SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


FL  AES (K. Koch); IA  AES (A.D. Knapp, S. Rodermel); IL  AES/ARS (F. Below, H. Bohnert, S.C. Huber, S. Long, A. Portis); KS  AES (A.K. Knapp); KY  AES (R. Houtz); MI  AES (W. Loescher, J. Preiss); MN  AES (R. Jones); MO  AES (D. Randall); NE  AES (R. Chollet, J. Markwell, R. Spreitzer); NV  AES (J. Cushman, J. Harper, R. Mittler); OR  AES (L. Daley); PA  AES (M. Guiltinan); SC  AES (B. Moore); WA  AES (G. Edwards, T. Okita); WI  AES (S. Duke)

Annual Meeting Date and Location: November 11-12, 2005 Florida AES host Reitz Union, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Attending Members: Dr. Robert Aiken Kansas AES Dr. Fred Below Illinois AES Dr. Raymond Chollet Nebraska AES Dr. Larry Daley Oregon AES Dr. Robert Houtz Kentucky AES Dr. Steven Huber Illinois USDA/ARS Dr. Robert Jones Minnesota AES Dr. Karen Koch Florida AES Dr. Wayne Loescher Michigan AES Dr. Gail McLean CSREES Representative Dr. Ronald Mittler Nevada AES Dr. Brandon Moore South Carolina AES Dr. Archie Portis Illinois USDA/ARS Dr. Jack Preiss Michigan AES Dr. Michael Salvucci Arizona USDA/ARS Dr. Robert Spreitzer Nebraska AES Additional Members Sending Reports: Dr. Hans Bohnert Illinois AES Dr. Steve Long Illinois Dr. Doug Randall Missouri AES Dr. John Markwell Nebraska AES Dr. Jeff Harper Nevada AES Dr. John Cushman Nevada AES Dr. JC Jang Ohio AES Dr. Mark Guiltinan Pennsylvania AES Dr. Glenda Gillaspy Virginia AES Dr. Gerry Edwards Washington AES (retiring) Members Not Continuing: Dr. Thomas Marler Guam AES Dr. Gretchen Sassenrath-Cole Mississippi AES Dr. Donald Thompson Pennsylvania AES Attending Guests: Dr. Christoff Benning Prospective new member (Michigan AES) Dr. William Ogren Emeritus member Dr. George Bowes University of Florida The annual meeting of NC-1-142 was called to order by Dr. Karen Koch, Chair. Following a welcoming address and review of achievements by Dr. Mark McLellan (Director, Florida AES), each attending member gave a 20 min formal presentation of research progress. Each presentation was followed by a 5 min discussion period. Collaborative planning and discussions also occurred during breaks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as among early-arriving participants during dinner on the previous evening. Dr. Gail McLean (CSREES Representative) reviewed USDA-NRI funding opportunities and strategic goals. Prior to dinner, an informal mixer provided an opportunity to interact with additional faculty from the University of Florida (Drs. Kevin Folta, Don McCarty, Curtis Hannah, and Alice Harmon). The business meeting was called to order after the talks and before the evening mixer, and lasted approximately 50 min. Having reviewed Dr. Christoff Benning's research area (via his formal presentation) and curriculum vitae, the attending members voted unanimously to approve his participation as a new member of NC-1-142. A second potential new member (Dr. Lloyd Wilson, Texas AES) was also considered for membership. Following lengthy discussion by participating members and consideration of written comments from members not attending, the majority of members agreed that Dr. Lloyd's research in entomology would not address the objectives of NC-1-142. Discussion then focused on the lack of attendance at the annual meeting by several members. The Chair was charged with contacting those members who have failed to attend or provide annual reports (S. Duke, T. Marler, A. Knapp) to request that they either resign from the project or participate next year. With respect to the format of future meetings, the participating members agreed that (1) the chair will choose the location (university/AES vs. hub city) of the meeting and (2) non-member attendees at the annual meeting will be approved by a vote of the members prior to being invited to attend the meeting. Dr. Michael Salvucci was elected by unanimous vote to chair/host the 2008 annual meeting. It was agreed that the annual meeting will continue to be scheduled for the second weekend before Thanksgiving. Key discussions at the meeting Discussions centered on the collaborative research results outlined in the reports from the attending AES/ARS representatives, the evaluation of a visiting candidate for new membership, and the comments by Dr. McLean. The primary issues of the business meeting are enumerated above. Assigned responsibilities As decided by NC-1-142 participants, officers for next year will be Dr. Robert Houtz (Chair, Kentucky AES), Dr. Robert Spreitzer (Vice-Chair, Nebraska AES), and Dr. Michael Salvucci (Secretary, Arizona USDA/ARS).


