W1012: Improving ruminant use of forages in sustainable production systems for the western U.S.
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/15/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/08/2010
- 07/10/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Brauner, Casio (Graduate student) University of Wyoming; Carpenter, Jim (cjim@hawaii.edu) University of Hawaii; DelCurto, Tim (tim.delcurto@oregonstate.edu) Oregon State University; Endecott, Rachel (rachel.endecott@montana.edu) Montana State University; Hess, Bret (brethess@uwyo.edu) University of Wyoming ; Hu, CY (hucy@ctahr.hawaii.edu) University of Hawaii; Ivey, Shanna (sivey@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University; Jenkins, Karla (kjenkins2@unl.edu) University of Nebraska; Moriel, Philipe (graduate student) University of Wyoming; Mulliniks, Travis (graduate student) New Mexico State University; Olsen, Ken (Kenneth.Olson@sdstate.edu) South Dakota State University; Petersen, Mark (mark.petersen@ars.usda.gov) USDA-ARS; Pinchak, Bill (bpinchak@ag.tamu.edu) Texas A&M; Scholljegerdes, Eric (ejs@nsmu.edu) New Mexico State University; Soto, Sergio (ssoto@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University; Sprinkle, Jim (sprinkle@Ag.arizona.edu) University of Arizona; Tolleson, Doug (dougt@cals.arizona.edu) University of Arizona; Waterman, Richard (Richard.Waterman@ars.usda.gov) USDA-ARS; Whittier, Jack (Jack.Whittier@colostate.edu) Colorado State University; Zobell, Dale (dale.zobell@usu.edu) Utah State UniversityBrief Summary of Minutes
The group met in Estes Park the evening prior to the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference (GLNC).Discussion of how conference would be managed, namely how much time would be allowed for questions. Mark suggested that we allow questions for our international speakers go on as long as reasonable, the group agreed. A microphone would be available to travel around the room so that each question could be heard by those attending as well as those who subscribed to the Webinar.
Bret gave a brief treasurers report to the group. Prior to the conference, W-1012 was carrying a balance of $6,000 and to date had deposited monies for the GLNC received from pre-conference registrations ($20,975), AFRI grant ($10,000), Western Section ASAS ($3,000), Ag Experiment stations ($4,200), and sponsorships ($3,500) with more was expected to come in. So, to date (prior to conference) expenditures were $3,486 and other expenditures were expected to be $29,762 for a total expected cost of $33,248 for the conference.
Bret moved to provide Dr. McLennan with money to offset travel expenses. The group agreed and Ken suggested that it be equal to that of Dr. Dove, therefore the group agreed that Dr. McLennan receive $1,200 to offset travel expenses.
Bret asked if the group felt it would be necessary to print more hard copies of the proceedings and if so, it would need to be in 100 book lots. Mark suggested that since we have it in a pdf, we could print off on demand. The group agreed
A list for those who may need or want a CD should be developed and copies will be provided. Bret will hold the CDs and all requests should go through him.
Richard gave a brief summary of GLNC attendance. There were 151 confirmed registrants plus 12 onsite registrations for a total of 163 registrants. Thirteen CDs of the previous three GLNC were sold. Nine registrations were received for the webinar, seven from the United States, one from Uruguay, and one from Australia. Overall there were 10 countries represented at the meeting.
CY gave a report to our group. In this report he indicated that by being designated as a W or a Regional Committee we were now able to solicit money for research and travel from our respective Ag. Experiment stations. We will have a mid-term review within 3 years. For this review the GLNC will be an excellent example of a synergistic output. CY also strongly advised that the group start to develop a relationship with scientists from China and that perhaps holding our annual meeting somewhere in China would be very advantageous to us. Others in the group felt this was a good suggestion and a number of the members stated that they had contacts in China that would be good to work with.
Establishment of the next chair was discussed and Dr. Ken Olson from SDSU graciously accepted the nomination.
Finally, discussions over the work needed to meet Objective 1 began. A number of those from the group visited with Dr. Dove and found that Dr. David Forbe has one of the best labs in the U.S. for alkane analysis. Both Univ. of Wyoming and NMSU have samples slated to be analyzed for alkanes. The group came up with work plan for this year in an effort to accomplish Objective 1. One is to continue to work on refining the method, which Univ. of Wyoming, Ft. Keogh, and NMSU are working on. Second, all participants will development an inventory of samples that will contribute to a regional database of forage samples. After which, the groups whom have laboratories that are capable of running the alkane procedure will all receive a subset of forage samples from each group and compare results.
The primary activity completed this year for W-1012 was hosting the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference in Estes Park, CO July 8th through the 10th, 2010. The group invited two international speakers from Australia and a number of speakers from the United States. There were 163 attendees from which 10 countries were represented. In addition, 28 abstracts were presented over the course of the meeting. This conference contributed to our third objective focused on dissemination and translation of research-based management strategies to stakeholders for improving ruminant use in sustainable forage production systems.<br /> <br /> <br /> Short term outcomes from W-1012 were the provision of monies for New investigators/junior scientist and graduate student travel awards to the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference in an effort to meet our fourth objective of providing professional development and mentoring opportunities for committee participants, young scientists, stakeholders, and graduate students.<br /> <br /> Outputs for the group as a whole consisted of 41 peer-reviewed journal articles and 36 extension or popular press articles. Grants and sponsorship for the 4th Grazoing Livestock Nutrition Conference that totaled $21,000 ($10,000 USDA-AFRI Conference Grant and $11,000 in sponsorship)<br /> <br /> Important Milestone accomplished for 2010 was progress made toward standardization of n-alkane procedures across states. Finalized and hosted the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Publications
REFEREED PUBLICATIONS<br /> <br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Islas, A., and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2010. Effect of dried distillers grains with solubles supplementation level on forage intake and characteristics of digestion of beef heifers grazing small grain pasture. J. Anim. Sci. (In review). <br /> <br /> Islas, A., T. Edwards, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2010. Effects of digestible fiber and yellow grease supplementation to steers grazing small grain pastures on grazing and feedlot finishing performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. (Accepted).<br /> <br /> Neville, T. L., D. A. Redmer, P. P. Borowicz, J. J. Reed, M. A. Ward, M. L. Johnson, J. B. Taylor, S. A. Soto-Navarro, K. A. Vonnahme, L. P. Reynolds, and J. S. Caton. 2010. Maternal dietary restriction and selenium supply alters mRNA expression of angiogenic factors in maternal intestine, mammary gland, and fetal jejuna tissues during late gestation in pregnant ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. jas.2009-2706v1-20092706.<br /> <br /> Meyer, A. M., J. J. Reed, K. A. Vonnahme, S. A. Soto-Navarro, L. P. Reynolds, S. P. Ford, B. W. Hess, and J. S. Caton. Effects of stage of gestation and nutrient restriction during early to mid-gestation on maternal and fetal visceral organ mass and indices of jejuna growth and vascularity in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2410-2424.<br /> <br /> Utsumi, S. A. A. F. Cibils, R. E. Estell, S. A. Soto-Navarro, L. Cheng, and D. M. Hallford. Effect of dietary protein, condensed tannins, and polyethylene glycol on one-seed juniper intake, rumen fermentation, and plasma amino acids in sheep and goats. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> Macias-Cruz, U., J. A. Quintero-Elisea, L. Avendaño-Reyes, A. Correa-Calderon, F. D. Alvarez-Valenzuela, S. A. Soto-Navarro. F. A. Lucero-Magaña, A. Gonzalez-Reyna. 2010. Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) substitution for orange pulp on intake, digestibility, and performance of hairsheep lambs. Trop. Anim. Health and Prod. 42:223-232.<br /> <br /> Macias-Cruz, U., F. D. Alvarez-Valenzuela, A. Correa-Calderon, L. Molina-Ramirez, A. Gonzalez-Reyna, S. Soto-Navarro, L. Avendaño-Reyes. 2009. <br /> Pelibuey ewe productivity and subsequent pre-weaning lamb performance using hair-sheep breeds under a confinement system. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 36:255-260.<br /> <br /> Santiago A., Utsumi, Andrés F. Cibils, Richard E. Estell, Sergio A. Soto-Navarro, and Dawn Van Leeuwen. 2009. Seasonal changes in one-seed juniper intake by sheep and goats in relation to protein supplements and plant secondary metabolites. Small Rum. Res. 81: 152-162.<br /> <br /> Lodge-Ivey. S. L., J. Browne-Silva, and M. B. Horvath. 2009. Technical note: Bacterial diversity in rumen fluid samples collected via oral lavage or rumen cannula. published online Mar 27, 2009.<br /> <br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Cammack, K.M., C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, P.A. Ludden, R.R. Cockrum, and K.C. Olson. 2010. Effects of High-sulfur Water and Clinoptilolite on Health and Growth Performance of Steers Fed Forage-based Diets. J. Anim Sci. 88:1777-1785. <br /> <br /> Chen, D., M.D. Peel, K.C. Olson, B.C. Weimer, and D.B. DeWald. 2009. Differential ruminal degradation of alfalfa proteins. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 89:1065-1074.<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C. Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, R.R. Cockrum, and K.M. Cammack. Hepatic gene expression in steers administered high-sulfur water. J. Anim. Sci. (in review).<br /> <br /> Smart, A.J., J. D. Derner, J.R. Hendrickson, R.L. Gillen, B.H. Dunn, E.M. Mousel, P.S. Johnson, R.N. Gates, K.K. Sedivec, K.R. Harmoney, J.D. Volesky, and K.C. Olson. Effects of grazing pressure on efficiency of grazing on North American Great Plains rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management (accepted).<br /> <br /> Waldron, B.L., J.-S. Eun, D.R. ZoBell, and K.C. Olson. 2010. Forage kochia (Kochia prostrata) for fall and winter grazing. Small Ruminant Research 91:47-55.<br /> <br /> COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Peel, R.K., J. C. Whittier, R. M. Enns, A. V. Grove, and G. E. Seidel Jr. 2010. Effect of Six versus Twelve Hour Interval between Two Prostaglandin F2± Injections Administered with 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol on Pregnancy Rate in Beef Cows. In Press: Professional Animal Scientist TBC (TBC):16 ARPAS867<br /> <br /> Richardson, R. D., R. G. Mortimer and J. C. Whittier. 2010. Comparison of Fetal Losses from Diagnosis of Pregnancy Using Ultrasonography or Rectal Palpation in Beef Heifers by Novice or Experienced Technicians. In Press Professional Animal Scientist TBC (TBC):16 ARPAS827 <br /> <br /> Ahola, J. K., G. E. Seidel, Jr., and J. C. Whittier. 2009. Use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone at Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination at Eighty or Ninety-Seven Hours Post Prostaglandin F2± in Beef Cows Administered the Long-Term Melengestrol Acetate Select Synch. Professional Animal Scientist 25:256-261.<br /> <br /> Hyland, A., G. E. Seidel Jr., R. M. Enns, R. K. Peel, and J. C. Whittier. 2009. Intervals of Five or Seven Days Between Controlled Internal Drug-Release Insertion, Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, and Prostaglandin F2± Injections: Effects on Pregnancy Rate and Follicular Size. The Professional Animal Scientist 25:150154.<br /> <br /> Mount, D. E., T. J. Steffens, D. N. Schutz and J. C. Whittier. 2009. Fibrous and Non-Fibrous Carbohydrate Supplementation to Ruminants Grazing Forage from Small Grain Crops. The Professional Animal Scientist 25:139144.<br /> <br /> TEXAS A&M<br /> Whitney, T. R., D. F. Waldron, and T. Willingham. 2009. Evaluating nutritional status of Dorper and Rambouillet ewes in range sheep production. Sheep Goat Res. J. 24:1016.