W2170: Soil-Based Use of Residuals, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 06/25/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/06/2010
- 06/08/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Basta, Nick (basta.4@osu.edu) - Ohio State Univ;Beaulieu, Stephen M. (steveb@rti.org) - RTI International;
Borch, Thomas (borch@colostate.edu) - Colorado State Univ;
Brobst, Bob (brobst.bob@epa.gov) USEPA;
Brown, Sally (slb@u.washington.edu) Univ of Washington;
Carmosini, Nadia (Carmosini.nardia@uwlax.edu) Univ of Wisconsin-La-Crosse;
Chaney, Rufus (Rufus.Chaney@ARS.USDA.gov) - USDA-ARS;
Cox, Albert (coxa@mwrd.org) - MWRD-Chicago;
Elliott, Chip (hae1@psu.edu) - Penn State Univ;
Evanylo, Greg (gevanylo@vt.edu) - Virginia Tech;
Granato, Thomas (thomas.granato@mwrd.org) - MWRD-Chicago;
Hais, Alan (ahais@werf.org) - WERF
Hettiarachchi, Ganga (ganga@ksu.edu) - Kansas State Univ;
Higgins, Chris (chiggins@mines.edu) - Colorado School of Mines;
Hundal, Lakhwinder (Lakhwinder.hundal@mwrd.org - MWRD-Chicago;
Jacobs, Lee (jacobsl@nsu.edu - Montana State University;
Kester, Greg (gkester@casaweb.org) CASA;
Kumar, Kuldip (Kuldip.Kumar@mwrdgc.dst.il.us) - MWRD-Chicago;
Lee, Linda (lslee@purdue.edu) - Purdue Univ;
Liao, Anna (anna.liaoa@mwrd.org ) - MWRD-Chicago;
McAvoy, Drew (mcavoydm@uc.edu) - Univ of Cincinnati;
O'Connor, George (GAO@UFL.edu) - Univ of Florida;
Oladeji, Olawale (oladejio@mwrd.org) - MWRD-Chicago;
Qi, Qi (qi2@purdue.edu) - Purdue Univ;
Rosen, Carl (crosen@umn.edu) Univ of Minnesota;
Ryan,Jim (jryan67@cinci.rr.com) USEPA (retired);
Scheckel, Kirk (scheckel.kirk@epa.gov) - USEPA;
Silveira, Maria Lucia (mlas@ufl.edu) Univ of Florida;
Sommers, Lee (lee.sommers@colostate.edu) - Colorado State Univ;
Stehouwer, Rick (rcs15@psu.edu) - Penn State Univ;
Stevens, Rick (stevens.rick@epa.gov) USEPA;
Tian, Guanglong (Guanglong.tian@mwrd.org) - MWRD-Chicago;
Topp, Ed (Ed.Topp@AGR.GC.CA) - Agriculture & Food Canada;
Xia, Kang (kx6@msstate.edu) - Mississipi State Univ;
Brief Summary of Minutes
1. New Project and Group Project Report - Greg Evanylo gave an update on the status of the new project. He reminded members to submit their 2009 project reports. He mentioned that instead of distributing hard copies, the reports and presentations will be posted on the NIMSS website. George OConnor mentioned that some reports and presentation that are not yet published should not be placed on the website for open distribution to the public.2. Communication - Greg Evanylo advised that if we need to send sensitive information to the W2170 members, it should not be sent to the listserv, since there are many non-members on the list. Information should be sent via email to Greg or Sally Brown for posting. Lakhwinder Hundal suggested that posting presentations to the web should be optional. Paul Schwab promised to develop a website at the 2009 annual meeting, but that has not yet been done.
3. Update from Project Directors Lee Sommers Lee gave an update on potential support under National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). One change in leadership is that Rajiv Shah is no longer the USDA Chief Scientist and will be replaced by NIFA Director Roger Beachy. Lee recommended New Biology for 21st Century as a publication to best describe NIFAs research emphasis, which focuses on climate change, bioenergy, food safety, nutrition, and global food security. Grants will be mostly multi-year and multi-discipline. W2170 members need to be creative to determine where their disciplines fit. George OConnor asked if the Land Grant institutions were given opportunity to contribute to the development of NIFA priorities. Lee Sommers stated that the approach, borrowed from NIH, included experiment station input.
4. USEPAs Risk Assessment of 135 Pollutants - Bob Brobst suggested that the group should seek opportunities for collaborative research to get data to be used in the risk assessment model. EPA will need to fill data gaps and evaluate the risk assessment algorithms for accuracy. George OConnor said that these issues have been discussed several times and we need to look at the models critically to establish more confidence in any numeric standards. Bob Brobst confirmed that this is the opportune time for the group to be involved in the process.
5. Current State and National Topics of Interest Albert Cox reported on MWRD-Chicago together with Illinois Water Environment Association is working on an initiative to develop a state-wide biosolids network in Illinois. The goal of the biosolids network is to develop a forum for municipalities and other stakeholders to unify approaches to land application, improve communication of public relations issues, and develop a common approach to minimize and address public relations issues. A kickoff workshop will be held in August 2010.
6. Future Meetings Chip Elliott stated that Penn State will host the 2011 meeting. Most participants agreed that the best time for the meeting will be between the third week of May and mid June. Greg reminded that one of the reasons for moving the meeting to spring was to include field trips, and we need to advantage of those opportunities in the future. It was suggested that it will be best to plan field trips at the end of the technical meeting. Tentative venues for future meetings are Seattle (2012) and Denver (2013).
Technical Meeting Agenda:
Mon, June 7; MWRDGC Lawndale Avenue Solids Management Area (LASMA)
8:00 USEPA's rationale for how they plan to evaluate the most recent 135 inorganic and organic pollutants from the TNSSS:
Overview, process, and drivers, Rick Stevens, EPA OST Biosolids Coordinator
Data summaries for past and current biosolids surveys, Robert Brobst, EPA Biosolids Coordinator, Denver
Core risk assessment discussion, data needs and usage, Steve Beaulieu, EPA's Contract Modeler
9:45 Break
10:00 Presentations (cont'd) and facilitated discussion between EPA and W2170 members
11:45 Lunch
12:45 pm Presentation of selected oral state reports dealing with emerging pollutants relevant to the EPA session:
Risk assessment data gaps and resulting numerical standards, George O'Connor, Univ of Florida
Organic compounds of emerging concern in biosolids and biosolids-amended soil, Kang Xia, Mississippi State Univ
2:15 Break
2:30 Pharmaceutical fate and transport following land application of biosolids, Ed Topp, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Steroid hormone runoff from an agricultural field applied with biosolids, Thomas Borch, Colorado State Univ
3:45 Discussion between W2170 and EPA, including leveraging resources with W2170
4:15 Wrap-up/summary
8:00 Further discussion between W2170 and EPA
8:45 Uptake of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products by Plants, Kuldip Kumar, MWRDGC
9:15 Foundry sand risk assessment, Rufus Chaney, USDA-ARS
Background soil As concentrations and regulatory-mandated remediation, Nick Basta, Ohio State University
State reports by W2170 members who would like to share data relevant to the EPA discussion on emerging organic and inorganic pollutants and/or other volunteered presentations on other aspects of biosolids and other residuals
10:00 Break
10:15 State reports by Kirk Scheckel, Carl Rosen, Maria Silveira and Greg Evanylo
Noon Adjourn (Transportation to Midway will be provided by the MWRDGC)
Following EPAs presentation and discussion on the risk assessment process, Greg Evanylo suggested that to collaborate with EPA on the process a committee be commissioned to review the risk assessment model. The individuals who volunteered for this committee were:
" Bob Brobst
" Chris Higgins
" Drew McAvoy
" Ed Topp
" Ganga Hettiarachchi
" George O'Connor
" Greg Evanylo
" Herschel Elliott
" Kang Xia
" Kuldip Kumar
" Lakhwinder Hundal
" Linda Lee
" Nick Basta
" Rufus Chaney
" Tom Borch
Funding opportunities and collaborations were discussed. Some members asked about EPAs financial assistance for research on emerging contaminants. Rick Stevens agreed to explore funding opportunities, but no concrete actions were promised. The posting/sharing of presentations was discussed. Greg said he would distribute pdfs of speakers modified presentations to those members who attended the meeting.
Lee Jacobs, retiring Michigan State University participant, offered to any member of the group considerable amounts of a soil that had received rates of high metal-containing sewage sludges from various sources between 1977 and 1986. Lee is willing to fill and have shipped drums of the soil if members will pay the cost of the drums and shipping. A description of the sewage sludges and soils are described in Lee 2008 W1170 annual research summary and journal articles published by Berti and Jacobs in the Journal of Environmental Quality in 1996 and 1998.
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants.<br /> University of Minnesota researchers characterized the chemical properties of anaerobically digested biosolids from the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) in northeast Minnesota at different times during the year to evaluate the effects of freezing and thawing on nutrient composition of biosolids. Ammonium-nitrogen (N) and organic N were lower in May than in September or February. Organic N availability was probably similar at all three times, since C:N ratios did not differ significantly. Total phosphorus (P), soil test Bray P, and sulfate-sulfur (S) were highest in May, suggesting higher amounts of plant-available P and S. Seasonal variability in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients was not large enough to have important effects on the nutrient value of the biosolids tested. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc varied, but they were consistently below permitted concentrations for exceptional quality biosolids suitable for land application. <br /> <br /> A considerable number of studies have been conducted to assess the availability and chemistry of constituents in biosolids used for mineland reclamation. University of Minnesota researchers measured the release of N and P from WLSSD biosolids under controlled laboratory conditions during a 64-day incubation period. Treatments included a non-amended control, three rates of biosolids, and N+P fertilizer. The middle biosolids rate supplied comparable amounts of available N and P as the fertilizer-based Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) guidelines for calculating biosolids rates in soils. Biosolids and fertilizer treatments were tested on two soil types (clay and sandy loam) and fine mine tailings from the taconite industry. <br /> <br /> A regression model was used to estimate potentially mineralizable N and calculate organic N availability from the biosolids. Release of N was similar for the two soils, but N availability was significantly lower from biosolids mixed with mine tailings. This may have been due to reduced biological activity in the mine tailings. The Availability Index for organic N in biosolids was about 27% in the two soils and 17% in the mine tailings. Under the optimum mineralization conditions of this experiment, availability of organic N from biosolids in native soil was greater than the 20% estimate currently used by the MPCA to calculate biosolids rates. Higher rates of biosolids application may be necessary in mine tailings until organic matter and biological activity are stabilized. <br /> <br /> Release of P from biosolids was evaluated by changes in soluble P and the Bray P and Olsen P soil tests. Increases in P measured by these tests in the two soils were generally greater and more rapid from P fertilizer than biosolids. The rate of biosolids applied had little effect on P levels in the clay soil, but changes tended to be greater as the biosolids rate increased in the sandy loam soil. Results suggest greater P fixation in the clay soil. Application of P to mine tailings had no effect on soluble P and Bray P, indicating a very high P fixation capacity in mine tailings. Increases in Olsen P from biosolids and fertilizer were as high in mine tailings as they were in the two soils. Olsen P also increased with increasing biosolids rate. The pH of the mine tailings was 8.5, which is a level where the Olsen P soil test would be recommended.<br /> <br /> University of Minnesota researchers evaluated the effects of WLSSD biosolids on plant growth and uptake of N and P in a greenhouse study. Reed canarygrass was grown for 121 days and harvested twice. Soils, mine tailings, and preplant applications of biosolids and fertilizer were the same as in the Incubation Study, except that an N fertilizer treatment without P was added. In addition, a second application of biosolids or fertilizer was made to one-half of the pots in each treatment after the first cutting. Plant growth increased in both soils and the mine tailings as the biosolids rate increased. Under the conditions of this experiment, the highest biosolids rate was required for maximum yield. This may have been due to different requirements for a greenhouse pot study than a field study, or it could indicate that current N recommendations for Reed canarygrass are too low. Growth for similar treatments was usually higher for the sandy loam soil than the clay soil and higher for the clay soil than for the mine tailings. There were also consistent responses to the additional applications of biosolids and fertilizer after the first cutting. Applying N fertilizer alone resulted in reduced yields in the clay soil and mine tailings, which had low soil test levels for P. Biosolids and P fertilizer were both effective in alleviating this apparent P deficiency. The biosolids rate required for plant growth equivalent to N+P fertilizer was higher for the clay soil than for the sandy loam soil and mine tailings, suggesting that the optimum biosolids rate may vary, depending on where they are applied.<br /> <br /> Tissue N concentrations were highest for plants grown in mine tailings, probably due to growth restriction from inadequate P. Nitrogen concentrations and N uptake for both soils increased as biosolids rates increased and they were higher for treatments receiving additional biosolids after the first cutting. These results are consistent with the growth increases from biosolids and indicate that N availability played a role in these responses. Under the optimum conditions of this study, recovery of plant-available, applied N was similar for N+P fertilizer and the comparable biosolids rate, which supports the validity of MPCA guidelines for calculating biosolids rates in soils. Cooler temperatures in northeast Minnesota may result in lower release rates, but this would have to be validated in field studies.<br /> <br /> The lowest P concentrations and P uptake were in the non-amended controls and the N fertilizer only treatments in the clay soil and mine tailings. These treatments also had the least plant growth, which was consistent with inadequate P being the limiting growth factor. Growth and P uptake generally increased as the biosolids application rate increased, but since the biosolids supplied both N and P this growth response may have been due to N or a combination of P and N. Recovery of the applied, plant-available P from biosolids was greater for plants growing on the sandy loam soil than on the clay soil and greater on the clay soil than on mine tailings. This was consistent with greater P fixation in the clay soil and mine tailings. Phosphorus recovery from fertilizer was less than or equal to P recovery from the comparable biosolids rate in the two soils, but greater from P fertilizer than biosolids in the mine tailings.<br /> <br /> Virginia Tech researchers completed the analysis of soil, water, and biosolids samples from the field study initiated in 2006 at the Iluka mineral sands mine reclamation site in Dinwiddie and Sussex Counties, Virginia to determine whether hybrid poplars (Populus deltoides L. OP367) can be used to assimilate high amounts of deep row incorporated biosolids-applied nutrients with environmentally insignificant N and P leaching during the reclamation of coarse-textured soils. The amount of N lost from the entrenched biosolids was 261803 kg N ha-1, while the fertilizer treatments were not different from 0 kg N ha-1 yr-1 control. Orthophosphate and TKP leached in negligible amounts. Hybrid poplars sequestered up to 3.20±0.54 Mg C ha-1, 71±12 kg N ha-1 and 11.0±1.8 kg P ha-1. Total N lost from the biosolids seams after ~30 months was 15.2 Mg ha-1 and 10.9 Mg ha-1 for lime stabilized (LS) and anaerobically digested (AD) biosolids, respectively, which was roughly 50% of the N applied. Most of the P was Al- and Fe-bound in the AD biosolids and Ca-bound in the LS biosolids. More N2O was produced in the biosolids than in the conventional fertilizer treatments, and N2O production was higher in AD than in LS. Expressed as global warming potentials, N2O emissions from AD (101.5 Mg C ha-1) were 4.6 times higher than from LS and 14.5-16.1 times higher than from the fertilizer treatments.<br /> <br /> In another Virginia Tech study, the prime farmland soil reconstruction experiment established in 2004 at the Iluka Mineral Sands mining site continued to be monitored. The four primary treatments (lime and N-P-K fertilizer only; 15 cm topsoil return over limed and P-fertilized tailings; 75 Mg ha-1 lime stabilized biosolids with conventional tillage; 75 Mg ha-1 lime stabilized biosolids with minimum/no-tillage) were cropped to cotton in 2009. Cotton lint yields in 2009 averaged 1176 kg/ha across the four soil reconstruction treatments, which comprised approximately 75% of adjacent unmined prime farmland control plots. Mine soils that received biosolids in 2004 were slightly higher in yield than unamended controls, but the difference was not statistically significant.<br /> <br /> Penn State researchers completed the fourth year of a field experiment investigating the potential for use of composted or fresh poultry layer manure for mine reclamation and bioenergy production. Reclamation treatments, including conventional lime+fertilizer, composted layer manure, and fresh manure plus paper mill sludge, were applied to an abandoned coal mine site. Switchgrass was established in the second year of the study, and three year stands of switchgrass produced much larger yields with the organic amendments than with the conventional reclamation amendments. Soil carbon accumulation and nitrate leaching was greatest in paper mill sludge plots. Two additional experiments involving similar amendments and 3 warm season grasses was initiated in 2008 on an active mine site.<br /> <br /> In Kansas, two contrasting metal-rich mine-spoil materials were characterized in an incubation study under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of organic C (OC) electron donor using wet chemistry and advanced spectroscopic methods. Solution samples were analyzed periodically for pH, Eh, and soluble constituents. Characterization and speciation of solids samples were performed using scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray (SEM-EDX) analysis, ¼-x-ray fluorescence (¼-XRF) maps and ¼-x-ray absorption spectroscopy (¼-XAS). Although the Eh in reaction vessels with no added OC was higher than the vessels with OC added samples, none of the systems showed Eh values below -100 mV. SEM-EDXA analyses of samples submerged for about 110 d showed more C in metal-rich particles (appeared more like precipitates in SE and BSE images) in OC added systems. In contrast, S concentrations in metal rich particles were either non-detectable or very low. The researchers suspect that high carbonate in these geological materials and microbial respiration might have increased bicarbonate concentrations and the formation of metal carbonate solid solutions instead of sulfide solid solutions. Soluble Fe2+ concentrations in samples collected from systems with OC added were significantly higher (23 mmol/L-1) than the OC-unamended samples (~4 mmol/L-1) at 110 d of submergence. Soluble Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in samples collected from systems with OC added were significantly lower than the OC-unamended samples indicating major differences in transformation products of these two (with and without OC) systems. Micro-x-ray absorption near edge structure (¼-XANES) spectra of selected Zn rich points located by µ- XRF maps, collected at Sector 13 BM (Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL), on samples submerged for 60 days, showed that OC added samples contained more Zn silicate- and Zn carbonate-like Zn phases as compared to no-OC added samples. Micro-XANES spectra of Pb collected from OC added samples showed varying amounts of Pb sulfide, Pb carbonate and Pb phosphates mixtures while no-OC added samples had Pb sulfide, Pb carbonate, leadhillite (Pb4(SO4)(CO3)2(OH)2). Moreover, m-XANES spectra of selected Fe rich points showed slight but apparent increases in Fe(II) in the C-added geomaterials that had been submerged for 60 days in comparison to the no-OC added samples that had been submerged the same number of days confirming that OC in these materials could be very critical in determining the rate of sample reduction. Moreover, soluble Fe2+ concentrations in samples collected from systems with OC added were significantly higher (~23 mmol/L-1) than the no-OC added samples (~4 mmol/L-1 ) both at 75 days and at 110 days of submergence and thereafter both systems consistently showed very low soluble Fe2+ concentrations. This could be due to formation of Fe(II) oxides, phosphates and/or sulfides in these samples. In contrast soluble Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in samples collected from systems with OC added were significantly lower than the no-OC added samples. Preliminary data supports our argument that dissolved OC, in percolating water could have a significant impact on biogeochemical cycling of trace elements.<br /> <br /> Past use of arsenical pesticides has resulted in elevated levels of arsenic (As) in some Hawaii soils. Total As concentrations of 50 -100 mg/kg are not uncommon, and can exceed 1,000 mg/kg in some former sugarcane lands. Given the high content of amorphous aluminosilicates and iron oxides in many Hawaii soils, a high proportion of soil As seemed to associate with either these solid phases or with organic matter. Adding phosphate fertilizer or compost increases As bioaccessibility, whereas adding Fe(OH)3 decreases it. Brake fern (Pteris vittata L.) could be used to remove some soil As. Concentration of As in fern fronds varied from approximately 40 mg/kg when grown on a low-As Oxisol to 800 mg/kg when grown on a hih-As Andisol. The bioaccumulation ratio (plant As/soil As) appears nearly constant at 2:1 for this fern.<br /> <br /> A joint project between University of Florida and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) personnel was conducted on the fate and transport of biosolids-borne TCS and TCC. Triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC) are antimicrobials chemicals commonly found in biosolids at concentrations (tens of parts per million) that can make biosolids a major source of the chemicals to the environment. Little is known about the fate, transport, and risk of the chemicals, particularly in biosolids-amended soils. The joint project investigated the sorption/desorption, degradation, mobility, plant and animal availability, and soil microorganism impact characteristics of the compounds to assess the risk of the chemicals (when biosolids-borne) to humans and the environment. Work on TCC was completed in 2009 and is summarized in a PhD dissertation by Elizabeth Hodges Snyder. Snyder found minimal risk of biosolids-borne TCC to humans and soil organisms, though earthworms can accumulate sufficient chemical to endanger certain predators. The predator pathway was the limiting pathway in a combined human health and environmental risk assessment and would dictate TCC concentrations below national biosolids mean concentrations. The risk assessment, however, identified several gaps in the understanding of TCC behavior and in databases used to assess risk, so the safe limit is best regarded as only a guide until additional work can be done. No biosolids TCC numerical limits nor any changes in current biosolids management practices are currently justified. Work on TCS has followed the same experimental approach as with TCC, including studies of TCS biodegradation, soil organism impacts, and sorption/desorption. Additionally, the researchers are examining the behavior of a major metabolite (Me-TCS), particularly its tendency to form non-extractable residues (aka. bound residues). Initial data suggest fairly rapid degradation of TCS (half-life ~ 9-10 weeks) to Me-TCS, which then seems to persist.<br /> <br /> The phytoavailability and persistence of endocrine disrupting compounds in biosolids amended and reclaimed water irrigated soils was investigated in two greenhouse studies conducted by University of Washington researchers. In the first trial, the degradation of 4- nonylphenol was measured in soils grown with and without wheat where biosolids had been applied at agronomic rates. The biosolids was a Class B anaerobically digested material with initial 4-NP concentration of 900 mg kg-1. Biosolids were incorporated into the top 4 cm of the columns. Half of the columns were planted with Triticum aestivum, L. with the other half maintained without any plants. Plant uptake as well as leachate concentrations of 4-NP were also measured. After 45 d, 15% of the initial biosolids-NP remained in the planted columns and approximately 30% remained in the unplanted columns. Half life of NP ranged from 16-23 d. While the 8 measured isomers degraded at different rates, there was no indication of persistence after 45 d. Movement of NP below the incorporated zone was minimal and there was no NP measured in plant tissues or leachates.<br /> <br /> A second study was conducted to measure degradation and plant uptake of estrogen (Estriol, 17²-estradiol, and Ethinylestradiol) and triclosan (TCS) in biosolids fertilized and reclaimed water irrigated turf grass. This study was conducted using a randomized complete block design in a greenhouse. Turf was irrigated for 6 months. At the end of the trial, all estrogen compounds were below detection limits in soil and plant samples. There was no estrogen detected in the leachate for any of the collection periods. There was also no detectible TCS in soils, plants or leachate for any of the reclaimed water irrigated treatments. In addition, the final concentration of TCS in the top 4 cm of the soil in the biosolids treatment (39 ±13 µg kg-1) was close to the soil detection limit. In the biosolids treatments, dried and ground biosolids were added to the surface of the turf grass. Turfgrass was cut several times during the study, but leaf tissue was not analyzed for any compounds until the final harvest and total plant removal of chemicals was not quantified. Thus, these results for soil concentrations of estrogens and TCS cannot be interpreted as proof of degradation of the added compounds. However, the collective data suggest minimal negative impacts of estrogen and TCS addition via land applied reclaimed water or biosolids on soil or water quality.<br /> <br /> In Ohio, research was published on the characterization of contaminants in spent foundry sand (SFS) and the potential environmental risk associated with soil application of these materials in residential gardens (Dayton et al., 2009). Spent molding sand is generated at about 2000 foundries in the U.S. when the sand can no longer be reclaimed within the foundry. Interest in beneficial use, rather than disposal of spent foundry sand (SFS), grew in recent years as the cost of landfilling increased and the potential benefit of using SFS in agriculture and horticulture became increasingly apparent. Thus, USDA-ARS, Ohio State University and the U.S. EPAs Office of Solid Waste cooperated to conduct a risk assessment for beneficial use of SFS, and to develop guidance for such use. The sample sets included 43 foundries which cast iron, steel, aluminum, or non-leaded brass, and generated SFSs which contained low levels of potentially toxic elements and xenobiotics, except for the brass SFS. Data from these 43 SFSs were evaluated and it was concluded that 40 of them could be used beneficially with no significant risk to humans or the environment. Iron, steel, and aluminum SFSs may be safely applied to land or used in manufacturing topsoils or potting media with only the limits set by the need of the users, as a small fraction of sand is used in their products. <br /> <br /> Ohio State University researchers also completed a research project on the characterization of feedstocks and candidate mulches for the development of a new mulch product for The Scotts Company (Basta, Dayton, and Myers, 2009). The Scotts Company generates 3.4 million cubic yards per year of mulch. Currently most mulch products are bark- or recycled wood-based, which are becoming scarce. This project provides preliminary data to support a future effort to develop new, renewable and sustainable sources of landscape mulches. This project evaluated a candidate feedstock (CF) from low-value by-products to develop new value-added product (i.e., mulch). The elemental content of the CF was low compared to soil. Concentrations of As, Be, Cd, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, were within the normal range for uncontaminated natural soil. Elements regulated for land application of biosolids (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn) are all below the CFR, Part 503 regulatory limit for exceptional quality biosolids. The CF contains other macro (Mg, K, P, S) and micro (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Mo) plant nutrients. These nutrients could be beneficial in the garden as the mulch decomposes over time. To identify the source and longevity of malodorous compounds, treatments were designed to track changes and relative intensity of VOCs over time at the constant moisture of the initial raw CF. Twenty-seven VOCs were isolated in the CF and characterized by their retention time and mass fragmentation spectra. Two persistent malororous compounds evaluated were dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide.<br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity.<br /> <br /> Application of drinking water treatment residuals (WTR) has been identified as a potential best management practice to reduce the loss of P from agricultural fields. In Ohio, two field simulated rainfall studies were used to investigate the efficacy of WTR in reducing P transport and soil test P with two different WTR application methods: incorporating WTR with soil with a range in soil test phosphorus (STP) levels and co-blending WTR with surface applied poultry litter. The objectives of this study were to determine if incorporating WTR into soil alters STP, reactive dissolved P (RDP), and the relationships between STP and DP. Phosphorus runoff and STP from a field amended with WTR co-blended with poultry litter was determined over a growing season. Results are reported in Jason Undercoffers M.S. thesis (Undercoffer, 2009). In the first field study, WTR was co-blended with poultry litter to achieve final Psat (Psaturation) of the blended materials of 600% (LWTR), 200% (MWTR) and 50% (HWTR), compared to the untreated litter which had a Psat of 1860% (0WTR). Co-blending treatments were broadcast at 11.3 Mg ha-1 on 2m x 2m plots and simulated rainfall was performed prior to, immediately following application and at 1 month intervals for 3 months. Immediately following treatment application RDP was reduced by 68% and 97% by MWTR and HWTR, respectively, when compared to the RDP of the 0WTR treatment (32.9 mg L-1). Three months after treatment application, the HWTR treatment maintained 33% more total P on plots than the 0WTR treatment suggesting a significant reduction of P transport from the co-blended WTR treatments over a growing season. Co-blending WTR with manure to achieve a final blended Psat < 100% may provide the best protection of water quality and provide a useful tool for WTR/manure co-blending calibration. In the second field simulated rainfall study, WTR (10 Mg ha-1) was incorporated into field plots (2m x 2m) with a wide STP range. The Ohio researchers observed positive linear relationships between Mehlich-3 P (M3P), Bray-1 P (B1P), water extractable P (WEP), and phosphorus saturation (Psat) with runoff dissolved phosphorus (RDP) for all runoff events. Relationships between M3P, B1P, or Psat and RDP were not significantly altered by soil incorporated WTR. Soil incorporated WTR significantly reduced STP for all methods following WEP (74.8%) > Psat (50.2%) > M3P (40.2%) > B1P (39.5%) and RDP (39.4%) one day after WTR application. Drinking water treatment residuals, applied as best management practices, substantially reduced P transport and would be a useful tool to reduce STP levels in agricultural fields above environmental threshold values.<br /> <br /> Florida researchers prepared summaries of their cumulative work with water treatment residues (WTRs) to control P solubility and off-site loss. Two extension publications (Agyin-Birikorang et al., 2009 a,b) were prepared, as well a chapter in a large report prepared for the South FL Water Management District aimed at suggesting means to control P mobility in the Northern Everglades.<br /> <br /> Tens of thousands of brownfields (abandoned or underutilized properties where known or potential environmental issues are an obstacle to redevelopment) can be found in cities, towns, and rural areas across the USA. Kansas State University researchers investigated the conversion of brownfields to garden areas motivated by the increasing interest in locally produced foods. <br /> All the sites evaluated are located in urban or suburban environments. The most commonly found trace element contaminant in soils was Pb. It was apparent from the site history and previous land use that Pb-based paint and leaded gasoline could be the most probable sources of Pb in these environments. Out of those sites, the Washington Wheatley (WW) site in Kansas City was available for gardening in the summer 2009. This site had mildly elevated levels of lead (Pb), ranged from 60 to 352 mg/kg and and some detectable levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane/dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDT/DDE) (0.03mg/kg and 0.04 mg/kg, respectively). The soil pH ranged from 6.6 to 7.6 and Mehlich-3 extractable P concentrations ranged from 57 mg P/kg (high) to 154 mg P/kg (excessive). A variety of methods to reduce any potential risk associated with relatively immobile soil contaminants such as Pb (and DDT/DDE) was recommended to the WW community gardeners. Some of those were: root vegetables should be washed and peeled before consumption; all other vegetables should be thoroughly washed prior to consumption; removal of outer leaves of leafy crops before cleaning. Measures focused on reducing both direct (soil-human) and indirect (soil-plant-human) exposure of Pb (and DDT/DDE) to the gardeners and their children. In addition, field test plots were established within the community garden and three crop types with three very different growth and contaminant uptake patterns were planted. The three crop types planted were Swiss chard, sweet potato and tomato. At the end of the growing season, crops were harvested from test plots as well as from some randomly selected community gardening plots located on the site. Two cleaning methods was applied to the harvested crop material: One subset of plant materials was only washed once with deionized water (to mimic the kitchen style washing) while the second subset was thoroughly cleaned following the laboratory cleaning procedure described by Hettiarachchi et al. (2003). Initial soil Pb concentrations in field test plots were ranged from 82 to 123 mg/kg. Concentrations of Pb in all three types of vegetables were far below the maximum permissible concentration levels reported in the literature for vegetables (e.g., 2 mg/kg of Fresh Weight basis, Australian National Food Authority 1997). There were no consistent treatment effects (either compost addition or cleaning method) on plant Pb concentrations. Lead uptake by plants at these levels of soil Pb appears to be insignificant and, therefore, concentration differences among different produce samples were most probably due to other factors, for example dry matter yield and plant vigor.<br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils.<br /> <br /> In Colorado, three water treatment residual (WTR) rates (5, 10, and 21 Mg ha-1) and a single biosolids rate (10 Mg ha-1) were co-applied to semi-arid rangeland soils in 1991 and again in 2002. Results for the top 8-cm of soil indicates co-application did not adversely affect nutrient or trace metal availability or microbial community structure.<br /> <br /> Colorado State University researchers determined the occurrence of steroid sex hormones in the Cache la Poudre River in Colorado, the potential for steroid sex hormone biodegradation and photodegradation under natural conditions, and the mobility of selected steroid sex hormones in agricultural fields using a rainfall simulator. Steroid sex hormones are present in the Cache la Poudre River, at concentrations ranging from 0.6 ng L-1 (epitestosterone) to 22.6 ng L-1 (estrone). Testosterone, progesterone, and 17²-estradiol can be degraded by manure-borne bacteria, and testosterone degradation is faster under aerobic conditions and at higher temperatures (i.e., 37C vs. 22C) but little affected by changes in pH (from 6 to 7.5) or glucose amendments. Direct photodegradation of testosterone and progesterone and indirect photodegradation of testosterone and 17²-estradiol occurred under ultraviolet light » > 340 nm in the presence of Elliot soil humic acid. Direct photodegradation of androstenedione was substantially faster than direct photodegradation of testosterone in ultraviolet light » > 310 nm, and no indirect photodegradation observed. <br /> <br /> In Pennsylvania, researchers continued to study the spatial and temporal distribution of soil phosphorus (P) in response to 26 years of continuous year-round irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater. The surface soil equilibrium P concentration at zero adsorption (EPCo) has increased markedly from <1 to 5.5 mg per L over 26 years of system operation. This has resulted in a biphasic behavior of Mehlich-3 P (M3P). During the initial buildup phase 12.4 kg P per ha was needed to increase M3P by 1 ppm. After 9 yr of building, the M3P has reached a quasi steady-state condition. With continuous crop removal, M3P has stabilized at about 110 mg/kg. The M3P depth profile data were used to determine a threshold M3P saturation ratio. Enrichment of a subsoil layer is expected if the saturation ratio of the overlying soil exceeds 0.065. Under existing management it appears that it takes about 16 years of irrigation to saturate the top 30 cm of soil with P.<br /> <br /> In Oregon, farmers seeking to improve nitrogen use efficiency employed the Organic Fertilizer Calculator developed by Oregon State University researchers. The Calculator assists organic farmers in choosing a fertilizer source and rate that supplies sufficient N, saving dollars and protecting groundwater quality.<br /> <br /> A study was conducted by University of Washington researchers to evaluate the long-term effects of biosolids and compost applications on soil carbon storage and soil physical properties including bulk density and water holding capacity. Soils sampled for the study included long-term replicated field trials and farmers fields. The sites were distributed across Washington State and include a range of land uses including turf, ornamental crops, highways, agronomic crops and high value orchard crops such as pears, cherries and hops.<br /> <br /> For all studies in this sampling addition of organic amendments resulted in significant increases in soil carbon storage. Rates of carbon storage per dry Mg of amendment ranged from 0.012 in a long- term study of turf grass to 0.54 in an organic pear orchard with a long history of compost use. In general, soils with the lowest carbon levels showed the highest levels of carbon storage. Carbon content in soils also increased with time, meaning that the organic matter added with the residuals application resulted in long term carbon increases in soils. Increases in soil carbon content were much greater when composts and biosolids were incorporated into the soils rather than surface applied.<br /> <br /> For all sites included in this study, total nitrogen in soils that received organic amendment addition was higher than conventionally fertilized or control soils for at least one of the rates of amendment tested. Soil physical properties generally improved as well. Bulk density decreased after amendment addition in many of the sites tested with the biggest decreases seen in the most compacted soils. In the site with the highest bulk density, incorporation of compost or biosolids reduced soil bulk density to half that of control soils. Soil water holding capacity was increased in 5 of the 9 sites sampled, with increases ranged from 10% to 50%. For both soil moisture tension levels tested, amendment or soil carbon was significantly positively correlated with water storage. <br />Publications
