SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Vogel, Jason (, Univ. of Florida Carney, Tyler (, Univ. of Florida Kavanagh, Kathleen L (, Oregon State University Zamora, Diomides (, USDA-NIFA Moser, Lane (, Univ. of Minnesota Dockry, Mike (, Univ. of Minnesota Stein,Taylor Verne (, Univ. of Florida There were 25-30 additional attendees for whom I do not have contact information.

Our first meeting was an ‘interactive discussion’ session on Friday, October 27, 2023 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM at the Society of American Forester’s meeting.  The topic of the meeting was “Developing Research and Demonstration Networks to Address the Forest Management Issues of the 21st Century.

 Participants listed above spoke for 10-15 minutes with discussion from the audience. The focus of the discussion was the potential avenues for developing a national forest health monitoring network. We were also actively recruiting people to join the network.


Accomplishments: The primary goal of first year of the proposal has been focused on gathering information from the research community about what is needed in terms of research installations (described in detail below). A secondary goal was to recruit interested parties to the proposal. Our activities in the first year were focused on Objective 1 of the proposal “Climate change, forest monitoring, and forest resilience”.


Short-term Outcomes: Through a survey of scientists and professionals, we were able to assess interest in long-term research networks, and what should be the focus of the networks .


Outputs: The results from the survey were presented at the meeting.


Activities: The primary activity was the survey and the meeting at SAF. 


Milestones: Our milestones were to launch the survey, assess results, and connect these results with the larger scientific and professional community. The upcoming year we will publish the survey results and begin to focus on the research networks aspects / components of the survey identified as important by the community. We will also begin to engage the other objectives of the research.


  1. We are only beginning this project but feel like we have stimulated a productive discussion in the community.


None to report.

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