SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCR9 : Midwest Plan Service
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2003 to 09/01/2004
  • Date of Report: 08/19/2004
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 05/17/2004 to 05/19/2004


<p>Members attending: <p>Ted Funk-University of Illinois, Jay Harmon-Iowa State University, Bill Wilcke-University of Minnesota, Rick Stowell substituting for Rick Koelsch-University of Nebraska, Ken Hellevang and Tom Scherer-North Dakota State University, Don Jones substituting for Randall Reeder-The Ohio State University, Steve Pohl and Dick Nicolai-South Dakota State University, David Kammel and Brian Holmes substituting for Ron Schuler-University of Wisconsin <p> Members not attending: <p> Dwaine Bundy, Steve Hoff, Jeff Lorimor, Stewart Melvin and Hongwei Xin-Iowa State University, Melvin Paulsen and Yuanhui Zhang-University of Illinois, Kevin Janni-University of Minnesota, David Shelton-University of Nebraska, Dirk Maier-Purdue <p> Guests: <p>Gerald Miller(representing Catherine Woteki, Administrative Advisor-Iowa State University, William Edwards(representing the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee)-Iowa State University, Pat Murphy-Kansas State University, and Jack Moore, Bill Koenig, Judy Johnson, and Susan Lucke, MWPS Headquarters- Ames

Kansas City Airport Marriott Hotel Monday, May 17 to Wednesday, May 19, 2004 Administrative Adviser, Dr. Catherine Woteki, Dean of Agriculture, Iowa State University, 138 Curtiss Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1050 Chair , Dr. Jay Harmon, Iowa State University, ABE, Davidson Hall, Ames, IA 50011-3080 Secretary and ex-officio member, Mr. Jack Moore, MidWest Plan Service, 122 Davidson Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3080

