SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Fields, Jeb ( - Louisiana State University Abdi, Damon ( - Louisiana State University Arnold, Michael ( - Texas AgriLife Research Bowden, Anthony ( - University of Arkansas Knight, Patricia ( - Mississippi State University Miller, Brandon ( - University of Minnesota Ryals, Jenny ( - Mississippi State University Shreckhise, Jacob ( - USDA-ARS Witcher, Anthony ( - Tennessee State University

Dr. Anthony Bowden assumed role as president of SERA 27, with Ping Yu and Jenny Ryals elected to positions of Secretary and Executive Committee, respectively.

A recap of primary areas of concern pertaining to nursery and landscape plant health was conducted, with the late spring frost damages prominently mentioned. A discussion on sensitive plants, as well as what steps could be taken in each region was had. Plans for future studies regarding plant establishment research between multiple states was discussed.

Plans for 2024 meeting were discussed, with Hammond, LA offered as the location for 2024, with specific dates and agenda TBD.


Objective 1. Develop improved practices for monitoring, detection, and reducing negative effects of abiotic stress during ornamental crop production to reduce production times and increase product quality at the point-of-sale. 

USDA-ARS McMinnville (Dr. Jake Shreckhise) - Researchers in the USDA-ARS Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit (FNPRU) in TN are conducting research in collaboration with the USDA-ARS Application Technology Research Unit (Ohio) to evaluate the effects of container color (white vs. black) and irrigation schedule (once daily vs. three daily cycles) on root zone temperature, plant growth, nutrient use efficiency, and controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) longevity in container-based production. Results from experiments replicated concurrently in TN and OH indicate that producing red osier dogwood in white containers and/or under cyclic irrigation improves growth substantially while conserving applied fertilizer. In a separate study, the researchers investigated the effects of silicon fertilization on powdery mildew severity and aluminum toxicity in Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmer’ (bigleaf hydrangea). Preliminary results indicate that silicon fertilization of bigleaf hydrangea may reduce the severity of powdery mildew infection but has little to no effect on ameliorating aluminum toxicity of plants receiving aluminum sulfate.

Tennessee State University (Dr. Anthony Witcher) – The Nursery Production and Sustainability Lab (led by Dr. Witcher) conducted research evaluating physiological changes in dogwood due to drought stress, impacts of induced stress on flatheaded borer attacks in red maple, alternative substrates for nursery crop propagation and production.

Objective 2. Investigation of plant responses to abiotic stress factors associated with climate change and evaluation of methods (germplasm selection, biostimulants, cultural practices, etc.) to mitigate negative impacts on landscape plant establishment and performance. 

LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station (Drs. Damon Abdi, Jeb Fields) - Investigation into one of the most common components of a landscape contractor’s portfolio, mulching, was conducted in 2023. Four depths of pine straw mulch were compared for their capacity to moderate soil temperatures. This research was conducted at the Hammond Research Station, where soil plots had a soil temperature and moisture sensor installed beneath the surface, continually collecting data. Soil conditions were monitored from 14 February 2023 to 7 May 2023 to identify the effects of different pine straw depths on resistance to temperature extremes caused by the spring 2023 frost felt in south Louisiana.

USDA-ARS McMinnville (Dr. Jake Shreckhise) - Researchers in the USDA-ARS FNPRU in TN, in collaboration with Tennessee State University, concluded and published a 9-year study evaluating growth, flowering, disease susceptibility, and cold-hardiness of 24 cultivars and selections of Camellia sp. and hybrids. The cultivars ‘April Remembered’, ‘April Rose’, ‘Artic Snow’, ‘Ashton’s Ballet’, ‘Autumn Spirit’, and Survivor were among the least affected by winter low temperatures and flowered most dependably. Cultivar differences in resistance to Camellia Yellow Mottle Virus, monochaetia leaf spot (Monochaetia sp.), flower blight (Ciborinia camelliae), and flower spot (Botrytis cinerea) were reported.