Colorado State University<br /> JA Barbarick, K.A., and J.A. Ippolito. 2009. Continuous biosolids application affects grain elemental concentrations in a dryland-wheat agroecosystem. J. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 129:340-343.<br /> <br /> JA DePaz, J.M., J.A. Delgado, C. Ramos, M.J. Shaffer, and K.A. Barbarick. 2009. Use of a new GIS nitrogen index assessment tool for evaluation of nitrate leaching across a Mediterranean region. J. Hydrol. 365:183-194.<br /> <br /> JA Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2009. Water Treatment Residuals and Biosolids Long-Term Co-Applications Effects to Semi-Arid Grassland Soils and Vegetation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:1880-1889.<br /> <br /> JA Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and R. Brobst. 2009. Fate of Biosolids Cu and Zn in a Semi-Arid Grassland. J. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 131:325-332.<br /> <br /> JA Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, M.E. Stromberger, M.W. Pasche, and R.B. Brobst. 2009. Water treatment residuals and biosolids long term co-applications effects to semi-arid grassland soils and vegetation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 1880-1889.<br /> <br /> JA Ippolito, J.A., K.G. Scheckel, and K.A. Barbarick. 2009. Selenium adsorption to aluminum-based water treatment residuals. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 338:48-55.<br /> <br /> JA Lagae, H., M. Langemeir, D. Lybecker, and K. Barbarick. 2009. Economic value of biosolids in a semi-arid agroecosystem. Agron. J. 101:933-939.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, N.C. Hansen, and J. McDaniel. 2009. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR09-2.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A. J.A. Ippolito, J., T. Gourd, and J. McDaniel. 2009. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR09-3.<br /> <br /> University of Florida<br /> JA Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. OConnor, and J.C. Bonzongo. 2009. Modeling solid phase control of drinking-water treatment residual (WTR) immobilized phosphorus solubility on soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 40:1747-1769. <br /> <br /> JA Agyin-Birikorang S., Oladeji, O.O., OConnor G.A., Obreza, T.A., and Capece, J.C. 2009. Efficacy of drinking-water treatment residual in controlling off-site phosphorus losses: A field study in Florida. J. Environ. Qual. 38: 1076-1085.<br /> <br /> JA Madison, R.K., L.R. McDowell, G.A. OConnor, N.S. Wilkinson, P.A. Davis, A.A. Adesogan, T.L. Felix, and M. Brennan. 2009. Effects of aluminum from water-treatment residual applications to pastures on mineral status of grazing cattle and mineral concentrations of forages. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 40:1-27. <br /> <br /> JA Brown, S., D. Devin-Clark, M. Doubrava, and G.A. OConnor. 2009. Fate of 4-nonylphenol in a biosolids amended soil. Chemosphere 75: 540-554. <br /> <br /> JA Miller, M, and G.A. OConnor. 2009. The longer-term phytoavailability of biosolids-phosphorus. Agron. J. 101: 889-896. <br /> <br /> EB Agyin-Birikorang,S., G.A. OConnor, and T.A. Obreza. 2009. Drinking water treatment residuals to control phosphorus in soils. SL 300. UF/IFAS (EDIS). Available at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SS513. <br /> <br /> EB Agyin-Birikorang,S., G.A. OConnor, and T.A. Obreza. 2009. Are drinking water treatment residuals safe for land application? SL 299. UF/IFAS (EDIS). Available at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ SS512.<br /> <br /> TR Bottcher, D., T. DeBusk, H. Harper, S. Iwinski, G. OConnor, and M. Wanielista, 2009. Technical Assistance for the Northern Everglades Chemical Treatment Pilot Project. SFWMD. Pp215.<br /> <br /> TH Snyder, E.H. 2009. Fate, transport, and risk assessment of biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC). Univ. FL. Gainesville, FL.<br /> <br /> University of Hawaii<br /> JA Hue, N.V. 2009. Iron and phosphorus fertilizations and the development of proteoid roots in macadamia. Plant and Soil, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-008-9820-0, Vol. 318:93-100.<br /> <br /> JA Pant, A.P., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, S.T. Talcott, and K.A. Krenek. 2009. Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidant activity in Pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown under vermicompost and chemical fertilizer. J. Sci. Food and Agric. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.3732, vol. 89:2383-2392.<br /> <br /> AB Pant, A.P., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, S.T. Talcott, and K.A. Krenek. 2009. Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidant activity in Pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown under vermicompost and chemical fertilizer. Hort Sci. 44:1044.<br /> <br /> AB Ortiz-Escobar, M. and N.V. Hue. 2009. Influencia de abubação organic na qualidade de dois solos no Havaí. XXXII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciencia do solo, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. 5p.<br /> <br /> MWRDGC<br /> JA Tian, G., T.C. Granato, A.E. Cox, R.I. Pietz, C.R. Carlson, Jr., and Z. Abedin. 2009. Soil carbon sequestration resulting from long-term application of biosolids for land reclamation. J. Environ. Qual. 38:61-74.<br /> <br /> TR Lindo, P, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. 2009 Biosolids characteristics for 2008. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Report No. 09-28. <br /> <br /> TR Hundal, L.S. K. Kumar, A. Liao, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. 2009 Levels of triclorcaban and triclosan in the influent, and waste-activated sludge from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicagos Seven Water Reclamation Plants. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Report No. 09-60. <br /> <br /> AB Kumar, K, L.S. Hundal, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. Nitrogen mineralization in centrifuge cake and lagoon-aged air-dried biosolids. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Nov. 1-5, 2009. Pittsburg, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Kumar, K, L.S. Hundal, S.C. Gupta, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. Uptake of pharmaceutical and personal care products by plants-Potential mechanisms. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Nov. 1-5, 2009. Pittsburg, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Tian, G., A.E. Cox, K. Kumar, T.C. Granato, G.A. OConnor, and H.A. Elliott. Agronomic effectiveness and environmental risk of phosphorus in biosolids. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Nov. 1-5, 2009. Pittsburg, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Tian, G., A.E. Cox and T.C. Granato. Management of soil organic matter with biosolids. International Symposium of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: Land Use, Management and Global Change. Jul. 6-9, 2009. Colorado Springs, CO.<br /> <br /> AB Hundal, L.S., K. Xia, K. Kumar, A.E. Cox, T.C. Granato. Long-term assessments of microconstituents fate in biosolids-amended soils. Residuals and Biosolids Conference. Water Environment Federation. May 3-6, 2009. Portland, OR.<br /> <br /> Kansas State Univ<br /> JA Vaillant, G., G. M. Pierzynski, J. M. Ham, and J. DeRouchey. 2009. Nutrient accumulation below cattle feedlot pens in Kansas. J. Environ. Qual. 38:909-918.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M., R. Pannu, G.M. Pierzynski, K.G. Scheckel, C.W. Rice, M. Paloma, and M. Newville. 2009. Subsurface transformations of trace elements in reduced multi metal-rich geo-materials using noninvasive x-ray spectroscopy techniques. Proceedings of the 10th Intern. Conf. on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 13-16 July. Chihuahua, Mexico.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M., S. Martin, and B. Leven. 2009. Brownfields to community gardens - Can it be done? 6th International Conference on Phytotechnologies. Dec. 2009. St. Louis, MO.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M., R. Pannu, G.M. Pierzynski, K. Scheckel, and C.W. Rice. 2009. Understanding biogeochemical transformations of trace elements in multi metal-rich geomaterials under stimulated redox conditions. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Nov. 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Pierzynski, G.M., B. Leven, G. Hettiarachchi, and s. Martin. 2009. Brownfield sites assessment and remediation in the United States: Successes and Challenges. Cleanup 09 Conference, Adelaide, Australia.<br /> <br /> AB Pierzynski, G.M., L. Baker, and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2009. The use of soil amendments for the remediation of heavy metal contaminated sites. Cleanup 09 Conference, Adelaide, Australia.<br /> <br /> AB Martin, S. and G. Hettiarachchi. 2009. Healthy foods from brownfields? American Society for horticultural Science. ASHS Annual Conference. 25-28 July, 2009. St. Louis, MO.<br /> <br /> AB Kovar, J., and G.M. Pierzynski (eds). 2009. Methods of Phosphorus Analysis for Soils, Sediments, Residuals, and Waters, Second Edition. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 48, 131 pp.<br /> <br /> AB Alarcon, H.M.T., G.M. Pierzynski, and E. Lombi (eds). 2009. Research Frontiers in Trace Element Biogeochemistry, Proceedings of the 10th Conference in the ICOBTE Series. ISBN: 978-607-7788-24-9.<br /> <br /> University of Minnesota<br /> TR Bierman, P., C. Rosen, and J. Moncrief. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability from WLSSD Anaerobically Digested Biosolids. Final Report submitted to the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District. Nov, 2009.<br /> <br /> Ohio State University<br /> JA Dayton, E.A., S.D. Whitacre, R.S. Dungan, and N.T. Basta. 2009. Characterization of physical and chemical properties of spent foundry sands pertinent to beneficial use in manufactured soils. Plant Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0120-0<br /> <br /> JA Scheckel, K.G., R.L. Chaney, N.T. Basta and J.A. Ryan. 2009. Advances in Assessing Bioavailability of metal(loid)s in Contaminated Soils. Adv. Agron. 107:10-52.<br /> <br /> AB Hawkins, Amy, Nick Basta, Elizabeth Dayton, Roman Lanno, Mark Barnett, Phil Jardine, Stan Casteel, and Kaye Savage. 2009. Soil Properties, Metal Bioavailability and Risk Assessment. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop sponsored by Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), Washington, DC. Dec 1-3, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Nicholas T. Basta, Karen D. Bradham, Kirk G. Scheckel, and David J. Thomas. 2009. Assessing Arsenic Bioavailability in Soil When in Vitro Gastrointestinal Methods Are the Only Option. Presentation 126-4, Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Nov. 1-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Elizabeth Dayton, Jason Undercoffer, and Nicholas Basta. 2009. Co-Blending Poultry Litter with A Phosphorus Sorbent Prior to Land Application to Reduce Soil Test and Runoff Phosphorus. Presentation 150-1. Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Nov. 1-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Shane D. Whitacre, Nicholas T. Basta and Elizabeth A. Dayton. 2009. Soil Controls On Arsenic Bioaccessibility: Arsenic Fractions and Soil Properties. Presentation 208-2. Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Nov. 1-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Betts, A. and N.T. Basta. 2009. Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Lead Using Soil Amendments. Water Management Association of Ohio 2009 Fall Conference, Columbus, OH. November 4-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Rufus L. Chaney, Kirk G. Scheckel, Nicholas T. Basta and James A. Ryan. 2009. Progress in Understanding Element Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility in Soils. Third International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, Adelaide South Australia. September 27-30, 2009. <br /> <br /> TR Basta, N.T., E.A. Dayton, S.D. Whitacre. 2009. Characterization of feedstocks and candidate mulches for the development of a new mulch product for The Scotts Company. Final Report. OARDC SEEDS.<br /> <br /> Oregon State University<br /> JA Sullivan, D.M., C.G. Cogger, A.I. Bary, and T.E. Shearin. 2009. Predicting Biosolids Application Rates for Dryland Wheat Across a Range of Northwest Climate Zones. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40:1770-1789.<br /> <br /> Penn State University<br /> JA Brandt, R.C. and H.A. Elliott. 2009. Sustaining biosolids recycling under phosphorus-based nutrient management. Water Practice. 3(1):1-14.<br /> <br /> AB Jaiswal, D. and H.A. Elliott. 2009. Long-term phosphorus fertility in wastewater irrigated cropland. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 1-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> AB Hunt, A. D., K.R. McDonald, A.L. Dere and R.C. Stehouwer. 2009. Maximizing carbon sequestration in coal mine soils with different amendments as determined by C-13 abundance. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 1-5, 2009.<br /> <br /> Virginia Tech<br /> JA Ervin, E.H., X. Zhang, G.K. Evanylo, and K. Haering. 2009. Impact of biosolids on hormone metabolism in drought stressed tall fescue. Crop Sci. 49:1893-1901.<br /> <br /> JA Dougherty, Mark, David H. Vaughan, Eldridge R. Collins, Jr., Gregory K. Evanylo, and A.H. Abdel Gadir. 2009. Nitrogen values of liquid dairy manure and dry broiler litter as affected by preservation treatment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(3):363-371.<br /> <br /> JA Bruland G., C. Richardson, W. Daniels. 2009. Microbial and Geochemical Response to Organic Matter Amendments in a Created Wetland. Wetlands, Vol. 29, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 11531165.<br /> <br /> PR Clayton H., A. Wick, W. Daniels. 2009. Microbial Biomass in Reclaimed Soils Following Coal Mining in Virginia. p.227-236 In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc., 2009 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Billings, MT, Revitalizing the Environment: Proven Solutions and Innovative Approaches May 30-June 5, 2009. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> PR Wick A., W. Daniels. 2009. Physical Protection of Organic Matter in Reclaimed Coal Mine Soils of SW Virginia. p.1564-1582. In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc., 2009 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Billings, MT, Revitalizing the Environment: Proven Solutions and Innovative Approaches May 30-June 5, 2009. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> PR Darmody R., W. Daniels, J. Marlin, D. Cremeens. 2009. Topsoil: What is it and Who Cares? p. 237-269 In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc., 2009 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Billings, MT, Revitalizing the Environment: Proven Solutions and Innovative Approaches May 30-June 5, 2009. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> PR Dias L., R. Melo, J. Mello, J. Oliveira, W. Daniels. 2009. Potential of Three Legume Species for Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils. p. 334-347 In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc., 2009 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Billings, MT, Revitalizing the Environment: Proven Solutions and Innovative Approaches. May 30-June 5, 2009. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> PR de Assis I., L. Dias, T. Veloso, W. Daniels. 2009. Revegetation of Acid Forming Gold Mining Spoils Containing High Levels of Arsenic. p. 270-282 In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc., 2009 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Billings, MT, Revitalizing the Environment: Proven Solutions and Innovative Approaches May 30-June 5, 2009. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> PR Daniels W., A. Wick, N. Haus, G. Whittecar, C. Carter. 2009. Criteria for beneficial utilization of dredge sediments in Virginia, USA. 6 p. In: Z. Agioutantis (Ed.), Proc., 3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Sept. 6 to 10, Athens, Greece.<br /> <br /> PR Waldrop R., M. Beck, W. Daniels, M. Eick, R. Maguire, J. Hunt, R. Joyner. 2009. Removal of Nutrients from Stormwater Using CCPs. 31 p. In: Proc., 2009 World of Coal Ash (WOCA), May 4-7, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), Lexington KY.<br /> <br /> AB Kostyanovskiy, K., K. Lasley, G.K. Evanylo, B.F. Sukkariyah, C. Shang, and H. Zheng. 2009. Transformation of phosphorus and nitrogen in deep row biosolids incorporation technology in coastal plain mining sites in Virginia. ASA Southern Region Meetings. Atlanta, GA. Feb.<br /> <br /> AB Dunifon, S., R. Maguire, G.Evanylo and M. Goatley. 2009. Revegetating disturbed urban soils with compost. ASA. Nov 3. Pittsburgh, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Evanylo, G.K., K. Lasley, K. Kostyanovskiy, C. Shang, M. Eick and W.L. Daniels. 2009. Fate and transport of metals from biosolids entrenched for reclaiming of mineland with hybrid poplar. ASA. Nov 4. Pittsburgh, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Kostyanovskiy, K.I., G.K. Evanylo, K.K. Lasley, T.R. Fox, Chao Shang, B. Sukkariyah, and W.L. Daniels. 2009. Nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon transformation in deep row biosolids incorporation for hybrid poplar production in coastal plain mine reclamation sites in Virginia. http://a-c-s.confex.com/crops/2009am/webprogram/Paper53141.html ASA. Nov 4. Pittsburgh, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Beck M., W. Daniels, M. Eick. 2009. Geochemical Properties and Long-term Contaminant Release Patterns from CCPs in Acid-Forming Coal Refuse Materials. In: Proc., 2009 World of Coal Ash (WOCA), May 4-7, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), Lexington KY.<br /> <br /> AB Daniels W., N. Haus, A. Wick, G. Whittecar, C. Carter. 2009. Screening Criteria for Upland Utilization of Dredge Sediments in Virginia. In: Meeting Abstracts, 5th International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments, Feb. 5 to 8, 2009, Jacksonville, FL, Battelle Conferences.<br /> <br /> AB Teutsch C., W. Daniels, Z. Orndorff, M. Alley, K. Meredith, W. Tilson. 2009. Impact of soil reconstruction method on nitrate accumulation in forages grown for livestock feed. In Agronomy Abstracts. Annual meeting of the ASA, CSSA, SSSA, November 1-5, 2009, Pittsburg, PA.<br /> <br /> AB Layman R., S. Day, J. Harris, W. Daniels, P. Wiseman. 2009. Rehabilitation for severely compacted urban soils to optimize tree establishment and growth. 2nd International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, International Society for Horticultural Science, Bologna, Italy. Book of Abstracts. p. 99.<br /> <br /> TH Kostyanovskiy, K.I. 2009. Transformation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in deep row biosolids incorporation-hybrid poplar plantation in coastal plain mined land reclamation sites. Ph.D. dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA.<br /> <br /> University of Washington<br /> JA Brown, S., D. Devin-Clarke, M. Doubrava, and G.A. OConnor. 2009. Fate of 4- Nonylphenol in a biosolids amended soil. Chemosphere 75:549-554.<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S., A. Svendson, and C. Henry. 2009. Restoration of high zinc and lead tailings with municipal biosolids and lime: field study. J Environ. Qual. 38:2189-2197<br /> <br /> AB Devin-Clarke, D. and S. Brown. 2009. Extraction and Analysis of Estrogens and Triclosan Introduced into a Soil System through Reclaimed Water and Biosolids. Water Environment Federation Specialty Conference, Portland, OR May. <br />Impact Statements
- Amending natural or disturbed soils with organic residuals accelerates soil carbon accumulation while improving soil physical properties that enhances vegetation productivity and reduces pollutant transport. High application rates, however, may increase the generation and emission of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.
- Gardening initiatives for brownfields via the amending of soils with organic amendments, including compost, are enhancing the capabilities of gardeners to produce crops locally without potentially adverse health effects to the grower or the end consumer while at the same time contributing to the meaningful revitalization of brownfields sites in a sustainable manner.
- Common computer models of biosolids-borne micro-constituents behavior, transport, and risk rely heavily on modeled data rather than empirical measurements and make assumptions that likely are inappropriate for biosolids systems. Our work has resulted in data that improve our understanding of biosolids-borne micro-constituent behavior and better estimates of risks to humans and the environment.
- Results of nonylphenol, estrogenic compounds and triclosan degradation in biosolids-amended soil complement the developing body of literature that suggest that these compounds have minimal impact on terrestrial systems and are not persistent.
- Using organic residuals to restore prime farmland following mineral sands mining decrease cost of mining, increase landowner royalty return and mineral production rates. Iluka Resources, Inc. was awarded the National Mined Land Reclamation Award by the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, and our research program was credited as the underpinning source of technology.
- Drinking water treatment residuals (WTR) can be used to reduce dissolved P loss from agricultural land. Co-blending WTR with manure to achieve a final blended P saturation < 100% may provide the best protection of water quality and a useful tool for WTR/manure co-blending calibration. Drinking WTRs, applied as best management practices, substantially reduced P transport and would be a useful tool to reduce soil test P levels in agricultural fields that are above environmental threshold values.
- Diverting 1 million tons of spent foundry sand (SFS) annually from landfills (at $30/ton) to beneficial use would realize annual savings of $30,000,000 by the foundry industry. Our research shows SFS has can be used as a component of manufactured soils. This would allow foundries to become more competitive and create start-up industries and jobs in Ohio focused on production and marketing of SFS soil blend materials to the public.
Date of Annual Report: 08/04/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/05/2011
- 06/07/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Andrews, Daniel, dma203@psu.edu, Penn State University;Basta, Nick, basta.4@osu.edu, Ohio State University;
Brobst, Bob, brobst.bob@epa.gov, USEPA;
Brown, Sally, slb@u.washington.edu, University of Washington;
Chaney, Rufus, Rufus.Chaney@USDA.gov, USDA-ARS;
Elliott, Chip, hae1@psu.edu, Penn State;
Evanylo, Greg, gevanylo@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Guo,Mingxin, mguo@desu.edu, Delaware State University;
Hettiarachchi, Ganga, ganga@ksu.edu, Kansas State University;
Hunt, Andrew, adh206@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Hue, N.V., nvhue@hawaii.edu, University of Hawaii;
Lee, Linda, lslee@purdue.edu, Purdue University;
Li, Jinling, jinling@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Morash, Dan, dmorash@or-dev.com, California Safe Soil;
O'Connor, George, GAO@UFL.edu, University Florida;
Silveira, Maria Lucia, mlas@ufl.edu, University Florida;
Sommers, Lee, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu, Colorado State University;
Stehouwer, Rick, rcs15@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Thies, Janice, jet25@cornell.edu, Cornell University;
Watson, Jack, jackwatson@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Woodward, Emily, cew5083@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Gaudlip, John, jwg3@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Loughran, Jim, jcl10@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Parizek, Richard, rrp1@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Sunday, June 5th, Business meetingWelcome and participant introductions - Greg Evanylo
Update from Project Director Lee Sommers - Update on USDA and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Roger Beachy is no longer the NIFA director. Update on the Agricultural Experiment Station, including Roadmap for Food and Agriculture research (http://escop.ncsu.edu/docs/scienceroadmap.pdf), which includes 7 grand challenges.
Greg Evanylo has received state reports from most of the participants on time and will be preparing the annual report due 60 days after the annual meeting.
Venues for 2012-2014 annual meeting were finalized as: Seattle/Tacoma 2012, Denver 2013, Chicago - 2014. Sally Brown will host the Seattle/Tacoma meeting in 2012. (An email survey following the meeting identified June 24-26 as the dates for the 2012 meeting.) The group voted for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago to host the annual meeting once every 2-3 years.
Greg Evanylo provided the order of presentations for the technical presentations.
Technical Meeting Agenda
Monday June 6
Selected oral presentations: The research-regulations nexus
GDG-gypsum and spent foundry sand and the As and chromate problems at EPA, Chaney
Hawaii soil As limit, Hue
EPAs regulatory limits for emerging constituents- Brobst conference call
Basis for wastewater application rate, Elliot
Reclaimed water for ecological use and EDC activity assessment by YES, Brown
Use of field capacity as basis for regulated recycled water application rate in Virginia, reduction of mine land restoration biosolids reclamation rate, P basis for biosolids application, Evanylo
Lunch and bus tour of Penn States Living Filter
Selected oral presentations: Urban soil remediation
Use of soil amendments/residuals for restoration of urban land for "urban ag," Basta
Field based evaluations of lead and arsenic transfer from contaminated urban soils to plants, Hettiarachchi
Food waste residuals use, Thies and Morash
Effects of residuals on urban soils, Sally Brown
[The subgroup decided to write an outreach/extension bulletin on urban soil assessment and remediation. Nick Basta agreed to prepare an outline upon which individual chapters would be based.]
Tuesday, June 7th
Emerging contaminants
Fate, transport and risk assessment of biosolids-borne triclosan, O'Connor
The occurrence of carbamazepine in wastewater irrigated soils: Land use differences, Watson
Transport of manure-borne hormones through tile-drained fields, Lee (remote Skype presentation)
Climate change
Use of biosolids for lignocellulosic-based energy crop production, Silveira
Switchgrass and other warm season grass production on mined land reclaimed with manure and paper mill sludge, Stehouwer
Spectroscopic techniques for assessing sequestered C stability, Jinling Li
Noon: Adjourn Meeting
Lunch and tour of Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing site
Objective 1: Evaluate the chemistry and bioavailability of trace elements, organic microconstituents and nutrients in residuals and residuals-amended soils to assess the environmental and health risks. The research performed to accomplish objective 1included a) direct chemical measurements of nitrogen, phosphorus, trace elements, and organic compounds in the applied residual and upon transformation and/or transport through the environment and b) bioassays to assess bioavailability.<br /> <br /> Researchers from Colorado State University (CSU), University of Florida (UF), Mississippi State University (MSU), Pennsylvania State University (PSU), Purdue University (PU), the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC), and Agriculture Canada (AgCan) performed research to measure the forms, amounts and effects (transport and/or bioavailability) of organic microconstituents in land applied residuals.<br /> <br /> A collaborative project between the UF (OConnor) and the MWRDGC (Cox and Hundal) was performed to investigate the fate and transport of biosolids-borne triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC), antimicrobial chemicals commonly found in biosolids at concentrations that can make biosolids a major source of the chemicals in the environment. The research focused on determining the sorption-desorption, degradation, mobility, plant and animal availability, and soil microorganism impact characteristics of the compounds to assess the risk of the chemicals to humans and the environment. Work on biosolids-borne TCC is now published in three 2010 journal articles by Snyder et al., and a final risk assessment paper is planned for 2011. Work on TCS has followed the same general experimental design as with TCC (batch sorption-desorption studies and column studies to assess TCS expected and observed mobility, greenhouse and field studies to assess phytoavailability to and accumulation by food-chain crops, earthworm accumulation studies, and biodegradation and extractability studies to assess persistence of the parent compound and metabolites. Work is detailed in the PhD dissertation of Manmeet Waria (2011), and summarized below.<br /> <br /> The typical concentration range for TCS in biosolids analyzed by Waria and reported in numerous published studies is 10-20 mg TCS/kg biosolids. The mean value of 18 mg/kg agrees with the mean value reported in the TNSSS (16 mg/kg). The water solubility of TCS depends on pH (pKa = 8.14), which is expected to affect TCS behavior in high pH soils and in lime-stabilized biosolids. The partitioning coefficient of TCS, normalized to OC content (log Koc= 4.7), is constant across soil, biosolids, and biosolids-amended soils. Desorption is strongly hysteretic; thus, biosolids TCS is expected to have limited mobility in soils. Column leaching studies confirm retention of TCS within the zone of biosolids incorporation. Greenhouse and field studies utilizing biosolids-borne TCS confirmed minimal phytoavailability. Biosolids-TCS was accumulated by, but was not toxic to, earthworms; a conservative estimate of the earthworm bioaccumulation factor was ~10. There was no effect of biosolids-borne TCS on microbial respiration and N-cycling. TCS degrades to methyl-TCS (Me-TCS) with a 50% disappearance time of ~100 days. Plants, soil, and earthworms from fields equilibrated with biosolids-borne TCS contained no detectable Me-TCS,which is more hydrophobic than TCS. A preliminary risk assessment identified the same predator-earthworm pathway as being potentially limiting for TCS as Snyder suggested for TCC. Accounting for TCS degradation significantly reduces estimated risk, and using realistic mean (95th percentile biosolids-TCS concentrations) practically eliminates estimated risk. Further refinement of the risk assessment, is necessary to confirm the initial estimates of risk.<br /> <br /> Mississippi State University researchers have also been studying the fate of TCS and TCC in biosolids-applied soils in terms of 1) developing cost-effective and reliable analytical methods for detection at trace levels in complex environmental matrixes and 2) understanding transformation kinetics and pathways. A cost-effective and reliable HPCL/UV analytical method for trace level detection of TCS and TCC in biosolids and biosolids-applied soils was developed and reported in the Journal of AOAC International. A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) able to selectively bind TCS and TCC was prepared using noncovalent molecular imprinting methods. The prepared MIP was evaluated as a selective sorbent in SPE for sample cleanup before HPLC-UV analysis of TCS and TCC in soil and biosolids samples. Compared to commercially available C18 SPE sorbent, the molecularly imprinted SPE (MISPE) developed in this study was more efficient for the cleanup of extracts of soil and biosolids samples prior to the analysis of TCC and TCS using HPLC-UV. Significant reduction of analytical cost was achieved because one MISPE can be reused up to 35 times and HPLC-UV instead of HPLC/MS can be used for instrumental analysis following sample cleanup by MISPE.<br /> <br /> The result of a laboratory microcosm study on TCS and TCC transformation in biosolids-applied Marietta fine loam and McLaurin coarse loam was reported in the Journal of Environmental Quality. Transformation of TCC in both soils was slower than that for TCS. After 100 d, 53 ± 1% and 71 ± 2% of the initially added TCC and only 2.8 ± 0.35% and 6.2 ± 0.80% of initially added TCS remained in Marietta fine loam and McLaurin coarse loam, respectively. The results suggest that abiotic processes have greater effect than biotic processes on TCC transformation. Addition of biosolids to the two soils slowed the transformation of both compounds, indicating interactions between both compounds and biosolids may adversely affect their transformation in soils, an important factor that must be included in models predicting environmental fate of biosolids-associated PPCPs. <br /> <br /> A laboratory soil column study to investigate the transport and transformation of TCS and TCC in a biosolids-surface applied soil was completed in 2010 and included in a manuscript submitted to the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Significantly more TCS than TCC was transformed. Surface application of biosolids retarded their transformation. Downward movement of TCS and TCC occurred within 10-cm soil depth. Only small percentages of the transformed TCS and TCC appeared after 101-day column study, indicating that either the investigated transformation pathways were not significant or rapid transformation of the those products had occurred.<br /> <br /> Abiotic oxidative transformation of TCS by Fe(III)-modified montmorillonite was investigated in combination with computational modeling approach. Part of the result of this study was published in the Environmental Science and Technology. Significant TCS polymerization was observed when TCS was exposed to Fe(III)-modified montmorillonite in aqueous solution. Compared to TCS, the solubility of polymerized TCS products can be reduced more than 4000 times, resulting in significantly less bioavailability and movement in the environment. The result from this study has demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing Fe(III)-modified montmorillonite as in situ remediation material for other related PPCPs. <br /> <br /> Work in collaboration with MWRDGC on fate of selected PPCPS in long term land-applied biosolids was published in the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. The levels of TCC, TCS, 4-nonylphenol (4-NP), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in biosolids from 16 U.S wastewater treatment plants and in soils from field plots receiving annual applications of biosolids for 33 years were evaluated. Each of the four contaminants evaluated were detected in most of the biosolids at concentrations up to >1,000 mg/kg. They were detected at ¼g/kg levels in the biosolids-amended soil, but their concentrations decreased sharply with increasing soil depth, indicating limited soil leaching of those compounds. Most of the PBDEs and a small percentage of 4-NP, TCC, and TCS remained in the top 120-cm soil layer. These data suggest slow degradation of PBDEs but rapid transformation of 4-NP, TCC, and TCS in the biosolids-amended soils.<br /> <br /> Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antimycotic drug incompletely degraded during sewage treatment. It is a suspected endocrine disrupting chemical that could potentially reach agricultural land via the application of biosolids. In the absence of any environmental fate data, AgCan researchers evaluated the persistence and dissipation pathways of (3)H-clotrimazole during laboratory incubations of agricultural soils. Clotrimazole was removed from a loam, a sandy loam, and a clay loam, with formation of nonextractable residues being the major sink for (3)H. Their parent compound did not mineralize to any extent, and rate of dissipation was slower at a lower temperature.<br /> <br /> Diclofenac, 2-[2-[(2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino]phenyl]acetic acid, is a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug whose consumption by carrion eaters has been responsible for the catastrophic decline in vulture populations in India and Pakistan. Diclofenac could potentially reach agricultural lands through the application of municipal biosolids. 14C-Diclofenac was rapidly mineralized when added to soils varying widely in texture. Over a range of temperature and moisture conditions, extractable 14C-diclofenac residues decreased with half lives <5days. No extractable transformation products were detectable by HPLC.<br /> <br /> Tenofovir (9-(R)-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)-adenine) is an antiretroviral drug widely used for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus and Hepatitis B virus infections. It is rapidly excreted in the urine and could potentially reach agricultural lands through the application of municipal biosolids or wastewater. The persistence of tenofovir in selected agricultural soils was evaluated because of the absence of any environmental fate data. Tenofovir was relatively persistent in soils, there were no extractable transformation products detected, and the response of mineralization to soil temperature and heat sterilization indicated that the molecule was biodegraded by aerobic microorganisms. Sorption isotherms with dewatered biosolids suggested that tenofovir residues could potentially partition into the particulate fraction during sewage treatment.<br /> <br /> Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS), and metals were monitored in tile drainage and groundwater following liquid (LMB) and dewatered municipal biosolid (DMB) applications to silty-clay loam agricultural field plots. Key PBDE congeners (BDE-47, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183, -209) comprising 97% of total PBDE in LMB, had maximum tile effluent concentrations ranging from 6 to 320 ng/L during application-induced tile flow. Total PBDE loading to soil via LMB and DMB application was 0.0018 and 0.02 kg total PBDE ha/yr, respectively. Total PBDE concentration in soil (0-0.2m) 599 days after both applications was 115 ng/g dw. The only PFAS found above detectable limits in tile drainage from the application plots were PFOS (max conc = 17 ng/L) and PFOA (12 ng/L). Metals in tile for the LMB were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in control. Tilling the soil prior to surface application of LMB will reduce application-based PBDE and metal contamination to tile drainage and shallow groundwater.<br /> <br /> In Colorado, a field-scale study was conducted to assess the potential for runoff of seventeen hormones from an agricultural field applied with biosolids. Significantly higher concentrations of multiple estrogens (<0.8 to 25.02 ng L-1), androgens (<2 to 216.14 ng L-1), and progesterone (17.4 to 98.9 ng L-1) were observed in runoff samples taken 1, 8 and 35 days after biosolids application. Androgen runoff concentrations declined from day 1 to day 35 after biosolids application, but the concentrations observed 35 days after biosolids application were still higher than concentrations known to affect the endocrine system of aquatic organisms. Biosolids did not adversely affect earthworms (A. trapezoides) monitored in a biosolids-amended Colby (Aridic Ustorthents)-Adena (Ustic Paleargids) soil. <br /> <br /> The fate and transport of manure-borne hormones in agro-ecosystems remains poorly understood. Of particular environmental concern are the natural hormones 17²- and 17±-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), testosterone (TST), and androstenedione (AND) and the synthetic hormones 17²- and 17±-trenbolone (TB) and trendione (TND). Purdue University researchers assessed the hydro-chemo dynamics of natural and synthetic androgens and estrogens measured in tile drains and agricultural ditches and resulting hormone loads on a farm as a function of manure management practices. Animal wastes were land-applied through lagoon effluent pivot irrigation (beef, dairy, and poultry effluent), solids broadcasting (beef and dairy), and subsurface injection (swine). Hormone concentrations in the tile drains increased during effluent irrigation and storm events, whereas leaching of hormones in solid manure occurred due to rainfall or snow melt. Hormones persisted over the winter, with increased concentrations coinciding with early thaws and snow melt. Hormones were detected in greater than 80% of samples collected at each station, with estrone being detected the most frequently and estriol the least. Natural androgens were detected more frequently than synthetic androgens, which were detected in fewer than 10% of the samples. The highest concentrations of hormones in the ditch waters were observed in June, likely posing a threat to fish during their early developmental stages, with total estrogens exceeding 100 ng/L and total natural androgens approaching 40 ng/L. These concentrations were associated with dairy effluent irrigation; however, the frequency of detection of hormones was higher for fields that had received higher applications of dairy solids. Therefore, it is likely that dairy effluent irrigation may cause short-lived high concentrations, whereas the application of solid wastes may cause more chronic exposure to aquatic organisms.<br /> <br /> The PU researchers work with biosolids has been limited to identifying the PPCPs that exist in biosolids at a high enough concentration to allow good quantitation of release kinetics from the biosolids. Extraction of biosolids for total PPCPs was done as well as equilibration with water to estimate biosolid-water partition coefficients. Ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, TCS and TCC were measured at high enough concentrations in the biosolids to initiate kinetic release studies. The first set of release experiments reflected the majority of the PPCPs are released within a few hours. Atorvastatin levels in the biosolids were relatively low (< 100 mg/kg dry biosolids).<br /> <br /> The distribution in carbamazepine in the soil profile beneath wastewater-irrigated forested land and cropped land was determined by PSU researchers. Based on the application time period, it is expected that carbamazepine has been applied in irrigation water for about 25 years. Results indicated approximately 15 years worth of carbamazepine accumulated in the surface 30 cm of both soils, with near surface concentrations being higher in the forested soil, consistent with organic carbon distributions. <br /> <br /> Researchers from Ohio State University (OSU), University of California-Riverside (UCR), University of Hawaii (UH), and PSU performed research to measure the types, forms, amounts, and effects (i.e. bioavailability) of inorganic elements in land-applied residuals.