SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Lawrence, Kathy ( University Dickson, Don (  University of Florida Lawrence, Gary ( - Mississippi State University Koenning, Stephen ( North Carolina State University Eisenback, Jonathan ( - Virginia Polytechnic University Johnson, Charles ( -Virginia Polytechnic University Agudelo, Paula ( - Clemson University Robbins, Robert ( - University of Arkansas Kirkpatrick, Terrence ( - University of Arkansas Starr, James ( Texas A & M University Barker, Kenneth ( - North Carolina State University Eric Davis ( - North Carolina State University Timper, Patricia (ptimper@TIFTON.USDA.GOV) Lacewell, Ronald (  Texas A & M University, Administrative Advisor

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting: Minutes Multi-State Cooperative Research Projec S-1015 November 15  16, 2004 Brown Stone Hotel, Raleigh, NC Present: Patricia Timper, USDA /ARS, Georgia Don Dickson, Florida Jonathan Eisenback, Virginia Charles Johnson, Virginia, Steve Koenning North Carolina, Kathy Lawrence, Alabama, Gary Lawrence Mississippi, Terry Kirkpatrick and Robert Robbins, Arkansas, Paula Agudelo South Carolina, Jim Starr Texas, Ronald Lacewell, Texas Guests: Steven Rideout, Virginia, Ken Barker Retired, North Carolina, Weiman Ye NCDA & CS, Dr Robert Nichols, Director of Agricultural Research Projects for Cotton Incorporated Guest Speakers: Charles Opperman, David Byrd, and Eric Davis North Carolina Minutes: Dr. Steve Koenning of North Carolina State University called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and welcomed all attendees to the meeting. Drs. Roger Crickenberger and James Moyer, Associate CALS Dean and Head of Department of Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University, spoke about the long tradition of the committee, its importance and connection to NCSU. Dr. Robert Nichols, Director of Agricultural Research Projects for Cotton Incorporated, expressed his continuing interest in the activities of the committee and its importance to the cotton industry in the United States. Dr. Ron Lacewell, our Administrative Advisor, made a few announcements. He mentioned that Dr. Mike Fitzner, our USDA CSREES advisor, was unable to attend our meeting. Dr Lacewell then provided words of guidance to help increase our acceptance as a multistate research group. Our project like all others is continually being reviewed. He stressed the need to include important impact statements and if possible include information on stakeholders and their input to the group in terms of support. Invited speakers Drs. David Byrd, Charles Opperman, and Erik Davis provided reports on their nematology programs at NCSU and updated us on the latest findings from their research. After lunch, state reports from Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Arkansas (2) were presented by Drs. Patricia Timper, Puala Agudelo, Steve Koenning, Bob Robbins and Terry Kirkpatrick respectively. The meeting resumed at 8:30 on Wednesday morning with state reports from Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia (2), Texas by Gary Lawrence, Kathy Lawrence, Jon Eisenbach, Chuck Johnson, and Jim Starr respectively. Dr Steve Koenning then called to order a short business meeting at approximately 11:00a.m. Ron Lacewell emphasized the need to include in our accomplishments a few major what if statements. Ron suggested that when we send our reports to Steve Koenning that we include support received from stakeholders. It was suggested that all reports be received by Nov. 29, 2005. Ron Lacewell will also send the necessary code to Steve in order to submit the report via e-mail. The minutes of the meeting will be attached to the annual report. Savanah, Georgia was identified as the 2006 meeting site and Patricia Timper was designated as the chair for this meeting. Patricia then invited everyone to attend the 2006 meeting which will be held in Raleigh, NC in the SRIPM center. The meeting date will be similar to this meeting, around November 17 and 18, 2006. Ron Lacewell suggested that we hold a workshop and a discussion ensued regarding possible speakers At the mention of no further business, Gary Lawrence asked for everyone to join him in expressing thanks to Steve Koenning for his performance in hosting an excellent 2004 meeting. The meeting Adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Dr Weiman Yei hosted a tour of the NCDA & CS Nematode Diagnostic Laboratory on Blue Ridge Rd in Raleigh.


