SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Terry Arbogost - USDA-ARS-CMAVE Paul Armstrong - USDA-ARS-GMPRC Lloyd Bullerman - University of Nebraska Mark Casada - USDA-ARS-GMPRC Florence Dunkel - Montana State University David Funk - USDA-GIPSA-TSD Arvid Hawk - Cargill, Inc. Ken Hellevang - North Dakota State University Tim Herrman - Texas A&M University Charles Hurburgh - Iowa State University David Jackson - University of Nebraska Stephen Kells - University of Minnesota Bill Koshar - Ohio State University Dirk Maier - Purdue University Frank Manthey - North Dakota State University Lina Mason - Purdue University Leland McKinney - Kansas State University Sam McNeill - University of Kentucky Michael Montrose - University of Kentucky Marvin Paulsen - University of Illinois Bill Ravlin - Ohio State University James Stitzlein - Consolidated Grain & Barge Co. Dennis Strayer - Dennis Strayer & Associates Charlene Wolf-Hall - North Dakota State University

The General Business Meeting began at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Motion passed to approve minutes of the 2005 general business meeting Old Business 1. Revision to responsibilities of officers (Dirk Maier Committee Chair). The previous revisions, which began in 2004, were discussed. Comments that had previously been submitted by Tim Herrman, Charles Hurburgh and Charlene Wolf-Hall were mentioned as well as feedback from the summer meeting. Areas that needed clarification included: -Project Advisor versus Project Coordinator responsibilities - how to separate these (Bill Ravlin would come up with wording). -Vice Chair - use consistent terminology - would chair nomination committee. -Andersons grant proposal review committee - coordinator will determine if there is a conflict of interest as consistently as possible - committee will include two objective chairs, two industry advisors, and two USDA representatives - all will review all proposals - may use adhoc reviewers. -Industry advisory committee - attendance at annual meeting expected - executive committee can decide on continuing membership (Dirk Maier would come up with wording) -Membership - can members who are not official university representatives vote (the answer was no), but can be officers in which case they would be able to vote (Dirk Maier would come up with wording) -Discussion on the heading for the document - use of the legal name versus a consortium name - tentative agreement on using the official title with consortium tag-line (Executive Committee will finalize) 2. Education proposal development update (Charlene Wolf-Hall, Academic Group). The survey information was mentioned for the partner survey and the development of the industry survey. Input was asked for and given by: -Dirk Maier - the GEAPS group would be open to the industry survey. -Bill Ravlin - good way to leverage history of NC-213 and new ideas. -Florence Dunkel - volunteered to help as much as possible and has contact with the HEC program director through 3 other HEC grants. -Charles Hurburgh - dont make it too big. -Dirk Maier - wouldnt necessarily be one degree granting institution. -Stephen Kells - how would subcontracts fit in? How would this affect a tenure track person? Charlene will initiate the formation of a small group of individuals (David Jackson, Dirk Maier, Leland McKinney, and Charlene Wolf-Hall) who had expressed strong interest through the partner survey to continue with the process. This group will consult with the industry advisors for the industry survey and will keep others updated. 3. Industry Advisory Committee - deferred to Executive Committee meeting. New Business 1. Midterm review was discussed - led by Bill Ravlin. There is an apparent disconnect between what is asked for in the review versus the annual reports. Impact statements and connections are important. Handouts including a powerpoint presentation by Mike Harrington describing impact statements was distributed. It was emphasized that these will be very important with the Presidents budget proposal. It was emphasized that it is important to indicate the funding is a good investment and results in impacts and is leveraged by state and private sector funds. Things that can be included were quality of life, dollars, things that can be quantified. Charlie Hurburgh cautioned against getting too far a field as can raise questions, to which Bill Ravlin said there is some acceptable overlap. 2. Financial status of NC-213 was discussed - led by Bill Ravlin. The Andersons endowment is in fine fiscal shape. 3. Discussion of the Andersons award process - led by Bill Ravlin. Bill Ravlin emphasized the importance of following the directions in the RFA. Handouts of the review criteria for the regular and team awards program was distributed. The RFA can only be changed at the beginning of the year. There had been some dissatisfaction with the reviewer feedback to applicants, so this revision is an attempt to make the process more transparent and give applicants better feedback. Some of the comments on the criteria for the regular and team award review forms included: -Yes/no questions should not need numbers. -Some yes/no questions could be answered at administrative level and dont need to be on the review form. -Be more specific on what can be included in the ten page minimum. -Bill Ravlin will reword methodological questions. -The outcomes will move up in order - use outputs instead of outcomes? -Timetable question is OK. -Impact - should indicate if project is part of long term or short term study. -Take out the question about if the problem will be solved by the project. -Budget appropriate - yes/no, if no explain why. -Additional comments can be sent to Bill Ravlin, reffered to executive committee. 4. Summer workshop ideas Discussion on what summer means ensued. Some workshop possibilities were suggested by: -Tim Herrman - Feed Industry HACCP Training May 9-11. -Lloyd Bullerman - tentative mycotoxins in grains conference in Omaha. -Charlie Hurburgh - do we have to have one? -David Jackson - will discuss with executive committee. 5. New officers. The floor opened for nominations for secretary. Linda Mason nominated Stephen Kells, seconded by Florence Dunkel. Kells agreed and was unanimously approved, pending Minnesota Station Rep approval. David Jackson will move up from chair to past-chair, Mike Montrose will move up from vice chair to chair, Charlene Wolf-Hall will move up from secretary to vice chair. 6. 2007 Annual Technical Meeting. Was suggested to overlap with the Wheat Quality meeting in Kansas City. There was consensus that it was good to hold it every other year or so with GEAPS. Dirk Maier proposed NC-213 sponsorship if the 2008 International Grain Quality Conference. Charlie suggested it be the NC-213 annual meeting place for 2008. Bill Ravlin will check if meeting can occur in another country. Dirk indicated that a decision would need to made soon. Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.


