SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


University of Florida (FL) Don Dickson <>, Virginia Tech (VA)  Jon Eisenback* <>, University of Arkansas (AR)  Bob Robbins* <>, USDA-ARS-Georgia  Patricia Timper <> and Richard Davis <>, Clemson University (SC)  Paula Agudelo <>, North Carolina State University (NC)  Steve Keonning* <>, USDA-ARS-Illinois  Greg Noel <>, University of Minnesota (MN)  Senyu Chen* <>, Texas A&M - Ron Lacewell (Administrative Advisor) <>. Guests: Robert Nichols  Cotton Incorporated, Peng Chee <>  University of Georgia, Weibo Dong <>  University of Georgia, Kyle Montfort  USDA-ARS-Georgia. * Members.

16 November 2006. Patricia Timper called the meeting to order at 8:30 am, welcomed everyone to Savannah, and provided some brief opening remarks. Special thanks were given to Delta and Pine Land Company for paying for the meeting room, and to Cotton Incorporated for paying for coffee and tea during the meeting. Dr. Lacewell, the S-1015 administrative advisor, reminded everyone that we need to submit a report within 60 days of the meeting. He also stated that our project expires in 2008, and he recommended creating a subcommittee to start planning a new project. We can ask for a one-year-long extension for the current project, but we should not wait to begin work on a new project. He also told us that we needed to update the official project membership list. Prior to the state reports, we had two invited presentations. Dr. Robert Nichols (Cotton Incorporated) described recent work to develop host plant resistance to root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) and reniform (Rotylenchulus reniformis) nematodes in cotton, and he discussed the role of Cotton Incorporated in funding and coordinating some of the work. Dr. Peng Chee presented the work he has led at the University of Georgia in developing molecular markers for specific QTLs in cotton, including a major and a minor QTL for resistance to root-knot nematodes. State reports were presented from South Carolina, North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, and Minnesota. States not represented at the meeting, but from which a report will be submitted, were Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. 17 November 2006. The S-1015 Regional Project business meeting was convened by Dr. Patricia Timper at 8:30 am. The minutes from the 2005 meeting in Raleigh, NC were corrected and then approved. Corrections included misspelled names, minor typographical errors, and incorrectly stating that the 2006 meeting would again be held in Raleigh, NC. Dr. Timper stated that Dr. Ernie Bernard had contacted her and volunteered to host the 2007 meeting in Tennessee (presumably in Knoxville, TN). Dr. Bernard will have to set the dates for the meeting, get the dates approved by Dr. Lacewell, and then notify the members of the meeting dates. Dr. Lacewell promised to send an e-mail message to everyone on his list with the form used to add members to the project. This is necessary because many people who used to be members have been dropped inexplicably from the membership list. This will be a chance to update and correct the membership list. Dr. Lacewell discussed the new project proposal, and emphasized that the new project must be slightly different from the old project, and not simply a continuation of the old project. Coordinating the activity of the states in a more obvious way than has been done in the past would be very good and make the proposal stronger. Dr. Lacewell suggested putting together a subcommittee to start organizing the next proposal, which should be submitted in 2008 and start in 2009, with the idea that we outline the objectives now and start writing the actual proposal in 2007. Steve Koenning suggested that we focus on deployment of resistance in the next project proposal, and the suggestion seemed to have wide support. Everyone present agreed that the subcommittee should have representatives from the major commodity groups of soybean, peanut and cotton. Dr. Timper called for volunteers for the subcommittee. Following brief discussion and prompting, Drs. Agudelo, Dickson, and Timper volunteered. Dr. Lacewell suggested that Dr. Jim Starr (Texas A&M University) be put on the committee pending his agreement to serve, and that Dr. Bob Nichols (Cotton Incorporated) be on the subcommittee to provide stakeholder input. Dr. Nichols agreed to serve. Dr. Lacewell then asked Dr. Timper to take the lead on the subcommittee, and she agreed. Dr. Lacewell asked Dr. Nichols to consider a potential NSF proposal for nematode resistance in cotton. The NSF proposal would not be part of the Regional Project, but a few of the Regional Project members might be involved, and it would build on some of the achievements of the regional project, so some of it might be claimed as an accomplishment or impact of the regional Project. Dr. Dickson publicly thanked Dr. Timper for organizing the meeting, and thanked Dr. Davis and Mr. Kyle Montfort (USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA) for assisting Dr. Timper. Everyone present joined in with thanks.  Recorded by R.F. Davis


