SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: WERA1017 : Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States and Pacific Basin Territories
- Period Covered: 02/28/2022 to 09/08/2023
- Date of Report: 11/16/2023
- Annual Meeting Dates: 09/06/2023 to 09/08/2023
Attending: Carrie Jensen (Univ Nevada Reno), Jim Farrar (Univ of California), Al Fournier (Univ of Arizona), Dawn Gouge (Univ of Arizona), Mair Murray (Utah State), Doug Walsh (Washington State), Ada Szczepaniec (Colorado State), Tim Seipel (Montana State), Jane Pierce (New Mexico State), Marisa Thompson (New Mexico State), Joanie King (New Mexico State), Emma Tribble (Univ of California), Vijay Nandula (USDA NIFA), Tim Stock (Oregon State), Jason Thomas (Univ of Idaho), Joanna Bloese (Univ of Hawaii), Eric Wenninger (Univ of Idaho), Desiree Wickwar (Univ of Idaho), Steve Elliott (Western IPM Center), Tunyalee Maratin (Univ of California), Casey Matney (University of Alaska), Matt Baur (Western IPM Center), Rhonda Hirnyck (Univ of Idaho - remote), Rubella Goswami (USDA-NIFA, remote)
Introduction and Welcome - Casey Matney
Talked about upcoming meetings in Alaska including:
Western SARE funded Alaska Food and Farm Festival from November 10-12, 2023 in Anchorage (for details see
Alaska Invasive Species Partnership Workshop in Sitka from November 7-9, 2023 (for more details see
History of WERA 1017 - Doug Walsh
State Updates
Idaho (Eric Wenninger)
- Discussed the EIP focus areas (agronomic crops, community IPM, decision support tools, and PSEP coordination)
- Ronda Hirnyck will retire next year
- Program outputs and impacts:
- The Idaho program has produced 41 pest profiles as a publication series available at
- The program actively produces pest alerts (available at reaching over 4,000 subscribers
- 66% of the subscribers use these pest alerts to make management decisions
- 72% of stakeholders reached are managing pests more effectively
- 43% are applying less pesticide
- A template for these Extension products would improve efficiency
- Revising Master Gardener Handbook
- Pesticide Safety chapter revisions complete
- Entomology chapter revisions in progress
- Creation of new IPM chapter in progress
- Getting authors for pest profiles is a challenge because web pages do not carry the same weight as peer-reviewed publications for merit and promotion for faculty.
- The program is steering towards peer-review on these pest profile Extension publications but this change extends the time required for publication
- Idaho program looking for specialists outside the state to review Extension publications
Hawaii (Joanna Bloese)
- Working to shift to more online delivery of Extension products
- two-lined spittlebug affecting pastures and developing a mobile application to track
- working with myIPM mobile application in conjunction with Bugwood
- website updates
- Pest issues
- melon thrips on multiple plant species in Hawaii
- Ramie moth on Mamaki
- two-lined spittlebug affecting pastures
- Delivering pesticide resistance management workshops
- Digitizing hard copy slides
Colorado (Ada Szczepaniec)
- CSU Faculty and Extension staff formed a Center for Sustainable Pest Management to facilitate distribution of pest management information and enhance IPM implementation in the State
- The Center members submitted an REEU grant to enhance involvement of undergraduate scholars in applied research and Extension focused on IPM
- Expanding the Center for Sustainable Pest Management by bringing in more students for an applied science/Extension experience, and building more cohesion by establishing the Center as a hub for stakeholders such as hosting commodity board meetings
- Highlighted several activities within the Center including statewide insect trapping, the plant diagnostic lab, and partnering with the Master Gardener program
- Noted that stakeholders are requesting more Colorado-specific and focused information
Montana (Tim Seipel)
- New pest problems in MT include palmer amaranth & brown marmorated stink bug
- Montana Ag Live, a PBS show where MSU entomologists answer questions live reaches about 10,000 people per episode
- Ute McKelvy is the new sugar beet specialist
- The Schutter Diagnostic Lab remains a core program function that touches 91% (51/56) of Montana counties
- About one in four Montana residents reached through hands-on workshops such as the crop pest management tour that covers 10 towns in 5 days (applicators tend to be the primary audience for these events)
Oregon (Tim Stock)
- The OSU School IPM Program collaborates broadly with Oregon Dept of Ag, county health departments, school safety associations and other state and county agencies with school pest management responsibilities
- The OSU School IPM Program collaborates broadly with University of Arizona on Extension publications
- The OSU School IPM Program Director co-presented at an international IPM webinar that attracted 1,100 attendees from 48 states and 19 countries
- In 2022, the Program touched 94% of 197 Oregon school districts through hands-on in-person trainings
- Other activities include Program Director work on Oregon HB2406 & SB426 that resulted in amendments to SB426
Washington (Doug Walsh)
- Personnel changes include the hiring of a new oyster specialist and retirement of Carrie Foss (urban IPM)
- The IPM program has updated the Hortsense website and is expanding the focus on small farm ag
- The IPM program partners broadly with WA Commission on IPM (Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration) and state commodity groups
Utah (Mair Murray)
- Personnel changes include the retirement of Diane Alston, and the departures of Ricardo Ramirez (now at NMSU) and Lori Spears
- Pest management issues include:
- disease issues related to wet weather including Southern blight on iris, downy mildew, late blight and brown rot
- thousand cankers on English walnut (most black walnut gone)
- grasshoppers in urban areas
- balsam wooly adelgid in 10 counties mainly around ski resorts
- dahlia mosaic virus and other cut flower IPM
- Spanish translation on 5 additional pest notes
- Sentinel gardens used to monitor for pest and new invasives
- see YouTube video for EIP report (available at
Arizona (Al Fournier)
- ThryvOn cotton acreage acounts for about 8% of upland cotton planted in Arizona and this technology has eliminated 1-3 sprays to control thrips and lygus
- In a project with the Better Cotton Initiative, the APMC found that less than 1% of Arizona cotton is treated with highly hazardous pesticides listed in the Better Cotton Initiative sustainability standards
- Adoption of predator thresholds is increasing as we continue to teach and demonstrate their utility
- The APMC is partnering with 15 of 22 Arizona tribes on various pest management issues including food safety, vector control, and agricultural production
California (Jim Farrar)
- An achievable goal in the CA sustainable pest management roadmap ( is a 90% reduction in priority pesticides by 2050
- Outputs and changes to existing outputs:
- new soil fumigation manual
- residential, industrial and institutional pest control manual (draft)
- Training for master gardeners to function as invasive species sentinels
- Content for small farms audience
- Databased 47 pest management guidelines allowing easier movement of data to third party applications
- 26,000 hits per day (>70% of traffic) from mobile devices so the program has adapted pest management guidelines to a mobile-friendly format
- Needs & gaps:
- Expertise in small grains pest management
- Guidance on pesticide applications by drone and certification standards
- State funding for quarantine measures and tracking pesticide use in urban areas
- Expertise in invasive species pathway analysis
- see YouTube video for EIP report (available at
New Mexico (Jane Pierce)
- Important crops in New Mexico include alfalfa, pecan, and cotton acreage increasing
- Plant diagnostic clinic is an important component of the state IPM program and has expanded to include nematode diagnostics
- Demand for online pesticide safety education is on the rise
- The State IPM program partners with Master Gardeners for content delivery and presentations
- Distances can be a problem for campus based Extension faculty to deliver Extension programing
- Miranda Kersten has left for Western SARE
Nevada (Carrie Jensen)
- The IPM program is focused on urban IPM and pesticide safety education
- The state IPM program partners with master gardeners and green industry on train-the-trainer programs
- The IPM program needs assessment highlighted the need for Extension outputs concerning landscaping and plants that can withstand drought and high temperatures, landscaping that protects against wildfire, and outputs on controlling cheatgrass, medusahead, & other weeds
- Program outputs:
- Cultivating Healthy Plants webinar series is a joint effort with Montana, Utah, and Idaho receiving more than 3,000 views
- Grow Your Own, Nevada! online workshops received 900 views
- NevadaScapes workshop had 38 participants
- Rebooting social media effort and shifting to short video production on YouTube
- New website
- A significant challenge on this output is that we are starting from scratch to meet new ADA compliance requirements and have limited staff for this large project
- The pesticide safety education program partnered with Nevada Dept of Ag to host two workshops
- The hybrid workshop format was a challenge
- New pest applicator study guide through UNR publications
Alaska (Casey Matney)
- Current IPM program includes Casey, Gino Graziano, Alex Wenninger (forest entomology), Phil Kaspari, and three assistants/technicians
- Pest management issues include
- raspberry root rot and raspberry decline, European black slug, potato scab, vertebrates, and human movement of pest species
- education and outreach on human movement of pest species via radio and TV
- fences for vertebrates
- Outputs and updates to outputs
- updated website to make mobile friendly
- new IPM program logos
- ADA compliance for online outputs
- Pesticide safety education programing as hybrid courses through canvas where outside people present on various subjects
- Master Gardener online courses delivered on canvas as well
- Ronda Hirnyck talked about the Vertebrate Pest Management Needs Assessment Survey. The survey is focused on Extension professionals, State and Federal Wildlife Agency Staff, Technical Advisors, and other Wildlife Control Professionals. The Survey can be found at
-Jim Farrar talked about the Farming and Food Narrative project. The Gap analysis compares the opinions of Ag professionals to the general public. From this analysis the project found that sustainability and soil health are core concepts for Ag professionals, but are missing from public perception. Ag professionals focus on the future (technology) while the general public focuses on the past (nostalgic). For solutions, Ag professionals look to research and the public focuses on regulation. To help explain risk management and complex decision making by producers the project identified the tightrope metaphor as useful. In addition, the study conclusions suggested the avoidance of general terms like “pest” or “pesticide” and the use of more specific terms like “weed” or “herbicide.” And appeal to the curiosity and love of ingenuity of your audience.
-WERA will need a new administrative liaison as Mary Burrows has moved to Virginia Tech
-Tim Seipel elected as incoming chair
- Established an "Alaska Slug and Snail Watch" set of web pages. These pages educate on the different species of pest slug found in the state, as well as tips for taking good photos to aid in identification.
- Three regional slug presentations and two state TV interviews were completed, including a webinar on Alaska Slug Management and Invasive Slugs presented at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
- Provided slug education throughout Alaska and at SE Alaska Farmer Summit.
- Integration of the Alaska UAF Citizen Scientists Monitoring Portal to submit and receive slug reports from across the state, combined with iNaturalist sightings and compilation maps:
- Established a DNA specimen processing vendor and sampling protocol.
- IPM scouts/assistants were established/maintained and provided continued training. Bi-weekly meetings were held throughout the year.
- Matney has prepared for and hosted the WERA-1017 meeting in Homer, Alaska during September 2023.
- Provide Alaskan growers, Master Gardeners, farmers, producers, and communities field visits and response to IPM inquiries as needed (66% complete).
- Information was provided to Alaskan growers, Master Gardeners, farmers, producers, and communities in the form of field visits, booths at state/regional fairs (3), and response to IPM inquiries as needed.
- Record and summarize data on IPM inquiries across Alaska (66% complete).
- Data was recorded on IPM inquiries across Alaska. Over 2,500 IPM consultations have been provided so far during the second year of the project. Data continues to be collected as work is implemented.
- Provide Alaskan growers, Master Gardeners, farmers, producers, and communities IPM education (66% complete).
- Onsite scouting and consultation as well as virtual consultations for IPM inquiries were deployed across Alaska.
- IPM Facebook page has been posting a Bug of the Week to increase community awareness of pest, native, and beneficial insects. In 2022 and so far in 2023, we have made 63 posts, which have gained thousands of views.
- Over 40 IPM education and instruction events (reaching over 500 individuals) were provided to Alaskan growers, Master Gardeners, farmers, producers, and communities across Alaska.
- Developed early recommendations for reducing risk to pollinators when choosing/applying pesticides over a sequence of four presentations.
- Conducted a Peony Grower IPM Survey across 53 farms. Response rate was 33%.
- Developed and published 5 online learning modules - Insect IPM Strategies for Peony Production
- Developing recommendations for pollinator-friendly seed formulations that can be propagated in Alaska for use in revegetation projects: Seed mixes and seed plot locations established and Seeding of plots has taken place for 2023.
- Two 3-day online IPM Pesticide Applicator Trainings offered (January and April) 2023 for a total of 64 students.
- Two half-day IPM Certified Pesticide Applicator Workshops offered in March 2023 for a total of 107 participants.
- Certified Pesticide Applicator Workshops were provided with assistance and networking with the Oregon State University IPM Center.
- A full three-day PSEP Canvas online course was developed and is being reviewed.
- The 5 IPM Peony Modules are going through certification to offer as CEUs.
- Alaska hosted the 2022 Alaska Invasive Species Workshop (3 days) which trained and provided professional development for natural resource managers from across the state.
The Arizona Pest Management Center (APMC) integrates, coordinates and supports our statewide programs in Vegetable / Specialty Crops IPM, Agronomic Crops IPM, School & Community IPM, Public Health IPM, IPM Assessment and Insect Diagnostics. We also have a team that specializes in IPM Assessment. Highlights presented throughout this report span across teams and programs and emphasize multi-state collaborations.
ThryvOn Cotton
Genetically modified ThryvOn cotton, resistant to Frankliniella thrips and Lygus bugs, was successfully introduced on a limited scale in 2021. Our research and Extension supported the use of this new technology. In 2022, ThryvOn cotton increased from 6% to 8% of upland cotton in Arizona and was grown without restriction in commercial production in 2023. Our data show that growers of ThryvOn cotton saved about 1 to 1.3 foliar sprays on their crop, valued at about $20 to $26 per acre, or about $150,000–178,000 saved by the cotton industry per year since 2021. A survey of growers and Pest Control Advisors at an August 2023 field day showed that 43% would “definitely” adopt ThryvOn cotton, while 28.5% were “very likely” and 28.5% were “somewhat likely” to adopt ThryvOn cotton. No respondents were negatively disposed toward adoption.