University of Minnesota (Dr. Brandon Miller) - The Center for Winter Hardy Landscape Plants, based at the University of Minnesota, and led by Dr. Brandon Miller has worked collaboratively with Dr. Mary Meyer to synthesize over thirty years of landscape grass performance data collected at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (MLA). Dr. Miller has worked to use the living collections of the MLA to evaluate stress tolerances of different taxa representing unique genetics. A predictive tool, employing Vapor Pressure Osmometry, was utilized to evaluate multiple species of poplars and aspens with potential application in landscape settings (in prep). Similarly, Dr. Miller collaborated with the Morton Arboretum to utilize the same techniques for screening USDA-ARS GRIN germplasm collections of Cephalanthus occidentalis to predict drought tolerance (in prep). 

Objective 3. Evaluation of selected plant taxa at multiple trial locations over a 3- to 5-year period to determine performance and adaptability across the southeastern U.S. region and identify abiotic/biotic stressors that lead to reduced plant quality. 

LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station (Drs. Damon Abdi, Jeb Fields) - Studies conducted at the Hammond Research Station to improve plant performance and adaptability in the landscape include a crape myrtle establishment trial. This research initiated in spring of 2023, wherein crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica ‘Natchez’) were grown in containers for a production season before transplanting. Transplant treatments were designed to investigate root manipulation, where root-bound plants served as a control to be compared to three root manipulation treatments (slicing with a knife, chopping bottom of rootmass, and hand spreading roots prior to installation). These methods encompass commonly employed pre-plant modifications to the root system as suggested by stakeholders. Installed crape myrtles received identical water and fertilizer management practices, and were observed over the course of 2023. Crape myrtles are to remain under investigation for at least two growing seasons, prior to destructive harvest and assessment of root architecture. This endeavor seeks to develop the framework for multi-state evaluation of plant establishment methods, wherein simultaneously conducted studies similar to this will be implemented across several collaborating states.  

Mississippi State University SMBES (Dr. Patricia Knight and Team) - The Mississippi State University South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville, MS. conducts many ornamental and vegetable variety trials each year. Of all these trials, the Poinsettia trial typically sparks the most interest from garden visitors. As one of the most popular flowering container plants, Euphorbia pulcherrima, commonly known as Poinsettia, remains a staple of the winter holiday season. While red remains the most popular bract color in terms of yearly sales, novel Poinsettia cultivar introductions have resulted in well over 100 different varieties currently available to consumers. These choices include plants with a wide range of bract colors and size, plant height and maturity date. This research aims to help identify the purchasing direction of Poinsettia consumers in terms of relative favorites. In 2022, fifty-two cultivars of Poinsettia were trialed and included in a consumer preference survey. These plants were grouped into one of four categories by bract color; traditional red, pink, white and novelty offerings. Both ‘on-line’ and ‘in-person’ surveys were used to allow participants to select their favorites within these four categories. Timing of the survey was selected to allow full coloring of the late season cultivars. Visitors to the Experiment Station selected as their favorites; red – Red Soul, white – J’adore White Pearl, pink – Luv U Pink, and novelty – Superba New Glitter. Superba New Glitter was also selected as the overall favorite of the in-person survey participants.

University of Arkansas (Dr. Anthony Bowden) - The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture distributed 4 taxa for evaluation at statewide county extension offices to serve as trial locations for Arkansas Diamonds evaluations for 2024.

Texas A&M University (Dr. Mike Arnold) - We distributed about a dozen taxa for evaluation at our primary Texas Superstar trial sites (College Station, San Antonio, Tyler, Uvalde, and Lubbock). As a result of prior trials, Quercus polymorpha (Mexican White Oak/Monterrey White Oak) and Russelia equisetiformis (Firecracker Plant) were promoted in collaboration with the Texas green industry at Texas Superstar (TM) plants.

Objective 4. Identify opportunities for extension outreach and coordinate efforts to create educational programs on the principles of mitigating abiotic stressors in ornamental crops for stakeholder audiences at local, regional, and national events. 

LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station (Drs. Damon Abdi, Jeb Fields) - The LSU AgCenter has partnered with the Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association (LNLA) to develop statewide educational resources, manifesting in day-long education events held in different regions of Louisiana. This endeavor has served as an outlet to disseminate research into mitigating abiotic stressors to ornamental crops (i.e. soil temperature and moisture moderation via mulch and groundcovers). Furthermore, at the Gulf States Horticulture Expo, efforts to increase educational offerings have manifested in grower trainings, serving stakeholders throughout the gulf south. 