OBJECTIVE 1: Identification, characterization and introgression of genes for resistance and tolerance to nematodes into cotton, peanut, soybean and major fruit and vegetable crops. Cotton: AL - Greenhouse evaluation of the TX USDA germplasm collection for resistance to R. reniformis is complete. We have identified seven accessions of upland cotton that consistently support lower populations of R. reniformis than the control, PM 1218 BGRR. Three accessions are from North America (Mexico), one from Central America (Guatemala), one from South America (Brazil), two from the Caribbean (Guadeloupe), and one from Africa (Sudan). Because of the diversity of the accession origin, these accessions probably have different genes for resistance. The variation in resistance genes would allow for recombination to occur leading to the development of genotypes with higher levels of resistance. However, the heritability and gene action of resistance in these accessions is yet to be determined. GA - In collaboration with Dr. Peng Chee (University of Georgia, Tifton), we are continuing a project that was begun in 2001 to incorporate resistance to the southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) into elite cotton germplasm (PD94042) through serial backcrossing. Field selection for fiber quality was begun in 2006. The level of resistance will be documented in greenhouse tests this winter, but preliminary data suggests that these germplasm lines have resistance equal to their resistant parent (either M-120 RNR or M-155 RNR): Two separate inoculations with 15,000 eggs each at 3-weeks and 5-weeks after planting in a greenhouse resulted in very minimal galling approximately five months after planting. We initiated a study in collaboration with Dr. Peng Chee which builds on our identification of a molecular marker for a major QTL for nematode resistance to identify resistance genes outside of the known QTL. We have seed of 12 cotton germplasm lines created from primitive race stocks and released as potentially new sources of resistance to M. incognita, though it is not known if any of them have unique resistance genes. We have crossed the lines with G. barbedense (Pima S-6) to produce F1 seed which are currently being self-pollinated to produce an F2 generation which is segregating for nematode resistance and has polymorphisms. DNA markers we already have identified will be used to determine if the resistance genes in these lines are in the same genomic regions as the previously documented resistance genes derived from Auburn 623 RNR. NC - Work continued on identification and characterization of cotton tolerance to the Columbia lance nematode (Hoplolaimus columbus). One experiment was conducted in 2005 with six transgenic cotton cultivars. Tolerance to H. columbus is not related to tolerance to B. longicaudatus and the work on B. longicaudatus has been terminated and published. An experiment concerning cotton rotation with corn, root-knot resistant soybean, and susceptible soybean was established in Lenoir Co. in 2002 and continued in 2006. This experiment is designed to have root-knot resistant and susceptible cultivars and run through 2007. Cotton grown in rotation with soybean yielded more than continuous cotton in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Cotton cultivar ST 5599BR yielded 20% more than FM989BR when cotton was grown continuously, but final root-knot population densities on the two cultivars did not differ suggesting that ST5599BR may have some tolerance (Koenning, and Bowman). Tolerance to reniform nematode was evaluated for 34 cotton varieties in a field study. The study was a strip-plot design treated or nontreated with Telone II at 4.5 gallons/acre. Tolerance indices varied from 73 to 104, but tolerance was not significantly different between varieties. Varieties with tolerance indices above 85, were among the lowest yielders. Tolerance to root-knot nematode was evaluated for 8 cotton varieties in a field study. The study was a split-plot design treated or untreated with Telone II at 4.5 gallons/acre. None of the cultivars evaluated had tolerance to this nematode. Average yield loss was about 200 lbs/acre. SC - We have started a collection of populations representative of the presence of reniform nematode in the cotton-growing areas in South Carolina. The purpose of this collection is to have updated information on the geographic distribution of the species