Executive Committee Meeting

The MWPS executive committee meeting was held from 1:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 17, 2004. The executive committee members present were Jay Harmon, chair; Steve Pohl, past chair; Bill Wilcke, member; Rick Stowell, member; and Jack Moore, ex-officio. Also present were Gerald Miller, Bill Koenig, Judy Johnson, and Susan Lucke. Major topics of discussion were the MWPS budget, cooperation between ASAE, MWPS, and NRAES, the relationship between MWPS and NCR-9, and plans for the full committee meeting. Jack Moore reported on the budget outlook for 2003-2004 and the plans for 2004-2005. The main points of the report were that MWPS has increased income but not enough to compensate for the loss of the member state contributions. As a result, MWPS has cut staff and plans to reduce staff work time more for the upcoming year. Suggestions for improving the financial condition included charging more for services provided on contract. Gerald Miller pointed out that the new budget does not reflect the 2.5% tax on revolving accounts that ISU will be taking in the coming year. Jay Harmon, Bill Koenig, and Jack Moore gave an overview of the meeting with ASAE and NRAES that was held in St. Joseph, Michigan in April 2004. A full summary of that meeting is attached. The major conclusion from the meeting is that all groups want to cooperate if possible, and ASAE is very concerned about the loss of a national resource if MWPS is unable to continue operating. Susan Lucke was introduced as the marketing person for MWPS. She gave a summary of her activities over the last six months. Approximately 10,000 copies of a new catalog have been distributed.; Flyers advertising specific books have been distributed.; New mailing lists have been compiled.; Susan suggested we try to get a search engine on the MWPS web site to make publications easier to find. She will have MWPS members send her the names of people for her to contact to publicize MWPS more widely. Gerald Miller suggested sending news items to ANR programs leaders to add to their newsletters. Jay Harmon addressed the issue of NCR-9/MWPS relationship. His suggestion was that the full committee should elect an executive committee for NCR-9 and from that committee draw members for an Advisory Committee to MWPS. The executive committee agreed that the main goals for the full committee meeting were the following: Have each member provide marketing contacts to MWPS.; Establish work groups to develop materials for the upcoming year.; Have the full committee clarify the NCR-9/MWPS relationship, including developing new ways of developing publications and getting materials ready for publication.; Full Committee Meeting Jay Harmon, chair, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday , May 18, 2004. Financial overview Through the efforts of ISU's College of Agriculture, Jay Harmon, Bill Koenig, and Jack Moore were able to meet with a staff member from ISU's Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship to talk about developing a business plan for MWPS. Based on the results of that meeting, MWPS worked to develop marketing expertise and a marketing plan before developing a business plan. The business plan will be the next step in the transition to being self supporting. MWPS used salary savings from a vacant designer position to hire Susan Lucke as a part-time marketing person. This arrangement will last until the end of June 2004. Through Susan's efforts, sales at headquarters have increased but not enough to overcome the loss of Member State contributions. Gerald Miller noted that ISU's College of Agriculture may be able to provide funding to support the marketing position through the end of 2004. Jay Harmon will discuss this with Gerald and other ISU administrators. MWPS is actively seeking additional contracts to generate income and will be getting direct income from work done for the Wisconsin Dept. of Ag, the Hoop Housing Conference in September, and contracts with the NCFMEC and Four-State Dairy Group, The budget for 2004-2005 assumes a 15% increase in sales income and some reduction in staff salary, which will be accomplished by reducing hours and workloads. The budget allows for printing two major publications for 2004-2005: The Horse handbook and The House Planning Handbook. Other large publications may not be printed if resources are not available. If MWPS is unable to increase cash flow, some projects may need to be delayed until sufficient money is available to complete them. MWPS is a participant in three proposals: two with groups led by Rick Koelsch that plan to develop a national resource center for water quality issues, and one with a group led by Jay Harmon that plans to host a conference on air quality and publish educational materials resulting from the conference. Accomplishments: Projects Completed in 2003-2004: MWPS Concrete Conference, June 2003; MWPS-4SD16, Proceedings for a Four-State Dairy Conference, June 2003; Raising Dairy Replacements, book and CD, new publication completed October 2003; CAFO Fact Sheets, text for web-based distribution, completed November 2003; CNMP materials, text and PowerPoints on CD, completed January 2004; MWPS catalog, completed February 2004; Managing and Designing Bunker and Trench Silos, revised publication March 2004; Manure Characteristics, MWPS-18 Section 1, revised publication April 2004; Current Projects: Revise hoop housing AEDs for conference in September 2004; Develop beef, dairy, and other species AEDs for hoop conference in September; Complete the revision of the Horse Facilities Handbook, December 2004; Complete the revision of the House Planning Handbook, April 2005; Developing pesticide and fertilizer handling materials for Wisconsin Dept. of Ag; Publish CNMP modules, possibly as a CD or on the web; Market Farmstead Planning CD developed by Jones, Holmes, and Funk; Complete 4SD-17, Dairy Conference proceedings for June; Complete Farm Management Triennial Conference CD for June; Compile a CD of all past 4 State Dairy proceedings; Resume work on MWPS-1 Approximately 3/4 of the chapters of MWPS-1 are complete. Reviews of the structure and load chapters are needed. Overview of meeting between MWPS, ASAE, and NRAES Jack Moore gave an overview of the meeting that he, Jay Harmon, and Bill Koenig had with representatives from ASAE and NRAES. The meeting took place in St. Joseph, Michigan in April 2004. Jack noted that all parties were interested in cooperation, and both ASAE and NRAES expressed interest in publicizing MWPS materials where possible and using MWPS materials when appropriate. MWPS members discussed the idea of a merger with NRAES, which was one suggestion that came from the April meeting. Moore noted that NRAES is not very interested in merging. MWPS members felt that a merger would not enhance either program and agreed that remaining separate would be a better option for now. Committee members urged MWPS staff to maintain good contacts with ASAE and NRAES and to work with them when appropriate. Moore will report the group's discussion and decision to the ASAE committee that initiated the April meeting. As part of the discussion about working with ASAE, Bill Wilcke proposed that MWPS suggest a cooperative program with ASAE in which MWPS would develop materials that discussed and explained ASAE standards by using examples and practical applications of the standards. Bill agreed to lead a work group to discuss the feasibility of this project. NCR-9/MWPS relationship Committee members expressed a variety of opinions about how NCR-9 and MWPS should interact in the coming years. After much discussion, Rick Stowell, Don Jones, and Ken Hellevang agreed to work as a committee to address this issue. Gerald Miller gave an update of NCR-9 administrative issues. The new proposal starts October 1, 2004 and goes for 5 years; the mid-term review is 2007. At this time, Michigan and Missouri do not have members on the new NCR-9 committee. Jerry indicated that NCR-9 is expected to continue to have a link to MWPS. Ken Hellevang moved that we elect officers to fill traditional roles even though we are working through a transitional time. Ken proposed we elect a chair, past chair, vice chair, and secretary. Don Jones seconded, Motion passed. The nominating committee proposed the following as officers for the NCR-9 Committee for 2004-2005 (1-year appointments): Chair-Ted Funk; Vice Chair-Brian Holmes; At-Large - Pat Murphy and Rick Stowell; Past chair-Jay Harmon; This slate was elected unanimously. Jay Harmon will continue to serve as the liaison to the MWPS office at ISU. Temporarily, MWPS staff will provide secretarial support. Marketing report: Susan Lucke described the marketing plan that she has been working on. She would like to have the committee provide her with additional mailing lists. She suggested putting a search feature on web site to help customers find publications. Susan passed out two sheets to the committee. The first explained the marketing plan, and the second was a sheet that committee members could fill out and give to headquarters with information about how to reach additional contacts. Susan stressed that additional NCR contacts would be helpful. As part of the marketing strategy, we will make news releases for all publications available for download from the MWPS web site. Committee members should try to add people to the e-mail news release list from outside the multi-state group. Try to think of companies that would buy large quantities to use as gifts or incentives to their customers. Publishing priorities: Hoop publications; Dairy conference proceedings; House publication; Horse publication; CD-Farmstead planning; Dairy conference proceedings on CD; CNMP CD; Wisconsin fertilizer and pesticide handling materials; MWPS-1; Ventilation publication; LPES materials; Example template that committee members can use to write MWPS into proposals Other activities and responsibilities: Monthly updates will continue to come from the chair of the NCR-9 committee. The full committee will meet by conference call on November 1, 2004, at 10:00am CST to remind members what they committed to at the annual meeting and to discuss what is being done to complete these issues. The following agreed to head up author committees for ongoing and proposed projects: House Planning Handbook - Ken Hellevang, David Kammel, Ted Funk; Pond Management and Small Farms - Don Jones; Ventilation - Steve Pohl; Composting - Steve Pohl; Biofilter - Dick Nicolai & Rick Stowell; Dairy Housing - Brian Holmes and David Kammel; ASAE Standards and MWPS materials - Bill Wilcke; MWPS-1 - Bill Koenig Schedule of news releases for the next year: June -Pat Murphy-Beef Bunker Brian Holmes-MWPS-2; July -Ken Hellevang-Grain; August -Dick Nicolai-Farm Safety; September -Steve Pohl-Ventilation; October -Bill Koenig/Jay Harmon-Horse; November -House Planning - To be determined; December -William Edwards-Farm Management; January -Tom Scherer-Irrigation; February -Jack Moore/Rick Koelsch/Diane Huntrods-LPES; March -Steve Pohl-Concrete; April -Don Jones-Outdoor Air Rick Stowell's committee will report on the relationship between NCR-9 and MWPS. The annual meeting for 2005 will be May 24-26 at the Kansas City Airport Marriott. Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 Wednesday, May 19, 2004 Approved: Signed Jay Harmon Jay Harmon NCR-9 Chair, 2004 Signed Catherine E. Woteki Catherine E. Woteki NCR-9 Administrative Advisor 2004


