SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


In person attendees: Jeffrey Brecht <> - FL Angelos Deltsidis – GA Orestis Giannopoulos. - GA Eva Almenar - MI Amin Joodaky - MI Irwin Donis-Gonzales - CA Qingyang Wang <> - OR Emily Moyer, IFPA Max Teplistki, IFPA Drew McDonald, Taylor Farm Mehea Park, Visiting Scientist at USDA Beltsville, MD Online attendees: Scott Senseman <>, Project administrator, OK Jorge Fonseca <> - MD Yaguang Luo <> - MD Tianbao Yang <> - MD Regina O’Brien - MD Xuetong Fan <> - PA Anne Plotto <> - FL Jinhe Bai - ARS <> - FL Gabriela Olmedo <> - FL Amanda Deering <> - IN Byron Brehm-Stecher <> - IA Karin Albornoz - NC Keith Schneider <> - FL Marlee Trandel - AL Toktam Taghavi <> - VA Vijay Joshi - TX Alessandro Banterle, Univ. of Milan, Italy Non-attending participants also submitted a report: Nannapaneni, Rama ( - MS

Meeting minutes:

  1. Introduction:

Brief introduction by Jorge Fonseca. Approval of the 2022 minutes.


  1. Welcome from Administrative Advisor, Scott Senseman:

Scott Senseman congratulated the group for getting the new project accepted. This group is very productive in terms of accomplishments and publications. The current project is in its second year and will terminate in September 2027 (5-year projects). He encourages everyone to keep moving on research in Food Safety, Nutrition and Food Waste.

We have 60 days from the meeting date to submit the annual report for the group. Participants in this project S294 are encouraged to go to the NIMSS web site ( to register. Make sure to fill the Appendix E so the participant list can be updated. Do not hesitate to contact the administrator, Scott Senseman, if you have problems getting registered.

Note: An e-mail was sent by Jorge Fonseca on September 12th about the S294 project, with an attachment describing step-by-steps how to register.

  1. Support to research, NIFA funding opportunities, Jodi Williams

Presentation by Jodi Williams, NIFA, National Program Leader of the Food Safety Division.

Williams went through the various programs funded by NIFA under the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). She pointed out those that haven’t had many proposals recently, such as “Education and Workforce Development”. She recommended that under the AFRI programs, the “Sustainable Agricultural System (SAS”) program needs to be prepared well in advance to put together a team.

Programs under AFRI:

  • Food Safety and Defense funds: basic and applied research to reduce contaminants in food. Contaminants include heavy metals. Contact Jodi Williams for this program.
  • Novel Foods and Innovative Manufacturing Technologies to develop “risk-based approaches to ensure the quality and safety of novel foods” (contact Hongda Chen)
  • Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food Chain (contact Jodi Williams)
  • Nanotechnology for Agricultural Food Systems (contact Hongda Chen)


Other non AFRI programs:

  • Food Safety Outreach
  • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR): 10 topic areas, including food science, process and engineering
  • Equipment Grant Program: this program is limited to Universities and does not need to be tied to any research proposal.

The Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) is also a non-AFRI program ($80M). There are two phases in the application process, pre-application reviewed by industry members for relevance, and full application. “SCRI requires transdisciplinary, systems approach that integrates research and extension.”

Dr. Williams’ power point will be distributed to all S294 members.

  1. Consumer Behavior Towards Fresh-cut Produce in Europe, Alessandro Banterle

Dr. Banterle joined by zoom from the University of Milano, Italy, to present the state of fresh-cut consumption in Europe. The key points to take away were: convenience for meal preparation is still the main driver for purchasing fresh-cut produce, as well as the perception of health and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet.

The main challenge to industry is to maintain trust from the consumers, to provide a consistent product and a consistent message.


  1. International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) ongoing work / technology research needs, Max Teplitski

Max Teplitski, CSO IFPA, talked about industry challenges.