Photosynthesis is the fundamental process that enables the synthesis of sugars and all other biomolecules required for plant growth. Photosynthesis uniquely integrates light, photochemistry, biochemical fixation of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and the utilization of inorganic nutrients to sustain and direct crop production under a variety of environmental conditions. This regional research project is an integrated cooperative program in which the expertise of AES and ARS investigators is applied to four aspects of the photosynthetic process. Objective 1: Photochemistry and the biogenesis of the photosynthetic apparatus. Objective 2: Photosynthetic capture and photorespiratory release of CO2. Objective 3: Mechanisms regulating photosynthate partitioning. Objective 4: Developmental and environmental limitations to photosynthesis. Objective 1: Photochemistry and the biogenesis of the photosynthetic apparatus. Cooperating AES and or ARS-USDA: IA (Rodermel), WA (Edwards, Okita) Analysis of photochemistry by chlorophyll fluorescence, and the function of cyclic electron flow (WA-AES [Edwards, Okita]) indicated that primary photochemical reactions could be enhanced by elevated rates of starch metabolism. The enhanced starch deposition was observed in Arabidopsis plants transformed to overexpress a large subunit of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase that was less sensitive to inhibition by inorganic phosphate. These plants also showed a 14 to 26% increase in starch turnover. An impact on primary photosynthetic reactions was also evident in almost all instances. Also, the transgenic plants had greater rates of CO2 assimilation, elevated O2 sensitivity, and grew more rapidly. Collectively, data indicated that increased capacity for starch metabolism led to higher photosynthetic capacity and reduced photosynthetic feedback, and this in turn resulted in higher net productivity. Work is in progress to test this relationship in rice as well. IA-AES (Rodermel) has been exploiting a number of vareigtaed utants with green-and-white sectored leaves to dissect the molecular and biochemical coordination between nuclear and plastid gene expression. He was on leave at the National Science Foundation in Washington D.C. this year and will be updating progress on this objective next year. Objective 2: Photosynthetic capture and respiratory release of CO2. Cooperating AES and.or ARS-USDA: AZ (Salvucci), IL (Portis), KY (Houtz), MO (Randall), NE (Chollet, Spreitzer), NV (Cushman), WA (Edwards, Okita) Together, AZ (Salvucci), IL (Portis), and NE (Spreitzer), have examined structural features mediating interaction between RuBISCO (a primary enzyme of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation) and an enzyme mediating its activation. Mutant forms of the RuBISCO enzyme were generated and examined in Chlamydomonas by Spreitzer (NE). Then, in collaboration with Portis (IL), the mutants were used to further test which sites in the RuBISCO protein were most important for recognition by the activase enzyme. Mutant forms of RuBISCO in tobacco and spinach (Portis, IL) were also examined by Salvucci (AZ) for their specific capacity to interact with the activase. Still further collaborative work between Salvucci (AZ) and Moore (SC) addressed the potential effects of sugar sensing on the activase. The collective importance of this work lies in its potential to increase the activation and thus overall effectiveness of RuBISCO (an otherwise inefficient enzyme in vivo. Related work by Houtz (KY) addressed mechanisms of import, assembly, and processing of the RuBISCO enzyme in the chloroplast. His group has been identifying protein specificity determinants for key protein processing enzymes by utilizing alternative protein substrates. Results thus far have suggested that a number of alternative proteins can serve as substrates for the RuBISCO LSMT. Additional efforts by this group have shown that a Chloroplast-localized peptide deformylase (DEF) is essential to processing of numerous chloroplast proteins (such as assembly of PSII polypeptides). Their work has been furthered by newly available crystal structure that points toward a unique binding cleft for this function of the DEF protein. Complementary advances in regulation of photosynthetic enzymes have also been achieved by Chollet (NB) focusing on two different points of control. One of these is the PEPc enzyme (primary enzyme