Accomplishments: Projects Completed in 2003-2004 MWPS Concrete Conference, June 2003 MWPS-4SD16, Proceedings for a Four-State Dairy Conference, June 2003 Raising Dairy Replacements, book and CD, new publication completed October 2003 CAFO Fact Sheets, text for web-based distribution, completed November 2003 CNMP materials, text and PowerPoints on CD, completed January 2004 MWPS catalog (revised), completed February 2004 Managing and Designing Bunker and Trench Silos, revised publication March 2004 Manure Characteristics, MWPS-18 Section 1, revised publication April 2004



Completion of "Best Environmental Management Practices" series of Best Management Practices pamphlets with MSU. A series of 12 tri-fold shirt pocket publications were jointly developed by Michigan and Indiana for use by confined livestock and poultry producers. Approximately 3000 of the publication sets have been distributed to producers in each state. Completion of major revision of MWPS 2, in cooperation with U of IL (Ted Funk) and U of WI (Brian Holmes). The new version is 160 pages in length. Jones, D. D., H. Zhang, J. Lorimor, B. Von Bermuth, R. Sheffield, S. Muktar, D. Schmidt, D. Rashash, D. Hansen. 2003. Model Certification Training Program for Operators of Confined Feeding Operations. Over 250 pages text, including nearly 200 study guide questions and over 500 PPT slides. 31 page white paper on "innovative methods for disposal of animal mortalities" for Joint KSU/Texas A&M/Purdue project. Horse Handbook revision. To satisfy the growing audience of horse owners in the state, and especially the Chicago and suburban counties, University of Illinois Extension is increasing programming for horse facilities and horse manure management. We estimate a potential sales market for several hundred copies per year of the revised MWPS-15 Horse Handbook, once it is released. House Planning Handbook revision. University of Illinois Extension continues to build on its residential housing program, and would benefit from having the revised MWPS-16 House Planning Handbook for sale. We have several field staff holding workshops for first-time homebuyers, realtors, and contractors, all representing a very large market for the new release. Several farmstead-related off line and online publications - Selected 2004 Purdue Farmstead-related publications