<br /> <br /> Mceachern, J. K., T. R. Whitney, C. B. Scott, C. J. Lupton, and M. W. Salisbury. 2009. Substituting distillers dried grains for cottonseed meal in lamb-finishing diets: growth performance, wool characteristics, and serum NEFA, urea N, and IGF-1 concentrations. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 24:3240.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Mirando, M. A. and B. W. Hess. 2010. Cell biology symposium: Redox regulation of cell function. J. Anim. Sci. 1295-1296.<br /> <br /> Moriel, P., B. W. Hess, B. K. Stevens, S. L. Lake, T. R. Weston, V. Nayigihugu, B. I. Cappellozza, and J. M. Krall. Growth and reproductive performance of beef heifers fed Carnival or Forager field peas. Prof. Anim. Sci. 26:188-192.<br /> <br /> Murrieta, C. M., B. W. Hess, S. L. Lake, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and D. C. Rule. 2010. Body condition score at parturition and day of lactation regulate mRNA abundnce in milk somatic cells and transcription factors and fatty acid transporters in adipose tissue of beef cows Livest. Sci. 131:65-72. <br /> <br /> Alexander, B. M., P. Singh, K. J. Austin, R. R. Cockrum, K. M. Cammack, B. W. Hess, G. E. Moss, P. W. Nathanielsz, and S. P. Ford. 2009. Effect of maternal fatness on fetal steroids and semi-quantitative real-time PCR expression of receptor genes in sheep. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 116:58-64.<br /> <br /> Ford, S.P., L. Zhang, M. Zhu, M. M. Miller, D. T. Smith, B. W. Hess, G. E. Moss, P. W. Nathanielsz, and M. J. Nijland. 2009. Maternal obesity accelerates fetal pancreatic beta-cell not alpha-cell development in sheep: prenatal consequences Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 297:R835-R843.<br /> <br /> Lewton, B. R., J. M. Krall, B. W. Hess, and L. J. Held. 2009. Substituting medic, an annual legume, in place of summer fallow for winter wheat production. J. Am. Soc. Farm Manage. Rural Appraisers 19:76-84.<br /> <br /> Long, N. M., K. A. Vonnahme, B. W. Hess, P. W. Nathanielsz, and S. P. Ford. 2009. Effects of early gestational undernutrition on fetal growth, organ development, and placentomal composition in the bovine. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1950-1957.<br /> <br /> Ludden, P. A., O. Kucuk, D. C. Rule, and B.W. Hess. 2009. Growth and carcass fatty acid composition of beef steers fed soybean oil for increasing duration before slaughter Meat Sci. 82:185-192. <br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes E. J., B. W. Hess, M. H. J. Grant, S. L. Lake, B. M. Alexander, T. R. Weston, D. L. Hixon, E. A.VanKirk, and G. E. Moss. 2009. Effects of feeding high-linoleate safflower seeds on postpartum reproduction in beef cows. J Anim Sci. 87:2985-2995.<br /> <br /> Zhu, M. J., M. Du, M. J. Nijland, P. W. Nathanielsz, B.W. Hess, G. E. Moss, and S. P. Ford. 2009. Down-regulation of growth signaling pathways linked to a reduced cotyledonary vascularity in placentomes of overnourished, obese pregnant ewes Placenta 30:405-410. <br /> <br /> USDA-ARS NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS RESEARCH LABORATORY<br /> Murrieta, C. M., B. W. Hess, S. L. Lake, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and D. C. Rule. 2010. Body condition score at parturition and day of lactation regulate mRNA abundance in milk somatic cells and transcription factors and fatty acid transporters in adipose tissue of beef cows. Livest. Sci. 131:65-72.<br /> <br /> Kronberg, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, and E. P. Berg. 2010. The effect of flaxseed supplementation on growth performance, carcass quality, and trained sensory panel ratings of steers finished on grasslands of the northern Great Plains. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).<br /> <br /> Phillips, R., O. Beeri, E. Scholljegerdes, D. Bjergaard, and J. Hendrickson. 2009. A satellite data-driven model for estimating grazing capacity in northern prairie. Ag. Syst. 100:72-79.<br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes, E. J., W. J. Hill, H. T. Purvis, L. A. Voigt, and C. S. Schauer. 2010. Effects of supplemental cobalt on nutrien digestion and nitorgen balance in lambs fed forage-based diets. Sheep and Goat Res. J. (Submitted)<br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes, E. J. and S. L. Kronberg. 2010. Effects of supplemental ground flaxseed fed to beef cattle grazing summer native range on the northern Great Plains. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2108-2121.<br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes, E. J., B. W. Hess, M. H. J. Grant, S. L. Lake, B. M. Alexander, T. R. Weston, D. L. Hixon, E. A. Van Kirk, and G. E. Moss. 2009. Effects of feeding high-linoleate safflower seeds on postpartum reproduction in beef cow. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 2985-2995.<br /> <br /> UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Crozier, J., D.R. ZoBell. 2010. Residual Feed Intake of Beef Cattle. Utah State University Extension Publication. AG/Beef/2010-01.<br /> <br /> Waldron, B. L., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and K. C. Olson. 2010. Review: Forage kochia for fall and winter grazing. Small Rumin. Res. (in press)<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Tolleson D.R., P.D. Teel, J.W. Stuth, O.F. Strey, T.H. Welsh Jr, G.E. Carstens, K.K Banik, S.D. Prince. 2010. Effects of a Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum) burden on performance and metabolic indicators in growing beef steers. (In Press, Veterinary Parasitology)<br /> <br /> Craine, J.M., A.J. Elmore, K.C. Olson, and D.R. Tolleson. 2010. Climate change and nutritional stress in cattle. (In Press, Global Change Biology)<br /> <br /> Bailey, D.W., M.G. Thomas, J.W. Walker, B.K. Witmore, and D.R. Tolleson. 2010. Effect of previous experience on grazing patterns and diet selection of Brangus cattle in the Chihuahuan Desert. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 63: 223-232.<br /> <br /> Tolleson, D.R. 2010. Fecal NIRS: What else, what next? Pp 82-95 in: Shining light on manure improves livestock and land management. J. Walker and D. Tolleson eds. <br /> <br /> PROCEEDINGS:<br /> <br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Calderon-Mendoza, D., A. Islas, M. F. Martinez-Perez, J. Armendariz, F. E. Contreras-Govea, S. Angadi, M. Marsalis, L. Lauriault, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. Adaptation of warm season annual legumes for forage in southeastern New Mexico. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60: 227-229.<br /> <br /> Harrelson, F.W., S.L. Lodge, S.H. Cox, R.L. Dunlap, J.T. Mulliniks, B.H. Carter, C.A. Loest, and M.K. Petersen. 2009. Effect of winter supplementation strategy on glucose metabolism pre and postpartum. Proc. WSASAS. 60:354-357.<br /> <br /> Harrelson, F.W., S. L. Lodge-Ivey, S. H. Cox, R. L. Dunlap II, C. A. Löest, and M. K. Petersen. 2009. Effect of winter supplementation strategy on body weight and condition changes. Proc. WSASAS. 60:230-232.<br /> <br /> Martinez-Perez, M. F., D. Calderon-Mendoza, F. Loya-Holguin, C. Murdock, A. M. Encinias, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. Supplemental corn dry distillers grains plus solubles on performance of steers grazing native range. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60: 223-226.<br /> <br /> Orosco, G., M. F. Martinez-Perez, Y. Diaz, J. M. Garcia-Madrid, A. Islas, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. The feed value of dry distillers grains plus solubles in 90% concentrate diets for feedlot lambs. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60: 411-413.<br /> <br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Landblom, D. G., K. C. Olson, P. Johnson, R. Gates, M. K. Beutler, M. Hubert, G. A. Perry, S. W. Fausti, R. R. Salverson, S. Furman, and J. Vasconcelos. 2009. Beef system methods impact backgrounding and finishing net returns. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60:119-122.<br /> <br /> Perry, G., J. Walker, C. Wright, and K. Olson. 2009. Impact of method of heifer development and post-AI management on reproductive efficiency. pp. 35-42. In: Proc., Range Beef Cow Symposium XXI. Casper, WY. <br /> <br /> Walker, J., G. Perry, R. Daly, and K. Olson. 2009. Bull management and nutrition. pp. 116-124. In: Proc., Range Beef Cow Symposium XXI. Casper, WY. <br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Sprinkle, J., D. Tolleson, J. Kava, C. Thiel, V. Prileson, B. Barcus, R. Tanner, T. Tanner, and F. Henderson. 2009. Effect of protein supplementation on forage utilization by range cattle grazing weeping lovegrass in central Arizona. Producer's Update and Research Highlights, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona, Arizona Cattlemen's Association Summer Meeting, Tucson, AZ. 3 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. 2009. Reading the range: Expanding the benefits of the program through technology. Producer's Update and Research Highlights, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona, Arizona Cattlemen's Association Summer Meeting, Tucson, AZ. 2 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. and D. Tolleson. 2010. Heifer development on rangeland. Proceedings 32nd Annual AZ-UT Range Livestock Workshops, Kanab and St. George, UT, April 6-8, 2010. pp. 58-66.<br /> <br /> Tolleson, D.R. and D.W. Schafer. 2010. Monitoring diet quality and body condition in beef cows grazing Arizona rangeland. Proceedings of the Western Section Society of Animal Science. p 684<br /> <br /> Allen J. D., D. R. Tolleson, L. W. Hall, C. D. Burrows, G. Xie, and G. C. Duff. 2010. Use of a portable near infrared spectrophotometer (NIRS) to predict fecal nutrient composition of Holstein steers fed high-concentrate diets. Proceedings of the Western Section Society of Animal Science. p 10<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS RESEARCH LABORATORY<br /> Arias, R.P, L. J. Unruh-Snyder, E. J. Scholljegerdes, A. N. Baird, K. D. Johnson, D. Buckmaster, R. P. Lemenager, and S. L. Lake. 2010. Effects of co-ensiling direct-cut grass with corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles on beef steer diet digestibility. Proc. West Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 61: (Submitted).<br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes, E. J. 2009. Effects of level of supplemental flax oil on ruminal disappearance of soybean meal. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60: 215-218.<br /> <br /> EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS<br /> <br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Harty, A., and K.C. Olson. 2010. Reducing costs of delivering feed to cattleSupplementation frequency. South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service Extension Extra 2070. Available at: http://agbiopubs.sdstate.edu/articles/ExEx2070.pdf.<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C. Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, and K.M. Cammack. 2010. Effects of molybdenum supplementation on performance of forage-fed steers receiving high-sulfur water. p. 27-30. In: 2010 South Dakota Beef Report. Available at: http://ars.sdstate.edu/extbeef/2010/Complete_2010_Beef_Report.pdf<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C. Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, and K.M. Cammack. 2010. Copper supplementation of grazing yearling steers supplemented with molybdenum while consuming high-sulfur water. p. 31-33. In: 2010 South Dakota Beef Report. Available at: http://ars.sdstate.edu/extbeef/2010/Complete_2010_Beef_Report.pdf<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Sprinkle, J. E. 2009. Livestock nutrition for small acreages. Backyards and Beyond. Invited submission 2009-0187. Accepted. 3 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. and D. Tolleson. 2010. Heifer Development on Rangeland. (In Press, Arizona Cooperative Extension) Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the 76 Ranch. 76 pp.<br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the Diamante Ranch.159 pp. <br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the Dutchwoman Allotment. 237 pp. <br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the Greenback Allotment. 170 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the Haystack Butte Allotment. 170 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the MF Ranch. 114 pp. <br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the OW Ranch. 123 pp<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E. 2009. 2007 Report - Range Monitoring on the OX Ranch. 229 pp. <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the Rocking 4 Ranch. 