SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Agudelo, Paula* (  Clemson University (SC); Bernard, Ernest* (  University of Tennessee (TN); Chen, Senyu* (  University of Minnesota (MN); Davis, Richard (  USDA-ARS-Georgia; Dickson, Donald* (  University of Florida (FL); Eisenback, Jonathan* (  Virginia Tech (VA); Johnson, Charles (  Virginia Tech; Lawrence, Gary* (  Mississippi State University; Lawrence, Katheryn* (  Auburn University; Robbins, Robert* (  University of Arkansas (AR); Timper, Patricia* (  USDA-ARS-Georgia; Guests: Nichols, Robert (  Cotton Incorporated. * Voting Members.

Ernie Bernard called the meeting to order at 8:50 am. He announced that our Administrative Advisor, Ron Lacewell, could not attend this year due to a scheduling conflict. Jon Eisenback moved to approve the minutes from 2006, Gary Lawrence seconded, and the minutes were unanimously approved. Reports started at 9:10 am after a few technical difficulties. State reports were presented by Tennessee (Ernie Bernard, University of Tennessee) and Virginia (Jon Eisenback and Chuck Johnson, Virginia Tech). After a break, discussion was started on the new project. Patricia Timper outlined the three objectives: 1) integrate resistant cultivars with other nematode management tactics to reduce selection pressure on nematode populations and communities, 2) identify and incorporate new sources of resistance into elite cultivars (multiple sources of resistance will reduce selection pressure on nematode populations), and 3) facilitate and improve identification of nematode species and races (identification of the species and race of nematode is critical for effective deployment of host resistance). Agudelo and Chen suggested changing the terminology in Objective 3  replace race with virulence phenotype. Timper asked for volunteers to help write the new project. She explained that she did not want to take the lead on it because she is not employed or funded by a State Experiment Station. Several members of the group use the S-1015 project as their State CRIS project and receive Experiment Station funds; therefore, someone from a university should take the lead in writing the new project. The following individuals volunteered to serve on the writing committee: Paula Agudello, Don Dickson, Ernie Bernard, and Patty Timper. Although Jim Starr was not present at the meeting, his name came up as a possible leader for the committee given is long involvement with host-plant resistance (peanut and cotton). Ernie Bernard will contact Starr about serving as Chair of the Writing Committee. Bernard will also contact Ron Lacewell and ask for a 1-year extension on the project plan. The group came up with the following names for potential reviewers of the new project plan: Phil Roberts (UC Riverside), Don Schmitt (Retired nematologist), Terry Niblack (University of Illinois), George Bird (Michigan State U.), and Steve Thomas (New Mexico State U.). Following discussion of the new project plan, the state reports resumed. State reports were given by South Carolina (Paula Agudelo, Clemson University), Arkansas (Bob Robbins, University of Arkansas), Minnesota (Senyu Chen, University of Minnesota), Georgia (Patricia Timper and Richard Davis, USDA-ARS), Florida (Don Dickson, University of Florida), Mississippi (Gary Lawrence, Mississippi State U.), and Alabama (Kathy Lawrence, Auburn University). The Business Meeting was called at 5 pm. The major point of business (the new project) had already been discussed earlier in the day. Next of the agenda was the site of the next meeting (2008). Ernie Bernard relayed a message from Jim Starr that the next meeting is scheduled for Florida. Don Dickson invited the group to Florida. Jon Eisenback motioned that we convene next year in Florida, Chuck Johnson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. Don Dickson moved that we thank Ernie Bernard for host the meeting, a round of applause was given. The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 pm.  Recorded by Patty Timper.