<br /> <br /> Deindustrialization of urban areas during the past two decades has resulted in a large amount of vacant land. Cities in Ohio and elsewhere have established stabilization projects to facilitate the redevelopment of vacant urban land for agriculture/gardening and creation of parks, playgrounds and other commons. Historical soil contamination presents the greatest challenge to urban vacant land reuse. In 2008, the Cuyahoga County (OH) Board of Health determined that 42% of children had elevated blood Pb levels. It is important to assess Pb lead content in these areas prior to reuse to prevent exposure to harmful levels of Pb. Most urban soils are not tested for Pb because of the high costs associated with sampling and analysis. Research conducted by OSU researchers with OSU Cuyahoga County Cooperative Extension on soil assessment of human health risk of Pb in soil from 60 vacant land sites was performed. The researchers discovered that several inexpensive agricultural laboratory methods provide accurate data to assess risk from soil Pb in urban soils. These data were presented at local, regional, and national meetings.<br /> <br /> At UCR, labile pools (E value) of Cd and Zn in ten soils were quantified using ICP-MS measurements of 114Cd and 111Cd and 68Zn and 66Zn that are needed for stable isotope dilution (SID). The ten soils contained from 130 to 19,600 mg/kg total Zn, and from 11 to 62 mg/kg total Cd. On average, the labile pools predicted by SID (E-values) represented 45% of the total Cd, but only 25% of the total Zn, a trend that was consistent across all soils and independent of soil pH, organic carbon, or clay content. The Cd extracted by 0.05 M EDTA, 1 M CaCl2, 0.05M Ca(NO3)2, and 0.01M Ca(NO3)2 were well-correlated with both total Cd and E-value for these 10 soils, suggesting that any f these chemical extractions could be used to predict bioavailability of Cd. UCR researchers completed the first set of experiments using the two earthworm species (E. fetida and L. terrestris) to assess bioavailability. In general, the Cd and Zn concentrations in the whole-body digests were highly correlated with E-values, but also with total metal concentrations in the soils. With this particular group of soils, these two parameters were sufficiently correlated (r = 0.93 for Cd; r = 0.88 for Zn) that it made it difficult to ascertain whether E-values are sufficiently superior predictors of metal accumulation in invertebrates to justify the extra effort required for their determination. The results are one of the first comprehensive studies of trace- metal bioavailability to soil invertebrates employing isotope dilution techniques. <br /> <br /> University of Hawaii researchers used earthworms to assess As bioacccessibility in high-arsenic soils in a bench experiment. Eisenia fetida were raised in a soil mixture containing five levels of As: 20, 90, 160, 230, and 300 mg/kg as total As, or 1.27, 2.97, 5.40, 6.76, and 8.16 mg/kg as bioaccessible As. The worms were grown for 28 days in a thin layer of old lettuce and other vegetable discards, which were placed on top of the As-contaminated media. Worm growth rate peaked at the second lowest levels of soil As (90 mg/kg total As or approximately 3.0 mg/kg bioaccessible As); however, the growth started to decline when soil As exceeded 125 mg/kg (total) or 4.2 mg/kg (bioaccessible).<br /> <br /> A total phosphorus (TP) mass balance was performed by PSU researchers for cropped and forest sites that had been irrigated with secondary wastewater effluent for about 40 years. The mass balance indicates that 63% and 70% of net (applied minus harvested) TP could not be accounted for in the top 75 cm of soil in the field and forest, respectively. Because the cropped field was sampled at summit landscape positions, it is likely that surface runoff and subsurface lateral flow of effluent P is partially responsible for the deficit of P in the 0-75 cm soil layer. Moreover, changes in the P-retention ability of the soil and the high hydraulic loading rate has probably caused leaching of P below the 75 cm depth. The capacity of the soil to assimilate and renovate effluent-applied P has been reduced as a result of irrigation with wastewater. Leaching of P is generally not considered an environmental issue at most effluent irrigation sites; however, leaching of P could potentially impact groundwater where effluent is sprayed on forested soils of low P-sorbing capacity and overlying shallow groundwater. Copper, which forms strong complexes with soil organic matter, also appears to have leached to a greater extent from the surfaces layers in the wastewater-irrigated forest. One field day was held at the experiment site and was attended by 40 individuals from mining industry and state regulatory agency staff. Reports have been presented at mining and reclamation meetings. <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the agronomic and environmental benefits/advantages of land applying residual by-products and/or substituting such materials for fertilizers.<br /> <br /> Studies have been conducted by researchers at CSU, UH, MWRDGC, Kansas State University (KSU), University of Minnesota (UM), PSU, Virginia Tech (VT), and University of Washington (UW) to assess the benefits of nutrients, organic matter and other constituents in biosolids and similar residuals on improving the properties of disturbed/poor/contaminated soils for enhancing vegetative growth, soil health, and water quality, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. <br /> <br /> Improving N use efficiency of land-applied residuals is important to produce optimum crop yields and reduce water quality impairment risk. Researchers at CSU developed a three-dimensional predictive model for wheat yields and grain N removal from a 15-year study involving biosolids addition to a dryland agroecosystem. The model was superior (higher R2 and lower SE) to simple linear and quadratic models.<br /> <br /> University of Minnesota researchers completed laboratory and greenhouse experiments to characterize N and P availability from biosolids generated from the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD). A regression model developed for soil organic matter was used to estimate potentially mineralizable N and calculate N availability from the biosolids. Biosolids properties were examined using two soil types (clay and sandy loam) and fine mine tailings from the taconite iron industry. The N mineralization model was a good predictor of plant growth and N uptake in the greenhouse study. Results from incubation and greenhouse studies indicated that higher biosolids rates are required on mine tailings than on native soils. Results were disseminated at a full day biosolids workshop in Duluth, MN sponsored by WLSSD and in a biosolids session at the 2010 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 73rd Annual Wastewater Operations Conference. <br /> <br /> The fifth year of field experiments investigating use of poultry layer manure for abandoned and active mine reclamation and biomass crop production was completed by PSU researchers. Reclamation treatments were lime+fertilizer, composted layer manure and fresh manure+papermill sludge. The yields of biomass crops (switchgrass, atlantic coastal panic grass and big bluestem) have been greater with the organic amendments (4.5-6 Mg/ha) than with the conventional reclamation amendments (1-2 Mg/ha) and are approaching those obtained on prime farmland.<br /> <br /> Virginia Tech researchers continued to monitor the prime farmland soil reconstruction experiment established in 2004 at the Iluka Mineral Sands mining site. The four primary treatments (lime and N-P-K fertilizer only; 15 cm topsoil return over limed and P-fertilized tailings; 75 Mg/ha lime stabilized biosolids with conventional tillage; 75 Mg/ha lime stabilized biosolids with no-tillage) were cropped to wheat and soybean in 2010. Crop yields in 2010 were approximately 75% of adjacent unmined prime farmland control plots. The findings and results were disseminated to local landowners, farmers, government representatives and regulators at two on-site field days and provide further justification for higher than agronomic N rates for reclamation of disturbed lands.<br /> <br /> Researchers from KSU, UW, USACE, and USEPA have collaboratively evaluated trace element chemistry, transformations, transfer from soil to plants, and toxicity amelioration by organic residuals in contaminated urban soils. The researchers evaluated the uptake of trace elements and other contaminants by food crops grown on unamended- and compost amended-mildly contaminated urban soils to develop recommendations for corrective actions to minimize potential contaminant transfer to food crops and gardeners. Evaluation of sites throughout the U.S. is on-going in this USEPA funded project. Sites in Kansas City, MO and Tacoma, WA have been amended with compost and/or a commercial biosolids-sawdust-sand mix (Tagro). Lead concentration in soils ranged from 60 to 385 mg/kg. Compost addition diluted soil Pb concentration by 59%. In compost-added plots, Pb uptake was 59% lower in Swiss chard and 20% lower in carrot compared to the control plots. Lead concentration in tomato was not affected by compost. Compost did not reduce bioaccessible Pb. At the Tacoma site plant, As and Pb concentrations in Tagro+lime added plots were significantly lower than that of the unamended control plots.<br /> <br /> Working in cooperation with Hetteraichchi at KSU, Chapell at USACE, and Scheckel at USEPA, Brown (UW) evaluated changes in Pb speciation following amendment of a high Fe biosolids compost to Pb contaminated soils. Philadelphia compost was added to a range of Pb/As contaminated soils. In vitro Pb was reduced, but the effects on As were mixed, by the addition of compost to several contaminated soils. Iron-rich composts added to co-contaminated As/Pb orchard soils did not reduce metal availability over 1 year, but the Philadelphia compost reduced Pb availability in this soil. UXAS showed conversion of Pb in the Philadelphia compost-amended soil altered the mineral form of Pb to favor adsorption onto Fe Oxides. <br /> <br /> Recycling of biosolids onto land may provide benefits beyond those as a source of nutrients and soil property enhancer. One such potential benefit of land-applied biosolids being investigated by members of the W2170 project is the effect on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon budgeting. The GHG balance for different biosolids end use/disposal practices was evaluated by UW researchers as part of an effort sponsored by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. Different treatment processes, including anaerobic digestion, lime stabilization, dewatering and end use options including combustion with heat/energy recovery, composting and land application were included in this evaluation. A spreadsheet tool that includes default emissions and sequestration factors was developed. Data from a number of municipalities in California with different treatment processes were input to the model. Anaerobic digestion plus land application was the overall best practice for GHG emissions, resulting in net credits. Combustion, particularly at temperatures that commonly occur in multiple hearth furnaces or fluidized bed facilities, resulted in the most significant emissions as a result of the formation of N2O. Higher burn temperatures eliminate N2O formation but result in increased NOx emissions. The results from this study were published in Environmental Science and Technology. <br /> <br /> The model was used to calculate the GHG balance for the MWRDGC biosolids program using historical and new data. The MWRDGC biosolids are used as Class B cake on farmland and as landfill daily cover. The lagoon-aged air-dried biosolids are used on turf on urban areas and as landfill final cover. Unsuitable biosolids are disposed in landfills. The C credits and debits for each of MWRDs biosolids end uses were evaluated based on operations data for 2001 and 2008. Debits are due to fossil fuel use and fugitive gas emissions, and credits result from replacement of fertilizer by biosolids and soil carbon sequestration. The utilization of Class B biosolids in landfills showed a C debit due to the N2O and CH4 emissions. The beneficial use of biosolids as fertilizer on farmland and turf fertilizer, and landfill final cover resulted in C credits primarily through C sequestration and the offset of fertilizer use. The lagoon-aging of biosolids, which causes loss of C, was the major factor controlling the differences in credits among the beneficial use practices. Despite the higher consumption of fuel for transportation to farmland, the utilization of Class B centrifuge cake biosolids resulted in higher GHG credits than the use of lagoon-aged air-dried biosolids in urban areas. Overall, net GHG emissions were highest for landfill disposal, and were similar among the beneficial uses: farmland fertilizer, urban turf fertilizer, and landfill final cover. The study demonstrated, based on operations data, showed that land application of biosolids for primary benefit as a nutrient source, also contributes to mitigation of GHG emissions.<br /> <br /> The UW researchers conducted two surveys of long term biosolids and compost amended sites to quantify soil carbon storage and changes in soil physical properties including bulk density and water holding capacity. Sites sampled included coal mine sites restored with biosolids composts in PA and WA, gravel sites in New England and Canada, and a hard rock mining site in Canada. This sampling was done in parallel with sampling done by USEPA at biosolids amended mine sites. The sampling showed persistent increases in soil C sequestration in sites restored with organic amendments in comparison to conventional restoration practices. The other sampling was limited to WA, where similar and statistically significant C storage occurred at all sites that received organic amendments. A number of sites showed significant increases in plant available water.<br /> <br /> Another potential benefit from land-applied biosolids is their capability to increase plant drought tolerance due to the activity of humic acid-based biostimulants that act like plant hormones auxin and gibberllins. Field studies conducted by VTresearchers on coarse-textured soils in 2010 demonstrated the beneficial effects of biosolids on partial drought-amelioration in a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation under both conventional and no-tillage practices. The calculated agronomic N rates of both lime-stabilized and anaerobically digested biosolids provided plant available N at levels intermediate to three rates of synthetic fertilizer N, according to soil (PSNT) and plant tissue (earleaf, corn stalk nitrate) indicators of N availability. However, both biosolids treatments increased corn grain yield above that from the fertilizer treatments during the drought-stricken 2010 season. The 1x and 1.5x N fertilizer rate and two biosolids treatments increased photochemical efficiency and plant indole acetic acid and t-Zeatine Riboside concentrations 20 days before and at silking. Yields of soybean grown in soil amended with the agronomic N rates of biosolids for corn planted on the same plots the preceding year were higher than those not previously receiving biosolids.<br /> <br /> Soil acidity is a serious constraint for crop production worldwide. Soil acidity is conventionally corrected by applications of limestone, but limestone may not be available or be too expensive in some areas. Replacement of lime with locally available organic materials to correct soil acidity was studied by UH researchers. A greenhouse study was performed to investigate the effects of approximately 15 Mg/ha (1% by weight) shredded pineapple (Ananas comosus) crowns and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) vines on two acid soils of Hawaii. CaSO4, Ca(OH)2, and MgO at 4 cmolc/kg and an unamended control were employed for comparison. Results indicated that crop residues could be used as a partial substitute for lime in correcting soil acidity. The effectiveness of such soil organic amendments varied with residue type and mode of preparation (i.e., fresh or ashed). A combination of lime and organic materials is recommended for improving soil fertility, enhancing crop growth, and reducing cost.<br /> <br /> Work planned for 2010-2011:<br /> <br /> We plan to continue collaborative work on evaluating the chemistry, fate, transport, and bioavailability of PPCPs and EDCs in biosolids-amended and effluent-irrigated soils. These include refining the approach for assessing the release kinetics of selected PPCPs from biosolids. To predict the overall residence time of a PPCP in the upper horizon of soil during which it can be degraded aerobically, both release from the biosolids and sorption by soil will be considered. Computational chemistry will be combined with other investigative approaches to explore PPCP transformation pathways and environmental impacts of PPCP transformation products. We will continue our work on developing cost-effective and sensitive analytical methods for detecting PPCPs and their transformation products in complex matrices. Field research plots will be also established with the dual purpose of evaluating the uptake of perfluoronated compounds in biosolids-amended soil and to compare metal uptake from high metal and modern biosolids. Many of the data from the PPCP research will be translating into journal articles, especially risk assessment-based articles. <br /> <br /> Researchers have initiated work on coupling a source zone model, transport model, and management decision making model for predicting steroid hormone concentrations in an agricultural drainage network and subsequent transport and persistence of these loads into the watershed. The model will include effluent and solid manure as an input to the source zone and transport model, flexibility for mixed management practices, and incorporation of nutrient transport and tile drain size as a restriction to tile drain flow. These models can easily be adapted for biosolids application and other micropollutants if model parameters can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Simulated rainfall/runoff studies will be performed to investigate the movement and carryover of hormones associated with surface application of biosolids. Manuscripts on hormone release from manure applied tile drained fields will be submitted to journals.<br /> <br /> Biosolids products from a variety of processes will continue to be assessed as sources of nutrients for vegetative growth in agricultural and non-agricultural eco-systems. Researchers will continue to investigate the beneficial effects of biosolids application on brownfield and other urban soil restoration, especially with regard to As, Pb and other trace inorganic element chemistry and bioavailability. In addition we will be investigating the potential to use biosolids composts, likely in combination with water treatment residuals for use in bioretention systems for Low Impact Development stormwater management projects. <br /> <br /> The benefits of biosolids use with respect to nutrient cycling and C sequestration will be studied in natural and disturbed soils and between various tillage systems. We have submitted a collaborative, multi-agency grant proposal to USDA to quantify soil carbon storage on farm fields with a history of biosolids application as well as to attempt to quantify N2O emissions from biosolids application sites. Research on the effects of biostimulants in land-applied biosolids on amelioration of drought tolerance will continue.<br />Publications
Colorado State University<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, M.W. Paschke, and R.B. Brobst. 2010. Infrequent composted biosolids applications affect semi-arid grassland soils and vegetation. J. Environ. Manage. 91:1123-1130. [JA]<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and J. McDaniel. 2010. Fifteen years of wheat yield, N-uptake, and soil nitrate-N dynamics in a biosolids-amended agroecosystem. J. Agic. Ecosys. Environ. 116-120. [JA]<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, N.C. Hansen, and J. McDaniel. 2010. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR10-4. [TR]<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A. J.A. Ippolito, J., T. Gourd, and J. McDaniel. 2010. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR10-5. [TR]<br /> <br /> <br /> University of Florida<br /> <br /> Li, Y.C., E. Hanlon, G.A. OConnor, J. Chen, and M. Silveira. 2010. Land application of compost and other wastes (by-products) in Florida: regulations, characteristics, benefits and concerns. HortTechnology 20: 41-51. [JA]<br /> <br /> Snyder, E.H., G.A. OConnor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2010. Measured physicochemical characteristics and biosolids concentrations of the antimicrobial triclocarban (TCC). Sci. Total Environ. 408: 2667-2673. [JA]<br /> <br /> Snyder, E.H., G.A. OConnor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2010. Fate of 14C-triclocarban in biosolids amended soils. Sci. Total Environ. 408: 2726-2732. [JA]<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., M. Miller, and G.A. OConnor. 2010. Triclocarban and triclosan retention-release characteristics of biosolids, soils, and biosolids-amended soils. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29: 1925-1933. [JA]<br /> <br /> Castillo, M. S., L. E. Sollenberger, J.M.B Vendramini, K.R. Woodard, G.A. OConnor, Y.C. Newman, M.L. Silveira, and J.B. Sartain. 2010. Municipal biosolids as an alternative nutrient source for bioenergy crops: I. Elephantgrass biomass production and soil responses. Agron. J. 102: 1308-1313. [JA]<br /> <br /> Castillo, M. S., L. E. Sollenberger, J.M.B Vendramini, K.R. Woodard, J.T. Gilmour, G.A. OConnor, Y.C. Newman, M.L. Silveira, and J.B. Sartain. 2010. Municipal biosolids as an alternative nutrient source for bioenergy: II. Decomposition and organic nitrogen mineralization. Agron. J. 102: 1314-1320. [JA]<br /> <br /> Higgins, C.P., J.O. Sharp, J.G. Sepulvado, B.J. Littrell, G.A. OConnor, E. Snyder, and D. McAvoy. 2010. Trace Organic Chemicals in Biosolids-Amended Soils: State-of-the-Science Review. WERF report # SRSK5T09, 250 pp. [TR]<br /> <br /> <br /> University of Hawaii<br /> <br /> Hue, N.V. 2010. Arsenic levels, chemistry and bioavailability in Hawaii soils. In: Gilkes RJ and Prakongkep N, eds. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of soil science. Brisbane, Australia. ISBN 978-0-646-53783-2. [PR]<br /> <br /> <br /> MWRDGC<br /> <br /> Higgins, C.P., Z.J. Paesani, T.E. Abbot Chalew, R.U. Halden, and L.S. Hundal. 2010. Persistence of TCS and TCC in soils after land application of biosolids and bioaccumulation in Eisenia foetida. J. Environ. Tox. Chem. 30:556-563. [JA]<br /> <br /> Apul, D.S, M. Diaz, J.P. Gustafsson, and L.S. Hundal. 2010. Geochemical modeling of trace element release from biosolids. Environ. Eng. Sci. 27:743 -755. [JA]<br /> <br /> K. Xia, L. Hundal, K. Kumar, K. Armbrust, A. E. Cox, and T. C. Granato. 2010. Occurrence of TCC, TCS, PBDEs, and 4-NP in biosolids and in soil after 33 years of biosolids application. Environ. Toxico. Chem. 29:597605. [JA]<br /> <br /> Tian, G. A.J. Franzluebbers, T.C. Granato, A. Cox, and C. OConnor. Effect of long-term application of biosolids on biological soil quality: SOC pools. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Oct. 31Nov. 4, 2010, Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> K. Kumar, L.S. Hundal, A. Cox, and T.C. Granato. A framework to Predict Uptake of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products by Plants. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Oct. 31Nov. 4, 2010, Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Cox, A., D. Collins, K. Kumar, G. Tian, and T.C. Granato. Farmland application of biosolids by Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Illinois Water Environment Association, Annual Meeting, March 1-3, 2010. Peoria, IL. [AB]<br /> <br /> <br /> Purdue University<br /> <br /> Mashtare, M., B. Khan, and L.S. Lee. 2010. Evaluating stereoselective sorption by soils of 17±-estradiol and 17²-estradiol. Chemosphere 82:847852. [JA]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, and L.S. Lee. 2010.The Impact of CAFOs on Water Quality: Hormone Concentrations and Loads in Tile Drains and Ditches, Ecological Sciences & Engineering Symposium: Bridging the Gap from Science to Policy: Technology, Environment, and Sustainable Development, West Lafayette, IN, October 27, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Mashtare, M. and L.S. Lee. 2010. Occurrence and Accumulation of Hormones in Ditch and Stream Sediments Receiving Agricultural Drainage, Ecological Sciences and Engineering Symposium: Bridging the Gap from Science to Policy: Technology, Environment, and Sustainable Development, West Lafayette, IN, October 27, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, L.S. Lee, M. Sepulveda, and J. Leet. 2010. Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Export of EDCs from Agricultural Fields Under Various Manure Application Practices. Ohio Valley Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Oct. 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, and L.S. Lee. 2010. Assessing Water Quality of Tile Drains and Agricultural Ditches with a Novel Sampling Scheme. IWRA, May 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, and L.S. Lee. 2010. Quantifying the Fate and Transport of Manure-borne Hormones with Event-specific Sampling Schemes. American Chemical Society National meeting, March, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, and L.S. Lee. 2010. Assessing Agricultural Water Quality Using Real-Time Monitoring and a Novel Sampling Strategy. Sigma Xi, West Lafayette, IN, February. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gall, H.E., S.A. Sassman, C.T. Jafvert, L.S. Lee, M. Sepulveda, and J. Leet. 2010. Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Export of EDCs from Agricultural Fields Under Various Manure Application Practices. SETAC 31st North America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Nov. 6-9, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Sepulveda, M.S., J. K. Leet, S. Sassman, H. Gall, C. Jafvert, D. Villeneuve, G. Ankley, J. Lazorchak, J. Meyer, S. Rogers, R. R. Goforth, A. McAlexander, D. Gordon, K. Jensen, and L.S. Lee. Impacts of Land-Applied Wastes from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Aquatic Organisms. SETAC 31st North America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Nov. 6-9, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Leet, J., J. Amberg, A. Olmstead, G. Ankley, L.S. Lee, and M. Sepulveda. Evaluation of sex-specific responses to trenbolone acetate metabolites in early life-stage fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) using molecular tools. SETAC 31st North America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Nov. 6-9, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Lee, L.S., H. Gall, C. Jafvert, S. Sassman1, J. Leet, and M. Sepulveda. 2010. Endocrine Disrupting Compounds from Agricultural Fields under Various Manure Management Practices. Whats in Our Water: The Significance of Trace Organic Compounds the 3rd Australian Symposium on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs). Nov. 8-10, 2010. [AB] <br /> <br /> <br /> Kansas State Univ<br /> <br /> Beak, D., J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, L.A. Wendling, M.J. McLaughlin, and R. Khatiwada. 2010. Cobalt Distribution and Speciation in Spiked Soils: Effect of Aging, Intermittent Submergence and In situ Rice Roots. J. Environ. Qual. doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0139; Published online 27 Oct. 2010 (KAES# 11-042-J). {JA]<br /> <br /> Martin, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2010. Community Gardens on Brownfields Safe or Risky? Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology North America 31st Annual Meeting. Nov. 2010. Portland, Oregon. [AB]<br /> <br /> Gudichuttu, V., G.M. Hettiarachchi, and G.M. Pierzynski. 2010. Long Term Monitoring of Vegetative Response and Microbial Activity Upon the Addition of Amendments to a Metal Contaminated Mine Waste. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Nov. 2010, Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Hettiarachchi, G.M., S. Martin, C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, B. Leven, L. Erickson, and G. Pierzynski. 2010. Gardening on Brownfields Sites: Evaluating Trace Element Transfer from Soil to Plants. 7th International Conference on Phytotechnologies. Sep. 2010, Parma, Italy. [AB]<br /> <br /> Hettiarachchi, G.M., S. Martin, A. Raes, P. Defoe, D. Presley, and G.M. Pierzynski. 2010. Gardening on Brownfields Sites: Evaluating Trace Element Transfer from Soil to Plants and Their Transformations in Soils. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. Aug. 2010. Brisbane, Australia. [AB]<br /> <br /> Pierzynski, G.M., L. Baker, G.M. Hettiarachchi, K.G. Scheckel, V. Gudichuttu, and R. Pannu. 2010. The Tri-State Mining Region USA: Twenty years of trace element research. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. Aug. 2010. Brisbane, Australia. [AB]<br /> <br /> <br /> Mississippi State University<br /> <br /> Liyanapatirana, C., S. Gwaltney, K. Xia. 2010. Transformation of triclosan by Fe(III)-saturated montmorillonite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44:668-674. [JA]<br /> <br /> Verma, K. S., K. Xia. 2010. Analysis of triclosan and triclocarban in soil and biosolids using molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction (MISPE) coupled with HPLC/UV. J. AOAC International. 93:1313-21. [JA]<br /> <br /> Kwon, J. W., K. Xia, Kevin L. Armbrust. 2010. Transformation of triclosan and triclocarban in soils and biosolids-applied soils. J. Environ. Qual. (doi: 10.2134/jeq2009.0055; Published online 20 Nov. 2009). [JA]<br /> <br /> K. Xia, L. Hundal, K. Kumar, K. Armbrust, A. E. Cox, and T. C. Granato. 2010. Occurrence of TCC, TCS, PBDEs, and 4-NP in biosolids and in soil after 33 years of biosolids application. Environ. Toxico. Chem. 29:597605. [JA]<br /> <br /> Kusum Verma. 2010. Occurrence and transformation of pharmaceutical and antibacterial compounds in the environment. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. [TH]<br /> <br /> <br /> Ohio State University<br /> <br /> Van de Wiele, T., Christina M. Gallawa, Kevin M. Kubachka, John T. Creed, Nicholas Basta, Elizabeth A. Dayton, Shane Whitacre, Gijs Du Laing, and Karen Bradham. 2010. Arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota upon in vitro digestion of contaminated soils. Environ. Health Perspect. 118(7): 1004-1009. [JA]<br /> <br /> Hale B., N. Basta, C. Boreiko, T. Bowers, B. Locey, M. Moore, M. Moutiere, L. Ritter, E. Smolders, I. Schoeters, and S. Tao. 2010. Variation in soil quality criteria for trace elements to protect human health exposure and effects estimation. p. 81-122. In: Merrington G, Schoeters I, (ed.) Soil quality standards for trace elements: Derivation, Implementation, and Interpretation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN 978-1-4398-3023-9. 184 p. [BC]<br /> <br /> Betts, A., and N.T. Basta. 2010. Lead in Urban Soil Remediation Potential of Phosphorus Sources by Chemical Immobilization. Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO) 2010 Fall Conference, Columbus, OH Nov. 17-18, 2010. [AB] <br /> <br /> Basta, N., E. Dayton, C. Holloman, S. Whitacre, S. Casteel, P. Jardine, T. Melhorn and A. Hawkins. 2010. Predicting Trace Element Bioavailability in Contaminated Soils. . Presentation 304-5, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, 2010. [AB] <br /> <br /> Basta, N.T. 2010. Urban Soil Contaminant Assessment: Important Human Exposure Pathways. Brownfields & Urban Agricultural Reuse Midwest Summit. Chicago, IL, October 21- 22, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Venteris, E. R., N.T. Basta,, and R. Rea. 2010. Spatial prediction of arsenic background concentrations in soil, Ohio, U.S.A.: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 2, p. 95. Geological Society of America Web page, ) <http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2010NC/finalprogram/abstract_170940.htm>, North-Central Section (44th Annual) and South-Central Section (44th Annual) Joint Meeting, April 11-13, 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Basta, N., K. Scheckel, K. Bradham, D. Thomas, M. Failla, R. Chaney, C. Schadt, and P. Jardine. 2010. Mechanisms and Permanence of Sequestered Pb and s in Soils: Impact on Human Bioavailability. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop sponsored by Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), Washington, DC. Nov. 30 to Dec 2, 2010. [TR]<br /> <br /> Basta, N.T. 2010. Assessing Soils Ability to Reduce Human Exposure to Urban Contaminants: Lead and Arsenic. 2010 North Central Regional Soil Survey Conference, Columbus, OH., June 14-17, 2010. [TR]<br /> <br /> <br /> Penn State University<br /> <br /> Jacobsen, K.L., R.S. Gallagher, M. Burnham, B.B. Bradley, Z.M. Larson, C.W. Walker, J.E. Watson. 2010. Mitigation of seed germination impediments in Hairy Vetch. Agronomy Journal 102: 1346-1351. [JA]<br /> <br /> Walker, C.W. and J.E. Watson. 2010. Adsorption of estrogens on laboratory materials and filters during sample preparation. J. Envir. Qual. 39:744-748 [JA]<br /> <br /> Darwish, T.M., R. Stehouwer, C. Khater, I. Jomaa, D. Miller, J. Sloan, A. Shaban, and M. Hamze. 2010. Rehabilitation of deserted quarries in Lebanon to initial land cover or alternative land uses. p. 333-346. In P. Zdruli, M. Pagliai, S. Kapur, A.Faz Cano (eds.) Land Degradation and Desertification: Assessment, Mitigation and Remediation. Springer, Dordrecht. [BC]<br /> <br /> Darwish, T., C. Khater, I. Jomaa, R. Stehouwer, A. Shaban, and M. Hamze. 2010. Environmental impact of quarries on natural resources in Lebanon. Land Degradation and Development, n/a. doi:10.1002/ldr.1001. [BC]<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C. and R.S. Van de Mark. 2010. Converting poultry manure from waste to resource. p. 201-210. In D.G. Burke and J.E. Dunn (eds.) A Sustainable Chesapeake: Better Models for Conservation. The Conservation Fund, Arlington, VA. [BC]<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C., A.L. Dere, and K. McDonald. 2010. Switchgrass production on abandoned mined land reclaimed with manure based amendments. In Proceedings: 2010 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Pittsburgh, PA Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community June 5 - 11, 2010. R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.) Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502. [PR]<br /> <br /> Elliott, H.A. and G.A. OConnor. 2010. Water treatment residuals for immobilizing phosphorus in surface and ground waters. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. Oct 31-Nov 4, 2010. Abstract No. 60534. [AB] <br /> <br /> Jaiswal, D. and H.A. Elliott. 2010. Applicability of phosphorus indices to wastewater effluent-irrigated cropland. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. Oct 31-Nov 4, 2010. Abstract No. 59399. [AB]<br /> <br /> Larson, Z.M., Walker C.W., and J. Watson. 2010. Impact of long-term irrigation with municipal wastewater on soil physical and chemical properties in a humid region. Soil and Water Conservation Society meetings in St. Louis, MO; July 2010. [AB]<br /> <br /> Walker C.W., J. Watson, and C. Williams. 2010. The occurrence of carbamazepine in wastewater irrigated soils: effects of land use. Paper # 251-8. SSSA International Annual Meetings abstracts. Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2010. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Watson, J., D.B. Lewis, J. Kaye, and S. Duiker. 2010. Application of S-Theory to evaluate the effects of tillage and cover crops on soil quality. Paper # 233-12. SSSA International Annual Meetings abstracts. Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2010. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Jaiswal, D. 2010. Soil phosphorus dynamics in a sprinkler irrigation system for land application of municipal wastewater effluent. Ph.D. dissertation. Penn State University. [TH]<br /> <br /> <br /> United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L. 2010. Cadmium and zinc. Chapter 17. pp. 409-439. In P. Hooda (Ed.) Trace Elements in Soils. Blackwell Publ., Oxford, UK. [BC]<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., C.L. Broadhurst and T. Centofanti. 2010. Phytoremediation of Soil Trace Elements. Chapter 17. pp. 311-352. In P. Hooda (Ed.) Trace Elements in Soils. Blackwell Publ., Oxford, UK. [BC]<br /> <br /> Durringer, J.M., Craig, A.M., Smith, D.J. and Chaney, R.L. 2010. Uptake and transformation of 14C-trinitrotoluene from soil by three species of cool-season grasses. Environmental Science and Technology 44: 6325-6330. ARS-249316 [JA] <br /> <br /> Khoshgoftarmanesh, A.H., Eshghizadeh, H.R. and Chaney, R.L. 2010. Using acid-washed shredded waste tire rubber in soilless media for tomato production. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology 7: 69-72. ARS-251924 [JA]<br /> <br /> Kukier, U., R.L. Chaney, J.A. Ryan, W.L. Daniels, R.H. Dowdy and T.C. Granato. 2010. Phytoavailability of cadmium in long-term biosolids amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 39:519-530. [JA]<br /> <br /> Wood, B.W., Reilly, C.C., Nyczepir, A.P., Crawford, M.A. and Chaney, R.L. 2010. Use of nickel to correct growth disorders in plants. Australian Patent 2005234795. [TR]<br /> <br /> <br /> Virginia Tech<br /> <br /> Bowden, C., G.K. Evanylo, X. Zhang, E.Ervin, and J. Seiler. 2010. Effects of composted organic amendments on physiological responses of corn and soybean. Composting Science and Utilization. 18:162-173. [JA]<br /> <br /> Evanylo, G.K., E. Ervin and X. Zhang. 2010. Reclaimed water for turfgrass irrigation. Water 2: 685-701: doi:10.3390. [JA]<br /> <br /> Dias L., R. Melo, J. Mello, J. Oliveira, and W.L. Daniels. Growth of Seedlings of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) MILLSP), Wand Riverhemp (Sesbania virgata (CAV.) PERS.), and Lead Tree (Leucaena leucocephala (LAM.) DE WIT) in an Arsenic-Contaminated Soil. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 34:975-983, 2010. [JA]<br /> <br /> Lasley, K.L., G.K. Evanylo, K.I. Kostyanovsky, C. Shang, M. Eick, and W.L. Daniels. 2010. Chemistry and Transport of Metals from Entrenched Biosolids at a Reclaimed Mineral Sands Mining Site. J. Environ. Qual. 39: 1467-1477. [JA]<br /> <br /> Schroeder P.D., W.L. Daniels, and M.M. Alley. 2010. Chemical and Physical Properties of Reconstructed Mineral Sands Mine Soils in Southeastern Virginia. 2010. Soil Science,175 (1): 2-9. [JA]<br /> <br /> Daniels W. L, A. F. Wick, N.W. Haus, C. Carter and G.R. Whittecar. Beneficial utilization of dredge sediments for land rehabilitation. P. 247-254 In: Fox, H.R. and H.M. Moore (eds.) Restoration and Recovery: Regenerating Land and Communities. September 7-9, 2010, Glamorgan, Wales. Whittles Pub., Dunbeath, Scotland. [BC]<br /> <br /> Wick A.F., W.L. Daniels, W.L. Nash and J.A. Burger. Soil Aggregate, Organic Matter and Microbial Dynamics Under Different Amendments After 27 Years of Mine Soil Development. p. 1364-1386 In: R.I. Barnhisel (Ed.), Proc. 2010 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Pittsburgh, PA, June 5 - 11, 2010. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502. [PR]<br /> <br /> Evanylo, G., R. Clark, R. Barlow, L. Knapp, C. Coker, C. Smith, J. Ignosh, A. Ketchum and M. Giuranna. 2010. Developing on-farm composting capacity to prevent pollution. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Hilton Head, SC. Feb 24. http://www.usawaterquality.org/conferences/2010/WednesdayPDF%27s/Concurrent_Sessions/SessionQ_120pm-5pm_AnimalAgriculture/Evanylo.pdf [AB]<br /> <br /> Li, Jinling, Gregory Evanylo and Xunzhong Zhang. 2010. Effects of biosolids type and tillage on carbon and nitrogen cycling in a corn-soybean rotation. ASA Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Zhang, X., E.H. Ervin, G.K. Evanylo, and J. Li. 2010. Biosolids Impact on Corn Plant Hormone and N metabolism Associated with Drought Tolerance. ASA Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Cataldi, J., E.Ervin and G. Evanylo. 2010. Using Biosolids to Increase the Sustainability of Sod Production. ASA Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> Dunifon, S., R. Maguire, G. Evanylo, and J.M. Goatley. 2010. Compost application practices for improving turfgrass establishment and quality on a disturbed urban soil. ASA Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. [AB]<br /> <br /> <br /> University of Washington<br /> <br /> Brown, S., A. Carpenter, and N. Beecher. 2010. Calculator tool for determining greenhouse gas emissions for biosolids processing and end use. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 44: 9505-9515. [JA]<br /> <br /> <br /> Agriculture Canada<br /> <br /> Al-Rajab AJ, Sabourin L, Chapman R, Lapen DR, Topp E. Fate of the antiretroviral drug tenofovir in agricultural soil. Sci Total Environ. 2010 408:5559-64. [JA]<br /> <br /> Al-Rajab AJ, Sabourin L, Lapen DR, Topp E. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac is readily biodegradable in agricultural soils. Sci Total Environ. 2010 409:78-82. [JA]<br /> <br /> Gottschall N, Topp E, Edwards M, Russell P, Payne M, Kleywegt S, Curnoe W, Lapen DR. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, perfluorinated alkylated substances, and metals in tile drainage and groundwater following applications of municipal biosolids to agricultural fields. Sci Total Environ. 2010 408:873-83. [JA]<br /> <br /> <br /> AB = abstract, BK=book, BC=book chapter, EB=extension bulletin, JA=journal article, PR = proceedings, TB=technical bulletin, TH= thesis, TR=Technical report.<br />Impact Statements
- Few measurements of biosolids-borne trace organics fate and transport exist, and risk assessment is primarily model-based. Data accumulated to date show that actual systems are more complicated than most models assume. Thus, we expect that data like those being generated will encourage regulators to cautiously consider model-generated fate and transport predictions and to modify the resulting risk assessments accordingly. Most of the data generated to date suggest minimal human or environmental risk of biosolids-borne PPCPs.