in the state and make observations on its variability. We will characterize the variability among and within the collected populations by examining morphological characters, host range and reproduction, mode of reproduction, thermal requirements for embryogenesis, and multi-locus molecular markers. TX - In cotton, resistance to the reniform nematode has been introgressed into the M315 genotype that is also resistant to root-knot nematodes. Final assays of resistance to both nematodes is in progress. Release of germplasm as breeding lines is anticipated for 2007. Soybean: AR - Soybean cultivars (315 total) entered in the University of Arkansas Official Variety Test (OVT) for 2005 were evaluated for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita, and Heterodera glycines (races 2, 5, and 6).The methodology used and results may be found at the following address: ratings 2006. One hundred ninety-eight samples new to the Arkansas Soybean Variety Testing Program were tested for reniform nematode reproduction, as well as 55 lines from Soybean Breeders of Clemson (E. Shipe), Missouri (G. Shannon), USDA (P. Arelli), and Arkansas (P. Chen). Of the 198 Arkansas test varieties 4 had reproductive indexes (RI) less than Forrest (MPV 5206NRR, Jake, MorSoy RT5306N, Pioneer 95M60 and three had an RI of 2 or less than Forrest (MPG Exp 7552NRR, Stoddard, and Armor GP-555. Of the 55 private breeding lines nine line had a RI less than Forrest, three each from the Missouri (M), Clemson (C), and USDA US) programs (S01-9265 (M), S01-9364 (M), JTN-5503 (US), SC98-1930 (C), JTN-5303 (US), S01-9391 (M), JTN-5203 (US), SC03-9153 (C), and Motte, whereas nine more had a RI of less than 2 times that of Forrest, Eight from Clemson (SC03-045, SC01-783A, SANTEE, SC01-819, SC03-9438, SC03-9093, SC03-9383, SC01-809, SC02-208) and one from Arkansas (A7R01-4747). IL - In collaboration with Dr. Ted Hymowitz, 499 accessions of the perennial soybeans G. argyrea, G. canescens, G. clandestia, G. curvata, G. cyrtoloba, G. dolichocarpa, G. falcata, G. latifolia, G. microphylla, G. pindanica, G. tabicina, and G. tomentella were evaluated for resistance to H. glycines HG Type 0 (Race 3). All species except C. curvata and G. pindanica had at least one accession that was immune to H. glycines. Glycine tomentella (accession PI 483218, 2n=78), which was immune to H. glycines, was used to introgress resistance into intersubgeneric hybrids of G. max (cv. Altona) and this G. tomentella accession. Fifty clones of the amphiploid hybrid lines (2n=118) resulting from this hybridization were challenged with H. glycines HG Type 0. All of the clones were immune to the nematode. MS - A soybean cyst population (host race 15) was used to inoculate soybean entries for their reaction to the soybean cyst nematode. The variety Hutcheson was included in the test to compare the relative susceptibility of each entry to a widely known soybean variety. One hundred seventy entries were examined in 2006. Eighty-five of the entries had an index of reproduction less than Hutcheson. Only three varieties (ANAND MGV, LONOAK MGV, RT5302n MGV) resulted in a reproductive factor less than 10% of Hutcheson. Two additional varieties (94B73 MGIV, HBK4944CX MGIV) resulted in a reproductive factor less than 20% of Hutchenson NC - Functional analyses to study the effects of secreted nematode parasitism gene products on host plant cells have included experiments designed to express each gene in plant tissues and to knockout these genes in the nematode to assess effects on infection. We have demonstrated that an expressed RKN parasitism gene (designated 16D10) can accelerate the growth of plant root cells and directly interact with a plant cell (SCARECROW) transcription factor. This evidence suggests that secretion of this 16D10 RKN gene product into host roots could function in forming the essential feeding sites for the nematode, as could many of the other RKN and SCN parasitism genes that we have isolated. Likewise, knockout of any of these genes could disrupt parasitism if the target gene was essential to maintain the parasitic interaction. We have completed the development of gene constructs to express double-stranded RNA to target nematode genes in plants to attempt to induce RNA interference (RNAi) of the target nematode gene in plants. Expression of RNAi to the RKN 16D10 gene in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana could completely inhibit RKN infection of the plants, rendering them resistant to the four major species of RKN. A collaboration continues with a university consortium to transform the RKN 16D10 and other nematode parasitism gene-RNAi constructs into cultivars of the crop species (that are the focus of this project) to provide novel genes for resistance to RKN and SCN. Two