University of Minnesota (Dr. Brandon Miller) - Extension programming derived from the Center for Winter Hardy Landscape plants has focused on species diversity in the managed landscape, with emphasis on landscape trees. Extension presentations in Minnesota and across the Midwestern United States have relayed plant selection principles as well as promoted the use of underutilized taxa by introducing audiences to unique flora suited to various landscape conditions. Dr. Miller contributed to UMN Extension's Climate-Ready Landscapes learning module for Master Gardeners in the state.



Journal Articles

Abdi, D.E., Fields, J.S., Beasley, J. 2023. Pine Straw Mulch Depth Modulates Soil Conditions. HortTechnology 33, 464-466. 

McKeown, T.M., Fields, J.S., Abdi, D.E. 2023. The effect of ornamental groundcover habit and irrigation delivery on dynamic soil conditions. Land 12, 1119 

Posadas, B.C., C.E.H Coker, C. Jackson., P.R. Knight, J.M. DelPrince, S.A. Langlois, and J.B. Ryals. 2023. Online survey of consumer preferences for poinsettia cultivars in Mississippi. Horticulturae 9(4), 449; 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, H.N. Williams, S.A. Langlois, C.E.H. Coker, J.M. DelPrince, A.T. Bowden, and P.R. Drackett.  2023.  Rooting response of Piedmont azalea (Rhododendron canescens) to auxin basal quick dip on single node cuttings.  The Azalean-J. of the Azalea Soc. of Amer. 45:42-46. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, C.E.H. Coker, S.A. Langlois, S.R. Broderick, E.K. Blythe, H.F. Sakhanokho, and E.M. Babiker. 2022.  Evaluation of one-time applications of foliar applied auxin co-applied with surfactant for use in commercial cutting propagation. Agronomy 12(10), 243; 

Arnold, M.A. 2022. Landscape Plants for the South-Central United States. Stipes Publishing LLC, Champaign, IL. p. 1686 + color plates. 

Parajuli, M., P. Liyanapathiranage, K. Neupane, J. Shreckhise, D. Fare, B. Moore and F. Baysal-Gurel. 2022. Tree architecture and powdery mildew resistance of yellow-flowering magnolias in Tennessee, USA. HortScience 58:383−388 doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI17036-22 

Parajuli, M., P Liyanapathiranage, J. Shreckhise, D. Fare, B. Moore, and F. Baysal-Gurel. 2022. Cercospora leaf spot resistance of crapemyrtle cultivars in Tennessee. HortScience 58:84−94. doi: 

Parajuli, M., J.H. Shreckhise, D. Fare, B. Moore, P. Liyanapathiranage, P. Subedi, and F. Baysal-Gurel. 2023. Evaluation of camellia cultivars and selections for growth, cold hardiness, flowering, and disease resistance in Tennessee, USA. HortScience (In press). 

Meyer, M.H. and B.M. Miller. 2023. Many Landscape Grasses Survive Long Term Hardiness Trails in US Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 4b. HortTechnology 33 (4):407-418. 

Neupane, K., A. Witcher, and F. Baysal-Gurel. 2023. Evaluation of Physiological Changes in Flowering Dogwood under Drought Conditions in a Container Production System. HortScience 58:1077–1084. 

Abstracts/Proceedings/Extension Articles 

McKeown, T. M., Fields, J., Abdi, D. 2023. Ornamental groundcover form influences soil conditions in landscapes. American Society of Horticultural Science. Orlando, Florida. August 2nd, 2023. 

Abdi, D., Fields, J., Edwards, A., Thiessen, M. 2023. Investigating pine straw mulch application depths on landscape bed soil conditions and weed suppression. American Society of Horticultural Science. Orlando, Florida. August 2nd, 2023.

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, C. Coker, J.B. Ryals, S. Langlois, and E.K. Blythe.  2022.  Effect of cutting time and application method on the propagation of Magnolia grandiflora ‘Southern Charm’. Comb. Proc. Of the Intern. Plant Propagators’ Soc. 72: 58-66. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, R.A. Melanson, W.E. Copes, A.T. Bowden, C.E.H. Coker, S.A. Langlois, H.N. Williams, S. Lu, J.M. DelPrince, B. Park, S. Chang, K. Conner, J. Pickens, C. Stephenson, and G.R. Bachman. 2022.  Effect of X-ray irradiation on populations of Pseudomonas amygdali pv. loropetali pv. nov.  Comb. Proc. Of the Intern. Plant Propagators’ Soc. 72: 87-93.