of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation for C-4 type plants and for anapleurotic reactions in multiple tissues), and another is a kinase (PpcK) that regulates PEPc enzymes. His group has approached both enzymes with a combined mutagenic and genomic approach. They have been able to define roles of different, closely related members of gene families, and for several of these proteins, they have also identified structural features critical to their function. Cushman (NV) is studying collective regulation of the enzymes above by focusing on an unusual type of photosynthesis that occurs only in succulent plants (CAM, or Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). His group has used Mesembryanthemum (the ice plant), in conjunction with a molecular-genetic approach, to identify genes that control collective regulation of photosynthetic enzymes. These regulatory mechanisms can control a switch from one mode of photosynthesis to another, so may offer novel approaches to biochemical modulation of photosynthesis. Finally, CO2 losses from plants can reduce their ultimate productivity, and a central point of regulation in this process has been studied by Randall (MO). His group has found that the pivotally-positioned, mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (mtPDC) can be regulated in a number of ways, and at least one of these is unique to plants. The plant mtPDC can be controlled by both kinase and phosphatase enzyme systems, but unlike mammalian PDC, appears to be regulated by a single phosphorylation site. Function of the relevant plant kinases and phosphatases has been initially dissected by Randall (MO) using a combination of mutational analyses and studies of expression patterns. Objective 3: Mechanisms regulating photosynthate partitioning. Cooperating AES and or ARS-USDA: FL (Koch), IA (Knapp, Rodermel), IL (Bohnert, Huber), MI (Preiss, Loescher), NE (Chollet), NV (Harper), PA (Guiltinan), SC (Moore), WA (Edwards, Okita), WI (Duke) Koch (FL) and Huber (IL) have collaboratively determined that the fate of photosynthate can be altered by subtle changes in key enzymes of sucrose metabolism, especially in grains (sucrose is the long-distance transport form for photosynthates in the majority of vascular plants). Sucrose synthase (a reversible enzyme that cleaves sucrose) can be up-regulated by alterations in its capacity to be phosphorylated at different sites on the protein, and data from transgenic plants expressing the different forms indicate altered extents of grain-fill and cell wall biosynthesis. Huber (IL) has further examined post-translational regulatory mechanisms for these sucrose synthases, and also for other enzymes central to partitioning of photosynthetic resources. In particular, the Huber (IL) and Moore (SC) groups have defined control mechanisms that involve protein longevity and influence of sugar sensing. They have focused much of this work on HXK (hexokinase) enzymes due to the central importance of these enzymes in sensing sugar availability, and in the sensitivity of both HXK and sugar sensing to NO. Regulation of sugar metabolism and sugar sensing has also been the central focus of the Jang (OH) and Moore (SC) programs. Using a combination of Arabidopsis mutants and microarray analyses, Jang (OH) has determined that bZIP genes may have central roles in sugar sensing. Sugar responsiveness was identified for up-stream elements and trans-acting factors. Moore (SC) has found that actin may be involved in linking mitochondrial sugar-sensing signals to nuclear responses. Photosynthate partitioning to starch has been the focal point of work by both the Guiltinen (PA) and Preiss (MI) labs. The Preiss group (MI) has examined phylogenetic relationships between genes encoding subunits of the ADPG pyrophosphorylase enzyme (catalyzing a rate-limiting step in starch biosynthesis) and suggests that the two subunits evolved from a common catalytic ancestor. The Guiltinan (PA) group has developed and studied maize lines carrying specific mutations of-, and a gene-dosage series for- SBE (starch branching enzyme). Differences in the quality and quantity of starch were evident, and are being further explored. Okita (WA), Edwards (WA), and Loescher (MI) have examined photosynthate partitioning to sugar-alcohols, not only because these are primary transport sugars in many species, but also because they can function as antioxidants. Loescher (MI) has found that genes for sorbitol production