Objective 1: Identification, characterization and introgression of genes for resistance and tolerance to nematodes in cotton, peanut, soybean, and major fruit and vegetable crops. Cotton AL: David Weavers lab grew approximately 1200 BC1F1 ((adapted X resistant) X adapted) and F2 (adapted X resistant) plants this past summer in the field. Primary sources of resistance we are using are TX245 and TX1419. All plants were self-pollinated and we will plant the selfed progenies (BC1F1:2 and F2:3 lines) in the field next summer to increase seed for evaluation of these lines. NC: An experiment concerning cotton rotation with corn, root-knot resistant soybean, and susceptible soybean was established in Lenoir Co. in 2002 and completed in 2007. Cotton grown in rotation with soybean yielded more than continuous cotton in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Cotton cultivar ST 5599BR yielded more than FM989BR when cotton was grown continuously, but final root-knot population densities on the two cultivars did not differ suggesting that ST5599BR may have some tolerance (Koenning, and Bowman). Tolerance to reniform nematode was evaluated for 34 cotton varieties in a field study. The study was a strip-plot design treated or nontreated with Telone II at 4.5 gallons/acre. Tolerance indices varied from 73 to 104, but tolerance was not significantly different between varieties. Varieties with tolerance indices above 85, were among the lowest yielders. Tolerance to root-knot nematode was evaluated for 8 cotton varieties in a field study. The study was a split-plot design treated or untreated with Telone II at 4.5 gallons/acre. None of the cultivars evaluated had tolerance to this nematode. Average yield loss was about 200 lbs/acre. USDA-GA: In collaboration with Dr. Peng Chee (University of Georgia, Tifton), we are continuing a project that was begun in 2001 to incorporate resistance to the southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) into elite cotton germplasm (PD94042) through serial backcrossing. Replicated field tests to select for yield and fiber quality were conducted in 2007. The level of resistance was documented in greenhouse tests, and these germplasm lines suppress M. incognita reproduction by more than 90% and have resistance statistically equal to their resistant parent (either M-120 RNR or M-155 RNR). We initiated a study in collaboration with Dr. Peng Chee to search for previously unidentified resistance genes. We previously identified a molecular marker (CIR316) for a major QTL for nematode resistance, and we will use that marker to identify resistance genes outside of the known QTL. We obtained two cotton germplasm lines created from primitive race stocks and released as potentially new sources of resistance to M. incognita. CIR316 does not indicate that the lines have the previously identified nematode resistance gene. We crossed the lines with G. barbadense (Pima S-6) to produce F1 seed, then we self-pollinated the F1 plants to produce an F2 generation which is segregating for nematode resistance and has polymorphisms. We will verify the lack of association with known DNA markers associated with root-knot nematode resistance, then we will search for new markers that are associated with resistance in these lines. Peanut FL: One hundred thirty two peanut lines from Dr. Barry Tillmans breeding program were evaluated for root-knot nematode galling. There was so little galling on pods, pegs and roots that no data were collected. SC: Plants were selected from a 2005 F2 population resulting from the hybridization of PI594651-L2, resistant to peanut root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria), with the adapted S.C. cultivar, Dillon. The objective is to develop germplasm and/or cultivars with an improved level of M. arenaria resistance, high seed yield, and acceptable agronomic traits. Progeny were screened for resistance to M. arenaria in a greenhouse and 33 F2 lines identified as resistant. F3:4 progeny will be grown in 2008 and evaluated for agronomic traits. USDA-GA: In collaboration with USDA ARS and University of Georgia scientists, we identified peanut germplasm from China with a high level of resistance to the northern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla. Nematode reproduction on the resistant germplasm was < 10% of that on the susceptible control, Georgia Green. We also identified sources of resistance to M. arenaria (both moderate and high levels) that appear to be different from the existing genes for resistance found in the cultivars NemaTAM and Tifguard. Soybean AR: For SSR mapping and confirmation of soybean QTL from PI 437654 conditioning resistance to reniform nematode, we refined the QLT locations and identified additional resistance. MS: A soybean cyst population (host race 15) was used to inoculate soybean entries for their reaction to the soybean cyst nematode. The variety Hutcheson was included in the test to compare the relative susceptibility of each entry to a widely known soybean variety. One hundred seventy entries were examined in 2006. Eighty-five of the entries had an index of reproduction less than Hutcheson. Only three varieties (ANAND MGV, LONOAK MGV, RT5302n MGV) resulted in a reproductive factor less than 10% of Hutcheson. Two additional varieties (94B73 MGIV, HBK4944CX MGIV) resulted in a reproductive factor less than 20% of Hutcheson. NC: Functional analyses to study the effects of secreted nematode parasitism gene products on host plant cells have included experiments designed to express each gene in plant tissues and to knockout these genes in the nematode to assess effects on infection. We have demonstrated the ability of some cyst nematode parasitism proteins secreted into host plant cells to localize within the host cell nucleus, suggesting potential direct effects of the secreted proteins on nematode feeding cell gene expression and development. We have demonstrated the quantitative and specific effect of RNA interference (RNAi) silencing of parasitism genes expressed within the esophageal gland cells of cyst nematodes, confirming the mechanism of RNAi inhibition of nematode parasitism of host plant roots. The upregulated