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) Cotton IPM Field Day
As a commitment of our 2023 Better Cotton Initiative grant, we held a comprehensive and inclusive field day at Ak-Chin Farms, hosting over 40 pest control advisers, researchers, growers and industry representatives to give them hands-on experience in scouting for pests and natural enemies, and deploying “Predator Thresholds” that account for the impact of natural enemies on whitefly spray decisions. We also demonstrated the impact of ThryvOn cotton on Lygus management and presented economic results of ThryvOn cotton adoption. The session highlighted field research outcomes in partnership with tribal growers, including successful strategies for preserving a balanced ecosystem with the goal of safeguarding natural enemies, fostering thriving cotton growth, and optimizing yield. The session was interactive and included many hands-on demonstrations and collaborative discussions. More details and an outstanding video produced by Better Cotton Initiative are available here:
Vegetable IPM Program Reduces Pesticide Risk and Supports Strong Industry Outcomes
The Vegetable IPM program led by Dr. John Palumbo provides insect pest management expertise to the produce industry centered around Yuma, Arizona. In 2020, Arizona fresh vegetables (lettuces, leafy greens, brassicas) and melons were valued at over $1.15bil. IPM plays a critical role managing insect pests, weeds and plant diseases while balancing human health, environmental and economic risks to deliver product to market. The Vegetable IPM Team addresses these significant challenges in a fun and engaging way that makes growers and pest managers true partners in the program. The team maintains “constant contact” with stakeholders through bi-weekly Arizona Vegetable IPM Update newsletters delivered via email, smart phone and web, reaching over 1,000 growers, pest control advisors and others engaged in desert vegetable production in the Southwest region. Based on user surveys:
- 80% of growers and pest managers adopted reduced-risk pest management practices because of timely research and information from the Vegetable IPM program
- 83% reported increased yields
- 80% reported decreased use of broad-spectrum chemistries
- 70% reported that our outreach helped them avoid economic losses through IPM
Food Safety and IPM to Support Tribal Producers
Food safety is effectively integrated pest management. Food safety and IPM are very much alike and rooted in the very same principles of prevention and avoidance, sampling and remediation. Integrated Pest Management. Our Public Health IPM Team brings together expertise across disciplines to address IPM and food safety issues for underserved audiences. Dr. Margarethe Cooper with Dr. Channah Rock, Natalie Brassill and Dr. Shujuan “Lucy” Li integrate food safety into overall public health programs. They work with stakeholders to identify food safety education needs and leverage grant-supported projects for the protection of public health. In collaboration with the Produce Safety Alliance, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, and many other program partners, they conducted a series of Food Safety and IPM Workshops on tribal lands in 2022-2023. Training topics covered the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and followed the main training competency areas of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule. Topics also included kitchen pests and their management, pesticide safety, microbial threats, and disinfectants and sanitizers in food handling/prep facilities. Over 200 tribal participants attended the in-person trainings. As the result of this collaborative effort, tribal participants improved awareness and knowledge of food safety practices to protect public health and reduce food-borne illnesses. Results have been presented at several annual meetings and conferences.
Public Health IPM Programs Impact Tribal Communities
Arizona is home to 22 tribal nations, more than any other state. Many tribal members live in remote areas with minimal access to medical facilities and advice and are particularly vulnerable to public health threats. Since 2018, the Public Health IPM team has partnered with 15 of Arizona’s federally recognized Native American Nations and has reached nearly 250,000 residents on 42,604 square miles of reservation lands with science-based outreach.
- From 2018 to 2020, we reached 18,286 people in trainings, workshops, IPM demonstrations & other outreach events
- Surveys from 2019 (n=326) indicated up to a 75% increase in knowledge of IPM, public health pests and pesticide safety
- A majority of tribal collaborators say they will use IPM to improve their lives and communities
- At least 4 tribes have adopted IPM within their disease-prevention programs, protecting over 24,300 tribal residents from illnesses such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and West Nile virus that can be spread from brown dog ticks and mosquitoes, respectively
Increasing Awareness and Involvement in Federal Pesticide Regulatory Policy
We developed an email listserv and newsletter on pesticide regulatory issues and opportunities for comment to EPA. In a 2023 survey of EPA Comment Newsletter participants (n=23, 7.2% response rate), participants agreed (strongly agreed / somewhat agreed) that, as a result of our newsletter:
- 96% (83% / 13%) are more informed about pesticides under review
- 96% (87% / 9%) are more informed about deadlines to submit comments
- 87% (48% / 39%) are more informed about potential risks of pesticides
- 95% (78% / 17%) are more informed about policy decisions that may impact them
- 96% (83% / 13%) said they had improved access to submit comments to EPA
- 78% (39% / 39%) felt empowered to influence policy decisions at the federal level as a result of resources we have developed with leveraged funding through the Arizona Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.
- 74% said information provided in our updates has helped inform actions they’ve taken or decisions they’ve made related to pesticides under review. Listed actions included submitting comments to EPA, discontinuation of broad-spectrum insecticide use, and a reduction in wide spectrum herbicide use.
- We recently began providing information related to EPA’s handling of its obligations related to the Endangered Species Act in pesticide registration reviews. All respondents indicated this was helpful. (22% extremely helpful, 43% very helpful, 35% somewhat helpful)
Improving communication of farming to the general public: Accurately communicating good farming practices, including IPM practices, with the general public is difficult. As a member of IPM Voice Board of Directors, Jim Farrar participated in an eight-year project to understand the mental models (=frames) the public commonly uses to think about farming and then develop communication strategies to promote productive communication about farming. Results and suggested communication strategies were presented to agricultural communicators in two workshops funded by a grant from Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. One workshop was held in Oregon and the other in California with 25 participants at each workshop.
We have increased the participants skills, knowledge, and awareness of IPM issues and strategies through extensive training, demonstrations, and engagement with IPM practitioners in the field:
- Pest Management in the Intermountain West 2022 Conference, Fort Collins, CO. “Identification and management of Palmer amaranth in CO.” 18 November 2022, approx. 100 attendees.
- e 4-H conference attendees, 15 4-H students, “Becoming an Agricultural Biologist”. 23 June 2022.
- Expert content reviewer for script for American Chemical Society’s YouTube series Reactions about glyphosate mode of action and glyphosate resistance. August 2022. Over 10,000 views of video to date.
- Article for 2022 CO Wheat Field Days Technical Report, p. 48, “Developing Non-chemical Harvest Weed Seed Control Strategies in Dryland Crops”
- Regional Wheat Virus Working Group, “Colorado Virus Updates.” April 24, 2023
- Bacterial Leaf Streak Meeting (Northern Midwest Regional), “Two virulent and recent-collected Xanthomonas translucens isolates encode TAL effectors distinct from older, less-virulent isolates.” March 3, 2023.
- Improved infrastructure and communication regarding disease incidence in wheat in Colorado.
- CSU Wheat Entomology Program website: Home (
- Wheat stem sawfly fact sheet, distributed at wheat_stem_sawfly_fact_sheet.pdf (
- Sawfly FAQ and Survey Report. Will be featured in the 2023 CSU Crops Testing Wheat Field Days handout (
- Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter:5 issue in 2022. Distributed via Colorado Wheat at Wheat Pest and Disease Update | Colorado Wheat. Also distributed via CAM Crops at CAMCrops ( It is being continued bi-weekly during 2023 field season.
- Akron Customer Focus Meeting- USDA ARS (In-Person Mar. 2023)
- CSU Extension Crops Input Conference (In-Person Mar. 2023)
- “Wheat Stem Sawfly: Life History, Agronomic Impacts, and CSU Research”- Greeley Farm Show (In-person Jan. 2023)
- “Biology and Management of Wheat Stem Sawfly”- National Crop Insurance Services CO-WY Annual Meeting (In-Person Jan. 2023)
- CSU Extension Crops Clinic (In-Person Dec. 2022)
- Akron Field Day/Sawfly Expert Panel- USDA ARS (In-Person Aug. 2022)
- Pest Management in the Intermountain West – 25 min talk “A new pest of quinoa – a stem-boring agromyzid fly”. December 2022 (~100 attendees).
- Master Gardener training – 90 min presentation on major pests of interests, their ID and biology. October 2022
- Online resources focused on promoting IPM implementation (
- Agricultural pests (6 websites); Tree and shrub pets (7 websites); Fruiting tree and shrub pests (8 websites); Turf grass (6 websites); Household pests (14 websites); Industrial hemp pests (8 websites); Vegetable pests (10 websites); Live weekly monitoring for key pests across four counties
- IPM resources for a new, aphid-transmitted virus of chili peppers
- The Plant Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) processed 202 plant samples, 111 samples for phytosanitary testing, and 335 samples for potato pathogen screening, and performed 21 insect identifications.
- The PDC contributed to a biweekly wheat disease newsletter by providing descriptions of diseases observed in diagnostic samples.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa IPM team participates in regional extension and outreach activities to promote improved understanding of IPM through collaborations with Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA), USDA and non-profit organizations such as Hawaii Invasive Species Council (HISC) and Coordinating Group for Alien Pest Species (CGAPS).
- These efforts include multistate collaborations with BugWood and the University of Georgia and South Carolina in MyIPM app development to expand reach of IPM identification and management tools locally.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa IPM team coordinates with California Dept. of Agriculture (CDFA) to exchange information on pest interceptions between CDFA and HDOA. This allow IPM team to improve IPM tactics of exporters struggling with pest interceptions. Improve upon HDOA export grower certification program and reduce pest interceptions across state lines.
- University of Hawaii IPM team led import replacement efforts for Myrtaceae throughout the state. HODA ban on Myrtaceae importation due to invasive fungal pathogens. Improved IPM strategies and were deployed through a variety of extension activities, including field days, webinars and publications.
- University of Hawii IPM team catalogued over 35 orchid diseases and in the process of incorporating them into online website and MyIPM app.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa participation in the WERA 1017 annual meetings provided members an opportunity for exchange of federal and regional IPM RFA programs.
- Additionally, University of Hawaii’s provided opportunities for implementation of relevant federal and regional IPM RFA’s program through grower involvement in the form of hosting Grower Forum (round-table discussions) with extension agents and researchers to better understand grower needs as they relate to federal and regional programs. These events took place on every island (Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai) and were produced in collaboration with multiple grower association groups.
- University of Hawaii conducted over 5 needs assessments to determine stakeholder needs and tailor improve IPM publications to the local requirements.
- University of Hawaii updated over 20 BMPs for invertebrate pests that were over 15 years old, and updated University Crop Knowledge Master website. An online tool for pest identification and management.
- A new University of Idaho publication series focused on IPM of key Idaho pests in specialty crops, agronomic crops, and home and landscape settings was created during this reporting period. This series contains content on IPM of all major pest groups: weeds, insects, diseases, and nematodes. So far 11 of these publications have been accepted for publication.
- Educational videos are also used to reach a wider audience. During this reporting period there were 12 videos concerning biological control of weeds produced and made available online. Nine video recordings of EIP team members’ presentations concerning priority IPM topics were made available online (see publications for selected examples). A video concerning spider mites in sugar beets was identified as a priority for video production, and is in the final stages of production, to be available online during the next reporting period. Further informational videos are under development including the use of degree days and degree day models in IPM programs, spiders as nuisance pests, and protecting pollinator health.
- A new University of Idaho IPM site ( was launched on 6/5/2023, and now directs clientele to a wide variety of resources and tools. The new site hosts a wide variety of educational content, including up-to-date information concerning pesticide safety and education and pesticide licensing; the site also directs users to various other UI-based resources. Pages with Idaho-specific IPM information on over 40 prominent pests have been created and are accessible through the site. These pages cover all major pest types (arthropods, pathogens, and weeds) that can be found in agricultural, urban, and landscape settings. Creation of further content for this site is an ongoing effort. The new UI IPM site also directs clientele to the pest tracking and alert systems also supported by the EIP, and to other UI Extension services related to IPM such as plant and weed diagnostics labs, pest identification services, analytical sciences lab services, and cocoon testing for alfalfa seed growers. Lastly, the new IPM site provides links to updated courses, webinars, and other educational resources, directing clientele to key resources that facilitate the adoption and success of IPM programs.
- The four pest monitoring networks maintained by the University of Idaho are now hosted on a centralized monitoring dashboard ( The networks hosted include a psyllid/liberibacter monitoring network, a spore trap network, and aphid/virus monitoring networks in both northern and eastern Idaho. The hosted monitoring programs post current season data, as it is collected, to alert managers of potential outbreaks, as well as historical data from previous years’ monitoring efforts. In addition to weekly reporting (graphs and distribution maps) our dashboard includes blogs for each of the monitoring networks to summarize key findings and make management recommendations to producers.
- Over 57 presentations were delivered to address pest issues in Idaho’s wide variety of crops. These presentations were delivered at events such as crop schools (3), IPM workshops (3), and field days (>17). One key event was UI’s annual Idaho Potato Conference, with 815 attendees. Another key event was the University of Idaho Snake River Weed Tour and Field Day, with 86 attendees.
- A course site for Idaho Master Gardeners was created where new pesticide safety study materials are available at no cost to participants. So far, 63 Master Gardeners have taken this online training as a companion to their other coursework.
- Revisions to chapter 9 of the Master Gardener Handbook (Pesticide management and safety) were submitted on May 15, 2023. Authors are currently working on revisions to the chapters concerning insect identification and management, as well as the creation of a new chapter devoted to IPM principles. These revised and new chapters will also be turned into interactive modules that will be hosted online on the new Idaho Master Gardener course site.
- Successful implementation of IPM programs relies upon proper pest identification, which often requires advanced training or consultation of an expert. The Idaho Insect Identification site was visited a total of 730 times by 619 unique users during the reporting period. During this reporting period, 85 samples were submitted and provided with identifications.
- UI Extension Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEP) led the Green Collar College program held at the Idaho Horticulture Expo. This event is hosted by the Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association, which brings together retail nurseries and garden centers, wholesale, growers, landscape contractors and maintenance firms, arborists, and allied trades. The event focuses on enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of management practices in nursery and landscape settings in Idaho.
- In early 2023, UI Extension PSEP launched 6 separate online recertification webinars that are Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) approved.
- Pre-license education for pesticide safety has been delivered in-person and online.
- Early detection of potato psyllids is critical in managing the vector-borne zebra chip disease (ZC). Potato psyllids were monitored weekly in 55 (2023) and 73 (2022) commercial fields across southern Idaho over June to early September. Psyllids were tested individually for the presence of the ZC pathogen using PCR. Weekly reports from trapping efforts were extended to growers through the Idaho Pest Monitoring Dashboard and the PNW Pest Alert system, allowing growers to make informed decisions regarding the need for and timing of insecticide applications to manage ZC in their potato crop. This service helps with effective ZC management in >300,000 acres of potatoes in Idaho.
- During this reporting period, over 10,050 youth participated in a program where they were allowed to hold and interact with live insects and other arthropods. This program facilitates greater comfort with insects and other invertebrates, aiming to reduce over-use of pesticides and acceptance of the presence of benign and beneficial insects.
- The University of Idaho Parma Cocoon Testing Laboratory is a non-profit, extension-oriented service focused on providing statistically accurate estimates of the proportion of live cells, chalkbrood mortality, pollen ball mortality and parasitoids of the alfalfa leafcutting bee nest cells to growers. During this reporting period we provided analysis of over 50 leafcutting populations for alfalfa seed growers.
- The Ag Talk Tuesday virtual series, in which UI professionals and peers discuss current crop issues and timely topics during the field season, held 7 virtual sessions between May and September 2022, and 6 virtual sessions between May and August 2023.
- The Idaho Rangeland Livestock Symposium was held in person in 3 locations in southcentral Idaho as well as online. This event educated participants to facilitate the improvement of range use and productivity, as well as operation profitability. Since rangeland covers approximately 55% of Idaho’s land base, education of rangeland managers is key. This symposium included discussion of weed management, and was a collaborative effort between UI, the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Idaho Department of Lands, Idaho Cattle Association, and Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- The Regional Master Gardener Convention in Rexburg Idaho had over 50 participants and covered many IPM-related topics such as: the microscopic world of botany and entomology, Water conservation in landscapes, Caring for young trees so they can be great mature trees, Pest management year-round: using integrated practices, Root washing: exposing root problems before planting, and Math is fun! learning sprayer calibration.
- Master Gardeners: Provided 13 classes (27 IPM training hrs.; 879 total participants).
- Green Industry professionals: Provided eight (8) classes for (24 IPM training hrs.; 173 total contacts). Attendees were asked to rate their knowledge of the topic before and after attending the classes (1=no knowledge; 5=thorough knowledge). The mean rating before the classes was 2.48; the mean rating after was 4.01 for an increase in knowledge of 38% (P<.000)
- Our Green Industry Training program provided a total of 15 PSEP CEUs.
- Presented one (1) bilingual IPM trainings; 49 people attended.