Accomplishments: Objective 1: Identification, characterization and introgression of genes for resistance and tolerance to nematodes into cotton, peanut, soybean and major fruit and vegetable crops. Cotton: AL - Transgenic and conventional cotton cultivars were examined in the greenhouse and two field locations for resistance and tolerance to R. reniformis. Greenhouse evaluations of 52 cotton cultivars found all cotton cultivars tested were susceptible to R. reniformis. Reproductive factors (Rf) ranged from a high of 59.4 to a low of 4.1. The cultivars SG 105, DP 543 BGII/RR, DP 445BG/RR, and FM 989 R exhibited the lowest 5% of the Rf values. Selected cotton cultivars were evaluated for tolerance to the reniform nematode in both north and south R. reniformis infested areas of Alabama. None of the cultivars evaluated were found to be tolerant to R. reniformis and able to maintain yield potential in both north and south Alabama locations. Results from both Alabama locations indicated that cultivars such as DP 451 BR, DPL 444BG/RR, DPL 445BG/RR, DPL 555 BG/RR and FM 991 BR, which are intolerant to R. reniformis, can be of economic value in R. reniformis infested fields. The initial greenhouse evaluation of the entire TX USDA germplasm collection for resistance to the reniform nematode is complete. Preliminary analysis of the data indicates a consistent trend between the number of vermiforms and eggs recovered at 60 days after planting. We have reevaluated those genotypes with the lowest R. reniformis numbers and fewest eggs produced. These were also compared to ten genotypes with the highest numbers of R. reniformis. MS - A field on the Mississippi State University Plant Science Research farm was identify as a location for establishing a long-term reniform nematode nursery. The purpose of the nursery is to provide a location in the southeast cotton belt available for cotton breeders to submit entries for germplasm evaluation. This will provide immediate and needed information on current varieties and provide a method of screening for potential new varieties and germplasm. The focus of the first year of this study was to establish a uniformly infested reniform nursery and then to conduct an initial study to examine the effect of the reniform nematode on selected cotton strains and varieties. The experiment was designed as a split plot in which whole plots were the addition of the nematicide Vapam and subplots were cotton varieties. Twenty-two selections were received and two standard varieties STV-474 and FM-958 were planted with four replications in a randomized complete block within the nematicide treated or untreated parts of the field. The addition of Vapam significantly lower reduced renifom nematode numbers averaged across all treated plots (11,050 reniform/500cc soil) 7 days after planting compared with the non-treated control (7031 reniform/500cc soil). Population numbers ranged from 4,257 to 10,256 reniform per 500cc soil with no significant difference between locations where the cotton entries were planted in the nematicide treated plots. We had a greater variation (P=0.05) in nematode numbers in the control plots with a range of 7805 to 16319 reniform per 500cc soil. Average cotton yields recovered in the non-Vapam treated control plots ranged from 471 to 762 lbs per acre with an average yield of 620.3. In the Vapam treated plots yields ranged from 541 to 822 lbs of lint with an average yield of 678.7.Our standard susceptible varieties suffered the greatest percent yield reduction in the non-Vapam treated controls compared to yields in the Vapam treated plots. Early analysis indicate that the addition of a nematicide such as Vapam may provide a more uniform distribution if the reniform nematode. This will provide a better baseline for at plant (Pi) nematode population numbers for comparing the cotton entries for their reaction to the reniform nematode. . However, non-uniformity in the non-nematicide treated control will provide a greater challenge. GA- Dr. Davis is continuing a project that was begun with a former University of Georgia cotton breeder, Dr. Lloyd May, in which resistance to the southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) is incorporated into elite cotton germplasm through serial backcrossing. Final selection for the highest level of nematode resistance will occur in 2006. Field selection for agronomic characteristics should be finished in 2008 with a germplasm release planned for 2009. A cultivar also may be developed from this project. AR - Co-infection of cotton seedlings by both T. basicola and M. incognita also appears to alter the effective range at which the pathogens cause damage, although this effect has been documented primarily under constant temperature conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil temperatures representative of the first 6-weeks of the growing season in southeastern