SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Pinchak, Bill Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Chairman; Waterman, Richard USDA-ARS Miles City, LARRL, Secretary; Carpenter, Jim University of Hawaii; DelCurto, Tim Oregon State University; Olson, Ken, Utah State University; Sprinkle, Jim University of Arizona; Hu, Ching Yuan University of Hawaii, Administrative Advisor; Cromwell, Gary University of Kentucky, CSREES-Representative;

Minutes 2006 Annual Meeting Western Education/Extension and Research Activity (WERA)  110 Improving Ruminant Use of Forages in Sustainable Production Systems for the Western US. Date: May 22, 2006 Time: 7:00 PM City: Vernon State: Texas Location: Doans Crossing Restaurant (private meeting room) Chairman Bill Pinchak called the business meeting of the WERA - 110 to order at 7:30 pm on May 22, 2006. Members Present: CSREES-REP: Gary Cromwell  University of Kentucky Administrative Advisor: Ching Yuan Hu  University of Hawaii Chairman: Bill Pinchak  Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Secretary: Richard Waterman  USDA-ARS Miles City, LARRL Jim Carpenter  University of Hawaii Tim DelCurto  Oregon State University Ken Olson  Utah State University Jim Sprinkle  University of Arizona No old business was discussed Members of the WERA -110 remember Dr. Jerry Stuth who lost his battle to lymphoma in April 2006. He will be missed! Minutes from 2005 meeting in Las Cruces were approved New business Election: The nominating committee consisting of Ken Olson and Jim Sprinkle nominated Richard Waterman for secretary (2006)/chairman elect (2007) The nomination was accepted unanimously Richard accepted the nomination C.Y. informed members that mid-term review for WERA  110 petition was in 2007 Ken Olson reiterated that the incoming chairmen sets the venue for upcoming meetings Report Format: Bill Pinchak brought up the topic of station reports being archaic and in desire need for restructuring - Summary of research (less material and methods) - Eliminate experimental design - Provide Outcome, Product, or Impact Ken Olson agreed with Bill Pinchak and suggested that members set new format modernize the report C. Y. Encourages members to show multi-state collaboration - A good report shows synergy of members (collaboration) - Must show Impact/ Relevant Outcome Bill Pinchak suggests format should be in the form of an interpretive summary of research, which shows state, regional, and national impact. Ken Olson suggests new format - In addition to interpretive summary o What is learned (Impact of current and previous research) which encompasses local to regional impact § 1 yr § 5 yr § 10 yr § Chairperson and/or secretary put together a commonalty report from submitted reports for the afternoon session Report would show collaborative efforts, products, or impact that the WERA  110 is providing C. Y. Commends Ken Olson idea for the report and that members should think about impact independently and the chairman and or secretary can evaluate station reports prior to meeting and document the top 3 areas where collaborative efforts are taking place Ken Olson suggest that we put the theme of forage based nutrition into context - relationship across time and space o Keep historical perspective ? Keep running total of advancements Bill Pinchak suggests writing a synthesis report every X years on the WERA -110 accomplishments (showing collaborative efforts) Tim DelCurto indicated that the framework for the station reports should identify communication between collaborators Tim DelCurto and Ken Olson were appointed by the chairman Bill Pinchak to develop a new prototype for station reports Bill Pinchak asked the members if there was desire for some type of informal mid-year review to keep WERA-110 members up to date with each other progress Richard Waterman suggested that the chairman send out a request for a one paragraph progress report from all members with a deadline of two weeks and would simply correlate all entries and resubmit to all members Tim DelCurto addressed the issue that there may not be adequate participation by members to timely return the requested info (someone will always sit on it and not get it done) Bill Pinchak indicates that we can all justify what we do by ourselves and asks the question how do we invest in a group such as WERA-110 - Deliverables Symposia and Outreach: Jim Sprinkle introduced the idea for the WERA  110 to develop a management access model that would help ranchers make informed management decisions: (Deliverable collaboration) - Decision trees - Take home messages - Tool Box Identify region wide problems we can all participate in - Drought - Etc Bill Pinchak brought to the attention of the WERA- 110 members the idea of conducting 3-5 symposia in the western region on a specific topic in relation to western livestock production. - Group taught (same curriculum) - NCBA (Potential sponsor) Ken Olson acknowledged Bill Pinchak and indicated it would be important to conduct, or construct