- Hormones applied to soils in biosolids and manures can be transported to and impair surface and ground waters, especially where soils are tile drained. Pre-tilling soil prior to surface application of liquid biosolids (and, presumably, manures) should reduce transport of many organic micro-constituents (and metals) to tile drainage and shallow groundwater. Such management practices should be considered by regulatory agencies where land application poses a threat to aquatic ecosystems.
- The bioavailability of arsenic and lead in soils, particularly brownfields and other urban sites, is a potential health risk to humans. Research conducted by members of the W2170 group provided accurate tests to evaluate and practical means to ameliorate such hazards. These tools are being shared with communities and state regulatory agencies. In addition, the W2170 group will write an extension/outreach publication on evaluating and remediating contaminated urban soils.
- The application of organic residuals to alleviate soil acidity has been adopted successfully by some organic farming communities, and such findings are applicable to solving soil acidity problem that plague many regions in the developing world.
- Models developed and tested by W2170 researchers to predict relationship between crop yields and grain N removal and between organic matter C and N fractions and plant available N, respectively, for biosolids-amended soil were superior to existing models and may improve N-based biosolids application recommendations. A model developed by Colorado State University may have application to soils covering 2.3 million ha in 10 U.S. states.
- Based on long-term research by Virginia Tech, Iluka Resources was able to petition their state regulatory agency (VDMME) for a waiver of requirements to save and return topsoil on their mineral sands mines in eastern Virginia. The topsoil substitute recipe that was used as the basis for this waiver included the use of lime stabilized biosolids at 78 Mg/ha. This permit amendment will add millions of dollars to the company, landowners via royalty return, local counties via severance tax, and the Commonwealth via increased corporate tax base.
- The first use of nutrient trading credits to pay for poultry manure transport from farm to mine reclamation site occurred in Pennsylvania as a result of the research on the use of manure for mineland reclamation.
- Virginia Tech researchers gained acceptance from the Virginia DEQ for a novel sediment quality screening protocol for identifying sediments and geologic materials that are suitable for upland placement and beneficial use. This system is unique to the USA and should lead to a major expansion of beneficial use of dredge sediments, which will simultaneously decrease the cost of sediment management for the public taxpayer and lead to substantial income streams and improved soil productivity for receiving landowners.
- The research demonstrating that biosolids can alter plant biostimulant content and improve plant drought tolerance during seasons when rainfall is below average provides evidence that soil nutrients may be better utilized with lower potential for water impairment during droughty years where biosolids are used as the source of nitrogen.
- Research focusing on green house gas benefits associated with the use of biosolids may potentially result in recognition of these materials as a tool for both land managers and municipal managers when carbon accounting becomes a generally accepted practice.
Date of Annual Report: 08/07/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/24/2012
- 06/26/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Basta, Nick, basta.4@osu.edu, Ohio State University;Bonhotal, Jean, jb29@cornell.edu, Cornell Waste management Institute;
Brown, Sally, slb@uw.edu, University of Washington;
Chaney, Rufus, Rufus.Chaney@ARS.USDA.gov, USDA-ARS;
Cogger, Craig, cogger@wsu.edu , Washington State University-Puyallup;
Cox, Albert, coxa@mwrd.org, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (Chicago);
Daniels, Lee, wdaniels@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Evanylo, Greg, gevanylo@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Halbach, Tom, thalbach@umn.edu, University of Minnesota;
Hettiarachchi, Ganga, ganga@ksu.edu, Kansas State University;
Kostyanovsky, Kirill, kkostya@vt.edu, Washington State University;
Lee, Linda, lslee@purdue.edu, Purdue University;
Li, Hui, lihui@msu.edu, Michigan State University;
McAvoy, Drew, drew.mcavoy@uc.edu, University of Cincinnati;
Mendrey, Katrina, kmendrey@uw.edu;
O'Connor, George, GAO@UFL.edu, University Florida;
Parker, Dave, dparker@ucr.edu, University of California-Riverside;
Singer, Rebecca, singer1@uw.edu, University of Washington;
Sommers, Lee, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu, Colorado State University;
Stehouwer, Rick, rcs15@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Waria, Mamweet, wariam@uw.edu, University of Washington;
Zuin, Alesssandra, allessandraZuin@yahoo.it.
Brief Summary of Minutes
1. Welcome and participant introductions - Greg Evanylo2. Project Director, Lee Sommers, report Update on National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) leadership. One of the significant changes is Sony Ramasamy replaced Roger Beachy as the Director of NIFA. Updates on farm bill were also given. Presentation will be posted on the project website. Lee announced his planned retirement in May 2013.
3. Greg Evanylo has received state reports from most of the participants on time and will be preparing the annual report due 60 days after the annual meeting. W2170 is in Year 3. Renewal proposal is due January 15, 2015 and review will be in March 2015. It was suggested that the renewal proposal include supporting letters from USEPA and USDA stakeholders. The W2170 group will apply for the Multi-state Research award next year. The next award application is due March 1, 2013. This is $10,000 award with one nomination per region. Such an award would be valuable for helping to fund a 2014 decentennial State of the Science meeting in conjunction with our annual meeting.
4. Venues for future annual meetings were finalized as: Denver/Ft. Collins, CO - 2013, Chicago, IL - 2014. Bob Brobst (USEPA) and Colorado State University members will host the Denver/Ft. Collins meeting. (An email survey following the meeting identified June 9-11as the preferred date for the 2013 meeting.) An urban focus was selected as a theme for the 2014 decentennial meeting in Chicago. Collaboration with USDA, USEPA, WEF, WERF, and other such organizations was recommended for the 2014 meeting.
5. Urban soils issues - Greg Evanylo reported a desire by Ann Caroll, USEPA Brownfields Program, in bringing together interested W2170 members and USEPA Brownfield staff for a collaborative information-exchange meeting. It was agreed that the 2012 annual Soil Science Society of America meeting in Cincinnati, OH would be the best venue for such a meeting. The W2170 membership also discussed details necessary for developing an urban soil remediation handbook. Several W2170 members who have been working in this arena volunteered to participate. Pertinent chapter topics were further discussed during the Monday Urban Soils session. Members volunteering for this committee included: Rufus Chaney, Sally Brown, Greg Evanylo, Ganga Hettiarachchi, and Nick Basta.
6. W2170 leadership discussions - Greg Evanylo explained a transition plan for the W2170 leadership. In-coming chair, Albert Cox will assume duty as chair during the 2013 annual meeting. Greg also encouraged members to contact future potential candidates for the W2170 group leadership positions. Albert Cox gave an update on Chicago municipal water treatment department and this included abandoning of their long-term test plots. Additional updates on state biosolids programs were provided by members.
Technical Meeting Agenda
Monday June 25
8:00-11:45 AM
Product development and soil pollutant assessment & remediation
Bioretention mixes with organic residuals - Brown, UW
EQ biosolids products - Cox, MRWD
Environmental screening tool for incorporation of wastes into soil - Halbach, UMN
Inexpensive risk-based screening of the usual suspects (i.e., contaminants) in soils from urban vacant lots - Basta, OSU
Short paper fiber use - Bonhotal, CWMI
Effects of soil amendments on Pb, As, and PAHs bioavailability in Urban soils - Hettiarchchi, KSU
Cd and Zn bioavailability to earthworms - Parker, UC-R
Using composts to remediate superfund sites and to reduce DDX uptake by earthworms - Chaney, USDA
Facilitated discussion: urban soil remediation handbook, W2170-USEPA urban soil remediation collaboration
Noon-2:00 PM Lunch and tour of Tacoma Community Gardens for remediation research-demos
2:30-5:00 PM
Climate change
Effects of long term application of organic residuals on soil carbon sequestration - Evanylo, VT
Carbon sequestration in mine soil reclaimed with manure based amendments Stehouwer, PSU
Carbon Sequestration in Appalachian Coal Mine Soils - Daniels, VT
Carbon storage in reclaimed mine soils, life cycle analysis of biosolids reclamation, and ecosystem services with reforestation - Brown, UW
Continuous automated measurements of soil N2O and CO2 Emissions with the portable IRGA system in the static chamber microplot study - Kostyanovsky, WSU
Tuesday, June 25
8:15-10:15 AM
Fate and transport of emerging organic contaminants
Fate of emerging trace organic contaminants during anaerobic digestion - McAvoy, UC
Hormone chemodynamics in soils, sediments, ditches and streams associated with agricultural fields receiving animal waste applications - Lee, PU
Bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclosan in terrestrial organisms - Waria, UW
Tetracycline speciation controls the expression of bacterial antibiotic resistance - Li, MSU
EDC activity by YES in irrigated recycled water leachate - Singer, UW
4-nonylphenol in biosolids-applied soils: where is it from? - Evanylo, VT
10:30-11:30 AM
Other State Reports and Volunteered Presentations
Long term biosolids use in dryland wheat & struvite P availability - Cogger, WSU
Threats to US crop exports to the EU based on EU lower Cd limits than Codex - Chaney, USDA
11:30 AM Discussion and wrap-up
Noon: Adjourn Meeting
Objective 1: Evaluate the chemistry and bioavailability of trace elements, organic microconstituents and nutrients in residuals and residuals-amended soils to assess the environmental and health risks. The research performed to accomplish objective 1included a) direct chemical measurements of nitrogen, phosphorus, trace elements, and organic compounds in the applied residual and upon transformation and/or transport through the environment and b) bioassays to assess bioavailability.<br /> <br /> <br /> Inorganic Trace Elements/Heavy Metals<br /> <br /> Use of urban land for agriculture can involve significant exposure to soil. However, most urban soils are not tested for Pb because of the high costs associated with sampling and analysis. Soil testing for plant nutrients is inexpensive and routinely performed for agricultural soils. Researchers from Ohio State University determined total and bioaccessible Pb in soil from 65 vacant lots being considered for food production in Cleveland, OH. Extractable Pb was determined using common agricultural soil test methods including Mehlich 3 extraction, Morgans extraction, and a 1M HNO3 extraction. Both the median and mean total Pb were above the Ohio EPA soil screening level of 400 mg/kg of Pb. Median bioaccessible Pb was 75.8% at a gastric pH of 1.5 and 42.6% at a gastric pH of 2.5. Significant linear regressions between total Pb and Mehlich 3 (r2=0.83), 1M HNO3 (r2=0.92), and Modified Morgan (r2=0.77) were found. Most commercial and university soil testing labs use Mehlich 3, which could be implemented as a screening tool for soil Pb, Cu, and Zn. The Mehlich 3 soil test is widely used and is inexpensive (< $15). Total Pb can be conservatively estimated by the equation: Total Pb (mg kg-1) = Mehlich 3 Pb (mg kg-1) x 2. In addition to accessing plant nutrition, the Mehlich 3 soil test can be expanded to be used as a screening tool to access Pb, and other select inorganic contaminants, and determine suitability of urban soil for food production.<br /> <br /> As part of an ongoing investigation of the bioavailability of trace metals (Cd and Zn) in soils contaminated by various sources (including biosolids and geogenic), researchers from the University of California-Riverside conducted a study of the uptake and elimination kinetics of Cd and Zn in two physiological contrasting earthworm species (Eisenia fetida and Lumbricus terrestris). A subset of three of the soils used previously was employed, and these were not isotopically labeled. Both earthworm species were reared in the three soils, and a subset was destructively sacrificed after 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 days of exposure. Additional metal-loaded earthworms were transferred to an uncontaminated soil and reared for another 30 days (with periodic sub-sampling) to allow for monitoring of elimination. Uptake and elimination rates were each calculated using a first-order, one-compartment, toxico-kinetic model. This allowed evaluation of the element- and species-specific physiology of trace-metal accumulation. The three selected soils contained 130-1170 mg/kg total Zn and 11-19 mg/kg total Cd. Soils were also characterized for textural class, organic matter content, and pH. The labile pools by isotope dilution (E-values) represented 45% of the total Cd but only 25% of the total Zn, a trend that was consistent across all the soils under study. Pronounced differences were found on the earthworms' uptake and elimination kinetics between Zn and Cd. For the essential element Zn, initial uptake was rapid, and steady-state body burdens were observed after just 4-7 days of exposure. Uptake rates were slightly lower in L. terrestris than in E. fetida. The rapid attainment of steady-state body burdens could be explained by rapid elimination kinetics that, in turn, accounted for the rapid decline in Zn levels during the 30 d of cultivation in clean soil. Greater than 90% of the accumulated Zn was eliminated by the earthworms after the transfer to the clean soil. In contrast, initial Cd uptake was much slower and nearly linear, and a steady-state plateau in Cd body-burden was not reached after 25 days of exposure. Uptake rates were again lower in L. terrestris than in E. fetida. The fitted rate coefficients for the elimination of Cd were some 10-fold lower than for Zn and were greater in L. terrestris than in E. fetida. Moreover, less than 70% of internal Cd was eliminated by both species during the subsequent 30 d spent in clean soil.<br /> <br /> Colorado State University researchers found no adverse effects on earthworms (A. trapezoides) in a biosolids-amended Colby (Aridic Ustorthents)/Adena (Ustic Paleargids) soil. CSU researchers compared the long term application of biosolids and synthetic fertilizer N to dryland no-till wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)-fallow (WF) and wheat-corn (Zea mays, L.)-fallow (WCF) agroecosystems to determine the effects of biosolids on grain Ba concentrations and soil P, Zn, Ba, and nitrate-N migration. Biosolids resulted in lower wheat grain Ba concentrations due to the soil formation of barium sulfate, and greater soil nitrate-N concentrations than N fertilizer in the 30-90 cm depth for the WF rotation and the 10-120 cm depth for the WCF rotation.<br /> <br /> Arsenic contaminated soils from past use as herbicides on former sugarcane fields present human health risks in Hawaii. A survey of soil As levels, using soil map units and GPS geographic coordinates, by University of Hawaii researchers concluded that: (1) As levels in Hawaiian soils range from 12 to 950 mg/kg; (2) the soil order of As concentration is Andisols (mean = 161 mg/kg), Oxisols (64 mg/kg), Ultisols (42 mg/kg), Inceptisols (36 mg/kg), and Mollisols (33 mg/kg). High contents of Fe and Al oxides in Andisols and Oxisols strongly retain As.<br /> <br /> <br /> Nutrients<br /> <br /> Penn State University researchers compared the accumulation of phosphorus (P) in forested and cropland soils continuously irrigated for 26 yr with secondary wastewater effluent. Whereas crop harvesting withdraws P from the cropped system, the lack of forest biomass removal suggests greater P accumulation in the surface horizons of the forest soils. However, both Mehlich-3 P (M3P) and total P (TP) were lower (alpha=0.05) in the 0-15 and 15-30 cm soil horizons in the forest than in the cropped areas. Mehlich-3 Fe and Al were lower in most horizons of the forest soil profile, suggesting soil P retention capacity of the soils has been depleted faster by podzolization in the forest than the cropped fields. Although total organic matter content in profiles were not statistically different, it is speculated that the increased management intensity of the cropped soils caused the soluble organic matter to be less conducive to formation of organo-metal complexes than in the forest soils. This phenomenon is supported by lower Mehlich-extractable Cu, known for its tendency to form strong organic complexes, in the forest soil profile. Greater displacement of P in forest soils appears to be confined to the upper soil horizons, and M3P and TP were statistically similar in the 30-45 and 45-60 cm horizons of the forest and arable soils.<br /> <br /> <br /> Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products/Hormones/Emerging Organics<br /> <br /> Wastewater treatment plants have been identified as a major source of trace organic compounds (TOrCs) to the environment. Since a significant amount of biosolids are land applied in the U.S., it is important to understand the fate of TOrCs during sludge digestion. University of Cincinnati researchers assessed the fate and removal of selected TOrCs during anaerobic digestion by monitoring TOrCs at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant and conducting laboratory fate experiments. Based on observed removal efficiencies in anaerobic sludge digestion, the TOrCs are categorized into three general groups. The first group comprises compounds with significant attenuation (> 90%) and includes atenolol, caffeine, and trimethoprim. These compounds also correspond to those compounds with the most rapid biotransformation rates (> 0.1 d-1) measured under laboratory conditions. The second group consists of compounds with moderate attenuation during anaerobic sludge digestion (removals between 15 and 90%) and includes DEET, meprobamate and triclocarban. Results for these compounds are not consistent with measured laboratory biotransformation rate constants (< 0.01 d-1). The third group of compounds are refractory during anaerobic sludge digestion (removals < 15%) and includes bisphenol A, carbamazepine, fluoxetine, and gemfibrozil. All of these compounds have laboratory biotransformation rate constants < 0.01 d-1. In general, compounds with the highest sorption potential (log Kd > 3) are expected to have the highest sludge concentrations. However, some of the compounds with low sorption potential (log Kd < 2) such as bisphenol A, caffeine, DEET, and trimethoprim have measureable quantities in sludge and biosolids. This observation occurs for high usage and biodegradable TOrCs like caffeine, as well as recalcitrant TOrCs like bisphenol A, carbamazepine, and trimethoprim.<br /> <br /> A collaborative project between researchers from the University of Florida and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) entitled Fate and Transport of Biosolids-borne TCS and TCC was completed in 2011. Knowledge about the fate, transport, and risk of TCS (Triclosan) and TCC (triclocarban), antimicrobial chemicals commonly found in biosolids at concentrations on the order of 10-20 mg/kg, respectively, is incomplete, particularly in biosolids-amended soils. Work on biosolids-borne-TCC culminated in a recent submission of Snyder and OConnor (Risk assessment of land-applied biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC), Sci. Total Environ.). The researchers integrated human and ecological risk assessment parameters measured in previous studies with recent data to perform a two-tiered human health and ecological risk assessment of land-applied biosolids-borne TCC. The 14 exposure pathways identified in the Part 503 Biosolids Rule were expanded, and conservative screening-level hazard quotients (HQ values) were first calculated to estimate risk to humans and a variety of terrestrial and aquatic organisms (Tier 1). The majority of biosolids-borne TCC exposure pathways resulted in no screening-level HQ values indicative of significant risks to exposed organisms (including humans), even under worst-case land-application scenarios. The two pathways for which the conservative screening-level HQ values exceeded one (i.e. Pathway 10: biosolids->soil->soil organism->predator, and Pathway 16: biosolids->soil->surface water->aquatic organism) were then reexamined using modified parameters and scenarios (Tier 2). Adjusted HQ values remained greater than one for Exposure Pathway 10, with the exception of the final adjusted HQ values under a one-time 5 Mg ha-1 (agronomic) biosolids loading rate scenario for the American woodcock (Scolopax minor) and short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda). Results were used to prioritize recommendations for future biosolids-borne TCC research, which include additional measurements of toxicological effects and TCC concentrations in environmental matrices at the field level. Work on biosolids-borne-TCS reported in the 2010 report was described in three journal articles authored by Waria Pannu and OConnor. A nearly complete risk assessment paper reports that TCS is more strongly retained (log Koc = 4.26 ± 0.31) than TCS (log Koc = 3.82 ± 0.16), but both are essentially immobile in most soil conditions. The major difference between the compounds is in estimated half-lives: TCS t 1/2 ~100 d and TCC t 1/2 ~20 y, which significantly impacted ecological risk assessment. Omitting degradation identified pathway 10 as critical for TCS. Including degradation, however, eliminated pathway 10 (HI value <1) for most biosolids containing TCS.<br /> Major conclusions are: 1) ecological risk assessments remain incomplete because of critical data gaps, 2) theoretically modeled/estimated parameters should be viewed with caution as they frequently differ significantly from measured values, and 3) long-term field studies are needed to validate risk assessment parameters and estimates and to accurately derive regulatory standards.<br /> <br /> A laboratory soil column study performed by Virginia Tech researchers to investigate the transport and transformation of TCS and TCC in a biosolids-surface applied soil was published online by the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in 2011. During this study, the column leachates and soil samples were analyzed for TCS, TCC, and their transformation products. Significantly more TCS was transformed compared to TCC. Surface application of biosolids significantly retarded their transformation. Downward movement of TCS and TCC occurred within 10-cm soil depth. Methyl-TCS was not detectable in the leachates but was detected in the top 5-cm soil layer, and higher in the biosolids-applied soil. At the end of the column study, carbanilide (CBA) was the only detectable TCC reductive dechlorination products in the soil. None of the TCC reductive dechlorination products were detectable in the leachates. Detection of 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA) and 4-chloroaniline (4-CA) suggested the occurrence of TCC hydrolysis. Rapid leaching of 4-CA through the soil column was observed. The 3,4-DCA was detected throughout the entire 20-cm depth of the soil column but not in the leachates. The fact that only small percentages of the transformed TCS and TCC appeared, after 101-day column study, in the forms of the products analyzed suggested that either the investigated transformation pathways were not significant or rapid transformation of the those products had occurred.<br /> <br /> Researchers from Michigan State University developed an analytical method to quantitatively determine pharmaceuticals in biosolids. Following freeze drying and grinding, biosolids samples were subjected to accelerated solvent extraction. The optimal operation parameters, including extraction solvent, temperature, pressure, extraction time and cycles, were identified to be acetonitrile/water mixture (v/v 7:3) as extraction solvent with 3 extraction cycles (15 minutes for each cycle) at 100 °C and 100 bars. The extracts were purified using solid-phase extraction followed by determination by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometer. For the fifteen target pharmaceuticals commonly found in the environment, the overall method recoveries ranged from 49% to 68% for tetracyclines, 64% to 95% for sulfonamides, and 77% to 88% for other pharmaceuticals (i.e. acetaminophen, caffeine, carbamazepine, erythromycin, lincomycin and tylosin). The method limit of quantification attained mg pharmaceuticals per kg of dry biosolids level. The method was successfully validated and applied to the biosolids samples collected from WWTPs in six Michigan cities. Fourteen or the 15 targeted pharmaceuticals were detected in the biosolids samples, with mean concentrations ranging from 2.6 g/kg for lincomycin to 744 g/kg for oxytetracycline. Cation exchange is the primary mechanism driving lincomycin for sorption by soils. Lincomycin is more competitive for cation exchange sites occupied by K+ than those by Ca2+. The presence of K+ and Ca2+ in aqueous solution (0.02 M) significantly suppressed lincomycin sorption, with more suppression observed for the soils with lower cation exchange capacity. CaCl2 solution manifested a more suppressive effect on lincomycin sorption than KCl, plausibly because the acidic functional groups in soil organic matter such as carboxylate form relative stable complexes with Ca2+ leading to the reduced interactions with lincomycin. Lincomycin sorption increased as soil solution pH increased from 5.8 to 7.8, and then decreased significantly at pH 8.9. The maximum sorption occurred at pH values between 7.3 and 7.8, near the pKa of lincomycin (7.6). <br /> <br /> Experiments were conducted by Penn State University researchers to determine the optimal conditions for sample storage of soils spiked with estrogens (17-beta-estradiol, estrone, 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol). Soil samples (Ap horizon of the silt loam Hublersburg series) were collected from a wastewater irrigated site in central Pennsylvania. Spiked soils were used to evaluate sample storage stability from samples stored at 4C versus -18C across three storage times (2 days, 7 days, 30 days). With respect to storage, -18C was found to provide better stability for storage of 17-²-estradiol compared with storage at 4C, but similar storage stability occurred for estrone and 17-±-ethinylestradiol whether samples were stored at -18C or 4C. Moreover, storage in the refrigerator and freezer showed similar recovery rates for time frames of 2 days and one week; however, recovery rates dropped ~ 20% after one month of storage for both the freezer and refrigerator.<br /> <br /> Purdue University researchers conducted or completed research focused on the fate of natural and veterinary hormones associated with animal manures. They quantified trenbolone (TB) and E2 isomers and their metabolites in manure collection pits and lagoon effluent from beef cattle implanted with the commercial anabolic preparation Ravoler-S (containing 140 mg 17²-trenbolone acetate and 28 mg 17b-E2). 17±-TB was the most abundant androgen with the highest concentration observed 2 weeks post implant. 17²-TB and trendione peaked at the end of week 2 and 4, respectively. For the estrogens, the highest concentrations for estrone (E1), estriol (E3), and 17a-E2 were observed after week 4, 6, and 8, respectively. 17b-E2 concentrations were the lowest of the estrogens and erratic over time. In lagoon water, which is used for irrigation, 17±-TB and E1 had the highest detected hormone concentrations (1.53 and 1.72 µg L-1, respectively). Assuming a 1 to 2 order dilution during transport to surface water, these hormone levels could lead to concentrations in receiving waters that exceed some of the lowest observable effect levels (LOELs) reported for hormones (e.g., 0.01-0.03 µg L-1). The Purdue researchers developed and validated a hydro-biogeochemical model, Hormone Export and Restoration Dynamics (HERD) to determine the relative roles of macropore and matrix flow on hormone transport, hormone persistence, and effect of management practices to reduce downstream export of hormones. HERD simulation results confirmed that retardation and degradation play a minor role in macro-pore transport given the short travel times, exporting hormone loads directly to tile drains and receiving ditches. For matrix flow with longer travel times, retardation and fast hormone degradation rates leads to limited contributions to hormone loads. Additionally, preliminary HERD simulations suggest that hormones build up in the source zone over time as a result of repeated animal effluent irrigations, suggesting the development of legacy sources. Findings imply that hydrologic variability rather than biogeochemical processes serve as the dominant control of hormone export from agricultural fields. Trends observed in HERD simulations are consistent with field-scale observations measured in an earlier EPA STAR funded project. Model and field-scale monitoring results show that long-term, repeated animal waste applications can lead to chronic exposure of aquatic organisms to hormones at low concentrations and intermittent, short durations of high concentrations closely related to application times and hydrologic variability. The preliminary model simulation results also suggest a short lag time (~5 years) between the ceasing of animal waste application and subsequent depletion of the accumulated legacy sources, suggesting that the extent of legacy hormone sources is much less than that of nutrients, which can have lag times on the order of decades. Furthermore, the positive correlation between hormone loads and hydrologic variability leads to the majority of hormone export occurring during high-flow events. Considerable research has focused on the fate of 17²-estradiol (17²-E2) given its high estrogenic potency and frequency of detection in the environment; however, little is known about the fate and transport behavior of 17±-estradiol (17±-E2) although it often dominates in some animal feces such as dairy, beef cattle, and sheep, and recently has been shown to have similar impacts as the ²-isomer. Purdue researchers quantified the degradation and metabolite trends for both isomers using two agricultural soils under aerobic conditions and sediments under nitrate- and sulfate-reducing conditions. In laboratory-based aerobic surface soils, 17²-estradiol (E2) and 17a-E2 half-lives were similar for a given soil and ranged between 4-12 h with estrone (E1) as the primary metabolite and E2 degradation retarding after 1-2 days. Under both reducing conditions, the half-lives of 17²E2 < 17±E2 and half-lives were greater under sulfate-reducing conditions. Interconversion between 17²E2 and 17±E2 was observed under both reducing conditions, presumably with E1 serving as the intermediate. Under both reducing conditions, E1 was transformed back to its precursors, with a preference for 17²-E2 formation. Initial conversion to ²E2 was rapid, especially under sulfate-reducing conditions where ~30% E1 (% mole) was transformed to ²E2 within 3 days and ~2.5% under nitrate-reducing conditions within hours. E1 was more persistent under nitrate-reducing conditions; however, transformation back to the precursors was greater under sulfate-reducing conditions with a higher accumulation of the precursors under sulfate-reducing conditions. Therefore, while sediments may serve as a sink for estrogenic compounds, anaerobic conditions provide a unique environment where metabolites may transform back to the parent estrogens, which are often the more potent contaminants of concern. Controls performed in autoclaved-sterilized soils and sediments indicate that E2 degradation is dominated by microbial processes.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the agronomic and environmental benefits/advantages of land applying residual by-products and/or substituting such materials for fertilizers.<br /> <br /> <br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial fertilizer in agricultural ecosystems<br /> <br /> Colorado State University researchers determined that the long term application of biosolids to dryland, no-till wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)-fallow (WF) and wheat-corn (Zea mays, L.)-fallow (WCF) agroecosystems at a site approximately 40 km east of Byers, CO improved soil moisture retention and vegetative cover that reduced erosion. Biosolids and N fertilizer produced similar wheat and corn yields.<br /> <br /> University of Minnesota researchers conducted studies for the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative (SMBSC) on soil byproducts derived from sugar beet tare soils. Experiments have been completed to evaluate the germination of corn, oats, and soybeans in soil byproducts relative to field soils and the stable aggregate size distributions of a field soil amended with varying amounts of a soil byproduct. The soil byproduct reduced germination rate and increased time to germination of corn, oats, and soybeans planted in a clay loam and a sandy soil. Variations among growth media in crop germination percentage and time to germination could not be explained by any of 19 measured soil characteristics (pH, salts, etc.). The byproduct amended soils had a significantly greater percentage of their mass in moderately large particles (1-2 mm and 2-4 mm in diameter) and a significantly smaller percentage in small particles (< 0.25 mm) than the untreated soil.<br /> <br /> Field studies conducted by Virginia Tech researchers on coarse-textured soils from 2009-2011 demonstrated the beneficial effects of biosolids on drought-amelioration, carbon (C) sequestration and nitrogen (N) availability in a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation under both conventional and no-tillage practices. The estimated agronomic N rate of both lime-stabilized and anaerobically digested biosolids increased soil inorganic (plant-available) N immediately prior to the high N uptake period by corn, plant tissue N at silking, and soil organic C and N by the end of the growing season compared to similar synthetic fertilizer nitrogen rates supplemented with needed P and potassium. The same combination of mineralization and volatilization factors used to calculate plant available N for soil-incorporated biosolids can be used on biosolids applied to no-till systems in coarse-textured soils of the mid Atlantic Coastal Plain. There was no effect of amendment type on soil C concentration, but both biosolids types increased plant available water holding capacity above that attained with the fertilizer treatment by the end of the study. Biosolids applied at agronomic rates have been shown to improve hormone metabolism and drought tolerance in greenhouse trials, but no research has demonstrated such effects in the field. Application of lime stabilized and anaerobically digested biosolids increased leaf photochemical efficiency (PE), auxin, cytokinin, proline, protein, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in corn throughout the season. The soybean grown in the plots previously amended with the biosolids exhibited greater PE, auxin, trans-zeatin riboside, protein content and SOD activity when compared to those without biosolids. The lime stabilized and anaerobically digested biosolids increased corn grain yield by 87% and 77%, respectively, and soybean grain yield by 15% and 18%, respectively, compared to the fertilizer control. The results of this study indicated that biosolids application could improve PE, growth hormones, proline, protein, and antioxidant metabolism, and increase grain yields, especially under drought stress environment.<br /> <br /> Large-scale sampling of long term field plots and farm fields were conducted in WA and CA by University of Washington researchers and in Virginia by Virginia Tech researchers to determine the value of agronomic rates of biosolids and composts on soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations and stocks. Changes in water holding capacity and bulk density were also measured in CA and WA. For the majority of the sites, using organic residuals resulted in increased soil carbon storage, persistent increases in total nitrogen and improved soil physical properties. These results suggest that land application of such residuals may be useful for sequestering carbon and for maintaining or enhancing soil quality attributes. <br /> <br /> <br /> Land Reclamation with Residuals<br /> <br /> Penn State University researchers determined that substantial production of switchgrass and Atlantic coastal panic grass is possible with the use of manure and paper mill sludge amendments for reclaiming mined land.