activities of two plant endoglucanase (cellulase) gene promoters, AtCel1 and NtCel7, were demonstrated in giant-cells formed by root-knot nematodes for both promoters, and additionally, the NtCel7 promoter (but not AtCe1) was also upregulated in syncytia formed by cyst nematodes. The RNAi constructs to inhibit root-knot and cyst nematode infection of roots, and the plant promoters to drive RNAi construct expression in nematode feeding cells, are being combined to develop transgenic plants with nematode resistance. Transformation of soybean plants with such constructs has been initiated with a university-based Soybean Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Center. Several varieties or potential varieties showed tolerance to Columbia lance nematode at the Scotland Co. location including NC Roy, NC Raleigh, S76-L9, and N01-11777. The experiments will be terminated in 2007. SC: Thirty-six genotypes were evaluated in a field infested with soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) for seed yield, root-knot (RKN) galling, and plant vigor. Average seed yield was 20.4 bushels per acre. Fourteen S.C. breeding lines did not differ significantly from the resistant check cultivars for seed yield and galling score. South Carolina lines were evaluated for resistance to reniform nematode in greenhouse experiments conducted by Dr. R. T. Robbins at the University of Arkansas June 29 to October 9, 2006. Nine S.C. experimental lines and two cultivars (Motte and Santee) were found to have the same or a higher level of resistance as Forrest, the resistant standard. USDA-TN: Three germplasm lines were registered and released. Vegetables FL: The Mi gene in tomato cv. Crista provided a high level of resistance to a high density of Meloidogyne javanica, and a mixture of M. arenaria and M. incognita, when evaluated under virtually impermeable film (black on black) and aluminized metallic reflective film. The root-knot nematode susceptible tomato cv. Talledega was included for comparison and marketable yields were evaluated following treatment with methyl bromide, Telone C35, or nontreated. There were no differences in marketable yield between Talladega and Crista cultivars (P d 0.05). In cooperation with Dr. Judy Thies the N-gene in pepper cv. Charleston Belle is being tested in a spring crop rotation study with the Mi gene in tomato cv. Crista in a fall crop. Crista followed in the fall planting in the same plots where Charleston Belle was grown in the spring. The resistant cultivars are being compared with root-knot nematode susceptible cultivars Keystone Resistant Giant pepper and Talladega tomato. Both Telone C35 fumigated and nonfumigated plots are included for comparison. TN: Reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita was studied in repeated replicated experiments on five species: two plants with promising nematicidal characteristics (Monarda `Croftway Pink` [bee balm] and Chenopodium epazote `Glossy`) and three good hosts (`Rutgers` tomato, `Beer Friend` edamame-type soybean, and `Mammoth` sunflower). Results of both experiments were similar. Invasion of roots was similar among the plants but females rarely developed on epazote and bee balm. In epazote roots, swollen juveniles and females produced weakly developed giant cell systems and in several instances appeared to be attempting to establish new giant cells in cortical rather than vascular tissue. Developed galls usually contained a spherical mass of tightly packed, differentiated vessels not connected to functional vascular tissue. Objective 2: Development of marker assisted selection systems for more efficient introgression of multiple resistance genes into agronomically superior crop genotypes. Cotton TX: Three cotton breeding lines with resistance to M. incognita and R. reniformis have been develop. Seed increase is in progress in preparation for release as parental materials in 2008. Additionally, allelic relationships among seven cotton accessions with resistance to root-knot nematodes are being determined. Inheritance of resistance in these primitive cotton accessions is complex with both dominant and recessive alleles identified. USDA-GA: We collaborated previously with Dr. Peng Chee to identify DNA markers for a major QTL (on chromosome 11) for root-knot nematode resistance in cotton. We are currently fine mapping in the region with the major QTL to identify more tightly-linked flanking markers that can distinguish resistant and susceptible genotypes with greater accuracy. Peanut TX: We have developed 47 peanut breeding lines with multiple disease resistance (M. arenaria, M. javanica, TSWV, and Sclerotinia Blight) and with the high O/L trait. Yield testing is in progress and expectations are to release a new cultivar in 2009. Objective 3: Deployment of resistance and tolerance to nematodes in sustainable cropping systems. Cotton AL: The cotton - corn annual rotation is the principal rotated system utilized to reduce R. reniformis populations. However, nematode soil samples recently collected after a season of corn have contained economically significant populations of R. reniformis. Such findings suggested that non-controlled common weed species associated with the cotton - corn rotation may serve as hosts for R. reniformis and sustain populations during the corn crop. Selected weed species commonly associated with corn and cotton production in the southeastern U.S. were screened to determine their host status to R. reniformis in the greenhouse. In a microplot field study, corn and individual weed species were grown in mixtures to evaluate R. reniformis population density changes. Corn was also produced under four herbicide regimes simulating various weed densities to determine if increasing weed populations would maintain or increase R. reniformis numbers. Greenhouse trials indicated that of 43 species tested, the majority of dicotyledonous weed species serve as host to R. reniformis while the monocotyledonous weeds did not. In field microplot studies, corn growing in mixtures with individual weed species increased R. reniformis nematode populations. Uncontrolled weed species in corn field plots treated with only a pre-emergence herbicide