SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants in Person: Auburn University: Baker-Cook, Bourassa; North Caroline State University: Bielke; Purdue University: Erasmus; Texas A&M University: Daigle; Texas Tech University: Anderson; University of Minnesota: Endres; University of Arkansas: Weimer Participants Virtual: USDA-NIFA: Christina Hamilton; Oregon State University: Udell; University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Downey; North Dakota State University: Byd; University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Desaulniers; University of California-Davis: Blatchford, Gross; University of Wisconsin-River Falls: Creutzinger

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting

  • Welcome, agenda review, NIFA announcements: there were 7 participants in person from 6 stations. Meeting goals were announced, which were updates on NIFA administration and all members, to identify collaborations among institutions. Discussions occurred around ways to make the group more productive, including a multistate publication. The current outline for the group is approved through 2026, so 2025 will be critical for re-working the current tasked items. Lastly, discussion occurred around a lack of human-animal interaction in our tasks, which should be considered for the next edit. A lot of work is not being captured by our current objectives which should be considered.
  • Administrative update: Christina Hamilton discussed the structure of multistate groups and fielded questions from members.
  • Station reports: Group members provided summaries of NC1029-pertinent research they have conducted in the past year as well as announcements on new facilities, faculty members, and hiring positions.
  • Project editor elections: New secretary was elected. Elected member is Jackson Gross (UC-Davis) to the secretary position.
  • Next meeting: The next meeting will take place in April in Amarillo, Texas at the School of Veterinary Medicine for Texas Tech University. The group elected to move to the spring in hopes of increasing in-person engagement.


For Objective 1, novel indicators of animal welfare, NC1029 generated new knowledge about non-invasive ways to measure animal welfare.  This is relevant because it allows for more on farm application of welfare. If non-invasive measures can be validated, it allows researchers and farm managers to collect data with minimal disruption to an animal’s life, resulting in a more accurate representation of the welfare state.


For Objective 2, Generating new information to inform animal welfare assessment programs, NC1029 generated practical, farmer accessible information about animal housing on welfare. By understanding the influence of housing on animal development and behavioral repertoire, animal welfare assessments can be fine-tuned to suit animal needs.

Substantial work in being completed which is not captured by these two objectives, specifically in the area of early life experiences.


  1. Human-animal interaction is important for daily life of livestock and pets for maintaining the human-animal bond. In horses, the lack of opportunities to bond may be having a negative impact on equine welfare during equine assisted services. Currently, farms are not seeing the benefit of precision livestock farming practices in swine, since training of employees is more achievable during hands-on work instead of equipment use and maintenance. Lastly, cat stress during handling with a human they are not bonded to will impact the cat’s welfare, including in the shelter and veterinary exams.
  2. Animal housing is one of the biggest influencers of animal welfare. Poultry (with other species) require space to complete their dynamic repertoire of behaviors. Social hierarchy in sows in group gestation (including other changes associated with state law changes) is being measured for physiological indicators of stress, immune health, and animal behavior. In several species, heat stress is a concern, including impacts on beef, dairy, swine, and poultry production. Specifically, reproductive performance in boars is a concern, including in utero effects of heat stress on male development.
  3. Young animal life experiences may influence welfare later in life. Juveniles raised with different levels of feed restriction can develop abnormal behaviors and social dynamics. In poultry, taking steps to improve bone health can help prevent keel bone damage in laying hens. Providing young piglets enrichment may result in better abilities to handle stressful life events later in life. Ways to implement enrichment at the farm level is currently underway.
  4. Developing non-invasive indicators of welfare can be useful on farm, in clinic and in zoos. Research exploring non-invasive methods of welfare including behavior, thermal imaging, heart rate variability, breed specific concerns and so forth can help producers understand welfare of animals in the moment. Cognitive bias testing is on the rise as a way to measure negative and positive affective states in poultry. Using radiography and tomography could assess keel bone and general bone health in poultry, leading to better welfare. Work is underway to find non-invasive ways to assess horses for gastric ulcers; currently, the only available method includes sedation and scoping, which is costly and time consuming.


Publications, NC1029 members are bolded


Adcock, S. J. J., B. C. Downey, C. Owens, and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Behavioral changes in the first 3 weeks after disbudding in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci 106:6365-6374.


Akinyemi BE, Akaichi F, Siegford JM, Turner SP. 2023. US swine industry stakeholder perceptions of precision livestock farming technology: a Q-methodology study. Animals, 13(18), 2930. doi: 10.3390/ani13182930.


Akinyemi BE, Vigors B, Turner SP, Akaichi F, Benjamin M, Johnson AK, Pairis-Garcia MD, Rozeboom DW, Steibel JP, Thompson DP, Zangaro C, Siegford JM. 2023. Precision Livestock Farming: a qualitative exploration of key swine industry stakeholders. Frontiers in Animal Science: Precision Livestock Farming. 4:1150528. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2023.1150528.


Anderson, M. G., Johnson, A. M., Jacobs, L., & Ali, A. B. (2023). Influence of Perch-Provision Timing on Anxiety and Fearfulness in Laying Hens. Animals13(19), 3003.