Arkansas on each pathogen alone and on the interaction between them. A second objective was to determine the effect of M. incognita population densities on the severity of the seedling damage associated with this interaction. LA - Microplot studies were conducted to determine the effects of cotton (LA 887), soybean (Pioneer 96B21), and three endemic weed species, [morning glory-MG (Ipomoea purpurea), hemp sesbania-HS (Sesbania exaltata) and Johnson grass-LG (Sorghum halepense)], on reproduction of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniforms. Treatments were arranged as a RCB design with seven replications of seven treatments: 1) cotton or soybean alone; 2) MG alone; 3) JG alone; 4) HS alone; 5) cotton or soybean co-cultured with MG; 6) cotton or soybean co-cultured with JG; and 7) cotton or soybean co-cultured with HS. Over three trials/years, the co-culture of cotton with any of the three weed species suppressed reproduction of reniform nematode significantly. Reniform reproduction data for soybean over 2 years followed a trend similar to that observed for cotton. Intrapopulation pathogenicity tests using single egg mass (SEM) isolates of Rotylenchulus reniformis from TX and LA were conducted and repeated under greenhouse conditions. There were no significant differences in pathogenicity on LA887 cotton between SEM isolates and their original, parent populations from either geographic location. Interpopulation greenhouse studies with SEM isolates from seven different geographic locations (LA 1 & 2, TX, AK, MS, HI, and GA) , however, showed significant differences in reproduction and pathogenicity on cotton and tomato. NC - Work continued on identification and characterization of cotton tolerance to the Columbia lance (Hoplolaimus columbus) and sting nematode (Belonolaimus longicaudatus) . Two experiments were conducted in 2005 with six transgenic cotton cultivars. Tolerance to H. columbus is not related to tolerance to B. longicaudatus. An experiment concerning cotton rotation with corn, root-knot resistant soybean, and susceptible soybean was established in Lenoir Co. in 2002 and continued in 2005. This experiment is designed to have root-knot resistant and susceptible cultivars and run through 2009. Cotton grown in rotation with soybean yielded more than continuous cotton in both 2004 and 2005. Cotton cultivar ST 5599BR yielded 20% more than FM989BR when cotton was grown continuously, but final root-knot population densities on the two cultivars did not differ suggesting that ST5599BR may have some tolerance. Soybean: AR - Soybean cultivars (312 total) entered in the University of Arkansas Official Variety Test (OVT) for 2005 were evaluated for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita,and Heterodera glycines (races 2, 5, and 6). In addition, 214 of these cultivars plus several breeding lines were evaluated for host suitability to Rotylenchulus reniformis. The soybean cultivars and lines represented a range of maturity from early maturity group (MG) IV to late MG V. All results may be found at the following address: ratings 2005. SC - The objectives of the South Carolina Soybean Board funded projects are to (1) develop productive soybean cultivars for South Carolina, resistant to multiple species of nematodes (soybean cyst nematode, root-knot nematode, Columbia lance nematode, and reniform nematode), and (2) to evaluate commercially available glyphosate-tolerant soybean cultivars and elite glyphosate-tolerant S.C. soybean lines for resistance to multiple species of nematodes and naturally occurring diseases. Field evaluation of 29 genotypes for Meloidogyne incognita (galling and plant vigor) and incidence of frogeye leaf spot. Several South Carolina breeding lines did not differ from the resistant check cultivars for seed yield and galling score. In collaboration with Robert Robbins, University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR), ten South Carolina experimental lines were found to have the same or a better level of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis as Forrest, the resistant standard. Motte and Santee, cultivars released by Clemson University, were also included in the test as previously determined resistant cultivars. At Pee Dee Research & Education Center (Florence, SC), multiple soybean lines have been evaluated in the field for resistance to M. arenaria. Nine South Carolina lines have been identified that have greater or equal seed yield than the resistant cultivar Perrin. More than 900 soybean lines/year were evaluated in the greenhouse at Clemson University for resistance to Heterodera glycines. NC - -Functional analyses to study the effects of secreted nematode parasitism gene products on host plant cells have included experiments designed to express each gene in plant tissues and to knockout these genes in the nematode to assess effects on infection. We have demonstrated