176 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, P. Leonard, and J. Stratton. 2009. 2007 Report - Range monitoring on the X4 Ranch. 271 pp. <br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and D. England. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Greenback Valley Allotment. 343 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., K. Hawker, P. Leonard, and M. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Bar X Ranch. 274 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., J. Stratton, and M. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Diamante Ranch. 217 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and P. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Coolidge Parker Allotment. 286 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., J. Stratton, and M. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Marsh Creek Allotment. 280 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and P. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Ellinwood Ranch. 152 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., J. Stratton, and M. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Tilting HH Ranch. 201 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and P. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Flying H Ranch. 202 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and P. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Buzzard Roost Ranch. 361 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and D. England. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the JH6 Ranch. 212 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J. E., M. Leonard, and P. Leonard. 2010. 2008 Report Range monitoring on the Potato Butte Ranch. 129 pp.<br /> <br /> POPULAR PRESS<br /> <br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Sweet Clover poisoning. Tri-State Livestock News. June 13.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Planning Ahead for Fall Cow Herd Management. Tri-State Livestock News. July 25.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Valuable Information in Cattle Records. Tri-State Livestock News. September 5.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Nutrition and potential toxicity of sweet clover hay. Tri-State Livestock News. October 17.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Mineral Nutrition for Grazing Beef Cows. Tri-State Livestock News. November 28.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.C. 2009. Valuable Information in Cattle Records. South Dakota Cattlemans Association Magazine. December 8.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Torell, R., D. Bohnert, J. Ahola, and J. Sprinkle. 2009. Back to basics: washy grass. Angus Beef BulletinExt. http://www.angusbeefbulletin.com/extra/2009/aug09/0809<br /> back_to_basics.html Aug 20, 2009. Also published in Ag Weekly Online. http://www.agweekly.com/articles/2009/09/17/commodities/livestock/lvstk67.txt Sept 17, 2009.<br /> <br /> Tolleson. 2010. Supplemental feeding based on current range forage conditions. Northwest <br /> Arizona Climate and Range Newsletter, Vol 5, Winter.<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS RESEARCH LABORATORY<br /> Nickel, R., Swath grazing cuts wintering costs. Successful Farming Magazine, Janurary, 2010.<br /> <br /> Roesler, S., ARS builds own herd for year-round research, adds feedlot. Farm and Ranch Guide. December, 2009.<br /> <br /> Hendrickson, J. R., and E. J. Scholljegerdes. Control Kentucky Bluegrass and Smooth Bromegrass Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory: Integrator, July 2009.<br /> <br /> Bork, N. R., J. W. Schroeder, k. A. Vonnahme, G. P. Lardy, M. L. Bauer, and E. J. Scholljegerdes. 2009. Effects of Physical form of flaxseed on digestibility of lactation diets. Feedstuffs. 81(15): 10.<br /> <br /> ABSTRACTS<br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Calderon-Mendoza, D., A. Islas, M. F. Martinez-Perez, J. Armendariz, F. E. Contreras-Govea, S. Angadi, M. Marsalis, L. Lauriault, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. Adaptation of warm season annual legumes for forage in southeastern New Mexico. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3): 162 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Martinez-Perez, M. F., D. Calderon-Mendoza, F. Loya-Holguin, C. Murdock, A. M. Encinias, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. Supplemental corn dry distillers grains plus solubles on performance of steers grazing native range. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3): 148 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Orosco, G., M. F. Martinez-Perez, Y. Diaz, J. M. Garcia-Madrid, A. Islas, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2009. The feed value of dry distillers grains plus solubles in 90% concentrate diets for feedlot lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3): 168 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> <br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Fang, X., L.A. Hoff, J.A. Walker, K.C. Olson, G.A. Perry, J.X. Wu, C. Maltecca, and M.G. Gonda. 2010. No evidence for association between leptin polymorphism C.73 C>T and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) vaccine response. Federation of Animal Science Societies Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Accepted.<br /> <br /> Olenich, S.A., X. Fang, L.A. Hoff, J.A. Walker, K.C. Olson, G.A. Perry, and M.G. Gonda. 2010. Partial characterization of bovine Complement Receptor-2 (CR2) in Angus cattle. Federation of Animal Science Societies Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Accepted.<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C. Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, K.M. Cammack. 2010. Effect of supplemental molybdenum on forage-fed steers receiving high-sulfur water. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (Midwest ASAS, in press).<br /> <br /> Greenhalgh, L.K., D.R. ZoBell, B.L. Waldron, K.C. Olson, A.R. Moulton, and B.W. Davenport. 2009. Perennial forage kochia for increased production of winter grazed pastures. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2):73:225.<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C. Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, P.S. Johnson, and K.M. Cammack. 2009. Effects of high-sulfur water and clinoptilolite on growth performance and gene expression of steers fed forage-based diets. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87(E-Suppl. 3):72.<br /> <br /> Kessler, K.L., K.C Olson, C.L. Wright, K.J. Austin, K. McInnerney, P.S. Johnson, and K.M. Cammack. 2009. Effects of high-sulfur water on growth performance and gene expression of steers fed forage-based diets. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2):73:533.<br /> <br /> Landblom, D.G., K.C. Olson, P. Johnson, R. Gates, M.K. Beutler, M. Hubert, G.A. Perry, S.W. Fausti, R.R. Salverson, S. Furman, and J. Vasconcelos. 2009. Beef system methods impact backgrounding and finishing net returns. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87(E-Suppl. 3):165.<br /> <br /> Perry, B.L., J.A. Walker, C.L. Wright, K.C. Olson, and G.A. Perry. 2009. Influence of heifer development method on post-AI blood metabolites. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87(E-Suppl. 2):73.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TEXAS A&M<br /> Klein, D. R., T. R. Whitney, C. B. Scott, C. J. Owens. 2009. Redberry juniper to reduce Haemonchus contortus in vitro viability and increase Ivomectin efficacy. Abstract and Presentation by Klein, D. R. TX Soc. Range Manage. Oct. 7-9, Beaumont, TX.<br /> <br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. Alternative feeds to reduce feeding costs. Annual Ram Performance Test Field Day. Sonora, TX. March 13. Presentation and Abstract.<br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. Nutrition research, San Angelo. WERA 039 annual meeting, Reno NV. Report.<br /> <br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. Nutritional research programs and career opportunities. Texas AgriLife Extension: Youth Veterinary Science Workshop, San Angelo. Presentation.<br /> <br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. TX AgriLife Nutrition Program update: using underutilized feed resources in sheep and goat rations. Annual Angora Goat Performance Test and Field Day, Sonora, TX. July 23. Presentation.<br /> <br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. Exploiting benefits of DDG; using it as a protein and energy source. AgriLife Research/TX Cattle Feeders/POET administrative meeting. Amarillo, TX. Aug. 19-20. Presentation.<br /> <br /> Whitney, T. R. 2009. Benefits of plant chemicals. Annual TX AgriLife Sheep and Goat Field Day, San Angelo. September 3. Presentation.<br />Impact Statements
- Organized and initiated research projects to validate the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animals across the Western region of the United States
- Provided professional development and mentoring opportunities for committee participants, young scientists, stakeholders, and graduate students through awards provided to early career scientists and graduate students to Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference
- Successfully hosted Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference which provided research-based management strategies to academic, government, industry and international scientists for improving ruminant use in sustainable forage production systems
- The development of technology to harvest and grind juniper trees to be used in lamb and goat growing diets has the potential to reduce juniper encroachment and result in over $13 million for rural Texas areas
Date of Annual Report: 07/27/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/20/2011
- 06/20/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Hess, Bret (brethess@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;Ivey, Shanna (sivey@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University;
Meyer, Allison (ameyer6@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Mulliniks, Travis (graduate student), New Mexico State University
Olson, Kenneth (kenneth.olson@sdstate.edu) - South Dakota State University;
Scholljegerdes, Eric (ejs@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University;
Soto-Navarro, Sergio (ssoto@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University;
Waterman, Richard (richard.waterman@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS;
Whittier, Jack (Jack.Whittier@ColoState.edu) - Colorado State University;
Zobell, Dale (dale.zobell@usu.edu) - Utah State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary of Minutes of the Annual MeetingThe group met in Miles City, MT immediately before the meeting of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science.
Treasurers report (Bret Hess):
- Current Balance is $13,745.61. The 4th GLNC netted $10,977.62.
- The current balance is in a revolving account at the University of Wyoming AES office (Bret has access).
- Allison Meyer replaces Bret as treasurer (UW member is treasurer because that is where the account is).
- The treasurers report was approved as presented
Review of 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference (Richard Waterman)
- The conference was dedicated to Frank Hinds, Don Clanton, and Joe Wallace in honor of their significant contributions to the founding of the Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference series.
- We received letter of thanks from Joe Wallace.
-We discussed the value of the pre-conference tour with Hugh Dove. The consensus was that it was highly productive for all of us that were involved.
- We discussed the proceedings
-- We decided to put Acrobat pdf files of all 4 conferences on the NIMSS web site.
-- We talked about web presence
-- We will continue to use NIMSS as opposed to having our own web site that we have to maintain.
Administrative Advisor update (Bret Hess)
- CY Hu is no longer in AES at the University of Hawaii (he is now in upper admin.), so Bret is our newly appointed AA.
- RCIC is now called Multi-State Review Committee (MRC)
- MRC has agreed to change proposal review:
-- 1 submission date per year - January 15
-- We need to start drafting a renewal in year 4 (2013 for us)
-- Our annual report will be due on August 15 (60 d after annual meeting)
--- We need to continue to demonstrate coordination among stations
--- We need to show progress toward objectives, milestones
--- We need to show attendance by participants at meetings.
- China/Mongolia exchange
-- CY would probably still support and help us to coordinate this activity.