Bajus, A., D. Renaud, H. Goetz, M. Stelle, D. Kelton, K. L. Proudfoot, and K. C. Creutzinger. 2023. The effect of transportation duration on lying behavior in young surplus dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. In press.

Barrios, F., Suárez, G., Udell, M.A.R., Pablo, J. (2023). Behavioral problems and demographic characteristics of Uruguayan domestic cats according to their guardian's report. Animals, 13(12): 1963.

Beausoleil N, Swanson JC, McKeegan D, Croney C. 2023. Application of the Five Domains Model to food chain management of animal welfare: opportunities and constraints. Frontiers in Animal Science Vol. 4

Broadus, L. J., Lee, B., & Makagon, M. M. (2022). The Impacts of Female Access during Rearing on the Reproductive Behavior and Physiology of Pekin Drakes, and Flock Fertility. Animals12(21), 2979.


Brubaker L.; Udell, M.A.R. (2022). Does Pet Parenting Style predict the social and problem-solving behavior of pet dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)? Animal Cognition. doi: 10.1007/s10071-022-01694-6.


Byrd, C. J., Young, J.M.* (2023) Evaluating the effect of a mild cycling heating period on leukocyte coping capacity in growing pigs. Frontiers in Animal Science 4.


Croney, C.,  Udell, M. A. R., Delgado, M.,  Ekenstedt, K. J., Shoveller, A.K. (2023). CATastrophic Myths Part 1: Common misconceptions about the social behavior of domestic cats and implications for their health, welfare, and management. The Veterinary Journal. Epub ahead of print.

Croney, C, Swanson J. 2023. Is meat eating morally defensible? Contemporary ethical considerations. Animal Frontiers 13(2): 61-67.

Daigle, C. L., Ridge, E. E., Caddiell, R. M., & Jennings, J. S. (2023). Effect of Dietary Corn Stalk Inclusion on the Performance of Non-Nutritive Oral Behaviors of Drylot-Housed Beef Steers. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1-8.


Daigle, C. L., Sawyer, J. E., Cooke, R. F., & Jennings, J. S. (2023). Consider the Source: The Impact of Social Mixing on Drylot Housed Steer Behavior and Productivity. Animals, 13(18), 2981.


Downey, B. C. and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Providing long hay in a novel pipe feeder or a bucket reduces abnormal oral behaviors in milk-fed dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 106:1968-1985.


Downey, B. C. and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Early life access to hay does not affect later life oral behavior in feed-restricted heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 106:5672-5686.


Downey, B. C. and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Breed differences in oral behaviors in feed-restricted dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. In press.


Goeller, H.B., B. C. Downey, and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Limit feeding TMR exacerbates intersucking in year-old dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. In press.


Han J, Siegford J, Colbry D, Lesiyon R, Bosgraaf A, Chen C, Norton T, Steibel JP. 2023. Evaluation of computer vision for detecting agonistic behavior of pigs in a single-space feeding stall through blocked cross-validation strategies. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 204:107520. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2022.107520.


Han J, Siegford J, de los Campos G, Tempelman RJ, Gondro C, Steibel JP. 2022. Analysis of social interactions in group-housed animals using dyadic linear models. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 256:105747. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105747.


Harmon, M. L., B. C. Downey, A. M. Drwencke, and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Development and application of a novel approach to scoring ear tag wounds in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 106:5043-5053.


Harrison, C., Jones, J., Bridges, W., Anderson, G., Ali, A., & Mercuri, J. (2023). Associations among computed tomographic measures of bone and muscle quality and biomechanical measures of tibiotarsal bone quality in laying hens. American Journal of Veterinary Research1(aop), 1-9.


Harrison, C., Jones, J., Bridges, W., & Ali, A. (2023). Intraobserver repeatability for a standardized protocol to quantify keel bone damage in laying hens using discrete and continuous radiographic measures. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound.


Jacobs, L., Blatchford, R. A., De Jong, I. C., Erasmus, M., Levengood, M. Newberry, R. C., Regmi, P., Riber, A. B., and Weimer, S. L. (2023). Enhancing their quality of life: environmental enrichment for poultry. Poultry Science102(1), 102233.


Jones, C., Pullin, A., Blatchford, R., Makagon, M., & Horback, K. (2023). Effect of rearing environment on the development of spatial cognition in egg-laying hens. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 105837.


Kranz, V., Horback, K., Parsons, T. & Pierdon, M. (2022). Sow behavior during introduction to a large dynamic group is influenced by familiarity and method. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 250, 105624.


Lozada, Claudia Carolina, Rachel M. Park, and Courtney L. Daigle. "Evaluating accurate and efficient sampling strategies designed to measure social behavior and brush use in drylot housed cattle." Plos one 18.1 (2023): e0278233.


Luttman AM, Lee B, Siegford JM, Steibel JP, Raney NE, Ernst CW. 2023. Characterizing resilience to weaning stress and its associations with behavioral differences in finishing gilts. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 263:105940. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2023.105940.