that one of the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) parasitism genes (designated SYV46) has a function similar to a plant gene called CLAVATA3 that controls the differentiation of plant cells. This evidence suggests that secretion of this SCN gene product into host roots could function in forming the essential feeding sites for the nematode, as could many of the other SCN parasitism genes that we have isolated. Likewise, knockout of any of these genes could disrupt parasitism if the target gene was essential to maintain the parasitic interaction. Thus year, we completed the development of gene constructs to express double-stranded RNA to target nematode genes in plants to attempt to induce RNA interference (RNAi) of the target nematode gene in plants. Primary transformed plants with the RNAi constructs to the target nematode genes will be tested for their effects on nematode parasitism in the coming year. These studies have potential to lead to the development of novel resistance genes to develop transgenic resistance to nematodes. A collaboration with a university consortium to transform these nematode-RNAi constructs into whole soybean plants has been established for these efforts against SCN (E.L. Davis). Materials obtained from a cooperative agreement with Dr. Pantalones program (UT) were screened for SCN resistance to races 1, 14, 5, and 4(2) by Dr. Koenning in previous years. Five conventional lines and one Roundup Ready line that were resistant or moderately resistant to races 2 and 4 had average yield in 2004 and were grown in yield tests in 2005. Most of the SCN resistant lines had below average yields in 2004 and were used as parents for the new crosses in 2005. Seven resistant to moderately resistant lines were grown in first year yield trials in 2005. Seven hundred conventional lines and 576 Roundup Ready lines from populations segregating for nematode resistance were planted in hills at three sites with high nematode populations of known races. Every ten hills a susceptible and a resistant parent were included. Four to five weeks after planting the plants were uprooted and roots were examined for the presence of cysts. Lines were scored resistant or susceptible by Dr. Koenning. Eighty three conventional lines and 42 Roundup Ready lines have been selected to be resistant to SCN races 2 and 5. Those lines will be re-screened in the winter in the greenhouse and grown in yield trials in 2006. Several F4 populations were grown in Clayton in 2005. Eight conventional populations and 5 Roundup Ready populations were segregating for SCN resistance. Individual plants will be harvested from these populations and plant-rows will be grown in Plymouth and screened for SCN resistance in 2006. New crosses were made in 2005. Two thousand four hundred conventional plant-rows were grown in Plymouth in 2005. Seven hundred conventional plant-rows were derived from populations segregating for nematode resistance. Eighty three plant-rows have been selected to be resistant to SCN races 2 and 5. Those lines will be re-screened in the greenhouse in the winter and grown in yield trials in 2006. Two hundred seventy four conventional plant-rows from maturity groups IV and V have been selected based on their agronomic appearance and will be grown in yield trials in 2006. Selections remain to be made for maturity groups VI and VII. Five thousand four hundred Roundup Ready plant-rows were grown in Plymouth in 2005. Five hundred seventy six Roundup Ready plant-rows were derived from populations segregating for nematode resistance. Forty two Roundup Ready plant-rows resistant to SCN races 2 and 5 were selected to be re-screened in the greenhouse in the winter and grown in yield trials in 2006. TN - Research in 2005 concentrated on the validity and flexibility of current soybean germplasm screening methodology. Several researchers at Midwestern Universities have screened public and private soybean germplasm against soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and found that under their conditions, the soybean-SCN reaction did not match published reactions. In some cases further investigation revealed that the soybean-SCN reaction reported did match the SCN population used by the original reporting entity. A regional study on the validation of SCN greenhouse screening methodology was completed in 2005. The eight private and public labs conducted a replicated blind screening of 100 soybean lines using one SCN population (Race 3) and each labs testing protocol and documented environmental conditions. At the end of the study the participating labs were provided with the published resistance reactions of the soybean lines and their particular correlation between the lab results and published reactions. Summary of the entire study is ongoing and will provide important information of the effects of variable temperature during the test, soil