70% of food in the USA is lost or wasted. Please see his latest article in Current Opinion in Biotechnology

There is an anticipated ban on all plastic packaging in Europe, already started in the UK. IFPA is trying to work with regulators; however, there is no data to show the regulators the obvious fact that packaging prevents contaminations. Most published data show that packaging increases shelf life (quality aspects), but nothing about keeping the food safe. Dr. Teplitski is appealing to S294 members to find such data if they exist. Some companies already are developing packaging from other-than plastics.

Another question some industry members are considering: is it possible to reduce the carbon footprint using the reverse supply chain? If yes, at what stage in the supply chain should a package be returned?

IFPA is a 501.C3 Trade Association, they have lobbyists on staff.

Max Teplitski suggested that S294 members look at non-traditional opportunities for funding. The USDA Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs (TASC) provides assistance for specialty crops; it is not funded by the Farm Bill, but funded by ICCC, to address technical barriers to trade. He encourages S294 members to contact IFPA when they have an idea for a proposal.

IFPA also has a robust educational and outreach program. They organize weekly virtual townhalls attended by 200 people, podcasts, short courses, etc. They collaborate with universities to organize and finance short courses. Contact Doug Bohr or Megan Nash, Chief Education Officers.


  1. Public-Private collaboration, Drew McDonald, Taylor Farms

Drew McDonald listed 3 types of relationships between industry and academia:

  1. Endorsement: When the scientist asks for a letter of support from industry when writing a proposal. This is minimum collaboration.
  2. Active engagement: when the scientist makes an effort to understand the seasonality of the crop and time their research and communications accordingly.
  3. Active participation: when the farm or packing operation is part of the project, when they provide data. They can also provide a risk analysis with the new project.

McDonald emphasized that it is important to build long term relationships for future applications. Need to identify hazards so that research should focus more on prevention. He focused his talk on the fact that PIs need to understand the production operation in order to provide meaningful data.

  1. Food safety research needs and opportunities for engagement with global IFPA members, Emily Moyer, IFPA

Emily Moyer has been with IFPA for about 5 years. She is the VP of Regulatory Compliance and Global Food Safety Standards. She was here today because Gretchen Wall, Director of Food Safety and Quality, was unable to attend.  Also, Deon Mahoney is the Head of Food Safety for Australia and New Zealand.

The Food Safety Team’s goals are to advocate for science-based standards and policies.

There are 150 members on the Food Safety & Technology Council, and 4,400 members in the Food Safety group.

How do they engage in and support produce research: they can be reviewers, be on advisory committees, or collaborators in research projects.

The Food Safety Team facilitates connections between IFPA and academic researchers. They participate in the Center for Produce Safety Board of Directors and on technical committees.

Research needed:

Evolution of risks

              Climate/weather events – what are the risks on produce commodities

              Plant pathogens/pest damage; produce susceptibility to pathogen contamination

              Chemical hazards: heavy metals, PFAS

New and emerging pathogens, REP strains (reoccurring, emerging and persistent enteric bacterial strains)

Intersection of safety and quality

              Quality and safety indicators embedded in packaging

Iced produce


How to optimize defect tolerance to reduce economic loss and food waste

New technologies and growing methods

              Impact of new sustainable packaging and modified atmosphere packaging

              Controlled environment agriculture


IFPA engages with consumer associations such as Consumer Reports by making sure that what they publish is correct.

IFPA is not so much engaged in nutrition science as in nutrition policy.




  1. History of S294, Jeffrey Brecht, University of Florida

“S” was because the group originated from University of Georgia, in the Southern region. Funding is mostly provided to bring researchers together, not to fund research. The motivation for produce research came from a letter from Albertsons to its suppliers in 1998 saying “you will only sell produce to us if you have a food safety plan and submit to third-party audits of your plan”. S294 was established in 1999 and scientists met for the first time in 2000. The main goal was that it involved “cooperative, joined planned research” that has “national or regional priorities”. S294 scientists, which includes universities (Land Grant), USDA-ARS, other public and private sector and international scientists have historically met jointly with International Fresh-cut Processing Association (IFPA), United Fresh Produce Association (UFPA, a merger of IFPA and United Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Association) and now the new IFPA (a merger of United Fresh and the Produce Marketing Association).  

