W_OLD6: Plant Genetic Resource Management, Preservation, Characterization and Utilization
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/23/2010
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Committee members present:;
Ralph Cavalari - Administrative Advisor, Washington State Univ.;
Dan Parfitt - California - chair,;
Mark Brick - Colorado (connected by phone);
Bob Zemetra - Idaho - vice chair, acting secretary;
Shawn Mehlenbacher - Oregon;
Jack Martin - Montana (connected by phone);
Rich Koenig - Washington
Committee members absent:;
Bonnie Furman - Alaska;
Ian Ray - New Mexico;
Robin Groose - Wyoming;
Kevin Jensen - Utah
Guests: Anne Marie Thro - CREES, Washington DC;
Peter Bretting - NPS, NPGS, Washington DC;
Andrew Hammond - USDA, ARS Western Region;
Jinguo Hu - W6, Pullman;
Dave Stout - W6, Pullman;
Harold Bockelman - National Small grains collection;
Kim Hummer - NCGR, Corvallis;
Joseph Postman - NCGR Corvallis;
Francis Zee - NCGR, Hilo;
John Preece- NCGR, Davis;
Richard Lee - NCGR, Riverside (connected by phone);
Robert Kruege - CGR, Riverside;
Gabriela Romano - NCGR, Parlier;
Brief Summary of Minutes
W-6 Regional TAC meeting - July 27th, 2010,
To read the complete texts of the 2010 individual state reports and the budget, go to the NIMSS W-6 Homepage/Additional Documents from the sign-on menu or paste the following URL in your browser:
Meeting started at 8:25 am
Review of 2009 minutes
Motion to approve minutes Rich Koenig
Seconded - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Minutes were approved by unanimous vote
Report from NIFA - Ann Marie Thro
Change in organization with CSREES now part of NIFA with the director now being a political appointee. Goal of the new organization is to increase productivity of crops and agriculture in general.
Budget highlights
- NIFA budget up 1% with AFRI being increased 20%. The increase in these areas occurred through cuts to funding for the barley genome project and other special grants. Targeted crops for AFRI in 2011 include characterization and use of legumes. HATCH funding is flat line in the new budget.
AFRI program
- Comments on concerns dealing with targeted funding areas of AFRI being too limited and excluding too many researchers/research areas. NIFA is actively soliciting comments on the program so it can be improved in the future.
- It was also stressed that it will be important to report successes associated with AFRI grants to leverage more funds from Congress in the future
REE News
- New common reporting format being implemented. Competitive grant reporting will be utilizing the new format this fall. HATCH reporting will use the format in 2012. The new format will have a section for comments and will provide the researcher with the ability to go back and add impacts. It was pointed out that accomplishments and activities should be targeted to peers while the outputs/outcomes and impacts should be targeted to the general public.
- It was emphasized again that it is critical to mention HATCH funds in all papers and presentations and that the specific HATCH project number be included in the citation. W-6 Hatch funds showed increase in 2007 but major increase due to no earmarks that year
Director's Report and Budget - Ralph Cavalari
Plant germplasm should get increased emphasis with the current interest in plant productivity, especially in relation to climate change. One challenge is that NPGS is underfunded to do the necessary trait characterization to maximize the usefulness of the plant germplasm collection.
In terms of W-6 funding, all the Agriculture Experiment Stations support the W-6 station and supported the increased budget request for W-6. Starting October 1, 2010 the total budget was targeted at $405,288 but no raises were allowed for Washington State University so the actual budget will be $395,659 so the extra ~$9,000 will remain in the budget as discretionary funds. The full budget is included at the end of this report.
Motion to approve the proposed W-6 budget - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Seconded - Jack Martin
Minutes were approved by unanimous vote
Report from National Program - Peter Bretting
- FY09 Some reallocation of funds resulting in some increases in funding for some stations in the system
- FY-10 Modest increase across the board in funding
Areas that have potential for increased funding in the current budget
- $3.6 million to support increased germplasm capacity
- $6 to 9 million targeted at Crop Breeding and Crop Protection including support of applied breeding and breeding of perennial grains
- Additional funds for research related to impact of global climate change on crops/plants
Coordinated Germplasm committee - attempt to improve communication of successes of germplasm research.
International germplasm activity - some movement on two germplasm treaties
- FAO International Treaty
- President signed in 2002
- Congress held hearing in 2009, may pass in 2010/2011 though it will require a 60% majority for approval.
- It is uncertain as to the overall impact of this treaty on germplasm collection since it only applies to a subset of crops
- President signed in 2002
- Convention on Biological Diversity treaty
- Currently in the last stages of discussion.
- Hopefully will be submitted this fall
- Aspects of treaty concern some collections and would be retro-active for some collections
- Treaty is intended to cover everything not covered by the FAO treaty.
- Currently in the last stages of discussion.
Harold Bockelman - Aberdeen
- 136,000 samples in collection - still growing, part of increase due to deposit of mapping populations
- Distributed 48,000 samples - 800 requests June 2009 to June 2010 with 30-50% of the requests being international.
- The wheat (5,400 lines) and barley (2,700 lines) have been submitted for DarT analysis.
- Cereal germplasm collections will be involved in a Climate Change phenotyping AFRI project if funded.
- Effort to respond to UG99 stem rust continue - coordinating Kenya screening nursery with an emphasis on wheat landraces.
- Working on GRIN-Global - targeted to be completed in 2011.
Jinguo Hu - W-6 Pullman
Highlights of submitted report:
- First year over 53% of germplasm shipments were international.
- The complete safflower collection (2,300 accessions) was sent out three times
- The Brachypodium collection (30 accessions) was requested 1,000 times
- The complete safflower collection (2,300 accessions) was sent out three times
- A discussion was held on the new lab facility, it is currently on hold. The station also needs more land and greenhouse space.
- There was also a discussion on what to do with accessions (17,000) that have never been tested.
John Preece- Davis report
Highlights of submitted report:
- Dr. John Preece is the new research leader at the Davis repository.
- A new ARS facility (building) has been proposed with planning funds already used for facility design.
- There are 7,000 total accessions with 3,500 being grapes and 1,200 Prunus species.
- There were 500 requests covering about 5,000 accessions
- Concern was raised regarding field space limitations for the orchard collection. Attempts are being made to get 50 acres at the Sustainable Agriculture Institute for the walnut collection. Relocating the walnut collection would be a cooperative effort with the University of California, Davis providing the land, the California walnut growers providing funding and the repository responsible for the grafting, movement and maintenance of the collection
- The collection has an increasing virus load so an effort is being made to clean up virus infected accessions with the Clean Plant Network/System providing the funds.
- A discussion followed concerning the need to clean up clonal material prior to release.
Francis Zee - Hilo report
Highlights of submitted report:
- The three tropical germplasm centers are trying to back up each other to insure against germplasm loss. Avocado being the first to be backed-up due to a disease outbreak in Florida.
- Visited China but could not bring out germplasm due to lack of an agreement between the two countries. An agreement exists now.
- Currently genotyping the tropical collection
- Process of regenerating collection is continuing (program nearing 20 years)
- Continued SCRI funded project on Ohelo berry, project is at the stage of being able to release germplasm for production.
- Received the remaining pineapple accessions from Maui Pineapple
Kim Hummer - Corvallis
Highlights of submitted report:
- The station is now also administrating the Palmer site. Advantages include:
- Combination resulted in a better team for both sites
- Allowed to rearrange species responsibilities between the two locations so Ribes collection was moved up to Palmer
- The rearrangement of species responsibilities resulted in freeing up both time and space at the Corvallis repository.
- The species reassignment also gave the Palmer staff more accessions to work on.
- Other Palmer species were redistributed to other repositories
- The Peonies collection was also moved to Palmer
- Material being shipped to Alaska is being screened for virus at the Palmer station
- Combination resulted in a better team for both sites
- The Corvallis repository has 10,000 accessions with 5,000 being distributed. The reason for the high rate of requests/distributions relate to the on-line ordering system.
- Research conducted by the Corvallis repository on the Ohelo berry included tissue culture, cryogenic storage and molecular evaluation.
Gabriela Romano - Parlier
Highlights of report include:
- Dr. Gabriela Romano is the new research leader at the Parlier repository
- 1,021 accessions regenerated with 300 accessions regenerated.
- 113 accessions were sent to Fort Collins for distribution to Mexico.
- The collection is currently being evaluated for viability.
Richard Lee- Riverside
Highlights of submitted report:
- 1,057 accessions were requested with a 68% increase in domestic distributions and a 32% decrease in international distributions.
- Asian citrus cyllid is expected to arrive in the Riverside area so the station is improving its screen houses.
- Received citrus germplasm from Florida to back-up material threatened by disease in Florida
- The University of California - Riverside citrus collection is currently being cleaned up and grafted to protect the germplasm.
State Reports (Please use link to see attached state reports for specific information)
Reports made in-person
California - Dan Parfitt
Idaho - Bob Zemetra
Oregon - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Washington - Rich Koenig
Reports made via conference phone
Colorado - Mark Brick
Montana - Jack Martin
Reports to be submitted but not presented
Utah - Kevin Jensen
Report to be submitted at a later date
New Mexico - Ian Ray
States not submitting a report
An interim set of officers needed to be selected due to the departure of Stephen Jones from the committee. It was proposed that the new officers for W-6 will be:
Bob Zemetra - chair, replacing Dan Parfitt who is rotating out of the chair position
Mark Brick - vice chair
Shawn Mehlenbacher - secretary
Motion to approve the new slate of officers - Jack Martin
Seconded by Rich Koenig
New slate of officers was approved by unanimous vote
Next meeting will be by teleconference and will be based out of Pullman, WA as approved by the W-6 committee in 2009 (see 2009 minutes).
1st resolution - The W-6 committee would like to thank Dan Parfitt for his 6 years as an officer of the W-6 committee with the last two years serving as chair of the W-6 committee
2nd resolution - The W-6 Technical Committee thanks Larry Robertson and the staff of the PRGU - Geneva for its efforts in organizing the joint regional germplasm committee meeting.
Move to accept the first resolution - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Seconded - Rich Koenig
The motion on the resolutions passed unanimously
Motion to adjourn
Moved - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Seconded - Rich Koenig
Passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm
To read the complete texts of the 2010 individual state reports and the budget, go to the NIMSS W-6 Homepage/Additional Documents from the sign-on menu or paste the following URL in your browser:
A. WRPIS scientists and curators successfully acquired new, useful germplasm through established collaborations with scientists worldwide, particularly at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Columbia, and through the generous donations from public researchers in the USA. The approximately 3,000 new accessions included 972 common beans from CIAT, 710 Canadian grasses and miscellaneous species from Dr. Stoney Wright (Alaska Plant Materials Center), 587 native plant accessions from the SOS (Seeds of Success) project, 242 lettuce from Dr. Edward Ryder (ARS-Salinas, retired) and 212 Brachypodium distachyon inbred lines from Dr. David Garvin (ARS-St. Paul, MN) and Dr. John Vogel (ARS-Albany, CA).<p><br /> <br /> B. There has been a growing interest in the purple false brome (Brachypodium distachyon) collection since it was proposed as the proposed model plant for grass functional genomes research. Its entire genome sequence was recently published in the journal Nature. The sequenced diploid inbred line Bd21 was derived from PI 254867, which was collected from Iraq and maintained in WRPIS since 1959. In response to the demand of the research community, WRPIS cool-season grass and safflower Curator Vicki Bradley worked closely with ARS research groups in Minnesota and California and solicited donations of over 200 inbred lines. These newly added materials will be freely distributed to the global Brachypodium research community. Research results will have great application for improving biofuels such as switchgrass and cereals (wheat and barley) production and quality.<p><br /> <br /> C. Garlic Penicillium decay, caused primarily by Penicillium allii, affects both yield and quality of garlic in the field and at higher storage temperatures. Resistance to Penicillium decay of onion, garlic and relatives, has not been reported in literature. WRPIS Research Plant Pathologist Frank Dugan identified garlic germplasm accessions with significantly greater resistance to Penicillium decay under the conditions of artificial inoculation. Compared to the susceptible control (a table garlic cultivar), one accession of garlic, two accessions of elephant garlic and several accessions of wild or ornamental onion species showed consistent and significant Penicillium decay resistance. The identified resistance sources are expected be useful for garlic improvement.<p><br /> <br /> D. Faba bean ranks sixth among the worlds legume food crops. The approximately 750 accessions of USDA faba bean germplasm collected around the world are maintained in Pullman. WRPIS Supervisory Researcher Geneticist Jinguo Hu, Research Associate Soon-Jae Kwon and Cool season food legume Curator Clarice Coyne assessed genetic diversity in a subset of 155 accessions using target region amplification polymorphisms (TRAP). The study revealed that there is a relatively high level of genetic diversity in this subset and a substantial association between molecular diversity and geographic origins of the accessions. These results will promote the utilization of WRPIS faba bean germplasm and aid breeders developing cultivars with improved productivity.<p> <br /> <br /> E. Post-harvest burning has been a routine practice in Kentucky bluegrass seed production. However, recently imposed regulations prohibit or restrict burning in the Pacific Northwest. WRPIS Research Agronomist Richard Johnson identified Kentucky bluegrass germplasm selections with high seed yield and improved turf quality under non-burn residue management for grass seed production in the Pacific Northwest. Turf and seed production plots testing selected germplasm for improved yield under no-burn residue management were established in 2007-08. For 2008 data, selections were identified that combined good to excellent turf quality with high seed production. In 2009, a second year of data was collected on plant development, yield components and seed production on irrigated and dryland environments, and on turf quality. The results were in good agreement with the 2008 data. Seed increases of the high production-turf selections are underway and will be made available to the turf industry.<p><br /> <br /> F. Dry bulb mite infestation of garlic germplasm accessions adversely affects bulb and clove quality and viability during storage. WRPIS Research Entomologist Steve Clement and Horticultural crop Curator Barbara Hellier investigated the problem of dry bulb mite in our garlic collection and obtained the following results and recommendations: 1. Mite-infested bulbs are harvested from regeneration nurseries at Pullman; 2. Mite oviposition and development proceeds after infested bulbs are placed in the Pullman storage facility. Storage conditions are optimal for this to occur; 3. Hardneck garlic accessions are better mite hosts than are softneck accessions; 4. Although bulbs will normally dry-up over extended storage times, the results show that high mite infestations accelerate the dehydration process of stored bulbs, thereby adversely affecting bulb quality; 5. It is recommended that all stakeholders (U.S. and foreign) requesting garlic be told that WRPIS accessions are likely infested with the dry bulb mite; 6. The absence of mites in bulbs harvested from plots setup in 2008 with mite-free accessions suggests that accessions in regeneration nurseries are not colonized by feral mites.<p><br /> <br /> G. Lettuce is the most popular salad crop and ranks as one of the top ten most valuable crops in the U.S. The continuing genetic improvement of lettuce to meet consumer needs depends on a reliable and diverse genetic resource base with favorable traits. WRPIS is responsible for managing the USDA lettuce germplasm collection of approximately 2,000 accessions. Research Geneticist Jinguo Hu, Research Associate Soon-Jae Kwon and Horticultural Crop Curator Barbara Hellier are collaborating with Dr. Richard Michelmore, Director of the Genome Center of the University of California at Davis in fingerprinting the entire collection with the high throughput GoldenGate Assay. Three hundred and eighty-four SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers have been generated for the first 500 accessions. In collaboration with ARS lettuce research group in Salinas, CA, a field evaluation of 1,200 accessions has been completed and basic descriptor data were collected for entry into the GRIN database. <br />Publications
Afonin, A.N.; S.L. Greene; N.I. Dzyubenko, A.N. Frolov (eds.). 2009. Interactive Agricultural Ecological Atlas of Russia and Neighboring Countries. Economic Plants and their Diseases, Pests and Weeds [Online]. Available at: http://www.agroatlas.ru.<p><br /> <br /> Al Lawati A.H., C.A. Pierce, L.W. Murray, and I.M. Ray. 2010. Combining ability and heterosis for forage yield among elite alfalfa core collection accessions with different fall dormancy responses. Crop Sci. 50:150-158.<p><br /> <br /> Ambrose, M.J. and C.J. Coyne. 2009. Formal collaboration between John Innes Pisum Collection and USDA-ARS Collection over Pisum genetic stocks. Pisum Genetics 40:27.<p><br /> <br /> Attanayake, R.N., D.A. Glawe, F.M. Dugan and W. Chen. 2009. Erysiphe trifolii causing powdery mildew of lentil (Lens culinaris). Plant Disease 93: 797-803.<p><br /> <br /> Ball T.B., R. Ehlers, M. Standing. 2009. Review of typologic and morphometric analysis of phytoliths produced by wheat and barley. Breeding Science 59:505-512.<p><br /> <br /> Barrett, M. A. 2009. Pyramiding quantitative trait loci conditioning partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in bush blue lake green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. <p><br /> <br /> Boches, P. 2009. Breeding tomatoes for increased fruit phenolics. Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. <p><br /> <br /> Boller, B and S.L. Greene. 2009. Genetic Resources. In: Boller B, V. Posselt, F. Veronesi (eds) Handbook of Plant Breeding: Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses. Springer, Berlin.<p><br /> <br /> Bragg, D.E., and K Tetrick. 2009. Failed IPM in spring wheat 2008. Research Reports PNWIMC 2009 pp. 39-42<p><br /> <br /> Bragg, D.E., and K Tetrick. 2009. Spring barley insect managent trials 2008. Research Reports of PNWIMC 2009 pp 33-38. 2009 PNWIMC, Portland OR. <p><br /> <br /> Bragg, D.E., and K. Tetrick. 2009. Effects of Valent seed treatment insecticides on winter wheat insects. Research Reports of PNWIMC 2009 pp 30-32 2009 PNWIMC, Portland OR.<p><br /> <br /> Brown, J, D.A.Brown, J.B.Davis, and L. Seip. 2010. Registration of Clearwater spring canola. Crop Sci. (in press). <p><br /> <br /> Brown, J, D.A.Brown, J.B.Davis, and L. Seip. L. 2010. Registration of Gem spring rapeseed. Crop Sci. (in press). <p><br /> <br /> Brown, J, D.A.Brown, J.B.Davis, and L. Seip. L. 2010. Registration of Kodiak Indian oriental mustard. Crop Sci. (in press).<p><br /> <br /> Casler, M.D., R.C. Johnson, M.M. Barker, Y.A. Jenderek, Papadopolous and J.H. Cherney. Feasibility of Seed Production from Non-flowering Orchardgrass. Crop Sci. 50: 35-42.<p><br /> <br /> Chen, J., E.J. Souza, R.S. Zemetra, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, M.J. Guttieri, J. Wheeler, K.M. O'Brien, J.W. Windes, S.O. Guy, B.D. Brown, X.M. Chen. 2009. Registration of Cataldo Spring Wheat. J. Plant Registration 3: 264-268.<p><br /> <br /> Chilvers, M.I., J.D. Rogers, F.M. Dugan, J.E. Stewart, W. Chen and T.L. Peever. 2009. Didymella pisi sp. nov., the teleomorph of Ascochyta pisi. Mycological Research 113: 391-400.<p><br /> <br /> Clement, S.L., K.E.McPhee , L.R. Elberson and M.A. Evans. 2009. Pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum L. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), resistance in Pisum sativum x Pisum fulvum interspecific crosses. Plant Breeding 128:478-485.<p><br /> <br /> Clement, S.L., L.J. Smith, J. Prena, M.D. Kleene and R.C. Johnson. 2009. Introduced seed biocontrol agent colonizes crop species in Idaho: host expansion or opportunistic behavior? Biocontrol Science and Technology 19:455-461.<p><br /> <br /> Clement, S.L., V.L.Bradley, L.R.Elberson, D.E. Bragg and T.D. Phillips. 2009. Cereal leaf beetle colonizes grass germplasm nurseries and impacts seed production activities Online. Forage and Grazinglands. doi:10.1094/FG-2009-1214-01-RS.<p><br /> <br /> Coyne, C.J., A.F. Brown and G.M. Timmerman-Vaughan. 2009. TaqMan assays exploring allelic diversity in USDA pea core collection. International Plant and Animal Genome XVII. P. 150.<p><br /> <br /> Coyne, C.J., G.M. Timmerman-Vaughan and A.F. Brown. 2009. Development of genetic resources for association mapping in pea. Model Legume Congress, Asilomar Conference Grounds, July 12-16, 2009. <p><br /> <br /> Coyne, C.J., L. Taylor and R.K. Varshney. 