SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Albrecht, Ken (, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Barker, Dave (, Ohio State University (for Mark Sulc); Barnhart, Steve (, Iowa State University (for Mary Wiedenhoeft); Dong, Xuejun (, North Dakota State University; MacAdam, Jennifer (, Utah State University; McGraw, Bob (, University of Missouri; Moyer, Joe ( Kansas State University; Owens, Vance (, South Dakota State University; Skinner, Howard (, USDA-ARS; Srinivas, Rao (, USDA-ARS; Tracy, Ben (, University of Illinois; Volenec, Jeff (, Purdue University; West, Chuck (, University of Arkansas; Robin Groose (, University of Wyoming; Rik Smith ( University of Wyoming; Jimmy Haux; Keith Harmoney

(15 March) The meeting was called to order by Chair Kenneth Albrecht at 8:00 AM in the Atrium of the Basin Park Hotel, Eureka Springs, AR. Introductions followed. The following agenda was presented by Ken Albrecht: Wednesday, 15 March Call to order Discuss Administrative Advisor and CSREES Advisor Status Daryl Lund (NCRA) conference call State Reports Appointment of Committees State Reports Field Tour Thursday, 16 March Committee Reports, Other Business Discussion of Outcomes, Impact Statements, and Annual Report State Reports Other Business Pass Gavel Adjourn Jennifer Macadam requested addition of discussion of state reports to other business. Amended agenda adopted. Administrative advisor status: The group discussed need for new Administrative Advisor as Dr. Dale Gallenberg has accepted position at another university and will no longer serve as AA of NCCC31. Administrative Advisors come from list of AES Directors (Assistant and Associate) and Department Heads. The group was encouraged to give ideas to the Chair. We have had people with forage experience in the past but this is not necessary. We decided to ask Dr. Lund during telephone conference about appointment of a new administrative advisor. Committee assignments were made by chairman Albrecht: Location: Jennifer MacAdam and Robin Groose Nominations: Jeff Volenec and Bob McGraw Resolutions: Howard Skinner, Dave Barker, and Xuejun Dong Group proposed that someone other than the chair or secretary be local host for upcoming meetings. Proposal adopted by group. Call to Dr. Daryl Lund (NCRA) Telephone conference call with Dr. Daryl Lund focused on three issues: 1. Annual report. Dr. Lund stressed the importance of submitting the annual report through NIMSS. The administrative advisor can designate people to enter this information online. Outcomes and impacts should be contributed by all on committee. One person, given access to NIMSS by Nikki Nelson, can then submit complete report online. The report (SAES-422) is due 60 days after meeting. 2. Impact statement: Dr. Lund noted that all committees should develop a 1-2 page impact statement. Examples are posted on the website from other committees. These are very important because directors look at them when determining use of federal funds and to demonstrate impact current and past research issues. Key characteristics of impact statements are that they should: be broader in scope and cover a longer period of time than the annual report, demonstrate wise allocation of resources, show measurable impact of multi-state committees to congressional delegations and CSREES, and provide concrete examples of how committees work has impacted science, stakeholders, and others. While there is no regular schedule for developing new impact statements, Dr. Lund suggested that we compose a new one every three to five years. Dr. Lund suggested that we can go back to initiation of committee (1966) do document impact. 3. Multi-state funding and Hatch funding in presidents budget: Presidents budget suggested phasing Hatch down to $0 in FY06 and switching to multi-state competitive grant process. Directors convinced congress that this was not practical and Hatch funding actually increased slightly. Directors at various universities distribute Hatch funds differently. Presidential proposal for FY07 is that 55% of Hatch would be competitive over next five years with balance being distributed as in the past. Challenge with this proposal is that multi-state funds would go into new competitive grant program at end of project. AES Directors are working with the administration to resolve some of these issues and manage long-term sustainable funding in partnership with the federal government, particularly since AES directors are generally very supportive of multi-state activities since they help minimize duplication of efforts. USDA-ARS does not seem to be facing similar issues. State Reports: Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma ARS, Pennsylvania ARS, Wyoming (16 March) Business: Our committee unanimously supported the recommendation of Dave Barker (Chair C-6, CSSA) to co-sponsor two forage symposia during the 2006 ASA annual meetings in Indianapolis: 1. Grasslands for the bioeconomy and 2. Modeling the grassland agroecosystem. It was also noted that we are already