SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NE2249 : Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Economic Development to Enhance Housing, Health, Entrepreneurship, and Equity
- Period Covered: 07/01/2023 to 04/30/2024
- Date of Report: 06/03/2024
- Annual Meeting Dates: 04/04/2024 to 04/06/2024
Steve Deller – University of Wisconsin-Madison Phil Watson – University of Idaho Ayoung Kim – Mississippi State University (outgoing president) Andrew Van Leuven – Oklahoma State University (current secretary, incoming president) Anders Van Sandt – University of Wyoming (current president) Nathan Palardy – University of Florida (incoming secretary) Craig Carpenter – Michigan State University Dayton Lambert – Oklahoma State University Stephan Goetz – Pennsylvania State University/NERCRD Zheng Tien– Pennsylvania State University/NERCRD John Halstead – University of New Hampshire
Andrew Van Leuven of Oklahoma State University was elected as the incoming president, and Nathan Palardy of University of Florida was elected secretary. Each participant gave a brief update about the work being done at their university and their collaborations related to NE 2249 with project members. After the updates, there was a discussion about opportunities going forward for the group. In the past this annual meeting has alternated between the Western and Southern Regional Science Associations, but due to the timing of these meetings, we will continue to follow the recent trend of meeting at the Southern Regional Science Association meeting. There was much discussion and notes of collaboration around a new county level establishment data source created by NE 2249 member, Phil Watson, called Tapestry. We will meet in Louisville, KY, for the 2025 Southern Regional Science Association Meeting. Two goals were established for FY 2025:
- Collaboration on research regarding “rural livability” and quality of life. Headed by Steve Deller and Tessa Conroy. Focus on the characteristics of rural communities—even those with population decline—that are “livable” and sustainable.
- Broader use of the “Tapestry” dataset that Phil Watson and collaborators constructed through NIFA grant funds. Tapestry includes several thorough, unsuppressed datasets that can help social scientists studying regional & rural development to better accomplish research goals.
Grant Awards
Anders, John, and Craig Wesley Carpenter. 2022-2024. “Can Education Fight Inherited Inequity? Using Administrative Data to Measure the Direct, Intergenerational, and Interactive Impacts of Redlining and Education.” Russell Sage Foundation. $170,881.
Bojinova, Emma, Cristina Connolly, and Jason Entsminger. 2023-2025. “Entrepreneurial Networks, Resource Access, and Performance of New England Small- and Medium-Sized Farms.” USDA/NIFA. $90,000.
Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2023-2025. “Identifying the effect of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility/purchasing-power policies on labor-market and health outcomes.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. $100,000.
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, John Anders, Marcus Bernard, Trey Malone, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2022-2026. “Documenting Discrimination and Researching Policy: Racial Inequality and Economic Opportunity in Rural America 1920-2020.” USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. $650,000.
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Charles Tolbert, Adam Ingrao, Rick Peterson. 2018-2024. “Leveraging Big Data to Investigate and Support ‘Vetrepreneurs.’” USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. $500,000.
Conroy and Deller, 2023. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. “Labor Market Equity and Entrepreneurial Outcomes for Disadvantaged Populations.” PIs: Tessa Conroy and Steven Deller. Duration: September 30, 2022 -- September 30, 2024. Amount: $20,000.
Cramer, Deller, Johnson, Kures, and Runge, 2023. Wisconsin Rural Partnership, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Rural Livability”. PI: Tessa Conroy, Co-PIs: Kathy Cramer, Steven Deller, Todd Johnson, Matt Kures and Kristin Runge. Duration: September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026. Amount: $1,200,000.
Davis, Elizabeth, Ann Bailey. Coordinated Evaluation of Minnesota's Child Care Assistance Payment Policies” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families. “$400,000 per year, 2023-2027.
Davis, Elizabeth, Aaron Sojourner, Gabrielle Pepin, Jonathan Borowsky. Washington Center for Equitable Growth. Novel Measurement of Childcare Customer and Worker Flows Enables Novel Evidence on Recent Supply-Side Subsidies. $70,000, 2023 – 2025 (with the Upjohn Institute).
Hofstedt and Deller, 2023. Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. “Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities (CEA-RWC).” PIs: Brandon Hofstedt and Steven Deller. Duration: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024. Amount: $150,000.