application increased R. reniformis populations compared to the weed-free treatments. The presence of uncontrolled weeds in the cotton-corn rotation system may support a persistent R. reniformis population during rotations with a non-host crop. MS: Multitemporal spectral classification of the root-knot and reniform nematode using self-organized maps was further investigated. Remotely sensed hyperspectral data was examined for use in detecting the root-knot and reniform nematodes on cotton. Reflectance of hyperspectral signatures was used as features for classification purposes. Overall classification accuracies varied from the upper 60s to lower 80 percent. Individual accuracies for the cotton plants affected by the reniform nematode were higher compared to that of the root-knot nematode. The use of map grid and U-matrix to visualize supervised SOM indicates there exists data clustering between samples affected by the two nematode species. Reniform nematode management with VRT equipment and site-specific applications was further advanced. A fully working multi-modal variable rate applications system was developed. This system is capable of applying low volumes of liquid nematicides (Telone II) to georeferenced locations in the field corresponding to specific nematode classes. Target rates were attained within 1 second during volume changes at a ground speed of 6 mph. SC: We have started a collection of populations representative of the presence of reniform nematode in the cotton-growing areas in South Carolina. The purpose of this collection is to have updated information on the geographic distribution of the species in the state and make observations on its variability. We have sampled 75 fields in cotton-growing areas in 5 counties in South Carolina (Dorchester, Calhoun, Orangeburg, Kershaw, and Lee). Many of the selected fields have a history of also growing corn, soybean, or peanuts. No reniform nematodes were detected in the samples collected from fields in Dorchester and Orangeburg counties. The six fields sampled in Kershaw Co. contained reniform nematodes. Eleven of 28 fields sampled in Calhoun Co. were positive for reniform nematodes, as were 11 of 15 fields in Lee Co. The highest population densities of reniform nematode (1600 individuals/100 cc) were found in Calhoun Co. Soybean AR: In 2007 128 soybean varieties were tested for reniform nematode reproduction; of these Pioneer 93M90, Agventure 44D4, DB02-2517, and MPV 4406nRR were not different than Hartwig and would be useful to reduce reniform numbers. Of 48 private soybean breeding lines 15 could be useful in breeding for reniform resistance. Impact of soil texture and temperature on reniform nematode on cotton was studied in northern and central Arkansas. Mean densities indicated that silt loam and sandy clay loam supported greater nematode survival and reproduction than sandy loam or loamy sand and the central one reproduced more. LA: The nematology project of the LSU AgCenter is continuing research to evaluate variation in southern populations of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. Populations of this nematode from LA, TX, MS, AK, FL and HI were used in laboratory studies with the objective of comparing the hatch of eggs and infectivity of juveniles representing these six populations. Knowledge of the variation in aggressiveness and reproductive potential among populations of this nematode is imperative for the development of durable, resistant germplasm. MN: A survey was conducted in 2006 to determine distribution and frequencies of Heterodera glycines and other major plant-parasitic nematodes in the organic-farming fields in Minnesota. Heterodera glycines was found in 35% of the 108 sampled fields. Other common genera found in the state included Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and related genera, Xiphinema, and Paratylenchus. Control of H. glycines with swine manure was investigated. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine effectiveness of raw, volatile fatty acid (VFA)-enriched, and NH4+-enriched swine manure in control of the soybean cyst nematode. The SCN population densities were inversely related to the manure application rates in a linear manner for all three manures 35 days after planting. VFA-enriched manure performed best in reducing SCN egg counts and suppressed egg population density at by 21, 45, and 53% at the application rate of 62, 125, and 250 mL/L of soil, respectively. NC: Research to evaluate blends of SCN resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars was initiated in 2004 and continued in 2007. Delsoy 5710 was highly resistant to the race 5 population present at the Caswell research station, and Fowler and Anand were also resistant to this population. Resistant varieties yielded more than susceptible varieties, but the highest yield was for a blend of 70% Fowler and 30% Holladay in 2005 and 2006. Lowest numbers of SCN were on resistant varieties but blends with a high proportion of either Delsoy 5710 or Fowler had lower SCN numbers than expected. There is a trend toward increasing SCN reproduction on Anand and Delsoy 5710, but not on Fowler. USDA-TN: Soil samples collected to determine the population density of soybean cyst nematode in soybean producer fields have been characterized to determine the effectiveness of current soybean resistance to this nematode. Those populations which have been evaluated can be categorized as 81% capable of reproducing on the Peking (PI548402) source of resistance and 81% capable of reproducing on PI 88788 source of resistance. No population was found which failed to reproduce on at least one source of resistance in the HG Type indicator lines. Greenhouse screening of most commonly used soybean cultivars against soybean cyst nematode populations which can reproduce on PI 88788 indicate that few cultivars are available to effectively limit reproduction of the currently most common soybean cyst nematode population in TN.


  1. AL: Common uncontrolled weed species associated with the cotton-corn rotation system can host R. reniformis populations when rotating with a non-host rotation crop allowing populations to remain above threshold levels.