<br /> <br /> As a result of historic mining activities conducted in the Tri-State Mining District, the Spring River and its tributaries in the far southeast part of the Neosho Basin in southeast Kansas are contaminated with lead, zinc, and cadmium. It has been hypothesized that under reducing conditions, metals in these materials can be transformed back in to their sulfide forms, greatly limiting their mobility. Kansas State University researchers showed that, upon stimulation of reduction, metals were effectively immobilized within ninety days of submergence. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis conducted on micro- and nano-size colloids in the effluent water provided evidence of bacterial associated and freely dispersed colloidal-bound contaminant transportation. <br /> <br /> Virginia Tech researchers continued their long-term evaluation of the effects of higher than agronomic (78 Mg/ha) loadings of biosolids on soil productivity of lands reclaimed at a mineral sands mining site in 2001. Consistent with previous results, significant improvements in soil productivity were noted, and reclaimed mined lands continue to exceed local county average crop yields by 25% to 35%. <br /> <br /> Virginia Tech researchers installed a new experiment in April 2011to evaluate potential nitrate-N leaching following use of biosolids to reclaim mineral sands mined lands in Dinwiddie County. The overall objective is to determine the effectiveness of high rates of biosolids (21Mg/ha) vs. agronomic rates (4Mg/ha) of biosolids for soil reconstruction as compared with standard fertilization practices. First year vegetation establishment was hindered by hot dry conditions, but a wide array of weed species that invaded the plots was more abundant on the two biosolids treatments. The plots were over-seeded again in the fall of 2011 and vegetation establishment and production to date is still substantially higher on the biosolids treated plots. Large leaching losses of fertilizer N have been noted below the conventionally fertilized plots while a minor loss of N has also been noted for the high rate of biosolids. A surprising pulse of ortho-P was also noted in leachates in the late summer of 2011 following several very large rain events. <br /> <br /> <br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial soil amendment for urban/brownfield soils<br /> <br /> Kansas State University researchers evaluated the uptake of contaminants by food crops grown on residual unamended- and amended-mildly contaminated urban soils (formerly brownfields), the effects of residual amendments on bioaccessibility of contaminants, and developed recommendations for corrective/protective actions to minimize direct (ingestion) and indirect (food chain transfer) exposure pathways of contaminants. Contaminants were: As and Pb (Tacoma, WA); Pb (Seattle WA); Pb, As, and PAHs (Indianapolis, IN); Pb (Pomona, CA); Pb (Philadelphia, PA); and Pb and As (Toledo, OH). Treatments at the Indianapolis site were 28 kg/m2 of leaf and mushroom compost and biosolids (composted and uncomposted). Three types of crops were planted: a leafy vegetable (collard green); a root crop (carrot), and a fruit crop (tomato). Two cleaning procedures used were kitchen style washing and thorough laboratory cleaning. Results to-date show soil pH and residuals additions reduce plant uptake of contaminants. Thorough cleaning of vegetables significantly reduces potential for food-chain transfer of soil contaminants. Although soil Pb concentration was as high as 2000 mg/kg and soil As was as high as 146 mg/kg, concentrations in laboratory cleaned leafy vegetables and fruit crops were low. Uptake of Pb from some mildly Pb contaminated soils (~200 to 250 mg/kg) by root crops was high. Bioaccessibility of Pb in most urban soils appeared to be low (< 15-20% of total Pb in soil).<br /> <br /> University of Washington researchers investigated the ability of high Fe biosolids composts to reduce Pb and As bioaccessibility in situ. In many municipalities, Fe is added to the wastewater treatment process to reduce P concentrations in effluent. Fe oxides are also commonly used to treat potable water and spent water treatment residuals (WTR) are commonly landfilled. The UW researchers tested a high-Fe compost from Philadelphia and two composts created by adding Fe as iron chloride or an iron grit powder to feedstocks prior to composting. Composts were evaluated in a field trial as well as in laboratory incubations. Bioaccessibility was measured using an in vitro extract. Pb and As speciation were determined using u-XAFS. Results indicate that not all Fe is created equal. Reductions in absolute bioaccessibilty, as well as changes in mineral form of Pb and As, were only observed for the compost where spent Fe WTR were added to the compost. These results suggest a potential specialized compost blend could be produced for homeowners concerned about potential Pb and As contamination in home gardens. <br /> <br /> <br /> Composting and compost use<br /> <br /> Researchers from the Cornell Waste Management Institute continued surveying uncharacterized organic residuals from New York state industries and began a multi-tiered analysis protocol to evaluate them for use as soil amendments. Residuals included short-fiber paper mill residuals, residues from the grape industry, residuals from manufacture of composite board, and limed and unlimed short-fiber paper residuals (PR) as a byproduct of paper manufacturing. Currently, these residuals are landfilled, with issues arising due to leachate runoff, methane emissions and cost. Alternatives being testing include composting, pyrolysis, and direct soil incorporation. Organic residuals with no current beneficial end use determinations continue to be surveyed. Only the PR and unlimed PR with no additional feedstocks did not compost well, likely due to their high C:N ratios. Metal concentrations in PR and unlimed PR were within the USEPA Part 503 Ceiling Concentrations. The ranges of the composition of the composts were pH: 8.3 - 8.4, soluble salts (dS m-1): 0.05 - 0.06, bulk density (g cm-3): 0.82 - 0.98; moisture (g kg-1): 430-460, organic matter (g kg-1): 340-420, total N (g kg-1): 17.4-26.5, organic N (g kg-1): 16.7-25.7, C:N: 16-18, P (g kg-1): 6.3-6.8, K (g kg-1): 8.5-8.6, Cu (mg kg-1): 46 69, Zn (mg kg-1): 97 111; and indicated very good organic amendments for soil. Use of these residuals as a compost feedstock is proving thus far to be an environmentally-friendly alternative to disposing of them in a dedicated landfill.<br /> <br /> The process of producing Class A, air-dried biosolids at the MWRDGC includes lagoon-aging followed by air-drying, which often produce odors during storage because it is not well stabilized. MRWDGC researchers composted various blends of aged and unaged biosolids and high carbon materials (tree leaves, wood chips and landscaping waste mixture) to determine the effect on biological stability and odor potential of the final air-dried product. Each type of biosolids was mixed with a high carbon material at the ratio of 2:1 (w/w) biosolids:high carbon waste. Maximum temperature in windrows was higher in the unaged than aged, with landscaping waste mixture than with leaves and wood, and with the higher carbon:biosolids ratio. All blends with high carbon materials reduced final basal respiration, odor and nitrogen loss. These preliminary results show that the addition of low rates of high carbon materials could improve the stability of the MWRDGCs air-dried biosolids.<br /> <br /> University of Hawaii researchers investigated the effects of vermicompost tea (aqueous extract) on yield and chemical quality of pak choi (Brassica rapa cv Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown in three media (two soils and a peat-perlite medium) under two fertilizer regimes (compost and synthetic fertilizer). Application of vermicompost tea increased plant production, total carotenoids and total glucosinolates in plant tissue. This effect was most prominent under compost fertilization. Total phenolics concentration was lower in vermicompost tea treated plants compared to those treated with only mineral nutrient solution and the water control. Vermicompost tea improved mineral nutrient status of plants and media, and enhanced the biological activity of the media. Variability in yield and chemical quality of plants across treatments was explained largely by variability in tissue N uptake and dry matter accumulation. Dehydrogenase activity and soil respiration of vermicompost tea-treated growth media were approximately 50% higher than untreated media. This study confirmed that vermicompost tea can positively influence plant yield and quality and increase soil biological activity in multiple soil types. <br /> <br /> Penn State University and Virginia Tech faculty conducted basic and advanced composting training to commercial composters from across the mid-Atlantic region. Course participants indicated a strong intent to add food and other residuals to their composting operations.<br />Publications
Colorado<br /> <br /> JA Figueroa-Viramontes, U., Delgado, J.A., Cueto-Wong, J.A., Nunez-Hernandez, G., Reta-Sanchez, D.G., and Barbarick, K.A. 2011. A new Nitrogen Index to evaluate nitrogen losses in intensive forage systems in Mexico. J. Agic. Ecosys. Environ. 142: 352-364.<br /> <br /> JA Ippolito, J. A., Barbarick, K. A., and Elliott, H. A. 2011. Drinking Water Treatment Residuals: A Review of Recent Uses. J. Environ. Qual. 40:1-12.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A., Hansen, N.C., and McDaniel, J. 2011. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR11-5.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A., Gourd, T., and McDaniel, J. 2011. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR11-6.<br /> <br /> <br /> Florida<br /> <br /> JA Miller, M.L., J.H. Bhadha, G.A. O Connor, J.W. Jawitz, and J. Mitchell. 2011. Aluminum water treatment residuals as permeable reactive sorbents to reduce phosphorus losses. Chemosphere. 83: 978-983.<br /> <br /> JA Snyder, E.H., G.A. O Connor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2011. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC). Chemosphere. 82: 460-467.<br /> <br /> JA Waria, M., G.A. O Connor, and G.S. Toor. 2011. Biodegradation of triclosan in biosolids-amended soils. Environ. Technol. & Chem. 30: 2488-2496.<br /> <br /> JA Castillo, M. S., L. E. Sollenberger, J.M.B. Vendramini, K.R. Woodard, G.A. OConnor, Y.C. Newman, M.L. Silveira, and J.B. Sartain. 2011. Incorporation of municipal biosolids affects organic nitrogen mineralization and elephantgrass production. Agron. J. 103: 899-905.<br /> <br /> TR America Society for Microbiology. 2011. Land application of organic residuals: Public health threat or environmental benefit? [Booklet committee: G.M. King (Chair), J.P. Brooks, S.L. Brown, C. Gerba, G.A. OConnor, and I.L. Pepper].<br /> <br /> <br /> Hawaii<br /> <br /> JA Hue, N.V. 2011. Alleviating soil acidity with crop residues. Soil Sci. 176:543-549.<br /> <br /> JA Ortiz-Escobar, M. and N.V. Hue. 2011. Changes in soil properties and vegetable growth in preparation for organic farming in Hawaii. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 42:2064-2072.<br /> <br /> JA Pant A., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, and N. Q. Arancon. 2011. Effects of Vermicompost Tea (Aqueous Extract) on Pak-choi Yield, Quality, and on Soil Biological Properties. Compost Science & Utilization. Vol.19:279-292<br /> <br /> <br /> Illinois<br /> <br /> JA Kar, G., L.S. Hundal, J.J. Schoenau, and D. Peak. 2011. Direct Chemical Speciation of P in Sequential Chemical Extraction Residues Using P K-edge XANES Spectroscopy. Soil Sci. 176:589-595.<br /> <br /> JA Sepulvado, J., A. Blaine, L.S. Hundal, and C. Higgins. 2011. Occurrence and Fate of Perfluorochemicals in Soil Following the Land Application of Municipal Biosolids. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45:8106-8112.<br /> <br /> JA Kelly, J.J., K. Policht, T. Grancharova, and L.S. Hundal. 2011. Addition of Biosolids to an Agricultural Soil Increases Nitrification and Produces Distinct Responses in Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77:6551-6558.<br /> <br /> JA Hundal, L.S., K. Kumar, N. Basta, and A. Cox. 2011. Evaluating Exposure Risk to Trace Organic Chemicals in Biosolids. Biocycle 52:31-36.<br /> <br /> AB Cox, A., D. Collins, and O. Oladeji. Update on the Development of a Biosolids Land Application Network. Illinois Water Environment Association, Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL. Mar 21-24, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Kumar, K. Improving Soil Quality for Sustained Productivity and Human Health. Illinois Water Environment Association, Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL. Mar 21-24, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Oladeji, O., A. Cox, and D. Collins. Utilization of Exceptional Quality Biosolids for Turfgrass Management in the Chicago Area. Illinois Water Environment Association, Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL. Mar 21-24, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Tian, G., A. Cox, T. Granato, C. Chiu and A. Franzluebbers. The Role of Biosolids in Replenishing Organic Matter in Cultivated Soils. Meeting of the Soil Ecology Society. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. May 24-27. 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> Indiana<br /> <br /> JA Gall, H., S. Sassman, L.S. Lee, and C. Jafvert. 2011. Hormone Chemograph Behavior in a Tile Drained Agroecosystem Receiving Animal Wastes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45:8755-8764.<br /> <br /> AB Leet, J.K., J.J. Amberg, L.S. Lee, A.W. Olmstead, G.T. Ankley, M.S. Sepúlveda. 2011. Evaluation of responses to trenbolone acetate metabolites in early life-stage fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) using molecular tools. Poster Presentation at the 2011 Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Research Symposium in West Lafayette, IN.<br /> <br /> AB Butler, L., J.K. Leet, M.S. Sepúlveda. 2011. Impacts of Wastes from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Fish Sex Differentiation. Poster Presentation at the 2011 Purdue University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Research Symposium in West Lafayette, IN.<br /> <br /> AB Mashtare, M.L. and Linda S. Lee. 2011. Biotransformation of 17alpha- and 17beta-estradiol Under Anaerobic Conditions, ESE 2011 Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, November 8, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Gall, H., S. Sassman, L.S. Lee, and C. Jafvert. 2011. Hormone Transport in a Tile-Drained Agroecosystem Receiving Animal Waste Applications. Indiana Water Research Association, June 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Gall, Heather E., Michael L. Mashtare, Stephen A. Sassman, P. Suresh C. Rao, Sally E. Thompson, Nandita B. Basu, Linda S. Lee. 2011. Legacies and Trajectories of Hormone Export from Agricultural Catchments Under Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December, 2011. <br /> <br /> <br /> Kansas<br /> <br /> JA De Livera, D. Beak, M.J. McLaughlin, G.M. Hettiarachchi, and J.K. Kirby. 2011. Release of dissolved cadmium and sulfur nanoparticles from oxidizing sulfide minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75: 842- 854.<br /> <br /> JA Lombi, E., G.M. Hettiarachchi, and K.G. Scheckel. 2011. Advanced in situ spectroscopic techniques and their applications in environmental biogeochemistry: Introduction to the special section. J. Environ. Qual. 40:659-666. <br /> <br /> JA De Livera M.J. McLaughlin, G.M. Hettiarachchi, J.K. Kirby, and D.G. Beak. 2011. Cadmium solubility in paddy soils: effects of soil oxidation, sulfide equilibria and competitive ions. Sci. Total Environment. 409:1489-1497.<br /> <br /> PR Hettiarachchi, G.M., C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, S. Martin, A. Harms, D. Presley, and G. M. Pierzysnki. 2011. Field based evaluations of trace element transfer from contaminated urban garden soils to plants. Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Conf. on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 3-7 July. Florence, Italy.<br /> <br /> PR Pierzynski, G.M., W. Friesl, W. Hartley, G.M. Hettiarachchi, J. Kumpiene, P. Madejon, and M. Mench. 2011. In situ stabilization/phytostabilization and site revegetation. Proceedings of the 11th Intern. Conf. on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 3-7 July. Florence, Italy.<br /> <br /> AB Defoe, P., G. M. Hettiarachchi, C. Benedict, C. Attanayake, and S. Martin. 2011. Gardening on arsenic and lead-contaminated brownfields: Is it safe?. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2011, San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Harms, A., D. Presley, G. Hettiarachchi, and S. Thien. 2011. Needs assessment survey of urban gardeners and farmers on soil contamination. AS A/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2011, San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Attanayake, C., G. Hettiarachchi, P. Defoe, S. Martin, and G. Pierzynski. 2011. A field evaluation of lead transfer from urban soils to vegetables. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2011, San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M., C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, S. Martin, C. Benedict, and A. Harms. 2011. Evaluating lead and arsenic transfer from contaminated urban garden soils to vegetable plants. 8th International Conference on Phytotechnologies. Sep. 2011, Portland, Oregon.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M., D. Van der Merwe, S. Datta, L. Erickson, L. Davis, and S. Martin. 2011. Soil arsenic and potential risk pathways of arsenic in urban garden soils. . 8th International Conference on Phytotechnologies. Sep. 2011, Portland, Oregon. <br /> <br /> <br /> Michigan<br /> <br /> JA Hao Chen, Bin Gao, Hui Li, and Lena Q Ma, 2011, Effects of pH and Ionic Strength on Sulfamethoxazole and Ciprofloxacin Transport in Saturated Porous Media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 126:29-36.<br /> <br /> JA Yunjie Ding, Weihao Zhang, Cheng Gu, Irene Xagoraraki, and Hui Li, 2011, Determination of Pharmaceuticals in Biosolids using Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometer. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218:10-16.<br /> <br /> <br /> Minnesota<br /> <br /> JA Shane, E.M., M. I. Endres, M. P. Russelle, C. J. Rosen, D. G. Johnson. 2011. Compost: A potential value added product for dairy operations? Appl. Eng. In Agric. 27:225-233.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ohio<br /> <br /> JA Wragg, J., Mark Cave, Helen Taylor, Nick Basta, Esther Brandon, Stan Casteel, Sebastien Denys, Christian Gron, Agnes Oomen, Kenneth Reimer, Karine Tack and Tom Van de Wiele. 2011. An Inter-laboratory Trial of the Unified BARGE Bioaccessibility Method for Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in Soil. Sci. Total Environ. 409:4016-4030.<br /> <br /> JA Lakhwinder S. Hundal, Kuldip Kumar, Nick Basta, and Albert E. Cox. 2011. Evaluating Exposure Risk to Trace Organics in Biosolids. Biocycle 52(8):31-36.<br /> <br /> JA Snyder, E.H., G.A. OConnor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2010. Measured Physicochemical Characteristics and Biosolids-Borne Concentrations of the Antimicrobial Triclocarban (TCC), Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 408, pp. 2667-2673.<br /> <br /> JA Snyder, E.H., G.A. OConnor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2010. Fate of 14C-Triclocarban in Biosolids-Amended Soils, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 408, pp. 2726-2732.<br /> <br /> JA Snyder, E.H., G.A. OConnor, and D.C. McAvoy. 2011. Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban (TCC) in Terrestrial Organisms, Chemosphere, Vol. 82, pp. 460-467.<br /> <br /> PR Rauch-Williams, Tanja, Andrew Salveson, Eric Dickerson, Jorg Drewes, Douglas Drury, Daniel Gerrity, Chris Higgins, Drew McAvoy, Shane Snyder, and Brett Vanderford. 2011. Trace Organic Compound Removal in Biological Wastewater Treatment, 26th Annual WaterReuse Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 11-14.<br /> <br /> TH Minca, K.K. 2011. M.S. Thesis. Using Soil Nutrient Tests and 1M HNO3 to Predict Total and Bioaccessible Pb in Urban Soils.<br /> <br /> TR Higgins, C.P., J.O. Sharp, J.G. Sepulvado, B.Littrell, G. O'Connor, E. Snyder, and D.C. McAvoy. 2010. State-of-the-Science Review of Occurrence and Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes Affecting Biosolids-Borne Trace Organic Chemicals in Soil, Water Environment Research Foundation, Stock No. SRSK5T09, Alexandria, VA, Co-published by IWA Publishing.<br /> <br /> EB Dayton, E.A., S.D. Whitacre, N.T. Basta, R.S. Dungan, and R.L. Chaney. 2011. Beneficial use of spent foundry sand as a component in manufactured soil blends. SENR fact sheet. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N., K. Scheckel, K. Bradham, D. Thomas, M. Failla, R. Chaney, C. Schadt, and P. Jardine. 2011. Mechanisms and Permanence of Sequestered Pb and As in Soils: Impact on Human Bioavailability. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop sponsored by Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), Washington, DC. Nov. 29 to Dec 1, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Schadt, Chris, Tarah Sullivan-Guest, Nicholas Basta, Phillip Jardine. 2011. Firing Range Soils Yield a Diverse Fungal Community Capable of Pb-Mineral Solubilization and Organic Acid Secretion. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop sponsored by Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), Washington, DC. Nov. 29 to Dec 1, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N.T., S.D. Whitacre, Valerie Mitchell, and Perry Myers. 2011. Assessing Arsenic Exposure in Soil and Mining Waste Rock by In Vitro Gastrointestinal and Soil Chemical Methods. National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Annual Meeting, Squaw Creek, CA October 11-13, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Meyers, P.A., V.L. Mitchell, C.N. Alpers, N.T. Basta, S.W. Casteel, A.L. Foster, and C. S. Kim. 2011. Methods and Tools for the Evaluation of Bioavailability of Arsenic at Abandoned Mine Lands: The Search for a More Cost-Effective Approach to Site Clean-Up. National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Annual Meeting, Squaw Creek, CA October 11-13, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, Nicholas, Elizabeth Dayton, Shane Whitacre, Philip Jardine, Stan Casteel, and Amy Hawkins. Use of in Vitro or Soil Property Models to Assess Toxic Metal Bioavailability in Soil: Validation to Support Regulatory Acceptance. 2011. The 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, Adelaide, Australia, September 1115, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N.T. 2011. In Vitro Gastrointestinal Bioaccessibility Methods to Assess Metal(Loid) Bioavailability and Risk from Soil Ingestion . 6th International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailability in the Terrestrial Environment , Adelaide, Australia. September 7-9, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N.T., S. D. Whitacre, E. A. Dayton, P. M. Jardine, J. S. Richey, S.W. Casteel, and A.L. Hawkins. 2011. Predicting Arsenic Bioavailability in Contaminated Soils Using Bioaccessibility or Soil Properties. 11th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Florence, Italy. July 3-7, 2011. <br /> <br /> AB Minca, K.K., N.T. Basta, M. Taggart, and M. Barni. 2011. Using Agricultural Soil Tests to Estimate Total and Bioaccessible Pb in Urban Soils. 11th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Florence, Italy. July 3-7, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Whitacre, S.D., N.T. Basta, and E.A. Dayton. 2011. Soil Controls on Arsenic Bioaccessibility: Arsenic Fractions and Soil Properties. . 11th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Florence, Italy. July 3-7, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N.T. 2011. Assessment, Remediation and Revitalization (R&R) of Urban Soils. Rediscovering the Rhizosphere Workshop. Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District, Independence, OH. May 24, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Mitchell, Alpers, Basta, Burlak, Casteel, Fears, Foster, Kim, Myers, Petersen. 2011. The Role of Iron in the Reduced Bioavailability of Arsenic in Soil. 2011. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. March 6-10, 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> Pennsylvania<br /> <br /> JA Dere, A.L., R.C. Stehouwer and K.E. McDonald. 2011. Labile and stable nitrogen and carbon in mine soil reclaimed with manure-based amendments. Soil Sci Soc Am. J. 75:890-897.<br /> <br /> JA Dere, A.L., R.C. Stehouwer and K.E. McDonald. 2011. Nutrient leaching and switchgrass growth in mine soil columns amended with poultry manure. Soil Science 172:84-90.<br /> <br /> JA Ippilito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and H.A. Elliott. 2011. Drinking water treatment residuals: A review of recent uses. J. Environ. Qual. 40:1-12.<br /> <br /> JA Jaiswal, D. and H.A. Elliott. 2011. Long-term phosphorus fertility in wastewater-irrigated cropland. J. Environ. Qual. 40:214-223.<br /> <br /> JA Johnson, K.N, P.J.A. Kleinman, D.B. Beegle, H.A. Elliott, and L.S. Saporito. 2011. Effect of dairy manure slurry application in a no-till system on phosphorus runoff. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys. 90:201-212.<br /> <br /> TH Heyler, T. 2011. Comparison of soil phosphorus accumulation in wastewater-irrigated forests and cropland. M.S. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. 57 pp.<br /> <br /> <br /> Virginia<br /> <br /> JA Kostyanovskiy, K.I., G.K. Evanylo, K.K. Lasley, C. Shang, B.F. Sukkariyah, and W.L. Daniels. 2011. Transformations of nitrogen and carbon in entrenched biosolids at a reclaimed mineral sands mine. J. Environ. Qual. 40:67-75.<br /> <br /> JA Dunifon, S.N., G.K. Evanylo, R.O. Maguire, and J.M. Goatley, Jr.. 2011. Soil nutrient and fescue (Festuca spp.) responses to compost and hydroseed on a disturbed roadside. Compost Science and Utilization 19:147-151.<br /> <br /> JA Kostyanovskiy, K., G.K. Evanylo, K.K Lasley, W.L. Daniels, and C. Shang. 2011. Leaching potential and forms of phosphorus in deep row applied biosolids underlying hybrid poplar. Ecological Engineering 37:1765-1771.<br /> <br /> JA Kwon, J. W. and K. Xia. 2011. Fate of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Soil Columns With and Without Biosolids Surface Application. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (on-line) (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.1703/pdf).<br /> <br /> PR Orndorff Z., W. Daniels, K. Meredith, M. Alley, and A. Wick. 2011. Effects of prime farmland soil reconstruction methods on postmining productivity of mineral sands mine soils in Virginia. p. 504-518. In: R. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc. Am. Soc. Min. Reclam., Bismarck, ND. 12-16 Jun. 2011. ASMR, Lexington, KY. http://www.asmr.us/.<br /> <br /> PR Wick A., W. Daniels, and C. Carter III. 2011. Soil development and vegetation establishment on amended saline dredged materials. p. 710-733. In: R. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc. Am. Soc. Min. Reclam., Bismarck, ND. 12-16 Jun. 2011. ASMR, Lexington, KY. http://www.asmr.us/.<br /> <br /> PR Wick A., W. Daniels, Z. Orndorff, and C. Carter III. 2011. Upland placement and management of acid-forming dredge materials. p. 734-750. In: R. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc. Am. Soc. Min. Reclam., Bismarck, ND. 12-16 Jun. 2011. ASMR, Lexington, KY. http://www.asmr.us/.<br /> <br /> AB W.L. Daniels and G.K. Evanylo. 2011. Screening protocols for beneficial utilization of solid waste residuals as soil amendments and conditioners. Environment Virginia. Lexington, VA. April 7.<br /> <br /> AB Evanylo, G.K., D. Shan, and J.M. Goatley. 2011. Effects of compost sources and treatments on germination and emergence of four turfgrass species. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Annual Meetings. October. San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Li, J., G.K. Evanylo and J. Mao. 2011. Effects of Long term Application of Organic Residuals on Quantitative and Qualitative Soil Carbon Sequestration. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Annual Meetings. October. San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Li, J., G.K. Evanylo. 2011. Effects of Biosolids Types on Nitrogen Availability under Varying Tillage Practices. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Annual Meetings. October. San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Cataldi, J., E. Ervin and G.K. Evanylo. 2011. The effects of biosolids on tall fescue sod production and soil properties. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Annual Meetings. October. San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Kostyanovskiy, K., G.K. Evanylo, and T.R. Fox. 2011. Biomass production, C, N and P sequestration in short rotation plantation of hybrid poplar on deep row applied biosolids. ASA, SSSA, CSSA Annual Meetings. October. San Antonio, TX.<br /> <br /> AB Daniels W., J. Perry, and G. Whittecar. 2011. Hydric soil development in wetlands created from sandy dredge materials in Virginia, USA. Abstracts, Joint Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. July 3-8, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. p. 67.<br /> <br /> AB Chen Y., S. Day, A. Wick, W. Daniels, B. Strahm, P. Wiseman, and K K. McGuire. 2011. Characterization of Soil Carbon Pools Three Years after Urban Soil Rehabilitation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International 75th Annual Meetings. San Antonio, TX. S06.<br /> <br /> AB Mula, M., K. Xia, M. A. Williams, and M. Cox. Peptide selection on soil minerals using phage display technology. American Society of Agronomy, San Antonio, TX. October 16-19, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB Armbrust, K., K. Xia, G. Hagood, J. Jewell, D. Diaz, A. Brown, N. Gatian, and H. Folmer. Monitoring Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seafood in Mississippi in Response to the Gulf Oil Spill. SETAC North America, Boston MA, November 13-17. 2011.<br /> <br /> AB K. Xia, G. Hagood, C. Childers, J. Atkins, B. Rogers, L. Ware, K. Armbrust, J. Jewell, D. Diaz, N. Gatian, and H. Folmer. PAHs in Mississippi Seafood from Areas Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster. Association of Southern Feed, Fertilizer and Pesiticide Control Officials; Little Rock, AR, June 13-15, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB K. Xia, G. Hagood, C. Childers, J. Atkins, B. Rogers, L. Ware, K. Armbrust, J. Jewell, D. Diaz, N. Gatian, and H. Folmer. Determination of PAHs in Mississippi Seafood from Areas Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster. SETAC Gulf Oil Spill Focused Topic Meeting; Pensecola, FL, April 26-28, 2011.<br /> <br /> AB K. Xia, M. A. Williams, S. G. Shanmugam. Soil Organic Nitrogen Speciation During 4000-Year Soil and Ecosystem Development: Nitrogen K-edge NEXAFS Investigation. 2011 Ecological Society of America Annual meeting. Austin, TX. Aug 7 -12.<br /> <br /> TH Haus, N.W. 2011. Beneficial Reuse of Dredged Materials in Upland Environments. M.S. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 124 p.<br /> <br /> TH Chamindu Liyanapatirana, Ph.D thesis: Oxidative Transformation of Antimicrobial Compounds by Ferric-Modified Montmorillonite. May 2011, Mississippi State University.<br /> <br /> EB Evanylo, G.K. and J. M. Goatley, Jr. 2011. Chapter 9. Organic and inorganic soil amendments. Pp. 9.19.16. In Urban Nutrient Management Handbook. VCE 430-350. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Blacksburg, VA.<br /> <br /> EB Daniels, W.L., Evanylo, G.K., K.Haering, L.Fox, and D. Sample. 2011. Chapter 11. Soil-water budgets and irrigation sources and timing. Pp. 11.1-11.8. In Urban Nutrient Management Handbook. VCE 430-350. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Blacksburg, VA.<br /> <br /> <br /> Washington<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S., K. Kurtz, A. Bary, and C. Cogger. 2011. Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil carbon storage and physical properties. Environ. Sci. & Tech. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es2010418.<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S. and M. Cotton. 2011. Changes in Soil Properties and Carbon Content Following Compost Application: Results of On-farm Sampling. Compost Sci. Util. 19:88-97.<br /> <br /> BK King, G.M., G.OConnor, S. Brown, C. Gerba, J. Brooks, and I. Pepper. 2011. Sustainable management of organic residuals: microbial contributions, microbial solutions. ASM Press, Washington, D.C. http://asm.org/index.php/policy/biorep8-2011.html<br /> <br /> <br /> AB = abstract, BK=book, BC=book chapter, EB=extension bulletin, JA=journal article, PR = proceedings, TB=technical bulletin, TH= thesis, TR=Technical report.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Addition of earthworms (A. trapezoides) to biosolids-amended dryland agroecosystems improves water movement and storage in soils.
- Anaerobic sludge digestion reduces many trace organic compounds.
- Risk assessments performed for most exposure pathways suggest minimal risk from the land application of biosolids-borne TCC and TCS.
- Biosolids partially composted with high C materials and minimal modifications to biosolids processing operations result in a stable, odor-free product that will have greater public acceptance for urban use.
- Commonly used, inexpensive, and widely available agricultural soil tests can serve as an excellent screening tool to assess the suitability of Pb-enriched urban soil for gardening.
- Anaerobic conditions in field ditch sediments can transform estrogenic metabolites to their parent compounds, which are often the more potent contaminants of concern.
- Land-applied biosolids can increase crop yields above that attained with synthetic fertilizer by their promotion of plant biostimulants that ameliorate drought stress.
- Use of high rates or regular applications of agronomic loading rates of organic residuals is the most effective option for increasing soil C storage and improving the physical properties of soils, which can aid in ameliorating the detrimental effects of climate change.
- Use of high rates of biosolids in post-mining soil reconstruction provides optimal soil productivity restoration for row-crops with minimal risks of nitrate-N leaching to groundwater, which results in highest post-mining land values and considerable cost savings.
- Mixing high Fe water treatment residuals into compost can produce amendments that will reduce the bioaccessibiltiy of soil lead.
Date of Annual Report: 07/30/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/09/2013
- 06/11/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Basta, Nick, basta.4@osu.edu, Ohio State University;Battaglin, William, wbattagl@usgs.gov, USGS;
Borch, Thomas, thomas.borch@colostate.edu, Colorado State University;
Cogger, Craig, cogger@wsu.edu , Washington State University-Puyallup;
Daniels, Lee, wdaniels@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Elliot, Herschel (Chip), hae1@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Evanylo, Greg, gevanylo@vt.edu, Virginia Tech;
Halbach, Tom, thalbach@umn.edu, University of Minnesota;
Hettiarachchi, Ganga, ganga@ksu.edu, Kansas State University;
Kinney, Chad, chad.kinney@colostate-pueblo.edu, Colorado State University;
Lee, Linda, lslee@purdue.edu, Purdue University;
Li, Hui, lihui@msu.edu, Michigan State University;
O'Connor, George, GAO@UFL.edu, University Florida;
Parker, Dave, dparker@ucr.edu, University of California-Riverside;
Schwarz, Mary, msp5@cornell.edu, Cornell University;
Smith, Dave, dsmith@usgs.gov, USGS;
Sommers, Lee, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu, Colorado State University;
Toor, Gurpal, gstoor@ufl.edu, University of Florida;
Unc, Adrian, aunc@nmsu.edu, New Mexico State University;
Watson, Jack, jew21@psu.edu, Penn State University;
Yager, Tracy,tjyager@usgs.gov, USGS;
Young, Tom, tyoung@ucdavis.edu, University of California-Davis
Brief Summary of Minutes
Sunday, June 9th, Business meeting1. Welcome and participant introductions - Greg Evanylo
2. Project Director, Lee Sommers, report:
Federally supported research work (USDA, EPA, etc.) - keep data accessible to general public and new communication efforts.