2009. Allelic diversity of USDA chickpea core collection of quantitative trait loci for resistance to ascochyta blight. Second International Ascochyta Workshop, June 29-July 2. <p><br /> <br /> Coyne, C.J., R.J. McGee, D. S. Mattinson, S. Fuchs and J. Fellman. 2009. Genetic diversity of Pisum sativum wrinkled seed collection for seed sugar composition and concentration. NAPIA, Fort Collins, Colorado, 28-30 October, Proceedings, page 10. <p><br /> <br /> Cramer, C.S. 2010. Evaluation of onion plant introduction accessions for leaf characteristics. Poster Sessions Abstracts. 107th Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticulture Science. Aug. 2-5, 2010, Palm Desert, Calif. p. 42.<p><br /> <br /> Cramer, C.S. 2010. Progress toward developing onion cultivars tolerant to Iris yellow spot virus. Oral Sessions Abstracts. 107th Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticulture Science. Aug. 2-5, 2010, Palm Desert, Calif. p. 104-105.<p><br /> <br /> Cramer, C.S. 2010. Screening of onion plant introduction accessions for Iris yellow spot disease severity. Poster Sessions Abstracts. 107th Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticulture Science. Aug. 2-5, 2010, Palm Desert, Calif. p. 41-42.<p><br /> <br /> Cramer, C.S. 2010. Variation in onion thrips number per plant among onion plant introduction accessions. Poster Sessions Abstracts. 107th Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticulture Science. Aug. 2-5, 2010, Palm Desert, Calif. p. 42.<p><br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M. 2009. Dregs of our forgotten ancestors: fermentative microorganisms in the prehistory of Europe, the steppes and Indo-Iranian Asia, and their contemporary use in traditional and probiotic beverages. Fungi 2(4): 16-39.<p><br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M. and B.C. Hellier. 2009. Managing diseases in seed garlic: What are the options? Garlic Press. 48:3. Winter 2009/2010.<p><br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M., D.A. Glawe, R.N. Attanayake and W. Chen. 2009. The importance of reporting new host-fungus records for ornamental and regional crops. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2009-0512-01-RV.<p><br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M., H. Akamatsu, S.L. Lupien, W. Chen, M.L. Chilvers and T.L. Peever. 2009. Ascochyta blight of chickpea reduced 38% by application of Aureobasidium pullulans (anamorphic Dothioraceae, Dothideales) to post-harvest debris. Biocontrol Science & Technology 19: 537-545.<p><br /> <br /> Fallahi, Esmaeil, B. Fallahi, B. Shafii, and M. E. Amiri. 2009. Bloom and harvest dates, fruit quality attributes, and yield of modern peach cultivars in the Intermountain Western United States. HortTechnology 19(4): 823-830. <p><br /> <br /> Furman BJ, C. Coyne, B. Redden, S.K. Sharma and M. Vishnyakova. 2009. Chapter 6. Genetic Resources: Collection, Characterization, Conservation and Documentation, pages 64-75. In: W. Erskine, F. Muehlbauer, A. Sarker and B. Sharma, Editors. The Lentil: Botany, Production and Uses. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK.<p><br /> <br /> Gökirmak, T., S.A. Mehlenbacher and N.V. Bassil. 2009. Characterization of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) cultivars using SSR markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56:147-172. (published online in 2008 as DOI 10.1007/s10722-008-9352-8). <p><br /> <br /> Gürcan, K., S. Mehlenbacher and N. Bassil. 2009. Highly informative simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for fingerprinting hazelnut. Acta Hort. 845:103-108. <p><br /> <br /> Gürcan, K. 2009. Simple sequence repeat marker development and use in European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis. <p><br /> <br /> Harrington, J., S.R. Reed, W.C. Black IV, and M.A. Brick. 2009. Was Rydberg right? Evidence for Distichlis stricta as a species distinct from D. spicata. American Society of Botany Conference, Snowbird, UT, July 25-29, 2009.<p><br /> <br /> Hu, J. and B.C. Hellier. 2009. Sugar beet germplasm collection in the National Plant Germplasm System. American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. Meeting proceedings.<p><br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., and B. Hellier. 2009. Genetic diversity patterns of Allium acuminatum in the Great Basin. p. 1-8. In N. Shaw (ed.) Great Basin Native plant Selection and Increase Project FY 2008 Progress Report (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_other/rmrs_2009_shaw_n001.pdf)<p><br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., and M. Cashman. 2009. Adapted Indian ricegrass for the Great Basin. p. 9-14. In N. Shaw (ed.) Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project FY 2008 Progress Report (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_other/rmrs_2009_shaw_n001.pdf)<p><br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., W.J. Johnston, F.B. Bertoli and C.T. Golob. 2010. Yield, development, and variation in diverse Poa pratensis accessions. Crop Sci. 50:337-344. <p><br /> <br /> Larson, S.R., C. Scheuring, P. Kaur, P.F. Cliften, I.W. Mott, B.S. Bushman, J.J. Dong, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, M. Kiani, Y-H. Wu, Y-H. Liu, H-B. Zhang, N.J. Chatterton, R. R.-C. Wang. 2009. BAC library development for allotetraploid Leymus (Triticeae) wildryes enable comparative genetic analysis of lax-barrenstalk1 orthogene sequences and growth habit QTLs. Plant Sci. 177: 427-438.<p><br /> <br /> Mazzola, M., J. Brown, X. Zhao A. Izzo, and G. Fazio. 2009. Interaction of Brassicaceous Seed Meal and Apple Rootstock on Recovery of Pythium spp. and Pratylenchus penetrans from Roots Grown in Replant Soils. Plant Dis. 93:51-57.<p><br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S. 2009. Genetic resources for hazelnut: state of the art and future perspectives. Acta Hort. 845:33-38. <p><br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A. 2009. Release of 'Jefferson' hazelnut (OSU 703.007) and pollinizers 'Eta' and 'Theta'. Ann. Rep. Nut Growers Soc. OR, WA & BC 94:57-63.<p><br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A. and D. C. Smith. 2009. 'Red Dragon' ornamental hazelnut. HortScience 44:843-844. <p><br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith and R. McCluskey. 2009. 'Yamhill' hazelnut. HortScience 44:845-847. <p><br /> <br /> Murray, S., L. Falloon, T. Frew, C.J. Coyne, R. Butler and G. Timmerma-Vaughn. 2009. Association mapping of yield candidate gene homologs in a diverse collection of pea (Pisum sativum L.) lines. Meeting Proceedings. 19th Annual queenstown Molecular Biology Meetings 30 Aug-1st Sept., 2009.<p><br /> <br /> Newcombe, G., R. Gaylord, J.P. Yenish, J. Mastrogiuseppe and F.M. Dugan. 2009. New records for pathogenic fungi on weedy or non-indigenous plants. North American Fungi 4(8): 1-12. doi: 10.2509/naf2009.004.008.<p><br /> <br /> Okito, P., I.W. Mott, Y. Wu, R.R.-C. Wang. 2009. A Y genome specific STS marker in Pseudoroegneria and Elymus species (Triticeae: Gramineae). Genome 52: 391-400. <p><br /> <br /> Panella, L., A. L. Fenwick, A. L. Hill, T. Vagher, and K. M. Webb. 2010. Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance of Beta PI from the USDA-ARS NPGS, 2009 Plant Disease Management Reports 4:FC004. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR04. <p><br /> <br /> Pierce, C.A., H.S. Bhandari, A.H. Al Lawati, and I.M. Ray. 2010. Alfalfa core collection forage yield potential and combining abilities of 18 high yield accessions. Poster Session Abstracts. 42nd North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. July 27-30. Boise, ID. Online abstracts not available till fall 2010 at www.naaic.org.<p><br /> <br /> Robertson, N.L. and C.J. Coyne. 2009. Detection of seed-borne potyviruses in USDA Lupinus sp. collection. Plant Genetic Resources 7:227-229. <p><br /> <br /> Robertson, N.L. and C.J. Coyne. 2009. First report of Bean yellow mosaic virus from diseased Lupinus luteus L. in Eastern Washington. Plant Disease 93:319.<p><br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V., S. Mehlenbacher and D. Smith. 2009. New sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight and linked markers. Acta Hort. 845:123-126. <p><br /> <br /> Schwartz, H. F., K. Otto, M. A. Brick, and J. B. Ogg. 2009. Resistance to bacterial wilt in the Phaseolus core collection. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:68-69. <p><br /> <br /> Smýkal, P., C.J. Coyne, R. Ford, R. Redden, A.J. Flavell, B. Ta´ran, G. Vandenberg, J. Burstin, G. Duc, M. Ambrose and T.H.N. Ellis. 2009. Effort Towards a World Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Germplasm Core Collection: The case for common markers and data compatibility. Pisum Genetics 40:11-14.<p><br /> <br /> St Clair, B., R.C. Johnson, and N. Shaw. 2009. Genetic diversity and genecology of Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata). p.34-38 In N. Shaw (ed.) Great Basin Native plant Selection and Increase Project FY 2008 Progress Report (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_other/rmrs_2009_shaw_n001.pdf)<p><br /> <br /> Timmerman-Vaughan, G., R. Larsen, S. Murray, K.McPhee and C. Coyne. 2009. Evidence that Pea enation mosaic virus is seed-borne but not seed transmitted. Phytopathology 99: 1281-1288. <p><br /> <br /> Wang, F., B. Yue, J. Hu, J. McD. Stewart and J. Zhang, 2009. A Targeted region amplified polymorphism (TRAP) marker for fertility restorer gene Rf1 and chromosomal localization of Rf1 and Rf2 in cotton. Crop Sci. 49:1602-1608.<p><br /> <br /> Xu, S.S., Y. Jin, D.L. Klindworth, R.R.-C. Wang, X. Cai. 2009. Evaluation and characterization of seedling resistance to stem rust Ug99 races in wheat-alien species derivatives. Crop Sci. 49: 2167-2175.<p><br /> <br /> Yue, B., X. Cai, BA. Vick and J. Hu. 2009. Genetic diversity and relationship among 177 public sunflower inbred lines assessed by TRAP markers. Crop Sci. 49:1242-1249.<p><br /> <br /> Yue, B., X. Cai, Wenge Yuan, BA. Vick and J. Hu. 2009. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling seed morphology and disk diameter in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Helia 32(50):17-35.<p><br /> <br /> Zimmerman, Shawna J. 2010. Transfer, characterization and mapping of white mold resistance in an advanced backcross interspecific population between Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus coccineus. M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.<br />Impact Statements
- The WRPIS collection has continued to grow over the past year. As of September 21, 2010, the total holdings are 86,471 accessions belonging to 3,642 species (3,970 taxa) in 797 genera. These genetic resources are critical for the global plant research community to improve crop plants through breeding for food security, coping with climate change, and for basic genomics research.
- WRPIS germplasm distribution reached a new record in 2009. A total of 36,704 seed packets representing 22,469 accessions were shipped to 887 requesters from 42 countries in 1,173 seed orders. Among these, 17,114 (47%) packets were sent to requesters in the USA and 19,590 (53%) to foreign countries. This was the first time in WRPIS history that foreign researchers requested more accessions than domestic researchers. The 28% increase in total distribution over the previous year indicated a significant and growing use of WRPIS germplasm in the global plant research community.
- WRPIS scientists and curators entered 26,988 observational data points of 125 plant descriptors for 21 crops on 6,182 accessions into the GRIN database in 2010. A total of 8% of the data came from off station cooperators and 92% from WRPIS personnel. These data added value to the accessions in the collection and will enhance utilization by the global germplasm user community.
- WRPIS curators regenerated 952 accessions following established, labor-intensive procedures and protocols for maintaining the genetic integrity and health of all germplasm collections. These included physical isolation, hand planting and transplanting, controlled hand and insect pollination, hand harvesting, cleaning and packaging for storage and distribution.
- The cold-tolerant winter type safflower germplasm released recently by WRPIS Research Agronomist, Dr. Richard Johnson have been requested nationally and internationally. Researchers are testing the adaptability in States of Washington and Texas as well as in Canada, Turkey, Syria and India. These lines are also being used by SeedTec, Woodland, CA to incorporate winter hardiness into high oil and high oleic fatty acid types.
- The lettuce germplasm field evaluation plots in Salinas, CA attracted five lettuce breeders from private seed companies to visit and take notes. A total of 1,200 accessions of cultivated lettuce germplasm maintained by WRPIS were grown during 2010 growing season for collecting descriptor data. The plots were set up by WRPIS in collaboration with the ARS-Salinas lettuce research group.
- WRPIS shipped 2,381 accessions collected from Mexico to Fort Collins for the repatriation of germplasm to the Mexico National Center of Genetic Resources (Centro Nacional de Recursos Genético).
Date of Annual Report: 08/05/2011
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Committee Members Present:;
Ralph Cavalieri - Administrative Advisor, Washington State University;
Robert Zemetra - Idaho - Chair;
Mark Brick - Colorado - Vice Chair;
Shawn Mehlenbacher - Oregon - Secretary;
Carol Miles - Washington;
Dan Barney - Alaska;
Dan Parfitt - California;
Ian Ray - New Mexico;
Jack Martin - Montana;
Joseph Kuhl - Idaho
Committee Members Absent:;
Robin Groose - Wyoming;
Kevin Jensen - Utah;
Dennis Tray - Arizona;
Vacant - Hawaii
Peter Bretting - NPS, NPGS, Washington DC;
Andrew Hammond - USDA, ARS Western Region;
Jinguo Hu - W6, Pullman;
Dave Stout - W6, Pullman;
Vicki Bradley - W6, Pullman;
Clarice Coyne - W6, Pullman;
Gwen Pentecost - W6, Pullman;
Theodore Kisha - W6, Pullman;
Harold Bockelman - NSGC, Aberdeen (written report submitted);
Kim Hummer - NCGR, Corvallis;
Joseph Postman - NCGR Corvallis;
Francis Zee - NCGR, Hilo;
John Preece- NCGR, Davis;
Richard Lee - NCGR, Riverside (written report submitted);
Gabriela Romano - NCGR, Parlier;
Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting was held by teleconference on 07 June 2011 with officers Robert Zemetra (chair), Mark Brick (vice-chair) and Shawn Mehlenbacher (secretary).
The meeting was called to order at 8:25 am by chair Bob Zemetra.
Administrative Advisor's Report
(8:30 am) Ralph Cavalieri, W-6 administrative advisor (WSU)
The W-6 project is a multi-state project. Agricultural research has many unique responsibilities, in light of the international movement of pests and pathogens. The Directors of Agricultural Experiment Stations in the Western Region voted to maintain current-level funding for W-6, and expressed strong support for the project. The Washington legislature reduced funding of its state universities. At the federal level, a continuing resolution included an increase in Hatch funds. However the proposed budget from the president was lower, as was that of the U.S. House. The proposed budget for NIFA was 16% less than the current year.
(8:38 am) Andy Hammond, area director, USDA Pacific West Area (Albany, CA)
Germplasm and research are important to USDA, although resources will always be limiting for such a broad mandate. Many ARS stations are involved in germplasm research and preservation. Research is conducted in partnership with ARS and universities.
With the release of Roundup-Ready alfalfa cultivars, seed increase of alfalfa accessions in Prosser will be in insect-proof cages. Seed increase in the alfalfa collection may be moved to Central Ferry, which is an isolated location.
The president's proposed budget includes new initiatives as well as budget cuts. Proposed for cuts are $44 million in earmarks in the current (FY11) budget. The new station in Palmer, AK is proposed for closure. The budget proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives calls for $140 million (12%) in cuts. The U.S. Senate has not yet revealed a budget proposal.
Dan Parfitt asked about the Tomato Genetic Stocks Collection in Davis, which is funded by a special grant through NIFA. Ralph Cavalieri noted that the federal budget for FY12 cut all Specific Cooperative Agreements, and that administrators of such programs should make a case for retaining important programs, including demonstrated impacts of the programs.
(8:57 am) Peter Bretting, National Program Staff
Peter welcomed Dan Barney, the new curator of the collection in Palmer, AK. He also noted the medical retirement of Chuck Simon as curator of the grape collection in Geneva, NY. Chuck had previously worked for NPGS in Pullman and Davis. He further acknowledged the retirements of Steve Clement in Pullman and Doug Cook in Corvallis.
The switch to GRIN Global and its web interface is underway. It will be possible to upload and download data using Excel files.
The Citrus collection in Riverside is only in the field, and is vulnerable to attack by the very serious disease "citrus greening", also known as Huanglongbing or HLB, caused by a bacterium. There is a need to back up the collection. Research in Ft. Collins is in progress to cryopreserve citrus germplasm, and then use micrografting to recover plants. Disease therapy research is also in progress.
Peter noted the expanding collection of Brachypodium accessions in Pullman. Brachypodium is a model for the grasses and widely used in genomic studies. It has a small genome and a short life cycle.
National program 301 includes the National Plant Germplasm system. Project reviews, conducted every five years, were recently completed.
On the international scene, 1) the FAO treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was signed in 2008 by President G.W. Bush. Hearings were conducted by a Senate committee, who later endorsed the treaty. But the Senate adjourned without voting on the treaty, and the procedure must be repeated. 2) The US is not a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which is an instrument for access to plant germplasm and the sharing of benefits. The CBD covers everything not covered in the FAO treaty, and will formalize procedures for germplasm exchange. The Nagoya Protocol's "Guidelines on Access and Benefit-Sharing" is complicated and the wording ambiguous. Many countries are represented in these negotiations by Ministries of Environment. Brazil and Canada have Agriculture representatives.
Andy Hammond confirmed that the House subcommittee report agrees with the president's proposal to close facilities in ten locations, including Palmer, AK. Kim Hummer noted that the National Arboretum is supported, in part, by a foundation, and suggested that other parts of the NPGS could consider this.
Review and Approve 2010 Minutes
The minutes from the previous meeting in Geneva, NY were reviewed and discussed by the committee. After the correction, the minutes were approved unanimously.
Germplasm Repository Reports: (see attachments on the W-6 Homepage in the Additional Documents section for complete reports)
Aberdeen, ID. National Small Grains Collection.
Harold Bockelman did not participate in the meeting. A brief report was made available to the committee. The collection holds nearly 140,000 accessions. 44,000 samples were distributed in the past 12 months, one-third to foreign scientists. The ploidy levels of thousands of accessions are being estimated by flow cytometry. Wheat landraces are being evaluated in Kenya for reaction to the Ug99 race of stem rust. The Triticeae CAP is evaluating the core collections of wheat and barley.
Corvallis, OR. Joseph Postman and Kim Hummer.
Doug Cook retired. Part of his work will be continued by a part-time IT person. Other staff will take over other responsibilities.
SCRI projects were approved for Ohelo berry, blueberry genetics, and black raspberry. The large RosBREED project was also funded; Nahla Bassil provides the genotyping data for the project. An SCRI proposal for peony was not funded.
Kim Hummer has been acting administrator for the station in Palmer, AK. The collections of Ribes and Mentha were transferred to Palmer AK, where 9 FTE are located. The Palmer site is co-located with a research station of the University of Alaska. If the USDA station in Palmer is closed, USDA will attempt to place permanent employees elsewhere in the system.
Joseph Postman presented a report for other activities at the Corvallis gene bank. The field collections of Pyrus and Corylus are being rejuvenated, and plants given new labels. The Cydonia collection (90 accessions) was genotyped. Evaluation identified 13 very cold-hardy accessions.
Graduate student Wambui Njuguna defended her Ph.D. thesis research on diversity in Fragaria. Graduate student Michael Dossett defended his Ph.D. thesis research on black raspberry.
Davis, CA John Preece
Prunus (2450 trees) was tested for presence of plumpox (sharka) virus. Cold-hardy kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta) accessions are growing well in Davis. In light of this, hardy kiwifruit accessions will be relocated from Corvallis to Davis. Grape accessions received from Foundation Plant Materials are being added to the screenhouse collection.
Research activities emphasize phenotyping and genotyping the collections. The fig collection is being repropagated. Many collections are being pruned. Almond germplasm was collected in Azerbaijan. When seedlings fruit, selections will be made for horticultural traits and genetic diversity.
The Davis Repository hosted an ISHS-sponsored meeting on Mediterraneean Crops.
Hilo, HI Francis Zee
Carol Riley was recognized by NPGS. New accessions of Vasconcellea, a relative of payapa, were added to the collection. They are maintained in the screenhouse. A study is underway on oriental fruit fly susceptibility in the guava collection.
Laurel wilt affects avocado in Florida. The avocado collection is being moved from Miami to Fort Detrick, and then to the field Hilo. The first shipment of avocado scions was received in 2010.
The SCRI-funded ohelo project is nearing completion. Three clones were selected for release, and were fingerprinted and cryopreserved in Corvallis. Two extension articles describe propagation, culture and management of ohelo. The selected ornamental clones were micropropagated by North American Plants (McMinnville, OR) and sent to a commercial nursery in Volcano, HI.
Palmer, AK Dan Barney
Dan moved to Alaska and started working on 27 Sept. 2010. State seed collections are now held at -20C. The in vitro collection of Mentha was moved to Palmer. Collections in Palmer include peony, rhubarb, Ribes, and 27 other genera. Mint, peony and rhubarb are maintained as clones, while others are maintained as seed. Half-high blueberry cultivars appear to be performing well on the Kenai peninsula. A study of peonies using SSR markers is in progress.