  2. FL: Both methyl bromide and C35 were equally effective in the suppression of root-knot nematode throughout the crop season on the root-knot nematode susceptible tomato cv. Talladega
  3. Covering beds with VIF is more likely to result in phytotoxicity of C35 when environmental conditions are not conducive for degradation of the compound. Greater care must be taken when transplanting into bed treated with C35 that are covered with VIF.
  4. LA: A significant factor contributing to differences in reproduction among populations of R. reniformis is the viability of eggs rather than the levels of egg production by females, the infectivity of juveniles or the subsequent rate of maturation following infection.
  5. MN: Organic production has been increasing steadily recent years and will continue to grow in Minnesota. Use of manure to suppress the soybean cyst nematode population added an option in the nematode management and increased the value of the swine waste.
  6. NC: Progress made in this research project to facilitate the development and use of nematode-resistant crop cultivars for nematode management in agriculture will reduce the estimated $80 billion in world crop losses due to nematode damage each year. The use of resistant cultivars will lower the quantity of nematicide needed to reduce nematode damage to crops, and thus, have a very positive influence on maintaining environmental quality. The return on investment in nematode-resistant crop cultivars will be realized in the marketplace as a safer and less expensive food and fiber supply for all members of society.
  7. SC: Soybean germplasm with high level of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita has been identified.
  8. TN: The apparent discovery of a strong resistance mechanism in epazote that results in proliferation of xylem into a spherical mass rather than into giant cells may be a new phenomenon that can be exploited for further investigation into the mechanisms by which root-knot nematodes induce giant cells.
  9. USDA-GA: USDA and university scientists in Georgia released the first peanut cultivar, named Tifguard, with a high level of resistance to both M. arenaria and TSWV. Planting this new cultivar will reduce input costs associated with nematode control and improve peanut yields in fields infested with M. arenaria; moreover, in fields without the nematode, yields should be comparable to currently available cultivars with good TSWV resistance.
  10. USDA-GA: A marker (SSR marker CIR316) linked to resistance genes on chromosome 11 was found. Results from this study indicate that the marker CIR316 may replace the laborious greenhouse screening used in breeding programs to identify genotypes resistant to the southern root-knot nematode.
  11. USDA-TN: Most commonly found soybean cyst nematode populations in TN are capable of reproducing on major sources of soybean resistance and few commercially available soybean cultivars effectively limit reproduction of the nematode. This emphasizes the need to scout, sample and monitor field populations of soybean cyst nematode and well as incorporating management strategies known to reduce soybean cyst nematode.


Journal Articles Chen, S. Y. 2007. Suppression of Heterodera glycines in soils from fields with long-term soybean monoculture. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17:125-134. Chen, S. Y., J. E. Kurle, S. R. Stetina, D. R. Miller, G. A. Nelson, L. D. Klossner, and N. C. Hansen. 2007. Interactions between iron-deficiency chlorosis and soybean cyst nematode in Minnesota soybean fields. Plant and Soil 299:131-139. Chen, S., and S. F. Liu. 2007. Effects of tillage and crop sequence on parasitism of Heterodera glycines juveniles by Hirsutella spp. and on juvenile population density. Nematropica 37:93-106. Dong, W. B., C. C. Holbrook, P. Timper, T. B. Brenneman, Y. Chu, and P. Ozias-Akins. 2008. Resistance in peanut cultivars and breeding lines to three root-knot nematode species. Plant Disease (in press). Dong, W., C. C. Holbrook, P. Timper, T. B. Brenneman, and B. G. Mullinix. 2007. Comparison of methods for assessing resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria. Journal of Nematology. 39:169-175. Elling, A.A., E. L. Davis, R. S. Hussey, and T. J. Baum. 2007. Active uptake of cyst nematode parasitism proteins into the plant cell nucleus. International Journal for Parasitology 37:1269-1279. Faske, T. R., and J. L. Starr. 2007. Cotton root protection from plant-parasitic nematodes by abamectin-treated seed. Journal of Nematology 39:27-30. Ha, Bo-Kuen, R. T. Robbins, F. Han, R. Hussey, J. Soper, and H. R. Boerma. 2007. SSR mapping and confirmation of soybean QTL from PI 437654 conditioning resistance to reniform nematode. Crop Science 47:1336-1343. Han, H-R., D. W. Dickson, and D. P. Weingartner. 2006. Biological characterization of five isolates of Belonolaimus longicaudatus. Nematropica 36:26-35. Han, H-R., A. Jeyaprakash, D. P. Weingartner, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Morphological and molecular biological characterization of Belonolaimus longicaudatus. Nematropica 36:37-51. Holbrook, C. C., P. Timper, and A. K. Culbreath. 2007. Registration of peanut germplasm line TifGP-1 with resistance to the root-knot nematode and tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of Plant Registrations (in press). Holbrook, C. C., P. Timper, W. Dong, C. K. Kvien, and A. K. Culbreath. 