A. Develop practices and technologies to support quality management systems for production, distribution, processing, utilization of quality grains and oilseeds. -Near infrared calibration models for determination of subunit (amino acid, fatty acid, etc)factors of corn and soybeans were extended. -Survey of corn and soybean quality on an annual basis, targeted at end-use related factors for corn/soybean quality and yield information will be reorganized and expanded. -Measurement of ethanol production from corn hybrids are optimal for use in dry grind ethanol plants. -Examine milling properties, dough characteristics, protein functionality, and baking properties of soft white wheat varieties. Biochemical studies on flour proteins were conducted and the use of transglutaminase (TG) to improve dough strength of weak gluten protein flour samples was investigated. -Evaluate postharvest insect resistance of most popular varieties of wheat for organic producers in Montana organic producers most popular varieties of wheat. Determine location within the kernel causing insect resistence in Montana-grown hard spring and hard winter wheat varieties. -Development of methods that allow for the characterization of grain and its end-use processing properties. Efforts were focused on tests associated with predicting the alkaline cooking (nixtamalization) processing performance of sorghum and maize. -Effect of preharvest production practices on end-use quality of wheat, specifically changes in vitreousness kernel content. -Characterization of maize and sorghum samples representative of genetic and environmental diversity for establishing a sample set for the end-use quality on the basis of physical quality-associated properties. This enables development of classification rules to predict the suitability of samples for the particular end-use processing performance. -Define the attributes of wheat flours with excellent quality for flour tortillas. Evaluate the baking quality of Texas wheat breeders samples. -Evaluate physical, chemical and processing properties of sorghum and corn and develop improved food quality cultivars. Improve aflatoxin tolerance and improve nutritional and processing quality of corn through breeding. -Development of a system simulation model to evaluate and quantify the practically achievable purity levels for the segregated handling and delivery of differentiated (GM vs. non-GM; identity preserved vs. commodity) grains and oilseeds from producer to end user. 2. Develop basic knowledge, science-based standards, and technologies that promote crop quality, food security and food safety in grain markets. -Measurement of fermentation process used for dry-grind ethanol production. -High value (pharmaceutical, industrial) grains will require extremely stringent isolation from staple commodities if they are to be grown in commodity-producing areas. Operations from planting to end-use will be quantitatively assessed for their potential to contribute either accidental or malicious mixing. Estimates will be pooled in 3 case study traceability models, which will then be used to create a standard evaluation template. These models will also be used to collaborate with scientists in the EU, for the purpose of developing international standards/data exchange protocols. -Iowa State has assisted a large country elevator in the creation of a certified quality management and product tracking system, based on the American Institute of Baking Quality Systems Evaluation System (QSE). The QSE system was converted to the more management-based ISO 9000 format and applied to other grain and feed locations. At one location historic performance data sufficient to document the economic efficiency benefit of the quality management system will be compiled. A procedure and template for converting alternative or industry specific quality management system formats to ISO 9000-2000 certifiable formats will be created. -A computer model was used to evaluate low-temperature management strategies to control Indianmeal moth. -Assess the reduction of the toxicity of FB1 during extrusion cooking of contaminated corn grits using in vivo bioassay methods. -Survey of the microbiological quality of the wheat crop from the northern plains and evaluation of ozone for reducing microbial loads and mycotoxin content in wheat. -Development and modeling of a continuous-flow dryeration process. -Utilization of carbon dioxide detectors to monitor for the spoilage