SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA_OLD97 : DISEASES OF CEREALS
  • Period Covered: 07/01/2005 to 06/01/2006
  • Date of Report: 08/18/2006
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 06/12/2006 to 06/14/2006


Stephen N. Wegulo, University of Nebraska,; Charla Hollingsworth, University of Minnesota,; Jeff Stein, South Dakota State University,; Erik Stromberg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,; Ruth Dill-Macky, University of Minnesota,; Sam Markell, University of Arkansas,; Pierce A. Paul, The Ohio State University,; Tom Allen, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station,; Erick DeWolf, Pennsylvania State University,; Marcia McMullen, North Dakota State University,; Shaukat Ali, North Dakota State University,; Stephen Neate, North Dakota State University,; Tika Adhikari, North Dakota State University,; Bill Bockus, Kansas State University,; Gary C. Bergstrom, Cornell University,; Tim Murray, Washington State University,; Juliet M. Windes, University of Idaho,; Lee Jackson, University of California - Davis,; Alan Dyer, Montana State University,; Andrew Hogg, Montana State University,; Bill Grey, Montana State University,; Jack Riesselman, Montana State University,; Wendy Lewis, Montana State University,; Craig Cook, WestBred,; Greg Fox, WestBred,; John Davies, WestBred,; Tim Friesen, USDA-ARS, Fargo,; Yue Jin, USDA-ARS, CDL,; Marty Draper, SDSU,; Julio Molineroz, Pennsylvania State University,; Bill Beizansky, North Dakota State University,; Mohamed Mergoum, North Dakota State University,;

The annual meeting of WERA-97 was held in conjunction with NCERA-184 Fargo, North Dakota from June 12-14 at the Holiday Inn. The WERA-97 business meeting was held on Monday June 12 and consisted of State reports and a discussion future meeting sites. State reports were presented for California, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington. Discussion of powdery mildew, loose smut, aerial versus ground application of fungicides, and use of reduced fungicide rates followed the state reports. A social was held in the evening at the home of Marcia McMullen. The joint general meeting was held during the morning of June 13 and consisted of presentations by Sam Markell on Stripe Rust, Yue Jin on UG99, the new race of Black stem rust, Tika Adhikari on wheat leaf diseases, Tom Allen on Karnal bunt, Alan Dyer on wheat root rots, Stephen Neate on Speckled leaf blotch of barley, Bill Bockus provided an update on the status of the APS Wheat Disease compendium revision, and Erick DeWolf discussed a proposal for a National Wheat Disease Information Network. A field tour of area research plots at the Prosper research farm and local farmer Bill Hejl's Bonanza farm was held in the afternoon. A joint social with the APS Central Division was held in the evening at the Holiday Inn. The NCERA-184 Business meeting was held in the morning of June 14 to discuss future meeting sites and special topics for discussion in 2007. An invitation was extended by WERA-97 Administrative Advisor Tim Murray for NCERA-184 to meet jointly with WERA-97 in Idaho Falls in 2007 and accepted by Jeff Stein, Chair. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 am. There were a total of 32 participants at the meeting representing 15 states. Of these, 29 are from the public sector and 3 are from the private sector. Letters of invitation sent to individuals filling positions on small grain pathology in the western region following the 2005 meeting resulted in three new participants from Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota with interest expressed by a newly hired individual in Utah.