- Pesticide Applicators: Held Pesticide Safety Education program classes on December 6, 2022 and April 13, 2023
- Provided ten (10) classes for a total of ten (10) PSEP CEUs with 110 pesticide applicators in attendance. December 2021 attendees were asked to rate their knowledge of the topic before and after attending the classes (1=no knowledge; 5=thorough knowledge). The mean rating before the workshops was 3.21; the mean rating after the workshops was 4.02 for an increase in knowledge of 25.3% (P<.000). Of April 2023 attendees, 97% reported improved knowledge and 90% reported that they would put at least one IPM strategy into practice.
- Grow Your Own, Nevada! Webinar Series. Provided four (4) IPM-focused classes; 600 people attended the live presentations and there were 252 recording views. Attendees were asked to rate their knowledge of the topic before and after attending the classes (1=no knowledge; 5=thorough knowledge). The mean rating before the workshops was 2.56; the mean rating after the workshops was 3.93 for an increase in knowledge of 53.2% (P<.000).
- NevadaScapes: New program that emphasizes pest prevention, water conservation and pesticide reduction using hands-on landscape design exercises for the core curriculum. 38 participants. Attendees were asked to rate their knowledge of the topic before and after attending the classes (1=no knowledge; 5=thorough knowledge). The mean rating before the workshops was 3.20; the mean rating after the workshops was 4.64 for an increase in knowledge of 44.88% (P<.000).
- 4-H Pollinator Ambassadors: Provided 2.5 hours of IPM trainings for the 16 youth participants in this statewide program
New Mexico
- IPM Workshop. NMSU AES and NIFA EIP IPM Program and Cotton Inc. "Demonstration of Field Sampling for Insect Pests and Beneficials".
- Vegetable Pest Short Course-We participated in three in-person workshops on integrated pest management for vegetable pests and hosted three speakers on managing vegetable pests in the online "Ready, Set, Grow" series
- Over twenty presentations on topics such as integrated pest management, noxious weeds, kissing bugs, horticulture, and beneficial insects have been given to stakeholders around the state
- The 2023 Master Gardener program included classes on pest identification, prevention and integrated pest management, and pollinator and beneficial insect conservation
- Participated in New Mexico Beekeeping Association and New Mexico Department of Agriculture Bee Inspector training which provided information on basic honey bee biology, honey bee pests, and hive inspections.
- Train the Trainer - we provided 2 half-day field workshops for county Master Gardeners to learn directly from state specialists to provide hands-on training with insect, weeds, plant pathogens, and general plant ID
- >50 virtual and in-person trainings, workshops, and field days with IPM-related content given across the state for various stakeholders (Master Gardeners, agricultural producers, extension educators, etc) given by several NMSU Extension Specialists and IPM Program Manager.
- 9 virtual trainings presented through the Ready, Set, Grow webinar series on IPM-related content: “Squash Bugs, Other Hemipteran Insects, and How to Distinguish the Pests from Beneficials”, “Approaches to Addressing Troublesome Wildlife in Your Garden”, “Top 10 Most Common Plant Diagnoses” and “Pollinators”, and more
- Participated youth events on insects and weeds throughout the state, including the AgVenture Days at Southern New Mexico State Fair – weeds, insects, and pollinators to 3rd graders
- Provided support for IPM promotion in the NMSU Ideas for Cooking and Nutrition Seed to Supper program, which teaches beginner vegetable gardening
- NMSU IPM Social Media pages – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
- Partnered with the Albuquerque Backyard Refuge Program, managed by the Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, to plant demonstration pollinator gardens at four sites around Albuquerque (Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Loma Linda Community Center, Van Buren Middle School, and El Camino Real Academy). We have been planting a mix of perennial flowers, grasses, and shrubs at these sites. Volunteers and students are involved with the plantings and learn not only how to plant but about the benefits that these plants have to pollinators and other wildlife.
- Participated in New Mexico Beekeeping Association and New Mexico Department of Agriculture Bee Inspector training which provided information on basic honey bee biology, honey bee pests, and hive inspections.
- >10 presentations on pollinators and pollinator health have been given across the state to various stakeholder groups
- Demonstration Plantings -We sponsored a pollinator-friendly hedgerow, a garden area with annual flowers, and demonstrate the use of pollinator-friendly cover crops at NMSU's Growing Forward Farm in Aztec, NM in late June 2023
- Bumble Bees of New Mexico - Content includes importance of bumble bees, conservation actions, natural history, and identification tips for species commonly found in New Mexico. We are now working with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation on this publication.
- FFA demonstration: On campus event discussing plant pathology and entomology related material and activities.
- “Ready, Set, Grow”: Online presentation to stakeholders on IPM of commonly grown New Mexico fruit trees.
- Pesticide applicator trainings: Conducted three in-person workshops with five presentations on topics such as diseases, weed management and beneficial insects with an emphasis on IPM practices.
- WSARE training: Participated in the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 3-day workshop with a presentation on how to collect diseased specimens for better identification and diagnosis.
- Hosted and collaborated with Utah State Extension Plant Pathologist to identify challenging pathogens affecting urban trees in NM.
- Participated in a forage IPM workshop which included presentations on pest identification, diseases and noxious weeds.
- Participated in Ag-Ventures day at the Southern New Mexico State Fair discussing plant pathogens and ways to manage them.
- 2022 and 2023 Master gardener programs which focused on identification and management of plant diseases.
- Numerous guest lectures both in state and out of state discussing plant pathology/IPM.
- Conducted a chile disease workshop at the Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (Sovereign land)
- Train the trainer field day workshops for county Master Gardeners discussing plant pathogens and how to manage them.
- Western Pecan Growers Association: Online webinar discussing regional diseases of pecan trees.
- Arizona Pecan Growers Association: In person conference discussing regional new and emerging diseases of pecan trees
- Identified weed specimens submitted to the NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic (1 of 6 Star-D Accredited diagnostic labs in the US) for county agents and clientele in 22 different counties in the state of NM, and 2 counties in the state of TX.
- 32 Master Gardeners presentations in NM and TX focusing on weed identification and management. When weather and climate permitted, attendees also participated in weed identification tours in the field to help with ID skills and discuss IPM-based management options.
- 36 CEU-based trainings to help pesticide applicators throughout numerous states (NM, TX, AZ, CO, and UT) maintain their applicator’s licenses and provide IPM-based management strategies for more successful and sustainable weed control.
- Provided approximately 40 different field tours and workshops throughout NM focusing on weed identification and IPM-based management strategies.
- Presentation, “Evaluating the Efficacy of Alternative Herbicide Active Ingredients for Organic Weed Control in Landscape Systems” at the 2023 WERA 2017 annual meeting in Homer, Alaska. Co-Author Tim Stock from Oregon State University.
- Presented weed ID and information on how weeds impact our daily lives to 3rd graders and high school students at the 2023-2023 AGventures Day at the Southern State Fair field trip and educational outreach activities.
- Provided IPM-based weed identification education to producers as part of the Navajo Sustainable Agriculture Project Team in partnership with the San Juan County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Worked with numerous Soil and Water Conservation District and Bureau of Land Management teams and projects to provide IPM-based weed identification and management options for invasive and noxious weeds throughout NM.
- Provided 15 informative video presentations in partnership with the Taos Soil and Water Conservation District to provide information focusing on identification and IPM-based weed management strategies (specifically in the absence of herbicides) for noxious weeds found throughout Taos County.
- 13 guest lectures for classes and labs where the subject was IPM-based weed identification and management on campus at NMSU and Kentucky
- Worked in partnership with the New Mexico Department of Agriculture to print and distribute printed copies of the Noxious and Troublesome Weeds in New Mexico weed identification booklet to multiple Extension, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Bureau of Land Management offices throughout NM.
- NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic worked and collaborated with labs and diagnostician in multiple states to help with pest ID and provide education to various stakeholders.
- Provided multiple presentations and field weed ID and management educational tips to attendees of the 29th Annual Noxious Weeds Short Course in Farmington, NM that is open to attendees and land managers/licensed pesticide applicators within the area of the four corners (NM, AZ, UT, CO).
- 10 4-H Entomology Contest Workshops in 2023. Artesia, NM. 146 contacts
- Agriculture Career Day, Park Junior High, Artesia, NM, "Introduction to Entomology ", Reached over 600 students.
- Urban Pest Managers Technical Committee (UPMTC) presentation “Kissing Bugs in the Southwest: Issues and Challenges”. Las Cruces, NM. 48 Contacts.
- La Semilla Agriculture Fellows, Artesia, NM, workshop " Insect Pests and Beneficials in New Mexico Cropping Systems", 10 contacts.
- NMSU AXED Farm tour and workshop. Biological Control in New Mexico. Artesia, NM. 11 contacts.
- 2 Presentations and demonstrations at Living Desert Zoo and Gardens Zoo Camp. Bugs, Bugs, Bugs. Carlsbad, NM. 250 contacts.
- Recorded CEU-based training to help pesticide applicators maintain their licenses. “Integrated Pest Management of Insect Pests in NM”
- Presentation, “IPM in New Mexico” at the WERA1017 annual meeting in Homer, Alaska
- 2 Radio interviews on KSVP 990 AM discussing IPM in cotton
- NMSU Agricultural Science Center at Artesia Field Day, Artesia, NM, "Cotton IPM”. 100 Contacts.
- 588 contacts in 2023 for insect pest identification and control
- Southeast New Mexico College (SENMC) Intro to Environmental Science Class. Workshop and Presentation on Insect Pest Management in New Mexico. 11 contacts.
- IPM of Forage Insects In Forage IPM Workshop, NMSU AES and NMSU EIP Program.Los Lunas, NM. 78 Contacts.
- Artesia Intermediate/Jr High STEM summer workshop. Artesia, NM, " Biological Control in Southeastern New Mexico ", Presentations and Field Collections 20 Contacts
- Southeastern New Mexico Agricultural Research Association (SENMARA) Annual Meeting presentation, “IPM in Entomology Update”. Artesia, NM. 14 contacts.
- NMSU FFA Workshop, NMSU, Skeen Hall, Las Cruces, NM, "That Bug Us". 14 Contacts
- Eddy County Insect Pinning Workshop, NMSU, Eddy County Fairgrounds, Artesia, "Insect Collection and Pinning". 8 Contacts.
- New Mexico Pesticide Training CEU's. Roosevelt County Cooperative Extension Office, Portales, NM, "Insect Pest Management in Eastern New Mexico". 34 contacts
- 7 4-H Entomology Contest Workshops in 2022. Artesia, NM. 121 contacts.
- New Mexico Pesticide Training CEU's. Colfax County Cooperative Extension Office, Raton, NM, "Insect Pets Management in Northeastern New Mexico". 28 Contacts
- STEM night. Ocotillo Elementary, Carlsbad, NM. "Intro to Entomology ". 300 Contacts
- New Mexico Pesticide Training CEU's. Chaves County Cooperative Extension Office, Roswell, NM, "Insect Pest Management in Southeastern New Mexico".
- 678 contacts in 2022 for insect pest identification and control
- Yucca CowBelles, ASC Artesia, "Insect Pests and Beneficials. 12 Contacts
- NMSU Pesticide Applicators Series, Hobbs, NMSU, "Insect Pest Management".
- La Semilla Agriculture Fellows, Artesia, NM, " Insect Pests and Beneficials in New Mexico", 16 Contacts.
- New Mexico Pesticide Training CEU's. Rex E. Kirksey Agricultural Science Center at Tucumcari, NMSU, Tucumcari, NM, "Insect Pests and Beneficials of New Mexico", 31 Contacts
- Rex E. Kirksey Agricultural Science Center at Tucumcari Field Day, NMSU, Tucumcari, NM, "Mozema Bug a Concern in New Mexico and Texas Cotton."
- SE New Mexico Agricultural Research Association & Legislative Finance Committee, Artesia, NM, "IPM of Insects in New Mexico 2021”. 14 contacts
- Agriculture Career Day, Park Junior High, Artesia, NM, "Intro to Entomology ", Reached Approximately 600 students.
- Cottonwood 4H Monthly Meeting, Artesia, NM, "Entomology Contest", 58 contacts.
- NMSU Open House, NMSU, Skeen Hall, Las Cruces, NM, "Insect and Plant Diagnostics".
- ASC - Artesia Annual Farm Planning Meeting, Artesia, NM, "IPM of Insects Developments in New Mexico”. 10 Contacts
- 59 arthropod museum outreach events with a total of 4226 visitors, an average of 70 visitors per event in 2023
- 65 outreach events by the arthropod museum with a total of 3445 visitors an average of 53 visitors per event in 2022
- Truth or Consequences Pesticide Applicator's Training CEU Course – Beneficial Insects of New Mexico “Beneficial insects and IPM” for CEU Course. 17 people.
- NM Chile Conference, ‘Combating Chile Pepper Pests Using IPM “. 179 people.
- 2023 Master Gardener Training Course, “Arthropod Identification and IPM “. Recorded Lecture. 199 people.
- Q&A with Master Gardener Training Class, 67 people.
- Fruit Tree Pest Management Workshop, “Fruit tree pests and IPM” at the Larry P. Abraham Agri-Nature Center, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM. 23 people.
- 2023 NMSU In-Person Pesticide Applicator CEU Training, “Beneficial insects and IPM” at the 2023 NMSU In-Person Pesticide Applicator CEU Training in Farmington, NM. 44 people.
- Navajo Sustainable Agriculture Project Outreach, “Common pests and how to deal with them”. Navajo Sustainable Agriculture Project. 10 people.
- Lush & Lean Workshop, “Pests and Beneficials - Bugs in Your Landscape? Who’s Who & What’s What?”. 60 people.
- Native Plant Society presentation, “Beneficial Insects of New Mexico”. 34 people.
- New Mexico Agriculture Sustainability Workshop, Insect walk and presentation on: “Insect Pest Management: Aphids, Squash Bugs, Beet Leafhoppers, & Grasshoppers” at the Larry P. Abraham Agri-Nature Center, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM. 95 people.
- Master Gardener Field Training 2023. Trained Master Gardeners in hands-on entomology at the Larry P. Abraham Agri-Nature Center, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM. 46 people.
- IPM/Beneficial Insect 4-H Ag-Tivity Camp and Community Event. Two-day event for children and adults in Aztec, NM: 1) June 22, 2023 outreach for ~12 children. Showed live and prepared specimens and then took everyone to look for bugs. Second event = IPM and pest presentation for 6 adults. 2) June 23, 2023 - outreach for 15 children. There were multiple adults present throughout all these events. 44 people
- Ready, Set, GROW! “Hemipteran Beneficials & Pests”. 75 people,
- 29th Annual Southwest Noxious Weed Short Course. “Principles of Biological Control” and “Southwest Biological Control Update”. San Juan College, Farmington, New Mexico. Also showed insects of weed biological control on the field day on the 19th. 60 people.
- 90-minute lecture on “Arthropod Identification and IPM” for Pesticide Applicator training. Morarity, NM at the Edgewood SWCD Building. 60 people.
- 2023 Alcalde Field Day. “Fruit Tree IPM”. 100 people.
- Recorded lecture, “Beneficial insects and IPM” for the 2023 PAT NMDA CEU application in NM.
- Navajo Sustainable Agriculture Project Outreach, “Plant Pollinators”. 10 people.
- Doña Ana Co Master Gardener 2023-24 Training Class. Taught the 6-hour Master Gardener 2023-24 Training Class on Entomology. Half of the course was devoted to IPM in Entomology. A 90-minute lecture was given on IPM and then a pest management learning game was used to actively teach components of IPM. 8 people.