Magnaterra, A., R. Mitchell, C. R. Angel, M. Khong, Z. McMillian, A. Snyder, and S. Weimer. 2023. Research Note: Comparison of two methods to measure broiler tibia morphology. Poultry Science. 102:102245. DOI: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102245.


McVey, C., Hsieh, F., Manriquez, D., Pinedo, P., & Horback, K. (2023). Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning in Livestock Behavior: Case studies in recovering unanticipated behavioral patterns from Precision Livestock Farming data streams. Applied Animal Science, 39(2), 99-116.


Mendoza, A. V., S. Weimer, and Z. Williams. 2023. Can UV light induce movement in cage-free laying hens? Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 32:100350. DOI: 10.1016/j.japr.2023.100350.


Morrow, C. R., B. C. Downey, and C. B. Tucker. 2023. Response to novel feed in dairy calves is affected by prior hay provision and presentation method. PLoS One 18:e0284889.


Olsen, H., K. Anderson, K. C. Creutzinger, and K. Vogel. 2023. Broken tails in Holstein dairy cattle: a cross-sectional study. Role: As a co-author, I led the data analysis and contributed to the writing and editing of this manuscript. JDS Commun. 4:265-268.


Peiter, M., KL. Caixeta, and M. Endres. 2023. Association between change in body weight during early lactation and milk production in automatic milking system herds. JDS Comm. 4:369-372.


Perron, B., Ali, A. B. A., Svagerko, P., & Vernon, K. (2023). The influence of severity of gastric ulceration on horse behavior and heart rate variability. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 59, 25-29.


Perttu, R.K, M. Peiter, T. Brezolin, J. Dorea, and M.I. Endres. 2022. Feeding behaviors collected from automated milk feeders were associated with disease in group-housed dairy calves in the upper Midwest. J. Dairy Sci. 106:1206-1217.


Pullin, A., Farrar, V., Loxterkamp, J., Jones, C., Calisi, R., Horback, K., Lein, P., & Makagon, M. (2022). Providing height to pullets does not influence hippocampal dendritic morphology or brain-derived neurotrophic factor at the end of the rearing period. Poultry Science, 101(12), 102161.


Rentsch AK, Harlander A, Niel L, Siegford JM, Widowski TM. 2023. Rearing laying hens: environmental complexity and genetic strain affect pullet but not chick performance in a T-maze learning task. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 265:105997. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2023.105997.


Rentsch AK, Harlander A, Siegford J, Vitienes I, Willie B, Widowski TM. 2023. Rearing laying hens: the effect of aviary design and genetic strain on pullet exercise and perching behavior. Frontiers in Animal Science: Animal Welfare and Policy. 4:57. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2023.1176702.


Rentsch AK, Ross E, Harlander A, Niel L, Siegford J, Widowski TM. 2023. The development of laying hen locomotion in 3D space is affected by early environmental complexity and genetic strain. Scientific Reports. 13:10084. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35956-1.


Riggs, M.R., R. Hauck, B.I. Baker-Cook, R.C. Osborne, A. Pal, M.T. Bethonico Terra, G. Sims, A. Urrutia, L. Orellana-Galindo, M. Reina, J.F. DeVillena, and D.V. Bourassa. 2023. Meat quality of broiler chickens processed using electrical and controlled atmosphere stunning systems. Poult. Sci. 102:102422.


Rodriguez, Z., E. Shepley, M. Endres, G. Cramer, L. Caixeta. 2022. Assessment of milk yield and composition, early reproductive performance, and herd removal in multiparous dairy cattle based on the week of diagnosis of hyperketonemia in early lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 105:4410-4420.


Siegford JM, Steibel JP, Han J, Benjamin M, Brown-Brandl T, Dórea JRR, Morris D, Norton T, Psota E, Rosa GJM. 2023. The quest to develop automated systems for monitoring animal behavior. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 265:106000. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2023.106000.


Sommer, D. M.*, Young, J. M.*, Sun, X., Lopez-Martinez, G., Byrd. C. J. (2023) Are infrared thermography, feeding behavior, and heart rate variability measures capable of characterizing group-housed sow social hierarchies? Journal of Animal Science skad143.


Udell, M. A. R., Delgado, M., Ekenstedt, K. J., Shoveller, A.K., Croney, C. C. (2023). CATastrophic Myths Part 2: Common misconceptions about the environmental, nutritional, and genetic management of domestic cats and their welfare implications. The Veterinary Journal. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2023.106029. Epub ahead of print.

Udell, M. A. R. (2022). Challenging stereotypes improves understanding of canine behavioral genetics. Learning & Behavior, 50 (4): 441-442. doi: 10.3758/s13420-022-00543-3.

Vitale, K.R.; Frank, D.H.; Conroy, J.; Udell, M.A.R. (2022). Cat Foster Program Outcomes: Behavior, Stress, and Cat–Human Interaction. Animals, 12: 2166.