thousand four hundred conventional and five thousand four hundred roundup ready soybean plant-rows were grown in 2006. Seven hundred conventional and five hundred seventy roundup ready plant-rows were derived from populations segregating for nematode resistance. Eighty three plant-rows have been selected to be resistant to SCN races 2 and 5. Two hundred seventy four conventional plant-rows from maturity groups IV and V have been selected based on their agronomic appearance are being grown in yield trials in 2006. Several varieties or potential varieties showed tolerance to Columbia lance nematode at the Scotland Co. location including NC Roy, NC Raleigh, S76-L9, and N01-11777. The experiments will be repeated in 2007.(Koenning and Carter). (S.R. Koenning, A. Cardinal, J. W. Burton, and T. E. Carter). A soybean germplasm line, DS4SCN05, with broad resistance to soybean cyst nematode was jointly released by the USDA/ARS, North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. SC - Drs. Emerson Shipe and John Mueller have identified soybean germplasm with high levels of resistance to Meloidogyne incognita and Cercospora sojina. Several South Carolina breeding lines did not differ significantly from the resistant check cultivars for seed yield and root-knot nematode galling score. Eight S.C. lines showed no frogeye leaf spot symptoms. In greenhouse evaluations, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Robert Robbins (University of Arkansas), five S.C.experimental lines were found to have the same level of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis as Anand, the resistant standard. All S.C. lines in the studies mentioned above were also evaluated in non-infested fields at three locations in South Carolina and USDA Nurseries across the South. Breeding lines have been selected and advanced based on seed yield, agronomic performance, and nematode/disease resistance traits. The goal is to combine multiple-disease resistance traits with high yield potential in the absence of disease in the same cultivar. TN - We have identified several PIs which have resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) populations which reproduce on all sources of commercial germplasm and all indicator lines in the HG Type test. Populations LY1 was selected in the greenhouse and LY2 in the field by Lawrence Young in Jackson, TN. These two populations are resistant to different PIs. We have obtained an additional population from Kansas which also reproduces on commercially available germplasm and the HG Type test indicator lines. This population was placed on the 119 PIs which have documented resistance to SCN. Data analysis for this population is underway. Peanut: GA - In collaboration with Dr. Corley Holbrook (USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA), we completed our final year of yield testing on a peanut line (C724-19-15) with a high level of resistance to both the peanut root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria) and the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). Egg production and gall indices on C724-19-15 were similar to NemaTAM. Yields of C724-19-15 in a field site heavily infested with M. arenaria were 2112 lbs/A greater than GA Green, 3046 lbs/A greater than NemaTAM, and 894 lbs/A greater than a sister line C724-19-25 that has resistance to TSWV, but not nematode resistance. We plan to submit C724-19-15 for cultivar release in 2007. TX - Peanut germplasm with resistance to several diseases and root-knot nematodes, and which has a high ratio of oleic to linoleic fatty acids was advanced another general and field tests of yield potential has begun for several lines. OBJECTIVE 2: Development of marker-assisted selection systems for more efficient introgression of multiple resistance genes into agronomically superior crop genotypes. Cotton: GA - We collaborated with Dr. Peng Chee to identify DNA markers for a major QTL (on chromosome 11) and a minor QTL (on chromosome 7) for root-knot nematode resistance in cotton. We have begun fine mapping in the region with the major QTL to identify more tightly-linked flanking markers that can distinguish resistant and susceptible genotypes. OBJECTIVE 3: Deployment of resistance and tolerance to nematodes in sustainable cropping systems. Cotton: AL - Cotton cultivars were examined in south Alabama for tolerance to R. reniformis by planting with and without the nematicide Telone II. DPL 444BG/RR and DP 515BG/RR seed cotton yields were 5% greater without a nematicide in 2005 and 2006 under low rainfall and high temperature environmental conditions. Evaluations of poultry litter amendments on R. reniformis populations, soil borne bacterial populations, and seed cotton yields were conducted in greenhouse, microplots, and in field