container size and composition, soil mix, inoculum level, and different geographic SCN populations with the same phenotype. Further research was conducted in Jackson on the effects of inoculum concentration on resistance reactions. The USDA Southern Uniform and Preliminary Soybean SCN Screening Test is conducted at Jackson. Seeds of Edamame-type soybean cultivars Beer Friend, Sapporo, and White Lion were germinated in vermiculite, then after two weeks transplanted into pots of soil containing juveniles and eggs of soybean cyst nematode (Hg, Heterodera glycines), root-knot nematode (Mi, Meloidogyne incognita), or reniform nematode (Rr Rotylenchulus reniformis), at rates of about 100 juveniles and eggs per 100 cubic centimeters of soil. A check cultivar, Essex, was similarly treated. After two weeks, root systems were harvested and stained to detect invasion and development. All cultivars were excellent hosts for Hg, with rapid development of males and juvenile females. Invasion and establishment of Mi was varaiable. Spindle-shaped galls were most pronounced on Beer Friend and frequently had adventitious branching. Galling was less noticeable on Sapporo and White Lion. Reniform nematode was not found in the roots of any of the cultivars, even the check, suggesting that the inoculum was of poor quality. MS - A soybean cyst population was collected from an infested soybean field located in Tippa county Mississippi. A host race study was established using the appropriate soybean PIs and varieties in the greenhouse and allowed to develop for 50 days. The specific race that was collected was identified as host race 15. Ten to fifteen varieties are included in separate trials to keep each test manageable. The test consists of 6 replications of each variety placed in a randomized complete block design. Therefore each test consisted of 66 to 96 experimental units. Each variety was inoculated with 2,500 eggs of the SCN. The tests ran for 50 days before harvest. At harvest the white females and mature cysts are extracted from each pot by hand and then enumerated using a stereomicroscope. The variety Hutcheson was included in the test to compare the relative susceptibility of each entry to a widely known soybean variety. The initial plants examined for each test are Hutcheson. If SCN development and reproduction is low on this variety the test is discarded and then re-established in the greenhouse. Six screening tests were established in 2004. Three of the tests were discarded due to poor reproduction. Results are presented on three successful tests. In test 1, SCN reproduction on the selected varieties ranged from 365 to 839 individuals per 500cc soil. Six of the varieties produced fewer cysts compared with Hutcheson. DK 3961 RR produced the fewest cysts, 364 cysts/500ccsoil. When compared as a percent of Hutcheson reproduction was 43.6 percent. All varieties were less susceptible than Hutcheson with a range of 44 to 94 percent reproduction. All varieties were susceptible to this population of the SCN. In test 2, SCN reproduction on the selected varieties ranged from 86 to 329 cysts per 500cc soil. None of the varieties produced fewer (P=0.05) cysts compared with Hutcheson. DPX 3940 produced the fewest cysts, 86 cysts/500cc soil. When compared as a percent of Hutcheson reproduction was 44 percent. Five varieties were less susceptible than Hutcheson with a range of 44 to 96 percent reproduction. SCN reproduction from five varieties was greater than Hutcheson with a range of 118 to 170 percent. All varieties were susceptible to this population of the SCN. In test 3, SCN reproduction on the selected varieties ranged from 71 to 1215 cysts per 500cc soil. One of the varieties produced fewer (P=0.05) cysts compared with Hutcheson. RT5302n produced the fewest cysts, 71-cysts/500cc soil. When compared as a percent of Hutcheson reproduction was 8.3 percent. Eleven varieties were less susceptible than Hutcheson with a range of 8.3 to 66.7 percent reproduction. SCN reproduction from four varieties was greater than Hutcheson with a range of 108.3 to 175.8 percent. Based on less than 10 percent reproduction on Hutchenson only RT5302n was resistant to this race 15 population of the SCN. Of the thirty-five varieties that were successfully screened in 2004, only one was considered to be resistant to the race15 of the soybean cysts nematode used in this study. Peanut GA - Dr. Timper in collaboration with Dr. Corley Holbrook (USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA) has identified peanut germplasm with a high level of resistance to both the peanut root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria) and the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus. Agronomic testing of this resistant material will be continued in 2006 and should result in a cultivar release in 2007. FL - Fifty peanut genotypes were tested in a peanut