Weimer, S., G. Fraley, S. Orlowski, D. Karcher, G. Archer, K. Pierzchala-Koziec, and C. G. Scanes. 2023. Editorial – Environmental impacts in domestic birds: Towards homeostasis, efficiency and well-being. Frontiers in Physiology. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1281632.



Conference Papers, posters, and oral presentations

 Magaña, J. and A. L. Adams Progar. 2022. Using precision technology to detect the onset of digital dermatitis in dairy cows. Proc. ICAR Conf.


Geary, A., E. Sundman, N. Gabler, K. Stalder, L. Karriker., S. Millman and A. Johnson. 2022. Use of biologically relevant enrichment to improve nursery-aged pig weaning transition. Animal Industry Report. DOI:


Hartoonian, P., E. Sundman, N. K. Gabler, S. T. Millman, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, and A. K. Johnson. 2022. Neonatal piglet interaction with environmental enrichment ropes. Animal Industry Report R13988. DOI.


Mercer, G., E. Sundman, N. Gabler, A. Johnson, L. Karriker, S. Millman, K. Stalder, and C. Stambuk. 2022. Effects of nutritional enrichment on pig feeder aggression and performance during early weaning. Animal Industry Report R13898.


Sundman, E. R., N. K. Gabler, S. T. Millman, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, A. K. Johnson. 2022. Neonatal Piglet Interaction with Environmental Enrichment Ropes and Impacts on Mortality and Litter Weight Gain. The 14th North American Regional Meeting of the International Society of Applied Ethology Poster presentation at the 14th North American Regional Meeting of International Society of Applied Ethology, 29-30 April 2022.


Sundman, E. R., D. L. Fortney, N. K. Gabler, A. K. Johnson, S. T. Millman, K. J. Stalder, C. R. Stambuk. 2022. The 55th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology


Validation of scan sampling techniques for nursery pig feeder and enrichment use. Poster presentation at the 55th Congress of the ISAE, 4-8 September 2022.


Sundman, E., A. Johnson, N. Gabler, J. Ross, K. Stalder and S. Millman. 2022. Attracting neonatal piglets away from the sow. May 6th 2022. Available at:


Fortney, D. L., E. R. Sundman, N. K. Gabler, K. J. Stalder, S. T. Millman and A. K. Johnson. 2023. Validation of scan sampling techniques for nursery pig feeder and nutritional enrichment use. Submitted for publication consideration as an Animal Industry Report.


Jacobs, L., R. A. Blatchford, I. C. de Jong, M. A. Erasmus, M. Levengood, R. C. Newberry, P. Regmi, A. B. Riber, and S. L. Weimer. 2023. Enhancing their quality of life: environmental enrichment for poultry. Poultry Science. 102:102233. DOI: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102233.


Weimer, S. and A. Mauromoustakos. Predictive models for BCO lameness using health, stress, and leg health parameters in broilers. JMP Discovery Summit Europe in Barcelona, Spain. March 20-23, 2023.  (oral and poster)

Tensa, L. and S. Weimer. The effect of light intensity on grade and performance in regular turkey hens. American Association of Avian Pathologists meeting in Jacksonville, FL. June 11-14, 2023. (oral)

Magnaterra, A. and S. Weimer. Effect of environmental enrichments on the proximity of broiler chickens to a human and novel object. European Symposium on Poultry Welfare meeting in Prague, Czech Republic. June 26-29, 2023. (poster)

Oyeniran, V., J. Palmer, W. Thomas, C. Pennicott, A. Perretti, A. Atencio Vega, A. Forga, D. Graham, and S. Weimer. Feeding behavior of turkey poults supplemented with AquaBeads®. Poultry Science Association meeting in Philadelphia, PA. July 10-13, 2023. (oral)

Perretti, A., C. Pennicott, V. Oyeniran, D. Graham, A. Forga, B. M. Hargis, T. E. Porter, and S. Weimer. Effects of early-life thermal conditioning on the behavior of broilers during heat stress later in life. Poultry Science Association meeting in Philadelphia, PA. July 10-13, 2023. (oral)

Pennicott, C., A. Perretti, V. Oyeniran, S. Orlowski, and S. Weimer. Effect of humidity during the hatching phase of incubation on broiler chick quality. Poultry Science Association meeting in Philadelphia, PA. July 10-13, 2023. (poster)

Weimer, S., K. Thompson, D. Karcher, and M. Erasmus. Broiler behavior is affected by genetic strain and stocking density. International Society for Applied Ethology meeting in Tallinn, Estonia. August 1-5, 2023. (oral and poster)

Loucy, M., Reback, S., Harrison, C., Jones, J. C., Ali, A. B. A., 18th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum, "Are CT measures of tibiotarsal diaphyseal and epiphyseal bone quality of laying hens feasible and repeatable?," Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States. (April 6, 2023).


Anderson, G., Johnson, A., Ali, A. B. A., International Poultry Scientific Forum, "Influence of perch-provision timing on anxiety and fearfulness in laying hens," In-person, Atlanta, GA, United States. (January 2023).