Brecht went through the 5 objectives and the list of participating universities, available on the NIMSS web site. Members are organized into two fields of expertise: microbiology/food safety, and postharvest physiology/biochemistry/quality. Examples of accomplishments include a project to enhance the microbial safety of fresh and fresh-cut melon, a joint project between UC, UF, UGA, and ARS-PA.



  1. Station reports:

Online attendees:

USDA Florida

Marlee Trandel (new member) - effect of LED lights on volatiles and nutritional components of selected microgreens

Gabriela Olmedo – Thymol essential oil vapors to control Penicillum digitatum and Lasiodiplodia theobromae (stem-end-rot) on grapefruit

Jinhe Bai - Active packaging to improve blueberry shelf life: clamshells with lower vent to reduce fruit dehydration and weight loss, and slow-release thymol vapors to reduce decay.


USDA Maryland

Yaguang Luo (Sunny) – use of LED to enhance salad nutrition with edible flowers. Light could stimulate flower production (e.g., snapdragon, marigold, mustard). Nutritional content of such salad mixes could be as high as in microgreens. Combined UV light with PAA treatment of water to reduce microbial contaminations of leafy greens.

Tianbao Yang – delaying browning of fresh cut lettuce

Bin Zhou – tested ultrasonic cutting system to efficiently harvest microgreens. Identify and optimize paper sensors responsive to VOCs to measure produce quality. Develop novel fresh-cut produce washing and disinfection technology.

Regina O’Brien – Using advanced imaging system, eye tracking and other consumer biometrics in sensory studies.


Clemson University: Karin Albornoz (new member) – Current research studying the relationship between internal ethylene levels at harvest and the postharvest performance of fresh-cut Brassica leafy greens


Purdue University: Amanda Deering (new member), extension & research appointment – studying microbial contamination, internalization and transport of human pathogens in the plant.


Virginia State University: Toktam Taghavi. Emphasis on reducing food waste. Project to optimize anthocyanin extraction from strawberries. Explore bacterial communities on strawberry fruit that could inhibit Botrytis cinerea growth. Quality of ginger and turmeric as affected by temperature and packaging.


Texas A&M University: Vijay Joshi (new member). Strategies to mitigate Salmonella in onion bulbs.


Iowa State University: Byron Brehm-Stecher presented for the Iowa State University group. Research areas include sample preparation methods to capture foodborne pathogens, rapid detection and identification techniques, natural antimicrobial systems, novel processing methods, sensory and quality analysis of fruits and vegetables. Example: Magnetic Ionic Liquids for sample preparation to aggregate and capture microbial pathogens.


In person attendees:

Michigan State School of Packaging

Eva Almenar: fresh produce packaging and food waste. Development of new packaging materials made from agricultural waste for produce packaging. Training of first generation Latino growers to improve product quality and safety using packaging among others.

Amin Joodaky: effect of transportation shock and vibration on apple shelf life (e.g. bruising)

University of Georgia

              Angelos Deltsidis: use of gaseous ozone. Tried on many fruit types. In general, lower O3 resulted in better fruit quality, except for onion. There is a killing zone for O3 that is detrimental to fruit quality.

Studied pitting incidence on cucumber; degreening of Satsuma mandarins; and cooling efficiency trials.

University of Florida

              Jeff Brecht presented the UF team: Tie Liu and Steve Sargent (Horticulture) and Keith Schneider and Charlie Sims (Food Science). Demonstrating the role of stress ethylene in banana chilling injury (CI) symptom development (JKB); Using hyperspectral imaging to detect internal CI in avocado (TL); Postharvest application of melatonin to lettuce retards pink rib (SAS); Lead Regional Coordination Center and the Southern Region Center for produce (KS).


Introducing new member: Qingyang Wang (Oregon State University)


10.   Planning on addressing the needs

Drew McDonald repeated the need to address Hazard Risks. We should conduct hypothesis risk-driven science.

Need to provide a collective summary of critical elements.


  1. Unfinished business

Planning the 2024 meeting in Atlanta – contact IFPA early, in February, to be more active participants.