root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria) infested site for resistance to this nematode. Several of the genotypes showed a high degree resistance and should lead to cultivars that are acceptable for production in Florida and the southeastern United States. Vegetables FL - The root-knot nematode resistant MI gene in two tomato cultivars was evaluated for its ability to stand up to Florida spring and autumn soil temperatures in a production system of raised beds, full mulch covering, and drip irrigation. The degree of root-knot nematode galling of the two tomato cultivars with the MI gene was significantly less than on cultivars without the MI gene. OBJECTIVE 2: Development of marker-assisted selection systems for more efficient introgression of multiple resistance genes into agronomically superior crop genotypes. Peanut GA - In cooperation with Dr. Corley Holbrook (USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA) and Dr. Peggy Ozias-Akins (Univ. of Georgia, Tifton, GA), a new PCR-based marker 197/909 was developed to identify resistance to M. arenaria in peanut. When used with high throughput DNA extraction, this marker will be cost effective for screening for nematode resistance in peanut breeding programs. Cotton GA - Dr. Davis is collaborating with Dr. Peng Chee, University of Georgia molecular plant breeder, to develop molecular markers for the genes conferring resistance to M. incognita in cotton. RFLP markers have been used to identify two chromosomal regions that are highly correlated to resistance. This information will be used to develop PCR-based markers that can be used by cotton breeders. OBJECTIVE 3: Deployment of resistance and tolerance to nematodes in sustainable cropping systems. Cotton AL - The effect of tillage and two experimental nematicides on Meloidogyne incognita populations and cotton plant growth, development and yield were observed in a cotton trial conducted at the Auburn University, E. V. Smith Research Station, in 2003 and 2004. The plot area had been a tillage cover crop test for the previous 10 years. The two tillage regimes were conventionally tilled or conservation tilled. Nematicide treatments consisted of an at plant application of aldicarb, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and a non-treated control. The numbers of thirps and the resulting insect damage index were reduced (P < 0.05) by all the nematicide treatments in both tillage regimes as compared to the control. Plants were taller (P < 0.05) in the no tillage plots as compared to the conventional tillage plots at 21 and 35 DAP. The numbers of M. incognita were reduced by all nematidices at 60 and 90 DAP in the conventional tillage plots. No reductions in numbers of nematodes were observed in the conservations tillage treatment. Gall ratings averaged 3.5 in conventional tillage plots as compared to 4.1 in conservation tillage plots; however, aldicarb reduced (P < 0.05) gall ratings when compared to thiamethoxam and imidacloprid. Seed cotton yield was increased (P < 0.05) by aldicarb under conventional tillage as compared to the experimentals and the control; however, under the conservation tillage system imidacloprid increased (P < 0.05) yields over all other treatments. Aldicarb degradation has been further explored in Alabama. Observations indicate that when aldicarb degrades rapidly reniform nematode and early season insect populations increase. To test this hypothesis we assessed these populations in eight cotton fields in northern Alabama and concurrently evaluated the degradation of aldicarb in those fields. Treatments consisted of aldicarb (Temik 15G) applied as a granular in-furrow at planting, avermectin (Avicta) seed treatment, and thiamethoxam (Cruiser) seed treatment. Plots were 8 rows by 100 m long arranged in a RCBD with 3 replications. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to measure the degradation of aldicarb and its metabolites. Reniform population levels were determined monthly fore each plot at each location. Plots were also evaluated for thrips, aphids, and mites at 3, 4, and 5 weeks after planting. HPLC indicated aldicarb degraded within 10 days in four of the eight soils. In three of these four soils, reniform populations were not reduced (P< 0.05) by aldicarb as compared to the thiamethoxam treatment. Similar results were found for thrips. In 3 of the 4 fields, no difference between the thiamethoxam and aldicarb treatments were observed as measured by total thrip adults and larve numbers. GA - Dr. Davis is conducting a study to determine the cumulative effect of moderate resistance to M. incognita in cotton on nematode population density and yield loss when a moderately resistant genotype is employed continuously for several years. Root galling and nematode population densities in the soil were significantly lower, and percentage yield suppression was numerically lower, after moderately resistant