2007. Development of high yielding tomato spotted wilt resistant near isogenic lines with and without resistance to the peanut root-knot nematode. Crop Science (in press). Jeyaprakash, A., M. S. Tigano, J. Brito, R. M. D. G. Carneiro, and D.W. Dickson. 2006. Differentiation of Meloidogyne floridensis from M. arenaria using high-fidelity PCR amplified mitochondrial AT-rich sequences. Nematropica 36:1-12. Jones, J.R., K. S. Lawrence, and G. W. Lawrence. 2005. Implementation of winter cover crops in cotton cropping for management of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematropica 36:53-66. Kariuki, G. M., J. A. Brito, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Effects of Pasteuria penetrans endospore rate of attachment on root penetration and fecundity of Meloidogyne arenaria race 1. Nematropica 36:261-267. Koenning, S. R., D. E. Morrison, and K. L. Edmisten. 2007. Relative efficacy of selected fumigant nematicides for management of Rotylenchulus reniformis in cotton. Nematropica 37 (in press). Melakeberhan, H., S. Mennan, S. Chen, B. Darby, and T. Dudek. 2007. Integrated approaches to understanding and managing Meloidogyne hapla populations' parasitic variability. Crop Protection 26:894-902. Mennan, S., S. Y. Chen, and H. Melakeberhan. 2007. Effects of Hirsutella minnesotensis and N-Viro soil on populations of Meloidogyne hapla. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17:233-246. Ou, L., J. E. Thomas, L. H. Allen, Jr., J. C. Vu, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Effects of application methods of metam sodium and plastic covers on horizontal and vertical distributions of methyl isothiocyanate in bedded field plots. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 51:164-173. Pontif, M. J., and E.C. McGawley. 2007. The Influence of morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa), hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata), and johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) on reproduction of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Nematropica 37 (in-press). Robinson, A. F., J. R. Akridge, J. M. Bradford, C. G. Cook, W. S. Gazaway, E. C. McGawley, J. L. Starr, and L. D. Young. 2006. Suppression of Rotylenchulus reniformis 122-cm deep endorses resistance introgression in Gossypium. Journal of Nematology 38:195-209. Shannon, J. G., J. A. Wrather, D. A. Sleper, R. T. Robbins, H. T. Nguygen, and S. C. Anand. 2007. Registration of Jake soybean. Journal of Plant Registrations 1:29-30. Starr, J. L., S. R. Koenning, T. L. Kirkpatrick, A. F. Robinson, P. A. Roberts, and R. L. Nichols. 2007. The future of nematode management in cotton. Journal of Nematology 39 (in press). Starr, J. L., K. L. Ong, M. Huddleston, and Z. A. Handoo. 2007. Control of Meloidogyne marylandi on Bermuda grass. Nematropica 37:43-49. Sukno, S. A., J. McCuiston, M. Y. Wong, X. Wang, M. R. Thon, R. S. Hussey, T. J. Baum, and E. L. Davis. 2007. Quantitative detection of double-stranded RNA-mediated gene silencing of parasitism genes in Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology 39:145-152. Sukno, S., O. Shimerling, J. McCuiston, G. Tsabary, Z. Shani, O. Shoseyov, and E. L. Davis. 2006. Expression and regulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana Cel1 endo 1,4 b glucanase gene during compatible plant-nematode interactions. Journal of Nematology 38:354-361. Thomas, J. E., L. Ou, L. H. Allen, Jr., J. C. Vu, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Henry's law constants and mass transfer coefficients for methyl bromide and 1,3-dichloropropene applied to Florida sandy field soil. Chemosphere 62:980-988. Wang, X., A. Replogle, E. L. Davis, and M. G. Mitchum. 2007. The tobacco NtCel7 gene promoter is auxin-responsive and locally induced in nematode feeding sites of heterologous plants. Molecular Plant Pathology 8:423-436. Weaver, D. B., K. S. Lawrence, and E. van Santen. 2007. Reniform nematode resistance in upland cotton germplasm. Crop Science 47:19-24. Xiang, M. C., X. Z. Liu, Q. M. Xiao, and S. Y. Chen, S. Y. 2007. Nutritional requirements of the nematophagous fungus Hirsutella minnesotensis. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 37:151-158. Xiang, M. C., Z. X. Wang, X. Z. Liu, X. H. Yang, S. Y. Chen, and Q. M. Xiao. 2007. Variability of morphology, parasitism, and nucleotide sequences among isolates and species of nematophagous Hirsutella. Biological Control 33:110-119. Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. A novel use of anaerobically digested liquid swine manure to potentially control soybean cyst nematode. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 42:749-757. Abstracts Brito, J. A., R. Kaur, D. W. Dickson, J. R. Rich, and L. A. Haley. 2006. Biological notes and parasitic habits of the pecan root-knot nematode, Meloidogye partityla, in Florida. Nematropica 36:115 (Abstr.). Chen, S., C. C. Sheaffer, D. L. Wyse, P. Nickel, H. Kandel, and C. M. Fernholz. 2007. Distribution and frequency of Heterodera glycines and other plant-parasitic nematodes in the organic-farming fields in Minnesota. Journal of Nematology 39:99 (Abstr.). Davis, R. F., and R. C. Kemerait. 