- Pest Management Game: “Pest Friends Demo for the Learning Games Lab”. 7 People.
- Identified 764 Nematode specimens submitted to NMSU, a USDA certified containment facility and a USDA P526 diagnostic permit for the USA. Samples came from NM, AZ, TX, NV, UT as well as the Navajo Nation.
- “Undercover Tomatoes: The Plot Thickens” for the 38th Tomato Disease Conference at Purdue University.
- “Intro to Plant ID and Using APPs” for the online Train the Trainer IPM Workshop.
- “Plant Diagnostics” for the Valencia County Cooperative Extension Workshop.
- “Diagnosing & Preventing Common Tree Problems” for Grant County Yard & Garden Expo.
- Enhancement of the pollinator habitat and community engagement at our Learning Garden at the Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas also continues with the installation of dozens of new species, decorative and informative signage, a first-annual pollinator-friendly Fall Native Plant Sale and Talks on Oct. 7, 2023. Over 100 community members were in attendance. Interactive presentations focused on attracting native beneficial insects and other wildlife and selecting and planting native and adapted species in home landscapes for plant and habitat health.
- Guest lecture in EPWS 505 course (Advanced Integrated Pest Management) on “Biological control of plant pathogens.” The lecture delineates the importance of non-chemical components as integral parts of IPM.
- Training of peach grower and his associates on identifying Phymatotrichopsis omnivora on roots of peach trees, and on using Trichoderma for root rot control.
- Presented on “Evaluation of Biorational Approaches for Management of Soilborne Pathogens” at the Leyendecker Field in Las Cruces, NM
- Presented on “Overview of Wilt Diseases in Vegetable and Nut Crops in the Rio Grande Valley” at the East El Paso AgriLife Extension event in Anthony, TX
- Presented an invited departmental seminar (Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas-Quimico Biologicas, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico) on “Using Agricultural Probiotics and Biostimulants for Managing Soilborne Diseases in Annual and Perennial Crops”.
- Presented on “Chile Disease Management” at the Chile Field Day at Curry Farms, Pearce, AZ.
- All the presentations focused on using biopesticides (biochemical and microbial formulation) as IPM tools.
- Maintained a website for the real-time monitoring of the wheat midge (2 states) and alfalfa weevil (4 states).
- MSU Extension 2 day IPM workshop "Diagnosing Plant Health Problems." Workshop participants were extension agents, crop consultants, agronomists, pesticide applicators and Montana Department of Agriculture employees. Overall usefulness of presentations and sessions on days 1 and 2 were rated 4.63 and 4.57 (out of 5), respectively. Knowledge on topics increased by 15% and 22%. 100% of participants would recommend this workshop.
- Hands-on training and materials were provided through 41 webinars, Ag. Alerts, workshops, continuing education classes, presentations, seminars, newspaper articles, podcasts, book chapters, journal articles, extension and education publications, communications, and conference abstracts/proceedings.
- Panel members on 13 episodes of Montana Ag. Live focused on agronomic crops.
- IPM member participated in the palmer amaranth awareness workshop with producers, agricultural professionals, and state and federal agencies to raise awareness of palmer amaranth and waterhemp in Montana, worked across state lines with North Dakota.
- A Hybrid Level 1 Master Gardener course created for the Digital Chalk platform. 26 course offerings were added to the platform. Individuals were able access curriculum online for self-paced learning, this allowed for more time for hands-on activities during in-person class sessions.
- Youtube videos, webinars, online articles, and the online "Monthly Weed Post" newsletter for MSU Extension, reaching approximately 600 subscribers each month.
- Sixth edition of the Montana Master Gardener Handbook released in April of 2023.
- "Turf to Trees" workshop for green industry professionals, MSU Extension agents, Master Gardeners, and horticulture professionals.
- Published extension "rack cards" providing information on management and prevention of invasive pigweed plant species.
- 4 Gallatin Valley Farm to School (GVF2S) horticulture facts sheets for children.
- 7 New Agent Horticulture Toolkits distributed during New Agent Orientation to incoming county extension faculty with horticulture responsibilities.
- 1000 copies of the publication "Revegetation Guidelines: Considering Invasive and Noxious Weeds."
- 34 presentations, Ag. alerts, workshops, magazine/newsletters, peer reviewed journal articles, and extension publications by IPM members.
- 2 episodes of Montana Ag. Live focused on providing learning materials for IPM implementation in communities.
- 17 workshops, Ag. alerts, classes, and webinars on a range of pollinator topics.
- Presentations on the insect pests of apples.
- 15 presentations to 450 stakeholders on IPM in fruits and vegetables. Completed a video on bird management in berries and soft fruits.
- The Schutter Diagnostic Lab was awarded the MSU Extension Director's Team Award in October 2022.
- Providing written reports and/or phone conversations on identifications, the SDL conducted 1431 disease/injury diagnoses through physical, email, and Plant Sample Submission app samples.
- The lab sent out 20 alerts, either urban (8; 612 subscribers; or ag. (12; 1,879 subscribers;, that informed our clientele about issues statewide via text or email.
- 7 New Agent Horticulture Toolkits distributed during New Agent Orientation to incoming county extension faculty with horticulture responsibilities.
- 25 plant disease diagnostic kits for the detection of fire blight from Agdia® were distributed to extension offices in 4 counties (Gallatin, Flathead, Lewis & Clark, Madison-Jefferson) and one agricultural research center. 28 samples were tested in 2022; 14 samples were diagnosed "positive" for fire blight.
- Oregon State University School IPM Program: Pest issues in schools and school IPM implementation strategies were shared with colleagues and stakeholders from other states:
- Oregon State University School IPM Program conducted 22 hands-on school IPM coordinator training events throughout the state that reached over 95% of Oregon’s 197 school districts, representing over half a million students.
- Oregon State University School IPM Program educated health inspectors that conduct inspections at over 1,000 school kitchens two times per year, and provide pest prevention and management guidance to kitchen staff.
- Oregon State University School IPM Program developed a process to co-create Extension publications with school IPM coordinators and develop cadre of participant/peer-trainers at School IPM Program training events.
- Oregon State University School IPM Program director serves on the steering committee for the 11th International IPM Symposium, to increase knowledge and awareness of regional, national, and international IPM issues, systems and strategies.
- Presentations and publications on IPM topics to growers of crops including alfalfa seed, apples, barley, carrots, cherries, hops, juice grapes, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, wheat, wine grapes.
- Presentations on IPM topics to urban pesticide applicators including turf and landscape specialists.
- Training in IPM for Master Gardeners
- Presentations and publications on IPM in pollinators for beekeepers and audiences that use managed pollinator services
- Updates to websites including: Washington State University Extension IPM, WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, WSU Small Farms Program, WSU Northwestern Washington Research and Extension Center, WSU Plastic Mulches, WSU Wheat and Small Grains, WSU Viticulture & Enology, WSU Honey Bees + Pollinators
At the annual Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicators Workshop, we included guest speaker Kaci Buhl (Associate Professor, Director PSEP/NPIC, Oregon State University) to provide pesticide research updates and clarification of regulations/updates with EPA Bulletins Live! Two.
Dr. Peter Ellsworth serves as a Co-Director of the Western IPM Center as well as IPM Coordinator for the state of Arizona. In this role, he convenes the IPM Coordinating Committee, a stakeholder body that identifies and informs priorities for Arizona IPM programs. He provides input on the RFAs of the Western IPM Center, input which is informed by broad engagement with stakeholders across IPM Programs in different settings and environments.
Dr. Al Fournier serves as IPM Network Coordinator for the Desert Southwest, maintaining a vital information network for the arid southwest region culminating in evidence-based testimony to our regional and federal partners, especially the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, with a focus on pesticide registration review. The sub-region of the West that we represent includes Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and the desert regions of California. Our expert testimony includes pesticide use data from the Arizona Pest Management Center Pesticide Use Database and Crop Pest Losses surveys from our region, as well as detailed input from growers, pest managers, Extension personnel and scientists across the sub-region that we represent. Information provided in our comments helps the Environmental Protection Agency make more informed regulatory review decisions that protect people and the environment while supporting the tenants of IPM and productive and efficient agriculture throughout the Desert Southwest.
Another relevant activity we contributed to this project term is the National Survey of State IPM Coordinators, which was developed and implemented by the Regional IPM Centers. This survey gathered numeric data on the number of personnel and the different program areas in which we invest. These data will support an analysis of national IPM Program investments that should create a foundation for understanding current IPM infrastructure and shortcomings to identify where additional investments should be made.
Developing a national strategic plan for publicly funded IPM programs: In 2020, Jim Farrar was the Chair of the National IPM Coordinating Committee (NIPMCC). He initiated development of a strategic plan for the publicly funded state and territory programs as a unified enterprise. He worked with a committee of national volunteers to draft “Groundwork for Growth: A Strategic Plan for Public IPM Research and Extension in the United States.” Farrar’s successors in NIPMCC leadership are documenting current IPM infrastructure as a step toward developing proposed targets and milestones for the strategic plan.
Incorporating IPM in climate resilience and climate change mitigation planning: As a member of IPM Voice Board of Directors, Jim Farrar is participating in efforts to include IPM practices in federal agency discussions of agricultural practices to support climate resilience and climate change mitigation. Discussions currently focus on incorporation of IPM practices in Natural Resource Conservation Service standards which compensate growers for implementing specific practices.
- Advisory Board was formed to guide Extension efforts to suppress a major pest of quinoa in Colorado. The Board was essential in securing funding to support the work. The AB is comprised of quinoa producers, crop consultants, University scientists, independent crop consultants, and industry partners.
- Advisory Board was formed to align the stakeholder needs with federal grant program to address emerging issues with suppression of corn earworm in sweet corn on Western Slopes. The AB is comprised of sweet corn producers, crop consultants, commercial pesticide applicators, industry partners and University faculty and staff.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa participation in the WERA 1017 annual meetings provided members an opportunity for exchange of federal and regional IPM RFA programs.
- Additionally, University of Hawaii’s provided opportunities for implementation of relevant federal and regional IPM RFA’s program through grower involvement in the form of hosting Grower Forum (round-table discussions) with extension agents and researchers to better understand grower needs as they relate to federal and regional programs. These events took place on every island (Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai) and were produced in collaboration with multiple grower association groups.
- University of Hawaii conducted over 5 needs assessments to determine stakeholder needs and tailor improve IPM publications to the local requirements.
- University of Hawaii updated over 20 BMPs for invertebrate pests that were over 15 years old, and updated University Crop Knowledge Master website. An online tool for pest identification and management.
- The annual WERA 1017 meeting and International IPM symposium provided opportunities for the state IPM coordinators of the western US to share ideas and input with the USDA-NIFA Program leadership in the RFAs, and to the Western IPM center.
- Annually the UI IPM EIP team meets to discuss priorities for the program, with team members bringing feedback from stakeholder groups into consideration. Regional advisory boards set up for the Extension Implementation Program allow team members to get stakeholder input on ongoing and planned programs and ensure programs within the state as well as programs coordinated among multiple states are addressing key stakeholder needs.
New Mexico
- Identified 764 Nematode specimens submitted to NMSU, a USDA certified containment facility and a USDA P526 diagnostic permit for the USA. Samples came from NM, AZ, TX, NV, UT as well as the Navajo Nation.
- 2023 Pierce, J.B. NIFA Peer Review Panel
- Arizona Ellsworth, P.C. & A. Fournier. 2023. Advancing US Cotton IPM. Better Cotton’s “Large Farm Growth and Innovation Fund.” $99,990. 05/2023–04/2024. Ellsworth, P.C. & A.J. Fournier. 2021. The Arizona Pest Management Center: Supporting Adoption of High-Impact IPM Programs in Diverse Environments (Institutional Competitive Grant). USDA-NIFA, Crop Protection and Pest Management, Extension Implementation Program. $854,873. 9/2021 – 8/2024. Ellsworth, P.C. & A.J. Fournier. 2022. A Western IPM Center Led by California, Arizona and Oregon. USDA-NIFA, Crop Protection and Pest Management, Regional Centers Program, subaward: Crop Pest Losses and Impact Assessment. $360,000. 9/2022 – 8/2026. Ellsworth, P.C. & A.J. Fournier. 2018. A Western IPM Center Led by California, Arizona and Oregon. USDA-NIFA, Crop Protection and Pest Management, Regional Centers Program, subaward: Crop Pest Losses and Impact Assessment. $335,174. 9/2018 – 8/2022. Ellsworth, P.C., A.J. Fournier, I Bordini, N. Pier, S.E. Naranjo. 2023. Selectivity of Cotton Insecticides Drive Ecotoxicological Gains and Improve Arizona Cotton IPM. Cotton Incorporated. $60,000. 1/2023 – 012/2023. Ellsworth, P.C., A.J. Fournier, I Bordini, N. Pier, S.E. Naranjo. 2022. Selectivity of Cotton Insecticides Drive Ecotoxicological Gains and Improve Arizona Cotton IPM. Cotton Incorporated. $60,000. 1/2022 – 12/2022. Ellsworth, P.C., N. Pier. Building Capacity for Proactive Resistance Management. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $19,952. 10/2023 – 9/2024. Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, J. Peterson. 2023. Endangered Species Act - Supporting Positive Outcomes for Arizona Specialty Crops. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $82,566. 10/2023 – 9/2024. Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, W. Dixon, J. Peterson. 2021. Pesticide Data Impacts Registration Review Outcomes for Specialty Crops. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $129,912. 10/2021 – 9/2023. Greene, B., S. Li. 2023. Influenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture. Center for Disease Control / Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) through Arizona Department of Health Services Subaward. $67,232. 08/2023 - 07/2024 Hall, G, W. Moore, P.C. Ellsworth, J. Palumbo. 2021. Diagnostic Resources for Pests and Beneficial Insects on Specialty Crops. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $47,537. 10/2021 – 9/2022. MacLean, M.F., A.J. Fournier, P. Beamer, A.F. Arellano, E.J. Bedrick. 2020. Prenatal Exposure to Pesticide Mixtures and Childhood ADHD. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. $746,964. 9/2020 – 8/2023. Nair, S. and M. Chamberland. 2023. Investigations on Biology and Management of the Agave Grease Mite. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $78,226. 10/2023 – 9/2025. Palumbo, J.C. 2023. Insecticide Alternative in Melons. California Melon Research Board. $13,082. 1/2023 – 012/2023. Palumbo, J.C. 2023. Areawide Monitoring of Lettuce Insect in Yuma. Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council. $7,767. 1/2023 – 012/2023. Palumbo, J.C. 2023. Western Flower Thrips and INSV Management in Lettuce. Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council. $24,822. 1/2023 – 012/2023. Palumbo, J.C., S. Discua, S. Slinski and W. Wintermantel. 2023. Survey of Novel Plant Viruses in Arizona’s Produce Growing Region, Co-PI, ADA Specialty Crops Research Block Grant, USDA-AMS. $99,862. 10/2023 – 9/2024. Pier, N., P.C. Ellsworth. 2021. Insect Pest Management During Guayule Stand Establishment. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). $59,523. 10/2021 – 9/2022. Pier, N., P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. USDA-AMS, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (AZ). Palestriped Flea Beetle Control During Guayule Stand Establishment. $32,542. 10/2023-09/2024.