co-sponsoring a symposium on spatial statistics. Committee reports: Location: Drs. MacAdam and Groose suggested meeting in Ohio. Dr. Barker and Dr. Mark Sulc agreed to make local arrangements and will determine suitable date and location in Ohio. Meeting will most likely take place sometime during the week of 12-16 or 19-23 March 2007. Nominations: Drs. Volenec and McGraw nominated Ben Tracey to serve as secretary for the 2007 meeting. He accepted and was elected unanimously. Resolutions: Drs. Skinner, Barker, and Dong proposed the following resolution: Be it hereby resolved that: 1) In recognition of the effort needed to guide NCCC-31 during a time of change in membership, institutional oversight, and requirements for documenting impacts, we thank Ken Albrecht and Vance Owens for their service as chair and secretary during the past year; 2) In appreciation for his efforts to provide an interesting, unique, and attractive setting for this year's meeting, we thank Chuck West for organizing the venue and serving as host for the NCCC-31 annual meeting; and 3) In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the first meeting of NCR-31 (now NCCC-31), we officially recognize and thank those who were instrumental in forming the committee and bringing together researches interested in forage physiology and management, and request that this appreciation be formally conveyed to the following individuals, Dale Smith, Gerry Matches, Larry Smith, Ken Larsen, Gordon Martin, Bob Van Kueren, and Don Holt. The resolution was unanimously approved. Other business: Vance Owens agreed to scan the red book containing notes and minutes from all meetings of NCR-31 and NCCC-31 since its inception in 1966 and provide file copies to all members at next meeting. Jeff Volenec agreed to lead the effort in putting together an impact statement for NCCC-31. He will work with other members of the committee to demonstrate the impact on forages of past activities of NCCC-31 in several of the following areas: 1. cutting management/strategies 2. cold tolerance/winterhardiness 3. expanding cutting to include grazing (grazing tolerant alfalfa) 4. grazing management 5. forage quality analysis and prediction 6. Stand density, seeding rate, population dynamics, persistence, and endophyte effect on forage crops 7. symbiotic relationships in forage crops 8. carbohydrate and protein metabolism 9. biofuels State Reports: Indiana, Wisconsin, Utah, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas Other business: Several suggestions were made for future meetings to help us better meet reporting needs. These ideas included changing the state report format to highlight outcomes and impacts, adjusting meeting format to allow greater discussion of committee objectives, eliminate field tours, plan symposia other professional meetings. None of these ideas was unanimously accepted as there are positives and negatives associated with each and the exchange of information among committee members is highly valued. However, future meetings will be planned to try to provide more input into accomplishment of objectives and highlighting of outcomes and impacts. Vance Owens will visit with the new administrative advisor or Daryl Lund to discuss changing the format of our state reports. Joe Moyer agreed to update the NCCC-31 website on NIMSS. Gavel was passed to Vance Owens and meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM Thursday, 16 March. Minutes respectfully submitted by NCCC-31 secretary, Vance Owens


Outcomes: Objectives of NCCC-31 focus on fostering opportunities among members and others from diverse states for funding, collaborative work, increased understanding of physiological basis of forage crop management, publication and dissemination of forage information, and interaction among members, professional staff, and students. Interaction among members of NCCC-31 and others has resulted in numerous collaborative efforts in the areas of research, information dissemination, grant funding, and teaching including: Scientists at Iowa State University have initiated forage research projects with scientists from the USDA-ARS and ISU departments of Ag and Biosystems Engineering, Economics, Natural Resources Ecology and Management, and Chemical Engineering. ISU is collaborating with forage scientists within the Midwest, Pennsylvania, and the ISU Crop Advisory Institute to develop forage teaching modules covering various aspects of forage management and production. Mark Sulc and Ben Tracey have developed collaborative research and participated in a symposium at the ASA annual meetings on integrated grain crop and livestock systems. This effort resulted in submission of a manuscript to Agronomy Journal. Xuejun Dong cooperated with Institute of Botany, the Chinese academy of Sciences, in grassland eco-physiological research including bringing two graduate students from China to North Dakota for six months. Discussion of phosphorous/potassium interactions on alfalfa persistence has resulted in preparation of collaborative