Enhance competitive funding for intramural and extramural funding.
Other discussions - overlapping multi-state projects, such as 2082 (focus on organic contaminants). Lees talk will be posted on the project website as a PDF file.
Greg thanked Lee and announced about his retirement dinner scheduled on Monday night.
3. Greg Evanylo has received state reports from ~90% of participants on time and will be preparing the annual report due 60 days after the annual meeting. W2170 is in Year 4. Renewal proposal is due January 15, 2014 and review will be in March 2014.
4. Future Venues and Meetings:
a. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) will host the 2014 meeting. Since 2014 Meeting in Chicago will coincide with Decennial State of the Science Meeting, there were some discussions about a semi-national meeting for 2014. Some members have suggested to have 2 ½ to 3 days long meeting with about 100 attendees. Focus: Urban focus use of residuals for urban soil remediation will be the program theme.
b. 2015: Columbus, OH (proposed, Nick Basta)
5. W2170 leadership discussions: Greg mentioned that 2013 meeting is his last meeting as a group chair but continue supporting the new leadership
a. Incoming Chair - Lakhwinder Hundal, MWRDGC
b. Incoming Co-chair - Ganga Hettiarachchi, KSU
c. Incoming Treasurer/Secretary To be determined
6. The proposal for the next project cycle, 2014-2019, is due in January 15, 2014 and review will be in March 2015. For the report for the renewal it has been suggested to include supporting letters from the EPA and USDA personal. Greg has mentioned that working together on this with proposal writing committee will be our new chair Lakhwinder Hundals first responsibility. There were discussions on changing our research group name but not necessarily our focus. There is need for this as name could bring some additional attention to our work. Some members have suggested that we need to invite W2082 (Evaluating the Physical and Biological Availability of Pesticides and Contaminants in Agricultural Ecosystems) members to consider joining in our decennial meeting. Linda Lee has pointed out some of these research groups have common interest (W2082 and W2045: Agrochemical Impacts on Human and Environmental Health: Mechanisms and Mitigation)
7. Urban soils issues - Greg Evanylo reported a desire by Ann Caroll, USEPA Brownfields Program, in bringing together interested W2170 members and USEPA Brownfield staff for a collaborative information-exchange meeting. It was agreed that the 2012 annual Soil Science Society of America meeting in Cincinnati, OH would be the best venue for such a meeting. The W2170 membership also discussed details necessary for developing an urban soil remediation handbook. Several W2170 members who have been working in this arena volunteered to participate. Pertinent chapter topics were further discussed during the Monday Urban Soils session. Members volunteering for this committee included: Rufus Chaney, Sally Brown, Greg Evanylo, Ganga Hettiarachchi, and Nick Basta.
Objective 1: Evaluate the chemistry and bioavailability of trace elements, organic microconstituents and nutrients in residuals and residuals-amended soils to assess the environmental and health risks. The research performed to accomplish objective 1included a) direct chemical measurements of nitrogen, phosphorus, trace elements, and organic compounds in the applied residual and upon transformation and/or transport through the environment and b) bioassays to assess bioavailability.<br /> <br /> Inorganic Trace Elements/Heavy Metals<br /> <br /> In cities nationwide, urban agriculture has been put on hold because of the high costs of soil testing for historical contaminants such as Pb. The Mehlich 3 soil test is commonly used to determine plant available nutrients, is inexpensive, and has the potential to estimate trace metals in urban soil. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the ability of the Mehlich 3 to estimate total Pb and bioaccessible Pb in vacant residential lots. Total and bioaccessible Pb were determined by Ohio State University (OH) researchers (Basta et al.) in 68 vacant residential lots in Cleveland using standard USEPA Methods 3051A and the Relative Bioaccessibility Leaching Procedure (RBALP), respectively. The Mehlich 3 soil test was used to determine extractable Pb and the results show Mehlich 3 was strongly correlated with total and bioaccessible Pb. The Mehlich 3 soil test could be used as a screening tool to not only estimate total Pb (slope 1.73, r2 = 0.970) but also to estimate bioaccessible Pb when using RBALP at pH 1.5 (slope 1.67, r2 =0.975) and RBALP at pH 2.5 (slope 1.15, r2 = 0.938). Additional samples were collected from the Thackeray Ave. site in Cleveland, OH to demonstrate the ability of the Mehlich 3 soil test to screen soil for Pb. The results from the Thackeray site show good agreement between Mehlich 3 and the standard USEPA methods. In addition to accessing plant nutrition, the Mehlich 3 soil test can be expanded to be used as a screening tool to access Pb, and other select inorganic contaminants, and determine suitability of urban soil for food production. <br /> <br /> University of Washington (WA) researchers (Brown et al.) sampled soil from parking strips and around the foundations of homes in residential urban neighborhoods in Tacoma built between 1905 and 1920. Soils were analyzed for lead by Mehlich III. Total lead levels in the parking strips averaged 50 and ranged from 22-105 mg kg-1 while estimated lead around the foundations averaged 550 mg kg-1 and ranged from 160-1050 mg kg-1. This suggests that no precautions need to be taken for lead in parking strip gardens in Tacoma. However, lead levels around the foundations are high enough to indicate that an education program for urban gardeners in older neighborhoods should be developed. Based on these results the researchers have expanded sampling to measure lead concentration at different distances from older houses and will use this information in their urban gardening series.<br /> <br /> University of Washington (WA) researchers (Brown et al.) are exploring the relationship between metal stress in Douglas Fir trees and plany phytochelatin production. The researchers demonstrated that trees grown in both historic high metal and current lower metal biosolids (at 20 and 40 Mg/ha) showed reduced growth, possibly due to metal stress. Plant phytochelating production was used as an indicator of metal stress. Preliminary results show elevated plant Zn for trees grown in the high metal biosolids. For the 1st harvest, there was no relationship between plant phytochelatin concentrations and metal uptake.<br /> <br /> To reduce environmental impact caused by SO2 emission from coal-fired power plants, an FGD system was installed at Jeffrey Energy Center (JEC) located in St. Marys, KS. The wastewater from the FGD system contains high levels of selenium (Se), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) as well as other major constituents of sulfur (S, mainly as SO42-), fluoride (F-), bromide (Br-), boron (B), chloride (Cl-), and sodium (Na). Kansas State University (KS) researchers (Hettiarachchi et al.) conducted a series of small-scale column studies with FGD water collected from JEC to assess contaminant breakthrough curves for several elements of concern, particularly Se, and to understand mechanisms of contaminant retention in wetland treatment systems predominantly consist of top soil. After 100 days of treating (bottom-up) with FGD wastewater followed by 100 days of flushing with raw water, there was no Se released during this study period suggesting that strong retention of Se had occurred in soils. Selenium was only accumulated in the bottom part of the soil columns indicating mobility of Se in soil is limited and columns did not reach their full capacity. Both SEP and preliminary XANES data indicated that strong retention of Se was through reduction of Se in FGD water.<br /> Largely based on the literature, University of California-Riverside researchers (Parker et al.) are attempting to develop a clearer, more mechanistic understanding of the protective effect of biosolids on reduction in metal phytoavailability. This reduction occurs regardless of whether the metals are indigenous to the biosolids, or whether clean biosolids are added to an otherwise contaminated soil (including those spiked with salts). The candidate ligands that could account for this reduced bioavailability include humic substances (which have several distinct functional groups), sorption onto Fe and/or Al hydroxide minerals, phosphates, sulfides, and/or (co)precipitation as other mineral phases. More detailed chemical information is becoming available due to the increased use of synchrotron-based spectroscopic investigations although, to date, these have largely been confined to Cu and Zn (thus omitting important metals such as Cd). Preliminary analyses have revealed that there is little consistency in the metal-binding domains found in biosolids or biosolids-amended soils. Iron hydroxide minerals are implicated in some cases, while in other humic substances or even phosphate minerals are invoked. Different domains are sometimes observed among metals, but are not explainable by known differences in trace-metal chemistry (e.g., the Irving-Williams sequence, hard vs. soft character). Even more profitable use may be made of isotopic exchange techniques coupled with careful characterization of the soil-solution chemistry of the metals. A conceptual model is under development that should help to separate the distinct mechanisms of biosolids-derived fixation (i.e., a decrease in the quantity parameter) versus decreases in soil-solution metal activities (i.e., a decrease in the intensity parameter).<br /> <br /> Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products/Hormones/Emerging Organics<br /> <br /> Occurrence and removal efficiencies of fifteen pharmaceuticals were investigated in a conventional municipal wastewater treatment plant in Michigan (Li et al.). Concentrations of these pharmaceuticals were determined in both wastewater and sludge phases by a high-performance liquid chromatograph coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer. Detailed mass balance analysis was conducted during the whole treatment process to evaluate the contributing processes for pharmaceutical removal. Among the pharmaceuticals studied, demeclocycline, sulfamerazine, erythromycin and tylosin were not detected in the wastewater treatment plant influent. Other target pharmaceuticals detected in wastewater were also found in the corresponding sludge phase. The removal efficiencies of chlortetracycline, tetracycline, sulfamerazine, acetaminophen and caffeine were >99%, while doxycycline, oxytetracycline, sulfadiazine and lincomycin exhibited relatively lower removal efficiencies (e.g., <50%). For sulfamethoxazole, the removal efficiency was approximately 90%. Carbamazepine manifested a net increase of mass, i.e. 41% more than the input from the influent. Based on the mass balance analysis, biotransformation is believed to be the predominant process responsible for the removal of pharmaceuticals (22% to 99%), whereas contribution of sorption to sludge was relatively insignificant (7%) for the investigated pharmaceuticals.<br /> <br /> The occurrence of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in biosolids and the potential risk of transport of these compounds through the food chain is an emerging issue to the sustainability practice of biosolids application to farmlands. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) is conducting a three-year field study in collaboration with USEPA - Region 5 and Colorado School of Mines to evaluate potential uptake of PFCs by vegetables crops from biosolids-amended soil. <br /> <br /> Experimental work on biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) has ended. Efforts now focus on completing the publication of research results in the peer-reviewed literature. Essential features of the work and conclusions were reported last year: Our data appear to support the contention that land application of biosolids at agronomic rates is both beneficial and safe, but long-term field studies are needed to confirm both the data and the risks. Experimental work on fate, transport, and risk of trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) in reclaimed water (WWTP effluents) continues. Plant uptake studies are underway and in the greenhouse and field in a project headed by Dr. Chris Higgins (Colorado School of Mines, CO). A second project focuses on the potential for transfer of steroidal hormones in reclaimed water from irrigated grass to humans and the associated risk. The MS-students work is nearing completion and a thesis should result by the end of summer 2013. Preliminary results suggest minimal hormone concentrations in several representative reclaimed waters, but there is some indication of possible transfer to children playing on recently irrigated grass. The risk, however, has not been quantified.<br /> <br /> Sulfate and glucuronide estrogen conjugates, which appear to be the major estrogenic compounds in human or animal waste, are precursor for the free estrogens, which has higher potency to disrupt the endocrine systems of organisms compared to the conjugates. Virginia Tech (VA) researchers (Xia) investigated the aerobic dissipation of 17²-estradiol-3-glucuronide and products formation kinetics in two agricultural soils using laboratory incubation microcosms. The degradation of 17²-estradiol-3-glucuronide in non-sterilized soil follows the linear first order kinetics and temperature and is moisture dependent. Degradation rate of 17²-estradiol-3-glucuronide decreased with decreasing temperature soil moisture content. 17²-estradiol and estrone were identified as the main metabolites of 17²-estradiol-3-glucuronide. Estrone-3-glucuronide was detected only in soils with high moisture and temperature. <br /> <br /> Variations in the occurrence of 17-beta-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1) and 17-alpha-ethynlestradiol (EE2) in the Penn State University (PA) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent during high (>7000 cubic m/d) and low (~ 4000 cubic m/d) flow were studied. Frequency of occurrence followed to order: E1, E2, EE2. Effluent EE2 levels were mostly below detection limit. The concentration ranges observed during high flow were E1 (BDL 235 ng/L) and E2 (BDL 73.5 ng/L). Low-flow concentrations were E1 (BDL - 22.4 ng/L) and E2 (BDL 420.9 ng/L). Notably, effluent estrogen concentrations were highly variable throughout the year. Effluent E1 concentrations were statistically higher (alpha = 0.05) under high-flow conditions. Variations in E1 occurrence were attributed to differences in the makeup of the campus population during different flow regimes. Peak E1 effluent concentrations generally occurred during colder months. <br /> A manuscript was published (Walker et al.) which demonstrated that most of the carbamazepine in the campus wastewater is retained on the near surface organic carbon portion of soils when the wastewater is irrigated onto forested and cropped land, thereby reducing the stream loadings and protecting groundwater. <br /> <br /> Uptake of numerous drugs, hormones and parabens into vegetables grown in soil fertilized with biosolids was evaluated in field experiments by researchers (Topp et al.) from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Canada). Vegetables were grown under realistic farming conditions, the key element being a one year offset between application and harvest of crops for human consumption. Compared to controls, no significant micropollutant uptake was observed. The persistence and dissipation of various drugs in agricultural soils were determined in laboratory incubations using radioisotope methods. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) was very persistent in soils with DT50s ranging from about 85-330 days. Given the volume used, diphenhydramine merits further investigation with respect to environmental exposure and risk. The widely used antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor sertraline, and tricyclic amitriptyline and nortryptiline, dissipated in soil with DT50s of the order of 35-85 days. <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the agronomic and environmental benefits/advantages of land applying residual by-products and/or substituting such materials for fertilizers.<br /> <br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial fertilizer in agricultural ecosystems<br /> <br /> Virginia Tech (VA) researchers (Evanylo) investigated sites in Virginia to determine the amounts of C remaining in soils years following amending with biosolids and composts. Two studies were located at the Northern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center (NPAREC) in Orange, VA. One study employed a Fauquier silty clay loam (Fine, mixed, mesic Ultic Hapludalfs) to which four treatments (control, yard waste compost, biosolids compost, and poultry litter) were continuously applied during 2000-2004. The other study at the NPAREC was conducted on a Davidson clay loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic, Rhodic Paleudult) to which six rates of aerobically digested biosolids (0, 42, 84, 126, 168, and 210 Mg per ha) were applied in single applications in 1984. A third study was sited on a Pamunkey sandy loam (Fine-loamy, mixed, thermic Ultic, Hapludalfs) in Charles City County, VA. At this site five rates of anaerobically digested biosolids (0, 14, 42, 70, and 98 Mg per ha) with and without sawdust were applied in single applications in 1996. Soil samples to a depth of 0-60 cm were collected at each study site using a Giddings hydraulic soil probe. Total soil organic C (SOC) concentration was determined by dry combustion method, and bulk density was measured to calculate C accumulation. The organic residuals accumulated more C in the surface soil depth (< 15 cm), ranging from 2 to 12 % across all three sites. In fields with biosolids application after 27 yr, soil organic C was still much higher than the initial levels. Soil C transport from the organic residual treatments was limited to a depth of 0-15 cm. The evidence of C saturation was revealed in the third study site. Results have been reported in a report to sponsor (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments) and by oral and poster presentations at a professional meeting (ACS Annual Meetings).<br /> <br /> University of Minnesota researchers completed all studies for the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative (SMBSC) on soil byproducts derived from sugar beet tare soils. The overall objective was to provide recommendations for improved land application of sugarbeet mudsolids for crop production on agricultural soils in Southern Minnesota. The effects of mudsolids on nitrogen mineralization, aggregate stability, and seed germination following application were determined. The effect of applying the sugar beet tare soil byproduct SIM07 to two Minnesota soils on nitrogen mineralization dynamics was measured in an incubation study. SIM07 was mixed with each of the two soils, a silty clay loam (topsoil) and a sandy loam soil (sandy soil), to simulate field application at three rates (0, 100, and 200 tons/acre for the topsoil; 0, 500, and 1000 tons/acre for the sandy soil). The results were used to calculate the percentage of organic nitrogen available for mineralization, the total available nitrogen applied in each treatment, the pounds of available nitrogen per wet ton of SIM07 added, and the percentage of organic nitrogen in SIM07 that was potentially mineralizable. Continued incubation through 256 days of incubation showed that substantial nitrogen mineralization continued beyond 128 days, indicating that mineralization may be important into the second year after SIM07 is incorporated into soil. Effects of the tare soil on soil aggregation were also measured two years following incorporation. The tare soil resulted in a shift in the stable soil aggregate size distribution toward larger aggregates. Overall, the addition of the byproduct at rates as high as 448 Mg/ha improved the aggregate stability of the soils tested. However, high rates of tare soil were also found to reduce germination of corn, oats and soybeans, suggesting crop yields may be negatively affected the first year after application.<br /> <br /> Cornell (NY) researchers (Thies and Bonotal) continued to survey uncharacterized organic residuals from NYS industries and implement a multi-tiered analysis to evaluate them for use as soil amendments. Grape industry residues, leaves mulched in situ, and food residuals from commercial/industrial sectors were added to residuals reported last year. In April, 2012, grass seeds were mixed with PRs (as a carrier) at rates of (seed:PR) 1:0, 1:2 and 1:3 on a dry weight basis and applied to soil. By day 39 all treatments had approximately the same amount of growth. Nutrient leaching potential of the PRs when applied to soil at 0, 2, 5, 10 and 20 t per acre was assessed. The total amounts of Na, K, B, Al, Mn, Ni, Zn, As Pb, P, Cr, Fe, Mo and S that leached in a total of eight pore volumes (150 ml ea) of leachate were determined in soil columns. Concentrations of Na, K, B, Al, Mn, Ni, Zn, As, Pb were not significantly higher than those measured in leachate from unamended soil. Only Mn exceeded established limits for drinking water when applied at rates over 5 t per acre. Linear regression of the amount of each element leached by the rate of application was not significant for any of these elements, regardless of whether or not the PR was limed. Concentrations in leachates for the rest of the elements analyzed (P, Cr, Fe, Mo and S) were significantly affected by rate of application, but not by addition of lime. For those elements that have established drinking water standards (Cr, Fe and Mo), concentrations did not exceed established limits. Use of limed or unlimed PR as a soil conditioner is highly unlikely to contribute to groundwater pollution through leaching when applied at rates up to 20 t per acre, except for unlimed PR when applied at rates exceeding 5 t per acre, where leaching of Mn above established standards could potentially occur. Samples of limed and unlimed PR were pyrolyzed (argon sweep gas at 1 L per min, ramp rate 2.5 C per min, dwell time of 30 min at 500 C). Yields were 61% and 66% (w/w) for unlimed and limed PR, respectively.<br /> <br /> Regression modeling of the interaction of Littleton/Englewood biosolids or N fertilizer with weather conditions from 2000 to 2011by Colorado State University (CO) researchers (Barbarick et al.) showed that neither biosolids nor N fertilizer affected no-till dryland wheat production (Triticum aestivum, L.) or corn (Zea mays, L.) in wheat-fallow (WF) and wheat-corn fallow (WCF) rotations at a site approximately 40 km east of Byers, CO. Similar results were found in a minimum till dryland wheat production site 21 km from Denver International Airport. When Littleton/Englewood biosolids were applied to a Colby (Aridic Ustorthents)/Adena (Ustic Paleargids) soil populated with earthworms (A. trapezoides), the biosolids did not adversely affect these organisms. Some changes in nutrient and trace-metal availability were noted but no consistent trends were found. We found that the earthworms could survive up to a 3-week drought, which is the average length of time between rainfall events at our Byers research location. Earthworms also improved several soil-hydraulic properties.<br /> <br /> Land Reclamation with Residuals<br /> <br /> Over 3000 acres of prime farmland in eastern Virginia(VA) will be eventually be mined for mineral sands and over 2000 acres of total land have been disturbed to date. Effective restoration protocols had not been developed before our program was initiated in 1990. Our (Daniels et al.) best efforts to date had produced row crop yields that routinely equaled or exceeded county average yields for all soils, but only approached 75 to 80% of local prime farmland soils. In 2004, we established the Carraway-Winn reclamation research farm in cooperation with Iluka Resources Inc. For nine years, we have implemented and monitored a range of soil building treatments including lime+P additions, deep ripping, organic amendment, minimum tillage and residue management and more recently, periodic shallow no-till ripping. The organic amendment used in this experiment was biosolids at 78 Mg/ha. In 2012, for the first time, soybean yields on the Carraway-Winn research farm were undeniably equal to identically managed prime farmland (Orangeburg series) undisturbed soils on the nearby Clarke family farm. This is the first time that such an accomplishment has been reported anywhere in the eastern USA. Some isolated reports of similar results came from coal mined lands in Illinois and Kentucky in the 1980s, but those plots were heavily irrigated and involved full soil profile reconstruction. Our results were achieved with topsoil substitute reconstruction from recombined sandy tailings and clay slimes without topsoil salvage and return. The utilization of biosolids or other suitable organic amendments is critical to successful topsoil reconstruction here. <br /> <br /> The state of Virginia (VA) had no established regulatory program for determining if dredge materials (200 million yards per year in USA) were suitable for use as soil substrates in upland environments. This resulted in them being largely disposed of in "spoil island" landfills or pumped off the coast. For ten years we worked with Weanack Land LLLP to test and characterize a wide range of dredge spoils and determine their use limiting properties and features. In the later part of this effort, we developed an Excel base screening template that uses approximately 100 chemical physical laboratory parameters to separate (A) "clean fill" materials that can be utilized without monitoring or surface water containment from (B) significantly contaminated materials that should not be utilized at all. The system also identifies (C) partially contaminated materials that can be beneficially re-used following remediation with appropriate monitoring.<br /> <br /> Bosolids have historically been utilized at higher than agronomic rates on disturbed lands such as coal and sand & gravel mines in Virginia (VA) and the mid-Atlantic region. However, recent regulatory changes in Virginia had precluded such usage since 2009. At issue was the need to accommodate the mandatory requirement for nutrient management plans (NMPs) on mining and other disturbed sites where the criteria were not available. We (Danielsand Evanylo) combined results from over 20 years of soil and water monitoring across a wide range of mining and construction rehabilitation sites where higher than normal (agronomic) rates of biosolids had been applied with minimal water quality impacts. Between 2011 and 2012 we worked closely with Va DEQ and DCR personnel to develop a novel framework for biosolids utilization on these sites.<br /> <br /> Mined land experiments in PA indicated sustained production of switchgrass monocultures at 5-6 Mg/ha is possible with manure and paper mill sludge amendments. Atlantic coastal panic grass and big bluestem produced lower yields than switchgrass. <br /> <br /> Historically, the Appalachian coal industry has been highly successful in developing technologies to identify, handle, treat and isolate potentially acid forming spoil materials at coal mines in the region. However, these techniques do not predict release potentials of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Se and other constituents of concern from most overburden materials. The primary objective of this Virginia Tech (VA) research program is to create new methods for characterizing and predicting constituent release potentials from coal overburden and refuse materials. The secondary objectives include the development of scaling factors to relate laboratory and field studies to field conditions and correlation of those results with actual field data sets. We (Daniels and Eick) conducted a column study to examine the long-term potential for TDS release from mine spoils in the Appalachian region. This study also examined the effects of the leaching solution pH, dosing cycle, and column saturation zones (if present) on the leachate chemistry and quantity of TDS eluted from mine spoils over extended periods of time. Parameters analyzed for include EC, pH, and total elemental analysis Ca, Cl-, HCO3-, Fe, K, Mg, Na SO42-, and other elements of concern (As, Se, etc.). Levels of electrical conductance (EC) in most materials tested were initially between 1000 and 2000 us/cm, but generally decreased rapidly and equilibrated at levels between 200 and 1000 us/cm. The pH values varied with column treatment with a lower pH in the saturated columns. A greater elution of trace elements was found in the columns under vacuum due to greater pyrite oxidation. Data from this study will be compared to larger scale field studies to develop methods to predict TDS elution potential in the coal fields.<br /> <br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial soil amendment for urban/brownfield soils<br /> <br /> The objectives of the Kansas State University (KS) researchers (Hettiarachchi et al.) were: 1) to evaluate uptake of contaminants by food crops grown on unamended- and residual amended-mildly contaminated urban soils (formerly brownfields), 2) to evaluate effects of residual amendments on bioaccessibility of contaminants, and 3) to develop recommendations for corrective/protective actions to minimize direct (ingestion) and indirect (food chain transfer) exposure pathways of contaminants. Evaluation of sites throughout the U.S. has been continued in 2012 under this USEPA-funded project. Contaminants present in sites active in 2012 were: Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in Kansas City, MO site; Pb in the Seattle WA site; Pb, arsenic (As), and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Indianapolis, IN site; Pb in the Pomona, CA site; Pb in Philadelphia, PA site; and Pb and As in the Toledo, OH site. Concentrations of Pb, As and Cd in vegetables from all test sites were low. Lead concentrations in root vegetables were higher than the maximum concentration limit (MCL) recommended by the Codex Alimentarius when concentrations of Pb in soils were >200- 250 mg/kg. Cadmium in leafy vegetables was higher than the MCL when soil Cd >20 mg/kg. Uptake of PAHs by vegetables was either low or non-detectable. Bioaccessible lead in most soils was low. Soil contaminants were consistently diluted through compost and other residual addition resulting lower contaminant concentrations in vegetables compared to the unamended soils. <br /> <br /> Composting and compost use<br /> <br /> Composting biosolids with plant bulking agent, aiming to reduce the biosolids odor, can decrease phytoavailability of biosolids N and limit plant growth due to the loss of mineralizable organic N and increase in C/N ratio. MWRDGC researchers investigated two types of biosolids (lagoon-aged biosolids and centrifuge cake biosolids), co-composted with each of three locally available bulking materials: tree leaves, woodchips and yardwastes. A bioassay with corn was conducted to determine the plant available N (PAN) of composted biosolids. Uptake of N and dry matter yield of corn were reduced in the composted biosolids as compared to that in the uncomposted biosolids. The PAN of fully composted biosolids was < 10%, and this was > 15% for uncomposted and partially composted biosolids (i.e. composts produced at lower bulking ratios). Our results suggest that application rate of biosolids composts may need to be changed to reflect the change in PAN during the composting.<br /> <br /> Researchers (Brown et al.) from the University of Washington (WA) are determining if the phosphorus saturation index (PSI) is a suitable indicator for evaluation of compost mixtures for stormwater bioretention systems. Current regulations for bioretention system soil mixtures vary widely across the country. While compost is typically a component of these mixtures, specifications often restrict the quantity of compost in these mixtures and also restrict the type of compost based on feedstocks. Use of biosolids composts are often prohibited based on the perception that they will leach excess nutrients and metals. PSI was found to be an excellent predictor of potential leaching of total and dissolved P through biosolids-, yard+food waste-, and animal manure-based composts amended with various proportions Fe WTRs. Turbidity was also reduced as a function of PSI. All mixtures reduced transport of total and dissolved Zn and Cu.<br /> <br /> University of Washington (WA) researchers Brown et al.) conducted a small scale composting study of mussels harvested from contaminated sediments as part of the Pacific Shellfish Institute bioremediation research. The compost feedstocks were one part ground mussel waste and four parts wood waste. The finished product had typical concentrations of all constituents, except for calcium, which was elevated from the mussel shells. Levels of trace elements were all low. Compost EC and C:N were acceptable for agricultural use.<br /> <br /> Basic composting training was provided by Penn State faculty to 15 commercial composters from across the state.<br />Publications
California<br /> None reported<br /> <br /> Colorado<br /> <br /> JA Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, J. McDaniel, N.C. Hansen, and G.A. Peterson. 2012. Biosolids application to no-till dryland agroecosystems. Agic. Ecosys. Environ. 150:72-81.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A., N.C. Hansen, and J. McDaniel. 2012. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR12-6.<br /> <br /> TR Barbarick, K.A., T. Gourd, and J. McDaniel. 2012. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR12-8.<br /> <br /> AB McDaniel, J., K. Barbarick, and M. Stromberger. 2012. Drought Stress Affects Earthworms in a Biosolids Amended Colorado Soil. Soil Science Society of America Abstract 389-7<br /> <br /> TH McDaniel, J. 2012. Implications for the Introduction of Earthworms in a Biosolids Amended Agroecosystem. MS Thesis. Colorado State University.<br /> <br /> Florida<br /> <br /> JA Pannu (Waria), M., G.S. Toor, G.A. OConnor, and P.C Wilson. 2012. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclosan in food crops. Environ. Toxicol. & Chem. 31: 2130-2137.<br /> <br /> JA Snyder, E. H., and G. A. OConnor. 2012. Risk assessment of land-applied biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC). Sci. Total Environ. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2012.10.007 (Appears in 2013 in Vol. 442: 437-444).<br /> <br /> Illinois <br /> <br /> BC Cox, Granato, Kollias. Land application of biosolids by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. In chapter Jakobsson (ed) Sustainable Agriculture - Ecosstem Health and Sustainable Agriculture. Baltic university programme, Uppsala Univ., Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 157-167, 2012.<br /> <br /> JA Hale, LaGuardia, Harvey, Chen, and Hundal. 2012. PBDEs in U.S. biosolids: Temporal/geographical trends and uptake by corn following land application. Environmental Science and Technology 46:2055-2063.<br /> <br /> JA Kumar, Hundal, Brown and Cox. 2012. Biosolids, compost and manure are important components or sustainability. BioCycle 53:57-58. <br /> <br /> JA Lukicheva, Tian, Cox, Granato, and Pagilla. 2012.Aerobic and anaerobic transformations affecting stability of dewatered sludge during long-term storage in a lagoon. Water Environment Research 84:17-24. <br /> <br /> JA Oladeji, Tian, Cox, Granato, Pietz, Carlson, and Abedin. 2012. Effect of long term application of biosolids for mineland reclamation on water chemistry: Trace metals. Journal of Environmental Quality 41:1445-1451.<br /> <br /> JA Peak, Kar, Hundal, and Schoenau. 2012. Kinetics and mechanisms of phosphorus release in a soil amended with biosolids or inorganic fertilizer. Soil Science 177: 183-187.<br /> <br /> PR Hundal, Kumar, Cox, Tian, and Granato. 2012. Effect of biosolids application on plant available nutrients. Proceedings of the 42nd North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference. Des Moines, IA. pp. 37-44. <br /> <br /> Indiana<br /> None reported<br /> <br /> Kansas<br /> <br /> JA Baker, L., G.M. Pierzynski, G.M. Hettiarachchi, K.G. Scheckel, and M. Newville. Speciation of Zn as Influenced by P Addition in a Pb/Zn Smelter Contaminated Soil. J. Environ. Qual. 41: 1865-1873.<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S.L., I. Clausen, M.A. Chappell, K.G. Scheckel, M. Newville, G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2012. High Fe biosolids compost induced changes in Pb and As speciation and bioaccessibility in contaminated soils. J. Environ. Qual. 41: 1612-1622. <br /> <br /> TH Harms, A.M.R. 2011. Determining and meeting the educational needs of students and urban gardeners and farmers on urban soil quality and contamination topics. M.S. Thesis. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> AB Attanayake, C., G.M. Hettiarachchi, S. Martin, P. Defoe, and G.M. Pierzynski. Potential for Transfer of Lead, Arsenic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Compost Added Urban Soils to Vegetables and Humans. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Brown, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Use of Urban Residuals to Reduce Pb and As Bioaccessibility. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Defoe, P. and G. M. Hettiarachchi. 2012. Reducing Bioaccessibility of Lead and Arsenic in a Contaminated Urban Garden Soil. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Galkaduwa, B., G.M. Hettiarachchi, G. Kluitenberg, and S. Hutchinson. Understanding Transport and Transformations of Selenium in Flue-Gas Desulfurization Waste Water Using Continuous Flow Column Systems. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Hettiarachchi, G.M. Contaminants In Urban Gardens- Lessons Learned In the Past. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Karna, R. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Understanding Subsurface Transformations and Dynamics of Trace Elements in Multi-Metal Contaminated Mine Waste Materials in Southeast Kansas. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Price, J. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Trace Metal Concentration and Partitioning Among Vegetable Varieties. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2012, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> Michigan<br /> <br /> JA Pin Gao, Yunjie Ding, Hui Li, and Irene Xagoraraki, 2012, Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals in a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant: Mass Balance and Removal Processes. Chemosphere 88: 17-24.<br /> <br /> JA Cun Liu, Hui Li, Cliff T. Johnston, Stephen A. Boyd, and Brian J. Teppen, 2012, Relating Clay Structural Factors to Dioxin Adsorption by Smectites: Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 110-120.<br /> <br /> JA Cuiping Wang, Brian J. Teppen, Stephen A. Boyd, and Hui Li, 2012, Sorption of Lincomycin at Low Concentrations from Water by Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 1222-1228.<br /> <br /> JA Ying Yao, Bin Gao, Hao Chen, Lijuan Jiang, Mandu Inyang, Andrew R. Zimmerman, Xinde Cao, Liuyan Yang, Yingwen Xue, and Hui Li, 2012, Adsorption of Sulfamethoxazole on Biochar and Its Impact on Reclaimed Water Irrigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 209: 408-413.<br /> <br /> JA Kai Yu, Cheng Gu, Stephen A. Boyd, Cun Liu, Cheng Sun, Brian J. Teppen, and Hui Li, 2012, Rapid and Extensive Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether by Smectite Clay-Templated Subnanoscale Zero-Valent Iron. Environmental Science and Technology 46:8969-8975. <br /> <br /> Minnesota<br /> <br /> TR Rosen, C., J. Crants, M. McNearney, and K. Piotrowski. 2012. Sugar beet tare soil byproducts as agricultural soil amendments: Effects on nitrogen mineralization, soil structure, and seed germination. A report submitted to the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative Renville, MN. <br /> <br /> New York<br /> None reported<br /> <br /> Ohio<br /> <br /> BC Dick, Richard P., Qin Wu, Nicholas T. Basta. 