Parlier, CA Gabriela Romano
The Parlier station has increased its activity in the regeneration of seed lots: cereal grains, garlic, sunflower, cucurbits and lupines. Much of the work is on seed germination testing, updating records, and regenerating collections. For jojoba, seed collected in 1957-58 in Mexico was dead. For seed collected in the 1980's and 1990's, testing is continuing. The jojoba seeds were stored in Fort Collins, then in Pullman, and finally in Parlier. In previous years there was no site designated for regeneration in the field.
Parlier is the primary site for collections of Atriplex (saltbush), buffalo gourd, meadowfoam, pladderpod, devil's claw and Yucca.
A study on Brix in cactus fruits, and the data entered into GRIN.
Pullman, WA Jinguo Hu
The W-6 regional project provides about 15% of the Pullman station's budget. In 2010, the station shipped 22,000 seed packets to many countries. The station received the Phaseolus core collection from CIAT. There has been tremendous interest in the Brachypopdium collection housed at Pullman. Expansion of the Pullman airport jeopardizes some of the fields used to increase seed. Entomologist Steve Clement retired after more than two decades of research. The position was cut after Steve's retirement, and some of the salary savings used to purchase pollination tents for alfalfa seed increase in Prosser.
Riverside, CA Richard Lee
Richard Lee did not participate in the meeting, but his report was made available. As noted above, the citrus collection is vulnerable to citrus greening disease (HLB) and its psyllid vector. So far, greening has not been detected in California. Facilities improvements were noted. Research activities included the construction of BAC libraries for the greening bacterium and its insect vector. A taxonomic study was conducted in Citrus using DNA sequences at the malate dehydrogenase locus.
After lunch, state reports were presented.
State Reports: (see attachments on the W-6 project Homepage in the Additional Documents section for complete reports)
AK Dan Barney
State seed collections are now held at -20C. Days are very long in the summer. Alaska agriculture consists of small diversified farms and local markets. There is considerable interest in peonies - to sell to cruise ship passengers and as cut flowers for weddings.
CA Dan Parfitt
As usual, the list of germplasm users in California is long, and activities are very diverse. Request numbers and recipient responses were similar to prior years. The University of California is experiencing budget cuts. Funding to maintain the Tomato Genetic Stock Collection in Davis is uncertain. The California Genetic Resources Program led by Cal Qualset was closed 1.5 years ago. There was some recipient interest in castor bean for genomics research, and as a biofuel crop. The California Rare Fruit Growers continue to be active users of fruit germplasm. Unusual germplasm uses include the use of seed samples as archival standards for archeological research.
CO Mark Brick
Two-thirds of the orders are for the seed lab in Ft. Collins. Lee Panella is evaluating sugar beet germplasm for resistance to curly top and Rhizoctonia. Abdel Berrada is evaluating safflower as a winter crop. Researchers at the NCGRP are conducting research on cryopreservation methods, and studying genetic relationships among species. Walter Messier received many accessions of Brassica and Glycine for genomics research.
ID Robert Zemetra
Joseph Kuhl will represent Idaho at the next W-6 meeting, as Dr. Zemetra is moving to a faculty position at Oregon State University (wheat breeding). Bob has served as Idaho's representative on the W-6 committee for 26 years. A large number of accessions of wheat and barley were requested in 2010, spurred by the Triticeae CAP which involves collection of phenotype data. Other studies in the cereal grains focus on disease susceptibility evaluations. J. Chen is evaluating wheat accessions for drought tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency. Gene flow between wheat and goatgrass continues to be studied. S. Hafez continues to evaluate sugar beet accessions for resistance to beet cyst nematodes.
MT Jack Martin
Triticum accessions represented 95% of the accessions requested in 2010. Many users were connected to the Triticeae CAP. Luther Talbert is mapping genes for drought tolerance in wheat. Nancy Blake is recording phenotype data of wheat accessions. Mike Giroux requested representatives of each of the three genome donors of hexaploid wheat for a study of the evolution of the Ha locus.
OR Shawn Mehlenbacher
In the hazelnut breeding and genetics program, Shawn Mehlenbacher's Ph.D. student Kahraman Gürcan developed 180 new microsatellite markers for hazelnut. Twenty years of eastern filbert blight susceptibility data were summarized. Ph.D. student Vidyasagar Sathuvalli identified new sources of eastern filbert blight resistance. The incompatibility alleles in new selections from southern Russia, Crimea (Ukraine), Armenia, Iran, and Turkey were identified.
Patrick Hayes requested a large number of barley accessions for stripe rust susceptibility evaluation.
Jim Myers released a tomato line with purple skin as new cultivar 'Indigo Rose'. White mold resistance research continues. Shawna Zimmerman's M.S. thesis research was on the transfer of resistance from Phaseolus coccineus to P. vulgaris. Severe segregation distortion was observed in segregating progenies.
Chad Finn's Ph.D. student Micahel Dossett surveyed black raspberry accessions and identified sources of resistance to the aphid Amphorophora agathonica, a virus vector. Genetic diversity in newly-collected wild germplasm shows tremendous potential for breeding improved cultivars. Chad Finn is evaluating strawberry germplasm as part of the RosBREED project.
Several seed companies used the NPGS as sources of parent material for their breeding programs and as standards in PVP trials.
WA Carol Miles
Carol is the new Washington State University W-6 committee representative and this was her first meeting. Of the germplasm recipients in Washington state (total of 169 requests and approx. 6,000 samples received), 85% are researchers. Only 2 germplasm recipients reported publications that included germplasm they received in 2010; recipients are more likely to have publications from material received in previous years, and letter to recipients next year will include this revision. One recipient (Markus Keller) requested permission to distribute propagation material of Actinidia arguta to interested parties once he has sufficient/adequate data; the committee indicated this is permissible as the material is in the public domain and has no restrictions.
The W-6 committee plans to meet in Corvallis during the third week of June 2012. Kim Hummer and Joseph Postman are the hosts.
Resolutions (sent by Bob Zemetra to the W-6 committee by e-mail on July 6)
Resolution 1. The W-6 Technical Committee thanks Dr. Jinguo Hu and the staff of theW-6 Plant introduction Station in Pullman, Washington especially Gwen Pentecost and Jannis Bacani for their efforts in organizing the W-6 teleconference/meeting.
Motion to approve by Jack Martin. Second by Shawn Mehlenbacher. Passed unanimously.
Resolution 2. The W-6 Technical Committee thanks Dr. Steve Clement for his many years of service as the entomologist for the W-6 Plant Introduction Station.
Motion to approve by Jack Martin. Second by Carol Miles. Passed unanimously.
Resolution 3. The W-6 Technical Committee is concerned that the current and proposed reduction in federal funding will negatively impact the National Plant Germplasm Systems ability to fulfill its mission and compromise the food security of the United States by reducing its ability to respond to future biotic and abiotic stresses. Furthermore, it will retard the development of new crops, thereby limiting America's ability to remain competitive in the global market. Be it resolved that all efforts be made to minimize any reduction in funding for the National Plant Germplasm System.
Motion to approve by Mark Brick. Second by Shawn Mehlenbacher. Passed 6 in favor, 1 opposed.
Motion to adjourn by Dan Parfitt, seconded by Shawn Mehlenbacher. Passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm
1. We distributed a total of 22,212 seed packets (15,434 accessions) to 739 individuals from 46 countries in 983 seed orders. Among them, 13,083 (59%) packets were sent to addresses in the USA and 9,129 (41%) packets to foreign countries. Researchers and residents in the Western 13 states requested and received 7,209 seed samples from W6 PI station, which is approximately 14.3% of the 50,412 samples that they requested from the National Plant Germplasm System in 2010.<p><br /> <br /> 2. We acquired 3,524 new accessions including 1,353 Phaseolus from CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical) in Cali, Colombia, 1,249 native plant accessions from the Seed of Success (SOS) project, and 211 Brachypodium distachyon from two US research labs and 174 Lupinus from Germany. As of December 31, 2010, the germplasm collection at Pullman, Washington included 87,441 accessions belonging to 826 genera, 3,734 species. Approximately 63,000 PI accessions are backed up at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Fort Collins, Colorado.<p><br /> <br /> 3. We determined the quantities of 10,673 inventories by weighing the stored seeds. We carried out germination tests on 2,362 inventories and recorded the viability data. We regenerated 2,908 inventories from a broad range of plant species and the seeds were packed and stored. We, both independently and in collaboration with others, conducted evaluation and observation on 20 different crops. We entered 45,092 observation data points of 168 descriptors on 9,876 accessions into the GRIN database in 2010.<p><br /> <br /> 4. Horticultural Crops Curator Barbara Hellier conducted successfully a plant expedition trip in Morocco with Dr. Lee Panella, Research Leader for the Sugarbeet Research Unit in the ARS Crops Research Laboratory in Fort Collins, CO. This trip was sponsored by the Plant Exchanging Office and took place from Jun 9 to 26. They brought back 31 wild sugarbeet accessions (16 new accessions of Beta vulgaris ssp maritima and 15 of Patellifolia patellaris, formerly Beta patellaris, which is part of the tertiary gene pool for sugar beet), which extended the diversity of our sugarbeet collection.<p><br /> <br /> 5. Phaseolus Germplasm Collection Curator Molly Welsh made a collection trip to Florida with Karen Williams of the USDA-ARS Plant Exchange Office, Beltsville, MD. They collected six seed samples, five of which belong to P. polystachios subsp. polystachios and one sample is identified as P. polystachios subsp. sinuatus. These collected wild bean species native to the United States filled a gap in our collection.<p><br /> <br /> 6. Research Agronomist Richard Johnson completed a study of assessing and mapping genetic variation in relation to climatic variables for the Great Basin forb, tapertip onion. Nine basic seed zones were recognized with complicated statistical models fitting plant traits to climatic variables of 53 locations in the Great Basin. These seed zones provide guidelines for selecting seed sources to restore landscapes of the rangelands in the Great Basin.<p><br /> <br /> 7. Research Plant Pathologist Frank Dugan isolated white rot pathogen, Sclerotium cepivorum, from a garlic sample collected in Moscow, ID. This is the first report of this devastating disease for all Allium species including onions, garlic, leeks, chives and wild onions in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. We are implementing necessary precautions to prevent our fields from becoming infected since WRPIS maintain germplasm of garlic and wild onions.<p><br /> <br /> 8. Research Entomologist Steve Clement completed a two-year study to quantify the extent of dry bulb mite infestation levels in the U.S. garlic germplasm collection. It was found that dry bulb mite in a serious problem for our garlic collection and that hardneck garlic accessions are more severely affected than softneck accessions. In addition, he set up a collaborative fumigation trial with USDA-ARS entomologist Steven Tebbets at Parlier, California to mitigate damaging mite infestations by fumigation. Initial results showed that moderate exposures to methyl bromide gas could reduce the number of live mites on fumigated bulbs but did not eliminate mites. More experiments are planned to control the dry bulb mite in our garlic collection.<9><br /> <br /> 9. Geneticist Ted Kisha, in collaboration with Professor Christopher S. Cramer of New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, evaluated 38 short-day onion accessions using microsatellite and targeted region amplified polymorphic molecular markers. Newly acquired germplasm accessions were compared with existing accessions in the collection to determine differences and redundancies. They reported that both marker types distinguished differences and found similarities, but the results did not always agree; and that TRAP markers were more efficient, uncovering about 10 random polymorphic loci per primer pair, while microsatellite markers each uncovered differences at a single locus.<p><br /> <br /> 10. Supervisory Research Geneticist Jinguo Hu and Research Associate Soon-Jae Kwon, in collaboration with the Genome Center of the University of California at Davis, designed and tested a custom OPA (Oligo Pool All), LSGermOPA, for assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of the lettuce germplasm collection using Illuminas GoldenGate assay. This OPA contains 384 EST (Expressed Sequence Tag)-derived SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers selected from a large set of experimentally-validated and mapped SNP markers. Genotyping results of 480 lettuce germplasm samples indicated that LSGermOPA was capable of revealing sufficient levels of polymorphism among lettuce cultivars and is appropriate for rapid assessment of genetic diversity and population structure in the lettuce germplasm collection. <br /> Additional accomplishments can be found in individual station and State reports on the W-6 Homepage at: http://lgu.umd.edu/lgu_v2/homepages/attachs.cfm?trackID=11296<br /> <br />Publications
Abdel-Haleem, H., J. Bowman, M.J. Giroux, V. Kanazin, H. Talbert, L.M. Surber, and T.K. Blake. 201.0. Quantitative trait loci of acid detergent fiber and grain chemical composition in hulled x hull-less barley population. Euphytica 172:405-418. <br /> <br /> Attanayake, R., W. Chen, D.A. Glawe, and F. Dugan. 2010. Powdery mildew of lentil, pp. 49-51 in: Compendium of Chickpea and Lentil Diseases and Pests, W. Chen, H.C. Sharma, and F.J. Muehlbauer eds., APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota.<br /> <br /> Attanayake, R.N., D.A. Glawe, K.E. McPhee, F.M. Dugan, and W. Chen. 2010. Erysiphe trifolii - A newly recognized powdery mildew pathogen of pea. Plant Pathology 59:712-720. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2010.02306.x. <br /> bacterial blight resistant cranberry dry bean germplasm line USCR-CBB-20. Journal of Plant Registrations 5:98-102.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Bensch, K., J.Z. Groenewald, J. Dijksterhuis, M. Starink-Willemse, B. Andersen, B.A. Summerell, H.D. Shin, F.M. Dugan, H.-J. Schroers, U. Braun and P.W. Crous. 2010. Species and ecological diversity within the Cladosporium cladosporioides complex (Davidiellaceae, Capnodiales). Studies in Mycology 67: 1-94. DOI: 10.3114/sim.2010.67.01. <br /> <br /> Bhattarai, K., B.S. Bushman, D.A. Johnson, and J.G. Carman. 2010. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of western prairie clover collections from the western United States. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:696-706.<br /> <br /> Biabani, A., L. Carpenter-Boggs, C. J. Coyne, L. Taylor, J.L. Smith, S. Higgins. 2011. Nitrogen fixation potential in global chickpea mini-core collection. Biology and Fertility of Soils. doi: 10.1007/s00374-011-0574-0<br /> <br /> Bradley, V.L. 2010. Isolation Distance, Inflorescence Sampling, and Population Size: Maintaining Genetic Diversity in the U.S. Temperate Grass Germplasm Collection. In Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium of Forage, Turf-grass and Biofuel Germplasm Research, October 9 -13, 2010, Yangling City, China. p. 100-103. <br /> <br /> Bushman, B.S., K. Bhattarai, and D.A. Johnson. 2010. Population structure of Astragalus filipes collections from western North America. Botany 88:565-574.<br /> <br /> Carvallo, M.A., M.T. Pino, Z. Zeknic, C. Zou, C.J. Doherty, S.H. Shiu, T.H.H. Chen and M.F. Thomashow. 2011. A comparison of the low temperature transcriptomes andCBF regulons of three plant species that differ in freezing tolerance: Solanum commersonii, Solanum tuberosum, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany (Advance Access published April 21, 2011) 13 pages. doi:10.1093/jxb/err066<br /> <br /> Casler, M.D., R.C. Johnson, R.E. Barker, M.M. Jenderek, Y.A. Papadopoulos, and J.H. Cherney. 2010. Feasibility of Seed Production from Nonflowering Orchardgrass. Crop Sci. 50:35-42. <br /> <br /> Chen, J., E.J. Souza, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, M.J. Guttieri, K.L. O'Brien, J.M. Windes, S.O. Guy, B.D. Brown, X.M. Chen, and R.S. Zemetra. 2010. Registration of "UI Winchester" Wheat. Journal of Plant Registration 4:224-227.<br /> <br /> <br /> Clement S.L. and Elberson L.R. 2010. Variable effects of grass-Neotyphodium associations on cereal leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding, development and survival. J. Entomol. Sci. 45:1-7. <br /> <br /> Clement S.L., Husebye D.S. and Eigenbrode S.D. 2010. Ecological factors influencing pea aphid outbreaks in the US Pacific Northwest, pp. 107-128 in: Aphid Biodiversity under Environmental Change, Kindlmann P, Dixon AFG, Michaud JP, eds. Springer, Dordrecht.<br /> <br /> <br /> Coyne, C.J., McGee, R.J., Mattinson, D.S., Fuch, S., Fellman, J.K. 2010. Preliminary assessment of the genetic diversity of Pisum sativum USDA core seed collection for seed sugar composition and concentration. Pisum Genetics 41:49-50. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M. and C.E. Finn. 2010. Identification of resistance to the large raspberry aphid in black raspberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:438-444.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., J. Lee and C.E. Finn. 2011. Characterization of a novel anthocyanin profile in wild black raspberry mutants: An opportunity for studying the genetic control of pigment and color. Journal of Functional Foods 3:207-214.<br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil and C.E. Finn. 2010. Transferability of Rubus microsatellite markers to black raspberry. Acta Horticulturae 859: 103-110.<br /> <br /> Dossett, Michael. 2011. Evaluation of genetic diversity in wild populations of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L ). Ph.D. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.<br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M., K.P.R.N. Attanayake, D. Glawe, and W. Chen. 2010. Powdery mildew of chickpea, pp. 51-52 in: Compendium of Chickpea and Lentil Diseases and Pests, W. Chen, H.C. Sharma, and F.J. Muehlbauer eds., APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. <br /> <br /> Faricelli M.E., M. Valarik, and J. Dubcovsky. 2010. Control of flowering time and spike development in cereals: the earliness per se Eps-Am1 region in wheat, rice, and Brachypodium. Functional and Integrative Genomics. 10:293-306.<br /> <br /> Goyer, A. 2010. Why and how to increase the contents of vitamins in potato? Proceedings of the 1st Annual Washington Oregon Potato Conference, Kennewick, WA, January 26-28, 2010. p. 14-20.<br /> <br /> Goyer, A. 2011. Thiamine and folate in potato: targets for increased nutritional value and enhanced disease resistance. Amer. J. Potato Res. 88:40-41.<br /> <br /> Goyer, A. 2011. Vitamin B1 content in potato: effect of genotype, tuber enlargement, and storage, and estimation of stability and broad-sense heritability. Amer. J. Potato Res. (in press).<br /> <br /> Gürcan, K. and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2010. Development of microsatellite marker loci for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from ISSR fragments. Molecular Breeding 26:551559. DOI 10.1007/s11032-010-9464-7<br /> <br /> Gürcan, K. and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2010. Transferability of microsatellite markers in the Betulaceae. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:159-173.<br /> <br /> Gürcan, K., S.A. Mehlenbacher and V. Erdogan. 2010. Genetic diversity in hazelnut cultivars from Black Sea countries assessed using SSR markers. Plant Breeding 129:422-434. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2009.01753.x<br /> <br /> Gürcan, K., S.A. Mehlenbacher, R. Botta and P. Boccacci. 2010. Development, characterization, segregation, and mapping of microsatellite markers for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from enriched genomic libraries and usefulness in genetic diversity studies. Tree Genetics and Genomes 6:513-531. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-010-0269-y<br /> <br /> Hamblin, M.T., T. J. Close, P.R. Bhat, S.Chao, J.G. Kling, K. J. Abraham, T. Blake, W.S. Brooks, B. Cooper, C.A. Griffey, P.M. Hayes, D.J. Hole, R.D., <br /> Horsley, D.E. Obert, K.P. Smith, S.E. Ullrich, G.J. Muehlbauer and J.-L. Jannink. 2010. Population structure and linkage disequilibrium in U.S. barley germplasm: Implications for association mapping. Crop Sci. 50:556-566. <br /> <br /> Hamblin, M.T., T. J. Close, P.R. Bhat, S.Chao, J.G. Kling, K. J. Abraham, T. Blake, W.S. Brooks, B. Cooper, C.A. Griffey, P.M. Hayes, D.J. Hole, R.D., <br /> Horsley, D.E. Obert, K.P. Smith, S.E. Ullrich, G.J. Muehlbauer and J.-L. Jannink. Reynolds, N.P., J. M. Martin and M.J. Giroux. 2010. Increased wheat grain hardness conferred by novel Puroindoline haplotypes from Aegilops tauschi. Cereal Chem. 87:237-242. <br /> <br /> Handiseni, M., J. Brown, R. Zemetra and M. Mazzola. 2011. Herbicidal activity of Brassicaceae seed meal on wild oat (Avena fatua), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola). Weed Tech. 25:127-134. <br /> <br /> Hellens, R.P., Moreau, C., Wang, K., Schwinn, K., Thomson, S., Fiers, M., Frew, T.J., Murray, S.R., Hofer, J., Jacobs, J., Davies, K.M., Allan, A.C., Bendahmane, A., Coyne, C.J., Timmerman, G.M., Ellis, N.T. 2010. Identification of Mendel's white flower character. PLoS One. 5 (10) e13230. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013230.<br /> <br /> <br /> Hu, J. 2010. Genetic linkage maps: strategies, resources and achievements, pp. 79-109 in: Hu, J., Seiler, G., Kole, C., Eds. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Sunflower. Science Publishers. Enfield, New Hampshire.<br /> <br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., V. J. Erickson, N. L. Mandel, J. B. St Clair, K. W. Vance-Borland. 2010. Mapping genetic variation and seed zones for Bromus carinatus in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, U.S.A. Botany 88: 725-736. <br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., W.J. Johnston, F.B. Bertoli, and C.T. Golob. 