multi-state research proposal to test theories in other environments (Wisconsin and Purdue). Dirk Phillip identified members of Division C-6, Forage and Grazinglands, at the Crop Science Society of America meeting in November 2005 who were interested in investigating mechanisms to identify or expand federal funding opportunities for grassland research. A conference call with this group (Jeff Volenec and Jennifer MacAdam from NCCC-31) took place to initiate explorations of funding opportunities for forage research through the NRI, NSF, NRCS and EPA. Jennifer MacAdam and Tom Griggs organized a symposium for Division C-6, Forage and Grazinglands, at the Crop Science Society of America meeting in November 2005 entitled Beyond the Plant: Biodiversity Impacts on the Grazing Animal that explored the emerging issue of the impact of plant diversity on ruminants. All speakers were non-members of the Society and included Fred Provenza, who studies herbivore behavior and diet selection; John Haskell, who studies the impact of diet on grazing animals at the landscape level; David Chapman, an Australian scientist who studies forage-ruminant interactions; and an animal scientist, Kathy Soder. Jennifer MacAdam and a graduate student attended a workshop at The Land Institute, where there is interest in moving annual grains to perennials and fertilization with biologically fixed nitrogen. Parallels with forage systems were discussed with the staff and workshop attendees. Several states (MN, WI, and SD) are conducting work on harvest management of alfalfa cultivars tolerant to grazing. Scientists from KS, MO, and AR implemented collaborative research related to tall fescue and the associated fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) and other cool-season grasses. Scientists from several states continue to evaluate new and alternative perennial and annual forage crops for their respective environments. Laboratory protocols (e.g., carbohydrate and protein analysis, carbon flux) have been shared among members of NCCC-31 allowing various scientists to improve research capabilities. Several members participated in the ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meetings in Salt Lake City, UT in 2005. Results of research conducted by committee members were disseminated through multiple outlets. Committee members and collaborators were authors or co-authors of more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 25 abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings, 27 conference proceedings, 17 extension articles, and 6 book chapters. During 2006, members plan, among other things, to: continue collaborative research, seek grant funding, publish results of research in various outlets, teach and train undergraduate and graduate students, attend professional meetings, and attend annual meeting of NCCC-31.


  1. Novel (nontoxic to livestock) endophytes will be used increasingly to promote persistence of tall fescue, thereby reducing long-term risks of stand loss and increasing livestock productivity. New information on adaptability and management of traditional and novel legumes will extend the exploitation of biological nitrogen fixation into a wider range of production systems and climatic regimes, which will reduce costs of nitrogen inputs in forage systems.
  2. Sharing information related to tall fescue and endophytes among three states with NCCC-31 members (MO, KS, and AR) plus adjoining states, has been critical since a major portion of the U.S. cowherd that depends on tall fescue is in this region. Incremental improvement in cattle performance from cattle grazing tall fescue results in major increases in productivity and profitability. Sharing of plans and results promotes and speeds the development and implementation of improved practices.
  3. Undergraduate and graduate students taking forages and forage-related classes have benefited from the interaction of NCCC-31 members as research and teaching information and philosophies are shared. In particular, Jeff Volenec and Ben Tracey have discussed sharing materials in their respective Forage classes at Illinois and Purdue. This sharing relates especially to class projects involving farm management and forages.
  4. Four members of the committee (Weidenhoeft, Volenec, Leep, Albrecht) collaborated on writing a USDA-CSREES Higher Education Challenge Grant Development of Interactive, Computer Based Teaching Modules for Undergraduate Forage Courses that is funded for 3 years.
  5. USDA-ARS scientists at University Park used a whole-farm model to simulate costs and returns of pastures mixtures (two, three, six, or nine species) and orchardgrass+N. Pastures of grass-legume or grass-legume-chicory mixtures increased net returns per cow compared with the orchardgrass+N pasture, ranging from $127/cow for the two-species mixture to $234/cow for the six-species mixture. Greater yields of the mixture compared with orchardgrass+N reduced purchased feed inputs and in some instances increased income from forage sold.