Hofstedt, Conroy, Deller, Kures, and Runge, 2023. Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. “Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship.” PIs: Brandon Hofstedt and Tessa Conroy, Co-PIs: Steven Deller, Matt Kures and Kristin Runge. Duration: November 1, 2022 – October 31, 2026. Amount: $1,000,000.
J.J. Green (PI), C. Johnson Gaither, A. Harri, Ayoung Kim, R.C. Smith, and R. Zabawa, "The Racial Wealth Gap, Persistent Poverty and Heirs’ Property: Analysis, Connections, and Solutions," USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), $499,997, 2021-2024
Lotspeich-Yadao, Michael, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Jennifer McCaffrey, and Caitlin Murray Kownacki. 2023-2025. “Using Journey-to-Work Data to More Accurately Contextualize Special Nutrition Assistance Program Eligibility/Participation Rates in Rural Areas.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. $99,919.
- Marufuzzaman (PI), H. Cho, V.G. Gude, Ayoung Kim, M.L. Tagert, and S.D. Yun, "Resilient Biomass-Combined Heat and Power Systems for Rural Communities," USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), $1,000,000, 2020−2024.
McCarl, Bruce, Chengcheng Fei, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Ronald Sands. 2022-2024. “Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Processing Facility Movement and Food Dollar.” USDA Economic Research Service. $75,000.
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar, 2023. Preferences or access: The effects of broadband internet on rural health outcomes (2023-2027), Sponsored by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), with Anaka Aiyar, Roni Dahir, Macy Helm, Katherine Lacy, Annie Lindsay, $649,988
Ochsner, Tyson, Audrey King, Saber Brasher, Jeremy Robinson, and Andrew J. Van Leuven. 2023-2027. Rural Confluence: Communities and Academic Partners Uniting to Drive Discovery and Build Capacity for Climate Resilience. NSF EPSCoR Track II, $3,716,507.
Park, H. June and Andrew J. Van Leuven. 2023-2025. The Oklahoma Rural E-Commerce Academy. U.S. Small Business Administration. $500,000.
Schmidt, Claudia, Lisa Chase, Stephan J. Goetz, and Stacy Tomas. 2020-2024. Creating an Effective Support System for Small and Medium-sized Farm Operators to Succeed in Agritourism. USDA NIFA. $498,051.
Skidmore, M., 2023. Measuring and Mapping Rural Inflation: USDA-NIFA-AFRI Co-PI/ $800,000/$199,968 (ongoing)
Stephens, Heather, Stephan J. Goetz, and Jason Entsminger. 2023-2026. Factors Affecting the Success of Female and Minority Entrepreneurs and Rural Economic Vitality. USDA NIFA. $649,915
Thilmany, D., L. Gwin and M. Sullins. Northwest Mountain Regional Food Business Center. Regional Food Business Center proposal to the USDA Ag Marketing Service. $30 million. With Oregon State, U of Idaho, Montana State, Washington State and U of Wyoming (including Van Sandt from NE2249). 2023-2028.
Van Leuven, Andrew J., Dayton M. Lambert, Tessa Conroy, and Kelsey L. Thomas. 2023-2024. Rural Bank Branch Closure. USDA ERS Resource & Rural Economics Division (RRED) cooperative agreement, $20,000.
Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Scott Loveridge, and Cris Meier. 2023-2027. “Responding to America’s Rural Health Challenge: Data-Driven Support for a Critical Era” USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. $649,943.
Wang, Hanpin (Ohio State University), Bonnie Brown (University of New Hampshire), John M. Halstead (University of New Hampshire). “Development and validation of Sustainable Aquaponics Model Systems to enhance resiliency of Urban, Indoor, and Emerging food systems.” USDA/NIFA. $385,581. 2023-2027.
Whitacre, Brian, Andrew Van Leuven, Jeff Sadler, Scott Frazier, and Rachel Schmitz. Measured and Perceived Impact of Medical Marijuana on Rural Life. Oklahoma State University’s Rural Renewal Initiative. $90,000. 2023-2025.
Whitacre, Brian. Library Telehealth Boxes in Persistent Poverty Rural Oklahoma Counties. Funded by Oklahoma State Department of Health. $150,000. 2023-2024.
Extension Programs
A. Bauman and D. Thilmany. GusNIP NTAE Nutrition Incentive Economic Impact Calculator. August 2023. Posted at: With funding and collaboration with The Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Center (NTAE), supported by Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Thilmany, D. Exploring Colorado’s Industry and Economic Opportunities. Presentation in Embrace Your Place Understanding Population & Economic Trends in Your Community Session. Downtown Colorado Inc. In the Game Conference. April 2023. Loveland CO.