Anderson, G., Johnson, A., Ali, A. B. A. (2022). Tracking vertical movements of individual laying hens in enriched floor pens. CAFLS Graduate Student Research Symposium.


Kozuch, C., Harrison, C., Jones, J. C., Bridges, W. C., Ali, A. B. A. (2022). Are CT measures of poultry keel bone volume and density feasible and reproducible using HOROS open-source image analysis software?. 17th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry, Clemson university


Cohen, S., Kozuch, L., Harrison, C., Jones, J. C., Bridges, W., Ali, A., 17th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum, "Are CT measures of poultry keel bone volume and density feasible and reproducible using HOROS open-source image analysis software?," Clemson Creative Inquiry, CLEMSON, SC. (April 6, 2022).


Chibisa, G., D. Konetchy, M. Chahine, G. Murdoch, and A. Adams Progar. 2023. Effects of transport age on hematological parameters and growth performance in dairy calves. ADSA Annual Meeting, June 2023, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Adams Progar, A. December 2022. Amber’s Top Ten Tips: Observing behavior to detect disease. WSU Dairy News – December (


Adams Progar, A. April 2023. Using thermography to detect heat stress in cattle. Progressive Dairy magazine (


Baxley, B. H., H. Rodriguez-Mori, and N.C. Anderson. Physiological indicators of stress in horses working in equine-assisted services: a systematic review. Animal Behavior Society. Portland, Oregon. July 12, 20223. Oral presentation.


Underwood, L. L., C. J. Byrd, and N. C. Anderson. Student enjoyment of a virtual reality livestock farm industry tour is influenced by past experiences. NACTA, Las Cruces, New Mexico. June 22, 2023.  Oral presentation.


  1. Anderson. A deep dive into animal welfare measurements in swine and their implications. Midwest American Society of Animal Science. Madision, Wisconsin. March 14, 2023. Invited oral presentation.


Underwood, L., A. Patel, A. Garcia, and N. C. Anderson. Preference testing of three materials on sows prior to farrowing. Animal Society of Animal Science. Midwest Regional Meeting. Madison, WI. March 13, 2023. Poster presentation.


Rudd, C., E. Pasiuk, K. Schroeder, N. Anderson, and N. Hall. Assessing human experience and promoting low-stress interaction for equines in equine-assisted services by utilizing physical, behavioral, and mood state measures. PATH Intl. Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.  October 29, 2022.  Oral presentation.


Ceja, G., Paudyal, S., Spencer, J., Piñeiro, J. M., & Daigle, C. L. (2023). 149 Case Study: The Impact of a Fogging System on Dairy Cow Comfort in Cows Housed in a Barn with Tunnel Ventilation and an Automatic Milking System. Journal of Animal Science, 101(Supplement_1), 94-95.


Rahmel, Logan W., Genevieve M. D’Souza, Juan C. Llarena, Libby S. Durst, Brandi B. Karisch, Courtney L. Daigle, Jason R. Russel, and Kelsey M. Harvey. "133 Feeding Behavior of High-Risk Steers Newly Received for Backgrounding." Journal of Animal Science 101, no. Supplement_1 (2023): 85-86.


Jackson, A. and B.I. Baker-Cook. Defining the development of normal chick behavior over the first week of life.  Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. July 9-13th, 2023.


Jennings, M., B.I. Baker-Cook, J.D. Starkey, and D.V. Bourassa. Evaluation of the acceptability of euthanasia methods based on demographic predictors. PSA Annual Meeting. July 9-13, 2023. Philadelphia, PA.



Riggs, M.R., C. Hanlon, B.I. Baker-Cook, A. Jackson, M. Reina, J. Figueroa, M. Hughes, and D.V. Bourassa. Analysis of broiler blood metabolites and corticosterone prior to and following electrical and controlled atmosphere stunning. PSA Annual Meeting. July 9-13, 2023. Philadelphia, PA.


Jackson, A., C. Hanlon, D. Bourassa, and B.I. Baker-Cook. (2023) Assessing the impact of head removal following cervical dislocation on latency to insensibility and death. Prague, Czech Republic. June 26-29th, 2023.  


Jackson, A.P., D.V. Bourassa, C.L. Hanlon, and B.I. Baker-Cook. Evaluating the effect of head removal during cervical dislocation on birds welfare. Auburn Research Student Symposium, April 9, 2023. Auburn, AL.


Suazo, V., C. Gregg, B. Wall, C. Stefanello, J. Sandoval, J. Starkey and B.I. Baker-Cook. Investigating whether broiler chick sex impacts the stress response to different transportation distances. Auburn Research: Student Symposium. Auburn, USA. March 28th, 2023.


Jackson. A, B.  McCrea and B.I. Baker-Cook. Assessing the effect of commercially available brooder type on body weight, fearfulness, and behavior of chicks. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, USA. January 23-24th, 2023.  


Riggs, M.R., M. Reina, A. Urrutia, J. Figueroa, A. Jackson, M. Hughes, B. True, C. Hanlon, R. Hauck, B. Baker-Cook, D.V. Bourassa. Analysis of broiler chicken blood parameters during carbon dioxide gas stunning. International Poultry Scientific Forum, January 23, 2023. Atlanta, GA.