--- We briefly discussed the possibility of applying for a NIFA travel grant?
-- Dale Zobell is going to Mongolia in 3 weeks and will make contacts
--- It may be a possibility for him to serve as coordinator of this activity.
NIFA update (Bret Hess)
- Current federal fiscal year funding for Hatch and McEntire-Stennis were increased 10% for Hatch and 13% for McEntire-Stennis
-- Earmarks and special grants were reduced, so this compensated
- Smith-Lever funding was cut by 1.2% - better than the 10% that had been proposed
- Funding to NIFA for AFRI was held steady.
-- Climate change there wont be $5 million grants like originally planned that had been a gamble on increasing level of funding previous year grants were awarded forward based on expected funding so now they are short for new projects there will not be any more big awards rather a return to integrated or single investigator awards.
-- Global food security was also changed to more single investigator and less big awards.
-- No one knows when current fiscal year RFA will be released
- Funding levels in the upcoming new farm bill look dismal (all of the following compared to fy11):
-- 12% cut for ARS
-- 16% cut for NIFA
-- 12% cut for Hatch
-- 12% cut in Smith-Lever
-- 9% cut in McEntire-Stennis
-- 30.6% cut in AFRI
-- Special grants were reduced by 97% in FY11, another 56% will be cut in FY12
-- $0 for education grants (Higher Ed Challenge Grants)
-- This has already all passed in House bill, being debated in Senate
Chris Allison presentation
- Chris presented background information and a request for a concern about calculation of animal unit equivalents (AUE) on federal agency (public) land, particularly in Region 3 of USFS. They have a range of AUE that is applied across allotments (ranges from 1.32 to 1.5 AUE per cow-calf pair). How AUE is applied from on allotment to another seems arbitrary and capricious.
- Chris requested that this committee consider a response because of our expertise concerning forage consumption from rangeland by grazing livestock.
- We discussed option for a response from this committee. We are considering a synthesis paper in Rangeland Ecology and Management Eric We are considering an REM synthesis paper Eric will develop the details.
Station Reports
- Each of the 4 objectives of this project were discussed with each station indicating their progress toward that objective.
NSF RFA to fund our research
- We discussed submitting an application in 2012
- This RFA is intended to support group research, to support underserved populations, and to work together on a common theme, such as an approach
- Eric will spearhead the process
- Eric will email the link to us.
- Shauna was elected new secretary
Accomplishments<br /> <br /> Important milestones toward each objective include:<br /> <br /> Objective 1: Equipping the lab at NMSU to analyze samples for alkane content and establishment of diet sample libraries at multiple institutions for alkane analyses.<br /> <br /> Objective 2: Completion of nutrition experiments that will further contribute to evaluating shortcomings of NRC (2000).<br /> <br /> Objectives 3 and 4: Several applied experiments and extension programs were conducted that contributed to improved stakeholder and professional knowledge of forage utilization by ruminants.<br /> <br /> Outputs included 21 peer-reviewed journal articles, 1 book chapter, 10 proceedings papers, 20 extension and popular press articles, and 11 abstracts. <br />Publications
Proceedings from four conferences (1987, 1991, 1996, 2010) will be posted on the website. See attachment for list of publications.Impact Statements
- The conference satisfaction survey for the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference was indicative of short-term and medium-term outcomes. Overall, 65% of the respondents strongly agreed and 20% agreed to have gained knowledge from the oral presentations. For the Proceedings of the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference, 51% strongly agreed and 21% agreed that the publication will be a valuable reference. Lastly, 60% agreed strongly and 21% agreed that the conference information will be useful in the future.
Date of Annual Report: 09/08/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/07/2012
- 08/08/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Olson, Kenneth (kenneth.olson@sdstate.edu) - South Dakota State UniversityHess, Bret (brethess@uwyo.edu) University of Wyoming, AA
Endecott, Rachel (rachel.endecott@montana.edu) conference call from Montana State University
Whittier, Jack (Jack.Whittier@colostate.edu) Colorado State University
Scholljegerdes, Eric (ejs@nmsu.edu) New Mexixo State University
Meyer, Allison (ameyer6@uwyo.edu) University of Wyoming
Caton, Joel (joel.caton@ndsu.edu) North Dakota State University
Lewis, Ron (rmlewis@vt.edu) Virginia Tech
Ivey, Shanna (sivey@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University
Soto-Navarro, Sergio (ssoto@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University
Mueller, Chad (Chad.Mueller@oregonstate.edu) Oregon State Univeristy, Union Station
Faulkner, Dan (dfaulkner@email.arizona.edu) - University of Arizona
Waterman, Richard (Richard.Waterman@ARS.USDA.GOV) - USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh joined via conference call
Brief Summary of Minutes
W1012 Annual MeetingDenver, CO
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
8:00 Reading and approval of minutes
8:15 Treasurer's Report: Bret Hess
8:30 NIFA report (Bret Hess, AA)
9:00 Administrative Advisor's report- Bret Hess
10:15 Progress toward objectives/Station reports
12:00 lunch
1:00 Continue discussion of progress toward objectives
4:30 Business Meeting
Elect new secretary
6:00 Dinner
Wednesday, August 8
8:00 Develop plan to overcome likely deficiencies toward meeting milestones. Plan must be adequate to satisfy MRC (Multi-State Review Committee) that we have met our milestones, that we are capable of overcoming delays and fulfilling our objectives within the lifetime of the project, or to propose alterations to our objectives.
Adjourned upon completion of a satisfactory plan.
Objective 1. Validate the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animals.<br /> <br /> COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> CSU collected samples of 3 winter forages (vegetative wheat pasture, cornstalks and mature stockpiled Sudex) for use in validating alkane assays. These samples were collected using 2 rumenally cannulated steers on March 1, 2012.<br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Evaluation of alkane assay and preparation of samples containing beeswax have been initiated. Likewise, a library of masticate samples is being collected for future analysis.<br /> NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Forage samples are in hand (masticate and other forms of sampling) from previous studies and are available for forwarding to laboratories for alkane analysis as needed<br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Collected diet samples to develop library of diets from Northern Mixed Prairie rangeland from north-central South Dakota for future alkane analysis.<br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Forage samples from previous studies are available for analysis. No additional progress has been made at UW this year.<br /> VIRGINIA TECH<br /> By using both n-alkane and long chain alcohol concentrations in forages, the botanical composition of simple test diets (various mixtures of red clover and fescue) were accurately estimated. In collaboration with the US Meat Animal Research Center, this approach is being extended to define the plant-wax marker profiles of cool and warm season forages in the central plains environment.<br /> Using n-alkane profiles alone, estimates of diet choices of heifers at two ages (post-weaning, yearling) when offered cubed red clover and fescue hay ad libitum very reliably reflected their actual choices. A preference of larger frame sized heifers for the more nutritious forage red clover was clearly evident in their diet selection.<br /> USDA/ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> Obtained protocol for GC analysis and have collected rumen extrusa samples that have been freeze dried.<br /> <br /> Objective 2. Identify the shortcoming of the 1996/2000 Beef NRC for cows grazing in Western rangeland environments.<br /> <br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY <br /> An experiment was conducted to develop and test the efficacy of a rumen protection method for Arginine HCl. An experiment was initiated aimed at evaluating the effects of rumen protected Arginine HCl on fetal development in mature beef cows grazing native rangeland.<br /> NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Investigated approaches for strategic supplementation strategies for ruminants.<br /> OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Impact of nutrition during sire development on daughter performance and grazing behavior in Intermountain West forested meadows. This two year project is looking at the influence of nutritional background during sire development on weight gain, change in BCS, and pre-weaned calf performance of replacement beef heifers grazing summer forested meadows. {T. DelCurto and C.J. Mueller; in progress}<br /> Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of amount (2 levels) and frequency of crude protein (CP) supplementation (daily, every 5 d, every 10 d) on ruminants consuming low-quality forage. The greater level of CP was estimated to meet ruminal requirements for degradable intake protein and the lower level was 50% of the greater level. {D. W. Bohnert, R. F. Cooke, S. J. Falck, B. I. Cappellozza, M. Van Emon, and C. S. Schauer}<br /> Determine the influence of supplement composition (energy- or protein-based) on steers (forage intake, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites), beef cows (BW and body condition score change, calf birth weight, and blood metabolites), and replacement heifers (blood metabolites, growth rates, puberty attainment, and pregnancy rates).{D.H. Bohnert; in progress}<br /> Comparison of the effects of protein supplementation of cool and warm season low-quality forages consumed by beef cattle: differences in intake and digestibility. Projects will compare in-situ ruminal degradation of C3 and C4 forage; compare forage intake and nutrient utilization of ruminants offered low-quality C4 and C3 forage with and without CP supplementation; and obtain novel information for validation of intake and performance models. {D.H. Bohnert; in progress}<br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Studies have been conducted investigating strategic supplementation in ruminants, especially during gestation. (with North Dakota State University)<br /> USDA/ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> A series of studies have been conducted recently at Fort Keogh that has measured forage quality and measures of animal production. These measures can be used to compare how well the NRC predicts performance of cattle grazing rangelands in the Northern Great Plains.<br /> Recently published a paper demonstrating that intensity of historical management of a cow herd influences the importance of body condition at calving as a visual assessment of future reproductive success.<br /> Recently published paper demonstrating responses to supplemental methionine and cobalt in range cows<br /> Recently published 2 papers demonstrating that small amounts of supplemental protein supplied to wintering range cows can be used at a highly efficient rate to support same animal performance as higher amounts of protein supplementation.<br /> Assessing mineral intake and contribution to whole animal well being from self fed range mineral tubs<br /> Published a series of papers dealing with drought and subsequent influence on cow, heifer, and steer performance<br /> <br /> Objective 3. Disseminate and translate research-based management strategies to stakeholders for improving ruminant use in sustainable forage production systems.<br /> <br /> COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> CSU has been working to develop a more effective forage program for the university cowherd at Fort Collins. In brief this effort centers around the following points:<br /> "Cows are on summer pasture off-site from June to November.<br /> "Focus of forage program is from December to May<br /> "Limited grazable forage at university farm<br /> "High costs of feeding harvested feeds<br /> "Irrigated land is available for intensive forage programs for Dec-May grazing options<br /> "Research-demonstration opportunity<br /> "Observations from New Zealand<br /> MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Six Extension presentations dealing with aspects of improving beef cattle use of forages and range livestock nutrition management were given to over 150 livestock producers, county Extension agents, and other interested parties.