West, C.P., R.D. Carson, C.A. Guerber, and B. de los Reyes. 2005. Endophyte effects on antioxidants and membrane leakage in tall fescue during drought. M. Humphreys (ed.) p. 217. Proc. 4th Conference on Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Tracy, B.F. and I.J. Renne. 2005. Re- infestation of endophtye-infected tall fescue (E+) in renovated endophyte-free (E) pastures under rotational stocking. Agronomy Journal 97:1473-1477. Skinner, R.H., M.A. Sanderson, B.F. Tracy, C.J. Dell. 2006. Above- and belowground productivity and soil carbon dynamics of pasture mixtures. Agronomy Journal 98:320-326. Renne, I.J., B.F. Tracy and I.A. Colonna. 2006. Grassland invisibility: environmentally driven opportunities, nutrient-induced reversals and its shifting mosaic structure. Ecology (In Press). Tracy, B.F. 2005. Soil compaction in cropland pastures used for winter grazing. p. 450. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. Tracy, B.F. 2005. Forage and livestock productivity on pastures of differing plant diversity. p. 640. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. Casler, M.D. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Forage yield of smooth bromegrass collections from rural cemeteries. Crop Sci. 45:2510-2516. Delate, K., E. Holzmueller, D.D. Frederick, C. Mize, and C. Brummer. 2005. Tree establishment and growth using forage ground covers in an alley-cropped system in Midwestern USA. Agroforestry Systems 65:43-52. Florine, Sara E., Kenneth J. Moore, Steven L. Fales, Todd A. White, and C. Lee Burras. 2006. Yield and composition of herbaceous biomass harvested from naturalized grassland in southern Iowa. Biomass and Bioenergy oi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2005.12.007 Gibson, Lance R., Ezra Z. Aberle, Allen D. Knapp, Kenneth J. Moore, and Roger Hintz. 2005. Release of seed dormancy in field plantings of eastern gamagrass. Crop Science 45:494-502. Guretzky, John A., Kenneth J. Moore, E. Charles Brummer, and C. Lee Burras. 2005. Species diversity and functional composition of pastures that vary inlandscape position and grazing management. Crop Science 45:282-289. Ren, Haiyu, Tom L. Richard, Zhilin Chen, Monlin Kuo, Yilin Bian, Kenneth J. Moore, and Patricia Patrick. 2006. Ensiling corn stover: effect of feedstock preservation on particleboard performance. Biotechnology Progress 22:78-85. Tarr, Alison B., Kenneth J. Moore, and Philip M. Dixon. 2005. Spectral reflectance as a covariate for estimating pasture productivity and composition. Crop Science 45:996-1003. Tarr, Alison B., Kenneth J. Moore, Donald G. Bullock, Philip M. Dixon, and C. Lee Burras. 2005. Improving map accuracy of soil variables using soil electroconductivity as a covariate. Precision Agriculture 6:255-270. Weishaar, Mindy A., E. Charles Brummer, Jeffrey J. Volenec, Kenneth J. Moore and Suzanne Cunningham. 2005. Improving winter hardiness in nondormant alfalfa germplasm. Crop Science 45:60-65. Brummer, E.C. 2005. Thoughts on breeding for increased forage yield. p. 63. In F.P. O'Mara, R.J. Wilkins, L.'t Mannetje, D.K. Lovett, P.A.M. Rogers, and T.M. Boland (eds.) XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Moore, K. J. and J. R. Russell. 2005. Predicting intake from indigestible fibre. Proc. XX International Grassland Congr., p. 268. Picasso, V.D. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Plant functional diversity increases biomass production in the establishment of perennial herbaceous polycultures. p. 643. In F.P. O'Mara, R.J. Wilkins, L.'t Mannetje, D.K. Lovett, P.A.M. Rogers, and T.M. Boland (eds.) XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Ren, H., T. L. Richard, K. Moore, and P. Patrick. 2005. Effects of chemical additives on corn stover biomass preservation and pretreatment. Paper No. 057045, In Proceedings 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Ren, H., T. L. Richard, Z. Chen, M. Kuo, Y. Bian, K. J. Moore, and P. Patrick. 2005. Ensiling corn stover with enzyme addition as a feedstock preservation method for particleboard manufacturing. In Proc. Institute of Biological Engineering, Athens, GA., 4-7 March. Burch, Patrick, Robert Masters, Edward S. Hagood, Kevin Bradley, William Witt, Kenneth Moore, and James Breuninger. 