2010. Seed yield, development , and variation in diverse Poa pratensis accessions. Crop Sci. 50:337-344.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kir'yan, V.M., V.F. Chapurin, T.V. Buravtseva, L.L. Malyshev, and D.A. Johnson. 2009. Genetic resources of forage and grain legume crops of the Central Region of the Russian Federation (on materials of expedition of 2008 in region of southern Urals Mountains). Plant Genetic Resources 7:42-56.<br /> <br /> Kwon, S.J., J. Hu and C.J. Coyne. 2010. Genetic diversity and relationship among faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm entries as revealed by TRAP markers. Plant Genetic Resources. 8:204-213.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lowe, I., D. L. Jankuloski, S. Chao, X. Chen, D. See and J. Dubcovsky. 2011. Mapping and validation of QTL which confer partial resistance to broadly virulent post-2000 North American races of stripe rust in hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet. In press<br /> <br /> <br /> Marston, John M. 2009 Modeling Wood Acquisition Strategies from Archaeological Charcoal Remains. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:2192-2200.<br /> <br /> <br /> Marston, John M. 2010 Evaluating Risk, Sustainability, and Decision Making in Agricultural and Land-Use Strategies at Ancient Gordion. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Interdepartmental GraduateProgram in Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles.<br /> <br /> <br /> Marston, John M. 2011Archaeological Markers of Agricultural Risk Management. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30:190-205.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith and R.L. McCluskey. 2011. 'Jefferson' hazelnut. HortScience 46:662-664.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith, R.L. McCluskey and M.M. Thompson. 2011. 'Tonda Pacifica' hazelnut. HortScience 46:505-508.<br /> <br /> <br /> Miklas, P.N., S.P. Singh, H. Terán, J.D. Kelly, and J.R. Smith. 2011. Registration of common <br /> <br /> <br /> Newcombe, G., and F.M. Dugan. 2010. Fungal pathogens of plants in the Homogocene, pp. 3-34 in: Molecular Identification of Fungi, Y. Gherbawy and K. Voigt eds., Springer, New York. <br /> <br /> <br /> Panella, L. and C.A. Strausbaugh. 2010. Beet curly top resistance of USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System Plant Introductions. Plant Disease Management Reports 5:FC066<br /> <br /> <br /> Panella, L., Fenwick, A. L., Hill, A. L., Vagher, T., and Webb, K. M. 2010. Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance of Beta PIs from the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System, 2010 Plant Disease Management Reports 5:FC067. Online publication.<br /> <br /> <br /> Panella, L., R. T. Lewellen, and K. M. Webb. 2010. Registration of FC1018, FC1019, FC1020, and FC1022 multigerm sugarbeet pollinator germplasms with disease resistance. J. Plant Registrations 5:234-240.<br /> <br /> <br /> Pecetti, L., R. C. Johnson, M. Romani, M. Bassignana, and G. Della Marianna. 2010. Ecological characterization of supina bluegrass (Poa supina Schrad.) germplasm from the Italian Alps. Grass and Forage Science doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2010.00766.x.<br /> <br /> <br /> Power, A., Huang, X., and LeDuc, D.L. Understanding nickel and cobalt hyperaccumulation in Alyssum murale. CSUPERB Symposium, January 7-9, 2011, Anaheim, CA.<br /> <br /> <br /> Reynolds, N.P., J. M. Martin and M.J. Giroux. 2010. Novel Ha locus, Pina-D1c/Pinb-D1h, impacts soft white spring wheat milling and baking. Crop Sci. 50:1718-1727. <br /> <br /> <br /> Robins, J.G. and K.B. Jensen. 2010. Identification of thickspike wheatgrass accessions with superior rhizome spread, seed production, and seed quality. Native Plants Journal 11:107-116.<br /> <br /> <br /> Robins, J.G. and K.B. Jensen. 2011. Identification of creeping foxtail germplasm with high dry matter yield and nutritive value. Crop Science 51:728-735.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V. S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2010. Response of hazelnut accessions to greenhouse inoculation with Anisogramma anomala. HortScience 45:1116-1119.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V.R., H.L. Chen, S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2010. DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in 'Ratoli' hazelnut. Tree Genetics and Genomes 7:337-345. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-010-0335-5.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, Vidyasagar R. 2011. Eastern filbert blight in hazelnut (Corylus avellana): identification of new resistance sources and high resolution genetic and physical mapping of a resistance gene. Ph.D. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.<br /> <br /> <br /> Schwartz, H.F., M.A. Brick, K. Otto, and J. B. Ogg. 2010. Germplasm evaluation for resistance to bacterial wilt in common bean, 2008-2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:1-2.<br /> <br /> <br /> Simons, C., Z. Abate, S. Chao, W. Zhang, M. Rouse, Y. Jin, E.Elias, and J. Dubcovsky. 2011. Genetic mapping of stem rust resistance gene Sr13 in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122:649-658.<br /> <br /> <br /> Singh, S.P., and H.F. Schwartz. 2010. Breeding common bean for resistance to diseases: A review. Crop Sci. 50:2199-2223 <br /> <br /> <br /> Smykal, P., Kenicer, G., Flavell, A.J., Kosterin, O., Redden, R.J., Ford, R., Coyne, C.J., Maxted, N., Ambrose, M.J., Ellis, T.N. 2010. Phylogeny, phylogeography and genetic diversity of Pisum genus. Plant Genetic Resources. 1-15 doi:10.1017/S147926211000033X.<br /> <br /> <br /> Teran, H. and S.P. Singh. 2010. Gamete and recurrent selection for improving physiological resistance to white mold in common bean. Can. J. Plant Sci. 90:153-162.<br /> <br /> <br /> Teran, H. and S.P. Singh. 2010. Recurrent selection for physiological resistance to white mold in dry bean. Plant Breed. 129:327-333.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Vick, B.A., J. Hu. 2010. Future Prospects, pp. 313-326 in: Hu, J., Seiler, G., Kole, C., Eds. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Sunflower. Science Publishers. Enfield, New Hampshire.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Von Zitzewitz, Jarislav. 2010. The genetics of winterhardiness in barley: perspectives from genome-wide association mapping . Ph.D. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wang, R.R.-C., Larson, S.R., Jensen, K.B. 2010. Analyses of Thinopyrum bessarabicum, Th. elongatum and Th. junceum chromosomes using EST-SSR markers. Genome 53:1083-1089.<br /> <br /> <br /> Yoshida T., H. Nishida, J. Zhu, R. Nitcher, A. Distelfeld, Y. Akashi, K. Kato, J. Dubcovsky. 2010. Vrn-D4 is a vernalization gene located on the centromeric region of chromosome 5D in hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 120:543-552.<br /> <br /> <br /> Yu, L.-X., S. Liu, J.A. Anderson, R.P. Singh, Y. Jin, J. Dubcovsky, G. Brown-Guidera, S. Bhavani, A. Morgounov, Z. He, J. Huerta-Espino, and M.E. Sorrells. 2010. Haplotype diversity of stem rust resistance loci in uncharacterized wheat lines. Molecular Breeding 26:667-680.<br /> <br /> <br /> Yue, B., B.A. Vick, X. Cai and J. Hu. 2010. Genetic mapping for the Rf1 (fertility restoration) gene in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by SSR and TRAP markers. Plant Breed. 129:24-28.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhang, W., E. Olson, C. Saintenac, M. Rouse, Z. Abate, Y. Jin, E.D. Akhunov, M. Pumphrey, and J. Dubcovsky. 2010. Genetic maps of stem rust resistance gene Sr35 in diploid and hexaploid wheat. Crop Science. 50:2464-2474.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zimmerman, Shawna Jean. 2010. Transfer, characterization and mapping of white mold resistance in an advanced backcross interspecific population between Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus coccineus. M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.<br />Impact Statements
- WRPIS maintains a large, diverse crop plant germplasm collection at Pullman, Washington. Most of the 88,000 accessions are important to agriculture in the northwest, in the US and around the world. The large number of seed samples distributed annually indicates a significant and growing interest in using WRPIS germplasm in the global plant research community.
- Plant germplasm accessions provided by the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station (WRPIS) and other repositories of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) to researchers were used in diverse scientific disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, genetics, botany, and plant pathology and contributed significantly to scholastic and economic activities in the Western 13 States.
Date of Annual Report: 08/20/2012
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Committee members present
Michael Kahn (kahn@wsu.edu) - Administrative Advisor, Washington State Univ.;
Dan Parfitt (dparfitt@ucdavis.edu) - California;
Mark Brick (Mark.Brick@ColoState.edu) - Colorado - Chair;
Bob Zemetra - Oregon - ex-officio, acting secretary;
Shawn Mehlenbacher (mehlenbs@science.oregonstate.edu) - Oregon - vice-chair;
Jack Martin (jmmartin@montana.edu) - Montana - (connected by phone);
Joe Kuhl (jkuhl@uidaho.edu) - Idaho
Committee members absent
Dennis Ray (dray@u.arizona.edu) - Arizona;
Ian Ray (iaray@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico;
Robin Groose (groose@uwyo.edu) - Wyoming;
Kevin Jensen (Kevin.Jensen@ars.usda.gov) - Utah;
Carol Miles (miles@wsu.edu) - Washington
States without representation
Peter Bretting (peter.bretting@ars.usda.gov) - NPS, NPGS, Washington DC (connected by phone);
Andrew Hammond (Andrew.Hammond@ars.usda.gov) - USDA, ARS Western Region;
Jinguo Hu (jinguo.hu@ars.usda.gov> - W6, Pullman;
Dave Stout (stoutd@wsu.edu) - W6, Pullman;
Harold Bockelman National Small grains collection (connected by phone);
Kim Hummer (kim.hummer@ars.usda.gov) - NCGR, Corvallis;
Joseph Postman (Joseph.Postman@ars.usda.gov) - NCGR Corvallis;
Nahla Bassil (Nahla.Bassil@ars.usda.gov> - NCGR Corvallis;
Francis Zee (francis.zee@ars.usda.gov) - NCGR, Hilo (connected by phone);
John Preece - NCGR, Davis;
Richard Lee (richard.lee@ucr.edu) - NCGR, Riverside (connected by phone);
Gabriela Romano NCGR, Parlier (connected by phone)
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting started at 8:00 am
Welcome to the 2012 meeting - Kim Hummer
Director's Report and Budget - Michael Kahn
The requested amount of funds ($405,280) for the W-6 regional project was allocated by the Western Region Experiment Station Directors. The Experiment Station Directors in the Western region continue to be very supportive of the W-6 regional project and its role in supplying plant germplasm for research in the Western states.
Report from ARS Regional Office - Andrew Hammond
Welcomed the attendees to the 2012 W-6 meeting and thanked Kim Hummer and staff for hosting the meeting. Extended a welcome from the USDA-ARS regional and national office to the attendees and indicated that 2012 is the 150th anniversary of the USDA. USDA-ARS has been active in germplasm activities such as plant exploration and seed distribution since the 19th century. In the Pacific Northwest (PNW) the plant germplasm program includes six repositories (Aberdeen, Idaho; Corvallis, Oregon; Davis, California; Hilo, Hawaii; Pullman, Washington; and Riverside, California) plus two staffed worksites (Parlier, California associated with the Davis repository and Prosser, Washington associated with the Pullman repository). The Arctic and Sub Arctic repository in Palmer, Alaska was closed in 2011/2012 in response to budget reductions. The W-6 repository in Pullman has over 91,000 accessions, over 1,000 genera and over 4,000 accessions in its collection. Challenges facing the plant germplasm program are associated with achieving its mission of collecting and maintaining plant germplasm collections to help feed a growing population in an era of reduced funding. This will require making choices and setting priorities and leveraging partnerships between ARS and state programs.
Questions were raised on the issue of setting priorities in relationship to germplasm collections where the goal of increasing and maintaining accessions does not lend itself to reduced activity in response to budget reductions. This is also true for maintaining and increasing facilities to accommodate increases in the number of accessions when there is little funding for new facilities or repair/upgrading old facilities. In response, Dr. Hammond stated that funding functions and activities associated with maintenance of the collections is a top priority and proceeded to explain the budget reductions faced by the ARS. In FY 2012, the ARS had a 38 million dollar reduction in its funding, which it accomplished by closing sites such as the Arctic and Sub-Arctic repository in Alaska though that action incurred a one-time cost of 40 million dollars in closing and personnel relocation costs. To cover the closing costs 0.7% of project funds were assessed from each ARS program and 30% was assessed from any Specific Cooperative Agreements (SCAs) the ARS had with non-federal programs, initiating a hiring freeze and reducing funding returns to the programs. In response to a second question, Dr. Hammond expanded the discussion on budget cuts to include FY2011, which was a 48 million dollar cut in the ARS budget. The ARS has had to absorb an 8% reduction in its overall budget making it a challenge to meet its obligations during these difficult budgetary times.
Report from National Program - Peter Bretting
To address budgetary issues within the National Program, travel funding was reduced and funds were recouped through buy-outs through early retirements. Positions affected in the Western region include Dr. Steve Clement at the Pullman repository and Doug Cook at the Corvallis repository. Neither position has been refilled due to the hiring freeze.
In germplasm activities the change from GRIN to GRIN Global is progressing with Grin Global v.1 being released in December, 2011. The germplasm system was also a participant in the development of a new computer based Plant Hardiness Zone map released by Oregon State University. The map is computer based and it is interactive so it is possible to go from a national map to a local map based on zip code.
In terms of the FY 2013 budget, nothing has passed but the Senate version, which has a 1% increase for ARS while the House version has a 2% decrease. The hope is for a flat budget. What is confounding the budget issue is raising the debt ceiling on the Federal budget and the potential for mandatory sequestering (reduction) of funds in response to the 2011 agreement to raise the debt ceiling.
In terms of activities at the national level the ARS works on five-year cycles and the National Plant Germplasm System was reviewed in 2011. A new action plan (NP 301) was developed and ARS scientists are working on individual program plans. In relationship to the NPGCC it was stated that it was important to educate the state Agricultural Experiment Station on the importance of regional projects such as the W-6 project and changes occur in experiment station directors. In terms of international treaties associated with plant germplasm, the pending treaty has not been addressed by the Senate since other treaties have taken priority. The NGRA committee has once again been activated in 2012 (started in 1900 halted in 1999).
Approval of minutes from the 2011 W-6 Regional meeting
It was moved (D. Parfitt) and seconded (J. Kuhl) to accept the minutes from the 2011 meeting. The committee unanimously approved the motion (9:30 am).
Harold Bockelman - Aberdeen
- Distributed 100,000 samples - a record for the Aberdeen repository.
- Large distribution (38,000 accessions) to the gene bank in South Korea. They are reciprocating by sending germplasm to the Aberdeen repository.
- Using flow cytometry to screen wheat land races in the collection for ploidy level (4X or 6X)
- Continuing sending accessions to the Norway seed vault.
- Coordinating the screening nursery of United States wheat and barley germplasm for UG99 stem rust in Kenya screening nursery
- Participating in Triticeae-CAP (T-CAP) program by phenotyping wheat and barley accessions.
- Storage facilities have been upgraded by adding insulation to improve temperature control and to reduce costs associated with temperature control.
- Blair Goates has retired and due to the hiring freeze there are no current plans for replacing his position. Blair was an expert on bunt diseases and coordinated the dwarf bunt screening nursery.
Joseph Postman - Corvallis
Highlights of submitted report:
- There are 12 permanent employees
- 7,420 accessions were shipped in response to 670 requests; Increased 150% this year
- Participated in a germplasm collection expedition to Albania with J. Preece from the Davis repository
- Participated in tours and organizing meetings as part of the public out-reach efforts of the repository.
- Collaborative work continues with the Fort Collins germplasm program on cryo-preservation
- Research continues in the areas of molecular markers for genotypic identification of germplasm and in cryo-preservation of germplasm
- Budget remains flat, which is challenging since the number of accessions and number or requests continue to increase.
- Funding and staffing are increasingly challenging (flat line of funding = reduced staffing)
- Accomplishments (check first page of report)
- Received two SCRI grants
>li>Joseph Postman - National Clean Plant Network - new program to preserve small fruit and grape germplasm (20 million dollars - 5 million per year, first year funded but remaining 3 years depend on inclusion in the Farm Bill.)
- Excellent outreach events
John Preece - Davis report
Highlights of submitted report:
- Clay Weeks, the Prunus horticulturist, retired and the repository was allowed to refill the position.
- There was an increase in number of accessions shipped in 2011.
- Information was uploaded into GRIN on 134 accessions representing 27 species.
- Research areas include:
- Genotyping accessions using a SNP chip
- Genotypic screening of apricots using a set of 12 microsatellites
- Tissue culture research on walnut, almond and grape
- Genotyping accessions using a SNP chip
Gabriela Romano - Parlier report
Highlights of submitted report
- The staff of the station includes 2 permanent positions and 5 temporary summer help. There is currently one vacant position at the repository.
- There was a 40% increase in distributions of germplasm with 25% going international.
- Research efforts include:
- Seed viability of Opuntia accessions
- Rooting of jojoba cuttings
- Seed viability of Opuntia accessions
- Phenotypic descriptions of the accessions are being collected
Francis Zee - Hilo report
Highlights of submitted report:
- Evaluated the quality of the germplasm collection in a collaborative effort with DNA extraction in Puerto Rico and DNA screening in Beltsville, Maryland. Starting to do more of the genotypic screening in-house.
- Working on developing a backup collection for avocados and working on keeping the papaya collection free of disease. Both need screen houses.
- The repository now manages 13 collections and with the increase in the number of collections there is now a need for additional personnel to cover the additional work associated with the collections.
Jinguo Hu - W-6 Pullman
Highlights of submitted report:
Funding from the Western Regional experiment stations ($405,000) supported 6 full time employees (3 field, 1 seed cleaning, 1 seed storage and 1 technician).
- Federal funding for the station (WRPIS) totaled $2,469,800 for Pullman and $271,000 for Prosser.
- 92,000 accessions in total in the collection
- Seed storage facility is now 98% full
- Seed viability tests were done on a total of 4,311 accessions (1,262 in Pullman and 3,049 in Fort Collins)
- 30,033 seed packets of 19,767 accessions were distributed, which was the second highest number of distributions by the Pullman station.
- Research projects include:
- Screening for gene flow from transgenic alfalfa (Prosser)
- SNP screening of lettuce collection
- Faba bean research (see report for details)
- Screening for gene flow from transgenic alfalfa (Prosser)
Richard Lee - Riverside
Highlights of submitted report:
- 1,365 accessions distributed in 2011 including the first distributions from the quarantine collection. With the quarantine collection now open there are a higher number of requests in 2012.
- The collection is now screened for virus each year
- Challenges to the collection:
- citrus greening HLV infection found in southern California
- Palm weevils could pose a risk to the Palm collection
- Palm decline disease now found in Texas and Florida
- citrus greening HLV infection found in southern California
State Reports
Arizona - Dennis Ray
Written report submitted but no presentation made.
California - Dan Parfitt
(See state report for specific information from each recipient, including testimonials and notes on germination and viability)
- Requests were similar to previous years, about 400.
- Responses were also similar to previous years, about 18 to 20%.
- Use of germplasm showed a wide array of uses
- There were fewer home gardener requests in 2011.
- Responses showed that the material requested was useful.
- More requests for use of the germplasm for conventional breeding by private companies.
- More requests for use of germplasm as controls in molecular studies.
Colorado - Mark Brick
(See state report for specific information)
- 2719 accessions were requested in 2011 representing 93 orders. This was slightly lower than previous years.
Hawaii - no representative
Idaho - Joe Kuhl
(See state report for specific information)
- There was a major decrease in the number accessions requested in 2011 due to the high number of cereal accessions that were requested as part of the T-CAP project in 2011.
- 96% of the requests were from ARS or University of Idaho scientists.
- There was a 30% response rate on requests of information on the use of the requested germplasm.
Montana - Jack Martin
(See state report for specific information)
- 168 accessions were requested from a total of 40 reuqests
- The requests came from 12 individuals with 10 of the individuals coming from the University system.
- Requests were primarily for wheat, hops and grapes.
New Mexico - Ian Ray
Written report submitted but no presentation made.
Oregon - Shawn Muhlenbacher
(See state report for specific information) - Material requests were primarily from plant breeders
- 164 orders were made in 2011
- A purple tomato with high anthocyanin production was released by J. Myers
- The wheat breeding program released two new soft white winter wheat cultivars R. Zemetra
Utah - Kevin Jensen
Written report submitted but no presentation made.
Washington - Carol Miles (absent)
Written report submitted and Dave Stout made a brief presentation.
There was a discussion on how data should be distributed to the state representatives. Currently everything is provided from university and companies but individual requests are not forwarded. Dave Stout requested input on what information is desired by the state representatives.