Elect new secretary who will start in October 2024. Anne Plotto contacted Toktam Taghavi, who accepted. Will need to be voted at the next annual meeting.

Elect a vice chair to replace Anne Plotto: Jeff Brecht contacted Angelos Deltsidis, who accepted. Will need to be voted at the next annual meeting.

Other members may be nominated by the next annual meeting.

Eva Almenar and Byron Brehm-Stecher will organize several meting focused on produce safety and quality before our next meeting in Atlanta.


Objective 1. Evaluate methods of sampling and measuring flavor and nutrition of fresh-cut products to facilitate comparison to traditional shelf life factors:

Optimization of Extraction Solvents to Measure Strawberries Anthocyanin Yield, Color, and Profile. A total of nine organic and water-based solvents (methanol and chloroform: methanol, acetone, ethanol, water) and their combinations were compared to extract anthocyanins from freshly-pureed strawberries. Solvents changed anthocyanin yield, color parameters, and profile. The color parameters of a* values lower than 30, L* values higher than 85, hue angle more than 40, and chroma less than 30 indicated some color degradation in strawberry anthocyanins. Therefore, the best solvents for anthocyanin assessment were methanol and methanol: water. The second-best solvent was the pH differential buffers. Other solvents such as ethanol, chloroform: methanol, water, and water-based solvents extracted considerable amounts of anthocyanins; however, they showed some degree of color degradation, evidenced by the color parameters. Acetone did not yield a stable extract which degraded over 48 h of storage at 4 °C. The extraction solvent determined the main anthocyanin of the anthocyanins profile. Pelargonidin was the major anthocyanin in chloroform: methanol solvent, while delphinidin was dominant in all other solvents. (VSU)


Objective 2. Develop new strategies to improve and better maintain inherent fresh-cut product quality and nutrition:

Using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) +/- ethylene scrubbing to maintain the quality of advanced ripeness fruits. To address the issue of transport and temporary storage of ripe fruit, we have been investigating the application of appropriately designed MAP +/- ethylene scrubbing, either at higher than normal temperatures (tomato) or lower, normally chilling, temperatures (mango). (UF)

Efficacy of essential oils for maintaining postharvest quality and reducing decay of blueberry and peach fruits. Thyme oil and oregano oil are being evaluated for postharvest control of gray mold on blueberry and brown rot on peaches. Both effective and phytotoxic concentrations have been determined. The essential oils are more effective if applied at higher temperature, prior to cold storage, and do not have persistent aromas that could affect consumer satisfaction. (UF)

Evaluation of elite lettuce breeding lines in St. Johns County: Year 2 – Field performance, postharvest quality and shelf life. Using the Accelerated Shelf Life Test protocol, differences in postharvest quality and shelf life were determined for 10 lettuce cultivars and advanced breeding lines grown in open field or protected culture. (UF)

Efficacy of HarvestHoldTM technology for extending postharvest quality and shelf life of selected fresh vegetables. Plastic sheets were placed in shipping cartons to release 1-MCP during shipping and handling. Shelf life was extended up to 2 days, depending on the crop. (UF)

Developing Effective Pre- and Postharvest Methods to Control Diplodia Stem-end Rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae) and Reduce Mandatory Segregation of Fresh Florida Grapefruit Exports Arriving in Japan. Several fungicidal materials were tested pre-harvest on mature grapefruit trees to prevent post-harvest decay due to Diplodia stem-end rot (SER) caused by Lasiodiplodia spp. Two fungicides significantly reduced fruit decay, while an essential oil (thyme oil) had no effect. Post-harvest applications of gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) effectively reduced Diplodia SER on inoculated fruit; however, phytotoxicity was observed as peel injury when ClO2 doses exceeded 1 g per kilo of fruit. In the end, treatments of gaseous fast release CO2 in an enclosed chamber at a rate of 1 g per kilo of fruit and duration of 8 hours effectively controlled Diplodia SER in grapefruit. (UF & ARS FL)

