstrations, the cooperator has selected an appropriate herbicide to suppress growth before no-till drilling, and now intends to do all of his future pasture and alfalfa planting with a no-till drill, reducing the use of fossil fuel and lowering the risk of significant erosion.
- Objective #3 - 2005 Pre- and post- testing at the Lost Rivers Grazing Academy (LRGA)indicates that all 36 participants increased their understanding of pasture ecosystems and management. All participants indicated that they had learned things at the LRGA that they intended to implement on their farm or ranch in the next 6 months. Several individuals who have attended the LRGA have reported greatly improved harvesting efficiency from implementing the principles that they learned.