cotton compared to the susceptible standard in all years. The benefits appear to be cumulative, but most of the effect occurs after the first year. This study will be completed in 2006. NC - An experiment concerning cotton rotation with corn, root-knot resistant soybean, and susceptible soybean was established in Lenoir Co. in 2002 and continued in 2005. The field is infested with the southern root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. This experiment is designed to have root-knot resistant and susceptible cultivars and run through 2009. Cotton grown in rotation with soybean yielded more than continuous cotton in both 2003 and 2004. Cotton cultivar ST 5599BR yielded 20% more than FM989BR when cotton was grown continuously in this rotation, but final root-knot population densities on the two cultivars did not differ suggesting that ST5599BR may have some tolerance. A project evaluating the value of rotation for management of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis was initiated in 2005. Corn, peanut, cotton, reniform resistant, and susceptible soybean cultivars are included in the rotation which is intended to be continued through 2009. Soybean MN - A field experiment was carried out to evaluate alfalfa, red clover, and perennial ryegrass as cover crops interseeded in SCN-resistant and susceptible soybean, and rye planted after harvesting corn for their effects on SCN and soybean and corn yields in three sites in Minnesota in 2002-2005. Red clover and alfalfa reduced SCN population density, probably due to reduced soybean growth, but the effect was small and inconsistent. Perennial ryegrass did not affect SCN egg population density in most cases. No effect of rye was observed on SCN population as compared with fallow. The cover crops reduced soybean yield in some cases but not all. No difference in corn yield was observed at one site, but the cover crops reduced corn yield in some cases at the other two sites. The results suggest that a later planting date may be more appropriate for beneficial use of these cover crops in the soybean/corn rotation system in Minnesota. A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the effects of Hirsutella minnesotensis (an endoparasitic fungus) and N-Viro Soil (NVS, a recycled municipal biosolid) on five Meloidogyne hapla populations. Tomato seedlings were inoculated with either 0 or 600 eggs of each nematode population separately mixed with either 0 or 0.1 g fresh H. minnesotensis mycelium and 0 or 1 g of NVS/100 cm3 soil in pots containing 500 cm3 soil and maintained at 25C for 1 month. Hirsutella minnesotensis at 0.1 g reduced nematode number by 31-83% for individual nematode populations in one test, but only slightly reduced densities of two populations in another test. NVS reduced nematode number by 33-92% for individual populations in two repeated tests. The combination of the two agents resulted in greater nematode reduction compared with Hm alone, but not compared with NVS alone. Sixty soybean cultivars were evaluated for their resistance to the soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines) in five SCN-infested fields across southern and central Minnesota. Nematode population densities and soybean yields varied among the cultivars. Field plots were established in 2003 to evaluate the effect of rotation of SCN-resistance sources on SCN population development. The experiment was a split-plot design with tillage (no-till and conventional tillage) as main plot and cultivar sequence (12 combinations of cultivars with different sources of resistance) as sub-plot. The cultivars used were 92B13 (S1, susceptible), 92B38 (S2, susceptible), EX547RRN (R1, with PI88788 resistance source), 91M90 (R2, with Peking resistance source), and AR5084 (R3, with CystX (PI437654) resistance source). The cultivars 91M90 with Peking resistance source and AR5084 with PI437654 resistance source were better than the cultivar EX547RRN with PI88788 resistance source in lowering nematode population density. However, the cultivar with PI 88788 produced higher yield than the cultivar with Peking and the cultivar with PI437654 resistance sources. Sequence of soybean cultivars affected yield of SCN-susceptible cultivar, but not SCN-resistant cultivars. Conventional tillage produced higher yield than no-till in 2005. SC - Increasing effectiveness of soybean host resistance using improved nematode identification systems- USDA CSREES funded project. The objective of this project is to use a combination of global positioning systems and real-time PCR technologies to map root-knot nematode communities in soybean fields and examine relationships among species of root-knot nematode, yields, and soil type in order to design site-specific nematode control strategies, such as precision-planting resistant varieties. A real-time PCR assay to identify M. arenaria was developed (based on a species-specific