Develop low calorie juice using winter melon and jicama roots. Winter melon and jicama roots are productive and have the advantage of storing up to 4 months without deterioration of the fruit/root. Processing methods to optimize flavor and nutritional content were established. (ARS FL)

Improving microgreen and tomato yield and quality by regulating LED light combinations. Blue and red lights are extensively used in controlled environment agriculture as light sources or supplementary lights. We have been focusing on additional lights to improve vegetable quality and enhance the tolerance of tomatoes to postharvest chilling injury. Our results indicate that green light can increase the yield of microgreens and enhance the volatile intensity in addition to blue and red light treatments. We will confirm if adding far-red light in the blue/red lighting growth chamber can enhance tolerance of tomatoes to postharvest chilling injury. (ARS FL)

Quality and shelf life of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) as affected by temperature and packaging. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) are grown as specialty crops and spices. Experiments were conducted to evaluate storage temperatures on chilling injury. In the first year, tubers stored at 4 °C had less water loss and fungal growth compared to room temperature. Differences in total soluble solids and titratable acidity were not significant between the two temperatures. In the second year, discoloration occurred due to the chilling injury to tubers. Cold storage reduced water loss significantly and paper bags and clamshells reduced fungal decay compared to the plastic ziploc bags. (VSU)

Packaging and household food waste intersections: facts and consumer awareness. Fresh whole fruits and vegetables are the top food category wasted in American households. Produce without packaging that spoiled before it was eaten was the largest fresh whole produce waste state. There is a need for packaging that extends produce shelf life to reduce American household food waste. Other conclusions can be found in upcoming publications. (MSU)

Turning agricultural waste into packages for food. Publication of literature review to identify gaps of knowledge. Use of different agricultural wastes that result in packaging materials with improved performance for food packaging applications. Obtention of a novel coupling agent from waste to improve properties of these novel materials. (MSU)

La Cosecha (The Harvest) 2020: Expanding the Success and Sustainability of Farming for Beginning Latino Farmers. Education and training for first- and next-generation Latino/a farmers in Michigan. Development and delivery of a workshop consisting of 4 sessions for blueberry growers. The workshop  was developed using the 2022 pre-assessment and post-assessment survey questionnaires. The 2023 pre-and post-assessment survey questionnaires were used to assess growers’ knowledge acquisition and changes in behavior. (MSU)

An optimization tool for the ventilation design of cold-chain food packages. The designs for ventilation cutouts in food and produce packaging were examined using mechanics-based models, the finite element method, experimental procedures, and machine learning techniques. Through the algorithms and tools developed, the enhanced ventilated package design meets the necessary ventilation requirements while maintaining superior compression strength. Consequently, this leads to a reduction in both packaging materials and produce waste. (MSU)

Apple damage in distribution cycle. Throughout the supply chain, apples experience various forms of damage. This research project is centered on examining the factors involved, with particular attention to the impacts of vibration levels and cushioning properties on apple damage. Currently, the project is in an early phase, and its findings have yet to be shared or published. (MSU)

Release Kinetics of 1-MCP from HarvestHold Fresh (HHF).   1-MCP accumulated to effective treatment levels in boxes of broccoli at all temperatures.  The 1-MCP released from HHF readily escapes from treated boxes.  More exposed boxes lose 1-MCP most rapidly. (MSU)

Evaluation of Alternative Atmosphere Treatments to Extend Shelf-life of Georgia-grown Blackberries. CA and gaseous ozone application have potential in retaining the shelf-life of Georgia grown blackberries. Further investigation is needed to evaluate the technologies and adapt them for farmer adoption. (UGA)

Evaluating the Suitability of Controlled Atmosphere Storage for New Pecan Varieties. Ongoing trial to study the effects of CA and hermetic sealed packages on the quality attributes of Georgia-grown shelled pecans. The study is currently underway with samples being evaluated every 3 months.  (UGA)

Online Training Series of Harvest Quality and Postharvest Handling of Small Fruits. Production of a series of short video trainings for agents, growers and other interested parties to improve the understanding of the appropriate handling methods for small fruits grown in the Southeast. (UGA)


Objective 3. Improve understanding of physiological mechanisms that affect fresh-cut product quality:

Flavor and taste on demand via dynamic application of LED light. Using basil as a model produce, we demonstrated the capability of modulating flavor of herbs via dynamic application of LED light. (USDA MD).

