NC218: Assessing Nitrogen Mineralization And Other Diagnostic Criteria To Refine Nitrogen Rates For Crops And Minimize Losses
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[04/10/2002] [06/07/2002] [08/18/2003] [05/18/2004] [06/18/2005] [05/09/2006]Date of Annual Report: 04/10/2002
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/12/2001
- 04/13/2001
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2000 - 04/01/2001
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2000 - 04/01/2001
Brouder, Sylvie -Indiana (Chair); Jacobs, Lee -Michigan (Secretary); Dick, Warren -Ohio (Member-at-Large); Scharf, Peter -Missouri (Past Chair); Bundy, Larry -Wisconsin; Clay, David -South Dakota; Hoeft, Robert -Illinois; Horwath, William -California; Olness, Alan -Minnesota USDA-ARS; Randall, Gyles -Minnesota; Rice, Chuck -Kansas; Tabatabai, Ali -Iowa; Walters, Daniel -Nebraska; Schmidt, John -Kansas; Lemme, Gary -Administrative Adviser; Knighton, Ray -CSREES.Brief Summary of Minutes
The activities of the annual meeting primarily concerned committee business, termination of the project activities for FY 1995 - 2001 and protocols for project activities for FY 2001 - 2006.Committee Business: The minutes for the 2000 Annual Meeting and the agenda for the 2001 Annual Meeting were reviewed, modified and approved. Committee officers for the coming year were selected and approved (Brouder - Chair, Dick - Secretary, Horwath - Member-at-Large). The location (Kansas City, MO), date (March 27-28, 2002) and time (8:00 AM on 3/27 through noon on 3/28) for the next annual meeting were established.
Termination of FY ‘95 - ‘01 Activities: The cumulative data sets for the project were reviewed. Preliminary analyses using several different approaches to the data were presented (Walters, time series data; Bundy, identification of the economically optimum N rate and yield responses to this rate) and discussed with the intent of developing strategies for the committee to proceed beyond a simple summary of the database. The committee determined that an overall manuscript was needed that described the justification and objectives of the current project and the extent and depth of the database including a general description of components and ranges in values and conditions and methodologies for field experiments, long-term lab incubation mineralization studies and soil characterization analyses. This overview paper would serve as the primary methodology reference for a minimum of four additional manuscripts detailing in-depth analyses of specific subsets of the database. The subjects of the four additional manuscripts were identified as (1) PMN quick-tests and thermal units, (2) Plant sensing of corn N status, (3) Characterization of soil C pools, and (4) Using testing techniques and N mineralization estimates in making N fertilizer recommendations. Writing teams and lead authors were identified for each paper and timeline for writing (1st drafts to all committee members prior to next year‘s meeting) was established.
Protocols for Project Activities for FY 2001 - 2006: The committee agreed to establish core experiments that all participating members would conduct in their own states. Protocols are to be defined during the coming year for final approval at next year‘s meeting with the 1st growing season of the new project to be 2002. Three types of core experiments were identified for the new project: 1) sites that have been previously used and have historic records of N management, 2) new sites having uniform crop/soil management where N rate studies would be established, and 3) small-sized plots where N15 would be used to evaluate available N pools in soils taken up by plants. The possibility of using "strip trial" experiments for some of these sites was discussed. A protocol writing committee of Randall*, Bundy, Hoeft, Schmidt and Walters was identified to meet in late July or August to develop the protocols for the core experiments. Horwath will provide an N15 protocol for this effort. Preliminary results for two enzyme assays of arylamidase and glucoseamidase, which provide organic N for mineralization to NH4-N and will be used for soils collect in the current project, were presented and discussed (Tabatabai).