Joint meeting. Although discussed for several years, this year's meeting represents the first formal joint meeting of the western and eastern multi-state research and extension committees for the control of diseases of small cereal grains. As such, communication among scientists in different geographic regions of the country was improved, as well as between established individuals and those in the early stages of their careers. As a result of broad representation present at this meeting, discussion of potential projects to establish a method for distribution of information about small grain diseases nationally were begun. 2007 Meeting Site Selection. As a result of the successful interaction at this meeting, participants decided to meet jointly again in 2007 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. This venue will provide the opportunity to visit the USDA Small Grains Collection in Aberdeen, ID and interact with USDA personnel associated with this collection. Discussion of another joint meeting in 2009 in the eastern US also took place, but a decision was postponed until next year. Revision of the Compendium of Wheat Diseases. A team of five wheat pathologists (most of who belong to WERA-97 or WERA-184) and one entomologist was assembled in 2005 to coordinate revision of the Compendium of Wheat Diseases published by APS Press. To date about 148 of the 160 revised chapters have been submitted and are in the process of being edited. The entire manuscript will be submitted to APS by November. In addition, the List of Common Names of Wheat Diseases is being revised in conjunction with this project. This collaborative effort between NCERA-184 and WERA-97 is a significant accomplishment since it has been 18 years since the last edition was published. Summary. This group continues to fulfill the objectives of communicating and coordinating research activities among its members, which is largely composed of public sector scientists but also includes regular participation by members of the private sector. Discussions at this annual meeting help inform its participants of potential new problems, and new approaches to the control of long-established problems.


  1. Participants were updated on the situation with UG99, a new and potentially damaging race of wheat stem rust detected in Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia that has virulence on the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr31, which is present in many CIMMYT varieties. This information will be important to pathologists and wheat breeders involved in developing wheat varieties with resistance to stem rust enabling them to respond proactively since this race is not present in the US.
  2. Research to identify the race structure of wheat and barley stripe rust pathogens across the U.S. is continuing and the information is made available to the public, including wheat and barley breeders, so they can use appropriate disease resistance genes for their respective regions to minimize losses to this disease.
  3. Pathologists from three states where hard red winter wheat is produced have recently begun a tri-state Fusarium head blight nursery so that advanced breeding lines may be tested at multiple sites in the region. Such data are valuable to help understand the effective range and durability of deployed resistance genes.


Extension & Technical publications; Al-Naimi, F.A., K.A. Garrett, and W.W. Bockus. 2005. Competition, facilitation, and niche differentiation in two foliar pathogens. Oecologia. 143:449-457. Anderson, J.A., R.H. Busch, D.V. McVey, J.A. Kolmer, G.L. Linkert, J.V. Wiersma, R. Dill-Macky, J.J. Wiersma, and G.A. Harland. 2005. Registration of "Oklee" wheat. Crop Science. 45:784-785. Appel, J.A., J. Stack, R.L. Bowden, and W.W. Bockus. 2005. Preliminary 2005 Kansas Wheat Disease Loss Estimates. Kansas Cooperative Plant Disease Survey Report. Appel, J.A., R.L. Bowden, W.W. Bockus, and D. Jardine. 2006. Preliminary 2006 Kansas Wheat Disease Loss Estimates. Kansas Cooperative Plant Disease Survey Report. Blechl A., M. Somleva, P. Okubara, and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. New Approaches to overcome Fusarium Head Blight. In: Proceedings of the IWQCIII, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. May 22-26, 2005. Bockus, W.W., A.K. Fritz, and T.J. Martin. 