2005. Aminopyralid: a new herbicide for integrated pasture renovation programs. Agron Abstr. [CD-ROM computer file], ASA, Madison, WI. Florine, S. E., K. J. Moore, S. L. Fales, and R. L. Hintz. 2005. The relationship between species diversity and productivity of cool-season grassland. Proc. XX International Grassland Congr., p. 642. Haiyu Ren, Tom L. Richard, Zhilin Chen, Monlin Kuo, Yilin Bian, Kenneth J. Moore, and Patricia Patrick. 2005. Ensiling corn stover with enzyme addition as a feedstock preservation method for particleboard manufacturing. Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Research Posters, #24. August 29, 2005. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Philipp, Dirk, Kenneth Moore, Tom Richard, and Patricia Patrick. 2005. Pretreatment strategies for preservation of lignocellulosic biomass. Agron Abstr. [CD-ROM computer file], ASA, Madison, WI. Stokke, Douglas D. and Kenneth J. Moore. 2005. Iowa-grown kenaf for natural-fiber composites. Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Research Posters, #8. 29 Aug. 29 2005. Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA. Wiltshire, K. Delate, M. Wiedenhoeft, and J. Flora. 2005. Factors Contributing to Grassland Implementation and Multifunctionality at Field, Farm and Community Levels in Marion County, Iowa. K. Agron Abstr. [CD-ROM computer file], ASA, Madison, WI. Harmoney, K. R. 2005. Growth responses of perennial cool-season grasses grazed intermittently. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2005-0105-01-RS. Harmoney, K. R., and Thompson, C. A. 2005. Fertilizer rate and placement alters triticale forage yield and quality. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2005-0512-01-RS. Harmoney, K.R., and J. Brethour. Modified Intensive-early Stocking on Shortgrass Rangeland. Society for Range Management Abstracts 2005. Harmoney, K.R. Rangeland Management in Western Kansas. Proceedings of the 2005 Kansas Hay and Grazing Conference. Hutchinson, KS. 14 and 15 Dec 2005. Bock, B.J., J.R. Brethour, K.R. Harmoney, and S.R. Goodall. 2004. Influence of betaine on pasture, finishing, and carcass performance in steers. Prof. Anim. Scientist. 20:53-57. Harmoney, K.R., and K.R. Hickman. 2004. Comparative morphology of Caucasian old world bluestem and native grasses. Agron. J. 96:1540-1544. Harmoney, K.R., P.W. Stahlman, and K.R. Hickman. 2004. Herbicide effects on established yellow old world bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum). Weed Tech. 18:545-550. Harmoney, K.R., P.W. Stahlman, and K.R. Hickman. 2004. Yellow old world bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) response to herbicides. Society for Range Management, Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract #128. Harmoney, K.R., P.W. Stahlman, and K.R. Hickman. 2004. Suppression of yellow old world bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) with herbicides. Western Section of Weed Science Society of America, Annual Meeting Abstracts. Nicholson, R.A., P.I. Coyne, S.J. Casey, and K.R. Harmoney. 2004. A device for marking and mapping patches and individual plants with high resolution GPS. Society for Range Management, Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract #274. Sweeney, D. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2004. In-season nitrogen uptake by grain sorghum following legume green manures in conservation tillage systems. Agron. J. 96:510-515. Lomas, L. W., J. L. Moyer, G. L. Kilgore, and G. A. Milliken. 2004. Effects of grazing on legume persistence, forage production, and steer performance in endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:46-52. Moyer, J. L., J. O. Fritz, and J. J. Higgins. 2004. Trends in forage yield and nutritive value of hay-type Sorghum spp. Agron. J. 96:1453-1458. Moyer, J. L., and J. J. Higgins. 2005. Calculation of sample number to accurately measure available pasture forage. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2005-1123-01-BR. Lomas, L. W., J. L. Moyer, F. K. Brazle, G. L. Kilgore, and G. A. Milliken. 