Bowden, A.T., S.A. Langlois, J. Ryals, and P.R. Knight.  2023. Assessing the growth and quality of 11 Gerber daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) varieties in southern landscapes. HortScience 58(9):S272. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, C.E.H. Coker, S.A. Langlois, E.K. Blythe, and S.R. Broderick.  2023.  Effect of cutting time, auxin application method, and use of surfactant on propagation of Magnolia grandiflora ‘Southern Charm’. HortScience 58(9):SR12. 

DelPrince, J., P.R. Knight, J.C. Wilson, L.C. Nickels, A. Bowden, and L. Downey.  2023. Value-added product training for Christmas tree growers.  HortScience 58(9):S69. 

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, C.E.H. Coker, J. DelPrince, J. Ryals, A. Bowden, H.N. Williams, and B. Posadas.  2023.  Consumer preference of Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima and hybrids) in 2022 at the Mississippi State University South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station.  HortScience 58(9):S277. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, A.T. Bowden, C.E.C. Coker, S.A. Langlois, and P.R. Drackett.  2023.  Rooting of sweetbay magnolia, Magnolia virginiana L., for use in commercial cutting propagation. HortScience 58(9):SR51-52.   

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, C.E. Coker, G. Bi, B. Posadas, S. Lu, J.M. Pickens, and R. Stephenson.  2023.  Utilizing x-Ray irradiation as a method of control for loropetalum gall. HortScience 58(9):S256. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, R.A. Melanson, A.T. Bowden, C.E.C. Coker, S.A. Langlois, H.N. Williams, J.M. Pickens, R.C. Stephenson, and G. Bi.  2023.  Effect of X-ray irradiation on populations of Pseudomonas amygdali pv. loropetali pv. nov.  HortScience 58(9):SR12. 

Xing, Zhiheng, G. Bi, T. Li, Q. Zhang, and P.R. Knight.  2023.  Effect of plant density on growth and bioactive compounds in Salvia miltiorrhiza. HortScience 58(9):S87. 

Bachman, G.R., C.E.H. Coker, and P.R. Knight.  2022.  Horticulture CSI:  Long Beach Red Radish case closed.  HortScience 57(9):S240. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, C.E.H. Coker, S.A. Langlois, S.R. Broderick, E.K. Blythe, H.F. Sakhanokho, and E.M. Babiker.  2022.  Evaluation of one-time foliar auxin applications co-applied with a surfactant in the propagation of woody ornamentals. HortScience 57(9):S230. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, S.A. Langlois, C.E. Coker, E.K. Blythe, S.R. Broderick, H.F. Sakhanokho, and E.M. Babiker.  2022.  Evaluation of single vs multiple applications of root-promoting compounds with surfactants for use in propagation of selected woody ornamentals.  HortScience 57(9):S123

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, S.A. Langlois, E.K. Blythe, C.E. Coker, S.R. Broderick, H.F. Sakhanokho, and E.M. Babiker.  2022.  Evaluation of surfactants for use in one-time foliar auxin applications in the propagation of woody ornamentals. HortScience 57(9):S191. 

Coker, C.E.H., J. DelPrince, K. Fontenot, A. Bowden, S. Langlois, and P. Knight. 2022.  To pinch or not to pinch:  cut flower marigolds for southern growers. HortScience 57(9):S277-278. 

Knight, P.R., J.B. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, S.A. Langlois, C.E. Coker, J. DelPrince, G.R. Bachman, J. Fields.  2022.  Evaluation of 26 Pentas varieties for growth and quality in south Mississippi. HortScience 57(9):S129. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, A.T. Bowden, C.E.H. Coker, G.R. Bachman, J. DelPrince, S.A. Langlois, P.R. Drackett.  2022.  Effect of hormone source on propagation of sweet bay magnolia. HortScience 57(9):S267-268. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, A.T. Bowden, C.E.H. Coker, G.R. Bachman, J. DelPrince, S.A. Langlois, P.R. Drackett, and D. Brand.  2022.  Micro cuttings of Piedmont Azalea (Rhododendron canescens) rooting response to a basal auxin quick dip. HortScience 57(9):S191 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, A.T. Bowden, S.A. Langlois, C.E.H. Coker, G.R. Bachman, J. DelPrince, and P.R. Drackett.  2022.  The effect of four cutting propagation factors on the rooting of sweetbay magnolia. HortScience 57(9):S122-123. 

