SERA40: Coordination of Winter Canola Research Programs in the Southern Region
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 03/19/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/11/2010
- 03/12/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Nurhan Dunford, Oklahoma State University;Dave Porter, Oklahoma State University;
Jeff Scott, Great Plains Canola Growers;
Mike Stamm, Kansas State University;
Ernst Cebert, Alabama A&M;
Harbans Bhardwaj, Virginia State;
Bill Heer, Kansas State University;
Rob Duncan, Texas A&M;
Sarah Donelson, Oklahoma State University;
Randy Taylor, Oklahoma State University;
John Damicone, Oklahoma State University;
Jonathan Edelson, Oklahoma State University;
Clarence Watson, Oklahoma State University;
Kris Giles, Oklahoma State University;
Ali Zarrabi, Oklahoma State University;
Chad Godsey, Oklahoma State University;
John Holman, Kansas State University;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Thursday March 11, 2010
I. Introduction and Opening Remarks
Organizer of the first meeting, Chad Godsey, opened the meeting at 1:00 pm.
Introductions of the group were made.
Clarence Watson was introduced and provided some background on SERA and outlined the function of the group. Ernst Cebert expanded on the history of the previous Canola group and when it started. The last meeting of the old canola group was in 2006. Clarence went on to discuss the latest on NIFA and outlined what the possible program may look like.
II. Selection of Officers and other discussion
Chad Godsey solicited nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Prior to selection, discussion on next meeting date and location took place. Two possible locations were mentioned, Long Beach, CA (during the ASA meetings) and Corpus Christi, TX (during the Southern ASA Meeting next February). The group decided to meet once a year and the next location would be targeted at Corpus Christi, during or following the Southern ASA Branch meeting. After location was determined, Rob Duncan was unanimously voted as Chair (term starting immediately) and Ernst Cebert was elected Vice Chair/secretary. Registration fees were mentioned as a possibility to help offset costs for future meetings.
III. Break 3:00
IV. State Updates
- a. Ernst Cebert - Alabama A&M: Their programs have focused on the following: breeding, outreach, conversion of residue to ethanol, insect lygus bug and cabbage pod seed weevil), classroom on wheels, and use of canola as leafy vegetable crop. Reported first commercial fields planted in 2007-2008 in northern Alabama. Indicated potential winter canola acreage is ~100,000 acres in northern Alabama. The current market is a crushing facility in Georgia. Wichita is the main variety being grown.
- Mike Stamm - KSU: Reported the Kansas canola program had been going since late 80s-early 90s. Provided an update of current germplasm and some potential releases in the next couple of years. Higher oil content, early maturing varieties, and a possible variety for dual purpose is in the pipeline. Work has been conducted on turnip aphid screening with the help of OSU. Nitrogen fertility work and stand establishment work in No-till production systems has been conducted over the last 5 years.
- Chad Godsey - OSU Update: Reported that the Okanola project started in 2003-2004 and has been very successful. Dr. Tom Peeper initiated the program and continues to oversee the program. Acreage has grown to ~85,000 acres in 2009-2010. Both research and extension activities have been carried out by several individuals at OSU. Chad is in charge of variety trials and conducts no-till related canola research. Reported results from harvesting and fertility studies.
- Kris Giles - OSU Entomologist: Discussed the latest research on aphid control and determining economic thresholds for treatment.
V. Discussion of AFRI Proposal from Group
Chad opened up discussion related to a possible proposal developed from the SERA 40 canola group. Topics were discussed and the group was interested. Everybody agreed to brainstorm their potential contributions and as soon as a RFA was released the group would continue discussions.
VI. Adjourn for the day 5:00pm
Friday March 12M
I. Toured the Cimarron Valley Research Station at Perkins, OK (8:30-10:30). Talked about Mike's variety trials and his screening trials. Harvest and fertility studies were also discussed.
II. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30pm.