SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bahr, Janice - University of Illinois - Guest Speaker; Pizzari, Tom - University of Leeds - Guest Speaker; Christensen, Vern ( - North Carolina State University; Froman, David ( - Oregon State; Grizzle, Judy ( - University of Tennessee; El Halawani, Mohamed ( - University of Minnesota; Johnson, Paul; Kirby, John ( - University of Arkansas; Long, Julie - USDA ARS; Millam, Jim ( - University of California - Davis; Mirando, Mark - CSREES; Proudman, John ( - Biotechnology and Germplasm Lab; Rhoads, Doug ( - University of Arkansas; Satterlee, Dan ( - Louisiana State University; Siopes, Tom ( - North Carolina State University; Wilson, Jeanna ( - University of Georgia

The meeting was held at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, Washington on October 21 and 22, 2004. October 21: Female control of fertility in the domestic fowl. Tom Pizzari, University of Leeds (Guest Speaker) Avian infectious bronchitis virus and male fertility. Janice Bahr, University of Illinois (Guest Speaker) Is chicken FSH secretion regulated by GnRH? John Kirby, University of Arkansas Genetic analysis of sperm dysfunction degeneration (SDD) in broiler breeders. Doug Rhoads, University of Arkansas Deduction of a model for sperm storage in the hen's oviduct. David Froman, Oregon State University Lectin characterization of surface carbohydrates in poultry spermatozoa. Julie Long, USDA, ARS, Beltsville Embryo growth may affect metabolic health of turkeys. Vern Christensen, NCSU When does programming for photorefractoriness occur in the turkey hen? John Proudman, USDA, ARS, Beltsville Alterations in ovarian folliculogenesis in broiler breeder hens actively immunized against chicken inhibin. Dan Satterlee, LSU October 22: Station Report, Tom Siopes, NCSU Station Report, Jim Milam, UC Davis Station Report, Mohamed El Halawani, University of Minnesota Administrative update, Mark Mirando, CSREES Business meeting, D. P. Froman, Chair 1) An announcement was made that station reports were to be filed within 60 d of the meeting. 2) Due to a catastrophic hard disk failure, the proposal must be reconstructed. This effort was to be performed by D. P. Froman with detailed input from members. Input was requested by November 30th. Proposal reconstruction would begin in December 2005. 3) The proposed site for the 2005 meeting was Las Vegas, Nevada. Tentative meeting dates were identified: October 27 and 28 or November 3 and 4. Jim Milam agreed to host the meeting.


DC305 was formed for the purpose of transitioning between S-285 Reproductive Efficiency of Turkeys into a regional project that addressed reproductive efficiency of poultry in general. This goal was realized as evidenced by retention of core scientists who participated in the prior project and the addition of new scientists whose specialties enhance the expertise of the group. As such, the group of scientists within the new project have the capability of addressing the range of problems encountered in commercial poultry reproduction, which includes laying hens and broiler breeders in addition to turkeys. While fundamental expertise was retained with respect to the study of photorefractoriness and broodiness in turkeys, significant expertise has been added with respect to broiler breeders. This is noteworthy due to the per capita consumption of broiler meat within the U.S.


  1. The intended outcome of DC305 is the preparation of a new regional project to be completed in early 2005. The potential impact of this effort will be the formal alignment of the foremost U.S. scientists who study poultry reproduction, a biological process that underlies a multi-billion dollar industry within the U.S.


None as the objectives of DC305 was the development of a new multistate project as opposed to the completion of experimental objectives as evidenced by peer-reviewed journal articles.
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