SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: SAC12 : Entomology
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2005 to 09/01/2006
  • Date of Report: 02/07/2005
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 02/06/2005 to 02/07/2005


AC-12 Attendees: James Harper (NCSU), Michael Williams (Auburn); NCA-15 Attendees: Richard Merritt (MSU, NCA-15 Chair), Casey Hoy (OSU / OARDC), Thomas German (UW), Robert Wiedenmann (Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey), Steve Yaninek (Purdue U., IN), Mark Ascerno (U. Minn,) Jon Tollefson (ISU), Marc Linit (U. Missouri), Sonny Ramaswamy (KSU), Z. B. Mayo (UNL), Tom Payne (U. Missouri, NCA Administrative Advisor), John Obrycki (UK, NCA-15 Secretary); CSREES Attendees: Kitty Cardwell

AC-12 and NCA-15 Annual Meeting CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) Texcoco, Mexico February 6-7, 2005 AC-12 Attendees: James Harper (NCSU), Michael Williams (Auburn) NCA-15 Attendees: Richard Merritt (MSU, NCA-15 Chair), Casey Hoy (OSU / OARDC), Thomas German (UW), Robert Wiedenmann (Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey), Steve Yaninek (Purdue U., IN), Mark Ascerno (U. Minn,) Jon Tollefson (ISU), Marc Linit (U. Missouri), Sonny Ramaswamy (KSU), Z. B. Mayo (UNL), Tom Payne (U. Missouri, NCA Administrative Advisor), John Obrycki (UK, NCA-15 Secretary) CSREES Attendees: Kitty Cardwell SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005 Board Room, Main Office Bldg. Welcome -- R. Merritt (Chair) Local Arrangements Update -- S. Ramaswamy Acknowledgement -- David Bergvinson (CIMMYT Host) for his excellent coordination of our visit 1. Regional Project Reviews NC205: Ecology and Management of European Corn Borer and Other Stalk-Boring Lepidoptera Primary reviewer: Mark Ascerno Secondary reviewer: Mark Linit M. Ascerno agreed to enter data for Appendix H. It was noted that this group is very productive, however the title does not reflect the breadth of activity of this project. Appendix E contains duplication of information and also some omissions. Committee recommended that sections of this project be re-written to reflect broader scope of project. Discussion followed that included relationship of NC 205 and NC 46, transgenic events, evolution of this regional project, and ecosystem management approaches. Encourage NC 205 to continue to hold overlapping meetings with NC 46 to integrate activities, but recommended NC 205 and NC 46 remain separate projects. Motion to approve NC 205 with revisions suggested -- M. Lint, Second -- R. Merritt. Motion carried unanimously NC_temp1801: Integrated Pest Management Primary reviewer: Steve Yaninek Secondary reviewer: Jon Tollefson S. Yaninek agreed to enter data into the system. J. Tollefson discussed the history of this project. This project has evolved relative to the functions of the NC IPM Center. Questions raised regarding the role of this committee, given the functions of the NC IPM Center. This was a very short proposal (3 pages) that lacked details. NC 201 can provide a link between states and the NC IPM Center and also serve as an information exchange group. This project might provide a broader perspective for the NC IPM Center. There needs to be a clear mission statement for this project. There is little support for the project, as written, suggest a re-write to include multidisciplinary perspectives, possibly including representatives from regional research committees. Consider contacting M. Fitzner regarding a workshop to address NC IPM issues. Motion to grant a one-year extension (without approval of project) to prepare a re-write -- S. Ramaswamy Second -- M. Ascerno. Motion carried unanimously NC_TEMP1845: Mycotoxins: Biosecurity and Food Safety Primary reviewer: Z. B. Mayo Secondary reviewer: Robert Wiedenmann Suggested that this project be reviewed by Plant Pathology (NCA-14) committee. The project is poorly prepared, there is poor documentation, and needs a significant re-write to include outcomes and potential technology transfer. The make-up of this committee should be expanded to include multiple disciplines. Motion to approve project with revisions, with a recommendation that the project be reviewed by NCA-14 (Plant Pathology) -- M. Ascerno Second -- S. Yaninek Motion carried unanimously 2. Discussion of funding of regional projects within each state followed. 3. Discussion of NIMS Recommend that NIMS be considered for modification; the system is not transparent or intuitive. Also recommended that both reviewers have access to project documentation. The secretary for the NCA-15 meeting will only be required to take notes of the discussion of each project during the meeting. Motion: Recommendation that for all future meetings, the assigned reviewers will enter reviews in the NIMMS system. S. Ramaswamy Second - M. Ascerno Eleven in favor; one opposed. Additional suggestions for NIMMS: Maintain the same number for a project (the temporary number assignment is confusing) Designate one or two individuals to review each project All chairs would have access to revised projects Add another category -- Decision deferred pending major revision Add a non-applicable option to Form H (e.g., questions 7.2, 8, 9.2) 4. Department reports Reports were presented and discussed by each participant. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2005 Board Room, main office bldg. 4. Continuation of Department Reports 5. NCA business Next year's meeting will be in Orlando, FL, February 4-6, 2006 R. Merritt agreed to make local arrangements. C. Hoy will be secretary for 2006 meeting The departmental reporting form will be modified to follow southern region's form Additional items discussed: Relevancy of Entomology for the University and College of Agriculture Directions of future research; CEDA White papers What is lost when a Department of Entomology is lost at a University? Broaden entomological research beyond an agriculture pest mandate Entomological programs -- extension - applied research & teaching & fundamental research activities are not mutually exclusive. Shared positions -- what do departments give up -- due to declining budgets 6. Comments from Tom Payne NCA-15 Administrative Advisor Budget overview; concerns about Hatch funding levels 7. Comments from Kitty CardwellCSREES Representative Plant Sciences Update, Summary of grants, information on Homoptera workshop 8. CIMMYT -- Vision of CIMMYT Presentations by Massa Iwanage, K. Pixley, David Bergvinson (CIMMYT) Tour of CIMMYT facilities with scientists, Entomology Lab, Plant Genetics Resources Center




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