Xing, Zhiheng, G. Bi, T. Li, Q. Zhang, and P.R. Knight.  2022.  Plant growth and chemical compositions of Salvia miltiorrhiza grown in Mississippi. HortScience 57(9):S121. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, C.E.H. Coker, J.B. Ryals, S.A. Langlois, and E.K. Blythe.  2023.  Addition of surfactants to one-time foliar auxin applications for propagation of woody ornamentals. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 6). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Coker, C.E.H., J. DelPrince, K. Fontenot, A. Bowden, S. Langlois, and P. Knight.  2023.  To pinch or not to pinch: Cut flower marigolds for southern growers. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 1). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

DelPrince, J., P.R. Knight, and S.T. Deblanc. 2023.  Master Floral Designer:  A new MSU extension certificate program. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 44, p. 12). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1249, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

DelPrince, J., B. Posadas, S. Langlois, P. Knight, A. Bowden, J.B. Ryals, E. Smith. 2023.  Optimizing micro-farm dried flower production. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 14). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, M. Henley, B. Grant, and D. Lee.  2023.  More top performers from the 2022 variety trials at the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station.  Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 12). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, M. Henley, D. Lee, and B. Grant.  2023.  Ornamental pepper 2022 variety trial update.  Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 10). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, E.K. Blythe, J.S. Baldwin, J. DelPrince, C.E. Coker, and G.R. Bachman.  2023.  Propagation of ‘Tishomingo’ crape myrtle using hardwood cuttings.  Proceedings of the 44th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 44, p. 11). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1249, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, B. Grant, M. Henley, and D. Lee.  2023.  Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) 2021-2022 variety trial update. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 9). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Langlois, S.A., P.R. Knight, J.B. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, M. Henley, B. Grant, and D. Lee.  2023.  Top performers from the 2022 variety trials at the South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station.  Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 11). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

Posadas, B.C., P. Knight, G. Bachman, E. Blythe, C. Coker, J. DelPrince, A. Gregorc, S. Langlois, and E. Stafne. 2023.  Online valuation survey of the research program on ornamental horticulture, vegetables, fruits, and nuts at the Mississippi State University – Coastal Research and Extension Center. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 44, p. 21). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1249, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Ray, J.T., E.K. Blythe, G. Bi, P.R. Knight, G.R. Bachman, and D.B. Reynolds.  2023.  The effects of alcohol as a carrier for auxin applications on stem cuttings. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 43, p. 16). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1248, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Ray, J.T., E.K. Blythe, G. Bi, P.R. Knight, D.B. Reynolds, and G.R. Bachman.  2023.  Safety of isopropyl alcohol in auxin solutions for application to herbaceous stem cuttings.  Proceedings of the 44th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 44, p. 18). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1249, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Ryals, J.B., P.R. Knight, A.T. Bowden, C.E.H. Coker, G.R. Bachman, J. DelPrince, S.A. Langlois, and P. R. Drackett.  2023.  Effect of propagation factors on the rooting of sweetbay magnolia cuttings.  Proceedings of the 49th Annual Ornamental Field Day (1st ed., vol. 49, p. 7). Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1250, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Bowden, A.T., P.R. Knight, S.A. Langlois, E.K. Blythe, S.R. Broderick, C.E.H. Coker, J.B. Ryals, J. DelPrince, H.F. Sakhanokho, E.M. Babiker.  2022.  Use of honey as a rooting aid in propagation of ‘Red Cascade’ rose.  Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1242, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

Bowden, A.T., J.M. DelPrince, and P. Knight. 2022.  Dutch iris (Iris x hollandica) for the farmer florist. Mississippi State, MS: MSU Extension. P3740.

Bowden, A.T., J.M. DelPrince, P. Knight, and C.E.H. Coker. 2022. Freesia (Freesia x hybrida) for the farmer florist. Mississippi State, MS: MSU Extension. P3751.

Bowden, A.T., J.M. DelPrince, P.R. Knight, and C.E.H. Coker. 2022. LA Hybrid Lilies (Lilium longiflorum × Lilium asiatica) for the farmer florist. Mississippi State Extension. P3818.