Books and Book Chapters
Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Park, Sungho, Maher, Craig, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “The Impact of Fiscal Rules on Local Debt: Credit Ratings, Borrowing Costs, and Debt Levels.” In Craig L. Johnson, Tima M. Moldogaziev, Justin M. Ross (eds). Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
Book Review
Van Sandt, A. (2023). “Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Economic Development.” By Silvia Cerisola. 2019. pp. 208. ISBN: 978 1 78897 528 5. Growth & Change, 54(1), 346-347.
Journal Articles
Alfaro, F., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. New Public Transportation Infrastructure and Tax Delinquency in Shrinking Cities: The Case of Detroit. International Regional Science Review, 46(4), 410-427.
Alvayay Torrejon, C., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. “The Impact of Housing Demolition on Home Values: A Repeat Sales Approach”, Journal of Regional Science,
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Kristopher Deming, John Anders, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, Charles M. Tolbert, and Adam Ingrao. 2024. “Do Payday Lending Bans Protect or Constrain Regional Economies? Evidence from the Military Lending Act’s Final Rule.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 42(2), 319-335.
Conroy, Tessa, and Watson, Philip. 2023. "Overeducation, natural amenities, and entrepreneurship." Small Business Economics 61(3): 1111-1131.
Conroy, Tessa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “I Will Survive…but at What (Opportunity) Cost?: A Spatial Analysis of Business Survival and Jacobian Externalities.” Growth and Change. 54: 550-571.
Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Leatherman, J., Bjornestad, A., Zierl, L., Macy, K., Skidmore, M., Schallhorn, P., Dellifield, J., Esther, L. 2023. An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers, Journal of Agromedicine, 28:2, 127-135, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2058666
Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa, and Kures, Matthrew. 2023. “Immigration and Rates of Entrepreneurship in Large U.S. Communities.” Local Development & Society. 4(1):146-171.
Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Deng, Y., Skidmore, M. 2024. A Regional Analysis of the Impacts of Changes in Housing Values on Property Tax Assessment During and After the 2008 Financial Crisis. State and Local Government Review, 0(0).
Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.
Gallardo, Roberto and Brian Whitacre. 2024. An Unexpected Digital Divide? A Look at Internet Speeds and Socioeconomic Groups. Telecommunications Policy, 48(6): 102777.
Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, Zheng Tian, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “How Export Performance Is Mediated by Innovation, Owner Characteristics, and Location.” Economics Letters 237 (April):111657.
Han, Luyi, Zheng Tian, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “Testing Biasedness of Self-Reported Microbusiness Innovation in the Annual Business Survey.” Plos ONE, January.
Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2023. “Experimenting in the Cloud: The Digital Divide’s Impact on Innovation.” Telecommunications Policy 47 (7): 102578.
Hodges, Collin D. (PhD graduate), Heather M. Stephens, and Cara Sedney. 2023. “Individual and Community Characteristics of the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia.” Journal of Drug Issues.
Huang, Z., & Skidmore, M. 2023. The Impacts of Wildfires and Wildfire-induced Air Pollution on House Prices in the United States. Land Economics
Huang, Z., J. Lim, and M. Skidmore, 2024: The Impacts of Heat and Air Pollution on Mortality in the United States. Wea. Climate Soc., 16, 275–301,
Keeler, Zachary and Heather M. Stephens. 2023. “What matters for lagging regions? The role of self‐employment and industrial diversity in distressed areas.” Growth and Change. 54: 962-1101.
Kim, E. and A. Kim, and K. Nam, (Online in advance) Impacts of Demand and Supply-side Interventions on South Korea’s Housing Markets: a Dynamic Housing-CGE Analysis, Annals of Regional Science,
Kono, Melissa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “Rural Pharmacies: A Missing Piece of the Rural Health Care Milieu.” Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issu. Second Quarter.
Kures, Matthrew, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Growth in Commuting Patterns and their Impacts on Rural Workforce and Economic Development.” Economic Development Quarterly. 37(1): 54–63
Lee, Won Fy, Aaron Sojourner, Aaron, Elizabeth E. Davis & Jonathan Borowsky. 2024. Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital, forthcoming. Working paper version and brief available.