<br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Developed and implemented a monthly ranchers meeting titled Ranchers Roundtable at the newly completed NMSU Southwest Center for Rangeland Sustainability at the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center. The Ranchers Roundtable is designed to provide a comfortable atmosphere where ranchers ask questions regarding a particular topic to a panel of experts. Topics are timely and are scheduled approximately 3 months in advance of the rancher needing to implement information garnered. To date we have held 6 roundtables and have reached over 214 ranchers whom are responsible for over 20,000 cows.<br /> NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Data has been published in multiple formats and made available for use by stakeholders. Data has also been presented at both regional and national meetings.<br /> OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Tim DelCurto and Chad Mueller lead an industry-collaborated Cattlemens Workshop every January. This one-day event utilizes both industry and university speakers to discuss management strategies and current events that impact beef producers in the Intermountain West. Participants at the 2012 Workshop (n = 375) traveled from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and Nevada. Dave Bohnert and Reinaldo Cooke started a forage-testing program (http://beefcattle.ans.oregonstate.edu/html/forage/Forage.htm) which includes analysis interpretation and supplementation recommendations.<br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Evaluated interaction of weaning date (150 d vs. 210 d of age) with two post-weaning development treatments (drylot vs. rangeland) in 2 by 2 factorial treatment arrangement. Winter development programs influenced heifer growth patterns and reproductive performance. Further, winter development influenced patterns of range utilization. Day-of-sampling interactions indicated that range heifers did not adjust preferences and thus were already adapted to the range environment, whereas drylot heifers adjusted preferences over time suggesting they re-learned how to utilize the range environment.<br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> "In conjunction with Doug Tolleson, Dave Schafer, Bopper Cannon, and Keith Cannon of the University of Arizona V-V Ranch, Mike Sprinkle of Intel Corporation, Tyler DalMolin of the University of Arizona Department of Animal Sciences, and Bob Walker of Imperial Instruments, we obtained funding from Cargill Animal Health and successfully designed and evaluated the first ever high precision solar powered data acquisition system for obtaining individual mineral intakes by livestock in a rangeland setting. The equipment had ± 2 g resolution in pre-dawn hours when ambient conditions were constant and ± 17 g resolution when metal equipment was expanding during mid-morning, mid-day, and mid-afternoon. The SE for average range cow mineral intake was 14% of the mean in 2010 and 16% of the mean in 2011. For approximately $6,400, we developed a remote solar powered data acquisition system with low power draw components that provided reliable individual animal mineral intake in an extensive rangeland environment.<br /> "The Arizona Range Livestock Nutrition Committee presented a workshop Being a Range Cow is a Hard Way to Make a Living at Payson (50 people) and Willcox (24 people). I delivered a presentation on Managing Reproductive Stressors to Production: Nutritional and Physiological Bullets to Trigger Estrus Cycling and Enhance Fertility. In my presentation, I highlighted some of the recent work by NMSU and Mark Petersen with bypass protein. To make the connection with the audience I referred to it as the Atkins Diet for Beef Cattle. Participants rated the workshops (1 = not valuable, 5 = valuable) at 4.3 in Payson and 4.4 in Willcox.<br /> "Presented Reading the Range monitoring data on the NEPA Appeal for the Millsite Allotment at Superior to US Forest Service officials. The data presented helped resolve the appeal and enabled the permittee to increase the stocking rate in conjunction with monitoring data. The economic impact of that decision to the ranching operation was conservatively worth $24,819 per year.<br /> "Presented a talk on Range Livestock Mineral Research at the Arizona Section, Society for Range Management Summer Meeting at Mahan Park (75 people).<br /> "Presented a talk on Grazing Your Pasture at the Pasture Management Workshop for Landowners in Camp Verde (23 people).<br /> "Assisted a large ranch in Gila County with development of a nutritional management plan for the cow herd. Assisted a private ranch near Flagstaff with on the ground training for determining stocking rates to improve rangeland management.<br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> "Data has been disseminated in scientific publications (manuscripts, abstracts, and proceedings), as well as stakeholder-focused field day and department research reports. (with North Dakota State University).<br /> USDA/ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> "May 22, 2012 Day seminar with NRCS clients Choteau Montana<br /> "April 4, 2012 FFA students from Richie, MT Tour and discussion<br /> "April 30, 2012 - Dickinson State University Students participated in seminar and tours <br /> "June 18, 2012 - Prairie County range tour, Terry, MT. Fort Keogh Research Update<br /> "January 24, 2011 Big Timber MT, Fort Keogh on the Road was invited for a day of seminar presentations to the local Livestock Association <br /> "November 12, 2011 Richard Waterman gave a talk on Nutrient utilization due to season, physiological stage, and management at the Sheridan County Stockgrowers Association meetings in Plentywood, MT.<br /> "June 24, 2011 - MT Ag Teachers Tour and discussion<br /> "June 2024, 2011 - Hosted Western Section American Society Animal Science <br /> "May 23, 2011 - Four Texas University students participated in a discussion by Mark Petersen about careers and how our agency works. <br /> "May 2-5, 2011 - Elementary School Tours 388 students - All Fort Keogh staff participated<br /> "April 29, 2011 - SE MT Livestock Association, Recent Advances in Water Research presented by Mark Petersen<br /> "April 26, 2011 - Dickinson State University Students participated in seminar and tours <br /> "April 21, 2011 - April 13, 2011 - Fort Keogh hosted a group of producers from Argentina.<br /> "March 26, 2011 - Senator Testors AG Business Development Conference - Mark Petersen presented current research at Fort Keogh and participated in a panel focused on Cow Efficiency<br /> "February 3-4, 2011 - NCBA convention Trade Show booth, shared and manned with ARS locations; Clay Cente, NE , Temple, TX, and Beltsville, MD<br /> "January 24, 2011 - Roundup, MT, Fort Keogh on the Road was invited for a day of seminar presentations to the local Livestock Association <br /> "January 11-14, 2011 - Richard Waterman was an invited speaker at the 2011 Beef Days in six locations in South Dakota: Martin, Hot Springs, St. Onge, Wall, Union Center, and Buffalo<br /> "January 7, 2011 - DNRC Winter Weed Series, rehabilitation after Russian Olive removal presented by Mark Petersen<br /> <br /> Objective 4. Provide professional development and mentoring opportunities for committee participants, young scientists, stakeholders, and graduate students.<br /> <br /> MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> "Coached and chaperoned the MSU Academic Quadrathalon team to National ASAS/WSASAS meetings in Phoenix, AZ in July 2012.<br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> "Results from experiments will be presented at National ASAS/WSASAS meetings in Phoenix, AZ in July 2012.<br /> "Presented the impacts of water quality on livestock performance to the New Mexico Indian Livestock Days annual meeting. This workshop covered range management, animal health, and horse care in Albuquerque, NM (200 participants)<br /> "Developed materials for graduate student to present a one day workshop on ruminant nutrition to the New Mexico Youth Ranch Camp at the Valles Caldera National Preserve. This ranch camp was a week-long event designed to acquaint youths ages 15 to 19 with new science-based concepts, advanced technologies, and applied skills, that are used successfully on commercial beef cattle operations to increase their long-term sustainability in Jemez Springs, NM (20 participants)<br /> "Developed and implemented a monthly ranchers meeting titled Ranchers Roundtable at the newly completed NMSU Southwest Center for Rangeland Sustainability at the Corona Range and Livestock Research Center. The Ranchers Roundtable is designed to provide a comfortable atmosphere where ranchers ask questions regarding a particular topic to a panel of experts. Topics are timely and are scheduled approximately 3 months in advance of the rancher needing to implement information garnered. To date we have held 6 roundtables and have reached over 214 ranchers whom are responsible for over 20,000 cows.<br /> " Training 6 graduate students, 5 masters and 1 PhD<br /> o Nigel Miller, MS<br /> o Melanie Beckman, MS<br /> o Christopher Shelley, MS<br /> o Jose Caballero, MS<br /> o Kali Benson, MAg<br /> o Travis Mulliniks, PhD<br /> " Training 2 undergraduate students involved in undergraduate research projects through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute <br /> NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Identified multiple opportunities for professional development and encouraged younger faculty and graduate students to participate.<br /> OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> "August 2011. We conducted a two-week modular multi-state graduate student course covering Principles of Ruminant Nutrition and associated research techniques. We had 8 students (4 Univ. of Idaho, 4 OSU, 0 WSU) participate. Instructors: Chad Mueller, Tim DelCurto, Dave Bohnert, and Reinaldo Cooke.<br /> "July 2012, Shelby Filley visited Utah State University (USU) to meet with scientists and examine their research site, the Irrigated Intermountain Pasture Project, to visit their forage plots on grass-finishing beef cattle.<br /> SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> "beefSD is an educational program for beginning cow-calf producers in South Dakota. It is a 3-yr program with an intensive curriculum that includes classroom instruction, case studies of established, successful ranches to evaluate alternative beef cattle production systems, mentoring by established ranchers and other agriculture professionals, post-weaning calf performance evaluation of participants cattle, travel study trips to visit other sectors and aspects of the US beef cattle industry, and interactive web-based learning, including webinars, podcasts, a managed forum, and computer apps.<br /> "Range Beef Cow Symposium is a jointly sponsored program by Colorado State University, University of Wyoming, University of Nebraska, and South Dakota State University. It is held biennially in odd years with the next symposium to be held December 3-5, 2013 in Rapid City, SD.<br /> "Advise 1 MS and 1 PhD student.<br /> "Provide summer internships to undergraduate or high school students: 6 in 2011; 8 in 2012.<br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> "Hosted and advised an undergraduate intern for the fall semester of 2011 from BYU-Idaho for the Reading the Range monitoring program.<br /> "Informally advised a graduate student from the University of Arizona Department of Animal Sciences on data analyses and manuscript preparation for a paper presented on trace mineral research at the American Society of Animal Science meeting in Phoenix.<br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> "Participated in professional development opportunities as a new faculty member, and we have encouraged graduate and undergraduate students to take advantage of additional development opportunities.<br /> VIRGINIA TECH<br /> "Two graduate students and one undergraduate research student gained professional skills in the use of n-alkanes and long chain alcohols to delineate diet selection and feed intake in cattle. They were heavily involved in the planning, implementation (both field and laboratory work) and analysis of experiments designed to validate the utility of this tool in a controlled (dry lot) setting.<br /> USDA/ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> "Travis Mulliniks PhD candidate from NMSU has conducted research at Fort Keogh as a part of his doctoral studies. <br /> "Liz Read (MS student) from Montana State University conducted research at Fort Keogh. <br /> "Nickolas Dufek (MS student) from NDSU conducted research at Fort KeoghPublications
See AttachedImpact Statements
- Procedures developed over the next year will lead to more efficient and effective estimates of grazed diet intake while minimizing the number of animals, sample collections, as well as animal behavior and environmental disturbances.
- The symposium planned and submitted for consideration will lead to further refinement and enhanced application of the NRC Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle for cattle grazing on Western rangelands.