something that would provide exposure to the WERA-110 Bill Pinchak introduced the idea of a virtual institute - Specific to a degree program - This would demonstrate the WERA-110 has a higher degree of organization - Serve teaching/ research equally o Provide service § Web based § Extension program § Distance learning Add value and bring exposure to the WERA-110 Ken Olson suggested the WERA 110 began to develop a symposia to preceed or follow the ASAS joint meeting in Denver in 2010 Similar to the Grazing Livestock and Nutrition Conference (Same concept new name) All members present agreed that this was important and scheduled the next meeting as a brain storming and launching point for the symposia Jim Carpenter suggested to members that we evaluate techniques used in range nutrition Tim DelCurto was also in favor of the symposia and told members to look at the big picture when brainstorming for symposia topics and should provide speakers at the symposia the opportunity to publish Ken Olson agreed and indicated that their should be a stand alone publication that comes out of the symposia Ken Olson suggested that if there is a techniques section two topics may be: - Nutritional responses to supplements - Secondary plant compounds Membership: Bill Pinchak brought up for discussion the declining number of members attending meetings Ken Olson also recognized the decline of member participation Who needs to be on the membership list C. Y. Informed members that to many people on list and poor attendance during annual meetings does not reflect well during petition reviews and is a criteria for dismissal (official members are only those that have turned in Appendix E) Non-official members are welcome Tim DelCurto indicated that Dave Bohnert had not received notice of the WERA  110 annual meeting (Wrong email) All contact information needs to be checked and updated CSREES Report: Gary Cromwell handed out a report on the 2006-2007 Budgets and reported on changes in personnel within the USDA 2007 Meeting: Richard Waterman indicated that the 2007 Annual Meeting will be held in Miles City, MT on May 21st through 23rd. Planning for the 2010 symposia will be a large part of the Annual meeting. Other topics will be potential workshops throughout the western region of the US and new prototype of station reports. Election: The nominating committee consisting of Jim Sprinkle and Tim DelCurto nominated Jim Carpenter for secretary (2007)/chairman elect (2008) WERA - 110 meeting to be held in Hawaii 2008. The nomination was accepted unanimously Jim accepted the nomination Bill Pinchak summarized the meeting and thanked members present. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm Station Reports: May 23, 2006 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Tour: Waggoner Ranch (largest continuous fenced ranch in Texas) The ranch is 520,000 contiguous acres, with 22,500 acres of cropland. Approximately 14,000 cows of hereford x genetics graze the ranch. About 12,000 calves are weaned to graze on wheat pasture. The Waggoner Ranch has a 50 year history of being a research collaborator.


Summary Accomplishments Revised WERA-110 Website and moving to a new server. Developed joint venture with the Society for Range Management Nutritional Ecology Work Group to sponsor a series of 4 technical sessions and 1 symposium at the Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management from 2007-2011. Decided to develop a Grazing Animal Nutrition Symposium to precede or follow the American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting held in Denver Colorado in 2010. Technology transfer was accomplished through 30 journal articles, 11 proceedings, 9 abstracts and over 50 technology transfer forums from mid 2005 to mid 2006. There are over 25 ongoing research projects associated with WERA-110 scientists.


  1. Through collaboration across the region, we developed technologies to enhance the spatial utilization by livestock of rangelands in the Western United States that decrease livestock impacts on sensitive ecosystem components, while maintaining or improving livestock production efficiency and overall ecosystem health at the local, state and regional scale.
  2. Established an integrated research, teaching and technology network to identify regional challenges to livestock production and provide science-based solutions to the changing land use demographics and societal expectations from Western rangeland users.