Another discussion centered on what the state report format should be in the future. It was requested that there would be a summary of the requests and two to three impact statements primarily based on financial impact of the requested germplasm and publications. The financial impact could be based on the impact of the crops being requested in the state. It was also discussed whether there should be a limit on the length of the report based on number of pages, number of words or number of characters. No firm decision was reached on this topic but it was decided that Jinguo Hu and Michael Kahn select a preferred format and distribute it a sub-committee of state representatives (Mark Brick, Joe Kuhl and Shawn Mehlenbacher) for their input. It was recommended in the request for information on germplasm use that a question be added concerning whether the individual used the GRIN-Global system and if they did what were their impressions of the system.
FY2012 - $405,288
FY 2013 - no increase due to WSU budget freeze
FY 2014 - 4.7% increase in funding requested
FY 2015 - 3% increase in funding to be requested
FY 2016 - 3% increase in funding to be requested
It was moved (Shawn Mehlenbacher) and seconded (Dan Parfitt) that the proposed W-6 budget for FY 2014 of $424,336 (a 4.7% increase of the FY 2013 budget) be approved.
The motion passed unanimously.
Future Meeting Locations:
2013 - Teleconference based out of the W-6 station in Pullman, Washington
2014 - Since the PGOC will be meeting in Davis, California in June it was moved (Shawn Mehlenbacher) and seconded (Joe Kuhl) that the W-6 meeting be held in Davis, California in conjunction with the PGOC meeting.
The motion passed unanimously.
It was moved (Shawn Mehlenbacher) and seconded (Dan Parfitt) that Joe Kuhl serve as secretary in 2013 as a replacement for Bob Zemetra since he is no longer on the committee.
Resolution 1.
The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Kim Hummer and the staff of the USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, Oregon especially Joseph Postman and Yvonne Pedersen for their efforts in organizing and hosting the W-6 teleconference/meeting.
Resolution 2.
The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Ralph Cavalieri for his many years of service as Administrative Advisor for the W-6 Regional Technical Advisory Committee.
Resolution 3.
The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee welcomes Dr. Michael Kahn and appreciates his willingness to serve as Administrative Advisor for the W-6 Regional Technical Advisory Committee.
Resolution 4.
The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Robert Zemetra for his many years of service as a member and officer for the W-6 Regional Technical Advisory Committee.
Resolution 5.
The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee is concerned that the capacity of the seed storage at the W-6 Station is insufficient to serve future seed storage needs and that the number of accessions will soon exceed the storage capacity. Be it resolved that appropriate actions be initiated to solve this challenge before significant germplasm is lost.
There was a motion (Jack Martin) and a second (Joe Kuhl) to accept the resolutions as written.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn
Moved - Shawn Mehlenbacher
Seconded - Dan Parfitt
Passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm
To view individual state reports, they can be found on W-6's Homepage under the section "Additional Documents" at the following link:
1. The Western Regional Plant Introduction Station (WRPIS), Pullman WA distributed a total of 30,033 seed packets (19,767 accessions) to 928 individuals from 45 countries in 1,172 seed orders. Among them, 11,535 (38%) packets were sent to addresses in the USA and 18,498 (62%) packets to foreign countries. Year 2011 was the first year in which WRPIS germplasm was distributed to requestors from all 50 US States.<p><br /> <br /> 2. Researchers and residents in the Western 13 states requested and received 7,209 seed samples from W6 PI station, which is approximately 14.3% of the 50,412 samples that they requested from the National Plant Germplasm System in 2011.<p><br /> <br /> 3. The WRPIS acquired 3,103 accessions in 2010 including 2,094 native plant accessions from the SOS (Seeds of Success) project, 272 grass accessions collected from Russia by Dr. Doug Johnson, 237 Lupinus accessions from Poland and Germany and 141 Phaseolus accessions from CIAT (The International Center for Tropical Agriculture ), Cali, Colombia. On December 31, 2011, there were 90,485 plant accessions belonging to 947 genera, 4,155 species and 4,630 taxa in the WRPIS collection.<p><br /> <br /> 4. An initial roadside survey was conducted for the presence of GMO transgene in feral alfalfa in the GMO alfalfa production areas in CA, OR and WA and showed that 7-15% of the feral alfalfa populations in the areas surveyed carried the Roundup Ready Alfalfa (RRA) transgene. This finding has significant impact on future alfalfa germplasm management. Several measures have been implemented to prevent our collections of alfalfa germplasm from potential transgene contamination.<p><br /> <br /> 5. A total of 35,499 observation data points was entered into the GRIN database in 2011. These data are for 161 descriptors in 19 crop species from 9,393 accessions. Eight-eight percent of the data were collected by WRPIS staff and 12% by collaborators.<p><br /> <br /> 6. Seed viability testing was continued for priority crop species in our collection. Viability records of 4,349 inventories were entered into GRIN in 2011. Pullman location tested 1,262 and National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Fort Collins, Colorado tested 3,049 accessions.<p><br /> <br /> 7. A broad range of plant species of 3,750 inventories were regenerated/harvested in 2011. The seeds were packed and stored and the quantity by weight was determined for 4,737 inventories.<p><br /> <br /> 8. For secured backup of the valuable plant genetic resources, WRPIS shipped 2,246 seed inventories to the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Fort Collins, Colorado and 421 inventories to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Longyearbyen, Svalbard.<p><br /> <br /> 9. Three first reports of plant diseases relevant to taxa curated at WRPIS were published in 2011. They are: (1) powdery mildew (Erysiphe knautiae) on Caucasian pincushion flower in North America; (2) rust (Puccinia sherardiana) on dwarf checkerbloom in Washington State and (3) Weedy alternative hosts for the new pea powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe trifolii.<p><br /> <br /> 10. The cultivated lettuce germplasm collection of 1,063 accessions was genotyped with Illumina s high-throughput Goldengate assay of 384 SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers. This was accomplished by collaborating with The Genome Center of the University of California at Davis. The resulting genotype data revealed that approximately 70 accessions were present more than once; one butterhead cultivar was collected several times from different countries and at different time periods. Eliminating the redundancy based on genotype data will save resources for storage, regeneration and data management in the future.<p><br /> <br /> 11. The genetic diversity, population structure and genome-wide marker-trait association analysis emphasizing seed nutrients of the USDA pea core collection and published the results. The significant marker-trait associations documented in this study are useful to breeders to implement marker-assisted selection, which will expedite the process of breeding superior pea cultivars.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Additional accomplishments can be found in individual station and State reports on W-6's Homepage in the section "Additional Documents" at the following link:<br><br /> http://nimss.umd.edu/homepages/attachs.cfm?trackID=11296</b><br />Publications
Afonin, A.A., Greene, S.L., Dzyubenko, N., and Frolov, A. 2011. The role of international research projects in the dissemination of innovative technologies in Russia: AgroAtlas case study. Geography in Earth Sciences: modern problems of science and education. January 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bassil, N.V. 2012. Microsatellite markers: valuable in Vaccinium L. International Journal of Fruit Science 12:288-293. DOI:10.1080/15538362.2011.619438. <br /> <br /> <br /> Bassil, N.V., A.M. Nyberg, K.E. Hummer, J. Graham, M. Dossett, and C.E. Finn. 2012. A universal fingerprinting set for red raspberry. Acta Hort. 946:83-87.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bassil, N.V., Postman, J.D., Hummer, K.E., Sugar, D., Mota, J., Williams, R. 2011. Quince (Cydonia oblonga) genetic relationships determined using microsatellite markers. Acta Horticulturae 909:75-83.<br /> <br /> <br /> Biabani, A., Carpenter-Boggs, L., Coyne, C. J. Taylor, L., Smith J. L. and Higgins, S. 2011. Nitrogen fixation potential in global chickpea mini-core collection. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47:679685.<br /> <br /> <br /> Blake, N, K., S. P. Lanning, J. E. Berg, P. L. Bruckner, J. D. Sherman and L. E. Talbert. 2011. Registration of spring- and winter-habit wheat lines derived from elite cultivars of the alternate growth habit. Journal of Plant Registrations 5: 3: 418-421. <br /> <br /> <br /> Boches, P, B. Peterschmidt and J.R. Myers. 2011. Evaluation of a subset of the Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme core collection of horticultural quality and fruit phenolic content. HortScience 46:1450-1455.<br /> <br /> <br /> Carvallo, M.A., M.T. Pino, Z. Zeknic, C. Zou, C.J. Doherty, S.H. Shiu, T.H.H. Chen and M.F. Thomashow. 2011. A comparison of the low temperature transcriptomes and CBF regulons of three plant species that differ in freezing tolerance: Solanum commersonii, Solanum tuberosum, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany (Advance Access published April 21, 2011) 13 pages. doi:10.1093/jxb/err066 <br /> <br /> <br /> Chambers, U., V.M. Walton, and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2011. Susceptibility of hazelnut cultivars to filbertworm, Cydia latiferreana. HortScience 46:1377-1380. <br /> <br /> <br /> Clement, S., Hu, J., Stewart, A., Wang, B. and Elberson, L. 2011. Detrimental and neutral effects of a wild grass-fungal endophyte symbiotum on insect preference and performance. Journal of Insect Science. 11:1-13.<br /> <br /> <br /> Coyne, C. J., McGee, R. J., Redden, R. J., Ambrose, M. J., Furman, B.J., and Miles, C. A. 2011. Chapter 8. Genetic Adjustment to Changing Climates: Pea. In: S.S. Yadav, B. Redden, J.L. Hatfield, H. Lotze-Campen, and Anthony E. Hall, editors. Crop Adaptation to Climate Change, First Edition, pp. 238-249. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> <br /> Cruz, VMV, Kilian, A, Dierig, DA. 2012. Development of DArT markers and assessment of diversity in the new oilseed crop lesquerella. Proc. International Plant and Animal Genome Conference XX. San Diego, CA. Jan 14-18, 2012.<br /> <br /> <br /> Cruz, VMV, Romano, G, Dierig, DA. 2012. Effects of after-ripening and storage regimens on seed germination behavior of seven species of Physaria germplasm. Indust. Crops and Prod. 35:185-191. <br /> <br /> <br /> Cruz, VMV, Walters, C, Romano, G, Dierig, DA. 2011. Seed germination studies on various Physaria species. Proc. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops., Fargo, ND. Sept. 11-14, 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> DeCarie J., Coyne, C.J., Brumett, S., and Shultz, J. 2011. Additional pea EST-SSR markers for comparative mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant Breeding DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2011.01917.x. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., J. Lee and C.E. Finn. 2011. Characterization of a novel anthocyanin profile in wild black raspberry mutants: An opportunity for studying the genetic control of pigment and color. Journal of Functional Foods 3:207-214. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., J. Lee, and C.E. Finn. 2012. Anthocyanin content of wild black raspberry germplasm. Acta Hort. 946:43-47.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2012. High resolution melting detects sequence polymorphism in Rubus occidentalis monomorphic microsatellite markers. Acta Hort. 926: 91-95.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2012. SSR fingerprinting of black raspberry cultivars shows discrepancies in identification. Acta Hort. 946:49-53. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, K.S. Lewers, and C.E. Finn. 2012. Genetic diversity in wild and cultivated black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) evaluated by simple sequence repeat markers. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. (DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9808-8). <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, Michael. 2011. Evaluation of genetic diversity in wild populations of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L ). Ph.D. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dou, Q.-W., Lei, Y.-T., Li, X.-M., Mott, I.W., Wang, R.R.-C. 2012. Characterization of alien grass chromosomes in backcross derivatives of Triticum aestivum × Elymus rectisetus hybrids by using molecular markers and multi-color FISH/GISH. Genome 55(5): 337-347. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F. M. 2011. Conspectus of World Ethnomycology: Fungi in Ceremonies, Crafts, Diets, Medicines, and Myths. American Phytopathological Society Press. 151 pp.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F. M. 2011. Three new host-fungus records for Golovinomyces species in Montana and Washington. North American Fungi. 6(3): 1-7. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F. M., and Nazaire, M. 2011. First report of rust of Sidalcea malviflora (Dwarf Checkerbloom) caused by Puccinia sherardiana in Washington State. North American Fungi 6(15):1-5. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F. M., Hellier, B. C., and Lupien, S. L. 2011. Resistance to Penicillium allii in accessions from a National Plant Germplasm System Allium collection. Crop Protection Journal. 30: 483-488. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M., Wiest, A., and Mccluskey, K. 2011. Public germplasm collections and revolutions in biotechnology. Online URL http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci/jun2011/205.pdf. Journal of Biosciences. 36(2): 205-209. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dzyunbenko, N., Dzyunbenko, E., Afonin, A. A., and Greene, S. L. 2011. Implementing a gap analysis to conserve Caucasus Medicago species for ex situ conservation. Conference Proceedings on Problems of Conserving Biodiversity in the Caucasus Region, Suchumi botanical Garden, Abchazia, Russia, Sept. 15, 2011. p.25-29. <br /> <br /> <br /> Ellis, T. N., Hofer, J. M., Timmerman-Vaughan, G. M., Coyne, C. J., and Hellens, R. P. 2011. Mendel, 150 years on. Trends in Plant Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2011.06.006.16. <br /> <br /> <br /> Gao, J., Leon, F., Radwan, M. M., Dale, O. R., Manley, S. P., Lupien, S. L., Wang, X., Hill, R. A., Dugan, F. M., Cutler, H. G., and Cutler, S. J. 2011. Benzyl derivatives with in vitro binding affinity for human opioid receptors and cannabinoid receptors from the fungus Eurotium repens. Journal of Natural Products. 74: 1636-1639. <br /> <br /> <br /> Goyer A. and K. Sweek. 2011. Genetic diversity of thiamine and folate in primitive cultivated and wild potato (Solanum) species. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59: 13072-13080. DOI: 10.1021/jf203736e. <br /> <br /> <br /> Goyer A. and K.G. Haynes. 2011. Vitamin B1 content in potato: effect of genotype, tuber enlargement, and storage, and estimation of stability and broad-sense heritability. American Journal of Potato Research 88: 374-385. <br /> <br /> <br /> Goyer, A. 2011. Thiamine and folate in potato: targets for increased nutritional value and enhanced disease resistance. Amer. J. Potato Res. 88:40-41. <br /> <br /> <br /> Hamon, C., Baranger, A., Coyne, C. J., Mcgee, R. J., Le Goff, I., L Anthoene, V., Esnault, R., Riviere, J., Klein, A., Mangin, P., Mcphee, K. E., Roux-Duparque, M., Porter, L., Miteul, H., Lesne, A., Morin, G., Onfroy, C., Moussart, A., Tivoli, B., Delourme, R., and Pilet Nayel, M. 2011. New consistent QTL in pea associated with partial resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in multiple field and controlled environments from France and the United States. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 123:261-281. <br /> <br /> <br /> Harveson, R. M., S.G. Markell, R. Goswami, C.A. Urrea, M.E. Burrows, F. Dugan, W. Chen, and L.G. Skoglund. 2011. Ascochyta blight of chickpeas. Plant Health Progress Online. doi:10.1094/PHP-2011-0103-01-DG. <br /> <br /> <br /> Hofer, P., J. E. Berg, L. Huang, R. J. Graf and P. L. Bruckner. 2011. Registration of 'Yellowstone' winter wheat backcrossderived lines incorporating leaf rust and wheat curl mite resistance. Journal of Plant Registrations 5: 3: 422-425. <br /> <br /> <br /> Jakubowski, A. R., Jackson, R. D., Johnson, R. C., Hu, J. and Casler. M. D. 2011. Genetic diversity and population structure of Eurasian populations of reed canarygrass: Cytotypes, cultivars, and interspecific hybrids. Crop and pasture Sciences. Crop and Pasture Science 62(11) 982-991.<br /> <br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., Kisha, T.J., Pecetti, L., Romani, M. and Richter. P. 2011. Characterization of Poa supina from the Italian Alps with AFLP markers and correlation with climatic variables. Crop Sci. 51(4): 1627-1636.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kalous, J.R., J.M. Martin, J.D. Sherman, N.K. Blake, S.P. Lanning, and L.E. Talbert. 2011. Phenotypic variation and patterns of linkage disequilibrium associated with introduced genes in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 51:24662478. <br /> <br /> <br /> Karp, David. 2011. Market Watch: Farm brings every muscat imaginable. Los Angeles Times/Food. Oct. 7,2011. http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fo-marketwatch-20111007,0,4208158.story.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kisha, T. J., and Cramer, C. S. 2011. Determining redundancy of short-day onion accessions in a germplasm collection using microsatellite and targeted region amplified polymorphic markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 136(2):129-134. <br /> <br /> <br /> Kisha, T.J. and Johnson, R.C. 2011. Safflower. In: Technological Innovations in Breeding Major World Oil Crops. Springer, New York. <br /> <br /> <br /> Kusolwa, P.M., and J.R. Myers. 2011. Seed storage proteins ARL2 and its variants from the APA locus of wild tepary bean G40199 confers resistance to Acanthoscellides obtectus when expressed in common beans. Afr. Crop Sci. J. 19:255-265.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kusolwa, P.M., and J.R. Myers. 2011. Seed storage proteins arl2 and its variants from the APA locus of wild tepary bean G40199 confers resistance to Acanthoscellides obtectus when expressed in common beans. African Crop Science Journal 19:255-265. <br /> <br /> <br /> Kwon, S. J., Truco, M. J. and Hu, J. 2011. LSGermOPA, a custom OPA of 384 EST-derived SNPs for high-throughput lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) germplasm fingerprinting. Molecular Breeding. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-011-9623-5.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lanning, S. P., G. R. Carlson, P. F. Lamb, D. Nash, D. M. Wichman, K. D. Kephart, R. N. Stougaard, J. Miller, G. D. Kushnak, J. L. Eckhoff, W. E. Grey, N. K. Blake and L. E. Talbert. 2011. Registration of 'Duclair' hard red spring wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 5: 3: 349-352.<br /> <br /> <br /> Larson, S.R., Kishii, M., Tsujimoto, H., Qi, L., Chen, P., Lazo, G., Jensen, K.B., Wang, R.R.-C. 2012. Leymus EST linkage maps identify 4NsL-5NsL reciprocal translocation, wheat-Leymus chromosome introgressions, and functionally important gene loci. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124:189206. <br /> <br /> <br /> Lee, J., Dossett, M., and Finn, C.E. 2012. Rubus fruit phenolic research: the good, the bad, and the confusing. Food Chem. 130:785-796.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mallikarjuna, N., Coyne, C.J., Cho, S., Rynearson, S., Rajesh, P., Jadhav, D. R., and Muehlbauer, F. 2011. Cicer. Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources. In: Legume Crops and Forages. Springer, New York, N.Y. pp. 63-82.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, L. Mahoney, C.E. Finn, J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, T. Davis, P. Stewart, V. Whitaker, A. Jamieson, N.V. Bassil, I. Amaya, B. Denoyes, K. Hummer, D. Sargent, E. van de Weg, and A. Iezzoni. 201X. Using general and specific combining ability to further advance strawberry (Fragaria sp.) breeding. Acta Hort. (accepted 5-2012).<br /> <br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith and R.L. McCluskey. 2011. 'Jefferson' hazelnut. HortScience 46:662-664. <br /> <br /> <br /> Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith, R.L. McCluskey and M.M. Thompson. 2011. 'Tonda Pacifica' hazelnut. HortScience 46:505-508.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mott, I.W., Wang, R.R.-C. Genetic variation among laboratory accessions of Chinese Spring wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.). Plant Genetic Resources. Published online 03/13/2012. DOI:10.1017/S1479262112000068. <br /> <br /> <br /> Niu, Z.X., Klindworth, D.L., Wang, R.R.-C., Jauhar, P.P., Larkin, P.J., Xu, S.S. 2011. Characterization of HMW glutenin subunits in Thinopyrum intermedium, Th. bessarabicum, Lophopyrum elongatum, Aegilops markgrafii, and their addition lines in wheat. Crop Sci. 51: 667-677. <br /> <br /> <br /> Njuguna, W., Hummer, K.E., Richards, C.M., Davis, T.M., Bassil, N.V. 2011. Genetic diversity of diploid Japanese strawberry species based on microsatellite markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution http://www.springerlink.com/content/c404m461448gp6r3. 58:1187-1198.<br /> <br /> <br /> Oraguzie, N. C., M. Bellamkonda, C. P. Peace, A. Dhingra, D. Glawe, G. Grove. 2012. Identification of QTLs Associated with Powdery Mildew Resistance in Sweet Cherry. ASHS annual Conference, July 31-August 3, 2012, Miami, FL.<br /> <br /> <br /> Power, A., Huang, X., and LeDuc, D.L. Understanding nickel and cobalt hyperaccumulation in Alyssum murale. CSUPERB Symposium, January 7-9, 2011, Anaheim, CA.<br /> <br /> <br /> Riveland, N. R., J. E. Berg, K. D. Kephart, D. M. Wichman, G. R. Carlson, G. D. Kushnak, R. N. Stougaard, J. L. Eckhoff, D. L. Nash, M. Johnston, W. E. Grey, Y. Jin, X. Chen and P. L. Bruckner. 2011. Registration of 'Decade' wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 5: 3: 345-348.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V.R. and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2011. Characterization of American hazelnut (Corylus americana) accessions and Corylus americana x Corylus avellana hybrids using microsatellite markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution DOI 10.1007/s10722-011-9743-0. <br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V.R., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2011. DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance from a hazelnut selection from the Republic of Georgia. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 136: 350-357. <br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V.R., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2012. Identification and mapping of DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance from OSU 408.040 hazelnut. HortScience (in press). <br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, Vidyasagar R. 2011. Eastern filbert blight in hazelnut (Corylus avellana): identification of new resistance sources and high resolution genetic and physical mapping of a resistance gene. Ph.D. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. <br /> <br /> <br /> Skoglund, L. G., Harveson, R. M., Chen, W., Dugan, F., Schwartz, H. F., Markell, S. G., Porter, L., Burrows, M. L., and Goswami, R. 2011. Ascochyta blight of peas. Plant Health Progress DOI: 10.1094/PHP-2011-0330-01-RS <br /> <br /> <br /> Smykal, P., Kenicer, G., Flavell, A.J., Kosterin, O., Redden, R.J., Ford, R., Coyne, C.J., Maxted, N., Ambrose, M.J., Ellis, T.N. 2011. Phylogeny, phylogeography and genetic diversity of Pisum genus. Plant Genetic Resources. 1-15 doi:10.1017/S147926211000033X.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sringivasan, R. and J. M. Alvarez. 2011. Specialized host utilization of Macrosiphum euphorbiae on a nonnative weed host, Solarium sarrachoides and competition with Myzus persicae. Environmental Entomology. 40:350-356.<br /> <br /> <br /> United States Patent 8,022,278 Method for transferring one or more genetic traits from a plant of the purple-flowered Capsicum species to a plant of the white flowered Capsicum species. Lindeman , et al. September 20, 2011<br /> <br /> <br /> VanBuren, R., J. Li, F. Zee, J. Zhu, C. Liu, A. K. Arumuganathan, R. Ming. 2011. Longli is not a Hybrid of Longan and Lychee as Revealed by Genome Size Analysis and Trichome Morphology. Tropical Plant Biology 4:228-236.<br /> <br /> <br /> Volk, G.M., Richards, C.M., Cruz, V.V., Bassil, N.V., Postman, J.D. 2011. Population structure and conservation of wild Pyrus communis [abstract]. In: Proceedings of American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference, September 25-28, 2011. <br /> <br /> <br /> Zalapa, J.E., Simon, P.W., Hummer, K.E., Bassil, N.V., Senalik, D.A., Zhu, H., Mccown, B.H., Zeldin, E., Speers, J., Hyman, J. 2012. Mining and validation of pyrosequenced simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 124:87-96.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhang, J., Nagai, C., Yu, Q., Pan, Y., Ayala Silva, T., Schnell Ii, R.J., Comstock, J.C., Arumuganathan, A.K., Ming, R. 2012. Genome size variation in three Saccharum species. Euphytica Submitted.<br />Impact Statements
- WRPIS maintains a large, diverse crop plant germplasm collection at Pullman, Washington. Most of the 92,000 accessions are important to agriculture in the northwest, in the US and around the world. The large number of seed samples distributed annually indicates a significant and growing interest in using WRPIS germplasm in the global plant research community.