in apples are expressed most strongly during periods of rapid fruit growth in apples. They have also found that biosynthesis of the sugar alcohols is most extensive under stress conditions and imply potential for enhancing salt and drought tolerance. In collaborative efforts (WA + MI) greater photosynthetic tolerance to salt stress was observed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants engineered to produce manitol. Related sugar-alcohol work by Gilaspy (VA) focused on inositol (myo-inositol) and its conversion to pectic compounds, other sugar alcohols (ononitol, pinitol), and signal molecules (phosphatidylinositol phosphatases). Synthesis and catabolism of the inositol is regulated by three families of enzymes (MIPS, IMPs, and MIOXs) and the Gilaspy (VA) lab is beginning to dissect regulatory roles for each of them. Objective 4: Developmental and environmental limitations to photosynthesis. Cooperating AES and or ARS-USDA: AZ (Salvucci), IL (Below, Bohnert, Long), KS (Knapp), MI (Loescher), MN (Jones), NE (Markwell), NV (Cushman, Harper, Mittler), OR (Daley), WA (Edwards, Okita) Four NC-1-142 groups are addressing potential for enhanced stress tolerance of photosynthesis by examining phosphorylation-based regulatory signals (Harper [NV], Huber [IL], Cushman (NV), and Gilaspy [VA]). The Harper (NV) and Huber (IL) labs (individually and collaboratively) examined CDPKs (kinases that activate and inactivate other proteins) involved in responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Data indicated involvement of calcium signals, so further dissection of the CDPK roles is planned. Cushman (NV) studied protein-protein interactions to identify substrates of CDPKs that might mediate their influence on stress tolerance. They also identified cellular and sub-cellular sites where such interactions would occur. Gilaspy (VA) investigated the substrate preferences for a group of At5PTases (myo-inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases) that could potentially be altered to enhance stress tolerance. Work by Salvucci (AZ) addressed a potential means of enhancing heat tolerance of the photosynthetic process. His group identified a chloroplast protein that binds to RuBISCO (a primary enzyme of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in most plants), and has homology to heat shock proteins. This is consistent with a possible protective role for this protein that might aid stability of RuBISCO under heat stress. Thermotolerance was examined from a different direction by the Aiken (KS) group, who focused, instead, on cold stress. They have selected sorghum lines with elevated cold tolerance that could improve ultimate photosynthetic potential by allowing earlier planting. They have also found lines with altered leakage of CO2 from bundle-sheaths. The Below (IL) group worked on responses of different maize lines to low-nitrogen conditions. Data were consistent with the suggestion that asparagine levels could serve as an indicator of source-N status. Studies were geared toward ultimately enhancing conversion of photosynthetic products to harvestable yield under low-N conditions. Diverse stresses can result in metabolic alterations that include oxidative stress studied by Mittler (NV), or NADPH/NADP imbalance examined by Markwell (NE). Mittler (NE) has developed a transgenic Arabidopsis system that will produce excess oxidants when exposed to moderate levels of light. He will use these materials to further test means of protecting against this internal manifestation of stress. Markwell (NE) has found that leaves can utilize formate, possibly advantageous in adjusting NADPH/NADP ratios as well as providing a second source of CO2. Finally, the Bohnert (IL) and Long (IL) groups have pursued both drought and atmospheric stresses at levels from transgenic Arabidopsis to field-site alterations in CO2 and ozone levels. Bohnert (IL) has found that water transport by aquaporin proteins is also related to roles of aquaporins in vesicle movement within cells under stress. They have also identified a number of stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. In collaboration with the Long (IL) group, they have also profiled metabolite changes in field-grown plants exposed to different atmospheric stresses. Long (IL) and coworkers found that long-term elevation of CO2 significantly altered bacterial species in the soil, and did not increase ultimate crop yields as much as expected. They