Date of Annual Report: 02/28/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 10/15/2013
- 10/17/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Olson, Kenneth (Kenneth.Olson@sdstate.edu) South Dakota State University;Hess, Bret (brethess@uwyo.edu) University of Wyoming;
Endecott, Rachel (rachel.endecott@montana.edu) Montana State University;
ZoBell, Dale (dale.zobell@usu.edu) Utah State University;
Scholljegerdes, Eric (ejs@ad.nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University;
Lewis, Ron (rmlewis@vt.edu) Virginia Tech;
Ivey, Shanna (sivey@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University;
Soto-Navarro, Sergio (ssoto@nmsu.edu) New Mexico State University;
Mueller, Chad (Chad.Mueller@oregonstate.edu) Oregon State University;
Jim Sprinkle (sprinkle@ag.arizona.edu) University of Arizona;
Faulkner, Dan (dfaulkner@email.arizona.edu) University of Arizona;
Islam, Anowarm (islam@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Students Present:
Colt Knight graduate - Faulkner, University of Arizona;
Francesa Melgar undergraduate Ivey, New Mexico State University;
James Graves graduate Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University;
Clayton Gardner graduate Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University;
Leah Schmitz graduate Scholljegerdes, New Mexico State University;
Katelin Marchetti graduate Ivey, New Mexico State University;
Matt Crouse undergraduate Ivey, New Mexico State University;
Allison Salazar undergraduate Ivey, New Mexico State University;
Christopher Shelley graduate Ivey, New Mexico State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
W1012 met in Las Cruces, NM on October 15 to 17, 2013 at New Mexico State University.NIFA report:
Government is shut down and looking for a continuing resolution to operate. Two different farm bills have been passed. One eliminated the food program. It will go to conference committee. The AFRI program is in deficit and the call this year may be for the next two years.
Administrative Advisor report (Bret Hess):
Impact statements are being developed. It is important that reports are filed for these impact statements. They are used heavily in Washington. This years report should include not only this year but also summarize the 5 years. The committee did not meet in FY 2013 so we need to document activities the last year. The renewal will be discussed later in the meeting. The fund balance for the committee is $14,864.61.
Discussion of progress toward project objectives:
Objective 1. Validation of the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animal.
Samples have been received by NM lab from Ron Lewis (VT) to evaluate the assay. Richard Waterman (USDA/ARS) is starting to work on the analysis. Ten test diets are being evaluated. Four locations at testing VT, USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh, NMSU. Two technicians per lab and two runs per technician. Three pure diets and defined mixtures of the three pure diets for a total of 10 diets.
Ron Lewis discussed some of the challenges with the assay and the across lab validation. Smooth brome and switch grass are similar enough in alkane analysis to create problems. Red clover C29 alkane is so high that it over whelms the calculations for diet composition. Diagnostic Bi-plot separation can help tell the plants apart. Size of grind may be an issue for warm season grasses. We may need to develop standard samples and training procedures. The tool works and there is some error as expected. Predictions do not predict the presence of a forage if it is not present. We may also need to add in more markers (alcohols). We could also use nutrient content to help the analysis.
The four sets of data will be combined an analyzed in the next year. This more complex than anticipated but progress is being made toward the objective. Progress is being made on the technique.
We need to evaluate the additions of external markers (i.e. beeswax). VT is doing alcohols, NM is doing beeswax and titanium, WY has a metabolism experiment (metabolism and duedonal for flow comparisons) comparing titanium and beeswax with FT Keogh. These samples will be used to evaluate animal intake.
Objective 2 Identify the shortcomings of the 1996/2000 beef NRC for cows grazing in Western rangeland environments.
The group presented a symposium at the JAM 2013 in Indianapolis IN on July 8-12, 2013. It was a joint annual meeting of the ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS dealing with research and current issues in animal science. The symposium was well received and made the information available to the NRC committee.
The two presentations have been prepared for publication as review papers and comments are back from the reviewers. The third is being prepared for submission.
A member of this committee (Joel Caton) is part of the NRC and will share the information papers with the NRC committee.
Station reports:
Each station gave a brief update of ongoing research and future plans. The station reports are incorporated into the annual report.
Project renewal:
After reviewing the options for renewal, the committee decided to pursue a W renewal. Shana Ivey will be the chair of the writing committee. Other committee members include Ken Olson, Eric Scholljegerdes, Ron Lewis, and Rachel Endecott.
Next meeting will be the day prior to the Western Section ASAS meeting On June 24.
Chad Mueller will be the next secretary and Dan Faulkner will move up to the chair position.
Grazing nutrition conference was discussed. The suggested steering committee will be Jack Whittier (chair), Mark Peterson (historian) , Richard Waterman (sponsorship), Eric Scholljegerdes (editor), Ken Olson (site coordinator), and Joel Caton (grants coordinator).
Accomplishments<br /> <br /> Objective 1 <br /> Virginia Tech (Ron Lewis) validate the utility and repeatability of the alkane assay for measuring fecal output by grazing ruminant animal. <br /> <br /> A validated n-alkane method is available for validation across laboratories in multiple states. A thesis has been completed and 3 abstracts have been presented as a result of the validation of the n-alkane method. (Milestone 2010 and 2013)<br /> <br /> By combining n-alkanes and long chain alcohols as plant-wax markers, the botanical composition of mixed diets varying in their fescue and red clover contents could be even more reliably predicted. Furthermore, using multivariate statistical analyses (principal components), the information value of individual markers to distinguish plants could be characterized. <br /> <br /> Two studies have been conducted using supplements treated with beeswax that were fed to cattle. In these studies actual feed intakes were measured and fecal output was estimated using a either titanium dioxide or chromium-EDTA. These two markers are commonly used and will allow the validation of n-alkanes as an alternative. (Milestone 2012)<br /> <br /> Ken Olson at SDSU submitted a grant proposal that was funded dealing with supplementation of range cows. In this study he will dose beeswax with the supplement and the animals will be fitted with fecal bags for validation of beeswax as an estimator of supplement intake. (Milestone 2012, 2011)<br /> <br /> In a collaboration of Virginia Tech, New Mexico State University, USDA-ARS (Fort Keogh), and CSIRO (Canberra, ACT, Australia), laboratory protocols were shared, and defined mixtures of Smooth Broome and Switchgrass (collected at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska) and red clover (collected at the Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Raphine, Virginia) were distributed, for a blind across-lab validation study. The laboratory analyses of these sample are underway.<br /> <br /> A portable Calan Broadbent Feeding System was built to administer plant-wax markers to individual cattle at pasture via their addition to a small quantity of feed supplement. Through the construct of the supplement inclusion of cracked corn or rolled oats mixed with color dyes fecal samples could also be connected to individual animals without need for their physical restraint. <br /> <br /> Objective 2<br /> The group presented a symposium at the JAM 2013 in Indianapolis IN on July 8-12, 2013. It was a joint annual meeting of the ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS dealing with research and current issues in animal science. The symposium was well received and made the information available to the NRC committee.<br /> <br /> The two presentations have been prepared for publication as review papers and comments are back from the reviewers. The third is being prepared for submission.<br /> <br /> A member of this committee (Joel Caton) is part of the NRC and will share the information papers with the NRC committee<br /> <br /> 5th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference will be held in conjunction with JAM 2015. When the host city for JAM 2015 is identified then a venue will be chosen for this conference. (Milestone 2014)<br /> <br /> Objective 3: The members of W-1012 have published the following in 2012-13:<br /> 47 Referred journal articles<br /> 23 Abstracts and proceedings<br /> 10 Popular press articles<br /> 32 Extension bulletins and revisions<br /> <br /> Objective 4<br /> A total of 28 graduate and undergraduate students have been advised and/or mentored by members of W-1012.<br /> <br /> Approximately 300 high school youth have participated in youth camps and field days<br /> <br /> Four ration balancing software trainings were conducted for 23 Montana State University Extension Agents<br /> <br /> Extension programs have reached over 2200 producers representing over 50% of the cowherd in New Mexico, Montana, and ArizonaPublications
REFEREED <br /> <br /> VIRGINIA TECH UNIVERSITY<br /> Vargas Jurado, N., A. E. Tanner, S. R. Blevins, H. M. McNair, R. W. Mayes, and R. M. Lewis. 2013. n-Alkanes and long-chain alcohols reliably estimate botanical composition in forage mixtures. Grass Forage Sci. (submitted)<br /> <br /> MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Endecott, R. L., R. N. Funston, J. T. Mulliniks, and A. J. Roberts. 2013. Implications of beef heifer development systems and lifetime productivity. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1329-1335.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Does ²-hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum range beef cows? J. Anim. Sci. 91:2902-2909.<br /> <br /> Endecott, R. L., S. H. Cox, C. M. Rubio, C. A. Löest, D. E. Hawkins, and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Effects of supplements with increasing glucogenic precursor content on reproduction and nutrient utilization in young postpartum range cows. Livest. Sci. 145:109-118.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., S. H. Cox, M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, R. C. Waterman, D. M. VanLeeuwen, and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Relationship between body condition score at calving and reproductive performance in young postpartum cows grazing native range. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2811-2817.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> <br /> Coleman, S., S. Gunter, J. Sprinkle, and J. Neel. 2013. Difficulties associated with predicting forage intake by grazing beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted.<br /> <br /> UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, B. L. Waldron, B. R. Min, D. R. ZoBell, and R. L. Miller. 2013. Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. (manuscript accepted (ID: PAS-13-01218) and in press)<br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., K. Neal, J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, B. L. Waldron, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2013. Effects of grass-legume mixed pasture forages with different composition ratios on microbial fermentation in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. (manuscript accepted (ID: PAS-13-01259) and in press)<br /> <br /> Eun, J.-S., T. Z. Davis, J. M. Vera, D. N. Miller, K. E. Panter, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Addition of high concentration of inorganic selenium in grass hay does not interfere with microbial fermentation in mixed ruminal microorganisms in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 29: 3945.<br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., B. L. Waldron, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and M. D. Peel. 2012. Growth performance, ruminal fermentation profiles, and carcass characteristics of beef steers grazing tall fescue without or with nitrogen fertilization. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:519527.<br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, M. D. Peel, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Fatty acid composition in adipose tissue of pasture- and feedlot-finished beef steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:184193.<br /> <br /> Vera, J. M., A. H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, A. J. Young, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Effects of an exogenous proteolytic enzyme on growth performance of beef steers and in vitro ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:452463.<br /> <br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> <br /> Arias, R. P., L. J. Unruh-Snyder, E. J. Scholljegerdes, A. N. Baird, K. D. Johnson, D. Buckmaster, R. P. Lemenager, and S. L. Lake. 2013. Effects of feeding corn modified-wet distillers grains plussolubles co-ensiled with chopped whole-plant corn on heifer growth performance, and diet digestibility in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:4366-4373.<br /> <br /> Dávila-Ramírez, J. L., U. Macías-Cruz, N. G. Torrentera- Olivera, H. González-Ríos, S. A. Soto-Navarro, R. Rojo-Campos, and L. Avendaño-Reyes. 2013. Effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride and soybean oil supplementation on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of hair-breed ram lambs under heat stress conditions. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted.<br /> <br /> Lodge-Ivey, S. L., L. N. Tracey, and A. Salazar. 2013. The utility of lipid extracted algae as a protein source in forage or starch-based ruminant diets. Journal of Animal Science. In press.<br /> <br /> Macías-Cruz, U., F. D. Álvarez-Valenzuela, S. A. Soto-Navarro, E. Águila-Tepato and L. Avendaño-Reyes. 