Bourassa, D.V. Latest updates on Poultry Stunning. Mississippi State University Poultry Processing and Carcass Quality Seminar. Pearl, MS. July 25, 2023.


Bourassa, D.V. Root cause identification of bruising/blood spots, wing damage. Alabama Poultry Processing Meeting. Auburn, AL. May 11, 2023


Bourassa, D.V. Post-Controlled Atmosphere Stunning Electrocardiogram Analyses. Halal Market Opportunities. National Turkey Federation Webinar. May 22, 2023.


Bourassa, D.V., D. Brothers, S. Cho, and A. Morey. Better Understanding Stunning Methods. North American Meat Institute Animal Care and Handling Conference. Kansas City, MO. May 25-26, 2023.


Bourassa, D.V., D. Brothers, S. Cho, and A. Morey. A Gas Stunning Update. US Poultry and Egg Processors Workshop. Nashville, TN. May 17-18, 2023


Bourassa, D.V. Prioritizing Welfare at Processing. International Poultry Welfare Alliance and US-Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry and Eggs, Poultry Sustainability and Welfare Summit. Atlanta, GA. October 18-21, 2022.


Bourassa, D.V. La importancia de la euthanasia en pollo ¿mito or realidad? (The importance of poultry euthanasia: Myth or reality? Cloverleaf Animal Welfare systems, September 4, 2023, Mexico (Online)


Baker-Cook, B.I. Good death: Assessing welfare during euthanasia. University of Georgia - Poultry Science Seminar. Athens, GA. September 11th, 2023. 


Baker-Cook, B.I. Animal Welfare. ACES Commercial Poultry Basics Workshop. Auburn, Al. February 15th, 2023. 


Downey, B.C., and C.B. Tucker. 2023. Baby’s firsts: Onset of feed intake and rumination in milk-fed dairy calves. International Society for Applied Ethology, Tallinn, Estonia. Oral presentation.


McDonald-Gilmartin, I.M., B.C. Downey, and C.B. Tucker. 2023. Development of abnormal oral behaviors in dairy cattle in the first 6 months of life. International Society for Applied Ethology, Tallinn, Estonia. Oral presentation.


McDonald-Gilmartin, I.M., B.C. Downey, and C.B. Tucker. 2023. Development of abnormal oral behaviors in dairy cattle in the first 6 months of life. Dairy Cattle Welfare Council Symposium, Fort Worth, TX. Poster presentation.


McDonald-Gilmartin, I.M., B.C. Downey, and C.B. Tucker. 2023. Abnormal repetitive behaviors in dairy cattle – to be consistent, or not to be consistent? Universities Federation of Animal Welfare, online. Oral presentation.


Udell  M.A.R. (July 15, 2023).  Animal Evolution, Behavior and Cognition: Using Science to Achieve Deeper Social Connection & Communication with Other Species. Invited Talk, Animal Behavior Society Conference, Portland Oregon.

Udell  M.A.R., Brubaker L. (July 13, 2023). Cognition in Context: Pet Dogs’ Social and Problem-Solving Behavior Predicted by Human Caregiving Style. Animal Behavior Society Conference, Portland Oregon. Role: Presenter.

Udell  M.A.R. (June 5, 2023). Pet Parenting Styles and Dog-Human Attachment. Hour long invited podcast interview. Family Pupz Podcast.

Udell  M.A.R. (May 21, 2023). Child-dog bonds matter: Do as I do” training as a tool to improve child-dog relationships & wellbeing. Canine Science Symposium, San Francisco, CA, .

Udell  M.A.R. (May 21, 2023). Building secure and trusting relationships with dogs. Canine Science Symposium, San Francisco, CA, in person and online.

Udell  M.A.R. (April 13, 2023). Becoming a Secure Base: Using science to improve human-animal bonds and welfare. Maddie’s Insights, Maddie’s University, International Audience. Online Presentation.

Udell  M.A.R. (April 6, 2023). An Exploration of Dog and Wolf Social Cognition. Boise State University, Boise IN. Presented via zoom online and to a live audience.

Udell  M.A.R. (April 3, 2023). Exploring Cat-Human Attachment. School of Veterinary Medicine, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Udell, M. A. R.  (October 8, 2022) Deepening Our Understanding of Dog-Human Bonds. Canine Science Conference, Hamilton, New York.

Udell  M.A.R. (October 5, 2022). The Science Behind Human-Animal Bonds. Invited presentation for ZOHU (Zoonoses & One Health Updates) webinar series, CDC One Health Office.  

Brown, D. W., M. Fischer, S. Sigl, A. Clark, H. Olsen, J. H. C. Costa, and K. C. Creutzinger. 2023. Taste aversion to assess hunger in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. Suppl. ADSA. (International, Abstract/Oral).

Brown, D. W., M. Fischer, S. Sigl, A. Clark, H. Olsen, J. H. C. Costa, and K. C. Creutzinger. 2023. Taste aversion to assess hunger in dairy calves: behavioral outcomes. 11th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. (International, Abstract/Oral).

