SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Tom Spreen, University of Florida, Dan McLemore, University of Tennessee, Jon Brandt, North Carolina State University, Jim Trapp, Oklahoma State University, Hoke Hill, Clemson University, Mark Cochran, University of Arkansas, Curtis Jolly, Auburn University, Jim Pease, Virginia Tech, Fred White, University of Georgia, Steve Turner, Mississippi State University, Mark Waller, Texas A&M University

Tom Spreen called the meeting to order and welcomed the attendees. Brief introductions were made and state reports were delivered. Several issues arose as matters of concern. One pertained to the lack of viable faculty candidates for economic and rural development positions. The discussion centered around the paucity of Ph.D. candidates with this specialization from traditional agricultural economics departments. A similar discussion arose about the farm management area. The next scheduled meeting of the Southern Regional Agricultural Economics Department Heads meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2006 in Orlando, FL. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the annual Southern Agriucltural Economics Association meeting.




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