Lemos, Scott R. Jr., Tristan C. Price, and John M. Halstead. 2024. “Economic Valuation of PFAS Remediation in New Hampshire Municipal Drinking Water Systems: A Contingent Valuation Approach.” In press. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5998.
Loveridge, S. Alfaro, F. Paredes, D. Skidmore, M. Available Online At
Loveridge S, Skidmore M, Shupp R, Miller PK, Cuthbertson C, Goetz S. 2023. Rural US residents recognize anxiety better than urbanites and suburbanites but hold similar stigma. J Rural Health. 39: 860–869.
Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Mencken, Carson, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2023. “Bank on it: Do Local Banks Contribute to Rural Community Prosperity?” Rural Sociology, 88(3): 657-681.
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar and Lacy, Katherine, 2023. The Effects of California’s Restricted Medicaid Expansion on Undocumented Farm Workers. (working paper).
Palardy, N. and Matthew Sowcik. 2023. Aligning Land Grant Leadership Programs with the Needs Of Elected Officials through Extension: Perceptions, Priorities, and Participation among Florida County Commissioners. Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Palardy, N., M. Costanigro, J. Cannon, D. Thilmany, J. Berning, J. Bayham and J. Callaway. 2023. Beer Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores: A Glass Half-Full for Craft Brewers? Regional Studies.
Rhoades, Claudia, Brian Whitacre, and Alison Davis. 2023. Community Sociodemographics and Rural Hospital Survival. Journal of Rural Health, 39(3): 643-655.
Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. 2023. “Quantifying the Rural Legal Desert Problem: Assessing Access to Justice and Legal Services in Marginalized Communities.” South Dakota Law Review.
Schmidt, Claudia, Stephan J. Goetz, and Steven Deller. 2024. “Women Farmers and Community Well-Being Under Modeling Uncertainty.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, January.
Skidmore, M. 2023. “COVID-19 Illness and vaccination experiences in social circles affect vaccination decisions. Sci Pub Health Pol & Law (4): 208-226.
Skidmore, M. 2023 “COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions” in Palmer, M. et al. mRNA Vaccine Toxicity (free e-book) [Chapter 8], (Reprint)
Skidmore, M., Alfaro, F. (2024). Perceived Experience in Social Circles with COVID-19 Injections and COVID-19 “Vaccine” Mandates: An Online Survey of the United States Population. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 3, 1055-1084,
Staples, Aaron, Kristopher Deming, Trey Malone, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Stephan Weiler. 2024. “Pouring the Paycheck Protection Program into craft beer: PPP employment effects in service-intensive industries.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21, e00444.
Taylor, Raquel, Andrew J. Van Leuven, and Shane Robinson, 2023. “The Role of Community Capital in Rural Renewal.” Local Development & Society.
Van Leuven, Andrew J., Dayton M. Lambert, Tessa Conroy, and Kelsey L. Thomas. 2024. “Do ‘Banking Deserts’ Even Exist? Examining Access to Brick-and-Mortar Financial Institutions in the Continental US.” Applied Geography.
Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Charles Tolbert. 2023. “Decomposing Local Bank Impacts with Demand Thresholds.” The Annals of Regional Science, 70, 333-352.
Whitacre, Brian. 2024. The Fibre Broadband Housing Premium Across Three U.S. States. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 11(1): 38-62.
Extension Articles
Alvayay Torrejon, C., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Evaluating the Impact of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Detroit. (blog post and research report)
Browne, J., A. Kim, S.D. Yun, and B. Posadas, 2023, Economic Impacts of Bacterial Beach Closures on Mississippi Gulf Coast, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3949 (POD-11-23) Available at:
Boyce, M., A. Kim, R.C. Smith, and A. Barefield, 2023, Examining Gaps in Economic Well-Being in Mississippi, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3912 (POD-07-23)
Boyce, Mckenzie, Deller, Steven C. and Runge, Kristin. 2023. Willingness to Pay for Broadband Internet: A Case Study of Wisconsin. Studies Series No 8. Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin=-Madison.
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Tyler Augst, Harmony Fierke-Gmazel, Bradley Nuemann, and Richard Wooten. 2023. “Pursuing Antiracist Public Policy Education: An Example Connecting the Racist History of Housing Policy to Contemporary Inequity.” Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 2.
Connolly, C., R. Lopez, E. Bojinova, S. Krebbers, and C. Cusack. 2023. “An Assessment of Challenges Facing Connecticut Farmers in 2023”. Zwick Center Outreach Report. Available at:
Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Contributions of Veterans to the Wisconsin Economy." WIndicators. 6(1). Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.