2006. Comparison of interseeding lespedeza with additional nitrogen fertilization on forage production and steer performance in a wheat-crabgrass grazing system. Prof. Anim. Sci. 22:1-7. Leep, R., and D. Min. 2005. Clovers Beat Commercial Fertilizer Nitrogen In Michigan Studies. Forge Leader. American Forage and Grasslands Council. Spring Edition. P. 11. Min, D. and R. Leep. 2005. Making The Most Of Manure, Putting Dairy Manure On Alfalfa Can Cut Fertilizer Costs And Provide Additional Land For Manure Disposal. Forage Leader. American Forage and Grasslands Council. Summer Edition. Pgs. 12-13. Leep, R., T. Dietz, D. Min, and C. Kapp. 2005. Forage Varieties For Michigan in 2006. On line at Leep, R. H. and T. R. Dietz. 2005. Michigan 2005 Alfalfa Variety Trials. Min, D. H. and R. H. Leep. 2005. We Can Reduce Risk Of Alfalfa Winterkill. Min, D.H. and R. H. Leep. 2005. Some Tips For Spring Forage Management. Leep, R. H., P. Kaatz, and P. Taylor. 2005 Climatic and Management Effects on Forage Quality. Proceedings of Forage 2005 Extension Program. Michigan State University Boring, T., Leep, R. H. Leep, D.H. Min, and S. Snapp. 2005. Integration Of Potato Production, Dairy Forage And Manure Management Systems. Abstract. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jeranyama, P. , R. Leep, T. Dietz, and D. Min. 2005. Sward composition, forage yield, and grazing effects in kura clover and grass mixtures. Abstract. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. Beuselinck, P.R, R.L. McGraw, C.A. Roberts, and R.L. Kallenbach. 2005. Cool-season CRP management with fire and haying. ASA-CSSA annual meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI. Kallenbach R.L., and R.L. McGraw. 2005. The influence of nitrogen rate and pasture composition on the toxicity, quality and yield of stockpiled tall fescue. p.71-77. Missouri soil fertility and fertilizers research update 2003. Agron. Misc. Publ. 05-01. Univ. Missouri. Columbia, MO. Kallenbach, R. L., C.A. Roberts, T.R. Lock, T. R., D.H. Keisler, M.R. Ellersieck, M. R., and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2006. Performance of steers fed ammoniated straw from tall fescue seed fields. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2006-0113-01-RS. Leblanc H.A., P. Nygren, and R.L. McGraw. 2006. Evaluation of Inga edulis and Inga samanensis for Firewood and Green-Mulch Production in an Organic Corn Alley-Cropping Practice in the Humid Tropics. J. Tropical Agric. (In Press) Leblanc H.A., P. Nygren, and R.L. McGraw. 2006. Green Mulch Decomposition and Nitrogen Release from Leaves of Two Inga spp. in an Organic Alley-Cropping Practice in the Humid Tropics. Soil Biol. and Biochem. 38:349-358. Leblanc H.A., R.L. McGraw, P. Nygren, and C. LeRoux. 2005. Neotropical legume tree Inga edulis forms N2-fixing symbiosis with fast-growing Bradyrhizobium strains. Plant and Soil volume 275:123-133. McGraw, R.L., W.T. Stamps, and M. Linit. 2005. Alfalfa yield, forage quality, and maturation in a black walnut alley-cropping practice. Agronomy Abstracts (CD-ROM), ASA Madison, WI. McGraw, R.L., W.T. Stamps, and M. Linit. 2005. Yield and maturation of alfalfa in a black walnut alley-cropping practice. Proceedings of the 9th North American Agroforestry Conference, Rochester, MN. (CD-ROM) 5pp. Roberts, C.A., and J.A. Andrae. 2005. Public education in tall fescue toxicosis. p. 359-377. In C.A. Roberts, et al. (eds.) Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses. Blackwell Publishing Professional, Ames, IA. Roberts, C.A., C.P. West, and D.A. Spiers (eds.) 2005. Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses. Blackwell Publishing Professional, Ames, IA. Roberts, C.A., H.R. Benedict, N.S Hill, R.L. Kallenbach, and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2005. Determination of ergot alkaloid content in tall fescue by near-infrared spectroscopy. Crop Sci. 45:778-783. Stamps, W.T., T.L. Woods, R.L. McGraw, and M.J. Linit. 2005. Alfalfa weevil mortality in alley cropped and monocropped alfalfa. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (Poster). Stamps, W.T., T.L. Woods, R.L. McGraw, and M.J. Linit. 