of stored corn prior to the time that spoilage would be detected by traditional methods. In-lab and pilot bin experiments as well as tests in large commercial storage structures have been conducted and indicate the effectiveness of CO2 detection. -Develop markers and tools to identify and trace lots of grain -Development of a mycotoxin surveillance network involving major grain states and Texas is being developed including a database consisting of mycotoxin incidence, field of origin (GIS coordinates), cropping data including rotation, hybrid, planting date, fertility, weather data. -Develop trapping and contour analysis of trap catch as a method for monitoring stored product insect pests in warehouses, processing plants, and retail stores, and for locating foci of infestation or points of entry. Objective C -Identify methods of measuring shelled corn storability using CO2 Test Kit (Woods End Research, Mt. Vernon, Maine), for measuring CO2 production (storability) of shelled corn; evaluated several rapid (< 15 min) tests that can be used together to provide a less precise but more rapid storability indication; and (3) to examine the correlations among the various tests used as storability indicators. -Developed high speed detection and sorting technology to remove toxins from grain, and to sort breeder samples for significant attributes. Systems can process kernels from 1 to 1000 kernels/s. We developed methods to detect insect damaged wheat using an acoustic method and using computed tomography. Both of these methods have promise to inspect large samples very accurately. We also developed an NIR system capable of capturing NIR spectra from 900 to 1700nm on single grain kernels at rates up to 10 kernels/second. -Conduct basic and applied research in the biochemistry and technology of grain sorghum to identify and evaluate the biochemical components that govern processing, functionality, and susceptibility to mold. The information is used to improve sorghum quality and utilization for increasing domestic and export markets. -Investigated the effect of enzymes on whole wheat tortilla quality. Evaluated the shelf-life extension of 100% whole wheat (WW) tortillas by adding enzymes. Various enzymes have been incorporated into the tortilla formulation. These included bacterial ±-amylase, glucose oxidase (GOX), transglutaminase, phytase, pentasonase, and a blend of cellulose and amylase -Evaluate kernel characteristics, milling properties, and dough and bread-, tortilla- and Asian alkaline noodle-making properties of hard winter wheat progenies. Determine protein and lipid contents, and composition and interaction among these components of cereal grains as they relate to storage, handling, and end-use properties. -Develop fast reliable methods for the identification of quality traits of wheat starches using digital image analysis and laser diffraction sizing.


  1. NC-213 scientists have developed systems that provide critical information to grain processors that allows then to institute component pricing systems resulting in increase sales of U.S. grains.
  2. NC-213 scientists conducted research that shows that adding transglutaminase (TG) increases flour quality and reduces the need for costly testing.
  3. NC-213 scientists discovered that by reducing humidity and moisture wheat kernel quality is increased and a greater economic return realized.
  4. NC-213 scientists have developed systems that track the origin and shipping history of bulk grains and these systems allow producers and handlers to realize higher prices.
  5. By using techniques developed by NC-213 scientists corn starch levels can rapidly be determined and producers/handlers can realize increased profits of 4-6 cents/bu.
  6. NC-213 scientists developed grain quality management systems that led to the formation of international quality standards affecting global grain markets.
  7. NC-213 scientists developed a CO2 test kit that rapidly identifies the risk of fungal contamination in shelled corn. This allows grain elevator managers to lower storage losses and costs.
  8. NC-213 scientists discovered that ethanol yields are significantly increased by processing sorghum grain prior to fermentation thereby increasing the value of sorghum.
  9. Over 95% of all hard winter wheat cultivars were evaluated by NC-213 scientists for end-use quality. This information allows the U.S. wheat industry to focus on high value cultivars and capture increased value.