suggest that nitrogen limitations are likely to restrict yields and hotosynthetic rates as global CO2 levels rise. Ozone exposure had severe effects on photosynthesis and reduced yield by about 20%. Project Participant Plans for 2005-2006: Collaborations prominent in plans for the coming year include the following: Salvucci (AZ) and Portis (IL) will attempt to crystallize the enzyme that activates RuBISCO (the primary enzyme for photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in most plants). Spreitzer (NB) and Salvucci (AZ) will further examine interactions between this activase enzyme and RuBISCO using directed mutants of spinach and Chlamydomonas enzymes. Both Cushman (NV) and Randall (MO) will also use their newly-generated mutants for more in-depth analyses of enzyme regulation. Collaborative plans by Koch (FL) and Huber (IL) will target phenotypic and biochemical consequences of transgenic maize plants altered in their regulation of a key enzyme for sucrose metabolism (the reversible sucrose synthase). Huber (IL) and Moore (SC) have obtained transgenic Arabidopsis plants that will also further their investigations into the significance of NO to plant hexokinase regulation (and possibly sugar-sensing). Researchers studying phosphorylation-based regulation of stress responses (Harper [NV], Huber [IL], Cushman [NV], and Gilaspy [VA]) will coordinate investigations into transgenic Arabidopsis with altered stress responses. Related studies by individual AES are as follows: Salvucci (AZ) will examine effects of altered activase enzymes on tolerance of RuBISCO enzymes to both high- and low- temperatures, the former involving interactions with putative protective proteins. Portis (IL) will continue exploration of chloroplast transformation as a means of introducing specific alterations to the photosynthetic machinery. Jang (OH) will use chip-on-chip analyses to further elucidate roles of bZIP genes in sugar-sensing by plants. The Below (IL) group will integrate their metabolic profiling efforts with those of expression profiling and gene mapping to define metabolic pathways and genes that respond to low-N stress. The Bohnert (IL) and Long (IL) groups will continue their collaboration on the molecular and field responses to drought and atmospheric stresses (high CO2 and ozone).


  1. Work presented here addresses central aspects of US agriculture and especially demands for food, fiber, and bioenergy. Increases in quality and quantity of agricultural productivity will depend on new approaches to multiple aspects of primary productivity (photosynthesis), how these resources are utilized in the plant (partitioning to harvestable products), and how these processes can be maximized under adverse environmental conditions. Additional relevance of the work is in its importance to reducing global CO2 levels via photosynthetic activity, and in appraising crop responses to global change. The NC-1-142 group is uniquely poised to address these areas.
  2. Fundamental studies of processes controlling primary reactions of photosynthesis can lead to strategies for enhancing and/or stabilizing their action. One of these (described in this year‘s report) indicates that transgenically enhanced capacity for starch deposition and turnover can increase photosynthetic rates by affecting initial photoreactions (evident through chlorophyll fluorescence and cyclic electron flow). Data thus far indicate that this change also translates into more rapid plant growth.
  3. Several approaches have been pursued for enhancing effectiveness of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. This has been a notoriously2. Several approaches have been pursued for enhancing effectiveness of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. This has been a notoriously difficult area, but successes include progress on chloroplast transformation and new approaches to engineering the RuBISCO enzyme. difficult area, but successes include progress on chloroplast transformation and new approaches to engineering the RuBISCO enzyme.
  4. Progress on several fronts has advanced our understanding of how photosynthetic resources are partitioned between growth, development, and harvestable plant products. This year, for example, we have found that the extent and quality of photosynthate partitioning to cell wall biomass can be altered by subtly changing aspects of enzymes that metabolize sucrose (the long-distance transport sugar in plants).