sequence characterized amplified region, SCAR, marker). The assay was validated and compared with other identification methods. Primer specificity was confirmed by increase of the characteristic fluorescence signal for all the populations of M. arenaria tested, but not for other root-knot nematode species. This assay has the potential to be optimized and adapted for simultaneous detection and quantification of individuals in soil samples, and allows the use of portable real-time PCR devices for on-site field diagnosis. Phylogenetic relationships among Meloidogyne species based on ribosomal DNA sequences. The objectives of this project are to construct a more inclusive phylogeny of the genus Meloidogyne, and to examine the correspondence between morphology-based taxa and evolutionarily inferred entities.We have increased the number of root-knot nematode species included in the International Meloidogyne Project collection (donated by North Carolina State University to Clemson University) from 15 to over 50 species. We have initiated sequencing of a portion of the 18S rDNA gene and the D3 expansion region of the 26S rDNA gene for all the species in the collection. NC - Experiments with treated municipal sewer sludge for management of root-knot and soybean cyst nematode were established in 2002 and continued in 2005. A third project that focuses on the value of resistance to SCN was continued in Lenoir County. NC. A new study focusing on blends of SCN resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars for management of H. glycines was initiated in 2004 and continued in 2005. Resistant cultivars used are Delsoy 5710, Anand and Fowler.


  1. AL In Alabama, all commercial cotton varieties are susceptible the reniform nematode reducing yields by $55 to $275 per acre. The entire TX USDA germplasm collection had been screened for resistance to the reniform nematode and preliminary breeding has begun to develop resistant varieties. Aldicarb degradation if a problem in multiple cotton fields across the southeast. HPLC indicated aldicarb degraded within 10 days in four of the eight soils. In three of these four soils, reniform populations were not reduced (P< 0.05) by aldicarb as compared to the thiamethoxam treatment.
  2. FL Root-knot nematode resistant peanut cultivars will give producers a much better means of competing on the world market by dropping input cost for nematode management. The demonstration that the MI gene stands up under a Florida production system in both spring and fall trials will be a strong incentive for plant breeders to pursue incorporation of the MI gene in to more acceptable tomato cultivars for Florida production system.
  3. MN The information generated in these studies is essential for the management of the soybean cyst nematode and northern root-knot nematode in the Midwest. The data of soybean cultivar evaluation are provided to growers for selecting appropriate cultivars in managing the soybean cyst nematode. Biological control and cultural methods are needed for long-term effective control of the two nematodes.
  4. GA When used with high throughput DNA extraction, the new PCR-based molecular marker 197/909 will allow for rapid, cost-effective screening for nematode resistance in peanut breeding programs which should speed the development of new cultivars. Two chromosomal regions with strong linkage to root-knot nematode resistance in cotton have been identified, and this should allow development of PCR-based molecular markers for marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding programs.
  5. MS The reniform nursery will provide a location in the southeast cotton belt for cotton breeders to submit entries for early germplasm evaluations. This will provide immediate and needed information on current cotton varieties and provide a method of screening for potential new varieties. Screening soybean varieties for their reaction to SCN will give the soybean producers a means in which they can choose a specific variety to plant in their particular situation to maximize yields. Related projects: Hyperspectral imagery data will provide our agricultural producers with a cost efficient and reliable nematode population estimation tool that will replace the time consuming and high cost of ground sampling for nematode population levels.
  6. NC The value of the annual loss in soybean yield due to nematode damage in North Carolina alone is estimated at 12 million dollars US. Other North Carolina crops suffer yield losses on the order of five to ten percent annually. The use of resistant and (or) tolerant cultivars lowers the amount of soil applied pesticide needed to prevent nematode damage to crops. The reduction in the use of soil applied pesticides applied for nematode and associated fungal pathogen management have a positive impact on environmental quality.


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