- Colorado • USDA NIFA CARE ($300,000): Developing IPM tactics to suppress a new stem-boring pest of quinoa. PI: Szczepaniec and Stewart (CSU). • Wheat Entomology Program. Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee Grants-in-aid. $82,000. Nachappa (PI). 9/1/2022-8/31/2023 • Assessing the impact of various crop rotations in reducing wheat stem sawfly damage and conserving soil health. Colorado Wheat Research Foundation ($30,663). Nachappa (PI). 9/1/2022-8/31/2023 • Identification and Characterization of New Sources of Genetic Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly in Wild Wheat Species. NSF-Industry university collaborative research center (NSF I/UCRC), Kansas State University ($153,942). Nachappa (PI), Peirce, and Mason. 12/1/2021-11/3/2023
- Hawaii • Bloese & Cha- USDA APHIS PPQ - $94,118 , 9/1/23-8/31/24: Identification of Giant African Snail Odors to Aid Detector Dog Training • Galanti, Hu & Bloese – UH Manoa -Special Appropriations - $112,500 – 7/1/23-5/31/24: Relating to Ornamental Ginger Act 258 • Wang, Silva, Bloese, Lutgen, Manandhar, Guiterrez-Coarite – USDA-NRCS - $771,442- 2023-2026: Soil Health through shelterbelt planting, sheet mulching and tree mulch plant-available nitrogen calculator • Bloese, Galanti, and Lutgen – HDOA SCBG- $39,885 – 3/1/22-2/29/24: Improving the sustainable production of Hawaii’s ornamental industry through precision nutrient management. • Bloese & Cha -USDA - $150,000 – 8/6/21-9/15/2024 – Further investigations into the efficacy and functions of soluble silicon fertilizer as part of an IPM tool. • Bloese & Cha – USDA APHIS - $145,839 – 8/1/23- 7/31/24: Development of Protein Food Odor-Based Chemical Lure for Female Oriental Fruit Fly.
- Idaho • Support Extension Potato Specialists. 2022. Olsen and Duellman, Idaho Potato Commission, $30,000. • Building negotiation knowledge and skills for enhanced economic and environmental sustainability of Western farm businesses. 2022. Hatzenbuehler and Tejeda, USDA-NIFA, $88,666. • IR-4 Idaho Field Trials. 2022. Hirnyck, University of California-Davis, $65,000. • Pesticide Safety Education. 2022. Hirnyck, eXtension Foundation, $19,525. • Domestication of native plants for landscape use. 2022. Love, USDA Specialty Crops Grant, $135,701. • Barley Yield and Protein Response to Nitrogen and Sulfur Rates and Application Timing. 2022. Idaho Barley Commission, Spackman and Marshall, $32,000. • Education for Idaho barley production: extension cereal nurseries. 2022. Schroeder and Marshall, Idaho Barley Commission, $20,000. • Extension Wheat Nurseries. 2022. Walsh, Schroeder and Marshall, Idaho Barley Commission, $83,814. • Irrigated Spring Malt Barley Yield, Grain Quality, and Malt Quality Response to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilization. 2022. Marshall, American Malting Barley Association, $5,000. • UI Extension Internship Grant. 2022. Stokes, UI Extension, $6,800. • Western SARE PDP-Pest Friends Board Game Grant. 2022. Thomas and Loomis, USDA-Western SARE PDP, $100,000. • Do insect-transmitted viruses affect forage alfalfa yield and quality? 2022. Wenninger, National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance, $58,304. • Dissecting effects of insect-transmitted viruses on yield and quality of forage alfalfa. 2022. Wenninger, USDA-NIFA, $299,965. • Identifying sources of green peach aphids flying into potato fields. 2022. Wenninger, Northwest Potato Research Consortium, $36,517. • Monitoring the distribution and abundance of potato psyllids and liberibacter in Idaho. 2022. Wenninger and Olsen, Idaho Potato Commission, $38,568. • Mass trapping or attract-and-kill of sugar beet root maggot (SBRM) flies. 2022. Wenninger, Idaho Sugar Industry, $15,000. • Beet leafhopper and BCTV strain survey. 2022. Wenninger, Idaho Sugar Industry, $3,400.
- New Mexico • Evaluation of a Population of Southwestern Corn Borer, Diatraea grandiosella, for Resistance to Bt Proteins. Southern IPM Center: TX A&M, U. Arizona and NMSU. $30,000. (In-Review) • WERA XXXX Hemp Pest Management and Production in the Western United States. (In-Review) • Sanogo, S., and Lujan, P. “Enhancing Induced Disease Resistance in Chile Pepper Using Botanical and Microbial Biostimulants” sponsored by New Mexico Chile Commission (5/25/2023 to 5/24/2024; $10,057). • Optimizing Insect Pest Management in a Western Semi-Arid Environment," New Mexico Experiment Station, Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science Hatch Program, Status: Funded, Effective Start Date: January 2021, Effective End Date: December 2026. • "Expanding IPM Extension and Education in NM", Sponsoring Organization: US Department of Agriculture/National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA Total Award: $480,000.00, (September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2024). • "Evaluating Insect Pest Management Tools for Cotton with Adaptive Insect Populations in a Semi-Arid Environment," Cotton Incorporated, $38,000.00, 2022-2023 • Resistance to Bt genes in Helicoverpa zea and Heliothis virescens in New Mexico. Total Award $13,000 ABSTC Effective Start Date: January 1, 2022. Effective End Date: December 31, 2022. • Impact of alfalfa on predation in cotton in New Mexico. Cotton Incorporated State funding. $9,000 2021-2022 • WERA1007 - Curly Top Virus Biology, Transmission, Ecology, and Management and W2193 Multistate Project: Poisonous Plants: impact, ecology, and management.
- Montana • 2023-2026 Lachowiec, Seipel, Nugent, Dyer. Detection and management of herbicide-resistant weed populations. USDA-ARDP-CPPM ($199,00) • 2022, 2023 Shergill, Seipel, Menalled. Integrated Management of weeds in pulse crops, US Dry pea and lentil (Y1 $32,000, Y2 $36,250) • 2023-2025 Rew, Seipel, Mangold. Cheatgrass and fire: long-term response and best management approaches. Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund ($36,250) • McKelvy U. Montana: National Predictive Modelling Tool Initiative for Wheat, 2023, from USDA Agricultural Research Service- Plains Area (USDAGR). • McKelvy U. Monitoring fungal pathogen presence and foliar disease development in dryland and irrigated spring wheat fields using passive and active spore samplers, Y3, from Montana Wheat & Barley Committee (MWBC).
- Washington • Walsh; USDA ARS NACA, $21,398; 5-2022 to 4-2024; Enhancing and Protection Populations of Alfalfa Seed • Graham, Walsh; USDA NIFA ASAFS, $880,275; 9-2023 to 8-2026; Novel Approaches for Pest Management and Pollinator Protection during the Production of Alfalfa Grown for Seed • Walsh, Lyon, Waters, Beers, Miles, Foss; USDA NIFA CPPM Extension IPM, $891,216; 9-2021 to 8-2024; Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program • Walsh, Gent, Marsh, Shellhammer, Zhu; USDA NIFA SCRI, $4,853,908; 9-2022 to 8-2025; Enhancing Supply Chain Sustainability and Global Competitiveness for Pacific Northwest Hops
- There is consistent effort and documented success in educating stakeholders about IPM, improving their familiarity with IPM concepts and application, and creating resources that promote IPM implementation in the region.
- WERA 1017 members have also been extremely successful in obtaining additional funds to continue the applied research and educational activities focused on improving IPM adoption and implementation.
Cooper, M., Li, S. and Rock, C. 2023. Keeping Food Safe at Home. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2053.
Ellsworth, P.C., I. Bordini, N. Pier, S.E. Naranjo. 2023. Control Integral Quimico y Biologico en Algodon. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.
Ellsworth, P.C. L. Brown, N. Pier. 2023. Anatomy of a Cotton Sweep for Pests and Predators. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.
Ellsworth, P.C., N. Pier. 2022. First Foliar Insecticide Special Local Needs Registrations for Palestriped Flea Beetle Control During Guayule Stand Establishment. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.
Ellsworth, P.C. & N. Pier. 2022. Palestriped Flea Beetle Control During Guayule Stand Establishment: Use the Right Special Local Needs Label! University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.
Ellsworth, P.C., N. Pier, W.E. Hall, W. Moore, D. Haviland. 2023. Potential Pest of Arizona Pecans: Rapid Communication (Update). University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.
Fournier, A.J. 2023. Be on the Lookout for Cotton Seed Bug! University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. AZ-AG Newsletter and blog post, July 25, 2023.
Fournier, A.J. & A. Mostafa. 2022. Life After Chlorpyrifos: Survey on Insecticide Use and Pest Management in Alfalfa. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. (Blog post)
Gouge, D.H., C. McReynolds, T.W. Stock. 2022. Managing Pigeons. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2001.
Gouge, D. H. and T. Stock. 2022. Integrated Pest Management of Nonbiting Flies in Schools. Oregon State University PNW770. 19pp.
Hong, Z. and A.J. Fournier. 2022. Comments from Western Stakeholders influence EPA Pesticide Registration Decisions. 2022 University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ. Poster. August 10-12, 2022.
Ignat, S., M. Cooper, D.H. Gouge, Li, S. 2023. Common Household Flies and Prevention Tips. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet. February 2023.
Li, S. 2023. Mosquito Info! Pima County Cooperative Extension Round-Up Newsletter, May-June 2023. Volume 4, Issue 3.
Li, S. 2023. Join the Tick Patrol. Pima County Cooperative Extension Round-Up Newsletter, July-August 2023. Volume 4, Issue 4.
Li, S., A.J. Fournier. 2022. Woolly Bear Caterpillar. Arizona Community Integrated Pest Management. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. October 17, 2023.
Li, S., M. Cooper, C. Rock, T. Teegerstrom. 2023. Resources to Improve Food Safety in Tribal Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet. February 2023.
Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Nair, S., Graham, L., Fournier, A.J. and Umeda, K. 2022. Cuidado con la picadura de las hormigas de fuego (Beware of Fire Ant Stings in Spanish). Arizona Pest Management Center; University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ1954S. July 2022.
Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Ruberto, I., Nair, S., Fournier, A.J. and W.E. Hall. 2022. What you should know about kissing bugs. Arizona Pest Management Center; University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ1992.
Mostafa, A., K. Harrington, W. Burayu. 2022. Sugarcane Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner), (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Arizona Sorghum. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2005.
Mostafa, A., T. La Ravia, K. Harrington. 2022. Urban, Small-scale, and Beginner Farmer Needs
Assessment in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2006.
Mostafa, A., W. Burayu, K. Harrington. 2022. Effects of the Application of Balanced Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers on Alfalfa Yield and Yield Components. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2003.
Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh, C. Bouska and C. Hedstrom. 2022. Measuring the Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Cranberries in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 39 pp. Publication EM 9374.
Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh and C. Hedstrom. 2022. The Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Oregon Sweet Cherries. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 36 pp. Publication EM 9378.
Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P.C. Ellsworth, P. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh and S. Reitz. 2022. The Economic Impact of Onion Pests in the Treasure Valley: A Look at Pests and Associated Pest Management Practices, 2018 – 2019. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. Publication EM 9347. (34pp.)
Murray, K., I. Sandlin, N. Wiman, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, H. Luh and C. Hedstrom. 2022. The Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Oregon Hazelnuts. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 36 pp. Publication EM 9370.
Nair, S. and M. Chamberland. 2022. Agave Plant Bugs. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension IPM Short, December 2022.
Nair, S., Gouge, D.H., Li, S., Schuch, U. 2022. Roof Rats in Sensitive Environments – Keep Them Away with Landscape Management and IPM.
Nair, S. N. Pier, M. Halldorson, and J. Weiss. 2023. Understanding the Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer: Management in Commercial Vineyards. Arizona Pest Management Center publication. GrapeLeafSkel-vF.pdf (
Norton, Randy. 2023. The University of Arizona 2022 Cotton Variety Testing Program - Trial Results. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Experiment Station.
Palumbo, J.C. 2022. Lettuce Aphid on Desert Lettuce -2022. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol. 13, No. 1. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Palumbo, J.C. 2023. Insecticide Usage on Conventional and Organic Lettuce in the Desert, 2022-2023. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol. 14, No. 13. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
(This is a product of the Crop Pest Losses and Impact Assessment Signature Program of the Western IPM Center)
Peña, M., B. Tickes. 2022. Pocket Guide for Weed Seedling Identification: Common Broadleaves, Southwestern and Central Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
Stock, T. and D.H. Gouge. 2022. Flies in School Kitchens. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW769. 5pp.
Asiimwe, P, C. R. Brown, P.C. Ellsworth, D.D. Reisig, L. Bertho, C. Jiang, A. Schapaugh, G. Head, L. Burzio. 2023. Transgenic cotton expressing Mpp51Aa2 does not adversely impact beneficial non-target Hemiptera in the field. Crop Protection
A.K. Barman, J.C. Palumbo, M.D. Rethwisch. Alfalfa leaftier, Dichomeris acuminatus (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): A New Pest of Alfalfa in the Low Desert Areas of California and Arizona, J. Integ. Pest Mngmt. (submitted).
Bordini, I., S.E. Naranjo, A.J. Fournier, P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. Spatial Scale of Non-Target Effects of Cotton Insecticides. PLOS ONE. 25 pp.
Ellsworth, P.C. & A. Fournier. Highly Hazardous Pesticide Phase-Out for US Cotton Growers: Alternatives, Risks, and Opportunities, Final Report. September 30, 2022. University of Arizona.
Gouge, D.H. 2023. Sonoran Desert Mosquitoes: a Story about Water, Heat, Housing and WNV. Wing Beats, Vol. 34(2):12-25.
Gouge, D. H., M.L. Lame, T.W. Stock, L.F. Rose, J.A. Hurley, D.L. Lerman, S. Nair, M.A. Nelson, J. Gangloff-Kaufmann, L. McSherry, J.F. Connett, L. Graham, T.A. Green. 2023. Improving Environmental Health in Schools. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care.
Hu J. 2023. First report of Cladosporium ramotenellum causing sooty spot on postharvest clementines in the United States. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-02-23-0210-PDN
Hu J. 2022. Detection of Seiridium cardinale causing bark cankers on Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) in Arizona. Plant Health Progress
Hu J. 2022. First report of Globisporangium heterothallicum causing seedling disease on guayule in Arizona. Plant Disease
Hu J. 2022. Occurrence of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus in Wine Grapes in Arizona. Plant Health Progress
Joy, T., M. Chen, J. Arnbrister, D. Williamson, S. Li, S. Nair, M. Brophy, V,M. Garcia, K. Walker, K. Ernst, D.H. Gouge, Y. Carrière, M.A. Riehle. 2022. Assessing Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Evaluation of Population Age Structure. Insects, 13(4):360.
Naranjo, S.E., Cañas, L., Ellsworth, P.C. 2022. Mortality dynamics of a polyphagous invasive herbivore reveal clues in its agroecosystem success. Pest Management Science 78(10): 3988-4005.
Nemchinov, L.O., A. Postnikova, W.M. Wintermantle, J.C. Palumbo and S. Grinstead. 2023. Alfalfa Vein Mottling Virus, a Novel Potyvirid Infecting Medicago sativa L., J of Virology (accepted, pending revisions).
Rodriguez, S.D., C. Allan, S. Duarte, L.M. Matzkin, J.C. Palumbo, Y. Carrière. 2023. First Report of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infecting Lettuce in Yuma, Arizona, Plant Dis. 3 Aug 2023.
Slinski, S.L., J.C. Palumbo, S.T. Koike, H. Stanghellini, C. Tsuchida, and J. Guerro. 2023. First Report of Pythium unicinulatum Causing Pythium Wilt of Lettuce in Arizona. Plant Dis., 11 Oct, 2023.