- Plant genetic resources provided by the WRPIS and other repositories of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) to researchers were used in diverse scientific disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, genetics, botany, and plant pathology and contributed significantly to scholastic and economic activities in the Western 13 States. More than 70 publications of research papers, general reports and book chapters were generated by using the plant materials distributed by WRPIS and NPGS.
- Numerous small seed companies requested and received materials from WRPIS and other NPGS repositories. The useful traits contained in the received materials are being incorporated into ongoing breeding programs to breed new varieties. One breeder from a such company wrote to us: "I do want you to know the National Germplasm System is very important to our Pea and Bean breeding program as it is to all companies who have an active research program. We hope the National Germplasm System will continue to be active and grow in accessions numbers for years to come."
Date of Annual Report: 08/16/2013
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Members present in Pullman:;
Moyer, James (j.moyer@wsu.edu) Washington State Univ. Administrative Advisor;
Kahn, Michael (kahn@wsu.edu) Washington State Univ. Administrative Advisor;
Kuhl, Joe (jkuhl@uidaho.edu) Univ. Idaho, Idaho, Secretary;
Parfitt, Dan (dparfitt@ucdavis.edu) California - (connected by phone);
Brick, Mark (Mark.Brick@ColoState.edu) Colorado Chair- (connected by phone);
Mehlenbacher, Shawn (mehlenbs@science.oregonstate.edu) -Oregon - vice-chair;
Martin, Jack (jmmartin@montana.edu) Montana - (connected by phone);
Ray, Ian (iaray@nmsu.edu) New Mexico - (connected by phone);
Miles, Carol (miles@wsu.edu) Washington- (connected by phone)
Hu, Jinguo (jinguo.hu@ars.usda.gov) ARS, Pullman, WA, Project Coordinator;
Stout, Dave (stoutd@wsu.edu) WRPIS, Pullman;
Pentecost, Gwen (gwen.pentecost@ars.usda.gov) ARS, Pullman, WA;
Dugan, Frank (frank.duganu@ars.usda.gov) ARS, Pullman, WA;
Kisha, Theodore (theodore.kisha@ars.usda.gov) ARS, Pullman, WA;
Bretting, Peter (peter.bretting@ars.usda.gov) NPS, Washington DC (connected by phone);
Whalen, Maureen (Maureen.whalen@ars.usda.gov) USDA, ARS Pacific West Area Office (connected by phone);
Bockelman, Harold (Harold.bokcelman@ars.usda.gov) National Small grains collection (connected by phone);
Hummer, Kim (kim.hummer@ars.usda.gov) NCGR, Corvallis (connected by phone);
Postman, Joseph (Joseph.Postman@ars.usda.gov) NCGR Corvallis (connected by phone);
Bassil, Nahla (Nahla.Bassil@ars.usda.gov) NCGR Corvallis;
Zee, Francis (francis.zee@ars.usda.gov) NCGR, Hilo (connected by phone);
Preece, John (john.preece@ars.usda.gov) NCGR, Davis (connected by phone);
Lee, Richard (richard.lee@ucr.edu) NCGR, Riverside (connected by phone);
Romano, Gabriela (gabriela.romano.zee@ars.usda.gov) NCGR, Parlier (connected by phone)
Committee members absent:;
Kevin Jensen (Kevin.Jensen@ars.usda.gov) Utah
States without representation:;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting started at 9:09 am (PDT)
Opening remarks to the 2013 meeting - Mark Brick
After a brief delay due to connection issues Mark Brick thanked the Pullman group for making the meeting arrangements.
Directors Report and Budget - James Moyer
Dr. James Moyer joined Washington State University May 1st 2013, coming from North Carolina State University where he was department chair of Plant Pathology. He is working with Michael Kahn to get up to speed. WSU is committed to plant germplasm, plant breeding and plant genetics. WSU is supportive of USDA, ARS, specifically W6.
Report from National Program - Peter Bretting
The recent retirement of Molly Welsh, the Phaseolus curator, was mentioned along with the contribution she has made to the germplasm community.
Dr. Bretting mentioned the untimely death of Mark Boening and interim plans to cover the activities that he was responsible for. Also note the significant contributions that Mark made to the germplasm community.
ARS has implemented the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (FY 2013 appropriations) which includes rescissions and other reductions to the ARSs budget due to sequestration. The Presidents FY 2014 budget proposal, presented on 10 April 2013, would increase ARSs funding by about 2.7% above the FY 2012 appropriated funding level, and specifically would increase the NPGSs budget by $581,000. The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee mark-up the FY 2014 budget would provide a 5.6% increase above the enacted FY 2013 operating level, which translates to a total that is 2% lower than the FY 2012 appropriated funding level.
A standardize template was discussed for crop vulnerability statements (CVS), see report pages 5-7. A standardized format will help compare vulnerabilities across crops and provide structure for discussing changes over time, as well as provide a record of those changes over time.
Kim Hummer asked if CVS would be published within a single publication. Peter Bretting suggested that at least two publications would be required, one for horticultural crops and one for crop science crops. Dan Parfitt expressed interesting in seeing all CVS brought together. It was mentioned that this might cause delays in publication.
Report from NIFA - Ann Marie Thro
As with other programs, germplasm programs need to focus on outputs, outcomes and impacts. In particular, positive impacts need to be highlighted and recognized. She asked that any significant impacts be passed on to her.
A new code has been added to the new CRIS forms for Breeding, 1081. Researchers should, when appropriate, be sure to include this code as part of their reports.
Dan Parfitt asked if impacts from prior years and/or long-term impacts should they be reported. It was agreed that they should be reported.
Administration Update: ARS Regional Office - Maureen Whalen
Maureen Whalen, Associate Area Director, thanked the state representatives for their participation in the meeting. The 2013 budget for the Pacific West Area was down 7.8% compared 2012, which continued a trend of declining budget over several years. In 2013 there was a base budget of 2013, but it should be recognized that significant outside, intermural sources contributed to operations. David Ramming, Parlier grape breeder (now retired), was provided as an example of an innovative researcher, developing a new grape variety where grapes dry into raisins on the vine and can be mechanically harvested. Pacific West Area, 7 of 20 sites curate germplasm, and those seven hold a significantly percentage of the national germplasm. Aberdeen and Pullman are the top two sites for requests. There are approximately 1,000 users of germplasm in the thirteen western states.
Kim Hummer asked for advice for how curator managers should respond to declining budgets and limited labor to accomplish required activities. Maureen Whalen recommended matching needs with available resources. Peter Bretting suggested that PGOCs should discuss options and that four priorities in order of importance were: maintenance, distribution, characterization/evaluation, and enhancement. It was discussed that if budget cuts continued whether germplasm should be reduced. To help with these decisions Crop Germplasm Committees (CGC) should be approached with such concerns.
Michael Kahn raised the issue of an ongoing need for improved/expanded facilities as related to increases in the number of accessions. It was brought up that the Presidents budget included funding for a poultry facility in Athens, however this was not included in the House budget. Budgets are required to set aside money for repair and maintenance; however it frequently is insufficient to meet the needs, especially in the case of unexpected events. There is a limited amount of money at the Area for high priority needs. Jinguo Hu mentioned efforts to address the need for stabilized humidity in the Pullman seed storage facility. Coordination with the Area office was under way to find a solution. Dave Stout mentioned that the Pullman facility was at capacity, and additional accessions would need other arrangements.
Approval of 2013 meeting Agenda
Dan Parfitt suggested that approval of the 2012 meeting minutes should be postponed until after lunch so that people could review them. It was generally agreed this was a good idea. Dan moved that the 2013 meeting agenda be approved, moving approval of the 2012 minutes to after lunch. The motion was seconded by Ian Ray. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting break 10:05 am to 10:20 am.
Mark Brick reconvened the meeting and began site reports.
Harold Bockelman Aberdeen
Highlights of submitted report
- The National Small Grains Collection (NSGC) presently holds 140,487 accessions
- NSGC distributed more than 61,000 accession samples in >800 separate requests in the past 12 months. Approximately one-third of the distributions were to foreign scientists.
- They have an ongoing effort to identify ploidy levels of tens-of-thousands of the wheat, barley, and oat accessions using the Partec Cyflow " which counts chromosomes by flow cytometry. To date we have completed analyses on more than 13,000 landrace wheat accessions. A common mixture when observed is 4x and 6x lines in field plots.
- They continue to coordinate the assembly of the Stem Rust Nursery in Kenya in cooperation with the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, CIMMYT, and wheat and barley breeders in public and private programs throughout the U.S. The latest shipment in April included 6000 entries from more than 50 public and private breeders and researchers.
- The wheat and barley core subsets are being extensively phenotyped and genotyped as part of the new NIFA-funded Triticeae CAP.
- They are continuing our efforts to capture voucher images of spikes, panicles, and seeds. One of the goals of our new 5 year project plans is to fill in the gaps in the characterization data. The images and characterization data provides valuable information to both the germplasm user and for NSGC curation.
Gary Kinard - Beltsville, National Germplasm Resources Laboratory
Highlights of submitted report
- The Plant Exploration and Exchange program (PEO) supports the collection of germplasm for the NPGS through the management of a Plant Exploration and Exchange Grant Program. The deadline for submitting proposals for explorations or exchanges to be conducted in fiscal year 2014 is July 26, 2013.
- In late 2008 a project to provide thorough coverage in GRIN-Taxonomy to wild relatives of all major and minor crops was initiated. Initial work is completed on 96 crops, and an interface to query these data in various ways has been developed (http://www.ars-grin.gov/~sbmljw/cgi-bin/taxcrop.pl). Feedback is invited from NPGS curators and CGC members for those crop wild relative classifications already developed.
- We were saddened by the unexpected death of Mark Bohning from NGRL-DBMU on May 13, 2013. He had 33 years of service to USDA, almost all of it in NGRL.
- Although the exact date for the switch over from GRIN to GRIN-Global has not yet been determined, it will occur during fiscal year 2013, most likely in September. At the time of the switch the public website will change.
The question was raised by Dan Parfitt as to whether additional collection trips should be funded if resources are not available to curate the collected materials. Proposal calls for collection proposals might be postponed with priority on maintaining existing collections emphasized. Collecting contributes to a small/steady increase in accessions, a great demand was related to web based information associated with germplasm. Funding for collections in 2014 will be ~$70,000, compared to 1898 when ~$20,000 was spent on collecting.
Kim Hummer - Corvallis
Highlights of submitted report
- Maintain more than 12,000 accessions of temperate fruit, nut, and specialty crops were conserved.
- Obtained new accessions of Fragaria (42), Rubus (18) and Vaccinium (73) from Oregon and from subtropical locations through plant exchange with Canada.
- Obtained a total of 279 new accessions and 2447 new inventory items in 2012. This included inventory repatriated from Palmer, AK, when it closed.
- Received 659 new plant requests and shipped 6631 items in 2012.
- Received a number of outside grants, including SCRI and others
- Implemented a new technique, microsatellite allele dosage configuration establishment (MADCE), to fingerprint 947 strawberries with two SSR markers.
- The number of federally supported personnel in Corvallis has continued a decline started in 2006, and reached 2002 levels.
- The number of accessions maintained and distributed have continued a trend to increase, see graphs page 4 of submitted report.
Joseph Postman - Corvallis
Highlights of submitted report
- Of the more than 12,000 accessions maintained ~2/3 are clonal and ~1/3 seed
- Barbara Reed and Nahla Bassil maintain very productive research programs
- Significant efforts have been made to use genotyping to reduce redundancy in the collection
- Nahla Bassil has completed research on fingerprinting in fruit and nuts, leading to an identification system based on genotype that is useful for managing collections
- Two offsight studies were mentioned, one in Alaska prior to closure, and another in Minnesota with a collaborator
Roger Chetelat - Davis
Roger was not able to attend, but submitted a written report, Dan Parfitt summarized
Highlights of submitted report:
- The TGRC regenerated in 2012 a number of wild species accessions which had been stored in the seed vault but had never been grown for seed increase.
- Six new accessions of cultivated tomato were acquired from Muriel Quinet at the Univ. Catholique de Louvain, in Belgium. These stocks should be useful for genetic studies of meristem, flower and inflorescence development.
Dave Dierig - Ft. Collins report
Highlights of submitted report
- NGCRP has 420,121 unique accessions and 574,614 backed-up
- 80% of NPGS is backed-up
- January-June 2013, ~60,000 samples processed
- On average ~70% of Pullman collections are backed-up, ~100% of Aberdeen and Davis
- Making progress with clonally propagated material
- Seeds of Success, BLM native plant program, is coordinated with Pullman, backed-up at Fort Collins
- 7,501 accessions at NCGRP
- 2,600 unique taxon
- Many species are difficult to germinate
- 7,501 accessions at NCGRP
Dan Parfitt asked about accessions in liquid nitrogen, David Dierig replied that grains do well in nitrogen storage.
Francis Zee - Hilo report
Highlights of submitted report:
- Five year project plan was approved in March 2013
- Hilo maintains a backup collection of 29 selected cacao, Theobroma cacao, accessions from Miami and Puerto Rico.
- Continued quarantine transfer of NPGS avocado germplasm from Miami to Hilo through Fort Detrick. Twenty three (23) avocado accessions showed no visible laurel wilt symptoms and tested free for Avocado Sunblotch viroid (ASBVd) during the one year quarantine period in Hilo.
- The Avocado CGC consultant established a core collection of about 150 accessions to represent the genetic diversity of the current 400 NPGS accessions.
- Nine accessions of papaya relatives including Horovitzia, Vasconcellea, Jacaratia & Jarilla were received from various cooperators nationally and internationally.
- Regenerated 13 non-transgenic papaya accessions in an isolated location; field planted 2 selected Kapoho papaya lines in a commercial field for evaluation.
- Provided pineapple tissue cultures and seeds of Vasconcellea spp. to NPGS scientists for cryopreservation and molecular studies.
Gabriela Romano - Parlier
Highlights of submitted report:
A new biological technician was hired and will be working on germination tests.
- Distribution of germplasm of site-specific collections:
- Parthenium had the largest number of requests, 78 domestic, 41 international, 119 total
- Prickly pear (Opuntia/Cereus/Hylocereus) 96 domestic requests
- Parthenium had the largest number of requests, 78 domestic, 41 international, 119 total
- The Bassia, Proboscidea and Atriplex collections have been destined for decommissioning. After fulfilling the final requests for Atriplex, the remaining seed will also be sent to NCGRP including the new accessions donated by Seeds of Success.
Jinguo Hu - W-6 Pullman
Highlights of submitted report:
- On December 31, 2012, there were 92,897 plant accessions belonging to 1,277 genera, 4,604 species and 5,143 taxa in the WRPIS collection.
- Acquired 2,723 new accessions including 1,942 native plant accessions from the SOS (Seeds of Success) project, 270 pea from China by way of Australia, 62 lettuce from the Netherlands and 44 clover from Norm Taylors collection.
- Distributed a total of 29,345 packets of seed samples to 1,259 requestors with addresses in each of the 50 domestic states and 53 foreign countries.
- Conducted laboratory studies of five bulb-rotting species of Penicillium for clarifying species identity and host range. They continued to acquire isolates and conducted pathogenicity tests on six edible and ornamental bulbs (onion, garlic, tulip, narcissus, crocus, iris, etc.).
- Entered 100,230 observation data points into the GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) database in 2012.
- Entered 5,067 seed viability records into GRIN in 2012. Pullman location tested 1,545 and National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Fort Collins, Colorado tested 3,436 accessions.
- Evaluated segregating populations derived from crosses between high oil and high oleic acid lines and winter-type safflower germplasms for cold tolerance under controlled conditions and in the field.
- In collaboration with Washington State University, conducted a preliminary study to examine the variation of L-DOPA concentration in the leaf and flower tissues of seven faba bean accessions with various flower colors.
- Initiated a collaborative project to evaluate cool season grain legume germplasm under a non-funded collaborative agreement between US and China. In October 2012, our collaborators planted 1,294 pea and 286 faba bean accessions for winter survival in Qingdao, China.
- The FY 13 budget for WRPIS was $2,453,972 (Pullman, WA) and $281,394 (Prosser, WA) for a total ARS budget of $2,735,366. This could allow for $28,381discretionary dollars per SY. However, the implementation of sequestration reduced total budget to $2,529,920 ($2,255,598 for Pullman and $274,322 for Prosser). The discretionary dollar per SY dropped to only $6,238. This situation forced them to reduce the work force by abolishing two vacant positions. Molly Welsh, the Phaseolus curator, retired leaving behind ~17,000 accessions.
Dan Parfitt raised discussion/approval of the W6 FY2014 budget and it was agreed that discussion and approval would take place during open discussion. James Moyer mentioned that the FY2013 funding situation was not completely resolved.
Richard Lee - Riverside
Highlights of submitted report:
- A total of 861 distributions were made in CY2012, these were mostly Citrus or citrus relatives with the majority of distributions being made domestically to citrus breeders, research scientists, and certification programs.
- The NCGRCD has been in an Asian Citrus Psyllid Quarantine area for all of CY2012; psyllid screening and exclusion steps were completed early in the year, and the facilities were certified in February 2012, and the Repository was then able to ship distributions upon request.
- In 2009 in cooperation with USDA ARS, Fort Pierce, FL, a field trial was established which included over 100 accessions of citrus and citrus relatives (eight replicates of each accession; a total of 800 trees) originating from NCGRCD. The trial was exposed to HLB and Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) under field conditions, and evaluated twice a year for presence of HLB and tested for Las by qPCR. In the fall 2012, they were able to classify the reaction of the accessions into 8 categories based on their susceptibility/tolerance to HLB spread under natural conditions.