Application of eye tracking to understand attention to labeling in eCommerce: an observational study using apples. Using apples as a model, we demonstrated that consumer attention to quality information on a product webpage follows a general pattern; more attention is given to sensory descriptions when a product is unfamiliar. (USDA MD)

Visual quality evaluation of fresh-cut Romaine lettuce during post-processing storage as affected by “Forward Processing” and “Source Processing”. Fresh-cut Romaine lettuce processed via Forward Processing, processed closer to selling location, retained similar browning and decay visual quality scores over storage when images were compared to lettuce processed via Source Processing at the harvesting location. (USDA MD)

Further studies to reduce development of pink rib, a stress-related disorder in lettuce. Following the completion of CE Belisle's dissertation in 2022, a series of tests were conducted that validate the efficacy of postharvest application of melatonin to reduce development of lettuce pink rib disorder, which is related to stress, wounding, and over-maturity. (UF)

Identifying senescence-associated genes (SAGs) in broccoli and lettuce that have potential to be used as markers of freshness or physiological age. A number of genes have been identified that are expressed at different times during development of senescence. We are working to identify the most reliably expressed genes that are strictly identifying senescence stages as opposed to, for example, stress, ethylene, or CA/MA conditions. (UF)

Ethylene involvement in early chilling injury (CI) development of mature-green (MG) banana. We showed that ethylene is involved in early development of banana CI symptoms, including vascular browning and reduced quantum yield of chloroplast photosystem II [Y(II)] in the peel and lower peel and pulp aroma volatiles. 1-MCP-treated chilled fruit develop less vascular discoloration and higher Y(II) in the peel, less peel and pulp electrolyte leakage, and close to normal levels of volatiles in the peel and pulp. (UF)

Lipid Oxidation and Volatile Compounds of Almonds as Affected by Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide Treatment to Reduce Salmonella Populations. Gaseous chlorine dioxide at conditions that reduced a 4-log population of Salmonella increased lipid oxidation and the formation of many volatile flavor compounds that originate from lipids. In addition, several chlorine-containing compounds were formed in treated almonds, though most of them decreased to non-detectable levels during storage. The results may help the almond industry in deciding whether to apply the technology or not, in order to improve the safety of almonds.  (ARS PA)


Objective 4. Determine critical factors in controlled inoculation studies with human pathogens and surrogates that influence the outcome of quantitative microbial risk assessments:

Efficacy of Inline Application of Postharvest Sanitizers to Reduce Foodborne Pathogens from Cantaloupe Rinds and Extend Shelf-Life. A total of three different sanitizers were used in tandem, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and peroxyacetic acid, to determine if that had a better efficacy at killing human pathogenic bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium, and E. coli O157:H7, compared to just using one type of sanitizer as is often done in the fresh produce industry.  It was found that the combination of sanitizers had ~1 log better reduction of human pathogenic bacteria compared to using just one type of sanitizer.   We also are doing some shelf-life studies to see if using the combination of sanitizers helps to increase the shelf-life of eastern cantaloupes stored at both refrigeration and room temperatures. (Purdue)

Impact of the Growing Location on the Microbial Load of Different Varieties of Cantaloupes. Cantaloupes are perishable and susceptible to microbiological contamination during production, harvest, and distribution. Since cantaloupes are grown on the ground, preharvest safety concerns come from the bacterial load that they can harbor from the soil and the contamination with foodborne pathogens carried by irrigation water, manure-based fertilizers and wild animals. The study examined the microbial concentration of 8 different varieties of cantaloupes that were grown under greenhouse conditions in two different locations in Indiana. Escherichia coli was absent on all the cantaloupes rinds evaluated. Aerobic bacteria and coliforms concentration were found to be between 107 and 108 CFU/ml. For some varieties, location of production influenced the aerobic bacteria, yeast and mold concentration. In contrast, coliform concentration was found to not have a significant difference between varieties regardless of the growing location. Finally, it was found that there is a strong interrelationship among microorganisms (p-value <0.05). (Purdue)