Haddock, Tessa, Amy Hagerman, and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Mar. 2024. Drought Exposure and Crop Impacts in Oklahoma and Surrounding States, OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-635).
Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A. (2023). Wyoming Perceptions of Extreme Weather Events. CowCountry, Wyoming Stock Growers Association. 2023.
Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A., Hewlett, J. (2023). Calculation of Appropriate Risk Premiums for SCPP Enrollment. Prepared for Wyoming State Engineers Office. April, 2023.
Hirasuna, D., D. Thilmany, A. Muhammad, D. Fields, and S. Stefanou. 2023. Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession. Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Volume 5, Issue 2. Special Issue on Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Classrooms and Departments. Online at:
Hodge, T., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Real Estate Listings Are Missing 1 Important Cost for Buyers.” Detroit Free Press Op Ed:
McDermott, Mary, Conroy, Tessa and Matt Kures. 2023. "Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Strategies to Strengthen Businesses and the Economy." Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Park, H. June and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Aug. 2023. “Digital Retailing and Marketing: Tools for Rural Small Businesses Navigating the Digital Age.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-632).
Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Feb. 2024. “Confronting Legal Deserts in Rural America.” Southern Ag Today.
Skidmore, M. 2023. Interview with Brown University Political Review on the potential adoption of the split-rate property tax in Detroit:
Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Economic Development and Public Finance Training” (February 2023)
Skidmore, M., and Lu, Pei-Jyun. 2023. Report “Monthly Financial Information" (publication issued by the Korea Public Finance Information Service ( “Disaster Avoidance Behavior and Public Policy”
Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan County Government Survey: Services Provided to Local Government Summary Report” prepared for the Michigan Association of Counties
Van Leuven, Andrew J., Emily Norris, Dayton Lambert, Phil Kenkel, Hannah Shear, and Jeff Vitale. Feb. 2024. “The Economic Contribution of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-634).
Van Leuven, Andrew J. Dec. 2023. “More than Ever, Rural Communities Need Strong Third Places to Build Social Capital.” Southern Ag Today.
White, Mark C. and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Jul. 2023. “Changes in Farm Employment, 1969 to 2021.” farmdoc daily, 13(130).
Books and Book Chapters
Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Park, Sungho, Maher, Craig, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “The Impact of Fiscal Rules on Local Debt: Credit Ratings, Borrowing Costs, and Debt Levels.” In Craig L. Johnson, Tima M. Moldogaziev, Justin M. Ross (eds). Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
Book Review
Van Sandt, A. (2023). “Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Economic Development.” By Silvia Cerisola. 2019. pp. 208. ISBN: 978 1 78897 528 5. Growth & Change, 54(1), 346-347.
Journal Articles
Alfaro, F., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. New Public Transportation Infrastructure and Tax Delinquency in Shrinking Cities: The Case of Detroit. International Regional Science Review, 46(4), 410-427.
Alvayay Torrejon, C., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. “The Impact of Housing Demolition on Home Values: A Repeat Sales Approach”, Journal of Regional Science,
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Kristopher Deming, John Anders, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, Charles M. Tolbert, and Adam Ingrao. 2024. “Do Payday Lending Bans Protect or Constrain Regional Economies? Evidence from the Military Lending Act’s Final Rule.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 42(2), 319-335.
Conroy, Tessa, and Watson, Philip. 2023. "Overeducation, natural amenities, and entrepreneurship." Small Business Economics 61(3): 1111-1131.
Conroy, Tessa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “I Will Survive…but at What (Opportunity) Cost?: A Spatial Analysis of Business Survival and Jacobian Externalities.” Growth and Change. 54: 550-571.
Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Leatherman, J., Bjornestad, A., Zierl, L., Macy, K., Skidmore, M., Schallhorn, P., Dellifield, J., Esther, L. 2023. An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers, Journal of Agromedicine, 28:2, 127-135, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2058666
Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa, and Kures, Matthrew. 2023. “Immigration and Rates of Entrepreneurship in Large U.S. Communities.” Local Development & Society. 4(1):146-171.
Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Deng, Y., Skidmore, M. 2024. A Regional Analysis of the Impacts of Changes in Housing Values on Property Tax Assessment During and After the 2008 Financial Crisis. State and Local Government Review, 0(0).
Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.