- Many genotypes of citron (Citrus medica L.) are cultivated in southwestern China, an important center of origin for the species; along with local wild citrons, they exhibit considerable phenotypic diversity. Using SSRs and SNPs three clusters were identified: 1) mostly fingered citrons from China 2) non-fingered citrons from China and 3) citrons from other parts of the world.
- Accessions are being backed-up at Ft. Collins using cryopreservation. Another technique, called cryo-therapy, is being used to clean-up material contaminated by bacteria.
- A detection kit has been developed to detect HLB for use by the general public, $1.50 per sample.
John Preece - Davis
Highlights of submitted report:
During the past three years, they have sent out the following to our domestic plus international clientele as cuttings, leaves, pollen, fruit, etc.: 2011, 11,535 items from 356 orders, and 2012, 10,726 items from 337 orders. 2013 (to date), 5,022 items from 521 orders, and for Summer 2013, 51 orders are pending. For 2014, there are already 433 new orders.
- The switch to all online orders has helped increased requests.
- David Ramming is retiring. He helped develop 38 peach cultivars.
- The entire peach collection is being re-propagated. Virus-indexed peach rootstock is being donated. Next year apricot rootstock will be donated.
- The fig collection is being propagated, providing tasting for ~150 people.
- Malli Aradhya and Craig Ledbetter collected cuttings and seeds of fruit and nut species in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan during July-August, 2012. Sixty-eight accessions were added to the collections.
- Grants focused on the collections at the NCGR-Davis: Almond Board, $41,000 (Almond Rootstock Development, 2012-2013); NIFA-SCRI, $1.1 million (Walnut Rootstock Development, 2013-2014); CDFA-SCRI, $129,000 (Olive Knot Evaluation, 2013-2014); California Fig Institute, $7,000 (Fig Cultivar Trial, 2013).
- Research: 1) increased disease resistance in almond, 2) NIFA-SCRI grant focused on walnut genetics and disease resistance, 3) CDFA-SCRI to propagate the entire olive collection and screen for disease resistance, and 4) Evaluate the fig collection for new cultivars, ultimately to expand the fig cultivars used by industry.
2012 Minutes - approved
Discussion occurred related to the 2012 minutes. Washington was removed from states without representation, and Carol Miles (WA) added under members absent. The spelling of John Preeces name was corrected. Start report was corrected to state report. Under Washingtons state report: Carol Miles was listed as absent, and submitted a written report, while Dave Stout made a brief presentation. Ian Ray moved to accept the 2012 minutes, Joe Kuhl seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
State Reports
California - Dan Parfitt
(See state report for more detailed information)
- Requests have been relatively flat since 2009, around 400.
- Responses were also similar to previous years, about 18 to 20%, ~12% email addresses bounce back.
- Seven publications in 2012 are listed.
- UC-Davis update, Plant Science department merge, 5 new FTE including director of the plant breeding center. It was noted that industry is concerned about the training of plant breeders in the U.S.
- Annual reports from the UC Davis Seed Biotechnology program may be accessed online.
- Support for grape and nut collections is strong. Stonefruit research has limited support and funding. Major interest in nuts is focused on walnut, almond and pistachio.
Colorado - Mark Brick
(See state report for more detailed information)
- Written report has not yet been submitted, in progress.
- Number of accession requested in Colorado is down from 2011, continuing a trend from 2010.
- Cargill made major requests for wheat accessions. Biofuels represent a significant reason for requests.
Idaho - Joe Kuhl
(See state report for more detailed information)
- In 2012, 4,221 accessions representing 33 genera and 81 species/subspecies were requested in Idaho from the National Plant Germplasm System. This is a decrease in number of accessions from 2011 (6,404), but a significant increase in the number of species requested, with 22 species requested in 2011.
- The major user groups in 2012 were ARS scientists (all based in Aberdeen, Idaho) (74% of total accessions) and University of Idaho scientists (15% of total accessions), accounting for over ~89% of the total accessions requested. The remaining accessions were requested by companies and private individuals.
- Four articles were published in 2012 utilizing germplasm from NPGS.
Montana - Jack Martin
(See state report for more detailed information)
- Montana received 462 germplasm accessions during 2012. Of those accessions 384 (75%) were Triticum species. Of the seventeen individuals receiving germplasm in 2012, eight were associated with Montana State University, one with University of Montana, three were from commercial businesses or non-profit organizations, and five were private individuals.
- Luther Talbert and Nancy Blake MSU-Bozeman as received 191 Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) and 154 Triticum turgidum (durum wheat) accessions as part of the multi-state TCAP project. The TCAP project has an extensive system for reporting both phenotypic and molecular data into the germplasm system.
- Mike Giroux, MSU Bozeman, received 2 Zea Mays accessions and 1 Oriza sativa accession. The rice accession was requested to determine whether that variety (Kitaake) would grow better under greenhouse conditions than the variety currently being transformed, Nipponbare. Kitaake actually looks a bit worse than Nipponbare.
- Norm Weeden, MSU-Bozeman received 1 Pisum sativum accession (JI 2739). The genotype was requested in order to do complementation tests on a dehiscent pod mutation that showed up in his work. Unfortunately, he did not see any evidence for the mutation in JI 2739 when it was grown out.
- Five articles were published in 2012 utilizing germplasm from NPGS.
New Mexico - Ian Ray
(See state report for more detailed information)
- Nineteen individuals from New Mexico placed 29 orders to request 595 accessions from the NPGS in 2012.
- Apples (82 Malus accessions requested) in New Mexico have been damaged by heavy frosts in recent years, causing interest in identifying frost tolerant varieties that grow well in New Mexico
- Peanuts (72 Arachis accessions requested) are being investigated for high oleic acid levels.
- It was observed that most people do not specify intended use when ordering germplasm and researchers dont follow-up when publications come out.
Oregon - Shawn Mehlenbacher
(See state report for more detailed information)
- A release notice for 'Dorris' hazelnut was published in HortScience. It has a very high level of resistance to eastern filbert blight (EFB) caused by Anisogramma anomala, and large kernels of excellent quality.
- Fluorescence microscopy tests on hazelnut over the past 15 years have identified the S-alleles in many cultivars.
- Potato accessions, identified as haploid inducers, will be incorporated into the OSU potato breeding program. The main aim is to incorporate haploid production and use of doubled haploids. Sagar Sathuvalli is the new potato breeder stationed in Hermiston, OR.
- Pat Hayes received two sets of accessions from the National Small Grains Collection in 2011: the World Core (~ 2,000) and the World Core winter subset (~400). Both were assessed as part of OSU's role in the USDA-NIFA Triticeae CAP project. He assessed the World Core in Corvallis for resistance to stripe rust and scald, plant height, and heading date.
- Aaron Liston used accessions of Fragaria were in ongoing phylogenetic analyses of the genus.
- Galen Williams is evaluating apple scion (Malus domestica) accessions for potential for hard cider production in the Willamette Valley and surrounding areas.
- Twelve articles were published in 2012 utilizing germplasm from NPGS.
Carol Miles expressed interested in research on apple scions for use in hard cider production.
Utah - Kevin Jensen (absent)
Written report submitted but no presentation made.
Washington - Carol Miles
(See state report for more detailed information)
- one case of PI miss-numbering
- one order of three envelopes leaked seeds
- several samples arrived too late for planting in 2012
- several reported problems of germination.
Open Discussion
FY2014 Bugdet:
The W6 FY2014 budget was discussed. The proposed FY2014 would be the same as FY2012, $405,288. Some concern was expressed related to FY2013, and that a shortfall might occur. Shawn Mehlenbacher moved to endorse the FY2014 budget at $405,288, Jack Martin seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Dan Parfitt moved to endorse FY2015 at 2.5% increase over FY2014, and FY2016 2.5% increase over FY2015, while noting that FY2014 included no increase. The motion was not seconded and died.
Shwan Mehlenbacher moved to endorse FY2015 with a 2.5% increase and FY2016 with 2.5% increase, Dan Parfitt seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Packing list and use statements:
Mark Brick commented that he appreciated the text file sent by Dave Stout including information about individual orders. Dave Stout indicated that he might not be able to generate an identical file next year using GRIN-Global. However, the packing list should be available to send out. Access to the use statement is less certain.
Future Meeting Locations:
The 2014 meeting is to be held in Davis, CA. This was voted on and passed during the 2012 meeting in Corvallis. Joe Kuhl moved that the 2015 meeting be a teleconference based in Pullman, WA, and the 2016 meeting be a site visit in Pullman, WA. Shawn Mehlenbacher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Joe Kuhl nominated Carol Miles as secretary starting in 2014. Shawn and/or Dan seconded. Carol accepted the position.
Resolution 1. The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Jinguo Ho, Gwen Pentecost and the staff of the USDA ARS WRPIS in Pullman WA for their efforts in organizing and hosting the W-6 teleconference/meeting for 2013.
Resolution 2. The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Robin Groose for his many years of service as a member and officer for the W-6 Regional Technical Advisory Committee.
Resolution 3. The W-6 Technical Advisory Committee thanks Dr. Molly Welch for her many years of service as curator of the Phaseolus collection at the WRIP, Pullman WA.
A motion (Dan Parfitt) was made and seconded (Shawn Mehlenbacher) to accept the resolutions as written.
The motion passed unanimously.
States without representation:
A brief discussion occurred that someone should solicit states that currently do not have representatives, i.e. AK, HI, WY and AZ (it was noted that this does not include NV).
Motion to adjourn:
Moved Shawn Mehlenbacher
Seconded Joe Kuhl>br>
Passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm
This project manages a diverse collection of important agricultural crop genetic resources and related information. Plant breeders around the world are depending on available germplasm to contribute favorable genes to new varieties with increased productivity, which is critical for global food security for the expanding world population. Certain germplasm accessions also contain useful genes that enable crop plants to cope with adverse growing conditions, such as drought and heat that are resulting from climate change. Effort has continued in acquiring, characterizing and evaluating priority crop species and the resulting information has been uploaded to the GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) database, which the global user community can access via the Internet.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Short-term output:</b><ul><br /> <li>A Research Agronomist made good progress in improving the oil content and percentage of oleic fatty acids in winter hardy safflower to meet the need for the edible market. Segregating populations derived from crosses between high oil and high oleic acid lines and winter-type safflower germplasms were evaluated for cold tolerance under controlled conditions and in the field. This project will identify useful new sources of cold tolerant safflower germplasm with desired fatty acid profile.<br /> <li>A Research Plant Pathologist surveyed fungi in seed of white lupine in multiple accessions at WRPIS for seed health. No major pathogens were detected, and overall results indicate seed is healthy, although fungi capable of causing damping off were detected. Some results comprise new fungus-host records.<br /> <li>A researcher geneticist, in collaboration with Washington State University, conducted a preliminary study of examining the variation of L-DOPA concentration in the leaf and flower tissues of seven faba bean accessions with various flower colors. L-DOPA, a precursor of neural transmitter, is the major ingredient in medicines used to treat Parkinsons disease patients. A significant variation of L-DOPA concentration was observed in both flower and leaf tissues among the seven accessions studied. The accession with high L-DOPA concentration in the leaf and flower tissues is potentially useful for pharmaceutical purpose.<br /> <li>WRPIS initiated a collaborative project to evaluate cool season grain legume germplasm under a non-funded collaborative agreement between US and China. WRPIS supplies available accessions and Chinese scientists evaluate the responses of these accessions to cold, heat, salinity and drought stresses at various research locations. In October 2012, our collaborators planted 1,294 pea and 286 faba bean accessions for winter survival in Qingdao, China. The resulting data will be entered into the NPGS GRIN (genetic resource information network) database, which is accessible to everyone in the global research community. We plan to expand the evaluation to other species like chickpea and lupine in the future.</ul><p><br /> <br /> <b>Outputs:</b><ul> <br /> <li>During 2012 calendar year, we distributed 29,345 packets of seed samples to requests from 53 foreign countries and all 50 domestic states. These seed samples are currently being used for research, breeding and education.<br /> <li>During the year, the W006 station scientists published 20 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and made 22 oral or poster presentations at 20 international, national and regional conferences. W006 station scientists were active in serving the scientific community by reviewing research proposals submitted to funding agencies at national and regional levels, reviewing manuscripts for publication in national and international scientific journals, organizing workshops in international research conferences, and giving advice to researchers and growers. Staff members also participated in local career fairs and in outreach to local schools.<br /> <li>We packed and stored 2,363 inventories of regenerated accessions and shipped 3,214 and 401 accessions to the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Fort Collins, CO and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway, respectively, for long-term security backup.</ul><p><br /> <br /> <b>Activities:</b><ul> <br /> <li>WRPIS temperate forage legume germplasm curator led a team of eight members and surveyed for the presence of the RRA (Roundup ready Alfalfa) transgene in roadside alfalfa in Fresno County, CA, May 19-25, 2012. They collected leaf samples from approximately 800 sites. Laboratory stripe test detected the presence of the RRA transgene in the leaf samples collected from over 100 sites. This confirmed the result from previous year.<br /> <li>WRPIS curator and collaborators conducted a successful collection trip to Morocco and brought new useful wide beets germplasm to Pullman genebank.<br /> <li>WRPIS staff uploaded 100,230 observation data points on 8,232 accessions into the GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) database, which is accessible by researchers worldwide via the internet. These data points are on 195 established descriptors of 21 different crop species.<br /> <li>WRPIS and WSU co-organized the 4th NPGS Curators Workshop and the 2012 PGOC (Plant Germplasm Operations Committee) Meeting in Spokane in June. The event was a success and attracted 76 participants from over 20 plant germplasm management stations/repositories across the U.S. and four foreign countries.<br /> <li>A graduate student in Logan UT is using the germplasm requested from Pullman for her thesis on the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationship among tall fescue and its wild relatives. <br /> <li>Researches in Brigham Young University are using the W006 germplasm for an ongoing, NSF-funded, project in investigating the evolution of genes controlling floral development in the grasses. <br /> <li>A research in Corvallis, OR is using the high-throughput DNA sequence technology to assess the genetic diversity of 58 Rhubarb accessions that were requested from Pullman.</ul><p> <br /> <br /> <b>Milestones:</b><ul><br /> <li>Develop and publish seed zones for the native rangeland species Indian ricegrass and Bluebunch wheatgrass to guide germplasm collection and selection for restoration.<br /> <li>Upload to the GRIN database after compiling into electronic format of hard-copy evaluation data collected by cooperators in 1993 of more than 1,000 safflower accessions on 19 descriptors.<br /> <li>Identify to species by current taxonomic criteria of five North American isolates of multiple species of Pencillium series Corymbifera (agents of bulb rot of Allium and other bulb crops), plus bulb-rotting Penicillium species outside series Corymbifera and document host ranges of these isolates .<br /> <li>Update the taxonomic identity and evaluate the wild Beta accessions collected in the Imperial Valley, CA in 2011. <br /> <li>Publish DNA markers for breeding for high level of tolerance to Aphanomyces root rot, a devastating disease in pea. <br /> <li>Key intermediate targets necessary for achieving and/or delivering the outputs of a project, within an agreed timeframe. Milestones are useful for managing complex projects. For example, a milestone for a biotechnology project might be "To reduce our genetic transformation procedures to practice by December 2004." <br /> <li>Select winter type safflower lines in 2014 from F3 families with improved oil content and high oleic acid needed for commercialization. <br /> <li>Develop and publish DNA markers linked to the gene confirming resistant to Fusarium wilt race 1 of pea.<br /> <li>Upload seed images of 2,216 safflower accessions to the GRIN database.</ul><p><br /> <br /> <b>Indicators:</b><ul> <br /> <li>We added 2,723 new accessions to our collection. These include 1,942 accessions of native species from our collaboration with the U.S. national native seed collection program, Seed of Success (SOS). SOS began with a directive from congress to the Bureau of Land Management (BIM) to establish a long-term program to develop native plant materials for the restoration and rehabilitation of native plant communities on federally managed lands. <br /> <li>WRPIS cool season food legume crop curator worked with collaborators in Australia and obtained 270 pea accessions that were collected in China recently. WRPIS horticultural crop curator collected wild beet species from Morocco and acquired lettuce accessions that were reported as resistant to aphids. These newly added accessions filled the gaps in our collection and enable us to better serve the research community by providing additional needed genetic resources.<br /> <li>A Conservation Agronomist in Corvallis, OR requested clover germplasm from Pullman and is planning to perform an initial evaluation of clover accessions in a common garden study for developing a perennial cover crop in Oregon and California.<br /> <li>A researcher in Sun city, CA wrote: Let me say also that without this resource, we would not have the opportunity for on farm plant breeding and research. We would simply be "stuck" using the typical hybrid, or unimproved OP varieties commonly found everywhere. But with GRIN, we can improve and adapt our plants to microclimates and ecology that exists solely on a particular farm. It is basically making us better farmers by making us better breeders.<br /> <li>A researcher in San Juan Bautista, CA wrote: "We at Enza Zaden Research USA sincerely appreciate all of the efforts of the NPGS in collecting, maintaining, and distributing germplasm."<br /> <li>A researcher in UC Berkeley wrote "Without having this resource, along with information on the germplasm available online, it would have been impossible to identify and secure the germplasm. I am thankful for this resource."</ul><br /> <br />Publications