2006. Reaction of the 2005 Kansas Intrastate Nursery to Fusarium head blight, 2005. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 21:FC002, DOI:10.1094/BC21. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., and M.A. Davis. 2006. Reaction of selected winter wheat accessions to Fusarium head blight, 2005. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 21:FC003, DOI:10.1094/BC21. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W. 2005. Reaction of selected Kansas winter wheat cultivars to barley yellow dwarf, 2005. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 21:FC004, DOI:10.1094/BC21. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W. 2006. Effect of foliar fungicides on Fusarium head blight of winter wheat, 2005. Fung. & Nema. Tests. Report 61:CF012, DOI:10.1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Chen, X.M. 2005. Epidemiology and control of stripe rust on wheat. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27:314-337. Chen, X.M., and D.A. Wood. 2006. Control of stripe rust of spring wheat with foliar fungicides, 2005. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:CF022. Chen, X.M., and D.A. Wood. 2006. Control of stripe rust of spring barley with foliar fungicides, 2005. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:CF024. Chen, X.M., and D.A. Wood. 2006. Control of stripe rust of winter wheat with foliar fungicides, 2005. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:CF023. Chen, X.M., and D.A. Wood. 2006. Reduction of stripe rust severities on spring wheat by seed treatment with fungicides, 2005. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:ST010. Chicaiza, O., I.A. Khan, X. Zhang, J.C. Brevis, L. Jackson, X.M. Chen, and J. Dubcovsky. 2006. Registration of five wheat isogenic lines for leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes. Crop Sci. 46:485-487. Costa, J.M., C.A. Griffey, H.E. Bockelman, S.E. Cambron, X.M. Chen, A. Cooper, C. Gaines, R.A. Graybosch, A. Grybauskas, R.J. Kratochvil, D.L. Long, E. Shirley, and I. Whitcher. 2006. Registration of 'Choptank' Wheat. Crop Sci. 46:474-476. Cowger, C., L.D. Wallace, and C.C. Mundt. 2005. Velocity of spread of wheat stripe rust epidemics. Phytopathology. 95:972-982. Cox, C.M., K.A. Garrett, and W.W. Bockus. 2005. Meeting the challenge of disease management in perennial grain cropping systems. Ren. Agric. Food Sys. 20:15-24. Cox, C.M., K.A. Garrett, T.S. Cox, W.W. Bockus, and T. Peters. 2005. Reactions of perennial grain accessions to four major cereal pathogens of the Great Plains. Plant Dis. 89:1235-1240. Dill-Macky, R., B.J. Steffenson, C. Hollingsworth, and K.P. Smith. 2005. Management of barley diseases in the upper Midwest. In: Proceedings of the 35th Barley Improvement Conference. Charlestown, South Carolina, USA, January 11-13, 2005. p. 13-15. Dyer, A.T., R. Johnston, A. Hogg, and W. Grey. 2006. Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Crown Rot on Montana's Wheat Production. 2005 Southern Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report. Dyer, A., R. Johnston, and K. Kephardt. 2005. Fusarium crown rot trials; spring wheat (Huntley). Montana State University, Field Card. Dyer, A., R. Johnston, and K. Kephardt. 2005. Fusarium crown rot trials; durum wheat (Huntley). Montana State University, Field Card. Dyer, A., W. Grey, R. Johnston, L. Talbert, and K. Kephardt. 2005. Stripe rust evaluations; spring wheat (Huntley). Montana State University, Field Card. Dyer, A., W. Grey, R. Johnston, P. Bruckner, and M. Johnson. 2005. Stripe rust evaluations; winter wheat (Kalispell, Bozeman). Montana State University, Field Card. Garvin, D.F. and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Evaluation of wheat lines near-isogenic for diverse Fusarium Head Blight resistance QTLs. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11-13, 2005. p. 29-30. Hayes, P.M., L. Marquez-Cedillo, C.C. Mundt, K. Richardson, and M.I. Vales. 