Sigl, S., K. L. Proudfoot, H. M. Dann, P. D. Krawczel, and K. C. Creutzinger. 2023. The effect of the social environment on labor duration and dystocia of dairy cows housed in group-maternity pens. J. Dairy Sci. Suppl. ADSA (International, Abstract/Poster).

Bajus, A., D.L. Renaud, H.M. Goetz, M.A. Steele, D. Kelton, K. Proudfoot, and K. C. Creutzinger. 2023. The effect of transportation duration on lying behavior of young surplus dairy calves. Annual Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium. (Regional, Abstract/ Oral).

Creamer, M. & Horback, K. (April 2023). Validity of a Social-Feed Tradeoff Task in Predicting Sociability in Rangeland Cattle. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL, USA.


Hisasaga, C. & Makagon, M. M. (2023, July). A comparison of woody breast severity scores determined by palpation and Warner-Bratzler shear force breast tenderness values of a fast and slow-growing broiler strain. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association, Pittsburg, PA.


Hisasaga, C. & Makagon, M. M. (2023, June). Impact of increased activity on woody breast prevalence in a fast and slow-growing broiler strain. Presented at European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Prague, CZ.


Jones, C., Pullin, A., Blatchford, R., Makagon, M., & Horback, K. (April 2023). Effect of rearing environment on the development of depth perception in egg-laying hens. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL, USA.


Lu, Q., Van Os, J., & Makagon, M. M. (2023, July). Examining behavioral sampling schemes in aviary-reared laying hen pullets. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Portland, OR.


Makagon, M., Blatchford, R., Horback, K., Makagon, M., Blatchford, R., Horback, K., Millman, S., Pullin, A., Tarlton, J. & Toscano, M. (2023, Jan). Impacts of the rearing environment on keel bone integrity and spatial abilities of laying hens. Presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, GA.


Jackson Gross, Nov 2022 Upstream and Downstream Animal Welfare Considerations of Fish in Aquaculture Fish Farming, Invited Speaker, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Jackson Gross, Zarah Deutsch, Denise M. Imai, Talia Wong, Crystal Yang, Robert McGorrin, Nov 2022 Captive bolt induced cranial concussive stunning to improve fish welfare for euthanasia and slaughter in sturgeon aquaculture. Invited Speaker, World Aquaculture Society, Animal welfare, Singapore.

Jackson Gross, Zarah Deutsch, Denise M. Imai, Talia Wong, Crystal Yang, Robert McGorrin, Jan 2023 Captive bolt induced cranial concussive stunning to improve fish welfare for euthanasia and slaughter in sturgeon aquaculture., Invited Speaker, AVMA Humane Endings Conference, Chicago IL.

Jackson Gross, March 2023 Upstream and Downstream Animal Welfare Considerations of Fish in Aquaculture Fish Farming, Invited Speaker, Eastern Fish Health Workshop, SC.

Jackson Gross, June 2023 Invited Speaker, Idaho Aquaculture Association, Twin Falls, ID

Jackson Gross, Innovations in Fish Farming: How to Kill a Fish, Captive Bolt Gun Review Jan 2023,


Luna, D., Zuleta, B., Calderón-Amor, J., Camila Ceballos, M., Byrd, C. J., Paolmo, R., Piña-Elgueda, A., Guzmán, S., Figueroa, J. (2023) Effect of quality of human-animal relationship on the linear and nonlinear parameters of heart rate variability in pigs. Accepted for oral presentation at the 56th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (August 1-5, 2023; Tallinn, Estonia)


Kasakamu, M. L.*, Young, J. M.*, Samuel, R. S., Wagner, S. A., Byrd, C. J. (2023) Does housing pigs with access to a ramp alter pig behavior during the nursery period? Accepted for poster presentation at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences (July 16-20, 2023; Albuquerque, NM)


Sommer, D. M.*, Young, J. M.*, Byrd, C. J. (2023) Can nonlinear heart rate variability analysis be used to characterize the sow social hierarchy within group-housed gestation systems? Accepted for oral presentation at the U.S. Precision Livestock Farming Conference (May 21-24, 2023; Knoxville, TN)


 Kasakamu, M. L.*, Young, J. M.*, Samuel, R. S., Wagner, S. A., Byrd, C. J. (2023) Ramped piglet housing during the nursery phase increases speed of loading during transportation to market. Accepted for oral presentation at the Midwest Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences (March 12-15, 2023; Madison, WI).


Desaulniers, A.T. Enhancing boar fertility in the face of climate change through the mitigation of in utero heat stress. USMARC Seminar Series. May 17th, 2023


Desaulniers, A.T. Developmental programming of testis dysfunction by in utero heat stress.  Veteran Affairs Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System Seminar Series. Online. September 30th, 2022.