Hurburgh, C.R. Jr. 2005. The transition of NIR from lab-bench to online in agricultural applications. Proc. 19th International Forum for Process Analytical Technology, Arlington, VA. January 13, 2005. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2005. Grain Quality Analysis for Soybean Trait Development. Soybean Breeders Workshop, St. Louis, MO. February 22, 2005. Invited Presentation. Kovalenko, I and C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2005. Dimensionality reduction of NIR spectral data using global and local implementation of PCA for neural network calibrations. Abstract 2005- 1372 Pittcon 2005, Orlando, Florida. Oral Presentation and Abstract Garraude-Verdier, Y., G. Rippke, C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., N. Cloud, D. Mattsson, O. Surel. 2005. NIR measurement of factors affecting oxidative potential of rosemary leaf. Poster and Paper 59. Proceedings of NIR 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. April 10-15, 2005. Roussel, S.A., I. Kovalenko, G. Rippke and C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2005. Comparison of chemometric models for proximate and fatty acid composition of soybeans. Oral presentation and paper 56. Proceedings of NIR 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. April 10-15, 2005. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr., G. Rippke, D. Honigs, and I Kovalenko. 2005. Calibration and standardization of Perten DA7200 diode array instruments. Poster and paper 221. Proceedings of NIR 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. April 10-15, 2005. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr., G. Rippke, and C. Hardy. 2005. Calibration and standardization of Bruins Omega transmittance instruments. Poster and paper 222. Proceedings of NIR 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. April 10-15, 2005. Wang, CiWen, E. Dierenfield and C. Hurburgh. 2005. Comparison of methods for development of a spectral database for wildlife nutrition. Poster and paper 184. Proceedings of NIR 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. April 10-15, 2005. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2005. Quality of the 2005 Corn and Soybean Crop in NC Iowa. GEAPS Greater Iowa Chapter, September 12, 2005. Invited presentation. Brumm, T. J. , C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. S. Naeve, and G.R. Rippke. 2005. Quality of the 2005 US Soybean Crop. American Soybean Association, St. Louis , MO. Invited presentations Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Taipei. November 2005. Gazza, L., Nocente, F., Ng, P.K.W., and Pogna, N.E. 2005. Genetic and biochemical analysis of bread wheat cultivars lacking puroindoline a. Theo. App. Genet. 110(3):470-478. Ahn, H.J., Kim, J.H., and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. Functional and thermal properties of wheat, barley, and soy flours and their blends treated with a microbial transglutaminase. J. of Food Science 70(6):380-386. Tanhehco, E.J. and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. The effects of extrusion cooking and milling on the instant properties of wheat powders. Food Science and Biotechnology 14(6):758-765. Saini, R., Hou, G., and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. Protein composition of wheat as related to the texture of Chinese raw noodles. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Buchanan, B., Cho, M., Wong, J., Lemaux, P., and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. Thioredoxin over-expressed in transgenic wheat improves dough quality. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Jurackova, K., Schoenlechner, R., Berghofer, E., and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. Effects of addition of wheat flours and transglutaminase on pseudo cereals-based cracker qualities. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Ahn, H., Kim, J., and Ng, P.K.W. 2005. Functional and thermal properties of wheat, barley, and soy flours and their blends treated with a microbial transglutaminase. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Lee, K.-M., Herrman, T.J., Lingenfelser, J., and Jackson, D.S. 2005. Classification and prediction of maize hardness-associated properties using multivariate statistical analyses. J of Cereal Sci. 41(1):85-93. Ozcan, S. and Jackson, D.S. 2005. Functionality Behavior of Raw and Extruded Corn Starch Mixtures. Cereal Chem. 82(2):223-227. Duarte, A.P., Mason, S.C., Jackson, D.S. and Kiehl, J. de C. 2005. Grain Quality of Brazilian Maize Genotypes as Influenced by Nitrogen Level. Crop Sci. 45(5):1958-1964. Yglesias, R. and Jackson, D.S. 2005. Evaluation of liquid nitrogen freeze drying and ethanol dehydration as methods to preserve partially cooked starch and masa systems. Cereal Chem. 82(6):702-705. Yglesias, R., Parkhurst, A.M. and Jackson, D.S. 2005. Development of laboratory techniques to mimic industrial scale nixtamalization. Cereal Chem. 82(6):695-701. Lee, K.M., Herrman, T.J., Lingenfelser, J., and Jackson, D.S. 2005. Classification and prediction of maize hardness-associated properties using multivariate statistical analyses. J of Cereal Sci. 41(1):85-93 Lee, K.M., Herrman, T.J., Bean, S.R., Jackson, D., and Lingenfelser, J. Classification method for dry-milled grit extraction. Oral presentation and Abstract No. O-94, Page 90 in: Program Book of The 90th AACC International Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. September 11-14, 2005. Lee, K.M., Herrman, T.J., Bean, S.R., Jackson, D.S., and Lingenfelser, J. 2006. Multivariate Classification of Dry Milled Maize Grit Yield Groups by Quadratic Discriminant Analysis and Decision Tree Algorithm. Cereal Chem (in preparation) Adams, J.L. and R.D. Waniska. 