Technology transfer was accomplished through 30 journal articles, 11 proceedings, 9 abstracts and over 50 stakeholder forums from mid 2005 to mid 2006. Publications/Proceedings/Abstracts Journal Articles Malinowski, D. P., H. Zuo, B. A. Kramp, J. P. Muir and W. E. Pinchak. 2005. Obligatory summer-dormant cool-season perennial grasses for semiarid environments of the Southern Great Plains. Agron. J. 97:147-154. Min, B. R.*, W. E. Pinchak, J. D. Fulford and R. Puchalla. 2005. Effect of feed additives on rumen characteristics and frothy bloat dynamics in steers grazing wheat pasture. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 123-124:614-629. Ansley, R.J., M.J. Castellano and W.E. Pinchak. 2006. Sideoats grama growth responses to seasonal fires and clipping. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59:. Min, B. R.*, W. E. Pinchak, D. M. Matthews and J. D. Fulford. 2006. In vitro fermentation and in vivo bloat dynamics of steers grazing winter wheat and supplemented with corn oil. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (In Press). Min, B. R*., W. E. Pinchak, R. C. Anderson, J. D. Fulford and R. Puchala. 2006. The effect of condensed tannins supplementation on in vitro ruminal bacteria growth, frothy bloat dynamics and average daily gain by steers grazing wheat forage. J. Anim. Sci 84:(In Press ). Min, B. R.*, W. E. Pinchak, R.C. Anderson and M. E. Hume. 2006. In vitro bacterial growth and in vivo rumen microbiota populations associated with potential bloat dynamics in steers grazing winter wheat forage. J. Anim. Sci 84: (In Press). Amador, B. A., J. E. Slosser, G. B. Idol, M. N. Parajulee, W. E. Pinchak, R. J. Ansley and M. K. Owens. 2006. Population dynamics and response to mesquite pod supplementation of Algarobius bottimeri and Mimosetes amicus. Southwest. Entomol. (In Press). Ganskopp, D., and D. Bohnert. 2006. Do pasture scale nutritional patterns affect cattle Distribution on Rangelands? Rangeland Ecol. & Manage. 59:189-196. Carpinelli, M. F., C. S. Schauer, D. W. Bohnert, S. P. Hardegree, S. J. Falck, and T. J. Svejcar. 2005. Effect of ruminal incubation on perennial pepperweed germination. Rangeland Ecol. & Manage. 58:632-636. DelCurto, T., M. Porath, C. T. Parsons, and J. A. Morrison. 2005. Management strategies for sustainable beef cattle grazing on forested rangelands in the Pacific Northwest. Invited synthesis paper. J. Range Manage. 58:119-127. Findholt, S. L., B. K. Johnson, D. Damiran, T. DelCurto, and J. G. Kie. 2005. In M. J. Wisdom (Ed); The Starkey Project: a synthesis of long-term studies of elk and mule deer. Alliance Comm. Group. Lawrence, KS, USA. Pp 159-170. Vavra, M., K. Walburger, and T. DelCurto. 2005. Ungulate ecology of Ponderosa Pine ecosystems. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-in press. DelCurto, T. and P. R. Cheeke. 2005. Feeding and nutrition of beef cattle. In: P.R. Cheeke (Ed.) Applied Animal Nutrition; Feed and Feeding (3rd edition). Prentice-Hall, Inc. pp 373-397. Putman, D. H., and T. DelCurto. 2006. Forage systems for Arid Zones. In: R. F. Barnes, C. J. Nelson, K. J. Moore, and M. Collins (Eds) Forages, Volume II. The Science of Grassland Agriculture (6th edition). Iowa State Press, Chapt. 22 (in press). Schauer, C. S., D. W. Bohnert, D. C. Ganskopp, C. J. Richards, and S. J. Falck. 2005. Influence of protein supplementation frequency on cows consuming low-quality forage: Performance, grazing behavior, and variation in supplement intake. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1715-1725. Grings, E. E., R. E. Short, K. D. Klement., T. W. Geary, M. D. MacNeil, M. R. Haferkamp, and R. K. Heitschmidt. 2005. Calving system and weaning age effects on cow and preweaning calf performance in the Northern Great Plains. J. Anim. Sci. 83:2671-2683. Haferkamp, M.R., M.D. MacNeil, E.E. Grings and K.D. Klement. 2005. Heifer production on rangeland and seeded forages in the Northern Great Plains. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 58:495-504. Waterman, R.C., J.E. Sawyer, C.P. Mathis, D.E. Hawkins, G.B. Donart, and M.K. Peterson. 2006. Effects of supplements that contain increasing amounts of metabolizable protein with or without Ca-propionate salt on postpartum interval and nutrient partitioning in young beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84:433-436. Robinson, D. L., W. E. Pinchak, J. W. Sij. S. J. Bevers, R. J. Gill, D. P. Malinowski and T. A. Baughman. 2005. Phosphorus fertilizer impacts forage, beef and grain production from wheat. Better Crops from Plant Food 88(3). Sij, J., W. Pinchak, J Ott, B Min, D. Malinowski and D. Robinson. 2006. Returns mixed on wheat pasture to N and maintenance P in wheat/stocker systems. Fluid Journal 53 14(3):8-10. Robinson, D., J. Sij, W. Pinchak, R. Gill, D. Malinowski, T. Baughman and S. Bevers. 2005. Phosphorus fertilizer bumps forage and beef production. Fluid Journal 45 12(2):8-10. Sprinkle, J. E., S. P. Cuneo, H. M. Frederick, R. M. Enns, D. W. Schafer, G. E. Carstens, S. R. Daugherty, T. H. Noon, B. M. Rickert, and C. Reggiardo. 2006. Effects of a long acting trace mineral reticulo-rumen bolus upon range cow productivity and trace mineral profiles. Journal of Animal Science. In Press. Symposia, Proceedings, Extension Publications Pinchak, W. E. and B. R. Min. 2005. The effect of bloat on ingestive behavior patterns of steers grazing wheat forage. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc Anim.Sci. 56:61-64. Min, B. R. and W. E. Pinchak. 2005. In vitro and in vivo fermentation and gas production: Influence of corn and mineral oils and their bloat mitigation potential. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc Anim.Sci. 56:369-372. Sij, J., W. Pinchak, D. Malinowski, R. Gill, D. Robinson, S. Bevers, B. Min and T. Baughman. 2006. Benefits of Fertilization to Beef Production from Forage Wheat. Pages 83-88. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings, Denver, CO, March 7-8, 2006. Sprinkle, J. and D. Bailey. 2005. How many animals can I graze on my pasture?: Determining carrying capacity on small land tracts. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication # AZ1352. Sprinkle, J., M. Holder, C. Erickson, A. Medina, D. Robinett, G. Ruyle, J. Maynard, S. Tuttle, J. Hays, Jr., W. Meyer, S. Stratton, A. Rogstad, K. Eldredge, J. Harris, L. Howery, and W. Sprinkle. 2006. Dutchwoman Butte revisited: Examining paradigms for livestock grazing exclusion. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 57: Accepted. Bohnert, D. W., D. C. Ganskopp, D. D. Johnson, S. J. Falck, M. L. Merrill, and A. A. Clark. 2006. Effects of early weaning on cow performance, grazing behavior, and winter feed costs in the Intermountain West. Proc. West. Sect. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 57:(In Press). Bohnert, D. W., R. L. Sheley, S. J. Falck, and A. A. Nyman. 2006. Use of Russian knapweed as a protein supplement for beef cows consuming low-quality forage. Proc. West. Sect. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 57:(In Press). Schauer, C. S., M. M. Stamm, D. W. Bohnert, and J. S. Caton. 2006. Protein supplementation of low-quality forage: Influence of frequency of supplementation on ruminant performance and nutrient utilization. Proc. West. Sect. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 57:(In Press). Bohnert, D. W., R. F. Angell, R. C. Torell. 2005. A survey of cow-calf producers in Oregon and Nevada  production practices. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:183-185. Bohnert, D. W., D. C. Ganskopp, D. D. Johnson, S. J. Falck. 2005. The effects of early weaning on cow performance and grazing behavior in the Intermountain West. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:267-270. Walburger, K. J., T. DelCurto, and M. Vavra. 2006. The effects of timber harvest, herbivory, and season of use on diet selection of steers grazing forested rangelands. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 57:(in press). DelCurto, T., and K. J. Walburger. 2005. Grazing distribution and how beef cattle nutritional requirements influence grazing distribution. Pac. NW Nutr. Conf. 40: 189-198. Sprinkle, J. E., G. High, and S. Bolt. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Cross F Ranch. 378 pp. Sprinkle, J. E., W. Sprinkle, and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Buzzard Roost Ranch. 340 pp. Sprinkle, J. E. and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Dutchwoman Allotment. 245 pp. Sprinkle, J. E., W. Sprinkle, and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the OW Ranch. 193 pp. Sprinkle, J. E., P. M. Browning, and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the OX Ranch. 190 pp. Sprinkle, J. E. and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Greenback Allotment. 185 pp. Sprinkle, J. E. and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Flying H Ranch. 158 pp. Sprinkle, J. E. and P. Leonard. 2004 Report - Range Monitoring on the Y Ranch. 136 pp. Abstracts Pinchak, W. E., B. R. Min, D. P. Malinowski, J. D. Fulford, J. W, Sij, R. J. Gill, R. Puchala and R. C. Anderson. 2005. Re-evaluation of the frothy bloat complex in cattle grazing winter wheat in the Southern Plains: Evolution of a new integrated research paradigm. Gastrointestinal Function Conference. p 36. Chicago IL, April 2005. Min, B. R.*, W. E. Pinchak, R. C. Anderson. 2005. In vitro growth and gas production of rumen bacteria and potential bloat mitigation with condensed tannins. Gastrointestinal Function Conference. p 30. Chicago IL, April 2005. Min, B. R.*, W. E. Pinchak, J. D. Fulford and R. Puchala. 2005. Effect of feed additives on in vitro and in vivo rumen protein characteristics and frothy bloat dynamics in steers grazing winter wheat. Gastrointestinal Function Conference. p 33. Chicago IL, April 2005. Pinchak, W., R. Gill, C. Scott, S. Showers and D. Fulford. 2006. Nutritional monitoring of cattle diets in the Southern Plains. Abstract 285. 59th Ann. Meet. Soc Range Manage, Vancouver, B. C. Canada. February 12-17, 2006. Geary, T. W., R. C. Waterman, J. A. Paterson, R. P. Ansotegui, and R. J. Lipsey. 2006. Performance of early weaned (H80 day) vs normal weaned (H215 day) cows in the Northern Great Plains. J. Anim. Sci. 57(Suppl. 2). Grings, E. E. 2006. Use of in vitro gas production techniques to evaluate associative effects of forages. Soc. Range Manage. Ann. Mtg. Waterman, R. C., T. W. Geary, J. A. Paterson, R. P. Ansotegui, and R. J. Lipsey. 2006. Performance of early weaned (H80 day) vs normal weaned (H215 day) calves in
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