Effect of heat-treated poultry pellets and poultry litter compost on the survival of E. coli in Florida and Georgia soils. The presence of organic amendments, i.e., BSAAOs, was shown to enhance the survival of pathogen surrogates in inoculated field trials. This study also demonstrated that these surrogates could transfer to root crops, potentially affecting consumer products. (UF)

Effects of water activity, ammonia, and Corynebacterium urealyticum on the survival of Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry litter microcosms. This project demonstrated that the breakdown of compounds such as urea and ammonia had a significant negative impact on pathogen survival; more so than indigenous microflora. (UF)

Biocide tolerant Listeria monocytogenes surviving in first and second generation QAC. Small colony variants of L. monocytogenes serotypes 1/2a and 4b were isolated after frequent exposure to first generation QAC, benzalkonium chloride (BAC), that exhibited a low-level tolerance to BAC versus parent strain. (Mississippi State U)

Biocide tolerant Salmonella Typhimurium surviving in first and second generation QAC. Rugose morphotypes of Salmonella strains were isolated after frequent exposure to first generation QAC, benzalkonium chloride (BAC), that tolerated higher BAC versus parent strain. (Mississippi State U)

Strategic approaches to mitigate Salmonella contamination of bulb onions. Transcriptomic (RNA-Seq) analysis of onion bulbs inoculated with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium showed significant upregulation of onion FFLS2 : Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine protein kinase involved in MAP kinase signaling relay involved in innate immunity. The gene is essential in the perception of flagellin22, a potent elicitor of the defense response. (Log2 5.7- fold upregulation), Upregulation of Rhoh: Respiratory burst oxidase- needed for accumulation of ROS intermediates (Log2 20-fold upregulation), upregulation of potential chitinase, - (Log2 3.7 fold upregulation) and upregulation pathogenesis-related protein 4 - (Log2 3.3 fold upregulation). Metabolite analysis using LC-MS of onion bulbs of three varieties (Carta Blanca- white; Red Label- Red, Dulciana- White) inoculated with Salmonella enterica showed significant variations across colors and upregulation of flavonols, specifically the quercetin derivatives. (Texas A&M)   


Objective 5. Development and validation of novel diagnostic methods to determine presence of human pathogens and chemical hazards associated with fresh and fresh-cut products:

Biocide tolerant Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella strains surviving in first and second generation QAC. This work will lead to methods for isolation and confirmation of persister cells and subpopulations of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella strains that tolerate commonly used disinfectants which may survive longer in some food processing environments. (Mississippi State U)

Detection of Culturable Bacteria in Greenhouse Grown Romaine Lettuce Using the Light Scattering Technology (BEAM). Technologies for rapid detection and identification of bacterial communities, especially for pathogens, are crucial for securing a safe food supply. The light-scattering technology (BEAM) incorporates the traditional culture-based approach as a part of the detection procedure and is an easier and faster method for detection and identification of bacteria based on the morphological characteristics of the colonies.  A light scatter pattern library was created based on the most common bacterial genera associated with different varieties of romaine lettuce with each scatter patterns being unique to each bacteria genera. However, scatter patterns obtained from the same bacterial colony was found to change depending on the incubation time due to changes in colony size and morphological characteristics. Therefore, the scatter patterns for the different bacterial genera were evaluated at 12, 21, 32 and 72 hours of incubation for fast, intermediate, medium and slow growth rates to create a library to be able to detect various bacteria using the BEAM technology. (Purdue)

Strategic approaches to mitigate Salmonella contamination of bulb onions. Survival of Salmonella in raw onion extracts differs across onion varieties with different colors, although Salmonella could not survive adequately in crude onion juices regardless of variety. The magnitude of the decline in Salmonella populations differs (Log reduction CFU/ml); over six hour storage was Red > Yellow > White. To understand the entry routes and internalization of Salmonella in onion, we used fluorescent strains of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Typhimurium (ATCC 14028GFP). The Salmonella was internalized and translocated from damaged roots, injured bulbs and leaves and remained active until 3 weeks of inoculations. (Texas A&M)   