2005. Flour tortilla attributes affected by hot-press conditions. Cereal Foods World 50(2):72-75. Awika, J.M., C.M. McDonough and L.W. Rooney. 2005. Decorticating sorghum to concentrate healthy phytochemicals. J Ag and Fd Chem 53:6230-6234. Bejosano, F.P., S. Joseph, R.M. Lopez, N. Kelekci, and R.D. Waniska. 2005. Rheological and sensory evaluation of wheat flour tortillas during storage. Cereal Chem 82(3):256-263. Betran, F.J., T. Isakeit, G. Odvody and K. Mayfield. 2005. Breeding corn to reduce preharvest aflatoxin contamination. In Aflatoxin and Food Safety. H. Abbas (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Cedillo, G. December 2005. Nutraceutical tortillas and tortilla chips prepared with bran from specialty sorghums. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Dykes, L., L.W. Rooney, R.D. Waniska and W.L. Rooney 2005. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of sorghum grains of varying genotypes. J Ag & Fd Chem 53:6813-6818. Goel, A. , C. Zobel and E. Jones. 2005. A multi-agent system for supporting the electronic contracting of food grains. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 49:123-137. Perez-Gonzalez, A.J. December 2005. Specialty sorghums in direct-expansion extrusion. MS Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 115 pp. Rooney, L.W. and J.M. Awika. 2005. Overview of products and health benefits of specialty sorghums. Cereal Foods World 50(3):109-115. Yetneberk, S., L.W. Rooney and J.R. Taylor. 2005. Improving the quality of sorghum injera by decortication and compositing with tef. J. Sci. Food Agric 85:1252-1258. Fleck, N.A. 2005. Grain production systems analysis to improve the purity of food corn delivered to a masa flour mill. M.S. thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Ess, D.R., N.A. Fleck, and D.E. Maier. 2005. Where grain hides in a combine. Purdue University Grain Quality Fact Sheet No. GQ-49-W. West Lafayette, IN. Fleck, N.A., D.R. Ess, and D.E. Maier. 2005. Effects of crop residue on the biosecurity and purity of harvested grain. ASAE Paper No. 05-6032; ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. Newgard, E. 2005. Evaluation of sample source errors on prediction accuracy for a maize extractable starch calibration for near-infrared transmittance spectroscopy. M.S. Thesis. University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign, IL. Rathore, S.S, Paulsen, M.R., Sharma, V. and Singh, V. 2005. Near-infrared spectra interpretation of fermentation in a dry-grind corn process. ASAE Paper No. 05-3041. St. Joseph, MI 49085. Rathore, S.S., Paulsen, M.R., Srinivasan, R. and Singh, V. 2005. Near-Infrared Reflectance calibration for DDGS quality using elutriation as sample preparation method. Abstract No. 215. American Assoc. Cereal Chemists 90th Annual Meeting. AACC Orlando, FL. Singh, M., Paulsen, M.R., Tian, L. and Yao, H. 2005. Site-specific study of corn protein, oil, and extractable starch variability using NIT spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(2): 239-251. Hurburgh, C. R. Jr. 2005. Traceability for US grain markets. North Central Regional GEAPS Conference, Ames, Iowa. June 14, 2005. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2005. The impact of the new FDA bioterror regulations on Iowa agriculture. Proc. 2005 Integrated Crop Management Conference, Agribusiness Education Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa November 30  December 5, 2005. Hurburgh, C. R. Jr. 2005. Traceability for US grain markets. North Central Regional GEAPS Conference, Ames, Iowa. June 14, 2005. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2005. The impact of the new FDA bioterrorism regulations on Iowa agriculture. Proc. 2005 Integrated Crop Management Conference, Agribusiness Education Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa November 30  December 5, 2005. Carrillo, M.A., and C.A. Cannon. 2005. Super cooling point variability in the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 41(5): 556-564. Carrillo, M.A., C.A. Cannon, W.F. Wilcke, R.V. Morey, N. Kaliyan, and W.D. Hutchison. 2005. Relationship between super cooling point and mortality at low temperatures in Indianmeal moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 98(2): 618-625. Kaliyan, N., R.V. Morey, and W.F. Wilcke. 