Wang, C., R. Cooper, K. Vail, A.D. Gondhalekar, D.H. Gouge. 2022. Pandemic Pests. Pest Control Technology 50(10), 64-65, 68, 70-71.
Expert Testimony / Comments on Pesticide Regulatory Reviews
Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Iprodione. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0392. 4/4/22.
Ellsworth, P.C., A.J. Fournier. 2022. Sulfoxaflor Use in Arizona Cotton. Response to Request from National Cotton Council. 6/29/22.
Fournier, A.J., William McCloskey, Blase Evancho, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Diuron. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0077. 7/27/22.
Fournier, A.J., B. Poudel-Ward, A Hu, R. Norton, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Use and Importance of Ametoctradin in Arizona Agriculture. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0647. 9/12/22.
Fournier, A.J., A Hu, R. Norton, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Tebuconazole. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0378. 9/12/22.
Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, J.C. Palumbo, A. Mostafa, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. In Response to EPA Draft Biological Evaluation for Sulfoxaflor & Mitigations Proposed by the Registrant. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0889-0597. 9/17/22.
Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, J.C. Palumbo, M. Peña, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Notice: Petition to Revoke Tolerances and Cancel Registrations for Certain Organophosphate Uses. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0490-0001. 9/25/22.
Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Atrazine: Proposed Revisions to the Interim Registration Review Decision. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2013-0266-1627. 10/7/22.
Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, K. Umeda, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Dicamba Use and Benefits in Arizona and the Southwest. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0223. 10/17/22.
Fournier, A.J., J.C. Palumbo, K. Umeda, W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Carbaryl: Use and Benefits in the Desert Southwest and Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0230. 2/14/23.
Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. EPA’s Endangered Species Act Workplan Update: Proposed Label Language for Nontarget Species Mitigation and Other Actions. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0908. 2/14/23.
Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision for DCNA (Dicloran). Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0141. 3/26/23.
Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision for Thiophanate-methyl.Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0004. 3/26/23.
Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. Response to EPA Call for Comment on Sulfoxaflor Registrations on Certain Crops. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0889-0659. 3/27/23.
Fournier, A.J., C. Rock, J. Sughroue, D. Bishel, W.A, Dixon II. 2023. Use and Benefits of Peroxy Compounds in Arizona Vegetable Production. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0546. 6/5/23.
Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, W.A, Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for the Registration of DCPA. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0374. 7/3/23.
Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K, Fischer A. 2022. Emergence and early growth of multiple herbicide–resistant and -susceptible late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon). Weed Technology 36(1), 101–109. doi:10.1017/wet.2021.86
Galvin L, Inci D, Mesgaran M, Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K. 2022. Flooding depths and burial effects on seedling emergence of five California weedy rice (Oryza sativa spontanea) accessions. Weed Science 70(2), 213–219. doi:10.1017/wsc.2021.82
Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Citrus Thrips Insecticide Trial, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1.
Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Effects of Sabadill-V to Reduce Severe Rind Scarring Caused by Citrus Thrips in Navel Oranges, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1.
Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Pesticide Trial Against Citrus Red Mite, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1.
Gyawaly S, Rijal JP. 2022. Neem-based insecticides deter oviposition activity in spotted wing drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in sweet cherries. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:1310–1313.
Haber Z, Wilhelmi MdMR, Fernández-Bayo JD, Harrold DR, Stapleton JJ, Toubiana D, VanderGheynst JS, Blumwald E, Simmons CW, Sade N, Achmon Y. 2022. The effect of circular soil biosolarization treatment on the physiology, metabolomics, and microbiome of tomato plants under certain abiotic stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1009956. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.1009956.
Illán JG, Rijal JP, et al. 2022. Evaluating invasion risk and population dynamics of the brown marmorated stink bug across the contiguous United States. Pest Management Science.
Javeed NN, Shultz L, Barnum S, Foley JE, Hodzic E, Pascoe EL, Martínez-López B, Quinn N, Bucklin D, Dear JD. 2022. Prevalence and geographic distribution of Babesia conradae and detection of Babesia vogeliin free-ranging California coyotes (Canis latrans). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 19, 294–300.
Kron CR. 2022. Used three photo images that I took of the three-cornered alfalfa hopper’s eggs, nymphs, and adults for the Australian Wine Research Institute Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Fact Sheet.
Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Efficacy of Soil-Applied Systemic Insecticides Against Nipaecoccus viridis Instars, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1, 1–2.
Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Sanitizing Equipment and Personnel to Prevent the Spread of Hibiscus Mealybug [Nipaecoccus viridis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)] in Florida Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:5, 1592–1600.
Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Toxicity of Selected Adjuvants Against Nipaecoccus viridis Instars, Adults, and Ovisacs, and Against Their Predator Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, 2021–2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1, 1–3.
Nepal A, DeShields JB, Levin AD, Hilton R, Rijal JP. 2022. Epidemiology of Grapevine Red Blotch Disease Progression in Southern Oregon Vineyards. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 73 (2), 116-124.
Pearsons KA, Omondi EC, et al. 2022. Reducing Tillage Affects Long-Term Yields but Not Grain Quality of Maize, Soybeans, Oats, and Wheat Produced in Three Contrasting Farming Systems. Sustainability 14:2, 631.
Rijal JP. 2022. Spotted Wing Drosophila UCIPM Guidelines. In: Grant JA, Caprile JL, Coates WW, Van Steenwyk RA, Daane KM. Rijal JP. Revised continuously. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cherry. Publication 3440, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Oakland, CA.
Rosenberg S, Crump A, Brim-DeForest W, Linquist B, Espino L, Al-Khatib K, Leinfelder-Miles MM, Pittelkow CM. 2022. Crop Rotations in California Rice Systems: Assessment of Barriers and Opportunities. Front. Agron. 4:806572. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2022.806572
Rowen EK, Pearsons KA, et al. 2022. Early-season plant cover supports more effective pest control than insecticide applications. Ecological Applications 32:5, 12.
Shea EA, Fernandez-Bayo JD, Hodson A, Parr A, Achmon Y, Lopez E, Toniato J, Milkereit J, Crowley R, Stapleton JJ, VanderGheynst JS, Simmons CW. 2022. Biosolarization restructures soil bacterial communities and decreases parasitic nematode populations. Applied Soil Ecology 172: 104343.
Sutherland AM, Hubble C, Barber M. 2022. Installation season may significantly impact time required for subterranean termites to find and feed on in-ground baits. Insects 13(5), 445.
Taravati S. 2022. A Needs Assessment Survey of Southern California Pest Management Professionals. The Journal of Extension 60:2.
Tseng SP, Taravati S, et al. 2022. Genetic Evidence for Multiple Invasions of Coptotermes formosanus(Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) in California. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:4.
UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines
Almond: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Apple: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Apricot: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Cherry: fungicide and bactericide efficacy; spotted-wing drosophila
Citrus: insects, mites, and other invertebrates; fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Cole Crops: insects (new Bagrada bug, bulb mites, springtails, and lygus bug) and weeds, with new vertebrate pest section
Grape: new Gill’s mealybug section; fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Kiwifruit: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Nectarine: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Peach: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Pear: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Pistachio: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Plum: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Pomegranate: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Prune: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
Strawberry: fungicide and bactericide efficacy
UC IPM Pest Notes
Eucalyptus redgum lerp psyllid
Extension (fact sheets, guides, bulletins, newsletter articles, technical reports, blog posts, websites, online courses, videos, apps)
Gyawaly S, Milliron L. 2022. 2022 almond season IPM reflections. Sacramento valley almond news (Fall, 2022 issue).
Gyawaly S, Rijal JP. 2022. In-season-& post-harvest management of navel orangeworm (NOW) in walnuts. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source (September issue).
Hubble C, Sutherland AM, Barber M, 2022. Investigating the biology of the introduced cockroach species Luridiblatta trivittata. Annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. April 11, 2022; Santa Rosa, CA:
Kron CR. 2022. Why are ants a pest in vineyards? CAPCA Adviser Magazine 25(4): 66–68.
Kron CR. 2022. Twelve videos from the North Coast IPM Seminar:
Kron CR. 2022. UC Davis Winemaking Certificate Program Continuing and Professional Education: VIT 257: Viticulture for Winemakers course. Five recorded lessons for the Pests and Disease of Grapes: 1) Introduction to IPM; 2) Distinguishing features of insects; 3) Pest insects & mites of grapevines; 4) Insects and nematodes that vector pathogens; 5) Beneficial insects in the vineyard
Light S, Vinchesi-Vahl A. July/August 2022. Winter cover crops in annual rotations. Progressive Crop Consultant Vol. 7, Issue 4: p. 24–27.
Middleton EG, Spinelli G. 2022. Agave Mites: A Tiny Menace. Extension Connection 3, 8–12.
Bachie O, Middleton EG. 2022. Glenda Humiston Visits UCCE San Diego. Extension Connection 2, 9–11.
Middleton EG. 2022. Green Fruit Beetles: A Sign of Summer in San Diego. Extension Connection University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego. 2, 3–5.
Middleton EG. 2022. Pest Alert: Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine 8/19/2022. Integrated Pest Management in Southern California 1–5.
Rijal JP, Gyawaly S. 2022. Insecticide options for navel orangeworm IPM in Almonds—A recent trial summary. San Joaquin Valley Tree and Vines (July issue). 3pp
Rust MK, Choe D-H, Sutherland A, Sorensen M, Nobua-Behrmann B, Kabashima J, Campbell K, Hubble C, Park H-E. 2022. Controlling yellowjackets in urban recreational areas. In R. Bueno-Marí, T. Montalvo, and W.H. Robinson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Pests (pp. 45–48). CDM Creador de Motius S.L., Mare de Deu de Montserrat 53-59, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain.
Simmons C, Shea E, Lone T, Hodson A, Crowley R, Stapleton JJ. 2022. Biosolarization: Returning almond hulls and shells to the orchard to improve soil and almond tree health. Progressive Crop Consultant May–June.
Sutherland AM. 2022. Diagnosing Plant Problems, 2022. Initial training for UCCE Master Gardener trainees, video-based module with embedded quizzes, group exercises, and homework:
Sutherland AM. 2022. Integrated Pest Management, 2022. Initial training for UCCE Master Gardener trainees, video-based module with embedded quizzes, group exercises, and homework: March 2022
Sutherland A, Hubble C, Barber M. 2022. Subterranean termite baiting: system options and seasonal considerations. Pest Control Technology. April 2022, pp. 70–82:
Sutherland AM, Taravati S, Hubble C, Rust MK, Choe D-H. 2022. Outdoor baiting to control Turkestan cockroaches (Blattodea: Blattidae). In R. Bueno-Marí, T. Montalvo, and W.H. Robinson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Pests (pp. 116–120). CDM Creador de Motius S.L., Mare de Deu de Montserrat 53-59, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain.
Sutherland AM, Hubble C, Barber M, 2022. Seasonal activity patterns may inform baiting programs targeting the western subterranean termite species complex. Annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. April 11, 2022; Santa Rosa, CA:
Stapleton JJ, Slinski S, Simmons C, Fernández-Bayo J. 2022. Potential of soil amendment with date paste (Phoenix dactylifera ‘Medjool’) for non-chemical control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae. Phytopathology 112:2.8.
Stapleton JJ, Ruiz TS. 2022. Soil disinfestation with onion (Allium cepa) harvest waste and elevated temperature for winter squash (Cucurbita moschata) production. Phytopathology112:S2.15.
Taravati S. 2022. Less known facts about the Turkestan cockroach. Pest Tactic Journal 1:1, 1–4.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. March/April 2022. Evaluation of automated and mechanical cultivators to control within-row weeds in processing tomatoes. Progressive Crop Consultant Vol. 7, Issue 2: p. 42–44.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. January 2022. 2021 Farm call summary/2021 research results/2022 research projects. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Vinchesi-Vahl A, Ramirez Bonilla J. January 2022. Characterizing the non-crop habitat for a pest of melons, the western striped cucumber beetle. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Gilbertson R, Vinchesi-Vahl A. May 2022. VIRUS ALERT-2022: Resistance-breaking (RB) tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and beet curly top virus (BCTV) have been identified in Colusa and Sutter counties. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. August/September 2022. Farm call summary/Pest highlight: Vegetable Weevil/2022 Research Updates. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Vinchesi-Vahl A , Lee B. August/September 2022. The South American Tomato Leafminer Tuta absoluta: Threats of Invasion and Future Plans for Control. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. December 2022. Tomato meeting announcement. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Vinchesi-Vahl A, Aegerter B. December 2022. Fusarium falciforme cultivar evaluations table. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.
Ramirez Bonilla J, Grettenberger I, Vinchesi-Vahl A. May 9, 2022. Studies characterizing the relationship between weeds and the western striped cucumber beetle. UC Weed Science Blog.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. December 19, 2022. Evaluation of automated and mechanical cultivators to control within-row weeds in processing tomatoes. UC Weed Science Blog.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. November 2022. 2022 UCCE Vegetable Crops Program Update. Yuba Sutter Farm Bureau Crop Talk, Vol. 17, No. 1.
Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2022. Evaluation of darkling beetle overwintering locations and movement into tomato fields. California Tomato Research Institute final report.
Grettenberger I, Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2022. Improved management startegies for the western striped cucumber beetles in melon production. California Melon Research Board final report.
Swett C, Collinson M., Gastellum M, Aegerter B, Geiser D, Turini T, Vinchesi-Vahl A, Miyao E. 2022. Control strategies for F. falciforme, a newly recognized and widespread cause of premature vine decline. California Tomato Research Institute final report.
UC IPM Quick Tips
Phytophthora root and crown rot
Escarabajos de la alfombra (carpet beetles)
Los piojos harinosos (mealybugs)
Catarinas (ladybeetles)
Depredadores benéficos (beneficial predators)
UC IPM Newsletters
UC IPM Green Bulletin newsletter: 2 issues
Home & Garden Pest Newsletter: 3 issues
UC IPM Videos
Agricultural IPM:
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Citrus Mealybugs in the San Joaquin Valley
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Considerations in Management of Vegetable Crops Viruses
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Downy Mildew of Vegetables
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Fungal Diseases in Processing Tomatoes
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Voles, Rats, and Mice in Agricultural Fields
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Managing Nematodes in Nut Crops
Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Weed Control in Noncrop and Natural Areas
Urban and Community IPM:
New video: What is IPM? IPM with Diego #1
New video: What is a Pest? IPM with Diego #2
New video: An Introduction to Invasive Shothole Borers
New video: Management of Invasive Shothole Borers
New video: Trapping of Invasive Shothole Borers
Webinar: Arachnophobia
Webinar: Bed Bug Prevention
Webinar: Controlling Weeds
Webinar: Invasive Pests in California Part 1, New Year, New Pests
Webinar: Invasive Species in California Part 2: Emerging Tree Pests
Webinar: Pesticides and Water Quality
Webinar: Squirrels!