2012. Biomethylation of Arsenic in Contaminated Soils. In M.H. Wong (ed.) Environmental Contamination Health Risks and Ecological Restoration. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon UK. <br /> <br /> JA Richards, J.R., J.L. Schroder, H. Zhang, N.T. Basta, Y. Wang, and M.E. Payton. 2012. Trace elements in benchmark soils of Oklahoma. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. in press. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2012.0100. <br /> <br /> JA Sloan, J.J., P.A.Y. Ampim, N.T. Basta, and R. Scott. 2012. Addressing the need for soil blends and amendments for the highly modified urban landscape. SSSAJ. 76:1133-1141.<br /> <br /> JA Sullivan, T.S., Gottel, N.T., Basta, N., Jardine, P.J3, and C.W. Schadt. 2012. Firing range soils yield a diverse array of fungal isolates capable of Pb-mineral solubilization. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78(17): 6078-6086.<br /> <br /> AB Busalacchi D., Nicholas Basta, Lakhwinder Hundal, Jennifer Tvergyak, Roman Lanno and Richard P. Dick. 2012. Evaluation of Biosolids for Ecological Restoration of Degraded Soil: A Field Study. Presentation 318-2, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N., Shane D. Whitacre, Kirk Scheckel, Bradley Miller and Stan Casteel. 2012. Assessing Oral Human Bioavailability of Arsenic in Soil with in Vitro Gastrointestinal Methods. Presentation 409-8, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Whitacre, Shane D., Nicholas Basta, Valerie Mitchell and Perry Myers, 2012. Bioavailability Measures for Arsenic in Gold Mine Tailings. Presentation 412-1, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Richey Jamie, Nicholas Basta and Shane D. Whitacre. 2012. The Influence of the Physicochemical Parameters of An in Vitro Gastrointestinal Method On the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Contaminated Soils. Presentation 412-2, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Alpers,C.N., V.L. Mitchell, N.T. Basta, S.W. Casteel, A.L. Foster, A.E. Blum, C.S. Kim, P. Myers, T.L. Burlak, and L. Hammersley. 2012. Evaluating the Bioavailability, Bioaccessibility, Mineralogy, and Speciation of Arsenic in Mine Waste and Soils, Empire Mine Low-sulfide Gold-quartz Vein Deposit, Nevada County, California. U.S. EPA Hardrock Mining Conference 2012: Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy. Denver, CO. Apr 3-5, 2012 <br /> <br /> AB Mitchell, Alpers, Basta, Casteel, Foster, Kim, Naught, Myers. 2012. Alternative Methods for the Prediction of Relative Bioavailability of Arsenic in Mining Soils. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. March 11-15, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Sharma, K., Priyanka Yadav, Zhiqiang Cheng, Nicholas Basta and Parwinder S. Grewal. 2012. Heavy metal contamination in two post-industrial cities. OARDC Annual Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. April, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Basta, N.T. and E.A. Dayton. 2012. Chemical controls of P in the soil. Soil and Water Conservation Society Ohio Chapter Winter Meeting. Reynoldsburg, OH. Jan. 17, 2012. <br /> <br /> Pennsylvania<br /> <br /> JA Dere, A.L, R.C. Stehouwer, 2011. Labile and stable nitrogen and carbon in mine soil reclaimed with manure-based amendments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:890-897.<br /> <br /> JA Dere, A.L,, R.C. Stehouwer, E. Aboukila and K.E. McDonald. 2012. Nutrient leaching and soil retention in mined land reclaimed with stabilized manure. J. Environ. Qual. 20120:0 - doi 10.2134/jeq2012.0036.<br /> <br /> JA Elliott, H.A. and D. Jaiswal. 2012. Phosphorus management for sustainable agricultural irrigation of reclaimed water. J. Environ. Engr. 138:367-374.<br /> <br /> JA Walker, C.W., J.E. Watson, C. Williams. 2012. Occurrence of carbamazepine in soils under different land uses receiving wastewater. J. Environ. Qual. 41:1263-1267. <br /> <br /> PR Asem-Hiablie, S., H. A. Elliott, C.D. Church, J. E. Watson, and C.F. Williams. 2012. Patterns of estrogen occurrence in sewage treatment plant effluent (STPE) from a university campus. ASABE Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX, July 29 August 1. Paper No. 121338255.<br /> <br /> AB Hunt. A.L. and R.C. Stehouwer. 2011. Effect of organic amendments and switchgrass cultivation on carbon sequestration in reclaimed mine soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. Oct 16-20, 2011. Abstract No. 390-9.<br /> <br /> AB Jaiswal, D. and H.A. Elliott. 2011. Depth stratification of Mehlich-3 phosphorus after long-term effluent-irrigation of cropland. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. Oct 16-20, 2011. Abstract No. 59399.<br /> <br /> AB Woodward, E., Andrews, D., Williams, C. and Watson, J. 2012. Vadose zone transport of estrogen hormones at Penn States Living Filter. AWRA Summer Specialty Conference: Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water Resources II: Research, Engineering, and Community Action, Denver, CO. June 25-27, 2012<br /> <br /> AB Watson, J., C. Walker, C. Williams, D. Andrews, E. Woodward. 2012. Carbamazepine distribution in wastewater irrigated soils at the Living Filter. AWRA Summer Specialty Conference: Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water Resources II: Research, Engineering, and Community Action, Denver, CO. June 25-27, 2012<br /> <br /> United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service<br /> None reported<br /> <br /> U.S. EPA<br /> None reported<br /> <br /> Virginia<br /> <br /> JA Bosch, D., J. Pease, M.L. Wolfe, C. Zobel, J. Osorio, T.D. Cobb, and G. Evanylo*. 2012. Community DECISIONS: Stakeholder Focused Watershed Planning. Journal of Environmental Management. JEMA-D-11-01954R2. 112:226-232.<br /> <br /> JA Diehl, J., S. E. Johnson, K. Xia*, A. West, and L. Tomanek. 2012. The distribution of 4-nonylphenol in marine organisms of North American Pacific Coast estuaries. Chemosphere. 87:490497.<br /> <br /> JA Howard, J.L., B.R. Dubay, and W.L. Daniels*. 2013. Artifact weathering, anthropogenic microparticles and lead contamination in urban soils at former demolition sites, Detroit, Michigan. Environ. Pollution 179: 1-12.<br /> <br /> JA Keith A. Maruya, D. E. Vidal-Dorsch, S. M. Bay, J. W. Kwon, K. Xia*, and K. L. Armbrust. 2012. Organic contaminants of emerging concern in sediments and flatfish collected near outfalls discharging treated wastewater effluent to the Southern California Bight. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 31:26832688.<br /> <br /> JA Kelly, J. G., F. X. Han, Y. Su, Y. J. Xia*, V. Philips, Z. Q. Shi, D. L. Monts, S. T. Pichardo, and K. Xia. 2012. Rapid Determination of Mercury in Contaminated Soil and Plant Samples Using Portable Mercury Direct Analyzer without Sample Preparation, a Comparative Study. Water Air Soil Pollut. 223:2361-2371.<br /> <br /> JA Kwon, J. W. and K. Xia*. 2012. Fate of Triclosan and triclocarban in soil columns with and without biosolids surface application. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 31:262269.<br /> <br /> JA Shan, Dexin, G.K. Evanylo, and J.M. Goatley. 2012. Effects of compost sources and seeding treatments on germination and emergence of four turfgrass species. Compost Science and Utilization. 20:165-170<br /> <br /> JA Xia, K.*, G. Hagood, C. Childers, J. Atkins, B. Rogers, L. Ware, K. Armbrust, J. Jewell, D. Diaz, N. Gatian, and H. Folmer. 2012. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Mississippi Seafood from Areas Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46:53105318.<br /> <br /> JA Zhang, X., D. Zhou, E.H. Ervin, G.K. Evanylo*, D. Cataldi, and J. Li. 2012. Biosolids impact antioxidant metabolism associated with drought tolerance in tall fescue. HortScience 47(10):1550-1555.<br /> <br /> PR Daniels, W.L.*, C. Stilson, and C. Zimmerman. 2012. Development of effective rehabilitation protocols for mineral sands mining in Virginia, USA. p. 97-103. In: Proc. Life-of-Mine Conf., Brisbane, QLD. Australian Inst. Min. Metall., Melbourne, VIC, Australia.<br /> <br /> PR Daniels, W.L*, Z.W. Orndorff, M. Eick and C. Zipper. 2013. Predicting TDS release from Appalachian mine spoils. p. 275 285 In: J.R. Crayon (ed.), Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Soc. Mining, Met. & Exploration, Engelwood, CO. www.smenet.org.<br /> <br /> AB Abaye, A. Ozzie, Gregory Welbaum, K. Xia*. Connecting the Dots: Food + Culture = Agriculture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Cataldi, J.D., E.H. Ervin, and G. Evanylo*. 2012. Biosolids effects on soil properties in tall fescue sod production. ACS Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Chen Y., S. Day, W. Daniels*, A. Wick, B. Strahm, P. Wiseman. Relation of Microbial Biomass Carbon and Aggregate Size Distribution to Soil Carbon Pools Four Years After Urban Soil Rehabilitation. Abstract 140-6 In: In Abstracts, 2012 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, "Visions for a Sustainable Planet," Oct. 21-24, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Chen Y., S. Day, B. Strahm, R. Shrestha, A. Wick, W. Daniels*. 2012. Effects of Urban Land Development Practices on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Ecological Society of America 97th Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. PS14 Sustainability: Abstract 181.<br /> <br /> AB Chen Y., S. Day, P. Wiseman, A. Wick, B. Strahm, W. Daniels*, K. McGuire. Relation of Microbial Biomass Carbon and Tree Root Distribution to Soil Carbon Dynamics Four Years after Urban Soil Rehabilitation. Disturbed Environments: Ecological Impact and Management. Annual Conference, Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ecological Society of America. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. April 14-15, 2012, p. 24. <br /> <br /> AB Craig N., B. Strahm, J. Burger, W. Nash, W. Daniels*. Long-term Carbon and Nutrient Accrual in Coal Mine Topsoil Substitutes in Southwest Virginia. In R.I. Barnhisel, (Ed.). Proceedings, 29th Annual National Conference, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, June 8 15, 2012, Tupelo Mississippi. ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> AB Daniels, W*. Rapid Pedogenesis in Appalachian Coal Mine Spoils and Its Implications. Abstract 284-6 In: In Abstracts, 2012 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, "Visions for a Sustainable Planet," Oct. 21-24, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Daniels W.L.*, A. Wick, C. Carter III, C. Saunders. Screening Criteria for Beneficial Utilization of Dredge Sediments in Virginia, USA. p. 100 In R.I. Barnhisel, (Ed.). Proceedings, 29th Annual National Conference, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, June 8 15, 2012, Tupelo Mississippi. ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> AB Haus N., W. Daniels*. Effects of Organic Amendments on Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Freshwater Dredge Sediments. In, Proceedings, 8th Int. Conf. Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, May 21-24, Monterey CA.<br /> <br /> AB Himaya Mula-Michel, K. Xia*, Mark Williams, and Michael Cox. Discovering Small Peptides with High Affinity to Montmorillonite Using Phage Display Library Technology. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Howard J., B. Dubay, W. Daniels*. Effects of Soil Morphogenesis On the Bioaccessibility of Pb in An Urban Soil Chronosequence, Detroit, Michigan. Abstract 135-11 In: In Abstracts, 2012 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, "Visions for a Sustainable Planet," Oct. 21-24, Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Huiqin Guo, and K. Xia*. 2012. Fate of Hormone Conjugates in Soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Li, J., G. Evanylo*, J. Mao, and K. Xia*. 2012. Spectroscopic evidence for carbon stability in organic residual-amended soils. ACS Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Liu, X., J. Fike, J. Galbraith, and G. Evanylo*. 2012. Effects of biosolids application and harvest management on soil carbon and nitrogen in biofuel production systems. ACS Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Liu, X., J. Fike, J. Galbraith, and G. Evanylo*. 2012. Effects of biosolids application and harvest frequency on nitrogen use and yield of switchgrass grown for biofuel production ---a plot study. ACS Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> AB Mulvaney, M.J., M. Graham, K. Xia*, V.H. Barrara, R. Botello, A.K.S. Rivera, J. Sedlmair, M. Unger, C. Hirschmugl. 2012. Soil organic matter characterization in Bolivia and Ecuador. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Nash W., W. Daniels*, J. Burger. Long-term Effects of Rock Type and Weathering on Southwest Virginia Mine Soils. p. 391 In R.I. Barnhisel, (Ed.). Proceedings, 29th Annual National Conference, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, June 8 15, 2012, Tupelo Mississippi. ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> AB Orndorff Z., W. Daniels*. Fifteen years of mapping, characterizing and remediating acid sulfate soils in Virginia, United States. Abstracts, 7th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference in Vaasa, Finland, August 26 - September 1, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Wick A., W. Daniels*, Z. Orndorff, M. Alley. Carbon Accumulation and Stabilization Following Mineral Sands Mining in Eastern Virginia. p. 537 In R.I. Barnhisel, (Ed.). Proceedings, 29th Annual National Conference, American Society of Mining and Reclamation, June 8 15, 2012, Tupelo Mississippi. ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> AB Xia, K*., Mark Williams, and Jian Wang. Investigation of Molecular Scale Surface Organization of Small Peptides Sorbed On Montmorillonite Using Synchrotron-Based Polarization-Dependent X-Ray Absorption near Edge Photoemission Electron Microscopy (X-PEEM). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Xia, K.*, Mark Williams, and Madhavi Kakumanu. Carbon K-Edge NEXAFS Spectroscopy of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter During Soil Ecosystem Development. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 22, 2012.<br /> <br /> AB Xunzhong Zhang, Erik Ervin, Gregory Evanylo* and Jinling Li. 2012. Biosolids impact on corn and soybean drought tolerance associated with hormone and antioxidant metabolism. ACS Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.<br /> <br /> Washington<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S.L., I. Clausen, M.A. Chappell, K.G. Scheckel, M. Newville, and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2012. High-Iron Biosolids CompostInduced Changes in Lead and Arsenic Speciation and Bioaccessibility in Co-contaminated Soils. J. Environ. Qual 2012: 41: 1612-1622<br /> <br /> JA Cogger, C.G., A.I. Bary, E. A. Myhre, and A. Fortuna. 2012. Biosolids applications to tall fescue have long-term influence on soil nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus. J. Environ Qual. 2013 42:516-522<br /> <br /> JA McIvor, K., C. Cogger, and S. Brown. 2012. Effects of Biosolids Based Soil Products on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Urban Gardens. Compost Sci. Util. 2012: 20: 199-206<br /> <br /> Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)<br /> <br /> JA Sabourin, L., P. Duenk, S. Bonte-Gelok, M. Payne, D. R. Lapen, E. Topp. 2012. Uptake of pharmaceuticals, hormones and parabens into vegetables grown in soil fertilized with municipal biosolids. Sci. Tot. Environ. 431:233-236.<br /> <br /> JA Topp, E., M. W. Sumarah, L. Sabourin. 2012. The antihistamine diphenhydramine is extremely persistent in agricultural soil. Sci. Total Environ. 439:136-140.<br /> <br /> AB = abstract, BK=book, BC=book chapter, EB=extension bulletin, JA=journal article, PR = proceedings, TB=technical bulletin, TH= thesis, TR=Technical report.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Most urban soils are not tested for Pb because of the high costs associated with sampling and analysis ($1,000 to $20,000 per site). However, routine soil testing for plant nutrients is inexpensive and routinely performed for agricultural soils. Commonly used and widely available agricultural soil tests can be used to estimate soil Pb content. Such inexpensive soil tests (<$15 per soil sample) may serve as an excellent screening tool to assess the suitability of urban soil for gardening. Rapid and inexpensive assessment of Pb in urban soils will allow city planners, community groups and other stakeholders seek to convert some of the vacant land for urban agriculture and gardening, parks, playgrounds and other common areas.
- Many pharmaceuticals survive wastewater treatment processes and are re-distributed into effluent and sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Subsequent land application of the contaminated sewage sludge to agricultural fields and use of the reclaimed water for irrigation could lead to further dissemination of pharmaceuticals in the environment. This will poses potential threats to at-risk populations in the receiving ecosystems.
- The risk assessment for biosolids-borne provide evidence of minimal risk to humans or to the environment from land application of biosolids-borne TCC and TCS. It is too early to confidently assess the real risk associated with reclaimed water steroidal hormones, but preliminary data suggest minimal exposure and, likely, small risk. Risk characterization awaits a detailed risk analysis for the unique scenario of a small child rolling around on grass recently irrigated with effluent containing various concentrations and types of steroidal hormones.
- Conjugated hormones can be a potential source of free hormones in natural soils with high clay and organic matter contents at low temperature or low moisture content. The results explain why there has been frequent detection of free hormones in soils of cold and dry climate zones.
- The risk of micropollutant uptake by crops in western Canada is small, likely due to factors that reduce their availability for uptake in the months following application. A number of psychoactive drugs persist in soil with intermediate persistence, whereas the antihistamine diphenhydramine is very persistent and merits more investigation in studies of environmental exposure to micropollutants from land application of biosolids.
- Long-term or single high application of organic amendments (i.e., compost and biosolids) in the Mid-Atlantic region of United States can increase soil organic C (SOC) concentration and soil C stocks, providing evidence for C sequestration. Although the measured soil C stocks are fairly high for the Coastal Plain, additional SOC storage may be not achievable by increasing C inputs to the soil, due to possible C saturation limits in this site. There was little evidence for C accumulation in the soil profile beyond the surface, demonstrating progressively diminishing SOC sequestration deeper in the profile with application of organic amendments.
- The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality accepted a Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permit for Weanack Land LLLP in December of 2012 that was largely based upon the implementation and use of Virginia Tech-developed screening criteria. This is the first such action and approved program in the USA to our knowledge.
- Based on Virginia Tech research, state regulatory agencies are permitting higher than agronomic rates to be used for soil reconstruction and site remediation and subsequent delaying of the implementation of the mandatory NMP compliance period until the site has been released from erosion control or mined land reclamation liability. The cumulative effect over time will be substantial improvements in mined and disturbed land reclamation at much lower cost.
- Minnesota is the largest U.S. producer of beet sugar, whose byproduct tare soil contains organic matter and nutrients. Research results are being used by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to determine appropriate land application permits for the tare soil.
- A Pittsburgh community project combining curbing changes with landscape plantings and porous sidewalk pavement demonstrated that these practices reduce runoff of sediments, E. Coli, and heavy metals into a storm sewer, thus reducing the areas contribution to surface water contamination and sewer flows.
- Cornell, Penn State, University of Washington, and Virginia Tech educators conducted workshops and demonstrations to promote diversion of unusable food to animal feed, organic matter digesters and stabilization through composting, thus reducing the disposal of such waste via landfilling and incineration.
- Addition of earthworms (A. trapezoides) to biosolids-amended dryland agroecosystems can increase water movement and storage in soils. The CSU research results aided the USEPA Region 8 in recycling over 80% of the biosolids through beneficial land application.
Date of Annual Report: 07/02/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/29/2014
- 07/02/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 10/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 10/01/2013
• Basta, Nick, basta.4@osu.edu, Ohio State University• Booze-Daniels, Jody, Virginia Tech
• Brose, Dominic, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC)
• Brown, Sally, slb@u.washington.edu, Washington State University
• Chaney, Rufus, Rufus.Chaney@ARS.USDA.GOV, USDA
• Collins, Dan, MWRDGC
• Daniels, Lee, wdaniels@vt.edu, Virginia Tech
• Elliot, Herschel (Chip), hae1@psu.edu, Penn State University
• Evanylo, Greg, gevanylo@vt.edu, Virginia Tech
• Hettiarachchi, Ganga, ganga@ksu.edu, Kansas State University
• Higgins, Chris, Colorado School of Mines
• Hundal, Lakhwinder, Lakhwinder.Hundal@mwrd.org, MWRDGC
• Kester, Greg, CASA
• Kumar, Kuldip, MWRDGC
• Lee, Linda, lslee@purdue.edu, Purdue University
• McFarland, Michael, Utah State University
• O'Connor, George, GAO@UFL.edu, University Florida
• Olabode, Lola, WERF
• Phillips, Ellen, University of Illinois
• Picchion, Geno, New Mexico State University
• Rosen, Carl, University of Minnesota
• Scheckel, Kirk, Scheckel.Kirk@epa.gov, EPA
• Steiner, Jeffery, Colorado State University
• Stevens, Rick, EPA
• Toor, Gurpal, gstoor@ufl.edu, University of Florida
• Topp, Edward, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada
• Watson, Jack, jew21@psu.edu, Penn State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Sunday, June 29th, Business meeting1. Lakhwinder Hundal welcomed the attendees and introduced Lola Olabode from WERF to the group. Lola provided a brief update on WERF’s initiative on trace organics (TOrCs) research and data gathering efforts to assist USEPA with risk assessment of TOrCs in land applied biosolids.
2. Rick Stevens, USEPA made a presentation and demonstrated use of a risk screening tool (BCRAM) developed by EPA. The screening toll can be used to determine potential risks from TOrCs in land applied biosolids. Rick also discussed risk assessment of (Barium, Beryllium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Silver, 4-Choroaniline, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Nitrate, and Nitrite land applied biosolids. W-2170 members had a good discussion with Rick. Some members volunteered to review the document and provide comments to Rick.
3. Update from Project Director – Jeff Steiner – Jeff gave W-3170 approval update and gave the good news that the renewal proposal has been officially approved and we are now officially called W-3170 Committee. He emphasized on demonstrating the impact of research conducted by the committee members. He also indicated that he will not accept individual progress reports. The progress report should be for the entire committee and should clearly show what was accomplished, what is its impact, and what was done to educate the stakeholders (public outreach and education components) and disseminate information.
4. Selected members presented state reports.
5. Ellen Phillips made a presentation and shared challenges she faced while discussing biosolids in Cook County, Illinois, and the type of information is needed to address user concerns and public perception about biosolids. She suggested that the group should prepare a white paper addressing common concerns/perceptions about metals in biosolids.
6. Group had a good discussion on this issue. Some members decided to continue this discussion with each other to come up with some ideas for the group to explore.
7. Future Meetings: Nick Basta offered to host the meeting in Columbus. Chip Elliot offered to host it in State College.
2015: Lakhwinder Hundal proposed to host the next meeting along with WEFTEC in Chicago.
2016: Columbus, OH (proposed by Nick Basta)
Objective 1: Evaluate the chemistry and bioavailability of trace elements, organic microconstituents and nutrients in residuals and residuals-amended soils to assess the environmental and health risks. The research performed to accomplish objective 1included a) direct chemical measurements of nitrogen, phosphorus, trace elements, and organic compounds in the applied residual and upon transformation and/or transport through the environment and b) bioassays to assess bioavailability.
Research studies conducted by Nick Basta (Ohio Sate University and MWRDGC collaborative study) show that biosolids is a highly desirable material to restore and revitalize soil ecosystem services to degraded soils in urban areas. Study was conducted to evaluate soil blends that include biosolids restored ecosystem services in the degraded Calumet, IL area. Beneficial use of biosolids in this manner is very “green.” Urban organic byproducts are reused in the soil blends. Our farmland soil, often used as “borrowed soil” to restore urban degraded land, is not needed for restoration thus preserving our farmland natural resource for future generations.
Research conducted by Dr. Brown (University of Washington) show that use of biosolids and other residuals based soil amendments also offers multiple opportunities and benefits for urban agriculture. Previous work has shown that high Fe biosolids composts can reduce the bioaccessibility of soil Pb in situ (Brown et al., 2012). This work has been continued by other members of the W 3170 research group (Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas State University). Our work has also shown that use of biosolids soil products can improve soil properties (McIvor et al., 2012). As community gardens sprout across the country, using residuals soils amendments has the potential to make these gardens grow. Successful garden programs result in healthier communities by improving nutrition, increasing physical activity and increasing community strength.
There are environmental consequences of being able to predict the transport of antibiotics in the soil profile. If the antibiotics remain in the surface soil, this approach of applying wastewater effluent to managed lands in excess of plant water requirements, reduces the quantity of antibiotics delivered to surface water sources. Direct exposure of aquatic species to antibiotics and antibiotic resistant microorganisms from wastewater disposal via discharge to surface waters is thus reduced.
There are economic and environmental consequences to the development of antibiotic resistance in microorganisms living in soil irrigated with wastewater effluent. If the resistance development poses greater risks for human health or the environment than direct discharge of effluent to surface water bodies, the alternative of reuse for irrigation and groundwater recharge may be somewhat constrained.
Evaluating and understanding the chemistry and availability of contaminants in various waste residuals is critical to safe and sustainable management of the wastes. For the major management practice of land application, being able to predict the behavior of the contaminants is paramount. Of the many potential contaminants in biosolids and animal manures, trace organic compounds, also known as micro-constituents, are of special interest. Emphasis was given to mathematical model development to predict micro-constituent behavior, particularly losses to water bodies, in amended soils, and to estimation of risk to humans and the environment from the applied waste constituents. Data from several studies, both laboratory and field were used to calibrate and test the mathematical model of micro-constituent loss to water bodies. Human risk assessments were based on parameters measured in turfed areas irrigated with reclaimed water. Micro-constituent (specifically, endocrine disrupting chemicals) were quantified in the irrigation water, on grass surfaces, and on denim dragged over the wet grass and used to estimate exposure of a young child playing on the grass soon after irrigation. The modeling effort suggested that only small percentage losses of micro-constituents that are water-insoluble are likely, except under extraordinary conditions.<br /> <br /> Modeling efforts also identified soil, waste, and environmental conditions where losses could be significant, and where additional research is necessary. Risk assessment using highly conservative estimates of child behavior (that result in extraordinary exposure), nevertheless suggested minimal hazard. Concentrations of endocrine disruptors in the reclaimed waters were low, exposures to children were low, and overall risk was exceptionally small except under unique conditions. Risk associated with the reuse of reclaimed waters was estimated individually for select compounds and may under-estimate risk associated with the total array of chemicals that can be present. Additional characterization of reclaimed waters for additional chemicals is suggested to support the growing use of reclaimed waters in a safe and sustainable manner.<br /> <br /> William and Watson also investigated the development of antibiotic resistance in soil microorganisms living in soil at the site of effluent irrigation. Initial results indicate an increase in resistance to the widely used antibiotic, sulfamethoxazole. Additional work will be conducted to confirm these initial results. William and Watson investigated the use of Hydrus 1D and Hydrus 2D for the purpose of predicting the transport of calcium, magnesium and sodium through soil receiving approximately 150 to 250 cm of effluent per year. We found strong agreement between predicted and measured concentrations, indicating the model parameters utilized represented the site very well. The increase in the ratio of sodium to calcium + magnesium at deeper depths of the soil indicates the potential for the development of future reductions in the ability of water to drain from the profile. As a part of this effort we obtained sorption data and dispersivity data for the site. In the coming year we plan to apply the model to predict transport of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim through the soil profile. <br /> <br /> Stehouwer et al conducted a 3-month study on the leaching of secondary effluent spiked with 17 beta-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), 17 alpha-ethynlestradiol (EE2), and a bromide (Br) tracer through undisturbed cubic soil lysimeters (61 cm on a side) cut from areas containing Hagerstown silt loam and Morrison sandy loam soils. The results show that Br tracer emerged from the lysimeters after only ~0.1 pore volumes of effluent had been leached, indicating the presence of preferential flow paths that potentially enhance downward migration of solutes. The leachate estrogen concentrations were generally <10% of the applied levels, suggesting retention and or degradation by the soils. The HYDRUS 1D model was used to estimate the transport parameters of the hormones. Concentrations of carbamazazepine (CBZ) were determined in soils receiving wastewater irrigation for >25 years under three different land uses: cropped, grassed, and forested. Triplicate soil cores were collected at each of the land uses to a depth of 120 cm. Extractions for CBZ were performed using 5-g soil samples and 20 mL of acetonitrile. The extracted solutions were analyzed on a liquid chromatograph tandem mass spectrometer. The samples were also analyzed for supporting information such as organic carbon, pH, and electrical conductivity. Results suggest that there is accumulation of the CBZ in the surface soils, which have the highest organic carbon content. Average concentrations of CBZ in the surface soils were 4.92, 2.9, and 1.92 ng/ g, for the forested, grassed, and cropped land uses, respectively. The majority of the CBZ was found in the upper 30 cm of the profile. Our results suggest that the soils adsorb CBZ and slow its movement into groundwater, compared to the movement of non-adsorbed chemicals. Ongoing experiments using mushroom compost for warm-season grass production on mined lands showed significant increase in switchgrass to the economic threshold of 10 Mg/ha, but also substantial increases in soil P levels.<br /> <br /> Nemmers et al. measured the sorption of arsenate [As(V)] on three texturally diverse NM soils in the presence and absence of treated municipal wastewater effluent using batch experiments. The presence of wastewater effluent decreased the Freundlich Kf values for As(V) on all soils at all reaction times. Furthermore, wastewater effluent caused the % As(V) sorbed over time to remain low, for all three soils, regardless of the initial As(V) concentration. Thus, it appears that while soil is an effective sorbent for As(V) in simple aqueous solutions like the ones used to create Kf reference values, when the contaminant is added with wastewater effluent (a more complex ionic mixture), the sorption capacity of the soil is decreased. <br /> <br /> Xu et al. (NMSU) conducted batch and column experiments to investigate the adsorption capacities of metals and metalloids by drinking water treatment residuals. Meanwhile, the leaching of organic, inorganic and microorganisms from drinking water treatment residuals were evaluated as adsorbents for water treatment or soil application.<br /> <br /> Xu et al. (NMSU) investigated the treatment technologies to remove chemical contaminants from reclaimed water and desalination residuals for potential beneficial use. The organic and inorganic contaminants such as heavy metals, arsenic, and trace organic pollutants in reclaimed water and treated concentrate were evaluated to assess the environmental and health risk-based effects through irrigation and surface discharge.<br /> <br /> Xu et al. (NMSU) completed a comprehensive produced water quality analysis for quantifying potential environmental impacts and water treatment requirements for wastewater produced in oil and gas operations. <br /> <br /> Basta et al conducted a A 3-yr study in collaboration with Hundal et al from MWRDGC using organic amendments, including biosolids, for ecological restoration of degraded land. The objective of our study was to evaluate the use of biosolids for ecological restoration. Specific emphasis was placed on comparison of the performance of biosolids (BS) with vegetative compost (VC) in restoring ecological function to degraded soil while minimizing environmental impact. This was accomplished by a three year field study. Field scale runoff plots of 3 x 9 m, with 4 replications of 5 treatments were installed in Calumet, IL. Treatments were 2 different rates of BS, VC, a custom mix of biosolids, iron oxide rich water treatment residual (WTR) and biochar, and existing soil as a control. Plots were seeded with 33 native grass, legume, and forb species. Performance was evaluated for (1) restoration of native vegetative community, (2) soil quality, (3) soil microbial function and ecology, and (4) earthworm population and reproduction. Rainfall runoff from experimental plots was collected for 2 years and analyzed to evaluate the impact of nutrients and contaminants on water quality. Biosolids improved soil quality parameters more than other treatments. <br /> <br /> The results show that vegetative performance and community measures responded favorably to both VC and BS but response to BS more pronounced. Biosolids produced the highest vegetative quality with respect to plant tissue N (i.e. protein). None of the treatments resulted in elevated trace metals in plants. Biosolids and VC had a positive effect on soil enzymatic activity and microbial function. Both BS and VC improved earthworm reproductive health. Biosolids increased juveniles more than VC. In general, rainfall runoff quality was most affected immediately after plot establishment. Runoff N was reduced to background levels after 1 year. Runoff P was more sustained in BS treatments over time. Biosolids treatment with WTR decreased runoff P. Of the 119 microconstituents (i.e. PPCPs) analyzed, 20 were measured at detection level concentrations. None were above the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) for daphnia and all were below probable no-effect levels (PNEC). Recommendations include (1) use of biosolids for restoration not to exceed a 2.5 cm application rate blended with WTR, (2) management practices that control sediment loss from site until vegetation is established.<br /> <br /> Hue’s group evaluated potential of reducing arsenic (As) availability in sugar cane lands with iron amendments. Former sugar cane lands on the Island of Hawaii have elevated soil As from historical use of arsenical pesticides. The bioaccessible fraction of total As (AsTOT) is a measure of the potential for human As uptake by incidental ingestion of soil, and is used in the assessment of human health risk and the determination of the need for remedial action. Ferric chloride plus lime and ferrous sulfate plus lime were applied to As-contaminated soils in a field plot setting to determine the potential for reducing in vitro bioaccessible As (AsIVBA) by formation of additional iron (Fe) oxyhydroxide substrate. The two Fe sources performed similarly in reducing AsIVBA over a 2-year observation period, with 30-41% reduction in AsIVBA for 0.25 wt% Fe dosing (dry soil basis) and 59-63% reduction for 0.5 wt% Fe dosing. Addition of phosphate to treated and untreated soils caused a significant increase in AsIVBA. Iron-treated and control soils showed more than twice the AsIVBA after addition of 1500 mg P kg-1. The cost of in situ treatment of As-contaminated soil with ferrous sulfate plus lime to lower AsIVBA was estimated to be an order of magnitude less than excavation and landfill disposal on the Island of Hawaii, making the technology a viable alternative when remedial action objectives were based on AsIVBA levels.<br /> <br /> Barbarick et al evaluated impact of annual and long-term applications (since 1992 and 1999 at two different locations) on changes in nutrient and trace metal chemistry in dryland agroecosystems. The results of their research indicate that biosolids from the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant have not created any trace-metal or nutrient accumulation problems in soil. These results demonstrate that biosolids from Littleton/Englewood could be recycled on dryland wheat and corn in Eastern Colorado locations from 2000-2013 without adversely affecting crop yields or soil health. These findings aided the USEPA Region 8 in recycling over 80% of the biosolids in region through beneficial land application.<br /> <br /> Xia et al. performed field research that used a mass balance approach to gain insight into the transport and dissipation of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) following land application of manure. There was growth of bacterial hosts containing ARGs and/or horizontal gene transfer immediately following slurry application and following a lag (13 days) for dry-stack-amended soils. No effects on tet(G), tet(O), or tet(W) soil concentrations were observed despite the presence of these genes in applied manure. Dissipation rates were fastest for ermF in slurry-treated soils (logarithmic decay coefficient of ?3.5) and for sul1 and sul2 in dry-stack-amended soils, and evidence for surface and subsurface ARG transport was not observed.