2005. Arthropod communities in temperate agroforestry: Theory and reality. Proceedings of the 9th North American Agroforestry Conference, Rochester, MN. (CD-ROM) 6pp. Dong, X., P. Nyren, B. Patton, G. Wang, B. Kreft, A. Nyren, R. Limb, D. Kirby and L. Cihacek. 2005. Basic plant and soil process measurements for range ecosystem modeling and management-updates for 2005. North Dakota State University Central Grasslands Research Extension Center 2005 Annual Report. P12-16. Wang, D., S. Wang, B. Patton, X. Dong, G. Wang, X. Pan, A. Nyren and P. Nyren. 2005. Plant responses to different grazing intensities in the Missouri Coteau of North Dakota. North Dakota State University Central Grasslands Research Extension Center 2005 Annual Report. P27-30. Pan, X., S. Wang, G. Wang, X. Dong, B. Patton, A. Nyren and P. Nyren. 2005. Evaluation of ecosystem services provide by the Coteau rangeland of North Dakota. North Dakota State University Central Grasslands Research Extension Center 2005 Annual Report. P9-11. Wang, G., S. Wang, B. Patton, P. Nyren, X. Dong and A. Nyren. 2005. Grazing effects on the mixed-grass prairie seedbank in the Coteau region of North Dakota. North Dakota State University Central Grasslands Research Extension Center 2005 Annual Report. P31-33. Rogers, W.M., D. R. Kirby, P. E. Nyren, B. D. Patton and E. S. Dekeyser. 2005. Grazing intensity effects on Northern Plains mixed-grass prairie. The Prairie Naturalist 37(2): 73-83. Bultemeier, T. L., Barker, D. J., Sulc, R. M., Harrison, S. K., and Regnier, E. E. 2005. Species interactions with quackgrass and their effects on forage production. Crop Sci. 45:290-296. Barker, D. J., Sulc, R. M., Bultemeier, T. L., McCormick, J. S., Little, R. C., Penrose, C. D., and Samples, D. H. 2005. Contrasting toxic-endophyte contamination between endophyte-free and nontoxic-endophyte tall fescue pastures. Crop Sci. 45:616-625. Lang, C. R., Pelissari, A., Moraes, A., Sulc, R. M., Oliveira, E. B., and Carvalho, P. C. 2005. 2004. Fitomassa Aérea Residual Da Pastagem De Inverno No Sistema Integração Lavoura-Pecuária. Science Agraria. 5:43-48. Univ. Federal do Parana. Lamb, J. S., Sheaffer, C. C., Rhodes, L. H., Sulc, R. M., Undersander, D. J., and Brummer, E. C. 2005. Five decades of alfalfa cultivar improvement: impact on forage yield, persistence, and nutritive value. Agron. J. 46:902-909. Wedderburn, M. E., D. J. Barker, D. F. Chapman, S. J. Orr, N. Dymock (2005) Genetic differentiation in white clover (Trifolium repens) populations during 8 years of contrasting phosphorus supply in New Zealand hill country. New Zealand journal of agricultural research 48:63-74. Silveira, E. R., Pelissari, A., Moraes, A., Oliveira, E. B., Bonatto, S., Lang, C. R., and Sulc, R. M. 2005. Corn grain yield and quality when grown after winter pasture submitted to different grazing intensities and nitrogen rates. In 2005 Agronomy Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. [CD-ROM computer file], Available online at Silva, H. A., Koehler, H. S., Moraes, A., Guimarães, V. D., Carvalho, P. C., Iora, E., Bona, A., and Sulc, R. M. 2005. Economic analyses of milk production in integrated crop-livestock systems. In 2005 Agronomy Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. [CD-ROM computer file], Available online at Sulc, R. M., and Tracy, B. F. 2005. Integrated crop-livestock systems in humid, cool temperate environments of North America. In 2005 Agronomy Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. [CD-ROM computer file], Available online at Sulc, R. M., McCormick, J. S., Hammond, R. B., and Miller, D. 2005. Alfalfa resistance to potato leafhopper and its affect on the economic threshold. In American Forage & Grassland Council Proc. Vol. 14, Bloomington, IL. 11-15 June 2005. American Forage & Grassland Council, Georgetown, TX. McCormick, J. S., Sulc, R. M., Barker, D. J., and Beuerlein, J. E. 2005. Customizing rising plate meter calibration for annual species and environments. American Forage and Grasslands Congress Proceedings 14: 203. Bello, M., Moraes, A., Alves, S., Carvalho, P. C., Ricce, W. S., and Sulc, R. M. 2005. 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