DelPrince, J. M., J.L. Ryals, A.T. Bowden, H.N. Williams, C.E. Coker, and P.R. Knight. 2022. Mississippi-grown evergreens in winter sympathy designs. Mississippi State University Extension. P3775.

Arnold, M.A. 2023. Trials and tribulations pursuing the perfect tree for transplanting. Plenary Speaker, The Landscape Below Ground V Conference, Oct. 10-12, 2023, Lisle, IL (paper for reviewed proceedings submitted and under review). 

Shreckhise, J.H., J.S. Owen, and A. Witcher. 2023. Container color and irrigation schedule affect root-zone temperature, plant growth, and controlled-release fertilizer longevity when growing red osier dogwood. HortScience (in press). 

Shreckhise, J.H. and J.E. Altland. 2022. How to help your plants hold their “P” in container-based nursery production. Intern. Plant Prop. Soc. Comb. Proc. 72:235-248. 

Gautam, A., K. Addesso, J. Oliver, A. Witcher, C. Perkovich. 2023. Herbicide stress and flatheaded borer attacks in red maple cultivars. Tennessee State University Annual Research Symposium Proceedings. 

Extension Presentations 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. Groundcovers for Greater New Orleans. New Orleans Fall Garden Festival. New Orleans, LA. October 8th, 2023. 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. Insights Towards a More Sustainable Landscape. Hammond Research Station Fall Garden Day. Hammond, LA. October 7th, 2023. 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. Sustainable Solutions and Concepts for the Landscape. Arkansas Landscape and Nursery Symposium. Little Rock, AR. September 28th, 2023. 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. Sustainable Landscaping Concepts. Landscape Professional Education Day. New Orleans, LA. September 12th, 2023. 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. What’s Going on in the Gardens at the Hammond Research Station? Louisiana Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects, Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. August 25th, 2023. 

Abdi, D.E. 2023. Landscape Research and Extension at the Hammond Research Station. Hammond Research Station Field Day. Hammond, LA. July 21, 2023. 

2022 South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station Trial Garden Update.  SERA IEG 27 Regional Landscape Symposium (2023)

What Happens to Your Plants When the Deep South Moves North? Stone County Landscape Symposium (2023) 

2022 South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station Trial Garden Update.  Gulf States Horticultural Expo.  2023 

Poinsettias for the Holidays. Stone County Garden Club. 2022. 

Poinsettias for the Holidays. Jefferson Davis County Holiday Horticulture Workshop. 2022. 

Cut Evergreens.  2022 Workshop Series for Christmas Tree Producers. Verona. (2022) 

All-America Selection Winners and Favorite Plants from the S MS Trial Gardens.  2022 Stone County Landscape Symposium. (2022) 

Outstanding Performers in the S MS Branch Experiment Station Gardens.  Gautier Garden Club. (2022) 

Bowden, A.T. 2023. Weed Control in Christmas Trees. Arkansas Christmas Tree Grower’s Association. April 29th, 2023. Ozark, AR. 

Bowden, A.T. 2023. Future of Ornamental Horticulture Research and Extension at the University of Arkansas. SERA-IEG, Nursery Crop and Landscape systems outreach workshop, September 28, 2023. Little Rock, AR 

Bowden, A.T. 2023. Growing the Pollinators: Plant Selections for Pollinator Gardens. 7th Annual Arkansas Honey Festival. October 7th, 2023. Little Rock, AR 

Bowden, A.T. 2023. Growing the Pollinators: Plant Selections for Pollinator Gardens. Pulaski County Master Gardener Meeting. October 7th, 2023. Little Rock, AR 

Arnold, M.A. 2023. Successful gardening at the gates of hell. SERA-27 IEG, Nursery Crop and Landscape Systems outreach workshop, September 28, 2023, Little Rock, AR.

Arnold, M.A. 2023. Changing climates challenge plant specifications for landscape designs. 2023 Landscape Design Course I, Series XXVI, College Station, TX, February 27-28, 2023. 

Arnold, M.A.  2023.  What’s cooking in The Gardens at Texas A&M University this summer? 2023 Annual Meetings of the Texas Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta, Houston, TX, January 18-20, 2023.

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