<br /> <br /> From the work by Nemmers et al., soil arsenate sorption after treated municipal wastewater land application has implications for land application practices in New Mexico as well as at other arid and semi-arid sites. The findings caution against depending on tabulated reference sorption values when designing wastewater treatment facilities with land application sites, and advise to test the in situ sorbents, sorptives and sorbates that will be present. <br /> <br /> Energy companies and local water users are interested in cost-effective alternatives for beneficial use of grey water produced water from the oil and gas exploration industry. A screening tool by Plumlee et al. may now be used to compare estimated costs for a specific site, in order to determine whether the costs per barrel for beneficial reuse are more or less than the site-specific disposal costs. A critical review by Xu et al. examined and clarified the economic and ecological barriers to widespread desalination of brackish waters at inland sites, such as New Mexico.<br /> <br /> Research conducted by Hue et al shows that by reducing the bioaccessibility of soil arsenic, the potential toxicity of As to humans and the environment can be minimized.<br /> <br /> OUTREACH<br /> W-2170 group organized and hosted a 2.5 day Soil In The City Conference to educate engineers, landscape architects, designers, biosolids management leaders, contractors/consultants, developers, builders, city planners, arborists, foresters, urban gardeners, researchers and educators on beneficial uses of biosolids. The conference was attended by 120 participants from four countries and received coverage by ASA press and by local radio in Chicago. Selected papers from the conference will be published an invited special issue of Journal of Environmental Quality. Dr. Brown’s group have contributed sections to the SSSA Soils in the City webpage on contaminants in soils (written by Sally Brown) and establishing community gardens (Kristen McIvor). <br /> We have organized sessions at the SSSA annual meetings in 2012 and 2013 on this topic. We are also co- editing a book on this topic. Katrina Mendrey (Dr. Brown’s MS student) authored a section for the SSSA Soils in the City web page on bioretention systems that references this work. Dr. Brown also co-chaired a symposium at the Soil Science Society of America annual conference on urban agriculture. I am currently co- editing a two book series on urban agriculture to be published by Springer. Kristen McIvor, the director of community gardens in Tacoma Pierce County and Elizabeth Hodges Snyder, Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska are the co- editors. Dr. Brown writes a monthly column in Biocycle magazine that focuses on sustainable use of residuals. In addition, she wrote two articles for the magazine on the benefits of using residuals.<br /> <br /> Dr. Stehouwer organized a workshop for natural resource managers that resulted in 15 participants gaining new skills to interpret soil test results related to soil physical properties and soil sustainability at a site being developed. A presentation was given to biosolids professionals on the impact of NRCS Code 590 policies on phosphorus application due to land application of biosolids. A presentation was given to biosolids professionals on use of residuals for mined land production of warm-season grasses.<br /> <br /> Dr. Basta made a presentation to over 100 people as a part of MWRDGC’s annual seminar series to share the results of the 3-year ecosystems study with the stakeholders, elected officials, and government agencies such as U.S. Wildlife and Fisheries, USEPA, Illinois DNR, NRCS, and city of Chicago DOE, and members NGOs. MWRDGC hosted annual sustainability workshops to educate general public and elected officials about the benefits of using residuals. <br /> <br /> Results of research work have been disseminated to the scientific community on and off campus through reports to OPP wastewater committee for management of wastewater effluent, national scientific meeting attendees at the Soil Science Society of America and presentations at on-campus seminars. <br /> <br /> Dr. O’Connor (University of Florida) published several journal articles to disseminate findings of research and numerous PowerPoint presentations to lay audiences.<br /> <br /> City and County Councils, interested citizen groups). University students from various majors also benefited from presentations (PowerPoints, posters, etc.) offered at on-campus conferences, usually centered on graduate student participation.<br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the agronomic and environmental benefits/advantages of land applying residual by-products and/or substituting such materials for fertilizers. <br /> <br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial fertilizer in agricultural ecosystems<br /> Evanylo and Ervin compared the application rates of two biosolids products (anaerobically digested & dewatered – AD, and AD amended with woody waste - ADW) and inorganic fertilizer on agronomic and environmental parameters related to sod production on a silt loam soil in Virginia from 2009 to 2012. The biosolids products were applied annually at estimated plant available nitrogen (PAN) rates of 98 kg/ha, 196 kg/ha, and 294 kg/ha for a tall fescue-Kentucky bluegrass mixture. All treatments were compared to a synthetic fertilizer control that supplied 196 kg N/ha/y. Only the 196 kg PAN/ha and 294 kg PAN/ha AD rates matched the control in producing an acceptable quality sod in ten months, and only the 294 kg PAN/ha AD rate was able to produce biomass yields and sod tensile strength comparable to the control. Our PAN estimates of 30% organic nitrogen mineralization overestimated the PAN for both biosolids products, and supplemental nitrogen may be needed to improve the performance of the lower biosolids rates. More accurate mineralization rates of the ADW are necessary to produce acceptable quality sod. Following Virginia biosolids application rate regulations did not result in excessive soil phosphorus levels after three continuous years of application. Most P was exported with the sod, which will serve to reduce the need for supplemental P fertilizer at sod transplant. The highest biosolids rates increased soil organic matter content despite the removal of soil with the sod.<br /> Evanylo established field experiments on 4 Virginia soils in October 2012 to compare the availability and leaching potential of nitrogen from two types of biosolids with standard synthetic fertilization practices for wheat in the Virginia coastal plain. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 8 fertility treatments (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg fertilizer N/ha, split between fall and late winter application dates; and two rates each, 50 and 100 kg biosolids N/ha, of lime stabilized and anaerobically digested biosolids applied in October). The 50-kg N/ha rates of biosolids were supplemented with fertilizer N in late winter in order to equalize the total plant available N supplied by the two rates of biosolids. Grain yields were greater with 50% biosolids+50% supplemental fertilizer N than with 100% biosolids on the coarse-textured soil, but there were no differences between biosolids rates on the finer-textured soils. Most of the soil N after grain harvest was located in the top 20 cm of the soil profile, with the 100% biosolids treatment ? urea agronomic N rate.<br /> From 2004-2013, Daniels et al. have implemented and monitored a range of soil building treatments including lime+P additions, deep ripping, biosolids applied at 78 Mg/ha, minimum tillage and residue management to rehabilitate eastern Virginia prime farmland disturbed by mineral sands mining. In 2013, the corn yield of restored mined lands exceeded ~80% of non-mined nearby prime farmlands. This work has demonstrated that intensive soil reconstruction will allow for the return of these mine soils to economically viable agriculture although, in comparison to adjacent undisturbed highly productive farmlands, some reduction in average yields over time should be expected.<br /> From 2004 to the present, Daniels et al. worked with Weanack Land LLLP to characterize a wide range of dredge spoils to determine their use limiting properties and features. The researchers developed an Excel base screening template that uses approximately 100 chemical and physical laboratory parameters to categorize (A) "clean fill" materials that can be used without monitoring or surface water containment, (B) partially contaminated materials that can be beneficially re-used following remediation with appropriate monitoring, and (c) significantly contaminated materials that should not be used. This “screening template” approach was adopted as permit criteria by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality in fall 2012 and used in 2013 to screen five new potential dredge materials. Daniels et al. monitored the long term conversion of saline dredge materials to upland agricultural soils and local shallow groundwater effects. These materials quickly leach excess soluble salts and Na and were successfully cropped to winter wheat in 2012-13.<br /> Daniels et al. evaluated over 20 years of soil and water monitoring across a wide range of mining and construction rehabilitation sites where higher than normal (agronomic) rates of biosolids had been applied with minimal water quality impacts. By 2012, the researchers developed a novel framework for biosolids use on these sites in conjunction with Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. The first new permits were issued in 2013 to allow for higher than agronomic rates to be applied for (a) the remediation of disturbed acid-sulfate soils at Stafford Airport and (b) mineral sands mined lands in Dinwiddie and Sussex, Counties. <br /> In response to agency and industry needs, Daniels and Evanylo developed an applied research program (along with a set of “policy and procedures” memorandum) to test industrial by-products for certification as soil amendments by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) in 1995. These guidelines specify minimum standards of by-product screening and recommended analytical protocols. Through this program we have developed a novel greenhouse bioassay procedure to (a) detect potential phytotoxicities that are not always apparent from laboratory testing and (b) specify appropriate field loading rates. We have tested over 30 different residuals to-date, and more than 20 have been labeled for use as soil amendments or conditioners in Virginia. During the 2013 reporting year, we tested two tobacco processing residues, four paper mill sludges, three wood ash materials, and three biosolids ashes for potential soil amendment certification. <br /> University of Minnesota researchers initiated new studies to recycle phosphorus from biosolids. The overall objective of this research is to evaluate a commercially available source of struvite derived from wastewater as a slow release phosphate source for potato production. To accomplish this objective, a field study was initiated on a loamy sand soil at the Sand Plain Research Farm in Becker, Minnesota to determine the effects of struvite, on Russet Burbank potato yield and quality. The struvite used is a commercially available phosphorus (P) fertilizer source derived from biosolids wastewater sold as Crystal Green. The soil at this site tested in the medium range for available P. The study included a control that did not receive any P and eleven P treatments. Treatments compared struvite and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) banded at planting at 84 and 112 kg P2O5/ha; preplant applications of MAP vs. struvite at 112 kg P2O5/ha; and various combinations of MAP and struvite applied as a band at planting at 84 and 112 kg P2O5/A. Following harvest in early October, tubers were sorted, graded according to size, and then evaluated for quality and internal disorders. Results show that the struvite source when combined with a conventional P source has the greatest potential for improving potato yield and quality. Banded applications were more effective than preplant broadcast applications. This research will be repeated in subsequent years to determine consistency of P response.<br /> Use of biosolids as a beneficial soil amendment for urban/brownfield soils <br /> The objectives Kansas State University research (Hettiarachchi et al.) were to access the plant availability of lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); bioaccessibility and speciation of soil Pb, and As; and dermal absorption of soil PAHs in contaminated urban soils; and effectiveness of soil organic amendments on reducing contaminant bioavailability. Field experiments were conducted in Kansas City, MO; Indianapolis, IN; Tacoma, WA; Seattle, WA; Pomona, CA; Philadelphia, PA; and Toledo, OH. These sites had elevated concentrations of Pb, As and/or PAH in soils. A control treatment (no-compost) and various compost-types (leaf compost and/or composted biosolids, non-composted biosolids, mushroom compost) were used as treatments. A leafy vegetable, a fruiting vegetable and a root crop were grown for two growing seasons. The treatments were arranged in split-plot design (main plot factor: compost; sub-plot factor plant-type). An in vitro steady fluid experiment was conducted using human skins to examine the dermal transfer of soil PAHs. The concentrations of Pb, As, and PAHs in the vegetables were low, except Pb in root crops. Compost reduced the bioaccessibility of Pb and/or As. Selected soil samples from some study sites were analyzed for speciation of Pb using extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. The predominant Pb species were Pb sorbed to Fe oxy(hydr)oxide and to organic C. Stable Pb phosphates (pyromorphite) was formed during the in vitro extraction. Dermal transfer experiments showed PAHs in the contaminated soils did not transfer through the skin. Stratum conium of the skin acted as a barrier for dermal transfer of soil PAHs. In general, the risk of food chain transfer of soil Pb, As, and PAHs were low in the studied sites and can be further reduced by compost addition. Bioaccessibility of Pb and As in urban soils were low. Bioaccessible Pb and/or As in the compost-added soils were less than that of the no-compost soils; compost addition reduced the potential of transferring soil Pb to humans via vegetable consumption and direct soil ingestion. Dermal absorption of soil PAHs was insignificant. No detectable differences were observed between contaminated soil and contaminated soil mixed with biosolids, both indicated no detectable amounts of dermal absorption of soil PAHs. <br /> OUTREACH<br /> In collaboration with Purdue Extension, a workshop was held in Indianapolis, IN, on February 2, 2013. Presentation was entitled “Soil Contaminants in Urban Environments: Availability and Plant Uptake” and “Urban Soil Quality and Best Management Practices” (Hettiarachchi and Martin). This workshop was attended by 50 people. Registration had to be cut off at 50 because of room capacity.<br /> On March 14, 2014, Hettiarachchi and Martin provided a workshop in Tacoma, WA to interested community members. Approximately 40 people attended this workshop, which took place on a large boat and was organized in cooperation with Kristen McIvor, the Community Garden Program Manager for Pierce County. <br /> Sabine Martin (Kansas State University) gave a presentation at the annual Missouri Waste Control Coalition (MWCC) conference on July 1, 2013 entitled “Risky Business? - Growing Food Crops on Brownfields Sites”. MWCC is a not-for-profit organization, concerned with environmental issues. <br /> Hettiarachchi gave a press conference titled “Reducing human exposure to soil contaminants from urban agriculture” at the 248th American Chemical Society meeting. <br /> A workshop entitled “Growing Plants Successfully on Challenging Sites” was conducted in collaboration with Colorado State University (CSU) Extension October 26, 2013 in Burlington Colorado. <br /> A workshop was conducted in collaboration with Denver Urban Gardens, a not-for-profit organization supporting community gardens in the Denver metro area and EPA Region 8 on November 16, 2013 in Denver, CO. The title of the workshop was “Growing Food in Urban Soils”. <br /> Sally Brown at University of Washington and Ganga Hettiarachchi at Kansas State University co-organized a special symposium titled “Making Urban Soils Safe and Suitable For Agriculture” at the Soil Science Society of America 2013 Annual Meeting held in Tampa, FL, November 2013. This symposium included presenters from EPA, USDA, State Health Department, some local government and academia.<br /> <br /> Plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?<br /> <br /> W-2170 officially terminates September 30, 2014, so there will be no additional work on the objectives specified. A new Multi-Sate project, however, has been approved, and most previous representatives will again participate. The new project has different, but similar, objectives as W-2170, so similar approaches will be used to address similar concerns. Data generated is expected to continue to add to our basic understanding of contaminant fate, transport and risk assessment in the environment and to humans. Additional understanding should also enhance our ability to estimate risk and to use wastes in safe and sustainable ways.<br /> <br /> <br />Publications
Williams, C.F., J.E. Watson, S.D. Nelson. 2013. Comparison of equilibrium and non-equilibrium distribution coefficients for the human drug carbamazepine in soil. Chemosphere 95: 166–173.<br /> Williams, C.F., J.E. Watson, S.D. Nelson, C.W. Walker. 2013. Sorption/Desorption of Lincomycin from Three Arid-Region Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 42:1460 – 1465. <br /> Marchi, G.; Vilar, C.; O'Connor, G.; Oliveira, L.; Reatto, A.; and Rein, T. Surface complexation modeling in variable charge soils: II. Prediction of cadmium adsorption. Environ. Sci. Technol.<br /> Gall, H.; Rao, P.S.C.; and O'Connor, G.A. Simulating vadose zone export of emerging contaminants from land-applied residuals. J. Environ. Qual.<br /> Sidhu, H.S.; Wilson, P.C.; and O'Connor, G.A. Human health risks from dislodged residues of endocrine disruptors from turf irrigated with reclaimed water. Chemosphere.<br /> Asem-Hiablie, S., C.D. Church, H.A. Elliott, N.W. Shappell, H.L. Schoenfuss, P. Drechsel, C.F. Williams, A.L. Knopf, and M.Y.Dabie. 2013. Serum estrogenicity and biological responses in African catfish raised in wastewater ponds in Ghana. Science Total Environ. 463-464: 1182-1191. <br /> Walker, C.W., J.E. Watson, C. Williams. 2012. Occurrence of carbamazepine in soils under different land uses receiving wastewater. J. Environ. Qual. 41:1263-1267. <br /> Mexal, J.G., G.A. Picchioni, M.K. Shukla, A.L. Ulery, and W.C. Lindemann. 2014. Land application of municipal wastewater to desert ecosystems: Case studies identifying risks and opportunities. J. Arid Land Studies (In Press).<br /> Picchioni, G.A., J. Ruiz, R.M. Goss, and J.G. Mexal. 2014. Nursery crop growth response to municipal biosolids: Species salt and xeric adaptation a key factor? Compost Sci. Utilization 22:138-152.<br /> Lin, L., X. Xu, C. Papelis, T.Y. Cath,, and P. Xu. 2014. Sorption of metals and metalloids from reverse osmosis concentrate on drinking water treatment. Solids Separation Purification Technol. (In Press).<br /> Plumlee, M.H., J.F. Debroux, D. Taffler, X. Mayer, K.G. Dahm, N.H. Hancock, P. Xu, J.E. Drewes, and T.Y. Cath. 2014. Coalbed methane produced water screening tool for treatment technology and beneficial use. J. Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources 5:22-34.<br /> Nemmers, S.J., A.L. Ulery, and M.K. Shukla. 2013. Sorption and mobility of arsenic in desert soils when applied with municipal wastewater effluent. New Mexico Acad. Sci. 44:137-148.<br /> Xu, P., T. Cath, A.P. Robertson, M. Reinhard, J.O. Leckie, and J.E. Drewes. 2013. Critical review of desalination concentrate management, treatment and beneficial use. Environ. Engin. Sci. 30:502-514.<br /> <br /> Xu, P., M. Capito, and T. Cath. 2013. Selective removal of arsenic and monovalent ions from brackish water reverse osmosis concentrate. J. Hazardous Materials 260:885-891.<br /> Picchioni, G.A., M.K. Shukla, J.G. Mexal, M. Babcock, A. Ruiz, T.W. Sammis, and D.S. Rodriguez. 2012. Land application of treated industrial wastewater on a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland: Implications for water quality and mineral deposition. Arid Land Res. Mgt. 26:211-226.<br /> Picchioni, G.A., J.G. Mexal, M.K. Shukla, A. Ruiz, M. Babcock, D.L. Daniel, and D.S. Rodriguez. 2012. Land application of treated industrial wastewater on a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland: Impacts on the natural vegetation. Arid Land Res. Mgt. 26:312-327.<br /> Luo, H., P. Xu, and Z. Ren. 2012. Long-term performance and characterization of microbial desalination cells in treating domestic wastewater. Bioresource Technol. 120:187-193.<br /> Lombard, K., M. O’Neill, A. Ulery, J. Mexal, B. Onken, S. Forster-Cox, and T. Sammis. 2011. Fly ash and composted biosolids as a source of Fe for hybrid poplar: A greenhouse study. Appl. Environ. Soil Sci. 2011:1-11.<br /> Babcock, M., M.K. Shukla, G.A. Picchioni, J.G. Mexal, and D. Daniel. 2009. Chemical and physical properties of Chihuahuan Desert soils irrigated with industrial effluent. Arid Land Res. Mgt. 23:47-66.<br /> Nemmers, S.J. 2010. Sorption and mobility of arsenic in desert soils when applied with municipal wastewater effluent. Ph.D. Dissertation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. Advisor: A.L. Ulery.<br /> Picchioni, G.A., J.G. Mexal, and M.K. Shukla. 2014. Land application of treated industrial wastewater on a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland: Water quality assessment, mineral deposition and recovery, and effects on the vegetation. New Mexico Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 807, 44 p. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. <br /> Shukla, M.K., J.G. Mexal, G.A. Picchioni, T. Sammis, D. Daniel, P. Adhikari, and M. Babcock. 2012. Land application of industrial effluent on a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem: Impact on soil physical and hydraulic properties. WRRI Tech. Completion Rept. No. 351, 66 p. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Las Cruces, NM.<br /> Jardine,P.M., M.A. Stewart, M.O. Barnett, N.T. Basta, S.C. Brooks, S. Fendorf, T.L. Mehlhorn. 2013. Influence of Soil Geochemical and Physical Properties on Chromium (VI): Sequestration and Bioaccessibility. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47:11241-11248.<br /> Juhasz,A.L., N.T. Basta, and E. Smith. 2013. What is required for the validation of in vitro assays for predicting contaminant relative bioavailability? Considerations and criteria. Environmental Pollution 180:372-375. <br /> Minca, K.K., N.T. Basta, and K.G. Scheckel. 2013. Using the Mehlich-3 soil test as an inexpensive screening tool to estimate total and bioaccessible Pb in urban soils. J. Environ. Qual. 42(5):1518-1526.<br /> Richards, J.R., J.L. Schroder, H. Zhang, N.T. Basta, Y. Wang, and M.E. Payton. 2012. Trace elements in benchmark soils of Oklahoma. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:2031-2040.<br /> Sullivan, T.S., Gottel, N.T., Basta, N., Jardine, P.J3, and C.W. Schadt. 2012. Firing range soils yield a diverse array of fungal isolates capable of Pb-mineral solubilization. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78(17): 6078-6086.<br /> Sloan, J.J., P.A.Y. Ampim, N.T. Basta, and R. Scott. 2012. Addressing the need for soil blends and amendments for the highly modified urban landscape. SSSAJ. 76:1133-1141.<br /> Dick, Richard P., Qin Wu, Nicholas T. Basta. 2012. Biomethylation of Arsenic in Contaminated Soils. In M.H. Wong (ed.) Environmental Contamination – Health Risks and Ecological Restoration. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon UK. <br /> Busalacchi D., Nicholas Basta, Lakhwinder Hundal, Jennifer Tvergyak, Roman Lanno and Richard P. Dick. 2012. Evaluation of Biosolids for Ecological Restoration of Degraded Soil: A Field Study. Presentation 318-2, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> Basta, N., Shane D. Whitacre, Kirk Scheckel, Bradley Miller and Stan Casteel. 2012. Assessing Oral Human Bioavailability of Arsenic in Soil with in Vitro Gastrointestinal Methods. Presentation 409-8, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> Whitacre, Shane D., Nicholas Basta, Valerie Mitchell and Perry Myers, 2012. Bioavailability Measures for Arsenic in Gold Mine Tailings. Presentation 412-1, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> Richey Jamie, Nicholas Basta and Shane D. Whitacre. 2012. The Influence of the Physicochemical Parameters of An in Vitro Gastrointestinal Method On the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Contaminated Soils. Presentation 412-2, ASA, CSSA, and Soil Science Society International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Oct. 21 to 24, 2012.<br /> Alpers,C.N., V.L. Mitchell, N.T. Basta, S.W. Casteel, A.L. Foster, A.E. Blum, C.S. Kim, P. Myers, T.L. Burlak, and L. Hammersley. 2012. Evaluating the Bioavailability, Bioaccessibility, Mineralogy, and Speciation of Arsenic in Mine Waste and Soils, Empire Mine Low-sulfide Gold-quartz Vein Deposit, Nevada County, California. U.S. EPA Hardrock Mining Conference 2012: Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy. Denver, CO. Apr 3-5, 2012 <br /> Mitchell, Alpers, Basta, Casteel, Foster, Kim, Naught, Myers. 2012. Alternative Methods for the Prediction of Relative Bioavailability of Arsenic in Mining Soils. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. March 11-15, 2012.<br /> Sharma, K., Priyanka Yadav, Zhiqiang Cheng, Nicholas Basta and Parwinder S. Grewal. 2012. Heavy metal contamination in two post-industrial cities. OARDC Annual Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. April, 2012.<br /> Basta, N.T. and E.A. Dayton. 2012. Chemical controls of P in the soil. Soil and Water Conservation Society Ohio Chapter Winter Meeting. Reynoldsburg, OH. Jan. 17, 2012. <br /> <br /> Basta, N.T., S.W. Whitacre, N. Johnson, C. Everett, and L. Daniels. 2013. Evaluating and optimizing impacts of mining on community well-being. ARIES Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV. Sept. 10-12, 2013.<br /> Basta, N.T. 2013. Are phosphorus in situ Pb stabilization treatments equal? Biogeochemical Interactions Affecting Bioavailability and Remediation of Hazardous Substances in the Environment Session: Lead Phosphate Amendments, 246th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 8-12, 2013. <br /> Basta, N.T. 2013. Using Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility for Risk Assessment and Remediation of Upland Soils. Electric Power Research Institute Coal Combustion Products Environmental Issues 2013 Summer Meeting Broomfield, Colorado, July 16-17, 2013. <br /> Whitacre, S.D., N.T. Basta, V.L. Mitchell, and P. Myers. 2013. Bioavailability Measures for Arsenic in Gold Mine Tailings Using Agricultural Soil Tests to Estimate Total and Bioaccessible Pb in Urban Soils. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Basta, N.T., K.G.Scheckel, K.D. Bradham, D. J. Thomas, S.W. Whitacre, and B.W. Miller. 2013 Arsenic Speciation, In Vitro Gastrointestinal Bioaccessibility, and Predicted Human Bioavailability from Ingestion of Contaminated Soil. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Dayton, E.A. and N.T. Basta. 2013. Prediction of Trace Element Contaminant Phytoaccumulation Using Soil Property or Soil Extraction Data. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Juhasz, A.L., N. Basta and E. Smith. 2013. What is Required for the Validation of In Vitro Assays for Predicting Contaminant Relative Bioavailability? Considerations and Criteria. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Siebielec, G., N.T. Basta, K. Minca and S.D. Whitacre. 2013. Bioaccessibility of Lead, Cadmium and Arsenic in Sorbent Amended Soils. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Beyer. W. N., N. Basta, and R. Chaney. 2013. Evaluation of In Vitro Bioaccessibility Tests in Predicting the Bioavailability of Soil Lead to Birds. Joint MERA/ICOBTE Sponsored Symposium: Trace Element Bioavailability for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Concepts and Recent Advances. Organizers: N. Basta, E. Van Genderen, and C. Schlekat. 12th International Conference for Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, USA. June 16-20, 2013. <br /> Basta, N.T., S.W. Whitacre, K.K. Minca, N. Johnson, C. Everett, and L. Daniels. 2013. Evaluating toxic agents and potential exposure routes to Appalachian coal mining communities. Environmental considerations in energy production conference, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration and ARIES, Chaleston, WV. April 13-17, 2013. (invited)<br /> Basta, N. 2013. Trace Element Sorption Reversibility and Bioavailability During Earthworm and Plant Bioassays. Sorption Reversibility of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Natural Solids: The Elephant in the Room? Session. 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. April 7-11, 2013. <br /> Basta, N. 2013. Using In Vitro Gastrointestinal Bioaccessibility Methods to Measure Arsenic Bioavailability and Risk from Ingestion of Food and Soil. Arsenic Contamination of Food and Water Symposium, 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. April 7-11, 2013. <br /> Basta,N.T. 2013. Using Biosolids to Restore and Revitalize Soil Ecosystem Services to Degraded Soils in the Calumet Region. Ecological Restoration Seminar and Workshop. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Cicero, IL. Jan. 18, 2013.<br /> Ahmad, A., N. Hue, and T. Radovich. 2014. Nitrogen release patterns of some locally made composts and their effects on the growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa, Chinensis group) when used as soil amendments. Compost Sci. & Utilization, vol. 22. (in press).<br /> Cutler, W. , A. El-Kadi, N. Hue, J. Peard, C. Ray and K. Scheckel . 2014. Iron Amendments to Reduce Bioaccessible Arsenic. J. Hazardous Materials. (in press).<br /> McDaniel, J. P., M. E. Stromberger, K. A. Barbarick, and W.Cranshaw. 2013. Survival of Aporrectodea caliginosa and its effects on nutrient availability in biosolids amended soil. Appl. Soil Ecol. 71:1-6.<br /> Barbarick, K.A., T. Gourd, and J. McDaniel. 2012. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR13-3. <br /> McDaniel, J.P., G. Butters, K.A. Barbarick, and M.E. Stromberger. 2013. Earthworm effects on chemical leaching. American Society of Agronomy Abstract 349-3. Presented in Tampa, FL on 6 November 2013. <br /> Fahrenfeld, N., K. Knowlton, L. A. Krometis, W. C. Hession, K. Xia, E. Lipscomb, K. Libuit, B. L. Green, A. Pruden. 2013. Effect of Manure Application on Abundance of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and their Attenuation Rates in Soil: Field-Scale Mass Balance Approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48:2643–2650.<br /> Gunatilake, S. R., S. Steelhammer, J. W. Kwon, J. Rodriguez, K. Xia, K. Armbrust, and T. E. Mlsna. 2013. Analysis of Estrogens in Wastewater using solid phase extraction, the QuECHERS cleanup, and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J. AOAC International. 96: 1440-1447. <br /> Howard J., B. Dubay, S. McElmurry, J. Clemence, and W. Daniels. 2013. Comparison of sequential extraction and bioaccessibility analyses of lead using urban soils and reference materials. Water Air and Soil Pollution (2013) 224:1678. <br /> Ketchem, A.J., R.A. Clark, R. Peer, and G. Evanylo. 2013. Field testing of bone screening and beneficial reuse of large animal mortality compost. ASABE Meeting Presentation Paper Number: 131596496. Kansas City, MO. July 21 – 24.<br /> Harms, A., D. Presley, G.M. Hettiarachchi, and S.J. Thien. 2013. Assessing the Needs Urban Gardeners and Farmers: Soil Contamination. Journal of Extension. 51 (1).<br /> Martin, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Gardening on Brownfields: Obtaining Property Information and Site History. KSRE Pub. # MF 3078.<br /> Martin, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Gardening on Brownfields: Testing Your Soil for Nutrients, pH and Organic Matter. KSRE Pub. # MF 3095.<br /> Martin, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. Gardening on Brownfields: Historical Property Usage and Implications. KSRE Pub. # MF 3096.<br /> Gudichuttu, V., G.M. Pierzynski, G.M. Hettiarachchi and L.R. Baker. 2013. Long-term Influence of Compost on Soil Chemical Parameters, Function of Microbes and Avoidance Response of Earthworms when Applied to Heavy Metal Contaminated Mine Wastes. 12th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Athens, GA. June 16-20, 2013.<br /> Hettiarachchi, G.M. 2013. Growing crops on Brownfields Sites- How safe is it? National Brownfields Conference. May 15-17. Athens, GA.<br /> Hettiarachchi G.M. C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, S. Martin, and G. M. Pierzynski. 2013. Field Based Evaluations of Trace Element Transfer from Contaminated Urban Garden Soils to Vegetables. American Society of Horticultural Science Annual Conference, 22-25 July 2013, Palm Desert, CA. <br /> Davis, L., K. Roozeboom, V. Pidlisnyuk, M. Bel, I. Nagyova, Z. Melichova, L. Erikson, and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2013. Perennial Grass Miscanthus for biomass Production and Phytoremediation of Slightly Contaminated Land. America's Grasslands Conference, Aug 12-14, 2013, Manhattan, KS.<br /> Hettiarachchi, G.M., C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, S. Martin, and G. M. Pierzynski. 2013. Potential for Transfer of Lead, Arsenic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Amended Urban Soils to Vegetables and Humans. American Chemical Society Fall 2013 National Meeting. September 8-12, Indianapolis, IN. <br /> Martin, S. and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2013. Community Gardens on Brownfields –Should you be Scared? Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology North America 34th Annual Meeting. November 2013. Nashville, TN.<br /> Hettiarachchi, G.M., C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, S. Martin, and G. M. Pierzynski. 2013. Contaminant transfer from urban garden soils to plants-Do we need to worry? ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2013, Tampa, FL.<br /> Attanayake, C., G.M. Hettiarachchi, D. Van der Merwe, and G.M. Pierzynski. 2013. Transfer of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Urban Soils to Humans via Dermal Absorption. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2013, Tampa, FL.<br /> Defoe, P., G. M. Hettiarachchi and C. Benedict. 2013. Reducing Bioaccessibility of Lead and Arsenic in a Contaminated Urban Garden Soil. ASA/SSSA/CSA Annual Meetings, Oct. 2013, Tampa, FL.<br /> <br /> <br /> OUTREACH<br /> In collaboration with Purdue Extension, a workshop was held in Indianapolis, IN, on February 2, 2013. Presentation was entitled “Soil Contaminants in Urban Environments: Availability and Plant Uptake” and “Urban Soil Quality and Best Management Practices” (Hettiarachchi and Martin). <br /> <br /> On March 14, 2014, Hettiarachchi and Martin provided a workshop in Tacoma, WA to interested community members. This workshop was organized in cooperation with Kristen McIvor, the Community Garden Program Manager for Pierce County. <br /> <br /> Sabine Martin (Kansas State University) gave a presentation at the annual Missouri Waste Control Coalition (MWCC) conference on July 1, 2013 entitled “Risky Business? - Growing Food Crops on Brownfields Sites”. MWCC is a not-for-profit organization, concerned with environmental issues. <br /> <br /> Hettiarachchi gave a press conference titled “Reducing human exposure to soil contaminants from urban agriculture” at the 248th American Chemical Society meeting. <br /> <br /> A workshop entitled “Growing Plants Successfully on Challenging Sites” was conducted in collaboration with Colorado State University (CSU) Extension October 26, 2013 in Burlington Colorado. <br /> <br /> A workshop was conducted in collaboration with Denver Urban Gardens, a not-for-profit organization supporting community gardens in the Denver metro area and EPA Region 8 on November 16, 2013 in Denver, CO. The title of the workshop was “Growing Food in Urban Soils”. <br /> <br /> Sally Brown at University of Washington and Ganga Hettiarachchi at Kansas State University co-organized a special symposium titled “Making Urban Soils Safe and Suitable For Agriculture” at the Soil Science Society of America 2013 Annual Meeting held in Tampa, FL, November 2013. This symposium included presenters from EPA, USDA, State Health Department, some local government and academia.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Biosolids can be a useful alternative to synthetic fertilizer for producing a harvestable sod crop, but further refinement of N mineralization rates are necessary for biosolids-woody waste by-products before supplemental fertilizer applications can be eliminated. [Ervin and Evanylo]
- Biosolids used as soil amendments for sod production can maintain soil phosphorus at concentrations that preclude environmental impairment within rotational sod production systems that rely on annual biosolids applications. [Evanylo and Ervin]
- Initial season data do not favor applying 50% fall biosolids + 50% winter fertilizer N over 100% fall biosolids application rates for increasing grain yield or reducing nitrogen loss. [Evanylo]
- Implementation of the mineral sands mined land restoration practices of Daniels et al. has led to (a) significant changes in mine operations/closure procedures by the mining firm, (b) a new state regulatory provision that allows topsoil to be processed for mineral yield, (c) new regulations allowing higher rates of biosolids to be utilized on mined lands, and (d) a new collaborative program with NCSU as mineral sands mining expands into North Carolina in 2015. [Daniels]
- A dredge material quality screening tool developed by Daniels et al. was adopted as permit criteria by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. [Daniels]
- Adoption of Daniels et al. novel mined and disturbed land biosolids reclamation rates within Virginia?s regulatory framework will result in substantial improvements in mined and disturbed land reclamation at much lower cost. [Daniels]
- The industrial by-product soil amendment testing program resulted in eight new materials being recommended for labeling by VDACS as beneficial soil amendments during 2012-13. The benefits of by-product labeling for land application as soil amendments has clear economic and public relations benefits for the industries receiving an approved state label. We have also been able to prevent deleterious environmental and agronomic effects by identifying and rejecting products that pose risks to soil and water quality. [Daniels and Evanylo]
- Phosphorus is an essential nutrient required for all forms of life on Earth. Applications of fertilizer P are needed for crop production when available soil P supplies are limiting. Within the U.S., readily available sources of mined P are projected to be exhausted within the next 100 years. An effort to recycle existing P sources is therefore a high priority for U.S. agriculture as well as national security. Biosolids wastewater contains significant amounts of P that if not treated properly can contaminate surface waters. One process to reduce P in biosolids wastewater is to form struvite, which is a precipitate of ammonium-magnesium phosphate.
- During the process, metal contaminants are significantly reduced, allowing use of struvite as a safe nutrient source for crops. While struvite can potentially be used a P fertilizer source, it is not as soluble as commercially available fertilizer P sources. Currently, struvite is also more costly to produce than commercial fertilizer, so its use is restricted to higher value crops. The results of this research will provide wastewater operators with a potentially viable option to recycle P in biosolids processing. [Rosen]
- Compost addition reduced the potential of transferring soil contaminants (Pb and As) to humans via vegetable consumption and direct soil ingestion (as indicated by reduced bioacceesibility) indicating potential use of biosolids as a beneficial soil amendment for urban/brownfield soils. [Hettiarachchi]