experiments. Results obtained from greenhouse tests indicate that poultry litter has an antagonistic effect on R. reniformis populations. House poultry litter produced 42% fewer R. reniformis vermiform life stages compared to its inorganic fertilizer equivalent. The application of house poultry litter reduced R. reniformis eggs per gram of root by 56%, while compost litter applications had 52% fewer compared to the inorganic fertilizer equivalents. Increases in bacterial populations were observed in the house poultry litter treatments in the greenhouse evaluations. At 30 and 60 DAP, the 2.0% rate of house litter continued to increase bacterial populations by 80% and 69% versus its inorganic fertilizer equivalent. Poultry litter applications in microplot and field trials reduced R. reniformis population development through the season. Numbers of nematodes were similar between the aldicarb control treatment and the poultry litter amendment at 2  5 tons per acre. An IPM rotation system of cotton and corn is often utilized for R. reniformis nematode management; however recently nematode populations have not declined during the corn cycle. Greenhouse trials indicated that of the 28 weed species tested, the majority of dicotyledonous weeds have the capability to serve as host to the reniform nematode while the monocotyledonous weeds did not. In microplot studies, corn growing in combination with selected weed species increases the R. reniformis populations. Weed densities in corn plots with only a pre-emergence herbicide application increase R. reniformis populations as compared to the weed-free treatments. AR  Corn is frequently grown in rotation with cotton. Seventy-three commercial corn hybrids and four resistant inbred lines were evaluated in greenhouse trials to assess their suitability as hosts for Meloidogyne incognita and to determine if useful levels of M. incognita resistance existed in any of them. In the first test, nematode reproduction factors (Rf = final nematode population/initial inoculum level) were <1.0 for two of the lines and five hybrids. The 14 hybrids with Rf <2.0, line Mp709 (Rf = 0.2), and the two hybrids with the highest reproduction in trial 1 were studied in a second trial. Meloidogyne incognita reproduction as measured by the number of eggs produced per gram (dry weight) of root tissue was low on the resistant line. Reproductive factors for the hybrids ranged from 46  233. Meloidogyne incognita were evaluated on Pioneer 31N28 (susceptible cultivar) and Mp712 (resistant line) in field microplots in 2006. Mp712 substantially suppressed M. incognita relative to the susceptible cultivar with only limited population density increase during the growing season. Seed yield, however, was low with the resistant line. GA - We concluded a field study with two locations to determine the cumulative effect of moderate resistance to M. incognita in cotton on nematode population density and yield loss when a moderately resistant genotype is employed continuously for three years. Root galling and nematode population densities in the soil were significantly lower, and percentage yield suppression was numerically lower, after moderately resistant cotton compared to the susceptible standard in both fields in all three years. The benefits appear to be slightly cumulative, but most of the effect occurs after the first year. LA - Dr. McGawley is continuing a project to evaluate variation in southern populations of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. In microplot trials, populations of the nematode from LA, MS and TX were more damaging to cultivars popular in LA and produced higher populations at harvest than did populations from GA, FL or HI. Survival and hatch of eggs of the nematode either in water or in soil was also greater for LA, MS and TX populations than for populations from GA, FL and HI. The efficacy of Agri-Terra, a promising new material from Cal-Agri Products, LLC, was evaluated on cotton against reniform nematode under field conditions at rates of 10, 15 and 20 GPA of a 1% solution. For the fourth consecutive year, yields in 2006 were increased significantly and populations of the nematode were reduced significantly. MS - Multitemporal spectral classification of the root-knot and reniform nematode using self-organized maps. Remotely sensed hyperspectral data was examined for use in detecting the root-knot and reniform nematodes on cotton. Reflectance of hyperspectral signatures was used as features for classification purposes. Overall classification accuracies varied from the upper 60s to lower 80 percent. Individual accuracies for the cotton plants affected by the reniform nematode were higher compared to that of the root-knot nematode. The use of map grid and U-matrix to visualize supervised SOM indicates