2005. Perspectives on finding and using quantitative disease resistance genes in barley. Proceedings of the Hallauer Symposium on Crop Genetics. Lamkey and Lee, eds. Blackwell, Ames, IA. Johnston, R. and A.T. Dyer. 2006. Seed treatment for control of covered smut of spring barley. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:ST023. Johnston, R. and A.T. Dyer. 2006. Seed treatment for control of loose smut and stripe of spring barley. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:ST024. Johnston, R. and A.T. Dyer. 2006. Role of seed treatment in control of seed-borne common bunt of spring wheat. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:ST025. Johnston, R. and A.T. Dyer. 2006. Role of seed treatment in control of seed-borne common bunt of winter wheat. Fungicide & Nematicide Test Reports. 61:ST026. Jones, S.S., S.R. Lyon, K.A. Balow, T.D. Murray, X.M. Chen, B.P. Carter, C.R. Morris, K. Garland Campbell, J.W. Burns, W.F. Schillinger, P.E. Reisenauer, and B.J. Goates. 2006. Registration of 'Masami' Wheat. Crop Science. 46:476-477. Jones, S.S., S.R. Lyon, K.A. Balow, M.A. Gollnick, T.D. Murray, X.M. Chen, C.R. Morris, K. Garland Campbell, J.W. Burns, W.F. Schillinger, P.E. Reisenauer, and B.J. Goates. 2006. Registration of 'Bauermeister' Wheat. Crop Sci. (SUBMITTED 12/05). Kidwell, K.K., V.L. Demacon, G.B. Shelton, J.W. Burns, B.P. Carter, X.M. Chen, C.F. Morris, and N.A. Bosque Pérez, N.A. 2006. Registration of 'Otis' Wheat. Crop Sci. 46:1386-1387. Kidwell, K.K., G.B. Shelton, V.L. Demacon, J.W. Burns, B.P. Carter, X.M. Chen, C.F. Morris, and N.A. Bosque Pérez. 2006. Registration of 'Louise' Wheat. Crop Sci. 46:1384-1386. Koehn, A., E. Souza, and J.M. Windes. 2005. The potential importance of reduction in root length in screening resistance to Fusarium species in wheat cultivars. Phytopathology. Vol. 95, 6:S112 abstr. Ling, P. and X.M. Chen. 2005. Construction of a hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bacterial artificial chromosome library for cloning genes for stripe rust resistance. Genome. 48:1028-1036. Lewis, J.M., C.A. Mackintosh, S.H. Shin, L.A. Smith, M.N. Wyckoff, A.M. Elakkad, K.J. Wennberg, S.J. Heinen, L.E. Radmer, G.D. Baldridge, R.J. Zeyen, C.K. Evans, S. Kravchenko, R. Dill-Macky, and G.J. Muehlbauer, G.J. 2005. Overexpression of antifungal proteins increases resistance of wheat to Fusarium Head Blight in the field. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. December 11-13, 2005. p. 103. Li, H.J., M. Arterburn, S.S. Jones, and T.D. Murray, T.D. 2005. Resistance to eyespot of wheat, caused by Tapesia yallundae, derived from Thinopyrum intermedium homoeologous group 4 chromosomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 111:932-940. (DOI: 10.1007/s00122-005-0025-0). Mudge, A.M., R. Dill-Macky, Y. Dong, I. Wilson, and J.M. Manners. 2005. Mycotoxin production and fungal gene expression during infection and crowns and heads of wheat by Fusarium graminearum. (Abstr.# 312) In: Proceedings of the 23rd Fungal Genetics Conference. Pacific Grove, California, USA. March 15-20, 2005. p. 131. Mundt, C.C. 2005. Host diversity, epidemic progression, and pathogen evolution. Pages 175-184 In: Rust Diseases of Willow and Poplar. M.H. Pei and A.R. McCracken, eds. CABI Publishing. Murray, T.D. 2006. Seed infection and transmission of Cephalosporium gramineum in commercial winter wheat varieties. Plant Disease. 90:803-806. Murray, T.D. 2006. Strawbreaker Foot rot or Eyespot of Wheat. WSU Extension Bulletin. EB 1378. Nishio, Z., N. Iriki, S. Takenaka, A. Kawakami, M. Kuroki, K. Saito, M. Ito, T. Tabiki, and T.D. Murray. 2005. A real-time PCR assay for quantification of Typhula ishikariensis, cause of speckled snow mold in winter wheat. Phytopathology. 95:S75 abstr. Pereyra, S.A. and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Colonization and inoculum production of Gibberella zeae in components of wheat residue. Cereal Research Communications. 33:755-762. Pereyra, S., G. Garmendia, M. Cabrera, S. Vero, M. Pianzzola, and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Control Biológico de la Fusariosis de la Espiga de Trigo y Cebada (Biological Control of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Barley). Agrociencia. 9:337-343. Perez, C.A., R. Dill-Macky, and L.L. Kinkel. 