Webinar: Understanding Subterranean Termites
UC IPM Online Courses
New online course: Urban Pyrethroid and Fipronil Use: Runoff and Surface Water Protection
UC IPM Social Media and Blogs
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn: @ucipm
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @ucipmurban
Pests in the Urban Landscape blog
UC IPM Informational Webpages
UC Guide (garden and landscape):
Insects and mites: Apple maggot, Ash plant bugs, Baccharis gall fly, Banana moth, Boxwood leafminer, Branch and twig borer, Citrus cutworm, Douglas-fir needle midges, Eucalyptus snout beetle, Fall cankerworm, Ficus whitefly, Flatheaded borers, Gall makers, Grape bud beetle, Grape leaffolder, Grape mealybug, Grape phylloxera, Green fruitworms, Irregular pine scale, Katydids, Lead cable borer, Leaf beetles and flea beetles, Leafhoppers, Lygus bugs, Monterey pine midge, Navel orangeworm, Oriental fruit moth, Peach twig borer, Peachtree borer, Pear psylla, Pine wilt nematode, Raspberry cane maggot, Raspberry sawfly, Rhododendron species resistant to feeding by adult root weevils, Saltmarsh caterpillar, Sphinx moths, Tentiform leafminers, Weevils, Western grapeleaf skeletonizer, Woolly aphids, Woolly apple aphid.
UC IPM Web Tools
Revised Natural enemies gallery: predators plus new: Aphid flies , Mite midges, Spider mite rove beetle
Revised Natural enemies gallery: parasitoids (parasites) plus new: Alfalfa caterpillar Cotesia parasitoid, Aphid Diaeretiella parasitoid, Armored scale Encarsia parasitoid, Ash whitefly Encarsia parasitoid, Asian citrus psyllid Tamarixia parasitoid, Bluegum psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid, California red scale Comperiella parasitoid, Caterpillar Copidosoma parasitoids, Caterpillar Goniozus parasitoids, Elm leaf beetle Oomyzus parasitoid, Giant whitefly parasitoids, Glassy-winged sharpshooter Cosmocomoidea parasitoids, Goldspotted oak borer Calosota parasitoid, Grape leaffolder Habrobracon parasitoid, Greenhouse thrips Thripoctenus parasitoid, Leafhopper Anagrus parasitoids, Leafminer Diglyphus parasitoids, MealybugAcerophagus parasitoids, Mealybug Anagyrus parasitoids, Purple scale Aphytis parasitoid, Redgum lerp psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid, San Jose scale Aphytis parasitoid, Scale insect Metaphycus parasitoids, Scale insects Coccophagus parasitoid, Stink bug Trissolcus parasitoids, True bug Trichopoda parasitoid, Western flower thrips Ceranisus parasitoid, Whitefly Cales parasitoid, Whitefly Encarsia pergandiellaparasitoid, Woolly whitefly Amitus parasitoid
Updated Weed Gallery: new Common pokeweed
Jobson, E., Roberts, R. Genomic structural variation in tomato and its role in plant immunity. Mol Horticulture 2, 7 (2022).
Making Better Decisions 2022- Wheat Field Days Report. “Viruses: It’s not just about Wheat streak mosaic.” June 2022. Olivia LoGrasso and Robyn Roberts.
Dry Bean of Colorado Technical Report article- Emma Barrett and Robyn Roberts. “Common Blight of Beans.” October 2022.
Webpage housed on the CSU IPM site focused on the new pest: (
Soni, N., E. Westra, G. Allegretta, A. Araujo, C.F. Pinho, S. Morran, J. Lerchl, F. Dayan, P. Westra, and T. Gaines. 2022. Survey of ACCase and ALS resistance in winter wheat identifies target-site and non-target-site imazamox resistance in Secale cereale. Pest Manag. Sci. 78: 5080-5089
Roman-Reyna V, Curland RD, Velez-Negron Y, Ledman KE, Gutierrez Castillo DEE#, Beutler J, Butchacas J, Brar G, Roberts R, Dill-Macky R, Jacobs J. Development of genome-driven, lifestyle-informed markers for identification of the cereal-infecting pathogens Xanthomonas translucens pathovars undulosa and translucens. Phytopathology. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-07-22-0262-SA. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36224751.
Peirce, E.S., Cockrell, D.M., Mason, E., Haley, S., Peairs, F., and Nachappa, P. 2022. Solid Stems and Beyond: Challenges and Future Directions of Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), Journal of Integrated Pest Management, Volume 13, Issue 1, 29
A Journal of Integrated Pest Management Publication highlighting a new pest in quinoa: Szczepaniec, A., and G. Alnajjar. 2023. New invasive stem borer, Amauromyza karli Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of quinoa in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 14(1): 1-7.
- Lutgen, R. Galanti, J. Bloese, and L. Keith. 2023. Ornamental Pests of Hawaii: Fungal and nematode associations and symptoms on Protea & Leucospermum spp. UH-CTAHR.
- Lutgen, R. Galanti, C. Cheng, and J. Bloese. 2023. Ornamental Pests of Hawaii: Disease management of Protea and Leucospermum spp. UH-CTAHR.
- Galanti, & J. Bloese. 2022. Pesticide Compatibility: Jar testing before tank mixing. UH-CTAHR. chromeextension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ RE-11.pdf
Ramadan, MM, Kaufman, LV, and Wright MG. 2023. Recent advances in insect and weed biocontrol in Hawaii: case studies and trends. Biological Control 179: 105170
Au, MG and Wright MG. 2022. Arcte coerula (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): A new invasive pest in Hawai’i on endemic plants. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 54:63-75.
Bloese, J.B., Galanti, R., Lichty, J., and R. Porter. (2023). Efficacy of silicon dioxide applications on Dendrobium spp. in Hawaii in management of melon thrips (Thrips palmi (Karny)) and Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)). Journal of Int. Pest Mngt. In Review.
Bastian, C., Tejeda, H., Hatzenbuehler, P., Fuller, K. B., Hewlett, J., Westerhold, A., & Sand, S. (2022). A Research-Based Extension Curriculum to Improve Negotiation Skills and Outcomes for Agricultural Stakeholders. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 4(3), 67-81.
Dahan, J., Wolf, Y. I., Orellana, G. E., Wenninger, E. J., Koonin, E. V., & Karasev, A. V. (2022). A Novel Flavi-like Virus in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Crops along the Snake River Valley. Viruses, 14(6), 1320.
Dahan, J., Y.I. Wolf, G.E. Orellana, E.J. Wenninger, E.V. Koonin, and A.V. Karasev. 2022. A novel flavi-like virus in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops along the Snake River Valley. Viruses 14, 1320.
Eigenbrode, S.D., Adhikari, S., Rashed, A. 2023. Fescue aphid (Metopolophium festucae). In Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals (eds. S. Eigenbrode and A. Rashed). Burleigh-Dodds Science Publishing.
Ganie, Z., Soltani, N., McKenzie-Gopsill, A., Felix, J., Hutchinson, P., Dille, J., & Sikkema, P. (2023). Potential potato yield loss from weed interference in the United States and Canada. Weed Technology, 37(1), 21-24. doi:10.1017/wet.2023.5
Hirnyck, R., Tate, K., Price, W., Finkelnburg, D., Gunn, D., Hines, S., Neufeld, J., & Stokes, B. (2022). Innovative Virtual Pesticide Recertification Webinar Series Achieves Success during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 24, 28-41.
Loomis, G. and J. Thomas. 2022. Application of integrated pest management skills through a board game simulation, Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Volume 15, Issue 2 (1-6)
Prager, S.M., A. Cohen, W.R. Cooper, R. Novy, A. Rashed, E.J. Wenninger, and C. Wallis. 2022. A comprehensive review of zebra chip disease in potato and its management through breeding for resistance/tolerance to 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' and its insect vector. Pest Management Science 78, 3731-3745.
Rashed, A. and E.J. Wenninger. 2023. Advances in managing wireworms in cereal crops, challenges, and future directions. In Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals (eds. S. Eigenbrode and A. Rashed). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
Sanford D. Eigenbrode and Arash Rashed, (editors). 2023. Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals. Burleigh-Dodds Science Publishing.
Strausbaugh, C.A., Majumdar, R., and Wenninger, E. 2023. Foliar and seed treatment insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet, 2022. Plant Disease Management Reports 17:ST004, The American Phytopathological Society.
Tate, K. and Hirnyck, R. (2023) Chapter 9: Pesticide management and safety. Idaho Master Gardener Handbook.
Tilley, D., Hulet, A., Bushman, S., Goebel, C., Karl, J., Love, S., & Wolf, M. (2022). When a weed is not a weed: succession management using early seral natives for Intermountain rangeland restoration. Rangelands, 44(4), 270-280.
Adhikari S., Oehler, E., Rashed, A., Eigenbrode, S. D., Stokes, B. 2022. Cereal Grass Aphid: A newly invasive pest in North America: Bul. 1026, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID.
Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Dry Bean In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Oats In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Sugar Beets In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Dry Bean In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Oats In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Sugar Beets In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Bechinski, E., Merickel, F., & Stokes, B. 2022. Homeowner Guide to Centipedes and Millipedes. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin CIS 1170.
Clements, J., Saeed, A., Rashed, A. August 2023. Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee. Bul. 1050, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID.
Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., Marshall, J. and de Haro Martí, M.E. 2022. IMPACT Statement Ag Talk Tuesday series keeps Idaho producers informed.
Duellman, K., Wharton, P., Olsen, N., Woodhall, J., & Whitworth, J. 2022. Managing Bacterial Ring Rot of Potato. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1021.
Duellman, K., Woodhall, J., Olsen, N., & Whitworth, J. 2022. Potato Mop-Top Virus: Biology and Disease Management. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1017.
Eigenbrode, S. 2023. Dry Edible and Seed Pea In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Eigenbrode, S. 2023. Dry Edible and Seed Pea In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Elmquist D.C., Eigenbrode S.D. 2023. Soil Insects and Other Arthropods in Palouse Agroecosystems Bul. 1041, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID.
Finkelburg, D., J. Marshall, K. Duellman, P.J.S. Hutchinson, O. Walsh. October 2022. IMPACT Statement: Ag Talk Tuesday connects with growers and agricultural professionals. 2 p.
Gunn, D., Hirnyck, R., Shewmaker, G., Takatori, S. and Ellis. L.T. 2022. Meadow Voles and Pocket Gophers: Management in Lawns, Gardens, and Croplands. In Pacific Northwest Bulletins PNW0627.
Hirnyck, R. 2022. Pesticide Safety In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Hirnyck, R. 2023. Pesticide Safety In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Hutchinson, P. 2022. Potato In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Hutchinson, P. 2022. Targeted Tank Mixtures for Weed Control in Potatoes. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 950.
Hutchinson, P. 2023. Potato In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Olsen, N., A. Adjesiwor, R. Spear, M. Thornton, E. Wenninger, J. Miller, P. Wharton. 2022. Agronomics of leasing fields for potato production. In University of Idaho BUL 1038.
Prather, T. 2022. Alfalfa Seed In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2022. Cover Seed In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2022. Forage Alfalfa In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2022. Grass Hay In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2022. Noncropland In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2022. Pasture and Rangeland In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Alfalfa Seed In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Cover Seed In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Forage Alfalfa In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Grass Hay In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Noncropland In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Prather, T. 2023. Pasture and Rangeland In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Schreiber, A., A. Jensen, S. Rondon, E. Wenninger, S. Reitz, and T. Waters. 2023. Integrated pest management guidelines for insects and mites in Idaho, Oregon and Washington potatoes.
Stokes, B.S. and E.J. Wenninger. 2022. Red Fire Bug – A New Idaho Invader? In University of Idaho BUL 1019.
Wenninger, E.J. 2022. Sugar beet pests. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Wenninger, E.J. 2022. Pests of sugar beet grown for seed. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Wenninger, E.J. 2022Pests of table beet grown for seed. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Wenninger, E.J. and A.V. Karasev. Beet leafhopper and beet curly top virus (BCTV) strain risk assessment in Idaho. The Sugarbeet, Research 2023, pp. 53-54.
Wenninger, E.J. and B. Akhiwu. Mass trapping or attract-and-kill of sugar beet root maggot flies. The Sugarbeet, Research 2023, pp. 57-59.
Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Sugar beet pests. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Pests of sugar beet grown for seed. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Pests of table beet grown for seed. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.
Woodhall JW, Bell S, West A. 2023.Verticillium wilt of trees in Idaho. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1043.
Woodhall JW, Bell S,. Phytophthora bleeding canker of maple trees. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1042.
Woodhall JW, Brown L, Murdock MR. 2023. Diagnosing and managing Rhizoctonia in Idaho beans crops. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1040.
Adjesiwor, A., Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., and Marshall, J. 2023. Pacific Northwest Herbicide Resistance Initiative and Idaho- Ag Talk Tuesday. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel.
Duellman, K., and J. Thomas. 2022. Disease management basics in potatoes. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel.
Hoekema, D., Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., and Marshall, J. 2023. Idaho Agriculture Water Update- Ag Talk Tuesday. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel.
Hutchinson, P., and J. Thomas. 2023. “Weed Management Basics in Potatoes” University of Idaho Extension Potato Conference presentation. Recorded January 18, 2023. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel.
Winston, R., Schwarlander, M., and McMohon, T. 2022. “Weed Biological Control Series”. Biological Weed Control at the University of Idaho YouTube channel.
Elgeberi, N. 2023. Summary of Statewide Integrated Pest Management Needs in Nevada. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication. NIFA acknowledged. Hanson
Mazet, W, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Como Plantar Correctamente. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: Hanson Mazet, W, D.
Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. El Trabajo de Poda Hecho con un Proposito. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: Hanson Mazet, W,
- Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Proper Tree Planting. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Hanson Mazet, W, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Pruning with Purpose. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Five Lawn Alternatives for Northern Nevada. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Keep Your Lawn Green During the Summer. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Non-toxic Earwig Traps. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Reducing Lawn with Buffer Strips. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at:
Jensen, C., Kratsch, H., Hanson-Mazet, W. In Progress. Lawn Alternatives. University of Nevada, Reno Extension FS-23-XX.
Jensen, C., Kratsch, H., Hanson-Mazet, W. In Progress. Reducing Lawn with Buffer Strips. University of Nevada, Reno Extension FS-23-XX.
Kratsch, H.A. 2022. Watering Trees in Hot, Dry Home Landscapes. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication IP-22-02.
Kratsch, H.A. 2023 (In Review). Riego de árboles en jardines y patios secos y calurosos de una casa. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication IP-23-XX.
Kratsch, H.A., F. Barrios-Masias, and B. Poudel-Ward. 2023. Enhancing Production of Warm-Season Crops in Nevada Using Rootstocks: A Grower Survey. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Special Publication SP-23-01.
New Mexico
Beck, L. L. (In Press) A-325: Managing Weeds in Alfalfa (Revision).
Bennet, A., and Kersten, M. (2023) Guía de insectos benéficos del patio trasero en Nuevo México: Consejos de identificación y fotos - Spanish translation for Extension Publication H-172. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University.
Cook, D., (Pierce, J. B., contributor). (2022). New Mexico Insect Losses. Cotton Insect Losses Estimates(pp. 410-465). Carey, NC: National Cotton Council.
Cook, D., (Pierce, J. B., contributor). (2023). New Mexico Insect Losses. Cotton Insect Losses Estimates(pp. 364-423). Carey, NC: National Cotton Council.
Kersten, M.L., A. Knoch, and M.Y. Thompson. 2023. Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Insect Pests of Fruit Trees in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-184.
Kersten, M.L. and G. Giese. 2022. Grape Integrated Pest Management in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Circular 705.
Kersten, M.L. and A. Skidmore. 2022. Perennial Plants for Pollinators in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-182.
Kersten, M.L., M.A. Shreiner, and A. Skidmore. 2022. IPM for Pollinator Conservation in Home Gardens and Small Farms. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-181.
Lujan. P. (2023). Cómo recolectar y enviar especímenes de plantas para el diagnóstico de enfermedades - Spanish translation of Extension Publication H-158. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University.
