- Project No. and Title: NCAC12 : Agricultural Economics
- Period
Covered: 11/01/2004
to 11/01/2005
- Date of
Report: 12/30/2005
- Annual Meeting
Dates: 10/27/2005
to 10/29/2005
J. Bruce Bullock bullockb@missouri.edu, University of Missouri; Steve Hanson hansons@msu.edu, Michigan State University; Arne Hallam ahallam@iastate.edu, Robert Hauser r-hauser@uiuc.edu, University of Illinois; Fen Hunt fhunt@csrees.usda.gov, USDA CSREES; Steven Kraft sekraft@siu.edu, Southern Illinois University; David Lambert dlambert@ndsu.nodak.edu, North Dakota State University; Administrative Advisor Marshall Martin marshallmartin@purdue.edu, Purdue University; Alan Randall randall.3@osu.edu, Ohio State University; Sally Thompson sallyt@purdue.edu, Purdue University; Lynn Robbins lrobbins@uky.edu University of Kentucky; Robert King, rking@umn.edu, University of Minnesota; reported in writing prior to the meeting.
The meeting took place as part of the national meeting of NAAEA, with the theme of Opportunities in Washington funding and beyond. Presentations and panel discussions addressed the topics of NSF Funding Opportunities and Joint Collaboration, Networking with other Disciplines, How to get Mileage Out of Successes, Collaboration with Natural Scientists, Encouraging Faculty Collaboration, the CFARE Grant Database, USDA/CSREES, Panel on Stakeholders and Partners in Washington, Panel Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges with Non-Traditional Hires, and Developments in High School Economics Curriculum and Opportunities to Participate. On the evening of October 27, Members participated in a reception in the Senate Russell Office Building to honor Senator Cochran and recognize other Washington-based economists.
NCA-12 met on the afternoon of October 28. Reports from the department heads present were followed by a report from the Committee's Administrator Advisor. State Reports included material on enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs; faculty news related to open positions, new hires, recent retirements, budget for the upcoming year; new departmental initiatives; and other relevant items. The committees Administrative Advisor discussed reporting requirements and the regional committees NCA-12 had to review. Members were asked to volunteer to serve as reviewers for the various committees. David Lambert was selected as the chair for the next year. Meeting was adjourned.
Committee members shared information relevant to the efficient administration of agricultural economics programs as well as criteria to be used in reviewing regional committees.