2007. The multi-year, cumulative effects of monocropping cotton resistant to the southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Nematology 39:71-72 (Abstr.). Donald, P. A., R. Hayes, R., and E. Walker. 2007. Potential for soybean cyst nematode reproduction on winter weeds and cover crops in Tennessee. Online: Plant Health Progress do8i:10.1094/PHP-2007-0226-01-RS (Abstr.). Donald, P. A., T. Kilen, and A. Mengitsu. 2007. Registration of soybean germplasm line D99-2018 resistant to Phytophthora rot (Rps6) and soybean cyst nematode races 3 (HG Type 0) and 14 (HG Type Crop Science 47:451-452 (Abstr.). Faske, T. R., Starr, J. L., and Smith, C. W. 2007. Evaluation of advanced interespecific cotton genotypes for resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis. Phytopathology 97 (S):34 (Abstr.). Johnson, E. A., J. A. Brito, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Comparison of pathogenicity of six isolates of Meloidogyne mayaguensis from Florida on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Solar Set. Nematropica 36:129-130 (Abstr.). Kariuki, G. M., J. A. Brito, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Effect of Pasteuria penetrans endospore density on attachment, penetration, and fecundity of Meloidogyne arenaria race 1. Nematropica 36:130 (Abstr.). Lawrence, G. W., K. S. Lawrence, and J. Caceres. 2006. AVICTA complete pack and Temik 15 G for reniform nematode management on cotton. Journal of Nematology 38:278 (Abstr.). Lawrence, K. S., G. W. Lawrence, and S. R. Usery. 2006. Poultry litter as an organic means of Rotylenchulus reniformis management of cotton. Journal of Nematology 38:278-279 (Abstr.). Mebrahtu, T., T. E. Devine, P. A. Donald, and T. S. Abney. 2007. Registration of Owens vegetable soybean. Journal of Plant Registrations 1:95-96 (Abstr.). Mengistu, A., T. C. Kilen, and P. A. Donald. 2007. Registration of D95-5048 soybean germplasm line resistant to Phytophthora rots and soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 14. Crop Science 47:452 (Abstr.). Mercer, C., F. Shah, Bulman, and J. Starr, J. 2007. Plant-parasitic nematodes pose identification challenge. New Zealand Society of Parasitologists (Abstr.). Stanley, J., N. Kokalis-Burelle, and D. W. Dickson. 2006. Host status of Meloidogyne floridensis on selected weeds and cover crops common to Florida. Nematropica 36:149 (Abstr.). Starr, J. L., and C. Mercer. 2006. Egg hatch from cysts and white females of Heterodera trifolii (Nematoda). New Zealand Society of Parasitologists (Abstr.). Sun, M., S. Chen, J. E. Kurle, S. Naeve, D. L. Wyse, L. A. Stahl, G. A. Nelson, and L. D. Klossner. 2007. Effect of rotation crops on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and iron-deficiency chlorosis of soybean. Phytopathology 97:S113 (Abstr.). Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. Control of the soybean cyst nematode using anaerobically digested liquid swine manure. Journal of Nematology 39:73 (Abstr.). Other Publications and Reports Boozer, R. V., K. S. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, Y. Feng, B. L. Freeman, and E. van Santen. 2006. Concurrent evaluation of reniform nematode and early season insect populations as influenced by enhanced degradation of aldicarb. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 12-19. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Bridge, J., and J. L. Starr. 2007. Plant nematodes of agricultural importance. London, UK: Manson Publishing. Burmester, C. H., K. S. Lawrence, T. B. Hatchett, and C. Norris. Evaluation of Avicta formulation variants for reniform nematode management in cotton in north Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N009. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Burow, M. D., J. L. Starr, C.-H. Park, and C. E. Simpson. 2008. Identification of QTLs for resistance to early leafspot (Cercospora archidicola S. Hori) in an introgression population of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Genome meetings, San Diego. Caceres, J., K. S. Lawrence, and G. W. Lawrence. 2006. Evaluation of commercial and experimental seed treatments on cotton stand in Alabama and Mississippi. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 66. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Carpenter, D., K. S. Lawrence, and T. V. Hatchett. 2007. AVICTA's Effect on reniform nematode morphological development on cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:189-191. National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. online: Davis, R. F. 2007. Utilization of resistance and tolerance to root-knot nematode in cotton. Proceedings of the Fourth World Cotton Research Conference, Lubbock, TX, 10-14 September, 2007 (In press). Dismukes, A. L., K. S. Lawrence, A. J. Price, G. W. Lawrence, and R. Akridge. 2006 . Host status of noxious weed plants associated with Gossypium hirsutum- Zea mays rotation systems to Rotylenchulus reniformis . Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 7-11. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. French, N. M., T. L. Kirkpatrick, P. D. Colyer, J. L. Starr, K. S. Lawrence, J. R. Rich, and G. W. Lawrence. 2006. Influence of N-Hibit and ProAct on nematodes in field cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1:137-132. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Gazaway, W. S., K. S. Lawrence, and J. R. Akridge. 2007. Impact of Crop Rotation and Fumigation on Cotton Production in Reniform Infested Fields. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:1357-1360. National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. online: Gazaway, W. S., K. S. Lawrence, C. D. Monks, and R. Akridge. 2007. Crop rotation- an effective tool for managing reniform nematodes in cotton. Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference. (In Press) National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. T. V. Hatchett, T. V., K. S. Lawrence, S J. Suh, and J. Cofield. 2007. Survey of the biological activity of 7,10,12-trihydroxy-8-octadecenoic acid (TOD) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:1349-1355. National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. online: Jones, J. R., K. S. Lawrence, and E. van Santen. 2007. Effects of pot material and soil volume on Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita population development Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference. (In Press) National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Kirkpatrick, T. L., K. S. Lawrence, G. W. Lawrence, J. D. Muller, and N. M. French. 2006. Greenhouse evaluation of experimental harpin-based seed and foliar treatments on root-knot nematodes in cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 30-35. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Lawrence, G. W., R. A. Doshi, R. L. King, K. S. Lawrence, and J. Caceres. 2007. Nematode management using remote sensing technology, self-organized maps and variable rate nematicide applications. Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference. (in press). National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Lawrence, G. W., R. King, G. R. Ellis, R. Doshi, K. S. Lawrence, J. Caceres, and J. S. Samson. 2006. Population estimation of the reniform nematode using hyperspectral reflectance data and applications to variable rate nematicide applications. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1:165. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Lawrence, K. S., and G. W. Lawrence. 2007. Performance of the new nematicide treatments on cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:602-605. National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. online: Lawrence, G. W., K. S. Lawrence, and J.Caceres. 2007. Options after the furrow is closed. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:598-601. National Cotton Council, Memphis TN. online: Lawrence, K. S., T. B. Hatchett, and R. Akridge. 2007. Evaluation of experimental Temik formulations for reniform nematode management in cotton in south Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N005. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Lawrence, K. S., T. B. Hatchett, C. H. Burmester and C. Norris. 2007. Evaluation of experimental Temik formulations for reniform nematode management in cotton in north Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N006. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Lawrence, K. S., T. B. Hatchett, C. H. Burmester and C. Norris. 2007. Evaluation of experimental Gaucho Grande seed treatment formulations for reniform nematode management in cotton in north Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N008. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Lawrence, K. S., T. B. Hatchett, W. S. Gazaway, and R. Akridge. 2007. Evaluation of experimental Gaucho Grande seed treatment formulations for reniform nematode management in cotton in south Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N007. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Lawrence, K. S., T. B. Hatchett, and S. Nightingale. 2007. Evaluation of Avicta alone and in combination with seed treatment fungicides for protection of cotton from Fusarium wilt, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:N013. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Lawrence, K. S., C. D. Monks, and D. Delaney. Eds. 2005 Cotton Research Report. March 2006. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report Series No. 28. Lawrence, K. S., A. J. Price, G. W. Lawrence, J. R. Jones, and R. Akridge. 2007. Several common weeds support reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) reproduction in cotton-corn rotations. Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conference. (In Press) National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Usery, C. Burmester, and G. W. Lawrence. 2005. Evaluation of Telone II, Vapam HL, and Temik 15G for reniform nematode management in cotton in north Alabama, 2004. F&N Tests 60:N003. McGawley, E. C. 2007. s. A summary of six years of greenhouse, microplot and field experimentation with a new in-furrow, at-planting material for the management of plant parasitic nematodes of major agricultural crops in the southern United States. Proceedings of the XVI International Plant Protection CongresPages 12-19. McGawley, E. C. 2007. Management of nematode parasites of major crops in Louisiana with Agri-Terra. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. 13: 1-4. Robbins, R. T., E. Shipe, P. Arelli, P. Chen, G. Shannon, L. Rakes, L. E. Jackson, E. E. Gbur, and D. G. Dombek. 2007. Reniform nematode reproduction on soybean cultivars and breeding lines in 2006. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans.
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