2013. Effect of zilpaterol hydrochloride on feedlot performance, nutrient intake, and digestibility in hair-breed sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1844-1849.<br /> <br /> Martínez-Pérez, M. F., D. Calderón-Mendoza, A. Islas, A. M. Encinias, F. Loya-Olguín, and S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2013. Effect of corn dry distiller grains plus solubles supplementation level on performance and digestion characteristics of steers grazing native range during forage growing season. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1350-1361.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., D. E. Hawkins, K. K. Kane, S. H. Cox, L. A. Torell, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Metabolizable protein supply while grazing dormant winter forage during heifer development alters pregnancy and subsequent in-herd retention rate. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 1409-1416. <br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Does ²-hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum range beef cows? J. Anim. Sci. 91: 2902-2909.<br /> <br /> Sanchez, P. H., L. N. Tracey, J and S. L. Lodge-Ivey. 2013. Propionibacterium acidipropionici P169 and glucogenic precursors to improve rumen parameters associated with low quality forage. Accepted Journal of Animal Science.<br /> <br /> Soto-Navarro, S. A., R. Lopez, C. Sankey, B. M. Capitan, B. P. Holland, L. A. Balstad, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2013. Comparative digestibility by cattle versus sheep: Effect of forage quality. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted.<br /> <br /> Arias, R. P., L. J. Unruh-Snyder, E. J. Scholljegerdes, A. N. Baird, K. D. Johnson, D. Buckmaster, R. P. Lemenager, and S. L. Lake. 2012. Effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles co-ensiled with direct cut forage on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics and diet digestibility of finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:3574-3583.<br /> <br /> Beall, J. A., J. A. Gonzalez-Simental, S. Soto-Navarro, N. C. Flores and W. M. Fedio. 2012. The effect of calcium chloride on the microbiological characteristics of fermented chile pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. mesilla cayenne) mash. J. Agric. Sci. Tech. 17:1113-1118.<br /> <br /> Conway, L. K., D. M. Hallford, S. A. Soto-Navarro. 2012. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and yellow grease on digestive function of cattle fed steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets. Anim. Feed Sci. and Tech. 178:20-26.<br /> <br /> Kronberg, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, E. J. Murphy, R. E. Ward, T. D. Maddock, and C. S. Schauer. 2012. Treatment of flaxseed to reduce biohydrogenation of ±-linolenic acid by ruminal microbes in sheep and cattle and increase n-3 fatty acid concentrations in red meat. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4618-4624.<br /> <br /> Lodge-Ivey, S. L., J. Petersen, and J. Browne-Silva. 2012. Effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid on in vitro fermentation profiles of rumen bacteria. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4118-4125.<br /> <br /> Scholljegerdes, E. J., L. A. Lekatz, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Effects of short-term oilseed supplementation on hormone production in beef cows. Animal (Accepted with revision).<br /> <br /> Soto-Navarro S. A., A. M. Encinias, M. L. Bauer, G. P. Lardy, and J. S. Caton. 2012. Feeding value of field pea as a protein source in forage based-diets fed to beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:585-591.<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> Waterman, R. C., V. L. Ujazdowski, and M. K. Petersen. Effects of rumen-protected methionine on plasma amino acid concentrations during a period of weight loss for late gestating heifers. Amino Acids. 43:2165-2177. 2012.<br /> <br /> Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, and R. J. Lipsey. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: I. Performance and reproductive response in range beef cows. Livestock Science. 148:26-35. DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.05.004. 2012.<br /> <br /> Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, and R. J. Lipsey. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: II. Development of replacement heifers. Livestock Science. 148:36-45. DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.04.020. 2012.<br /> <br /> Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, R. J. Lipsey, W. R. Shafer, L. L. Berger, D. B. Faulkner, and J. W. Homm. Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: III. Steer weaning, finishing and carcass characteristics. Livestock Science. 148:282-290; DOI 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.06.024. 2012.<br /> <br /> Fouts, D. E., S, Szpakowski, J. Purushe, M. Torralba, R. C. Waterman, M. D. MacNeil, L. J. Alexander, and K. E. Nelson. Next Generation Sequencing to Define Prokaryotic and Fungal Diversity in the Bovine Rumen. PLoS ONE 7(11):e48289. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0048289. 2012.<br /> <br /> Jinks, E. M. M. F. Smith, J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, G. A. Perry, M. D. MacNeil, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, L. J. Alexander, and T. W. Geary. Preovulatory estradiol and the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1176-1185. 2013.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, S. H. Cox, A. J. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, T. W. Geary, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and M. K. Petersen. Does ²- Hydroxybutyrate concentration influence conception date in young postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 91:2902-2909. 2013.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., R. C. Waterman, and T. W. Geary. Economics of early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production system. Agricultural Sciences. 4:219-223. 2013.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J.T., Mathis, C.P., Cox, S.H., Petersen, M.K. 2013. Supplementation strategy during late gestation alters steer progeny health in the feedlot without affecting cow performance. Feed Science and Technology 185:126-132. <br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., J. E. Sawyer, C. P. Mathis, S. H. Cox and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Winter protein management during late gestation alters range cow and steer progeny performance. J Anim Sci. 90:5099-5106.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., S. H. Cox, M. E. Kemp, R. L. Endecott, R. C. Waterman, D. M. VanLeeuwen and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Relationship between body condition score at calving and reproductive performancein young postpartum cows grazing native range. J Anim Sci 2012, 90:2811-2817.<br /> <br /> Mulliniks, J. T., D. E. Hawkins, K. K. Kane, S. H. Cox, L. A. Torell, E. J. Scholljegerdes,and M. K. Petersen. 2013. Metabolizable protein supply while grazing dormant winter forage during heifer development alters pregnancy and subsequent in-herd retention rate. J. Anim. Sci. 2013.91:14091416<br /> <br /> Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K., Vermeire, L.T.,Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2013. Seasonal temperature and precipitation effects on cow-calf production in northern mixed-grass prairie. Livestock Science. 155:355-363. <br /> <br /> Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K, Vermeire, L.T., Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2013. Temperature and precipitation affect steer weight gains differentially by stocking rate in northern mixed-grass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66(4):438-444.<br /> <br /> Reeves, J.L., Derner, J.D., Sanderson, M.A., Petersen, M.K, Vermeire, L.T., Hendrickson, J.R., Kronberg, S.L. 2014. Seasonal weather influences on yearling beef steer production in C3-dominated Northern Great Plains rangeland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 183:110117. <br /> <br /> J. E. Sawyer, J. T. Mulliniks, R. C. Waterman and M. K. Petersen. 2012. Influence of protein type and level on nitrogen and forage use in cows consuming low-quality forage. J Anim Sc. 90:2324-2330.<br /> <br /> Wesley, Robert L., Andrés F. Cibils, J. Travis Mulliniks, Emily R. Pollak, Mark K. Petersen, Ed. L. Fredrickson. 2012. An assessment of behavioural syndromes in rangeland-raised beef cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 139:183194.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Saha, M.C., Nachtman, J.J., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2013. Grain yield, forage yield, and nutritive value of dual-purpose small grains in the Central High Plains of the USA. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2012-0154-RS.<br /> <br /> Tracy, B., Albrecht, K., Flores, J., Hall, M., Islam, M.A., Jones, G., Lamp, W., MacAdam, J., Skinner, H., and Teutsch, C. 2013. Forage yield, weed suppression and fertilizer nitrogen replacement value (FNRV) of alfalfa-tall fescue mixtures. Grassland Science in Europe. 18:192-194.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Krall, J.M., Cecil, J.T., and Nachtman, J.J. 2013. Performance of turfgrass under supplemental irrigation and rain-fed conditions in the Central Great Plains of USA. Grassland Science, 59, 111-119.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Obour, A.K., Saha, M.C., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2013. Small grains have forage production potential and nutritive value in Central High Plains of Wyoming. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2013-0121-02-RS.<br /> <br /> Kimura, E. and Islam, M.A. 2012. Seed scarification methods and their use in forage legumes. Research Journal of Seed Science, 5, 38-50.<br /> <br /> PROCEEDINGS:<br /> <br /> VIRGINIA TECH UNIVERSITY<br /> Rutter, J. K., A. E. Tanner, and R. M. Lewis. 2013. Using n-alkanes to estimate herbage composition of a diet. Page 37 in 11th Annual Virginia Tech Undergraduate Research Conference, Blacksburg, VA.<br /> <br /> UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. 2013. Fatty acid metabolism on pasture- and feedlot-finished cattle. Pages 585586 in Proceedings, 22nd International Grasslands Congress, Sydney, Australia, New South Wales Department of Primary Industry, Kite St., Orange New South Wales, Australia. <br /> <br /> Saunders, C. S., M. S. Holt, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, A. J. Young, and K. E. Nestor Jr. 2013. Growth performance and ruminal fermentation characteristics of growing beef steers fed brown midrib corn silage-based diet. Pages 344347 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Bozeman, MT.<br /> <br /> Sieg, J. M., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2012. Assessment of chestnut tannin extract supplementation on animal performance and ruminal fermentation profiles in feedlot finishing diets. Pages 3538 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Phoenix, AZ.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Islam, M.A., and Saha, M.C. 2013. Agronomic traits in tall fescue populations under irrigated and rain-fed conditions. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress, September 15-19, 2013. Sydney, NSW, Australia (International Grassland Congress).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Cecil, W.K., Nachtman, J.J., Baumgartner, R.E., Bandara, M., and Acharya, S. 2012. Fenugreek: A potential legume for multipurpose use. Proceedings of the 6th International Crop Science Congress, August 6-10, 2012. Bento Goncalves, RS, Brazil (International Crop Science Congress).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Groose, R., Norton, U., Garcia y Garcia, A., Santra, D., Sivanpillai, R., Ritten, J., Norton, J., Paisley, S., and Krall, J. 2012. Legume Adoption Practices in the Central Great Plains of the United States: Economic and Environmental Benefits in Face of Climate Change. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, July 12-13, 2012. University of Washington, Seattle, WA (Common Ground Publishing, USA).<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> Petersen, M.K., J.M. Muscha, J.T. Mulliniks, A.J. Roberts, and R.C. Waterman. A preliminary assessment of year long relative loose mineral intake and range cow productivity in Northern Great Plains. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 64:258-260. 2013.<br /> <br /> EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Sprinkle, J., G. Ruyle, C. Eppler, D. Cook, and M. Merrill-Davies. 2012. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for Ranchers. Western Beef Resource Committee Cattle Producer's Handbook, 3rd Edition, # 574. 8 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J., G. Ruyle, C. Eppler, D. Cook, and M. Merrill-Davies. 2012. Writing your own alternative using NEPA for ranchers. Western Beef Resource Committee Cattle Producer's Handbook, 3rd Edition, # 575. 4 pp.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2013. 12 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2012. 6,623 pages for the 12 reports.<br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2012. 7 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2012. 3,499 pages for the 7 reports. <br /> <br /> Sprinkle, J., J. Stratton, D. England, and M. Leonard. 2012. 13 Range Monitoring Reports summarized for data collected 2009-2010. 5,903 pages for the 13 reports. <br /> <br /> Dal Molin, T., D. Tolleson, J. Sprinkle, M. Sprinkle, D. Schafer, and B. McMurry. 2012. Remote monitoring of individual animal mineral supplement intake by range cattle. Producer's Update and Research Highlights. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona. Arizona Cattlemen's Association Summer Meeting, July, 2012, Prescott, AZ. 5 pp.<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Islam, M.A. 2013. A Guide for Successful Forage Establishment. University of Wyoming Extension Bulletin B-1248, Ed. S.L. Miller, pp.1-8, August 2013. University of Wyoming, Laramie. Available at: http://www.wyomingextension.org/publications/Search_Details.asp?pubid=1834 (verified September 10, 2013)<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2013. Mixtures of grass-legume may benefit producers in Wyoming. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 25, No. 18, September 7, 2013.<br /> Wehmeyer, B.A., Saha, M.C., and Islam, M.A. 2013. Forage and Biomass Potential and Their Genetics of Tall Fescue Genotypes. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 27-28. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2013-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified September 2, 2013).<br /> <br /> Jolivet, M.T., Waldron, B.L., Stahl, P.D., and Islam, M.A. 2013. Forage Kochia May Have Potential for Both Forage and Reclamation. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 23-24. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2013-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified September 2, 2013).<br /> <br /> Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Benefits from GrassLegume Mixtures in Forage-Production Systems. 2013 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 25-26. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2013-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified September 2, 2013).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Birdsfoot Trefoil: A Bloat-free Forage Legume. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 27, November 10, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Benefits from and Principles for Composing Grass-legume Mixture. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 21, September 29, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Genetics, Variety Development, and Species Selection. Factsheet, Pasture Management Professional Development Workshop, University of Idaho Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension, and Education Center, North of Salmon, Idaho, August 21-23, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Grass-Legume Mixture Has Multiple Advantages in Forage Production Systems. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 13, August 4, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., and Kimura, E. 2012. Forage Legumes Establishment through Seed Scarification and Companion Crop. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 31-32. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Wehmeyer, B.A., Saha, M.C., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Forage and Biofuel Potential of Tall Fescue Germplasms. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 33-34. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Jolivet, M.T., Waldron, B.L., Stahl, P.D., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Forage Kochia on Wyoming Rangelands. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 35-36. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Cecil, W.K., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Assessment of Fenugreek for Adaptation to Southeast Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 57-58. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Dhakal, D., and Islam, M.A. 2012. GrassLegume Mixtures to Minimize Nitrogen Need and Improve Soil Properties. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 59-60. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., and Kniss, A.R. 2012. Tolerance of Tall Fescue to Aminocyclopyrachlor at Two Application Timings and Two Sowing Dates. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 61-62. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., Baumgartner, R.E., Nachtman, J.J., and Cecil, W.K. 2012. Forage and Grain Yield Potential of Small Grains in the Great Plains of Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 63-64. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Sustaining Legumes in Grasslands to Reduce Nitrogen Fertilization: A Multi-Regional Assessment. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 65-66. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., Cecil, W.K., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Cool-Season Grass Response to Irrigation, Drought, and Planting Time. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 67-68. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Cecil, W.K., Krall, J.M., Nachtman, J.J., and Baumgartner, R.E. 2012. Turf Grass Variety Trials. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 71-72. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Violett, R., and Killen, M.J. 2012. Forage Yield and Seed Yield Potential of Novel Tall Fescue Under Irrigated Conditions in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 139-140. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A. 2012. Effect of Water Stress on Alfalfa Establishment. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 141-142. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., and Killen, M.J. 2012. Effect of Phosphorus on Established and Newly Established Sainfoin. 2012 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 171-172. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2012-field-days-bulletin.pdf (verified November 14, 2012).<br /> <br /> Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A., and Hansen, K. 2012. Making the Switch: Surface vs. Sprinkler Irrigation. Whats Right for You? Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Interseeding and Reseeding in Hay and Pasture and No-till Pasture Renovation. Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Successful Forage Establishment: Some Key Factors to Consider. Factsheet, Wyoming Forage Field Day, Mile High Ranch, Riverton, June 28, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Calibration of Planter. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 23, June 9, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Harvest and Storage Affect Forage Quality. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 16, April 21, 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Companion Crop and Seed Scarification Enhance Forage Legumes Establishment. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyomings Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, Vol. 24, No. 8, February 25, 2012.<br /> <br /> POPULAR PRESS ARTICLES<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Islam, M.A., Obour, A., Nachtman, J., and Baumgartner, R. 2013. Scientists study turfgrass performance under supplemental irrigation and rain-fed conditions. Reflections, pp. 19-22. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/reflections/reflections-2013-web.pdf (verified 1 September, 2013).<br /> <br /> Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Legume grass mixtures reduce nitrogen requirements and production costs. Reflections, pp. 30-33. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/reflections/reflections-2013-web.pdf (verified 1 September, 2013).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2013. Research gleans best turf grass options for Central Great Plains. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2013.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2013. Cool-season tall fescue has potential for forage and seed yield production. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2013, p. 9.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. Select small grains could provide forage, grain combo in Wyoming. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), November 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. 2012. How to resolve autotoxicity issues in alfalfa stands. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), July 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. and Killen, M. 2012. Sainfoin: A potential forage legume in the West. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. and Violett, R.D. 2012. Study yields seed production potential for different tall fescue lines in Big Horn Basin. Barnyards & Backyards Profitable & Sustainable Agricultural Systems (PSAS) Newspapers Insert (an insert to twenty-four Wyoming newspapers; 144,000 copies of this insert were distributed across the state), March 2012.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. Baumgartner, R.E., and Nachtman, J.J. 2012. UW researchers study forage, grain yield potential of wheat, rye, triticale. Reflections, pp. 33-35. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/reflections/2012/reflections-2012-web.pdf (verified 12 November, 2012).<br /> <br /> ABSTRACTS<br /> <br /> UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Eun, J.-S., M. S. Holt, A. J. Young, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Nutritional strategies to optimize feeding brown midrib corn silage to dairy and beef cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 96 (E-Suppl. 1):165. (Abstr.) <br /> <br /> Creech, J. E., J. M. Vera, C. T. Noviandi, J.-S. Eun, A. J. Young, and D. R. ZoBell. 2013. Effects of feeding teff hay-based diets on growth performance and ruminal fermentation profiles of growing beef steers and dairy heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91 (E-Suppl. 2):260. (Abstr.)<br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., K. Neal, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, M. D. Peel, and B. L. Waldron. 2013. Assessment of in vitro fermentation characteristics of grass-legume mixed pasture forages with their different composition ratios using continuous cultures. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91 (E-Suppl. 2):259. (Abstr.) <br /> <br /> Sieg, J. M., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and B. R. Min. 2012. Assessment of chestnut tannin extract supplementation on animal performance and ruminal fermentation profiles in feedlot finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3):150. (Abstr.)<br /> <br /> Vera, J. M., T. Z. Davis, D. N. Miller, K. E. Panter, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Ruminal metabolism in continuous culture fermentation when administrating high concentration of inorganic selenium in mixed cultures of ruminal microorganisms. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 3):618. (Abstr.) <br /> <br /> Noviandi, C. T., M. N. McDonald, D. R. ZoBell, J.-S. Eun, M. D. Peel, and B. L. Waldron. 2012. Effects of energy supplementation for pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2):45. (Abstr.)<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING<br /> Islam, M.A., Saha, M.C., and Wehmeyer, B.A. 2013. Drought stress affects agronomic performance of tall fescue genotypes. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings November 3-6 2013. Tampa, FL (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America).<br /> <br /> Dhakal, D. and Islam, M.A. 2013. Grass-legume mixtures to mitigate nitrogen need and improve soil properties in the Great Plains of Wyoming. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings November 3-6 2013. Tampa, FL (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America).<br /> <br /> Carter, C., Garcia y Garcia, A., Islam, M.A., and Hansen, K. 2013. Effect of deficit irrigation on water use and water use efficiency of alfalfa. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual Meetings July 21-24 2013. Kansas city, MO.<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Nachtman, J.J., Baumgartner, R.E., Bandara, M., and Acharya, S.N. 2013. Fenugreek may have potential for multipurpose use. Proceedings of the Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meetings June 11-12 2013. Pendleton, OR (Western Society of Crop Science).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A. and Wehmeyer, B.A. 2013. Biofuel and forage potential of cool-season grass genotypes. Proceedings of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science-US Alumni Association 3rd Multidisciplinary Science Forum International Annual Meetings 1 February 2013. Chapman University, Orange, CA (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).<br /> <br /> Islam, M.A., and Violett, R. 2012. Effect of Nitrogen and Clipping on Forage and Seed Yield of Tall Fescue. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings October 21-24 2012. Cincinnati, OH (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America).<br /> <br /> Kimura, E. Krall, J.M., Hess, B.W., and Islam, M.A. 2012. Establishing Forage Legumes with Companion Crop. Proceedings of the W-SCS Annual Meetings July 11-13 2012. Washington State University, Pullman, WA (Western Society of Crop Science).<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS FORT KEOGH<br /> Waterman, R.C., J.S. Caton, and C.A. Loëst. 2013. How well does the current metabolizable protein system account for protein supply and demand of beef females within extensive western grazing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E Suppl. 2):440. Abstract #438.<br /> <br /> Petersen, M.K., C. Mueller, J. T. Mulliniks, A.J. Roberts, and T. Del Curto. 2013. Potential limitations of NRC in predicting energetic requirements of beef females within western U.S. grazing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E Suppl. 2):440. Abstract #439<br /> <br /> Handbooks<br /> <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA<br /> Sprinkle, J., C. Eppler, G. Ruyle, and D. Cook. 2012. NEPA for Ranchers. Peer reviewed and sponsored by American Sheep Industry, Arizona Cattlemens Association, Gila County Cattle Growers, National Cattlemens Beef Association, Public Lands Council, and Tonto Natural Resource Conservation District. 30 pp.<br /> <br /> Thesis/Dissertation<br /> <br /> NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY<br /> Jose D. Caballero MS completed December 2013. Thesis title: Effect of Zuprevo as mass medication of receiving cattle on feedlot performance and health<br /> <br /> Travis Mulliniks, PhD completed December 2012. Dissertation title: Nutritional and metabolic factors influencing reproductive efficiency of grazing beef cattle<br /> <br /> Nigel Miller MS completed October 2012. Thesis title: Utilization of dried distillers grains to manage rate of body weight gain during heifer development and the use of a novel rumen-protected arginine to alter plasma levels of arginine<br /> <br /> Melanie Beckman MS completed December 2012. Thesis title: Use of lipid extracted algae in ruminant diets<br /> <br /> Christopher Shelley MS completed December 2013. Thesis title: Use of cobalt to enhance fiber digestion and alleviate stress in newly weaned cattleImpact Statements
- Nutritionists and practitioners will gain a better understanding of the shortcomings of the current NRC Beef Nutrition manual as a result of publishing 3 refereed publications addressing changes needed to the NRC to appropriately feed cattle on western rangelands. These publications are projected to be used by the new NRC committee as they develop the latest NRC revision. More accurate NRC models will lead to more optimal production practices.