Pierce, J. Know your friends in Biocontrol: Collops Beetles. New Mexico State University. Cooperative Extension Service (in review).
Pierce, J and P. Monk. 2023 Entomology Research and Extension Progress 2022. Agricultural Science Center Annual Report. NMSU Internal Report
Pierce, J. 2023. Evaluating Insect Pest Management Tools for Cotton with Adaptive Insect Populations in a Semi-Arid Environment," Cotton Incorporated, 2022 Annual Report
Pierce, J. 2023. Impact of alfalfa on predation in cotton in New Mexico. Cotton Incorporated 2022 Annual Report.
Skidmore, A., M. Shreiner, and M.L. Kersten. 2023. Integrated Pest Management for Squash Bug for Home Gardens and Small-Scale Growers. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-183.
Sutherland, C., A. Skidmore, L. Laurialt, M. Marsalis, and J. Pierce. 2022. Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa. New Mexico State University Extension Circular 659.
Sutherland, C. A., Skidmore, A., Lauriault, L. M., Marsalis, M. A., Pierce, J. B. (2022) Circular 659), Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa. Las Cruces, NM: Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, New Mexico State University. 13 pp
Zhang, G., Kersten, M., Owen, A. and Skidmore, A., (2023). Honey bee foraging and pesticide exposure in a desert urban agroecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 249, p.114472.
Beck, L. (2023). Principles of Weed Management for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Kersten, M. (2023). Introduction to New Mexico's Insect Pollinators for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Bug Eating Bugs. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Kersten, M., Lujan, P., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Common Plant Diseases. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Who Is Eating Your Plant. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Whose Eggs Are These. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
King. J. (2023). Basics in Entomology Identification for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Lujan, P. (2023). Basics in Plant Pathology for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Spackman, C., Beck, L. L. (2022) Plant Identification and Submission in a Digital World. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Thompson, M. (2023). Introduction to Plant Identification for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Allen, C. T., Pierce, J. B., et al. (2022). Cotton in the United States of America and Mexico. In G. Matthews (Ed.), Pest Management in Cotton: A Global Perspective. London: CABI.
Creamer, R., Simpson, A., Rheay, H.T., Brewer, C.E. 2023. Interaction of beet leafhopper (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae) vector of beet curly top virus and hemp in New Mexico. Environmental Entomology nvad069,
Creamer, R. 2023. EPPO Global Database. Beet curly top virus (BCTV00).
Creamer, R. 2023. Viral Diseases of Bell Pepper. Chapter 3.2.6 in Viral Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops, ed L.P. Awasthi. Elsevier: San Diego, CA.
Lehnhoff, EA, Neher, P, Indacochea, A, Beck, L. Electricity as an effective weed control tool in non-crop areas. Weed Res. 2022; 62: 149–159.
Pierce, J. B., Tellez, I., Monk, P. (2023). Alternatives to Bollworm Control in the Southwest: Okra Leaf Cotton Impacts on Predation and H. Zea Egg Hatch. 2023 Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Carey, NC: National Cotton Council. PP 333-338.
Rashid, A., Schutte, B., Ulery, A., Deyholos, M., Sanogo, S., Beck, L., Lehnhoff, E. (2023) Heavy metal contamination in agricultural soil: Environmental pollutants affecting crop health. Agronomy Journal.
Tellez, I. J. Pierce, P. Monk. Influence of plant architecture of okra-leaf cotton on crop microclimate, solar radiation and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) egg hatch. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, LA. Pp 496-500
Vyavhare, Suhas, D. Kerns and J. B. Pierce. In Press. Conchuela Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Ecology, Biology and Management in Texas High Plains Cotton. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. (In-Review)
Zhang, G., Kersten, M., Owen, A. and Skidmore, A., 2023. Honey bee foraging and pesticide exposure in a desert urban agroecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 249, p.114472.
Kalil, A., McKelvy, U., Porter, L. D. (2022). Chickpea Disease Diagnostic Series (pp2072 ed.). Fargo, ND: North Dakota State University Extension.
Mangold, J. (2023). Invasive Grass: Ventenata. Lives and Landscapes, Winter 2023, pp. 20-21, Montana State University Extension.
McKelvy, U., Gunnink-Troth, M., Burrows, M. 2023. Diseases of Cool Season Legumes (Pulses: Dry Pea, Lentil and Chickpea). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Publications. EB207.
McKelvy, U., Friskop, A. 2023. Wheat Streak Mosaic FAQs. Bozeman, MT: MSU EXtension Publication.
Saeed, A., Delphia, C. M. (2023) Native Bee Habitat for Montana Gardens. MontGuide
Montana State University extension youtube videos;
Seipel T and Mangold J. Pigweed Prevention Rack Card
Crop rotation and cultivation effects on Convolvulus arvensis population dynamics in small grain organic cropping systems K Hettinger, Z Miller, K Hubbel, T Seipel
Frontiers in Agronomy 5,
Impact of Puccinia punctiformis on Cirsium arvense performance in a simulated crop sequenceD Chichinsky, C Larson, J Eberly, FD Menalled, T Seipel
Frontiers in Agronomy 5, 1201600
Lai, X., D. Niroula, M. Burrows, X. Wu, Q. Yan. 2022. Identification and characterization of bacteria-derived antibiotics for the biological control of pea Aphanomyces root rot. Microorganisms. 10:1596. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms10081596
Moparthi, S., L. Parikh, E. Gunnik Troth, M. Burrows. 2023. Identification and prevalence of seedborne Botrytis spp. in dry pea, lentil, and chickpea in Montana. Plant Disease. 107: 382-392. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-05-22-1236-RE
McMullen, M., M. Burrows, J. Marshall. 2023. Barley Diseases. in: Field Crop Diseases in the U.S. C. Hollier, B. Padgett and M. Draper, eds. APS Press, St. Paul.
Morey, A.C., Kerzicnik, L.M., Etzler, F.E., Mendrey, K., Morey, B.D., Miller, Z. 2022. First Report of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Montana, USA. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 13: 1-4
Cropping systems alter plant volatile emissions in the field through soil legacy effects
SC Malone, FD Menalled, DK Weaver, TF Seipel, ML Hofland, JB Runyon, ...
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37 (5), 375-381
Baur, M., Mealor, B., Byrger, J., Fry, D., Erickson, D., Larios, L., Janes, J., Al-Khatib, K., Davy, J., Forero, L., Rinella, M., Randall, C., Teller, N., Mangold, J. (2022). Managing fire-adapted invasive plants in the American West. Outlooks on Pest Management, 177-183.
Gouge, D., T. Stock, S. Nair, S. Li. 2023. “Community Cats – Do Cats Pose a Risk to Human Health?”. pp. 11. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter (peer-reviewed). April 7, 2023.
Mattox, C., L. Beck, T. Stock, B. Leinauer, A. Kowalewski. 2023. “Comparing the Efficacy of Non-Selective Herbicides in Western Oregon and New Mexico”. Poster Presentation at 76th Annual Western Society of Weed Science Conference, February 27 – March 2, 2023.
Stock, T, and D. Gouge. 2022. “Flies in School Kitchens”. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing (peer-reviewed / refereed). PNW 669.
Gouge, D., T. Stock. 2022. “Flies in the Kitchen”. pp. 13. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter (peer-reviewed). June 9, 2022.
Gouge, D., T. Getts, T. Stock, J. Connett, M. Gay. 2023. “Grasshoppers”. pp. 6. Arizona Cooperative Extension Newsletter (peer-reviewed). June 8, 2023.
Gouge, D., and T. Stock. 2022. “Integrated Pest Management of Nonbiting Flies in Schools”. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing (peer-reviewed / refereed). PNW 770.
Gouge, D., C. McReynolds, and T. Stock. 2022. “Managing Pigeons. Arizona Cooperative Extension publication (peer-reviewed). AZ2001-2022.
Stock, T. “Model Integrated Pest Management Plan for Small Private Schools”. 2022. OSU School IPM Program. June 27, 2022.
OSU School IPM Program Website (, upgraded 2023.
Stock, T., C. Stover, Z. Hamilton, C. Schmid and A. Kowalewski. 2022. “Softball and Baseball Field Integrated Pest Management Training”. Oregon State University Extension.
Stock, T., Cain, A., Braithwaite, E.T., Kowalewski, A.R., McDonald, B.W., and Mattox, C. M. 2022. “Tips for Making Your School IPM Plan Complete” Oregon State University Extension Publication (peer-reviewed / refereed). EM9357.
Molifua, K., T. Stock. 2022. Worksheets for Annual IPM Letter to Parents, Written Notification of Pesticide Applications, and Pesticide Warning Signs. 2022 OSU School IPM Training Program.
Gouge, D., M. Lame, T. Stock, L. Rose, J. Hurley, D. Lerman, S. Nair, M. Nelson, J. Gangloff-Kaufmann, L. McSherry, J. Connett, L. Graham, T. Green. 2023. “Improving Environmental Health in Schools”. pp 23. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. Volume 53, Issue 4. doi:
Foss, C. (Executive Producer). 2022. Video. Meet the Bug: Spotted Lanternfly. See it? Report it. Washington State University and Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Foss, C. (Executive Producer). 2022. Video. Tree of Heaven is an invasive weed! Identify it. Report it. Washington State University and Washington State Department of Agriculture.
Foss, C. 2023. ecoPRO Training & Certification. In cooperation with Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association. February 27-March 3, 2023.
Foss, C. 2022. IPM Training for Landscape Professionals: Eight ecoPRO key principles. October 24-27, 2022.
Foss, C. 2023. WSU Advanced Master Gardener Training: Pollinator Priority. March 2023.
Hopkins, B.K. 2022. Honey Bee Hive Health Assessment and Best Management Practices. Ongoing.
Kulhanek, K. and B. Hopkins. 2022. Distinguishing Asian Giant Hornet Damage to Honey Bee Colonies. Washington State University Extension publication FS370E.
Lyon, D., M. Thorne, H.C. Wetzel, M. Savic, I. Burke, J. Kalin, H. Lane, R. Sloot, and K. Lyman. 2023. 2022 WSU Weed Control Report. WSU Department of Weed Science. 57 pp. 2022-WSU-Weed-Control-Report-Revised-2-6-23.pdf
Lyon, D. 2022/2023. Wheat Beat. Podcast. (14 episodes)
Lyon, D. 2023. Lessons from Weed Seed Control in Australia with Dr. Michael Walsh. WSU Wheat Beat. January 23, 2023.
Lyon, D. 2022. Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic 2022 Roundup with Cassandra Bates. WSU Wheat Beat. November 28, 2022.
Lyon, D. 2022. Preemergence Herbicides for Grass Control with Dr. Ian Burke. WSU Wheat Beat. November 14, 2022.
Lyon, D. 2022/2023. Weeders of the West. Blog.
Miles, C. and S. Shrestha. 2022. BDM (Biodegradable Mulch) Updates. Editions 1, 2, and 3.
Moulton, L.A. 2023. Propagating and Growing Sweetpotatoes in the Pacific Northwest Webinar. Length: 1 hour. April 6, 2023.
Moulton, L. 2022. Basic Concepts and Application of IPM. Cultivating Success Whole Farm Planning course.
Moulton, L. 2023. Propagating & Planting Sweetpotatoes. Wild Edge Farm, Port Angeles, WA. June 6, 2023.
Moyer, M.M. (ed). 2022. 2023 Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington. WSU Extension Publication EB0762. 64 pp.
Moyer, M.M. (ed) 2022. Viticulture and Enology Extension News. (Newsletter) WSU Viticulture & Enology Extension. Fall edition. September 2022. 9 pp.
Moyer, M.M. (ed) 2023. Viticulture and Enology Extension News. (Newsletter) WSU Viticulture & Enology Extension. Spring edition. April 2023. 10 pp.
O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2022 Quarter 3 Newsletter. October 2022.
O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2022 Quarter 4 Newsletter. January 2023.
O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2023 Quarter 1 Newsletter. April 2023.
Shrestha, S. and C. Miles. 2022. Plastic Mulch Use and Management: In-Field Biodegradation of Soil-Biodegradable Mulch. WSU Fact Sheet. 4 pp.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. Seedcorn Maggot: What Can We Do? / 2022 Seedcorn Maggot Insecticide Trial for Onions. Onion Alert e-newsletter. December 15, 2022.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. 2022 WSU Onion Cultivar Demonstration. Onion Alert e-newsletter. December 15, 2022.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. WSU Onion Alert e-newsletter. 6 issues, 2022.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2023. WSU Onion Alert e-newsletter. 4 issues, 2023.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. WSU Potato Alert e-newsletter. 19 issues, 2022.
Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2023. WSU Potato Alert e-newsletter. 12 issues, 2023.
Wohleb, C.H., and T.D. Waters. 2022. WSU Vegetable Alert e-newsletter. 5 issues, 2022.
Wohleb, C.H., and T.D. Waters. 2022. WSU Vegetable Alert e-newsletter. 8 issues, 2023.
Clements, J. S. Shumate, M. Haylett, B. Nelson, N. Young, K. Lamour, D. Walsh, and B. Bradford. 2023. Using targeted sequencing and TaqMan approaches to detect acaricide (bifenthrin, bifenazate, and etoxazole) resistance associated SNPs in Tetranychus urticae collected from peppermint fields and hop yards. PLOS-One. PONE-D-22-09155R3
Clements, J., J. Barbour, M. Haylett, B. Nelson, B. Bradford, & D. Walsh. 2022. Examining historical rates of leafcutting bee brood cell pathogens, parasitoids, and predators to establish baseline infectivity rates for alfalfa seed growers. J Econ Entomol.
Clements, J. M. Haylett, B. Nelson, S. Shumate, N. Young, B. Bradford, D. Walsh & K. Lamour. 2022. Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Reveals Unique Trends in Pathogen and Parasitoid Infestations of Alfalfa Leafcutting Brood Cells. J Insect Sci.
Lowder, S.R., T. Neill, A. Peetz, T.D. Miles, M.M. Moyer, C. Oliver, I. Stergiopoulos, S. Ding, and W.F. Mahaffee. 2023. A rapid glove-based inoculum sampling technique to monitor Erysiphe necator in commercial vineyards. Plant Dis. First Look. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-02-23-0216-RE
Nottingham, L.B., R.J. Orpet, and E.H. Beers. 2022. Integrated Pest Management Programs for Pear Psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Förster) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), Using Kaolin Clay and Reflective Plastic Mulch. 2022. J. Econ. Ent.
Sharma, M., T. Neill, H-C.Yang, C. Oliver, W. Mahaffee, R. Naegele, M.M. Moyer, and T.D. Miles. 2023. Development of a Competitive PNA-LNA-LAMP Assay to Detect a SNP Associated with QoI Resistance in Erysiphe necator. Plant Disease – First Look. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-22-2027-RE
Stergiopoulos, I., N. Aoun, Q. van Huynh, T. Neill, S. Lowder, C. Newbold, M.L. Cooper, S. Ding, M.M. Moyer, T.D. Miles, C.L. Oliver, J.R. Urbez-Torres, and W. Mahaffee. 2022. Identification of Putative SDHI Target-Site Mutations in the SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD Subunits of the Grape Powdery Mildew Pathogen Erysiphe necator. Plant Disease 106: 2310-2320. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1993-RE
Webb, A., S.O. Onayemi, R.L. Olsson, K.Kulhanek and B.K. Hopkins (2023) Summer indoor queen banking as an alternative to outdoor queen banking practices, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2023.2165747