Nordell*, N.E., C.J. Bernhard, M. Wegner*, R. Metcalf*, J. Rupert*, D. Lagundžin, K. Sharma, K.G. Sharp, T.J. Safranski, M.C. Lucy, and A.T. Desaulniers. 2023. In utero exposure to maternal heat stress impairs Leydig cell development and function in the boar. Midwest Animal Science. Madison, WI. 


A.T. Desaulniers, C. Bernhard, D. Lagundžin, K. Sharma, K. Sharp, T. Safranski, M. Lucy. 2023. In utero heat stress programs Leydig cell dysfunction in neonatal boars. Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada.


Faltas*, C. Nguyen*, R. Metcalf*, C. Bernhard, D. Lagundžin, K. Sharma, K. Sharp, T. Safranski, M. Lucy, and A.T. Desaulniers. 2023. Impaired seminiferous tubule development in neonatal boars after in utero heat stress. UNL Undergraduate Research Fair.


Nguyen*, C., S.S. Faltas*, M. Wegner*, J. Rupert*, C. Bernhard, D. Lagundžin, K. Sharma, K. Sharp, T. Safranski, M. Lucy, A. Desaulniers. 2023. Effects of in utero heat stress on development and function of porcine Leydig cells. UNL Undergraduate Research Fair.


Nordell*, N.E., C.J. Bernhard, M. Wegner*, R. Metcalf*, J. Rupert*, D. Lagundžin, K. Sharma, K.G. Sharp, T.J. Safranski, M.C. Lucy, and A.T. Desaulniers. 2022. In utero heat stress impairs Leydig cell development and function in a porcine model. 19th Annual Gilbert S. Greenwald Symposium on Reproductive and Developmental Sciences.


Akinyemi BE, Vigors B, Turner SP, Akaichi F, Benjamin ME, Johnson AK, Pairis-Garcia MD, Rozeboom DW, Steibel JP, Thompson DP, Zangaro C, Siegford JM. 2023. Swine industry stakeholder perceptions of precision livestock farming technology: A Q-methodology study. US Precision Livestock Farming 2023:Conference Proceedings of the 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference, Knoxville, TN, May 21-24, 2023. 2:23-35.


Han J, Dorea JR, Norton T, Parmiggiani A, Morris D, Siegford J, Steibel JP. 2023. US Precision Livestock Farming 2023:Conference Proceedings of the 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference, Knoxville, TN, May 21-24, 2023. 2:618-625.


Steibel JP, Brown-Brandl T, Rosa GJM, Siegford JM, Psota E, Benjamin M, Morris D, Dorea JRR, Norton T. 2023. Progress report on the coordinated innovation network for advancing computer vision in precision livestock farming. US Precision Livestock Farming 2023:Conference Proceedings of the 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference, Knoxville, TN, May 21-24, 2023. 2:146-150.


Swanson, J. and Croney, C. Is eating meat morally defensible? FoodFluence Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA.  January 13-17, 2023. Presentation.

Swanson, J. Pullet and Laying Hen Housing: 2024 UEP Guidelines for Cage-Free Housing. National Poultry Health Management Symposium, East Lansing, MI. May 18-19, 2023. Presentation and Proceedings Paper.

Swanson, J. Pullet and Laying Hen Housing: Updated Guidelines for Cage-Free Housing.  Egg Lands Best 2023 Technical Conference. September 20-21, 2023. Virtual Presentation.

Swanson, J. Laying Hen Welfare. Learn and Lunch Webinar Series, Professional Animal Auditors Certification Organization, May 8, 2023.

Book Chapters

Guzhva O, Siegford J. 2022. Chapter 21: The unintended (and unconsidered) consequences of PLF: ethical and social considerations of PLF running the farm. In: Practical Precision Livestock Farming: Hands-on experiences with PLF technologies in commercial and R&D settings (eds. T. Banhazi, V. Halas, & F. Maroto-Molina). Wageningen Academic Publishers. Pp. 383-396.


Wurtz K, Norton T, Siegford J, Steibel J. 2022. Chapter 13: Assessment of open-source programs for automated tracking of individual pigs within a group. In: Practical Precision Livestock Farming: Hands-on experiences with PLF technologies in commercial and R&D settings (eds. T. Banhazi, V. Halas, & F. Maroto-Molina). Wageningen Academic Publishers. Pp. 213-230.



Dissertations and Theses

Montana Riggs. 2022. Blood stress hormonal indicators and meat quality attributes of broiler chickens processed using electrical and controlled atmosphere stunning systems Master’s Thesis. Auburn University.

Cemal Koktas. 2022. The Effects of Animal Interactions on Zookeeper Attachment and Possible Implications for Animal Welfare. Master’s Thesis. Oregon State University.

Allegra Stahl. 2023. Attachment style and social fear in dogs from Commercial breeding kennels. Purdue University.

Grebey, T.C. 2023. Understanding Dynamic Hen Behaviors to Improve Welfare in the Transition from Cages to Cage-Free Egg Production. Doctoral dissertation. Michigan State University.

Lauren Underwood. 2023. Using Virtual Reality to Increase Student Understanding and Interest in Farm Animal Welfare, Master’s Thesis. Texas Tech University.


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