  5. A formidable impediment to agricultural productivity in the US and elsewhere is the reduction in photosynthesis by environmental stresses. Results from this years efforts by the NC-1-142 group ranged from developing models for predicting extent of stress damage, to testing engineered plants with enhanced resistance to them. Of particular interest have been the gene networks regulating plant responses to stresses, so that these can be manipulated to aid resistance.


2005 NC-1-142 Refereed Publications Ainsworth EA, Long SP (2005) What have we learned from 15 years of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic review of the responses of photosynthesis, canopy. New Phytol165: 351-371 Ainsworth EA, Rogers A, Nelson R, Long SP (2004) Testing the "source-sink" hypothesis of down-regulation of photosynthesis in elevated CO2 in the field with single gene substitutions in Glycine max. Agricul Forest Meteorology 122: 85-94 Akhani H, Barroca J, Koteyeva N, Voznesenskaya E, Franceschi V, Edwards G, Ghaffari SM, Stichler W, Ziegler H (2005) Bienertia sinuspersici (Chenopodiaceae): a new species from SW Asia and discovery of a third terrestrial C4 plant without Kranz anatomy. Systematic Bot 30: 290-301 Amtmann A, Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA (2005) Abiotic stress and plant genome evolution: the search for new models. Plant Physiol 138: 127-130 Ballicora MA, Dubay JR, Devillers CH, Preiss J (2005) Resurrecting the ancestral enzymatic role of a modulatory subunit. J Biol Chem 280: 10189-10195 [Cited by J.B.C. as paper of the week (March 18, 2005 issue)] Barroca J, Murphy LR, Franceschi VR, Lee R, Roalson E, Edwards GE, Ku MS (2005) Diversification and plasticity of C4 photosynthetic pathway in Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). In van der Est A, Bruce D, eds, Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Springer, pp 646-648 Baxter I, Young JC, Armstrong G, Foster N, Bogenschutz N, Cordova T, Peer WA, Hazen SP, Murphy AS, Harper JF (2005) A plasma membrane H+-ATPase is required for the formation of proanthocyanidins in the seed coat endothelium of Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 2649-2654 Bernacchi CJ, Morgan PB, Ort DR, Long SP (2005) The growth of soybean under free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) stimulates photosynthesis while decreasing in vivo Rubisco capacity. Planta 220: 434-446 Bohnert HJ (2004) Functional genomics of plant salinity tolerance. In Leister D, ed, Functional Plant Genomics. Haworth Press, New York, pp 451-484 Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM (2005) Ion homeostasis and water deficit. In Ribaut JM, ed, Drought Tolerance in Cereals. Haworth Press, New York, In press Boxall SF, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, Hartwell J (2005) Circadian clock-associated genes CCA1/LHY, TOC1, ELF4, ZTL, FKF1, GI and ELF3 in the stress-inducible CAM plant M. crystallinum. Plant Physiol 137: 969-982 Boxall SF, Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, Hartwell J (2005) Conservation and divergence of the central circadian clock in the stress-inducible CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: clock operation in a CAM halophyte reveals clock compensation against abiotic stress. Plant Physiol 137: 969-982 Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ, Hasegawa PM (2005) Bioengineering for plant abiotic stress tolerance. In Nguyen H, Bohnert HJ, eds, Engineering of Plant Metabolic Pathways. Elsevier, Netherlands, In press Chiang YJ, Stushnoff C, McSay AE, Jones, ML, Bohnert HJ (2005) Overexpression of mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase increases mannitol production and enhances chilling tolerance in Petunia. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 130: 605-610 Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME (2004) Analyzing the impact of high temperature and CO2 on net photosynthesis: biochemical mechanisms, models and genomics. Field Crops Res 90: 75-85 Cruz JA, Avenson TJ, Kanazawa A, Takizawa K, Edwards GE, Kramer DM (2005) Plasticity in light reactions of photosynthesis for energy production and photoprotection. J Exp Bot. 56: 395-406 Cushman JC (2005) Crassulacean acid metabolism: recent advances and future opportunities. Functional Plant Biol 32: 375-380 Davey PA, Hunt S, Hymus GJ, DeLucia EH, Drake BG, Karnosky DF, Long SP (2004) Respiratory oxygen uptake is not decreased by an instantaneous elevation of CO2 , but is increased with long-term growth in the field at elevated CO2. Plant Physiol 134: 520-527 Davletova S, Rizhsky L, Liang H, Shengqiang Z, Oliver DJ, Coutu J, Shulaev V, Schlauch K, Mittler R (2005) Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 is a central component of the reactive oxygen gene network of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17: 268-281 Davletova S, Schlauch K, Coutu J, Mittler R (2005) The zinc-finger protein Zat12 plays a central role in reactive oxygen and abiotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 139: 847-856 Ehsan H, Ray WK, Phinney B, Wang X, Hube, SC, Clouse SD (2005) Interaction of Arabidopsis BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1 receptor kinase with a homolog of mammalian TGF-b receptor interacting protein. Plant J 43: 251-261 Eide D, Gehl M, Nair M, Gribskov M, Guerinot M, Harper JF (2005) Characterization of the yeast ionome; a genome-wide analysis of nutrient mineral and trace element homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genome Biol 6: R77 Ercetin ME, Gillaspy GE (2004) Molecular characterization of an Arabidopsis phospholipid-specific inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase. Plant Physiol 135: 938-946 Gao Z, Jayanty S, Beaudry R, Loescher W (2005) Watercore and sorbitol transporters in apple sink tissues: implications for fruit sugar accumulation and watercore development. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 130: 2:261-268 Gao Z, Loescher WH (2003) Expression of a celery mannose 6-phosphate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances salt tolerance and induces biosynthesis of both mannitol and a glucosyl-mannitol dimer. Plant Cell Environ 26: 275-283 Gao Z, Maurousset L, Lemoine R, Yoo S-D, van Nocker S, Loescher W (2003) Cloning, expression, and characterization of sorbitol transporters from developing sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) fruit and leaf sink tissues. Plant Physiol 131: 1566-1575 Gehrig HH, Wood J, Cushman MA, Virgo A, Cushman JC, Winter K (2005) Large gene family of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in the crassulacean acid metabolism plant Kalanchoe pinnata (Crassulaceae). Functional Plant Biol 32: 467-472 Gillaspy GE, Ercetin ME, Burnette RN (2004) Inositol metabolism in plant cells: a genomics perspective, In Hemantaranjan A, ed, Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 7. India, pp 145-158 Gong Q, Li P, Ma S, Rupassara SI, Bohnert HJ (2005) Stress adaptation competence in Arabidopsis thaliana and its extremophile relative Thellungiella halophila. Plant J, In press Harper JF, Harmon A (2005) Plants, symbiosis and parasites: a Ca2+-signalling connection. Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol 6: 555-566 Heaton E, Voigt T, Long SP (2004) A quantitative review comparing the yields of two candidate C-4 perennial biomass crops in relation to nitrogen, temperature and water. Biomass Bioenergy 27: 21-30 Hwang S-K, Salamone PR, Okita TW (2005) The higher plant ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase subunits modulate the regulatory and catalytic properties through their synergistic interactions. FEBS Lett 579: 983-9 Hwang S-K, Salamone PR, Kavakli H, Slattery CJ, Okita TW (2004) Rapid purification of the potato ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase by poly-histidine mediated chromatography. Protein Purif Express 38: 99-107 Ivanov B, Asada K, Kramer D, Edwards GE (2005) Characterization of photosynthetic electron transport in bundle sheath cells of maize. Ascorbate can effectively charge cyclic electron flow. Planta 