2005. Evaluating the potential for green manures to enhance indigenous soil antagonists and reduce inoculum of Fusarium graminearum in wheat residues. Phytopathology. S82. Richardson, K.L., M.I. Vales, J.G. Kling, C.C. Mundt, and P.M. Hayes. 2005. Pyramiding and dissecting disease resistance QTL to barley stripe rust. Theor. Appl. Genet.: 113: 485-495. Roozeboon, K., A. Fritz, J. Stack, J. Whitworth, P. Evans, J. Long, T.J. Martin, A. Schlegel, M. Spangler, M. Claassen, W.B. Gordon, W. Heer, J. Kimball, L. Maddux, E. Parker, B. Seabourn, M. Knapp, R. Bennett, B. Bockus, and J. Shroyer. 2005. 2005 Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties. Pages 4-28 in: 2005 Kansas Wheat Seed Book. Kansas AES Report of Progress 947. 42 pp. Sackett, K.E. and C.C. Mundt. 2005. Primary disease gradients of wheat stripe rust in large field plots. Phytopathology. 95:983-991. Sackett, K.E. and C.C. Mundt. 2005. The effects of dispersal gradient and pathogen life cycle components on epidemic velocity in computer simulations. Phytopathology. 95:992-1000. Salas, B. and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Effect of residue management and host resistance on the epidemiology of Fusarium Head Blight. Phytopathology. S92. Salas, B. and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Colonization of wheat cultivars by Fusarium graminearum at harvest and in overwintered residues. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. December 11-13, 2005. p. 140-143. Salas, B. and R. Dill-Macky. 2005. Effect of residue management and host resistance on the epidemiology of Fusarium Head Blight. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. December 11-13, 2005. p. 144-147. Strausbaugh, C.A. and J.M. Windes. 2006. Influence of subsoiling on direct seeded cereals in Southeastern Idaho. Can. J. Pl. Path. Accepted pending revisions. Uauy, C., J.C. Brevis, X.M. Chen, I.A. Khan, L.F. Jackson, O. Chicaiza, A. Distelfeld, T. Fahima, and J. Dubcovsky. 2005. High-temperature adult plant (HTAP) stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 from Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides is closely linked to the grain protein content locus Gpc-B1. Theor. Appl. Genet. 112:97-105. Vales, M.I., C.C. Schön, F. Capettini, X.M. Chen, A.E. Corey, D.E. Mather, C.C. Mundt, K.L. Richardson, J.S. Sandoval-Islas, H.F. Utz, and P.M. Hays. 2005. Effect of population size on the estimation of barley stripe rust QTL. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:1260-1270. Windes, J.M., C.A. Jackson, and T. Shelman. 2006. Seed treatments for control of loose smut and root and foot rots in winter barley in Bingham County, ID, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online). Report 61:ST015. DOI:10.1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul. MN. Windes, J.M., C.A. Jackson, and T. Shelman. 2006. Seed treatments for control of loose smut and foot and crown rots in spring barley in Fremont County, ID, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online). Report No. 61:ST017. DOI:10.1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul. MN. Windes, J.M., T. Shelman, and C.A. Jackson. 2006. Seed treatments for control of loose smut and crown and foot rots in spring wheat in Fremont County, ID, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online). Report 61:ST016. DOI:10.1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul. MN. Windes, J.M., T. Shelman, and C.A. Jackson. 2006. Seed treatments for control of loose smut in spring wheat in Fremont County, ID, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online). Report 61:ST018. DOI:10.1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul. MN. Worster, C.A. and C.C. Mundt. 200_. The effect of diversity and spatial arrangement on biomass of agricultural cultivars and native plant species. Basic Appl. Ecol. (accepted pending revisions). Zhu, Yan, G.P., and X.M. Chen. 2006. Molecular mapping of a recessive barley gene for resistance to stripe rust. Theor. Appl. Genet. 113:529-537. Y.Y., H. Fang, Y.Y. Wang, J.X. Fan, S.S. Yang, T.W. Mew, and C.C. Mundt. 2005. Panicle blast and canopy moisture in rice cultivar mixtures. Phytopathology. 95:433-438.
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