2005. Mathematical model for simulating headspace and grain temperatures in grain bins. Transactions of the ASAE 48(5): 1851-1863. Kaliyan, N., M.A. Carrillo, R.V. Morey, W.F. Wilcke, and C.A. Cannon. 2005. Effect of broken corn on Indianmeal moth survivability. ASAE Meeting Paper No. 056183. ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085. Carrillo, M.A., W.D. Hutchison, W.F. Wilcke, R.V. Morey, and N. Kaliyan. 2005 Winter depression of super cooling points in the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). Student Poster, 2005 Entomological Society of America  North Central Branch Annual Meeting, West Lafayette, IN (March 20-23). Carrillo, M.A., R.D. Moon, W.F. Wilcke, R.V. Morey, N. Kaliyan, and W.D. Hutchison. 2005. Over wintering mortality of Indianmeal moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in southern Minnesota. Environmental Entomology (accepted). Carrillo, M.A. 2005. Cold hardiness of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), and implications for its management. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Minnesota. Vijayakumar, C., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and F. Manthey. 2005. Fusarium infection, DON content and microbial loads in durum wheat from the Northern Plains: 2001-2004. Poster at the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 11-13. Heber, A.J. 2005. Optimization of a continuous-flow dryeration system. M.S. thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Maier, D.E., K.E. Ileleji, C. Bhat and C.P. Woloshuk. Detection by a CO2 sensor of a simulated hot spot in stored corn. Transactions of the ASAE. In press. Arbogast, R. T., Chini, S. R., and McGovern, J. E. 2005. Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): Spatial relationship between trap catch and distance from a source of emerging adults. J. Econ. Entomol. 98: 326-333. Arbogast, R. T., and Chini. S. R. 2005. Abundance of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) and Cadra cautella (Walker) infesting maize stored on South Carolina farms: seasonal and non-seasonal variation. J. Stored Prod. Res. 41: 528-543. Arbogast, R. T. 2005. Seasonal flight activity of stored-product moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Gelechiidae) in South Carolina, U.S.A. Entomol. News. 116: 197-208. Arbogast, R. T., Chini, S. R., and Kendra, P. E. 2005. Infestation of stored saw palmetto berries by Cadra cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the host paradox in stored product insects. Florida Entomol. 88: 314-320. Dowell, F.E., O.K. Chung, E.B. Maghirang, and R.O. Pierce. Predicting bread quality from multiple measurements. Presented at the International Cereal Chemists Meeting. Vienna, Austria. July, 2005. Dowell, F.E., J.E. Throne, J.E. Baker, E.B. Maghirang, A. Parker, R. Wirtz, H. Bossin, A. Robinson, A. Broce, J. Perez-Mendoza, and M. Benedict. Measuring insect characteristics by near-infrared spectroscopy and applications to the SIT. Presented at the Sterile Insect Technique Conference, Vienna, Austria. May, 2005. Dowell, F.E., Parker, A.G., Benedict, M.Q., Robinson, A.S., Broce, A.B., Wirtz, R.A. 2005. Sex separation of tsetse fly pupae using near-infrared spectroscopy. Bulletin of Entomological Research 95(3):249-257. Wang, N., Zhang, N., Dowell, F.E., Pearson, T.C. 2005. Determining vitreousness of durum wheat using transmitted and reflected images. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol 48(1):219-222. Toews, M.D., T.C. Pearson, and J.F. Campbell. Imaging and Automated Detection of Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Pupae in Hard Red Winter Wheat. Journal of Economic Entomology (In Press). Delwiche, S.R., Pearson, T. C., and Brabec, D. L. 2005. High-Speed Optical Sorting of Soft Wheat for Reduction of Deoxynivalenol. Plant Disease 89(11):1214-1219 Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Xie, F. and Dowell, F.E. Comparison of dispersive and fourier-transform NIR instruments for measuring grain and flour attributes. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Papers submitted for review to journals Pearson, T.C, and D.L. Brabec. Camera attachment for automatic measurement of single-wheat kernel size on a Perten SKCS 4100. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Pearson, T.C, and D.T. Wicklow. Properties of corn kernels infected by fungi. Transactions of the ASAE. Armstrong, P.R. Rapid single-kernel NIR measurement of grain and oil-seed attributes. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Schober, T. J., Messerschmidt, M., Bean, S. R., Park, S. H., and Arendt, E. K. 2005. Gluten-free bread from sorghum: quality differences among hybrids. Cereal Chem. 82:394-404. Pedersen J. F., Bean, R. S., Graybosch, R. A., Park, S. H. and Tilley, M. 2005. Characterization of Waxy Grain Sorghum Lines in Relation to Granule Bound Starch Synthase. Euphytica 144: 151-156. Selling, G.W., Lawton, Jr, J.W., Bean, S.R., Dunlap, C.A., Sessa, D.J., Willett, J.L., and Byars, J.A. 2005. Rheological studies utilizing various lots of Zein in N, N-Dimethylformamide solutions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53: 9050-9055. Akdogan, H., Tilley, M., and Chung, O.K. Effects of different emulsifiers on the quality characteristics of 100% whole wheat tortillas. Presented at the AACC Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. September 10-16, 2005. Chung, O.K., Dowell, F.E., Park, S.H., Lookhart, G.L., Tilley, M., Brabec, D.L., Ram, M.S., Seitz, L.M., Bean, S.R., Seabourn, Pearson, T.C., Bechtel, D.B., Casada, M.E., Hubbard, J.D., Downing, J.D., Maghirang, E.B., Wilson, J.D., Armstrong, P.R., Caley, M.S., Xie, F., Arthur, F.H., Lyne, R.K., and Xiao, S.Z. 2005. Wheat research in the U.S. Grain Marketing and Production Research Center. Annual Wheat Newsletter 51:193 - 210 (Review) Tilley, M. and Tilley K.A. 2005. Modifying crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzyme activity. Pp.142-146. Using cereal science and technology for the benefit of consumers. Proceedings of the 12th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress. S.P. Cauvain, S.B. Salmon, and L.S. Young eds. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. Tilley, M., Bean, S.R. and Tilley K.A. 2006. Capillary electrophoresis for monitoring dityrosine and 3-bromotyrosine synthesis. J. Chromatography A., 110:368-371. Tilley, M., and Chibbar, R.N. 2005. Session II. Biotechnology: A Tool for Wheat Improvement, Co-chair Introduction. Page 57-58 in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Wheat Quality Conference. May 22-26, 2005, Manhattan, KS. O.K. Chung and G.L. Lookhart, eds., Grain Industry Alliance, Manhattan KS Tilley, M. 2005. Glucose oxidase effects on wheat flour albumins and gliadins. Abstract No. 238 Page 144 in: Program Book of the 90th Annual Meeting of the AACC. [Abstract] Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Xie, F., and Dowell, F.E. Comparison of NIR and FT-NIR spectroscopy for measuring grain and flour attributes. J. Cereal Sci. (submitted) Carver, B., Hunger, R., Klatt, A., Edwards, J., Porter, D., Verchot-Lubicz, J., Martin, B., Seabourn, B., Rayas-Duarte, P. 2006. Registration of 'Deliver' wheat. Crop Sci. (in press) Chung, O. K., Ohm, J. B., Ram, M. S., Park, S. H. Wheat Lipids in: Wheat: Chemistry and Technology (in preparation) Haley, S.D., Johnson, J.J., Peairs, F.B., Westra, P.W., Quick, J.S., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S.R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., and Chung, O.K. 2005. Registration of Protection wheat. Crop Sci. (in review) Haley, S.D., Quick, J.D., Peairs, F.B., Johnson, J.J., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S.R., Clayshulte, S.R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., Chung, O.K. 2005. Registration of Hatcher wheat. Crop Sci. 45:2654-2656 Haley, S.D., Quick, J.S., Peairs, F.B., Johnson, J.J., Westra, J., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S. R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., and Chung, O.K. 2005. Registration of Bond CL wheat. Crop Sci. (in press) Maghirang, E. B., Lookhart, G. L., Bean, S. R., Pierce, R. O., Xie, F., Caley, M. S., Wilson, J. D., Seabourn, B. W., Ram, M. S., Park, S. H., Chung, O. K., and Dowell, F. E. 2005. Comparison of quality characteristics and breadmaking functionality of hard red winter and hard red spring wheat. (submitted to Cereal Chem.) Park, S. H., Chung, O. K, and Seib, P. A. 2005. Effects of varying the weight ratio of large and small wheat starch granules on experimental pup-loaf bread. Cereal Chem. 82:166-172. Park, S. H., Chung, O. K., Seib, P. A. and Bean, S. R. 2005. Relationships of protein subclasses to straight dough breadmaking characteristics. (submitted to Cereal Chem.) Park, S. H and Chung, O. K. Investigation of mixing quality parameters from variable mixing speeds of farinograph (10-g flour) compared with a mixograph (10-g flour). (in preparation) Park, S. H., Seabourn, B. W., Xie, F., and Chung, O. K. Prediction of alkaline noodle color and polyphenol oxidase activity using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy of wheat grain, meal and flour (in preparation) Seabourn, B.W., Bean, S.R., Lookhart, G.L., and Chung, O.K. 2005. Prediction of polymeric protein content in wheat flour by NIR. Cereal Chem. (submitted) Seabourn, B.W., Chung, O.K., Seib, P.A., and Mathewson, P.R. 2005. Determination of secondary structural changes in gluten proteins during mixing using FT-HATR spectroscopy. Cereal Chem. (submitted) Seibel, W., Chung, O. K., Weipert, D., Park, S. H. 2005. Cereals and Cereal Products in: Ullmans Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. (submitted to Wiley-VCH) Singh, H., Akdogan, H., Lyne, R.K., Chung, O.K., Waniska, R.D., Lookhart, G.L. 2006. Objective testing procedure for staling of wheat flour tortillas using a texture analyzer. (in preparation) Xiao, S. Z., Park, S. H., Chung, O. K., Caley, M. S., Seib, P. A. 2005. Solvent retention capacity values