Bassil, N.V. 2012. Microsatellite markers: valuable in Vaccinium L. International Journal of Fruit Science 12:288-293. DOI:10.1080/15538362.2011.619438.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bassil, N.V., A.M. Nyberg, K.E. Hummer, J. Graham, M. Dossett, and C.E. Finn. 2012. A universal fingerprinting set for red raspberry. Acta Hort. 946:83-87.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bradley, V.L. (2012). Harvesting data from the United States safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) germplasm collection. J. Oilseeds Res. (Spl. Issue). 29:40-44.<br /> <br /> <br /> Burnette, J. M., 3rd and S. R. Wessler (2013). Transposing from the laboratory to the classroom to generate authentic research experiences for undergraduates. Genetics 193(2): 367-375.<br /> <br /> <br /> Chen J, Souza EJ, Guttieri MJ, OBrien K, Wheeler J, Sorensen L, Clayton J, Chen XM, Goates BJ, Hole D, Brown BD, Marshall JM, and Zemetra R (2012) Registration of UI SRG Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 6:66-70.<br /> <br /> <br /> Chen JL, Chu CG, Souza EJ, Guttieri MJ, Chen XM, Xu S, Hole D, and Zemetra R (2012) Genome-wide identification of QTL conferring high-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp tritici) in wheat. Molecular Breeding 29:791-800.<br /> <br /> <br /> Cruz, VMV, Romano, G, Dierig, DA. 2012. Effects of after-ripening and storage regimens on seed germination behavior of seven species of Physaria germplasm. Indust. Crops and Prod. 35:185-191.<br /> <br /> <br /> DeCarie, J., Coyne, C.J, Brumett, S., Shultz, J. (2012). Additional pea EST-SSR markers for comparative mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant Breeding 131:222-226. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., J. Lee, and C.E. Finn. 2012. Anthocyanin content of wild black raspberry germplasm. Acta Hort. 946:43-47.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2012. High resolution melting detects sequence polymorphism in Rubus occidentalis monomorphic microsatellite markers. Acta Hort. 926: 91-95.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2012. SSR fingerprinting of black raspberry cultivars shows discrepancies in identification. Acta Hort. 946:49-53.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, K.S. Lewers, and C.E. Finn. 2012. Genetic diversity in wild and cultivated black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) evaluated by simple sequence repeat markers. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. (DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9808-8).<br /> <br /> <br /> Dou, Q.-W., Lei, Y.-T., Li, X.-M., Mott, I.W., Wang, R.R.-C. 2012. Characterization of alien grass chromosomes in backcross derivatives of Triticum aestivum × Elymus rectisetus hybrids by using molecular markers and multi-color FISH/GISH. Genome 55(5): 337-347.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M. (2012). Ethnomycology. Access Science, McGraw-Hill. www.accessscience.com/content/Ethnomycology/900124. 3 pp.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M. (2012). First report of Erysiphe knautiae (Erysiphales) on Lomelosia caucasica (Caucasian pincushion flower) in North America. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2012-0227-01-BR.<br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M. (2012). Yippie Yi Yo Mycota Ki Yay! A mycologists fervently biased account of how the American western frontier was molded by spores and mycelium. FUNGI Magazine 5:6-19. www.fungimag.com<br /> <br /> <br /> Dugan, F.M., Lupien, S.L. and Chen, W. (2012). Clonostachys rhizophaga and other fungi from chickpea debris in the Palouse region of the Pacific Northwest, USA. North American Fungi 7(6): 1-11. http://dx.doi:10.2509/naf2012.007.006<br /> <br /> <br /> Ehdaie B, Layne AP, Waines JG. 2012. Root system plasticity to drought influences grain yield in bread wheat. Euphytica 186:219-232.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ehdaie B, Waines JG. 2013. Stem reserves and grain growth in goatgrass Aegilops tauschii and wheat. Cereal Research Communications DOI:10:1556/CRC.2013.0027.<br /> <br /> <br /> Gao, J., Radwan, M.M., León, F., Wang, X., Jacob, M.R., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, S.I., Lupien, S., Hill, R.A., Dugan, F.M., Cutler, H.G. and Cutler, S.J. (2012). Antimicrobial and antiprotozoal activities of secondary metabolites from the fungus Eurotium repens. Medicinal Chemistry Research 21: 3080-3086. DOI 10.1007/s00044-011-9798-7.<br /> <br /> <br /> Greene, S.L. (2012). Fruit and Nut Crop Wild Relatives in the United States: a Surprisingly Rich Resource. Acta Horticulturae. 948:263-270.<br /> <br /> <br /> Greene, S.L., Afonin, A.A., Dzyubenko, E., Dzyubenko, N. (2012). Effective conservation of Medicago Crop Wild Relatives in Russia and neighbouring countries: a gap analysis points the way forward. Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces. p.82-90.<br /> <br /> <br /> Iqbal, M.J., Mamidi, S., Ahsan, R., Kianian, S.F., Coyne, C.J., Hamama, A.A., Narina, S.S., Bhardwaj, H.L. (2012). Population structure and linkage disequilibrium in Lupinus albus L. germplasm and its implication for association mapping. Theor Appl Genet DOI 10.1007/s00122-012-1850-6.<br /> <br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., Cashman, M. J. and Vance-Borland, K. (2012). Genecology and seed zones for Indian ricegrass collected in the Southwestern US. Rangeland Ecology and Management 65:523-532.<br /> <br /> <br /> Johnson, R.C., Petrie, S.E., Franchini, M. C. and Evans, M. (2012). Yield and Yield Components of Winter-Type Safflower. Crop Sci. 52:2358-2364.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kwon, S.J., Brown, A.F., Hu, J., McGee, R.J., Watt, C.A., Kisha, T., Timmerman-Vaughan, G.M. and Coyne, C.J. (2012). Population genetic sub-structure within the USDA ARS Pisum core collection and its potential as a platform for association mapping. Genes & Genomics. 34:305-320.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lafta, A. and Mou, B. 2013. Evaluation of lettuce genotypes for seed thermotolerance. HortScience 48: 708-714.<br /> <br /> <br /> Larson, S.R., Kishii, M., Tsujimoto, H., Qi, L., Chen, P., Lazo, G., Jensen, K.B., Wang, R.R.-C. 2012. Leymus EST linkage maps identify 4NsL-5NsL reciprocal translocation, wheat-Leymus chromosome introgressions, and functionally important gene loci. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124:189206.<br /> <br /> <br /> Lee, J., Dossett, M., and Finn, C.E. 2012. Rubus fruit phenolic research: the good, the bad, and the confusing. Food Chem. 130:785-796.<br /> <br /> <br /> Li P, Chen JL, and Wu PT (2012) Evaluation of grain yield and three physiological traits in 30 spring wheat genotypes across three irrigation regimes. Crop Science 52:110-121. <br /> <br /> <br /> Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, K. Gündüz, J.F. Hancock, A.F. Iezzoni, L.L. Mahoney, T.M. Davis, N.V. Bassil, K.E. Hummer, P.J. Stewart, V.M. Whitaker, D.J. Sargent, B. Denoyes, I. Amaya, E. van de Weg, C.E. Finn. 2013. Large-scale standardized phenotyping of strawberry in Rosbreed. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, L. Mahoney, C.E. Finn, J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, T. Davis, P. Stewart, V. Whitaker, A. Jamieson, N.V. Bassil, I. Amaya, B. Denoyes, K. Hummer, D. Sargent, E. van de Weg, and A. Iezzoni. 2012. Using general and specific combining ability to further advance strawberry (Fragaria sp.) breeding. Acta Hort. (accepted 1/25/12).<br /> <br /> <br /> Mazzola M, Reardon CL, and Brown J (2012) Initial Pythium species composition and Brassicaceae seed meal type influence extent of Pythium-induced plant growth suppression in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 48:20-27.<br /> <br /> <br /> McGee, R.J., Coyne, C.J., Nayel, M-L. P., Moussart, A., Tivoli, B., Baranger, A., Hamon, C., McPhee, K. and Vandemark, G. (2012). Registration of pea germplasm partially resistant to Aphanomyces root rot for breeding fresh or freezer pea and dry pea types. J. Plant Registrations 6:203-207.<br /> <br /> <br /> McPhee, K.E., Inglis, D.A., Gunderson, B. and Coyne, C.J. (2012). Mapping a resistance gene for Fusarium wilt Race 2 on LG IV of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant Breeding 131:300-306. <br /> <br /> <br /> Miles, C., Wallace, R., Wszelaki, A., Martin, J., Cowan, J., Walters, T. and Inglis, D. (2012). Deterioration of potentially biodegradable alternatives to black plastic mulch in three tomato production regions. HortScience 47(9):1270-1277.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mott, I.W., Wang, R.R.-C. Genetic variation among laboratory accessions of Chinese Spring wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.). Plant Genetic Resources. Published online 03/13/2012. DOI:10.1017/S1479262112000068.<br /> <br /> <br /> Niu, Z.X., Klindworth, D.L., Wang, R.R.-C., Jauhar, P.P., Larkin, P.J., Xu, S.S. 2011. Characterization of HMW glutenin subunits in Thinopyrum intermedium, Th. bessarabicum, Lophopyrum elongatum, Aegilops markgrafii, and their addition lines in wheat. Crop Sci. 51: 667-677.<br /> <br /> <br /> Njuguna W., Liston A., Cronn R., Ashman T.-L., Bassil N.V. 2013. Insights into phylogeny, sex function and age of Fragaria based on whole chloroplast genome sequencing. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:17-29.<br /> <br /> <br /> Olmstead, M., Miller, T., Bolton, C.S. and Miles, C. A. (2012). Weed Control in a newly established organic vineyard. HorTechnology 22(6):757-765.<br /> <br /> <br /> Richardson, M.L., C.J. Westbrook, D.G. Hall, E.W. Stover, Y.P. Duan and R.F. Lee. 2011. Abundance of the citrus leafminer on Citrus and Citrus-related germplasm. HortScience 46:1260-1264.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sathuvalli, V.R., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2012. Identification and mapping of DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance from OSU 408.040 hazelnut. HortScience (in press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Smýkal, P., Aubert G., Burstin, J., Coyne, C.J., Ellis, N., Flavell, A., Ford, R., Hýbl, M., Macas, J., Neumann, P., McPhee, K., Redden, R., Rubiales, D., Weller, J., Warkentin, T.D. (2012). Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in the genomic era. Agronomy 2:74-115.<br /> <br /> <br /> Song, X., Deang, Z., Li, G., Hu, J. and Q. Ma. (2012). Cloning and characterization of resistance gene candidate sequences and molecular marker development in gerbera (Gerbera hybrida). Scientia Horticulturae. 145:6875.<br /> <br /> <br /> Stover, E., T.G. McCollum, R. Driggers, R. Lee, R. Shatters, Jr., Y.P. Duan, M. Ritenour, J.X. Chaparro and D.G. Hall. 2013. Resistance and tolerance to huanglongbing in Citrus. Acta Hort. (submitted).<br /> <br /> <br /> Wallace, R., Wszelaki, A., Miles, C., Cowan, J. Martin, J., Roozen, J., Gunderson, B. and Inglis, D. (2012). Lettuce yield in high tunnels and open-field production systems under three diverse climates. HorTechnology 22(5):659-668.<br /> <br /> <br /> Westbrook, C.J., D.G. Hall, E.W. Stover, Y.P. Duan and R.F. Lee. 2011. Colonization of Citrus and Citrus-related germplasm by Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). HortScience 46:1-9.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zalapa, J.E., Simon, P.W., Hummer, K.E., Bassil, N.V., Senalik, D.A., Zhu, H., Mccown, B.H., Zeldin, E., Speers, J., Hyman, J. 2012. Mining and validation of pyrosequenced simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 124:87-96.<br />Impact Statements
- WRPIS maintains a large, diverse crop plant germplasm collection at Pullman, Washington. Most of these accessions are important to agriculture in the northwest, in the US and around the world. As of July 30, 2013, there were 94,162 accessions in our collection. General public continues to show a high interesting in using this important collection for research, education and development. The large number of seed samples distributed annually indicates a significant and growing interest in using WRPIS germplasm in the global plant research community.
- During the year, 1,259 requestors from 53 different countries requested and received 29,345 packets of seed samples from Pullman PI station. A total of 12,142 packets were sent to requestors with mailing addresses in each of the 50 states and 5,287 packets went to the 13 W6 territorial States. These seed samples are currently being used for research, breeding and education and are playing an important role in the regional research, education and economy development.
- Plant genetic resources provided by the WRPIS and other repositories of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) to researchers were used in diverse scientific disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, genetics, botany, and plant pathology and contributed significantly to scholastic and economic activities in the Western 13 States.
- One researcher at UC Davis wrote: "The germplasm obtained by the NPGS has be the key in my research, and was deliver very fast. I expect several publications in the future involving them." and "The germplasm requested and received from the NPGS consist in wild and domesticated common beans. My research involves the mechanisms of drought adaptation. We have been evaluating in the field the domesticated beans, and we selected one accession (PI 613166) for crossing with wild accessions that were collected in the extremes of drought precipitation. We also used PI 578261, to make crosses between domesticated beans. This year I´m evaluating about 30 wild accessions in the greenhouse for root characters."
Date of Annual Report: 08/04/2014
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 09/01/2013 - 10/01/2014
Membership Participation
USDA and Administrators Present:
Jinguo Hu (Pullman, WA)
Jim Moyer, Project Advisor (Pullman, WA)
John Preece (Davis, CA)
Maureen Whalen (PWA);
Peter Bretting (Office National Program, Beltsville, MD)
Anne-Marie Thro (NIFA)
Joseph Postman (Corvallis, OR)
Tracie Matsumoto Brower (Hilo, HI)
Harold Bockelman (Aberdeen, ID)
Gary Kinard (Betsville, MD)
Roger Chetelat (Davis, CA)
Stephanie Green (Fort Collins, CO)
USDA Absent:
Richard Lee (Riverside, CA) - report made available
State Representatives Present:
CA Dan Parfitt
CO Mark Brick
ID Joe Kuhl
MT Jack Martin
OR Shawn Mehlenbacker
WA Carol Miles
State Representatives Absent or Vacant:
AK (vacant)
AZ (vacant)
HI (vacant)
NM Ian Ray
NV (not participating)
UT Kevin Jensen
WY (vacant)
Brief Summary of Minutes
See details of the meeting in the attached Meeting Minutes. As soon as NIMSS is fixed and will allow the uploading of data for all sections of this site, the 2014 full State reports will be found in NIMSS on the W_OLD006 Homepage under the "Additional Documents" tab at: http://nimss.umd.edu/lgu_v2/homepages/attachs.cfm?trackID=11296
This project manages a diverse collection of important agricultural crop genetic resources and associated information that are accessible by plant breeders around the world to develop new cultivars with improved quality and increased productivity, which are critical for feeding the expanding world population. We continue to acquire, characterize and evaluate priority crop accessions. The resulting information has been uploaded to the GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) database, which the global user community can access via the Internet.<p><br /> <br /> The Research Agronomist is continuing a project to improve the oil content and percentage of oleic fatty acids in winter hardy safflower to meet the need for the edible market. Segregating populations derived from crosses between high oil and high oleic acid lines and winter-type safflower germplasms were evaluated for cold tolerance under controlled conditions. Seed from this screening was increased and fall planted for overwintering field evaluation in 2013-14 in cooperation with Seed-Tec, Cal Oils, and a public university in Argentina.<p><br /> <br /> The Research Geneticist developed a "pure-line" lettuce collection of 298 germplasm lines where each line is homozygous for all 322 single nucleotide polymorphism markers genotyped by a high throughput assay. A preliminary association study revealed several significant marker-trait associations between certain markers and important horticultural traits. The pure-line set was distributed to a lettuce breeder at the University of Florida to screen for resistance to lettuce bacterial leaf spot, a devastating foliar disease in Florida. In cooperation with Washington State University, a subset has been screened for ability to germinate at low temperature with the purpose of providing this information to breeders to develop new cultivars for extended season production.<p><br /> <br /> The Research Plant Pathologist surveyed fungi in seed of white lupine in multiple accessions at WRPIS for seed health. No major pathogens were detected, and overall results indicate seed is healthy, although fungi capable of causing damping off were detected. Some results comprise new fungus-host records. <br /> The Alfalfa Curator collaborated with an ARS breeder in Prosser, WA and screened 200 accessions for drought tolerance in the field and greenhouse. Two accessions appeared promising and the evaluation data will be uploaded into GRIN. In collaboration with an ARS breeder in Madison, WI and a breeder of Pioneer Hybrid, we identified 200 old cultivars and landraces of alfalfa that had been collected in markets or donated by agricultural institutes in countries having a similar hardiness zone as Wisconsin. These accessions are being evaluated at two locations and data will be placed in GRIN once evaluations are complete.<p><br /> <br /> During the year, our scientists published 22 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, contributed to two book chapters and made 23 oral or poster presentations at 19 international, national and regional conferences. Our scientists were active in serving the scientific community by organizing workshops in international research conferences, reviewing research proposals submitted to funding agencies at national and regional levels, reviewing manuscripts for publication in national and international scientific journals, and giving advice to researchers and growers. Staff members also participated in local career fairs and in outreach to local schools. As of December 31, 2013, there were 94,642 plant accessions belonging to 1,308 genera, 4,802 species and 5,397 taxa in the WRPIS collection. During 2013 calendar year, we distributed a total of 38,022 packets of seed samples to 1,220 requestors from 43 foreign countries and all 50 domestic states. <br />Publications
<p>Alomran, M.M., S.L. Lupien, C.J. Coyne, and F.M. Dugan. 2013. Mycobiota of Lupinus albus seeds from a public germplasm collection. North American Fungi 8(4): 1-15.</p><br /> <p>Borrelli, K., R.T. Koenig, B.M. Jaeckel, C.A. Miles. 2013. Yield of leafy greens in high tunnel winter production in the northwest United States. HortSci. 48:183-188.</p><br /> <p>Buller, S. D. Inglis and C. Miles. 2013. Plant growth, fruit yield and quality, and tolerance to Verticillium wilt of grafted watermelon and tomato in field production in the Pacific Northwest. HortSci. 48:1003-1009.</p><br /> <p>Coyne C.J., R.J. McGee. 2013. Lentil, Chapter 7. In: M. Singh and I.S. Bisht, editors, “Genetic and Genomic Resources for Grain Legume Improvement.” Elsevier Insights, London. Pp. 157-180.</p><br /> <p>Dugan, F.M. 2013. Golovinomyces spadiceus causing powdery mildew on Coreopsis hybrid 'Full Moon' (Heliantheae, Asteraceae) in Washington State. North American Fungi 8(1): 1-3. doi:10.2509/naf2013.008.001.</p><br /> <p>Dugan, F.M. 2013. Yeasts: What's in a name? A brief reconnaissance and sampling of literature. FUNGI Magazine 6(4): 45-46.</p><br /> <p>Gallinato, S., and C. Miles. 2013. Economic profitability of growing lettuce and tomato in western Washington under high tunnel and open-field production systems. HortTech. 23:453-461.</p><br /> <p>Gao, J., M.M. Radwan, F. Leon, O.R. Dale, A.S. Husni, Y. Wu, S. Lupien, X. Wang, S.P. Manly, R.A. Hill, F.M. Dugan, H.G. Cutler, and S.J. Cutler. 2013. Neocosmospora sp.-derived resorcylic acid lactones with in vitro binding affinity for human opioid receptors and cannabinoid receptors. Journal of Natural Products. 76: 824-828.</p><br /> <p>Hamon, C., C.J. Coyne, R.J. McGee, A. Lesné, R. Esnault, P. Mangin, M. Hervé, I. Le Goff, G. Deniot , M. Roux-Duparque, G. Morin, K.E. McPhee, R. Delourme, A. Baranger, M.-L. Pilet-Nayel. 2013. QTL meta-analysis provides a comprehensive view of the moderately low diversity of loci controlling partial resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in four pea sources of resistance. BMC Plant Biology 13(1):45.</p><br /> <p>Johnson, R.C. and M. Evans. 2013. Comparative growth and development of hexaploid and tetraploid Reed Canarygrass. Crop Science. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2013.07.0430.</p><br /> <p>Johnson, R.C., B.C. Hellier, and K. W. Vance-Borland. 2013. Genecology and seed zones for tapertip onion in the US Great Basin. Botany. 91:686-694.</p><br /> <p>Johnson, S., C. Miles, and D.A. Inglis. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt caused by V. dahliae on grafted Solanum aethiopicum in Washington. Plant Dis. 97:840.</p><br /> <p>Johnson, S., D.A. Inglis, and C. Miles. 2013. Grafting effects on eggplant growth, yield and verticillium wilt incidence. Intl. J. Veg. Sci. doi:10.1080/1915269.2012.751473.</p><br /> <p>Khoury, C., S.L. Greene, J.H. Wiersema, N. Maxted, A.Jarvis, P.C. Struik. 2013. An inventory of crop wild relatives of the United States. Crop Science. 53:1496-1508.</p><br /> <p>Kwon, SJ., I. Simko, B. Hellier, B.Q. Mou, J. Hu. 2013. Genome-wide association of 10 horticultural traits with expressed sequence tag-derived SNP markers in a collection of lettuce lines. The Crop Journal. 1:25-33.</p><br /> <p>Kwon, SJ., P. Smykal, J. Hu, M. Wang, SJ. Kim, RJ. McGee, K. McPhee and CJ. Coyne. 2013. User-friendly markers linked to fusarium wilt race 1 resistance gene in pea for marker assisted selection. Plant Breeding. 132:642–648.</p><br /> <p>Lawrence, D.J., P.B. Gannibal, F.M. Dugan, and B.M. Pryor. 2013. Characterization of Alternaria isolates from the infectoria species-group and a new taxon from Arrhenatherum, Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheria sp. nov. Mycological Progress published online 22 June DOI 10.1007/s11557-013-0910-x.</p><br /> <p>Lupien, S.L., B.C. Hellier, F.M. Dugan, L.G. Skoglund, and K.F. Ward. 2013. White rot of garlic and onion (causal agent, Sclerotium cepivorum): A status report from the Pacific Northwest. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2013-0619-01-RV.</p><br /> <p>Ma, Y., S.Y. Bao, T. Yang1, J. Hu, J.P. Guan, Y.H. He, X.J. Wang, Y.L. Wan, X.L. Sun, J.Y. Jiang, C.X. Gong, X.X. Zong. 2013. Genetic linkage map of Chinese native variety faba bean (Vicia faba L.) based on simple sequence repeat markers. Plant Breeding. 132: 397–400.</p><br /> <p>Powell, M., Gundersen, B., Miles, C., Coats, K., and Inglis, D. A. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Washington caused by V. tricorpus I. Plant Dis. 97:996. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-12-1166-PDN.</p><br /> <p>Richardson, K. L., B.H. Hellier, (2013) Wild/weed Beta populations in the Imperial Valley, California. Journal of Sugar Beet Research. 50:55-56.</p><br /> <p>Sen Gupta, D., D. Thavarajah, P. Knutson, P. Thavarajah, R. McGee, C. Coyne, S. Kumar. 2013. Lentils (Lens culinaris L.), a rich source of folates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61:7794–7799.</p><br /> <p>Smýkal, P., C.J. Coyne, R. Redden, N. Maxted. 2013. Peas. Chapter 3. In: M. Singh and I.S. Bisht, editors, “Genetic and Genomic Resources for Grain Legume Improvement.” Elsevier Insights, London. Pp. 41-80.</p><br /> <p>St. Clair, J. Bradley, F. F. Kilkenny, R. C. Johnson, N. L. Shaw, and G.Weaver. 2013. Genetic variation in adaptive traits and seed transfer zones for Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) in the northwestern United States. Evolutionary Applications 6:933-948.</p>Impact Statements
- We uploaded 25,969 evaluation data points on 12,618 accessions into the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) database, which is accessible by researchers worldwide via the internet. These data points are on 106 established descriptors of 20 different crop species. The information enables the global research community to use the germplasm more efficiently.
- We distributed a total of 38,022 packets of seed samples to global germplasm users. Among these, 15,189 packets were sent to foreign countries and 22,833 packets to U.S. addresses in each of the 50 States. Residents in the 13 Western states received 8,806 packets from WRPIS. These distributed seed samples are being used in research, breeding, education and local trials.
- We completed a research project to assess genetic variation in potentially adaptive traits of Sandberg bluegrass, a key restoration grass in the intermountain western United States. The study revealed genetic variation and an association between growth and development traits among native populations and source climates across the landscape and provides new information for choosing germplasm for restoration
- We acquired 1,556 new accessions for our collection and most of the new accessions are native plant materials from the BLM Seeds of Success SOS project partnering with WRPIS. Since 2006, over 3,300 packets of seed samples have been distributed to research projects including federal, state, and small companies for improving restoration of public and private lands.