Gallardo, Roberto and Brian Whitacre. 2024. An Unexpected Digital Divide? A Look at Internet Speeds and Socioeconomic Groups. Telecommunications Policy, 48(6): 102777.
Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, Zheng Tian, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “How Export Performance Is Mediated by Innovation, Owner Characteristics, and Location.” Economics Letters 237 (April):111657.
Han, Luyi, Zheng Tian, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “Testing Biasedness of Self-Reported Microbusiness Innovation in the Annual Business Survey.” Plos ONE, January.
Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2023. “Experimenting in the Cloud: The Digital Divide’s Impact on Innovation.” Telecommunications Policy 47 (7): 102578.
Hodges, Collin D. (PhD graduate), Heather M. Stephens, and Cara Sedney. 2023. “Individual and Community Characteristics of the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia.” Journal of Drug Issues.
Huang, Z., & Skidmore, M. 2023. The Impacts of Wildfires and Wildfire-induced Air Pollution on House Prices in the United States. Land Economics
Huang, Z., J. Lim, and M. Skidmore, 2024: The Impacts of Heat and Air Pollution on Mortality in the United States. Wea. Climate Soc., 16, 275–301,
Keeler, Zachary and Heather M. Stephens. 2023. “What matters for lagging regions? The role of self‐employment and industrial diversity in distressed areas.” Growth and Change. 54: 962-1101.
Kim, E. and A. Kim, and K. Nam, (Online in advance) Impacts of Demand and Supply-side Interventions on South Korea’s Housing Markets: a Dynamic Housing-CGE Analysis, Annals of Regional Science,
Kono, Melissa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “Rural Pharmacies: A Missing Piece of the Rural Health Care Milieu.” Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issu. Second Quarter.
Kures, Matthrew, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Growth in Commuting Patterns and their Impacts on Rural Workforce and Economic Development.” Economic Development Quarterly. 37(1): 54–63
Lee, Won Fy, Aaron Sojourner, Aaron, Elizabeth E. Davis & Jonathan Borowsky. 2024. Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital, forthcoming. Working paper version and brief available.
Lemos, Scott R. Jr., Tristan C. Price, and John M. Halstead. 2024. “Economic Valuation of PFAS Remediation in New Hampshire Municipal Drinking Water Systems: A Contingent Valuation Approach.” In press. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5998.
Loveridge, S. Alfaro, F. Paredes, D. Skidmore, M. Available Online At
Loveridge S, Skidmore M, Shupp R, Miller PK, Cuthbertson C, Goetz S. 2023. Rural US residents recognize anxiety better than urbanites and suburbanites but hold similar stigma. J Rural Health. 39: 860–869.
Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.
Mencken, Carson, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2023. “Bank on it: Do Local Banks Contribute to Rural Community Prosperity?” Rural Sociology, 88(3): 657-681.
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar and Lacy, Katherine, 2023. The Effects of California’s Restricted Medicaid Expansion on Undocumented Farm Workers. (working paper).
Palardy, N. and Matthew Sowcik. 2023. Aligning Land Grant Leadership Programs with the Needs Of Elected Officials through Extension: Perceptions, Priorities, and Participation among Florida County Commissioners. Advancements in Agricultural Development.
Palardy, N., M. Costanigro, J. Cannon, D. Thilmany, J. Berning, J. Bayham and J. Callaway. 2023. Beer Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores: A Glass Half-Full for Craft Brewers? Regional Studies.
Rhoades, Claudia, Brian Whitacre, and Alison Davis. 2023. Community Sociodemographics and Rural Hospital Survival. Journal of Rural Health, 39(3): 643-655.
Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. 2023. “Quantifying the Rural Legal Desert Problem: Assessing Access to Justice and Legal Services in Marginalized Communities.” South Dakota Law Review.
Schmidt, Claudia, Stephan J. Goetz, and Steven Deller. 2024. “Women Farmers and Community Well-Being Under Modeling Uncertainty.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, January.
Skidmore, M. 2023. “COVID-19 Illness and vaccination experiences in social circles affect vaccination decisions. Sci Pub Health Pol & Law (4): 208-226.
Skidmore, M. 2023 “COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions” in Palmer, M. et al. mRNA Vaccine Toxicity (free e-book) [Chapter 8], (Reprint)
Skidmore, M., Alfaro, F. (2024). Perceived Experience in Social Circles with COVID-19 Injections and COVID-19 “Vaccine” Mandates: An Online Survey of the United States Population. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 3, 1055-1084,
Staples, Aaron, Kristopher Deming, Trey Malone, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Stephan Weiler. 2024. “Pouring the Paycheck Protection Program into craft beer: PPP employment effects in service-intensive industries.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21, e00444.
