Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NE1544 - Dairy Production systems: C,N, and P management for production, profitability and the environment.
  • Dates: 10/19/2015 to 10/21/2015
  • Contacts: [Michael Westendorf] [Joe Harrison]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 10/19/2015 at Salem Extension Office at Woodstown, NJ - Salem County, New Jersey. :

Admin Advisor: Matthew E Wilson (

Additional Info

The Hampton Inn (1-856-351-1700) in Pennsville, NJ is the best alternative for lodging. A block or rooms is reserved at the hotel from October 18-21. These are only held until September 8th, so you will need to book quickly. The rate is $159.00 per nig

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