there exists data clustering between samples affected by the two nematode species. Reniform nematode management with VRT equipment and site-specific applications. A fully working multi-modal variable rate applications system was developed. This system is capable of applying low volumes of liquid nematicides (Telone II) to georeferenced locations in the field corresponding to specific nematode classes. Target rates were attained within 1 second during volume changes at a ground speed of 6 mph. Soybean: MN - Surveys were conduced to determine the soybean cyst nematode races of 59 H. glycines populations collected in 1997 to 1998 and races and HG Types of 94 populations collected in 2002 from soybean fields across southern and central Minnesota. There was no noticeable change of frequencies of virulence phenotypes in response to the use of resistant cultivars during 1997 to 2002, and race 3 was the predominant in Minnesota. A greenhouse screening was conducted to determine the effect of growth and decomposition of 46 crops on population density of H. glycines. Sunn hemp most consistently showed the lowest numbers of eggs and cysts. As a group, legumes resulted in lower egg population densities than monocots, Brassica species, and other dicots. In a more detail study, sunn hemp, Illinois bundleflower, oilseed rape, perennial ryegrass, red clover, corn, and H. glycines-susceptible soybean were compared in their effects on H. glycines hatch, viability, and development in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. The results suggest that sunn hemp and red clover were the most effective rotation crops for managing H. glycines, and stimulating H. glycines egg hatch was the main mechanism involved in reducing the H. glycines population density. The effect of tillage on parasitism of H. glycines second-stage juvenile (J2) by the nematophagous fungi Hirsutella rhossiliensis and/or Hirsutella minnesotensis was investigated at four sites in Minnesota during 2002-2004. Tillage had no or limited effect on the percentages of parasitized J2. NC - Research to evaluate blends of SCN resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars was initiated in 2004 and continued in 2006. Delsoy 5710 was highly resistant to the race 5 population present at the Caswell research station, and Fowler and Anand were also resistant to this population. Resistant varieties yielded more than susceptible varieties, but the highest yield was for a blend of 70% Fowler and 30% Holladay in both 2005 and 2006. Lowest numbers of SCN were on resistant varieties but blends with a high proportion of either Delsoy 5710 or Fowler had lower SCN numbers than expected. There is a trend toward increasing SCN reproduction on Anand and Delsoy 5710, but not on Fowler. (Koenning). SC - Dr. Mueller evaluated ten commercial RR@ cultivars and eight S.C. elite RR@ breeding lines in maturity groups VII and VIII in nematode infested fields and also in a non-infested field at early and late planting dates. Data of yield performance from a Columbia lance nematode infested field as well as ratings on frogeye leaf spot are available. Also, there were differences among the 18 genotypes for gall ratings in a field infested with southern root-knot nematode. TN - A field study was conducted to evaluate whether combined use of a nematicide and host resistance would be an improved method for managing SCN. Data for the two year study indicated that host resistance had a bigger impact on end of season SCN egg population density than presence of the nematicide seed treatment. Vegetables: FL - Studies are being conducted to determine whether the MI-gene in tomato holds up when grown in polyethylene mulch covered beds during spring months in a Meloidogyne spp. infested field in Florida. Root-knot nematode resistant Crista grown in beds treated with Telone C35 at 35 and 26 gpa, methyl bromide at 350 lbs/a, and untreated had gall ratings of 0.03, 0.31, 0, and 1.2 (based on a 0 to 100 scale), respectively. Root-knot nematode susceptible Talladega grown in beds treated with Telone C35 at 35 and 26 gpa, methyl bromide at 350 lbs/a, and untreated had gall ratings of 13, 16, 2, and 77, respectively. However, marketable yield of Crista in untreated plots was reduced by half of that obtained in methyl bromide treated plots. This study will continue through 2008. LA - In vegetable field trials conducted in soil heavily infested with reniform nematode, overall yields of tomato and cucumber but not bell pepper were increased significantly in plots treated with 10 GPA of Agri-Terra. All fruit was graded according to commercial standards. Overall yield increases for tomato and cucumber resulted from significant increases in the Extra-Large and Large and Super-Select and Select categories, respectively.