Taylor, Raquel, Andrew J. Van Leuven, and Shane Robinson, 2023. “The Role of Community Capital in Rural Renewal.” Local Development & Society.
Van Leuven, Andrew J., Dayton M. Lambert, Tessa Conroy, and Kelsey L. Thomas. 2024. “Do ‘Banking Deserts’ Even Exist? Examining Access to Brick-and-Mortar Financial Institutions in the Continental US.” Applied Geography.
Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Charles Tolbert. 2023. “Decomposing Local Bank Impacts with Demand Thresholds.” The Annals of Regional Science, 70, 333-352.
Whitacre, Brian. 2024. The Fibre Broadband Housing Premium Across Three U.S. States. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 11(1): 38-62.
Extension Articles
Alvayay Torrejon, C., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Evaluating the Impact of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Detroit. (blog post and research report)
Browne, J., A. Kim, S.D. Yun, and B. Posadas, 2023, Economic Impacts of Bacterial Beach Closures on Mississippi Gulf Coast, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3949 (POD-11-23) Available at:
Boyce, M., A. Kim, R.C. Smith, and A. Barefield, 2023, Examining Gaps in Economic Well-Being in Mississippi, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3912 (POD-07-23)
Boyce, Mckenzie, Deller, Steven C. and Runge, Kristin. 2023. Willingness to Pay for Broadband Internet: A Case Study of Wisconsin. Studies Series No 8. Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin=-Madison.
Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Tyler Augst, Harmony Fierke-Gmazel, Bradley Nuemann, and Richard Wooten. 2023. “Pursuing Antiracist Public Policy Education: An Example Connecting the Racist History of Housing Policy to Contemporary Inequity.” Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 2.
Connolly, C., R. Lopez, E. Bojinova, S. Krebbers, and C. Cusack. 2023. “An Assessment of Challenges Facing Connecticut Farmers in 2023”. Zwick Center Outreach Report. Available at:
Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Contributions of Veterans to the Wisconsin Economy." WIndicators. 6(1). Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.
Haddock, Tessa, Amy Hagerman, and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Mar. 2024. Drought Exposure and Crop Impacts in Oklahoma and Surrounding States, OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-635).
Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A. (2023). Wyoming Perceptions of Extreme Weather Events. CowCountry, Wyoming Stock Growers Association. 2023.
Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A., Hewlett, J. (2023). Calculation of Appropriate Risk Premiums for SCPP Enrollment. Prepared for Wyoming State Engineers Office. April, 2023.
Hirasuna, D., D. Thilmany, A. Muhammad, D. Fields, and S. Stefanou. 2023. Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession. Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Volume 5, Issue 2. Special Issue on Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Classrooms and Departments. Online at:
Hodge, T., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Real Estate Listings Are Missing 1 Important Cost for Buyers.” Detroit Free Press Op Ed:
McDermott, Mary, Conroy, Tessa and Matt Kures. 2023. "Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Strategies to Strengthen Businesses and the Economy." Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Park, H. June and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Aug. 2023. “Digital Retailing and Marketing: Tools for Rural Small Businesses Navigating the Digital Age.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-632).
Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Feb. 2024. “Confronting Legal Deserts in Rural America.” Southern Ag Today.
Skidmore, M. 2023. Interview with Brown University Political Review on the potential adoption of the split-rate property tax in Detroit:
Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Economic Development and Public Finance Training” (February 2023)
Skidmore, M., and Lu, Pei-Jyun. 2023. Report “Monthly Financial Information" (publication issued by the Korea Public Finance Information Service ( “Disaster Avoidance Behavior and Public Policy”
Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan County Government Survey: Services Provided to Local Government Summary Report” prepared for the Michigan Association of Counties
Van Leuven, Andrew J., Emily Norris, Dayton Lambert, Phil Kenkel, Hannah Shear, and Jeff Vitale. Feb. 2024. “The Economic Contribution of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-634).
Van Leuven, Andrew J. Dec. 2023. “More than Ever, Rural Communities Need Strong Third Places to Build Social Capital.” Southern Ag Today.
White, Mark C. and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Jul. 2023. “Changes in Farm Employment, 1969 to 2021.” farmdoc daily, 13(130).