in relation to hard winter wheat and flour properties and straight-dough breadmaking quality. (submitted to Cereal Chem.) Presentations Akdogan, H., Chung, O.K., Singh, H., and Lookhart, G. Textural properties of commercial wheat flour tortillas during storage. Presented at the 2005 Annual IFT Meeting. New Orleans, LA. July 16-20. Caley, M. S., Park, S. H., and Chung, O. K. Comparison of loaf-volume measuring methods: Rapeseed displacement vs. laser sensor. Abstract No. P-111, Page 110 in: Program Book of The 90th AACC Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. September 11-14, 2005. Chung, O. K., and Park, S. H. Investigation of mixing quality parameters from variable mixing speeds of farinograph (10-g flour) compared with a mixograph (10-g flour). Abstract No. 10, Page 371 in: Proceedings of The 3rd International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, KS. May 22-26, 2005. Chung, O. K., Maghirang, E. B., Park, S. H., Caley, M. S., Dowel, F. E., Seabourn, B. W. Investigation on the quality parameters of different hardness wheat fractions sorted from the same hard winter wheat lines. Abstract No. 11, Page 372 in: Proceedings of The 3rd International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, KS. May 22-26, 2005. Chung, O. K., Park, S. H., Bean, S. R., and Xiao, Z. S. Relationships between cooked alkaline noodle texture and solvent retention capacity (SRC), SDS-sedimentation, mixograph, and protein composition. Abstract No. P-227, Page 141 in: Program Book of The 90th AACC Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. September 11-14, 2005. Clayshulte, S.R., Haley, S.R., Chapman, P.L., Seabourn, B.W., and Chung, O.K. 2005. Nursery location clustering based on hard winter wheat regional quality evaluations. Poster No. 08 Page 370 in: Third International Wheat Quality Conference Proceedings Book. [Abstract] Menkovska, M. and Chung, O.K. 2005. HPCE analyses of gliadins in Macedonian wheat varieties. Poster No. 50 Page 396 in: Third International Wheat Quality Conference Proceedings Book. [Abstract] Menkovska, M., Chung, O.K., Veljanov, S. 2005. RP-HPLC analyses of gliadins in Macedonian wheat varieties. Poster No. 49 Page 395 in: Third International Wheat Quality Conference Proceedings Book. [Abstract] Park, S. H., Singh, H., Wilson, J. D., Bean, S. R. Investigation of conditions for rapid cereal starch isolation using sonication. Abstract No. 10, Page 371 in: Proceedings of The 3rd International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, KS. May 22-26, 2005. Park, S. H., Seabourn, B. W., Xie, F., and Chung, O. K. 2005. Prediction of alkaline noodle color and polyphenol oxidase activity using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy of wheat grain, meal and flour. Abstract No. P-224 Page 140 in: Program Book of The 90th AACC Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. September 11-14, 2005. Park, S. H., Xiao, Z. S., Chung, O. K., Caley, M. S., and Seib, P. A. Computerized mixogram (C-M) parameters in relation to bread quality processed by straight-dough method: Peak height vs. time-x height (H-x). Abstract No. P-112, Page 110 in: Program Book of The 90th AACC International Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. September 11-14, 2005. Seabourn, B.W. and Chung, O.K. 2005 Proceedings of the United State-Japan Cooperative Program in natural Resources Food and Agriculture Panel. Tsukuba, Japan. [Proceedings] Seabourn, B.W., Xie, F., Chung, O.K. 2005. An objective and rapid method to determine dough optimum mixing time for early generation breeding lines using FT-HATR mid-infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Poster No. 37 Page 389 in: Third International Wheat Quality Conference Proceedings Book. [Abstract] Xiao, Z. S., Park, S. H., Chung, O. K., Caley, M. S., and Seib, P. A. A study of solvent retention capacity (SRC) test in hard winter wheat flour. Abstract No. 18, Page 375 in: Proceedings of The 3rd International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, KS. May 22-26, 2005. Xie, F., Seabourn, B.W., Chung, O.K., and Seib, P.A. 2005. Study of wheat gluten secondary structure conformational changes in frozen dough using FT-HATR mid-infrared spectroscopy. Abstract No. 245 Page 146 in: Program Book of the 90th Annual Meeting of the AACC. [Abstract] Wilson, J. D., Bechtel, D. B., Todd, T. C. and Seib, P. A. Measuring wheat starch granule size distribution using image analysis and laser diffraction technology. (In press) Cereal Chemistry. Wilson, J. D. and Bechtel, D. B. 2005. Laser diffraction Sizing; Studying wheat flour and starch particle sizes. Proceedings International Wheat Quality Conference III, page 397, Manhattan, KS., May 22-26, 2005. Park, S. H., Bean, S. R. and Wilson, J. D. 2005. Investigation of conditions for rapid isolation cereal starch isolation using sonication. Proceedings International Wheat Quality Conference III, page 397, Manhattan, KS., May 22-26, 2005.
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