SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


The 45 individuals that participated in the meeting are listed in the report attached to the Summary of Minutes Section.

The attached document contains a Summary of Minutes and a comprehensive report for the meeting.


NCCC-134 has and will serve as the national major forum for the exchange of ideas and information on applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management research and education. The organization will provide a forum for the interaction and coordination of research and education activities that take place nationwide at land grant state universities. The primary outcome of the NCCC-134 Committee presentation, review, and publication of research articles from the annual meeting. The works presented at the meeting are cutting edge in terms of their applied problem-oriented nature, advances in approaches, summaries of bodies of knowledge, focus on national and international marketing policy issues, and focus on agricultural and commodity business management issues. The secondary outcome of the NCCC-134 Committee is creating a forum for the identification and discussion of critical research and education issues in price analysis, forecasting, and risk management. The committee has participants from around the nation, and increasingly around the world, that specialize in commodity market and price issues. The primary impact of the committee is to continue to develop a body of knowledge that is the standard, changes, and directs applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management research and education efforts.


  1. Create a national forum to exchange applied and basic research results in the areas of commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management.
  2. Through the forum, facilitate an exchange of ideas on research, applications, and education of work on applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management.
  3. Foster effective and efficient collaborative national and international research efforts on applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management issues.
  4. Facilitate the development and spread of cutting-end price analysis, forecasting, and risk management methodology.
  5. Address critical commodity market issues related to world events, changing national and global markets, and policy issues.
  6. Encourage interaction between research and extension faculty, faculty with different commodity and market interests, and applied and basic economic problem researchers on applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management issues.
  7. Mentor the education and development of graduate students trained in the discipline of applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management.
  8. The primary impact is to develop a body of knowledge that changes and directs applied commodity price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management research and education efforts.


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