1. Jones, D. D., A. L. Sutton, D. Ess, J. Frankenberg, M. Schutz, T. Applegate. 2003. AG 101. Tutorial on modern production agriculture. Prepared for US EPA, Region 5 for the purpose of training their inspectors that visit livestock and poultry operations. Most of the work on this project was done in 2002. ( 2. Ladd, B. and J. Frankenberger. May. Managing Ponds, Wetlands, and Other Water Reservoirs to Minimize Mosquitoes. Water Quality. WQ-41-W:8. 3. Frankenberger, J. R. , C. Gould and L. Jacobs. 2003. Land Application of Manure and Environmentally Sensitive Field Characteristics. Best Environmental Management Practices, Farm Animal Production. ID-308:2. 4. Jones, D. D. and N. J. Carroll. 2003. Constructed Wetlands to Treat Septic Tank Effluent. Constructed Wetlands Workshop and Poster Session. Purdue University's Environmental Sciences & Engineering Institute and the Dept. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Indiana Water Resources Research Center, and US EPA. John S. Wright Forestry Center, Purdue University. September 12 5. Jones, D. D. , A. L. Sutton and B. MacKellar. 2003. Land Application Records and Sampling. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-300. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication. 6. Jones, D. D. and A. L. Sutton. 2003. Emergency Action Planning for Livestock Operations. Best Environmental Management Practices. ID-301. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU. 7. Jones, D. D. , A. L. Sutton and L. Kelley. 2003. Inspecting Your Confined Feeding Operation. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-303. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU. 8. Jones, D. D. and P. Wylie. 2003. Building Good Neighbor Relationships. Best Environmental Management Practices. ID-305. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU. 9. Frankenberger, J. R. , D. D. Jones, C. M. Gould and L. Jacobs. 2003. Land Application of Manure and Environmentally Sensitive Field Characteristics. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-308. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU. 10. Jones, D. D., A. L. Sutton and C. M. Gould. 2003. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP). Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-311. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication. With MSU 11. VanDevender, K. , D. D. Jones, G. Carpenter and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Poultry. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13A. National LPES Project (US EPA). 7p. 12. Jones, D. D., K. VanDevender, G. Carpenter and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Large Swine Operations. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13B (and PowerPoint presentation 32 screens). National LPES project (US EPA). 7 p. 13. Carpenter, G. , D. D. Jones, K. VanDevender and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Veal. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13C. National LPES project (US EPA). 7p. 14. Jones, D. D., S. Beer, E. Sequeira and M. Walters (Purdue U.G. students). 4/03. Liquid Level Markers for Uncovered Manure Storages and Lagoons. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). (plus PowerPoint presentation, 20 slides). National LPES project (US EPA). 4p. 15. McGill, J. M. and D. E. Maier. 2003. Capability of Eastern Cornbelt Country Elevators to Segregate Crops During Harvest . Oral Presentation by JMM at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036001:17p. (published/completed). 16. Bartosik, R. E. and D. E. Maier. 2003. Evaluation of Three NA/LT In-bin Drying Strategies in Five Corn Belt Locations. Oral Presentation by REB at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036004:24p. (published/completed). 17. Bhat, C. G. , D. E. Maier and K. E. Ileleji. 2003. Exploratory Use of a Portable CO2 Sensor for Early Detection of Spoilage in a Large Corn Storage Structure. Oral Presentation by CB at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036149:23p. (published/completed). 18. Berruto, R. E. , D. E. Maier, D. E. Ess and J. M. McGill. 2003. Network Simulation of Crop Harvesting and Delivery from Farm Field to Commercial Elevator. Oral Presentation by JMM at the International Conference on Crop Harvesting and Processing. Louisville, Kentucky, February 10-12, 2003. Abstract:1p. (published/completed). 19. Bhat, C. H. , D. E. Maier, K. E. Ileleji and C. P. Woloshuk. 2003. Implementation of Carbon Dioxide Monitoring for Early Detection of Grain Spoilage. Oral presentation by CB at the NC-213 Annual Technical Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 5, 2003.

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