  1. 1. Progress made in this research project to facilitate the development and use of nematode-resistant crop cultivars for nematode management in agriculture will reduce the estimated $80 billion in world crop losses due to nematode damage each year. The use of resistant cultivars will lower the quantity of nematicide needed to reduce nematode damage to crops, and thus, have a very positive influence on maintaining environmental quality. The return on investment in nematode-resistant crop cultivars will be realized in the marketplace as a safer and less expensive food and fiber supply for all members of society.
  2. 2. AL - Poultry litter amendments have an antagonistic effect on R. reniformis. However, composting the litter reduces the antagonism to the nematode.
  3. 3. FL - Root-knot nematode galling in a tomato cultivar with the MI-gene was very low relative to that in a susceptible tomato cultivar in a spring crop grown under black or aluminized metallic polyethylene mulch.
  4. 4. GA  In cotton, a marker (SSR marker CIR316) linked to root-knot nematode resistance genes was found on chromosome 11. Results from this study indicate that the marker CIR316 may replace the laborious greenhouse screening used in breeding programs to identify genotypes resistant to the southern root-knot nematode.
  5. 5. LA - Variation in pathogenicity and reproduction among populations of Rotylenchulus reniformis is a major obstacle to efforts to develop resistant crop cultivars.
  6. 6. MN - Several crops, such as sunn hemp and Illinois bundle flower, were identified as effective rotation crops of soybean for managing the soybean cyst nematode.
  7. 7. SC - Soybean germplasm with high level of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita has been identified.
  8. 8. TN - There was no advantage of a nematicide seed treatment in addition to host plant resistance for increasing soybean yield or reducing SCN egg population density.


Agudelo, P., R.T. Robbins, J.McD. Stewart, A. Bell, and A.F. Robinson. 2005. Histological Observations of Rotylenchulus reniformis on Gossypium longicalyx and Interspecific Cotton Hybrids. Journal of Nematology 37:444-447. Agudelo, P., S.A. Lewis, B.A. Fortnum. 2006. Comparison of methods for identification of Meloidogyne arenaria from field soil samples with mixed M. arenaria and M. incognita populations. Journal of Nematology 38: in press. Assunção, M. S., Atibalentja, N., and Noel, G. R. 2005. Soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, resistance genes in PI89.772 and PI209.332 soybean. Nematropica 34:165-181. Bauer, S., Hymowitz, T. and Noel, G. R.. 2005. Resistance of Gylcine max _ Glycine tomentella to Heterodera glycines. Nematropica 35:61-62. Baum, T.J., R.S. Hussey, and E.L. Davis. 2006. Root-knot and cyst nematode parasitism genes: the molecular basis of plant parasitism. Pp. 17-42 In: Setlow, J.K., ed. Genetic Engineering Volume 28, Springer. Boozer, R. V., K. S. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, Y. Feng, B. L. Freeman, and E. van Santen. 2006. Concurrent evaluation of reniform nematode and early season insect populations as influenced by enhanced degradation of aldicarb. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 12-19. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Bruce, J. M. and E. C. McGawley. 2006. Egg Biology, Reproduction and Ecology of Rotylenchulus Reniformis Isolates. Journal of Nematology 38: 264. Caceres, J. K. S. Lawrence, and G. W. Lawrence. 2006. Evaluation of commercial and experimental seed treatments on cotton stand in Alabama and Mississippi. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Vol 1: 66. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN. Carpenter, D., K. S. Lawrence, and T. V. Boozer. 2006. Efficacy of Abvermectin on Rotylenchulus reniformis nematode development of cotton in various soil types. Journal of Nematology 38:265-266. Chen, S.Y. 2006. 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