SERA50: Consumer Horticulture Southern Extension and Research Activity

Project History

This proposed CH-SERA will continue work started by SCC85: Consumer Horticulture Extension, Research, and Education Coordinating Committee, formally active from 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2021, with continuing activity to present (though not currently organized as an official group within NIMSS-National Information Management and Support System). In addition to annual reports to NIMSS, Appendix 1 provides a record of the group’s recent outputs in terms of publications, presentations, and a successful request for funding.

There are no previous versions of this project documented
There are no future versions of this project documented

Status: Active

10/01/2024 - 09/30/2029

Regional System Administrator:
Technical Leadership/Editors
Date last edited or status changed:
NIFA Letters
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