  1. Developed the smart use of far-red light to produce nutritious edible mustard flowers; Performed pioneering research on nutrition and microbial profiles of CEA leafy greens; Developed hydrogels for microgreen growth on Earth and in simulated microgravity in space; Pioneering evaluation of food quality using Deep Learning Optimization; Identified and optimized paper sensors/E-nose responsive to VOCs characteristic of target fresh and fresh-cut produce quality, providing a tool for quality evaluation; Tested and optimized the design and development of harvesting device for microgreens; Evaluated and optimized In-flight washer. (USDA-MD)
  2. We have shown that stress ethylene plays a role in early chilling injury symptom development in banana fruit and that using 1-MCP to inhibit ethylene perception inhibits those symptoms. This could have important applications for fresh-cut tropical crops. (UF)
  3. Using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) analysis, we identified the spectra that correlated with areas of internal chilling injury in avocado. This implies that HSI has the potential to be used to monitor internal disorders of avocado and possibly other fruits prior to fresh-cut processing. (UF)
  4. Postharvest application of melatonin to lettuce retards development of pink rib disorder shows particular promise for fresh-cut lettuce processors. (UF)
  5. Served as the Lead Regional Coordination Center and the Southern Region Center for produce safety in the US for the past 5 years and were renewed for another 3 years to remain in this role, establishing Florida as one the nation’s leaders in produce safety. (UF)
  6. Released a classification of Citrus and related hybrids (Poncirus introgressed Citrus hybrids tolerant to Hunaglongbing (HLB), the devastating citrus greening disease) into orange-like and mandarin-like using sensory and chemical evaluation. Esters are the necessary volatile compounds that contribute to range flavor; Developed low calorie fruit juice from winter melon fruit by optimizing process technology; Contributed to the release of a new line of white-fruited strawberries, the pineberry, as well as release of strawberry cultivars adapted to Florida conditions by providing quality evaluation; Developed active clamshell packaging for berries; Demonstrated the impact of LED lights on flavor and nutritional quality of microgreens (ARS FL)
  7. Understood the potential link between disinfectant usage and occurrence of biocide-tolerant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella in food processing environments, which may lead to food safety risk. Understood the favorable conditions leading to the persistence of disinfectant tolerant strains of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella in some food processing environments. Demonstrated the potential for formation of low-level antibiotic tolerant strains of L. monocytogenes after exposure to first generation QAC, benzalkonium chloride, that may persist in some food production and food processing environments. (Mississippi State U)
  8. Education and outreach activities to improve Good Agricultural Practices for fruit and vegetable growers in Indiana. Developed postharvest sanitizers for the reduction of human pathogenic bacteria on fruits and vegetables. Opened the Purdue Food Safety Training Hub to teach sanitation of postharvest washing equipment for fruit and vegetables. (Purdue)
  9. Unraveled the effect of Salmonella on onion bulb chemical composition and metabolites using untargeted metabolomics and transcriptome. Studied the internalization of Salmonella into onion bulbs. (Texas A&M)
  10. We identified that methanol and methanol:water are the most efficient solvents to extract stable anthocyanins from for strawberries compared to methanol:chloroform, ethanol and acetone. Established optimum storage temperature (12 °C) and packaging (ventilated) for ginger and turmeric tubers. (VSU)
  11. Completed a survey that shows intersections between packaging and American household food waste. Research turning agricultural waste into packages for food. Education and training of first- and next-generation Latino/a farmers in Michigan. Demonstrated optimization of ventilation cutout designs for food and produce packaging sustainable designs using mechanics based models and Machine Learning. Showed at which levels apple damages occur in the distribution cycle. Measured the release kinetics of 1-MCP from Harvest Hold Fresh (HHF). (MSU)
  12. Establishing projects that respond to farmers’ need. Extension events to responds to regional and national needs. (UGA)


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