220: 572-581 Jin X, Ballicora MA, Preiss J, Geiger JH(2005) Crystal structure of potato tuber ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Embo J 24: 694-704 Karkehabadi S, Taylor T C, Spreitzer RJ, Andersson I (2005) Altered intersubunit interactions in crystal structures of catalytically-compromised ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Biochemistry 44: 13-120 Karkehabadi S, Peddi SR, Anwaruzzaman M, Taylor TC, Cederlund A, Genkov T, Andersson I, Spreitzer RJ (2005) Chimeric small subunits influence catalysis without causing global conformational changes in the crystal structure of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Biochemistry 44: 9851-9861 Kim K, Portis AR Jr (2005) Temperature dependence of photosynthesis in Arabidopsis plants with modifications in Rubisco activase and membrane fluidity. Plant Cell Physiol 46: 522-530 Kim K, Portis AR Jr (2005) Kinetic analysis of the slow inactivation of Rubisco during catalysis: Effects of temperature, O2 and Mg++. Photosyn Res, In press Kore-eda S, Noake C, Ohishi M, Ohnishi J, Cushman JC (2005) Transcriptional regulation of organellar metabolite transporters during induction of crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Functional Plant Biol 32: 451-466 Kramer DM, Kanazawa A, Cruz JA, Ivanov B, Edwards GE (2005) The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer and its regulation. In Papageorgiou GC, Govindjee, eds, Chlorophyll a Fluorescence: A Signature of Photosynthesis. Springer, New York, NY. pp 251-278 Leakey ADB, Bernacchi CJ, Dohleman FG, Ort DR, Long SP (2004) Will photosynthesis of maize (Zea mays) in the US corn belt increase in future CO2 rich atmospheres? An analysis of diurnal courses of CO2 uptake under free-air concentration enrichment (FACE). Global Change Biol 10: 951-962 Li C, Salvucci ME, Portis AR Jr (2005) Two residues of Rubisco activase involved in recognition of the Rubisco substrate. J Biol Chem 280: 24864-24869 Li J-H, Guiltinan MJ, Thompson DB (2005) The use of laser differential interference contrast microscopy for the characterization of starch granule ring structure. Starch/Starke, In press Li P, Mane SP, Sioson AA, Heath LS, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2005) Effects of chronic ozone exposure on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and in Thellungiella halophila. Plant Cell Environ, In press Li P, Sioson AA, Mane SP, Ulanov A, Grothaus G, Heath LS, Murali TM, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2006) Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and Thellungiella halophila grown in FACE rings  Response diversity and signature genes in elevated CO2. Plant J, revised, submitted Loescher W, Johnson T, Beaudry R, Jayanty S (2005) Sorbitol transport, sorbitol, and watercore in apple cultivars differing in watercore susceptibility. HortScience 40: 993-994 Long SP, Ainsworth EA, Rogers A, Ort DR (2004) Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide: Plants face the future. 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Cambridge Publications, In press McCarty DR, Settles AM, Suzuki M, Tan BC, Latshaw S, Porch T, Robin K, Baier J, Avigne W T, Lai J, Messing J, Koch KE, Hannah LC (2005) Steady-state transposon mutagenesis in inbred maize. Plant J 44: 52-61 Mittler R (2005) Abiotic stress, the field environment and stress combination. Trends Plant Sci, In press Mittler R, Vanderauwera S, Gollery M, Van Breusegem F (2004) The reactive oxygen gene network of plants. Trends Plant Sci 9: 490-498 Miyazaki S, Fredricksen M, Hollis KC, Poroyko V, Shepley D, Galbraith DW, Long SP, Bohnert HJ (2004) Transcript expression profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under controlled conditions and open-air elevated concentrations of CO2 and of O3. Field Crops Res 90: 47-59 Morgan PB, Bernacchi CJ, Ort DR, Long SP (2004) An in vivo analysis of the effect of season-long open-air elevation of ozone to anticipated 2050 levels on photosynthesis in soybean. 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